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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1906)
- A t::; czzzzn daily jzjz::xu rcrrrLAtiD. ved::z3DAy eveninc rrnuAY t Toaxojre-i muxim Bsksr r... ...... .......Maalcal Borlseoue Boiplre ..................... ,"bMii lmm'' Lrrle. 'roan i hat" KtM Veatr1IM Vrssd VsedeTtils ' Emails Ondriot, a, FYenoh girl, will b . deported by th Immigration bureau at tier own request 8h tu laduoed to , come to America under (ale promises by a man eald to be named Emtio Chaplat. During the past month the Ctrl bad been kept practically- a prisoner in a north end diva, but finally succeed d in making her. eeoape. After th ' matter had been laid b(or th district ' attorney and French consul lbb th - ca waa finally referred to Immigra tion Inspector Barbour. Th girl I at th Houe of th Good Shepherd await lng deportation. f Revival meeting at Patton If. it church will be held for come time, be ginning tomorrow evening, whan' th ' pastor, Rev. - Melville T. Wire, will preach. Rt. Clarence True wtleon will preach on Friday evening. - On Sunday th paator will have charge , of . th ervioee. - Beginning Monday evening, March i. Rev, J. B. Snyder of Vary couver, who held service at th Men's Re sort during th Chapman meeting last spring, will take eharg of th meetings. Mr. Snyder is a well-known and successful revivalist. ; At i recent meeting of th newly . organised Multnomah Bar association th following officers were ejected: S. C. Spencer, president; Ralph B. Fisher, secretary; Wilbur Seton, treasurer; L B. Crouch, A. T I-wLs and J. H. Wood ward, Tice-prestaents. Three cnancei lore to act as a trial court to hear. all charge against attorneys are R. J, Morrow, J. H. Woodward and Oeorge V. Brio. Ralph R. . Duntway was " sleeted prosecutor, Fifty local ttoray signed th charter roll and many others have joined th now association this week. .... . , ' f. .,.-. - ( ' A musical to assist la raising funds to establish a free bed in th Bvergreei sanitarium will be given Tuesday even lng, April I. In 4h Whit Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets, by lira Ida McCab. The general managers of th Institution are Mrs. Jennie A. Camp. bell and Mis Margaret K. Vessel They say: "Our on object la to cere for thi friendless, homeless and pesnlleas and Indigent sick- who ar unable to pay for their care, and w hop It will glv you great pleasure to help us." - It la a pleasure to meet our patrons after having delivered an order, because ther ar no "disgruntled1 one among them. We let no work go from, our studio that la not first class. No mat tor If th . customer should deslr In ferior photo, and pay extra for them. we would refuse - th order. K. W. Moor, expert photographer. Elks' building. Seventh and Stark. to give you a push in the right di rection. If you are not a ban! depositor, become one with any rood taruc- ot course, we prefer it should be ours. Youll (hank eg some day for this advice If you adopt it. . ' WEPAY ,vrr- j .INTEREST. . iuctTso in Ins Trsmsaetod. -'. " omosma- - W. H. MOORE. President ... EL E. LYTLB, Vice-President W. COOPER MORRIS. Cashier. , DIRECTORS. - - W. H. MOORE. B. B. L.TTUL LEO FRIEDS. H. A. MOORE. W. COOPER MORRIS. Mrs. J.' Thorburn- Rosa will hav charge of the program tomorrow af tar noon at th Horn Training association meeting. iiom - occupation and Amusements" will be her them. Ther .will be special music. Mothers ar urmd to b- nrclfmt Th mMtlnr will be held In the committee room of th city hall at I p. m. Children will be cared for In th nursery. . ' Th O. R. A N. haa placed upon the Pendleton-Spokan run two' novel par lor oafe-cara. Intended to supersede th Pullman sleepers es that division. At on end of th ear Is a kitchen and at th other an observation compartment The Intervening space Is divided into a dining-room, smoking-room and two sleeping sections. Th car ar It feet at any hour. C . , Fourteen, military prisoners spent a short time In Portlsnd last night on xneir way io