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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1906)
ij-.jiday eve::i:;g, 1,- 1. n .!.Fiul.iu idii JllilJ b.UUL Ul 1 f. ' i iirnn . . St 1 i .if - r i V. lOhSilfLwuJ .4 an Met a Swell Fairy iwn and y." pad na Tor ueven vsys. - T FRIZND3 HCr.. KE NIGHT HIDEOUS Cnargee - Made - Against 3amcs by Spetias In Crow- for ; DivorceHouse cuaed. maT Special garrlee.) " larch---1. Former Maye.J, d of Buffalo. New Torkynsr in vain for 11 years at tbe door a 1. - ... I ' ... . . ,, v the need of the board .of ! the PaarAmerloa expoal ho ) a millionaire, waa i - . 1 . r. na divorce aim oi againat Mre. Henrietta (-"Modern Portia," In, a aea- lit toflr, when she guea a aklng tna jlatou v etchgrd there were brought ss several houaemalda of with whom Eamee ! lc tvlni been familiar and said to have aupplled with md costly entertainment. ccusd of having peaeea Kren daya of hla honeymoon the Everleigb club, while Ited for him in the Ontario Eamci alleges that her hUy "made a daU with her tot ia:o o'clocK.ei nigm 1. aeven daya after their the Great Northern hotel. oily-informed her that no well fairy and -that -the had 'slipped hla mind.'" ter alleges tnat - wnen ne i the hotel Kamea' condl- Licit"'" hftt h '"l iftpftQQ -""IHIQ elated from the place. jamei Is -assistant manager rwtn-WUllama Faint corn- del y known about town. itMeree-thef Bamea -wan bringing home companions dlng-to- make i". the - night debaucheries" and- he "left your- oratrhf that any, ef who might-call during hie hold be ennmalned in .a er." HfflST GUEST r.vELL fu::ctio:i V i ' 1 I ' Idman Acts as Private iry to Russian Con- il In Chicago-, mal gpeeisl Servlee.r -V- March 1.- -Emma Goldmen, t, waa a popular guesi i hlonable entertalnmenta In week. Including- a luncheon foa Schllppenbach, the Run- . But of an ' who cnettea er the teacupa and ashed late the laudatory remarks members of Paul Orlenefre ha Emma Goldman. ad known well, aa one essed It. 'thle morning, It been different.- To all ahe ed aa Mi Emma Schmidt atarr to M. Orlenef t and lor famlltarler wfth the Enr- k waa Interpreter In general iipany at eoclal entertain- . - , 1 r. , - t have-thought her the a noble Rueelan family In 'umatancea. : ; T .'. -. . ) -, --''' -' HAS RIVAL ECTRIC COMPANIES Dlapatek te The Joaraal.V )r., March 1. The W. P. t Light company hag met tlon thla week-, from .the Lpany, which haa not been atnee September. In Bep Magoon. a Portland party, an electric light and water being, understood that he V the town with light with- The council tired or Walt- y more daya than tt paaaed ntly granted W. F. Ely a : the Ely company com ing polea and ordered ma- onday of thla week found company at laet at work Wa on the opposite aide of Much Interest la taken In hit Is - to follow. The ma- bualneaa men have signed ya.r with the Ely company. Captain Alexander f'cLean Com- "IsRmentsd of "TShavIorln"" . Cerin2 Cea Cases. PIRATE COMPLIMENTED DY CENATE COMMITTEE Notorious k Character . WUl Recover Kfotiey Lost Through ' Patrtotiam and Trutbfulneu When Ship Wag Seized. " " . : ' -':Z.' Uesraal gpealal Serlae. Washington. March 1. After knock- ef congress, the Amerlcal sailors , who helped the United Btatea save mora than tSOO.OO In the Bering sea cases at Vic toria now-stand a chance of securing pay for their own ships, which were seised by the government and confis cated tinder a law yhlch waa afterward knocked out by International, agree ment. Tbe committee on' foreign, rela tione of the senate baa Just ordered a favorable ' rport on a bill to confer jurlsdlcf '-i "upon the circuit court of the nlntnlatrlct to bear the eases of these seamen, and' In all probability the measure will pass without opposition. . In Ks report on ' the cee( the com mittee adnrite that Uncle 8ajh has been unpardonably slow In granting theae men even bare Justice for their actual losses, much" leas In rewarding, them for their patriotic services. Their ships vert seised outside of