JL- i ..J 'vZWiC'iSJiLYjWiiiiAL. Portland, Wednesday . evening, MArxn m. lsca; . i . TQEY?SWiAF SMiJEIIlMlO lilLli II UVtll Several Conferences-As HsT3 Between Western Company "r": 'and Independents. r HAWAII AN S SAY THEY, HOLD THE SITUATION Att in Control of Eighty Jer Cent of 7 th. Output of tb Itlanda' arid Are Strong Ftaancially Wheat If One Cent Lower. . . - '" ... . - hut ftreet. March '14. Tb prlnelp! . fnluM ( th Fortlsnd wholesale aurket te- t day am: ' 'r " Sugar Bn Bay mm to tarn. ' . , . Cold weather cripples trad. - zT. ' te orangee acrlee ee track. . WtMt is 1 6 BOOB!. (OWST. . ..." w.i -Flour market unlet. WhotoMl botcher work IfWM.' ' . Rgg- r - te1 hot sacbaagcd. . ' , Bettor demand for dressed el...v -. . Qeod too la creamery battef. - ' Sugar Ham Hay Cetae a lent. Whlls there an still om prospects' of scrap laths Mix market ths Mhell Sgbt btwen thf nlun k M great os ahort time ago. Tk HswtUta factor. eo trollar of tka saw refinery at Crockett, Cell feral, ar to a eery strong position. They bow ha to a local rprssBttlT, tk Johsson U.ber -opaay, whlls Ttelloy. f;irh A O rostral th daallaie e( tho W eaters raDnery ta tola terrltor. WhIU neither old la wUllog 4iih4BijJiLjahao43lfctASW'll.yi. tneAtaj"jJt.fam mKKvmm j . a aa labor of soafercaes Bars already boon aofof twtwwoa ripftomtattroo of tk two factor 4 there la aotao possibility thst tho Intended scrap psetSc eoaot dlrlded botwooa tho two oompanle. la thla wloo tho ceoe-eugar aw stay sgur la( without their hoots, for the? ha to failed to taka tat coDSlooratloa tho fact that too boot ati aow hare something to say as ro garda dlvtaioa of territory, price sod srM things. Tho sereege la hoots lo being greatly . Increased ead tho ronoorleo handling thla prod vet aro betag considerably- Urged Beet ' asoa claim that It will Dot bo loeg bo tor tho bar tho on tiro sugar situation la thotr control - la tho BMaatlBM trade la sugar U alow. Dealers bar a trouble Whale? er In BUlof What tho XawaiUa toy. ' - Th 'fotktwtBa' ei tract frosa th Hawaii . Aererttaor of UonolalB kiT s boarln; atbo slruitloa la sagay: '-AB pe ta T'Bow4lB-auar ladoatry . woo marked e frtday olabt. tho S4 loot.. whoa- -th AsMrlcaa-Mawaltaa ataamahtp co- ' pajiy's stoasaor. Neoadaa, oallcd frosa Kohnlul with 6.000 too) of raw sagar for tho Hawaiian redoory at Crockett, CaUforala. - Tbl a th - first sblpawBt of sasar troaa Hawaii to bo r. . Sued there, frocs theaco to bo dlafrl beted te the Toeaod sagar Burkot ezletlng west of the alloatoslppt. "It U aot th frst Hal that th tla wallas ' vlaBters oof el do of tho fprochel Internet t- tempted to do their owa rrflnlnf la California, hat whoa It was dooe before a good . mast - year go- tho - rotBMnatlo -l eBteleted-ov.aB Iiwrkelo ant ror alhc the UawalUa Bugor ao( Wbnflnf t hist, excepting what was eent to th Atlantic XQBueclQo-aadoc .arrangemeota with dhe sugar troet. hare -bee re Id by Mr. - Bprerkele o practically hi owa teeata. . ,. OoBtrsi'llgbty for Coat. " "New th Sngar . Factors eompaay, Ltd., controlling snawtblng like M par cent of th " oogar arodactloa of tb Hawaiian lelaade, la e boot to bogla rodnlnr la California oa lta wa account. It reasory at- Crockett will j begla operation a about ABril 1. .Very beoTV a.. .Taenia har bad to bo met by tho planting ad milling corporationa forming th tlagar ractors eompaay te start 'this lode pendent ro dnlnr Bterprle. Now that It ke bent to efart actlre ooeratlooe there Is s proa pert of taeo lerles being rocoaped. This meant l great deal te th stockholders la tb Tartnom canfpaBl, probably la no me esse tb dlf fore ace between dlTldende sad a dtrldoBds." , .... Cold Weather OrippU Trada. - ' Cold wee the ho crippled trade ta the whole sale district. , BuelBe I aot dull atoo along Knot etreet, but tb wbokMtele grocera are complaining of tho Inactivity. There ar seeml cars f prodnr oa th track which caaaot he BMTed becanae of tb old weather. ' A car f eraBges airload la daring tb morning. Wheat Is Oa Coat Lower. . ' ' '' ' - With a seocre dip tn prtres la Chlrsgo sad ether ee.tern eitleo tb local wheat gaarkot Is lc a bnabal lower today. . . ; Trading I bob I of b moat aomlnol rharactec, there being as thing doing la either a loral or erleatal way. ... htllletnffs of sit ktBds aramt. Pihes seat. Wheliaeli Datahrs Wsrfc aohjmo. At tb Ut meeting of the Retail Botcher aaooclatloa It was decided te stop boring hoof ssd mattoa along frost street Thle plaa Is said to have booa pieced te the for