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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1906)
7! 4 HE ' i i . OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 10. 1SC3 COURT T.IAY OH fJAYOR LAUE IS BOYCOTT IIURTNIG SERlOUSLYILL FLOUR TRADE OS :- ' ' ' ' ' ' PIIYSICIA ; Compromise -Virtually.. Agrwt i- Upon ver Moroccan Prob- '.V V lem by Algeiciras Con- ' v '). '- 'i-, ferenct Today. ' GERMANY BACKS DOWN - ;F0R UNITED EUROPE "rance Make Concession on State -Bank of Morocco'and Gennany oo Policing of the Country, ' Which Will Be Don by France. Under 'Supervision of the Powers. ..'. .. ''" Paris. M arch 10. A peaceful outcome of tbe Moroccan problem la virtually as- mrtl- today. when ejueetlons regarding Jhe establishment of a atata bank of Morocco and the policing. of tha country, llie, main problems on which Germany ejid France disagreed, were practically todajr to the aatlafecUott of both patlona.;;.: ,t ; , .-j. If Is xpectd that tha formal , con tention will be signed next Tuesday and ' tha .conference adjourned. 7 France has -wiana ' t unMuiliaa m slate hank question, which will ba controlled by aintly. ... rrance,Ja wining :jaiao inat tha neutral powers will have euper vision over tha French police force to bo used In - Morocco. --f-- - l---,- ,.... German delegates, upon Instructions from Berlin, modified their uncom ... promising attitude In order to arold , trouble with united , Europe, as the powers virtually . all declared In favor af Aha French position Russia la aald " ' have ' notified the German offioera tnat the - esar - would have to protect - ..Germany In caae of a war with Franca. .. ' Great' Britain. Italy and Austria, as . well as Bpain.. aided with the republic ' Kven Portugal, as well as the minor . kingdoms of western Europe, notified Germany that she could expect no aid - from them In the event of a conflict , With France.. . .. . German delegates today declared their readiness to arrant to French subscrib ers to tha existing loan two shares of the capital of the bank inatead of ona . share, aa orlsdnaUy Instated on. France .. ' originally demanded four aharea and ac cepted tha compromise In return for the 7 concessions Germany agreed to In the .. matter of the police consenting to tha -appointment of an Inspector ' from a -jneutml nation who shall nol .hava. com tnand of the poUoa. -f, ? . DYE JS ARRESTED FOR IOWA OFFICERS , (Speelai Dtspate te The J araaL) Walla WaJUu Wash, March 10. H. Claude Dye of Seattle, employed on the work of eXDertlne the cltv books here. was arMsted . late last"nlghrTjfr"Bhrirr I . Painter en lnatructlona from Sheriff Klna county, who stated lhat Dye waa wanted at Sidney. Iowa, for forgery., Dye. waa locked np In the county Jail and , will be held ontll of ficers . arrive from Iowa, ; Dye 1a un derstood to have been employed as teller In a Sidney bank in 1MJ. No detalla t,th alleged crime have been furnished the Walla Walla officers. : UR. T. C HARVEY, CaUTollton, llisi., Mye: "Your bitter cured me of "Stomach Trojablea as well as e elagJiish I Liver. VI thank you ' for jroor Taleeble medicine and freely endorse It" ' ,TZ2 CXT.XT.S CAS Cia Whariifiwari'and' MiiiBri of California Affected by Hos- ,', .Ttility jL Chine.: PRICE OF CEREAL IS ; STEADILY DECLINING Shipments fa Orient Cut in Half Do lc r ecr it XT siiuc wiui japei1 and the Doubled. Philippines .Has Been Meornsl Bpwtol Service.) ' Stockton. Cal. March 10. The Chi nese boycott, against American goods Is hitting" the wheat growers of this ses tion, the Stockton flour mills and those engaged"lnrlver"tranlip0rtatl0n. . : Tha price of flour haa been cut If cents a barrel thla week. Tha price oT milling wheat haa been declining ateadlly tor soma time. There te practlcallj no trading, and there haa been none of any consequence for - several weeks. Mill ownera do Ilka the Chinese boycott, and hold it responsible for this condition. Stewart P. Elliott," manager of the SUckton Milling company, said that ahlpmants of flour from Stockton acroaa the Pacific have decreased