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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURlUU PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVJSiauG. "UAKCH- 12 99 . -St.. AT J-.-. irw 1,, , ... y Eatrd at tbe potof rtr et Portland, OrnfolL fut InwiurUUMi UmNl the Mill Mauaa- lituo lor single eeplea: For a 6. 18 or 18- Eage pa"'. 1 t,u: w " !"( own; I 4 "pas ;-(,- Editorial Boon. ""if?!? EX n, i tobeiob ADTZETiBiJia MPEEiEBTATrri, VmUndBeiLialuia BoecUl Advertising Agency ... UU Anannu alxnsL. A link; XlUMlM tUU 5 lug, tkiijago 1 r J inicunioi jutes. . T hy--inrtM : The Dally Jouxiuai, wit SuimU, 1 1l lil Journal. 1 year.' 5.00 Ibt tally Journal. with Siaday,- Ikav- Th Daily JuoraaU nnlthunaiip.'s athe. 1.P6 ThH Ika Illr iniuilbj :--":k ... - lue i'aiiy ivnnii,".HwT lu I ' a 1 1 J , yi a,..a, - ..... . . eluded tl- i,.nf , delivered, Sunday J- i aeutAid, - . . . ... ajl" -.-'.- .. ajv. kn Mail . ". Tbe Dally Journal, with annaey, 1 e.,.eT.0 '1ki Dally Journal, 1 aar .. " 1M Dailr Journal, wit Sunday. 0 aseatha. 3.73 -a : V 'm: 'io turn viii 4iwni, w. , ,l( ' Tb K.ll Joaraal, wlta uadaj', 1 owath. . . a ha I'all Juurual, 1 BioaU .: . Tha 8il0a Jouruil, 1 jaur. . f-V? 1 XLa fiuualay Juuraal,"' laontlia.". '.'.TtrmT" Taa Safai-Waaal' JaanaU . Iba SaBil-Waaklr ral, t L f aauk taaua, Ul nauaud. luU Barkat , twte., aipreaa acdara and aai.ll J""" " ' i aoaapUba. U 1 a4 -CWt PM rjS-i. P a. Wai 1L Portland. Ornua. Tha Jouraal caa tM tuoaa a ' fulkjwlna plan: - . M - iiolHEr&iriv H. BUr Co. I ff.-U.-Ua- .IBM. 1 . . ' I J. ' - -?BIC10b I'oatoUlca kawa coapaa. DSNVEH ttaraalaw Broa.. CaWa Depot mawi KANsi fT-marioi5 I"I'r uawapapar wacoav . Uhl ANUKLM B. B. Am. aawaaapaf vaiotv, BarL sawaDaDar waaoa.- ' SMtAPOUS al. . ataianf . awoia i ' Third atrawtf 1 . ' . RBW YORK CITT BraoUno'a, Calom aqaare; Arthur HotaUn. mawapapw- waaoa. on a H a Millard Hotal itw ataudj Maraatk KtaUoaarr eompaay, ISO raraaa aUaaU OODfc.N Depot mwi ataad. . . ALT tAKB CITY Keuyoa Hotal awa ataad; H-Trr ". WMt awoad atrwcawith; Mri. Lav In. Bwapap aracua. . ' l . w nil-AH VI VI A mna .MM WIML RAM rltANCioOO 1 TV at. araiagi r i Ooldamlth Mroa., 83 Bunt atrrat ana bj. Fraacta total; Poatar Oraar. farry Mid. lug; K. 'aeaUay, Bawapapar. wafoa. Markat aad Kearaar. . BEATTLB Rata! Grand Mt ataadl A, B. aicBraon, Hotal Baattla aawa ataad. ' IT. LOUIS Phillip Hodr, .did Loeuat atraat; . B. T. Jatt. u OUta " atraat; Corf U -;-r-alOKAl Johm W. Orabaaj Co. TACOUA Central Nawe company. Batal Ta ... euma .bctt atand;, Aetna newu company, imiiiff mrtm . I.CTORIA. B. C Tlctorla Book SUtloB. ry ooaopahy. WEATHER REPORT. Tha etona whirk tnada Ita appaaranea cater. day off the Waahlngton eoaat la adraaelnc ak.wly Inlaod and It proTee te be of dreat . iiiairDttnde, Htora ararnlDirai ware ordered dla- - played at 10: BO a. m. yeaterday at all eeaporta alon(" the eoaat from Cape Flattery to Cooa , Ray. Moderately heavy ralna hare fallen In areatern Oraayoa, areatera Waahlaajtoa and ' northern California and the temperatarea bare .Ulaen (eneraJiy aa tha raelflc a lope. . A aiajt--,an wind -aeloetty - at - to rtlea,-aonthaat. oirrurred laat night at flaeramento, and the rrpnrta from North Bead and Kureka ara tnlaalog. i. " .' - . The weatern atorm la now cantral oyer Win. -'Tmlu ' and" It haj aWed faeaay ralna In tha - Mleaiaalipl all-y and tha Atlantis atatea, with niuca hlhe teaipM-atur. The aortbwaatera bl(h preaaura area, with. Ita attendant eool " " wratber, la koelnf enemy, nolwlthatandlng '- which tha tempera turea here (alien decidedly " In Iowa, , MUaourL . Arkanaaa and eaatara - -. Texaa.' - ' " .... The condition are favorable for general ralna " in thia dlatrtet during the next BS houra. with julld temperatarea. A moderately aoutharly gala will prevail along the eoaat and blgh, guaty braeaea may be expected eaat of the Caacad Uonntalna. ' ' ' utserrationa takes at a. m., PaelAe time: Temp. ' Stations . Max. Win. Prod p. " Baker City, Oregon. 8 , ; : -0 Boaton, Maaaaebuaett....-. M . ; .0 Chicago, Illlnola.: .44 M .84 ai 5ir, Mlaaorl..".t ' .W .. Ut Angelea. California..... 64 4 , .0 , Kew Urleana, Lonlalana.... 7 64 .10 New York. New York...... 40 V 4 . , . .01 . . Portland, Oregon. ......... 4d 44 : .60 ' Roaebnrg, - Oregon. M -44 .10 Ht. Lonla, Mlaaourt M - 4 . .14 ' Baa Praaelaeo, California.. M . 4 , .04 Hpokana, Waahlngton 4 , . . SO .0 Taeotua, Wiahlngtoa.. 6J 44 08 'Walla Walla. Waahlngton.. 64 . 1 44 ....J . .Waahlngton. D. 0 62 .12 MARRIAGE LICENSES. . ' DuK NuaUlaaaa. 94; Beaala Bremer. It. Jeremiah gialta. 40; jtabeeea B. Alkena. . P. H: Montgomery, Oregon City, 80; Varna WKBubt. ; fcll.tb.tli $0. Charlaa L. Kennedy. 4 Elva Chrlatlaa. 44. a j. R. Ravla. 27 y Ida L. Ray. M. . I a. Hnlllnarawbrth. llr lmni Coo: raajrra juw, Mlaa Bertha Marti a, room SIS Allaky bldg. Btamplng and fine aaedlearorh; leeaona gleea. BIRTHS. MERRICK Pebrnary l. ta Mr. and Mr. O. a Merrick, 204 Occident etreet, t daughter. " MUXEA rebrnary 87, to Mr. and Mr. W. J. Mllletv at Ltnatan. Oregon. aoa. GATEM Pebroar 2, to Mr. and Mra. C- X. "Tiatea. 1180 Oladatone atreet, a aoa. TIN WALL Pebruary 23, to Mr. and- Mr. , " . Wallace Tlndall, lOKT Dana atraat, a daogh- ' : tnwER- Pebrnary , to Mr. and Mr. JV . Iiaaer. Txo Union ayeoD. aon. T-MII.I.EB February 23, to Mr. and Mra. Antoa Miller, of Fremont, Oregon, a daughter. ' ERAENICh: Pebrnary 16. t"Mr. and Mra. at. Kraenli k, V2 Clinton atreet. a daughter. ' eOKKNNKN February 12. to Mr. and Mra. An :.Jtrai. Boreaaen. fiSM Bait Twanty-flrat atraat, QARUBCIIT Pebrnary , to ,Wr.' an Mra. T-r " Oeorge Oarrecbt. ZJ& Tnllmaa avenue, a aon. TB8T F'hrnary 27, to Mr. and Mra. Kdwht Teat. 6K7 Eaet HlTteenth atreet. a aon. rrrtrit: February -to Mr.- and Mra. EfWr Orden. of Crelrbton, Oregon! a daughter. - APPLBUATB February 1. to Mr. and Mr. : Charlea A. Appleyata, of Portland, a aon. ; UMITH February 25. to Mr. and Mra. W.- T. ; aimth. of Brooka. Oregon. daurhter. , ROBKRTH Pehruary 1. to Mr. and Mr. Beth .. 8 . Roberta, -715 Johnaon atreet; a aon. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. BAnVAIN-i-Marfh 1. -Kelma Banvaln, 64S Eaat . Tarenty-flret atreet. meeale. - I ABHtJTr-Mareh S. Maater Aahley,, 1M Beat falftnth atreet. etilckptiooz. f "fcoorn March 2. Mra. W, n. Bth, ST Eaat Twrrty.fiorth atreet, typnol4 fever. UNDERTAKERS. - Edward Holman a Co.. tha leadlne rnt t dlreetora, have the doret eatabllahmeat, the ..i Swat aooda. tha Aoat vehicle, a ad the- meat reaannable pvAre. Pine brnedrlothoverrd ;s;.--rualrta, 4nd 30j The daaet ainil goortr made. Troa iiz to ro rariora Kn and - 2V2 ' Third - street, Coraar Balmoa, Pert la ad. I. P. Plnley Son. faaeral dlreerors and Office of county coroner, Tslepeaea Mala i, . Duantne. McEnte A Gtlhanab. anneees aad embelseral aaodera la ovary detail. Seraath ana lie. Mala . Lady asBlstaat. - A. B andertaker aad a-aha Inane. Bast Thlrti East 4731. at ad LasatiUa-av. Phea Clark Btea for Sewers. 28 Matrtsoa street BITEITIXW CSMITIBT. . Single rrarea I0. Family kts 178 to 81.000, The only enmeterf ib r-orriano waiea per etawlly mlatatn sad rare tVa lot. Per fan tafia-mattoa apply to W. It. Mackemrls. We ester black,, city. M. Ladd. ureal nL . .DEATHS. JONES Match 1, Ebuloa Jon, ad M rr. of Kara Park, nim, senility. Burial at tllalnn Wlaahlna-tAn BKMTBON-fMsrch 2. CUmm Benltroa." seed LMItyiJ-alli . Fjit .Sal I heir f-lHir.; burial at u i.i . . i M.LBWOIITH Mor-h 1, Lucre! la K. Klleworth, i nan mi nam, tin hi heart failure. -Burial at irlnr. ir'nn.. . SMITH March 1 1WU6, Mr, c'aeet ouilth. wlfe of -Jon Tiuiltl at her-lata raaMcnc on Ninth .atraat. runeral notlr later. ' FUNERAL N0TI AITCUIHtiN In thla .otty, rch 1 ivod, at the reoldaoca of bra .jaMrriC. B. Altrblaon. of feWT Waacw fW anil 'it ol'iPr'le"ulaoa """"luaJiilanwa ere- renctfuliy -Invited -u at- tw iiiDvrai vrmrra. Hullo will na oeia ' fi'-.V-8 fb"1 rraldi'i at 3, U. Mh uarin 4. lulrrlutul ttlverrlcar ceiuetorr.. BENITE Air March 2. 1906, Cltuneot Benltean, ,.AJ TABIjtnflrT M. J R'lltoiinr-MI li ' Halmon at. -Njntermenr It Xuna Plr cemetery auouar. atarce . ' h REALr ESTATBTRAiremERSr a H. Crhipen. and wife to Alexander Prlca, lot 6. block lid Clover dale .- tenalon .. ...- "260 a. uorau te a. -w.. wi. aad d In auuth W douhu block J. efty r... ... .. . . SAono J. T. Vlckaea and wife to Patrick. Mar- . rla. lot 14. block ad. ,iinud ' erw) William DonloB and wife to Ueorre 8. -Allen, lota 14 and 111. hlncn SB A fhlna 4HI D. M, fimlth and w.lf. to H. 11, Brown, lot 11. Browne addition . 200 A. 0. Pike and wife to Pauline Ouild. lot 4 lu aouth U doable block Q. dir. 10.000 aa. a., tunutrom aud nuabana to J. r. Touncferdiarf. nana Iota 1 aad 2. block 13. Veurer'a aililllluo--. ' 6M 8. Brombergcr md artfe to 8. TJ. Cornell, iVa rwa.r' 'lUnf oH. W. Srott, lota's'aad' juA.-rra.1 iv, unrn aoaiuoa J. H. Flak to June Land company, aouth eaat V block 42, Wheeler a addition, r . n . i . , in. am. .wuaaa ,w rne amoant . V. Baealey and wife to P. i. leenwarvWTOttoiM,''ba' Ota a ana a, Dior b, -of auouiviaioB -lots , 7, , tract D, Smith' add,- " tioa ..... BOO K. A. Porbea to Jane Forbes, eaat - lot 20. block 2, Albln , I 0. W. Roes and wife to Mra. Clara P. . Wtal. lot . block 1 Orohard Homea. ' 10 Q, W. Bobeetaad wife te V. L. Hue tee aud wife, loU 11, la, 10 17, block I. Woodlawn 1,800 k N. kam ad wife ta H.... r lam I, m i kaaeh h Haallaa adall Beat Portland 2,600 I. McCrakrn eoowanr to I. B. Stage. Kit X "biocrirBerriBkTSTPtH ;.T SSS aiarsaati and fiuaptnq to Bingham, lot I, block 16, Carathar' ad' onion The King Estate to Fred N. Belcher,' beginning outh line Johnaon sear eoutbwest corner Twenty-fourth and - Johnaon. weat 72.92 feet to Inter. - tlon aouth line Johnaon; thence aouth east 116.61 and eaat 1S.03 feet; thence " netth 100 feet to place of beginning .. H. Jonat et aL to Hi Y. Ulchardaen, lot . block . 82, Stephens' addillon. - Kaat PortUad B. B. June and wife to D. H. Btrow. bridge, lot , block .126, HolUday' addillon ,k Ibex- Lead eomnanv to H. Janlck. loo 10 J.i50 100 faet commencing weat Hne tlS teet"1" rmaa Mflhmt Mmrnee block P. Caruth ara' addition 2.000 Charlea 011 more to, MT Olaon, lot 1, block 14, Klnael Park 1 ......v... i. ...... . -Li. - - I I n 1 164 vr. n. cilia ana vrii tii aAaiiaiti a win., . loU 1. 2. blaet T. Highland , 4T5 George E. Blugham to A. M. Bingham, all north 80 fet lot A. B and N, AO - feet of weat 10 feet lota 0 and D. all In aubdlvlaloa lot 1, block 4, Portland ' Homestead --. B, Belling and wife to B. J. Rcott. lots 11 and 12. block 0. Laurelwood Park.. Job a P, WMaoa and wife to A. U Hill. - u kt I. Mack Holladar'a ISO addition '. . M fU PrBrw et el. to B. B. Lemaoa et c 1 ftrnat. AWiuth 14 lot Z. BUiV "OOr tS . ' Vilot (, block 26. elty 27,000 A. Catlln aud wife to Annie Power et aL. lota B7 and 88, block 14. Alhlna .... 1,250 a n i.maA. mt ml. to K. J. Clemens. ' lots 1 and 2. block 1. VflU Heights.. 1,800 J. A. Donglaa and wife to Marie V, Black, north lot 11, block U, Kara t Park ....... - 2S0 t. 8. KIlebeT and; wife to Anrerlcan In- . veetment company, tou iu w , nui- view , laveatment company to P. B. Wiggins, lot S. block IS, Piedmont P. Schmser and wife to L. H. Roaalter, lot 4, block . .Schmeer'a addition.. American Inveatment company t JohB 100 830 400 D. Hewitt, block P, ureenway .... ..j ,j Jobs D. Hewitt and wife to Thomaa I.---' H.W1U. lot JjBd.4J)lck JjJlont- gomery rara -v William P. Parr and wife to George W. , , i Force, lot 8, block L, Portsmouth VI1U . Extenalon 12B Point View Beal Estats company to. i David Kurath, lota 81 to 86. lncluatve. ; ' block 81, Point View WO Attala A. Buchanan and husband to , Charles A, Bow, lot 8, Buchanan' ad. ' aitiim .;T.T.....r....-:.-n.. ri TOO Inr De Leshmott to Victor Lend rom- any. lot 1. block 12, subdlvlalon P. J. artln Tract ... " Portland Trust company to Mabel W. . . I BaMal I VlliaRxteneioa 180 I, p. Menefe et si. to inea Anneti, aat SO feet lot 16. blocK'20. Alhlaa... f. B. Oonnlff and wlf ta H. C. De. Toung. lot 11 and 12. block 14,. North - Irvlngton .' . London San Pranclaeo Bank, ItdJo G. Howard Tbomt'eon. lota I T - to-12. Mi'k-28.' and sundry other lota. Pnltoa Park . fjeorr 1. Bwdgett -- to Warren B. Thomas, . lota V 6, , 8. "block , 212. 