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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1906)
tosiobt'S amomii. ' .. .. . . r.'. . . . ."hm "-'! ; ........... "r HP ' Empire Lyric... Ktor TV Grand Mrs Marie-Anna Sohade. wife of Jo saph Schada of 97. Tillamook (treat, died at 4:1( o'clock, yeaterdsy after , noon of lung trouble. She w 71 years of age, belli born in Oar-nan on Sep? sfistUaBBwM place Monday morning, high mass Be ing aald at tha German Catholic church. Fifteenth and Cih atraata. at 19 o'clock, The body will be laid to rest In Calvary cemetery. Mr.' and Mra. Schada came to Portland about II ye re ago. They had four aona and one aaugn- blna;- August Bchade of St. Charles, Jo epb Srhsdo. Jewel-, of Portland, and -Mra. Annie TUUlt, wife-. Of ' William gro--Vin,iV.-- ffr-TTi.-nr --r I .Tall vivos Mrs. Bchade. Mra. M. O. Krumpei' num., aim uvea 1 w uuuiiiic. plucky. . .; - The Horn Tratnlhg association or. sanlsed another mothera' club yestar-i -daV.aJLarnann at the-Alneworth -sohool., Thla la tha third orgsnlsed at different oboola of the city, and there are eager request! from ether achoola ior oraanr, II laatlon. The former ones are at the Holladar-Parfc-and WontavllU school ... Mrs. A, King Wilson presided yeeter- dav and Mra. J. W. Stafford read a pa- per aotUin-t -ot4h tha-JbJeet .of - the ..... Home Training- aaaoclatlon. Mra. W. W. . "Payne urged - tha cooperation of the schools, and the homes In a short ed- ; drees. The officers of tha now club ' are: Mrs. P.- J. Oelsler, chairman; Mrs. .. J. . W. Llltensr-vlea-ohalTmttnf-Mi Cilenn, secretary. Clement Benlteauz wlto was born In Baat Salmon, atraat. Ha was one of the pior.irrj or Oregon., navmg- amigraiaq to the west when only II years of age. Me was a veteran of the Mexican war and served throughout that struggle a a-member of Company C, First regU wept. H la survived by five deugh ' ters and one. son. Funeral aervlces will . be held Bundey at tha residence, sot I. f Yan Pulmn strrrt til ti-i"'"t " , be held In Lone Vlr cemetery. Mr. Ben-, .L iteaux.. was one of the first streetcar - Kira Moekei pioneer, now prepsrlng to "htt-thtratl fronTThS Cojumbl rlv to the Missouri which he traversed west . . ward 54 years ago, has been Invited by jrom Richardson , of tha -Commercial club to give a short address before that V--- body -at - the lunch - how next Monday ' j Thla evening at 7:10 o'clock Mr. Meeker will exhibit a large number of the views which he will takej,with him on his eastern trip.-' Pioneer and tha public are generally Invited. - . . The will of the lata Btfinickson Bpsrks ws -THed yesterday. He bequeaths ' '$i0 t ha Cotner university,' near Lln . coin, Nebraska; 1110 to. the 'Ashley & ' Johnson SchooJ of tha Evangelist, Kim : 'berlan Heights. Tennessee; 20 to tha rhruttlan Churoh home missions and a " . like aum to foreign mtsslons; 11 00 to old and disabled prsschers of tha Chris Han church; J0 to his grand-on, 'Charles Sparks." The remainder" of-the estste Is divided amonf JTvehlldren VaTuesThalTara trade winners. With each garment we make goes our' guar antee at US superiority In fashion, fit snd fabric . Our. spring patterns; and spring styles gr new HemsBiher-we make house to order for In ths elty will do we - will ' have your Easter. Unique TaUdTInc near Blath. At a meeting xof tha stockholders of the Oregon L.lfe Insurance company yesterday a committee was appolntedjta. preparer by-law a. wuilIi will Da present ed at a meeting Tuesday. Officers and - directora will be elected on that day, ' . The .'commltteei appointed yesterday consists of 10 Frlede, J. N. Teal. U Bamuel.; WrHMoorft.andJCiAL-VOgS- . well.'. ..... v- ... 1 Hey:" J. R.-TVelch lias accepted thf pastoral call, -extended to him by the congregation of the Fourth Presbyterian church. First and Glbba streets, which has had no pastor for four months. H will preach his flrat sermon at 10:14 'clockaundT morning! Th-lnataUai tlon ceremony will be bejd next Wed. ncsday evening. .' ; ; 1 , , " The state convention of 'the' Borlallst party of Oregon will be held at SOI Da vis street on Monday March 12. at .10 a. m., for the purpose of putting a full ticket In the field, A diatrlcl Ulan wITTlie held at Knapp'siisll. Oregon Cltr. on Tuesday. March 11. at 10 a. m. Signed. Thomas Sladden, secretary of party in Oregon. " The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite-Masons entertained -at their cath' dral last night. The Teoeptlon, which was the fourth of a series of at homes gtvun under the auspices of tha order, was largely attended, There were . dancing and card games. Light refresh ments wore served. u Richards' New Chef Richards' new French" chef. Just arrived from New York City, will take charge Sunday. Owing . to tha Increased patronage of thla popular establishment we bava engaged a new orchestra, which will dispense popular music during -Sunday dinner hours. , - -v . , Ir. Thomas Perry, who le supplyln$ ;the pulpit ar-the First Presbyterian -church, has consented to give one of his lectures to ths Christian Endeavorers of this city In ths near future. Ths lso. Jure. will be given underJhe J'W-CaLJjrr-i" r ih. nltv 'Ihr'al union. . . I we guarantee Anothefvchlld afflloted with diphtheria was taken from tha noma or airs. riCK- MalntTeet-nnd Bantrjr -roaa yesterday and placed in -St. Vincnrtt's snnatorltim. This makes the fourth ' child taken from this stricken home In the Inst three days. Twor mora remain S . .1 LJ.XUL.l-i J-1U -LU -l ! I REV.J.R. 1 Intro dito Address , -. or tmm ssBise . .-"v-' T Church History XX Calvary , Presbyterian C h rch 7' Toxomaow jrrjjrpra ran rUulUI'MUfo UUO Will Rfcejv Six Hundred Dollars a Year. Service Beginning Tf hi Morning. TNCKbAttlvD BUST) NECESSITATES HELP Potmter Minto Put Ip.IUaulfiti or - Tf n Nrs- FnrW" WnAH in Postoffice Durinr Holiday Rush.t Afterward Being Laid Off. Eight additional clerks have bean as- signed to tha Portland, postoffice. Post- mestsr J. W. Mints received . telegram this morning from First Assistant PotmaerGenerakBUchoQcfc-BUthQx-Ixlna hlra to emiioy that number. They are to receive f 00 a year, their date of service twKlnnlng this morning. As soort as - the ". telegram :as Tecrfved. PeeHtiaster Mtnttr spent-Blf ail Boor caJUrg up by telephone the seven men uiq vni TviDn wiwi,m.vwuwi ri- aiva the- position, to. -Tftey are a follows ' Miss Alta M. Watson, who will ba em- Sloyed In tha money order department; ohn M.-Klrk. registry department: Bel den C. Thompson. William P. Bodway obart B. - Brtmnall, matting partmenU Ward P. Bwopa, Osoar w. Wtttrrborg and O. A- Rmlth. elty dellv, sry doartmenU . -- Tha business, or ma etrice nas mo in 'creased that I foun,d It necessary to ask the department, for additional clerks." said Postmsster Mlnto this morning. 