in unuea nun priewti on Alcatraa Island, California. Ths men will serve from on to three rears on th island. AU were formerly mem bers of th regular army. The prisoners were In charge of Major Dodds of Fort Vancouver and nln soralera. V Manager' I Runt and Signer DTJr bano. of CUrbano's famous band, ar rived la Portland a few days ago and will spend their vacation in this city, preferring th climate to that of south ern California. While here th band will hav entirely new uniform mad prior to their concert tour of th coast and northwsst. ' ; - """ j- For San Francisco Th elegant steel etesmshlp - "Redondo" sails direct Wednesday evening. Cablrf, 111; steer age, II. Meals and berth Inaluded. C H. Thompson, agent. 111 Third street . Owing to th fact that Attorney Charles F. Lord ' loat bin vole and could only make himself understood by th liberal us of signs, Judgs Bears this mornlna postponed the trial of the ease of J. H. Peterson against Ouy Hot- man. O. M. tdleman, counsel ror moi- maa. was present with bis witnesses at th opening of th '.circuit court, but when Mr. Lord appeared and attempted to talk with his hands tbe Judge de cided that delay was necessary. ta. a ,ah hi arrested veatsrdar a..i.. k- iniini rtatetlva Hellver on th charg - of begging and on being tried before roue juage uannia ni morning was discovered to d a proiee .u.t Ma Ua w. - ordered to OUH '..". - " leave the city. It was discovered by Hellyer that Aaron securea m !. . prominent Jewish merchants and pro fessional men and as h obtained money from them marked names off th list. . -1 . TT A AII-flAtnla .hunk. . xjt, nvu.1 . v. a" " w ... ' a. Twantv.awniuf atrct. between Tork and Reed streets, will begin a series Iatntn aarvloes tonlcht Throughout th season of Lent he wUI hold special services en Wednesday and Saturday nights and th addressee and th rauslo will be appropriate to th Mason. - Ellsworth Benham. former adjuster for th claim department or tne u. n. N.. will leave tomorrow morning for San Francisco, where he will join the tax and right-of-way department of th Western Pacific ' Mr. Benham haa been In Portland for ftv years. It la thought that h will be succeeded by B. O. Sat dler. . - - . . ; , ., By request of a large number of peo ple th Ladles' Aid society of th Osao Msthodlst church wllLrepeat ths enter, talaraent given reeentJy at th church, "Aunt Jerusha Quilting Party," at th T. M. C A.; on March . Many new feature will be provided that will add to th IntepMt of th entertainment " (MmmwiSBss-W ' ; Watches, Watches. Watches On asy weekly paymenta. It down, lo par weak. Don't go without a good time piece. MeUger a Ca, ill Sixth street Regular party night Burkhard hall. Thursday evening. Oents It cents, la dles fr. . , t ., AH watches cleaned. 1. '' ; ATI main springs, tW MeUger A Co 111 Sixth Oold medals for lawn grass and sweet Butser, seedsman, ill Froat : Lennox hotel, room and hoard If per week. SOI Salmon. Ask for Frltx's tarnal. Low rate for Wallula, Hover and way points. Freight for this trip must be delivered at Alder street dock by Thursday. March 1. Milwaukie Country Club. v Los Angeles and Oakland race a. Take Sellwood and Oregon City earn at First and Aides, . - Manufacturer's Piano Co. Bell th Sohmer piano at 1 1ll Alder treet Reoeived a carload yesterday. "Th Bia Tr," zaid Stshsm rut trp4 glut aovsl f praotlaal .surici peuMos wiu stan ta ( 11- V ft " i X ami n o i L ) reijy -to--rr-:rcl r -re t!: uzzttt C- vtt !: Wa ttext eff ts ry wf-h r v t.