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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1906)
THE OREGON DaIlY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 10. ItZX 12 J1AL'- ii WaitM'tates V7 r,. .1 rks Bosteffle t Parttaad. tor UHMtUUH Urwixk th malle aa Sob4- Postsg (a J I'lM PPM I tl w UltM age. 3 BU. I .. , Editorial Booses......... , ?"r 52 usissi Utile Foina abtibtibibw mJtmMmyATm. Vrevl.ud B..J.BH Special A dear list ' IM Nissan iimt, h. JkiUuluU. fan, xtiuigm, , . ' t. '. VBSCJUrriOX UTM.','V. Turn by Cts. '' Tks Dslly Jouru.1, wltk Sunday, t ys...a Tb Dally Journal. I fW.... ...; K Th Dally Journal, will Hjndar. mostk. J" Tb Dstljr inml ) ama.- fS Tbe Dallr JunroaL with buudsy. BBBalbs. iS ik. tk.ii. 1 1 a nnnihi Pk. fa. 11- .-.-7 saw I lb. Mil mala V. 1 SjJWdajT JaS aeaa wm ww .- Tb Dally, Mr ak. dllrd. Sunday .16 ,ti i.iirr"wVtu-wi"w ceplwl ..........,. I-'T: - . - V. Wall. ' 1 .18 --- wiik .under. 1 yr""'J r: 00 ' in Mil journal, . in Mil 1 Ik Daily Tu Hall . Tin Dallr - to vaiiy journal, wu y tlii allr Journal. I !.... 1m ; )h uJ7 Journal. 1 to'-" Tuu . . tk Bal-Wkl- 'aaraal, , ' "Tk J our oak. " JJZ !. each lana. Illustrated, fan arkt " j M Bete. exprs order and msll " M-UMJ "la i w4 3at JiVkSaUE. P. O. Box IM. PortlaBd. wk- -WHEB XHS JOffXBAl MAY M ik. Jo.rn.1 can b . !" ' tlUIHat. ID HO H. tall, Cn,I .W. nv ao- . lutjrr; arch Cnnnlnfba , n.. ' ttslrkkWfW rV Vo laud. " ANkA IT AkWlcka?" j" .il)8 aJ ;ieL8--H. MWkDkH Wkfont iaoai ihtl BaratavattPwa " .Uimlh . kllNXEAl-OLll it. J. k-aianauin. no nonlk liklWVtl'ciTTIteMtkn", tJnton flfi rv a 1 1 a uiii.i nAini nn tftua: - n A T alV .'fTVV.w.n. Vtlnttll MWI itlBfli Juaia. Hriav. M. tlrcuna ..JggitJgrtj Mra. Lin. wpapf wairon. m a at mr.m n V Inu. ainaflr VllOt. AN rHANCISCO W. K. ArUlnf. Pnla UoM .fioldamllb hroa., 238 guitar atwi and St. Francl hotel; rokfr A Oraar. tmf tw in.;; N. WorkUci KWapaper wajoB. MarfcH - ana lutiur. . . IE.VJTT.B Urlnlft Orand Bw aland: A. K UBrrr. Hotrl 8atlk nw (tand. . T. J.OUIS Pblllln Hwdrr. l Locnat atrnvtl K. T. Jtt, 0 Oil atraali 0orf 1 A ck arm an. RPOKAKE Jnhn W. flraham A C. TACOMA Ontra) Nwn eompaa. Bnt.l Ta . com hwi ntand; Acm Kwa aoaiBaa, - - nvanaraar w.aon. . . VICTORIA, a TletorU Book Station- or mmpanr. WEATHER REPORT. Th. low. nrannr ytrdy . Arlnnn ban d.rrlord Into a dlatwhanr of d-tWHr.itrr and adran-od aorth to I'tah. it baa, In ran-JniH-tlnB with a hlrh nrmaar ark rrntral -- -ttr in, t'anadlan nortliwnt. i aipnd ran In ."ntbera ldab. Wonlng, OolArado. watra Kanaak, wratrrn NrbraMka, walrn llouth' fm- - kola, watra North Dakota and wcatrra Mnn lana. Th. tcrnprralnrr bar fallen drcldrdl IB TnrTioTfB?f n alafra b.fwrn th Bofk" bkwo t.ln. and th. Mlaalaalppl rlw. It la ibn ronkr In th. rall.T. . Th KrwKng. " Tknd ilorm kaa rrmatacd" nrarrf ntntkmnr and flight enow ka fallva.nt rnttnMl plra In . - th. lower hk. mgtoa and tb mlddl Atlaatlc ., . Kw- KngUnJ . .ktktr. . . -. . Italn or nnw and lower pmnrralurra Bur , .n winrtd during tb nnt 24 hour eaat of tb. t'aarado mountain, whll I watra Orrgoa ' and WMtn-a Waatalngtoa but llttl pncipllkUoa ' will rrnr. t ObarrraUana takna at 8 k. .. Padoe ttak . ' Tmp ' Ktatkma V" Mai. Mln. Pradp. Pik.r C'ltr, Orrcoa. M . M .0 Itoataa. Maaaarnnnttk..,.. 40 r '. - M . ' M 4'hlrnan. Illlnola 44 ,. 4fl .04 folocadfa .... Ad 24- . .20 "Kan (It. MlawNirt..'... 44 . , .0 . N.w rl.kii. Lonlalana . . . . To M .0 Srw York. Nrw York 50 JwJ . .O " rorllaniT Trrrgoir.V......, W , 11 n 1 HfwrtHirg. (rrrtron,.,. A .an ,o alt ak: Vtak.. " .0 Im rnit Prmfcan. Waahlngtna...... 4a ! .0 'Taonmn. Waablnjrtnn.. ;.-.. M.--lw! Jt Will WalU. Waahlagtoa. 0 , M ' Waablngton. p. 0 62 M T MARRIAGE LICENSES. John Chrtatrunra. 51 1 B. M. Irtah. 42. Edward Moodr. Wkahnogal, Waablagtea, 88; F. W. Iloadl.. 23; Emma B. Wrrkooff. 22. . Wllliarn Tbonuk, Moota.Ula, Or. gon, 22; Ollr WMdln Oarda. W. A, Cnlrh ft 0., T7ak tngta bldg.. cor. Fonrrk and Waablngtoa at. Mia. Brthk Martin mom (12 Alkik bldg. Btamplng and fin nrrdlrwork; I on fflrfn. BIRTHS." P.IMMERMAN Marrb 1, X Mr. and Mr. Carl . KlmniHrtrtan. H22 Mlawmrt arrrm. a Bo. HATTON Marrli 7. In Mr. and Mr. (Hoar Hat Ion. A.",! Thnrman itrrrt, a daughter. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. WARK-Uarrh 7. Ml War. 808 Mlnlarlppl .armil. diphtheria. IIA RT Marrb a, Irma Hart. 40 EUa trt, rhlrkcnnnk-t Itri K -W.rrh . O. h. Berk. 1IW Mllwankl h.t, amallpnk. DEATHS. CI, ASK Marrk V. Tlinmaa Jam Clark, gd 47 mra. B4 ererett street ; eaine. heart dteeaa. Pnrlal at Greenwood rvmeterr. TTI'HilN M.rrb a. Almon T. Hlgglna. agd Kl reara. Interment In Mllwankl Pemeterr. UNDERTAKERS. r.dward Holman On . tit leading faneral dlrertora. hare the net atablUhment th neat gnmla, Ihe tnaat rehlrle and tb moat rnmihl. prlroa. Fine bmadrlotb-roTered -ra.keta. $23 and . Th 0net wood mnda 222 Third atre.1, eornar 8alnn, Portland, Oregon. ... a .i . k. 73 journal, wit 7- -a Journal antb.. I So journ.!, wltk BuwUf. ooUk. 1J0 Journal. I anontka ........ lTi 1 U.. 4aa aftBOwIlBk J (WV .. J. P. ' Flnle A Bon. funeral dtrwrtor ink . mhalmrra, mrner Third and Midlana atrwTt. ... , - Clfflok of out eoronwr. T. ley how M,7 flwnnlng. MeEnte at llngnr mdrttra ' ,mi "?' In"r,i aodra la r detalL lTnth i ' a ad Pin. Mala 0. Lad alaunt ; .; A. B. Beraatorli. andertaker and mba Inter r JJ"""1 ana umauila ara. Phoa Clark Broa for kanrara. 2St MorrkMra trwt BIYZBTIIW CZKXTIBT, rlaaaw tail MalntalM and au. L. - Information ll to W. II btaekanat. s. -TT.'er rr,e-.y"f. .Pij. A-snn prssl. RltAL-ESTATETRANSFERS." la.V-.. A . VI-, I. ri-v lots 12 snd 13. block 1, Sunylde. . .8 1 Alllae Treat rompsny, Ltd., to B. F. . V Cbrd. aorth H nortbeest frartlnrwl ' '. tilers 8. kaalHvBB'S sdiUtloa, East part -- land loo L. H. Ringbone and wlf ta Tills S. Bmltti, pert northwest H nortbeaat u -' eecflnn S, townhlp 1 outh, rang 1 , . east, and part north weat 14 noru.ast ' . . soctloa S. towasbla 1 south, rang I eat ..... ' 1 t. C. Furbln to A. Mstrlsea t aL, Ut 5, bUwk I, Tsbor VI lis 1 . 1 A. Metlesam and wlf to L. SVbnaucber,. fcat ft, bloek I, Esst Tbm VIII....... A. T liens eMta to W. O. Eaton, . fneetlnael hit S. 4. 8. B. block 6; . f rsei toul mt 1, J, bksvk 10. Sherlock addition ....1... 3.0t !!. T. A. Itavla to W. tl. Ealos. lot 4. block in Kberlork sddlllon I f. I., kweett nd wife t mils T. A. . I .!, twt 4, block IB, werksrk sd- ' , All Ml I j. . j. ' ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. H. B.,bblna aaw nruurrtr a, block tl. II ....... ' tOO a-aciac toaat Atatraet compan tn Anna M. IVmnje, lot 3 and . blork i. Bralaaad Tra-4 n-t ,,T j..-, .- trr, B. ('. Huragu to Martin 8taulr. lota I lit,, hhwh . NwniwIiK . 50 at. aenterg ana wir lo B. M. Loni bard, Mb T ta 12, Inrlnalr., blork 2u. -Jia -.- to -It. IwlualT.,' bUnk t; M i blork T, Venter a addition , ' B. B. ttlnnott et tl to Joaepb M. Heal. - . lota 7 and - . block ML Kaat Port'-' . land 41.000 a. uraiioa to M. J. Urattnn, lot o, blork ; lot t and i. bkn-k W. Oell- " wood ..... ., M P. . Jkjonigomer jJteiculorw to F. JC roffln. Ion t tv S. Incluaire, block 59. Alblna :.: E. 1kw t Marl JIoum. north U of north i lot . blurb KM, HIT ., . . a. ti. UnmaiaiM and wlfa tu Frank Krnr- nan, lo( 1 and 2, wrtioa 21. and . aal tn nortkwnat H amtiu 21, town ati In 1 north, 1 aa. W. Hldt and wlf "to Frank Klrrnan, , aoutk H Mwlbraat , blork 2, Wlirrl ' r'a addHlun. Kmmt Portland LB. B..lonl and vlr. 10 iralik K lot 1 and IL awl ton 21. and a.t aorfhwMt arrtlnn XI, townahiB 1 north, ran 1 mat ............... .t. ' O. O. 1 (latnraana and wlf to Frank LJUrnankL 2, arcluin JU.. tornilB I 1 north, ran 1 raat; nat H norih- - wr. rnwn i. wwnanin a woria rant 1 ra.t P. K. Nobl and wlf to Frank Klornan, ' am proprt7 ...... . .'. ...... . 9. J. Burma rk -al. to Frank Klornan, . . lot 1 and X. arellon tl: at norl h- ' , nnt uftioB 21, kown.hlp 1 north, ra nr. 1 t . S. J. Barrag to Frank Klrrnan. kit 2, - nrrtlon II, and at H nnrthwoat hk t artlo tl, townahtp I north, ran 1. raat .'. I. I Alnawortk and wtt la Frank Kir 1. C. - Alnawortli and wlf. In ' Frank Klarnaa. lota 1 and I.. Mellon 21; aat H north wrat u ar-tlon 21. town.hlp 1 north, rang. 1 A. W. Orobork and wlf to Frank K lar va, am nroprrt . L...r A. W. Oropork and wlf to Frank Klrr n.a. lot 2 and at H nrtliwat tloB21Ltowpahtp 1 jwrth rang 1 kt . i.irrfin r.V. . - -------- - . - " . A. I. kl.larkr knd hnahand . to Frank Klcraan. tna proprrtr A. I. Malarke and hnaband to Frank Klernan, Iota 1 and 2. aeriloa 21: raat . ttortbweat 4 aertlon 21, townahlp ToiyrWrV&i'nt' yrfMliaW ' 1 Frank Klernan. kit 2. aertlon 21. and -'ahln 1 north, ran 1 eaat Frank Klernan. Iota and 2. aertlon 81i and ea.t H northwMt 14 aertloa 21, ' townahlp 1 north, ranre 1 raat . I Wood Rlre Elnc ronnanr to Jennie B. . Kmlth, 2M an nrglantog waal Un ...... - Plmptvn KeU donation bnd rlalm. aertloa 4. 'townahlp 1 ooth. rang 8 ea.t ....,.... i .- 1I.OO0 H. E. Sobl and wlf to C. B. Flelda. HI m fet lot . block 22. Eaat T"' . Portland . B. W. Morrla lo William Borsch, lot 1 to . Inrmre. blork 10: lot 15 . . to 1. rarhnlr. blork 17; lot to- 14. Inrhialre, blork 28. Portland Park addition . . , . "', , B. Wlnklemaua to A. E. Len, lot . blork la Uneoln Pkrk . . . M C. T. BVhmeder t E. Mohrmann. rut " 2TT "blork 8.7ArliaPkTk-lta.-8 ......... 260 M. Wot tick and bn.hand to K- tm-. lei, lota. 21, 22. 23.. block 4, Bralnnrd 1&- John F. ranlra et 1. to Martlfa tlim ai.nw knt A block 4. WnndlawB 400 800 M. Himauu and buaband t J. E. Rtanaherr, me , proneri ' Pbrb O.g. to J. F. Miller t al., lot A blork M. Woodlann ... A klnek .- Maaameld Fred A. Tanklrk and wife to B. F. Tan' kirk. t T and . - Crf--ddltlon, ' Monnt Tabor : .i i. ......... . T501. Wlmmlal Bherlork comnaar to J. B. loos, t sl.. north J4 blork 10. Bher lork addition . . ; '. . 7. .T. .: :.? .. ia.uuu P H. Maria, and wlfa to W'. 0. ftnif; bell, lot 81. block A. Portsmouth Villa- Eitenatna.. William Irrln and wife to B. 8. Farrell. lot 4. blork 110, Htepnen'a addition: -. auw lot 4. blork 57. Alblna! blork 8 and east 40 feet lota 1 and 2, blork 4. . Garrison's sabdlrlslon. East Portland.. Inrestment compan to M. O'Brien, kit"-.. 1. block 8. Highland Plar lBTtmnt compan to M. 0'Brlea. lot . . A blork 1. Bererlr Is tret me nt Mortgar Bernrlty rmnnanr. Istd.. to M. Li. (traonm ann nususnn. ...i U In t. T a nit a bmrk-klBr-Alm' addition. Eaat Portland 2.500 8lrl Onttst and wlf to C. C. Blelnel ktia wile, ana . , i aen w, ni- land .dditlnn 750 0. Fowler to Beth Fn wler, lot 18. blork 1. East Tabor Villa ; . . . . vi-.vr; . rrt, i Eastern Inrestment company. Ltd.. to Victor Land rompanr, lots 31 and 22, " 'block 1. Orchard Plar ,...... I W. o. Estoa to E. Itons et t;. frae- .- tlonal lota I, t i block 10. Sbcrrork .AHItlow - - X.50 Diamond Iauid rompany ta Jobs B. Toa .i r.ariwinal fol a. Dloca nt, nqrr- lock addition ' 5,lkW Arl.U Land company to- Mlnnl Ander on, lot 24, Mock 7, Arlet Park Nn. 2. - 100 Cbarlea A. Myer to Iren Mrliittr. , . " outb "8 5-1 feer lot- nna wear in - feet of onib nn i s leet, tot o. oioca 5. Olencoe Park B, Wilson and wife to 1. W. Campbell, lot T. blork 4ft, sellwood 1.400 Lmlaa E. A key an and husband to J. Roberta Jr.. lot I0. mora o, nrii' wood .i . . . . . . Ida E. Roberta and husband tn William E. Hartne. west H kits 5 snd , blork 21. IlsnBon'a Beraod addition, Eaat Portland 'i' W. E. Bralnard nd wlfr to Addl B. . Elliott, lot 1. blork 7. Termlnnaj ad dition. Alblna SO 800 BOA flet yonr then ranee and anetreera tn real e. tt from th Title flnarante A Trnet esmpaay. 