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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1906)
AND, ''.'SATURDAY 1- . C. X J.' EiST SIUE LiUST TluETOOnSiuEU TO RAISE BEES K OFFER rnnnrtv nnnTii Ml AT n'TrAr ED rUU-tCU liUKIlI . - 1 b ai m a aeasas s-bbbbi s-Bwaa- . a s as - Council Committee Wants to X - 'TJffnjk.Xbelrt-fBelt line : ' Present to Portland-" ' bZRAuI COMPANY TOO MUCH lWUInett:.VIJeyTictlonjCompn7l tfiposcs to BniH on Fi rnnt 1 . Street snd Preeent It to City to Be Umi Belt LIneRoii -., -Because of "'Oil unexpected proposal of th Willamette Valley Traction com '" '"peny to build a road on Front street and resent Jt to the city JObojusedsB a alt-Una '. road, made at the Joint :jneetlng ot the atreeta nd . Judiciary , committee of the city councllyeeter day afternoon, action on the propoaed franchisee of the. rival railway com----panles seeking entrance to Portland -was delayed, " ... . - - . Promotera of-the United. Ratlwaya company were confident that control of the propoaed Front atreet line would be " 'given to them, aa the committees had ' decided to recommend auch action to the city council' The r Willamette Valley Traction company' l),ackra. believing ,-' - their -caua( wa. practically loat unless they did aonjethlB qvtpkjy. decided on - the sudden otip, tiTtiirn the tide in -"their favor. -Their' effort a were auo-'-; eessul and further consideration of the franchisee waa postponed until Tuesday afternoon, Their proposal follows: -.:: ,-' "The Willamette Valley Traction eotn , pany hereby of f era to conatruct and give to thlty,- so. tnat-tne-ciiy anen wwn outright, a 1 elngle-trsck road of -.106-pound aila on concrete foundation, and two (t) feet apart with Belgian n.ui. hivKka laid with cement lointa: 'head electrical equipment, and to extend M vm.( .i.ut fnun J.ffarann to Irvine V w. -. w -- -- - trent. e-ifl f i""ra street rrom ; v-,.,-, .r.t in Tnth street or Kleventh .iftveiiLn ( " jUetTnd3nITenth or' Eleventh atreet from Flandere to Hoyt atreet. The Wil lamette Valley-Traction company agrees to begin -work -thereon m -ninety daya from the approval of franchise and to complete the same wunin niua . months subject 'to , .rtnlaya hftynnfl , 1U control (litigation. -etc). Uadet City Bee-nUtton. "The Willamette Valley Traction com pany Is to have the rlgnt to operate care over above tracks between f- p. m. and 7 a, m. week days, and on Bun 'days and holiday, subject to regula tions made by-the city, and which. regu latlona shall apply equally to .all com pariJaslng the tracka. If desired by the Vlty.nbe Willamette Valley Traction company will agree to operate" cars of any other company or association over the above tracka for coat, plus ten per ' W A ak aaVB ftat : This- gift allows tne cuy to at row ahanlute ownerahlD of track and prescribe auch regulations for It use as. will compel the terminal companies, a4,K titm nnrth nr south end of the Myt-yoeUanl, te mane fatr-nareat - -- - 1 koneble rates for the -transportation, or freight ' - 'This offer la en condition that the council paaa end the mayor approve of the granting ef the franchise of the wniamatta Valley Traotlon i compeny. aa now before -the street committee, the same to be amended to oonrona to tneae 'offers. ,. ' - "As an evidence of good faith en the part of the Willamette Traction com pany, we hereby attach our certified check for twenty-five thousand dollars $$6,O0K-"pyeble to" theclty of Port land; earns to be held by the city of Portland as eecurity that the above of fer, if eccepted by the city, will be car ried out;-the above amount- to M Re turned to the company, upon the com pletion of the tracks as set forth above, -The Willamette Valley Traotlon com pany further agrees to give to the city TERRIBLE ECZEMA Crusts Face Itched Most Fear: ullytfalufc PnTneiTDown to - Prevent Scratching , MIRACULOUS CURE" BY CUT1CURA REMEDIES M When mj little bey was six mentns eld, be , kad eesema. The sores extended se euiokly . ever to whole bodv that we at enee eaUtd la the doctor. W then went to another doctor, but be eonld not kelp hint, and in ear det pair w went te a third one. Matters became so bad that bs kad regular holes in his checks, large enough te pet e finger tnte. The feed had te be gfrea with e spoon, for his meuth was severed with eraste as thick ss a Safer, and whenever he opened the MM.,k ttiav Sevan to bleed and supnnrateaa did alte nis eyes. Hands, arms, eheet, and back, in short the whole body, was covered ever end ever. We had ae test by daf e night. Whenever he was laid in his bed, we kad te -I- II. aaaaa daWB I othirtr hi-weitd ecratch hie faee, end . I think hie faee must Auceno Hoax. Mki m Anaa sore. Bve,ifcnea me leaiiuuj. - . We nnallr thought nothmf eeuld hel j t . w Mma a aema Riff wu with the child I ihltd to Europe, hoplag taa toe s -ei-aeiffbw him, el ha . nut oader good medical care Oiere. But, a l. Li? j -M-im.a alfferentlv. and we soon saw miracle. AWendefeure . spoke about Cntlcura. We rnsde a trial with ' Cuticura Boap, Ointment, aad BeselveBtane ,' within ua days er two weeks we noticed e deeided improvement. r Just aa quickly a the sickness hsd appeared it alee eegan teT die - appear, aad frithin ten week the child we 2 abcoluUly well, and his .kin we snieeth and r white as never before." F. Hohrath, Preeideat ef the C. h. Hohrath Company, Maaufaet. r arsrs ef Silk Bibbeas, 90 Rrak Alloy, Juaeo, 1. Seuth Bethlehem, Pa. ., CMtWwrt . ml. m4 Mm V "1 k, xl. TiKtw Dr Cm. Cr ft, . ON IITTLE BQY .'V jS - ; i-v Morrell E. Warren Plana to Ea tabliah Apiary in Shushitna 7 7 . Valley, Alaaka. "j ARE HERE JN OREGON , p 'reduce Three Swafm Eich Sea- on S&rU With Nine Swarms, and Expecta to. GrtTlSciu.., ., , Far in the Interior of northern Alaska e Portland man will turn tils hand -to bee culture. He le Morrell E. Warren, whft bought a ticket yesterday afternoon I for Seward from F. P. Baumgartner, local Mast for- the Northwest Steamship company. M: Warren arranged for the shipment of nine ewarma of beoa. After- Teaching Reward, the be man will push hie .'way north' to 'the. Shu shitna valley; where he epent a Bum mer about six years ago. He eaye he has had long yeara of. experience with beee end believes they will thrive near the Arctlo gone. He has been following the buslnsss for years at Cedar Mills, a little) hamlet a few mllea out from Portland. J , -. "Flowere ire in 1loom tor a longer period tn the Bhushltna valley." said Mr, Wrran.....'.than la ble country.. There le alao a g'reater variety of them. The valley, hyjsldes end neighboring mountslns are covered with them for fully five months of the year. During my stay In Alaska I did not aee a aingln bee. and' I kept e constant lookout for them. With flowers so plentiful, I ex pected to eee wild bees, but. waa dls-, appointed." , . ' The alte he he (elected 1 100 miles from8ewrdthe nearest town. By the, latter part of the season ' he expect that tha railroad building rrom tn coast to the Tanana district will have eeftomieTi6dnenrntTe"eeTaf1ir that he will establish. Hie nearest etirhbore-wm tie at Seward nnHTaidex. Unless an' occasional prospector ahould happaa- along -4Uat-way, Mr, Warren says be does not expect to eee any one until the railroad naa neen extenaeo. "&eJprejnexLwlntexJL swarms I am' taking north AlfereaM to XT," declared the beeratser. "Each hive la supposed to produce three new awarma during a season. I usually gather 10 pounda of honey from each hive. That means my nine ewarme wlil produce 710 pounds of honey this sum mer. In northern Alaska there is e ready sale for honey at 50 cents a pound. Bo I expect to clean up a profit of IJIO' while I am getting started in the