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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1906)
THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, 1808. I"; PORTLAND ffiN GtAIfylS HE CAN KJDIAU CHIEF IS MART FOR SLAVES Food IS (HIE must be properly digested and assimilated to be of ' ny value tn yon, Bthnrvrisa s a aonrra of harny. Negro - Arrestsd-lof-XWnapIng B.' F. Newman Say He Mad rYonouncedrDeach-and Interred With Tribal Honors on ine ' instead or ood. TfyRftr-yvoTftan" tor pivr . Dead Chicken ' In Front "... Street Rise and Walk.' IT ' ll not digested, it ferroenU and doc&ys, causing. Crow Reservation. Keepers in Gotham. sour stomach, heart burn, nausea, headache, flatulence, bad breath and other discomforts. - Your MilED i 1 IF HE, HAD FAITH MIGHT MlWAUCON THE RIVER ,0 Healer Declares ; That Messiah Ap- :2 peared to Him at a Great Whits . Light EtehlecfTVesrs lie He Was Working in Oregon City. iTher- live a man in Portland, who 7 professes to have power to perform any I biblical miracle, wun tnre exceptions. He sys be cannot walk upon the water, r.-i't feed a multitude with fire-loaves and - f Ishee or clean . leper. He-deelare I SJT. he can rala the dead, . though he ha . never experimented with - a- human - , corpse. But. be relates that be bade a v " dead chicken In Front street arise and I ' walk, and forthwith the .feathered Lasarus flopped Its wings and proceeded on Its war reiolcln. .- Th Portland exboandr-of miracles la B. F. Newman, who styles himself I ; "healer," and lives In room It In the I . Oliaan block, on Aah street, between First and second streets. For IS year he has llvad and -labored In Portland ; ' ".' "d Is known by hundreds. . H declares I mac nia,paiienis ana me Dcnencianes i of his Wonderful powers are legion, and hat some wf Portland's most prominent I cltlenar in the list. But, strange to I relate,' the divin healer, to whom reputable men and "women -attribute re markable powers, Is modest and free of desire of -sordid sain. In all the II years that he ha a practiced what he terms his divln healing-. Newman ay lie has received -less than B0 in com' , , c.m ; h h .are never asked for money. Should they WfCIKweesptleT;"mayTeBtOW eolD -other sifts upon their healer, V Sanaa FnbUctty. .. ' " . rin a bar lltU room, scant of furni ture - and with ample - evidence of a poverty that frequently ' accompanies piety, live th quiet old man who makes urn planting eia mm. jiuwtuiviy wv- void of the ostentation of a fsklr. shunning publicity, he lead the life of ; a voluntary hermit, . while th nols and I ' ' In pursuance of the faith which, he ' , claims, has exalted . him. . he abstains l from Intercourse with men except where . he may ' teach "or benefit them - or 'r llTlt.thetr sufferings. He refrains - ' frniti tl mi.nar. thlntfa . Hmaujm.... He sasKJftot:uifiahiB-world and has I onry a spiritual existence. -L I Fslth. he says, a simple, unbounded, .: undoubting faith, has given him the powers that he claims for himself. The . ' whole world may poasess them, he saya. - he whole worW may be-endowed with powers equal to those of Christ If only it will nave rsun. (inn, aeciare mi i snd he feels sur that by faith he may "Tramp at will upon uie swin-nowing W illamette or walk boldly down th Co- 7-lumbla to the sea. However, he has never- tried, and will not do so, he ay. untU aa moved by th spirit-AM he wlll never try It It 1 merely an Idle curiosity that prompts him. . Blghteea Tears m Sealer. - - For 1 year Mr. Newman lias been ''"hesler." And for II years he has been a Christian, it was only a brier time sfter ti became a Christian thstl he becam a "healer,": ha - say. . .The healing power eame to him through faith and prayer. It was after he had tleansea f all " ln iqultles. and after six devil had liter- :- ally bean cast from him. He announces that he I prepared and able to' east - devils from other,, and explain how I each unconverted person will never be I free of them until, they are cast out. Among other wonderful thing that . hav com to pass In the Ufa of thl ,j,strsags man who-talk rationally on all other subjects, and ha the patronage of rich and prominent cttlsens of Port land, waa a personal Interview with the I -Jir1a . Ha ilvlinta that the Ueialahi appeared to him st Oregon City whlls he waa at work In a mill. He wa oa breath of fresh air or turned upon overcome by th dasillng brilliancy of their back and ceased to breath at th i the Mtvlnltv thar It m three Hva tie. f - - ' for he recovered. When he did finally recover he had been thoroughly cleansed, he saya. sight that had become dimmed h a ... reatorad. marAiA ri,.lr.. .. .ppetlte.badilisappeardan4-h "healing" power had com, Converted at Oregoa caty. ' s ' "I became converted and joined the nt' C"mf-,n'.tin?, 0r" Jri'vl! yL". .",d. Newm'n- "I " '.t "n? dieted to profsntty a strongly a any ? ,H" i K-W.h'n SrfTk v.?, !n?i ii fTkJl!.r-l..ln . ir.0 .n,y .Sn h, !..L:,,Bui,. l.dl" iZ : , "fc.i .h. "I was on th ntcht shift at a mill III OMfAH a"MtV vA l awstai wms clock in the evening. I had longed for and greately coveted th healing powers and waa wondering why I oould not live up to th vow I bad made. I called upon Jesus and asked him to help me. "Suddenly there wa a great whit light. It seemed to descend from th ky until it pierced th roof and bung suspended Just abov me. I felt my aelf going down Into a pit. ; I know It was Jesus and called to him. II said e WE'VE BEEN THINKING OF r, ' . - your: , SPRING SUIT Have you? Those fascinating sprint: " Styles 01 ClOtn OUgnt tO entice you I ir ..t.K1i.V,n..n n,.r ..rt cutter ourht to Interert vBo. HelP" scndM to, th floor above. Torrtairs TTre snrarsievrrtT-B-mp-i munk a hickory nut.' BUfZC Your Next Suit - Made by Us- So that ve.11 wrauM forever after know . ' . .. . . . - 1 in meaning 01 a urst-ciass tit., we make "our people" feel as U dressed I v in si la. Norgard & Petterson TAILORS 133 Tonrth ft., Washlag-tca ajU B. F. Newman, Who r did not have faith. J I spoke with him and be spoke with me. I manased to work out my shift after he-had de- I panea, out it was tnre aays Derore 1 Only . Oleaa rood. ler" eats " only sueh-t food as 4s xleanln the l-htof man and In the sight, of God. He will not at fish that are without fins and scale. They are unclean, he says, and declare that the word saya so. In th unclean thins of the sea he Includes oysters. e,lnl lobsters and such Ilk. Nor will he eat the flesh of an animal that does not chew Its cud and has not a cloven hoof. The word Is his authority for MBCfimiliniv he saya. .if. "Such thins are merely scavenger," Newman said, "and one who would lead a spiritual life must : not . partake of them. . The Bible says they are unclean and if we are to be purlned w must take the Bible literal!. Tha- various, simple disease fo which humanity I heir In healer" cuies merely by touch. A little girl was brought to him .with whooping-cough, he says. He laid his hands upon her and she was made whole. Measles. fever and such aliments are cured by the same process. Absent cases may d . curea . or nun, ne says, iirapii pj ggejtlow. '"-"'-:'-'"".'' i 11 - ,, . Ma Cared Many- " rher are hundreds of people rlht ner jB Portland and all over the coun- try'' h ald. "who will teatlfy that wh,t- i M, true. I- hava cured dU- ,aei whlchnHyslclanr had-pronounced fatak I - raised, a chicken from the dMd and have a witness down on Front street who will awear that he aw me. But I never seek notoriety nor publicity. One I did carry a small ad. in a paper land I have a raw teanet wnicn i aia- m BY ACCIDENT Five Gallons of Formaldehyde Is Turned Loose and Clerks - "SeekTSIdewalks. Microbes of all species currled for mt- . . i i 1.117 LUil X US UUiKWI I11U L1BI R V. WIV dlfr,r.nt department, were suddenly . . . '"d ""f' """ ,n "oaes, their eyes began to burn and the w.JUHt they ran for open There wa unusual hurrying " and I scurrying to find th ource of a pun