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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1906)
.M'li? - iO :THVj:piR( Ul J;,;:SATU--DAY- l:A"c;' , H; - PORTLAND. OREGON T"HK O'R-TrOrC-Rsr D-A-LL.Y1: T OURNA AN .f.l..4439 Published iVenTVvenbf (except NOW FOR QUICIT ACTION. ;nw u;vt.lnn;ng tft get' -5VT ,1 t tii natter ol ihi'Jfoiit-itr1 -'- real attitude of the people of Eortland is and has bee Q en'cowagt,'. f verj legitimate 'transportation companyto coma intojhe city but, at the Mn ut to TgnnTtcTnont of Them suchmonopory oTTront street p. -wonld bottle up the city and txcluus u uuiHTyy : -TriateTaitraad-enterprTsTtr FbTi 4 'hough " of th ffy. gftil . lost in the Ruffle; that the; city would no only uer : loss of revenue', to which it was entitled, but that .ftp oVayi . openly ox Jjy indirection. R: exclusivity... nionopolc j - by a single corporation, ; ', ' ' "" ' . : . l. But the exceedingly - , - WUlamette Tractionotrn j, forced by conditions.ltja true, but thf. benefiLpjLwhich accrues to the city just the aame, has luckily put it into the hands of the mayor ; and. cduncil to achieve, by 'one fell weep and without ef fort all that the beat friends of the city had hoped for, . seemingly in Win!, but few days age.;' It i now up liJgjL'ty, backed by the influence, of the citizens, Jojet precisely svbat was wanted from these public vjtilityjfpr ' poratictoa who wished teenier the city and" make use "of .. Front street and at thesarne time roost effectually guard against a monopoly of tlle street by any corporation, and it would be well for them to quickly aeiie and clinch the ; ppportunity which tuji aov.fortlina.tsjy ind. unexpectedly 1 fallen in their.way. .' '-- . i LESSONS IN FRENCH METHQPS. IV ERICNS are prone to regard France as not so V a rTr--"" '" "i " ""ntT "rt t -of spurious or very imperfect ; TprTonfrTIn5uTowTrcoOTTry. , ut in any aspen ui iy I ' railroad questionp for ""instance which-is-becoming -a - paramount-question in America. we could learn a. good deal from ' Fincv WUf vt. did, n-faUorits.poUcy and m ethoda altoeether.. If "the greatest .gopd t the greatest smmbere policy of terion ot republicaoijm, than r ranee, tn. raiuww proposition, beau us out of .igh$.'vr lr n - ' And this is true also as to" the. control of the saries of life by what we call trusts, which one would ;- suppose J 'beAeasief in; France than Jiert."Bjt it can't he dona there - Every year tf?e American pepple are obliged io submit to all aorta of fleecing and pinching and grafting by combiqed commercial bandits, operat ing largely tinder cover of tha tariff law, through the manufacture and - manipulation of corners - in com modities, including food necessaries thi is not oermitted in -France. ' -- Rheims says: - ' toVhat is popularly. known in the 'cornering' such commercial commodities as are termed Ihe necessities of life is a criminal offense in Franc. . , It has been so, with varying forms of penalties dealt out, since 1793. . The offense has been made, so broad and ' sweeping thM it flow ipcludef all persons who destroy ;,; pr permit t Refislt merchindie of prime necessity, wbqtker ft ia his or.hej property or not. Among tha r- ticies thus protected re grain nd fta product, bread, mea,t, wine, vegetables, fruit, butter, vinegar, coal, wool. . silk, etc The punishment rnetedout tp the vio "inJatora. oLlhi Jawconaitsiof . both-impr'iaonment-and i. fine, the. term and Amount being measured by the mag ; ' nitude of. the offense. lit addition to this the offending -"7 manufacturer, merchant, or rqaaipulatpt haa Jiia, factory ; : ' put- under ; police supervision, the expense of; which he pays for from two to five years. There is no more . trouble in handling corporations tha.t are offender than individual. Every director-and employ in a mana gerial capacity is held equally responsible. -.; For a "second offense the penalty is so severe that it would result in tha ' extermination of almost any establishment." . , - " " Yft '1 thjs coOTitrvwe ca nnot. get any U ws passe d to r -ccornplh.4htL resulti which France "accomplishes with apparent ease, or if we get any such laws passed w can seldom get them executed or any decisions from the . . courts upholding them. V- Perhaps the next junketing trip abroad of alleged Statesmen would better be to France but they would probably spend the exiled American -tbii ake Carlo. 