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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY , EVENING. MARCH, 3. 1SC3. II TODAY'S SOUTHERN-BUTTER CAlifomitf- Product-Makes - Ap ipearance In This Market - hnming Week. t ERRATICFEELING . . r - : IN JHE-EGC1 MARKET - ' Tone U Good' and Strong' One Min 'jitoand Weak and Dull the Next J V- Prices a Fraction Off Some Few 1 Sales, of ,Hopa at Former Valuea. ; , Tnmt Street. March 2-Tba- principal talwit at the Portland wholesale markets today are: ' enow erratic ton. . V 3" Poaltry market bold! good. ' " 'l ils-xtaaaWJsldr-tr.-. "'" " , , Nmi very active on "Trt. 1 . Hoi amrket unchanged. Vlnnr ia lltlict : arte am. L California butler du next- wk. Pimm ere linn for fney. On tea market drag wearUy. Kahooa receipt trifle better. Apple movement "U increasing. . , Califmla Butter Come Txt Wok. - - Although rb trad is very wnwllllng 4 admit tbat there at any 'rntf weakness is.tlH creamery butter market, tb loo I JU o good ce daring th vrrhM waekr-aupiillM of local (tuff era not heavy, bat the etlepr pi In mow ruling In 1 slifirrntn ("- osnsmgjiiie inuu to o iWh with their "purchase, ft 'iiiiitM sacerislned nt"The ' Jourual: flr Milpmnli of California creamery irtaw llm imi I lluillll IU coming "th prtc below I not t th prapev " , fi. r r..u Mi.iiwj in mis uurciiou. ut ' that aaota dron In the outb are xpected at IKi dtel.nt dele h) who, I.; Il heaty O'rtM ' by 'FrkHV deiler to Iocs I traders. It to only wh there U rn1derbl rmmntatko of " batter In lb swath that to trad there offer t arncha la tbla direct loa. aa tbnu la. ukca an ' tadlralbm tliat tha narkat- will anaa allow lower rant. Lea atorba of awamarr bottr ' " ara Joat abnut aqoal to tba demand, feat tb parrbiara of aoatbera llorkt baro titan wkrr bat ta talus and om daatari r offer. "' tBM far leu. 1 'r f"'-r' : - ZT Skew Emti Tonfc " ; Tb ton at tb Ml mrket,-r arraMo tbeaa Am 7: On moment tber to eoaaMerahl atrenctb to tba nwrket wblw- tb aery next v nrloMi ar fnllf H"c lower. . Hnlpta ar tart tihnir bn lUa out tide daniand to dat bat - been enfnelent ta beep the market eli-aned ap , (roond forajer taluea. leaierdar tfiri rt -Bold nulla firm at le and 17c, bat tbla nairalna 'tpera-wtaa nwin . aalea a low aa 16c. with tb aery tin H hlbr tbn tlitrwr-mut-.- . Stack f poullrj ware aalta tau ajon m " "'atrret today, bat eterytbtnc cleaned ap at rnl- kit flcure. ...- .. . ": " Kicktly 'Weaker. 1 SrWwd eat" ' - Tnere Wa a allrbtly weaker, feelln la lb demand for dreated teal aloof tb atreet today . Baeeoa for tbla to firm In tba larger auppll ' mat the blab- prltaa ibat bate anted to 'tbla market for ae tunc a time. Tba market cannot. a , baweter, ,b -called doll or llfeleaa, bacaaaa eaerytblnf that eonaw to readily taken hold of . by the trad at Ike aloea gaoled 1a The Joar- aal. Tb ealy dlffenoca Between fbe aurkat aow and a few day air to tbat tba trade -doe jot ' aorta aalte o aniloa to buy aa formerly. - - Tbe dreeaed avc market to la tba beat poal- Tloa for many- day and price ara belnf ball rlfbt ap ta tb top notch. , rj-Hop larkat X Dnebanfad, - ' '-f' ' WblM an aceaalnnal aale I reported la th kop market tbe trading- to not good. Tbla Mm coBdinoa exiat In Europe aa well aa tbla eoun try. Tbere ta prartlcally notblnf dolnt la tb -r 'eastern market. 31 following report of tha eoropraa altnatloa are gfw '" KeatUb Obaerter of rbrury IS: -- - VMeaara. Manger a Henley'. BB, Borough Lou don, 8. report ander date Pelmury 12: ' The demand tor all naefnl cupper- bop. kee'M - liealthy, aad a fair builaeaa baa been done duz. ; lng the neat week. Price remain firm and without alteration. . "Meaara, W. 11. and H. I May, bop factor, ' 7. Borough Rlgb atreet, London, a. B., report ' ander dat February 13: Tha market mnat , . be aooted qnlet, but there I luat rafflclen doing to tr ke any paroela that are of ferrd augiitiy in luyerr lator. era- faror.Tbere 1 aome Inqulrr Web, Being tery ware, coumasl Tr old oia, price eloae ap to tbat ruling for t earllng. "The Import of bop' for tb month of Janu ary, loon, war 3M.S7 cwt. "Per tb eurreepoadtng month laat year. It, 001 cwt.- - "Tbe export "f bop fromr England for th month of January. IM16. were 1.277 ewta. For tb eorreepondlng montk Ut year, 1,377 ewta. - . . "Bnalnea remain without alteration, only mail trade paaatnt la the sample atallabR wtriek are reduced to narrow cotnpeaa. Omwert ' ask full Treej 4idttlue keep ateady for all deacrlptlona. Ttier haa been" ailii liiiiit fw tb eiiiipir 1 1 PUflHilH or lit MVPMlitk bT.'.. A WrdJHkBAar4luV Tbrary 11". ., - e Tb uxle pay IbaTIMlowlBt price to rront treet Price paid producer ar lea regular cowmlaatuoa: Grain, rlour and reed -7 -WHKAT Sew chib, 9Xcj red Boaalaa. 7c; - ' bhieetem. Jc; talley, Tic. ' BAKlvEV reed. ISiSOi rolled. $24.50; brew . . lng. $23.01. .. ... COB: Whole, 127.00 . . ton. cracked. $2 00 per - KTK I1M pre cwt. ' - -v OATH Producer price No. 1 white, I2S.00; T".t. -f2T.O. . , L. 1LOI K New eartem Oregon patent.. ' no '.' rltbt. $:i 4oaa.0: export, $.1 an4.ttl; 1 talley 3 4o3.W; graham, fee, $2.79; rye, to. $.-...; hale. $2.75. - ,' ' ' .;.'.'., MII.LT1Fn Bran, $17 50 per ton; mld- t H A Y-pNidnccra' piice-Tlmnlhy. Wlllametta . talley, fancy, $ H(.oot 12 i; ordinary, $7.0t . ., 00; aatern Oregon. IH.noeriA.M; mixed, V.. H.IKjt.0U; elneer. $a.00;i.00; grain, $8.40 P.OO; cheat. tH.IW. - ' Butter, Egg and Poultry.. BUTTEa FAI-y, a. b. I'ortl.nd-tweet t vtvmnM. nu, aoar, xwe. - bi. t'tty crramery, JOUc: oatelde w"jo "o. irean uregon. 