business. Next year I will have 11 swarms, which will nej me $1.00. The following seaaon I will own ,81 swarms, which will bring in an Income fof-more than and the same atle of Increase will continue during tne sue-, ceedlng yeara. Bo i 1 easy to aee that the buslneaa will eoon grow Into one of great profit." People-wlth, al aorta nfoalllng are going to Alaska from Portland. A man t k. ,ink.t fwwi Ana f tha 1nral UUUH. m, w.m agent the-othe,t day who aeld he was going north to raise doge for .the mar ket. Another declared that he waa de termined to start a firm on whiqh he expecte to rat fur-bearing . animals. Few ef the traveler appear to be going to Alaska te engage In mining or pros pecting. ' ' ' at actual eost at the end of five yeara all the tracka constructed in the etreete of the city of Poctjend South of Jeffer son etreet under the -franchise epplled for. A statement of cost is to be filed wlth-the-elty nudlter on completion of the work, The Willamette Velley, Trac tion company-In the event of the city taking , the track eoutn or - jerrerson street, reserves the unobstructed right to operate at all tlmee paaaenger, mall, expreae end freight care thereon. Un til the city shall take over said tracks south of Jefferson street the Willam ette Valley Traction company will agree to henl freight care for other companies over said tracks v south of Jefferson street between the hour of I o'clock p. m. end 7 o'clock a. m. for cot plu cent -of cot. ; " ' " - Will Also ay. "Thl offer. If -accepted, doe not re lieve the .Willamette Valley Traction companx-Ofeajinualjaymf nta "fwuK-rha compensation to tne vuj fifty thousand dollars (160,000), re- aulred by the ordinance, -"The-cnsh 'deposit or bond of "fifty thousand (150,000) dollars requested ny the ordinance now before the committee 1 to be given to the city as originally outlined In -the application now pend ing." -v ' Member of th committee did not ap pear to be satisfied with the proposal. They did not like the Idea of giving any one company auch a large' amount of control ojf the road eouth of Jefferson street, ea thSfvould""have a tendency to exclude other lines seeking entrance to tlTTtty;-and this was what the com mittee ha attempted to avoid. When Chairman Vaughn asked Attorney War-ran- K. Thoma If hi company would agree to build the roed end accept a franchise such as' waa propoaed to be given to the United Railway company, he gave no direct answer, but Bald -what good "tor"the rival -company wae good enough for hi client. Th committee desired time to think over the proposition and ' delayed fur ther consideration -until next Tuesday. . Attorney IX- Fenton of the South ern Paolfio propoaed several, amend ments to the franchise which the com mittee contemplated should be awarded to the United- BaJlwaye company the most Important of which Vould permit the, Southern Paclflo to operate steam locomotive on Front -etreet from Da vie etreet to the Northern Pacific tar- mlnal yards, upon payment of I per cent Interest on the coaAjo-nt-portion of the road and a sura to pey one-fifth the coat of repairs of the line. He alao proposed that the franchise be granted ta Hovt Inatead of te Irving etreet. "Attorney O. FTPaxton "of the Portland Consolidated Railway company pro tested against the United Railway building any line in the city, saying that his company could handle the traf- flu after the passenger were ' 6nc brought - her ' much better than any mpaeir. 1 ' ' J. Whyto Evans of the United Rail ways company retorted that he had held an Interview with Manager Fuller of bthe-Portland Consolidated- Railway eom-i pany and had been told that the latter company wanted hi people to stop building When " they ' reached ' "the city limits. "They have offred.,us their road hut w don't want It W Intend to build our -own lined snd-ISe an Independent company," he Bald.' . v- A Huntington t ISO. combination srei machine In a saloon waa mashed to piece end-0 stolen, v - , Pending Action of .Council, Inv , provementt In Fire Service. Will Eptelayed. . ' BE FIRST INSTALLED EwenJy-EibtOtrjeind Brook; lytv-Engtne-Cornpeitiee Cannot-Be Formed Until Sites Ar Purchased And-HoueaBuilU. The east side office ef The Jonrssl to la the tore ot J. U. C M liter. 380 Seat MorrUoa treat. 7elplioBS. -gaol gTB. Ko one knowe -when-the-chage U tha lira aarvloa of East Portland author ised by the council -will be mad effect ive. None of the omciaie 01 we de partment from Chief Campbell down hae been Informed. The executive boar e to ha waiting-on the council and the council le waiting for eomethlng not yet discovered.. Only a .lew 01 tne minor chances can. be made tintU the eounoll eeouree sites for the net engine houses on Eaet Twenty-elgha 'etreet and In Brooklyn end provides funde for the rebuilding of preaent nouses 10 meet the larger neede of, the new ey li tem, r : ' " ""' One of the first change to no tnaas will be tha Installation T an engine 7!ompiniTat Hlghland.-ii Union, avenue near'-Alber street. A solitary cnemi eal has for yeara had to aerve a grow ing diatrict and rpr-neaat' tw years th territory, deeendent on tha chemical hag been tig enwgn-and thickly act tied enough to justify th maintenance . or both chemical end engine companlee. . A second or thlrd-clsss engine will be in stalled at the Highland house and the chemical- waaon will be stationed on Mississippi avenue In the old oluii- nomah volunteer hall near Bhaver atreet These changes can be made al- t Imsnedlatcle and mm give a nig district amnio Drotectlon when a few mora hydranta ar placed through -the adjoining suburbs, up to tnis time in the 10 mllee of territory jiorth of Rue sell Btreet thermae een no-nre-engln and freouentlv the chemical company had a two-mile race before the point of The neede of th Brooklyn and East Twenty-eighth etreet - residents - ere greater and more- pressing than those of the Alblnaa, but It le probable that protection will be eonalderably delayed unless the council takes Immediate steps to secure sites for the new engine houses. Considering the length of time that will be required to secure suitable sites, erect -engine houses. . secure ap paratus and add enough men to the de partment to man the new . companlee the cltlsene Interested feel thet no more delay mould be permitted In atartlne-. and delegations from not only. thepus!rclob of t.itnteretdr dis tricts, but from th least Bia improve ment association- aa well will probably deacend on the council, ahould the next meeting of that , body eee- no steps tahen-ee. provide fer the amnortaod bb- paxatua. - FIRST FIREMEN'S BALL. 1 .. , . St. .". John - Organisation 1 Oireei Fnhllo , Benefit Which Ze aSnooeae. .. St Johne hae Tolunteer fire com pany regularly organised and last night the first benefit entertainment of the company was held, -It being a ball that attracted a large attendance and netted the company gufflcient to make a start toward fitting memoera out in ap proved! volunteer style. Though there areHhearly 1,000 people In th town, and th$ business district has -improvements amounting to 1260.000, lncludlng-eaveral handsome brick block 4f two and three stories, the town has never had a fir company. . By some happy chance there ha never been a aerloua fir' In the business district, though several blocks of small, frame buildings remain as token of th early day of th town, and th numerous-large factories nd mill - of th town have escaped, - with the single exception of the two lumber mills that were destroyed last summer. The result of this lack of protection has been that fire Insurance rate In the business district we're practically pro hibitive, amounting In some Instances to 10 per cent and generally being higher then the Interest on -the investment levy and the consequent lncreaae In resources the town expects to install some mooern apparatus and to organise a volunteer force that will be able to answer alarms promptly and handle the apparatus In a workmanlike manner. - AWAKENS TO NEW LIFE. Kleslanlppl Avenue Ohnroh Will Snlarg Bdlflo to So Greater work, '. Hi months aco the congregation of ftSr-Mlestisippt-ATenne-Congregatlonal church seriously considered - giving up the-work and disbanding; today It la the unanimous sentiment of the members that their present church will have to be enlarged to two or three ' time It present capacity If th work of the growing organisation la not to be hamnered bv lack of room. Rev. Wll- Haini-Upehaw came to the church at th critical point in 11a mmory ana or hi herd work and the faithful support of th member, with th rapid lncreaae in the. population of the territory ad lacent. everv department of the church wae put on a firm baeia, Thl week th4 congregation oeciaea to can oar. up haw to the permanent pastorate of the church and a consideration- of building niana waa taken UP I . Already the Sunday sohool,-undep-the laadarshln of M. Hr Thompson, naa ai- llnftj ,uch an attendance that the church room are Inadequate and eev- eral claaaee are being held in tne par sonage. Institutions 1 church work will be Uken up when the congregation re models Its home, a work which will be started In the neer future, the general building society of the church being ready to give $1.00 for this purpose and the membere to coniriDura proueoij 15,000 more. i KEEP"HAWTHORNE PARIC l, other Course em" Far -of Oonunle 'sloacxs Will latiary abnibaaltee.' -BHegatlonB will be on hand at the session of the park commission Monday when the fate-or-Mswtnorne -parB: win be derldea.""RecPntiy whenntfie board Cure hoarseness and sore throat caused bv cold, or use U Of the VOlCe. ABsetutslyl OO Built from tur own plans with particular reference to the fuels of this coast Our stove man; a gentleman exceedingly well versed in the quality of both -heating stoves, cooking stgvehd xansLpxpi orairth'eTanges experience of 27 years in selling stoves and ranges, and THE Vb,vtLL,Vk'-MENT-OF THIS -PERFECT-RANGE-HAS BEEN THE-RESULT. hisneforcecidingheind- - -for its price or any other Telephone Main announoed ' Its - nrobable intention of CiTinf up the park before the leaae ex pires a protest went up iron in sui eld. whU the Beet Bide Inlprorement association passed strong resolutions eondemnlng- the move and appointed a committee to confer with the park board. The reeult waa that the board decided to keep the park, and at that time It wa understood by the associa tion that when the lease expired . It would be renewed. . Some of the membere of the board having- -announced -their Intention - of giving- up th'e park unless better term are secured, th question ha again been agitating the east aide - residents and especially thoae-of the central dlatrlcts that are well eettled and for-which the park remalna ae tha onljr breathing spot durlna- the dry and dusty summer I months. Tbs general eentlment of the east side Is that Hawthorne park ahould be purchased by the city before it be comes more valuable and that on no ao count BltouldUhla, the only park on the' eest side, pass out of the control of the public Ae each year eee eeveral thouaand dollars added to the value, of the tract, n Immediate pureheee would win th heartTiBunnort of -the east side tow-- they do, e large part of the taxes that maintain the parka, eome part of their money should be expended In a- manner beneficial to them, the preaent city park on the west elde being too remote. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS TO MEET MARCH SEVENTH The Multnomah- County Sunday School association has -planned a series of conventions to bo held In the various district Into which the county was di vided at the last county convention. Two of theae districts, the first and the second, have held conventions. The third district, which embrace all thet part of the county-west of Ahe river and eouth of Taylor etreet,. wltf hold one on Wednesday. March 7. at T:0 p. m., in the Jflrst innaiian cnurcn, eor- nmr at Park and Columbia streets. A program which promiaeB to be of Intereat and profit to Sunday school worker le being planned. HARRIMAN WILL BRING SUIT FOR HIS GRADE Th-Oreeon- Railroad-- Navigation company will bring eult t condemn right of way 'across land awarded by the decision of Judge Treser -to. the Portland at Seattle company aa a result of the long-drawn .conefcst at Maegly junction, yrhlle tbe court's decision gave title of the land to the Hill line. It 1 aald to have bean a victory for the Harrlman llnee- a regard th grade, which, was the main point Jnrthe con teat. The Hill people had surveyed a grade over the land In conformity to that Bought to be established by them across the peninsula and th two pro nosed bridges over. the Columbia and Willamette rivers. The Oregon Ball road Ss Navigation company aurveyed a vnuia around tne peniniu la TOT Its Tmut dale line, crossing the Portland Seattle road's line at Maegly junction at a grade level 1 feet lower. CXTMS- OOlTSiriCPTIOBTa -Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan writes! - "My husband lay sick for three months. The doctore Bald he had quirk consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard s Horehound Syrup and IL-cured him. Thar waa six years ago and since then w hav alwaya kept a bottle In the house. We cannot do with out tt.- For conghe and colds It has no etitiaL" tso, 10a and 11-09. Woodard, Clarke Co. , - - - - - he has ever soldTMr. Kaddcrly, the inventor, ha,s had an; So A CIAQDQDEOSO SOLD 3 r.ECC--EC3ED DY WOODARD. CLARKET&1 CO? Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth r r.f rr-r r f r ersrtro'tro'0'o'O'fforB'cr Teeth Teeth" Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Our' prices ere ' the very . lowest " consistent with - first-class material " and workmanship. Call and get our :prlcea,.: Teeth L Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth sostobt Bimin, : Om. Malar . ana roeiomoe. BtlH Morrison St, Teeth Teeth i zziizii s z x i i Teeth Teeth trouble between the two companlee. aa the -one which, waa obliged to yield Its survey would be put to heavy ex pense In maintaining an easy-- grade be tw'eeh Portland and tbe Columbia river. The court held that tbe Oregon Railroad ar Navigation'' company had tne prior eurvey across the Maegly land, and this eurvey gave It the advantage. The Oregon Railroad aV Navigation agenta yesterday tenderedjthe Portland ec Seat tle company $1,000 for the desired right of way. .which wae refused. The Har rlman lawyers wfll bring condemnation eult at the April aesslon of the circuit court. - PENDLETONJYIAN 1$ .NAMED GAME WARDEN ptpeetal Dispatch fe The Joomal.) Pendleton, Or March I. Otto F. Turner of thle city baa been appointed deputy game and fish warden for the eaatern Oregon dietrict, hie commission having arrived yesterday. Since. , the resignation of Joseph Nolf as deputy warden-for eastern Oregon, some months ego, the office has been vacant and flagrant violation of th deer law and fish laws have been reported from eest em Of-egon counties repeatedly and Mr. Turner will at phce take opthe work of atrlctly enforcing all laws and to this end he will visit the different east ern Oregon countlee at once. --. In several places In eaatern Oregon large mill and Irrigation companies have persistently violated the fish laws, reg ulating the construction and mainte nance of dame and ladders, end tn this way many streams which were formerly f lret-elase trout streams havaben robbed of their flsh .. . . . . Cattle Brine; OooS Utoea." Johnon of Wetfsrll todayoSd five oar loads of oattle. for three, care he received ner 100 pounda and Mr tmn "arm " Mr Jnhnann ssy the best pries thst could be . secured at WMtfall wae $1.50. and he predicts there will be several good slied shipments In a few daye. - Badeavorere Meet. The monthly local Christian Endeavor union meeting' and dinner waa held Tuesday-evening, February $7. at the Mississippi Avenue Congregational church. The tablee presented an at tractive appearance, and quit a num ber of Christian Endeavorern gathered for a-social hour. The retiring' state president, Mr.' Rockwood, spoke briefly of hie work. - . -- -. The business meeting wee' In charge pneeto be. had , in mm When your lungs are tore and Inflamed from coufrhlrtr. Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA. PLEURISY - and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. : v top the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and Irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recorery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. .- . - rZ::: r-1--..:. Tkt Deoters Said Hi Rid Coitusiptlea A Camltst Csra, i - L-M. Ragetea, Reeeoner, Iowa, writes: "Th doctore eaid I had con- ; sumption and T cot no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. If helped mo right from the atart and stopped th spitting of blood sad the tola (a mjr lungs and today I am sound and well. - THRU SIZES 3o, 50o, and IjOO RCFUf I tUBSUITUTCS AND 8; G. SKIDMORE & - - -'!- LEE YUEN -' " zs bob Ansa ":. '- iCHINEStPHYSICIANf Having' atudted medicine for many years under noted doctors of China, He cure all nervoue. chronlo Snd" private diseases of men and women. He compound and put up for ua irefully ' elected.THy remedies will not destroy your stom ach, nor endanger your life with an operation. You take no rlaka, aa . I uae no polaona or drugs. - -- ' I Insure-quick result at th low est possible cost -."rT. : -Call and see me If you are af flicted. . -L OOBSVZ.TATXOB SBBB. . . Doctor Lee Yuen BO. SOS X, BOaTXAJTB, OB. of the local union president. Rev. X M. Booser. -'. bbbbb fko ftswt taawUlsaaat ot ef Be-vtd rakasa Vkilttpe gewat novel ef praetleeU aVsaerteeja peUtiaw. Will star bb The SmaeAy geeutaU. Kana . ...-.. : w Odd Fctlows Temple First ad Alder Sts. VA CO. :i:ir. -1 -. BLOOD POISON rot on Tui Tworrf mra we have made the cure of blood poison a speelslty.-PvlBisry.eeaaBiafj aeTartasry Bleed PelseB Tei uianenttyCgradrToa ess be treated at home under same guaranty. Capital $600,000. We solicit the aoet obati Bate eases. If yoo hav xbeoaled tbeeld methods et treatment, and still keveeekee and peina, Mueua Patches la Month, Bore Throat. Pimples. Oopper-Oolored Spaes, TJloer on ear pert of the body. Hair er Erebrowe falllne eat, write for proof of euree. MO-pe Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO, im sissw nam. $, .,. Scott's Santal-PepsLi Gz;s.!:s A POSITIVE CURE PerlnflesisMtloe crtJaasrrtof tb. BItlTnd D i kla- - mm. aeouasBerax. varas Iqaiekjy aa aarmaaeatiy tha earet cum ei umimii ae eil.aa. as Mttac at maw oa( taaolBS. A .!. 1 arwleai. Bold f draffl. " nee ay stall, Bass. iim, SIUM,! MwxTAi-fmim Every , wmlwanilaadslieaMBaew . BDoat tne ereoaamt MAKYCL wkwiiaw Sevey ; ataa mm WntTHi-aarI -MsMrenTaaiaM. CMWk.1. " i nannotintply the BVBI. aouaat aa ethr. bat tmnA uun iem fall partiaalan ea dtrarrinn. la. TmiuKhkLi.-iiw. Mitvni. rex. , eee bbot vamai. s. s, s-iDsokg tn.; ii -nrrts tTSSKr M.MU WWUUV, vu. leeVweyawWrVeajVwwfSIWrVeeeswWswwWl -Yot Kidney . J 1$ Cladddr troublse. Curca rx 43 1 1 euro TOEfART XarkCs seals arslkeaaaMOrL . y - Tk.TL OP lUal Bi WaBgeBBBBBaaWaaBW . fat Sale W Wessaei. falW,,! . vV i MUaaww laMaaat r" L K.f. aV 9 I w . ill si r.i i . ' i r K..K lll.flllll vi feWrWrwyeWh: V: