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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1906)
'---rHEORECO EVErtINO, MARCH; 10, U. V JO tEGjlTUMlEilDY irrrH-u-Rre-H- -Always Uniform SERV ICES' ZEverywhert Obtainable -r - FOR ATTACK BAKER'S i .BAPTIST. ... . Central Eaat Ankenr and Twentieth. treotar Today": T: p . iu . 'Too iMy Mtrr HhairW? Know Each tnher Tberr nuiKlay school, 1 m.i r-- . - HffieiarHMidanri hf Dlptomata, Miwii HnmaHlaai utlwaa AI t InJPekintf Now Regular 11 a. m.. "The K-rrrt of Church fow" ; m lag sermon, "Lxprnalra Sleeping." lantianl ecmid and Meade etreeta. Preach- .-' .Fortificatiorta. Id by B T. H. Stephen at lo an a. m. aad i 4. r:"i a. extern. bium wmwm, ' woe p.wpw a im, aia. t'alveralt Park Rev. JaBb- Restates.. Ban- BUILDINGS ABLE TO - .V day ecbenl. 10 m ; T: p. m., "The Hum lor AU Bias: sr.-The Mas Who Played th WITHSTAND A SIEGE IW.'! J .. havelltood.thejtests of time and Johe'e-Rev.x-, Iiard. -Bandar lo a. m.t nrrechlns. 11 m. and service for over lio years v 1:20 a, a.' ' t .' . T Bellwnad tlwmt -aad . I'matllla atreeta: American Residents Could Find She.. Re.' George A. Uiri. Maori ay ecbuol, 10 a. lav: preachlnc. 11 a. a. and 7:80 p. at. -Ha-: &-60G0A- ... T,r Wkhtn-3aiTterrerre f r- ' , Kept in Chinese Capital by Uncle Sam. " (J.mrnal Special Bervies-l ' "" " I, Peking. March- 18 The American le gation In thle city la prepared for any -vemwaetioy and the reporte of aerlouB anti-foreign rtota In various parte of -China have no terror for the membere cif tlte legation, wiro u" .unm ...ia,mti J:J0 v: fortified Incloeure aa in a city oy hmwh aelvea. The la at preparatione nave peen completed and, if It should become -Mecessary. the legation, will be able to Brand a lone- triage. The American legation- 4v thia-etty la-a. regulat.fortreB and 1e the flrat official residence owned ', by the American government in any country. : . . ' " . . The bulldlnge were eonetrueted -by - Sydney W.' lieeley, asalatant aupenrle Inir architect of the trraeury-part-nient. who waa aent to China after the Boxer troublea,. more than three yeare ago. for the purpoee of building a aaf ' rot real for the member of the Ameri can legation. ' lie completed hie .tank rjtyetiOyr-Tind.jatuined jto the gnHed State. - ... - .. -' The building are of brick and atone end of vry aolld conatructlon. The tygoiTTn!Tiirtr''ll'"'fl tl'e twe uf til) mtniater. . Surrounding It are building tnr the aecretarlea. the chancellery iu turea They are all. built closely to- "TTh; a.. .ii.,-n. . r " 'mt ahla wall of mannrx A hort dlatance back of the wall on one aide la' the great city well, on which ha been constructed !."."" '"."111 " ... Ararncn ion.