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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1906)
TIIS OREGON "DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY ' EVENING. MARCH; 8. iZZ3. FOR 8AL&i2AL ESTATE. - FINB 40-ecro trtot, 10 mllee from Portland: ' all la cultivation. An soil, bo gravel, 1V4 IiIIm to r.rllna -Will make Idt' boMI ecbuol .and church rioae by $186 per. acre; $l.o0, balance per cant. Pine Su-ecra tract; 00 la cultivation. 10 Is food otfhaid, god koUM, t bam, loU of good wdter. M Bill to school; $6,600, s eesh. - tt-eeeee ne -land, Uoont beott, -high ' and sight!; $128 per acre; 8500 caah. " Kin H block. Kaat Twelfth; food up-la- data -roan buaaa with hot-water turners, rani feu per aiunm, room lor a mora un, cask. . . Vino -room bouse, all modern, ana of . Hunt local tuna west aide: mind, tola la . ru 1 kIM.i.! u ihi Mu1 re.uia. . tiood i-room house, Shertntn at. : lei : SOxlOO. Fine 6-roont cmUi, modern, aoiall kt Is i Map HO(W WW I I . 11 . . r(ia aeve -room house. BeveoteeiMh and Belli,!, . amatl lot, raata $23 per month; $2,JO, Sl.Ooo rash. .Af.'4. Flna lata Kaat Partlan4 HeUbbv ut $10 cash, 85 per monin. M ni a nl.iBBiia ar eiauArf. Pbona FeclSt llWT II Allaky bldg. """CLOS at" In. aaai ialdaw ' 6-roore eotlagar SOxlOO lot ulna Ii-b he.rtnv frutt trees, rood ear foundings: a p ratty koine; Id per cent Inveet- - meat property; inD rorjoroe. . e.n;- nV $050. Home Leuovtfio, 10 rn et. it, arnra. a blocks from Piedmont- atatloa. - rieeutiful alte, $8.SoO. Apply $10 Union era ' corner Falling el. - FOR SALE-F ARMS. 10T ACRES oa Claekamaa rim, 14 mllea so earllne;- aarra la cultivation, . TO hnxnm laoA all la Unbar. 6-raoej and S barea, frultdryer and orchard, lnclud- ."" i. log. all alack and Implemtnte, at M par - aprurntt Fa en wowe iw-svir-ytera..,, -T' Una" tome for old or ' young couple! 10 aeree on the thoroughfare or one of the elrlee la eoutnera part ef Ue atale, cleee to eonrt- ' ' . ' bouse and klfk acfaool. mile to poatofnce ' aad depot; d aerea ebolee erutat apple treea, i J paara, arepea, atrawberrlea . for famll aaa: r-. baiante In ka; bouaa of e rooms, kard ani.hxl: atarehauae. a anod bara and out- ' kniirfinca. aood watart trill .aell or trade for ' prowrt r Jaar Pot Un4 St JancpoTar,T.Prlct - -s,aou. - - . . . tao-acra raaek; 100 la eol'tlTatloe, erei l. 100 la crop, Uea well, creek throuab place, ... m ...ii j.- . ... j i tun liil nati 1 a we uwawra aw " - lie. eoats aad aofa. all klnda ef naeblnerr - aeceaearr oa piaca; m. r. v. aaau emu r . i- price, 4T.M0. , - r j .' M aerea: IB acree ta cultivation: 1 aerea .w. - sluluj. aad la. Daatarec-aelaaea-ali :' -.and cedar; om a aood eonntr road: running ' atMM (hMiah fast ntaeat nlaa well frnoed: ait aaiiae nortk of Gieucoe, Waahlactoa eeunty; aood (-room bouse with fireplace; ' - aood sprint by tba boose with parop la It; : MMhii pnothouaau bara and waaoa aked: . - a ahlcaan-bonae-aadUjge corral: , atresia thronth mitar f lit boaee and (ardea - . fancea wltb plrketa; rood orchard of beat . variety of - fruit; plenty email frolt; ana a....M a.d . fears I a plows, o.. . sirnrn. -gn wm' ' -"vetor; S cows, S calvea, 1 heifer and aev- ksrsi s Dlowa. one . barrow, S-tooU eulU enotirb oa place to make 0.000 pasta; loU "6T polee;" 4 doarn chlckeud.""Trlea 3.000. oa "or polee;" eaav ten easy terma. Would Use part m (ana, any repertyeaah price. fJO aerea. IS aadar rulttaatloBi load ' t-ronm bouaa. t 2440. aad , frame, 18: feed bara. Wten-to; food family orchard, pplea. fuu besrlu and first Mmhmm. aallaw flri 40 acree " Xi. elihaa- a.llaw fir I 40 . ,. aaa be clear ad easily: part of It baa beea clashed and barnd land partly Ural aad i rolltna; food autslda psetare; food ackool H mlle; mile from aewmlll; .mtlee from railroad autloaj lSb mllaa fxoai lawU river. -,..Prloa l.a00.. "-v .40 aerea adjotalac th abeva tlaea, SO - aerea bf which la doe rich bottom land aad ; belt la blab aula of aultlvaUoa; balance . " eaally put la cuiuvatioai l eow, uroar w Bow. throa.h the etet aetb,,alde la eiop- .ln aad roiy'i' - - her claimed by the owner to be 160.000, but aey 600.000, eaonsja to twice rw plaeai aood 4-room bouaa and alber build ' Ks. food .bera, email archer oa county . wmA li aalia aa aood aeheol aad largo sawmill f mllea to railroad. IH mllaa to . creamery aad etoree. Price (1,00ft. -. tan imi.'M aerea level land, flret-eleoa rich loemr 40 aoraa cleared. 10 ar U acred. under eulllvatloal a amau house, tooa erenera. bearina. rootbouee and other bulldlaaa; BO aerea flret-clasa plllnf: H mile to rfver . ' aitlea from eteataboat taadlna and rallroadi - price 10 per acre) ITS wojth tools. ' . ToU aerea level land: it aoraa beaver dams W a eultlvatmnt (ood bonsai a fair barn and other bulldlnra; aood orchard: R. r. D. mall; milk route by tba door la Washln(toa ountyi. H.OtM, H caa atanu. ,. . . M arret: an tba Baaa l.tne rood; nice level lrBd.""ho aravel; all well Imoroved; Una bolld tnislfned team, bameea. wayoa. cows, chick ens: 400 worth famine machlaery; price 4,800. tarna. , . . . ... n aeree) IS aerea la rultlvalloai ao (ravel: : 1 food orrbsrd and email frultat food build . Tnfs;. (nod team, bsmeea and ws(on; t Una rows; all kmda fanntnc msrhrnery; oa Base Una road; price pe.000. tarma. t; . ' S00 aerea bin land; near river aad railroad: ' milee to store; 40 eleer or more; fair boose and barn: large orchard) oa county road; 3 ' mllee to city; creek aa (be place; price $10 ' per sere; f 1,000 down, balance wbea yea get reedy. per cant. Great (rest ar fruit laud; feu . tlmbax... : . - - - " it: w. mpbt. r"' .: ' Room t, Ramllloa Vldf, ntTblrd at- bet. Aider sod Wsihlngtoa. 16 ACRES, 1 block Ooarraey atstlea, bouaa aad - bara, fine aoll; tble place, aaa a fine river front; $3 200. .. 