1.408 BOO rAuch addition v. 16,000 to r. K Plafk. 10 a. 5, townahlp 1 aouth. range 4 eaat.. J. 0. Alnsworth.1 trustee, to M. C. Cbamhera et al.. kta Iff aad 18, block 16, Eaat Portland Helghte Margaret Ma her tov P. Purhs. west V, lot 8. block 86. Conch addition ...... J. Carroll and wffe to B. A. Preston, lota 6 and 0, block 40, Eaat Portland. 8.000 " Get year Inanranr aad aba tracts to real es tate from th Title Gaarsntee A Trust compaay, 240 Waahlnsitoa etreet. corner. Seeond. NOTICE.. STATB of Oregon.-Connty of Multnomah, aa. Notice la hereby given that aiimdementary article -of Incorporation of Central Saab floor Agency have tbhfday been filed with the aecretary of stste inr iu i" v. b-fh. -.for the parpnae of amending article I of sld articles' nf Incorporatloa a 'that tha aam -ball rd aa follows: ARTICLE I - Th name amuroed by tnla eorporation, and by which It aha 11 ba known, Is Central Poo, Lumber Compsny f p - v J. C. ORIPPPR7 ; . 'UN PARKS '" Director of Central Saah Door Agency. "' Pebrnary -IT. 106. ----- - - EmpldyFThls: Boy t . . - HIRE'S THB- MOST-AMBmOUS - B0T THAT EVER CAME TO PORT- - " LAND, ' AND '( . :; 1 ( '-' , . , :. A JOTONittf Ad Will "THOSE WHO tJBS THIS TERT INEX-- UCO- V 1BELP ALWATB HATB THB BEST" ' HEI-P. THB CARD IN Y0UB.WINV DOW STATING "BOX WANTED, USUALLY BRINGS IN THB VERY " KIND T0U DON'T W ANT. THB ONES WHO ARB T.'XOAFINO : AROUND."' TRY " THB - JOURNAL " KIND, THB ONES WHO USB AND "'.-"y...-. r. RcadrtbeT NOTICE7- NOTI0B af nubile aal of tb francblaaa aod property of tb Oregon Traction company. V i i. imi.v .1... t h. I I Ixm atochtaolder af tha Oregoa Tracthai eonipany hav adopted Mruimu unrnornoug Trno uiiaitiu eoluiloa of Hi aald corporatloa aad tha dla-i poaltloa of all Ita property. , , I'UI ja.ia I. 1J II ' v- rtun of the hoard of directum authorUlu and dlrectlug lite eale of all of the property be- tiMivtn ,n miainin, 1 Will. " at tha DOUT of 10 o'rkK'k a. m- on Thuraday. the 16t kyof March, lleJ. t Jhe rrooi utxjr ... i the countv euurtbouae. In the city or ron- "land. Multnomah county, Oreguu, offer at nubile uk. ia tha hlalieat bidder for caaU. 't tli franchlaee, roadbed, track, right f way and eontracta for rlglit of way, togetner wn all aaiAoa. mronimm. ufriro flAlurea add rurni- by aald eornoratlua. Tha aald prajrfjrty .111 bo aul.t In hulk .art u aa euttrety The aald fraachlaea of aald ouwpaay -a A A-,LM . ., 1. In., fh COBBtrUCtlOn l a railway line throngh tba city of Hlllabore Mrf ..i.i ,h, to coaatruct railway on and -over certarn street in - tlial .riiy oi roreat urore. waeuinin "-";' Ore era, and a franchise granted by tlte elty of Piu-tland. Or., by ordinance No. 14,4. ' titled. "An ordlnanr granting to th Oregoa Traction company. Ita aucceaeor and resign- ' tllA rih tM Ai,lmr4 lav ftfaaO. maintain BU4 -aperete rallwaye aad poles aad wlrea aud uu-1 tiergrwind eoodulta la the eiiy o Or." lApproved by tha mayor of aald eltf hath day of J.prll,.J08.) .. is constructed track belunglniT to' ia - eompaay eoeaUta about -.a0 -leexoi . double track- laid oa Twelfth street, la the clly of Portland, Or between BuruaMs aad Overton atreeta, la aald -city,- and 230 feet - of douhl trsek -oa Pettygeev -atreot b tweea Thirteenth knd Fourteenth street. 1 " said elty. and three croaalnga. en Mlxteenlh. ' Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth atreeta. at tb Intersection, of Pettygrove- atraat. The map; and profiles referred to show tha anrvjy of tha projeeted-eleetele aUway Una -nfj-tbe company from the city of Porflaad, Or., to Uie city e roreat Orov. Or. - . For full Information aa to all P"!,20, tba company, re at th of flea of the cosipany.-room 62, Union block, city of Port land, Or. Tha aald eorporatloB I now ' Indebted 1 a nour th ram or :in.ij. ut aaio -1 . ths amoant of M.IWW la dn th Oevmania Kettonat haWttfrmn Pranclaeo. - Cel.. for which $100,000 par value la amoant of tba bonda'ot tha company eeenred by a njortgag or deed of treat on all tha property of the company art deposited aa collateral and of which aald tola! amount about th sum of 814.700 Is aecured hy mechanics nens tha franchlae. roadbed and constructed .track of th eompsny In the elty of Portland, th remainder of aald lndebtedoeae being Bnaa- A.MA. - - - '. - " A-Tho-aald axpWrty-haU be o!4 to tha aighaaa aianas laa fr-'aaa iiiwa anan n t . i A.II -I. . A, aajanfAhlA Cl" 1 1 fled check, at or before 8 clock p. a. of mar day of sale, raiment to be made i the nnderelgned.'st th of fie of tb com pany. Union block. Portland. Or.' If the ' rra. .ee.rtn th hlo-heat ld for all ef aald property shall not pay tba entire pnr- I chase prlr by 8 'elocb p. aa.. of aald da T J or sale, toe person orrenng me e-o ini bid shall be entitled to th eonveync of aald property. If he ehatl pay the anUr anm bid by him ' before 4 a'eloek p. m. of l-y-aaalav-aa4-4f neltbe tlx said kuriieet or next highest bidder shsll pay oa aald day of aale th amount bid by blm, the directors of the company at their ritl-a may sell said property to any person bidding at aald aale who make fall payment oa the dav of aald aale of the anm bid by him. The rlaht to yelect ny and all blda 1 reeerved. '- By order of taa board of rMrsctors . . W. L. G0tJLT. ;. Secretary Oregoa Tract Ion Compaay. WE. th undersigned fnrnltar snd nltnn. mover, will -reonlr tbe . paymeat of all charge noon delivery of goods i ftr Ilecem- -bee 1, 1B06-, B. C. -tlca, C P. Harder. O P Hoaaev, Cosgrove Bros.. Portland Do. " livery Co.. Post Special Peliverv Co.. Peck age Delivery Co.. Holman -Traaafer Co., Northwestern Tranafee Co.. Oregon Auto Die a.a,.ai r John namotoa. Jamea McLlnden, Owen McLlnden. Pacific Tranafer Co., Oregoa Tranafee Co.. Portiano van nioxasa o., Wakema. Mors Transfer Co Eaat Side Transfer Co.. C. O. -Pick Tranafer Storage Co.. C. M. Olson. Raarsag Omnlbua Trail s - Co.. A. J. Murony., Kadderly .Tranafer Commlaaloii Co., J-ha A, Love. Andrew J. Murphy. P. M. Ireland, P. Millar. Pinch A Henderson. .