The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 01, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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rTiis "ote:co:i - daily journal; Portland. Thursday evening, march i. iscs.
I.T f OliTL'iiD
American Ship James Drum
V: mond Chartered by Alaska
4 T Packing Association, y
Thta It ' Taken 1 Indication -That
rally Than in San Franciacbi-Arp
ent for Alaska' Line. " - " ' 4r
To tak ths place of the C F.- Sar
gent, the Alaska Pack In association
has secured the- A mar lean ship Jsmee
Drum mond to send north this season
Whose S&yK Is Best?
With -nearly all madid Ma put up tot
gala through drugglite, one haa to tak
the maker say-so alone as to their cura
tive value. Of eourae, such testimony It
not that of a disinterested party aod
accordingly la not to b given the- lama
credit aa If written from disinterested
motive. - Drv-neroe aadlelnaa, how-
ever, form a tingle and therefore striking
exception to tula rule.- Their claim to
the confidence of Invalid does not rest
solely- upon their , makers' say so- or
praise. Their Ingredients are natters of
publle knowledge, being printed oa each
separate bottle wrapper. Thus Invalid
sufferers are taken Into Dr. Plaree's full
confidence. Scores of leading medical
men have written enough to flit volumes
in praise of the curative value .of 1
Several Ingredients entering Into th
well-known medicines.
Amonnt IheM writer we tod such mad
teal IWliia aa Pros, yiatgf Klllnyood. M. Ur
ot jsennet Mao leal uouege. Chicago; f rut
Hale, of the tame city) Prof. Jyhn M. Scud-
Ait M Ti la rJ ninMniiatJ Dmng
Setter Baxgaina Can Be Mafle Lo-"f John tin, li D . late of cincmnari. Ontorr
low. of Jefferson Medical Collate, of Fa,
and aooraa ot other equally eminent
Dr. Pierce' Fsvorlt Prescription cwee
the wont caaea of female we knee, piolap
soaaatererskia and retroversion and corrects
irregularities, eurea painful periods, drte up
disagreeable and weakening drains, some
time known aa salvia catarrh and a m alti
tude of other rtlmsec peculiar to women.'
Bear in mind, it 1 not a patent nor even a
aecret medicine, out we " a vorit rresmp-
- ' from Portland. Hue ie expected to ar- tlo of a regularly educated physician, of
rive In a counle of week from Ban iw Minw in turn can woman a
rlr takea bla Batlenta Into his full eon-
dance or telling them lust what hia Pre-
o 1 composed of. Of no otfaer medi
cine put op for woman's apodal maladl
ana sola uuoug a anurruie, can it be
l.. lo. naarv-euoolla -for- peculiar, uinnu, woo irenaiy .ana ooosa-
Nusbagak river, Alaska. Advices state JPCj
that the veasel sailed thla morning. - scrtplioa
-It la said tnat tna association ex
pect to close negotiations In a few
'days for a. veasel to take the place of
the Harry Korea, which has also been
sent to the' salmon : Ashing grounds In
Alaska ovary season for-the past dec
ade. ..Tha . Cu , F.j. Sargent and Harry
Mora were sold -recently to mariners
of the Atlantic coast ' They ere now.
la-'l -
that the-makar Is not afraid to deal thus
frankly, openly and honorably, by letting
every patient using th same know exactly
what aha 1 taking.
- Sick women are Invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, res. All correspond
ence la guarded aa sacredly secret and
womanlv confidence are nroteeted bv
being supplied with lumber cargoes forpw'eesloiial privacy. Address Dr. R.V.
transportation to- New lYork and Bos-: ree, Buffalo, II. X. ---- . v - . v-
ton. and will soon start on their voy-l fi I" Atf J
icai Aaviser. it is jree, a or a -paper-covered
copy send Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buf
falo, N. Y, SI one-cent stamps to eover
Sxalllng only In eloth binding tl stamps.
- Dr. Pierce's Pellets core constipation.
. age arouna tne norn.
---r-the fact 'that the' James Drummond
Is being , sent from Ban Francisco, to
take on' cannery supplies . and otker
stores sufficient to last m tare crew fot
the season. Instead of securing them tn
ths California metropolis, is accepted
-an be made with local dealers. A num
ber of the members of the association
reside In Ban Francisco and were It
possible to secure the required goods
. Iuat aa chaanlv there It Is declared that
,.tho Jssnes Lirumiaond would have taken
on - her without coming to-
Portland. Thla is pointed to as another
Instance Why Portland, should operate
an Alaaka line of steamers. - Being In
a position to quote lower prices than do
the merchants at San Pranclaco and
Beattle, It Is contended that bualneas
- firms would experience no difficulty In
getting all of the buslneaa that they
could possibly take care of. Usually
the supplies taken out by one ot the
salmon ahlps-every-aprlng amount In
value to from $20,000 to 110,000.
The American ahlp Berlin, new lying
at Qoble, will .also be loaded at Port
land -with supplies the latter part of
--this-month for. Nuahagak river. It Is
supposed that the other veasel which
will be procured to take the place of
- the Harry Mors will be fitted out here
- Wltu a cargo. Tliua the Portland mer
chants will dd some Alaska business
this spring, whether a line Is operated
from the Willamette river- to ths far
horthV4V not. - t.'.'..,::- ,
Closes first, puce;;
raalnsJ-Wlil be run between Portland and Caa-
. Slaertmlnattna; Bat Xts 'tkmnd
All sad in Wheat hlpxaesita.'
'-. Kor the part of the wreaJ year'nstgln-
iilng with July 1 last, roniana naa ax-
- rxnw-lmA . I ttl.Tlt bushela Of Wheat. SS
agalnat 0,711. tot bushels sent from, the
various ports on Puget sound, according
to a report -which Caa juai oeen com
plIedTJy ths -merchants' ...excharyr.
VntU a couple of months ago Portland
" was In the lead -and would have con
tinued .to hold first place naa it not
been for the fact that the exporters- de
' elded to load, ships on tha sound In
order to get full benefit of the. dis
criminating charter rates fixed by the
shipowners' association. ; Since that
matter has been satisfactorily settled It
! aunnoaed that Portland will ones
.- mora take the lead. " '
During February 44C.38I bushels of
xoreign ana
cade lAvks. As soon -as construction
work on the north bank road gets well
under way. It Js Ireigbt
trafflo will be created than the boats
now in service can handle. IX, la aup-poead-ibattliera-wllValao
W , a, , brUk
paawenger trastness. - - .,-
r ' j- J;S
Three Brltisb Ships WU1 Complete
ber Qargoea Tomorrow. . .
- Tomorrow three . British ships the
Haddon UaII.'lakaaoiii and Iflltonburn
will complete their lumber cargoes,
which -will aggregate cloae to (.000,000
feet, a far greater-, quantity - than was
aent across' ths seaa .during January.
Thd Iflltonburn will clear with 1. 100, 000
feet of fir for the United Kingdom, the
Haddon Hall will go to South Africa
with 1.200.000 feet and the Eskaaonl t
tha Philippines with 1.(00,000 feet. The
British, ship Kalis of Dee left down" this
morning bound for Manila wttb a' lum
ber cargo, but she' cleared' at tha cua-tom-liousa
last month. Aalde from be
ing "one 'of the largest cargoes taken
out ef Portland for many-months paat
by a salltrig veasel the shTpnient on the
Mil ton burfl will be the finest lumbar
material that ever left hero. - It is. de
clared there la not a stick of timber
In the entire 'cargo that contains a knot
or bears the slightest blemish.". -
After completing the. work of sur
veying the upper Columbia river, be
tween the mouth of the Snake and'Ce
lllo. United States engineers engaged
at the task -returned, to Portland -thla
morning. Their data will be compiled")
ana rorwnrooa to Washington.- United
States EngTneeTr 8. MlUer was- In
charge of the expedition.
Carrying 250,000 feet of lumber and a
big shipment of grain, tha steamer Re
dondo smiled last night for Ban Fran-
Iclsco . - -
District Forecaster. Beals has made
arrangements to receive river readings
every morning from Ths Dalles, Uma
tilla, Rlparla, Wenatcnec and Lewliton.
and the stags of the streams at. those
wrhaat were aent
. , .na v tin bul.. ui Kiim itrrami K.uiDH
fieettle. Tacoma and Everett aent (41
14( bushels to Europe. Zt(.0 bushela
America. Including flour, the total shlp
ments for the present and past sessons
are as follows: .
O rand -total.- season to date. . .29. tit. 182
Same-Period, season 104-0(. ..12.tI7.t21
Bams, period, season 190J-04.. .IT.261,23
Hams period, aeaaon
Sara period, season 1(01-01.. .2M4.84
Same period, season 4(00-01. .. tl.
Same period, seaaon 1M9-00.. .1(.(((,((0
Same period, season l(8-(.. ."K.MMM
Bme period," leatofi 1 ttT-9 (.TTJ 1.1 HI ti
- munaatla Has Thlry-Ona Thousand
" Barrels of Jflonr for ttoagkomg.
' Cargo Is being rushed Into the hold of
- the orlentaX-llnejumantiajwitn an
- -possible haste with the Intention of get-
ting her ready to leave down for the sea
at daylight tomorrow morning. Should
the work of loading her be completed
today the steamer will clear this after
- noon- at the custom house.' She moved
from the flour mills thla morning to ths
' " Oregon California dock, where her laat
. shipment will be reoalved.. .
The value of the cargo will be close
i to (200,000, flour being the principal
' . shipment Of the 11,000 barrels of flour
' .she haa on board, fully, three 'fourths
- ' . will be delivered to merchant In Hong
li kong. Many of the shippers believe that
... the Chinese boycott .against American
good Is pretty much of a bugaboo.
Ths Arabia, scheduled , to arrive on
- ' March I, will be the next of the fleet to
put In an appearance. Should shs make
a quick passage it la possible that ah
will reach the river before the Numan
tla puts , to sea. Ths Arabia Is bringing
nearly a Yull cargo of the usual line of
zt eastern prooucis. sr.-Tsfejr
time forward on the weather map.
A messege fioiu Bau Fianulsco state
that the eteamer Northland will sail
from that city for Portland on Satur
Ths schooner Polaris haa been char
tered to load lumber at Portland .for
San Pedro. She le now-lying at the
.alter port and will sail for. the north
tomorrow. - . .
This morning . ths barkentlne Koko
Head moved from, ths drydock to In
man, Poulsen Co.'s mill, where she
wni Toad lumber for Shanghai.
'The British steamship Ilford shifted
this morning from - Inman. Poulsen "St
Co.amlll to ths Victoria dolphins, to
complete her cargo of lumber for the
orient " ' ,
Laden with '4(0,000 feet of lumber;
the schooner Beulah left down - this
morning bound for San Francisco.
TheBriflsh shirr-Falls of -Dea-laftj
down this morning bound for Manila
with a cargo of lumber.
Frank J. Smith of the Open River
Navigation company left for Celllo -last
night. . ,,,.. . ' , - . . .
. gteamef Is Taksa Off tewts Biver Baa
Oompetttloa Tee Strong-.
After having pliSr regularly on the
- Lewis river run for the past 1( month,
the steamer LeonaV ond b the La
Center Transportation company, was
V taken out of ervlcr-yeterday ef
noon and tied ud to ths dock at the foot
-o(-jOak. street ShewllL.beglven an I l
overhauling and tne manager says sn f
will then be on the market for any busi
ness that offers. ' .
The Leona was purchased byTTsptatn
J. .Newt Graham. William H. Marshall
and Fred J. Bauer from the Oregon City
Transportation company a year ago last
fall and placed on the Lewis river run
In opposition to the steamer- Masoot of
the Kamm line. Rivalry between the
two companies has been keen, but It was
riven out that both-wars doing .a. good
'.business. About six months, sgo ths
. freight and passenger rates on the
Kamm --boat were cut to a low figure.
No reduction wis mads by the opposi
tion Una and naturally It lost a big
portion ef Its former patronage. J
There Is soms talk 'that the Leona
Attoria, March' 1j Arrtvad.-dQwa.JtLl
I a. m. Steamer Harold Dollar. Ar
rived down at ( a. m. Norwegian ship
Qencrnl Gordon. Arrived at 1 1 a. m.
A three-masted schooner. ,. .
San Francisco. March ". 1. -Sailed
Amrrlcan. ship James Druramond, for
Portland. . , ' .. -
Astoria, Feb. Arrived down at 4
p. m. Barge Santa Paula. " u.
Astoria, March. . Arrived at JU(:
a, m. Steamer Klmore, from Tillamook.
Aatdrla, March L Condltlen-,oX the
bar at g a. tn., smooth: wind, east:
weather, clear. ;y ' -
... . . v , , : r-r.' ;
(Jotlrstl Bpeetal irvle..
Chicago,, March. 1. One of Garfield's
representatives was continued on the
stand ht the packers' -case -today, te-H
tlfylng for the government . He -aald
port at
the request of the packers before sub
mitting It eliminating the hypothetical
case cfcppibliiatiun 'In restraint jr
trade. ... .. .........
The mirror tells a -z
flattering tale! to" all Who
artTsensible enough. to
beautify Iheir jnbuths with
aa '1 'It i
XifVj'wbr. 'or Pastt.
A Dninty Snnck
A Cozy look '
Clam 'Chowder. ' .. .
JCscalloped Halibut. Egg Sauce.
. gjtag potatoes. "
,, Cucumber Salad.
Apple Pie. Ham Sandwlcbes.-
Bread and Butter.'.
-Tea, Coffee, Chocolate. Milk.
Cl O sleCi
nouon t7coT op ouioaqo
CUro CSw
laces for Uzll
" "First Tloor."' . ,
Broken tines' of preny ud ex--Cuttely
woven , VaL , Laoeev
ranging from t to 10 fnchea
la width.' Special during the
"Koonomy Sals' at .
"-r r---'
reature s Unusual UndemMes
Many of the specials listed are selected from staple, everyday lines that fill everyday wants, while others are picked from the new season's brightest debutantes that
. are just, making .their first, bow to thcpubliclSuindinK outias. it, does like a cameo, - with-conservative statements from a careful store, amid the weedy garden
of expletives and adjectives that mar advertisements of sensational shops, and -lend a shade of doubt to their tales, this announcement will appeal to sharp and'
critical buyers with a desire to save and a knowledge of genuine values. The greater that knowledge' the more forceful the bargains" will appeal. .,
Glorious Spring llillinery
"'Second Floor
- Annex."
rriday's eat TaX-
Barlw Bnyera.
Black . shirred . Silk
"Dress Turbana, with
4 horsehair braid
crowns, trimmed
with let ornaments
L a aplendld ,12.(0
- value. - Special, eacn
In the Junior Shops
Second Floor.
Children's fins Lawn and Nainsook "DreeaeS.
maaa wim roona or aquarw yu", iu
. .. . ...... . u 4n.H.A HK
liuooara aiyiw uaiwuauir . iwu,,
i.u mwmA .mkMM' ,M g monthal to 8
IWV vi.av.w.uu. j ,
years: regular values from (1.00 to (7.00.
Special for Friday Economy Baie ' .
at . ...aTaTiF rBZOB.
Second Floor -Annaitr --.-
Three' discontinued lines ot Royal Worceatar
COrSetS. 10 pins, Diua, onu, man wiiiv-,
' sixes 24 to (0 only. BpwsM Economy Sals
price, the pair . t.. ...T)
'7' "TTv 'First Floor. .. -; " -
wajdb stooks too. V,-
A lot of Wash Storks In white embroidery, tn
oolors," also all white; sUk with buttonhole
for- ties, whits and black silk with four-ln-
' . hand tie; white wash collar embroidered In
I colors, with Us to matoh.-- Special at.
. each ...,tM XOf
Klchardsort's plain linen hemstitched Handker--
chiefs, shear or heavy, and H-Inch hems;
regular value, each, 120. Special, alx
for .-- - 50
In tne Realm of Art in
; . fccdeiyorfc
v. lassw " Bsnnad Floon.
X4jisa Oeaterpteeea In whiu and old bine, and
stamped In Roman cut wot- designs
24-lnoh else; our (6e value. Special Economy
S(-tnch also; our (1.2S value. Special Economy
, Sale price, each SM
Silk and cotton "M erode" Vests, low neck, no
. sleeves, hand crochet- silk trimming, with
knee length tights to match; regular value
11.00. Special, each ...,..,. ...69
. woansrs siso mrzow surra sss.
I White llele "Merode" Union SjUtehlghneek,
long sleeves, ankle length; regular vtue -tl.2(.
Special . ................... ...05.
Pretty Ribbons ) for Less
Firs Floor. -v."J:..'-404
AI1.lllr Taffeta Ribbon. inches wide. In black.
. wmu and MinrL auitama lor aaanea. airaies.
hair ribbons or hat trimmings; regular value
40o. BpeclaJ. toe yard 2e3
A Host of Specials ot Interest toy
Housekeepers and Home
. Third Floor.
S3.TS STAWD lVASCFS rOm .SS.7S Handsome
Parlor Ltropa, witn pina gioDe , to matcn
base, ImpVoved circular burner; our (.Ti
value. Boeclal Economy Sals pries.
each . , S2.T5
Parlor .Lampa, wun aecoraiea gioos ana
base, circular burner; our $2.60 value. Sne-
clat Economy Sale price, each . ;. .. .f2.50
CBTSTAZj VAIBS (-inch else, Special .-,
.Economy Sale price, each -. .., 5g
XOO OtrrS SOo Double Egg Cups of beat dec
orated German cnina; regular price tne
dosen. Special Economy Bale price, eet of
six .4 ...... 50v
OivasBS lABDXlrxzaas Airo masm.
The two pieces. Bpeclal Economy Sals price.
for ths two ..' ..DOS)
fcAXAB Sr so Salad or Berry Sets, con
sisting of one 10-lnch bowl and six saucers
i to match. - Theas sets are decorated with a
very neat blue pattern. For Friday Economy
Sale only, the seven pieoee, special at. .39e
AX ABM OZrOCXa Thirty-hour tune. ", Special
Economy Sale price, eacn ...Tlte)
KrjnC 'BBAZXKBS Three corner shape. Spe
cial EconomyBille, price, each ......12f
TSA FOTS of new brown earthenware. Spe
cial Economy Sue price, each. . .... A .207
BAXZWO SXSXXS So t-lnch oblong yellow
Baking' Dishes. Bpeclal Economy Sale price,
each at . . ..iu 8e
SBXPTTBTO FAWS Bias vlOxll Inches, heavy.
Bpeclal Economy "Bale pnee, each 19
WASXsVBOxXaBS Tte Extra good copper bot
tom vaxh : aollers. Bpeclal Economy Me
2 price, i-each i ........... 1 ........... .'. T9
WBZS2S BBOOKS Oood Quality, . Special
Economy Sale price, each ............. .9g
yiKftT OAl.BSWsTIfhl --pounds by
ounces. . Special Economy Bale, price,
esi li i I r I I I I I , I m m. . V. rr....9Se)
AJCB, VRI SOOpF. Special Sal price.
complete -.j.- .......... .-i,a .c. .,.,.. .sXftXtH
CXOTXXS BASXXTS SSo Extra grade oval
Clothes Baskets. special"1 Economy Sale -
prlee, each r- W.t r. , . r. ti ri rrr-iT ." tV.'. 39a
STOTB FOXBBS. Special Economy Sals
price, each- .-.... .................. ....7s
trrora UK UtTTSBS. Special Economy v
Sale-price, each ri, A i... m.g
&VBCH aoxas,.. Specially priced at. "
each rfs.. . as?, iae, .IBs)
Bpeclal Economy Halo price the pir.-t-fJ94t
CBAMBXBS,; Special Eoonom Sale price.
each . . m.. . .....1....... ....... 3Sg)
0OTBBB9 StOF JABS, w(th bJe. Special
tNew Summer Madras, 18c
Wash Goods Aisle First Floor;:
A-welcome new arrival of the prettiest fine imported Madras your mind can T
conceive. ' Neat, dainty weaves in exclusive beautiful designs, sure to make t
uy picaaingi. miu inc sniait, spring ana cummer anirtwaasu iuat iciiujpiruLjr
loves so" well and needs so many ot Attractive fabrics that sell 7 tO X
rapidly at the fair regular price of 23c a yard at this store; 25c M fmg Z
4 ejsewnere. special tomorrow, at tne vara a v
imeh'Ttleckdress and
FaxsAY Boovoarr
ciam tm
Women's KnifUnder
'.: :r ; wear Aisle
A Saleof SilkPetticoats
- Grand 8alond Of Dress Second Floor.
oxoosa tbobc
raxTjaa - BAsrorxo sisao
to sagjov - ... ....
The handsome Skirts are especially good value
. : at the regular prices. - Only aboa-e women
, i can be supplied. All are fresh, pretty style
1 and In colors only. . Materials are taffetas of
.- the rich, rustling sort that .dressy women
love. Styles with tucked flounce and rufflea
and shirred flounce with accordion -plalta.
Rich,- handsome navya, blues, browns, greens,
c reds, grays, bellos and beautiful changeable
sffeota. . In values ranging up from I11.S0
to-128.50. Ton choose sa fancy dlotat
,: they're all for one day only . . -
Good Shoes
FtmFloorSMWxthJBtreer Annexe:
" "Marvelous" la bo exaggeration thase ralnea
are Indeed cause for all to marreL. whsn tha
cost, the quality and the newness of tha fooU
wear are considered. -
1,000 paira'Or Women's Sfaoea la patent kid.
gnnmetal and box calf leathers, made la al
most every wanted stylo all sixes; values
In the lot to (4.0. - Special Economy Bale
pries, the pair ..................... .fl.79
sass fob woicxtrs sxoas wobtx to
....;.,...-., , . ss.00. - i . 2 , '
2,000 pairs of odds and ends In Women'e Shoea,
"Oloria" and Laird. Schober At Co-'a Shoes,
' mads In all ths different leathers and Styles;
heavy or Ught soles; slsas-4 to (; widths
AAA to D: value to l.00. Special Economy
Sals price, the pair ..faJ29
. sj-as fob aortr sxoas wobtbt to sxoo.
1,000 patra of Boys Shoes. In box calf, vlel kid
and English grain leathers; In either Blucher
or regular face styles. AH t these shoes are
: good shoes and some day you will come back
' for another pair of them if you try them
now; slses to ( ; values' to (2.0. . Special
Economy gale pries, the pair ........91.5ft
One-Half Price
vxxrguAXaXjT TBXFTxva FBxoaa aacxoa BTrrxxs to
'--:.;-;;'' ''-' FXBST FZrOOB FXFTX (THR AaXZX. ,
ich really wonderful values ae we're prepared -forFriday and Saturday patrohe, in the section
devoted to ths display and sals of the new and beautiful fabrics that muat form tha "makings"
of thousands of Portland's swsUeat frocks and gowns for Spring and Summer wear are sure
to attract enthusiastic throngs to ths Store 'tomorrow and Saturday for ths Specials form a
two-day Sal. Handsome black Crepe da Pari is reduced end fashion saya a revival of black
Is looked for ths new season. ' Reductions, like this: ' . .
11.(0 quality.
(2.00 quality.
((.00 quality.
Special at.,,.......,..
Bpeclal at......
Special t.,
1.23 (Mf quality. Special at..............g 1.
1.67 (2 80-quality. - Bpeclal at .... .S2.
f 2. 57 (2(0 quality. Special at...... A3.
- - . - - . - iy y . .. .--T-. , . .... ..
Crepe de Chines at Special Sale
iu SH.X Aap-srLX-Aair-woOlM
-24-lnch.sllk Crep de Chine, In White, black- and"-44-Inch Bilk .and Wool Crep-deChlne.r4n All
all colors; regular (So value. Bpeclal, at the evening and street colors; regular (1.(0 valua,
yard 69 Special at, the yard 89e
Steel Range
for $15.00
V 1 1
iyjj. ;-
;....''.. Third Floor. "
These OS Range are neat, attractive, dur
" able and economical in the use of gas. They
made of stsel and malleable toon,- well
lined with asbestos. Perfect bakers that
will brown from the top as wall as from be
low, making a change from shelf to ahelf '
Unnecessary while baking. -. Special Economy
Sals price:. .B 15.O0
Two-hols Oaa Plates; our (1J( value.. Special
price, 'each. ... .'a a . .f 1.25
. Economy Bale
Men's Furnishings
An Important Sale ot Neckwear
. and Hosiery
First Floor Sixth Street Annex.
..., ., ur tSi) xjgcxWBAa) 100, '
Midget and Club Ties In a good assortment of
patterns; sold sverywhere for 25c Our-
Special, . each .....10)
Jsrsara aso xoszxbt uho. r
Men's fancy Hosiery, 4 broken lines in tan..
- gray, etc; a good assortment of alses: -
regular value 26c Bpeclal, the palr..l2He
xxx's too FBxacx tisia xosa, s vazbs,'
-, , ., .. sso. ..
Men's black French lisle Hess, slse 10 H snd
-llr-regular value ZOc Bpeclal, ( pairs. 25)
Need Blankets? f
Or Comforters
-.A' Special sUlS Toxaorrew Fearth-Tloer
' sxso bowv Azaxa ooxFOBTaas1'
Real Downallns- Comforters,, slse ' (x? feet,
covered with best quality sllkollne: regular
" value 1(.(0r- Speeiak-aach-rrs-s-a yrrr.-. 92.65
Whits Wool Blanketa, slightly soiled" from
" handling; regular value ((.(0. - - - -
Special a...-iiSjTTi.rprTrr.f5.5
: axxxx sxxTX STaaaT fxbst fx.oob.
Fine Leather Handbags
I - for Half -
Friday we have oil saTr" selareaHrm of laeathsr"
-Hand Bags, In various slses and color, tn
eea Hon. morooco. alligator, etc: values
f from (2.00 to (70.00 Included In tha lot. . -'
" - Special for Friday Economy Sale
t -.'"a.; vv,w..,..;. xAur fbzob.
BOBS.- -
In red or black sixes 1' to and ' value to
. (1.(0. . Special Economy Sal prie. the -
. pair . . . .35
Same in spring heels; slses S to and values to
(2.00. Special Economy Sale price, the
pair . .594
Vomen's Hosiery Aisle
woxxfs as xoaa
Black medium-weight Hal Hoae, double sole,
. spliced heel, French toe; regular value 1 5c
Special, the pair ....... ..23s)
xaFAars ss xoaa tr.t:,:', '
Infants' mercerised seamless Hose, black, blue,
pink and white; our regular Mo value.
Special, the pair .17a)
Bargain Firebrands
8ure to kindle enthnelaam among women who
like to savs the pennies; a little host of sayings
made possible by Friday a Special Sal ot .
Notions and Small Wares
. First Floor.
(So Shell Side Combe. Special, tha pair.. 22s)
lOo Cr.(Bail and Socket Garment Faatenera,
Special . ...-.-.T.'.";. ..,.6
(o Bllver-plated Thimbles. Bpeclal ........3a)
Darning Cotton, black and colors. Special,
S spools .: ............Sat
2(c Bar White Csstlle Soap. Special 14a)
lOo Roll Toilet Paper. Special 6), or the
. dOSen . . ; a . . i a a a a , i.r."...,TO
lOo Bottle Carbolatsd Petrolenm. Special. . 5
(Oo Bath Sponges. Special , .854
12o. Ink Writing Tablets, ruled Special.. .7)
7 So Bottle Carter's Photo Library Past.
Special . ........49a)
25o Writing Paper la 1-lb, packsta. . :
Special . ............15)
2 Bo Cabinet Box Linen Cleth Finish Writing
Paper. Special , a a. ..254)
. Aaxax sacoaa.Fi.ooB. : : V
Buy Women's $2.50 Pet
ticoats for $1.67
Women's Sateen Petticoats, black ground with
fancy stripe made with It-inch accordion
flounce and 1-Inch ruffle, with hemstitching
at in Bottom; our- value. Bpeclal
Economy Bala prto,-achrirti t at .ai.67
Jewelry Store Bargain.
F1rt Floor sixth Street Annex.
wt couia atTTToa sars loo, :
Collar -TBuRon Sets buttons Of good rolled
- plate with celluloid barks come four on a
-rardr-our lie valua Bpeclal Economy Sal
Prtcalhejsel j .j.aa... x-,t ,,ni"t ' txJLOxJ
L '. " 45 f CBoasaa so. v ;
A line ef Je Orossssi ear ttsi value. Sf 11
Economy Sale price, each ........... ,25s
aa SXZ.X Airo x.xATxaB fobs as.
JiA. KweartrnenA-Ct.. finkgndLeather JFobsj
value to (l.Zft. Hpocut kconomr ai pnr,
each . a a . a . a .Z3t
zxt Aim ibt wazst tor s.
An assortment of Ollt and Jet Waist Pins, I
pins on a card; value ISo and (to. Special
,-r Economy Sal price, the eet ........... ,5s)
KlPor prelty 'Ber "Pin, ar J inch long. Wits
three seta ef turquoise. Jaale, amethyst, er
opaa. They" have well-made, gold-plated
' backa, strong hinge, and ar a suitaMe. else
for cuffs, collars, etc; our it. value, r--'clal
Economy Sals price, the set ,..,. I. )