'i What the aelf-strled friend of the y atytea icaaer or, me one-gauus ooys, -wun sunering neart -laid bare for public inspection, developing into Free Gas "'7 Scott Great Scott, Great Caear-4nd the rest of them, this is mora than enough if not actually too much! Free Gas Scott, what next shall we hearl . , ; LETTERS . FROM THE - r ' PEOPLE, . r - ";:"''':. v.: a aeatu Jo. - Portland. Or., March 1 To th Bdl- T tor ! Tha Journal Will you allow m h- 1oay publicly itryour pspfnnswertng 7 tb statement In tula avenlng faaue to " the effect that a Jocular remark of ' mine in a pech at th Seattle banquet ' waa taken erlously by later speaker, J : that I fear your lnformt ba fallen inta" the error that he ascribe t Mr. ' ' Hughes, the president of. Seattle' board of education, who ' th apaak' . -r referred to. I understood hi re , marks to be In a Jocose vein, and I had ' ; wo. Idea that he Intended to rebuke me : for my attempfat humor,' which I con nldcxe4. . na more ncoeful 'eertalnly : . '; than his. If I had had any such feeling It " would have bee dispelled by-th or- dial treatment received after th ban-"-eiuet from JudgelHinford, Judge Burke ' and Mr. Hushes. Tour rretfully, Do Flying Fish Really Fly?""'' . -1 From tmj lndon Field .. fwa papers ua liia clturual Xljrlng Ash problem have appeared almost almul " " tar.eeualy, nd express widely diverse M-Vlewa - - 1. In the on published la the Jshrbuch r h AiiHtrian aeolnalcal survey. Ir. AM. after deatrititispiu varloua kindT of fossil flymg nan. concludes tnat ne)tbr th typical flying nsh or. the flying feurnard vr ua their pectoral active ergan of flight OntUe4UAhu,nrt'dr la weak.-- On a? ,5 tn.'ua.'.mp.tu. by-meOTw" LT?" fJESX ft in natrarv. . i.f which the, fishes art-la unshed Into the air I due enttrelav-i powerful, arrewllk movements of tire tail no. an tiiis Impetus U kuTfloient t earry trorm i ih. and of their Journey, th "wl"s" acting merely a parachute. In other word, the flight is preelsely similar to that of a flat 'ton when throw UP so as to ttcobet from- the pointa wner it mh. tha Mil rt finally fall - la ia Ha4 apr jjubllalied. la th JUDirSNDINT KIWIPAf PUBHSHPP BY JOVRNAL , PyBUSHINO CO. Sunday) and every Sunday rhorntafy at V- - down to pui-incM far RD Hr noses Tit time it looked as m ' ffatttrc 'VM-a Pt whiih lis ratt nrl away, to gay Parse, pay for the state vBut it must be all Travert Jerome 4 rlV compauiei that yielda him l2flQQ a year; ha and Mc Curdy came aa near ai they could tft falling on each other'a neaka and weeping kissful teara as McCurdy turned up the gang plank. There were the officera of the law. hundreds of them, there was the thief; the of ficers begged permission to help carry jhe thief'a bag- caae or to Tefld"him -Meanwhile the --, E EB RUARYr article as com? j . annrnaehmawt ancea, fa poatoffice commer LThis JsUhj; beginning of the "slump.; fepubliev - a4 eri-4 longer, at least and otherwise, but Consul Miller f :r:r : United Statea as a bigger month by tinnal FfhruarV of time hobnobbing with a brealr ' for Marrre yty-matle up the Stance be. safely to the public or proletariafT the" aelf- cern to himselt a tually decides to m . w- 't tl January number of . th . Annals and Magasin of .Jiatural- History. th author, LJeulenant-CoJone! CL D. Durn ford, takea precisely the opposlt view, maintaining.' a meohanloal ' grounds, that the aeroplane theory, as the bov may be called, Is an aoaoiuio pnysium Imposalblllty, owing to the fact that the wing aurfac I far too small In pro- tortlon to th else and weight of the ody to sustain th fish durlag It long pight . ' . . " ' '. ' - Thl being admitted, .th only ltern. tlv 1 to suppos that aha '-wings" ar moved with an exceedingly rapid vibra tory motldn throughout th whole flight, and are thusv after th first Initial im petus, the propelling power. The author further maintain tnat in wing move ments which many observer hav no ticed, when a flying fish touches a wave are not movement d. hoyo, but'Tnerely such a slowing down of th continuous rpld vibration as to render Tnem twm Ule tO Vie y.' II HOlOMi lurni. mechanical data ar truarwonny tbey seem to be his cas appears to be proved. The neat nolnt. however, to ascertain I whether the musole. which work the pectoral nn of flying fish are really capable of importing to them the power of maintaining the rapid and contlnu otis Tihratiohs, wnich ars th ruenttst part of th new theory. - ' ' -"."How to Find a Caa Leak,' -iFTOMnhe-ThtTflde1phla Record." The folly of hunting 1 or a leak Jhia mnrH bwiM f tha aanaer of an X plosion a of other damage, a Is shown by th experience ot a West phlladel- match t them. Th smell of gan ceaaod, but was replaced a few hours.1 later by -th smell of burning wood. An other visit to th cellar Showed a charred floor 'Joist -a little dletaas above a ga pip. ' Tfiere was no ep- parer.t cause for thl vrjtll a very close examination discovered that a tiny Jet of ga waa Issuing from th tp naifc tfc beans. j.It waa UgbUd, but Elt The Journal Buldinf. Filth anji Yaxn- 91'CyRpY OFF FOR PARIS. H'CVRPY, h,t family ,1nr1ud- Law Thebaud. all turning up their Ame7IcVlneneKariHd ar insonrece policy holders in, particular, are steamipg across tne Atlantic to Paris, quartered in the finest apartments to hc.boughUfiil.i cen jVat costing. .rtoutandajpf dollars for the trip.". '; , , : .' , : THe policy holders cannot atford tU to. taKFTna inp. -TXrttfXTrtjrxrxvi'tTiiir SUS.OW a-year salary t i : j w.:. 1 it An m an v enft tor a gooa many years, DeIDc . v Snapg VncrePy the policy huldeis of the company l idant were robbed, yet ha sails merrily while a thousand men who have-not stolen one thousandth part as mucn are wowniiv"""'" and linnron prison tare pemnu pw.uu righ The greatly yaunted "William diatrkt. attorney, of New ..York; he Jog. voyage. anyLJ Doaition with refeVeuci to thTTrisurance money it he was Tardup, man who- sto-ssead-hand overcoat tQ kstp frpna-f reeaing to death u wearing ftripea behind prjson bars, while McCnrdy, a chief fugleman of the thiev- merrily over the billowa in $25,000 apartments to La Belle France and Gay Paree. " " - . - " 4 i. It a a nice world if you ateal enqugh. IrHESLUMPrTPORTIAlITJr as usual, was ' a. abort month. Rut it W18 I P'T business month in rortland. There never was a February like it before nor any m-rea4-estati sales, in bank -clear. receipts, . in - school - attendance, id husiness locations are pacing any- whsr iforjv-24oJ.da per cent-mote ent. than lheyjaid a year ago.-More building are in course of construc tion nd planned, and bigger ones, than a year ago, when thj great fir waa -coming on. About 10,000 more peo ple l"arc 'here than'wer here then. The suburba are keeping pace with the certrl city, in growth. So is the country. . - ' ' - All thi i theufulfillment of- the prophecy of a -slump.". I - --' , , x February" ia supposed to be a dull month; it is so no "not ia Portland. . A leading popular newsnaner in acitv is a" pretty good barometer; J,he Journal's circulation and business in February not only showed no falling off, .as used to be supposed a matter Of course in any mn' town, but gained fight along, the aame as in fall or spring. March is one fjhe lopg months; it tias-three-darys more than February as you perhaps knowIt will be more than one tenth than the excep 1906. " . ...... : .... ..-."...f; The Pacific northwest j. wakfcif up. It greatest nd best city is moving forward and upward rapidly, as aerer. yVatch Portland' tu,rnp' v ' ;. MR, WHEELWRIGHT AND THE PORT OF fORt l ERE - HAVE - BEN many inquiries :1a a to whetheri)fnotMr.-JWheelwright proposea to nualifv as a member of the" Porf'of Portland. To. all of these Mr. Wheelwright himselt turns, a deaf eat and declines to annpunce what he jntends to do. And yet, under al the circumstances, it is onlTight for the-public to knqw something about Mr. Wheelwright' nnli'pv in the event he oualifies on the commission.'-The immediatething involved to the city is the entrance of the Portland & $eattle railroad-ty meanspf bridge. Mrr Wheerwrighl is etreauously' on record s opposing the construction of that bridge. It is within the bound of possibilities that Mr. Wheelwright might have "th casting vote when the matter came up for final official . ., !.. n :j . : action DT tne commission, ll nis ihhiu ia uuw hicyuv - rjrrt ald tinder such cfr predicted. This would be just neither Mr. Wheelwright, and-lwith his .Own letter before-usrnr which h frnkly explains hi at titude' on th1r question the outcome- ol which i a vital to the Interests of the city, it i a matter f- much eon- well a to the -city a to wnat no even do in reference to qualify as a member 4.1 .A . m Sam - - - waa so small as to be blue 'In color and nearly invisible, it had been lighted by th match used In th first Invest!' gatlon, but had not been noticed. - - "If that leak had happened to be In a lead Joint instead of a iron connec tlon" said, a gas man, "ther would probably hav bean work foa th fir department The smallest possible Jet of lighted gaa Issuing through lead will In tun heat and melt tne lead and make the leak largar until a- big flam Is ls sulng, Thl may mak a fir ' hours later, In th dead of night or at time when no on I In th house. The only riroper. way to look for thep vry small eaks 1 to paint th suspected joint with a smooth soap lather. Just as in th -aa of a bluyole tire,- the tiniest leak will blow a bubble In th lather, . . . M " sua iirr yvu lire. Four Great Newapaper Achievements From th Baltimore Evsnlng HersJd. The Waihlngto Times exposed th postofflce grafters six month before of' ficlal action against them waa begun. Th Bt. JJouls - fost-Plspatch exposed th St. Louis boodier six months he fore Mr. Folk Joined In the anti-graft campslgij which made him Governor of M IMSOUrl. : - n v -, Th " Philadelphia ' North American fousht the Republican ring . In Phlla delphla for five years before . th,e ' up heaval of laat fall. - The1 New York World supplied most of the evidence that' aroused publlo Indig nation against the Insurance grafters, ,1 , , Vacation Note. John D. Rockefeller Is pending a wk and lit In Rm.- Miss Ida Tar bell ts acting as hi cicerone. . - IL H. Roger will tay at Dreamwold. Thomas Av. Lswsori' country ptaoe, for th nxt month. 1 ' " X Morgan has sailed for Europe id company ef Tons Watson. - John W. Oste srnd Dr. Parkhurat will share a cottage In Florida for th rest of th winter. - 1 ' Oeerg 9. MeCtetlan tn Wtniira Me- Adoo will spend their winter vacation la th same ptai New Tr , i a- Uayb thahlneaoaMgadbeoai!M we call them Xhlnlta." , ;., Bi rant ar doubly eioquaat thare fa bn food ' faa turf about a man with a dlaurtlng- jaa on; bf If a lM tamperaiic aryunatnt. . i ! Tb arouodhof ahould b ashamed ot irtmwlf nuua'h "tv stay in hli hote-atl. summery . ' , . ft beclna to looX a If Platrict At torney Jerome la) Anotttew man- whoa as Uona ar dlmlnutlv baald hla pch. - . . . . , Get th" 'Front atreet franchla-ua- tioiTetiica m the beat pQTblTman- ntr ,d let tha traetloa-companHia to sad. . . 1 , Tour Senator' Aldrtchea ar th real workers for. government, ownership of railroad; ;. ; -jr' A Mtehtsan man fld hla wifw for tSB and la likely to b sued (or fala, rep- rasentauona. . ,ii i. . , a . a 1 1 ,' if' ir- Tbe, Judge , 1n the' rrt trust trial urged tha las lavyera to hurry up and not run -th cas - into eternity, ar wnicn they put their heads together and; con sulted ai to whetheiBA JB-aaLlQaloe: hla Judicial mind. Let Front street become, a areat traf fic thoroughfare. It ' takes a tremendous amount ' oT pressing and -pulling ta-et conrreas to make amalt-appcoprlaUona.Jtor rlvera and harbors, but It shovels out a few millions to the powder trust ana otner army supply combineswltboutth least b,eslt&tteh. .. i . The public sentiment In favor f "the Portland Seattle getting Into Port land -as soon s possible should manl ftt Jtself Jlnprdsniddeed-: - . Baker's baggage on his trip east was an mpty papa. Maybe by the tlm hla term la out thapreglAant. Cftn gat 1 . Job t , aujl him In China. is- army "officer- named Freshwater has been dismissed f or conduct unbe coratnirrte. Maybe h -wa trytnt to live down, hi nam. m . .. Orover Clevelnnd""! atlll drawrng 1J,99 a-year, bu he baant gone to Pari. . . . . ...... f -.v ......;-'.- VnlcsS you abut your rep- aav to' watch PorQaad grow. -1. : , ' -r-rr - 7- -r lTh weigh of tranagreaalng grocer i hard 90 hi euatomera. ---j. Professor Brander Matthew of Co lumbia, university repudiates th asser tion of Jerome JC Jerome that Ameri can humor ha deteriorated. ' H may be right, but the style and quality of humor- ha changed -and run on higher level. Our great Joker now are Rocke feller. Roger. McCurdy,' Depew, Crom well and uch Ilk jolly fellow; j- OREGON SIDELIGHTS hot f wealth In 'Douglaa aaunty rnlnea . ' " 80m Oregon newspaper suppos It (a ex-County Judr W. M. Cak who is a candidate for senator." It I hi ofplh- r, H. M. Cake. - w m Farmers Institutes wilt be held tn all parts of Coos county. ' :H t . Whit Iak la to hav a furniture factory. ; - Over ti.oOt has been subscribed to build a telephone Jin rrom j-eviw t Biy. . . - 77. r-'- Big horses sell high. ; 1 . - ' . e - . Unusually good crops - expected la Harney eounty. , ... t,- . . Large quantities ef soda and borax exist la Lake and Harney countiea e named Prtekwials Is candldi for county clerk in Harney county, and saloonmen ar suspicious of blu. - Gambling In Estacada haa beer! stopped. .. , , Th new Estacada rural rout 1 SIU mile in length and cover an area of 20 Vi squsre miles, containing 11 house and s neopie. ..ft An Imbler man purchased 10 bead of Clydesdale horse for tJ.OOO and wa oon after Offered tt.QOO for them, but declined.. .:r:r Harney county - real estate men are preparing for a large number of people to oom to that region during th spring and summer, monthe. Many, inquiries ar being received dally to th beat and most direct route to reach Burns, as well-as other question in particular about th country. Th effect of our participating at tha Lewis and Clark fair 1 being felt and will mean new people, says th Burns Times-Herald. . ...... ; " Among many big tree being out around Hazel Dell, In Lane eounty, one was 70 inch through' at the baae and wa cut slnto three 18-foot length and three 20-foot length. ' ' , North - Tmhilt can - aoon ' speak wtth wanton. t A Myrtle creek barley field had to be mowed last -month to prevent It beoom, tng too rank. . - ' , Medford 1 rapidly Increasing in pop ulatlon and wealth- and it churches, auuea. banka-.aad other business house compare ravoraoiy wun any cut in Southern Oregon. The wlf of a -'well-known .Eugene merchant called upon a widow and with a revolver lhreatcped"td"kiri"her If fief Intimate relations with the said bust f said that th widow ba been interfer ing with bis family for some time psst and has threatened to break up the horn. Her relation with, th merchant hav become notorious, much to the detriment of his. business, says the Guard, . r , . . -: . - Speaking of th candidacy of a Lan county' man for representative In the legislature, the Kugene Guard says that his tther-ln-law, a Mr. Clarke,, "had th distinction for several year of be ing the -only Republican In Polk county." Thl s th Guard's yarn, no The Journal', , , -i jonti MITCHELL , From th Nw Tor World. . TFrasldent Tatrlck Dolanf of district Nu . United Mm Worker. WHO ha 00m into prominence by his battle against President John Mitchell, de scribe himself -os "a poor, ignorant coal miner but hi big htu'd , la filled -TV j ft a IB learning that comes not fr book but from. t la yangeVdays Iian was looked upon a a champion In all the coal minora rings. H waa raised about eight mild j from Glasgow, and he peaks with a" broad Scotch aecent ah r my-hod- a- f oUa fos Pv lan and h entered the service of fcer, the )( Quten Victoria eryr lna In on of the Ucvtuh regimmili. IS the armv be mn.-kiv became am an aii-around alUiut and at Aldershot carried off the championship of the British army for ong-dlstanc running in full equipment A a ruiuiar he stood near th top for thus days and hi time of .: fur a mile, la light running order, haa never been axoeUed. It It has bean equaled, la th ariusn army. -Dolan emigrated to America In 1IH ItTfl hf'"g h m.tna Monongahela valley, where, in 'a abort tun. , he established a reputatloa 4ual to that he, enjoyed In th eld-country. Ia thoa day evry mine had tt oiuuB piou who had whipped or baea shipped by overy other champion along th val ley. To get Into good., mining society a man had to fight toes champion after, having. Xirat bean tried out by a few of th smaller men. It was but a few day after Dolan'a arrival -that he-had hi irsl eooUHlr, H was informed that he must tight a certain man ' employed in th same mine. - Dolan - was accommodating and his opponent lasted but one round. H waa a tremendous surprise to th Other miners tor thl man, bad beau considered, one of the beat to try out new comers, . Other fighters' were speed ily pushed to the fTourrf or the plucky young Scotchman and he waa forced to fight them alK BU months artwr he laudod Jn America h wag th acknowl edged champion - of the Monongahela vUag an from that ln a he had paca. Dolan wa th flrt man who -ever threw down te dU to V- P., Bend, on of th coal baron of a few year ago. ' Ther la no nam mors dateated by the miners of thl district than that of Rend. He built tight board fences lu feet high around hi mining town, and left but on gat for Ingres and egresa - Tn company iur waa inaiuo this gat.' and a miner or tt miner's wit who passed in tn gat wun a pasaei 1 had ta permit tha gatekeeper, to exam ine It contenU to mak sur tnat ne- ceaaltiea war Bot being purchased out side, where they could be had from -10 to SO per cent cheaper than at the com pany store. . . Dolan wa a union man from in first- He lnslstd that a contract once entered Into between employer and em ploy must be kept to the letter. It was liard for th miner to understand thl--a-lilrV Frequently- thygtth worst of a bargain, and under such oir- cumatanoe thought th only remedy waa..jatrlk., Dolaa-inslaXad they should stick to their agreement until th end of the scale year, and the remedy their troubles In the making of a new scale,. This was novel doctrine, but It won out The operators Immedi ately began, to respect the maa who had taught th miner that a contract wa binding aaarally if svot legally. -- But he had bis troubles along th way. , Ther wr always plenty to oppose nun. un instance wnea in opposition prepared for him . 1 worth relating aa showing th cbaraoter ot th man.-'-"- . - mass meeting had bsen called at Chamonolu mlnea Dolan wa th prin cipal pakr, and the opposition wa determined to break up the assemblage It was risky business to break up a meeting over which Pat Dolan presided, but it was to ba. tried, neverthelesa A new bully was imported, for th occa sion. He waa m giant In slse and waa regarded as on of the handiest men tn th mining world with his fists. He waa Instructed at a suitable stag in -the course of Dolanr speech -W Inter rupt with the remark that the speaker waa a Irar. At a suitable time the imported bully arose, and shaking -his fist Jn th speak. er' face, shouted, "You r a liar." : - Dolan. without a moment's hesitation. th bully, and said: "I want no Interruption In this meet- In. It's no us tryln' to go ahead so long ss- you r In yer present disposi tion. So' J II - declare this tneetin' ad' Journed uutll-Buch ttm a I call U together again, and .that, will be after I hov settled with you outside. - Th entire audience piled out 'of the hall and formed a ring. Dolan and the bully stripped to their waists and went at It Half an hour later, after on of th moat terrific bare-knuckle fights the Monongsbela valley ever witnessed Do lan announced to th spectators: . -Th Ylsltln' glntleman bavin' now been con vinced he mad a mistake, w win re convene. The meeting "reconvened" and Pat Dolaa carried th day. And that Is the kind f man John Mitchell Is fighting. He never took bluff niTTilslf." No mob of nowllng delegates, such as ha presided ever last week, could aver scare him.