The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 27, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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z:z ctjzzzii daily ::.u FcnTLAKD. tuz:day eve:::::o, rzrr.UAr.v 7.
T 1
B)TO;3 LMf BAY i? UT
, A god-send .to any - .;' '7 :- , v-,V'-' ..... .' ... .- , . .:. , ..,
pockctbook. : r ; ' i: ' - .u , " --7.7--, 1 9o Tumi CTH t?t?t " :v;;-" ' '
Thatfs the
Way to Get
Rich V
. j,
Trwrt heeds no disguise; facts need no embellishments The figtires below speak louder, than words. This sale is not a make- ,
shift to et rid of a few odds and ends, out of styte br undesirable goo downright sacrifice, as we are forced OUU We
have to vacate by March How different an affair this is from the stereotyped, pre-arranged and really meaningless sales with
which the newspapers are fairly teeming day in and day out Nothing misleading, vague or ambiguous about it Everything
clear, straightforward and above board. We are' forced out of our building and are therefore forced to sacrifice our stock at :i
immense saving to the economic buyer. J U St one struggling, Jostling, frantlc9 pushing mass of humanity is what you
would have seen when our doors swung open at 9 o'clock yesterday morning at this great Thro wn Out Sale of the London
Clothing Company's stock of good clothing, hats, outfitting for man or boy. It's a good-natured crowd and one patient to a high
degree. Everything possible has been done and will be done to handle the enormous crowds to their best satisfaction Every
exertion will be made to wait on you expeditiously at this the last day of the Thrown Out Sale.
i it jj
9 .
Abort t&s Mca's. Yontht'. Boys
'.'.;.' ;. Overcoat T&Itt
Pick out any garment that strike your fancy. The price will fit your pocketbook
and give you the greatest chance to save
LOT 1 Suits value4 at from $&.00 to
$7.00 we sell at....... ......... 4..
. LOT 8 Suits. valued at from $7.50 to ,
$10.00 we sell at......V...........
,' LOT 3-iContains great values, mostly
"112.00 mi 114.00 srade. h ul! rr
-. at r. . . . t . . . .... .
Elegant black Clay Worsted Suits,
sack or frock style; regular $20.00
.' values, we sell at.................
! ''..-"'.''. ...-'.-. i . . , .' .. .' ' : , ' : .
LOT 4 Is a large line, containing wor
steds and fancy casshneres; ' for
mer value $22.60, we sell at. . . .....
LOT 6 Contains the cream of the stock. Suits of celebrated makers, such as
Hart Schaffner ft Marks, Brokaw
Bros etc.; .equal. to the made-to- v
order kind. Suits that were $25.00
- . and 130.00. must gd at. '.... '.'..:.;.'.f.'ew O
In swell and nobby fabrics, a clean line of tip-to-date, garments. Suits made
. with the neat fitting small and medium leg trousers. A good, QO
stylish and serviceable all-wool suit for. ,..$iyO
.Other divisions we have made, cutting former prices in two to close these 200
, Suits at once. We have marked as follows: $2.69, $3.45 and f4.55.
.;! Every Suit in the bt is a bargain at double these prices.""
' . , . ..- ... - : 7 .... .. . i- ..,
tad Cbnrca't Scit end T
t w M I
0o m m v
In the new Raglan, Fullbacks and Box-Coat all the latest in Men's
Topcoats. A good, heavy and serviceable Winter Overcoat,
worth $8.00, we have marked to sell quickly at .................. .
Lots we have found marked $12,
. cost of the material uncut
The $20.00 lines,
. are, too,
; go now
112.00 we have slashed to less than the J") jj
ines, and mighty good $20.00 Coats they fl yC ifJ
In Kerseys, Friezes and Chinchillas, must Ujl f
Extra nicely made and very fashionable Dress Over
coat fabrics, made for "particular" men, and sold
very close at $22.50, youH find here now at. . . . . .