-equipptw.wnn guna. Tba American legatron la . now a well protected aa any of the-other legation. In a case of emergency th American resident of Peking could find refuge in the legation quarters. - - The present garrison of the American fort I not rery strong, but ahould It become neceesary- there ' are enough tronpe - available in Manila and two transport are In the harbor of Manila eady to bring a strong force of Ameri can aoldlera to Peking in case of trouble HAY ASKUESIGNATIOa OF wFHEriER tl'BRlDE H Generaf - Uneasiness In - British ? Columbia Political Circles - ' . Over Kaien Grant. 'Bpeclal Dtopatck to Tea 7onrBal.) , Victoria. B. C March 1. Hpecula fMon In political circles here ia now cen tered about the question of whether the Jleutenant-govemor will dismiss from office Premier. McBrlde ' in connection, with the Kalen Island land grant. While the majority report described the trans action as In the beet Interests of .the province, .the. minority report now pro duced setting forth that the land waa B'JlJnveyeBnd that the lleu- lenent:governor waa misled ia now on record-.' -.-,.,, , . 8lr Henri JToly de Lotblnlere 1 aald to be taking; the matter very fully Into oon alderation In order to ascertain If the evidence beara out this contention. It It la found that thia Is correct the lieutenant-governor haa no other way open but to ask for' the resignation of the premier. GeheraTuhee!nert a felt, aat to what the result will be. NAVAL PRACTICE TO - BE HELD OFF CUBA t. " fjoornat Sperlal Serrlc. reneacola. Ha., March 10 The r- . port that this year's annual target prao tlce of the navy will be held off the eouthern coast of Cuba. Just west of GuUntanamo, has caused . considerable disappointment to a great many people 1n Pensacola. For many year thle tar get practice waa held In this vicinity and It waa regarded by many aa a prof ltable fixture. Naval officer, however, . were of the opinion that Pensacola did ' not preaent the beat facilities for tha work with heavy guna and that, while better reeulta may not be obtained off the Cuban coast, it will be possible to do work there quicker and tinder more favorable conditions. At present the men of the ships of the Atlantic fleet are engaged in email arm target practloe at Quanta hamo, where there are about 1 target ranges of from 100 to 1,000 yards, if necessary. These range bav been equipped with the most modern appliance and . placed In " telephonic communication, while means ires between those engaged In praotioe and the ahlps . may be. exchanged by mean of wireless telegraphy; It Is expected that the practice with the large guna will be gin by April 1. iOWfAMItYPoSf' Hygiene ,h, SicH Room --In e afrfvjf-foavtbai cTfoit an4- Jiygicne-jgL. tiie-paticxxL-LuCL trained nurse finds hundred Pond's ExtiucreJheT the face, serves as' an excellent mouth wash, cools the aching hesd and . induces sleep, - re moves bed sores and stiffness," and affords relief from . pain 'when all else fails; , Witfk lUtil it mt tht f '. On mnMlyiu ttvintf ttmfut tj ITilik Ututl-ifua iftrtd mt "tb, tmms iking" ifty-fu ntri ihtnum reafaia area afceA r fermtUw njr4$ tr th. T vU dng$r mj ftltnning tut IrjOLt. AMILV Z l-T trr l a,, o. one. i iu a. m E. B. Bliaa. it 10 a. m.. BundaT x hooin TMobln. Jl a. by B. F. hiilbarford, a( uraey for ADtl-Ralooa leacua: (:aft f. at., hf raalar, "Tha Suure af Tree Mapbowi"; S. X. '. U.. : e. M .... wedlah Hort aad Virteaath' atteeta: ". Irlc Krkantroia. ITfarblna. 