gent vapor which filled every nook snd cranny In the big building and gave everybody a udden lit of .neesing. No- body oould be found who knew Its I source. Chief Janitor Simmons was t0 S.1 search of th who had opened a aewer or turned on s or burned a box of pepper a a lose, and he in turn delegated City Hall Patrolm.n Qulnton to assl.t him ond and third floors, but barrinr th "m Punsent odor, which, aeomed to follow them verywhere, they found nothing. They then descended to th first floor where th odor wa stronger 1 '.1 ".BT oth'L?lLot H DU,Mln; With their eyes blinded with tear and their fingers ' to their nostrils, they grouped their way. to th storeroom. Before they entered they heard deep muttering of an angry Vole and om body giving espreselon to th following sollloeuy "Another five gallon of t formslde- TSyfloTrcmerrVaf do -1 arT- Iear nodlng. Th city pays for It; let It ga- Th lnmst of th room proved to be . Billy , Beutelspacher, th ' deputy health'Ofnci'f." He waa In th storeroom filling hi fumigating machln prepare tory to fumigating a house Infected with amallnoi aerma In some manner th five - gallon tank of formaldehyde over turnea ana m nmwnurmi - m floor. It rapidly evaporated and th mTcrobe:xnTio11gTrnTr TUmTgatlbn-bfl I the dtv hall wa Imrjromntu it wa t inAmA tii Trie 'in erellnt thlnv. aa it be n bultw- WEDDING ANNIVERSARY . OF KING CELEBRATED (Jearaal Special Semes.) wmui'n, M.fcn . v. . London, March 10. Owing to th ab- ee of King Edward in the south there was no. celebration today of their msjestlea'.- forty-third wedding -anni versary. - Numerous mesoagoe- of con gratulation, however, were received .at Marlborough hous during th day. Albert Edward. Prlnc of Wale (now King Kdward VUl. msrrted Aleiandre, the- eldest daughter of King Charlea IX of ttenmark. In Bt. Oeorge' chapel, Windsor, March 10, list., lie was then tl year old and ah wa it. Now be la 14 and she Is , V Professes to Be a Healer. trlbute, but I dont ad veYtlse. What I do I do aimply for th sake of humanity and for the amuse. ' I do not . charge fee for my services, but If any on -----" f--'-T -- srtrt m r " presents lis may" do am In all th year I . hava pradtloed I have pot -received a much a ISO." ..... About 1814 Jesus will come again upon th earth, aays Mr. Newman, and will reside here for- a period of 1,000 years. It will be in fulfillment of th law and prophesies. During that pe riod th final struggle between good and evil will com and good will be vic torious. Th evil of thl world and th world will be destroyed, while, th good will be saved. ' ' " " Th Good : Will Win. "Th "fore of good and-evll will come . together In actual combat," he aid. "The evil force will gradually surround the citadel of righteousness and then Jesus wlli-oall -upon Ood and f , th fire ana.p.rlmston of which wahave Heard-ao much will cum. ' Ood rwrHl f end shower of fir end brimstone upon th earth that wni destroy It and all the wicked, or those who by righteous ness are not able to pa through it." There is no hell In after life, say the "healer." and heaven wilt be risible to Inhabitants of thl world. . It wil ben the shape bfa majestic city iut- pnded a short dlstane kbov th ear 111 so that those who are wicked may ae what they have . mUaedl Its pearly gate .'will dasxl th beholder and those l.who.are stghteous may -enter at any time. They will be provided with In vislbl means of ascent to th city from thl earth. ' Mr. Newman I of on of th pioneer families of old Oregon. He I It years of age and -cam to th stat with hi pecpl when S year old. ShYSWOIWT wash THE SUPPER DISHES Paul Crutchfield Tells Court of Domestic Troubles and :a- Gets Divorce. Mr. Laura- Crutchfleld - would not wash tha supper-dishes and Paul Crutrh fleld waa granted a divorce. H ald that his wife-would get -up -from the supper table and go out -and spend her nights with people he did pot approve of. When he complained she would 'If you "don't Uksir vb'u!know-what II said that he often washed th dishes, and on several occasion neigh bor women called to "clear away th wreck." The couple, wer married In Portland June 15, 19tt4. Oron P. Mann left hi wife and daugh ter In Portland April It, l01,.and went to Arlsona. Several month later he wrote-to Mrs. Msnn and told her -that h would not support her any longer. The couple wer married aj Stockholm, Wisconsin, July 23, ISSt. Mrs. Joel L. Mann wa awarded a divorce by Judge Oeorge aa well as th custody of her lt-year-old daughter. Ruby Rlttenour, stylishly dressed, took tha witness-stand yesterday to tell why sh wished to be divorced from Fred H. Rlttenour. Bh answered th questions asked her quickly and was soon granted her ' request 8he de clared that her husband began finding fault with her two weeks after they wer married and that he had often ac cused her of unfaithfulness, which sh denied. The caupl wer married 'In Portland June 4, 1905. Th woman waa reatored to her maiden nam of Ruby Schwab. WOMAN WHO FOOLED- JAILER IS CAUGHT Mabel Brown, th only woman who ever broke jail In Multnomah county, Is again behind - th bar. Sh was ar rested, two days ago In Vancouver, Wsahlnrton. and brought back to Port- Holllnaawortn. 1 n woman escaped from the county Jail on February 1. 8h had then served but to day of a 10-day sentenca fur having upturn" In her peeeesslow." . - a . ItHt I Truk. H. M. Nlckeraon report th loss of a trunk from th Hobsrt-Curtls hotel. Th owner of th trunk Uvea at SOT Eleventh etreet Ta trunk contain high power field glasses, costly archi tectural tool, corduroy clothing and tan boot Of th kind ordinarily worn by surveyor. No trace or any of th property can be secured at pawnshops or second-hand tore. - ru bust coven mxrr. 8.S.L. Apple. ea-Pronat Judg. Ot tawa Co., Kansas, writes: "This Is to uv that I . hsve used Ballard' Hore- hound Rymp for 'year, and that I do not hesitate to recommend It th beat cough ayrup 1 hav ever used." tie, iia and Lvfc Woodard, Clark A Co. FRENZIED EFFORTS TO - -- i ESCAPE FROM CRAVE Mourning Squaw Sees Shallow Mound Heave and Gives Alarm Grave Is j Hunledly Opened but Lift Extinct Kicked Lid Off Coffin. . (Special DURatrk to The JooraaLl - ButU, Mont, March Indians who bar reached Billings from the Crow reservation; tell of the. burial allv "of Big ttora, a well-known young chief or th Crows. Big Rock had been HI for some dm and yesterday the medi cine men of - the tribe - pronounced -the warrior dead and ordered his body In terred with all 'th tribal honor of th Crow nation. i The rltuaL prYldaa that ' th quaw mast mourn for th departed over his freshly filed grave and while thl. part of th ceremony was being 'complied with by Mrs. Big Rock she heard her supposed dead lord making desperate effort to get out ..of his -grave. Th mound of - tho (hallow grave heaved again and again according to the In diane, and th terrified aquaw-fled to th tepee and v th alarm, L Indiana at ono opened th grav to nnd that Big Rock Jiad kicked. In th top-ofhl coffin-and burst It-sides In his rrensled effort to escape hi horrible fat. He had clawed hi face and nulled -out - great - bunche of his hair. Life was extinct, however, Satisfying themselves that Big Rock was dead for a certainty .the Indian re- inxtmi th podjr-Jn-ihe-ame grav and the squaw was permitted to resume I her mourning. ESCAPES-THE-GRAV Womaa' Aronas rrom Tiaim it Ha to Bsoap Biutsi. . tJeat 1 Speeial Bervtes.) La Cross, Wla. March 10. Conscious she waa being prepared for Interment, but unabl to move a muscle, Mrs. W. R. Sherwood of Mabel. Minnesota, a wok from a deathlike trance just In time to avoid being burled alive.