SO per cent In the last two years, deaplte tha fact that ahlpmenta of flour to the Philip pines and Japan, have almost doubled. . "TwO yeara ago." said Elliott. J'Stock toamiUs were shipping :,ooo to tone of flour a year to the orient. Now thla city la ahlpplng but 4,00 tona a year." . i 5 .... : t',: " ' "'rZ.".;1 lUnOF WFRSTFR Fll FS :declaraiiontojrpn County Judge Lionel B,7WeVsTeinHs morning filed a declaration to become a candidate for - the "nomination of tha office he now ecoplea. Judge Webater promises "Honesty, effloiency and good roads." f lie has been county Judge dur ing tba past four yeara. ' George I Hotchin and D. M. Wataon, both- Demon rata, thla morning filed dec larations that they Intended to become candldatee for the nomination for atata repreawntatlvea. Mr. Hutchln resides at 1 101 Thannaa etreet and Ur. Wataon at 7I Marshall etreet. ioth favor state ment No. 1 and municipal ownership and are opposed to-extravagant lsglala tlon and graft. Mr. Hutchln also says that he advocates - the adjustment of franchises. CENTRALIA LUMBERMEN GO OUT ON A STRIKE (Speelsl Dtssatcb te Ttae JmraaU - Centralla, Wash., March 10. Twelve men employed at ; the Salter Valley I.timhar eomnanva nlant went en a strlkayaterday (lemftnllng higher wagas - taking, the stand .that . as. tha price of lumber hsd advanced they were entitled to a . raise, and If , their J de mands are not acceded to they , will make it' a general strike, including other mills, giving the company until March 10 to decide. Common laborers are now receiving $1.75 a day and de mand ft. Manager Gilchrist says that he anticipates no serious trouble and will take a firm etsnd on the basis of present wagesi He says that he nan gst all the men needed. ' Found Dead on Mallroad fiaok. 1 (Journal Special 8ervlee. Marengo, 111, March 10. A young man waa found dead on the railroad track here today. The only clew to his Ident ity Is a photograph of a girl, on which waa inscribed "Wealth of love, Vannle Miller, Grand Encampment, Wyoming." I1W ' '- f s ' " '- '- TO TRY THE BITTERS. Evcry sick man or Bitters not simply because but because it will compounded" for bailments stomach; inactive liverO merit is backed by a 52 rears test. flOSTETTEtn? STOMACH is the medicine for you. It cures Poor Appetite, Indigestion, Nausea, burn, Colds, Grippe, Liver or Kidney . , ' . ..... . . , ; Troubles,"Temale Ills or Malaria, Fever and Ague. Don't delay another day. r Here's proo . . MR. a W WAITKCOMB, Story Qty, low, sy: "I suffered for year with Acute Indigcation and Dyspepsia and nothing gave me relief until I tried your. Bitters. It did me more good than the other all put together." ' PEIVATE STAMP OYER TEC OWotiy Opposite United States Supreme CourPe. ; TEN STATE SUPREME : - o C0URT3 WITH JUDGE T f.e F Unbiased Physicians, Appointed by Court, May Be Neceaaary. ' 5.. Presiding Judge Arthur I Fraser thla morning lutnded down a decision directly opposite one -rendered by the United Statea aupreme court eome tlma ago, holding that the court can appoint phy- slclans to examine Into the extant and causes of tha alleged Injuries received by persona aa the alleged result of street car accidents or negligence. Sarah E. Zeliar aued the- porUand Railway company for 115,100, , alleging that she received serious Internal in- Jurlea while attempting to alfght from a car near the corner of Third and Yam hill Streets on July I, 105. Judge Fra ser held that physicians vcould be ap pointed by the counsel Id the eaaa and approved by the court, or the court could select the phystciana to make the examination. O. F. Paxton la attorney for the street car company, while John H. Hall la the plaintiffs counsel. Judse Fraser ssld In his decision that the t'nlted States supreme - court and Ave state supreme courts had held that the courts did not have a right to ap point physicians to examine Into -the causes and extent of Injuries received In alleged accidents, while the supreme courts of 10 states had decided that the CUUI IS did Hate thla pen at! Osagsn's aupreme court