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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY' EVENING. MArXII 10. ltCJ. WlfiSMJM cc::?.:iy f nmiwn U GO :CF L'.!C:i ViLLCE A CEIIEFIT Local Knights of the Diamond 1 Will Play Tomorrow for a :-j Worthy Cause. J 1 . I. w w ! r7r-3ri 0J)KL1 c:i:3 AT DENVER KID H Clever Military Athletee Make a THE UOrjDGE U03KGR Fine Showing In Games at v ' ' Armory Last Night. .. ' Colorado Metropolis Win Mee,t Despairing of Chance at Britt or GfiOSriL JICKLE Bowling Tournament. rrHOENVER-PINNERS-MADE THE BEST SHOWING Last Day's Session Was Devoted to ! ' Election ' of Officers. Naming of Meeting City and the Running Up of Good Scores on the Alleys. (JToaraal flaeefel 1rrf. '. Salt, Lake City, Maroh 10. The an nual tournament or the VMUrn Bowl Ins Con v rasa came to a. close hsre last night, efter enjoying a. successful bowl lng exhibition.. The principal bualnaaa completed at yesterday's eeaalon waa - the selection of Denver ae tha meeting place next year and tha al action et efft- cerav . ; Thera waa quite a, lively scramble among the dslegates regarding next : jraar'a meeting city, but tha popularity . of tha Den Veritas, combiner! with tha splendid reoorda made by them during 'tba tournament, brought votes their ' way, and the oppoaltlon didn't amount -o anything. The Denver represents tlvaa promlaed to rataa tl.tO In order to defray the expenses of the next tour- Jiamsnt. . . The election of officers resulted aa " follows: President, W. 8. Zehrlng, Salt - Lake; secretary-treasurer, A. l Jenkins, Heattle; flrat vice-president. Dr. A. W. Merrill. Oakland, California; ' aecondl jHce-prssldent A. T. Statu Denver; third vlca-praaldent. M. 3. Shaehan. Butta. j The new board of governors named are: A. W. Martin. San- Franclaco; P. J. MuQiattu. Seattle; s. p. Pysenger, Lev Angeles; Forest Oilman, Santa. Monica, California; K- C. Camp, Ogden, Utah; H. J. Treise,"-Tauoma; e. J. McMenoniy; .Portland, Oregon; William Ell wart, Pu -oblor Kupplngsr and Ell wart of the Denver 1 team made the beet racord of the meet ing on Thuraday, no -ona reaching it In .yesterday's games. . The, scores .made veaterdav ware: ' i- Singles: Kupplngerr Deavsr, CM; W. T. Walker, Bait Lake, sis; Qosslt, 1MB var, SIT; Barney, Prove, 411. ,i Doubles . . '- , Butte Markle, HT; Klrkpatrtek, ttt; eotaL l.Otl.- Denver Gaston. Ml; Crisp, T4 total. 1.10 r Denver McManamy, 8X7; Bishop, SOI; total. 1.1. Seattle Brown,' 471; Pampuseh, 11; ' Binxles McLeod. Salt XakeT144Tllheehaii. Butte, l: Good, Denver, 811; Warren, Seattle, 7I. roublea-r-- Bait rKe-i-Walton, eilrMaye,- 6i; total. 1,080 Butte Li ndqulat, 601; , Taylor,, 1ST; total. 1.0 - Denver G raw, (It; Raaaall, 171; to- tel. l.Otl ilTTAke Hanaa. : turBchmterr. lit; total. l,f IS. ' Slnalee Stewerton, Salt Lake, ITT: Oraw, Den ver. -tf: Ellie. Butte. MI;: Klrkpatrtek, Butte, SSt: Perhem. Butte, 661; Und qulat, Butte, I2; Silvers, Salt Lake, iif. Blahop. Denver. tlT; Ellwert, Pu eblo, 617; Shaffer. Seattle. 4; Rusaell, -Denver, 11; Markla. Butte, see. . Fire-men team a t Portland B runs wicks Pollock. 41 Kneyee, 4lt; Flcken. tttt Capon, sis; McMenomy, tit; total, J.547. "lalt Lake Greece nls Evan a. 141; Prince, til; Wlleon. 4I; Whitney, 48 ; Salt Lake CommerclaJa Kllpatrtck, 488; Mcllroy. til; Klrkwood. Ill; Wil liam a. tit: Htgham. its; total, i.eo. Picked team (pacemakers not entered "in tournament) Dyainger, 117; Paw laseck, 1(0; Silvernale. 490; MoOrath, IIS: Warren. tf; total, J,0. '., Salt Lake .Allen, ttt; Gibson, 11: total. 1.0 Salt Lake A. W. Smith, Sit; Zehrlng, 111: totaL Lit!. w-. Portland Capen, tttrKruae, tH; to-f . UI. 1.0T. Salt Lake Telamantee, tor; probert. III; total. 