The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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sj,MsasjassjBSSlSWsasssjS m JSISalwsss W ytgaJe ssassasnasai mm
f" - . ' ' 1 111 " 1 -a
.. . . r-r -v 77-". -y-T- :
The Best $3.00
Made NEW. Shapes
If Not i
Makes It
New East Side Spirit to Display
Itself at Corner Stone Laying
;'vV, . "of High" School. I f -'i
Ground Story of Big Biulding la Up
"" ; and Show That Completed Struc
ture Will Be by Far the Hgndaom.
;.' est of Its Claas in the City. .
The east else fSc of Te Jaerasl to la tae
tttn mt J. M O. stiller. ISO - But ' aUrrlsoe
streets Telepooe Cast 17a. ,
,Tha firat public opportunity for th
Mat aids to bow the new aplrit of clvio
Improvement and union that haa been
growing during the laat few month
la the dedication of the Eaat Side High
school, which will be made the event of
r the year on the eaat - aide. - The sug
ireatlon that was first made in The Jour
nal a few daya ago "haa excited a. gen
- era! Intereat among- the bualneaa men
and -leader a of the entire dlatrict and
haa already reaulted In the original
plana . being considerably enlarged. . It
la now proposed to secure a specially
' cut cornerstone of fine quality to aerve
i aa. a lasting memorial to the event, and
on this account the ceremony will prob
, ably be delayed so trig daya beyond the
..time flrat announced. At the meeting
of the Eaat Side Improvement aaaocla-
tlon tWs evening plans will be diacuaaed
and steps taken to aecure the coopera
tion of the various suburban push clubs
and commercial bod!, all of which have
a direct Intereat In the new high school.
The first story of the big structure
' 1 ready for the floor, all the stone hav
ing been placed except at the two en
' trancea Th flrat story, while built In
' part- as a basement, -will provide room
for classes should the apace be needed
and will give ample space for gymna
sium. - Tbe m" eater portion of the baae
" ment story Is above the ground level.
',- Already It Is apparent that the build-in
will be by far the handsomest school
structure In the city and that it will set
.' a new mark for future Improvements of
this class. The first story, with Its con
' st ruction entirely of blue sandstone, la
, ., Tit C4 Uvtr OS BmmM 'Tar Earnfe"
i Th storage battery of the haman
.system ie the heart
Keep pumping good, rich, red blood
i into that organ and replenish the. worn
. j out tissues of your body by the aid 0
a tonic which' wilt assist nature ia her
. work.'
To be ttrong and vigorous is a
. blessing,
After the are of thirtv-five the tl
; sues refute to renew themselves with-
: OUt tid. . . .. . v:n-:-
The zenith has been reached, and
- decline begins and is readily apparent
"unless advantage is taken of the re
- searches that knowledge and scleiKe
; have put at our command.
Oromulsten js, one. of its greatest
products. ----- -.. . ?
Oromulsion stands on a plan, by it-
-welf. . ....... . ' ...i,
It Is the greatest nerve and bone)
f food on the market -
.-Beneficial resulti are obtsinedjfterl
, the first dose. ; ...
By its use the whole system ander
"T goes a complete change. " '
; It creates new, rich blood, destroy
, disease germs, .invigorates the nerves,
. and is a wonderful mental stimultnt
Begin todsy taking Oromulsion, and
the change from a worn-out. nervous
state to a strong, healthy body and
. ? mind will become at one apparent .
- W don't want you to take our word
lor it, bat try it and be convinced.
There are twe - end If-os- Bertfeft
. i Vacmla I eraied in T language oa eaca.
$4,95, $7.45r$?.75r$12,S0
$14,75, $20A and JSult
With "a Saving, to You
$9.75 Topcoats
"; Look like the up-town $20.00 coats
maaJv In appearance. Instead of the
atone. being laid In regular couraea an
ornamental design haa been followed
without weakening the general effect
of atrength and muss. -'
One of the aerloua problems that will
have to be solved before the, school Is
opened Is tha improvement of Eaat Stark
atreet from Klnth to Thirteenth street.
This street will carry a great part ot
the attendance from the central dis
tricts and if left in its present condi
tion will be th one blot in surroundings
otherwise In keeping with the new
building. For four or five blocks Eaat
Stark atreet is a alough and was once
bridged by an elevated roadway, but this
waa year ago, and not In recent times
has the atreet been open to traffic, the
rotting roadway being left to fall to
piece. Garbage men have used the
alough a a dumping ground and from
under the old roadway come emella.
Though -tha roadway la practically, a
ruin. It is atlll open to foot passengers,
who pick -their way arroes the sagging
walka dodging th weak places.
Mala Seat Bid lo4offl Orerburdemed
Wit -work, but Mot Wit Clerks.
For several weeks postal station A
haa been overburdened with work and
only during the laat few day have the
clerks commenced to catch up with th
accumulated business. An extra clerk
was placed at thla office during the
holiday rush and kept there until late
In January, when the special appropria
tion gave but. In the meantime th
increase in work had been so great that
th additional dark was neceesary,. and
when, be was removed Poatmaater Hal-
vor and hla assistant found there wr
more thing to do than there were hour
in the day to do them In. For several
weeks the office force worked 1 and
more hour each day with no time for
lunch, and even then the routine work
waa shoved aside and th monthly re
ports and almllar matters of less mo
ment were forgotten.
When the general city office secured
eight additional clerks laat week the
eaat side station waa given a man, and
commencing yesterday th tangle in th
atlbatation began to be straightened out
Bualneaa at thla atatlon haa Increased
rapidly and steadily alnce th office was
opened laat summer, . and today It la
the chief postal station in th city, aside
from the main office an the west side.
The' carrier force reporting at station
A Is being overworked and several of
th men are making only a delivery and
a half, because their territory haa been
aettled up ao rapidly with new patron.
When the annual report of th atatlon
I made it is believed that a showing
will be made sufficient to Justify the
Increase of the carrier force and to give
the .business district tributary to th
office another delivery each day. ,
Johns to Tot oa Bond
With atop of Bette gnemss.
' Again St Johna will vote en th
Issuance of bonds for the erection of
a town halt At the council meeting laat
night it waa decided to hold an election
on the bond queatlon at the same time
the town election I held in April. At
that time the cltisena will be aaked to
decide whether 110.000 In bonda ahall
be lsaued for the construction and equip
ment of a city hall, that will , include
a modern Jail and commodious council
chamber. The old question of the town
charter, which though twice changed Is
atlll generally unsatisfactory, waa taken
up and a committee appointed to revise
tbe preaent instrument, aubmlt it to the
peoplejand If-adopted y : -tbem-ta-are
sent It to the neat, legislature.'
A year aao the town almost unani
mously voted bonda for the erection of
a city hall, flrehouae and th payment
of some small debts, but the bonda. were
declared invalid by some of the bonding
companies and one elty firm, after mak
ing a bid. refused to take the certifi
cate. . The objection to the former
bonds "was partially 1 of .a " charter
character; and - partly--becaue It-wa
believed th bond were not voted -in
as the law provided they ahould be.
yhetherthpreaent bonda. If Issued,
will be moreaccepta6le" la V "matter of
doubt, legal authorities who have tried
to work on th preaent town charter
st rumen t Is changed any important act
of the cltlsen or council Is liable to tm
unlawful. ' Th peculiar thing about the
town charter ia that though in fore for
more than a year and explained by a
percentage - of th best legal talent ef
Portland, th Instrument ia atlll a vague
nondescript document. ' eelf-contradte-dlctory
and ao eluatv that no lawyer
will he rash enough to aaaert he under
stands what It really all doe mean. -
'. V.; a . .. . ...
Th annual conference rf th Wes
leyan ttethodlat church In Ui Wniam
ette district will convene at th Wee-
;rM . '
of $2 to $5 a Suit
leyan church in Center addition tomor
row, the opening sermon being deliv
ered at 11 a. m.
.Bevlval service will be commence J
at the Flrat Evangelical church In BL
Johna this evening under the direction
of Rev.' F. Phelps.' The eervlcee ' will
continue for two weeka.
' Th new county rock quarry at Kelly
Butte, northeast of Montavllla, will ao .
ba mined extensively by the county,
work having already been commenced
on a eruahed rock highway to th quar
ry. If la' planned to replace the gravl
roada In the suburbs with crushed rock
that will stand the heaviest trafflo for
year without serious deterioration.
