The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 27, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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i A large number of art critical art
'students, art lovere and ' merely art
beholders mad tip the throne . that
feathered at the Art roaseum laat night
at the invitation of Mrs. H. W. Corbett,
. Mra W. a Iadd. Mlas Henrietta, H.
J. Failing and the dlreetorc t and - their
; wives, oa the occasion of the opening
J of a splendid art exhibit now shown in
' (- the ' galleries. That the collection ' of
i paintings ta a good on seeds only the
j names at the artiste to provs; that It
i was enjoyed last night needed only a
glance at the speetatbra to show." ' ' ;
, Thar were many expressions of aur
i prise laat .night that Portland should
' contain ao many and such choice works
j, of master artists. A largo number were
f pictures exhibited at the exposition last
i summer and purchased there. The In
, ( aees and Corot paintings, of which there
i were ten In all. were among thoee at
tractlng much Individual attention. The
iBartain "Aqueduct" and cloud picture
called for the admiration they created
i at the fair. Th group of Mottling por
f traits oa th lower floor war interest-
t m, aa pnsnuni a numoer ox varying
i subjects In th same work. Th Monti
( oeilt paintings war a delight to atu-
denta for their ' wonderful coloring.
? thongh not ao popular with tha eaaual
observer for their aubject matter. Tha
dainty Twaohtman landscapes, hung to
, irathor, were jnuch admired., while tha
spirit eaaght by Wyant In his Ave
4 lancne jjaae -was s aunjoci ox oiecus-
is hade;
; Willametta Iron . A Steal , Works
' Explains, Fireboat Propeller
Contract Matter.
Has oa Hand Both Sight tad Left
T Hand Pgtterna of Propcllcra 'Sam
Bid Offered Under Adrartisement
ai . Presented Infonnalljr.
Portland. Feb. tT. To th Editor of
, j Thai. Journal Judging, from tha promi
nence given It In last nlght'a Journal,
boat propellers til 4 news item of eon-
aiderabl lmDortance. and it doea really
am aa though such a notable piece of
; detective work aa that performed by
tha members . of th executive board
hould reoelve prompt and full exploita
tion. Tha disclosure of this dark plot
to rob th city aeejn to have been ao-
f aompUahad by a eertee of masterly
eeepe. in the flrat place. . tha city
, auditor mad the., startling discovery
that our , check fofV tl bad not been
. owtlled, and for this reason the bid
waa informal. Had the check been one
for 10 cents, such negligence might
hsve been excusable, but a $10 responsl-
Save your temptr. . v
. Save-our clohcs . I ;
Save your self-respect I ; :!
Have a Rain r Coat.
1 J"
-It is poor policy to delay
when we now offer the ' .
. ' We're always ' pleased . to
show you. . -. :' 1 ' '(JJ
- Outfitters to Men and Boys
' 166 and 168 Third -Street, ' ;
1 1
-t. V
Tha Sculptor and th King, bjr .George Da F.
slon. It la a larga picture, striking la
aubject and exceedingly well hung. Th
Daumier decorative picture, tha Zlem,
owned by I K. Flelschner, and tha Hsn
ner by Mra. A. Wolfe, were specially
mentioned for their rarity,. A Urge pic
ture attracting much comment partly
for Ita familiarity to ao many waa
Oeorg . De Forest Brush's, Tits .Sculp
tor and th King," which la owned by
Mlaa Henrietta Falling.
- All th pictures received their share
of approbation. Bom hare received
medals at yarlouo expositions; others
may not hare been exhibited at all, but
all are worthy of. consideration. A
large attendance la expected and long
houra hare been given that all may be
accommodated. Th rooms will be open
very day from t to o'clock, and on
Wednesday and Saturday evenings. On
Thursday, Saturday and Sunday after
noons there will be no admission fee,
Th pictures will remain hung till Sat
urday, March 17. ,
Th people who have loaned their pic
tures tor th display are W. B. Ayer, A.
Berg, W. J. Burns, Judge C H. Carey,
Mrs. H. W. Corbett, Mra. H. J. Corbett,
Mlsa Henrietta Falling.. Mlaa Mary F.
Falling, L K. Flelschner, H. W. a code,
Mra. Solomon Hlrsch, Mra. Hugh Hume,
Dr. William Jonee, Mra. W. a, Ladd,
William M. Ladd, C B. Ladd, Mra. C H.