the three-mile limit when the, government claimed jurisdiction over the whole of Bering aea, adjacent to Alaska, The Interna tional court decided that the govern ment was wrong in. taking this ground. When British and Russian veeeel own era prentd Their claims at .VIctorlai" whsra the cases were tried, tbe Ameri can - Bailors, forgetting their - own wrongs, testified for the United States and were Instrumental In cutting down the exorbitant claims of the foreigners, to about one third " of ' their original else. What made thle action on the part of the American sailors all the more praiseworthy wag the fact that they . testified at Imminent danger to themselves, for anti-American feeling waa blgh, mobs wsre formed and vio lence waa perpetrated in more than one instance. Says the report: "Conspicuous amongst the Americans waa Captara Alexander McLean. Ho owned a half Interest In two ' Whips seised by the United States, for which Qreal - Britain demanded Indemnity. Hla. co-owner. a British subject, had sworn before the Paris tribunal' that he was the sols owner. The registry of the ships did not disclose Captain McLean's Interest Under-the stipula tions nothing could be awarded to him, an American. But a full award to the two ships would have benefited him- to the extent of his equities In them, k Un der the circumstances this bsave and honest man made oath before the com mission to hla part ownership, when by silent assent to the perfidy of his partner he would have been benefited ntmseir. Not only did Captain McLean lose by hla truthfulness, but hla activity In behalf or tbe United States subjects! ed him to many unpleasant experiences and personal risk at the handa of ths Victoria. Burely-gucb, a man and his countrymen, the American sailors, who Joined, defended and austained him, not only deserves the consideration of hla government, but baa earned the praise of . the psalmist given to "him who aweareth te bis own hurtjind changeth not" . t-.- '" ' "v i ' , SALVATIONISTS IMPORT IMMIGRANTS-TO CANADA v ' : " ..;." 1 (Journal 8paHaI Berriee , - , ' Winnipeg. Man., March 1. The local officers of the Salvation Army are busy making preparations for tbe large body of immigrants who -will . arrive here from England during the coming sum mer. 'About J, S0 people will be brought west directly under the care of .tbe' army and the nrst steamer with part of these Immigrants started from Eng land today. Thla la an undertaking of the Salvation Army, prompted by the double Intention of relieving the situa tion In Great Britain caused by the existence of a. large number of un employed In the large cities of Great Britain and to supply much needed help to the farmers and business msn in ths west ef Canada. Of the 3.500 to come -to- Winnipeg it la expected that about 1.E0 wlU be located In Manitoba, while the rest will go to Saskatchewan, Ths Salvation-Army-does not Intend to bring; the paupers and the aennr of thw British ' population to thla country and deals only with hard working and willing peo ple, who mey be temporartlyoutof employment or wish to better their Condition. ' THWART GALLERY. ; I used to Jlke to see Orion wheel to hla setting,' about April, the belt, like sr-hug" arrow, trenaoxsd the western hills. "Ths firmament showeta bla That truth Haa been distilled into my soul consciousness hour by hour, dur ing the night watchea. : '.'' "His handiwork' my.- handiwork and between the two the vibration Of some wonderful accord which unites ths cbo' the jsphersg and the .pote of the song sparrow in ths lllao hedge; some bond of intimate union in which is- interwoven tbe elemental . forces, whether of gravitation or the power ot ths-mouwtrng- sapr-thae- s the ead glvaa me the flber of the wood, M. E. Waller. '-f In addition to the wonderful eating resorts of PortUnd we now have the art gallery for Indoor recreation and re freshmsnt Aa given .'In-The Journal newi Col umns of Tuesday, the art rooms will be open dally from to o'clock, alao on Wednesday and .'. Saturday ' evenings. Thursday, -Saturday and Sunday after noons n admission fee will be charged. Theae . rooms, ' independent - of the treaaures they contain, are quietly and rest fully artistic . Everything in the way of furnishing la in. the simple mis sion style everything subordinated to the main pnrposs of the place, t.v VT At he right as one enters are (he casta 'of famous pieces of soulpture, Cataloguea lie at hand for roferen,oe, whleh ia a decided Improvement over larger art galleries In larger . cities where they cannot be had without pur chase,. '. -. - ' The stairway and upper hall spaces are utilised aa well as the upper, rooms for the display of pictures-- .... T One room contains a choice collection of books on art and artists a feature of the art gallery . wnien gome larger cities are without and In which thsy might -well follow the example of our own clty.- s : -- - Last Tussdsy the floral deooratloha of the nlgtit before bad not ail been re moved; There were Jardinieres filled with the-iovely-Oiegun grape and there were great . maasea of golden ' tulips glowing here and there . againat the somber coloring of the dark bare wood of the tables. " - '- - " Kartf a -were "tharw'orliB of art ni" roundtng-them, there waa -not a picture In the entire gallery reave one that ami Id aoDroach them for beauty. r- And - this -1 oroad upon - my mind tbe truth uttered by such thinkers as Car lyle and William Morris that the fundr mental benefit of art is bestowed upon the artlat the creator by - Juat that much aa it takes him behind tbe scenes where nature where God ' works and thrills hla soul and trains hla senses end his hand to reproduce, though ever ao faintly, somewhat of the beauty ne sees.' In Just so far aa we who aee hla work are en rapport with him take ua also In the holy place where we be hold "hla handiwork" with aeelag eyes. Beautiful aa many oftheTandscape paintings are., lovely as earns of tbe painted clouds appear in their gilded frames, last Tuesdsy afternoon there were bastloned masses of cloud banked againat the blue, seemingly lying cloae to the Willamette, ana toucnea lainuy with the soft gold of the fitful sun shine, that put to shame any painting ever made. , Do not atudr paintings less because the hand -of the artist lacks the skill and cower of the Master . Painter at whose ' feet the true artist sits, but means study the sky, but by ne means ran is see. mess wondsrful plotured ex? hlblta. . SELECTED SMILES.- Bess I knew bylhe tone'ef hla voioe ne was gmng to propose to ma. Teas waa there a ring ia Uf Men ana womsn, . : Harry She told me I might hope. - reaaie Better be careful. re known girls to aay that when- they In xnax JoPtnShap. Kin-nnd T VUWll. "ta It not lovely when husband and -certainly; only it makes such great difference wboae opinion it la." own mia vouniry. , .--... m oouairy iwur out in Kansas a man went up to the tent where some slk where on exhibition and stared wist fully up at the alan. 'Td like to go In there," be said to the aeeper, -out it would be mean . to go without my family, and I eannot-affbrd 10 pay ror my wue and IT children." ' Tbe keeper stared at him in astonish ment - "Are all those) youY chlldrenT" hs sraaned. ' " ' - "Every one,' said the man, TOU Walt a Vnlnut mmlA w - - - - " "I'm going to bring the elk but and let mem see you ail." Boston Poet. uncis josian nrst time' yon ever milked a cow la Itr Well, you do It a thunderln' sight better than moat city viaiung in ep new It seems to come natural, somehow. I've had a good deal ef practice with a fountain pen. Chi cago xriDune. 1 '..-... Mamma What would you like for amner, wmier- Willie Anything ' but company. I , I ood i gsi anytning idea-Boston Tlran. script.- -; . - . .' stud the sky more, for Its beauties are British claimants and-jlhljrJriejida-4n4M-ya many and there-la s perceptible gain In strength of body and soul to be bad from its contsmpiatloa. ... .. , : , Ton bad better leave yen 'child a genuine, laseing love for that sky than a fortune in stocks and bonds. Little Boy My mamma bag so ranch money that she can buy everything she wants to. ... Little Girl That'a nothing. My 1 mamma ia eo rich she can buy all the imngs sne ooesn't want met : ":': I "Love levels allf ' "Ji ": The poet cries.' r.,;A." ; - ; -All but the headf .rt'; Adds one who's wise. ". " ' '. -T "., .... . ,': Exchange. Nell May Sharp won't marry that old Mr. Koxiey. ' . ' Belle Hag aha broken off the engaga mentt . . .!v- . .". Nell No, but she'a trying to wake hire; mad so that he'll break It In that way she'll have a chance of getting bis money anyway by sulniirrdr breach of promise. Philadelphia Publlo Ledger. Did I aay there was one picture that might make the magnificent tutlps lowsr their proud crests? Well, that waa cause of the expression ths artlat bad been Insntred to put in two races. A very, good halftone or .the picture waa si van 'in last Tuesday's Journal. but it was too small to show you what thai orrrlnal contains The sculptor and the king stand side by side, - ------- in the race or the artist you ee me trace or toll ton What is love's labor, because it ia the effort to embody his Ideal you see also" tbe pathetic look that tells of an Ideal only partly real lsed: yon see as well the patient realg nation to the fact that It la the power end the purse 'and the whim, too, per chance, of th king, that are to Judge the work of hla soul and his hand, e And the king pompous, proud of his material rank, conscious of his material power gases ' coldly at the -work, credulity and aneer struggling In hla face, with some faint gleam -of ad m Ira tlon, or appreciation. i " ... " Over and over again, so long aa money ru le. -w II 1-1 ht picture of the-scnlptor no iu. BjiFar um ciuauisva in numin ex perience. Wherever merit must wait on. the caprice, or perhaps thanvy and the Jealousy of Mm of the purse and the power, it will live again. By all WHAT THE NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ..ill -.rv :;. -The scientific, reconstructed baking industry, whereby the goodness and nutrition of Biscuit and . Crackers' have been marvelously enhanced. . - , j; '-.;Vul( The new method of protection by. which all dust, dirt and moisture are completely excluded from the package and the freshness and goodness of its contents are car fullv Dressrved. - r--r . - - ' . t . ' . . . jt- l nnis isineiraae marx wr Jnred and' white on each. cncLoiJhe. L packageasanai;solute pledgeboth of ,the quality , of the baking and( the -purity of the packinj. ' Tat example tef CraSuuM CMckCtw s different frees lbs eralaarr grrbeaa crsckais diSerent in bakinf different. f te tavor-diflateat tn peektag. Msn palatable ssON SBbafr- ' ta siorenntritioes. Made ef tbe purest (hahamflotaT end baked -la a auneter rodents enh by tae National HseuU Coeapsn , V 4 A l ii X " CT "(ID "CD Teacher Where did George Washing ton live after be retired from publlo 11I0T ' t . j 1 Small Bey In the hearts of blacaun trymen. Exchange. , i-. Mrs. X Don't you find, that the girl i sent you Knows ner business? Mrsv-T.Nor gh makes a good many nan Dreaaa. -iioeton-Transcript r Vy wife waa terribly put out by that . "How sof". -': . ' '-v,'. -r . "She eouldn't ..have the last word. niegende Blaettsr. 7 -v - ' Ethel How did I look in my new ball areas last nlghtT Clara Oh. It waa ' something stun nlng. Nobody recognised you at first Fltegende Blaettsr. . . "There . : are some ' epectaoleaj de clared the candidate for parliaraenVary honors, "that one can never forget" "Excuse me. mister," called a voice from the audience, "but would ye mind glvla' me the address of the Arm thet makes 'em! I'm always a-forgettn miner Stray Stuttes. ,: , ; . At tt old-fashioned hotefln London two gentlemen were dining when a dis pute arose absent pineapple. One said it was a fruit and the other said it was a vegetable, and so a bet arose about it and they called the waiter. "John, what do you describe a pineapple as a fruit or a vegetable f . John subbed his hands and put-hls bead on one aide and said. "Neither, jrentleraen; It Is a hextra, SELL THE FARM CARNEGIE PURCHASED FOR THEM - ' ',' '? .." x Formsr Coachmiih, Who Marrisd Ironmonger's Niece, Clears 'Twenty-Five Thousand. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joonuil.) JNew-York, March Andre w - Carns, 1 gls's nephew-ln-law, Jamea Haver, Is looking around for anothsr farm. He and his wife have sold tbe one Carnegie bought for them soon after tbelr mar' riage, and made $18,000 on the deal.- The farm was nurohaaed by Carneate for his favorite niece, Nancy, and her husbsnd, ths former coaohm an,yand bar mother, Mrs. Thomas Carnegie, of Pitts burg. It comprlssd 10 acres at Albert son station, about five miles from Ros lyn. Long Island. . The - Havers moved to the place December-1 last ; A (Brooklyn dairyman made aa entte lag. proposition to the Hevere, but they thought it would be ungracious to sell without first getting Carnegie's Con sent' . "We can make ltO.009, unole." said Mrs. Nancy Hever : weu,' replied Carnegie, "hold out for 128,000; you'll get ttr .i t v ' They did. 1 JURY AWARDS EMPLOYED 1 SEVENTEEN THOUSAND (gpeetal DKpetek io The JaornaD . La Grande, Or., March 1. In the cir cuit court, which la now in session for Union county, ths Jury-in the case ot Llndsy against the Grand Rondo Lum- her oompsnyr-whorcln tke plaintiff sued for damages to the amount of 110.009 for injurlee -received laat, summer while T"thr mpioror thr denifiaarir BtrbeiBrt struck by a log, ths jury brought In a verdict for 117.000. A motion waa filed to have the verdict set .aside and A new trial was asked for. If thla ia dsnled the esse will be ap pealed to the supreme court . , , - - ' i ' CHARGED WITH POINTING GUN AT CITY MARSHAL (flneetst DNtetek ts Tke leerml.) " Aitatna. Or.. Uireh 1 W. . f W.illn of Adama was arrested yesterday on the charge of having pointed a revolver 4 .t J. U Osrrett, elt marsbai ef Adams, . .u.iliiU.iiJ Take Sr. Mr IHU far Ceastlaatisn. stand the iasUs et this liilillK CH'lli' e?t3 wm unspts, uoaos, aieena. axes, Vam&iatjtdum,, ekVlWsJ .s&ssBsnMsMsx rha)0yp Oriratx, TarirUnt. Cnasssy tios, sad ftr tte nllsf e ssstsimttTn fsxlsnw te ad- aniaBaaat ggmm ikg iassxessxek. eBBBVasasV BseSBSgBjrWSB SBSB BBBBegegJSBBSBSBBBSBWl i V jxj?utnumBMT na - - Esr.CpJeilZ.r??,. -tatSMaltysxl ' DireoMoasi insiue ) rretinonU and eonsurapUon are balElng t J Uil of the medical profession." Doctors ot tba entire world are engaged la a de termined warfare against these merciless enemies of the human race, but so long as people neglect olds and coughs,' pneu monia Md consumption will-preTalL . Prevention, then, does not lie with the " doctors, but with the people themselves. ' . Don't Triflea vTlth Colds. Every case of pneumonia and consump flsff! tlon was at first only a simple cold or L cough. Inattention to the latter developed 7 J the former. Take warning then I Do not y4 neglect your cold no matter how trifling it may be I . Get m. bottle of .Dr- JiiiU's ' Cough Syrup at once I at is the one, poei- tlve. In tall I tile remedy for ail colds sad coughs. ,-,,.. ' Keawrllemrm praised br all who use it, - Every tesU- - monl&l published ia absolutely genuine-, , ' tit. Fraal Belt, BecMster, lai writes t - -bet. rn. jorn w. BriX, "Dr. Call's CotAlntf fa certainly the Discoverer of Dr. BuU s CoegsTI test iwBmwSth stars ceMaM sxtmber ef the faxeily is talsa wits a threat er laai affectiea, it U sssJ aad tits pattest Is ia variably rewarded wltk care- It ilvwg entire aatU ; factton and has keen ssei for taaay years in tay fatoUy. . If pssf to UsUX sf szsctts4 a celt and tgh ts wear efT, vsuld sss ' - . , a.v snd stes triZi wiUt ether rwaecies, there weald s tossneraxaeal Dr. snu . tes&a. syrcy if intinn far the decters ts aattle wits. cltssrfslly iwcesunended by ' Dr. John W. Bull, a skillful specialist Id throat and lung diseases, foresarr and foretold an epidemic of pneumonia and consumption In the twentieth ' century. Investigation bad proven that colds and coughs were the fruitful cause of theae ailments, and this led to the discovery of a prescription which. wouia enecc an aDsoiuie cure 01 coins ana c is the result of Dr. Bull's labors, and man? (rood health and their loner lives to its time! tire cure for ail the conditions that lead to pneumonia and consumption. ougns. ur. duiii uougn cyrup ' thousands today ascribe their r use. It is a certain and ezec- . Campla sent f re to all readers Wa went VAn tn Thava ahanliita annSdaiuia In TW eneerrouy send yon a sample free. Head no money, simply ' ettsr and give the name oi this paper. Address A. C. Mi s-S BuU's Cough 8rrun..and wtTl simply write ajposlal eerdor TAKE NO 0UD0TITUTE. Ask for : Dr. Bull's Coui BO remedy "potter or j beet Ionotexperlmen vougnnyrap j w always rh Byrap.and Insist on having It. Beat h Sijn4.thets.ig ' . uat as good- as Dr. BuU'a Cough Byrup. Dr. ftiUTS M f:.-'' t wlthaubetltutee; they are dangerous to health. Use, Dr. TtttS onres, pota py au aruggmia. f tigs. aWBsj Ko. na sua. : . .. . 1 lmCKERINQ PUnes,- : ths oldest In Amer ics, best in the world, and ' the f or t y - i I r o t b e r r worthy American makes, : . sou oair ay ;. -. ;i. '. Eilers Piano House Portdaad, Spokane, Boise, Baa -jTsaJunsoo, Btooksoa, Oakland and AU Other Important feists. . The city of Adams bad purchased a right from Wallln some time ago to lay a pipe line across his property, and hence the city claimed the right to go onto the property - te make repairs to the line: Wallln. however, held a dif ferent opinion and when the' city mar shal went to make the repairs be was met by Wallln and told that If be cut the fence be would never out another. - 7- Creditors Close . (Special Olapatck e The Jeers!.) : Ia -Grande, Or., starch 1. The State saloon in this city, which wis owned rr' NTS -4 KM fRir-et. CoALahdCOKE " Dkaaa Fset OA. A. WE-ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD LESS, OF "COMBINE" OR COMPETITION ' - by C 0. Rockwell, en Depot street, wss closed by creditors yesterday; - The llabutaesarereported . to be EbQOt M.oos. . .: : ', . Allen Lewis Beet Brand. . ' CTisiinsni'lsf aesMxataatsa, ' ' Lafayette, Ind.. March 1. The Repub lican congressional eouvsntton m4 . the . tenth district of Indiana was bald here today and resulted in the renoroi nation, of PepresentaUve K. D, r Crumpaeker. There was no opposition. w To entertain your friends in your own home. Are you an accomplished pianist? Are you a talr anted staffer? Ars vou possessed of rreat readinr or dramatic ability?-Probably not, for these are the exception, not the rule, ' Do you ever run a little short of conversation and wish you had some little diversion for those friends you "wish to entertain? No doubt you do, and here is ths very thine,you have been looking for. It is a want snd a necessity as well as a luxury for every home and through this ."---'. - V,' :--,r- ;--v-, UNPARALLELED FREE OFFER ' .The Journal is now enabled to present to each of its readers, old and new, one of these rich toned instruments - . , v V A $7.50 Columbia Qraphophone - "Absolutely FREE 0 . It brings to your home all of these accomplishments you would so like to possess, and It la so simple in construction your little child csn easily operate it This is a reduced reproduction of the $7.50 COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHUNK. It cannot be bought for less. Oiyemi Pre With a Subscription to 4- this Ptir "X ,'1 r-The-COUJMBlAGlPHOPHONEu-rfxdv the Highest Award at-the St Louis VWorld'a , Fair, 1904 Paris Exposition, 1500; MAIL THIS COUPON TO THE ' JOURNALTTODAY" ior Inquira at , Columbia . Phonograph Co J v37l Wtshiatoa'Sctt 4 and get in line for one of ths T . . s. -grsphophones. ' ' , J TTherJonrnal, Fifth ajid Yamhill Streets t- Dste.......v;t., - Please send solicitor to my address to explain GRAPHOPHONE OFFER. " ; v;77 ;,-r-''-' . V; .":'v '"' " .- . ..... Nsrae, .t. Address. .