The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 08, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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TUMI for Oesl , Putatuw and
. You Can Keep ' the Po
tatoes Besides.
All Directions Furnished by Agrrkul-
rural CoUjege Contests Held Under
"7 Auspices of C Teachers Progress
Club to1 Interest Youth fai Nature.
' A prlie contest for the purpose of In
"teresting the boya- In the publto schools
of the county in Sractlcl. agriculture
. will be held the coming summer under
TBsrmmpiusS of, the Tuaiiie
-lub, with the assistance of the faculty
nf tk niwffnn Am rtaultural . collert.
Prises will be awarded to. bore who
obtain tha beat results from potato cul
' ' ture, all tha" direction for which will
be. included In a leafletwhlch will be
, , prepared by the Instructors of the Ore
' son Agricultural -college and distributed
mmnng the pupils by the teachers under
tba direction of County-Superintendent
R. F. Robinson. - .' .--- . .
Full detain of tha contest .will be
launched at tha meeting; ef tba Teach
' ere' Jfrogresa club Saturday. A Port-
land seed Arm haa been Induced to loan
- the bora 1260 to 1300 worth of potatoes,
-with the understanding -that art equal
' amount of potatoes Is to be returned
"" after the crops-are dujf"or their "Worth
- paid in money.- i ..r . . i.i-:rrr.''
.- . Blast SisSy Kills. . .- .
Each boy entering; tba contest will
' be required to plant 60 bills' of pota-.
, toes.' divided into, four rows or 18 hllla
In one row whole potatoes will
pSnTed In 'ea'ctt Mill 111 aUmiiei. tine
half of a potato which haa been cut
"leiiBifiiliWIU bS "W
the stem half of a potato, and in
tha fourths, bud half. Besides- these
.'. tha boya will bo Instructed . to plant
few extra hills In order to atudy the
growth and development of -the plants
.and bulbs. 'They may also have the
optlon-of piahanglwdst l-owsrone
without snd tha other with fertiliser.
. ' Allied with tha culture of tha potato
; will be nature atudy, to which each boy
. is expecieo o give oorrsiaeraoie aiion
tlon. He will- be instructed to study
. tha growth of . tha plant from day to
t day and to tabulate everything that be
discovers.-, ''-. .a;-. A-., '
.When the potatoes are ready to be
gathered they are to be dug and those
in each row placed in a separata pile
- and labeled. The crops will then be
taken to some central point la the
county, - where - they - will be placed on
exhibition and tb prlsesjrwsrdedv i-
Because of the difference In soil in
various parts of the county, it is ex-
, pected that the territory will be divided
' . into at leaat five districts and prises
' awarded for the beat results obtained
fijtHaen;Thlr wiir p
'siding In tha mora .fertile dlstricta of
the county having any advantage. -....;'
(Mr la to Orow Blowers. ..'
After tha prises have been awarded
and .the exhibit closed, ' the potatoes
which have been borrowed will be re
turned to the seed man.. ; " , y.
A atmilar contest In grosylng sweet
peaa . and asters will be held for girls
Tha exhibit of the results .of - their
efforts will be held early. In tha sea
son,' aa the flowers will mature earlier
than the potato crop.
',. Superintendent Robinson is . enthus
Issllo over the prrmirstil contest He
believes- tliat-4tr-wlll provide both boys
and girls an Incentive to take up agri
cultural Dursu
an Insight. Into nature atudy they could
not otherwise secure. T
--WhtIr4hle--oontest Is In the nature
.: of n experiment Wlth'us," aald he, "It
la not new to. many eastern sections,
.-where it has proven highly satisfactory.
. We believe It will be a success here. It
" will stimulate Interest In agricultural
to nature. The prises will
maetgh aa they will be an. Incea-
tlve for every boy and girl to strive for
X. them. ' .
"If this contest proves a success
others will be held annually, but. aome
other vegetables or plants will be cul-
tlvatd.Tha teachers in tba Progress
club are pushing this matter and, with
. eac-h one of them taking a personal ln
. terest In tha contest. It will prove a
success. The granges throughout the
"""county are also taking up tha proposl
" tlsn and two have already approved of
the plan."