- But It must not b Imagined from thl sketch that he Is a quarrelsome cbaraoter. , Ha never iiguis-uniess n nas to.. When Dolan succeeded Caira aa dis trict president ha fell- heir to a legacy of broken promises nd hatred on the part of th operator. All thl he bad t overcome. - It-only required a meeting or-tt with the operator to convince them they wer dealing. with a man jf character. Dolan Immediately began th reorganization of th district It was not long until h had a local at very nit Th men laved htm, for he wa never backward about going Into hi pocket to help the family- of a ma la hard luckHe waa Ilk a father to th to. 00 or more men who hailed him aa their president He was th personal friend of every- man In th district It was not long until he had one of th best'organlsed district tn th coun try. ' Of course, 'success brought him enemies, nd "hnT success as" a leader. a dealer with the pratora, l re- tffepeneibl for Ms piesent battle with th heads of th great , union. Hla aalary aa the leader of 20,000 men In this district Is only tllO month, nd ther ba never yet beerr a man who haa openly dared accuse Pat Dolan of "grafting" from the operator, and that Is more than they" will allow for some other men who hsve stood high In their councils. What Ji-has accomplished ia a monument any man might be proud of. In seven yesrs he has In creased th wag about 100 per cant, he ha out th working hour from 10 and It hours to I peg day, arid be has Improved working condition In every mine in th district This ba been accomplished without a strike. He has used arguments, faots and figures which TTra-Tspenuorg have""nevy""baenable to upset when they wer figuring on a acalo. They don't haggle . with Pat Dolan now. They sit dawn end talk business with hlm on a business basis. When he areslded over thst recent turbulent convention he only had to of th 10 delegate op hla side, and they wet- cowed by the superior number of. th opposition. But not Dolan. He never lost hi bead er hi good nature for a mlnuta. H mad some rulings that wniilrt hairs made paillamenlarisa gasp or take th count, but' b'tQVriar1ar rnisa.nhto 1 "- ??Uo? 1 Jr2 hIn carried to a point which b considered wag fa'r enough advanced to permit of an- adjournment. And th - blandn M!-!itau-Je-PMniUteMryfajt)ajter to express himself completely upset tbm. - - ' - Whew delegate wr-hretlTigthife selves hoarse on the floor and shaking n his racrnlufred serenely at his cUy pip nd announoed hi de clslons in a voice which plainly aald ther waa no appeal. It wa a ltuatlon that would hav ltlvn ninety-nln men out of a hundred tntq a aanltarlum. But at th end he waa ag freahand jo vial aa when it opened. And, that la Pat Dolan. Big, gooa- naturedk ge.heroua, Hlnd-hearted, willing to suiter rather than battle, but whe. TnnseH-tn battlaPeTfei:t,1 John I Mitchell haa arousea an m -his nature and he t going to right until on or th other pf them goes down. . ;HUNPRED"HILl4PN-v DOLLAH BOYS 7- FroraHh Nw York-American. Guarded day and nUht, deprived of th sports In. which boy delight with no companions of hla own age, Marshall Field IH, now In hi thirteenth year end heir, to a fortune of . tiioo, 000.000, , la compelled to lead at' the Beard cottage at Lakewood. New Jersey, a life of se clusion aimoat aa strict In its daily reglms as that or a t-spucnin.monK.i ne two recreations allowed him daily are a horseback rid and a walk, and those r tukm under the eyes of his tutor. ariiU'aoTTverstrf T.ToressomiTiorr David wheier; a muacuiar groom. inwTar coniraat to the aiTnost priaon lik xistenc of young-FleldV who.l now receiving an education that will fit him to handle tha-miUiona left by hla ErM.ndfa.ther. ia the hauiiy. cere-free life of youag Fowler MoCormltk. oy grand- wer-of -John IX KOuauleuer. inis iau la living with hla father at a hotel in Lakewood, while his mother attends the convalescence or her little daughter Muriel at th Rockefeller home, Xo. West Fifty-fourth street New York, 'Young McCormlck Is te'r t to -eve erreatar wealth than th boy who wlU receive the Field fortune, but few re strictions are placed AJOunq mm. at tended only by a governea, thl boy of eleven play at th lake In the sand with other