1 candled, 16 1V. , fHEESB Itew Full ere.m, data, 15c; 7n Amerl.-a. 10c; rhcddnr. IBe, ' AMBXackriliblW,-l per d . . HOI, I.TBV Mixed cMckemr, -vmdllirw Th . raocy avni. 14c per lb: roosters, old, IIV j'r pet ..lht ug. Use. per lb; fryere. 19jW lnr lb; brullcTn, ipniioc per 1bi diH-ks. 1e . per tb; gene. lOHHc per lb; turkers. 15lnc per lb; dressed. 21c per lb; aquaba, $2.7oijfa.00 per dua; pigeon, $200 per do. ' ... . Beg, Wool and Hide. - ll0PoU.s7itriH, IDOd , ceep, - uit wt. j .swegoo,.. prim m eaotce, -xn;1tc; p,,, . " uc jo crop. Y 'e for choice. J WtKiO luuft dip, talley.. eoaree to medlsm. !"ej im, ic: eeatara- oreaoa. MOHAIR Nnmlml. niii21e. . ' i ; ' BHKKFHKINg BhearKig. 1520e each; ihort SATURDAY 'PRICES IN - y : THE WHEATM ARKET 4 , - Ma . July 4) ; Chicago f .7SAJ .7 ) Ht. Loula. .7IA ..... 4 Milwauke ... .7H .71 Near York., ,,,, ., . , Kanaaa City... .71H , MteriKv.1 ad laid 4) WlnneOJiolla .. .77 HH ..... d Iruluth i. .7H ..... d Ban rrtnrlw, J..X7B i l6 December. . iq rnriiiin. MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS 4 - By Everdln d Carroll. ttvlltm all ihla jveek:. jut4lb d mura-f t (lid uol get -nearly Ud d the b.mk1 in thla Una It could ub. Tlie market la aettlna; on d d hen and i)od mixed 14 cenla- d d Duck are practically out Of tha d o market at -IT and II centa allv. d 'Oei-H re very dull at 10 centa. d ood. mf d dfalraeltarr and 1 and II cento. . d Bmlli- .nil fryr .hllfir.. jr. d very firm at-10 and 10 centa per d pound. Good dresaed 'bena will d - Kelt at la and lttctJltw. . 6"od d fgr-lrffifed " turkeya : ara very. d 1 firm at and it eantai- W ad- d viae that thoaa. who have turkey 4 to fatten them and anip tnera areHaedVirih'y""" W aarWner- d wise altlp them ally. ' ; wool, JSiftefv tarb; medlnm wool, tOSTS neb; loDg ii, ;3ti.uu earn. taiaaiw rrua. per id, aftaec; no. a a an 1 nil 1 im MJiaa oe por id. U11JC8 Orr. No. 1.. fa lb end no. 18H ITHe-oer Ibi .drt kip. .J.Ht- IW Ita dry cuit- Nn. 1. llnrt.r ft Ibl. laei aallad aldaa ateera, Bound, DO Iba and oter, 10ttllr; eowa. Lj'H-: tt and bolK. aunnd, BtjTe; klp. IB MM In. Be: n Ifrnoo -aonndnBderTli TturTtrr (ree. nnaalted, lo Uaa; eulla. le per lb aoreobldra. aaltrd. each, f l.iinf.TS; dryx each, I 1 .fwn.30r")tt' bld'aTZ S SOc; goaf , aklua.-l rummua, eacn, loig loc; Ancora, aca, xortu 1.W. Frnlt and Tagetakto. OXATOEaWBat aortrd. cir per aark; pro-dui-rri' prlr f car lota, TOHTTle per rwt: ordinary, 6Ae70e; produrcrl' . price, ; dSQiOci iwn-u, f7.0U per crate. e.MONH Jobblna Orle Oreaon, Ko. 1, 11.00 ?l.3: pioduearal-wke. Jie.i Urlll.0 So. fry! TV; (arllr. MUle per lb; milun ta, Tc. . rillXH r'HI ITo Applve, "rulla." I.Wr ordinary. tl.0ittl.oo:'fant'y, fl.TottZ.OO: Hood RlTfr-fanot iiDlfavnoerra and Nawtown (Mpplna, a-76aa,uu; -nra, new Intel. KIHItilit; a4earrai.7t3.t eer-btM; furj, 4XCi0iu3.3 per box; Irmee, Met Iran, i prr iwi pioa llMiUto, Hki nir ilmii linn II 7H pel laif taiia.rliita. il.i II i;5. VEUETArlUTS Tarnip. Bw, Toe per eara; ark; Oregon radlibm, 2Ae per dos; rabnige. Oreroir 12.00-nr" ewtr rillTarbl. T.T3Z OO per rwt; grren pepper. Oe per lh; CallrornlaJ mmatee, gz.wtin.oii: rionoa, yi.w; Mexican, tJ.Ou; parwilpa. poriril I. no- atrlng beana, Kit Sue; cauliflower, l.wuj2.00 per crate: green pea. l"iaHc piwlb; boraeradlab, J7r per lb; arUrbokea, KvC)10O per do; hotboaa lettuce. tt.auml.7A per box: celery, M.fiUtto.bJ per crate; pumpklna, me: (quean. ir; tprouia, oo per 10; cranoerriea. jfirarya, per bl'l; Cdbe bay and Tillamook, $10.00; aapara- 12c per lb: rbubarb. Ta. liHIEli rm ITU Appif. . raporaiea, isy IRe prr lb; aprlrots, 13c per lb; peacbea, 10t,j tile 'per lb; aacka, ViC'-per lb lea; prune. 10 to 40. 0r; e drop on eirh elxteenth mailer lxe; g.- California black, 64 Te per lb:.Jallfornl while, oftdc per lb; date, golden. 0 per lb; farda, 11.85 per 15-lb box. . ,t. - Oreoariaa, Jfita. Ete, HITOAB Hark beali Cube. MM: Dowdrred. IS.bO; fralt gratilntd. $S.T0; dry graaulited, .t9,TOionf." A. fV70: beet..(rranoUte(J.a.dll;.. extra C.""3.rfllen C, ta.10; I) yaliow, S3.00T bbla, 1(V; H bbU. 29r; boiea, toe ad tanre na aark baala. leea toe per cwt for caeb, 13 day; maple. H15c per Ib.l " f AhoT price apply to aV of Ten ttaaa car kuU. . Car Iwla at apeclal price ubject to actuation. -s . ..." Mir.x Ba.w per -crate, COKr'EI1: Packige brand. I1.S. " "' ALTCbarae naTT gronhor 100. 17.09 pT too: table, dairy. MJa. Ill 00; 100a. I10.T5; Im ported Uterpoul, ftOe. 111.00) 100a, lldon; . l.iio; eitra ne, bbla. 2a. 5a. 10a. M.oi yt? bulk, aao Iba. H.OO0t.OO; aarka,,. fro, ari8o; Uterpool lump rock. 118.50 per toa; fto-lb rock. 17.00; loo,' 19.75. ; UKAIN nAt.H lalcfllta. Tftf. HIl-E ImnerUI Jaoan. So. 1. c: No. 3. New -Oileaae heed, tc;AJex, c; BKANS Hmall while, tS.T&r.oo; urge white. i 2ft: ulak. 12.75: bayoa. I4.S0; Uiu. IS.TA; Mrrlraa nda. 4U,e. . NinU feannta, lumbo, Be per Tb; Virginia. Hrfle r" lb; rdaated, 8 per lh; cocoa aula. aaQSOr per do; walanu. 15iJ16c per lb: ptneaute. lot!3He per lh; hickory ante. loe pet -lot eaiwiauta, eaatern. Jaqsioc per. id; Brxxll inela. lb: fancy pee, lBHlVei uaond, it a a lone. .... v. ... ' . ramxa, veax vua a.e ROPtV-Pur Manila, 14e; tadrd, 1H4-. t'OAl. OIL Pearl or Attral Caaea, lHe per gal; water white, lroe bbla, le par gal; woouen. lie per gai; beaaiignt, iiv-ot, caaea, 21He per gal. . CAHOI.ISK M-drg, ee 24H per gal, Iroa bbla I He per gal. - - BENKINB il-drg. rhaea 6e per gL Iroa "'' JTJ-'Vl fmm ..1 'mnnd,n hhi. -I -.1 r' watm WrllTK LKAU Ton lot. T4e pet lb; BOO-ID Iota. He per ll: tee Ma, e per lh. WiKic .Aii-rreaeni naai i f.on. l.lNHKfcD OIL I'ur raw. In S-bhl loU. IMIe: !-hbl lot. Me caaea. Me per gal; genuine kettle bulled, eeae. flue per gal; ft-bbl lota. Me; 1 bbl lot, 6Re per gl; ground cake, car lota, $20.00 par ton; lea, than car lot. $30.00 per to. Meat, Flak aad Prrttotoa, FREHH MkATS Front street Beef ateer. 4ftSc per lb; cow, c per lh; bogs, block, MWV,c per lb; packer. -nc per lb: boll. 4ftt0e ner lh: teal, extra. 8'A'rtOc per H: ortlirutjj. 6ftrrper jn; poor. i "Bmflcn. 7ncyrTlire" per Wi;'T" xlAXio, Bli iiJ, bit . i-ortiana para (local I 1 us. 10 to 14 nir. IScT-per-tbi 1 -to- 16 Iba. lc per lb: break f set bacon. HUflllUi per lb; picnic, 6c per lh; cottage, pe per Tb; regular ahnrt. cleara. - ttcamoked. 10e per lb; otoked, 11C per lb; clear backa, nnsmoked, loc pcrlb; tmoked, ItHc per lb: L'oton butt. 10 to lh Iba, unsnx.ked. Ac per lb; amuked, v lh: clear tn-lileat 'ttnarooaen. lie per lb: moked.-laeier lb; abnalder. ft"e per Ib, LOCAL LA KD Kettle leaf, lo. lle per lb; 5a. 11r per lb; 50 lb tint, loSc per lb; atcam r-nlered, l'. HHk per lb; I, 10 'a per lb; coniiMjuud, Iria, 7c CAXXKD HALMON Columbia rttar, Mb tall, IIJW; 2 lb tails, $2.75; fsocy, l ib Data. $1.U; 14-b faner. data. II. IS: fancy 1-fb oral. 12.75: Alaska talis, pink, M30ej red, $1.50; nominal 2. tall. $2 .00. FISH Rock cod. Te per lh: Bonnder. Be per Ibi halibut, 6c per lh; crabs. $1.50 per dot; striped baai, (mo. per lb; catflb. 7e per lb; aliuon, atrelhrada, 8c per lb; rhloook, 0c lb; herring, oc per lu; en lea. ac per lb: ahrlmpa. Ulc uer-lb: porch, oc per 1t: black cod. 7e iter lb: totneod. 7C per Th: rolumbl rlter smelt. Jc per lb: (liter smelt, Tc per-lb; Wist era. 1,v ier lb; fresb mackerel, 2Ae per dot; atttrgeoaH-ef , ee per in, crawnaa. ac per in. OjBTEBH Mhoalwater bay, par gal, $2.28; per ack. .1.7j. CLAM) llarrtsbelir per box, $2.00; raaor clam, $2.00 per box. COTTON FUTURES FOUR TQ-FIFTEEN pOINTS-UP New"" York." March" "S.--Crttoa future closed 4 to 15 points higher. . official quotation by ' Otetbeck. Starr B Cook company; . --Closing- MaTfJl .....-..InBTltatAlnfttliriO UM April r.loew toet - 1B -7117 li3 May .,..M74 ti2 ln74 lofu) nr, June . . . ."75. a ,"K-1 l3 I'M 1"74 July "7.'."........,.l"f"2 If loOfl IffHIl lowj Attgnat rvt ;-rnrr. lofra - im lM4 f7 Koptrmbn VMS line) tmn (Mfl ln:i) October 10.17 I044 10J2 1:ej n2u eiaxeniber .n.. .... 1i37 ltfHt Dtceniber-ZT. . .;7:;i04f) " lOtt'loSr" lo. 1032 J,rtrpel Oottoa Rlgkar. :-, nt. March 3 -Cnttoa Tarnreloaea firm. 8 to 10 point higher. 8ts firm, 14 pnluls hlxhei. " ' XVDZPIBDBBCS BOPS BOLD. 1 (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) Independence, or.. March's Th largest lot of bops left In this district wa sold yesterday when III1I Brn. let then- holding go. Charles Lively wa tb buyer. Th lot consisted of 411 bsles th price received being UU, eeat. with the exception of 26 bale of fuggi. aa rly vsrle.r. for which .7 .cent wa paid. Thl was the Isrgrst holding of hop left ra tbU district. . ""1 : " Trk lUtar. - Kw York, .March i.i4Ulee. oaTid. ............. . I -' " 1 1. - ' ' ' tmidea tntwr Market, ' Leadca, Marck 4. stllrer today, tV. i ' ' Jones' Report Says Farmers Stil . . Control Many Bushels . nf Whea- BAD BREAK IN THE . - CHICAGO QUOTATIONS Market One and a Half to One and ' Five Eiihtha CentrOffBuIIa Diaheartened and ; "Are , Unable "to Hold Back Bear Forcea. '. aATUBDAI'S WtflAt MARttaTT. . ' Clu Chf C'loa Lom a.t rri. - iiai&. at. May....,.r.r. ,7SHA I .0OI4B 1.16 ,f-"H JulyTI . . - ' .7S " - .win a-t atplembe JftiA .80 .01 UK la today new tbat could bold out the least poMibl ray of comfort for tb hulls. World ablpmenta ar miniated at a.ww.uuw bush s la larger tuaa a wee ago. ana swoj to general, through tb winter wheat country;, with nothing In lght to barm tba crop. Tbla . n... MfaMk to the heart-of bull. Tb Jonc estimate of farmer' reaertea at 216.000, 000 bushel, belleted to be tbalargeit on record u hMifht out : ta add montentuui to ins nr clln. lliere wa nu mlataklng tha cbareetnt of tb market.- It was uouldatlvre pure and aim. pi and th tdlnea at th close, or rattier tu nail in ine oeciioa, miw ism ,! a Utlto bort coteriug. nie uuying power sum aeeni limited to cptorlng by tb hort. - Wbra honvht tha tliMart that the market haa ile- etlried cnooah ta -tramedlately tbruwu oterlsiaiiil on a xrch outbreak or weaxneaa. ins euusiion mendons decline, wllb abanlutelt no recterl.4. UU M acattered. - -- . ...-,.-. .1 , CtrJBra'ni Jn lrjBlky;. " floeo atid nala both seemed to act altogether la- aympalby wltlt- tb-wheat market Thee marketa are ami seranaoowea or operaientf In wheat, but considering tb weaknesa In the other pit. tha-wonder la tha coarse gralna uo not pwtlclpat to a greater extent. Prottotoa Market Bright. - Tb pror talon market prated ta be tb bright snot . la tb Chicago-market, being strong throngboat tb aeatlon. Th extreme adeuc waa In porkv which tires aoni etldenc of con ges lion. There to-no mltklng the strong un derlying factor tn tb protltrton pirkt. . Official quotation ty Orerbeck, 8trr Cook ompny; . ', - e- Open. iTurh. " Tyw Clna. My .wH- .o ,7H I .7NHA MU .. .B"f -.74- .TH .7H .71 -78V.AJ Marcb... May... V. July .7"... -Sept.. .... - .IWA -.2KB . .2SA ,- .it .-. 15.42 16.45 .2BW --., Jolt '.28f4 - . .28 ,- MENS PORK. Ma...., 15.37 -W 45 15.35 July. 14.12 - 15.45 - 15.35 May.,,. July Sept.. .,. May.T.-.; July Sept.. . .. 7M 7 00 $.00 5.15 822 8.30 7.00B . 7.90 . , loos i. 15 - .. 8110 .. . 1.30 . 7.2 - "7.0 8.02 ' 1.00 SHORT BIBB. 8.20 BIB . . 8.2 8.20 8.30 8.U0 UTZBrOOL OB aim aBXXT. - . Uterpool, Marcb . Official prlc: . .- WHEAT.' - , ' Clo Cros . Lose (lain Frl. Sat. Sat. 6 64 ... Bat. March .w......6a 6T4d May ,..- 6Vi 6 d eo IAB FBABCTBCO 6BAI1T MABKXT. Baa rrandaco, March a. Official closing: '. ., WHEAT. 1 . Open. - High. ' Low. Clow. May.. ...... .$1.27 $lJT7t4 I1.2T 11.27 December.... 1.2644 "4.25V, - 1.28 H . 1.25Vi - BARLEY. . May......... 1.1AB ..... 1 1.T9H.V December U6Vs .M4 .MVi .10 Vi . ; . CHICAGO CASH WXIAT. Cklrago, Marcb I. Caah wheat: . v Maturday . '. ' Bid. . Aak. No. J red... $ .81 I .S2 Mo. 3 red 7 .Rl No. 2 hard , .77 - .7 No. I hard .74 .7 Frl. Bid. I -2Vi .. .80 Vi -7HV, .75V, SOME ARE . PAYING A RISE FOR -THEIR Market Even Firmer Than Ever Cattle Good at Advance Reported Yesterday. Portland t'atoo Stockyards, Marck $. Lit stock receipt: - nogs cams, . paeep. 173 Today . ., B'eek ago Montk ago ......... 154 - 137 26 1ft . : 243 220 1 ear ago With tbe nog-market" well-above "Th 7c mark the demand continue aveii mor ctlv than famerly. Recelpta are tlll tery mll nd the large shipment' from the esst waa anoa xhatisled. rVim sale are reported higher. , Cattle tery Arm at th rise of loc to 15c reported eiolusltely In Tb Journal yesterday. Cheep arm but kw, Today 2d horse arrived In. " Official llvtork' price: IIoga-Beat eastern Oregen. " e7.0OWT 25: blockcra and Chin fata. $4.o0s)6.75; tockiir nd feeder. $a.25n't.6ii Cattle Beat eastern Oregon steer. $4,004 4.15: earat cows and heifers, $.15: llglit and medium steer. $2.7543 2 HO: light cows. $2.75; torkee end feeder. 4, bulla, .AX25 Hheep Wether and Lambs, . 6(8 9c; mixed sheep B?5He. ' ' ( sires lood teal, 150 to Snn poanda, BJKff' 6cj rough and beaty. 8Vi((4ViC. . IA8TEEB H00S KI0RXB. - Hoga Cattle ,Skeep Chlcsgo ........ HI. ix) o'l LOOT 200 aoo -a.too Omehs 3.500 ksness Mtt...i-..!-.-v.-.-.r .Ol Hog opened 5e higher with 500 left over. Recv lpts m yesr agp were ts.noo. . Prtrea-Mlted. gfl IRH.35: good. $d 2Ki.36;-rough, $8.1.VJ 8.20: light, $ loeO.iTHr - - .-- tattle Mtesdyr Bneep Strong. rw tOBK corrzt kUaxETT " Kew York, March 3. fvffee future closed 8 DnlulJ locT I UHclal prTceiTT " Bid. Ask.L. Bid. Ask. -March .....$ 5 $7. on September ..$T.5$7 5fl April -. 7 fie. T.iiAiOctoher .... 7.50 7,65 May ., 7 10 7 15 November .. 7 60 .7.(15 June 7 20 , 7.25 December 7 Tf 7 75 July 725 7.3nlJauarr .... 7.75 7.80 Atifuet .... 7.35 7.40 Febrnary ... T.S0 TJ Vw York Cask Ceff. C'.' Kew York. M.rrk Cash enfee' Vo t raw, BT-ievi Ko. 4 rjsalo. Be,. r. 1 1 1 ' Starling Bate. York. March 8. Sterling ratee; De. man. . 7 a .: so day, 42.55Q85.65. OBTLAVp BARK TATEMEBt. Clearing . Belaacs ..$5.'.654.17 COHS. . Marcb...' .40- .40 .' .40 " ' .40 May...,, .414, .43iA .42 - .42A July...?. .45 .43iZ . . .43 WB 8ept..';."i-'T:v44 cti.43S ... , -48 A j OATH. ..-t,.;. . . cob. j - 1 Mteeh 4..Ud 4 ... K I My .... 1M 4 ma . 41 .. 104,7155 California Butter Mn - Wave at Last Beer) Able to Shf p- to-This M arket - and : Stocks 4 Will Arrive i From There the Coming Weekv PERSISTEfiT SALE Amalgamated Being Disposed ql at Lively Rate and This Breaks eestiltha-Marketv, TREASURY STATEMENT -rtS" DOING- NO GOOD Promise to Help Financial Circles wj avsiit vi a via a, V" vi mivi m Passed Up by Traders Bank.State- ment TBerter Than" yr'aa "Expected. NBT LOSSKB. . m m .. 4 I Denver I ... 1" do pr...,, 4.. VtlBrl .... A eacon da . ... 7.-.V-K .... I a 1 .T.r" Amalgamated , Atchison pr..i car k toouury 111. central.,. llVnnaylraala sugar Smelter xtrooklya do 1st pr. LocA li 4 Cheeak , , . . Colo Fuel -.... (Vkk Boad pr Vtl'loledo .. do- pr.., HUnlow-tclf Del. iiuason. .. "41 JiKTOAlNS. . Atchison . .T:?77rr-1!tKrru W eater -.. H Car Found pr.. lilPacinc Mall hk Hruclter pr UiBepubllc bteel .... U Jlalttuiorajj.,, doiir,,. AUOU rjinoca ini Vrv. . . . . ... ts. Colo Boutbera .... SiHoutoera I'aclfW.. H Metropolitan -s'S F'2d pra.m Mex. Cantral .ICent Leather ..... U katy HI do pr. ......... , do pre fi a 01 eel ......... M New ork Cent... VI Wabash pr ..... .4, Norfolk .......... 1 I - '' -.' Will Street. v Mew York. Marck In th aca of the nawa thai tba treaaury ilahdS rudy JaLoWill itfBft te ma Client pf th action of the marker a ilsapolutliig. Only for a moment did tbe market show auy llrln abtlHei ffh bank tteat waa ln unfavorable "than ipected,- but- th big -ue-rreaaa In deposits waa not farorahly-reotted. Whatever the cause, to aclllng in jtmaiga- matsd 1 persistent and tend to bring liiialda tlon to tb balaac of th market. .Th list doe not act ight. Its rallies at th heat ar foebl and tm to meet with a flood of selling order. Official quotations by otcrMca. Btart vooa company: - f DXSCBIPTIOM. fro : t Anaconda Mining Co... AniaL Copper Co.. Atchison, com,..., ..... 209 (28 260 2T 1044 8W4 102 40A 106X1107 V, 104 80(4 102 40 H 101. r'4l em',, 102 102 -li! 414 loiuiiom do preferred Am. Car Found., corn. do preferred Am. Sugar, com. '.j..... Am. Smelt, com. .. .... "do pre f erred... Baltltuor Oblo, com.. do ft referred . 