1.106. , y STAR ATHLETES TO : COMPETE THIS EVENING f (Jearaal Cincinnati. March 10. The Central Athletio Aaaoolatloa union track' meet " to be held tonight under the auaplcea of the Cincinnati T. M. C A. promlaea to be - the moat notable affair Of Ita , kind eeen hereabout a thle eeaaon. and the number and quality ef the entriea Indicate that there may be a emaablng of record. Several . hundred athletee have entered and they Include the pick of the amateura of -Ohio, Indiana, II if not a, Michigan, Iowa. Wleconaln and Minnesota. ; The Hat of events Include a the 10-yerd daahee and hurdle race, 440-yard. 180- yard, one mile and two-mile rune, re lay raeee for high schools and acad emlee, pole vault, ehotput and high jump. FOOD OR :;. STIMULANT, I Ask your doctor if whea he orriers-a-patieijt todrink t lots of pure milk he advise, ; the addition of a largi quantity of whiskey. Hell ! tell you " no " very emphati . cally. Vet there are peopU 1 -who,-whcn - rdeTed-tg efrin onTT aiY apaaaaapWg'SavrBrVaV j cordial or extract of codliver 6irannhmklfli the same thing or better. II you want and need cod lrret oil in its' best, pvrett and 'most easily digested form, get Scott's Emulsion. If you want whiskey, that, another matter, but don't look for the f2 results. ' ',r ; ( ' ': ? a tsxjra, 4o r rw ireA A large crowd ef spectators Interested In the monthly indoor meet of the ath letes of the Third Infantry, O. N. O., at S!!!l ;I?ir:n"r' :l vhihih w en v aaa vau we a a V a Company T. who showed and proved themaelvea athletee of no mean, ability. The performance of the. men ehowed that conalderabla training has been In dulged Jo In order to produce the pro ficiency dlaplayed, and Uat night's work la a, credit to the Third Infantry eol-dietw-aad-ths officers' reiponalble tor-tt; The aummary of eventa; ' IS ' yard dash Winner, ' Matthews, company H. i. - Well acajln Winner, Oompaoy time. 41 1-1 eeconds. -Tent pitching Winner, Company H; time, 4 eeconds, - Relay race Winner, r Company Ti time, 1 :B J. Second. Company H; - time, 1:01 t-t. . . 440 yard run Winner, Vlgellns, Com pany Second.. Wat tar borg. : High jump Winner, Vtgeline, Cmni pany F. Second. Melntoeh, Company H. Bayonet ' reee Winner, : Duncan, Company H. Second, Parke,-Company F; time, 47 t-l seconde. In ' the - team eventa Company ' V emerged triumphant and ended by beat-' Ing the Flrat battery team at the tug of war. . . ...... , . Tha next meeting -will be held en the evening of April t. nrd the final will be pulled off In May. - . J. ViEStEY LADD LOSES - TIVO VALUABLE DOBS- Prize Winning - English Blood r hnunrii Din nn Train Tn r Route to Portland. Word was received yesterday by 3. Weeley tdd that his two prUe-wlnnlng Kngllsh bloodhounds, that he recently purchased In Boaton. died en route to thle city a few day ago. Jir. tAdd was greatly grieved over the I6aa of hie dog. The animal ware purchaaed of the Mount Vernon Kennel club and won flrat end second prises reepeetrvely in the recent big ehow held by the New England Kennel club of Boaton. . The doge were ehlpped by expreea and through eomo reaaon not yet explained both died before they reached Billing. " MWPTIM .OT. highly and wlM at once make an In veaUgatlon regarding their death; The loaa of these two dog makee three that Mr. Xadd haa lost In the pest year. BOSTOITAUTOMOBICE--SHOW OPENS TONIGHT St.lil Saw oetm'March-0. Berlnnihi'lontxhT and continuing through the whole of next week the Boaton automobile and power boat enow, will hold forth la Me chanic building. The . demand - for apace was such that It was found neoee aary to ae the adjacent Symphony hall and both 'of the big exhibition ptaoes are filled to overflowing with exhibit that include everything from the latent modele of power boete and racing au tomobile to the wmalleet detalle In the way of accaaeorlea. Included among tha dlapiaya are the pick of the ex hib!ehown: at the recent JfewTorlr and - Chicago - exhibitions. .