10:4ft a. at. aad f:f . at.; Huadaa ackool. 12 m. . Beeond Uaraai alocrla and Bodney avanaa; Rev. T. BuaeroMn. lreacblD(. II a. at. aad T.S0 p. m.; Handay arhoul, ;5 a. m.J yoant paopla'a bmwiId. :a . m. ' RiaMellTllta aVbooIbuuaa. aaoday ecaoot at HaTlar-Rrrt--Nar- Twanty aaroad. luadax uomi t-aad-JEverett atreeta. Praarhlag, p. a., by It. U. Draw. ' - - Aratta la Iarrwool hall. Honrtay arkool, 10 a. m. Braadilac, 11 a. ., by Ka. Haary Bardae. -- t ' rtrst The Wblte Tempi Twelfth aed Tay lor atreata; E. J. Wbllooma Brouhe, P. D. Oo heroroT prayer mealing, lo a. m.; ltM a. ., Ke. Juaeph Smith will prearh; Hlbls alady. 12:10 p. m.J S p."., aaloa neetlag nar owa aad waaaen. Jt. Juxph Hultb, apaakart --young paopl' aorvic. p. m popular rnln aarlea, T:S0 p. aa., Dr. gmltk p UI deliver- tha- aetaioa. . ... - . MeoadEaat Ankeay and ' Ha Tenth atraeta'; Re. B. C. Laphanv, At U:3 a. at., "Uraea-; a Biatalalng pnwor"; Bible erhooL U B. V. P. II. . ao . bo. l 1:30 a. aa.. A Coaa- Btoa Mas aad tha Coo won People. tha Com won Peopu ITHODIW Vn'walty- Par rtok and pawana ateMtti. At 11 a. at.. ''The Rphera of Chrlxtlas ork" t a p. m.. J. K. UIII. "Aa Hour With tha New Hymnal"; Sumlay achoat, 10 a. m.; elaaa BMat insr. il l& a m j liinlnt lana, 1pm; Imnr. awdlata laagea, 4 v at-t senior leasu. d:M p. - m. . , free Eaat Klnth and atreeta. ' Prearh rhJMi school, lo a. m. v'P'fii no mi ui RwiiT aireara; e. . TTAbbartr Moralsi Iie,W eerorkf-lOTair a. l "Our Caenrrtloiiai Bmwaokapea J. Bub dar achoal, M aa.; Kpwortk tngin. t.SO p. a. T:SO p. m.. -Tba Jtw. tha Uraak and tba 1 Chrlstlaa." , Tior.8t1..t)r KaaefiT RuraVtta Bhort At .ao . m.. alaaaaai 10: a. . ., -"Our iUUfloa"; 12:15 p. B.. Ruaday acbeol; : p. ai.. epworta leafna; T:8 n. ., "A Wlrkad O fncl.l Cfltklaed; or, A Hldbtooua Preacher Brbeaded Which V Epworth Twenty-third and Irving atreeta; Re. Ueary T. Atklnaon. Saaday acbuol. Id a. at. moralng aerle and aermon, 11 e'clnek: junior leaan.' p. m. : Kpworth lean, u-.m p. m.j enlna aarrle aad aermoa. T:30 o'clock. Orac Twelfth and Thy lor atreeta: R. ClarDre-Tra Wllaon. Service at 10 30 a. aa. and 7:30 p. n.i avenln prelude, "Was the Polio Court ralaaly Aenaaedt"; claae Bieatta, a: JO a. m.j Sand.y arboot. 12:16 p. m.j Kp. woria - leaajwa, a:au m Trinity Kaat Tenth aad Grant atreeta: Rav. Harold ODerg. Prealdeat 1, H. Coleman of Willamette unlreralty, II a. m.; Tanaellne aerTliea by. tba pa tor at T:M p. m. ; Monday acbool, IS a. m.; Kpworth leaaoe. M) p. m. Palton Mleblgan arajine and lHapmaa street? Re. Melelll T. Wire. PrMrhlng at 11 a. m.t rtev. J. K. Bnyder will prearh and held a re rlral (errlc at T:ot p. m.; Bandar erhooi, 12:14 B. m.; Kpworth leaitie, d:3o p. m. Centenary Eaat l'lne aad Kaat Ninth atreeta; Rv. Wllliin H. Heppe. Mornlnc theme, "Hplrtlual Multlpllratlnn"; T:30 p. m., "Th blrtne Optlrtan": morning daa. 9:80 eTetork; a.i,M.r .,.k.,,,i, iiin r m ; y.ira iint-Jn'-T-medlataa, 4 p. m.t ICpwnrth league, :1S p. m.T Btea'a prayer, T: 20 p. aa. Methodlat Evlaeepal Cbarrh l RoonV--1T1U Wand afreet, yoraatera'. hall; fce. K. H. Mowre. Handay arhool. 10 a. m.J It a. m., C. U lltH aualaod. prealdlng elder, will praarh; :0 p. m., Bnwprth league; T:1W p. m., preaeb. Inc by praaldlag aider;. 12:10 p. m., quarter evaferenc. r OOVOZRaATIOltAt. Haaealo Street Kaat glith . aad Haaaal atreeta; Re. Hlrhard K. Ham. At 10:8V a. m., rompeuaatlona of Chrlatlaa Berrlce'; 12 m.. Bandar echo); :) p. m.. Chrhitlaa Ba dearor; T:4o p. m "The Journey of Keith." Unlreralty Parh Artleena' temple; Re. D. R. Gray. At 11 a. m., "Woo knocked at th Dntrr"; Runday arhool. 10 a. an. ijauieiwuua ariita nan; He. n.-B BraTi At T:ao e, Who Want V Moatf" Boa. day arhool. ly arhool. 10 a. ( T. P. a C. E., 7:10 P. m. id Park ateela. Hew Bi 1 Flrat Madlaoa aad Park atreeta; Hooe. At 10:80 a. m., "The Heroea of Krery- Day Life"; 7:30 p. m., "Oambllnr"! Sunday acbool. 12 m.; T. P. S. C. E.. :) p. a. St. Johna Woodmen' ball. .Berrkce wlti aermoa br Rv. R. K. Ham at i p. m. H If bland Preerott and Kaat Bliui street aurth; Re. Ardea hi. Rockwood. Sunday '.' ai ii a. m.. ' Min i value to Ood"; JonlorEndeaTor, a p. oi. Senior Bnaeavor, e:e p. m.; I:ao p. m. a meetluf In the Interest off the hfnnlelnal leaette. ad oreaaea oy Milter amrfftvTr nor rr Miaiippi-Aenn Miaalaalppl annua and rremont atreet: Bar. William L- unanaw. Hun day arhooL 10 a. m.i 11 a., m.. "Klllaha. Ancient and Modern; or, Blgna of tha Tlmaa"; inriaiian Knueevor, a:ou p. am.; t:ho p. m "Infidelity Continued Keaulta and Reward. antrajaln Kaat Taylor - and - Kaat ThlrtT-- rouria airceia; atr. e. Btaun. AI 11 a. "Stripped for tha Rare") m., aermoa by Superintendent Rev. Cepha t. t'lapp; Btia day arhool. 10 a.1 m.:Jnnlor rbrlatlaa Kn- deavor, S p. m. Seniot Chrlatlaa Endeavor, ; t . ". '. ' " zrisoorAX. Trinity Klaetaenth and Kertt street. Dr. A. A. Morrlen. . Holy commanlon. . Banaay acbool. :so a. m. ; mornlns prayer, 11 o'clock; evening prayer. f:S0 o'clock, fourth lecture on "CbruMan Hclenc. St. Stephea'a Thirteenth aad Clay street; Rt. Rev. B. Wlatar Morrla. rector: Rev. II. M. Bameey, prleat ia char.- Holy communion, T:M a. m. ; rninday acbool, t:6 . m.; morning errice, ti acioca; ereDina eemce. clock, St. Paul'a Woodmer; C. L. Parker. Berr. ice aad ermon, I p. m.; Runday chooL I p. at, St. . David' Eaat Twelfth ' aad Belmont atreeta; Rae, George B. Vaa Waters. Uoly communion, a . m. ; ntoroiuf prayer ne err mon, 11 e cmek ; evening prayer aad aermoa. i:du wciocb; nvoaay acooni, v:o'a, Good , Bbepbard Uwood (tract and iTn- eoarar aranu. AlMna; Key. Job uawaoa. Bua day school, Jo a. m. : holy communion. 8 a. m Btornlng pri yr and lltaay. II o'clock; ovenlng pray ana ernMm, l :eo o raci,- - St. Matthew's Flrt' and.i Carathars atreet Re. W. A. M. Black. . Holy eommuuloa, 7:30 a. m. ; service and aermoa. 11 a. m. : Knndar acoooi, e:o a. at.; evening prayer ana aaureea i aj a'riocK. - . St. Mark' Nineteen th and Onlmbr atreet: Rev. J. . H. Simpeoa. At S a. m., holy com munion r 11 a. m., bole communion and aermon: T:S0 e'rlork, erenlng prayer and aermoa; 10 a. ., snoaay -sonooi. v OHJtlSTIAR, " A r"JB"nrfr"""rwd By " B Vuj)" ' ""Raaa)'! atreet: Rev- '. Klaw RoblBaoav-- At-Stea e m., Suaday acbool; 11 a. m., "Obeying tba Trath "; :S0 p. m., X. Pc, ft B.j T:S0 p. Bi., "Ilypocrlte." Pint Park aad Columbia atreeta: Re. Bj M. Murkier. At 1Q:80 a. m., "The World' Goaper'i 70 p. m., "Drifting," a sermon to yoeng bwbi B1M eckeei. i2U e. m.t C. R.. :S0 p. m. Central Eaat Twentieth aad Eaat Salmon tree!; Rev. J. r. Uhormlev. Preaehln. 11 tr.-- m. i Salihath-aeheeli 1J Ifrp. a, t Jwnlne-i.. Buaeatui. v. ai.: tTiiwiiiu'taiaea- i ror; " fp. m. praaehlag. 7:80 p. Second Far re and Kerbr atreet; Re. 7. Boweraox. preaching.- 11- m.r Snaday acbool. 10 a. i 7 p. m. Ockley Orcee Preach I af at S:S0 .'-hv Rev. t. B. McVlcker; Sunday acbool, 8:M p. m. Pint Eaat Tnth and Sherman atreeta; Be. A. A. Winter. At 10 a. m., Sunday -acbool; II a. ., aaraMB by pa tor; I p. m., Junior ELdeavor; p. m., K. L. of 0. ; 7.90 p. m., report af dUte te the at ate Chrlatlaa Endeavor eoavmtloB. , - " " ' ''' TaESSTTXaiAV, Mlipah Mary aad Powell atreet; Rev. J. rem R. McUlade. Preaching aervlce,. 10.M a. m.i 7 0 a. m,, "Th Umltatloo af Man"; Sub. day acbool, 12 a.; Sunday rhool at Kasllwarth at 2 p. a.; C. . :M p. .. F1ra Twelfth and Alder atreeta; Rav, Thnmaa Parry. At 10:20 a. m., "The Oaka f Rlghteoaaneaa''; Y p. m,; Vrt LeaaUsaaa ml Cbrlat In the World." Maraball-Htraet North Seventeenth aad Kar. aha 1 1 atreeai Rev. C, W. Haya. Sunday achooL !!' .: " 1 JrIrl"f: It e. a. and 7:3 p. a.; V. P. S. r. E., is p. m. , ftteaat Tabor Vraachlag, U a. at., by Rev, , , , , i . Be sure that you get the genuine with thetrade-markonthepackage. Directions for' preparing more than on hundred dainty dtihet in our Choice Recipe Book, sent (rat an ' requeet. '; - ; - .- r'- Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. iaUtW 1780 DorcheRter, Mih. Highest Awards in Europe and Ameriea W. a Bolt: T:80 p. by Rev, B. M, Sharp, peetn. Calrary Elrrrnth and Cly-'reetL RV7 . MT SharD or Tionnt J iwtr t III- n m.. Profeaanr 1. T. Kwlnc. "Waldenaea. Church .af - tha-Btrangera Waaco atreet and Grand avanoe; Rev S. Karl DuBols. At 10 a-n.r-"od' -Kee'-''--7-J0-B, ataarmoav llroatrated by steraoptlooa. "What Shall I D With JaeuaT" ...... - rtt-l7' XTAR0EXI0AL ASSOOIATIOV. Flrat Oermaa Tvatb aad Clay streets! Rev. Theodora Bcbaver. Sunday arboot. S:S0 a. m. ; aermon. lo:a a. a. and T:S p. aa.; T. P. A., 1 p. B. rirst Kagltab Eaat Sixth sad Market atreeta: Rev. 8. A. Blewert. At 11 a. m,, "Tha Second Day of tha Paaaioa Week"; 7:S0 p, m., preach Ins; Bunday acbool. 