The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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1 Mr. Minnie Sargent Retires
" From Newspaper Work After
- ' Four Hundred Make Bad
poser, Going to San Fran- V
'" X told you In rhy last avertlaerasnt the X would Mil IBM STANDARD
eveiTTearrDf Labor."
"!7" ," FlnanclatMes
tr Get Company
4 -WW.. 7- t ....
-New wbue ye bare e chance get ens ef my large ..
t6nr Woman in Washington Who
nil oUIC I I opi lelul" vv m aeu wt
f, AU Departments From Running Job
- -' Press to WriUng Editorials. - V-
r ' TRpeetal ' Mftwtch U The lomil) "
.. Mf .' Pullman, Waih, March 10. Mrs. Mln
. Sargent, who retired from the editorial
- i chair 6f th Pullman Tribune this weak,
4ta ons of lb remarkable women f this
stats ana baa made a aeciaea ouco
-jnubllshlng a newspaper. For 11
iSfrs. Sargent has been editor.. ma
i stats ana baa made a aeciaea success w
11 years
. manager
Mrs. Minnie Sargent
and proprietor of the Pullman Tribune,
one' of the brightest weekly papers in
. asatern Waahlngton. She has done work
in all department.-from running a. job
press ana aettina type to ooing tne eai-
toital and reportorhts wofk--aJMl attend.
Inr to the business office, .
Mrs. KArgent la tlleTd to have bean
aho-only woman . in Waahlnaton . .who
' was the sola proprietor of a newspaper
and who managed it alone. . Bhe retiree
, from- newapaper work, at the end of It
years, to engage in other business, and
lladHJorate in Seattle. ThrTribune haa
een aold to 1U E. Wenham of I
.v 1 1
next weeir
. MrS.. Sargent haa spent, the greater
.. portion of ber Ufa in newspaper work.
. She married, when oulte young, her
husband being J, J. BargsnU a news-
'paper man of " Illinois. Bhe learned
typesetting end assisted her huaband in
the work., - They tuna to Dakota many
years ago, and later came to Waahlng
ton, where they established the Pullman
, Herald, the first newapaper la the town.
Thirteen years ago Mrs. Sargent waa
left a widow, with three young children
to support. Bhe secured a position aa
two years, when she bad eaved enough
muoejr w VVJ m, ym Wiiu uww 41.
the. Tribune, which-aha did.. She waa
elected manager- and given control of
r tha: paper. - 8o well did she oonduct it
hat In 100 she was able to buy the
' stock , of the other stockholders, and
since that time has been sole proprle-
v tor. : Iri addition to keeping her chll-
dren she paid for the off ioa and a neat
- home in Pullman, which she atlll owns,'
Mrfc" Bargent nsr ieeromihenrTa
newapaper circles of the state. During
i the past 10 years aha haa been elected
! daicnta to the National Editorial con
vention nine times and baa held every
office in the State Editorial association,
with the axeeptloa of president and aeo-
.'tretary. . At present aha is treasurer of
pthat aaaoelatlon. - In the retirement of
1 j Mrs. Bargent from newspaper work the
-. otata jMMLoxiai ejHsufciiuii .nu yrv-
tfeaaloa generally lose one of '. their
Ji brightest members. ,
People Start In Friday to Secure
' Tickets for Mansfield on the
Following Tuesday.
1 : - (Joexaal Rperlal Serties.
! New Tork, March 10. A messenger
' boy sauntered Into the lobby of the New
I Amsterdam . theater yesterday with a
icatnpetool , and took a aeat near the
box office. He soon began to attract at
.. $ tentlon,. and It waa discovered that the
line for the sale of tickets for the Mans-
! field . produoUon, which does not open
until Tuesday, had begun to form.
r Scarcely an hour ltr another meaaen
. ger boy took a position at the first com
i ers elbow. ; Theaa meaaengers remained
2-untit midnight when a relief wa.ex- j
. i jeld. J-The-company doea not guar
i antee to keep the Identical boy In line,
t merely to hold the place..
, I The first place was takea just three
, f days and IT hours before tickets for the
i three weeks' Mansfield season will go on.
It Is a new lecord In theatrtcat-history
V Manafleld'a representative here, speak-
f ing of the Incident, referred to the enor-
moue niiainnas nnna ,ny maninnin m va
nr-rltleavaaa sli-that In fan-rrwH
. rleco the receipts from two weeks an
.gagement were 160.000. .:-;.r;
. '...: , . sTj"oaiUke oau.
Fake CltT. Or March 1 0. Mrs. Caro-
line Oale. 71 years of age. wife of Ben-
jasnin Oale. ths well-knowa jheepman.
i died st tne ramuy noma in tnia city
. . Wednesday, after suffering for three
A months from a complication ef dla
easee. The deceased was bora at Es-
sea. near Detroit, Michigan, August T,
1 lt2, and married to Benjamin Oale in
140. The deceased te survived by a
i husband -.and sight children. - Ths fu
. " nrei will he held Saturday afternoon.
A simple remedy. Nejlect of
a cold may result in chronic
throat trOUtlcY el4ealjrl
Laurence I. Scott, Son of Builder of
holders of the California Construc
tion . Company.. .C; -L. .. ..
! ' ' (Journal BiMetel Swiss.)
San Francisco, March 10. Boolety will
experience a. shocks whan It learns that
some of its members have failed In bual-
nees sad mads a, sad nneaolal meaa
It, Some weil known family namaa art
involved In bualneaa dlaaater, which la
of such a. character .that creditors are
to force bankruptcy proceedings on the
debtors, who ara known la tna Business
world under the, corporate name of the
California. Engineering A Construction
company. 1 " --r- -- v
Ja the UaVot the 400 Is Included the
namea of Laurence 1. Scott, Henry F.
Dutton and Charlao P. O rim wood, and
theaa men ara leading- officers In the de
funct corporation.. Be at I is the pn of
the late Irving M. Bcott. builder of the
battleship --Oregon. and executor - of the
state. Ha and hie wife are . boaom
friends of the C rockers. - The family
awe of Button has long been one to
conjure-wlth. In hathjbuslness and ao-
elal worlds. . , v . ..
! Orlmwood'a elegant home is on Call
forala street, and the family hold their
high, la the social swim.;: The
Arm. which will te forced into bank
ruptcy naxt weak, has been la exlatenot
fill "seeisl Jiais. bet
us n isee
money on moat contrasts, and to ered-
Hora-are tww preaelng log money. Ua.
bllltlea, about $88,000: assets, about -., .... :
yqu::g swi::dler trapped
BY WEALTHY 17fl:.1llll
Mrs. 0. K. 0. Billlngt. Wife of
Financier and Horse Owner.
"' """ Plays Detective.":
. (Jesrstl Sptelal Sorvlce.) -"Weez-Tork,-March
-l.-f-Mra;--a-K.- O.
Bllllnga. wife of the financier and horse
owner, played detective and trapped a
young man for whom the police had
been aearchlng on - oompletnt - of many
realdenta on Fifth avenue. Mra. Billings
himilf ill.! net Wnnw llinw blc the camel
prisoner was Arthur -Ester, who two
years ago got 1 100 from Mrs. -Collts P,
Huntington and large asms from other
wealthy women to aid him. he said, in
the heritable work ef establishing S
newsboys' magasrna. , Jackson --Wallace,
a lawyer, was caught for H,00 in the
schema, ..... . .... ... -..
Ester, wbo tm it years old, and of fine
add ress, called at the Bllllnga home on
Fifth avenue to get Mrs. Billings' con
tribution to the fund for the ball of the
Telegraph Clerks and Lady Operators'
assoclatlonjklra. BUHngs. bowvr.
,nd gtt a hlg ch,cfc . .,
BllllngsiTung up and communicated with
the Western Union officials and learned
that Ester was an Impostor. Bhe- theo
notified the police. . '. :. (
' When- Ester called again two detect
ives were hidden behind the curtain In
the Bllllnga residence and eaw . Kstet
receive a cheok from Mrs. Billlna-e. and
Uhen-Jatrejted him., , ,., . , ' ,,,
Former Messenger Wins Suit for
, Dollar and a Half Due for
:':'": '. "; Overtime. - ;
' -(loarsal Spfcisl Benies.)