- ..' r - NOTICE Messrs. Shea Kelly bar dlaoolred partnership aad fon "S. - ... , Pa aj, BHBA, i ' ' T. J. KELLT. WILL . not b reTonlble for oy Oebts con tracted by my wlf. iUignea, a. v. nmr ksmp. MEETING, NOTICES. ALBINA Lodg No. 101. A. P. and A. M. Stated communication thia .H,.MHAa-Y- eenln r a ..lenn Work ta'B. A. degree. Business -at Importance to be acted upon. Vis iting brethren cordially invited. -By order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN, Secretnry. . HELP ; WANTED MALE. JT, WANTED A man who thoroughly andentond the banking business; muat ba able to fnrnlab ' nnqueetlooabla referencee and give bond; a , good opening for tha right msa. F 28, car Juurnat t.Aac'M TAti.nn. . WANTED A rood antstmrnd Apply-rS.-McDoiigalI.-Blaia Clethinr .r Albany Oregon. PORTLAND Barber College Tuition res aon able aa any acnooi oa aueei. hm sAanuan-n $2.25 A DAY. PREB PARE I rire. ha 81 That's All. ' Krlckaon A Petterann, contractor oo th big Bnahe River )b from Rlarla, WaJng- ar a. at nts on th dsr: nothing lei than 22.28. and-want 400 teamsters, labor ers and rock and concrete men. HANSEN'S OFFICE, 26 NORTH SECOND ST. sc-sj mi, a ha l rrsesllna aaleemaa to repre sent aa oa the road, oa a commission. Hotal - A . Restaurant Supply Co.. 200 Second at. WANTEDA mas to real estate and labor agency, aa partner. 11 V North Fourth at. WANTED A bootblack ' Morrison at. for Bunday. 428M WANTED Experienced elevator boy at Hobart- . Cnrtuv-Jourteenta anq aieiiersoi I wivnrn TnntaMment .collector for march an e -' . t . .. A ,.!, and snenss. Ad dress Manufacturer. P. 0. Box 1027, Phila delphia, Pennsylvania, 1 - WANTED For United Stetee Army, able-bodied unmarried men" between age of 21 and 38,ettt- Sena of T'nlted BtStcs, of good merscxer and temperate bablta, who can speak, read nd write r.ngnea. appjt u fleer, Alnwortk Jhlk.jJblrdandOakatB.j Portlamfc Oregon, : 2- WANTED Man and wlf to go oa ranch near Portland: aalary or stares; must oe iruet .u .-a MmMiMt. fall after 6 b. Dl. oe addreaa 871 Eaat OUaan. Phone Scott .'. 448 - '. - - ,- ' -' WANTEar Good harneeamaker. Addreaa P. B. Stravene, Colfax. Waahlngton. GOO Deheetneker wented- with aeme money-te tnveet. 2 Burnaioe at. WANTED Salemr-a of ability with amall cap ital to take exclualva -agency for Underwear nd eeanile hosiery; .commission; Oregon ; end Wsshiiigtptt territory.. Ad area Manager, ' SJ I Commercial blk., Portland. RED CROSS atanda for relief In aento. -Chronic and malignant diseases; rail or write. Bed Croae IMaprnaary. Third nd Ah f. HELl? WANTED FEMALE." HANSEN'S LADIES AOfcNCY. 84IU Was log ton at., eor Seventh,- a pet sirs. - Phoae Mala IflUl rsmsia neip waaia. - asgswTth Vulitii enarsetle wbmsa to en n pa ay retaeiaaas, appiy room 23 Lewi building. nrif'Tirt t. aava time and money by learning bow to make your sera at Keleter' ,i . 1 , - V. - L.1 .1 .lu. OAB If Inai! CVII.I., Alail U'.l - wwaw. . booklet tree; patterns cut to measure. WANTED Lady experienced ta bualneaa to act aa aolldtor for Inveatment Droaerage com' - P ay. Apply at 64 Deknm bldg. city. WANTED Middle-aged lady for light bouae work. Apply 171 BUatoa St., Lower Alhlna. WAN'TBDFiret-claaa waltreeaea. . turtle, Pourteeath and Jefferson. Hobart- WANTED ldy to aew mattress. Pacific llnholatnrt Ca Mmmt ThWmV d Paetfs , MALE AND PEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and aupplled. mala or femala, B. G. Drake, too Wsshlngton at. Psclde 1370. ITU AT1QNS " WANTEDMAT JtAJlTFrt.-la onnrirtnti,!!! In. tska nn draught- ing of any klud. by young msu. g,oa ounce-1 tlon. some experience, Addreaa 0 38, Jourual. IjITCATlON wantedby hardwartll-rh 11 jMia- axperieuce; can manage, wiuoow. decorator, aignwrlter: wagee. . "Hardware." beat refernceae fair carol 'Journal. PRUNING and- other-tas 4328. Addreaa 478 V Beat aacouver av. 7G man dralres emplormeot7 where there -la a ensne roe aarancement; ornca wora Kef erred; knowledge of bookkeeping. 'ahort nd and typewrltlug; references. O 89, care 'Journal. ' . ' " '- WANTED B.T man f elty eiVerlenre . w1h - ,,,, miMr teams will do Inetoe work, t an np main ooo. WANTED Position aa cook In lumber or min ing -camp. - Aiaares s SA, cart euiArnnu IINDMCAPE 'gardener and" nurseryman wanta trivata wora. Aoareas Hartiuea, niii auao. "rout at. . - -' ' - - BTKAiDY. sober, middle-aged wnrklngmaa wanta murk-ot aay TaUiAO,XeAaaAlxt-WIei car Journsl. YOCNG man, 16 yssrs old. wants position, any line; aboe store preierreo. t Auarean same Fox. Early. Oreguu : A No. 1 BAKER bread and cake, oher man. Wanta work. Address, r att rare journai. FIR.T CLAS8 experienced ateaographer desires poaiiion; neat oi retersnces. s on, .iiwmi. WANTED Situation by expert mfllvrrlght; one who understands mining ana mm macninery of Jill kinds;-can give beet of relerence. P 40, ear Journal. POSITION aa regfatered drngglet; th beet i.f reference; no oojectioa to counirj; ts w, cars Journal. . . YOUNG maa would Uk to get situation around gentleman'a placet good aoraeaiaa ana gar dener; have experience. K 23, rare Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE EXPEI grapber' desire post- tlon; will aa owe xoernin, naming toa. Ad- dreaa O 80. care Journal. TJEHlfA .1 WIUIW. Bimillay 1p. ilea lies poeim.B aa housekeeper: good worker; conntry pre- .rl Addreaa CaKlllns RaSChk. ElOork House. 162 NuTth Sixth St., woutaTL HEALTHY young woman desire tb poaltloa or wet nurse. Addreaa r m. care journal. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agenta; eomethlni aewgool seller. big wagea. zua fctcnay oiag. - WE want relUble men In every town la Oregoa to ell alck aad accident Insnranee. Pacific Aid aaaoclatloa. 600 Dekam bldg. - PIRST-CLASSagenU la Portland and through atate: big ' wagea to ruatlers. 410 Pen ton, bldg. -y'- '. r - v - WANTED Responsible men and women to aell Bnyer'a Caah Bond; liberal eommtaetona. 