-:grt;-xl vt ti ttt t 'Tut trai regiy-t3rwear ctstfas Antrica rroc--r Cm end heavy vrt'A ir!:i of tb fc.!owb3 rcrtt:! M : makes Stein-CIoch Co., Hart. Schaffaer &. llzrx, L. Aiw Eros. & Co., The) Wat!igtoa CoM and ct!:rra; Plain and fancy mfartarea ta ronnd cntnd dooila-' treasted sack ccata Fancy worsted, tweeda. a3 wool fancy cheviots and cassimeres E!ae serges and MackTtibeU; handseoery ta2ored, tis variety, a3 tlzea 0 1 0.00 Suits for Low Price of C6.95 SI 250 Suits for Low Prico of $8.35 g 1500 Suite for Low Prico ofS9.65 Q 1 0.00 and ggO.OO Suits for $12.10 Ea. S23.S0 and $25.00 Suite for S1SJ5 Iul $30.00 Suite for Low Prico of 020.15 $3500 Suite for Low Prico of $22.65 Special Kne of "Priestley V Cravenette Ralncoata -The very best fl f C ttylea Regular $13.00 values on sale at the very low price of, each tplweOsv -' WWOTiytthfai Tailored I p vy ltct ideas hfs tHl fzncyttjTws--Attractive thr J end Pest snowing we ever made A this early in season $7 to 13 Kcy Flower Hats We ca3 1 racial attention to tve new fancy flower hats forSrri?3 wear Very pretty effects fa ttrikingly attractive shapes Very latest ideas ot New York trtUtt-S? to $8.30 ea.hnmense line women new, ready to-trim shapes in new ideas and materials -feest coiorfa z and comhinations $2 to S6NewUneboy'and girb'Tcbrs mm Great Sale of Towels and Dcd Linens 100 dozen- Bleached Turkish Bath Towels; big !; finefJrV quality; great special value at the low price of each., g C Fringed Turkish Bath Toweli; full bleached, big sir; beitf value ever offered at this ilow price of, each ........ewUC 100 doien all-linen Hemmei Hnck Towels; 40c value at.... ...... .26 200 doien all-linen Hemmed Muck Towels; 22c value at., ....... . .18f Hemmed Marseilleg pattern Bedspreads; great value Hemmed Marseilles pattern Bedspreads; $175 value at....v,...f 1.-40 35c Sale, of WflsEn Goods Six great lines for your choosing The newest and prettiest Wash Materials ever shown at this popular price The time for buying is "now while the assortment Is at its best, the merchandise clean end fresh Do not let this opportunity pass 500 piecei of IrUh Printed Dimities; clutter cord and check; all neat floral detigni in pink, blue, (f yellow, green and lavender; 30 in. wide; large assortment; unusual values at, tbe yard .sVC 400 pieces printed Organdies in all the latest designs; large effects, new patterns and coloring; jaT all the leading shades; 32 inches wide; on sale at the low price of, the yard J7C 300 pieces of fine Scotch Ginghams; fast colore; beautiful quality and styles for waists and shirt- " C waist suits; 30 and 32 inches wide; on sale at the low pricerof, the yard.... J&C 100 pieces of Silk Dotted Mulls in plain colors; all the' newest shades in great assortment; . 27 OtT inches wide; spleifdid value at the very low price of, the yard .......,.JC Embroidered Linette; the new fad for suiting; plain colors with embroidered design; equal in appearance to the most expensive all-linen materials; 32 inches wide; best value ever offered at... JJG Cotton. Poplins; a handsome plain colored material for suits, highly mercerised; all the popular JwV shades; 30 inches wide; grand value at the extremely low price of, yard. 4 in I, i i i.i, Three extraordinary ribbon bargains for the remainder of the week; best styles and quality; matchless values. 2500 yards of Persian Ribbons In dainty colorings, suitable for tab collars; desirable styles in rood assortment; 40c val. at, yd.wrC 3000 yards of striped Tab Ribbons In rose, Nile, yellow, blue, .white, old rose, stripes with white ground; 35c values for, yd.3C 10,000 yards of beautiful Silk Foille Ribbons, 5 inches wide; all the popular shades ; best 40c quality on sale today at, yard. . . . . 1 C New Gold and Silk Belts in the latest styles at sTA A. C A CfV prices ranging from, each. WC IO vJ New Veilings,' Neckwear, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc, ' i,',.. New Spring and Summer Knit Underwear. Sale of Women's Dox Coats $7.50 and $9 Ea. " " i i i i i i i s i t . Special lot of women's new Sprfaac &-iZ''Tm ikwc Coats la tweedt and fancy tsix O tures Lej-o'-mutton sleeve finished A -rat the band with tuck, braid and W" - j' . 1 -J button trimmings --Green, tan end ygray Only about 22 coats fa the lot All exceptional va!aef $7.50. 9 New Spria'g Suits A superb display of new' Spring Suits for women ; all the new shades and materials ; eton suits. Pony , suits, v. jacket suits, long or short sleeves; new style skirts 818.0O to 875.00: New -Coats in light mixtures at prices from, ea.87 to 840 Tan Covert Coats In bos and tight-fitting styles; all grade. . 24 Floor.' Great Sale of Rpss Third Floor Magnificent Axikinster Rugs; room siie; 9x12 feet; Oriental designs in beautiful colorings and combinations; about 25 of Ol aCC them; every one regular $40.00 values; your choice. w..v?4eOr Special lot of Austrian Wilton Rugi in Oriental designs and colorings; size 8 feet 3 inches 11 feet 6 inches; $22.50 value at... ....... flS.i Fiber Rugs at greatly reduced prices; very best designs; all carpet sizei;Une best inexpensive rug on the market; special values at thtlt feetS$ia.50 Value for the Ixyw Price of 81Q.25 Each 8 feet Sfachesfry 10 feet 6 inches $10.50 Value at gOEach 7 feet 6 mchea by 10 feet 6 Inches $90 Value at $fISO Each best materials and wor Custom shade and drapery work our specialty; orkmanship; lowest prices guaranteed. Third Floor. F. X- W BALTES COMPANY Wl PRIST. TO PLBaSB PRINTERS LIN0TYPERS BINDERS FIRST AND OAK STREETS TELEPHONE MAIN 165 JEWS APPEAL TO ' PRESIDENT His Aid Solicited In Inducing Russian Government to Cash Money Orders. SEVERAL SENATORS WRITE ENCOURACINCLY Vice-President Fairbanks Tells Dr. N. Moseaaohn. Editor of Jewish Tribune, That He Hopes Ground ' for Complaint May Be Removed. President Roosevelt haa - been ap pealed to In the effort to induce th Russian government to cash th money orders sent from Portland for th d Japanese and Odriese? CURIO SALE ' Owing to our surplus stock of holiday goods -w shall rdoo ptioea on vrr artlel la all lines, onsUtlns f fla Silver Cloi sonne, Satsuma, aew Bresswar, Brons Deoorated Poreelain Tea I Seta, Bilk and Satin Kmbrolderd Kimonos, Screens, Carved Poral-' tar. Toy. Msttlag, eta. ; ... - ' Andrew Ifcn " ' SST KOSUSaOst BY. ' ' serrlne and perseeated Jew la Russia. Vice-President ralrtwnks ha written to Dr. N. af osessoha, editor of ta Jew ish Tribune: 1 had obeerred similar eocnplalnte to those contained in yomr Utter aad I hope that th ground for them ma be epeedllr removed." In reapons to a letter directed to him United Stat Senator J. p. DolUver ear, in part: "I hav rear Utter with in closures with reference to the nonprmat of money order in Russia sent from Port. land, Oreron, ete., aad In reply will say that this matter shaU hav my at tentlon." United State Senator C. W. Fulton, chairman of th committee en claims, was also appealed to, and he replies In th following vln: "I hav just reoelred your Utter In closing etrouUr sent to th president; relatlr to th action of Russia In re fusing to reoornls money orders from this country. I hav received from Hon. Ben Selling also a- letter incloslnr me on of th postal orders, payment of which was refused. I intend tomorrow to take th matter tip with th president and th stat department" Senator Oeorre C. Parkins of Cali fornia, chairman of th civil serrlo and retrenchment committee, write, In parti "I would aay that I hav had no complaints ot this kind from California and therefor am unable to tak Ind nendent action. But X will 'gladly co operate with th senators from Ore gem la th matter, as l assume tnet you hav also written them. X will person ally see Senators Pulton and .(Maria relative to th euojeci matter. Senator T. C Piatt, president Of the United States Express company, writes Dr. Moses soon, in part, a follows: "While I am not a memher ot th an- at eotnmttte on poetofrloes aad post roads, I shall take pleasure In bring ing your communication to th atten tion of that committee, by whom post- ofBca matter ar considered." VALUABLE DOG RETURNS FROM TRIP TO KENTUCKY Charles' I ftoty la th proud posses sor of a thoroughbred American fox hound of registered pedigree which I at present exciting th envy of local dogbreeders. At great aspens she wss sent to th as n nets or Roger u Williams ef Lexington. Kentucky, more than a year ago and wa returned only a few days sine. Th animal ha a erod with a Norwegian boarhound. the earn cross s that used by 3ohn 1 Oof f, th noted Montana dogbreeder. This breee r doe Is said t be the beet for hunting bear and cougars know, aaltlag th Intelll- geno and keen noes of tn roxnoune with- th strength, and gemonesa of tbe boarhounL. The trip of ta animal an in amount Ud WUllaaw for redias sfTtaU an expense ef fill ,? ; COUNCIL'S DELAY THEIR BONE Crematory Employaa Forced to Wait for Pay Checks Until City Fathers Find Leisure. ANOTHER RESULT OF BODY'S NEW SY8TEM No Appropriation Whatever Made for Garbage Plant and Each Month's Bins Have to Be Passed on Separately. Superintendent Daggett of th garb age crematory is Indignant becauae the elty council haa not appropriated funds to pay the salaries of th crematory em ployee for th month of February. Th employes are also becoming worried and ar. wondering if they wlU receive their pay. : No warrant can be drawn until th funds to par th aalaiiee bav been appropriated by the council, which la not posalbla before March 7, en which date th next meeting will b held. This situation la another result of th Muinr ef making th appropria tions adopted by th present council They, made no appropriation whatever for the garb rmatorr when they divided th money to b expended by the different departments at th beginning of th year, but decided to appropriate funds on the first of each month te meet th expeneeo of this department, al though th superintendent of the er nratory filed an estimate ef his expense for th year. This decision waa arrived at-by th council beoaue it was undai-lded what repair or tmsrere meats were neces sary to enable th crematory to handle th garbage during th year. No defi nite conclusion ha ben reached re garding th natur of the Improvements end th eounoll did not appropriate fund to meet the preeent running ft ps nee f th crematory bocatt ther desired to wait until th estimates ef th entire expenses war learned to or der to make a total appropriation at one Urn. . - City Auditor Devlin eald thl morn- lag that whenever th health board de elded o what eort of Improvements were to be made and what their cost would be ther wul4 be no doubt tbat DAKER THEATRE Tt&MU sad Third sts. rkooe lfsla JS0T. Tbe Boese ef Moslem! Ssrlseeae. -' V Tkls Week, .'. The Mlfi-h School Qlrtm A Wseltk ef Sesaty, Masto ead BeUgM. Tbe Icrssalag BorMxju la Twe Aeta, 'BOTEt, STAKS AXD sTUMS." Ssterdsy lUUaeebMtsrfsraeaseH-lSe, Be, " Might piVee as. We. So. We. Xm Atrsetle "Iaier1alaM Seats Now Selling Aaae Beatrice s Pram Hoyi. SHELDON - VELLO the eounoll would; eppreprtato funds te meet the expenses. This do not remedy the situation o far aa th employ' salarl for Febru ary ar eoncerned, aad Superintendent Daggett Is Inclined to blame city Audi tor Devlin for not Introducing th ordi nance providing for th runalag a pen see of th .establishment for this month. Th sis employee at th cre matory will har to do without their pay pending th pleasure of th coun cil. - Tomorrow the board ef health win meet and th proposed Improvements for th crematory will be decided en. v Tha Sohmer Piano- Is th prim favorite for artists for both concerts and privet use. hioneytoLooii Tha Property Offered as Secartt Must B V ; Pirst Class aad Located tn tha City Portland Tru:l of C;c ':n S. a e. M 1 c 1 1 k ete Co. tt. u Which Take Plaee at the ! , ' Marquam Qrand Theati Thursday Bvealnf. March I flBATfl 49LOO Empire Theatro , Milts W. SsesM. Ktsr, Pwtlead s Uaml Pisstn Tseats. ' , , TeaWkt ead all Uls week, lb seeattfel Uy, mm t Ya a av m r v--w. m . A Besrt Stary ef tU Atkaaes Sills, "ae m ee e Sprsr f ArPlSloseneje.N rstkos sad Oeesesy rteblr bleadsd. Arveys a CaTerlte. . . ' " irsttose Sstardsy. "" . iww im uw, see, puff. MsUom !(. Its, SST - ' Kext Wsk.Urr andMsfe la ; C L.YRIC THEATRE nra arooAaAxa LYRIC STOCK CO. rrseeatt the Screawliit " iillr la , ' Tarsa Aets, Bslltled. MLoat-AHat t sua etraa roa m attrrs." vie; mttrnm aeete, , ST1? J ' THtATSt. VHtiala BUhMsl. ; week w r.e. St. wut . rv aotsilr J ytttrrs im ' - say atese sT UttUr. et ese W. a Vullea OtMUt Grand fri. PesslM 1 ess. '-. " C: