The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 10, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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    . N .1 .'.:.'-(. ''I1','' M.' ' " ' 1 "
- Totvn Topics
Mro.eas Gf.e4
i'Llttl Johnny Jotin'
... .Mwtrat Burlorjtt"
Murray aaa Unl
..."A Woman a
"Ufa" was th them of th discourse
reel by lUbbl J. H. Landau at Boston,
Maaaachusatts. Thera ia a possibility
... that ha may auocaad Dr. Btaphan B. Wiae tha head of that congregation tnia
" felt whan tha present pastor leave for
' New York city to head an independent
Jewish movement. Rabbi Landau la ac-
' eompanlad br Mrs. Landau. Ha Is
forceful talker. - and made a most fa
Torehle Impression upon hie audience,
"Wcn"cr6wdednha lempTC Xtth
" elusion of -the services Rabbi landau held
an imprornptu reception In front oC tba
. pulpit. , v , i ..
' Tha T. W. C A. tenant at tha Expo-
r gltlon skating rink was decided sue-
ess laat night. - Thar -. was a large
. crowd ; and a considerable au
realised. Tha money will bo appropri
ated to the building fund of the aaao-
: clattonr The affair was arranged by
committee consisting of Mrs. A. K.
Rockcy, -Mia Camilla Doeh.--Mls Car
'lotta- Parker. Miss Elisabeth Bears and
Miss Harriet . Calkins.' Tha social con
ratttee consisted of Miss Sarah Case,
Mrs. Alice Mackle. Miaa Oreman. Mlaa
Fischer. Mrs. Louie Hchwarts. Mlaa
Cunningham, and Mlaa Watarhouse.. ,
i, S .. .- - -
' At St. Stephen's church, laat night, a
. class .of II 'received tha confirmation
rites. Rt. . Rar. Frederick W. Keator.
bishop of Olympla, officiated and waa
TanelsUd by Rer. H. M. Ramsey, parish
. .priest. Tha clasa waa compoaed of
Sudl S. Banfleld, Beatrice -Lincoln,
. Laura McFarland. Susie A. Smith, Jo.
aephlna Jr.v Statler, -WllJIam H. John.
Mcivin D. Fell. Oeorge R. W. Thomas.
- Kdwln S. Thomas, John H. Haglny and
Herman H Thompson. , .
Suit That Will Wear Mad atrong
to laat a long time; mad nice enough
to be a credit to any man. Thla la tha
kjnd of aulta we turit out for $2S. ' W
haie only aha one pi'ine. and lane
atock to aeleet from. W Invite you to
oall and amln-th valueo
Ing. Vlattora alwaya welcome and not
urged to buy. Unique Tailoring Co.,
101 Stark street, near Sixth. .
Beautiful lawn are th result of'na
Ing our Oold Medal lawn grass th
. medal awarded at th Lewis and Clark.
Our sweat peaa were also awarded th
gold modal at this great exposition.
Wa warrant everything we sell. Thla
is why Butler's has become a household
word all over Oregon. Btor its Front
street. . Telephone Mala 1701. ., German
spoken, f ......... L.
The controller of a Mount Tabor car
blew out laat night and several person!
were bruised.- A. B. Brown,- 690 East
-Taylor street, had his leg broken tn two
plaoea and was teuniaed
to Good I
Samaritan hospital. Others - received
mora or lees painful injuries but Mr.
Brown is said to have been more seri
ously Injured, than ths others.
"Heroes of Everyday Life and "High
and Low Gambling" are' Dr. Houae's
-subjects Sunday.! 0 :t -r mr and T :S
p. m.. at Congregational church; Mad
ison and Park streets, alias Florence
Walton will read W. H. H. Murray's
pathetic story "The Gambler's Death,"
Sunday evening. Th musio will b
specially fin. .
Mot a marriage 11 can was Issued
at th county clerk's office yesterday.