810 Ablngtoa bldg. WANTED Energetic and competent- agents to represent ua la nil parte of tbe aorthweat; caah wek1y. CapltitCLty Nursery Co. AGENTS nd eanvsasera, city or conntry, want ad at once; 'good marginal young ladlee to take order. - Call today or svenlnga.-aoO 3d t. WANTED Lady agents, best paving article In the weet. - Inquire 820 .William ve., room 8... -. . . - - - MALE nnd female, aa solicitor! for .Investment brokerage company. Apyly at 804 Dekum " bldg. ' - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. O. AND 0. EMPLOYMENT AND BEAL ' ESTATB COMPANY. Rentals, loans, real estats and roomtng- ehonses: send orders by mall or telephone and wa win can; maw ana remaie neip rumiarwa free to employers. We buy and aell bnalnens chsneea of all kinds. J1H North Fourth at., cor. 4th and Buroslde. Telephone Msln 6155. THB Portland Employment Cow 200 M Morrleoa at. Phono Paclfle 238. - HANSEN'S EMPLOTMENT OPPICB. ' - - - FOE MEN. 1 26 N. Second at. ' Phone Mala 1628. SCANDINA YIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT - Co., 8 North Second, furnlahae all kinds em. ployment for mea and woman. Main 8068. BIO FOUR EMP. AOENCY Heln annulled free. 18 Norvv-econd at. Pbooa Main ivify SHERWOOD A BOYT. real eetate and employ. ment. male or remaie, 20SH Morriaoa. room 8. Phoae Mala 4782. AfNME-CltlNErrrirMin.flTMENT OFFICE. Henry Tahara." 267 Everett at. Phone Pa rifle 640. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. OOTTAOWS, , FLATS, ROOMING HOUSr.S, STORES, ETC. Oar rental department haa neaa enlarged - and provided with additional etaff. Wa-- Invito listing from LANDLORDS. ffer personal attentloa to and continuous eupervlaloo orer all property Intrusted to oar TtiWiW S. B. Cor.- Sd and Oak ate. Pbo Ex. ra. WANTED To rent ranch, from 6 to IB acres, Krt orchard; house and eutbulldlnga muat la good order. 688 Commercial at. WANT TO RENT furnished cottage. In or near St. Johna; good, ateady tenant; a tat location and price. P 27, car Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Home of 6 or 10 acre, near Port- land, near carline; an roe Improvement!; from 8tv) to 8no. - Y. - r.j ; Journal. IP you want to build, buy all your materlala at th American' Inn; yon will av 78 per rent f Bne dnorav window, plaster boards, rustle or aiding, flooring, stairs, timber and lumber. Phone owner, PaclBc 1076. WANTED To bur lot with bouse of B or 8 rooms: have 3100 caah; can pay 828 to 138 e monthly. O, 21, care Journal. WANTED .To buy lot on. easy term; give Iocs. tloa, pete an ami, . ag. care journal, WANT to boy a email cottage: caa pay 8100 . caah and 310 or 316 per month on balance; glv location and price. B 22. care Journal. WANTED To boy from owner, a lot on east aide; mnet be cheap. Addrea P 8ft, Journal. L WANTED MISCELLANEOUS , PAINTTNO, spraying and whltewsahlng tree, baeementa. baraa, dock a. etc.; largest gaaollne , spraying outfit oa th eoaat. M.-G: Morgan A Co., 8Z2 Colon ave. Phone East xolT, HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for furniture ta ' any quantity; 'sleo take aama on commlaetoa I and gnarantee beet result. Th Portland Auction Rooms. A. Sch0Dsclr.""1Hp 1t First . St. Pben Main 6638. YOUNG lady d eah-ee typewriting work to do . at borne evening, aoch aa eopylng letters, . addresatng envelope, wrappers or any kind af typewriting work; own a Underwood ma - chine. J 18. cata of JournaL . WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD . THINO. WESTERN SAfvVAflE CO., 627- 628 WASHlNOTDfi." PACIFIC TBS. I POSITIVELY guarantee you the beet trade price for household, hotel or restaurant fur- ' nlture; be ur to ennault no before dispos ing of your goods elsewhere: this beat fte.ll Ing by .auction. Address or call, Oks, er Gauld A Kline, S. W. cor. Front and Burn- " aide. Pbooe Main 807.-, -... . SPRAYING and pruning of fruit tree; whtle . waehlng of aocke and . boa menu. . L. . 8. Fouee. Srott 6608. WANTBD llorso, waroei , either, foe the grocery O 82. car Journal,., ' and karneaa. or business. Addrea WANTED Horse.- 1,200 to 1.4no fha.: must ho aonael. seat I and rhsaa.. P 83, Journal, WANTED MISCELLANttO"US 0. A O. EMPLOYMENT- A BEAL ESTATE CO. We aavr tba buyer and must have the property, real or personal. Writs or phone and we will call. Phone MaJS, Oaa-ilW ITrnrth at.Teor. Fourth and uurnsiae, PTTPNTftff y. :.EJ!JX THE GRAND, 4H "North Third at. ttooma foe gentlemen per erce anq . N K'KI.Y furnished room eloee In., weet aide, batb, gaa. phone, 83 per moats. Call North Thirteenth. . THr7-BW-TrEI,tay;H NORTH SIKTH BTt .. Elegantlr, furnished, steam heat sad hatha. aa. MICELY furnlahrd houaekeeplng-rooms; ' also alngle rooma. U5H Russell at.. McKay blk. nJwr " luVulsuedoiiiua; prices Reaousbls.',, tRONT room, aullahl for 1 or 2. very resaon- . 'able: private family. 103 North lOtb at. T11E BISMARCK. Fifth and Alder -eta. New and neatly furnlahsd rooms by day 'or week; excellent location; price reaaonanle;' free bath snd nhaiia. - - " : WANTED Roomer in privet family. 36 per , month. . Inqulr Boardmaa, - S36 Washing -tOa-at.;-. 1; L8L TWELFTH Fleant front room for geu tlcnian; modern, ceuliaL I'Uone Main 4302. FINELY Purniabed 3-room Sat. modern, toilet ana nam. a TBira St., south; no children; eefereneee exchanged.-- FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.78 PER WEEK Large, ' clean farnlahed Housekeeping rooms; laundry nnd bath. 184 Bknrmsn. South Portland. ' r THB- MITCHELL, Flanders - and - Seventh Kooma, housekeeping end . tranatent; con venleut; price reaaoaable. FOR BENT Furnished hooeekeeplng rooma la beet brick block - on eeet side; gaa rangea, bath, etc.; ao tranalente; price moderate. - Lrnraa blk., 10Atk Unkia av corner East - Alders Paoaa East 4624.. t THB ALBERTA For rent, nice light bouse i: keeping and sLogl rooms. 81-23 per week and I np. 211H Flrt t. . . 223 MAHKBT Fumtabed singl aad houaekeero r0nj-JL XuJeliauB!aJ8V NEATLY furnlahd hooaekeeplng and sleeping romiia. clone In. 31 up: bath. 86 Tenth at.. "Si. rooms, with ysrd. psrlor. Isnndry, bath, fur nace neat. xiuss Btantoo sc. tr earr LARGB, airy, unfurnished hooaekeeplng-rooma,- with free water and alectrle light, for rent at 1228 Eaat Taylor . ant) East Forty-Srst at. , 450 YAMHILL, near Twelfth Large well-fur- msnea uouaexwpirig-room, - nrt floor; - very desirable.' THREE unfumlahed housekeeping room. a30 atonigomery at. , 1 ALCOVE-ROOM, furnlahed for - light knuae- keeplngt clean, light, bath, phoaa, gas stoeo. 848 Clay t. - ' 'r -,, ' " 448 YAMHILL ST. Desirable furnlahed house. keening, good locality, also Bleeping rooma; ;S to 815 per month; gaa, phone, bash, etc. 4 ROOMS foe 38 per month, water Included. 417 Russell at." ' " ' ' ROOMS AND BOARD. BOARD and room for on or 'two: barb, bait, etc.; working persons preferred. 634 Eaat Morrison st. .... --i CAN- accommodate Taylor at . mora1 day boarder, 388 BOARD and room for gentlemen only: 317 per month. 814 Nloollaf at. WELL-FURNISHED front rooma, with board; . one suite suitable for 8 or 4 persona; rate " reasonable; modern convenience. .442 Jet feron,. - - FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt and ro ll a bl piano and furniture movers; also etor age Phone Mala 1686. Ofnce, 110 N. Third. TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANY , 243 STARK ST. - INSURANCE. - RENTALS. SEB LIST. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3-room cottage, rent 16; east aide. , Phone Eaat 3015. 115 T-roor bona, electricity, bath, nn view. 880 Eaat Twenty-eeventh, Kenllworth Curve. Main 4028. . i in , , . n.Miaar, -in .i mu Aurnecv. a . 1 walking dtotance; reasonable rent.Iaiulre uo AUira an. . ... FOR RENT 6-room furnhihed cottage, rent 320 per month; close In. Bee H. H. Hlgley, mom HO, 277 4-Wsshlngton t. ; A COTTAOB with 4 room downatatra and 2 la attic, also bath and cellar, completed laat II. No. .418 Ivoa at. one block from Grand eve. and Division- St., 11 per month. Th BurrgU Inveatment company. No. T First at. FOR RENT Cot tag on Cook ave., near Ml alaalppl av. Inquire H. Blnahelmer, 72 Sd et. FOR RENT Irf Vancouver, 8-ronrn bona; bath: rent 314; furniture for sale, f200. Mr. Haby, T14 Eighth t. ... Haeeltln. 61 Second St. FOR RENT FLATS. 6-ROOM modera jiew flat, flreplec, porcelain bath, furnace. j Phone Main 0787. - TWO new modern flats, 8 and 6 rooms, with furnaces. 178 Eaat 15th t near Belmont. 8-KO0M flat for rent; .water paid, bo amall -Chlldrra. 826 Mill. MODERN 6-room fiat, -2' block north steel bridge, fronting river. Inquire 288 Larnbee. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 8 UNFURNISHED rooma on ground floor; ateam heat, hot and cold, water, free beta- and fan; front rooma. 402 Third at. HOUSES FOR - RENT FURNI- , TURE-FOR SALE; - FURNITURE of a -modern 12-room centrally lo cated roomlng-honaa for aale; one of the heat location la the elty; house fairly well filled et present. For full particulars addreaa O 83, car Journal. FURNISHED bona. 18 rooma. housekeeping Sals: excellent location. for sale. . S. Weldnn. WnVt Third atreet. ' -x-, FOR 8ALK Furnltnr of T-room boo, com . plrtet. gae range and bath. 431; Everett at. prlc 8136: rent 826. V , - " t FOR RENT lo-room bona, basement, vtcln' T lty flcventoenth snd Hoyt et. Inquire S. ' Rneent.lett A Co., Third and Morrlaon ata. F6lC RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICES, unfumlahed. and mpl-room; alee kail 60x20.. Goodnough bhlg. -Apply l th levtor. - - , OFFICE room, nnfurnlalied room and esmpl room far rent. Goodnough bldg.' Apply ale . vator. i -.. .- ... LAROB Offle. thlrd""tory. eenrrany located, elevator. 340 per month. Colllna Land Co. " Mill 2.124. " - : ' PART of targ.eornT tor for rent. .Inqulr F. E. Nearh A Co., -tk Ptooeek Pllut Co., Ftrat and Alder ata. FOR RENT FARMS. OS-ACRB farm; 16 la cultivation; anltahl for " farming er etork. P boner Scott 6270. T BUSINESS CHANCES. $.100 A GOOD reetanrant doing a good bualneaa. en First t.; a good Iocs tlon. rent very rea one hie: must' be sold at once; party going away. Bevkncr, 210 and 212 Front at. . , .. BUSINESS CHAUCES." IP you hav taooey to. Invest lu an eatahllahed manufactirlug bualoese. operated in Portland for oyer 7 yrsra. which needa additional tk I ' nanlta I fi r asla.g-m-r- 4-tif- lara, 0 87. care Jturnal. A SAWMILL near Sclu, Oregon; "capacity rS.. OHO feet per day, plenty of fln timber with -eaaxrM I no- re I eatste agent: mor las sold soon and at a bargain If taken at one. Ib-trurrr-488s Waablnitoa. " Z-" A SNAP Blarkaralth shop for aale cheap) ta veetlgate early.. Al Hart. Gresuam. Or. W J. CI'RTIS. the broker, 215 Cnmmerrlal STT.T7"Phone"-MfltTTCT84. lineninfTthe "Hurat Hallway Switch a took at J big discount. . - WS hsve property In the famoaa wheat-grewlag , belte of eaatera Oregon and Weahlnrlna: opl and berry land In tbe mnrh-talked-of Ueuii tiiiai laiuyi nop laml and Hell a rancbt la tha Willamette valley: and up . In tbe Unipqua valley the mnd of big vel low peaches we have- tone very alee farm - end stock ranches: our -nrlcea r a tow a tS ItAWwst sud w will give yaa tbe best s( terms on any or tnie property; we win tax . aa part payment good Improved or antmureved Portland property; now If you want a eoontr - life here 1s -your chance. for further Inform, tlon call at our of flee, , . - NORTHWEST LAND CO.. '. 208 Oeoduougb bldg. "'- ' WHO IS M O. MORGAN A CO.t SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms for rent. Bee H. H. Hlfrey.r room 30.- 27- Wssblog toa at. WIIL do your confmerclal printing 29 per cent lean than Portland price ; delivered free; beat quality. Pacific Prlntery, Canby0r. f UKHPON8I W.B party-speaking -- 4- language - and mochanlcul l.leae win inveai .xsj to 33 "00 general merchsodUe o msanfactnrer with swet bests for -enlarging-- bualuaae. -seat of toun mlulng district preferred. X IT, r Journal. s WANTED Good buelncee man with capital to lnvaat nnd take. hargw ut 'facliay, can . have controlllntr Interest If be deelree. Foe particular addrea N 27, ear Journal. RESTAURANT aad Innch counter for aale. on Washtogtoo st.' Addrsaa X 87, car Journal. STOCK eornpaple- Incorportted; If yon have 7 stocks or bonds for eale let me try and aell them for yuu. George M. Kellogg, broker, 848 Elllcott Square. Bnffato. WANTED A prtner for grocery f $400 required. Come and ae for yourself. Hi. North . Fourth at. .- . - WANTED A -man for reel -eateto end labor Hi't, a uailut'i. lie) Nuiih Puuilh-al. inted with 8250 for partner with a Iti 3 years' experience la allabllshed -buslneaa, lli. Piorta Junruv at. - FOR SALE General aserchandlae etor. with meat market; invoice about $.1,800;- suburb of Portland. P 25. ear Journal. ' BUSINESS eatabllehed 18 years; ' centrally le - cated, good trade: fln propoaltloo for maa and wife;- $76uWF- 80, -car-- Journal P0R SALE General merchandlae tor. 86.000 tock, doing $20,000 biislneear la good valley ' towa. P 32. - care Journal. - DO YOU wish to Invest $1,000 or 81.800 ta a lodglng-boua( whore yo cap double your money -ever sis asoaths . foe tha - next two yeerefe Or do yon want to in vest your money lu building email cottage that will rent and pay a big -.Interest on the money Invested t Or do you want to put your money In land that haa been logged off or baa timber on - t eultable tor eordwood, ' piling and amall : tlemlllel- If ao. call on or adilress ; OUS A. LOVEOKEN, Stevenaon, Waahlngto. . . - , THIS la a chance nf vom Ufa. For Sal A 5 -room house and I lota 50x 100 each; bearing fruit tree and berrtee. city water, rloae to cars and eenool, good concrete cellar; price 8I.250. H down: - oa Tennla et. See II. Ik Hlgley. room SO, 227 "Waahlngton at. . A WELL-EXPERIENCED bnstneas man woald Ilk to get Into good bualneaa sapartn with mall capital, or aa reaponsini ana miar wurthy manager. For farther Infnrmatioa apply Rev. O. Hefner, cor. 10th and Stark ats. SHORTHAND, typewriting. mimeographing. . 4X18 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8657. I CAN "aell yon any kind' of k rooming -honse on term.- See H. H.' Hlgley, room 30, 231 ' Washington at. - . SEE or writ J. F. Hurst A "Co. for aafe aad profitable Investments. 200 McKay bldg.. Portland, oregoa. ; . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SELLWOOD LOTS. $3 down and 83 a month; from $78 to $200. BeUwood iWnslte Co. Phone Eaat 4704. - - - tH ACRES, bona, 1 acre amall fruit: fine Voca tion: Inquire Frank A. Wlllard, Monts- villa. Phone Eaat 4122. . . ACRE TRACTS! "L0CEJPBCXAMY18VACBJ$ ' . raU-ld (treeta, water to tsch a or. TERMS $10 PER ACBB CASH: " $10 FEB ACRE PER MONTH.. Yea " go to then acres n th aam nr, ay th asm 6 far tbe lot man pay. Th ot man 1 your neighbor, but h I re trlcted In majority of featurea -that maka a true an bur ban home. f f Opea Wedneeday and Saturday evening. A..G, CHURCHILL A CO., INq " " " 110 Second St. ' ' ON TO HOVERI .''' ' UP THB COLUMBIA! - Regular at tats era from Portland: ebeapeet rate from" th eoaat to Inland pnlnto; a and. Heavy aoll, peepetnel water right with eech tract, earlleat product. Urgeat price! . th Cllforal of th Northwesfc Writ HOVER LAND CO.. J . . - . Hover, Waahlngton. .-. FOR BALE Honae and : .ndern I J) n loca tion; Brooklyn Heights. 782 Esat Eighth at. FOB SALB ATA-BARGAIN A flne tork range, containing a boot 2.800 " acree; all under fenc; altuated near Roae bnrg. Oregoa. oa 8. P. R. R. thla la one et Jhe boat stork range Is the county I I lao - hav another good etork range containing 1,420 acrea. which will be eold at a very low price. For particulars eddreaa J. B. Slither fln, owner, Roeeburg. Oregon. , SELLWOOD City View Park. - .. h bank af th Wlllmtte. lot $3 down, 89 Pr month; tine fctory alt with water power: In Roea addition 40 clnilc hornea from $Msl to $4,000;- W. H. Moorehouae. pSOVk Umatilla .ur. j ... $5.Tr-9 8-ROOM new bona swell location. bet. " Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth, en Everett St.; term. $S.0OO -caah, hnlanc 6 per rent. A. E. Velfruth, 00 North Eighteenth at., bet. Davie and Everett at.,. Phone Paclfle ' 488. '- ' ' ' ' rTH tale Modern T-room booae, furnlahed, 83.600; $1,800 caah, balance tor ma; aa InveetmeBt. pays 18 per enf- Pben But 1207; - ' . - .- ." ' ' FOR cheap home on eaat aid call np Eaat r 41. " ' ... . LOT. corner Twelfth and Tillamook, full ce ment walk, cheap, by owner, rhone Mala 40. FOR SALE none of T rooms; lmprovad lot; k $1.800- 401 .Oxford t. ., . .. ... 8-ROOM bona. $l,2f.o: knap. , New T-room cotug. $2,200. Fln 8-ronm houae, $2,000..., . B-room cottage $2.5iO. HObLlaTKK, 12-- P0II SALE 40 acre, houae, burn and chicken bouse, fenced nd crme-fcnccd, 2 prlngs. orchara""or IwnrreaT 20 .crea of Sr-.O'lcfes" nnder eultlvatloa: cettle, borees, plea, ealvea, - 200 rhlckenev 2 Wagon, bugglee end all .farm implement; 8N mllte from Portland; only -32.400, HH North Fourth at. - . $1,1100 2 LOTS 80x100 each; good awttag. fruit "treea. Bear. cerllnea. Be fare: eaay . terejuv- a cent.- 8. A. Ryman, 6T F,at Ninth at., north, near Davis. Union 2435. f 1.8AO -A THOROUGHLY modern 8-mom honae, cement basement, large ehantta, china cloaet, porcelain -plumbing, rloae In; a pretty home "' en a large lot; eay terms. Apply 351 Ivy, - ew phone East 6008. - INVESTORS I have nm fine opportunities In University I'ark property Just now CUas. W. Scexrlty 118 Second St. - , ' CNP,lt T 'CLASSIFICATION - -- "Fiye Cents Per Llio taka foe less taaa I8e tear day. even word, gi rsl. anallta-o Unn, not each lln charged regardieea of tb' iinmhae of word. . WZXJTXr. BATS-7 -iBserrl ms - flocrodlug ne Sunday law SO CENTS per 11a pK week. . MfttlTIftT BATi" f Including 'all' Inn'oVy a,'2'"i ' w Hn per montk. AJJVZRTlBKMlN-wrrtbe- la-TfjOrnal buelna offlc bv ' IS o'clock week deya Ik - ""'"eh Saturday evening far J, 'Jday lean, t aecure elaaalSratloa. DISPLAY BATES glvaa apsa appllcatiea at tre fnea. lBB-JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES . ADVERTISEMENTS . Will be received at reaulir maln-o rtlc ratefc .Followlne 1 aMtst ef authorised agent trh will forward your adeartlae taeuai tuf Pblll"',B ' "to at , --, HOBTV side. J.. A . ' Preston. drngglaiv - Taveatp-thUd and Thnrraan atreeta. Noh.Ifii Ph.rmacy.- 880 GUaaa street, earner Twenty.flrst. i i,VW.V Allen, pharmacist. Sixteenth aad Marshall street. . - . - McOommon Phirnwey. Nlnteenth Weehlngton ' atreeta.- : 7 l " SOUTH BIDE. . "' '"" '. Glbrw'atreIfa! etitli'1 Dni eol""4',- ""a Oraat - Pablaa Beerlev. druggist. 400 Jeffsran tlenet. -eorner -Tenth. , , ' Bettmea's pharmacy, eorae Sixth aad Heloo atreet,, Plummer Drug company. 20 ThUd atreet. eorner MadlaoaT ' --V .- ... lAST ITDZ. W. S. Lovfv.rnggwt. rnraer Grsod vae ad Beat Bnrnstde trt. ..--J". .- Nlohole A Thomnaoa. 138 Rueeetl (tresf. earner Alhlna - J a nek e Drn company, oerner Hawthera ant Grand avennea. - Wr C. Cable, druggtat. ernr Holladev avenuo ' and trrabtreet, near Itnal hridg. , . - : " r R. A. Wilson. 12 Grand av, ar aa.a V-rlen. - - - B. W. Ball, 358 Eaat Savsuth etreet eo Sfeeibena. TUtfle'ar'nriarmaey. 53 Vlaalaalppl aveaae. - --------ffiaHXAaTl,'-'-'''"', ... P. J. Clark, druggHt. 1008 North Caloa T1TTTT1, i, ii rJfeTTSIDE. 1. W Worth. ' nhavmndat ' Bad Balmnnt yt ; 1--r" -"." "- BEOMOYBV Brooklva Phermacr eomnanr. Pewall aad Mllwaukl atreeta. ABtETA. 0100: ----" --'- ; Arleta Pharmacy, Mora aad Foster atratta. SEIXW00S. ' -'"V - Hemetork'a Pharmacy, tui Umatilla ase nue, eorner East Thirteenth atreet, - IT. .'OSVt. :-.:; ' : Elliott' pharmacy. ' , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.' NEW T and 8-ronm houses. 2 blocks from school and carline, 15 minute' ride from center of the city, or will build house to suit; amall . payment down, balance eaay payments. Phone Main 1220, or call 006 Commercial bldg. FOB INVESTMENT SO acre of good .apple' land, S mllea from White Salmon; part cleared, plenty water, rich' aoll; only $30 - per--aere. Hare good towa property" and - timber landa for aale; also homestrsd located. . B. FlEIaD. White Salmon, Washington. $2n0 IXrT BOxlOO, atreeta graded, water laid, - not rar rrom rieamoni earners ; tor isys iiwi - part cask, balanc $10 per month. Phone Eaat 5371,'. , ... - - -J- . . FAXON PARK " " I now on tha market, . Lot at acreage price. .- . . , -.A Lota 60x290.,,.;.. .....,....3100 , , Lota 100x200 ,,...'.'......,....82110 Lot -ia0...i,.... ...$400 - Thee lot are all la cultivation, level and alghtly. on a graded atreet. 8 julnutee' walk to good lo-room acnooi at Ieata; n-oenl fare to any part of Portland t- water-frea. Terma. O. R. Addlton, owner. Leuts, Or- -goo; tak Mount Scott car, 6c. LIST your rental properties- with us; w cbarg but little for our aerrlce and ma ke every - effort to eecure toadnu; pboa a and we will . call on you. - ----- WESTERN OBEOOrf TB!8T' COMPANY. 201 Stsrk st. . Phoo pacific 683. THB very bt 10 acrea In Lenta, good soil, all In clover, oa fln g Beveled road, elo to 2 ' carline, U-ronm school. 8c far any part of Portland, for Ita vain; big bargain. G. K. Addlton, Leata. Or. A SNAP. - - - A1 aew T-room mortom boo, her nd chlcken-houae, $1,800: B-room fumrahe-l -house, - fruit nd flowers, a snap. $1 .: - - f-ronm house, 2 lot, corner, beet UujT around Portland, 3H00; 6-room houea and Urge lot. , - $tm0; 2-room houae and lot, $400. Several vacant lota. Term oa all. -W. B. TDWNK. Lsurelarood. : , ' - Tak Mount 8cott car. FIFTEENTH t.. ta warehouee dlatrirt, lot Box 100, corner, aura to become valuable busluea property, $7,800. KlnaelU 002 CommercUl blk. FOR SALB ft-room houae, lot 60x100, good lawn, plenty amall fruit, $760. Inqulr S. Felghner, Ivanhpe; Woodatock lln SELECT a lot before tba eaatera buyer get . th cream; price arr advancing;' three full-- laetaL lOtt flHTWaTi fOffJ trrOrtafffl ttlt , l11latlllBB or fists, prlc 3 1. POO. Phoo Eaat 6378. $2,6R0 CHOICE corner lot nnd 6-room modern houae on Improved atreet near Hawthorn are., $.100 esah. Owner, 402 CommercUl bldg. $3,00080 acre, good atate cultivation, 8-room ' house, 2 ha rne. wood house, rhickea-boajae. Hood orchard. 2 mile from railroad. - $2,5002 acre near carline, St.' John, all cleared. -and on of the good buy.' $3.000 20 acre, eoe mil from end nf - Montavllla carline. close to ft Line road; nothing peer It for lea than $2" gcre, $.100 4-raota house," lot 60x100, at Laurel wood. ,'.(' . ... W. t. BECKNER. : 210 and 212 Front at. FOR SALE A flrat-clas dairy farm for $12. 0001 wheat firm la WlHamett valley ami eaatera Wsetitngtnn; ranchea of all else nl price; small . trert for eulmrbsn borne; term. Standard Co.. 285 Itnrnald at. - .; West Hoyl SL - Property. ' An-'Op-to-date 8-room bona. fu1l lot, fruit and foe; $8:B0Or term If dealred. BAST HOYT STREET. '" ' A modern 7 -room house. Full lot, do to carline. new J. $1,800. .... '. W. W. E8PBY, Hamilton bldg. . gs.ono WILL -buy good eorner Int. with, t buildings, close In on west aide. . . 'irrnENKLB a baker, ... -j.. ...... jij ablngtoa bldg.-. - SNAP 100x125 feet fround, flne Urge bona; convenient to car, near University Park .for qukk aal will aecrlnc. $2 100, ,. . . . I1ENK1.R A BAKER, y v . "-v .217 Ablngton bldg. . -'', 12-ROOM houeer foil haaement. rnac. bath, gaa, cloeeta, etc., our. Kit, fln Vacation, weal J - lde; price $6,000; good term. - . . ... . --d 8-room houae. and lot. Alhlna; balh, cleaebi.,' - few blocke from carshops; $1,800, apioa) terrae,. y 2-arre chlcken-ran-b; good houae, barnt running wtr. frurU ood well at house, 8 nilleajhtimeourousjv so acres vti i i i , , ,a,,u, wi-- gravel, near Kagle Creek, on 0, W. P, tAf line; prlc $2.0.- " . - New 8-room house- with n krht,- Ankeny carnnej n wnm 'r.,'.. cultivation, nrai-cia i -rfu. barn and nther bulldliMt.- n orchard, T "acre email frulta, on county mad, 6 mile ' out: thl ne. For partleulare ai ' " flBUNDY-MELRATH CO., V I 24B Morrlaon t , - T-RO014 bona with beth and full concrete bsa-" ment, 80x112 eorner lot; good horn or-rental nrooerty: Upper Alblng, Union or William - v; car only $1,800, half dowBr- Home Und Cw 140 V, FH-t t 6-ROOM rotttge, both and pantry, lot OOtkki, ' flne view. 1 block from carline. South Port . land. Addreaa R 26, rare Joarnal., ' SIGHTLY lota rloae to AMdna railroad sliope e- nntn ke numae, Tel. Kaat BKia. ... ,. i, . ,-:.- ... ,'.,,.. . , . - , i X e A I