haa not paaaed upon such a-caae Aa Ins matter stands, the authorities being ao divided, the oourt feela free in thla caae," declared Judge rraaer. "There la nothing so sacred about the person of one who haa aued for dam ages aa to give cauae for that plaintiff not to submit to, an examination; if the plaintlfra arm haa been injured, I can not aee wny It should not be examined by phyaiciana other than , those em ployed by the injured person; tne same Is true regarding any other part of the body. Expert testimony offered by phy sicians in snchj -cases -aa ; tnese-oiner decidedly,, those employed by one aide tavoringthat jiarty whlle those em ployed by the other side zavor ineir em clovers. , . Tha"defendant In caaoa of :3Mn- na ture ahould have a right- to nave ax- pert and reliable phyaiciana examine the body of the plaintiff, or aald plain tiff ahould submit, to an examination made by disinterested phyelelana 1 ap pointed by the court; If thla waa not done, the defendant would be entirely at the mercy of the plaintiff and the phyaiciana employed by aald person. The physlclana appointed in such caaes I must, be approved by the courtV- O. F. Paxton declares that ths plain' tiff la suffering from Injuries of a na ture that could not toe caused by a fall from a street car. COATLESS CITIZENS V SHIVER IN COLD WIND Believing that the weather would be balmy! aa It was yesterday,- pie left their homes this morning wltli out their overcoats and they soon had occasion to" regrst lt Before 10 o'clock the wind had shifted from tha west to the east and brought with It. eome of the frigidity belonging to Mount Hood. It came aweeplng acroaa tha valley and s'ruck . the city with - terrlfio force. Flakea of anow were seen fluttering from the dark clouds. -i j l.-BBBS-KgFm--Bm woman ought to try tHe it has cured others, cure you. too. it is especially peculiar' to a disordered weak - kidneys, and its Surely, then BITTERS Dyspepsia Heart NECK OF TEE CttfLL Siidrienly Strifikfin With Afiutf) Attack of Inflammatory Rheumatism. MAY BE CONFINED TO HIS ROOM FOR WEEKS Close Attention to 'Onerous Duties and Attendance fin RprUI jf Sessions Thought to Be 'Cause 'of Breakdown. V Mayor Lane waa stricken with an at tack oft inflammatory rheumatism while attending, .the - banquet of the Unitarian club at the Commercial club laat night and today ho is confined lo his room In great pain. His right leg Is drawn out of shape at the ankle- and the muscles . are contracted Into large knots. His condition Is aald to be quite serious and it may bo several days or even weeks before he will be able to return te h la office, - After- the meeting of the city execu tive board yesterday afternoon, which did not adjourn until S o'clock, he re sponded to an Invitation' to attend ths banquet of the Unitarian club. Ha was feeling as well aa usual. While sitting at the banquet-table hla right foot be came numbed and when he attempted to move it waa seised with sharp pains J in tne member. He remained while the after-dinner epeechea were being giver and also made a short speech, although suffering Intensely, - Alter the banouet bad ended he at tempted to walk, but had to be assisted onto the street, and waa compelled to call a carriage and be taken to private apartments, not being able to return to hla home. tent that hla sock had to be cut in or- der to"" He Summoned at phy- aJcTaJnaliaAppIIcaUona were . appllei but the pain increased in intensity and bs secured no rest during the night He le no better today and It is said that be and hla wife wlU take, private apartmenta on thla . aide . of the river until , he la better. By remaining in thla section of the city official papers and hla mall from tha city hall can be taken to htm and he will, 1n thla way, be able to attend to hla official duties. This Is not tha first attack Of the inflammatory rheumatlem suffered by Dr. "Lena. "Hswaa stricken " with-the same-aliment two. years Lgo in Nome, Alaska. : but thonght he had entirely recovered from It. On account of ths various. Investiga tions