24 Waehlrarton tret. corner Second NOTICE. WE. tb nndenrlgned ftrmltnre and nlsno kwrrers. will- rernilr tb payment sf all rnarge trnon d.llrer nf good aftar fleee ot her 1, Iflnfl: n. C. C. F. Harder. O. F. Huef. Crttrrnre Bro.. Portland D- . Bsary .. Post Sped si He II .err Co.. Pack age Dellrery Co.. Holman Tranafar Co., ; Northwester. Tranafer Co.. Orego) Auto Dla- Rstrb C.. J oka nanrnton. Jame MrLlndea. wen McLlndrn. Pnelflr? Transfer (To., Oregoa '.. Tranafer C.. Portland Van A Stnrag Co., : Wakemaa. Mora Tranafer Co.. East Sid Tranafer Co.. C. 0. Pick Tranafer A Storage re., 0. M. Olkoa. Baggage A Omnlboa Trana fer Co.. A. J. Murphy. Kadd.rly Tranafer rommaaloa Co.. ion a a. free. A Blew J. Mnrtiky, F. M. traUad. F. Millar, Flock at Hendersna. TO pay for tke board, I will oa March 24 cell the team of horse held at my stsbles: th ' team consists af 1 h y cure and lbrack . horse and net of harness. M. K. Peterson, TIE" PROPER-r Classification of your want ad in .The Journal .. j. means the ' building; of a 5traigM;Rbad ""For those who hare what ( 'r you want or want what ' ;. you have. The wanters v. . and the wanted can't avoid each other if they get into ' " " " Tbe Want Columns of .ME JOURNAL' i OTr4rTK.liT rtrnA . I NOTICE. KQIia UlUCal. ! 8r,,pcrtT of tli t) "Hr.;A.;,rlirfr--tw th jiraacBlaea and anion rotnpan. rflfcf" 111 f lb Oriiou Tract ki compan bar adoptad a rnauliitloa auUiorbuug and dltwetlug lb dl olutloa of ti aald conuratruaJ and taa dla- lo of all Ita eprta. . . -.. . Pursuant t ld resolution and tb rwaoio- tln sf ilia baard af dii aulbnrlitng U'I dlrctln tiw sal of all of lh proprt b- kMutlng tn- lb ooyar,.4 wUI. at Aha Bunt nt iu n clock . mi., on lounaiaj, f- - oa wt aiarcn, lieao, i iw .. - a tlM count, coarthuna. la tint rlt of Portj A land, count, urraon, m public sal, to tb blgbeat bld.ler for an, Ihm r.nAl.l-a ...ll.t .rack, tlltllt Of F and eontrarta eor rla-ht of Vltf tlMItbr Wttb II mapa, profile, offlc flttoraa nd farnl tur. and all nmuertt of whalerer kind wnl tvr saM corpora l). Tu natd property rtH h B..I.I lit hoik and SB il Blltlrt The anld franrhlae of aald compan r f erred to r a follows, to wit: ; A francbls antnorlalng tb cMtrncllcr a rallw tin throuxb th clt f Hlllekoro ad fraarhla arantlng In right to instruct a. rallwa.oa and -or certain streets In th rlt of Fore.t r.ror. Waalilngtow a"1' Oregon, and f ranch la grnnted br tb clt of Port Is sd. Or.. b.r ardlnsnc No. H.64. n tllled. "An onllnsnr granting to th Oregoa TrscitoB coninan. Its successor and lgn. tKa rlaht I. ana.lmel lav down, mslntnih Uttd operate rallwaa and pole and wlr and Bit Uergtwnnd eondnll In lb " ""of Portland, On" 1 Appro. ed bp th maror af aald eU w th rltb da of April.- l06.t - Th constructed track belonging to aald rompaa eon. lata of abont 2.8HO feat of double track laid on Twelfth ttt. la th rlt of Portland. Or., btwen Bornald and Orsrton atreeu. In nald clt. and 30 ft f double track an P.tttrrOT treet. bc- " tween Thtrteenlb and Foorteentli ktrenta. la aald clt. and tltre rrcaainga on nixieento. T went third kni Twnt-flftb trt. at tb ' Intersection of PttgrOT trt. Tb maps and profile referred to show th surrey of th projected lectrl- rsllws Una at -tna rompsnr from th Ht of Portland. Or., t the rltr of Foreat flror. Or. X" " roll tnformatloa a a to aTl P" id compn.T, inqnir at tn diticv .i comnan, room 02. L'ston block, clt af rort- Tha MM aorporatlrw la now Indebted ta tboat th earn of fMVOOn. Of Mild nrn abont th amonnt of 88.800 M dn th Owrmanl national nana or nan vmnciwro, iai., which 8100.000 rsr rara In antcmot of tbe borula of tb company eeenred by a BBOrtgkg -or- deed of trust .on all-tn-pennarty-a compan ar deposited aa collateral and af which aald total amount aboat tb ua of 814.700 1 secured by atcbnle' liens an th franrhlae. roadbed and constrntd truck '.of thn company In th city of Portland, tb wnatndar at aaM inoetileOBBSB osmg wn 1-ha, amiA awawtt. ehelt ta. nii tn th highest bidder. Th porch prlr shall h TisVTnTiirrrTnkkBOr-br armptabkl enrtfc-. fled rhck. at e berora s -o'clock ju kkoi . k . Jl a ut - D, ttmmn t t a he. M.At t l 1 th ond irslrne.1 t th offlc of tn eon. -pny. I'nlon blork. PortUnd.'Or. If tb - person -of faring th. highest bid for all f Mild pmperty shall aot pay tb nllr par chaa prlr by 8 o'clock p. as. of aald da nf Bale, tu peraon offering th arrond klgbrst bid nhall be" nt1tled to tb eonrejsnc of aald praperty. If b aball pay (h eatlc sum bid by btm be for 4 o'clock p. m. of sld daof aal: and If neither th aald ' blrnat or mrxt blgbeat bidder (hall pay oa aid day nf aale tb amount bid by aim. th director of th company at their optlm may sell aald property to any person bidding at ald sale who make full payment oa tb da of aald aal of tb ram bid by blm. Tit right to reject any and all Bid a By order of tb board of director. W. I.. GOTTT.O. " Bti'iatkry OragiaJ Tradloar Ooropsn; STATE of Oregon.-rottnty nf Mnltnomah. . iT Notlr. la AcreDjCg"ren that -nnppUm.ntnry -rtlclc of InrorporafloB of Central Baak A ' iMor Agrne hare thla day been Sled with tb Berretary of atate for tb atats af Oregon. for th pn-powe of amending-arttrl I of aald arrlrle of tncornoratlon bo that th Sams ball read aa follow: - ARTICLE I. The name aaaumed by thla corporation. . and by which It aball b know, la Central ljeoe A l.imnar 1'ftmnanr . ... ..... A.- F. fHUM, . . . i i. C. ORII'PEB. ' R. N. PARKS. ini iK'iiira nt letiiiai uani' February 17. ISO. NOTICE U hereby (Iren that on th serenUl -day of December. 1005, Jame H. Snyder f Portland, Oregon, was duly adjudicated hankrunt. and that tb flrftt meetln of hi rndltor will b held at room SU0. Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Oregon, n th tw.nty econd day of March. 1005, at 11 o'clock a. m.. at which tiro th aald creditors may attend, prlr their claima, ap point a treat, examine tbe bankrupt aad transact such othar nualnea aa nay properly urn befnr. nuch meeting.. tntted. portstnd, Or.n. Maroa T. ibob. ALEX BWEEK. Refer In Bankruptcy. MEETING NOTICES. . BPEC1AL MEETING. There will ba a soaclsl meeting of fh hosrd of directors of tb Portland Mining rompany held In th office, room 80S McKay hWg.. at 2 o'clock p. mi oa Saturday, March 10. for the pnrpo -of - tranaaetlng pcll boslness. - M. i. CL0HE8BT. Asst. Srrtar. O. 0. r. Mem here of IIsaawT6dg "NoTH Will meat at their ball, Flrt and Alder els., SnndsT. Marrh 11. at 1:45 D. m- for tha k" nnrpoa of comlnctlng th funeral of our lata protnrr, i. 4. t lara. inirrmrnt in um -r ir cemetery. A full attendance I desired and members of the order Inrlted to ttnd. HENRI BROWN. Secretary. ALBINA Lodge, K. 101. A. F. A A. M. Bpeclal rommnnlcatloa thla (Saturday) erealng at 8 o'clock. Work in E. A. degree. Visiting brethren, aordlally lnrltrd. By order M. M. A. J. HANDLAN, Bee. . PORTLAND Aseembl No. S will f It an spron and necktie wbist aorut ac in usu aenowa ball, ra. East Pine end Orand arcane, Moa day. March 12. AU Inrlted. J . LOST AND FOUND. LOUT At IHyton. one telecope, between Herri rjmgstore ana tn waratoower, " February 20. Finder pies mi war at Dayton postofflc and recelT reward. F. M. Bote. ford. " -- - HELP WANTED MALE. 129 A DAT. FBEB FABEI Of nee Fee 81 Thafa All Erlrksna A Petternon. eontraetort B th big Bnsk Blrer Job 4rom Blparla. Washing ton, to Lewlaton. Idaho, bar Increased wage 25 cent oa the day; nothing lea than 82.25. and want 400 tea maters, labor era and rock and ceocret men. HANSEN'S OFFICE, 28 NORTH SECOND BT. WANTED For Called Bute Army, able-bodied unmarried men between age at zi aao oo. cm nena of Inltsd Btsts. of good character and temperate habit, who can apeak, read and writ English. APPj a Recruiting Of. Beer. Alnawortk blk Third and Oak - atav, Pwtland. Oregon. - - WB want a cu 1 trarellng asleerosn to repr- aat aa en th road, oa a ommisaion. nowi A Beataurant Supply Co.. 8o Second at. BED CROSS atanda for relief la cut. rtrronU and malignant aiaeaa; can or .rat, m Crwss Dispensary, Third and Ask ate. CABIN-rTMAlttiUl-WASiTED. lw Bo'etl.k, 872 Front t- WANTKD Aa ap-to-dat meat market maa with tlwBOO. - ia ncaiy bio. MtrMT -eeeellest -apportunit tar . first lasnra r accident Ineurance man with reference, " Thn. I. Thornton. 817 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED ieacners; rural .", 8100. Flab 1 earners Agancy, taw nutiam v. Eaat see. boy - wfBirt-jtttyww"r4'rwijgst-- . Apply tCMUj Morrlsoa at. Mr. Coulter. nrmTivia wanted bv railroad sod eraroora- tlona; demand greatly exceeds trained eus ply; Instruction gives t bom; .ncU tamp for particular. New York Detective School, 44 Union Square, New York. ACT1VB maa wanted In each county to hlhlL demonstrate- snd adrertls stapi line; slsfr 818 weeklr. 83 per dsy for e t pensee : no ranltal reunlred: bnaeaty aad Bobrlety more eseenllsl lbs etperlence. National Co., 720 Chestnut at.. 1'hllaoelpkl. WANTED Energetic, tmat worthy maa to we-k - In tares, repreeentlng larg mannfactarln ennipan; aalarv $40 to $H0 per month, paid wees 1; cipenses eaTanreu. aaiirees, wit atamp, J. . II. Moore, Portland, Or. WANTED A position hi grocery store. .try nil kaa. S SuiCi HELP WANTED MALE. FIREMEN and brakstn aa Oregon and tbr LltaAaitlBM. , t I lirumiUnH In i ouuble: atal aa. uualtlua poaltkma paying ir.frrd; send atainp. ttniiwa Amaciattoa. Vpt. 44. l Market t.. Baa rrancuro. DON'T r.t a lob lr m want to k mooer. HrlljVilon Mutual Blrk . and Accident Bn. BUS. w Aariueui atu. MAN to cleat laad bj da or job. Can So2 Williams . ALttSMETf - WANTED Tor oaa of tke largest nuraerlea in tn west; rean mirancea weeai on order; good territory open. Address Wakhluftoa Kuraery Co., Toppenlsk, Waah. BRIUHT BOY to work la ' ernt's furnishing 1 arori appty with rifsfntsa, una Wnakliigtoav CtKID pay fin? ..meat worker rcrwbr distributing rlrcnlar, umpire and adrrt la in matter. No oativaaslog. CouperatlB Ad rertlalug Co., New York. HARNK.SSMAKEHB waated. Bpokan. Waablngtoa. ' A. A. Kraft Oo., WANTED Good entald ssleaman. a kuatler, at once; good opporttinltlr and rhaac for rradTkncsBMUt. Columbia P bono graph Co..' 871 Waablngtoa at. .. . - WANTED . lonng nnmarrlad man for atraoE. raphy and outald work: 830 per month Bal er snd commission, -tall Bnndny btwssn 8 and 5 P. m., 203 Mobnwk bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE HANSEN'S LADIEr AOENCT, 848 Wablng ton at., cor Serenta. upstslra. Pbon Mala 20B2L Fmal help wanted. " BDITCATED, r fined, energetic woman to an. gag with Tlarl com pan ; .reference, .Apply room aa Awi pniiaing.. BEAUTIFUL, drisars: sst tlm end money Dy learning bow to makayonr own nt Renter collece. Alleky bldg., ltor SR5 Morruoa" bookktt fr: pattern rat to meaaar. WANTED Lady aperinred 1b koslness to net - SB ollc1tor for .Inrestment brokerage com. - psny. Apply f 504 Dskum bldg., clt. V MALE -AND-PEMALE-HELPr- HELP wanted and vnpplled. mala or femal. R. u. lrraaau zoo sk "rTasningtoa c rine laru. tTTT.TATTQm?tjtv-MAT g MAN and wife wiah eltnation on farm or trmtnJo orwintak pur oa " khkre - nod refeeenc -W.-M. - kVlklllng. KrsaQB City, Oregon. SITUATIONS WANTED-1?EMALE XOUVO lady dealre typewriting work to d . at noma Tenlnga. och copying Wttsrs. ddresalng envelopes, wrappers or any kind af typewriting" work: own Underwood ma chine. K 87, car Journal. - MIDDLB-AOBD woma wants work by th day) kaa good recom mends tlons. pboq Unloa 281. EXPERIENCED but wUhea position wltk - an Inralld -eev aa bouwkeeper In th country or mountains; object good bom. K. 24, care . Journal. . . . - A COMPETE! ptrlenc deelres a position aa bookkeeper; reference Pbon Eat losa THrthOtTGHLY iperlrnced dreesmsker wib ngsgemenui sewing In fmlll; wsges moderate. Address 660 Beech at. TOtrNO lady delre to tecb piano at your bom; beg lnnnra'lflrjflTanrr(1 - niiplla accord .. log to agreement. - Addrea 1040 Portsmoutb re., Unlrerslty Park, Portland,. Orcron. WANTED AGENTS. 'ANTED Agents: something new; good aellar big wage. 208 aTcKky-. brat."-AJ WE want re Ma Me men tn rrr tow a ta to all lck end nocMent Insurance. Pacific Aid association, an Dekoo bldg. WANTED Rreporjalbl men and worn to aell Buyer's Cnsb Bond; liberal eommiaaloo. 810 Ablngton bldg. I . , WANTED Energetic aad aomnetoat agent ta - repreaeat a la all parts of th aortaweat; cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Co, MALB and female, aa aorlrltora for loTeatment nrrBTir- rxjmperrgr. Apply ar 004 Dekum oiag. - . - . ... EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. SHERWOOD A BOIT, 20514 MorHaon at. Mala and. female help. Pbon Main 4782. , THE Portland Employment Ca.. 206 Si Mortlaoa at. Pbob Pad f la 23S. HANBBN'B EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB. FOB MEN. . IS BT. snnd at . Phrm Main IBM, SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT nr,- North Berond. furnlsrie all kind em ployment (or men aad women. Mela 8088. BIO FOHR BMP. AGENCY Help supplied free. 18 North Second St. Pbona Main 1015. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Henry Tahara. 207 Erwratt at. Pbon Pa- ' dfle 640. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE yoa city property to ellt Hare you a farm to aell or rent? Hare yon a bualneei rou wlah to dlanos off W bar enatomar for all then waiting. Llat onr property with na: w ret result, nnerwooa at ijoyt, 20SVk Morrlaoo St., room 8. Mala 4782. WANTED Lot In Lower Alblna; stste price, location aad terms; owners. Apply A 21, Journal. . -, . . . . , . . WANTED Lot or fraction, lmprored or not. cloa la: owner only. B 38, car Journal. WANT to buy a lot on easy term: stat lora- tkm. price ana term, tv eu, car journal. I WANT to buy a bom on tna easy payment plan; fir full particular, a. w. Journal. DO TOO WANT T BE7.LT ; we bar Dnyere tor ssr ana wenv stos prnpertlea and., farm and ar continually hustling for more- try us. HAUEMANN A BLANCHARD, ' i 01 Fifth at. WANTED Corner bit, walking dlstsnee, esst or west aid, from owner or s gents, for cash. " F. Fucha, 14!4 First .' W A NTED 5-room cottage, modern, on rs.t Id bet wees Morrison and Madison, not further out than 19th at. sod not orer 88,000. Alrord A Alrord. 183 Morrison st. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO-BENT- HOl'SBB, COTTAGES. FI ATS, BOOMING HOUSES. STORES, ETC Our rental department has neaa .enlarged aad provided with additional ataff. ' - W Inrit listing from LANDLORDS, ftor pronal attention to aad eoatlauon uoerrlsion arer all propert muaated lo onr ! fQ HtLxXO -THWT COMPANY. OP ORBOON S. B. Cor. Sd and Oak at. Pbon Ex. 7X WANTED T rent. 4 to d-roora eottag or flat on went lde. Pbon Eaat 837. WANT- to reu t 1 f ui u labt d -eMrag--nr rH---)bT canine, u 1, car journal. GENTLEMAN deetreg room, beeskfssf and tiiip. peri nice location, betweea Highland -and Woodlawn, within 8 block f Union av. O 12. car JonrnaL WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 1 POSITIVELY gusrsnte ydu the bast psire for year furniture; If m kin ny for esle, yoa win lo money ! fall t call ap John Oka, Mala SOT. PAINTTNO, sprsylng end whitewashing tree, basements, tiaras, dorks, Btc.i largest gaaollne pralnf outfit oa tbe ensst. M. G. Morgaa A Co., 823 Unloa st. Pbon East 3817, HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID for fBrnltnr la any oaatlty; alsa tab ansa an aommlssloa aad gas ran tee beet remit. Tb Portland A action Roaasa. A. ncbunaca. prep., Bll First ' st. Pbob Mala 6006. WE WILL BUY. BELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. vvbhtkkb , BAI.V Atif. CO.. 127 820 WASHINGTON. FACIFI0 T08. WHO II M. 0.. MORGAN A CO. I WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8r RAT I NO and pruning of frnlt tr; wblt- 11,J"g g'- All"! . piamiwiw. w finwa isttntii nisiMi at WANTED A ticket- for cblcag r Kaaaa ('II.- Address O 8. car Journal. P Ml V a TH inanaf AtU tranlad. aa atora build' Ing and lota wortk 82.0UO: 8 eara. Home - Land Co,, lest,-?!.--. - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE ORAND glA North Tklrd St. 1 gentlemen 8150 par week ad . NICRLT fornUhed room clone tn. west aide, , hath, gas. phone. 85 Pr tnonth. Call 128 ' North Thlrtoenth. J THE RICHELIEU. 83 H NORTH SIXTH ST. Elrgantly fornhihed. rtiia beat and MUM. NICELY furnished honsekeeplng-roome; alea ... lnglropani. 06j Bna.lst...McKay but, rVlt'Etr furnished rooma, low prtee, by day. week or month; by th wk. 82.50 and up; " transient bualneaa aoUcltad. Tbe ttraad. An' .Yamhill at. ...... . ii . . i ii i 'i UlNDBR new management; tha Plan r iwmfus. nw, nreifiaaai ruuine ,T in, wa , arevai war month. . 848H -Merrlaon. NEWLY furnished all mod era roa- seiii.ncea. el 10tA at.. tarh. - Main 122 TWELFTH, cor. Washington Jnst opd under oew management; room thorough 1 ren ovated and ready for rnt; price from 88 Kr week ap; fln bay window roma Boa :aUoa. - . . . : . Fl'RNISHBD' front noma for boukplng, or ingi. jerrerson St. F0RRENT HOUSEKEEPING. SI.TB PER ' WEEK Large, ela furalabed nonaping rooms: launory a an Daua., am " Sherman. South Portland. TUB MITCHELL. Flsndere aad Bniskn, bouaekeeplng aad traaaUatl "rsnMnt; price iwaaoacbl.. FOB BENT Furnlahad houaakesplng roowas la. Bcsl Jirlrlt klucA ua aat uoa; gas ra. nam. . tc.t . no trsnaienis; pnsa sneosrnta. Liogaa Bi.. lonvk -uniuB nrs.. Alder.. Pbono But 488. THB HALL. 414 Fifth Roam, etngl r as .. euite. furnisBM lor ugat BousBpinjr. ZZT MARKET rumlahed sin (I and boossksep Ing room, all soarnlBCj moderat rant. , Hand 278 - - 1 1) WfflC tyftWin. futulsbed bouaskeeplng rooms., wltk yard,, parlor, laundry, bath. ut aace beat. 203 Vi Stantoa at. 17 ear. LA RGB. airy, unfnrnlsbed bosaekeeplng- room,' wltk fr wtr and ltrl Ugbtael for rent at . 1229 Kaat Taylor aad East Forty -ft rat at. FOUR nnfnmlahd honaskseplng-ronm, 108 Weat Park at. THB BULAND. 810H First at. Tarnished room 75c to $8 per week ; furnlbd bouse ' kplof-rooms rn ault. 88 to 84 pr week. SOME nlc booaekeeptng rooma at 544 Pet te rror it., wood or gas, to fs.w weec. ROOMS AND BOARD. l;KVOt HOTEL. 81 Horth Blxtk. neat meal; rare, room fi, ooaru ao.oo per week. J. Aiwlaraoa. prop. CA N acenmmodnt aw day bosrdern. Tsylor st. At 88.25 per wk an. BOOM and boaid. SOT Oiaut aL ' BOOM and board for 1 rmlet nd wlf.- 824 East Morrlsoa at. YOU can get tb beat board , aad roam for 830 per month at 175 14tk at, corns- YamhllL Phons Marn 2628. THE LIN DELL Market rrnbtTTfnird KmrUi. . Now family hotal: all ap-to-dat eoDT.nlences; nrat-cusa aiunf-room bcttics; rstes reasonable. - BOOM aad board. 815 per Btouth: walking dis tance. 407 Ross at., bat. DUoa and Dopant, - near Larrabe. FOR RENT HOUSES. LIST rur rental propertle with aal wa cnarg . not llttl tor onr i tic sna maa arer id mak avrrr "'fT rail on rosk WESTERN VKISUUIS TBI or cvinai, 291. Stark at Pbon Pacific 808. KADDEBLT TRANSFER CO.. pronrpt and re liable piano and furniture morses; also ator. gs. . Pbob Mala 1685. Of Bee, 110 N. Third. 88 NEAT 5-room cottage. Kay at O'MeU'i mooo nno uraos. McFARLAND'B new cottagM, on Mt. Beott ear line, 810. gin. rnooo uaia mbs. Agent at Stewart atatlon. 892 SECOND at., good f-reoSB boos. Mala 4454. i Pken THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY - 243 8TARK ST. INSURANCE. RENTALS. SEE LIST. 20.000 SQUARE feet of floor epaea an ground floor la new building on North 2dtb and Vanebn arut t'nshur stn. B. M. Lombard. 614 Chamber of, Commerce. HOUSE 8 rooms, 825 Bast Salmon, asar lath, 818 per month. FOB BENT, $16 Nicely furnished 8-ronm rot tag. 1041 But Lincoln at. Pbon But 8016. COMPLETELY fnrntabed 7 -room bouse aad " bathroom at 84 EUaa at., near Union ev. Apply oa premise. $10 T-room boa. lctrldty, bath, fln view. MO Eaat Twnty-vatb, KenUworth Curt. ' Mtn 4o. -' FOR BENT 4-room Cottar, Eaat Pin be tween lftta and 17th. luonlr 22 Beat IStk St., nortk. SMALL cottage, Eaat Pkrk aad Lincoln; rent 811. Pbon Union 1881. FOR BENT New modern bens, Nov 885 Lin. . coin snd Esst Park atg.i rant 825. Pbon Union 1881. r ta.aa ....... a e a. 0 f eei n.r.aa uvum, v a,uw a . v -i ev, ai tur for l at a baxagtn. 81 Fifth at. FOR RENT FLATS. 7JNFUBNIHHED upper flat, 8 rooms, bath, n, Twentieth and Orertrm; food repair; cheap rent. Pbona Eaat 1071. Harrington, 00 f First, near Oak. t NEW mod.ra fl.ts, 8 aad 8 room; tinted wall. 178 East 15th St. . -BOOM . modern llktwllb .fomao. tinted walls. 848 83d at., north. 5-ROOM Sat for rent. U; water pkld; i children. 625 MI1L . IL PTTBNISHED 8t, 5 room, 8 minute- walk from Sixth and Oak) food location, deslr- ble adjoining tenant; adults .only) refer ences rirhangsd. . Phone evenlnf aad for, noons East Jt. MODERN 5-room fist. Including mm bin st ion teel rang. 300), Hslse t. Inquire 888 Larrabe. ' a. MUiiuna t rwm en: tm ha. inraiiHri iir, for -eel. Pbon tdsrn - (lt.- HWSESFQyrrRinaT-i FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. FOR SALB Furniture of 8-room bonss. gas T-rset $16 per month, cloa In. at econd hand,! price only aw. t ail at suv uaxrwoa at., maralng sad renin. FURNITURE of 12-room hose, right downtown, room all full; oa account of alckaesn. Mala , S)8. . - ...... BOOMING barm of f room, on Met aid, with in walking dlstsnee, for ream bath snd srd; ' Bpstalrs full; ' furniture for sal. A 84, Jour . nL FOB BENT 4-rnom mod.ra, new foral tur for l ebp. lnlr Boa Montana ara. MODERN Bat for rent and new fnrriltare for eaie, .n. a. .i.H , w mum i, 64MB. FOR SALE At Bacrlfte, tb fnrnltar of 12 room, bonne for rent: beantlful location, tl rooms rented at paying nropnaltlon; bnal. n.m in San Francisco compels owner te sell. l'hoa Mala 1004 er 41 Ella st, FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. STORE, HsrrtBgtaa brick building . TTnloa ar. lilt A ah J raaaonsbl - rent. . ntoa l7 ISnrrlae-ion ,. . rt JrsTniyl."" ! ekktsed t.(.rdim SMALL office, ground floor. , Flrt ' km Oak - Pboo Eaat 1011. . Harrtufton. 89n First, near uaa. 0FFICB room. Baftimiahed rooma aad aampk raoms for rat- ttoodBougk bldg. Apply ! A BT of lsrg rornr tnr for rnt. - Intra lr . F. B. Beacb A Co.. tks Plosew Faint Co., Flret and Aldaa at. . . FOB BENT Booms for doctor' offlc; knows. - aa Dr. Blocum offlc. 8 N. Third t. PART of mall ktor for rant.' 2nd Yamhill at. BUSINESS CHANCES. LOGAN . cheese fact ocr. plant . and apparte naneea. Including n-koraepowr hollar, f ale. Inqulr of 0. D. Kobnlna, Oregon City, Orsgoa.. B. F. 1. No. 2. bos 48. flSO PER MONTH guaranteed on a 8200 In vestment ; good, legltlmat bualneaa. Vartlcu- lara- 811 Columbia bldg J.' CURTIS, tha broker, 215 Commercial - blk., pbon Main 6384. la selling tbe Hurst . Batlway Switch stock at a big discount. . WHO IB M. B. MORGAN A CO.t IEPFNO and boasekeeptnf room for rant. Bee H. H. Hlfley, room 80. 227 Va Wablog '" ton at. . 1 EE or writ J. F. Hurst A Oo. for afs aad srofltabl , lnTeetment. .808 McKay bldg., Portland. Oregon. . . FOB S A LR Dressmaking par lore, wltk 4 II ring room, all furnished. Cell between 0 and 11, 124 Twelfth at., ar Washington. GOOD hotel property for ssl. rent or trade. Apply to D. J, Hfll. Castle Back, Waah . Ington, . ; " ' i' "-' WR bare wheat tand, stock land, fruit land, acreage, lmprored - ssd - Unimproved city r property, and A food exchange llat. Be as before buying. Northwest Laad Co., Bud Ooodnoagb blilf. - ' j-FI RJiT-CLASw- te.lautant -ebeapt I'm going agent waaud- k 27, ear Journal. HOTEL for sals; 28 rooms. SOS Hawthorn are. FOR BAJJB Corner fioceiy. food restdvaes tMtlnl cauilng rouniA Ml "'' eei selling, other buaTiuaas. Call 421 FfB SALB Fin hotal, new farnlture; BO rooms, srary one run: it regular Boarder; If thla la aot a bargain yoa will never And one: prlc 82,760; rant la only 850: com quick, It can't last long. Bbarawvod A Boyt, SVH Morrlaoo. room i. BLACKSMITH-SHOP II tool, building, lot and all. fTbO. BI A Boyt, 2064 Morrison, room 8. 84-ROOM roornlng-booa, good ruraltura, ta food snrstton, rnp rent, ruu nr roomers; will sacrifice If sold at once, 8000.-- Sherwood A Boyt. 206H Morrison, loom 8. FOB BALE Pest drug tors la Orago. Drag. gist, csre journal. . . WANTED Tn buy lmndry ront. Address. slut pnee ssd psrtlcuirT S, care Journal, COBNBB roomlng-houss; SB well-furnlahed rooms, choice locatloa; a asone-msker: easily wortk 82.000; $1,160 buy It. Horn Land Co., 14BV. First St. TUB BALE Warner cigar, news-- 4srt long . lea aa, cheap rent; about 52.500. Owner, U g, ears JourasL BARGAIN 0-rnom lodging-bona; fond faraltars as locatioo; bits, isu nrst st.. room B. MERCHANTS anna for sellltaar. lall as addraM At. John II - Bssanr, Bfe- Jbsa,- Orow-. -r rTZirnif i -Tt-vTa. rttr i IXM aatgo4 wrng 4noatry . toTBi. ia I srom si.dw np to .aj,uuii, inspect my nat. I Special orfarTh controlling tnterwst of ra of tbe bvst-pntng general stores la (- rn uregoB caa os oaa for o,uw; tnis is a rsr chance. F. FTJCHB, 148 Flrat at. . NEWSPAPER at Carlton for aal at a berfala. a, r i. r. l. aaravtrs, vaa-iuia. vrtf as, , HOTEL 42x3, S stories, brick, furnlsbed Brw aompiete, la on of tbe beat valley towns, at a bargala. Alrord A Alvord. 188 Morrlsoa at. 1 i i in FOR SALg-: RllATrCSTAI QUARTBR block; new 8-room bouas, ball, pa- try sua nam, porcelain tun, electric rurnt, fruit and Sowar, t block from Highland cbool, 1 block from 8 carllne. B-mtnnt ervlce, oly 16 minute from center of the city; high and sightly) part cash, balance easy terms. Pboa Boott 8807, or call 808 Oommerclal bldg. fl.200 4-ROOM cottag. Lower Alblna; modern; loo sown, bid per moata. Aivora Alrord. ia sills tl Mi '" ' ' 8800 HOUSE 18x28. lot 40x130. blocks from O. W. P. earllne. 5c far. Alrord A Alvord, 188 Morrlsoa U GOOD 8-room bouae, bath, electric lights, base ment, on fractional lot, walking diatanc oa Teath St., west elds, 3,2SO. Ijirgs 10-room house on corner lot, fin locatioo, weat aide, mooern lmproTaxnanta, prlc 84,000. easy terms. A beautiful 6-ncrs -tract, rich garden land, a Kelly ., near carllna, prlc $2,500, easy term. . Two flu lota, on a corner, all cleared and - level, la good locatloa la Sell wood, . a bar gain for 1450, . 120 acres t miles out oa 0. W. ,P. rsll way. which run through ths tract; atatlon near center' of tract; caa b bad for 176 per - acts for a short time. URUNDY-MEI.RATH CO., - 246 Vt MorrUoB at. 100x100 at Second and Everett for aala very ebeap. A ana p. 10 acres near Mount Tabor, anly $2,000, or wonld trad for clt property, $.1.2(10 8-room boua a Eleventh aL, ataf College. j E. S. M'COT. 80 Firth Bt. FOR SALB A 5-room eottsg oa west side for 32.SnO: a np. Cell for particulars, IlMidersoa-Bcott Laad Co., 601-602 Fsnton bnlldlnf. NICE bim at Moont Tabor, new f-ronm bona and large grounds; 160x180 ft all In fruit; desirable at $2,750. . ' F. I. AKIN, ' - ." 22 Chamber of Com mere. AN up-to-date "B-rootn boo and full lot on Wet Hot t wI1 pert of town, 84,500,- -88,000 can Und, 4 per sent Aa Ideal 0-room name, lot 80x100, very lghtly. eerier of th city, west aide, SA.ono. A good ntodern 7-room bona, lot 60x1 OO, 70 feet frtn crlln. south front, new, 81,800; .term.1 7-room up to dits rotlage, lot 1 00x100. plenty of i sll kinds frnlt for 2 families, cloa "TO" cArllng. 3X2 n Jl. mmi ia ' -1 . - 7-room nooee. bath and nantrv. hawaamt. a lieu. 3 8 of lot, na west aid, plenty rose; prlc -BtVj -fa sll. sll Blasb, r.hrd. ri.1ak Cnr fit nrfsrvapiv ft nrin W7 -acr farm. buHiilnr.. oirhsro'T"IinTi ii" mnts and atnek: trade for cltvt IU mllea t-tri f.rTlnr TH W .crer- 7-" W. TV, E.nrtT.1, 1, rtamlltoa bMte ! FOR BALE A bargain: furnished nw modem 4 room ettags- Bear- William .,- Inrtulr 808 Montana are. , Bpsaell and Bbvr car. FOB 8 A LB AT A BARGAIN A Ba stork range, containing kboat t.BOO - acre; all under fence; eltuated near Roae . barf, Oregoa. oa 8. P. R. R. thla la on of th beat stock ranges In tbe county; I also have , snot her good stock rang . containing 1.480 acre, wbfch will be sold at a very low prlc. For psrtlciilsr address I. .R. Butber 11 n. owner, Hoaebsrg. Oregon. ' WILLAMETTE. -Beat reeidence part af the penlnaul; only a 1 tow kit left In Willamette: take ronr cbotc now; all Jot ar 50x100 feet : $125 eecbi $2.1 rash, $5 per month. Apply C, A. Zgowskl. Wlllsmetl station. THB vary beet 0 scree Jn Ints. Jn Ints. good aoll, l veled roatl, cloa to I il, 5c far nv part "f ua; blf bargalo. 0. B. 1 In clover, on rtn grsv . 1 1. to ... .1.. ... I Portland, for A t value AAilllM. 1-e.ta Or. I CNDBB ANT CLA8SIFICATI0B . ,Fi?e Cents Per Line . Nb Bka4 ftm A-nm tavaaa anmakSB wat. - at numbsr of. words. WAEATLT BATE T Inssrtfons (Incmdlsg n Btindsy lau 88 CENTS par Ua psr M0NTHXT BATB (Indndlng all business office by 12 o'clock week da enw io o esses Barnrosy svenlng ta ths Snnday lean, to aecure rlaaalflr-stlo. DI8PLAT BATIS flvaa apea appUcathMi at , tb etflea. ... f THB J0URNa4L -BRMCH-OFFICES- ' .' jUinBTIIXatXBTt " .'" IP r1"4 regular mata-aMc r,tM- Following ta a ibt tl antbrlBsd agents,-- whs will , forward your sd.srtlse m.nt la tlm for pahllcstloa la tb Bit la 01 .... .-. ...... . . - , BT0BTX SIDE. " ".'; """ B. A. preston, druggUt. Twsaty-talrd and Thurman streets. . NoB-niU Phsrmacy, 880, flliata gtrssi earner Twenty-Brat. aavw.' Pkarmatot Iztseatb and Msrshsll stresU. MrOommoa's - Pnsrmaey, Itlaetseatti aad Waablag tea strsets. . , OTJTal iTDl. aSLr'l!!V C" droe-r-t. Freat aad Olhhs streets. - . - . sttSeti1 4' 8B,M. Ftrat and Qraat Fsbl'sa Vsrler. druggljt, 00 Jstfcxwn tfreet. oorBer Teoth. .Belt man pharmacy, .corner. Mlxtk Bad Harelaoa alreeta. Plummer Trruf onpkny, 280 Tklrd gtraat, eoraer MadUoo. TDB. W, S. tore, drngglst, orat CrrB( a' ae-i narnaio trc. Nichols A Tbompaon, 128 Bassall atreai, corner Alblns venn. Jaaek Drug company, tornsr Hawtkern tnd Grand avna. j W. 0. Csbls. drnggtat, nrsar Bndsy vMu and Larrabe e treat, near steel bridge.--. - B. A. Wlla, IM Grand aveona, ar Eaat McvTBMtB. B. W. Ban. 858 ' Bat sUvwatb gtrert, corn.r ereps.ns. F. J. Oark. druggist. 100. Itortb Tjsana aveaaa. BUBEXB1DB. MOOSXTsT, Brooklrn Pfiarmacy aompsny, tvwaO aad MlTwaakl streets. . .. . ABXXTA. OBIBOaT. " Arista rksrmscy, Mora aad rests airaata, Haaaltock't Pharmacy, 848 TmatnU SVS au. ornr Bast Thirteenth gtri, - n. 70rf, . UlstfS pbarmaey. , - ... . - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 8EI.LWOOD. LOTS, I d SB sr tasatkr wobd Townslta On from 878 ta 3200. Sail' Pboa Eaat 4704, - 'l&''iS.;. mii, i "' -rjACBjlOTL tm tPKClALTY IB ACB1 TBACanH f-" ln-alssd treets. ts. water 8a aach , , J PEE ACBB CASH '.M TERM Bio . f 10 PER ACBB FEB . MONTE. Ton go to tbess seres oa tb a?t?5- najaln asms -6 la Aba. Aefcaisa i lot man t rour nsiahbor. but arletod In mnjorlty of fsatBrss ttst. AaakB B true TrtrnrtisB bom. Opsa Wdaaday and Batorday nalpja. 4. C CHURCHILL fXX. ISC. 110 Becood tC ON TO HOYEB! . ' . CP- THB COLTTbTBTAI L Begular itHnrti from lr t4t rtMasit . ra te rrom in taaBs ee iu,.e r"t e and. keary Boll, perpetual water rtgfct wttk) aatiA tract, rarlleat products, largsst nrtsast U CallfarnJ of lbs Northwest. Wrtts H0VEB LAND OO, . Hover.. Washington. 87.000 WIU bay. a good piece of boslnes prop erty: b's been stesdtlr rented for 8 yssrs at $70 month. Bwkl A JtsJksr, Xlf AMtuJ. FOB 8 A LE Corner lot 1b Hellada Prs. drsaa B 84. car Journal. Tttl pbsraasew, SH Mlaslsslppt SwaBax. rornsr Sbsrsr trt. lanns n7 I 1 . WIOHT 71 . ... , I i tlrst st. II m v a i. ,ms at .-i-a nMi. FJNB JotaB0il00. on Ea.tYkmhni st Ijtl Bunnslds; sll ImproTSmrntk paid: only 8460. I PATTERSON s STEWART, Pbon East Maor ltKs-I CHEAP somes and vacant lota ta Wwedlsws) ll.lgbts. Beat 4818. gift MOWTflf.T JJenom Bssrlr aaw lee trie wiring, roses, fruit tres, lawn, ponU try-bons and yard; oly 81.300; 8000 down, - bslanc $16 month 1. liom Laad Co, 15 M . Flrat . v TO ' LB ABB For term of years, with or wttb. out building, 60x100 oa Klavsnth at., be tween Washington aad Morrlaoo. Owaaa. A 3D. Joarnal. GOOD WEST BIDB BUY - 8-ronm bona, good lot. cloee la, . locaUoa or Slith SL, 34.200. . BENKlJ A BAKEB, - .i ... . i. 217 Ablngtoa bldg. BARGAIN CboIcs lot oa ssd ar car; asy Siments. Al' 180 seres snlmproved. Bee rants Pats 84 par cr Investigate. Owner, - 1365 Atlantis st, city. -ROOM bouas, lot 60x100; sewer connection I Conk' addition; $1,500. 604 Gold ml tk, Alblna. CARPENTER work la our buins; If yoa have work call ua nn; tlmate glvs. Msosr A) . " . n '-, 1.1 . .ei - - - V O. . TOOW I, V, . "' "ii". I'M. ' Pacific 1230, residence pbon Bast 4000. NEWLY built 6-room bona and attic, with modern Improvement throughout. Holg at and 16th, 1 block from Bellwood earllne. Inqulr on premises. i- THB beat buy at Long Beacb; cosy Smora cottage, nicely furnished, excellent Water psrtlcslsrs Bos 62, Oregon City. IF TOO want to build, buy all your material at th American Inn; roa will v 76 pr -eent; fine door, windows, plaster boards,. rustle or aiding, flooring, tain, timber aad lumber. Pbon owner. Paelflo 1078. MOUNT -J.TAB0K T , rooma, bath, barn, lot 100x100; all kinds fruit. Owner, 120 Thlrd.- FOR RENT In city, 8H ar gardening. " Inqulr 208 Foot acre sultabl for Ib,- 82.800 NICE Bew cottage, west aid. , Baker, 217 Ablngtoa bldg. Hnkl BUSINESS properly; S stor building and rooms, corner; wilt psy IB per cent Invest rnent ; $n.rK)or fZoofrTIoWtr HomT.'IaTnd Co. 1461. First St. - ' - -.- 614 ACRES; boua. 1 ere email fruit, 8n Iocs. ... a .. 1.. ao.oa. - MuntavlMft. t orrn .-. ika. PORTLAI - 4 very ebolc lot on esrlloei anobstraetod " view f th snow mountslns; for sal cheap. GEORUB E WAUdONEB. ,J t T -:v , pbon Main 6JB3. . , FOR SALE Let SOlWXl. goad Isrgs boos, la North Irvlngtoa; good garden; rash prlc $1.100.. Call or writ 88T Eaat Thirteenth t., north. - -..-e s. -.- FULL mt worts $400 at $225; 86 net month call early; rssldenc section. Eell Qomtt, CWklry Ureea station, Bt, John car. FOR SALE 1 4 room bous and 1 lot la L.nrel.eod Park. For particular nil at ano Front t . sftrr 8 o'clock, or addrss J. H. C. Cook. BNAP-e10nx12n feet ground, fine Urge house; v: nick as 1 win sai-rinc, b-j,iii, llenkk) m sker, Xlf Anington mug. inniioo FEET; a choice t block on Port I snd Heights; bargain at 83,000. Hsnkla A Bkkar, 117 Ablngtoa bldf. , , .... . ., ...