- Th woman apparently died of pneumonia and waa laid upon a bier. Th -absence of th embalmer from the village pre vented th body from being filled with poisonous embalming fluids. whlh would hav Insured death. Just before dawn the two women sit ting up with th corps wer startled by a wild shriek and, hurrying to the death chamber; found ,th supposed corps sitting up. Mr. Sherwood waa delirious for hour from --fright, -and later told the details of her horrifying wumen-7ratcher"Tmr In a serlnns eondltlon from filglit. SLAVERY LAWS STILL' - IN FORCE IN DELAWARE (Joaraal Snedal Service.! Wilmington. Del., March 40. Th In teresting discovery has just been made that Delaware I th only state In th union- where elavery law are a till in 'force. It ' wa found that th truateee of th poor of Newcastle county have th right to '"bind out" paupers. Thl stipulation Is In th law governing of flclals, and pertain to women and ne groes, "iney can DeDound out to ai person in Delaware for a term not e- ceedlng thre year," says that law. Th law which were originally passed by th legislature were revised by a com mltte of - th board of trust last week and reported to be "all right. In' asmuch. however, as this section con filet with th act of emancipation. It TS Hot relieved th trustees will eir deavor to anforc it' - .. LICENSE LAW DECLARED TO BE UNCONSTITUTIONAL I Joersal BprHal Servlee.1 Olympla, Waah March 10. Th su preme court ha declared unconatltu ttonal the act of th legialature requir ing .a 100 license-to etf farm ma chlnery, which appliea to article man ufactured outside of th state. Th measure wa paased to prevent Cali fornia and aatra dealers from doing business In Washington. Qreeh,. Short Slab Wood TVom Inman-Poulsen's mill en th East Bid, and th Portland mill on th West Sid, will be sold at $1.50 Per Load For , a short time, aa per th districts advertised by urn last- Fait The prices will not b continued for long. Banfield-Veyse FuelCo, Tel. icau ass. sen txibd mm, Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth iiilliiiiiii Teath Teeth Teeth tTeOi rreell. Teeth teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Our prle ar -th vary - lowt ' consistent with . first-class materiel and workmanahlp. Call and get our price bostobt annul SB t PBaTTZBTS, Opp. Meier A rraak " aad roatoaloa. - BS1H aaorrlsoa Bt, - Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Tth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth UfflUfflffl Teeth lTICTn. Tettn "oj IMPRISONED IN HOUSES " " NO CHANCE TO ESCAPE When -Victims Died in. Moral, and J Physical - Servitude They - Were "md'Ttwijr-oy'T'nght to- Secret Burial Places. (Joaraal Special Srvlea. ' New York. March 10. A negro named Robert Bpriggs. has. beenlndJctedfpr abduction, assault and running a dis orderly hOUS.-!.3arf?:Ji.-jrv7r mm. .. . - j Spriggs is well known in. the tender loin. Me wa arrested Thursdsy night without a warrant. When District At torney Jerome waa asked about th caa h said: . "It 1 on of the most Important ar rests mads during my term of Office. I think .ther will be senaatlonal develop ments." .. .'.-."' ' - : Bpriggs Is. charged with being behind a syndicateof diaorderly. houses. H ha a danoe hair on . West - Thirtieth street, and also others. It Is charged that he abducted wblte women snd put them In houses frequented by negroes. Three women sr witnesses against him. It im - alleged thst - one "woman: who cam Into the hands -of Bprtgg was locked In a house for four years and never sllowed-totav"tt.i"AnothT woman I said to hav been ther for three - year. . There 1 also said to be Innumerable case where Bpriggs kept women locked In houses for weeks at a tlm. The house - that he controlled wer so guarded that non of th In- m.tB cnnij barred and the door locked. Fox-year the revolting method-hav been employed fot th enslavement of whit women. who, when they dl-tn moral and physical servitude, are carted away by. night to Secret burial' placea. Still more startling Is th Information that a alav market axtats-for the pur pos of distributing women among dis orderly houses. INVENTOR OF STEAMBOAT r, IS GIVEN A MONUMENT (Joaraal Special Sarrlre.) Bhepherdatown, W. Va, March 10. After more than a century of neglect I th memory of Jams Rumsey. the In- venior or .in temDoX-ia sjdou to b-approprlstely-honored. Preliminary sc-' tlon hss been taken looking toward th . erection of a monurqent In thl place to tha memory of Rumsey. The West -Virginia legislature - ha appropriated I1.7S0 toward th coat of the monument and additional aid will be asked of Maryland, of -which tat numsey wss It Waa at Shepherdstown December I. 1717, that Rumsey gave his first public exblbtton of th ateamboat, and. then, for tha glrat tlm In th history of th world, aa hla champion claim, a boat propelled by steam moved against ths current. This test wa wltneeaed by General William Dark and General Horatio Gates, both of whom war resi dents of thl county. . It Is on th cliff overlooking that part of th Po tomac . wrier th experiment was so successfully performed that it Is now proposed to erect a monument, to th memory of th Inventor. ' 'T 7T What Cam Yoaa Do? I Toertalrryoiirfrlendsin your own home. ' Are you an accomplishedTnanist ? Arryoa ar tal ented singer? Are you possessed of great reading or dramatic ability? . Probably not, for these are the exception, not the rule. Do you ever run a little short of conversation and wish you had - some little diversion for those friends you wish to entertain? No doubt you do, and here la the - very thing you have been looking for. It is a want and a necessity as well as a luxury for every home and through this ; - . v . - UNPARALLELED FREE OFFER The Journal is now enabled to present to.each of its readers, old and new, one of these rich toned instruments A $7.50 Columbia Graphophone Absolutely FREE It brings to your home all' of these accomplishments you would so like to possess, and It Is so simple in construction your little child can easily operate it . This Is a reduced reproduction of the $7.50 COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE. It cannot be bought for less. 1 -MAIL-THIS COUPON TO THE JOURNAL TODAY or inquire at Columbia Phonograph Co H37I Wsh!ntcn Strett and get in line for- one of the graphophones. Dyspep smiselsneDeTcTTgesnbironhTrood food nutriment through the blood into all parts of . , the body. - ' The tissues are thus built up and every organ is restored to health and strengthand put in perfect condition. . . , ' ' Disease is driven out to stay out the cause is removed." , t - ... " '--', Plantersvillt, MUs. I have prescribed Xodol quite often la my practice, and have found it a Very efficient remedy for. all stomach ailments. It has always given ths best of results. - ' J. T. MaT.M.D. ODOL DICESTS WHAT YOU EAT 4 BlUr totu. kaia, i Mm aa .HA mm Imm Wtol, m net mt mm. MAKES STQMAOH Sold by Woodard. Clarke ft In aU th lateat design and new shadrngef ths season. - . Bamplss of Wall Paper . ttC qut of-town customers on request, ' til FTlIFXZaT PORTLAND PAINT & MAall-Papep -. iro nooars bt, nwr. atommraow ua tamsou 'rJfcsuiMAswaxtrr 1 ta Psriswe! Uary "lATHAAwm-iz::- .rzr I RICCrOWDtltJ rereseaATM JCOMPUXlONSOATf I Bert tellet ' As- 1 SoftasM Hard Water JL J?" lZJ-X -tlsentleally pure. eJa. - " S R.llevea win , tliea Per-. . rr Wtir Vry V" T shaa. Very l5c- V ntaW it fceffc "C frsjrast. ParsstyT - ': .v.,-..,J-S!r.-... A.AXJ..aTWsjslyHPB UOO BT OS . ts ' . . 1 . . ' ,L ' LVvP V'j& - - a - -" MkfflJ, PORTLAND WIRE PhoneMaln-SOOO- Given With a Subscription to This Paper The COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE - received the Highest Award at the St Louis World's p:;Fairrl904T-Parisxp COUPON OF : ..... ', ; - - Date. . , 1 1 u h 1 1 1 r ! mmi: The Journal, . .. .... . . Fifth and Yamhill Streets: Please send solicitor to my address to explain GRAPHOPHONE OFFER. v . V Name. . Address.. sia Cure THS ' . SWtaT. r .if mm km is.e.wtM a.S.S., Co. and S. 0. Skidmore.ft Go. Paints Th kind that wont ; om . Varnishes , For" vry us, i OOLOSIO TmOBTT WALL PAPER COMPANY BANK AND OFFICE RAILING j WIRE AND IKON FENOXG - Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc r & IRON WORKS -SS8FLANDERS STr Near-Third- 1 -i : INQ UIR Y ! -W ' $ ' ' . '