bpy. Barrlcj ,. pocketful of marble, and hi cheerfulness and de mocracy hav mad him one of th moat popular boy at Lakewood. Thua on the stage of this resort are afforded th remaVaabl " spectacle Of two boys, both heirs to vast wealth, each the very antlpode of th other Jn dl-, posIUosTahd cnarsi'tir," arid, each receiv ing a. course of training exactly op posite to that of th other. In hi appearance a well aa bia bear ing; young Field show a marked dif- ferenca vat.n nuny-iae. j uww,.,vr CvtiSkT Tha ?omaa la hort and stacly. at naa aquar ahouider. and h stand parfMtlX straight aa be has been trainee to ao. nf rather hlKh forehead, gray, thoughtful eyes, firmly set mouth, aa almost square cnin. . ' , In very way ne trongry rueniyica hl grandfather and. chtld thouglr he las thera are a - seriousness and an air of reserve -that heighten th llkenesa The face of. this ctwa pprs o p' " the determined msn of business which he is to he, r Even . now his f nee doe not show - the llghtheartedaees of boy hnvl hut rather the thoughtful line 04 maturity. H doe not max in teaai effort to - see hla onettm companion. Fowler MoCormick, though he live not three block away. - - - Young McCortnlck ia alnder; blue vad ant dlmnled. Ha I always laugh- tn K rtra full-of -gooV-hunoaaaVuou. fellowahlo. Vouna- Field beslns hi studies under his tutor every morning promptly ai o'clock In the schoolroom of th Beard cottars. At 10:3 races Is announced and -in aompany with Jiia tutor and th room th heir take his horseback rlda Ha rlilaa nrxwenn ni ecuxianougi has hsin tauaht to Dlace hla hand be fore hi faoe - if any snapshot photo- craoher tries to take hi picture. The groom haa also bad strict Instructions regarding this, and far no photog rapher has succeeded. in getting a picture of th "boy. - Fowler McCormlck. on th otter hand, grin good-naturedly when ever n amateur or a tourist tries to anaDahot him. and h never trie to a vail a th earners. Tha rid end at noon and after lunch the boy must devote himself to his studies from 1 to I p. m. Then be goes out for a walk, guarded a before. H apeak to 00 one. Boy sometimes look at . him as he passes, but non are sl lowed to address him. Indeed, his austere, aimoat repellant, manner doe not Invite It Once a week Marshall Field TIT goes to New York to see hi mother. He Is accompanied on these .trips by George Lowe, the butler, and the ever-present rroom. Hfs lslernittt Gwendolyn Field, Is being guarded almost ss closely a her brother, rm 1 always under the eye of two nurse. Mr. Mamhsll Field, mother of these two children, rarely appesr and there ia n entertaining at Beard cottage. 4 It la really a mansion of SO room stand lng at.Fourth trt and Privet Way. "jfoavenof tfl" Practice Law. svomhe Nsw-Torfc Sun. General Qrosvenor, whose probable aunraasor In eongrss from th eleventh Ohio dlatrlot wa nominated the other day, faces th futur with complacency If hot equanimity.. .- .- - - - ', "Are you going to practlc law V he waa asked. "1 hav never given up th practlc. h replied. "We hav a firm of three anembera, and do Ah leading business In our psrt of th state. I am going out In a few- day to, tak part in th bluest casa flnanclRllr speaking, we hava'had-BHt-etmtear between' two hit ural trsa companies In my district a master cuiiiiiilssloiier has reecrmmsndsd a judgment for a million and a quarter against our eliant" ... ... , j. "Well, If It I abl to pay that, you ught to get a good fee." . "Oh," responded U vttaran. "th other follow won't get It, whether or riot our fdlks eould pay It." ' ' General Groavenor will b In hla Tltb year when h shall hav completed hi congressional career In March ef ntxt year. H wssH yar old whe first elected to congreas, but. wa put one term, th f lftytoond congress. Bbould Mr. Douglass b choa he will b three year Alder than hi predeces sor at the beginning of ale. Mfvlev DINjELSPIEL'S'HISTORY ; ' Of TODAY : - By George V. H opart, : t (Copyrisht, IKoO, by W. R. Hunt.) , CHAPTJS FAjmji;, , , . T At der request of four' Union State senator, two members ot congress, vun chudg of der supreme court und a friend of mine det keeps a delicatessen todav. ohoD" ,n ler vorld because no matter bow much history -vas written today ven you vak up tomorrow more rill b sitting on det dooratep valtlng t be wrote. - T-vrmoolc for def ub"c1iecKt oFdi Chapter of history - omedlng vlchr-i -; siowtlUfeatirely- oalljig intn der . very,: is or aer Trewiip,TnerTiri-Ttrr-aer- xyJtiiij, uunrry uo uaaicimini. Count "T"nlsy Is l. Jr.nrh eggglrflj;- tlon, but in order to show bis sympat'y mlt dot glorious cans -of freedom h eggvtracted all of hi - ,-noney from America. . t - Dl reminds us of der French, nro verb - vlch ays: "Volla e'est beans, volla tout beans;- vich mean dot a penny, gained In America vas a centime saved , In France:""-"' . - " From der earliest part of hi- Infarrtrr up to der-lately part Boneay alvays ylshed to be in a dool. . - 1 vould vish to be such a flahter a youNap!" . he et - vunc Ttor-N3Poleoti7 oonaparta . Der count vas related to Napoleon be cause dey hth liaf a Honey part la. delr names. My-my-!auh- a hoket- It aoynded better In der orlchlnal, be cause . ven a Cherman take anydlng ' from der French he alvays reruoofs more den la npcestary. . Der count vas present mlt Napoleon during der battle of Bulla ROn, und- It vaa from dl aggsperlenc dot h ba 4 s uch a goot eye tn a dool. Tot ninny years . Bonesy has devo- -' tloned much spare, time, to light liter- ture. sucn as matenca, ., gaaaien una Uddar combustible. - He wrote a book once called How to. Among It vas des golden rule; ' Rule Vun Falrat get der money. Rule Tvlce Rememher rtr vu y vnii got it so dot you can get mora. Rule Trice If at falrst you doan'd succeed gif an I. O.- U. Rpl Four Pay-vot-you rouiirrl ow vot you can... Rule Fife -Ven der price of luxuries vas toe high haf-dw-ohargad. . . -. Two. veeka ago. Boneay recelfed der ' following poetical mlt a Union Biaies pontage stamp on It . lJ Yoost who Is der yun yiii.- efer know: , .. PROSIT! Per shades of night vare falling fast Vtn from dee safety vault anr passeo- . A youth who bore, vile cutting Ice, -- - . A banner mit dls Strang dewtce: "pare s aomedlng burning: - r . II. - "Try rouge-t nolr," der dealer cried; -' "Too alow for me," der youth replied; -"Veil, back an opera, company, dcn:".,.. Den roae dot awful sound, again: rDare a gomedlng; burning: ' . I-.1- '-'BetSriTaU Bobl looa.rng"-fcat!'?tiiOT, Der tout set at der race track gat; Oer,youth responsndjpVXea thousand -- sous! ' . . . ; "-'. .. Und , vunc again der c,ry broke loose! 'Dare eomedlng burning. : -- IV. .- . . Ohl try my shell gamel" set der mtnj par youth replied, "l it ga JOMt Pan".'" '. Vun million oeo'wne vent in giaoa . Ud da a fat poiloaman apoki ' , , ...- ra,ia a. aomeainf purging i.-r -'8ome bacoarat now'let u play!" . , f An pit man aet vun vlnter'a day; " Der youth pulled ould- hi pocketbook Und don .vuncTnor--drxafter ahook;- . - "Pare sximedlnav buruingr: "j t ... VI, .. ;...,:. ;'..'..:,;. . I'm happy now, "you pet your tlfe!'Ll-Ll- Der youth observed unt his vlfe; - "Vot Is der matter, dearT" she set; . . Dls only-answer could sh get: . Daja s gomedlng purning: ' VII. '- ' ' "Ach, Hlmmeir et der-Vlf vun day,- My bank account ha mooted avayi ter husband .laughed ould, loud uiyl ' elear; 1 quit forgot t tolt you, dear, . Dot' vot va burning!" ; ;. VIII. Set she,' "Alas! you luff me nit!" Set h. "Yoost valt a leedle pit,' ' "' A count mltouid a bank amount . Doan'-d count, for he va no account t Dare'a aomedlng burning!" . ' . IX. "Ha. ha!" set sh in purest French - M - rir in,m.. i,,.k miin der bench! My luff Is dead, fare the goot oyi , No more vlll Paris hear dot cry, ' s TMre's aomedlng burning!'" i D. DINKEL8P1EU . Tf 1 -: Pr George VUobart LEWIS AND CLARK At Fort Clatsop, , ' - --'- March I. Two of our canoes pava been much Injured lately by atrandlng on the short at ebb tide: for when aground they spilt with their weight We had them entirely drawn out of the water for repairs. Lepag was taken sick. We gave him a dose of Scott , pills, which did not operate. There wa no movement In tha party; everything Jog along In th same old way; w . . count the days which -aeparat u-from April 1 and still bind us fast to Fort . Famous Actors aa Negro Mirigtrelew- Francis Wilson in flcrrbner's Msgaiene. Jefferson said ha thought he wa on -of th first snen to black hla face after th' appearanc and - ucce of !'Jln Crow" (T. D.) Rice. T ' 1 auppose," said Mrs. . Drew, "ther . , are very few men -tn thl eompany- who -4-have not at one tlm or another been associated with mlntrl performances." . "I played Brudder, Bunc,'V said Mr. Jefferson. . ' ' ' , "Everybody knowa I waaln. ths mln- . a stral business," Godwin 'exulalmed. "Yes,"' I remuiked, "because w wer -ther togsther.'I'-WolU" Jolnad In. Crane. , . "I wa on th tambourln end with C&mpbell' . mfhstroTs.'' ' I remember telllna- this at Lawrence Barrett - house it Cohasset, whnr th rt Of th party consisted of Edwin Booth and Stuart Robson. Booth tbn told bow he end J. p. Clarke wer mlnatr! In tiielr youn get days, ana ne rouowea mis up declarin tnat ne una i uiua. nttiuanAh-haaJn.'8 I laugh Booth Inquired th reason, and I dded', "Oh nothing much, nly Booth and th banjo seemed uch an add combination." ..t -?6rij Higher. ; ; r - - -From th Philadalhl'a Presa. Cadley No, h Isn't In our social set any mora Wiseman So 1 understsnd. . ' Cadley Yes, he dropped :, out ' Some " time ago.-.. . r- Wlieman--Why, he gave me to Under- atand he cllmU4 uU ; i "tv. r , I V i ..i y