Deputy County Clerk C. C Rosa, wha
laaued a majority of th licenses, de
clares that yesterday was tha second
day during th past six months that
legal permits to wad ware not Issued
In this county. . i
1 " TPs maybe M td plfeas yotf." When
ever you want to do some houae paint
ing, papay hanging, tinting, woodwork
finishing, oall us up by 'phone. Tou
will And our estimate reasonable and
ur work moat perfect. Erneat Millar
e Co. Phon Main 6444. f ,
' T. E. Beach Co., Th Pioneer Paint
paints. Wholesale distributing agents
Berry Bros varnishes, wood alcohol
and 1eol0TilaTaT)trtts. Beiium's nam
paint, cement loo, Jap-a-Lac, window
glass and glasl-g. lis First.
- Dr. J. T. Ghormley, pastor, will o
. cupy th pulpit of -the Central Christian
church. East Twentieth and Salmon,
Sunday, morning and evening, having
concluded his engagement. In revival
services at Th Dalle. .
'Drifting.'' E. & Mucklya subject at
First Christian church, park and Co-
himbla. tomorrow night, T:10. Apollo
mala quartet sings - "Drifting Down,"
duet. "Drifting Away From God." Vio
lin solo, anthem. ,
Lost -Ths man who : lost"" bis ys
glasses can have them replaced for tl;
a perfect fit guaranteed. Metsger ea Co.,
Ill Sixth street, jewelers and opticians.
Go to' Richards Sor your Sunday
French dinner, II per cover, with wine;
to 1:1. All the delicacies of th
season. New orcheetra; popular musio.
. 1 At th Whits Temple Sunday, laat
chance to hear Rev. Joseph Smith, th
noted hollneas ovangellat. He preaches
at l:t, S and. 7:I. . ( , ;
' Why pay $1 to $19 for yeglasseat
W guarantee a perfect fit for $1.
' Xyea examined free. Metsger eV Co 111
Sixth street. ., . .
llogfeeders, Batcher and - Dairymen.
Notice 108 tons wet corn must be sold
at one. Acm Mills Company. '
. Entertainment and dance, Sw. 8. C
"Columbia." RlngleCs hall,. Saturday,
March 1. l0t. r , .
Soft coal delivered at l per ton. Ring
up Main 117.
" Clean InaMe mill wood. Tel. rt 414.
-WUI- Lectur
The Waldenscs-
Calvary Presbyterian
Church ' .
Corner. Eleventh and Clay
. , On - ..
Uth Inst, at 7:30
Mr.yW. DV Wheelwright will
deliver the next lecture- On
"Th Scottish Reformation L'nrfer
Knox" on llth Inst. .
Charlaa fayoricqiie,t,; Co.-V"Jl
"OpenOfficet trvHelp tht
FrgRch Ctptalnf.
Afency Will Accompany Strangers to
ustoniliouBS - Assist Tficm in
Clearing Ships and B Centrally of
Service in Many Way.
Charles Favoricqu at Co., agents for
French vessels at San Francisco, will
open a branch -office at Portland th
first of next week. , Temporary; quar
ters for the concern have been securtd
in the Labbe building, Second and Wash
ington streets. Th company waa es
tablished a number of years ago at the
request of the Central Shipowners' asso
ciation In Pari a
Either Charles Favorlcau - or his
brother-in-law, who 1 now en route
front France, wUI have charge of thJ
office, Th business of th agenoy will'
be to look after th Interests f th
owners having vessels in Portland har
bor. When a captarg-WK9t ritranger
reaches port ths .agent of tha4ocal
office will accompany him to th custom-house,
assist In clearing tha ship,
go with him to the various houses from
which he "expects to- purchase supplies,
show him over th city snd assist him
tn every other possible manner In look
ing after business affair as long' as
his crart remains in port. - -
Ala-Favorlnoiia. senior. mPmMLjBX.lhe.1
firm, was In Portland yeaterday from
San Francisco arranging all of the -details
for opening ' up ths new . office.
He said that he would also make It a
craft. It Is explained "that on their
arrival manr of th ntTbbrslrri6larr
strangers and do not know whom '
trust after coming aanore. They are
alao Ignorant a to where th leading
business houses are located, and to have
some one to accompany them Is r
garded, so . It Is declared, as a great
favor.- Compania formed for th pur
pose of helping th mariners when
ashore have been established at all of
th leading ports In th world during
th paat few years, and It Is said that
they are now looked upon as almost In
dispensable. ' It Is asserted that they
are the means of saving the shipowners
large sums or money every year.