by tb wbolooalo batcher was. wo) Id the bar s saoBopoiy la the noes. As yet there Bare been no order te stop boring graooed real aad pork along tb street, but thee would be If th wholesaler coo Id turn things that way. Is tb meantime Front afreet xoea say ship yonr real aad bogs, but cut out tb beef and mut ton If posalbl. Of tb litter two Use Front etreet a (till tab car of ber, usual quota, for the aaooclatloa Is set Strang saosgb to pre rent thee eotalde from baying. . Egg srs steady but anebaaged. Receipts are J tort a boot renal te demand at preeent oarae. Tb creamery batter market eemalne yry arm, bat unchanged. Th trad pay th following prices to Front Street. Prices paid producer are ao specified; ' orals, Flear aad Faod. - WHEAT New club, tdc; red KsaslsB. 64c: blueetem, Ode: Taller. c. ABLET reed. (23.601 rolled, 124 60) brew, lag. $26.60. CO B Whole, ?1 M; erected, (26.00 per ton. ( RYBtl.M par ewt. - x OATS Producers' price No, 1 white. (28.00) grer, ki.iw. rLOIJBV N ihV Now osstera Oregon petenta, (S.fOta (.86; straights. W.oaS 60: einort s.lD! Tel. ley, (3.46; graham, Us. S3.no: whole Wheat, tS.tS: re. 60e. (K.00; bale. $2.76. HiLuri rrt-nrin, sit.sk atd- dllnga, (26.00; shorts, oooatry, (10.60; lty, (16.60: cboo. (IS. 00. 1.60; chop, (is.oo. H A T Producer' prlro Timothy WUlamett lley fascy, (lo.onaiz no; ordinary. ordinary, (7.000 e no Hi Man rn. - rl.MOOOO; rtorer. MJO 00t gralfl, tt.60O 00) cheat. fitOO. " " Batter, Xggg aad Poultry. ' BOTTER FAT F. o. b,. PortUne 8ret ' rrearu, 2Hc; our. MHe. Br'TTKB City creamery, 0e! outside fascy, TrSfJ'tOc; ordlntrr. I7HCI stors, IdCtlTs. ' EttUS Me. 1 freah Ortgoa, camlled, 10Vh SJlTc. 7 CHEE8B Wrw Full , cream, - fats, lfe; Tonne America, 10c; Cheddar, Inc. OaVr Jeckr.bblte, tl.6o3i.T5 per doa, ' POI'LTRX Mixed chVkene. 14c per Tb; fancy bona. 14e per .lb; rooster, old, 11 He per lh stetra, IJVbf per lb; fryer. 10C2n per lb; broiler. loft'io per lb: ducke, id per lb; gee, lovteil per lb: turkye, 16016c WEDNESDAY PRICES IN THEWHEAT MARKET 4 r Msy.. 3ur. Chtca-ro ......$ .17 B .77 HB Kansas City... -.71 "4 ...... Milwaukee .... .77 .11 , Mlnnaapolla ... '.71 H urwrpwi , s4'44 s4! rniiutu ,7(HB San rranclsco41,I04A 1.17 'Decambor. Btridjr. '' JOUHMAUS" DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS Bhlppr of dreaao real mni - -hog--haul4 ' not lia aJarmod at-e the trot of the Rota 11 Butchers' 4 association aot to purcbaa bct "and lii tit ton a ions Prorit a t ror t, ' y -. of tho association who will still -d buy In th " best market, so 4.ahlppar cap continue to ship tholr product aa herefofor. Front-Street disw aa jr - dontr fet" d - scared. ' por Iti: droojoel XI see R; snaabav 93.T0O1W r.;.J'1oiSi .tJ..jr do. Hope, Wool aad Hideo. HOPS Costracto, 100 eros. lOe per lb IBU6 Orrfoa, prime to choice. B0Uc aoc rado. lax; . WeibloU, 10c; , crop, 4 for chulco. WtHH Oontrart 10 dip. boot Motor 0r yoa. aVUe lb; IwOo clip, raller. coono to dims, iKtMhci floe. 364127c; oaetora Oia- Mini ai KnoaiiBai. -iHlCEPHKlMB BBoarlnf. lSffsOe earn; short wont, KaoOe oorh; aiedlnar wool, 0j7t osoh) lone wool, Tbrfitl.OO eorh.. TALLOW I'rloie, sot lb. MC"t Ns. t sad (reeao. 2Uo. . . .T1I1TT1M BABK So per lb. ' - , HIOKS Dry. No. 1, ft lbs sad ap, tm ITVte per lb; dry kip. Ko. 1, to 16 lbs. 14c; dry calf. No. 1. snder 5 lb, lac; aelted bldo. eteere, ooaad. SO Ibo and over, losjllc: oowa, 4t9Sc; itin and hollo, euond. )7oi kip. 16 to SO Ibo. c; calf, ooaad. aador 13 lbs. lie; roea. naealted. lc lees; cull a. lc Ber 1 lee; bonohldoo, aaltd. each, $1 2Sai T8; dry, car. ll.0oei.60: oolt bldo. 2et60oi KORK . BBinO. each, SActJ commua. each, UKtloc; -ji(orf ' " TraHa and ToaetaMes. - POT ATOEa Boot carted, 70tj7S per sack; pwaMcors' prlro for rar Into, Mo per cwt; ordinary. WtJIOc; pr4cor' prloo, OiOiOci sweoio, $2.60 per crate. - ONIONS Jobbloc price Orafoa, No. 1. 11.00 Cl 28; producer' prlro. No. 1,.'T68Sf: No. f, T04t73ct (erilc. S'ljloe pec lb; oakm eeta. 7c. rBKHU 1RI ITH Aoolos. "colio." ll.OQl ordloarr. tl.0uil.sO; fancy. fl.T602.OO: Hood Rlrer fasrr foltaroborss and New tow a Plnplno, S.TOtts.Our oranreo. bow - Beret, fl60d SB J ocodUua. : sooaaaa, HObc per u; ieawo. choice. fl.T6e2.78 per box: fascy. tS.001.23 per bos; lime, hfealeaa. f 1.26 per 100; pis. earrota. 8uW70c each; bra to. BOralfl.OO M oorht -Or.axa odlahao, fta . per .dual .cabhiic -dual .cabbigej Oregos. 