and committee meetings beta at t night be haa been up nearly every night until It o'clock or later, besides aN tending to the detalla of hla own of fice. It ia thonght that the attack of TOmaUiiu-liT7peen brought onby overtaxing hla strength. MARQUAM IS NOT SHUT aUnuedf Is commenced before the service can be made or not.",.... - ; ... - "WlU Olose Sonne for a Tear." When General Manager Helllg of the theatre was seen this morning and in formed that Chief Oritsmacher bad been instructed to close bis house until it was put- In condition auch aa to meet the requirements of ths executive board hs remarked house closed for a year.. J will take all the flrat-claas shows out of Portland for II months and let the people have a aeaaon of cheap productions or slse go to Tacoma, Seattle or some other place to aee a high-class presentation. I will, of course, be sued by all the companies that are booked for this sea son and would be prevented from ap pearing, and I wlU have to sek redress either by suing the city or the executive 1 board." f proposato do thtilf I' aw closed up and forced to stand damages on account of it. i "I am perfectly willing to make the repairs and changes desired, by the city Officiate and have men at .work doing it now. They were put to work this morning and reconstruction will be hur- rled through as fast aa possible. . I do not make the changes because I think the theatre is unsafe and that they are needed, but simply to comply with the desires of the city officials and put everything In such condition that there may be no criticism. "The Marquam theatre is the safest theatre In the country. It-ia provided with 18 exits and aeata only 1.600 peo ple, thus giving an exit for every 100 people. They are ao arranged that they are of easy access and there Is no dan ger of loss of life in case of a panic, that I can aee. It seems to mo that the action of the board 4s prompted by personal reelings, but I cannot Imagine what I have done to warrant any aucb procedure.". . ..... .. Thla morning an electrician . waa in the Marquam theatre preparing to re wire it In accordance with the demands of the board and Mr. Helllg said that the' other changes desired would be msde aa rapidly aa possible. He said hs would take no steps to restrain the city from enforcing the order of the board to close the bouse until tne re pairs are made. "But li I am roreeo to ciose ror tnat time," said he, "I might aa well close for a year. And that s what I propose to-do." "V " -X Thomburn Ross of ths Title, Guar antee Trust company, aa representa tive of those claiming title to the build ing, said this morning mat nis attorney had under advisement the matter of enjoining the city from cloeing the theatre, - - "The matter hssHieeq submitted to but-1 do not know what action, he will take. I rather think It la up to the lessees Of j, the theatre to enjoin If such action is, d- Bludi and wet up to lis Hnwsvar.-J, can. not ssy what 'action our attorney will advise. I believe tha theatre IS safe, and while 1 do not desire to criticise our cl ly officials, I am rather Inclined' to .think. the action of.theJoard waa rather sudden-and T)n the " snap Judgment Order. 'J "We have not taken steps to make the building conform to the require ments of ths city officials heretofore because the ownership of the property Is In litigation and we did not feel Jueti fled In incurring the eipertse until the lltigaton was settled or we were ss sured that tke cost would not be msde a lien against the estate. The action of tha 'executive board makes ths roat of repairs and changes a proper lien so we are proceeding to make the de sired Improvements." . . Bafebi tvaaaaai So apeak. , There will be a special meeting of the Council of Jewish Women tomorrow evening at o'clock at the Helllng Hlrsch hslL at which Mrs. J. H. Landau I will read a paper and Rabbi Landau will I give aa Informal address, J Nojone can merely "ricrisomcrsui cle, butHtnTinfallible-pne Some cheap brands , may raise the dough, yet con- There is one safe, sure xtzyiio follow the recommendations -of ihe I: ; ; T y. . NEW ARCTIC EXPEDITION :: TO START FOR' NORTH ""' lMUr Minatrh n T. Xauraal.t Vancouver, B. C, March 10 Captain Mlkkleson, formerly of - the Danish navy In Vancouver, will head a polar expedition, that will outfit and sail from Vancouver. Funds for the expedition are mainly aupplled by the Dnohees of Bedford, who te enthusiast on polar researches, and Sir Robert Markham, president of tha Royal Geographical so ciety. The expedition will go under ths ausDlces of the Royal society and American Geographical society, it wiu coet tt. 000 to outfit the expedition. which will sail about Apill I. - 0-ton schooner will - be outfitted and a crew of alx men will go. Captain Mlkkleson states that he firmly be lieves the .expedition will result in the discovery of either the new polar conti nent or a large mass or lsianas. woicu has long believed to axtst ofT the north ern Siberia coast. - ' STORK HOVERING OVER HOME OF YOUNG JOHN D. (Joernal Sneelal Berrlca.) New York, March 10. For tha aeeond time' the atork la hovering over' the household of John D. Rockefeller Jr. haMrs.Rockefenerwehrarrvlng IiTTM park yesterday but today did not vsn- I tare m the hl"'T - f ma alr of expectancy alao at the home of John D. Rockefeller Sr.,' which la almost across the street. The Rockefeller Dhvslolan la in attendance. The baby will be the second born to the young millionaire and hla wife, who was Miss ADDy u. juaricn.' aaugniw of Senator Nelson W. Aid rich of Rhode Island. The first child, wssa glrL born November S.'UOJr 'Young Mr. Rocke feller and hla wife were married Octo ber , J01. TO BUILD ROAD FROM ASTORIA TO SEASIDE (SpeeUI Oispateb te Tbe Josraal.i Salem, Or., March 10 The -Astoria Sk -Coast Intern rban - Rail way -company today has filed articles of Incorpora tion. The incorporators : are Charles M. Cartwright, William I Dudley, Edgar J. Daly. Sanderson Reed, B. F. Allen and J. Frank Watson. The cap ital stock is 1300,000, with head offloe at Astoria. Tha object la to construct g railway from Astoria to Seaside. BISMARCK'S OPPONENT , IS DEAD IN BERLIN - (Joarasl Ipeelal Brvla.l ' Berlin, March 10. Eugene Rlchtar, Radical, leader of the relchstag, Bis marck's old opponent, died this morn ing. He was born in Dusseldorf July ia. 1838, and educated at Dusseldorf, Bonn and Heidelberg. His father waa a well-known physician. He was elected to the relchstag in 13(7 and has since been leader of the German Frelslnnlge party. His waa the author of several political worka. .. ; ,r , ; EIGHT-JCILLED BY EARTHQUAKE IN INDIA r (Journal Bptcttl Berries.) . Lahore. India, March 10. In an earthquake at Bashahr S ware killed and 24 injured. The property loes is great , , MOODY TO ARGUE IN rSEEFPACKERSCASE Joarnsl Special Servlea.1 Chicago, Maroh lOAttorn.y.Qenerai "HOBdy arrived this inuinlng and is in conference i with . the " government at torneys In "ths packers'" caae:" It isba llcved that, when it comes to the final presentation 6nhe'ese'Mooay""wnr make the argument himself next week. SENTENCED TO HANG : BUT APPEAL GRANTED (Jenraal Bpeetal serrtre.) Jefferson City, Mo., March 10. Harry Vaughn, George Ryan and Ed Raymond convicts, who killed Oatsman John Clay In a mutiny at the penitentiary Novem ber ifi, were sentenced today to . be hanged April 30., An appeal waa granted. '.' c 3 ' ' ' ' V . - ' ' i "iii V ' ; tell g:bak by the appearance ; U. S. GOVEMIlWin: ANALYSTS, THE HIGHEST AUTIIORITIES ON I1YGIENE -THROUGHOUT THE VORLD, . THE BEST H0US2KESPERS EVERYVTHZHE BSOlTEfcytiWElE :-. '.v.i" 'JJ'v COURT'S DECISION ASSURES niLLlOn DOLLAR KiSTITUTE . .- - ' (Continued from Page One.) become lnoompetent or ' refuse to ' aot, then tha remaining trustees, or a ma-. Jorlty of them, shall appoint another or other sulta bis person-or-persons. .and thereupon auch new trustee or trustees shall become and be Invested with' all tha rlahta. nrlvllearea and aatat.a. in- clodlagjhs sppolntmeut of ilea) uu-sWss7pt''1MtBaT and subject to all the duties and ob ligations as If originally named aa trustees- la thla my wilt And I, hereby give and grant to aald trustees full power and authority to make auch rule and regulations for the government of aald institute and admission of appli cants thereto Tiot Inconsistent with the purpose thereof, aa herein expressed, aa to them or a majority of them ehall seem proper, with power in their dis cretion to Incorporate aald institute In the name herein designated under the laws of the atata of Oregon, providing for the incorporation of religious, be nevolent and charitable societies, if and whenever the incorporation thereof shall tend to .the better perpetuation thereof, and the promotion of the ob- Jecta for which this, bequest Is made. Provided, that no compensation shall be demanded or received by any trae- tee hereunder, nor by any officer of Jiucb corporation." Tiasssee o KeeV . Rev. Mr. EJIot, one of the trustees of the institute, declared that the body would net meet until advised by Mr. Winch, tha executor, that funds for ths Institute were ready to be turned over thm to that effect the preliminary de talla In connection with the establish ment of the institute will be begun. In - view of the decision of . Judge Moore It is thought that the trustees may be notified within a short time and that the actual establishment of .the Institute will begin aa soon as the case haa . been finally disposed of by the supreme court of this atata, . UPHOLDS EVERY POINT. Jndgo Monroe Sustains 9eoialom of Ore gon Oowres la Base Oaoa. (Special blspateh te Tbe JooraaL) Los Angelss, Cel.. March 10. A de cision In the Amanda W. Reed will con test by Judge Monroe of the superior oourt was rendered at the conclusion of a night aeaslon shortly after midnight last night. It on svery point decided in favor of tha Oregon proponents of the will and the case turned upon" a point of the right of the California courts to interfere with the Judgment rendered by the Oregon courts. Judge Monroe held that the Oregon courts There 1$ One' and Only One. You do not know that Soda Cracker until you know Uneeda-Biccuit -To taste-Uncsda Clccul falhin love with them. -You never foTff that lint lastend you renew itv ume you eat Unccda Circuit in a NATIOKAL BISCUIT-COMPANY tax Ba& POWDER having' obeyed Jurisdiction and settled the queatlonrof residence, the California courts were bound by -their . decision. The court reviewed the proceeding tn the Oregon courts at some length. Be laid special a trees upon the deolaloa of the dfatrlet court and the present ap- -peal to the Oregon - supreme court. While basing his decision on the right of the court the Judge Intimated that tha facta presented would force him to the earn cenoluatoa had tba eoart had ., tbe original, jurisdiction. He held that the teetlmony ahowed that the interests ef-lhe Reeda waa la Oregon, and that perfect sympathy between husband and 1 wire over the disposition or tnsir prop erty existed that .the residence of Mrs. temooranr. ! althouah bar resi dence . was purchased that ths whole life of Mrs. Reed waa such that bar real intereata in Ufa centered among -her old friends and that the founding of an art institute waa aettled before the death of her husband, who' railed upon hla wife to earryOt into-aff art, , , - INVESTIGATE RAILROAD tzt C OWNERSHIP OF COAL - ' (Joareal Special Sot tee.) ' Washington, March ' 19. The Inter-' state commerce commission this morn ing formally ordered an Investigation' of tbe alleged railroad monopolies of . I coal and oik tnaooordanoe with- the Tillman resolution. ; ? s ,1 i AMERICAN DENTISTRY has done wonders and gained great distinction among all the civilised nations of tha earth even relieving wild beasts when suffering from toothache.- We tise the very latest American methods that have proved their worth. - Our skill and dexterity in dental work help us to wOrk fat enough . to attend to vour wants' quickly and cheaply. Ask now cheaply. WISE BROS. Hsia SOta. 7 - Tatrg u( WaaMngw. Opea eras lacs sad Sunday. Work dene ea easy payment. Soda Dacker dust tight, , ; moisturt proof package