Worcester, Mass., March 10. A It
year-oia messenger boy has bean pro
claimed victor over the powerful West
era union in a Decision nanoeo sown
by the court la the ease of Hyman
Sandman va. the Western Union. It
was a suit to recover $1.65 for lunches
and overtime for work at the looal of
fice while Paroy M.. Fulton waa -mana
ger. Ths eourt found in full for the
plaintiff, and the corporation, so con.
fldent of winning that It forced ths boy
to serve papers on the commlseoner of
corporations at Boston, will now have to
pay for such sorvlce and other expenses.
Tba suit - waa brought months ago
and waa heard on February ft. Sand
man claimed that hs ate two lunches at
the expanse of ths company in accord
ance with Fulton e orders, and worked
overtime, for which Fulton refused to
pay. The Western , Union fought the
boy's sttorney at -every-point,--claiming
that the boy was employed and paid by
the American District Telegraph and not
by ths Western Union. : .
(joerssl Special flervtee.l
Waahlngton. March 10. The senate
yesterday passed the atatahood bilk) eo
mafllflw Mint It previn's fes- ha aflwi
slon'of lfily'na etatl5 Be' tailed Cfk-
laboma and to be composed of the ter
ritory r r OkTahafna-mnatnaii
forv. The provislone regarding New
Mexico and Art sons were stricken out I
by a vote of IT to SI. The atate will
have two senators and five representa
tives Jn-cansreaa.-' AIL Indiana arejn4du"tedby Rev. W. B. Payne.
titled to vote. - The sale of in toxica t-
ing liquors is prohibited for II years
and longer unleea the constitution le
changed. Provision is made for educa
tional and charitable institutions. Mor
mons ere forbidden from holding office.
Each territory will be a district Of the
United States eourt. Outbrle will be the
temporary capital.
' " r Install Sleek SUfawl.
Chicago. March IS. Julius ' Xrutt
Schnltt announces that ths Harrtmaa
system will at once begin the Instslla
tlon of 1,141 miles of eutomatia elec
tric block signals to cost fl.000,000.
The signals will be placed .over . the
Union Parlflo and Southern Pacific
between Omaha, Baa Franelsoo and Los
Angels . .
Action of Play Occurs in Time of
rant,; Bight- Hundred Years Before
ChristMusic Orignal-ahd Clever.
- Morris ' Oumbert, composer . of - the
f per "Shah Zaman." nwlll leaye for
Ban Francisco" within the next fortnight
for the nurnnae at snlsctlnsr St rflmnanr
ofiio produce his piece.. ' Mr. Qumbart is a
native or j-ortianoU- L.
The final rehearsal of ths muslo for
the opera took plaoe at the Marquem
theatre at noon Thursday. Twenty-flTe
Morris Oumbert.
musicians participated and there were
visitors prominent In musical circles in
Portland and other cities. - Among the
number was Mr. North up, special rgpr
reaenUtlve Of -th muele house of Vlrtwr-
Kremer of Chicago. It was the third
rehearsal ofjtha music In Portland.,,
The first production of the opera will
be' In San Francisco, April 7. At the
conclusion of its engagement the com
pany-- wilU Immediately start on. the
northwest circuit.
roruana win proDaoiy pa tne riral
after the departure of the cohspaTry-t
from Ban Francisco. It la certain that
the 'company will appear In Portland in
April, -though the exaot date bae not
been announced. - -. . 1 - -
Teh play wiir be" "produced Thls'SeaSbH
as a musical drama, which will make
It a novelty, for there -Is nothing of the
sort on the stage at the present time.
The story is Egyptian. There ara three
acta and five scenes.. The music Is aald
to be exceptionally - good and entirely
original. Arrangements have been made
for an eastern tour of the company
aesXaeasonT ; r, :
Mr. Oumbert has devoted the greater
nart of the peat two yor. in eflm.
position of this, hla lateet opera. . For
the past seven m oaths h has worked at
It constantly during hie atay in Port
land. ;
Mr. . Oumbert , has successfully filled
engagementa at clarinetist with Innes.