To the men who made
. for their Overcoat
be fitted to one
lade up their minds to pay $30.00 jfTTV''
at this season, well say, Come and VLI ifS yf
of that grade for. ...... Oj O Jt U
Working Pants now. . . . .1JS9
Boys9 and Cluldren's Suits
Boys' and Children's Suits, Reefers and Overcoats we've
cut the life out of. In some case's our present prices are
not much in excess of the cost of the buttons on AO
the garments. - Actual $5.00 values we've marked... VOw
A great line of Boys' New Suits at. ......... .......$1.45
Best Grades, worth $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00, we have divided
into two lots, marking the prices thereon QJ
f 1.98 and. .90 1
Boys' Knee Pattts .V....... ................. .......21
Arc There Any L
lttlc Things
Men's 10c Rockford Socks. Sale price. . . . ...... . . .... .....3e
" Lion brand 10c Linen Collars," Sale price ... . . . . . . 8
Men's 25c natural wool Merino Socks. .........11
President Suspenders -you all know them at. .......... .26
Men's 60c dark colored(drill work Shirts at. .. 7. .... .7."'. ...19
- Men's $1.0Q outing flannel NightshirtsTT..' . .. . . .,. .37
Men's 65c fleece-lined Shifts" and Drawers..'.. ...,,...v,..25
Men's $1.00 soft-bosom Shirts. Sale price; . . . .... , . . .34
'Men's 84c silk and satin Four-in-Hand Ties........ .7.. ...14
Men's 75c aflk and satin Four-in-Hand Ties'."...'. .... .'. . . . .19e
50c.leather. and jwtjbl Gloves. . , .7 .. .'. ... .7 .. ... . .15
;50c Neckwear 3 . . . . . V. ...... . . , . . .':. . . . . . . , ... ..... ;,14f
$1.50 Men's Hats . IZ, . . . ." . . . U .'. ; .7". i .'. ,.v'.24
Monarch ?l.uu sturts . ...... Cr.. ..n..
,50c Silk Handkerchiefs. .7. . . . . . ... .19e'
: 76c ribbed and fleeced. Underwear . .7, . . . . . . .39
$1.25 ribbed andmatural wool Underwear. 7. .. . .. ..... .. .70
$1.80 all-wool Underwear . i'. p. ';'.. . .77 ,".77;.. . ; . . .7.85
, ; 25 Celluloid Collar s ; .V. ; w . . . s. . ; .. i . 'A ; . . . : . . . . . . ...St
-. For om day more you hr a chance to supply your footwear needs at prices that
will never occur again.
Men' elegant Vici Kid and Box Calf Shoes,
- lace only; genuine' English wtl soles, all
widths and all sizes; the kind erery one
in town is selling at $3.50. a qq
: Sale price 1 .00
Ladies' fmc Dongola Kid, Shoes, -sll sites,
-all styles, plain and patent toes; worth
"$3.00. s Take them at
Sale price...,
Children's fine Doitgola Kid Shoes, in lace.
and button; sites 8Vi to 11; -erery pair
( warranted worth $1.25. . sr
Sale price t . , ........
'U. S. Government Shoes; these shoes were
"bought from the - Government and lor
only a fraction of their value; any pair in
the lot worth anywhere and M 7C
everywhere $3.50. Sale price. f. . O
Misses' School and Dress Shoes, in lace and
button; the kind you psy any .01 'J'
one else $1.50. Sale price...... P
Ladies' Vki Kid Shoes, in lace only, all
widthsand all sites; every pair ( lO
1 worth $2.50. .gale price. ..I.IO
Men's heavy Satin Calf Work Shoes, good
and strong; always sold for (1 2Q
$200. Sale price ...I.Oy
Little Gents' Shoes, in satin calf, lace only;
good for school or for dress, and every
pair guaranteed; sizes 9 to li'A. You psy
anywhere for this same quality Ofis.
$1.50. Sale price
25c bottle Ladies' Gilt-Edge'Shoe Dressing;
? everybody knows it sells for 25c lrt
everywhere. Sale price.... . .....
Children's extra fine French Kid and Pat--rent
Leather Shoes, sizes 5 to 8;. always
f sell at $1.50 anywhere. CQr
Sale price ........o-Oyy
Men's Hats
AIT new Fan
. Goods, not one
price advertised
here is for any hat
over a month
from the factory.
$1.80 HATS ALL. NOW .V
f A AA TT A nr T VtfWIT v"'-S "-
', J $2.80 HATS ALL NOW...... f 1.59 : ' X
' " " - . r '
The' Celebrated John C. WUsoh Agency Hat, in all
colors, styles and shapes. ' Your choice fQ
for.;...i...................:..:....;i. ePl.VO
If that isn't less than any dealer ever bought 'em by
the case, we'll fit you to one FREE OF-CHARGEI
It will pay you to borrow the money if you have to! It; w tock up for
years to come! It will be your f everlasting and ner-forjgotten loss if you don't DON'T MIND THE J AM! Your share of this
' GREAT BARGAIN SPREAD will amply make up for being crowded. EXTRA salespeople' ia attendant, i ; ; v
,i.4iiL .... l.f. . J. ,
. . ,...-. ' V . - ' v, . '
.To show our appreciation of our MAIL ORDER friendiwe will fill all orders received for the next few days, while we are packing up. Send th in. We do not substitute orders, llzzl to Jct IZ"' C .V.7
,f , ,