10 a. m.J Toanf Peopl' slllanc. :4S p. BI. " 1 Memorlal Eaat Klrbteearh .' and Tlbbitt rreetn: Rev. R. D. Strey f tela. ' . At JO a. m.. Hunday arhool; 11 a. m., worahlp and preaching; S:ao Rv. m., young people's aervlc; T:P0 p. m., A. Vaa Fait, "In AaU-Balooa Leafua.' 1UTHERAR-. Retanla Danlah Union arenoe and Iforrla atreet; Rev.- Gudmand UrlU. HervloM, 11 a. aa. and 7:S0 p. m. ; Bunday acbool. A:16 p. m. at Jaaars' Engllah Corner Weat Park and Jefferaoo treeta;- Rev.' J. ATrlaa. - Bervtcea at II a. m.; 7:4ft p. m., "Paul'a rirat Prayer": Sunday school, 10 a. m. ; Luther laegae, f p. m. Norwealan , Synod Kaat Tenth and Oraaf atreet; Rev. O. Hagoea. . No aarvlcea la tha fornooai evening aervlce, T:20 p. m:; saaday acbool, 41:30 a. av ' Woewesiaa norta rourtaenta nraei; . J. at. : Wervtg. at U a. anda p. m. 1 Sunday scboot, v;o- a V' i -: anarrvALDR. -- First Artkana' hall. Third aeat Waablngtoa atreet.- (Vmfereoce, 11 a; aa.; Progmelve lyceam. 12:10 p. n.; young paopl' U. 4k D. clob.. 2:20 p. m.) lectur by P. I.. Coulter, T:4n p. an.. "Mow to Know Ood." - Bible Society aoe Alder atreet, between Fifth and Sixth atreeta. At II. a. St., ehll. drea'a Progreaalre lyceum. followed by env tarence; I a. a., Inaplratloaal lector. - - LATTXR-DAT SAIRTa ' Th rhurch of Jraua Chrlet af Tatter-Day Saint Hall 400 Allaky bnlldln. Third and Morrlaoa atreeta. Services at 11 a. m.-'and f TBa ' Reol-itnlua (TJurrkTiT yeamrajftitBf T.atfer-Dav Paint Woodward hall. Mnntavllla Will S. Pender, paator, Babbath School, 10 a. a.; preaching, 11 a, a., "Can AU Peopl 1'Bderund th Bible Allk!"; Ziaa's ReltgUr Lltarary aoclety, S:1S P. a.. :' OHalSTIAJf SOIZRCX. ':- -L Flrat Church of ' Christ, Sdentlat rotleh Rita cathedral, Morrlaoa and tewnadal atreet. At 11 a, m. and 8 p. m., "Matter"; Sunday scfioorarclo onbtwhTng eeTVIce: r Second Church of Cbrlat. Sctenttata Ilk' temple. Stark and Seventh . atreeta. Randay bl "Ln.P-,-- aiatrer . bus- day school, 11 a, m. . jrrw TROVOKT. Chorcb of New Dlanenaatloo Andltortum, Third street.7 Bear Taylor. . At S:S0 p. m 1 Colonel -J'llaceraid. ?'Th Second Coming of rhrlat : T:40 p. m., ur. Haviin. "Tba Apoca Ir Dae of the 2n(h Century"; no mornlna servlra, Church of rraedoc Drew hall, 162 Second street. At 11 a. Si.. "Mas' Part, la Cosmic Kedemplloa. ' T. at. 0. A. - T. U. C A. Aaaodatloa sudltorinm. 1T Fourth atreet. At S p. m.r Hunday club for men, addreaaed by Carl C. Countryman, "C'aleb'a Reply"f pedal rnnaic by aeeoctetloa ercheatra and Calvary Preahytarlaa onartat Alt Btca welcen. Seats free. VRTTXD rVAJrOIXICAI. Rt. John's John; and Ivanhaa treta. St. John; Rer. E. B. McVlcker. Rev. Guy P. Phelps, conference evansellat, preach at 11 s. m. and 7:80 p. m.t Sunday school, 10 a. a.; J. L. t). E., 2:80 P. a.: B. K. U C. K., 0:80 P. m. . -1"; - 'advutt.'-'- n Ad rent Second street between Hall sad Uneoln street; Rev. Charles Reffendea. Sun day scboot, 10:80 s. m. ; prcblng service, 11:80 a. m.i Praia savlra, 7 p. m. BXAOOST LIOHT ICSSIOV. ' Reea Light Mlaeloa 11 - rourth treet, north. . Prchlng rery sight snd Sunday at S p. an. - OirVZ BRAJTOK MISSIOll. Olive Branch Mtaaloa 2SS Flrat treetTier Columbia. Preaching vry sight t 7:80; Sun day, S ..; Sabbath school. 1:30 p. a. '." TVITARIAJr. yirt Seventh and Kamhlll streets; Be. WIlHanv-O. - Rite- Jr mlnteteei - Rev. T, I. RHoti ahttater emerltit. - Service at 11 , m. ; Sunday achaet sad adult elaaa, 12:80 p. a. - sriarr or tatrrx. ' Spirit e Truth Draw ball. 1(13 Second atreet. At 7:80 p. a., "Where Shall Wa Kind th Key That Unlock tha Snlrltual Nature of Maaf' payrhoaMtrie readlnga by fr. Sophia B. Belp, tnrnrtRSALiii. Church af Ood Chapel 430 Hawthorn are. Sue; Elder 9. T, Neal, pastor. Sunday ai . U aa st 2:U and 7:80 p. m.; Sundnpecboot. 1 a. AUakr hslL Third snd aforrfcoa atreeta: Rav. Cberloe A. Hoy. At 3 p. a.. Blhl atudy; i P. a.. "Christ Oar Lord, th Only True flraonrrnr"; 7:80 .. . "Th Pharl aad in raaucan." 'A yrw oHURoa socixtt. -. . . Swedenborrlan KnlabtS of Prthlaa AaU. eierquana wuiiiuns. My eevyica, : a. a.; auaoay school, io:ao . a. Mrs. Astor Baila Atare4. " New York,' March 10 Mr. As tor. who sailed for Kurope today on tha Carmanla, Intends to remain abroad un til September. Brie will divide her time between londorf and the continent and will be the gueet of her daughter, lira. Oeora Ogilvy- Uala . i ,, Her. w, . - 1 ' " ' . ' ; i 1 I - Km n m wmrw .1 V no . V There is only ONE perfect night illum inant for the HOMEELECTRICITYD EIJEtTRIC-L I G HTsuppliesi: all : the - luxuries,T all the conveniences, and all the 4 BEST light features that any illuminant can furnish, at the SMALLEST POSSIBLE COST-to the householder and itsuse -ia-equally advantageous in thesmall apart- .mcntof fourroomslasin the larger residence;, of a dozen rooms. HAinNlBHJ3AhI lyiprepared-withou1rtrouble--inthe-ELEG' TRIC XHF By removing the upper portion of anelectric chafer, the trim -little ELECTRIC STOVE' remains, and is : ideal for making toast smudge, no trouble. t. A HOUSE is cleaner and work is easier where there. are. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, COMFORT is promoted, SAFETY is- as sured and ECONOMY is demonstrated. " REDUCED RATES for : current, i meter basis, now in effect' Our representa tive will call at YOUR convenience: He will submit facts and, figures. No bbliga- tion on-your-part to - do licTiFilMnnandnnaiheOUPONrODAYr WE MAKE THE WAY EASY FOR YOU. , y;---7-: Cut Oiit Portland General Electric Co. 8erenth and ilder Sts. Please send your 'representative to see me . about ELECTRIC LIGHTING. - ' : Name. Address. Convenient time to call Poriknd dieneml. Telephone-Exchanges 13 SEVENTH AND ... . i . or tea, -No smoko, - more than-merely Coupon ALDER STREETS TV; on . ," '"' 'O J 1- .,t.