12.00 per cwt; calirornia. idxiow Calfnrol tnaiotoeo. S2.2S; MoxIrsB. . fl 00; Kraal ie, ' Ortjl .00: atrlog been. XCet i; canlirinwor, 002 25 per crate: greea pea, 1II12 per lb: borecraaioB, sic per Ibi arUcbokea. ascfifl.OO per dos; kothoooe lettore. $1.76 per bj: celery. f3.60ti4.00 per crsto; , paaiphlBS. 114c; qoah. 114e: proata, sc per lb; cranberries. Jereera, Sla w per bbl; Coos bay aad TUUmoaa, f 10.00) sspsra gue. so per lb; rhabarb, 7. . DRIED rKUITS Apples, TBerm, III Ife per lb; apricot. IS per lb: poachoa. lOtittl tan ne lk .... v . il m mo ' th leoar Bcunee. 10 to 40. ; He drop oa ch elxteenth entailer elee; sre. California black. 7e per lb; CaUforala white. 6 a So per lb; date, so idea, so par lb; fard. ft.W per 16 lb bus, wfooarlos, H eta, I to. ftTOAP; 8ar beela Cnbe. ft) SB; powd.r.d, fA.Bfli rratt oreBnlated. S6.T0I 4rr araaaleted. 8 TOrwaf . A. fB.TO; beet trrinolstod, fftaxrH ettra c. 66.20: aoldoa C. 66.10: I yuow. 63 ou; bbl. loci H bbl. S6c, boxes. 60 ad- esse oa ears ooaie. leos anc per cwi ior cwo, If dnye; maple. 144I16 per lb - A bore" price apply t ealc of leo tbaa rar krt. Car lots at special price abect to furtaatlnna.) . - HONKY fS.6o per crate.. COrriB Parkate breds. f 1 M. ' ALT Coarao Half (round. 10. T.A0 per ton; table, dairy, foa. fll.OO; 100. I10.T6: tro ported Liverpool. 60a, f 17.00; 100. fit 60; 124. fit 00; extra in, bbl. 2. 6. 10. 4.60 660; bulk. 820 lbe. 14.00ffl5.OOi each. 5no, tWf8cr Urrrponl tump mrk. f 1S.&0 per ton; Bo lb rock. S7 no; rnoa. ss-7o. p Cllllll'ltOfWitartttr RirE Imperial J a tie a. N. 1. dc: tti.-'. 664c; New Orless had. 7C4 sc; Creole. 614c. . -. P.EA.NS-Small white. (dTBf4 00i large white, (fi ts: pink. (2.75: bayea, 64-60; Usee, (6.75: MeilcaB red. 4 He. NTT Peaonte. umboe. se per Tb; Virginia. 6Ha ner lb) raaated. H per Ibi cocoaaut. 6t80c per dos walnata. llJ16He per lb; plnennta. lOtaiSHc per lb: hickory ote, 10c par lb; ebestnat. asters, 16Q10C per lb; Braxfl auts. 14c per lb; fllborts. 1415c per db: fancy pecan. 16H016Hc; almoad. 14HO 16He, , Petnts. Coal Oils. Its. ROPE Pure tiaalU. 14 He; standard. Kite) sisal, lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caeca. Ut4 per Fair water while. Iron itM, He per gl wooden, 17a per gal; headlight. 170-deg, esses, 1tA8oTl'?sr---Jc4t, rases J4Hs per gal, tro DDIs isc per gal, - BENZINE ia-a t-deg.- ease 25 per gal. Iron bbl IS He per gal. TURPENTINE la essss Me sersL. bbl (Me per gsL WHITE LEAD Ton lots. TKe per lb; fOO-Ib lota. He oer lb: less lots. tUe Br lb. WIHK NAIUPreoeBt ba.la at (toB. ' LINnEE!) OIL Pur rsw, IB S-onl lota, bbc; l-bhl lot. 63c; cane. 6c per gal; genuine kett let-oiled, r, 8e per gal; 6 bbl lots. 64c; 1-bbl lot, 65e per gel: ground cake, car lot. (20.04 per ton; lea than cor Iota. (30.00 per ton. , Meat. Fish Bad Prorleloa. FRESH MEATS Front Street Beef steers, 4Q6c per lb: cows, Ix4c per-lb; bogs, block, fHc per lb; pac-re. (4Hc per lb; bulla, 4u5c oer lt: Teal. axtr. 8c oer lb: erdluarr. 77Hc per lb; poor, 4(80 H per-let mattoB, ranee SATOje ner Ih. I1AII8. BACON. ETC. Portland pack floral) bams. 10 te 14 lbs. 16c per lb; 14 to Id lbs. ISe per lb; breahfaet bacon. 14H018H per id; picnic, o per ID) cini.KT, eie per id: regular ahort clears, unsmaked. 10e per lb; smoked, 11 per lb; clear barks, snsmoked, 10H Pr Ib; Brooked, HHe per Ih; Colon butt, 10 to 16 lh. unamoked, 8c per lb) smoked, 8 per lb; rlesr bellies. Bnamosed. lie Per lb; smoked. 12 per lb: shoulders, Pc per lb. - UKJAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 114 per Ib; 6. HHe per Ib; SO-lb tin. 10c par lb; steam rendered. 10a. 10e per Ib; (a, 10Hc per lh; compound. 10s, 714c. CANNED SALMON ColnmMs rtrer, l ib tain (1.80; 3 lb tails, (2.75. fancy, l ib data. (1.00; H lb fancy Beta. (I.IK: fancy l ib orals, (2 70: Alaska tell, ptok, (6080c) red, (1.60; aotntnal , tall. (2.00. FISH Rock end. Te per Ib: founners. Be per lb; halibut. 8c per lb; crabs. (1.60 per dos; striped bee llHe per Ib; ratSeh, Tc per Ib; eel moo, ateelheoda. pc per Ib; Chinook, 10 Ib; herring, 6c per lh; anles. Sc per lb: shrimps, 10c per lb; perch. 6c per lb; black cod, Ta per lb; torn cod. Te per Ibj Colambls rleer smelt, te per lb: sllrer smelt, 7c per Ib; htbster. 15c per Ib; freah mackerel, 6c per Ib; erswSsb, 26e per dos; sturgeon, Sc per lb. OYSTERS SboalwBter bay, per gal, (2.20; per seek, (3.T6. - - CLAMS Hardebetl. ' peg bog. (2.0O; ' raaof Clams, (2,00 per bos. X0X0PAK nBTBg BTOCXt. . ; Ran Frandaco, March 14. Offlclsl' morning cloolna: , . Wd. ...'; Bid. Dill ....-.... .Id Ouldfleld .n 84 J umbo . -. ....... j.nt) Jumlio Eiten .. .24 Belmont . . Ca.h Boy .(S.00 .10 3214 Itoma .... Jim Batlet 1.M .70 Kendall '"j U1JI" Lngu .Id . McNsmsre - Midway Z.60 Mar Ouoe 35 . Moo tana (.10 North Star ... .! Ophlr ......... .50 Ton. Extsa ...13.00 Nerada . ......18 00 - Weet End ...... 2.M Adam .10 Atlanta ....... .22 lluejl"ll iji it 1 0 Col. Mountain., .23 Conqner -.21 blaseoaddeld ... .80 HonawK , Red Top , .-02 1.82H Randatorm Sllrer Pick. St.- Ire ... . 1.37 H . .83 . .28 , .40 ' .1.60 . .02 . rt.- National Ilenrer aVIIps , Uold Bar O, Bull rrog..-, .2 Stelnway .43 BOfTOB COPPER bUlKJCT. A a ren tore ,..f am meat rntte....i io.T5 Alkmes .... 3S.OO I Butt Coela. 3d 25 Arcadian 4 H7H Old Dni ilnloo., '45.28 loo or) Atlantic T1.no Ooceol Itliighsnt Vrt -B8.i"t J Pt IT fee3 Calumet din no Phoenix 1.00 Centennial . . Copper Hang. Daly - Weet... Elm Rleer..,, Franklin ..... flrsnby ..... Maa ........ Michigan Mohawk Nerada Cob.. Kprth) Bull., 25 60 TB.60 14.28 2 00 l6o Unlnry 2 00 S3 50 ' 176 U78 100 00 13 50 00 00 81 60 143 OO M.T8 - 44.00 KOTBl ........ Ka 'fe.. nhaanoa Tamarack .... 13 H Trinity ....... B zn 13.60 61 no loom 82.08 tm tee cop..., I fah Wolrerlne ... It. S. Mining.. Tens. Copper. Tgew Terk Sugar Market. .. New Terk, March 14. Sugar 68140, . Imsso Biassy piarhet. LBti, Karsi4. Sngsr, 3H. f UNEXPECTED GOOD StTDTta.,Tafc.B TAdrantagttrj)f-th ' .Situation and Cover. Their Sales at Fractionaf ris.'-i CHICAGO MARKET IS , QUARTER TO EIGHTH UP Largest Advance In the July Gen eral Conditions Seem Unchanged Abundant Supplies' ' Everywhere Better "Feeiing in Corn and Oats. . RELATIVE WHEAT VALtlES. , . . .- . no . . Wd. - May ( .T7 B nly .T7WB Sept ...i. .T7fi rirw Oaln 1WIA. Weil (1.1.1U f -0"H - juui Cblesgn. March 14. A unexpectedly good boring demand de-re loped tai the wneot market today and It seems to ha re come largely from th shorts la taking sdTsstsgo f Imarlah con dition preralllng at tb opening, (leneral mn dltknia seem unchanged. There were abundant eupplie Trywhr. waiter wheat prop prna pect are all that enold be deelred and tb for Igners are apparently still Independent of ns. Is corn and oats It ecm aa If tb better feeling ha wheat was largely reapnnalhl - for msch of th buying In today market, bnt trad at no time ettowed much If any Boa p. The market I a slow, scalping on at best. Official quotations by Ororbeck, Slarr " Cooke company: r : 4 tll.T, Open. THali. May ...(., .7t f .77H July ... .7J'4 .TTJ , Sept ... .T6T -Tl ".75 .Ttt .77 B 7714B TTVt fly '.Wi ".l-i'V 'ML "".-tit July ;,w-TI , 2 i " . Sap a.. ets-4 itU .airj .11 ' . - tTTlR V j 4XU OATH. .2 .BS I4EM PORK. Mar .. 16. TS .. 16.70 . . T a .. T.2 .. sxw 16.S0 18 T 1645 16.00 LARD. T.S6 . T IW 7.M T.eo 8 08 6.00 SHORT BIBS. . .S.8T S80 - S.4S- . 8.62 - a4T (.42 16 TO B 14.65 - T SO B 7 00 B 802 B July May July Sept May ... 6 ST Jnly r.r-5 Sept ... 6.4 S.M- 8.SS 6.46, PXIMAJtT BE Ala MOT-OCTET. Chicago, March 14. Primary receipt! Today .Tear age '-" Buab. Bush. Wheat doO.ooe 814.000 Corn ,...,,..,,,,,.128,000 ,823,000 RhlDmenta: Wheat mono ' 24T.0O0 Cora 308,000 672.0OH Total clearance: wheat, none: flour. 47 47T barrela; coca, 884,000 bushel; ests, 74.000 Bushels. . , . . - CH10A00 0A8K WHXAT. Chicago, March 14. Ca.h wbeat: : . .; Wedaeaday Toe. ma. Xo. J red ( .81 H No. S red .TT Ne. l Brf Prrte. rrrrCI-71 No. S bard ... .72 No. 1 Bocvhrn -.. ..e"'.77 No. S nor t hern ....... .76 he. (.spring ........ .71 ' L1TEXP00L ORAIB XAS.XZT, Xreerseol, March 14. Official prleest W11BAT. ' 1 OrjCB Close r " Cloo Tue. 8 8U4 tjd (M Loss : Wed. Wert. ..65d 8 ,d .. 4;d t 4d ..8 & 4i CORN. ..4 4 d 4 t,d ....wind 4iSa Wed Msrcb . . . May July March ..... Msy ...... 4 1 4 t , III ntABOIBCO ORAlaT MAJIXXT. San FVancleee, March 14. Th grain mark nrer eulet today, there being ao trading ta tb May and only one sal In th necember. The latter closed st 41,27. s drop of He Barley waa dull, with a loo of tie la tht May at (1.30 bid aad (1H kd. !sceailer loat He, wita teOH tne eaiy aJ. " : Dulnth Tu aTarhot. r Tt.l. UaMk 1 A Bl.. , '.-k - II southwsst. (1.07; May, f 1.134) I CONTINUED GOLD VEATHER GIVES TONE A SNAP All Lines Are In Good Demand With Prices of Yesterday Maintained, - - Portland Dnloo, Storkyarda, March 14 Ut- etoek receipt; - - ' . Hoge. Cattle. Sheep. Today -. K8 36 , ... Week ago 336 ... 100 Month ago- ... ... ... Year ago ... 