' At the regular session " of . th Eaat
8Me Improvement association, -to be
held tonight in the Juattce court at East
Washington atreet and Union avenue,
reporta will ba heard from the eommlt
teea on real estate exchange, department
store. High school cornerstone laying,
east aide rill and fire protection. - -r
Lent will remain Lenta, so far as th
poatof f Ice department la concerned.
Word has been received from Washing
ton by thoaa who recently petitioned
that th nam of th town be changed
to Mount Scott that their requeat was
denied. .. -. '
We intend that the year 1906
. ' , , , , , r.r '." sz : :.. :.: ,. ..f.y , jj ' . -- - " . , c.j, .
arima atartlino- rhancrea in afore methrwle before the vear has
tjmew payment plan as applied to furniture-buying fn Portland. We intend to elaborate and extend that plan so that any honest man or woman in any part of the
state-may enjoy it benefits, and furthermore, choose their own terms of payment buy what they want and pay what they can. As a beginner we shall inaugurate
for the month of March ' " " .7.' ' ''.';' ';"''':'.'' .-'.-: '' --: : r;;V -;
ft ' l " X -FIRST GUN IrhM
M T - II - II 11 I i . It - . V . . "
Story -of -Father Wno Found
4 Family After Twmty Years
. Excites GenVraf mterest, ''
Letters of congratulation and Inquiry
from aU parts of the cau ntrj ave been
pouring in to Foster Adama lncethe
nottc -of-hte -rennlew with hla . family
after JO year of aeparatlon appeared
In The Journal.' The story of how the
father became separated from' bis fam
ily by : coming out west, how they
thought him. dead for ?0 years and how
it finally located hla daughters and
brought th family toaether one araln,
went through-the country.-. People who
never knew Mr. Adama or any of hla
family, but wbower Interested tn the
reunion." have written to hint offering
congratulations. Old friends that he
ill ncLsen tncej,ls boyhood daya and
hadn't beard from for years, nave writ
ten him and renewed old acquaintance
by letter. - One or two have aaked If he
could give them any Information of lost
relatives' who were supposed to have
funis tu. this part of the west,iand whe
disappeared -after - leaving ; - their . old
home. Mr. Adams exhibited a letter
thla morning from Frank Miller of
Louisville, Kentucky. -
"He and I were playmates together,"
said he, "and each thought the other
dead. He saw the notice of my little
reunion and Immediately wrote to me."
Another letter waa from HattI Bal
lard, who aald she had seen The Jour
nal's story and wanted to congratulate
Mr. Adama on his good fortune. The
woman - aaya her brother, Stephen
Fields, came weet in th early day and
haa bean, missing for 14 yeara .past
She doea not know what haa become of
him, and ask Mr. Adam If he haa
ever heard of a man by thls nam. --
.Attorney B. C. Spencer yesterday re-
Uuesiea'Tiesmiin Jiuigw t'laum tu die
miss th cas - of James A. - McNeill
aaiaiMat J xTi -g-,-. 11 W -. Sj W
Bfainn jt,a x. anciciu vitiivi' niu n
on the circuit j:9urtdackt since recem-
ber, 1902. Mr. Spencer said that tha
couple had. been brouaht together by
their love for their two sons..
Early 'in December, 190. McNeill filed
a complaint In the circuit court asking
for a divorce. He alleged cruel and In
human treatment Mrs. . McNeill at once
contested th case, and on December 30,
1008, filed an affidavit In which aha
charged her husband with having fre
quently abused and beaten her, and aha
aald that on one occasion ne had been
convicted of assault and battery ' prac
ticed on her. Mrs. McNeill aald that her
husband had often deserted her and their
children, and that In September. 1902,
be had left and had not returned. She
aald further that In th previous October
her husband had taken their 11-year-old
son from her, made him -stop going to
Sunday school and, ahe had been told,
took him to see prise fights. On Febru
ary IS, 1903,-Judge Sears Issued an order
giving the mother th- car of -the two
Thla is aaid to have brouaht thrf
coupl together.-
Baldwin's Health Tablets.
Take them tonight be well tomorrow.
Cure constipation. . . JSa. Druggists -
shall prove a red-letter year a
A Campaign for
Government Will ' Establish at
, Least Two New Life Savings
Captain D. F. Toaier Goinf on Tour
of Inspection of t)istrict--If Oaso
" line Lifeboat Ia Success It May Re-
- place Rowing Craft - J ; ;
J Captain i)-F.T osier leaves thla even.
ing on a tour of inspection of the nine
llfeaavlng atatlon In the ' Thirteenth
district. - Five of them are along the
Oregon coast and four on the Wash-
luglun coast. Upon1 th rotoiuujenda
tlon of Captain Toaler th goverameat
will make Improvementa in th service.