With th exception of San Francisco
more French vessels come to Portland
In the course of a year than to any
rbther port on the coast, and for that
reason a branch office Is being estab
lish edTlSTrT-4et-aisaaldJtbe
strong probability that th French
liners which are operating from San
Francisco will call at Portland on their
outward trips to tha orient Mention
of this tin was mads soms months ago
and an agent of ths company was her
to make an-Investigation. 'When leav
ing for Franc he said that ha would
lay the matter before the owner on
his arrival - home - He la expected to
make , a favrabl report. '
Steamship SnthanaaC Floaghs Throng
XonawUsnas Waves foe Two Weeks.
For nearly two weeks after sail in e-
frem Tokohama for Portland, the Brit
ish staamshlp Sutherland, which reached
her last night, -ploughed her way
through on of the worst storms that
sh ever encountered, according to the
Officers of th vassal. 8b cam light,
and stood high out of-4h water, or it Is
said that Sh would have been waahed
from stem to stern with ths moun
tainous wave. .
Tn veseei rolled constantly, and a
number, ef th Chinas sailors war
r.urieu across in aeca ana oaaiy nurt
both of his legs broken by being thrown
against th railing. He Is still unable
thuca he
hid just been given treatment at a
hospital for serious Injuries, Several
of his mates are alao doctoring them
solve - and war - emabhi 9 perform
much -work during th greater para at
th voyage.
When off the Aleutian lalanda, th
steamer was forced to thread her way
through thousands of ice floea Th
storm was still at Its height and many
of th smaller cakes were waahed on
deck. For three or four days th sur
roundings had much of an arptlo aspect.
It was extremely cold, making It neces
sary to don the heaviest of wraps. When
th hurricane began to subside, a snow
storm ensued, which finally turned Into
sleet and later to a drluling rain. The
passage from Yokohama to th mouth
of th Columbia was completed In tl
days, four more than it would hare
taken had th weather conditions been
Th Sutherland Is a big turret-decked
steamer, one of th first of this sort to
visit port for several months past. She
I moored at laman. Poulsen 4k Co.'s
mill, wher sh will receive a cargo of
lumber for China. - Th shipment .will
b mad by th Pacific Export Lumber
company. It Is estimated that ah will
take out tn th neighborhood Of 1.400.-
0 feet of fir. Her officers are: A.
Wallace, captain; 3. D. Pearson, first
officer; G. McGllvray, second ; officer;
Robert Borte. chief engineer; J.- Dent,
second assistant engineer, and A. Fos
ter, thirds assistant engineer. ., '
OaptaU Crawt TO Vm
- . . .-arga f
Captain Good, owner f tha TTnlted
Slate lin of steamers made up of th
America and Republic, bought th
steamer Naiad thla morning from W.
H. Marshall and Madison Welch. Th
Ing eaas)a .
and the Peninsula toAIhina. For the
paat year th craft ha been lying Idle
ui'ai ins uiunm sin
brought over this asoralag to tba tend
ing at th foot f Stark street, wher
she will b put In shap for eervlc.
Tt IS probabi that sh will make fre
quent trips en tba freight and passen
ger routes, acting as a sort of assistant
to th America and Republic.
Oermaa Ship BxeJUs, Saxaaged la
'- rtoaaa, Bxpected to Arrive Sooav
By -tha early part 6f next week the
GermaBj ship F.mllle, which has been en
! rout front Shield. England., for Port
I land wore than a year, is xpcted t
iach th Columbia river anon. F. C.
( llugcntana of the firm of F. C. Ilage
rnnnn A Co. received a letter thla anorn
t In from Captain Wilms, asaster ef IS
I veseei. stating thst he expected t be
I la Portias, by tba mlddl f - Marsh.
need principally for tow I 1 " S Zm
-slaswsad Hem lilnntBll sw si I f-1 1
!:- - XT) J.-,-
,: 7 rii 1 .. . -
Mm ,slaJit:L:aawa.aaawanTT,T-M''Jv'1
Steamer J. It. Harinafdrd,' Which Waa Recently 'Raised After Being
.'' " '-t ' sWreeed ia the Upper .Columbia River. ; 1
The' letter" was written at Falkland is
lands and dated January. I, 1806. The
skipper said that , h would sail that
date for th Columbia river. . ..
Laden with a general cargo, the Eml
lie left Shields for Portland on January
12, ItOS. Soon after: setting sail she
got In the path of a hurricane and was
badly-damaged. - In her disabled condi
tlon she managed to put Into th Falk
land lalanda for repairs, reaching there
on September It. .That ah was In a
most pitiable plight on her arrival Is
shown by th fact that It required nea
It four months to . put ' her in a e
worthy shap. Ths Emilia Is an old
trader at Portland and her skipper has
an extensive local acquaintance, , i '
L y. ' m ' i V .' - L !
- - f Floaees at Astoria.
' In tow of the tug Pioneer, th steamer
Capital City, the new boat recently pur-
pTkc a onfian iu -
I lator, which
destroyed by fire,
reached Aatorta this moratft"TrTmrTJea.h
Bay. Sh wfll -not leav up the river
until tomorrow morning. A craw left
Portland laat night for th mouth of
th river to take charge of her Imme
diately on her arrival. She will be In
command of Captain C M. Alden and
Engineer Fred Smith will have-charge
of the engine room. Soon after reach
ing Portland, th. Capital City wlU be
placed In service on Th Dalles route,
but will be used principally as a freight
er. - Reports received locally state that
her passage down th coast - was un
eventful. y .
' With l.IiO.004 feet of lumber, valued
at $ll,17Tv the American barkentlne
James Tuft cleared at the custom-house
yesterday arteTiiocjforManlla.
Towing a scow on wn:
placed a logging engine weighing ltJ
tons, ths tug Ottawa left last evening
for the Lewis river. Ths engln w
being shipped to on of th big logging
camps down ths Columbia-f -nr-r . r-.
. Beginning a week from tomorrow, th
steamer Beaver will leave Portland for
Clatakanl In the evening and will re
turn the following day. In the meantime,-
however, she will make only two
round trip a week; : Sh returned yes
terday afternoon from her Initial n an
the route. Her of fleers say that sh
mads an excellent snowing.
At last the British ship Eskasont,
Captain McBurnle, . has a full comple
ment of seamen, but he will probably
not leave down before tomorrow; ' The
lladdon Hall Is still In need of sailors.
Ths schooner Carrier Dove left up
this morning from .th mouth of the
liver. Sh wTO stop aFT5t. Helens and
take on a cargo of lumbar for Baa Pedro.
This Is th first visit of th Carrier
Dove to the Columbia river for a num
ber of years.
Having completed her grain cargo for
Europe, th British ship Argus moved
out Into th stream yesterday afternoon.
She will be detained waiting for sailor.
swamer Northian
Helena last night to complete her lum
ber cargo for San Pedro. The mht-
went is being mad by George DQraJ
ft Co.
The river rose half a foot at Portland
during th paat 14 hours, but with the
change In the weather It Is expected to
drop again.- -Ther wa alao a rise at an
points In th upper Columbia,
When the steamer- F. A. Ktlburn
reached Astoria from Portland the other
day, Charles Lundgren, one of her sail
or, was found to be Buffering from
smallpox. He was taken to the pent
house, and the steamer sailed for San
Francisco and way ports. Sh had on
but 40 passengers.
'Astoria. Marsh 10. Arrived down and
sailed during th night, steamer Cas, for San Francisco. Arrived at
T:J0 a. m., steamer Columbia, from San
Francisco, and steamer , Capital City,
from Seattle. Arrived down at 4:46 a.
ra., barkentlne James Tuft. Left up at
10:t9 a. m., steamer Columbia Left up
It 11 i. tn., schooner Carrier Dove. .
San Francisco, March 14. Arrived,
steamer Senator, from Portland.
Astoria. March t, Sailed at 11:1 a.
hl. schooner Haleyon. for Qmn Fran
cisco. Sailed at 11:44 a. m., British
bark Mlltonhurn, for United Kingdom.
Arrived at 1114 p. an schooner Carrier
Dove, from Rodondo,. - -
Astoria,. March i4i Condition of th
bar at a. m smooth; wind light,
north; weather clear. . .J
', Effective March ' 10. the rat on ear
lots cf ooks from Portland to Spokane
wtll be II cants, on half of th pre
sat fata A reduction from T4 to 10
cent per hundred on ear lots ef build
ing paper from Portland to Salt Lake
Is announced by th O. R. ft K. Co. Re
ductions on green and dry hides are
Oor. Third sad Oomoa Sts.
orar vat Ajrsr jmrnrr. '
Some Short Orders
Sieaaaad ZiHto JTeok Class . 40a
n a Bewnieei wtta Teas. 4
Friad Oatnaa'lS. Bsv Claaaa...lB
OolaatWa Biyar Smelt...... ISa)
Ood&sh BaUa, Of earn Saae. ...... .1S
aad Feschsa Bffr..lS
Uvsr aad Baeoa ................1S
ScnsBbted Calves' Brahas ...20
Owffss, Bread aad Batasr aad Fefaaes
n "ajsvsgteaa'' ia the
Chief Critzmacher Determined
; to Rid Portland of Vagrants
. Whom Women Support. .
Chief of Folic Gritsmaoher this
morning drew the attention of the pa
trolmen to report reaching th office
of the presence in the city of a number
of the vagrant class who are Supported
by women, i. There waa an exodus of
theee creature .at the time Sheriff
Word declared lie Intended enforclhaTth
law paaaed at th laat legislative ses
sion but many are known to have rs
tiirnsrt !
"Instruct th officers," reads th or-
for thla claaa of people, and when found
to arrest them and take them into the
police court to be dealt with according
to their deserts. Ther Is no class more
dangerous and despicable in a decent
community -than these fellows, and offi
cer must make every effort to rid th
city of their preaance."- .
Particular attention la directed by the
chief to the . Peerless saloon, on Alder
between Front and First streets, re
ported to be on of th places common
ly frequented by mala . parasites. T.
Roatad, ths proprietor, waa recently
fined It by Judge Cameron for permit
ting a disorderly house to be conducted
In connection . with his saloon. -.There
are other resorts mad hangouts by thla
class of offenders. - '
A practice pursued by many Is to se
cure work as bartender about on weak
In -.every tws or three months. When
arreated-they" ar then, a a rule, able
:c testimony that they one
wonted at a certi
at present to procure employment.
MilVfaukle Country Club.
Los Angeles and Oakland reoes. Take
Bell wood and Oregon City car at First
and Aider. ; .-.
1 Beopea St. John's Mlsslom.
Rev. and Mrs. . John F. Glassed will
Fopen th St. John's Gospel mission at
235 South Second street tomorrow at
1:14 p. m.
y ivi '
4 A.r.. -Jti
N. 3. Fulton opened an office In Port
land for th practlc of her profession.
TODAT sh is mora widely known la
Portland aad throughout th states ef
Oregon. Washington and Idaho than ar
many doctors who have given years te
th upbuilding of their reputation as
healers of th sick.
WaTT.IS TJCTSf Th answer Is very
simple. Sh has cured .th sick. They
have usually com to her after trying
a great many other doctors, and la near
ly every case they have been greatly
benefited or completely cured.
r it ayy wosrsn she Is wU
known f Her patients from all ever
Portland, front various places In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho go hom cured.
Their friends and relatives
and thus bar reputation grows.
About two weeks age Dr. Fulton was
smiled to th bedside ef a man who has
been constantly doctoring sines, about
tba first of Jun. H has had several
different doctors, bat hs gradually grew
worse all th Urn., His doctors finally
wanted to perform an operation, but he
weuld not consent to It When.- Dr. Ful-
fesea. utewmeature l I . . dt grtea,, 0h
treated hlm .lea than' two weeka He
weat-home he doe not Hve In Port
land) todaj, Dec. T, neaiiy welt
Tans zs STaTOXS OAS of inaay
similar one. '
oaows. ...; ,
Are YoitSicIi?
If so. you would do werf to go to D.
Fulton, ' th great naturopath,
naturopath ;
oma sis miJTi ex. rxosra
no r.;o,iEV to ouy
swa,l aw a wamd a aa... ads .
vitj executive vain ciuruii
"' Refutes to Beat the Devil -
About the Bush. s -
Chisf Campbell Seporta That Two
Thousand Feet of Hom Is Unsaia
and Must Ba Replaced Refcrrad
. to Coundlmen. '
Although ths firs department needs
t.000 feet Of fir hose there Is no- money
available to make th purchaae, because
of th manner adopted by the council
in making th-appropriation of the
funds. Ths plan of Itemising the pro
posed expenditures la detail has tied up
the fir fund so that not a dollar Is
available for an emergency.
At th meeting of th city executive
board yeaterday afternoon Chief Camp
bell reported that 1,000 , feet of hose
was needed In the department, to re
place nose which had beoom unsafe.
It' waa reported that appropriations
had -bean- snad to meet auch an exi
gency; John M on tag suggested that th
appropriation for bos for th proposed
Brooklyn engine houss be used to tnaka
th pursbas and' th hose borrowed
from the Brooklyn company until It Is
installed. . -. . - " .
t is my idea that when I he coun
cil mads these appropriation It did so
thinking It knew best how to expend tha
fuada," said - Thomas G. - Green. - 'If
that's on way-of
kaaH.a W- a,,4l
around th bush, and I am not In favor
?.f t. W.ny not ,r.nd thl "ommiinlct
Hon to the council and aak It to ap-
proorlatfttTida to make -tha nurchaa I
.i in councilman ao not aesire to do
ee sad as rtouo damage result from
lack of boss it will be their fault"
grave eraergenoy sxit.-d4-J
wared l. T. Feery. s.
"W ar not aeoountabl - for this
emergency," replied Oreene. "The coun
cil put us n this hols aad 1st tt get us
"I a gre with Oreen axaetly," speke
up Montagu
- Th oommnnlcatlon of -th chief was
referred to ths council together with a
statement from the board that as an
emergency exists th board would Ilk
to have th council tnveatlgat and take
action. . . , .
" A mieUke in making the approprla
tlons which was remedied by the coun
cil at the last meeting was 1 regard to
th amount set aalde for-, th purchase
ef horse for ths street cleaning and
sprtnkltrtr department There wsj ap--(
propriated 11.200 . to purchase six
horses. Superintendent Donaldson found
That no huiaes whioh would b available
for th work of th depart meat could T
be bought for 1 100 apiece. Th coun
cil Increased - th amount - t be ex
pen ded to.tlX each. :
Investigation ef Guard's Conduct
. Delayed and He Is Tempo
rarily Suspended.
The county prisoners 1 went to . work
this, morning under Road Supervisor
Hoffman and Ouards Brigs and Burka
Johnson, th guard against whom ths
prisoners have preferred charges of
brutality, has " been temporarily sus
pended from duty pending th oomple-
tioa orms mvsstigattom by tn com
his conduct.
Ths members of tha chaingang war
noUfledystrday aftrnoon lhAtthey
would . b expected to return to work
this morning. At thst ttms they an
nounced their willingness provided
Ouard Johnson was not put ever them.
They rved aotte upoa-Boad Super
visor Hoffman that if he took them out
and attempted to put Johnson on duty
after they reached th rock quarry
every man would refuse to work.
Ths investigation or tns cnarges
agalnat Johnson was not reeumed thla
morning owing to th fact that Judge
Webster was copied with other mat
ter. "I may not be able to resum ta
hearing for foar or flv days," said th
Judge, "but It wUI be taken up again
as soon as th court and commissioners
have th time and pushed through to
conclusion. " '
Tn ths meantime tha prisoners will
b kept at work under the other guerde
that is If they wtll work under them."
A trip around th world, covering
thousands of miles and displaying won
dcrfal scones of mountain gorge and
river valleys, for a sum not la ex
cess of ths price of a cigar Is what may
b found at 104 Sixth street, wher
Fred Frits and associate hav Intro
duced In Portland on of th moat
unusual entertaining contrivances ever
brought to Portland.
Ths trip is mads In a large and tnoJ-
e rely "equipped railway car that was
built especially for th purpose. At
the end ef the oar la a screen a which
ar displayed th some along th
rout. Th car Is a arranged that
there la a swaying snoUow a .it rounds 1
a pictured ourv and a rumbling, creak
ing sou ad as tt climbs a picture grade.