-. : : SPORTING GOSSIP. Dan Stuart has been eleoted president ef the Oaklawa Jockey club of Hot Springs. -,. , . . .. . - e e - - The Southern league will use the Reach ball for the next Ave years. Tom Loftus wants to break Into the " ! m rtill w, I H,, , Ilia eha The schedule meeting of the K. I. T. league will be held tomorrow at Cen tralla, Illlnola. It la deelred to open the season May t and close early laj Sep- temDer, playing us games. ... . . . e e - The veteran Perry Warden Is coach Ing the Clinton oollege team at Clinton, MleeiaaippL e It la eald that Bobby Wallace's eon- tract with the St Loula Browns calls fOr -14,600 for the season. Looks as though ths Browns gave all the money te one man. . v a e. ..... .-, ' . Billy Dlneen of the Boeton Americana haa not signed for this season count of a reduction in aalary. "Noodle- Hahn la et Hot Sorincs and Jim MoGulre seys that the German la not au in by any mean. ' ' " e Iibell will be used regularly at eecond base ror toe White Box this season. r i... The Boeton team Of the American league started practice today. Several weeka will be put In at Macon. Georcla. after which games will be plaved at New Orleans, Nashville. Louisville and one or two other points. The Boa tons wui open the season at New York, . m , Hans Wagner. -. Plttabura'a arrvat bataman, signed i a c cm tract, or rather two of; them. Accompanied by his brother and eeveft of his kennel of II doge, Wagner came In from Carnegie ana asked (or his contract. Hs looked It ever and elgned It. then want out with his dogs. A short time later Barney Dreyfuas aim oat threw a fit. finding his favorite had signed aa John Im- Wagner." He eoon got Waa-ner again. 99 JJUienmaJC,,,TOU,,havi algned-.aa -.John , L, -Wagwaa, nd--Mia ont do. ss vonr contract era. out John IL Wagner, Tournamala John Honua Wagner and that goes," I new said Dreyfuas aa he fixed out paper, " ' 1 1 -a XJIad y ou have named-, me- at - last. Barney. Tou have had me as John L. Wagner, ae Joha Wagner, aa Honua Wagner, as Hane Wagner and aa avarv other aort of Wagner In the world in years peat, until I hardly know what to sign myself. eald the ball player as he wrote .joon h. wagner" te the. eon- tract. . - e e Kdward J. Conahan,' a former Eaat- sm league umpire, has been released by Preaident Ban Johneoa of the American league, to make room for Jack Sheridan, the veteran arbitrator. who had announced hie retirement, but who has llataned to persuasion and eon sented to handle the Indicator at least another aeason, . ; . . Try the German. MAKINO-OPWEIGHT-TH WORRYING OBSTACLE Colored Man CUims He Can Make Lightweight Limits-Interest Grow. V ini; Pally in Net Wedneaday'f Fight Between Terry and the Dane. Joe. Oana deanalrlna- of aecurtng a match with either Britt or Melaon. Anally consented to consider a meeting with Kid Herman, and If preaent plans are carried out the battle will be fought In Loa Angelas before the Paolrto Ath letic club soma time In March., Herman Is a good, game, clever fighter, and un doubtedly haa earned a right to be eon eldered aa a topnotcher, but he can hardly be considered ae In a claas with Oana, , For that matter, " however, neither can the other lightweight atara, Neiaon, Britt and Herrera. and It la very likely that Herman will make Just a good a showing aa any one of the trla The only question la over the weight. Oana will have to make lit pounds ring side with Herman, and there la room for doubt that he can do this flgure-emtr- be strong ' enough to whip such a . tough customer ss the little Chicago n. . Gens has declared, nevertheless, that he can do It, and he .certainly knows what he is talking about. HI ahowlng In hie affair with Jimmy Britt. In which ha at flrat claimed that he was so weakened by making the low weight that ha was unable to do himself Juatlce, of courae, cannot In the light of his recent die- elosurea, be taken Into -eonaldaratlon, Indeed, he la said to have made the re mark ehortly after, that eplaoda that K- h..,. htpp PrUt In a rrtiimt. had he been so disposed. li lt Is Just poealble that if Gans cleans BpTTerman and one 6rlwd other good onea that Measra. Nelson and Britt, ae splte ehelr present unalterable atfend. 111 find themaelvea In the poaltlon of either being forced Into the ring -with the negro or driven out of the business. The Paclflo coast fight followera are disposed to overlook Gana peat career, and. with their well known admiration for a clever fighter will not be Slow toLFroUo third; time, 1M J H naip nim along, providing na maaea good In the -future. - Now that Joaeph has atated that the bridle Is off with him. It will be interesting to watch bis future doings. , ... The time for the eagerly anticipated uaael that is to bring together Bat tling Neiaon -and Tarry McOovarn - la drawing nigh. -Nelson, of course. Is shaping tip In hfa usual first Class con dition and keyed up for a faat, bruising straggle when the time comoa. tUe training methoda have been eon alderably altered from those he hee followed In the past, his handlers well knowing that speed will be the decld- ng issus in the comma battle, and nave .oj-had Sraaa tiia flrat .with -Ahat-end alone In view, It la pretty bard, how- ever, to make a eprlnter out of die- tance runner, and Neiaon will have to follow a mighty warm pace, once Terry geta warmed up. .' Sew Abont acoOovent Juat how good McOovern will be when the bell rlnga la the great ab sorbing queatlon that la pussling" his well wiahere. The reports from his headquarters indicate that the famoue "terror" le going through his usual stunts woodchopping, - hill - climbing snd a great deal of road work. He makes no secret of the fact that he In tends to carry the battle to the Dane from the flfop of tTie'Tiat he couldnT fight otherwise if he tried, eo there's no harm tn admitting It and he is sspeclally confident that the contest will not go tha full alx round. As far aa can be Judged. McOovern will come 9BHUS Suffered for a Long Time Without ReHef Had Three Doctors and Derived No BenefitOne Doctor Was rfraidiLTouchlThem. Soreness Disappeared and Hands Now Smooth After Application of CUTICURA SOAP AND CUTICURA OINTMENT "For a long tints I suffered with sores on ths bands which were itching, painful, and disagreeable. I had three doctors snd derived no benefit (rem any of them.. One doctor said hs was afraid to touch my hands, so you must know how bad the were; an other said I never eomld be owed; and tba third said the eoree were- caused by tba dipping of my heads in water In the dye-house where I work. I saw in the papers about ths wonderful eurea of the Cuticura Remedies and procured soma of ths Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. . In three dava after ths application of the Cuticura Ointment my hands began I to peel and ware better. The sors asas disappeared, and they are now smooth and elean, and I asa still woneiflt in Vm ujs-iiuusa. 1 s atronrfr -reeoincnead - Outleura' Beep and Cuticora Oatmant to any. ons with sere bends, end 1 hope that I this letter will be the means of bslp- Jn Otber suffere, Very truly yoors, ! Mrs. A. jiaurerasew otato Cbioagp, UL, July 1. 1905. MOTBERS! MOTHERS! To know "that a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and a aingis anoiaunf with Cuticura, the great Bkia Curs, and purest and sweetest of emollients, will afford instant relief and refreshing; sleep to skin-tortured babies, and rest for tired and worn-out mothers. SriS raraafWat a varIA CaSiaia Sae. Its-Otst. hh, M, Him sa. (la farm 1 CHmIm Ch4 rKWTui . aatBrafSClMa.(fysaa Tomorrow afternoon at t:IS o'clock the flrat ball game of the aaasen will be played at Recreation park and the pro feede of the affair wUl be turned over to Mia John MLieaju'wlfe'of' the popu lar catcher-f the Portland oiu Ur McLean has been III for soma time ami recently went through an operation at epiwj rrom which n will require time to recuperate The popularity of Mr. and Mre. Mo teaa among the ball fane of this olty haa naturally aroused a sympathy that has crystallised. Jnta the movemant new under way and which will be pulled off tomorrow. , The contacting teams will be the eraek Maroona and the Athenians. The lat ter club ie composed of well known eld tlme players who have yet the ability to crack out a eafe hit or to etaal a base. The decision- department win bevpre sided ever by Edward Rankin. A num ber of local celebrities will lend their aaalatance at anythinr reonlred. The lineup will be eooMthlng like thlai -V Atqeniana - . Maroons, Butler, Garvin and French...,., P., ..Johnson. Klser McLean, Shea . . .... . .. . .. and Suess.,.....C.... .....;. Brock Joe Stu tt ......... 1 B ..... . Trowbridge Sam Vlgneux.....! B C. Campbell Joe Fay ,.B Ash Lea Castro..... ..SS... j .JpoUy Gray Alex-Ollvsrrr.r,;lfc FV Hinkle Buck Keith. ,..aF. Gains W. Holman. .. . . .R. F.r-. ; . i. Smith Utility men Athenians: Harry How land. Stave Sainpolla, Heinle Hanno and Andy Anderson, .. Maroonsi Joe Mangold and J ohnson. - - - RUNNINGTSUMMARrOIT CALIFORNIA TRACKS (Joareal Special Servte.) Can Francisco, March '10, Oakland Four furlongs Tony Fauet won. May X Naecond. Mendan thirds .tlma.tHM seven furlongs Lean Reed won, Homestead eecOndTMay HoQaday third; time. V.itM. --T- Five furlongs Meringue won, lady Bimbo eecond, Prinoeea Wheeler third) Ume,. 1:01.- - One mile and 100 yards Christine X won. Fisher Boy second. Phalanx third; time. 1:47. , - One mile Tevora won, Retren seoond. Six furlongs, tha Aloha handioap Te- eolaw won, Miatys Pride seoond. Ruby third; time. 1:1SK. ; . . , : ' " AS Xos Angeles. (Joeraal Special Berries.) J l " Xos Anselea, Cat. March ldAscot race results! . Six. furlongs Idy Klspar won, Anona- second.. Paclflco third; time, l:14H. ,. Brooke courseRostor - von, -Leharo eecond, Mlrelna third; time, 1:01. Four and one half furlongs Jack Oll roy won, Ponemax eecond, Alonaa third; time, S:SSH. One vAUe "ewey won, . 'v'Ioiok seoow Hot third i time. l:0i.-- Ohe'mile Rublnon won,' ColonalTBron-1 eton eecond. Red Tape - third; time, 1:40H. r Brooks courae Piquet won, Northvflls second, BUI Curtis third; time. 1:01. Six furlong The Major won, St Winlfrede second, Dunbar third; time, 1:14 54. .., , - .... .... . : KELLY AND SULLIVAN BOX AN EXCITING DRAW i, ' ' (Jooraal Special Service.) Los Angeles, March 10. A draw wae the beat that "Twin Bum ran cuul la his 10 round contest laat night at Los Angelee with Hugo Kelly. In the fifth round Kelly smashed Sullivan on the noae and "Twin" took the count of eight before he arose. In the latter part of the contest Sullivan picked up wonder fully, and thereby earned a draw. Kelly surprised everybody by his fine showing. to the scratoh In nearly as good shape as hs ever waa in his life, and that be-J ing ine case, weisoa wi 1 1 nave aa even- log's entertainment, no doubt FT ad Russell might as wsll Join Jack Munroe, and tiptoe quietly to the ex' treme back row and sit quietly down, His years of training and preparation counted for naught Monday night, when a really clever man waa oppoeed to him In the person of Jock Root, and Rus sell and his adherente were made to realise that mere bulk and muacla are not . all that conatltute a euoceeef ul pugilist. Root, ae was expected, did pretty near ae he liked with. Russell whenever the latter would quit clinch ing long enough to let daylight In be tween them. The clinch habit waa all that eaved the big fellow from taking the count, but hie taetias availed him nothing, at that. . Klfbta Bsartmsavt Athleeioa, (Jooraal Special Servlre.t New Tork. March 10. The annual spring gamaa of the hospital corps of ths Eighth regiment will be held at the regimental armory, thla evening. It le expected that the meet will be a great sucoesa, as the entriea are more numer- oua than ever before and Inolude a num ber of crack athletee. Aa a special In ducement gold watches hare been offered as prtaes , to the first man in each event. - Tha Hat of eventa for thle evening