101 LlOik 13, 138, 138 164154Z io 100 11014 110V, i 81 1704 llOU 110 .95 80 L5 - Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, cum.. Cbl. at Alton, com...,. do preferred.......... Cbl. i U. W.. com..'... 81 170'A HOU. 1611 lao-S 81 -77 21 204 L BLTj Cbl. A N. W.. com. 227 4 -A- Cbl. Terminal Railway. Chesapeake 4 Ohio,.... Colo Fuel 4c Iron, com. Oolo. Soutbarn. . com.M.. 13 3; 66W 03U 63 34 V. , . ev 82H 48 42 65 77H 61 .34W 34 . 84 do 2d preferred..... do 1st preferred 40 72 . 32 205 43V 87 42 68 77 Cotton Oil ,,,, Delaware It Hudson. ... Deursr 4V B. U., com. 32 43 42" 43 42 6l T7 do preferred Erle, ..r. ao sia prer erren , do 1st preferred...... 1 ' Federal Smelter, ofd.... Illinois Central.... ., 16b lr, 116 Aulatllle Nashtiii,, MetmpollUa St. Ky.... aa I AT Hetlisn t enlr 9i3T Muuwurl Pacific, ft0"4 100 99 S3 II. H T.. com., 21 34! 71 0. 70 14f.l4 86 2 do nreferred. . .v. .-. ;. .- 70 New York Central.. . .... 16 146 145 Norfolk at Western, com. 854 01 60 S5i 81 60 1 06 , S3. '42 ""71 91 49 do preferred N. Y., Out. A Wt.... vi 49 l-enntyivania Ky. ...... P. 0., L. at C. CO Pressed Steel Car, con., do preferred.......... Pacific Mall BUam. Co. . 138 138 187 m 63 '42t 1364, 96 42 96 B2 97 424 Reading, com .... 1H614 134 do Md prefcrtea do 1st preferred...... 8198. 81 20 10a 2H 67 8X V0 66 i 2B4 67 88 66 91 91 Rep. Iron Steel, com.. 29 102 -26 66 HN trH 66 29 102 26 66 88 99 66 do preferred. R(Nk Island, com,. .... do preferred Southern Ry, oim.i,.... do preferred. Southern Ps.-lne do preferred ...... j .. . St. U 4 , K.. 2d Pfd. . St. U t I W., com.... 118 118 11T 117 4614 24iJ 66' 34 14H 46 24 68 Si 34 4hTt 23 5' 66 . 83 40(fc 24 56 3.1 do preferred. ..... .... Teas ft I'aclflc Tennessee Conl 4x Iron.. 149 148 149 T.. Ht. L. W., com.,.. 1 m an nrsftrrrn TJuloa racldc, com...... do pi eferred . - , Central Leather, com... 424 424 42 42 IO6V106V do preferred. .. ........ TJ. g. Rubber, com...... loei 1106 106' 62 11.114 41 106 62 50 bt do prererreo... . S. Steel Co.,-eora.-rr. do preferred 113 110 "41110' 414 40X1 40 106 106lf'3 Wheel. AT.. R., com.... Zf 26 46 do 2d preferred. . do 1st preferred Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred, Western. I'nloB Tele.... 26 55 93 Wabaah, com -do oreferred. 23 So 6 60 694 49V 40 Am. Lncotnotlte 6841 68 n-ofi sslea for dt. 444.900 hre. - , CgU taeney cluaed J per cent. " " ,; j TOBOBAH W..f0 iT0Ci:B, Baa Frandaco, Marcb . Offlcial closing: Bid.) Hid, Belmont ......4.70 " neifv, . .w Cash Boy .... -21 l'le ,"0 Ool.leo Anchor. 1 42fi. (Joldfleld .62 Home .... .25 I Jumbo 1.55 Jim -But'lac'-l 2 ""'" Bxtea.. . .21 McKaaiara .... '.et IKenilalt ........ ..St . Midway W2H.;ra. .! Montana ., 2.00 (May Oueen..,,. .29 y North Star ... ,61 I Ju'taJk .. Ouhlr -60 Red Top 1.97 nandatorm 1.01 Silver Pick ..... ..fSN. St. Ives ....... .21 . . National . Bank.. Ifenver .J.43 Ccllpee . . . .77 tlolil Bap", .74 r. Bull Frog.... .24 Stelnway 39 Nevada ...... .IH.BTIHIIver Tick . West Bnd .... ...ri ,...08 , . V2S . .1 . ' .28 . .14' . - .18 Adam 1 o Atlanta ...... HI ub 11 B.iotb ........ Columhl Mt. Conquer . . . . SAM rBAMCIBCO LOCAL gTOCXB. Sa Frsnclaco, atarcb. 8. Official closing: . S.M1. - SH, Contra Coat Wfer... Spring Vslle.t Wter.. Mutual Electric. Hawaiian Commercial. . llonokea Sugar Hutchinson rngar. ... 4.' 47 38 .: 3 is is 78 - ".T 10X1 .. M 14 Makawall xnsar.. n.i (inomea 1 Hftgar..... , 2J .26 at Hugar.4e........u.,.. 17 , 18 - ' :---f t-v f - 8i Pkanbea, rnkin Alaska Paoker "54V p allfornt Fruit Csnnert' allfornla 85. acHIc Stat Telephone. .(OS 108 BOBTO COFFEE MARRIT. Boston, Msrck t 4?fcll closing r . " XtM I Rid. Adventure Alone .. I . 00 iFaet Butt. ..$ 11.25 , 87. 00 ioki uuminioB, n il . J.r.0 ICnrrov ....... , 87.00 , 2;) 12I I'hoenlx on 1 40.50 MJulncf 1. S6.00A A res ills Atlantic ftliighsm , rallimet , eift.fw Mhennon 6 25 Centennial o.tii - AS "V4 1 681161) X4I108U, 14A44H4MH IHoH 116 1116 USUj .I 111. 24 Tamarack ... Tenn Copper.. 44. on) I'nlted 64 ret rtak .....ij, 25 Victoria . ..... , t.M WlmiM 7.00 Wolverine 138 fJ lj S Mlulnt?... 54.23 . . ' ; Copier Rang air-zn I'slv West .. 14 75 Frsnklln IS-6" llranby 10.12 9 50 K6 00 1625 82 28. Miss ....a.. Mobawk . ... Nevada Con.. North Butt.. FASHIONS JILM&ESXOUARS.- .I'V- From thaiew York Sua, rum advantage Of th nign turned over collar ara ao great I but- -4 ho jitiloti ha B. ' ' " ' 1 ... - ... universal liere, bitluuiii www laughed at mora than 15 yeara ago, when theao coUra were first brought to this country. j"r ""y," Xarla , Men'a -1 rarThlona -Tnaji orlglnata 4b France, aa mora than on of them come rnbriiyTrrtitrtsa ta. Rifaiun luata iim' gained popuotjUy In. jUier -Continental J oountriea until ix wvjch - London. Anglomania la rampant on the continent wen.Jt cornea to a queation of f aahlon for men. . 80 the belated London Indorsement of tha turned down collar .eatabllahed It In favor" tfipbugliout ' tlVeiwnole well- dreased " world. -But-Mha- 'Bngllaav-atyla xvaa much modified. It made,. smart mode out of a very grotcawjuo extrava ganca. The orlxlnal Fsench collars were very high and th part that turned nvrr. In front nv fti"-"" tr'cr. deepr. Under-this thea5crf . waa tied. London', haberda4vhara made -T lha r turn over of 4he collar as deep aa tha band, and "tha result was the style that ha been unlveraajly accepted- for tha laat 15- years andla aa popular today -as U ever waa, ..:;;.Z . Z' ..'l.T" " " Tha nerfect fit In a collar or tma ma sits up "well nn ma ahirt tianrlr whether 4h -collar ta nigh-or low. ap eloa together aa to tha front edges and does not bulge out when a four-1n-hand la tied under it. Such good examplea of the style ara not alwaya easy to find But 4hr are some that. fill these re qtitrententa. - JTewrnaRera' In- w-Tom nays, aoia p&et a coimr ' toai never faila to look as It should In caa tha wearer knows how to put it on properly The preaent stylo does.not favor a vary high, collar, two and one half inchea being the extreme. The lowest collar la two Inchea. while the average . twoin..0no ojUJtrler--liivre- hlgb, or "deep," aa rtie- London maaera say. 1 ' . . . - - Bometlmea the tttrned ever - etanaing collars ara mad up In a double thick jiees of linen. - They ar mora expen- aiv in ttiia atyte. coating o uuaon well.- - Th laundresses are not always trareful, and burning - a jeollar without 11-- r.-p- -'f'"""" to ir win miT an end to It in a very short time. , But th heavntrrjiors-JiK.ujjh-peitet -r The aueatiott of th high or low col lar depem da on" trne BTy-slmple factor-i-- the length of a man a neon, ror a man of average length -of neck- a collar- not mor. than two Inches and one quarter hlrh la th most modish. Thin, long- no ked men and apeolally when they ar very young look best In a collar a quarter of an Inch higher. It la a peculiarity of thes high standing collapa that elderly men" can wear them without appearing to want to look young.- - - ; Fat men wearing these collara with a foirr-ln-hand tie and a shirt with stripes running un and down will find that they look slimmer In Outline. - It le the desire -te-wea-thls etvllar aa much aa possible that make It -appear Zeost Oaah on a Trosea TUh. Xm the Anaconda SUndard. A lonar Bike, frosen "In the ceater Of a large cake of Ice. caused ssvaral dead gam sports to load a, bunch of money last night. The fUh and" the block of .cpos'eTTnTOe known thirst parlor and th pike waa viewed with curiosity. Finally aone one started a dlaeuaslon by stating that If th fish wer rleaad irom 11a priaon n lew it would revive and continue to live Just as aa If there had never been any Ice.. Another gent disagreed with the first and a general argument fol lowed. ' : ' -: .. One fellow eald that that waa the way fish spent the winter months, regu larly. . Like anakes, he Bald, they re-mained-in a comatoae condition all wlr e ami when the lc' melted in the springtime they weT-JUSt B -frisky- If summer baa coniinuea iu t. discussion becarri veryi heated and bets amounting -toeveral-b.undred dollars were laid on both aides of the question at Issue. The cake of Ice waa split and the fish place tn a tub of lukewarm water, but at last reports he had shown no signs ef life. The backera of the resuscitation proposition wouldn't give up the money until an 01a iianerman oem. In and aald. "F.f you hsdn't been a pack of demed fools you wbuldhAv knowed that feesh was dead before It was ever frls up Ilk that'V . ., Xlxutnaw of Portugal Qaea. ;' From thLondon Dally ,Nwn,' -Ounn Arnelle' la a good shot and fences, rides and drives; she Is an ex pert swimmer and has' saved more than one life from drowning. She le perhaps the only queen who has studied meai clne and Is a Qualified M. D. Sha Is iE2gfTTO4CTThMlT"trttia l and haa done much !5E!???.nc5 ItT Improve the .Lisbon, hospitals. Her kindness to the poor Is prover blaL The story Is told or a little mil liner who. tired of searching ror wora In vain, fainted In J.he street . as the queen was driving by. The queen stoppedtook the girl Into her carriage, and heard all her sad story. The queen then e-ave. the girl two hats sna Daae her use them ss models end tell all her customers that Queen' Arnelle had de signed them. That young girl Is now J .a. - eiM..hl. mllll nam tne owner . now. .. - . business. - ypofTBse of a Croo Work. From the Pbllsdelpbl 'Ledger. Sine the ' abolition of paste I'enneylvanl Pullman passenger decline to tip porter. Th pollmaa corporstlon la threatened wllb th neceesity ef paying Its ews employe. ; 1 TBTfZO STATES GO VEEXaTXRT BOKDe. New York, Marck a Government honda: ii.te. Bid. . Aak. No. t regular. 1. de coupon No. t regular............... do coupon... .. ..'... No. 2 mll bond No. 4 regular " do 1 con pon . . i . , No. 4 regular vlo coupon. -. ... .t. Plstrh-a of Columbia 3 6ft.. Philippine 4 110 atXW YOBX BAVX gTATZMEBT. New York; Msrck 8- Bank statement: . . " v . Deere. 116.97 113.156 leas U. S... .. . S, .2.04.01J 34!.0fl0-l ,. ..11,753. TOO Clrenlatleai lucres. OOKSTOOX KIBUni STOCKS, - -- " Bah FrancUeA, MlFcB I. -OfBtUi fioiinirr XtM 1510. Cm. Cal.-Va..:$1.36 Ophlr 6 MA Mexican ....... 1.20 Caledonia .45 Fccheaoer .A.. .68 Cold Cross .,.;t .38 " (told Bond .... .72 Rescue 13 Rleck Bstt Ex. .04W .. .. e e ......... .is j IsorcTO ..j.. 1 4B80 : lr3 ' 10H 1930 JOS 1S4 190S 103 fossl 190S lf8 103 .... lf2 1907 l'Wi 106 190T lf-3 -104 1925 1211 10 1923 , 129 130 .... 116 : ..... 10 ' Bre Reserve, IMin .. ICgals , Deposit OVERBECK, STARfir& COOKE CO ..1. -. . j -- -. ' -.' ,'.-,. ' Members Chlcaga Board of Trada " r . omaxm, norvaoMX oottobt, btockb abto bobtss. v . - A '. y. 