At least two new stations ar to b
established. Th building of one of them
will be a. direct outgrowth or aftermath
of the wreck of the Valencia, oa the
southeast coast of Vancouver Island, a
reW" weeks ago. - That station 1 t be
located in th Immediate vicinity of
Cape Flattery, across the mouth of the
atralt from which the ateamvr went to
her doom.- The second Is to be estab
lished farther south on the coast be
low Point Bandon. near Cap Bianco.
In both instances .the new stattonkeep
ers will have th regulation number of
assistants, seven men. The class -of
boats that will be installed and the char
acter of. the bulldinga . will . depend
largely upon th recommenaatlona of
Captain Tosler to th llfeaavlng head-
The government intends , to expend
thousands of dollars during the present
la h lanpnoiisnienf and . further
perfection of the llfeaavlng service
along, tbe Oregon and Washington
coasts. - Tbe flrat move waa tha instal
lation of a gasoline-urr boat at the
Cape Disappointment station. It is the
first of Its kind to be launched on the
PaclAo eoaat. - Th only other-one. as far
a known that is being trtea by the
government, is In one of the stations off
th New -Jersey coaat 'Ii lv 1 round
that th boata can be relied upon it la
tha intention to displace th preaent
rowing -boata with them.
Several of the etatlona ' along the
coaat ar in need of new apparatua,
especially more up to date boats, and
the boards of survey which uaptain
Toaler will hold are expected to result
In new ones being aent weat from the
national headquarter In Washington.
There ia also th poaalblllty that ad
ditional men will be-provlded. for aery-
ice at atatlon which are 1n' need -of
them. : . . . . .-.v.-
Blgtith Kaasaa Surkrtot
t Joereal apeeial rrlee.
Wichita, - Kan.. March . Th
publican congressional convention ot the
new Eighth district was caned to oraer
here thla afternoon to nominate a can.
dldate to succeed Congressman Victor
Murdock. elected a year ago in the btg
Seventh dlatrict All indication , point
record - breaker in the history of the
crown old. It is well known that
One Thousand New Customers
To boom this campaign we shall hold a series of apeeial sales extending over the entire month
of March, and embracing every department. The pruning knife has been liberally applied to all
prices, but it's the terms the TERMS t that will count and bring 1,000 new names to our books."
Varying Heights of Crown and Widths of Brim
?--?7--; lnsure Acceptable Fit ;: ;.. .",
Duihini h Pendleton's Special
Both Darby and Soft Hats
V ...
Spectacles From -5UOp Up
to the renomlnatlon
Murdock. '
- of Congreaaman
house of ' I. Gevurtt & Sons. To
we. manv vears aeo. introduced
A Beautiful
Enameled Iron
Worth $18.00
for - -
lAs JheJirsX .guri ijn this campaign for l,000new customers, we
throw open to any and every purchaser the opportunity of pos
sessing this splendid Creedmore bed on their own terms. The
weight of this beautiful bed is about 130 pounds. The enameling
is secured through the oven-drying process, and we can furnish
all cream enameling or white and blue, both with rich French"
gilding. The large round cones at .head and foot and the pillars
are made of the best wrought iron, one inch in diameter, with
half inch spindles. The locks are of the latest design and when
the bed is set up is strong and durable and stands perfectly rigid
Altogether it is anjincommonly good trpn
ttd and"you"-woald-pay $18.00 for it-else
where, but Gevurtz special price is
Doottose-thispporttmity-ta-provide -yourself -with-a
splendid bed. As a suggestion, would say that $1,00 .DOWN
AND $1.00 A WEEK will pay foC it inside of three months, and
you will not feel the outlay.-, . , , ' . : . .
i .
: - ii
11 . t
. ' Sk
of 1SC3
in AU tbe Fashionable Colors.
Fief erred Btoek Oanaed Boda.
Allen Lewis Best Brand.
that end we shall inaugurate
the 'little down and little at a-
Your Terms Are
Our Terms
stanas penecny ngia.
only. ..