Bell clang whan th train is approach.
of actual travel. The Illusion Is con
pastav. Tha- picture rnclad trip
famous Journeys In th world.
A. I Craig. wh has ratarnad from a
trip in southern Oregon, - 'thinks th
prospects for growth, snd pres parity la
that region ar eaeellent. He says the
country is receiving aww population and
in vestanents at a rapid rate. Th larg
est problem befor th paepl t good
roads and they ar agitating7 this fub
Ject with good reeulte.
Mr. Craig went t Spkan laet night,
aeewmpanted by R. B. Miller and W. A
Oemin, te meet Trafflo Dlrsetor J. U
Sruboa, whs I en renrt to Portland.
., J. F. - Orahamv superintendent ef
niettve pwr the Ifarrtmen lin tn
Oregon, has gone to attend a meeting
f ffleiais la similar erartraeata ai
. Tk $525 GwM3 IFiiciD
' : WAS AWARDED TO ; - ; X
We congratulate Miss Jlenkle on. her success and she
has great reason to be proud of it, for aside from winning
- one of the finest pianos manufactured, shewon out over
some ihree thousand' other contestants who .were equally
anxious to win.; We also thank all others wha participated
1 1 in the contest and those- who
J ;$100, $50 or $25 certificates will
in the purchase of s piano at
time limit. ' We have made
i"Irom our regular prices for
Xpianos"are marked in plain
x( nign graae .pianos io aeicci
4 a)
AAva.ata.a.AsaJaa.JaWAa.a.JaAAAjfc,aJaJaa.Ja a. .a a, a. a. a. a. a. a. a. -
Farniahes sbsolsts protsctlon in Llfs Insurance at ths
Policies Free of
Temporary Offices, Sixth Floor Concord Bldg. .
2 Competent inea of good character desired as represtntalivea X
EverybddySino I
1 . WIUi ipnlntlet-tette sastsr.)
celt Stat..
Wits pratry ii
' stars ths bait a taeesand aferes hav
bun saateae te thrtr rate
Aad a are tela aaetaec krise wW
- set e aay bass.
Ther ere shvays "thlnf. a dela - te
this llralr lead W fas
- Prktrb all ts. saesls efts wsrtd ts
ia save seet faend
Bst the uwMt sseree ef glsdssss 4 as
st ear slaae hasus
. it Is sotsg moi7i wsshiag at als
seay seats a mesa.
We eall fee
. driver, lea aaiskais
mighty ik, at Uat.
erUaad, I
taoosTD astb oox.traaxA.
Tat Btaia ss.
th system, to be hel at New Orleans
Vlarch II. Next month the general
managers will have a meeting at tha
i sajno place, which will be attended by
J. F. O'Brien, general manager or tn
Oregon llnws of th Harrtman system.
A Beautiful Garden -
Or laws can be mad with a llttl work
and soma garde tools. Th best aasort
ment and cheapest, place in ths city Is
Adolph A. Dekum, 11-144 First street
between Washington snd Alder. His
stock of hoe, rakes. aboveU, pruslng
shears, wheelbarrows, gardes hoee aad
all garden tools la most complete. When
when you want a lawn mower hurry to
his place. His Portland ball bearing
mower rune so easily compared to other
mower tbst a delighted, customer said
he had to tl hi tip nights so It would
not get away snd ut his neighbor's
lawn. . j------ 4-
hTw PertOaad SsJUlag. - ...
Building permits hv been Issued as
followsj .United State Kstlonal bank,
repairs t bank, corner Third snd Oak
streets, cost, 11.404; J. A. Shepherd,
wait at Kverett snd Twenty-first
streets, ooet, f 709; O. P. M. Jamison, re
pairs to reatdene. Main betweea Ner
tllla and Chapman streets, coat. 1140;
Mrs. Wild, cottage, corner Lak aad
Nlcolal atreet. coat, 1204; C. Mayer,
two cotUges. corner Keat Seventh aad
East Harrison streets, cost, 44404; Im
perial hotel; repairs, corner Seventh and
Washington streets, cost. $440.
Allan Lewis' Best Brand.
r.irjE. GADSKI
. Mar be heard at any tlm on th
At otr TXt7os SAuasT.
We carry a complete stack of nt-
41 441- U MULlm! M 'Jet .
Wa carry a verjLCompleta stock and al.
ways up to date en pop la r classics. Ail
the songs from
Utile Jzrjy J;nc3
sTTSTjrWAT and tea ether hlgVgrad
make. Also a number of secaod-haods
st price from 144 p. All w the
aslest tarns.
Mesa bow eeaws Is tose s .
lataa Ttrrlewr leaatag I
MIM, M MM iiZTrZ'?
were successful in winning X
count just that much as cash " X
our store if used within the ; 2
quite a substantial : reduction 1 X
this special occasion and all X
figures. ; The largest stock of X
- RamoIier Cof
rt Trust Co. f
w. lowest posalbl cost, - -
AH Restrictions
Man Medici n Fr o e
Tea eea sew abtaTa a Isrse deflar eles fra
sprkage ef Maa Madlelse free ea raqeeet.
Mas Medlelae gl yoe ea saar tae saatB, -tbe
Jejrfal aaUafaerlea, the eulee es4 thtoh ef
panic. I pleaaere, the kees erns e SMs-sease-tlon,
tae lasary ef Hfo, Mrowtf end be,
aaaiftel fin. 4Ua sfMUdse eW tt,
Maa ateoiriae eares waayweekaasa aareaas
dlUty, early daear, dla una rased Ssasaee,'
fa et tonal rallare, vital, weak imss, brala fag.
karkecbe, preetelirie, ktaaaa- troukle aad asrv-
Yea esa ewe yearealf at aaese by Mae atadt
elna, and the full a tae dollar seekae wilt ee
e.llnr.4 to yea free, slala wrapp.r, seahxl.
with fall 4trevttene sew te see H. tbe rail else
eeilar seckage free, ae aeamie ef aay klsa.
ee rMelpts, ae sraailns. ae aaaerp te alga It
raat ts ksow la thalro
assdlag 1
wast te
far tt eat ef idle eertaalty. bat that yo
be well, ea bma. mer atr..
eataral eeif ears Me. Maa steasrtaa wtH ee
wsat roa sraat It la io; stake yea a real SMS. ,
las-ma. i aiSB-Bowerrai.
Tear aaaw ssd IMna will brtes Hi afl ye
bsve e ee Is to eead ssd get ). We eaad M
free to every 4ieeewts4 eae ef M aaea a.f . .
IsieraUte atesxly Cbsasy, TOO lark kailaV
lag, totrett, Mlcblfia.
iijig TOgtorrr. go o-ctooK.
eee. st. eraaa amstsal Ciay.
"Uttlc Johnny Jor."
STSKISS PaiCsw 40s, Te. t sad Sta.
PHf!S MAr 44. "" "Ta"
Muliy. Tveasay sTWato, Karak 14 ssd M, bPa
THS BOMAfcTlO acToa. ,
ts the tawaarrle Otsiey
"OAFTATJI PfcaoaTfaJai.''
rRI01ia--eraet. 41-i Persae OWeto. ft. 4.
Baltwy. t4e aad 40.. Sallery. s aad Sto.
Bwaee aad lagea, tit. baal aew sail lag
Baker Thestrc
TaaUUl sad Third sts. . Paea aUt 1S4T.
kioht rmic-. st,4ti4f
Wssh. StarUag T
. "TKaV ATxan crats.
Ctrtff 4ab TttAQf PA
l.llll4lU I lIUQlll U W Mai UT.
sTtltn W. Deasiaa, ataaasa.
!, roaixanD-s roptxaa ibteb.
- THS FAstOtg oaioisaxa
asto rum M,nn ftoira
-iau aisvaxicTio.
Wa ef kw. a
Baeaad Ve
ad PeaitaMiy
to bet asaeae.
eae ef tae
sVeyal SaweUaa
r .
j -
f e-
C - .
' -1 Casals sVesssv
ylltts A Pililiaa
Vkew A4s.
ICa- T. a.f f hi
Ike rpt