' . Eastern Oregon homes sell high.
Bad Stomach Makes T
''i:v ;"."';.j Bad Blood.
' Ton ran not make sweat butter In a
- foul, unclean churn. Tba stomach serves
as a churn ia which to agitate, work up
and disintegrate our food as it Is brlni
. digested. If it be weak, slug a; tab. ana
foul the result will be torpid, sluggish
- liver and bad. Impure blood.
- The Ingredients ot Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery are just such as best
,: serve to eorrect and curs all such de-
- rangemente. It Is mads up without a
; drop of alcohol in Its composition; ebnm-
- Ically pure, triple-refined glycerine being
. used lnstnad of tha commonly employed
. alcohol. Now thlsglycerlualsof Itself a
valuable medicine, Inttcad of a deleted-
eus agent like alcohol, especially In the
- rare of weak stomach, dyspepsia and tha
" various forms of indigestion. Prof. Finley
' Mllng wood, M. D., of Bennett Medical
buiiege. Lnicago, lays oi ,
"In djrnpepeta It
ose. U Is,
; nor
t Is eae cd aha K.t manaf
ared products of the jpreeeot time In Its
actum opun enfeebled, olaordered stotnachti
- eapArlally If there Is ulceration or catarrhal
aaetrltlsiraterrbal Inflaanmatloa of stomaehl,
- it Is a most efletent pmHiratlon. Olyeeiine
' will relieve saany rases of pyrosis (heartburn)
and excewilve saetrtr addltr it Is oseful In
chronic Intestinal dyspepslareepecially the
- Baealent variety,' and In certain forme of
- chronic conetlpaUon. stlmnlatlng the serre-
, tory and excretory ranctkms of the intestinal
r When combined. Injutt the right propor.
. tlons, with Golden Seal root, Stone root,
. Black Cherry bark. Quean's root, Blood
root and Mandrake root, or the extracts of
these, as in llr. Pieroe'e XoWe leedlcal" had to grant recesses and rderthe
: , ' I)lscovery, there eaa be no doubt of its
area I efficacy In tha cure of all stomach.
' . Hvaf and Intestinal disorders and dranfe4
msota. loeee several mgrediesu have
the strangest endorsement la all suab.
: rase of suoh emlsaat medical leaders ga
rrof. R Bartbolew, M. D.. of JesTersoa Msd-
i-al Oollea-e. Chicago:, froL nobari A. Hare.
I D . Of Medk al leqartsMint, Cniverttty of
kt Prof. Laurence Joaneon. SL U.. Medic
New York: rrof,
and frof. John Kuur. M. u Aautors or ne
Aaerleaa UUpeosetory. aad anosne of efbers
, gjong whe ladling meaioaj nn oi oer lano,
7Vuocan doubt Che asrastve virtues ot
ft medicine the ingredients of which have
sveh s profaerioruii endorsement f
' Cnstiptioit cnrrl Vf Dos tor Tleree'a
risaaaoi falieU. pa ar two a 4oat.
Ir-rtment Lnlvsrsisy of
Id -In H. Hsie. M. D.. Hahn
Colloee-Chtcaso: Pruf. John at
Mrtt Awnn F. Crtndnll finyaJhal
If Street Is Opened She
1.'... Will Lose Her All.
Proceeding Indefinitely Postponed
Council Orders Cascade Power
C Company ; . Franchise Published,
With-Amendment '-
Mrs..-Anna E.' Crandall pleaded with
the itv council laat nlaht that her home
be, not taken from har to provide tot
a' public thoroughfare as planned by
iMupusna saunas er n esi fiimmmt
treatShe said Jhat if the street waa
opened .according to the survey of the
viewers, large amount of her- property
would be condemned and ahe would be
ruined, aa her home waa all aha had. .