'v 101 Third Street. McKay Bunding. Portland. Otv . ' . . . - - wa bo a TBiTTitT coicxissioM ausnrsss. jContluuou Marketa by Private vTtre. Quick 84rvloe. RKrERKNCES Ladd Tllton. banker, aad UolUS SUtag National Bank of Portland. . i at. vry formal full dreas occasions, when It la really.' inauoroprlate. But men wear lb to dinner and dances of I ha mnat formal eh a radar, jumt. aa they w it with alia Hal aim fiws Men who know beet how to weaf thea collara always buy them a ojusrter of sis larger -than they 'usually Duy a collar. This difference In alse tnaks It poMlbl to pull them tfJgeiherln "such a way that they oloa In a, atraignt line down th front. "Uul H tltuiltes-AineYltan a great pleaaurV-aaild th representative of a Ixindon firm who is inow in rvew York" for orders, "for they ar '.n6 abl to enjoy the aensatlon of suffocation tbat every good . American expect te feel when he la draaaed up. The aver age American likes to pull his collar' so tight that 111 eyes pop out Then he 7iasth sensation of "being dreweed up aa ha yihould bL JXhst-ia a whplle' na tional peculiarity. . Kngllnhmen at all TOneiWear Ihetf "C"0lTaTs" loose. " - VThat la onereaaon that makea' tho jESSbJouCt wcarjnaheahlrt on the. couar comparatively unpopular ners: rr la Impoaalbl to pull th collar ao tight then. , In England - well-dreaaed . men never . think, of having a. ahlrt made wtthout " the collar"T"attached.T " They would aa . boob think of buttdnlng on their cuff a Of course. It Is possible te wear a ahlrt of thla kind only once. - But that makes no difference to a man who wants" to"3f aaahTrhaerlir welL In Parla, where the k-tng-of England harhts shirts mad to this day, no ahlrt maker would think of leaving collars off a shirt - "Abroad collar are worn on ahlrts primarily bwcaua. they ar supposed to fit so much oetter fer that reason. They not only look better, but they feel much trier -comfortable. American;, on th ohher hand, argn that" their do hot hav collar on their shlrta because they do not reel close and tight enough. It Is a Strang national taste."- ' -The only kind of ahlrt with the collar attached that is often worn here is the white dreas shirt- These collars ar Tityarly always. of style really intended for- dress and .-not the 'high turned over collar... which is of all klnda tha most difficult to make fit when on a ahlrt In spite of th London opinion to th contrary. ' , . Particular men wear for dress a high, frrngroltarr -,"TTie "ends "are somewhat pointed and project in front, altKtmgntiot-ln a-way -to form-what asssV 4 hs railed ai "peke.' Pet seed ijio luisr wumr . anuuia iioi oe mare 1111 aiiaut irK-iino aL-JUie-toixrieips to keep" the "tie In place. . Uaually these collara are cut lower In the back than in-front- " . .,. ' . The next 'most appropriate collar la on with the turned down polnta, which enouia be avoided by fat men. aa the V-shaped cut in front-tends to make them look stouter than aver. The best style in theaa enllara ta hlsrh with broadTturnover. Th style 1 especially becoming to thin-faced men. ; Thes three styles of collars are trT only kind that any well-dressed man would think of wearing,, and the high turnover collar might be called tb only one that th average w611-dreaaed young man troublaa hlmaelf about, la any way.- .... ,. y-l J Oral) Xelped. In Babbit atuat, y" From th Korea Dally News. - On a property where the rabbit ahoot lng - waa strictly preserved, upon the southern coast of England, a boy was caught -with two dead rabblta in his possession, and BothlnghatwouldTaa? count for their decease. A search of hla pocket .revealed nothing but two llv crabs of -email dimensions, the. end of a candle and a box of matches. Undr promise of release the urchin was per auaded- to dlacloee-hla-method of nee oedur. Flrt he selected a likely bur row, and then stripped off hie clothes, putting hla coat over one hole, hl trousers over another and. hie ahlrt over the third. ' He lit the candle end, dropped a little greaa upon th erab'a back, and stuck ths lighted candle there on, and then put the crab at aa unoccu pied opening. 1 Straightway the frlght- snea-ToTeirbeaTerTTiedr aldewaya Tnfo th oarsneas . ana explored the Innermost depths; while the boy, expectant aa -e terrier;, awaited events outside. Pres ently a rabbit bolted Into the coat, and aa it did so that troy wss like a ahot and boy, rabbit and eoat all rolled ever together, tbe boy rising from the fray with tbe rabbit In his clutches. The dentle Oolfar. t. thU-marvaloua self, ilea ex-Premier Balfour control accompafil even te the golf links. : There Is a vary good and witty answer which" Is at tributed to Dr.- Macnamara when he was asked If he were In favor of the re peal of the laws against blasphemy, "No, I'm a golfer." But even on the Olf Jinks A am told, that Mr. Balfour doea not rise to the height of a. good round oath.- He is content with a "tut tut" or "dear-'me,' even haa notsllJhamlBa4ventures that sq" otTti pursue the golfer when he has a streak of ad luck. M. A. P. "" TRANSPORTATION.. ALdASKA FA8T AMD POP0LAB STKAMSBIFS' - Lat BMttl. - - . "JTTTIBSOB Xareh I, II, M, at p. m., via wraagle, .-."DIBJOO," March . th ..'..,.;,.. ... ' , CALL1NS At Ktokfkn, hflHn, Donglaa. Ralas. Sksg way. Ooanecia wltk W. P. ft Y. mt (at Atlln, Dwa. Taaaaa, Bm, !. Bar All Soaihtatra Alaska Pert. ' ' Call of1 send fet "Trip te Wonderful Alaska," "ladlaa Bsskstry." "Totem tols." r TBE ALASKA B. S. CO. . ' y Frauk Wootoer C,, Agtnta, T" m ot at. Pottuae, o. Operating 16 Passenger Steamer for SAN FRANCISCO and .Lot Aaxale .direct... 61-dally , aartlea.1 Cabin, 312. Sterg. 45. v .' 0. Tt. TM0VV80B. Arent. FJo54 IlSTTtK Iff THIRD IT. U- - - - - .- J tYW Wr-O-MIWB r OO-i WIUIIIS ITOCE ISOUII.. - . tlbaUkbllBlied 14W3.i ' ' Stoeta 4, Otoond Tlnot, CBLAM BEK OT COMMXaVCB. TRANSPORTATION. mm j -u- DniormicinoT Trains to. the East Dai!y-3 . inreugh Pullmaa ataadard d tourist sis. i"a,ui .F x Oaibi.; Chicago. Sdosbbsi BpekBS s City. ouriat leeolng-eara dally ta . Baaaa City. ?JV-" rerrtntng rtatrcar tt trori tr; , Arrit. i?1'r,'u-.Poctlan4 . Special-foa lb!.' Ti.T Huntington, dly. S;15ai :B BiioBan Flyer foe Kaatera ,- """"mob. wall Wall. rewtetoB., Cour d'Aleae and . ALianTTe Evnveee k - V . """'"ton. dally TTTtrffB BW XM -"L,iJMBIA BIYIB DIYISION. at..T 'i,U..,a4 wr pot nte. eonnectiBf with V"" 'f Ilw.c and North Beach, Tmf aaTrVa - dock, bate S p. PX. dally. ePt Buaday; Saturday. It p. a, Arrive bout. B p. at., except Snnday. . . YAMHILL RITFR ROPTBr"r" point. -O'-ios City "and -TmTn-pt---C.!!""-.''""' RuuVand Modoc. Ah-t dock. I mtrtin.i . except Sunday (water per- WMairl..-.. Arrive T:30 . to. . dally, xop Foe T-JEkK9.?lrK BOrrTB. . : .. ttuZll.Z, M' way point from lelV. " Spoka'aa and Lewis. d J!iiS apoa arrltal Trata -J VrTrt.t"rd' .rtw 4 " 'Ticket Office Third :n4 Wasnlngtoa" Btv TeTephon Mala 712. A r. raxpA WA ?L'"' yrlt Attot. -a. Ii. CBAIO. Qeneral Passenger Ageat. , .. EAST VIA SOUTH UsfcrO Dt'lHlt "m ' Xesvav" OterUud Kiprse Trsln ior Baiem, Hosebarg. Ash land, rHg'"ptPi tf fS Lo Angeles, El Puo. 1 kj .r- - ,m woodborn dsll mm.1 - Snnday with trla for I Xll SQUfgA 11 " BrownatllM, Springfield, 4 -. e- . Wendllng nd Natron : Kngen psaanar eon- , , ' ,. necta st Woodbum with . y, . Mount Ansel aad Silver. asoani angel, Bllverton, ton local 4-18ns 16:SB am " Cortsllls paaeeneer. ....... - 7:80 8-60 pnt Bheridsn paaaenger .. 4:50 pm 8:tS am ; roreat urot passenger mio-sb ca l:oupm c- imiiv. iipene except Hnnnay. 1 PORTLAND-OSWKOO SUBURBAN SBBYICS AND YAMHILL DIVISION. " Teave Portland (deoo foot ef Jeftro St.t dally for Oawego 7:80 a, m l 13:50, 3:06. 4:00, 6 to. 8 25. 8 80, 10:10. U:3 p. m. Dally i except Bunday). 8:80. 1:80, :. 10;2S a. at. undst only, 9:00 . at.. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally f-80 e. m.: 1:63. 8:05. 8:08. 6 15. 7:86. 4:55. 1:10 p. m., 12:55 8. m. THilly (except Sottdv, 6:25. 7.25, :30. 11:45 a., BL. Buaday ooly, 10:00 a. m. -- - .. 7sve from same depot for Dallas and later. medlste pelnt daily 4:18 p. as. . AJTlt Pert, land 10:10 au,.m. .. Th Independence-MonmMth Motor Tin eee- tea dalle to Monmouth and' Alrll. eoaawcttae wltb Boutbera Pacific oopany' tracka at Dl- lis snd Independenc. - First -class far from Portland t Beers men t ' . nd Sen Praaeisoo 20, bertha $3: eoa4-cls -far 16;.aecond-elaa1 bertha 1150. J. . Tickets to Rs stern point nd rieop ale .. Japan, Chin, Honolul and Anstrall. Cltt Ticket Office cornea Third aad Wash ington street. PhOB Mala 713. OL W. BT1N0RR, A. L. CBAIfJ.- City Ticket iteiit. Oen. Pas. Agmt -TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland: Union Doet-s- Lt. r Arrlv. - YeltowitoB P;-Basa . Clty-St. Louis Sptsl for (hshslla. Cntrli. 01 ym- pla, tiray . Uarbor. Boatb .. ', : . . Bend, Teeome, Seattle, Spo-T . . '. .T kan. Lewlatoa, Butt. Bll- , ' . lings. Denter, Omaha, Kaa- V'-r t - - sas City, . St. Lou la and . A Southeast, dally S:S0 4:BS aat North Coast Limited. elee - r i -trie lighted, for Tacoms. , x. , Seattle, Spokane, Butte, - - the Eatit.. dIly . . . LZimt Treji l&2lEntJmZ - - Minneapolis, nt. rani sss Cbrballs. Cantrella, T a cons and 8ttlpuir.- atut;... Twin City Txprs foe T. com. Bttl. Hpoksn. Helena, Butt. St. Paul, Mlnneapoll, Lincoln. St. Joseph. Kn City with out chng of cr. Direct 440 pat MSI pa Et 4 Sotb..t. dally.. 11:45 pa ItVW pat . A. D. CHARLTON, Asslatsnt Oaaeral Paaaeo. connection ror eu r un ger Agent. 2S0 alornaoa streox. asaraaw aura Portia no. or. Astoria & Columbia : V River Railroad Co. J Union Deport .' " " " "Lat , Arrit' ' Pot Myge. Rslnlst, Cist. , . . . ... kB!: Westpact.--Clifton, ". . 1 Astoria. Wrrenttm.' Fla - v y tl. Hammond, Fort Stt- ' " nt. Oearbsrt Park. Sessld 1:00 am ll.'SOam Astoria nd Seasbors, sx- ,. ----- pre dally.. ..r'.n. ........ T.-O0PB 1:6 pal All train dally. " . - . . J. C. MAYO, O. r. nd P. A., Astoria. Or. C. A. STEWART, Commercial Aft 141 Alder street. Pbone Main SO. , 7 Overland Trains Daily 2 Th Ortratal Limited, the Fast Mail VIA BF.ATTLB and spokanb. : Plly. "Dally." Arrlr. Lt. - Portland ttm chdul ' To snd from Spokn. . ' ' Bt. Paul, Mlnneapoll. " - .' . Duluth and. ll polat . w... ls Beettle 8:80 Sm THM "aTawtw" -aBW"Wr4f-4x i Tn and from It. Fsni. ' Minneapolis. 1 Duluth . .'and ll point Baef -tie Spoksn ......... Ms 1:00 am Berthara Btaamahlp On. Sailing from Seattle for ' Japaa ana China port and Manila, carrying pa- " aWafrtCWf ! afsTBh 1 nsi.e-.Bie.,..., B. S. Daksta, Mar oh IS. 4tiinsot.prll ,.. attPPOM TUBER KAIIRA (Japed- Mail Steamship Co.) S. s. RANA1AWA MAHU will sail from Seatti 4uiWic5 20 7." a pan and .China noru. . carrying passenger and '"'"For ttrlret," rt, keerk rarv tlona. etc., call oa or address H. DTCXSOB, 0. P. T. A.; ltt Thlr st.. Partland. Oragaa. i Faeaa staia 48S, . S. S. F. A. Kilburn For Coo Bay, Eureka and Baa rranrlac. Next sailing from TertUnd, Monday, March 3. Nxt lling from laa Frenclsco, To., Fb. 37, P. ll ORBBNOUOH. Agt, . flreeawlab Deck He, a. rsa j U ; , TMK (MFOrTTABIX WAV. ;