'I' put In a requisition for 14. but I guess the department decided It eould not stand tha expense, eo cut my allow ance down two. As tha old song- goea: Every little bit helps,' and I am grate ful for the alghu whom I have appolted ar not strangers In tha business. They war employed Ml fV Tl I ill I .. -II. that time I maqe application ror Ir rt'""'". "" tba departmattf could not grant my request. I took tha matter Tip again, stating that" X must have extra help, citing my monthly comparative statements . to . abow bow the business of the office l inoreaalng, and this telegram thla morning Is the result." ! -r .i - - and tbe doctors fear they will also be come afflicted with the disease. The plaoef Is being kept under Strict quar antine by Health Officer Wheeler. Mrs. cricason u. a, wiuu v m hou viruuiu Stance s. ,. T. B.-WII00X leftnhis mornlnj for Washington, D. C, to resume the work he began In the east some weeks ago '". 0"""" .rfr &!J1WJ o;. thTmVnT"harbor; c'om w i n k. rf.t. f I L.Li. . a 1. n.,A t.. I prouaux " 1 remain at tha wont in wasningtoni tn nur sweat ceax and lawn grass. I awarded first prlxepd gold medals at both Bt. wuls an7 Portland. Tneso seeds costna-jnorw lhaa the' oidtnary or mongrel kind and are to be had only at J. J. Butrs, s rront street, pe tween Tambllj and Taylor.-; . : We may be able to please you. When ever you want to do" some bouse paint ing, paper hanging, tinting, woodwork finishing, call' us up njr 'phone.' -You 1 111 find our estimate reasonable snd 1 vur vvni vwt wuat 1 1- A . . ' t ' . Ullla I st Co. Phone Main (tSS.. 1 v A new rate on car lots of hay from the middle jwest wtu ba made by the Oregon Railroad Navigation foatej tiany tolPTmlt growers to ship Jia ta.1 the coast to compete for tbe Manila contracts. The rata will be. cut from ,11 to to. cants par hundred. ' ' Sr. House's subjects Sunday at the First Congregational church are: " Morn. .lug, iTUe Elder Brother," and eveningr A JjOsi zpung aaan anq woman re claimed." The world's favorite song. "Tell Mother m Be There' win be sung In the evening. " Dr. Brougher's topics "at "ths Whit ; Temple- Sunday are; At 1040 -a. m Secret pf Jower. Lord s supper ob served: T:S0.- P- m., 'Tha Tempted snd Fallen"; prelude.- "That Fake Attack." ; Baptism. , The Holly Tirsnch sanitarium, an In stitution-for the treatment of cancer by the application of medicine. - For Illus trated booklet address sol Deknm build ing (city .office)-. -i . .. . - , ' "Watches, Watches, Watohes On easy plec. MeUger 4 V- H 61 U street Steamship Alliance Balls from Couch Tuesday night, March 6, af t o'clock. F. P, faumjartner, agent Main ttl. Whypsrtata.lia-or eyeglassrsT aperrect nt ror 11. Ryes examined free, Metsgcr 4k Co.. Ill Sixth street ! ... .v.-a-il-sa t:: vr""i."Ll.? 7 lin. 41 Laooe oiog. rnons main .. - Will not be responslbla for any debts contracted by my wife, signed, H. U. I Havsrkamps . , . T Oder's piano studio. " -Paaoe E. tU. Clesn Inside mill wood. Tel. East 44- DR. S. S. WISE FAVORS :: - CONGRESS OF PROTEST Dr. Stephen S. Wise, rabbi of Temple Bath Israel, beltevee that a Jewish oon- aress should be called i pretest to tha world tha alrodttlss that ban Tbeen committed upon the Jews by Kui slans. He addressed hie congregation last night on ths subject, "s a .Jewish Congress Neededf 1 Dr. Wise drew a' grrphto picture of tha riots tn Busela and described the appalling losa of human life as the re sult of thesa. - - . "T-MilwaukU Country Cfub.' "'. Ioa Angeles and, Oakland racea" Taka Sellwood and Oregon City ears at first and Alder. 1 , , t . 111! mis will and handsome. . 1 "TT ,7 'i' ' ,7, I .xi.tma- olreumetanaa The Mry de. .v. w ' .?' r,,".n;;raV zr iio that mode, ncm -tio. - w. sis no otaer r V ,.:7"T Mw trios! traditions; thai tlx Is- " UUs. .Order -u w T 73 Si ikrage taw a.d ardar by klll-h- aatltt. nnltetketd I mm 'M wtMUMawa a w r . 1 : as MaajlUt I "-' ' I r- 1 r -1 I ma. ma WflmBn. nil rUUfUOU am iBIUiUl I Cot "M ,,Tk; W wish to' direct epeclal attention or jcujjlir.- Tha men were eantenoad to legal poi;:t S ft'J E Columbia Georgs and Toy Toy, Umatilla graves, mmj & . capt Lifo Sentence. WHISKEY TO DOCTOR T.indi WsrsAUottca -iaacvcrror to Indian, They Ceased toTBel Warda of Uncle Sam.' - Habas eorpus ,VT JLT BtaU to be Instituted in V".?? JlrtrteJ court at J"f L" l""VT"".S:.. T ii.n.. u.ain. Ufa aentencea In tha iaa- rl nriun on McNeil's Island, for. the I murder of en Indian woman aoom years ' ago.-:Thr Jegal grounds -upon-which -th attiiruers wtir aeea -thaHber- aUoa of 4be Indians U that whentbal landa of tha reservauon wera aiioiteo : . tA the ?y .,tiom they ceased from that moment to be .! at iTnc.U Bam. and tha govern iiiuiBiia w is a itw w ment had no further Jurisdiction of crimes com mined on tha reservation. Tha nneeHon iHYoUed has such poi alhle far-reachlna results on the future oare and cuetody of all Indiana through? out the United. States by tbe govern ment that tha attorneys for Columbia Oeore-e and Toy Toy are making prog ress slowly lnMhe ease. They are eara-j fiillv atudvlna- each proposed move. realising that If their-contention Is sustained In the United B tales supreme nnift mt wuhlnrton. to which tribunal an - anneal - will na IB sen or lo.ra - is i found necessary .tnrougn an iov.m uw claion by tha district oourt at Seattle, It will iiksry-reToiBttpniethr' future condition of the aborigines of America. Should It be decided by tne courts thai the summmeiil lias liu Juilsdlti tion overN crimes committed upon, reoer- Wlena where Uatmaits in saverany bava been made to the. Indian", noiaing that the culprits should be tried and convicted In the state courts. It means that hundreds of them now serving sentences li federal, ertata end -county n.n.1 - Institutions " throughout the ITnlted States are Illegally restrained. -Just what status a decision holding that the stata courts alone have' Juris diction In criminal cases arising from imitan reservations will have upon the future cars and management Of the In dians remains to ba seen. PerhspB years of legal work may be necessary J A. .k.t hi. alraadv been done. - About four years ago a ralativa of Columbia Qeorge ana Toy loy, on me Umatilla reservation, was taken sick. A -witch doctor was cauea -in. -ier ai- l.d charms failed tot have tha de.lrad CoTum.r-e"Ta'nr Toyy Sh drank It and died. '. When the two men were tried in the iliti oourt their detensa that f - 1171, .utmA th.m ta taka , .r" ,,Vit7inijhi ha hanaed. ..n anneal was taken to the United tales rnnrt on tha-Kgat-STOiind that IIIOIB : JurKoj!?iirUNPCDr tha state court had- no thepremises r that thetrlat - and -on-j victlon of commoia ueorga ano Toy To was Illegal.- The appeal was sus tained, and - their- case was retried be fore tha late Judxe Bellinger In Port land. A seconl -time the two - Indiana were found guilty and were sentenced to th penitentiary at flalem for life. Th. wre later removed to McNeil's - - .. .... island. It Is Row Contended by the attorneys for tha two Indians that the leaerai Murt had na Jurisdiction In the prem ises: that the Indians on tne umsima reViewtltonbecamtiAe'Warda, the allotment of land In severalty was made. COUNCIL COMMITTEE v RAPS VICTOR PAVING - - t a A a 1U. 1 sfMoi - rsmm T!M or ins cut nnunoll whea It decided by a vote Of prdlnanca eopiaIdlnr"Pctnctlona-ror the Victor pavement. This la the pave ment whleh the Barber Asphalt, cpm pany has been attempting to place In competition with; the Warren's bltu llthlo pavement. It Is said that Counellmen' Kellaher. Masters snd Wallace will make a minor ity report to tha council recommending that tha Victor paving ordinance pass. Attorney Malarkey for th Barber As nhalt Pavina' company presented a lengthy petition Signed oy nunareae 01 UOWve;- levsne I JJ 5 TJCE-T0 ALL IS CONROY'S PLATFORM TnsTtce to "all"' .- IS tne piBiiorm 01 Charles - Conroy, who has ruea nis declaration to become a .candidate for the office of constants or tne west ira. justice court Mr. Conroy resides at tit n.vte. street t --vValter Wolf has filed a declaration that ha would ba a candidate for boml- 1 -----W office, of lu.tlca of the Pce of the west side, district We'll Stay at Home Tand WiishT 3l I'he Guard of Oregon haa donned -'1 . Its war paint good snd thick. And soon may sail for Chhia for to teach the -Johns" a trick; -And when tbey reach the battle , field the plg-talled. man must: LjDt I hif trt '" e-anarlne; In tha I renlnn of ths sky. -- 1 But as for us, we'll stay at home, , an Portland's halloed ground. And do the family. waahlng at CZBTTS for every pound. line Celled for end, DeUveted. Union laundry 'v-SCO AirO COLUlf?Lfv . ) . ' Tel Main Stfc Anotner oiow waa airuva 111. 7 .Z JiiZZt ViT.t tha mil and cllmatle ber Asphalt Paving MWrJJ" l2Slit I M M M M M Ml I It ftttttMtt ftttt"tt'M M MW tt M - - nnewly every town in the..Ute you wiU ee thi. aignbanglng outsidf-merchWe tort. that there, is MONEY. in the POULTRY BUSINESS. - I have eot to mane room aatfafaction and U aU ready to one of the beet retmUtors ever put in a machine NO SJTTING UF JMun J, s. - 7 !l lcel di40eri-CHATHAMS-a "it'a free. ' -: ' , " 6Ea V. FOOTT, 321 E. Morrison St, ALFALFA FJtlE FOR Bailey, .DairY'. anffooc Commiwlonerl Experimente ; With Fodder. . FAVORABLE TO GROWTH Farmers "Who . Planted Mr. Bailey Seeds Surpriaed at Results Alfalfa Fed Hogs May Mean Fortune for Farmers, of State.-- '. J W. Bailey, dairy and food eommla ta. aatisDed hlmaeliL.that alfalfa can be prontably grown In Oregon, and contemplate formulating a oomprehen srva report upon his dedifotlons, based upon actual axperlences.i .About a year ago. Mr. Bailey sent east for a quantity of alfalfa esad. which ha distributed among farmera (n Wesh- Ington, Linn. Lstna and Marlon eountlea. - - ' 1 1 a a. iaaje - s giiffiairitaT HA m, BI gtf LUH LS-U UV a LJa-l,WVa swvH.w- - . . civa to a normal or natural growtn 01 that stock food. Me IS now rviui tha aal -and who SO i,k hla naraonal lnaiructions. The reports Mr. Bailey has received exceed his expectations. It Is becausa tha auocaas atulned by those who followed bis Instructions in the planting of seed that tha pure food aommlesioner is anxious to proclaim - the glad news throughout tha state and Induce. ..other, farmers to plant alfalfa. Hvnarimanta . with alfalfa la Oregon have demonstrsted two things: That It .,. tv. tram as successfully In ths i.t. a In Colorado, where the bee results havs been obtained, and that as fodder it la as fattening ana nourwn in. tnr hon aa It la for other stock. whila limn farmers were experiment ing with alfalfa In tha nelde. to satisfy thamaalves that 11 couia oe im" Oreonr others were trylngf It en hogs. Thtr rouna tna. anaua for 1 ,h the pig. Within the last lew wecae Oregon hoga have Jbeen marketed In the east that never tasted either wheat or corn. Turned Into an experimental Held alfalfa, thev eeemed te relish the n 1 a 1 h.h' leaves. Taere le not sufficient corn grown In Oregon for hogs. Wheat, at the usual n.-lat nriee. Is too expensive. But cAmericanr Restaurant aomsm raxms Aim eoooa axs. BoUad Salt Sabaoa Bellies... 15 rrlad Baao Claras ...... a 09 Pried Colombia atlver Smelt lfta tw.1 catflak 15c Xallbnt 1C Sal man 1 , jf Steamed Uttle STeok ClamS...;...ZO Clam Boulllom wish Toaai ,.1D Ood rUk Balls, Oreasa SaaoO. 15 wakaa work and Beans . 15 Corn Beef Bash with Voaahot Btfff 15 Spaghsttt aad Ohaasa ,,..15e oma-atada SaaBaara 1 6 Sonunblad OaJTea' Bralaa .,, SQf : We aorn tu awn Beac. ' wa haks tu own BreaA, Bias aad Oak. - Ooff ea, BraaA aad Battel and Potatoes wltk aU aaeala. . . lor oxner iinea i5""iLiV'",5 " -wfLz go to wo wi( inciuouif """" i,.: ' ' MM& OADSKI Marquam Grand. THursdsy evening, Vareh wUl miss a rare treat should they fail to m.g-Je--ftrrnew: mention relative to tha use of the STEINWAT PIANO by sU the neat arnata. as that is -well-known fact. There has been a few inetanoes wnera ne per- ,.m haa been nrevalled unoH to use eome other make, but Invariably have v.w f. it,, atktnwat. aa mhich thev can do satisfactory Justice to tea other fclh-rada maltea tor eaia by 134 Uxtn etrea. , Oppoelta OreealM Bldf. Victor talking Machines, Sheet Muslo. Small Instruments. .vEver)rthinf -; , -. ,. . Easy Terms.. . ... . - Gity nd Suburban Property S-roorn honse, lot SOOslsoe wren im- nrovea; gooa location n.v, vmtww 1900 down, balance at per cent . a-room house, one blook , worn haw- norne avenue, int. 10, corner; a beautiful home M.OOQ. room, new, modern house, lot 100x100, Price f 1.750, on car Una. Kouaea and lots In all parts of the city. OnJlpeW jenBS-tlaMinnBi. Ckoloa balldlng los at Archer Place ' . 1 1 t nw-t tft n. niAntn streets Improved and water In. Why nay rentt . eras, with house and orchard, .cloee to city limits. -, Price .. ea. um. within cltr limits, for IMM. Hara la a aooa supm t imiun fi"t""- Hon. ) aerea. with house and lrapaiueljils. an eiecirio vr iv. w. j,.,, cash.. Stcvcnson-Brown Co. 110 SBCOBB STBBBT. with alfalfa ea a food, that produces not only weight but a frame for tha fat tha Oregon farmer, so Mr. Bailey says. has found something mat win maae him wealthy. PORT TOWN SEND NOW . HAS MOUNTAIN WATER A Portland firm will probably handle a I'SO.GOS pond issue 01 n city, vi Port Townsend, to cover the, cost of the pew water work just finished at that place-Trank.-Itobertsoa of Portland haa returned from Pott Townsena, sner e smlnation of the works and tha legality of the bonds, and he is lavoraoiy wn- nressed..' .. t-...-. .. "Port Townsend'a new Water works are admirably planasd and jarelj eon- atrup.ted. They mucn reaemoia mi sum Run water-system that auppllea the elty of Portland," he said. The "Water TOT ins run i ownaena avatam la taken from Snow creek, a stream having Its source In the Olympic mountains, and tha water Is slear and cold and absolutely pure. It la piped from a nolnt 184 mtlea from the city to a reservolr-aoastructed of concrete on a bill nearly . 1.000 feet above the level af tha city. Tha reservoir, which haa a eanacltr of J. 000.000 tallonS, re ceived Its first filling this week and nnarerrnn of . tha new arstsra wss inau nnlMtaitk antlre sucreaa. t wnrt have a capacity of 3.700.000 gallons dally.- There are 40 miles of pipe line .. maina. Tha worka - supply Fort warden and Fort Flagler. The latter fat,euuat8d across ttieTOnnd from port Townsend. ts remote from supply and the government has bean unable te eecure water fit to drink from wells nnk an tha reservation. Port Town sand's city council laid a pipe Una serosa ahallow Soow bay to Fort Flag ler, and solved tha problem. The elty haa 1.000 population, and le one of the most beautifully located In tha world. Baldwin's Hsalth Tablttav. Taka them tonight be well tomorrow.' Cores onaUeitlo, jss, Vrv-;i OUR NQ.1 OUTDOOR - I."T ThV'mui hear" Madame muSle-lovafe. of Portland nanaki. aa ana ranas a-to maka -amrwpectar- thev find that It Is the only piano themselves. The gTpKW Paying Rent Too can buy a home In ' Trtth t"f rtiln vau Tav Tour- , . XAndiord. . , , SavawU-at 0T BnUajaff a ana yeara Sow to Par Kent to , . . , - Temaaeu. . FIRLAND Is High. FIRLAND la Dry. FIRLAND "., ' 1 'Z la Ieval ' and Beautiful. : . " T Ride Out and Bee. ; FIR L AND Portland a Foremoae Besldenoe. "Bu)Urb. Nature never . irrahged more Ideally conditions necessary to maka suburban' homesltes desirable and attractive. " VB ' ' - "v: lA)ta Uo"niwdewn :and It a month). Homes ouut to sun pur chaser and rent rata installroenta will pay for them. . . -;. Water mains, best ear service, fare tc; best location, JO minutes from elty: treats- (vadedV ehurehaa, rhflAlo - - . . FIRLAND V Take r"""t ear, Jlrat.-aaa. v Alder etreets, today and visit , FIR- LAND. ., - . . b6bob w. bbowb," , SOI Falling Bldg. Phone Mala Jill. " BOBBBT A, TATIOB, , Office, Flrland Station, The Blnaa Tree,1 taat fraat novel v Zevl sraaasa a ivxjt, win yon. for It deals wivh jm vo"'- t 1 . lest ef praeuaaJ Amarloasi a.. It wiU eommeaaa ta neat luu-jl 4enr- ' Te r" f1 . . . HHH; BROODER. and. itAdJat it r!ii riv i. - . AJraaoEi MAIL ORPPRS .BXCZTTBS BOW FBOaf BOTm tPI An ou jor rowa -M mm. Johanna. , GAD SK I Concert a Marqn-TH Theflr'CWlf-y . ' Bveoiac, aaarca e, r amtOBSt i Lowe Boor, eieent teat three raws, 'l Jaat - thr rows, OS. Baleonr. Srst thie rowe, 2i fourth. Sftb sod slits raws, last six rows, tl. Oaltory, laser, ft ' atluloa.' 76c. Boxes sad bs. IIS. Cslwla Hslils. -- - Matt Orders rilled Before Wtadow Bale sjasrt nonoay. - Empire Theatre. - Mlltaa WrSesaiaa. stsaeger.. . PrtUfi(l's Mt Perialar Ttiastre. , LAST PBRTOBllaNCB -TONIGHT AT S IS. "HUMAN HBARTS A Heart Stary 4f Ue Arkansas BUla. "As rrart.1 a Bprty of Apple-Stosweja." P.thoa aqd Cosndj richly bleaSoa, Alwsrf a faerlte. ' MtiBe Bsiurasy. Erenlni rrias lfic, 2ie, ata8Qa, , . - Mstlnre lor, - 15 55. Hrtt were, vim; sse .uses -Meat Week, atarttus Tonorraw Hitlasa, Barray aa4 BUok ta "Aiooiq) xax xowa.. . . . ismm The Thiee W'vntsa, laas Scott, j EA' itekawne. Wsak e rb, M. Wul 0. Boyt , . " , Staraaeope. . yatcxa io s- esLf sat xsept essaa. - 1 ' . '.lbs Boyal .vHAWAriAir. OUlKTET. Khsa f aUleay. Halloa my Ckuaa, KLalte Coraody rsar. King sad Staasa. Too Oroot CkaToril, ' MoroM Boff. "tiosasa Do. II" at "Tho Hoodoo late." PRICES KocDiaca, Holldars, lOe. SUc. Sue. MoUoros, lot. THXATaS. wmi of r.. so. A rsoltln Vovelty H AIDES. IimIu Daaaets. Tho Martolloa. TEo Portland PORTLAND. ORBQON. EUHOPIAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS . . AND COMMFRCIAI T j TRAVlSLERo..v! . , Everything to 'eat and drink, and It eosts no mora In the , - . .... ortlan4 Hotel Hatbakener than elsewhere In the elty. Kvery weekday night from 1.10 to it. r--.-'H.-'0."BO'w-BBS. Ssaaayee. " For modern dental work. World-renowned specialist ' -Lowest prices onslsisnt with 0rst-UsS . .... work. - " - - lc ri r- r:zvv; Portland, Oregon f etaeeeeeee)eeeMy ;:' TEETH. -..-