.. It waa DrODOsed to open East Eight
eenth street from 75 feet south Of East
Morrison street to 110 feet eoutn ni
Eaat Taylor street The proposition
haa been under consideration. by the
council for several weeks. Several
property-owners In that locality claimed
that It -was necessary to" the develop
ment of the east aide that tha thorough-
fare be extended througn tna iwo diocks
which' are now closed, while others con
tended that It waa not at all necessary.
but would workJrreparable damage upon
affected property-o wnera. One or the
chief objectors was MrrR.Fallowo.wha
owna a large portion of tha affected
property. ; "
After a heated : . discussion lasting
more than an hour, further proceeding
were indefinitely postponed. .
Mas! Bas sjsji Bss tlssit
'the franchise of tha Cascade Power
oilman Yaughn's amendment to impose
a t per cent -tax on the gross receipts
of. the company passed. The company
will also be required to furnish 10,000
horsepower within the city within two
Vears. and to have at least 20 ter cent
of the" totat-miO.OW worth of construe-
tlon work fllnshed within the elty. An
amendment to exact a f 50,000 bond to
-indemnify the city against any damages,
proposed by Councilman Beldlng, waa
lost by a' vote of 4 to I. Councilman
Vaughn argued that auch a bond would
tend to discourage capital. Councilman
Cray .was also of the same opinion.
- The same' amendments were made to
the franchise of the Mount Hood Power
company, but the ordinance was not
ordered advertisedTas it waa the desire
of 8. B. Cobb, the president of tha cor
poration, first to consult with his asso
ciates on the proposed, amendments,
Vaughn a ordinance to levy an Ocou
ration tax of I per cent on the . gross
tlons In the elty, which are not other
wise taxed under their franchises, was
rill Xaatead of Bridge.
Tha resolution to build a ateel bridge
lover Montgomery gulch . at the Gold
smith street crossing waa rescinded on
motion of Councilman- Manefee and an
other resolution introduced to make a
fill at this point. It la aald that a fill
would be cheaper and of a mora perma
nent nature. - - ."
So more permits for frame buildings,
to bs built on the east aide In the pro
posed fire limits district, will be grant
ed by the building inspector. In accord-,
ance. with a resolution Introduced bf
Councilman- Sharkey.
Ordinances providing for the Increase
in salary of the deputy health officer
ball janitor from 6S to $70 a month.
Other Janitors Xrora 80 to 170 a month,
city hail engineers from $90 to 1 100 and
elevator men from 160 to 170 a month
were referred to the ways and means
- J. M, Long, representing Dr. Dickson
snd H. Labbe, remonstrated against the
report of the viewers on tha propoaad
opening or tjtarx street Detween Kiev.
en t h nd Txtlt Ux . streets,,. and-aVHU
Cahalln spoke In favor of tha project.
City Attorney McNary thought that 11 tl
gatlon 'over the matter might be averted
If a special committee to act as an arbi
tration board were appointed. The com
mittee will be named by the mayor. .
Tha ordinance providing for changes
in the proposed market building on the
block occupied by the People s Market
company was referred to the license
committee for further consideration.
Attorney Henry E. McGinn has re
cently filed two damage suits against
the Portland-Railway company. One
filed by blm yesterday for Elisabeth
Bollarn, guardian ad litem for Walter
Conley, Is a suit for 125,000. It Is al
leged that on December 10 last the boy,
who is 13 years old. attempted to board
a Fnlton car on First street between
Main and Madison streets, and that the
car started up before he was aboard. - It
is stated In, the complaint that the boys
foot waa crushed, necessitating amputa
tion. ,
Mrs. 'Jane Ingle , filed,-through Mr.
McGinn, a auit against the streetcar
company for $10,000 damages. She avers
that on October 11, 1(05, she sttempted
to board a car at the corner of Sixteenth
and Thurman streets, and that just as
she had one footon Jhe platfornv pfj
tne car it atartes ana sne was inrown
violently to the ground, sustaining se
vere Injuries.
Erneet Brand, the deputy who repre
sents .District .Attorney . Man nlng in the
police court, came near, fainting yes
terday during .the trial f Rose peCldco
on the charge of assaulting her former
husband,'- He wae assisted to -an outer
apartment snd the fresh air swon re-
vlvcd hint so tht he was" tbl to pro
eeed with tba prosecution.
At times in- the past-Judge Cameron
doors and "windows thrown onen in "or
der that the trial of esses might pro
ceed without all the court. Officials be-1
coming sick In the foul air of the badly
ventilated room.
Mrs. DeClcco was held to the grand
Jury by Judge Cameron- and her bond
placed at f&OO. .
- gome STew Inoorporatloas.-
The following, articles of incorpora
tions have recently ' oeen ' filed with
County Clerk Frank B. Fields:
.' -The Northwest Log Lumber com
pany, Ky A. C. Mowery, A. P. Hogue and
J. M. Nlokum. Capital. 10,00 !
The Hcott-McClure ttnd company, by
H. N. Bcott. J A. McCliirek J. H. Bcott
andC W. H-nderson. tipltal. 11.000.--,.
SfJM Eoterprlse Placing MJU oocnpany,
-, - ,
Drunkards Cured
; A In 247-1ldus
Atrydy"CanCurs theost Violent
Drunkard Secretly at Home.
Tfivti1 irrtrm yaskaiafa
Meat Sealed to AU Who Write.
, let no women despair.- The aura,
quick, permanent cure for drunkenness
haa hMn found.
tt 1s-atrtdn Mpeelfto. It-haa ne odor.
II nas no uaie. jusi a nine is put in
the drunkard's cup of coffee or tea, or
htha-row. He wtlr never notice" It, ha
will, b cured before he realises it, and
he will never Know wny ne apanaonea
the taste ror liquor.
Ooae Had Trom WMakey.
His desire for drink disappears abso
lutely, and he.wlll even abhor tha very
Slant ana emeu or wninaey.
The vigor he has wasted sway Dy
drink will be restored to him. and his
iienlth and .strength and - cheerfulness
will return to brighten your home.
Qolden Bpeolna haa cured aome of lha
most violent cases In a day's time. This
fact Is proven by many ladles who have
tried it. -
Mrs. Mattle alklna, Nanceourg. .y,
''My husbBffa took two doses bf your
medicine about nve monins ago ana
has not taken a drink or had any de-
all s ' for
so different now."
Mra Mhel Zlnk. R. F. P. No. 6. 8a-
lm nrufnn. aava:
"M husband has not touched liauor
Since i gave mm ine sample paoaage ux
your uoiaen p pec inc.
Save your loved one from premature
death and the terrible consequences of
the drink eurse and aave yourself from
poyerty-ajd misery,
It costs absolutely, nothing to try.
Pond your name and address to Dr. J.
W. Haines, 6838 Glenn Building, Cin
cinnati, Ohio, and he. will atonee aend
you a free package of the marvelous
Golden Speclilo in a plain, sealed wrap
He will also send you the strongest.
cnncl'usiva nroof of what a blessing It
lhaateen to thousands -of families.
Golden-Speclflo today. . ' -
by J. - A Malar key,. August Boson and
Wirt Minor. Capital, 16.000. -
The tashion Stables, by M. Ji)rla.
coll. tt. H. Tarpley and John Manning.
CaDlUl. 116.000.
Tk. Tlwia atiet4t Mmfuln V 3- V.
Capital, ,000.
During Her Absence Miss Glisan
Is Head of Public
; . -. Library.
Miss Mary F. laom haa left Portland
to spend several months In tha east and
bf6M-na wilt
position sa head librarian at the public
library in September. During her absence-
Miss - GUean, head of the cata
loguing department, ia ac4ng librarian.
At the monthly meeting of the dl
rectors last night Miss Glisan reported
that all tha departments have thla
month had the " largest avers go at-
tence. Thegh-
dren's department had the largest day In
ts Istorr last week -with a circulation
of - 400.- In - the-elrculation department
the total attendance for February was
11,743 and the circulation 11,861. In
the reference-room S.0S1 peeople were
accommodated and' in the periodical
room 6.J78. Tha number of books cata
logued waa 784. "' ' v
In the children's department Miss
Haasler haa been telling stories of
travel and travelers, but she is pre
paring for the spring stories of birds
and f to were.- These stories she tella to
Interest the children In their immediate
surroundings and to quicken their pow
ers of observation. The attendance haa
been 4.913 ' and the - circulation 4,411.
The per cent of Motion read In that room
la only 11 and In tha circulating oeparx
meat it has fallen to ( per cent, 1 leas
than In laat February.
The published lists this month Include
one on violet culture, which haa been
much atudled, and one on bird houaea.
posted at the request of the manual
training department of tha publlo
achools. Mrst Castro has been Installed
aa apprentice. , Mra. Stalllngs lias had
to give up the "work on account of 111-health.,-
. -, :. :
Wallowa News: . There ' have been
soen lately quite a number - of : bear
tracks on the brakes of Smith, moun
tain. Spring will soon be here.
' Tat Ces Ilnr OB SnaMea-Tar BatM."
latttrtt Hitlth by B u!!.!n-Tliu
Because the JlumaLBody must
have fat to npply energy to the
tissues, Oxomulsion contains the
urest of naturarFats.-Cod Liver
and Glycerine. .. Without am.
Tfnal fat in some easily iflijested
form, the Body would starre. Oxo-mulsiorre6taeefnhot-enery
of oxidization in the best known
manner to science. .
For Vasticj Dlsoasos
Uikes C3cd lha Lest Tlssua
Beneficial Resaks are Obtained after
tne First Dose,
There see two tteee Sex. eaa 144a Bottles J
Cm Fenaala is pnated ia 1 laagaegts ea asoa.
Ozomulmon Laboratories
1 "... sttrruBtMjt: .."
, - . ..;
More to JBeErectedJnCentf aj
East Side Than in
Recent Year.
Market Gardeners to Spend Twenty
. Five Thousand Dollars O. W. P.
Company " Starts " Building New
Carbarn Other Improvements,
The east siae efSet ef Tae Toarnal tt Is the
Store ot i. at. U Miller. SSO JCaat MorrUue
street Xelepaeae Beat ITS.
It Is already evident that the present
season-will ste a greater number - of
valuable kuslasss buildings
tha. eaat side, especially In the central
district between Kast Burnslde and Kaat
Morrison streets, thsn -any recent year.
Though, the building aeaaon haa hardly
really opened a doxen Important projects
are either under way or announced, and
In addition various sites have recently
changed hands, . the ' transfer being
preparatory . to -substantial Improve
ments not yet announced. -
One of the big improvements projected
Is the recently announced four-story
brick wholesale house of the Mitchell,
Lewis Staver company that will occupy
a block on East Morrison street In the
wholesale implement -district. Thla -la
to be tha first modern brick block In the
district, ' but It Is generally considered
that property, values are great enough
to return' an Income In - substantial
building and that tha frame, age haa
probably passed for tha warehouse tract
of the east aide. . :
. One of the big ."projects"' now well
under way la the market block for the
ft MlaH i far?'Prff ssoclatlon a t Un 1 on
avenue and Kaat Madison streeC The
tilling for the bis Plata olace has been
driven and mostoflnoTieaTvy flooring
has -eee; plaoed, rln-a, few weeks he
market will be completed .and when fin
ished it-will be commodious, up to date
and will represent an expenditure of
about 126.000.
Hew sraslsMaw'OeeMlan
One of. the results of the opening of
tha market will be to make a new busi
ness center on lower Union avenue be
tween Eaat Morrison atreet and Haw
thorne avenue, a district which, until
recently neglected, is now rapidly in
creasing in value and la the home of the
newly located, foundry with other large
establishments rumored;-- - -
. Chief of all tha eaat aide Improve
ments for tha year will doubtless be the
High school building. . The walla of the
Urst story of thla school, which will oo-eupy-sur
entire Wockaro-up-Mind -in" a
few days the achool will be formally
dedicated to the eaat side, when the im
provement association holds the corner-
stone-laying ceremonies. , ;
On tha terminal grounds of the O. W.
P. company south of East Clay street
that-eompany-has-atertedV tha eonstrue-1
tlon of a large carbarn and repair ahop.
For aome time tha company haa been
without barns to house its cars, the old
Mllwaukle establishment - having been
outgrown when: the Cssadern line was
put in service and tha Oaks opened.
The shops will employ an increasingly
large crew of men and will toe one of
the new Industrial centers of tha central
aaat aide district. c '
Soma Other XmprovwmanSa. ' .'
' 3. M. Healy will- apon let final ' con
tracts for the construction of a three-
story block 100 by 100 feet on Grand
avaniia mrA XT.mmt MMHarMt af-fewst Th ial I
buiraantTwnr-ba-ne or tne niu i"T0M0RR0VV1Sr7W7t?7A7
IflVVCU Ul VVU.IIHGIWU .7-- vivuvu VII
enst slat, the frame being steel
throughout. Tha work will be com
menced aa soon as the frame buildings
new on the site are vacated.
The East Bide bank will have new
quarters before the end of the year, H.
H. Newhall.- president,, having an
nounced the construction of a two-story
brick block at East Washington street
and Grand avenue, a site at preeent oc
cupied by small single-story buildings,
These are only a few of tha blocks
for the central district and both the
Hawthorne estate and the ladd inter
eeta have announced that they will
build modern brick buildings In thia
district thla year. . Elsewhere through
out the . east side business blocks are
being erected, and while few of them are
of brick "or atone, there are probably
two doxen two and three atory frame
store buildings and tenement blocks of
good construction now under way In
the suburbs.
Butcher aete ?udg-msmt for Twelve Xol-
lars aad Tlfty - Cents Samag-ea. -
After several months -of litigation TV.
D. Wiggins yesterday recovered $12.60
aa damages from Constable Keenan of
the east aide justice court. On peti
tion of the United States Packing com
pany Keenan attached the butcher shop
of Wiggins last summer and sold the
stock of fresh meats. Several yarda of
sausage, however, did not find a ready
sale and was sold by the constable at
bargain day rates. The butcher charged
that the sale should have netted
greater amount and would have had he
been allowed to sell the meats. Justice
Seton agreed and gave a verdict against
the constable for tl3-S0. which will be
paid from the indemnity bond of the
plaintiff to the original suit. ..
The suit of Bailey at Oney against
Dim lck A Cran font was -dismissed in
the east side Justice court yesterday
after the defendants had appeared for
trial. Judgment for till was asked by
the plaintiff e for work, done at Instanoe
of defendants on the Nfewberg achool
building. The defense asserted that the
plaintiffs substituted pipe not sccord
Ing to the specifications and that thla
pipe waa refused by the school board.
thereby costing , the defendants more
than-tha -amount due the plaintiffs -on
the contract. The ault was dismissed
at the' Instance of the plaintiffs' attor
ney and waa aettled out of court.
Several good residences - are - being
stsrted in the central district. At East
Eleventh "and Burnslde- street s""a 11,000
dwelling is being built for Mrs. Iove;
at East iTanlh. and Beaconstrecta a
12.000 residence is being built for Mra
C. J. Willis, and F. C. Miller Is having
built an 11,800 home at Eaat Twentieth
and Stark streets. .
Early next week tha temporary head-
ounrtera of the Women of Woodcraft,
which haa been for alx mentha in the
Calef building on Eaat Morrison street.
will be moved to the Women of Wood-
oraft temple on the west side. Chief
Clerk J. I. Wright, with his force, will
be the first to occupy the new temple
and will superintend the, final work
on it. " . . .
The . elevated roadway en Esat Alder
street, between Seventh and Tenth
streets. Is .completed and will greatly,
' ' '- v.-'. ' '. ' ' ' .
The Eyc As An Optical
, : ;'" tnitrumeri
1. fti Cam.
X. The Irla.
...- Tha Ciliary Muscle, -4.
Crystalline Xns.
6.. Optio Nerve. 'uU.
-."Aqueous Humor. J:
7. Vitreous Humor.
In our progreatilve description of the
eye aa an optical instrument, we have
passed through all the refeaotlve media
from the Pnrn am Kaflr mnA nn .Am. a
tusRUiaZ-Ta4ar4n-wrat article, we
compared- to. tha senaatlaed plate in . a
camera. Tha Retina la a thin, extended
portion -"of the Optio. Nerve covering
practically the entire Inner chamber of
the eye and ia composed of innumerable
nerve -cells, and it is through the im
pression received upon this wall of nerve
cells -that we receive snd experience the
sensation xf sight, which Is carried to
the brain . through the medium of the
Optio Nerve.
The eye haa fittingly been called the
window of tha aoul, as It ia through the
eye we receive every Impression coming
from light. '- V. . , ... ' v v
"No money eaa purchase, he artist can
paint ..... .. . .
Such plcturea as Nature supplies,-
Forever, all over, to alnner and . saint.
Who use to advantage, their eyes.".
There are very few perfect eyea. An
abaolutely perfect eye aees the stars In
the heavens aa points of light, perfectly
d dels aa It emi wltaaut the ssasj
glea aa most of ua see them. The
fecta, which not only produce poor vis
Ion, which is of course to be regretted,"
but tha most serious defects are often
obscure, the persons afflicted often
having excellent vision but are suffering
from Eye Strain, Headacbea, Eyeachea
and " various hervdus "troubles ttjaters
traceable directly to the eyea. -
....... (To Be Continued.) : .
relieve the congestion caused by the
closing of the other through streets run
ning eaat from the central district, Eaat
Morrison up to this time having been
the chief highway and It being some
what hazardous owing to the nature of
the old roadway between Eaat Eighth
and Eaat Ninth atreet a. - -
A. quarter -block: at East Sere ft th "and
Morrison streets was sold -yesterday by
the Healy Investment company to Mo
Klnley Mitchell for . $16,000. . BmaU
frame store buildings occupy the site.
Tbejaldway Improvement association
desires that the polling place in the re
cently established precinct SS be In the
new- hall of the organ lsatio,. which, la
central and tba only large room avail
able for the purpose In the vicinity.
At the last meeting, of the association
It was resolved to endeavor to secure
such locatlrafromtoec!tjr andeounty
The .northwest conference of the
Wealeyan Methodist church was called
to -order at the Center addition chapel
this morning by Rev. H. M. Frymlre,
president. Sessions will continue
throughout the week end special revival
meetings will be held for a week or 10
days longer.
Tomorrow night will be T.lW,'CL'a,
night at the Exposition roller skating
rink and an invitation to be preeent Is
extended to every one by the committee
in charge. The affair Is to be given for
the purpose of furnishing a good time
foe-the young, women ofths association
and their friends, and the fund . raised
by the admission fee of 10 cents will
ba-used In providing the T.- W, C A.
- Mrs. A. E. Rockey will be the hostess
of the occasion and she will be as
sisted by girls " of the association.
Home-made refreshments of the sort
that the domestic science department of
the association is famoua for manufac
turing will be served to the guests dur
ing the evening.' -
Those who cannot skate are. invited
to go and look on and partake of the
refreshments, to show their Interest in
and support of the work of the aasocla
tlon. . .The work .of the association is
more than 86 per cent self-supporting
and more than 100. young woman are
"at home" in the roome of the organ!
Button - every Sunday afternoon. The
lunch and restrooms accommodate sev
eral hundred girls dally. The girls are
endeavoring to raise enough money to
erect a permanent home and have se
cured in paid-up subscriptions $2,000. -
An appetising meal of several courses,
prepared by a number of little girls
during the course of the meeting, to
give those In attendance a practical
demonstration of what progress Is be
ing made by the practical cookery class.
was one of the features of the gather
ing yesterday of the Council of Jewish
Women. The Neighborhood House was
the theme of the afternoon, and all
papers .and- discussions - had- ev direct
bearing upon that Institution and . the
work being accomplished there.
Miss 8 trickier haa charge of the
cooking deaprtment. her pupils ranging
In agea from 8 to 14 years. They
proved themselves practical little cooks,
for the repast they prepared was thor
oughly enjoyed by the women who- at
tended the meeting. The reports re
ceived by the president, Mra 8. M. Blu
mauer, : show - that- the : several depart
merits -of- the-eounell are in, flourishing .
.Sootors Are Iuasled.
iS-remarkable recovery of Kenneth
Mclver of Vanceboro, Ma., la the aub
Ject of much interest to the medical
fratemrry-mnd- wwlde ftrctir of"Trtenrts.
He says or his ease; "iwmg to eevere
inflammation or tne Throat and con-
geation of the Lungs, three doctors gave
me up to die, when, aa a last resort, I
wae Inducted to try Dr. King's New Dis
covery ana l am nappy to say n saved
my Ufa." Cures the worst Coughs and
is. unrei inw wnni i uugns ana
, Bronchitis,.- Tonsllltls, Weak
s. Hoarseness and ' Ia - Grippe,
infeed at S. O. Bktdmore A Co.'s
drug store. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle
free. ..
... .
These are , the Two most fashionable "color? in
. ; v : Hats this season. :
"'"took at our window display. It tells
Sie1son, Knox, B. & P.
Spectacles Prom $UOQ Up
Our Special
elsewhere and are dissatisfied. For Instance, if you are afflicted with either.
Hydrocele, Stricture or Nervous Decline, our charge for curing either of
which, without any complications, Is $2t, we will guarantee to cure you
for $12.60. and accept the money in anjr'-way you wish to pay." We will "
also cure Contagious Blood Poison for $12.60, which Is Just one half our '
regular fee. The liberal offer Is made to enable those to be cured who .
have spent their money in doctoring without relief, and to show the many
who have treated with dosena of physicians without benefit that we have ,
the only methods that produce a lifelong cure. .
One methods are np-to-dae and are Indorsed by the highest medloal
authorlKtea of Europe and Amerloe. Hence our snooesa ia the treatmaaS
of men's dleeaeia. Hemembev our specialty limited to the dlasssis ef
mar, and atxar enr.
SPECIAL DISEASES Newly contracted and chronic eases cured.
All burning. Itching an-inflammatlon atopped in 24 houra; curea effected -in
t days. ... ; ...... . . " " 7
- vr cores the Satire tela of private aad chreale,
eated. diseases. . ..
A Lifelong
lLOos ronoir
onono szsoxAmass
'.' WRITE, If you cannot call. 'All correspondence strictly confidential
and all replies aent in plain envelopes. No names, case's,' letters, or photo
graphs of patlenta published or exposed. ' Inclose 2-cent stamp to insure
reply.. -
HOURS 4o-V4-to- s-Dallyr Sundays t to -1 1.
commm ssooan aitd TAanxLi,
Pborua Main 2000 " A' 263
h -ATHASWEET" I A ferfe' Ultry ; I -ATHASWEtT- - J? )
1 Bert tolUJ pbjwdsf. J Ai J - Sefteas Hare! Water ATT "MsJeS'v? J "
tlaeptlcally pure. S N. sata. - MSNee eea rp
V Kellevee win -vBvner .tlisn rf-,,ereamr lather. Very
Vshas. Very S I5" ' famsJ IS Baths ,9e Njragrsat, Purest .
- vBab THK SOX ytt tHS CAKBJ,- -
2Sr ATI. STOSBS SOB stAHBB BT V9 e ...' , '
m :' 'mm
50 to $10
Mi MORRISON ST., 0pp. Postofftee
Wo WillrTreat-Any Single :Uncom-
plicated Ailment '
Under Absolute Guarantee
Pay Unless Cured
In view of there being so
many afflicted with prt-"
vate cliiunlu and pel via diseases who are t reatl ngwilB""
quack specialists and Inexperienced physicians without
-receiving any benefit, we have decided to make a spe-.
etal offer to charge only one half of our "regular fee
fft Mirlnv fhnu whit m rm r n . nnitwmlii. 'Im.Hmmi -
deep seated, oompU-
Cure for
SKTjr sxraAsxa i awd wimtuul
iroonnufAi. sMiaaxoaTS
aTrnzsTi, vobtzuto, omzoo.
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing,
Poultry Netting, Etc.
FLANDERS ST, Near third
4 S -
! I