101 Continued cold weather ha sire the lire stock market more snap. Condition ar helped by the am II airlTels la aU Use. Thl ha true eeneclally Ib sheep, which com but slowly. The cattle market ha eery good form, but price hold uu changed. .Today .10 horses sr rlTed In. Official H restock price : Huge Beet eastern Oregon. (T.00; blockers and China fats, 66.60; storkers ssd feeder. fd.2S. ( attle Beet eaatera Oregon steers. (4.001 4.25; best cows snd heifers, (835; light and medium eteer. (2.80; light cows, (2.8V: stock era and feeders, (3.70: bulls, (2.36. Sheep Wethers ssd lambs, (Q8C; mixed Sheep. SiftBHc. CsItb Hood reel, 150 to 300 poBBds, 6HQ 6e; rough and heary, 8H14H. , XASTUX BOOf fTBOBO. Chlca go, March 14.-tJ.tTeetnck rareluls. - - , ... - Hmi , 4a. le. , . She. Chicago .............. 1N.O00 16.000 16.000 Kaneea City 10,000 7.000 4.000 Omaha 7.5U0 6.6(10 10.000 , Hogs opened strong to 6c higher, wltb B.ooo left orer. Kocetpt a year sge were 23.000. Prtcee: Mixed. .0On H7H: good snd bee-rr, A 2500.40:. rough, 60.06t(6.16i light, (0.004 .30. , . tattta Ten cent a higher. Sheep Strong. - OOMSTOaC stTBTjrtt STOCEi. ... 8a , rranctica, Msrcb 14. Ofnclal morning Closing: Bid. Bid. .( .73 Con. Csl.-Ts.(f.40 Great Bend i- Mexican ....... 1.25 hlark Butte El. .08 .04 .71 .SO Of .74 .IS Caledonia mii- .46 Eicbequer ..... , Norcroas ....... 1.60 Oold Crows MA, Scepter 60 lallor Hnmp.... .64 Loo Star .1 Annex .18 Trams Ooldoeld Montgoawry . . HuiMet r - iu.ae. Manhaifaa ... Dexter i... .... Ureat Bend Kg. TBTTES STATES 6)0TERVbTXVT B0ED4J. Nw Verk, March 14. ioeriot bonds: Date. Bid. Ask. No. I regnlsr ism loai d eonpo 1010 104V No. ( regular ISO logv d eouoon 108 losv 104 104 104 104 Xo. 9 amall bonds.......... .... 1021 No. d ratmUr 107 m do coupon 1T 044 : (TMe - Tne. 7UA ,TT Aek. ' Rid. ( .81 -TTH .TH H . .7 .... .TS 18 ..T8 10414 ion I. K3 1U4 iiotf No. d regular ............. n inn do enanon l2f 18M Dtetrlet of Columbia (-85 lid- Phlllppbie 4 .... 108 Hawaiian Sugar Mn- Are - Confidaht TJiet They Control th Situation but Ar Just as Ea2erlto ;f,!ake.Term as Western Company."' STOP ORDERS 111 MMUR! Spsciaitles Ars 'Sacrlfirart. and the Market Weakens and Then -r- Drops Bulgs-ln -Money. BROOKLYN t. IS A STRONG FEATURE Federal : Smelter Preferred One" of the ActTrtTOnes With' Cain of One and ' a Quarter Illinois Central Two Points Up. ' : i ' l NET LOSSES. Anaconda ....... J4' B. V. Centn ted Srennlanla ..,......' VI People's Qei , f Prseeed Stee- Central Amalgams Atrhiaos Sugar -i Smelter Qaa a Praeeed Strel Car. H i BeadLns' i.v..,. Hillock Ulaud Htithern Hallway.. V Boa them 1'aclne... Cokt. Fhel St. Paul Cheelek Canadian Onfral leather ,. LscvBiotlr ...... ' I'nlon Pacldc...... V. S. Steel ....... do praferred. Wabaab. pfd....'.. ario Ureat Weatera .e.. I Wlacoenin cstrsL. Metropolltaa ..... HlWeetero lalon MleotMirl Pacific... ftp fisTr GAINS. LCr roundryHirederal 8melt . pf4 !. i'i , Illinois central..... z Baltluwro ........ MeilcaB Central... U Com. Mouthers .... Ontario at Weatera. 1 - du 1st pfd.,,i.. V Republic Steel .. H Waba.h . il L Brefrrred....: H I ome'l trade canoed a decline ta th general I stock market today. Th hula la the mouci rates toe per cent waa also respoaslbl foi - 1 aaOfnat nf fhsb TLrestst ni mrsipis "r timammrw mma nsfMirr wui rum 1 W A2A.iiOQ.iMjO mt te iiM quarter aad Marca. ia cxtMHfMi to aaap ay to tba geiiyrai aaUiaata w ayw-mtnwp-inayaa, . ib lAisooa IBM-leant war suite etesdy.. further cut In Oa dlrldead Is eipocted. Ofaetsl eootaUoo by Orarbeck, Starr Oouks cumpony : BESCBIPTIOB. Anaooada Mining Co. AmaL Copper Co.... Alrhleoa, com....... do preferred Am. Car dt round., oem. - ue prererreo . . Ana. Sugar, com. am. Bineit., com. ,,.,.. do preferred..,- Baltlm.r A Ohio, ooa. . do preferred Brooklya Rapid Trsnatt. Canadian Pacific, coat... Chi. at Altos, coat..... do preferred Chi. aV ut. Weal., com. Chi., Mil. H St. Paul... Chi. g North went., eua. Chi. Terminal Ry . . . , , . Cbeaapeak A Ohio..... Colo. Fuel Iron, ooa. . Colo. South., com . do 2d preferred do lat preferred...... Delaware gt Hudson D. 4. fcv. " com t'xi' s". ' do proferrad.. ........ Brl. ooa So 3d prof erred do lat preferred...... nilnoat Central LouUrlllo A NaahTlll.. Metropolitan Street By.. Manhattan Ry.,... Mexican Central Ry Minn., St. P. a St. II. Mtjaworl Pacific........ at.. K. T-. com do preferred......,.,. New York Central Cot to Oil Federal Smelt., pfd Norfolk Weatern, enus. do prfrrd. ....... North American. ..... SdH 170H U S7 W. TTU hT2 160H 118H 168 34 , 4MH')48U 14H H4H 176 loo 100 1 100 - I oo N.-T. Ont. dt. PeanaylranlB Rr P. U., L. 4 0. Oo Prepaid Steel Car, com. do preferred Pacific Mall (team. Co Beading, com......... do 2d preferred do lot praferred Bos.- Iron et Steel, Ooa do preferred Reek feie-a, -"- do praferrad aouthera Ry., coal.,,,, do prafarred. ..,,, Southern Paclflo SOU 3014 SO 106 H 108 H 10554 (T-a 27 HI . otui nn4 tWH 42Hl 41 til 404 loi H 101 101 H 67 6AH ns brS do preferred.. ...... ..(118 St. U B. F., Sd pfd. St. U 4 S. W., com... Texas A PsdAe Tens. Coal 4V Iron.... T-, (t. L. A West, com do preferred......... Union Paclse, com..... do preferred ........ Central Letbr. eses . do preferred V. S. Rubber, com do preferred V. S. Steal Co., ooa. . da preferred 24thl 241 23H iii 166HlMHl63H 4SH 44 H Wheel. 4 1.. do 2d pfd oo II 1st ofd Wis. Central, cam W. II. Telegraph Wsheah, com . , do preferred . . . Amer. Locomotrre do ore f erred fit '4 701 . Total ealee for the day. 816.100 a hare. Call asooer ckooed 4466 per ceat. - Monetary Babe. New Tork. March 14. Sterllag: 486.76; 80 days, 483.60. Demand, PORTLAiri) BAJTX TATXKXaTT. Cles rings Balance .fMd.71237 , 80.tJIB.J8 Hf TOBX corrxx KAazrr. New Terk. March 14. Coffee futures closed 10 to 15 points lower. OfOctsl o notation Bid. Aah.1 DIO. BMW. (7.10 (T.1S 7 20 7 26 729 7.36 f as T 4o .(e go (8.70 September .S.6S 8.7o'tctoler .. , 8.70 8.751 NoTcsiber , IN too December . . 6.00 t Odi Jaanarr .. T '46 '.64 1,Ul . T.oo, laoruary Foralgn Coffee" blarsots. nre, March 14. Coffee down H to H: Hamhar. ' Decet Decern her. H to H- "le receipt 5.0O0 hgl market T6 down iwb. asaios receipia 1,000 bags; market steady Vew Terk Osak Coffee. ' New Tork. March. 1. iaah toffees Rio, 6H! No. d Sastos. Hc Ns. T COTTON FUTURES SEVEN r TO SIXTEEN POINTS OFF t to Id polais lower. . . . . --1 rfflcl I ouoteUo--11 Orerbeihi iSlsrr A Cook eompaay: ' . Cloalng jr. ; L ritiiriiirAWM. Tar March 1U.W 103d 101 loif 1025 April ., .... . .. . .. 1028 IO40 May 1048 1048 1027 load 1052 JAn 1054 1054 I044--1O44 lo.',, jaly ,.i 10o8 lone lofta 1047 ions Angatt 1031 1051 0M 1048 ion September .......' 1015 1016 1013- 1018 1022 October 1007 10OT - te6 1008 1013 Noeombr M loop hut Ion loll December 1010 1010 K0 loot 101 T Jaanary ......... 1013 1013 1008 1011 1031 tlrsraoal Oette tower. Ideerpool, March 14. Cotton futares sy, ( be T points dews. refuo4 -nook OuaoA Alloa XetwU Beat Braas. March .... Aftrll ..... y June ..... July August .... i3,'.!:o cEfjTR.t: cc:.::.:inEE -; . TEETS AT DSE Republicans to fssue Call for State Convention to Be Held . , . ; - Early in July. ? 1 (Spec1aTntapalchr Th"Journsl.T" "" Boise, UaUo, ldarcb. 14. Th state Republican central commute In aaa. Bltm st Bolss this afternoon proposcg ta issue a call for a state convention. A xomraMeei) iajvwo I at. ra in tZj0 Of K.To'Noll.- VVallacoTue ronslstlrif sorgo V. aagan, Blackfoot, and Jaka Horn, Catd well, waa appointed and adjournment "tatton to i lock tills afternouiL I jew lston, Idaho Falla and Boise are making a fight for the placo of convention, which still probably bo early In July: It supports Borah, urging- that the call Include a recommendation that del egatea to the convention rndO'ee him as candidate for United Slates senator. This movement ta retst(d by Chatman Brady and t'nited Btates Judge Beatty, wha-sra-alan randldatea for the senate. and who claim that the majority of tht committed Is with them. " i 11 SAB TBABOISCO LOCAL ST00XS. - Sen Francisco, cloaliif. , March 14. Official log Ask. Mntual Electric' ............ lilant Powder .......... .'' "' (. Hawaiian Commercial ........... ffU M . Ilonoke Sui.ai .......... i . , , . j llutchlnonn Hugs , '.. ' Makawell Sugar. ' ', '" Onmnea Hnear . . . . . , , . . " J ' EU Paanhsa Sugar ......... ......... it . eeaa I'nlon Sugar Alaaka Packers' !: Ml v California Win Aaeoclatlon...... , . 08 Pacific State Tel, .108 .107 l ! .!- ?-;- A NATURAL ANT1SCPTIC FOB TOILET ft BATM BEST IN THE VVDRIO iiiLna!iij);iiiii,;ji RAINIER ORE. roa iiu bt Axii bi-jmoti ast v eaooiBf.'-. VarnishThat Won't Vanish At the first sign of bad weather Spar Vamiah la kept her In am pi quantity to moot moat requirements. We can "keep you going at leant until wa get more on short notice 1f you need an extra Largw lot. Stands wind, rain, now, aim all kinds of weather and la economical to a dearee. . See Samples and aak prices. . TXS BIO VAXBTT BTOU. Fisher, Thorsen & Co. rmoaTT ABB MOmBXBOBr BTB. Heni-y E.Reed Real Estate and Investments Mo, 1S7H SUtk tee, Bdew Waaalaf-toa. -Z-. . VkotBO state SM. -- - All kinds of business, residence and farm property and timber lands handled Prompt and careful attention to orders. Stark Street N. E. corner Tenth, fronting; lOf feet on Stark street. Fine prospective busi ness property. . For terms and particu lars see LOUIS SALOMON, II2J First St I - 1 I V . ImnirsrS'Tr I I KEEP THE BALL ROLLING! -ttual,.To 4WMount-Scott dlstrlcte-onpoclally FTRLAND. by horn- seekers and npecuUtora during tho pant two weeks has been tremen dous. "As STesult we haro bt-w (ow--eo4 ft.-ln : HIRLAND Jr v 1. . 1 I ' Journsy hither tomorrow, rontpayar. homosoeker and epeoulator. to tho benefit of your pocket book. Don't alt In a rented house and bo contented. Investigate our building plan and Bee bow easy it la to owa a homo. FIRLAND has every convenience. Bist water, beat carta, l(-mlnut eery Ira, (o far Streets traded, aohoola churches, 'phonos, olectrlo lights being Installed, beautiful surroundings.. GO OUT AND SEE LOIS $120; $3 Down, C3 a V.zzlh GBOAVi BROWN RODT. A. TAYLOR 101 Paillng Bldf ." 14 and Wash-. Ington St a. rhono Main 111.. TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA FAST AND POPt'LAB STEAMSHIPS loar SeattU '" "nm0," Marsh !(.((, f. St.. . vim WMaaTaS ' . - M9IB00,M Mank S4.. . J ' .. CAIXINO AT "' " tgetehlba-. Jtfaean. Tm.elaai nalaaB. ShSg wsy, (VwDecta with W. P. A V. route fat , AMIs, ixwaon. Taaans. Nome, etc. Call or end forTrlp to Wonderful Alaaka," "ladles htaaketrr." "Towm roie. ' ; TKE ALASKA S. a 00., " " 1 Fra nk "VooIyCd.7T Sit.- ' BlSOak St. ortUnd, Or. North Pacific Steamship Company's Steamship ROANOKE tJSQO tonsV saila-Jox-Eurcln. San FfsjH cisca and. Io( Angeiev . . .. . ,',.- : Thursday, March 13, T..-;..-""-.:-;-'.":.. -Thursday,-March 29. , . ; Thursday, April S. from Columbia dock No. JL 8 p. m. Phone M. 1314, Ticket office. .132 Third, near Alder, ' t , . i: -l-IIlYOUKC. Agent.- UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF C. Gee Wo The Great i Doctor. At No. I62J First St, Cor. Morrison E.".f4tngt5S t guaraate a cotupleu, sat Bad leatlag ear - --'-t- -- i-J slhls lis -aad fnl trestment. - I our eetarrh, - la. - la. IBTOSX, raauNum, awrmnaiie, lamans, 11 ree. kidney Bed loat mac hood. fxMALB tBOOBLxi AND AU PITT ATI maEAAiA Mr remodlee are harmleas, eomgisif of note. Bern, seas bo r ad Imported direct by ae (rem the la tor lor OI tLOine-. If T Two Real Estate Bargains ; - r : . flTSO 100x100 Quarter Block on N. . corner of East Second and Broadway. This is a snsp at the Tprice. . " 7" : F " ":: -North Alblifa f97i enrnrr. Jot and Substantial 5-room cott3-;e. three blocks from car barns. North Al btns. House rents for $1U- Must be sold in next seven days. SlnnottaSlnnott S3S Chamber of Commerce . Safe Banking There la no method of banking money more convenient or profitable, for Ions or snort terma, than our -PMOZAX CTBTXCTCATSS Ol BBUPOBTT ISSUED IN ANT AMOUNT FROM f (Of VP WARD RATES OF INTEREST IH TO 4 PER CENT. ACCORD- ' INO TO THE NUMBER OF -DATS CALL. -- : - - - " YOUR MONEY IS SECURE ' Erory Cartlfleata f Deposit with tho "Oldest Trust Company tn Oregon" baa over IU00.009 behind It. .., Call on us or send for our book of "XUVSTBATZOMS." In Bustpess Nearly 1 Tetra. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON t. B. Cr. 3d and Oak Its. rbea Exchange T3 BBNJ. I. COHEN H. U PITT0K Praaldafit Tkt Prwaldsit . . a ... tortarr fill PAGET O. OOLTBA ....... Aaatotaat aVcr alary Water Front Nearly 2,000 foot of East Side liver fronts-cs, opposite Oovamment build Inf. vary level: deep water and rail road. Price Treasonable. ' J. F. O'DONNELL & CO. 04 Mokawk Bid. rhOae BUlav Sdnyf. Offlco Flrtand Station. Agent on ground weS.y and Sunday mm or Mn. 'W ! I . L . T . A tr tnmcse )U ABB AlTTJtJTXOOTB HUT, oxuii aaa vuotxvu Tf yes aanaot Mil. writ for armptom hlaal Bad cxrrslar. Inctoee 4 cent I stamps. OON(OLtAT10M TBEB. Iks O W Ohlneae Mdltn 0,, IgtM First St., pernor Meerteen, psgUaaeVO. . Ptssss BMOtioa thai psaer. r-ir i l r 1 A rh,ty- A I ""aa-onnw- 3 f rains -lo the East "DaUy--J: ' Thrangh PuUsua stesdard and tsarist ale a. ing-eara dally le Omaha. Chicane. SseAat . , "..i-a era taeur ---.. . ana . t.f - Through raeUnlag ehalrcar (Beat trss) 1 th East dally. ; . . . . - -Juloo.Oepot-- Lrave, . Arrrre. rblcago-Partland Spectal for , LfcV,oa ei Ruatlagton. dly. S:U tat (-S6 PBt , Plyr for EaMera ....... , W..hlngto. Walls Wslla. - ft 5.7.". .... ee tn Hntttn. dally Srltpat' T:tf est COH'htBfA B1TEB pTTISION. '"Par Astoria and-way potata. powering with I""" for Ilwaco and North Beaeh. rieainor 7 fee-' ' If A dallf. "";'food7; Satnrda. 16 p. BU , Atrt shoot S p. m.. ,rp Snnday. ' . ''" "' TAMHItl. BITER BOCTB. rT . e-wrraw, uregon nty nd YambtTI TITee Point sttiBMrs Ruth and Mode. Aak -at. gorh. T a. on. Aellr. .tm1 BmmI. tmm - :"- t:S0 p. bx. deny. aept - ' -BltAn TtiypR BntTTB. m.r t-ewlaua. - Ida., aad wsy points frem J"P(, wah., steamer Snokas snd Lewle ?" 7, 0 s. m.. or a bo arrtral Trala ,;'.4-.""", STeeot seto-dar... Arrive 4 p. ax. dally except Friday. Ticket Office, Third snd Waehlnatoa Eta. . Trtephone Mala 718. v a STiyOEB. City TVhet Ago. A.Xe CBAIO. Oeaerel Pasamger A seat. east SOUTH rsioa t(t -lasrr.- OTorlan ExpreM. Tret (f Selem, Baeeharg. Aab laid, BaersBMate. Ogdn, rranrtaeo. Stockton. as lisgilsxi Bl iflaaii A jjn j, i i djhh ew Orleaas asl th at (.t . T Jf S rn,na irsin conned ei Suaday with trel for Mount 'Angst.- SIlTvftoB.' Brawnevlu., fro-lngrwid. . Wendllng aad Natron. ... M t n.M pas r.uen paeeenger con recta at Wnodbura with el:. Mount Aagol and Bllra. . . to local. . . . , , - -is pa - sie:tf as . rorrallla passenger 1 0 an) - - fn pm Sheridan BMaeiurer M 4:6Apm ! :B1 am Foreet flrore peseser.. 1118:48 - 111 :6 pm Dslly. . MDellr except Snnday. POBTLAKItkOSWEOO SUIIITSSAJ SEBTICB , AND TAMniM, D1TISIOK. tv Portia d (depot feet of Jefferaoa St.) '' dally for Oswego 1:80 a. m.; 11:60, 3:06. 4:00. ( 20. 8:28. 6:30. 10:10. 11 'p. m. DaUy texeept Snndayl. S:S0. S:30. (:SST 10 28 L Bx. ondae only. 8:00 s. as. Beturnlnar from Oewege. Brrlve Portland daily 8:30 -a M- 1 :66, :QX S:OS. S:1S. T:. 8:1.. 11:10 B. m., 12 M a. as. Pallr (exceot Snnday). 8 :3S.5 A.-. S:Saw 11 :4f -wa.. Busdsf ueslyc TUaess from same depot for Dalle and Inter, mediate points dally 4:lf p. BV Arrtv Pert hod 16:10 a. m. Th lndertendrnce-Moo month Motor Use ooer." te dally to Monmouth and Alrlte. eoonewtlng with SontherB Pacific eompssy6 track st IV Ise and Independence. Flret-clae fere from Partlend te Bacramente snd San Ft smleee (20. Teertho (6; ecoed-el -far (16; iaeond-elaa berth (2 HA Ticket t Eeetern polsts snd y-Trepe: snts lapaa. Chin. Ftcmluls snd Anetralls. City Ticket Offte- eiwner Tettd snd Wnsbe tngto etreet rson Mala Tis. c w. tmtiBB, ;--A, u BAf, VTty Ticxri Ageui. , ucn. ree. agsnx. -TIME6ARD- OP TRAINS Portlands tTuloa Depot Lear. Arrl . Teltowaton Parh-Ksnsss f e... L. au.1.1 foe r rhehalls. Centralis. Otym pU. Cray Harbor. South Bend, Tacoma. SeattU. Spo. ... ksn. LewlatoB. Butte, Bll Itsga, 1-eBTer. unui, aaa City, St. Lou la ssd Soothoaat, dally .......... North Coast Limited, ele. trie lighted, for Taeo ma, Seattle, Spokane. Bait. Mlnneapolte. St. Paul and S:S6BJ 4:(Sp the But, dally... 1:08 1:081 nited. ro Paaet Beans lis n . l - ,t r.u.. 1 1 Tif.r.. 4:30 pm' lOtf S pm sd Seattle eelr. dally a- a. -4 f st i aa aTaolsl PrinF eoma. 8ettl. - Spohan. , Heleaa. Butte. St. Pnl. , . . , . Mlnneapolte. Lincoln. St. Jooeph. Kan City with- ' , , ' , eat change'efrar. Wrect cnanectlor-...fnr.slk -,, ,M Mi en "'?7- j-v . vsj.r If Wfm WOW- SBSItty . B- .waw -prm. IIad.Or. . - ' Astoria & Columbia 1 Riyer Railroad Co. Valoa. Depart - Leer .. Arrlro . Per staggers. Bataler. OsU " kl, Weatport. Cllftoa, " . Astoria, Warronteo. Flo. s f ....... ; Tel, Hammond, Fart Ste. al Oearhart Park. Sld ( 00 11:10 tta Aitnrte and Seashore, ex- - - press dally 1:68(18 St pm All train dally. ' J. a MATO. O. F. BBS P. A- Astoria. Or. - 0. A. STEWART. CoeMerctel Agent, 38 AMer street. Phen Mala tod. . ' TNI COuWmASVX WAY. 20verlz3d TrtlnsDslly 2 Th Oriental Limited, th Fast hull"" T1A SEATTLE AND SPOKAltB. " '' . LerL A AtTlre. " Portland tlm scbdls T snd from Spokane. : " -. r St. Paul. Mlnnrapolw. , ' DulnU snd sll sotste m Bsst U Seettl ItS" 11.46 pm . ( 60 pm To ssd frost Bt. Paul Mir snd poll. Dulntb all polsts Bast Tla Spokes II pa I 06 am Balling from Seattle for Japan and Chin ports, snd Manila. Carrjlag paa eengera and freight, -. B. S. Daaeta, Mamh IS. ' V B. B. Mlnnoeohs, Asett tS, -- . . -, BtPPOB TTJ(IB (Japas Mali Steerfiahlp C.'J g. S. KANAQAWA MAHU will e.11 (roes Pea 111 about March 30 for lapas snd Chlnn ports, , ssrrxlsg Bassangw sad .frehiBx. --------- ' " WtmtW" ' a?Bfca'las"'"""iB,a aar - tteaa. etc.. ceil S or eddree PL StCKSOB, ft I. t- V: if. Third St., Psrtlaad, Oregos. S. & F. L C" rr3 Fr Oao Boy. Pti tad t?8 F" . West aa'Hng frwm Pwriad r ' (text s-og from - a ? P. (,"" " ' (soxyi . 'T " j 7tjfifr m .. . .... I- Z i