10 aerea, H cultivated, benee aad bara, ' clnee ta towa and boat landing, tM per acre. 30 acres, eloee la, living water, all ealtt ' vated, (126 per acre. - - 38 aerea, all cultivated, fine orchard, bouaa - and bara, cloaa to O. W. P. earllao, 5a fare. T aerea, mndara hoaao, bara and water ' tower, fine aoll. .grapes, berries and aaaorted ' fruit treee bearing, I blocks ta carlme, flat view of Portland snd the river. S acres, all cultivated. 11 ring water, fine '" view, close to earllne. I1.4Q0; terma. V Alan- arreage tracla wltb amaU eottagee 'e-t t Jtn A, IVikf. UlTwenkle. Or. Cara every IS minutes from 1st and Alder. UbTBBAN H0MB-(I roora house and bath, R aeiea Isnd. beautiful imrre, young orchard, - at Courtney atatloa, $0,000. Snap 14H aerea at Oeartaer atatlaa. aa t 40 'aerea to Tamhltl eoanty, E. i P. D f -room bouaa. 20 per aere. 1 i U A. AND A. H. POWUNO, Mllwankle. Or. iii" P0R BALB Stock ranch' of t,e aeree) peer , feburg., mllea I. B. of Bnaeno. Or. I price low: I I cash, balance eV years. ( per oent. ' ' P. p. Chamber lain. Lab be bUlg, portUaJ. 'f TOH pert Ira lere of nleo email wwntiy boma en ,' railroad that re ye 1100 a month eesh; will sell oa terma ar etehanro for Portland prop- ' ' erty. Call room 4U2, Oregoahta bldg., Port- i Und- ' - - ' - -''V ro B A IK 120 aerea, 110 per aere, mllee ' .from Canhy; cleared and fruit treea, V mile - from acbool, j mile from aewmlll. Inquire ( fl. bf. Uhea, Oswego, - Oregoa. - -' w 111 ACBBi half hi cuHtvarteu. leer-of aoll, all nice): nleelv Jeneed, So rorfer. eloee to It s lce. Phoaa -Matp O0. earllne V- ' y 1 . CHOICB BOYS. 140 aerea, II mllee treat Portland, aa good gravel road, ana mile from railroad atatloa, - H mile from good eehenl, I mllee from blah r- acbool, R. P.- P.. good well, email creek - thronah place, ISO aerea rn fine state of cnl i ttvetlta. i'JO aerea timber and pasture. 100 aerea awale, 1 oreharda, ane Italian prunee, ane rood variety orehard, all well fsased aud v mil fenced, (ood T-room house, large bera; price 140 per acre; guaranteed aa advertised. $2,000 80 aerea, mllee east of Vancouver. oa good gravel road, new modern S-ronra ' ' bouse, eoat $1,200; saw bara ), coat $'! - H aerea - cleared, aerea rlret-elaaa apple ' ' orchard, foil bearing. years eld, level lead. , near eehool. . if yon are lookhig a alca borne kiveatlgate thai before buying;- (uar "." aateed aa advertlaed. '1,110043 aeree,- IS mllea east ef Tair '7-rwrver. on toed gravel read," uitw' from ' boat landing, mile from good eehool, IT crea cleared, be Is nee easy cleared, Jbi-acraa variety orchard, rood barn, good well, eonntr read An two aldea of place, alt fenced, fine mention; frnarenteeu ao euvnieiiii Mat eu l.ono 41 scree.' 7 mllea east of Portland, near Oorhett atstlon, on tba O. R. A N., one mile from Colnnibla river; 10 aerea cleared, st me timber, llvlnc water. H-reem beaee, bara laM, email variety orchard, 4 good eowe, - new cresm separator, t boge, arene ehlekena, heat of enll; (rnaranfeed aa advertise. WKniNITOM ar ORROON BBALTT C0 2S3Vh Waahlnrion atu rooma 11 and 11 Portland, Or., Or (ha Klwall Peslty Co., corner Third and Us In, Vaneoaver, Wasb. ' BEAD Tniei OA RKrHLI T Onty 0 ea ecre for a hlrtly Improved .r farm; 1J scr ef frnlt;. Inelndee stock, me ehlnery, bonee, bam and other bulldlnee: dna S prin on place, pined to honee; elttisted 1 ' mile from K. R. station; worth I2.0U0 mora then nriee asked' lnct!vite. , liACEMANN df'BUANCuAb.0, 1 Piftk St. ':R---: 7 ?Z Mediimvfe' let lYoiar WatftslCndfe FOR SALE FARMS, - Arc Yoa TiiMlig: to buy. aoea bo here. Look tbeea ewar, tuea our eomuWtAi Hal nt fsruia la all parte oi tba slats. 140 aerea I aiilee weet of Lyle. ta Kllekl- for ealtlvatloa, balanae good paeture; plenty f . wood and. "'" "ri so .IrrUala nearly all Uie lead, U0 eere uiuler cultlrsUon.a practically level, U acres la prunes aud li aerea la apples, all foil bear Ids; guod H-roout house, bara and good outbulldlnge; 1 geod teeia aad aU other farm luiplemeuta go with bJPlere. Price -Hw.OlAU-. laraia,, ... . ZM acres 8 mllea from washougsl, Clarke . eeuuty; - aerea half cleared, 1T0 aerea QQ- a Qiao timhen shout Sd9 trail treaa la bearhia. aearlv all nnder faao. food bouaa, 1 large bar as, 90 bead cattle, horses 10 , tyg. 8ft aharp, and i,hliksns, xUKjt-wagon. harness aud a U tools snd furni ture gi with' the piece. Price 10.ftO0. m aerea 3V, aiilee froaa Bugene; abettt -100 aaraa- under eulUvaUun and about 4&Q aerea good tillable lend; there BWA-aasaU . areherd -ot-ebont 00 .trrea lu good condition ; aad 2 pld oreharda, T-room bouse, targe haras lu fair aosdUloB. Ill head of stock do with the place; wa bara atsmlned tUU lsa aud caa recommena it to you. aa a good invest - nwnt. It la one of the beet stork and dairy . ranches In tba Willamette ' valley. Co ma la and let na tell you about It. Price $i4.6u0, on sssr tarua.- . 40 aerea On the east aide of Hood river. 1M mllea ant from town; an under eoitiva .. tloa: S. aerea la orchard, standard variatlea. from 3 to a years old, mostly HpltsenberK , and New tow as, a tew Jonathans aud Bald ' wins; the remainder .ef tbe tract ta aeeded - ta timothy and clover; 0 Inehee of tree - water (oea with the place: about Id aerea ot this tract aaa be. Irrigated; no hulldloau. . Price lu.OOO, . 1 40 acres, adjoining tba abova trset; all ander cultlvatlea, lu aerea In orchard, aoraa 4a.. full hearing, the ramalader troa 2 to 6 years old, with (ood nroepeete for a , heavy crop tbla season; 20 Inebea of free wstae and shout 10 aeree of thla tract can pelrxlated guod room noose.- barn a ad au necessary ouimiuaings; goou graura achaol 1 mile. .B. r. P., new Mount Hood railroad neer tba place,, atatloa only mile. Price 11100; or will aeU SO acres fur 30.000. .. .. do aerea .ax . rrooaowrai--ati- im . nia Atatai'isf cultivation, about 4 acree beaver-deu) - lead, creek ruaning alongside tba piece, alee . a very valuable mineral spring an the prop- arty; good T-rooea bouaa and all other aeeaa aary outbulldlnge; some stock and farm ' teela go with the place; Vila from South era Pacific railroad and Iowa of Xowneeud. Price 110,000; vrry easy tenrw. - - lno aerea Ail ievei. very res ami, aerea under cultlvaUon, 40 aerea heavy tim ber, good well and creek on property, emeu noma ao and baypr . there la about 1200 worth of personal pro Lty .ttalwa wUk-llu. ilee. trjca. loo aaree adenln tba abova pUca that aaa be take aa komeetead. wklch would auka abundance of entrance for stork. 170 aerea Near Warrentoa I hi mllra from aeeaa beach. B0 aerea under eulUvatloa. 40 aerea level, remainder rollln: 140 aerea llfbt timber, email beerln orchard, T-room houae, ii mnA AuttuiiMinaa: team, ft cattle. boas.l toata and all tools go, with . UlS rrice ao.ewt www "" - . LAJiOlU.B a BANC7 : at U Blstb at.- . '- 800100 ACRRS, Oold Beach. CJ B. Janata. ISO Park at. Portland Carry eousty. TBI CHOICEST QT CHOIOI ACKCAQI AKD FAAtaia. 5 aerea beet (ardea bud, eloee la t l'. carehopa. 13.000: terms. . ,:Tktaia t. - iA - - - 'r - - - il ontnned farm l 42 aeree cultlvettoal li mllea. from PortUnd. on good county road, runnlug water, new bulldlnca, U mile eehool, stores and churches; all the stock, crops. Implements, etc.; a psrgsla, at M.aiiO, with easy tacuia. ... - - too aeree. In hlah Btata Of cultivation. S-mom new reetdenoe and other ew oat- t bulldlnra. ail maenmary, exope. 'i 1 realstered Jersey eewa brine $7 monthly; eMewalk to Btata Normal acbool; a big hsr- "gsln at 17,800; 13.500 eaeh.. a JWAlT farm ear Portland, Wis nee per oent. 28 aeree. the beat farm In the Wlllsmetta , valley: bulluiaaje eee 10,000 for S.OU0; -ta at jrrnm, . j fat a good farm. amaU ar Urge, Inspect list. ....... a. ri'ti"). jj BOOMlffO 1 HUl t'SES. BKBB la a alee llttla bur for a speculation or a home; 40 aere, 14 miles from center of Portland, on good county roao; o s foaeed and cultivated, balance eaally cleared; new bmiee, M fruit tresa. very rlek enll. ... anil ha no the market for a few dsya more only for 11,125; Perlle4 Ing nuameea esu oa w. e. j,7s ih at. ruom.Sa." s - - " BBST RANCHES BVBB OFriBED. ' S.4N0 acres, 1.000 aerea ander cultivation, fair bulMlnga, all fenced, (ood road, t "Ilea railroad atatloa. ea Umpque river; 13.50 per acre; 91B.O0U aaeh, long time aa belmnee. - 40 scree In Jackson county, well Improved. 1B0 head of cattle. IS boxaee. all Implement!: $12,000. good terma; TOO aerea, mllea rail road atatlaa. 100 aeree river bottom under plow. 100 teres mora could be easily cleared. Coed paeture, aU fenced, running water, good nlldloys, telephone, poatofflee and school At wilier lS,0O0i. U eee. wtU .taproved aj per acre. Including S,000 worth of atock and ImplemenU; 2O0 aeree, well Improved,' all wnder cultivation, ra flrat-claea eeadltlon. lin. 00; a certain amount of Stock Included; 176 aeree, 0 aerea hope. SO acre; -mote undw cultlyatloa, nearly all river bottom, 8,000 eorda standing timber, rood build In rs, orchard, eome atoek and ImplemenUi all Beeesesry apparatua for a flrst-olaea hop yard; t.X. U cash; would consider excheage tor genertl merchandise or ranch In eoutberu Oregon, from t2.OO0-t3.000; 107 eerea In Claekamae county, edtotnlnr email town, with etock end rmple aithnn: an aerea near bv. with stock, - 4,ouO PO eerea near Saonyeite, Clackamaa county, eiegautiy lmiwrra. su.o.., w,. mea no seres. mijcw n"ia v ' -. a (Mril. snUndldlr Imnreved. beet id the eonntr. 110.HOO. rood terms: SO aeree and general nwehandlee store. S.000.000 feet lmn. Bier, Implements -end etock. value $10,000, aesy terms: would exchange for Portland son. urban property: MO acres, beet ranch In Ben " ton eounfv. $16,000: SM aeree. CohimhH county, well Improved. $8,600, Vt cash: 40 aeree. well taprovedv atock aad , lmplemcnta, $1,200, 40 aeree, S mllea Seepponaa,. bease and barn, eome lead cleared. $1,800. 85 aeree. $ mllea Oreeon Cltv. weH Im proved, with stock end lmplements.$2.SVl. T aerea. well Improved, oa ear. 2.0ri0. - - 10 acres, well Improved, neer ear. $3,200. S aeree tn cite limlte. St.nnO: t acree $1,160. B aerea ' In altv Hmlfs. 2 R00. IN TASHINOTON. ' , ' 840 aerea neer Ol'ax, beet raaeb la east era ,Wsshmeton. $tM per sere; would siefasage for cltv properly- 180 aerea near Kalama. wltb soma stock and tools, ll.socw-.,.. . . 80 acre er Vancouver, wen Un proved, $1,100. .,-f"vi-f . ' 10 acres. 8 mllee Vaneoaver, near llttla town. $1,160. ' M - au, aerea aear Taaeoevev, well Ire prove 1. -41.oon. Bavaral ranehaa nesr Lvle. If voo ara look- fag for a rm ar cltv home call en , OTTO CROCKETT, . ' ; S45H Waahlngtoa st. ; BEBBT AND POTATO PARht, 10V aerea, with p-ronm bouee. goon nsrn. mrpenw wt. voting orchard heeinnlng I Heer. plenfr amall fmlta, good water, on good driving road, aear electric line, 10 mllee east, 16c fare; price only $1,400. tlERR'a Till RRBT RVrR ' ' . no acres, e enlftvetei aotieen, m neartng arehard. good, targe bonee, hern, anple-honw and other needed ontlmlMlnae. nesr railroad atstlon: real farm buyers shrmM aeo thla at emce- Homo Lend Co.. I4KH nrst et. FOR SALE TIMBER. CWKTmiT) aerlo. any etna pteeeai arlcsa. a TT. .V Howell. aa CBamoar et veea COMB milch W yen want a rial me la tha watte nainma vsiiev. A. w. Eatra A Co., White Salmon, Washington. ftMtlKA fff-AlM, fir "and "eedtr, nesr sawmill: caa aril atumpaga ana aounie: win treoe for house end lot, eo sell for $2,800, HORSES AND CARRIAGES. JO TCAM 2To to seywl nee team, rreetfrnte urea., Tweitta aaa riaaorru. - - ..' FOR BAI.B On. good team: weight a hunt 1.400 each. Address gwward Bchaieee. Tnwt- dele, tiregoa. .., . FOB BALB 1 apea boreea, well metehed. weight l.awt me earn. yean aid; aeo ewaer. Phone Best 6"d2. "'m i M n a it S-yKAR'Ot.D amaU Bound driving mare, only $40 If enid at once. I'bona blala sutlT. Suu day, between $ aad $, v , H ORSES AND -CARRIAGES M BR IB a atAMOAIM AT HOkl 1. D. OOUIX1N BVm offer the Imported Clydesdale stallion. Better Luck," No. 11.- R , '. ... . 1- Vm, will rvmcmhAC h la tha ""atsillou balJ1ook econdprlse aTTbelawtr and Clark fair; slso tooa nrst prise ae yeurilug la Heotmnd. Von aaa buy,- bli at I'hlcatfA thla last vaar. Also some Clydesdale aniee; tbla la the hems of tbe cbamploa Clyde aura of tha Lewie and Clark fair. - . Also "King S.," the atre of 'Ttlr Oska, xik these OBnoV 1 B0!f ,'Dundeor Oregoa.' D. 00 TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANOB. 400 aerea, all Sret-elaae lead, oa Tuatatta river. Weshlnaton eoanty: essy i : lenin-av ahelse,- teiprored farmr arlit traaa for rurtiaaa property. IS ecree ulcat land: aew bouaa and barn near car Una; S mllea from Portland; will treda Into larger farm and pay caah differ- -niiee.--- - .-3.- : r r. .; 3 alee, new houses; rental cvsloe about $80 per month; wilt trade lor a good (arm. S acres, choice piece of land, .aear Kaalb worm:, rraae into a isrm. 818.000 worth of good property n a grow pg Oregoa tcuen;. rental t a loa . now al-nt lin per month: will trade into a sood !! matte veiley farm. What eaa you onierf ' 4.0U0 New bustneaa bnlldlna. na a enoa. new, prosperejua- Oregon town; rental value $46 per month; will trade for Portlsnd prop , erty and pay caeh difference; will take . iota ar Improved property. 812.000 Clhnlee new hreome-besrlne Port' land property and eome vacant lots; trade for eastern uregon grain or atoek rsrm. S aeree of ebolee Improved land, aew ! room faouee,' all comnle le, bara. etc.. la .New- berg, Oregon; will trada for Portland prop- arty ' 10 aerea good land, improved, nice v-roota huune; cwteiileinr-roroTnanTIiADIKS'. 1ttrkl.hb.thS, maassga, nydrlstrle Will trada for a home In Portland. HENKI.B BAKER, SIT Abingdon bldg FOR . SAXJB Oar EXCHANOB for Portland rYopeny au or part or 100 aerea, with new bourne, barn, etc., T mllee from Vancouver. - Ad drew 110 Elrtth at., Vsneoaver. Addrssa - Owners 110 West Klghtb at., Taaoeuvor, Waahlngton. . If ICR 6-room eottaga and enaM eesh to svensnge - tor rsrm. - riome Lena tjo., teoa rrrst at. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND REMINGTON , AND 8M1TH PREM1FR TYPB WRITERS PROM SS0 CP. rt'Bl nr.i run a Mnu at jrsa -PVS. Vi i; UBnVYt UUU f irBWBlTBB AJm "ta SIXTH ST. POP! PALPI OR RBXT rfRW AMD SKCOrtB. HAND BRWINO afACniNlra. IT1MI1IH I "KVinu MACUINB AUBKCI. B. D. sev ssuriiuj at. BOOKS bought, acid and erebaaged Old Booh Store, S2a TamhUl at. at WB aeea fsrnltare S will pay fun value. Western Salvage Co l. rnone raetne TPS. J2. Washington at.' WBRTEBN OREGON aflNINO MIIXINO CO, : bsadauartera; stock . for sale end Inforanv. tloa at ISO First' at. . Phone Mala 102a. SH0WCARE8 AND FIITCRES made to ewdert ,. aeeend-hand roods for sale. Carlson Aj Ball atrom, 284 Couch at. Phone Clay STL HORSES ef aU kkida for Bale at very able ariose. Iaqulre S7S Front at. BILLIARD AND POOL tablse for rent ar far eale on easy payments. TUB BRVNRWICK-BALKB fXTtLBNDEB CO, - - 4 Tbtrd at. PortUad. ktANURR by wagonhwd ar carload aa a W. P. By. Phone Bast SS1S. THE celebra ted Poatlae top-- bae-glea, - let thee finished, for . .. st PnrtTanA At nrtis Trans far Oo, $42 Kaat Waahlngtoa at.. . SHOW caeca, counter, flxrurea bought acid ar . orehaaged. Weetera Selvage Ocl, SST Wssh . Ington mt, Paatfto TPS. S BOLL TOP dears, efSce-tablea. rug, xturea; all new. Collloe Lead --- .Matn tBSd. ..- WR print your aeme oa 60 calling cards, proper alia and style. 8V; 2V) business cards, 81. . A, W. Schmale Oa.. S2 lirat. Portlaad, Or. HOI.DRN'R RHEHMATIO CCRPJ- -nre rheumatlam. Sold by all drugglata. $4no NBW uprtrht pJ a no, I US: upright piano $86: organ 3S.- SUM rirat, corner Mala, - apetalra. .. . ... Ti . sun . 1, m a.- - , . - . u, .4 r . - r. trww ,B arm. TWO wr. 1 lino reetaureaA tables from the fair grouode at T6e each; also a large ausstlty of ebalrs aad boueebold furniture on easy terms. Oke. at Oauld A Kllq.'t.- S. W. cor. Front and Bora aide.. Pbona Mala SOT. FOR 8ALRV CHEAP One Al Incubator. 10 egra; one Edison phonograph, 28 - reoorda. -S48 Ratt Fifteenth at., south. FOB BALB CHEAP 1 gooseneck eream wood, nawr-tn running -order; also team aad be . Inquire 203 Bumell at ' Pbona Eaat ftf3. . . . . ... FOR S4LSJ CHEAP Beeurlfully eerved cow boy saddle. " Apply Feeler Xlelscr rtsble. - Fifth and Everett. ' : . FOR SALE CHEAPA brand now phowograph wlth 1 concert and 1 borne born and 80 records. 465 Lovejoy at Phono Paotne 12M. GOOD aiilk eow for sals cheap. SSd Eaet Stark. cor. Thirty-third at MOVING-PICTl'RB emtflt. complete, with 1.0o ice 1 or mm; a rot 13-Cam up aTala 'i at i. au y. a, eagine-room. . FOR RALE Choice collection of Iadlaa ar rowbeade. and. spears. , T II, care Journal. FOR SALE 2214-foot launch, capacity 14 pen. eoat. equipped wjtb 6-hoes power Fey Bowea - enaine, complete, appnrtenaaeaa of tha very beet Iaqulre S10 Pino at 800.000 BRICK for sale.. Phone t'eloa 17ML A RAROAIN $10 tskea mantle-bed, curtains, mstrreee and pillows; all nearly new. s 428 Thlr4V -otr aouth. - rr - - 0NR "teem of horeea. harneee and Wfgna and colt, three enwe and cresm eeparator for sale cheap. Addreea lira. 0. A. Feeley. Woodlawn, Or-. R. F. D. route 8. or call at Portland oonicTsro. norm wee t or pumping atatloa. PERSONAL. - CONFIDENTIAL medical s dries to . We trest dlaeaeee of women exclusively, curing with unvarying auereea all femele . allmeuta from the slightest local Irritation to the most complicated- Internal troubles; maternity essee given special attention; private hospital 'accommodation; profeealoaal - Isdv anrse In attendance; eeneultetloa aad - advice free. T-Radlnm Medical Inatltnte aad Rsnltsrium, Third aad Alder sts aatraaca 263 Aider at.. Port lend. . SI'ITS pressed while yon watt, not. Ladles oktrts preaeed. SOe. Olltw-rt lodH Wl,th aexl to Qnella. Pbona Paelfle tOSS,. DR. WORT.ET BENJAMIN, the Foot Biio. laltstrl ion' 4 Waahlngtoa at Heed aoa. Bore feel jDMtde Bound. D0LL8' HOSPITAL-' Kepelrlng and dreeelng. $81 ' Tamhltl. ' BINO CtlOONtl. Importer of Chlneoe root geedW - el ore; tell Chinese tea that la certain cure for all diseases. Jbl Second bet Xamblil aad Taylor. FBRR ta out of town pa ear l.teet eata- , Jogue or rtney worn. pillow tope, cvater Bleeee, eblrtwalaee end- aovsltlear- The- Needle I Craft Rhop. 9K2 washingtoa at., portiana. or. lACKACHR and klrfner or Madder ateeatee cured with Oregon herbal trial else roe lot la atampe. Plummer. 800 Third et DR. ATWOOD. id Russel bldg.,' 108 H Fourth at. Female dteeeeea end ennftnementa tskea ' and eared for; opea evenings, teoeeltattoa free. -. - . MANLT vigor reetored hv Dr. Robert.' Nerve G Mm lee. One month's treatment, $2: $ months, SS; sent securely sealed by aulL Arvnts.'Wood.rd. Clsrke S Co., Portlead. Or. LOST rower. estneed-- he . rts "-greet Dr. -. Lorene'e Nerve Tonle Tahleta; 2Be per box, S bonee for 81 SA. Write or call et Erseeire Pharmsoy 22T Morrlsuol bet let and $4 WET FEPTT era efcoeeeuB. le abeolurely waterproof. W threat bloating DO you went to tnsrryT If so. Jota orrr society ; we have kundreile of Biembere. either aev; mitrttnonlsl regUlee, 10c. IOASsi Fourth at., 1 serner alorrtaoa. Room 84, lit; Mi.;' PERS0NALT AIRS. SophU B. Sedgy paithtmtulat, s. trees eo4 prppbetssei dally 10 to a, T to 8; elrelae Tuesday end Frldsy. 8 p. m 84fll TamblU. ear. Beventh. Pacific 108. Sunday evening meetings Drew ball, 161 second. BALM OF FIGS for all female 2d 1 maks vi tbey en re aervouantee and tusks you strong; Sncv mw a poa. a noses as-Du; guarsateeo. U drnaaista, or address Brooke Drug Co.. SI Korth -Third at, Portland. Oregon. .. . -. DETECTITB -GENCT Confidential " laveett gallons; reporta msde en any Individual bust- nees or property; Kissing relatives located: , bad debta collected; charges ressonable: cor- - reepmdaaec aollclted. Oregoa Detective Rervlce. offlcea 814-816 Columbia bldg SnS Waahlngtoa at .Phone Main $618. nerlora: strictly aret-elaee nlace tor ladles only. Flat A, 661 Waahlngtoa at. between - Sixteenth and Beventeeatb. .-. . ANT man or woman eaa be strong snd happy by aalng Sexlne Pills, tbe grest tonle; price 1 a nog, a Boxes eo, wita run guarantee. Addreee ar evil J. A. . Clemenaon. drngglst ear. Seoond and rami nhlll eta., Portlaad. Or. IGH-OBADB portralta; special offer for few oars; cenioef etae, earns or roiovra. 10 ror $4; quality and work the beet. D. M. Stevens. . SOS Ooodaonxh bldg Fifth -and Xamhia TURKISH BATHS. 800 OrsgonlsB bldg.i la dice "FORBIDDEN FRUIT.'" "A ' Pay Lothario.' "Ilort nf in.e"nJrnvIII.ATnae., ' "Woman of Fire." SOc each; lleta free. A. w. achsaala Co.. ZB rirat st. SCHOOL books and nil klnda of hooka bodght eold aad exchanged. Jones' eSook 8 tore, 2W1 Aider at ... HUB. .ANNA LDCKBY AND MR8. CARBON cure all scalp dlaeeees; eU kinds of baths (Iven; eleetrie maeasev; also have the French " hind for removing wrinkles; Mat. K arrow s Tamoae remedies; , astiarsetMm (uarsnieou. Phono Paelfle 136$. 830 Taylor. HOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sura aura for rheumatlam.' Bold, by an aruf flats. . PBRKINS America Herbs ara for sate at Third at.. Portland. Oregon, by A, B, Bloomer, general agent ' I COAST agency Dr. Crlstlon's French' toilet artlclee, Rooma 11-12, Orend theatre bldg. Park Waahlngtoa. .Pbona Mala 8471. RADAM'S Microbe Killer, the greet germicide, - that haa atood the teat of yeara. See aala by draggleta or Winters, 10 Or snd are:. N T0UN9 lady gtvee vapor, alcohol and BMdlcated hatha. Parlor ST, Stark. AN ho Beat, true lady deetrea tbe aeenalntanee of a (enttemsa who doea aot ese lltmor end knows how to appreciate s rady't company, to spend evenings aad Buadaya with. X '' 84, ears JournaL MRS. R. B. WEBBER, bletovleal tribe evange. . list now located tor business et 882 Mor rison at Call and examine this wonderful work, free. MADAM ENOL1BH. maroerio - healer. rheumatism and nerveusneea without dmr.; ,Prof. Rakard electro radiator aaed. 1461 Sixth at, room 84. - IF Daniel Haley, who about IS yeara sffo lived in son tn era ore roe, snd 'who once hsa a brother living In Pessdesa. .California by tbe name of Michael Haley, will oorreepond with tha anderelgned be can- leara of eome thing to bla sdvantare.--William Forbes, Clerk of Pasajjena ..Camp, W- O. W., Pass den a, California, EDISON PHONOGRAPHS and records delivered anywhere .free no receipt full retail price; torrent atoek Edlana records west of Rockies, Send for ctrenlare.- peter Bactgalnpt, Tb$ Mission. Saa Franclaeo. SINGLE men wenta lady eorunantoa. H. Hleker, poatorrtee box 47. NORTHWEST Rug Works, now located at 168 1. ojo ave. peer cttt Mornaon. , Huge tram old carpeta. Tet Ettt 8A80. 0ENTT.EMAN, 86 yeara of ago. la deatroua of meerlng a ktdv between the area of SO and $5 matrimonially Inclined, tn city or country; nil letters answered. B SS, care journal. DR. 0. V. KETCHUM area promptly private dlseeeee, kidney, nervoua, skin and epeclel female troubles. Call or write. Red Cross Dlenenaarv. corner Third aad Aah att. Phone Pacific SSI.' " ' CONPTNRMBNT and Invalid eases eollrited: mother a care; rooma, board, attendance, veer dall, Annvi North SSth), W eer.- Paelfle 827, AUTOMOBILES. COTBT COOK Motor Ctr Co,. r"-aatb and Aiaer agents ror ttaiuac, rreree, vree Arrow and Stevene-Duryea motor-cars; ma chines rented, repaired and stored. ART EMPORIUM. FR0FESS0B R. MAX MEYCR.-848 - Aider, Portrait and landeeepe artlet end teacher. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, SOS Commercial bttr.. Second and Washingtoa its. Phoaa Mala 648. I. R. WINCHESTER, attorney-at-hw, notary public. 30 Washington bldg. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MENOES. Arehlteet. 118 Becood at ASSAYERS. SABTIN CTANIDR EXTRACTION CO.. aad Moataaa Assay oraeo. 18 Morneoa at. blank-book; makers. OWI, DAT1S Ai KILHAM. 100-111 Becoad at ruann ooon msnorseinrers; aavniv ."r ewne Impenved Looee-Lesf Jedgera; aeo tba aew Eureka leaf, the beet oa the market BATHS MASSAGE. MIX LILLIAN RATM0ND glees hatha and aaasags rresinevnis. 1 ue ,,, sqotb Morrleea at. room 14. - Plana Mala SOU, - TWO ladtee give be tea, face and acalp t eitta t- TWO young ledlee grva maeeage. rah and vapor hatha. 110 ra rearta, eorner rraaoingtoa. MIHR LILLIAN BATMOND grvea bathe and tteatmeaia xua twamna. xtiHia rlsna st.. room 14. Phono Mala n. , BUTCHERS'- SUPPUES. S. BIRKENWAI.D CO.. ' 8A4-3IIB, Everett et. Tergeet butenero' supply hnnee on the meat. ---CARPET CLEANING STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plsnt oa the eeeat i-orlng snd Hsrdlng ata.. tele phone East . t0 Carpets cleoned. redtted. sewed end teM: both eteam and latest- esm pveaeed air pmeeee: v. evatlnaj aiattreatea aad tea tbeea a apeelslty. BANITARY eeenet eleenlna. auetton ea peeeaed ate combined: carpets elc neo. ee nouc Without raBtoral. Mala $634. Baal A23S. ;Want:;AasTCosi5o a ;tlnc CARPENTERS-AND-BUILDKRS. WABHBURNB Si FLOYn, wsgon Bulldere and (eneral job worg. w stn at rueae steoa no, WM. rifllfLEriicarpentar re pair lac and Job, nmg oooe. 2V1 Buruelde st. rnone eisia v-toi. CHIROPRACTIC. Cl'RKS , sppendlclrts without drugs or keifs. Dr. Fvs Hogtn. 2nd H.ll .trhooe Mtln o4. CI0ARS. AND TOBACCO. EBPFRO-OIIN8T CO. FINK CIGARS.- - - - Portland, Oregoa. COLLECTION AGENCY;- DOKB eay one owe yea money 1 We colic et bed debta of all kinds. North weet era Law a Collection Oa., 12S Grand ara., rooms 14 aad 16, Cltlarns' Rank bldg. Cut- this out Tbohs 'East S046. r f rr CLEANmO-ANDllDYErilt Portland Steam Cleaning a Dyeing Worke; prac tical batter la connection. 211 4th. Paelfle So7. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed $1 per meats. Unique Tailoring . Co,. 847 Washingtoa at H. W. TURNER, proreeslonsl .ver aad aleaner, 606 Jefferson at . Phone Main 2618. SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Lsdlee' .snd men's eiesnug eaoy prssttng. -otwr wssn. r 1.11. "CAFES. TT1B OPriCR 2H8 Wathlngton'at, rhoaa Mala T71. Samuel Vlgnesua. '. COAL AND WOOD. CHURCHLET BROS, have removed from toot Dtvls st to 428 Kearney at, near lira; it . now. tha Urgett log 1L kluda oi woody ard la the elty. earry. and coal. Mai tale Mb WEBTERN Feed -Fael Co., oa Front betweea . tillaan aad Hoyt, dealers la all blade ef bonee enala and blackamttb. seals, phone I Mala 1018. ALRINA FUEL CO. Deateve-ta. cord and areas snd dry sla owned. R. Rr-and Al pine are., S blocka east of ferry. Eaat 674. STEKL BRIDGE -FUEL CO. Dealers ta coat - enrdwood aad dry alabwood. ' Phono Beat 484. SRH00N ri'Bfj fe.all klnda uf tut! wood. SOS Alder et Phono Mala 86. KTRRr-HOOTER.-inS Wltef L Wood aad anal. Phoae Mala 460B, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVERDINO FARRELL. orodnee and eommle. si no aterchanta. 140 front at, Pcetlaad, -On ; . u.i,,, n-iu lie. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, tt.m'... a. r ton .1 .no rw.h aterk at-1. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST A SPECIAL $6.00 READING FOR It.Oli eTR-flEOMUB ORMONDE. SKKR OF KUTfT. WOkLD-RKNOWNELr k Clalrvoy.nt. Palmist snd Psychic Baaler. h- s TUR ONLY Y0U1 MEDIATOR . of Secret Influence In America. Cures art nervoua dlaeasea, weakneee of every kind; tells lust what annoys, perplexee, wor rtes you; what 'your wish U. if the one yog love ta true or fslse, bow to gsla the o Cu lore or admire; beings back tha eetrenged ver, busbend or wife; straigbtene out family ' troubles aad assists yoa In gaining your wish or device: (lveauamee,dates. fscts of msr. "Win, lor,, law, monry, changes; til without you spesklng a word. Fee. one dollar. Permenently loeatetfr Opea SnndayO, . 288 WASHINGTON ST.. Tne noted pehntet. will continue to gtre his celebrated $3 reading for 60 cents for one week longer. StUitt Morrison St., par lore '1 aud 2. Tbe Ooamoe. over Royal bakery. - MRS. STEVENS, Portland's leading palmist . astrologer and clairvoyant 16V Seventh at. opp. Hotel rortland.S ' DENTISTS. DR. WILL JACKSON, . tha Dtkum bldg. Dantlat Boom 014. DANCING. WOODWARD'S dancing- school ef tbe Weetera Academy ef Musts, Monday sod Thursday. - Spectator Invited. Lessons Roe. Dancing S - to 11. Cor. Second and Morrleoa, PROF. RINOLER. SOS Aider, aear Sllth; close or private lessons 6O0. . 1 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, $ Seventh et. Portlead. JO. k. for everything la the electrical Una. Pbooe Mala I IMS. . , -'.I'-- PA CI no ELECTRIC CO. Rnaioeere, eoatree - tore, repairers, electric wiring, eunpllea. 4 First, -eor. BUrk. Mala 060. R. H. Tate. mgr. ices; BOTHTOT wtTattr tirnci ut fL I. 0L Hyr Tnrrr Co., 3M S4?ond. Mala 461. -FRENCH BAKERIES. THE only place In Portland to gel French . bread. Barrere Maylle. 40T Blxtb at -Dally delivery. - Phone Oreen 60S.- FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Cempeny Manafsetarera of (uralturo for the trade. Portlead. Or. FURNITURE menufeetering end epeelsl orders. L. Rnvenaky's furnlttire feeterr. 870 Front et FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRR Flsodere St., ear. 8d. IRON WOHKH 8M Phone Mala 2000, GASOLINE ENGINES. AT ememg-eut prlcee. several eearpto aaeeltne onetnea, msriae and etettonary: write for price. Retereea Mae hi aery Co, Pert land. GROCERS. WADRAMR $ CO.r wholeeaTe grocers, msna ,. fsetnreee and mnmlavtoa merehaata. FoarU and Oak ata. ALLEN di LEWIS, rommlaalon aad peodnce mee. chants, r Front and Devle at... Portlead, On HARDWARE.' Portland Hsrdwers Co. solicits opportunity re quote prices. 186 let at. .cor. Alder. Main 1834. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. American plan; 61.86 pea day. BELVEDERE; European pita: 4th and Alder eta. THE BROWN -Oread and Hawthorne llAGNETIC HEALING. J)R. U H, HART treaw all dlaessee, atomarb Trounto, nil isinjuiae ret in 01 111. 1 wwBneoa. 188 Seventh et Phone Meln 4178. MUSICAL. J. a. WE SCO, vlnlin-msker and repelrerj work nrat-eleee. 2B lloaael bldg., 4tn aaa Morrison, EMIL TUIPl.HORN. pop It of Hveik. nolle Tel. Mela 8vny. IBdht IBB Blxta. TOPFR'S PIANO STl'DIO. 88 E. Conch Half rates ror a hie ma term, rnone s;asi. a-u. LF.8BONR !WV: gultnr, banto, rnnndollll, vMIn: tnttrnmenle fir sale. 2l',v llr.t it . p ear Mela. tdra. Martin, t -HAY AND-GRAJN.- COOPER CO. Potatoee. feed , 12 Unlea are. Phone Esst I61T. INSURANCE. PasW4eeeaajspnbjBrmasaea ISA AO U WHITB. fire tnearaaea. ' 800 Dekeja JA87 Wcf. WOOD, employers' liability and In dividual eactdent boa da ef ' all blade. Phono 47. 80S McKay bldg. H. F. BARTELS COMPANY Fire fnearsnee. 442 Sherlock bldg. Ores on Pbooe Mela 8418. LOCKSMITH. 1 I. H t RICHARDBON.-locktmtg- and repairing. UT nnrnshie.- Psclle IQBX. - MACHINERY. TH H. g llBHtw.-aeeond head 1 Bawnllle, sW. 848 flraad are. HMkMMwrV I - HIPPELX- MYKRa,-BMeekhilate aad elee- arleUeet-eleetrle etc ra tore, eleetrlcsl nmchnv cry and. gasoline englnee a eperlslty. 224 Oak et. Phooe Mela 1820. CENTENNIAL IRON A STEEL WORKS, ma- rlne and stationary gasoline ssrlna rx aorta; aU kinds machinery repaired. 2H6 Ulleea at BOAT engines, gasoline, Sheffield marine; any apeed; Beet msde; rlaht.,peleer'ta,atock: on ethlbltlon; rannlog"ti ssleenm. Cell First and Stark ata. . Fslrbsnke. Morse Co. MONEY TO LOAN, X0UB FBIENDS CAM TBLL TOO ' That we treet patrona fair and liberally, and If yoa want aieney yoa caa get It lid Jo 8100 oa your salary without delay ar puoucuy. We giva yoa tha eaah. all you ttk for. la one lump, nod tba tmtU amount required each pay day to pay off tha Van will acarcely "be noticed. ' If la need of money do not -hesitate ta call for a confidential talk; we meke no em barrassing Inquiries; require no Indoeser or . refereneo to friend.: treat yon courteously whether you borrow or not . It will pay yoa to get tha money yea need from ae 00 tba payment plaaULt coeta yen lees .and gore yoa out of debt. ypen vTeaneauay and Bataraay untu e p. m. fRTTON CREDIT CO 813 fifth floor net. Rlda., Cornet Third aad Washingtoa streets. HEADOUARTERB FOR BALART LOANS: -dXS-S Mohswk bldg .. ear. Morrison and ThtraV Ldlaa ae Gentleman No PntUclty. TT yoa borrOW IT roa Borrow If yoa borrow rr yva Perro enenei ; Mtrii19 B.larv Losna. w. TUB rt.triNT taim or dtBAV Mohewk bldg,. core Morrtaoa aad Third. MONET TO LOAN 0a ' Improved city ' property or . fop building wltb BeAVfleco ta repty sll or pert of lose p-rywe, ror rrom a to jo years- time, from nlana and money advanced aa Building peogretsss; enmej- itcen up and replseeq. FRED H. STRONG. FtnsacUl Agent . - t8 Bterk st' , . : THB STAR XOAN CO, Say aalerled employe, wage-eeraer, eaa get ea his aote, wltboat mortgage Month. H Month. Week. Repsr t aa $13 88 ar $8 6 or 33 38 $28 00 Repay to Be $ S 86 or $3 Ml or 81.83 $16.00 Repay to na $ 4.00 or $2.00 ar $1.00 , . -ok, McKay bldg. '-' -(r MONET to. loss oa rest personal and collateral aeeurlty; epeelsl attention to ebsttsl. more, gsgee; Betas' bourht. 0. W. Pallet S04-S Fentoa bldg.. 84 Sixth at' HIGHLY reepeetsble . piece where lsdlee and geuta caa borrow asoney on diamonds and Jewelry. Col lut eral Loan Punk. 2 Wsak- ingna at Phone Block Tl. MONEY to loan an dacksmss eoontr laade. B. F. aad F. B. Riley. S08 Cheaber of Coat- LOWBST rerea on fnrnlfure end ptanna. Past, ara Loea Co.. 440 Sherlock bldg. Clay 828. TO LOAN Snma to eutt on chattel seeurity. B, A. Freme, 614 the kfarqnam. . PBITATE atoney for private loan, oa realty, - aad T per cent. T tn Journal. vt MONEY TO LOAN kinds of aeeurlty. William Holl. asbtngton building. COLUMBIA LIFE TBC8T CO., Sixth floor Concord bldr.. 2nd end Stark ata. Money to loan on ctty property. CONFIDENTIAL kane on aalariea. Inenreaea pnltotaa,' pianos, furniture, warehouse re ceipts, etc.: any deserving r via may eeeure a liberal advance, repaying by aaay weekly or monthly Installments. 1 NEW IRA LOAN TBUST COMPANY, SOB A hi ng ton bldg. 1.M0NET ADYANCED SALA BUD -EBOPLB Aad others upon their own namea without cheapest ratea. eestsst payments: offices in 68 principal clttee; save yourself money by retting our terma drat T0LMAN, S2S Abtngtoa bldg.. 108H Third at. WILL LOAN SS.OOO or leas. $ per cent reel eetsto eeeoTlty. Farrlngton, $18 Chamber of Commereoi OSTEOPATHS. TJitBACIX 4N0RTHRUP, 415-18 IT Dekam bldg Third end-"Wtthlnrloa tin. PhOb - Main 84. Bftmlnstlone free. DR8. OTIS MABEL AKIN, 408-4 Maeleey bldg. City T7B. Hae. m. 8161. coneuiutloa rree. THB very beet lady osteopath In town. - Dr. L. 0. abnsen. suite IS. Selllng.Horseh bldg. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH CO. Tbe Pioneer Print Ce. wlndow-glasa and - (laxta(. .. ISS First at Phone 1884, '- '. - . ERNRBT MILLER CO., Second aad Taylor Will paper, paint oil nt atarkst prieeet tree delivery. PLUMBERS. DONNERRERIT BADEMACHEB. sanitary pumbere.- 84 rearth at. awta POX Si CO, sanitary phimoeee. 281 Second, bet Mela aad Salmon. Oregon Phone Mela Sool. FINN EG AN BROS. CO. 288 Third at. Phoaa Main 2600. Plumbers and heetlng eogijoere. PATENT LAWYERS. I. a WRIGHT, domeatle and fnrelga peteatei rnfrtngeeaent. esses. 804 Dckusl. - - PRINTING. ANDERBON sV DUNIW AY COMPANY, printing;. HthoaraPhtng. blank hooka. ruoaa Mem 11, M8 Alder et WELCH. DAVIS A CARBON Printing that rave the payer. Rooms 80S snd o4 Stenrnt hU- Rlxth and--Mt leeei. Fhoe -MeTO-447. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PROF. RINGI.FR'R Bchonl of Phftleel Culture; all brancties-nne Alder st.. ieer Stxrhi. PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOB1NO aala- afSelal photographic viewa of etpoaition, souvenir poeteertie, view .oooas. - 1 arcane reducad prlrra, ripntltiua BbMe, 34U Morrlsua at. RUBBER STAMPS. P.C. STAMP WORKS. 4B Alder St.. phone Mala T1Q: rubber atampa,, stencils, bsgrags, trsde checks; send f"t eetaloxus No. 2d. SAFES. wall H r-j $nirU''i: N'irtiin tfc Hw-kj inrtt Ar-ny. e f rr-$j. 1rklw din K. s ' ,4 . ! only -the I 820 yea pay back 81. na a wsea. 628 von in. back 61 88 a wseh. 8V) yoa pay back tt.on a week. w BIB yoa pay beck 62 S3 wees.. Vt you Borrow VRO yea pay hark $3.00 a wea. 'eyeMBes enenended In eeee of. sick asst. bt. . i IV ROQFIlia X1K HMriNa. rriftwtrvtr. rr-irt tin 4 ir..wvii nag. sj unmit. dH eltirivrv m .,., - ''' 1 1 -.rrT MTsr; - STREET PAVING. WARREN Ceoetrnetlon Co., etreet peving. etos. welke tod croMlLga T16 0rginUA biu. THB Barber Atphslt P. ring "Co. ef Pert U ad. Ofgeo M Wereeeter blh. SHOWCASES" SHOWCASES of every dveeriprtoai beak, bar i and store Stturee mede to order, tbe Latka Manufacturing Co.. Pertlend. "SECOND-HAND GOODSr COODB'S Furnltura House Hlgbeet pricee petal for Second .aad fur altera. SIS Siusud at ' Phono Psetfle 48S, - SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. - phono Pnciae- Tea Mskera- of aurglcst In, irrnmenn, anq aerormlty SOTUlneeeirsson Ivwl ind seTrsors shsrpened to pvrfeeltei PAINTERS. - khtAm iPfW ty.rtly.-- 9mtr Wmtmm Witt eT4-- Kwf$tt. ttHrBe' Kxehtw9 Sfl. " SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair.-dandruff rreeted: thampoa- Ing, manicuring, chiropody, faea warn, . alra, . B. F. Kyae. 164 Vourth. cor. Mortlaon, Room 82. Phone Periae 886. - .TYPEWRITERS. NEW t.VMwrttereA..AH xaakee: rented, told ted., repslred Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. letrl- TELEPHONES. THB only exclusive teWpbono boaao. B.-B. Electrlj A TeleDhooeJltaufsirtuln( aoat- ptny. 8J Klfth ti - TRANSFER AND HAULIN0. SAFER., pianos aad furniture moved, parked " -ready for shipping and skipped; an work ,' gaerenteed; large. S-etory brick, flre-proaf - warehouse for storage. Office 138 Fire tL C M. Oleea. Phone Main S4T. THB BAGG4COB a OMNIBUS TBAN8FBK CO.. , ror. Sixth aad Oah ata.! baggage cheekei from hotel or residence direct to destination; -peasonaeea" -tneeeafiek-iaostw mow end a a aeo at- depute. - Private Exchange SB, - CL O. PICK, office M First at., betweea SterS sooved end packed fr ahlpplng; comaaedleua brleh Sreeetiouee with. Mnanla - - - - . - . . ... . : . - OREGON TRANBTER'-CO..- T84 North Blxth. Phoae Mala S. Heavy htallng and atarage. POBT RPKCIAL DELIVBRY Na ice ion sc. t-Boaa Mala aoa. 0. W. LINES PRO.. 384 3d at Pnmttera - repalrtasj. reftnkthlng. pack log and snipping. ' IP Pen are going to move, ring ap Mala Sal. Union Transfer Co.: prompt and reliable furniture more re, 120H North Sixth. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, seep, J $1 per mouth.. Portland Laundry and Towel Bnppiy uo., Mnta snd Couch. Phono 410, UNDERWEAR. CK WOOD'S all.wool kill nihnu, 1. let. natural rrsv. eemel hale ea aklt.-M.iU. from pure unadulterated etocke. Is the beet; r eaa your aeaiera for It; was swsrded the gold metlal Lewie snd Clark exposition.- FINANCIAL. OECURITT SATUrOB aWTBVST OOMPAHT -J" mwtiw. rertiana. wregeeu Iraasnets a Oeneral Banking Shialasaat ... 8ATIX0S DEPgbRTMENT Iatervet Allowed aa Tlme'sna 8ariore Dspeslta. - Acta aa Trustee for Eat a tee. Drafta and Letters of Credit Available la U ...rria th' vVorW., .. 0. F. ADAMS.-.. Provident' i i- w'S-e-....,. int Tlee-Preeldeot J- U afjrr.I.B ...Second Tloa-Prealdent J- 0-v JCBITX... Berretsry 0- F. RUSSBLL Asstetaat Secretary THX BAVX OF CALIFORNIA. 't (RitahU.hed 18S4.I ' c ... r 0,8c. u FreBcteoa, Cel. - Capital paid ap ..64.rm.nnO 4 Surphia aad undivided proS(a..,,..$S.T70.l4S.3S - A Oeaeral Banking aad Riehaage ButlBoea - RAVtwna nrtitTirrMV i raneeevefl.. Intereot paid en time deposits. Accounts opened for same of $10 and upward. . Portlaad Branch Chamber at Commoreo hnlldlng. WM. A. MACRAE. . . v. .' . Ma Barer J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager FIRST NATIONAL BARK ' OF PORTLAND, 0REOOR" Paatgaatod Depository and Flnaaclal Agent ef , tha United States. FrM IllffflC 4 - a a", e a .TantTtfc BrfTT.f Ceahler ,.v. ay. nkwkIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD . Second Asei.tsnt Cashier.. B. F. STEVENS Lettera'ot Credit Issued AvslUble la Europe ' and the Eastern States. night Exchsnre and Telegraphic Traaefeva aeld on New York. Boetoe, Chicago, St. Louie. St Pool. Omaha. Baa Franclaeo and the principal pornre ta the Northwest Bight snd time bills drswa In some to salt on London. Parla. Berlin. Frank fort -eo-the Main. Hongkong. Yokohama. Cnpenbsrew. " Chrtatlsnls. Stockholm. St Petersburg. Mos. cow, . Zurich. Honolulu. Colleetlona Made ea Favortble Ternaa, . t-aYDB TTtTOlf . BAVXXR8. . t (Zatabltshsd tn 158 . Traneaet a Oeaeral Banktna Buatneea. Colled lone mede at all points pa favorable f,ettera of eeerilt Issued eve'bte ta Europe and all polnte In the Unttvd States. Right Exchange and Telerrepble Trans fere eold ea New York. Waahlngton. Chi care. It. Loo It. Denver. Omaha, Saa Fran ri tee ' aad Montana aad British Cols in Ma, . Eirbange eold oa London. Paris, Bertie, FY. nk fort. Bengkaag. Totehasaa. Maatia ssd Honolulu. . . . PORTLAND TRUST COMPART OF ORXOaT. -The Oldeet Trust Company ha Oregon. "' RttaOLBCM OVER ll.400.0OQ. ; ., Oenersl banking.' Bxehango ea sTI parts ef ... ... in. oariore sconoore. 1 1 aim i.i i ' e- eetee. 8 to 4 per cent: abort -call special aertlaW Mlu tUA a,, . , . . - t" - ier vrer. aa v per arm. ten ror -book of "ILLUSTRATIONS. -: Soatbesst Corner Third eed Oah ata. Mini., i. t'tiHBH..,., ,. rrc.tival H. L. PITTOCK ' R I.. n 1 li a. . J. 0. OOLTBA. ... - " ro'.r. ..... .. .Aaelatant Beevotery Tax M0RT0A0E eTAANTFE . - TRUST COMPART BANT. Stoeka, ytonds and Mortgac-a Bongkt and aula. laUreet Paid oa Time Sepoelte. Capital. $IOO.Ou0.oa O. W. Witerbury... ............ .....Preeloeal C. W. Miller TleePreotdeo C B. Crement...,, ..Pern tar 'as- xympie, seventh and Ktail , Btreeta, i-noao Matn loe, - MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. - .-- y PORTLAND, 0RIO0N. J. FRANK WATSON .. Prneldent R. L. DURHAM Vice-President . H. W. HOYT , Cashier OEOR0R W. H0TT. Assistant Cttbler Traaaaets a weaeval Banking ustneea. Drafta aad Letters nf Tedlt Tatned A liable"" to All Parte of the World. Collrrtlona a Specialty. y SITED STATES NATIONAL B AfB , . 1 OF PORTLAND. OREOOlf ORTTTWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK STS. , Traoeaota a Oenersi Ranking Buattitt,,, a'... DRAKTaV IS8LRD y Available tn All Cities ,f the United States - .and Kerope. Hoogktia aad Mtalla. , ; COLLXCTI0KS MADE 0B J4V0RART.ETFRN8. President ... ........1. C.IWOHT'I Vlce-J'realdcat Ceehlen Aaai.tant Cttbler, Aaattrant Ctahler.,,. ,.,.R. 184. ""1. ...,R. W. li-HMrfj .J... A. f. A. HOLT M ORRIS BB08. . . 118 rirst St.. Feetlaaa. or. Offer Ollt-Fdee tnveatowo't tn V -' J?sl Bad Rallresd bond.. v t COLUMBIA Oas ' loch e.perte: t opened and ra A . - 1 r C i