Liberate Flnn'a Military band, and other
musical organisations.
Great Suppressor ; of Vice Calls
Lawyer a Lair and Is As
, saulted In Court. ,." "
(Joerssl BDrdal Bervlce.l
New York, March 10. Anthony Cora
atork had both eyes blacked and hla face
eut yesterday In the United States mm
mlealoner's . courtroom In the federal
building, by Attorney -Hugh Millar. The
head of the Society for the Suppression
of Vice waa In eourt to proaecute a man
charged with having aent scurrilous let
ters through ths mall. Miller appeared
for the defendant, making a statement
to the commissioner In ddfense of hla
client, when Comstork Jumped up On his
reet and snouted:
Tou're a liar."
' Hostilities opened wlthont delay, end
reaulted painfully for Comstpck, until
eourt officers separated the two men.
The commissioner thought It advisa
ble to postpone further hearing In the
scurrilous letter case until today, when
he took the matter up again. - Formal
charges against Attorney Miller have
been entered.: . .j ,.. .j i :j :
(Npecial nispetek to The Joorsal.) '
Weston, Or., March IS. Mra Ida 3.
Aahworth, wife of James Aahworth,
died March I at the hospital In this city.
after- belnr operated upon last Thurs
day by tour surgeons zor a tumor. The
deceased was born October 1, lilt, in
trm-cqnntyy-Oiegiin, In-IIH ih wm
to Weston in 112, and was united in
rtage June l, 1U in Mrs Jamea
Aahworth. She waa si years of age.
ana leaves m uueuwu.
a muthsr and
four daughters. The funeral service
was very largely attended, being con-
Mrs.' Mary E. March, aged IT years.
died at Milton yesterday of tuberoulosla.
and the remains were brought to Wes
ton yeeterday for Interment, the services
being sonducted at ths grave by Rev.
W. 8. Payne. Mrs. March was born la
Butte county, California. She waa the
mother of five children, four ef whom
survtvs her- Bhe was laid' to rest be
side the grave -of har lata huaband in
the Weston cemetery. -
I have been suffering for the past few
rears with a severe attack of rheuma
Ism and found that Pb Herd's Snow Lin
iment was the only thing that gavs mi
satisfaction and tended to alleviate mi
pains. March 14, '01. John C. Degnan,
Kinsman. III. 16e. too and
yrsedard, Clarke ,
This offer holds good for short time only and every machine Is sold
under my guarantee, the foil purchase price refunded it not satisfactory.
- Each machine is fitted with a elf-turning egg tray, moisture pans,
thermometer, egg tester., lamp and one of the hest regulators. ever pot'
in a machine. They are complete in every way to start work with,
every machine Is new, no aecond-hand stock. -. ' ' i ?" . ;
L&rgc 100 Chick Capacity,, brooder j for Ontdoor
Purposes, $8.00 -- Indoor, Brooder! for 0700
: If you contemplate going into the poultry business there is no better
machine than- the "CHATHAM," and for 'short time only -will they
be sold at these prices. If you possibly can, call and see them, if you
cannot, white me. Orders by mail receive my personal attention. .
. GEO. W.
321 EitMacrlaoQtE6j&and9 pre
We're faeavfJy stocked on garden tools. We have hoes,
sell that poultry netting you need to keep your chickens
And we are picking garden hose every day. We
7 T "can sell it cheap as rabbits at a bit a pair. - -
Telephone Main .
. Do not take chances on it wearing away
which will only half
aust,cpkiuic vv aiMt,Bi
not only stops the cough but heals 'and strengthens the lungs and pre
vents' serious results from a cold. . v "'.. 1 T7 :.if.
' It Saved Bis Ufa Attar the Doctor SaU Km Had Oonsnmptloii. '
f W. R. Daris, Vissalii, California, writei: "There ia no doubt but what FOLEY'S HONEY :
AND TAR tared my life. , I bad an awful cough on my lunf and the doctor told me I had a
consumption. I commenced tikio? FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from
the first and three bottles cured me completely. , 7 ' t ;;
llr -V
California Company Adopts Inno
gmt-tllrrnr Wairs An.
vrrrr:rae- roun hit
;ounts of Employes.
I Jiwrsal Bseclat Servtee.t
San Francisco. March 10. Labor srs in
thte elty end the surrounding country
ara aoDreclatlve of the Innovation in
methods of payment now practiced by ths
C. E. Loss company, one of the largest
contracting firms In the United States.
The C. K. Lots sompany la now in
charge of the construction of the road
bed of the Ocean Shore - railway. The
company haa four paymasters, whs at
tend to ths work of paying employes.
The company gives demands to the
' ; A Soleatlfle Wonder.
The eurea that stand to Ita credit
mike Bucklen'e Arnica Waive a scien
tific wonder. It cured B. H. Mulford,
Jecturer for the patrons of Hunbandry,
nri.nlnra. Fa., of a distressing case
of Piles. It heals the worst Burns,
Sores. Bolls, tricars, Cuts, Wounds. Chil
blains and Salt Rheum, t Only ISe at
S. 0. Skidmore sV t.'s drug store. :
that neighbor, tea him we sell
The licrdwcre, Tin,
cure it at best, and leave
uvui tuc Buuia va wvusuiuyuoii.
scldhx nic:H::ED dy ,zzzzzz:
workmen , as soon, as they have .snj-
money due them. . Tbeee demands may
be cashed at ones. Thus the men may
be paid by the dsy, weak; or saoetiu as
they deal re. - - '
Heretofore it has been customary for
contractors to hold back wagee a Tow
weeka, and then deduct eertatn per
centage if the -men left before the end
of the monh. .. -. : ' .
I The C.
ays tarn, of . paymentJ
ployes. This Is the first concern in thin
tin - - - -- -
. - (IpeetsI fnepetek te Tie Jeermati ' J
Oiehalla, - Wash., March 10. J. a
Gardner of the Chehalia ladder factory
Shipped his first carload ef stock this
wsek te the Chicago Wood sn ware com
pany in Chicago. Ha expects te ship
two ears svery three weeke or may do
better than that. The stock Included
la this shipment . was - manufactured
etook knocked down for the making of
stepladders and yard eietbes driers. Mr.
Gardner recently came to Chehalia from
Alabama and opened this factory, v
tt IU Xaa expose tee. -
(Seeefsl rHepetcB te The JesraaM " '
Chehalia, Wash, Mar oh 1-S EU
FOR r1 .Cl -
- V ,
r '"'
spades; shovels and rakes to beat the band! And wo
off your ndjhbor'a onion beds. And if your cow should
barbed wire at extremely LtUa prices.
Sportsmen Buy.; Rshing ;TacMc of
Us And Catch Fish, Too -
The finny tribe has resolved to take no hooks this
year not bought at our tXan are thepeoplel
Otovt cod Tcroccc Hsn
or experiment with some
the bronchial tubes and
Everything to eat' and driaX ass
It costs ne more in the ,
PortJan4 Hotel asttakeller
than elsewhere In the city. STvsrr
weekday night from 0:10 te IS.
it a aowiat,
has voted ts-ineorporata by a vote of
71 to 14 and the following officers
have been, slanted: August Mayer,
mayor; Frank MoKnlght. clerk; J. a.
Dunlap. treasurer; V. Ratkowskl, W. C.
Teomana, J. Donahue. B. O. Austin andu
J. P. Duokstt, eeuaeUnssa.
CZ1 FeCdtTS Tcnple
rirsl tni ALJcr Sb.
unknown preparation
lungs weakened and
n a rmox tjb tmax tOtjt
i FAIRFAX 72h.
An ranPAx aim ainm
1 Coal
In fact, we are the people for
everything that's burned In fur-,
naoa, range or etove. We eell the
products of all ths mines. - y
nra .trp rxon MAnr bt7.
coal; co.