Includes a 10-yard daah handicap, 19-yard handicap, bicycle and relay races. -.. aMareoUeglata Soekav. (Jooraal Soerlal Sanira.i Philadelphia, March 10. The opening game or the intercollegiate Bocker foot ball season will be played here thle afternoon between tha teame of Penn sylvania university and Havsrford uni versity. Both belong to the Intereol legists Bocker league, which . now In cludes Columbia, Harvard, Haverford. Cornell aad Pennsylvania, It Is .expected that Tale, Chicago, Minnesota and Michigan will join the leegue this Tesx.lleana.XouUTlllA and Columbus .before -oson Americans tto atewtB.' (Jnarasl Bnsrlal SarTtca.l Waahlngton, March ric ffg'reani of the- Boston Amei have rounded ti hla city preparatory Tortore by Savages. "Speaking ef the torture to which eome of the aavage tribes In the Phillp plnee aubject their captlvea, remlnda me of the intenee Buffering I endured for three months from Inflammation of the Kidneys," says W. M. Rhsrman of dish ing. Me. "Nothing helped me until I tried Electrio Blttere, three bottlee of which completely cured ma" Cures Liver Complaint, Dyapepala, Blood dis orders and Malaria; and rastorss the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by 8. O. Skldmore Ax Co, riruara-late. Price 80c. 7 : 1 saassaWsBaaasaaBaasaasaaasaBaaslasan CHAQ. CDY.Cn, of Clzabeth, ;fkU wrrbtsi -I paid out over $ICO to local phy. lolmns, who trsmtad mo for Let Grippes without Klvtntr me any relief. I afterward bought a 91.00 bottlo of DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY and after taking- contents of this. on bottls I was sntlrely oursd. , - ; y.-...... ' c:iD a r-'n ct WE CURE MEN FOR Our Special ' vate ehronte and elsewhere and are dlseatiafled. Per Instance, If ysu are afflicted with either Hydrocele, Stricture or Nervous Peellne, our charge, for curing either of ' -which, without any complications, la IIS, we will guarantee te cure yen .for IlLIS, and aojeept the money In any way yon wish to pay. We will : -also euro Contagious Blood Poison for tll tO, which la Just ona half our' regular fee, IThe liberal offer la made, to enable those to be cured who have spent their money In doctoring without relief, and . to shew the many : who have treated with doaene ef physicians without benefit that we have the only methoda that produce a lifelong ear - ; aa aataeettles of antwye . ef men's sisassis OIXT, -Wewty All burning, itching and. tnflammattop, atir-Mr-Tr ' We eores the Setl of pttvete A lifelong atTaUOTtnU TAmxootma BfcOOB .0aOtOaTZO SXSOXAMBS WRITE, if you eannot call. . All land alL replies ssnU". lln jnMlopeaNojameejcasea graphs OX patients puoiienea or eaposea. inaioee -eens suunp te insure . reply. ""' - ' ' - " ' HOURS I to S, T to Dalln Sundays to II. SLICIM11 BISPENSM ooaim noon its T. IN A We treat eneceesfullr an eon a and ehronlo dlaeases 4 aO errvate aer se of meai also var, kidney sod " KlnAit ,tmn.,h k a t tlvSP. throat troubles. We euro SYPHILIS without mercury) to stsyeured for ever. We remove 8TRICTTJR, wlta out operation or pain, la It daya. We atop dralna, night loaeee and MnMtAFrkM, Vi m. aiaw method fm a short tlraa We can reatore the eexnel vigor of nf man under by means ef local treatment peculiar te eurselvee, We Cure Gonorrhoea ;.? In a Week The doeters of thle taetltata are alt ' regular greduatea, have had maay years' experteace, have been known la Portland for li years, have a repute ties to maintain, and will undertake no ease unleas certain euro can be a (Tee tee. We msrantee a care la every eaaa undertake or charge no fee. Consults tlon free. Letters confidential lastrne-i . tlve BOOK roa MXN mailed free law plain WTmppwr. We euro the worst eases ef piles tn two ar three treatment wiiaews spa tlon. Core guaranteed. If you cannot call at effloe, write foe nu. Office hoars, I te I and T to a, DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices In Tan Koy BotaL llta Thir d Street. Comer Pine. Portland, Otvi to departing for the south tonight. Ths dsstlnatlon of the team Is Maoon, Oeorgta. where the players will begin practice work Monday morning. After the preliminary work at Maoon la con cluded the team will play practice) tn Nashville. Montgomery. - Mew Or- returning to New Tork" te "open; the regular eeaaow -BUnESENTj:0PRISQN ' (Ssaelal Dtoaatrb te Tee JearaaLi Helena. Mont. Maroh 1. Daniel Mo- Mlllan, a- Butte postman, yesterday pleaded guilty to an Indictment charging the secreting of a letter entrusted to htm for delivery aad abstracting therefrom a money order for lit, which be cashed.. and was sentenced te the penitentiary for one year by United States Judge Hunt, Ths court took occasion to remark that because ef the number of elmllar eases at this term ef court. It con sidered It a dangerous practice giving euch employment to pereoee under the age of 11, as it pat boye In a serious temptation, McMillan la only II years old, S. O. SKIDMORB ft CO. We Will Treat Any Single .Uncom- i pHcaUd-AHmcnt Undciibsof uto -GoarQnf-2ty Mo Pay Unless Cured Offer SZTJ!SK'- pel vie dlaeesas who are treating with quack apealallst and tnexperteseed physicians without , receiving any benefit, we have decided to make a spe cial offer to charge only one half of our regular fee for curing those who are new 'Undergoing treatment oo biiotsU y tae aWaes sasdleaa" ST ec laity M Ilmtsad te the ouuLiatited and enronio- e eared. Atonped la. ILnoure eurea effected i i ' , , Cure for PaMMTATTO BZ to-tztax Bixzirrr correspondence strictly oonfldenUal gueetlon blank, Berne treatment WEEK f y M (7 07 sws-l - Ssndsys and Holldsya, IS to IK TEETH Por modern - dental work. - World-re nowned specialist Lowest prices consistent with first-class ' wutb. " -7-iTiin r i . Open day aad night, from avav -- emtll X p. m. r - eMicrersp)-s) imuee . W': Ls-. ,0 I lei O-M mtmm, m t jour.r.Ji'' LEE YUEN iro. to pm st pomnAxrs, om. :, CHINESE PHYSICIAN Tfv' Haviag'' ataa'awUr cloe tor au; years sn eer aataa eoctara Cains. ' Hs eases an X v : etoeaie aa4 prima dMM et bmb aaS - He aaaipnaada and pota aa tor sea ale TumadUa, - the Ingram- " eata ef wbl a-e aare- folly saleetad. Mr ma sales will sat (betroy year ' aSMSaek aa , daogar yeas Itte with ' aa eparatlaa. Vas take - aa rlska. aa I see ae Bntaeoe ar arasa. I laaare eolek reaslu at the leereet alble aaat. -.ball aad aee me If yea are efntrteaV- - OOWSUliTATIOsT dlood poicg; rot ion tiai twutt ruts we have made the sore of blood polaee a X,!r; 'riaaary . Ainaaary av Tertiary Bleed Palsea Permanently Cured. Yea aaa be treated at boms ends same geataaty. Capital SMO.O0O, We solicit the most obstl sats eases. If yen bars exhausted the etd methods ef treatassaa aad eUll have ashes and pains. Mueus Pstshes U at seta. Sore Throat. Pimplee. Oopper-Oolorea Speta, Vleera en eor par of the body. Bair or Eyebrows falllns euv write for areata ef hv toe-page Book Pree. . COOK REMEDY CO ' UBS sUSSItt nirU. Meant. Ill 'BESTflY! YEARS TEST For Sioaaacb and Bowel troubka, Lr rand Kadaeys, and ail eamsrs dua Im pure bteod er weak nervea Small euat (teblcts) J3c terse sis. II SO. At gieta' (in black boaea, If not. send for trial boa to UWaaaJHatlvex Herbs r.l.ia . Sea geaacaari Every 'czi I saoesins aauaairal sUtVTl waariaaf &ray iTssaaw Viali I Snaai. SilW. Sia as S'W.a. heat tij. -Moat Oaavaaleaa. mm war araaeM Ss B. Uae aanaol snsely the aavaC aa.A se ether, bat tead aMuna tar fllaetnlad bans l. 'full aarUealataaa'tuafMha. ' valuable lobul lea. Mf St. rOk. 4 a. ssa sr.. an7Vaaau a, . sirostoas a co itt nmn mm, AAS WOOSAAO. OIAHa CO. . a pccmv txzx- Fee In SawaMtlea arOatarrk ef tha BlanoOT aaalmead ifle- ss anas se rar. cares kly aaa on --- - a a4 Mt, se Mttae el mvm isauaoias. aaaeiaiaiv rmha. Bold Is Sraaateaa. aVsssVe' 1 o UU a, i --. troaUea. 70 t: l ' -a . r - -a Drug- nizm Lesspasiy II J tati - . fe Sals ' bp" W af aa-aa aaaa r7 JV.V." V " " "