Lewis, Dr. K. A. J. Mackensle, Mra.
P. B. Pratt Joseph N. Teal. T. B. Wil
cox. A. Wolfe, C B. -a. Wood, XL C.
Wortman. The Arlington club "and
blUty should certainly never be aubject
to such loose methods.
Ia tha excitement which followed this
discovery It was no more than natural
that other members of th board should
not-desire the auditor to be alone in the
glory of unearthing th details of -th
graft, and therefore we are informed by
your reporter that the committee Imme
diately started an Investigation, which
confirmed their . worst fears. By ob
serving strict secrecy, in order that th
object of their Investigation could not
be suspected, tbay war enabled to dis
cover that tha , Columbia Engineering
works were "the only people who could
aaanuf anture the sort of propllr ' asked
for." - This waa the keynote to the whole
situation and every doubt as to the effi
ciency of their efforts In protecting th
city Interests wag at once removed.
, TJader-rUaiaf Kaoekad Oat.
W feel that with all the under-pinning
knocked from beneath us It wlU be
of little value to make any further de
fense and w will have to. hold up our
hands and confess everything before a
apeolal committee which has been ap
pointed from th council to Sift the
graft down to the distribution oX the
laat ahakaL . j
In the fulfillment of thla purpose we
Aon f ess that we already have In hand
both th right and left-hand patterns
of th propeller for the fire boat. These
patterns, although subject to aoma al
tera tlona to ault the new conditions, can
nevertheless be used, and the fact that
a large amount of time and material
which went Into their construction wlU
not have to be duplicated, enabled u to
promts somewhat quicker delivery man
any of 'our associates in crime.
W further confess that aftsr com
puting the alterations on these pat
terns. It was our intention. 10 nave in
steel castings made by the Columbia
Engineering works, who enjoy what we
must assume to be a fattening monop
oly on thla elaae of work.- On the re
turn of the eaatlnga to us. It waa our
unhallowed purpose to work on these
miinn with such modern appllancea
aa our long career of graft has enabled
us to purchase, to tha end teat taey
might be properly xittea ana aajusiea
to their posltione on the end of th
shafts of th rireooat.'
' arvery Fsaaar ITaeovered.
This w believe uncover every fea
ture of this thrilling esse, with the poe
slble exception that aometmng over a
month ago we war asksd to suomu an
Informal "bid on thie eame work, pre
sumably out of courtesy to the fact
that we were the original contractors
for the fireboat. - Our Die at tnat time
waa the same aa itwas whea sub
mitted under th recent formal adver
tisement. In truth, under sucn oonai
tlons, we could not consistently change
it..: - ' .
To comnlate our confessional, we
would also admit that our price of MOO
ia a good stiff one for the work, in fact
we did not want it on any oiner oasis,
and considering the fact that any ma
chine ahop in town er out of town can
make these asms pattema, buy the eame
eastings and do the same work at. prac
tically tha eame cost ea ourselves, there
la no reaaon to suppose that If the mat-
tar la nerslstentlv advertised, event
ually eome miracle worker wUl take the
Job at a price-which wlU prove con-,
cluslvely that any color would look like
sunshine aa compared ..with our black
ness. Tours truly, '
"By W. H. Corbett. Pr ldenf , !
- MlreaUl Dlepeteb, te The Jeersal.)
-MBalam. Or., t jreb. 11,The .district
meeting of the Knights of Pythias met
here today." The gathering is under th
auspices of Central lodge No. It of this
city. Delegations from the following
lodges are present: - Albany, corvaiiia,
Bllverton, Independence, ' Aurora, . Hub
bard, Lebanon. Fall City and Delia.
F. T. Wrtghtman of Baiem, a member
of the grand .tribunal; Orand Chancellor
jeV r. Davis, and W..M. ceke or port
land are among the speakers. . The third
rank work will be exemplified by teams
from the various lodges in attendance
and prises' will be awarded to the aiio
sful competitors. . The meeting wall
conclude with e.'beun.ueU' . ' ,
Commercial club were among th con
tributors. - . -.. v -
- Th following are th artists whoa
work la shown: -Arts, D. C; Barlllot,
Leon; Blakolock, R. A.; Btommera, J.J
Bock, Theophlle de; Borgh, Knut; Bon
din, Liouls . Eugene; Brush. George d
Forest; Bunoe, Oedney; Cohen, Owlo;
Corot, J. B. C; Bourbet, Oustave; Co use,
XL L; Daublgny. C.F.; Dummler, Hon-,
or; Da vies, Arthur B.; Davis, Charles
H.; De Haas, M. F. H.J DaUorolx, Eu
gene; Dies, Narclssa Vlrglls; Dubouchet;
Du Mondr Frank Vincent; Dupr, Julee;
Baton, Wyatt; Fauttn-Ltour, Henrt;
Fuller, Oeorg; Gossaxt. Jan; Ooaselln.
Albert; Hall. Oliver; Harrison. Blrge;
Hart, James; Haskell, Ida; Has sain.
Child; Hennor, J. J.; Howe, William H.;
Hunt. William Morris; Inneee, Oeorge;
Jacques, Charles Japyr Ioula; Kalf,
Wlllem; . Keith, William; Knight, D.
Rldgawayi Mabuk, Jan 3oasart); Ma
comber, Mary !; Martin, Homer; Mat
Ung, V. Louis; Michel. Oeorge; Millet. J.
F.; MonUcelll, Adolphep Murphy. J.
Francis; Ochtman, Leonard; Ranger; H.
W.; Raranne, Q.; Redfleld. Edward; Rl
hot. Theodule; Richardson, MVry - C;
Rigolot, A. O.; Rousseau, Theodora;
Roybat, Ferdinand; Ryder,, Albert R.;
Sartaln, William; , Taloott, . Allan - B.;
Troyon, Constant; ' Twachtman. John
H.; Tan March, Emtl; Tollon, Antolne;
Weir, J. Alden; Weyden, Roger van dar;
Whttemor. William J.; Wlegand. Ous
ts v; Wtgglna. Carleton; WUlUma, Fred
erick Ballard; Wyant, A. H.; Zlem, F
$100,000 AMI
That Sort. Found
Says J. H. Turnar birt ThoU-sand-Dollar.
Ors Common!'
Fortunes Being Made There Every
Day, Declares Portland Traveling
Aan Ely Destined to Be Bigger
Copper City Than Butte.
' Free milling gold ore running from
$10,000 to 1100,004 a ton has been found
In' eome of the new strikes la Nevada,
according to J. H. Turner of Portland,
a traveling man, who covers that state.
He ie now home on a visit.
"Tou may think I am Joking when I
eay that," remarked 14 r. Turner this
morning, "but I am not. Of eourse, they
do not take out much or sties, ore, only
ehunke found la pockets.. But ore
assaying tl.OOO per ton is common,
and found In large quantities.
The state la one mase or mineral.
Tha more It le prospected end developed
the greater Its known wealth. The time
Is coming when It will be the greatest
mineral spot the world ever saw. For-
tunee are being made , there every dar,
Bchwab of steel trust 'Tame has made
millions In Tfeva&a. and baa such faith
In the country that he la buying more
mines and doing considerable prospect
"Ely Is destined to be a greater copper
city than Butte,, Montana or Senator
Clark's town la Arlsona. J don't believe
there le any end to the copper there.
And es for stiver, there are mlUlone in
it' Tears ago fortune In -silver were
taken out of Nevada mines in the
vicinity of Ely. . At a certain depth the
ore ran into copper, in tnose day a they
did not know how to treat profitably
silver-copper orea Today they do. and
the abandoned mines of half a oentury
ere being opened up and worked oa enor
mous scales. . i
The state has suffered In the past
for the laok of railroads. But now
roads are being built In every direction,
The right between the Gould end Harrt
man systema for ore carrying supremacy
has resulted In branch Unea being bullf
from Senator Clark'a road and the
Southern Faolflo, Independent end sub
sidised lines are springing Into ex
istence. Smelters are being built or
projected. . The state, from one end to
.the other la a soene of great mining ac
tivity. Aa yet the Standard Oil people
have not taken a band In the develop
ment of the rolnee or country, that la, as
far ae known. If the company le buy
ing copper mines no one knows any
thing about It" ,
- - waew Storm ta
(Joeraal Special SerHre.!
St Louie, Me,, Feb. 17. The heaviest
snowfall of the winter la reported
throughout the central west The storm
began yesterday and anow has fallen
throughout Kansas. Nebraska. .Missouri,
Iowa and aa far east ae Ohio. -
Beglna with the symptoms ef a com
mon cold; there la ehlllness, eneeslng,
sore throat hot akin, quick pulse,
hoarseness and Impeded respiration,
Slve frequent email doeee of Ballard's
orehound Syrup (the ohlld will cry
r Is), and at the flret eign or aeroupy
ugh apply frequently Ballard's Snow
nlment to the throat
Mrss A. VI let. New Castle. Colorado.
writes, March 1, 10J: "I think BaH
lard's ctorehound Syrup- a wonderful
remedy, and ao pleasant te take. Sold
by .Woodard, Clarke Co. . . .
' j. i i - ' . .
Screamed with Pain Suffering
Nearly Broks Ptrtnfi Heart
Twelvs Year of Misery Doctor
s Called Cass Incurable Helped
. from First,' and ' 7
"I wfah to tofora yo Nfcat your ,
IsuiMhtAd Cuticvro baa pat a stop to
twelve yean of misery I jfaeesd wilb
my sod. As an in
fant I noticed on
his body a red spot
and treated eame
with differentrem
dies for about five)
yearn, bat when,
the spot began to
get larger I put
him waxier the care
ef docecra. . Under
their treatment the disease spread to,
four different parts of hat body. The
longer the doeeoia treated him the worse
it grew. Dering She day U would get
roon aod form Dke eeaJee. XX nirht it
would be ereoked, inAeuned, and badly
gwollen, with terrible burning and Itch
ing. When I think of he suffering, it
nearly breaks my heart. His screams
could be heard down stairs. The suf
fering of my son made me fall of misery.
I had no ambitinn to work, to eat, nor
could I sleep. ?
" One doctor toM me that m? son's
ecsema waa movable aod gave it up
for a bed job. One evening i saw an
article m the paper about the wonderful
Cutieura and decided to give it a trial.
"I tell yoa that Cutfeajra Ointment
ts worth its weight in gold; and when I
had used the first bos of Ointment there
was a great improvement, and by the
time I had used the second set of Cuti
cara Soap, Ointment, and Resorventmy
child waa cured. He is now twelve
yean old, and his skin ia as fine and
smooth as sflk. (signed) Michael Stem
in an, 7 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn,
14. Y., April 10, 190a,'
OlMilSI hM aa Ma
MB.lmS C QMi raw, SM.
ssrssiSi lies! smws Cesi sswsse elOsJ
..(Special Dtacatck e Tk Jonnkl.)
. Prlnevllle. Or.. Feb. 11. One
thousand bea4 of ewes at II k
e head, said to be the highest
'price ever paid (or theep In
w Oregon, were those purchased ot
w T. a Hamilton of Ashwood. It
e Is estimated that 100,000 head of
sheep have been . sola- pyxt of
Crook. Atheeler end Wasco coua- : e
tlsev t'T '. ' ' -..v.
e ' At thw eale- beld reaterder -e e
e the V . Damon ' ranch' near 'La. w
e .Orande six ot tha owes .brought w
e.' taio. a bead Snd - Ave of the e
d wethers (.2f a head. e
I--V - ' : e
Frederick W. Carstena, Who Has
Been Called to th Immanucl Bap-
' tisf Church. - " '.
- . ' 1 1 ' 1 '.' ' ,
, ' " i (Jenmal gpsrisl Servlee.) " '
Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 17. -The su
preme court has decided that witnesses
must answer questions in the Standard
Oil hearing at St Louis, holding that
foreign corporations when doing bus!
ness la Missouri must obey 'the laws
and cannot refuse to produce books and
papers whsn authoritatively demanded.
Thla decldee the point on which H. IL
Rogers declined to answer questions In
New Tork and he must mow answer
queries propounded.
Arlington. . Or.. Feb. .17. The. cltv
wharfboat was launched yesterday. -It
Is 0 by SO fset and was designed by
William Staunton of Portland. It la
the first free wharf ever offered the
Open River association on the Columbia.
The Mountain Gem will be employed to
tew it from the weye to Ite permanent
moorings. The city paid 11.100 for the
wharf, the ' storage capacity of which
la about lie tons. -t - .
The ' Death, VcaeMy.. . . y
A little thing sometimes results !o
death. Thua a mare eoratch, Insignifi
cant cuts or puny boils have paid the
death penalty, It la wise to - hsve
Bucklen's Arnrca naive ever handy, it's
the best Salve on earth and will pre
vent fatality, when' Burns, Sores, Ul
eers and riles threaten. Only tic at
S. Q. SkiOmore ac Co., druggists, ltl
Thlfi street- - ' " , -
o.i so. a;
: ;;oig FiGiir
Judga Frazer Holds That Port-
' jand e 8eattla Has Strip
s Through College Cround.
thus O. R. ft N. May Establish Its
Grade at Maegley Junction,- Court
i- Holding That It First 'Surveyed
'''Line 'v ' -i .
Presiding Judge Arthur I Ftaier this
morning decided that the rortland
Seattle railway, J. J. Hill's new north
bank line, owned a S00 foot right of
wey across the land ef the College En
dowment association near St Johns, but
that the Q. R. N. Ce.. had a right to
(natltute proceedings for a right of
way aeross the H1U property. Thua the
O. R. N. will have a right te establish
Ita grade at Maegley Junction, the court
holding that It wae the flret road to
survey a line across the property.
Judge Fraser said in hie decision
that owing 4 the many moves that had
been . made by both companlea before
the eulte decided this morning were
brought and on account of the conflict
ing authorities, he gave an unusual
amount of atudy to the case, spending
many days In Investigating the author!
tlee cited aa well ae the history of the
trouble. The decision covered over ti
typewritten nagea. and copies were pre
sented te the Interested ettorneye. In
summing up the case. Judge Fraser
said:, ..- . .
am vwas augni ex way,
'It la the opinion, of this court that
the Portland a Seattle company la the
owner of the 100-foot atrip of land put-
chased by It from the College Endow
ment association, and wae such owner
within the meaning of the statute relat
ing to condemnation ef property for
rights of way, before the condemnation
procoedlng of the O. R. N. against the
College Endowment association waa bar
gun, and that alnce the Portland m Se
attle company was not -made a party
to .such condemnation proceeding It ie
not affected by the Judgment rendered
therein. And the O. B. N. , not hav
ing acquired any right either by pur
chase or condemnation to enter upon or
construct Its railroad across thla 100-
foot strip of land ahould not now be
permitted further te enter upon, occupy
or work on the construction of ita road
thereon until it has, either by purchase
or condemnation, secured a right of way
across said land; and that, hence, the
temporary Injunction hereinbefore le
aned la the case of the Portland eV Se
attle company vs. the O. R. at N. ehould
be continued in force until such time aa
the O. R. N. shall have acquired by
purchase or condemnation a right of
way across such land,- and unleee the O.
R. at N. shall have ueed diligent efforts
to acquire and shall nave acquired eucb
right of wey within a reasonable time
hereafter, such Injunction ehould be
made perpetual.
- o. m. a jr. migkte Berts.
"But the court le further of the ooia-
fon that the O. B,: a- N. haa by reason
of prior location and adoption of ite
line of road acquired a right to proceed
with the scqulsltlon of a right of way
along such a line of road, and that the
eame cannot be defeated by the subse
quent purchass of property across such
a line of road by another railroad com
pany, and hence the purchase by the
Portland 1 Seattle company does not
In any way deprive the u. n. a N. of
Ite right to acquire . a right of way
across said tract, provided that It uses
reasonable diligence In lt efforte to ac
quire euch right of way.
. "But alnce the O. R. N. haa not np
to thla time enquired any right of way
across said tract. It le not entltlsd to
enter Into possession of the eame, but
that the Portland Seattle company, as
the owner of said land, la entitled to the
full and complete possession of the
same until the O. R. a N. -shall have
acquired euch right of wey.
aue augnt to oeadi
1t appearing, however, that It la the
manlfeat intention of the -O. R. dc N.
to build 'its railroad along thie edopted
line ot route, the Portland tk Seattle
company ahould not be" permitted to
make eny use of this property which
would deprive the O. R." N, of-its
right to condemn or otherwise acquire a
right of way across the property and
build Ita road upon . that line edopted.
nor should the Portland A Seattle com
pany be permitted either to undo the
work which the O.. R. a N. haa already
done on said tract of land, or to build
another railroad across such lead which
woUld Interfere with the building of the
O. R. at N.'e road, until the O. R. at N.
haa had a reasonable opportunity to en
quire euch right of way either by pur
chase or condemnation. -
" "Hence the injunction Issued by thie
court in the case or the O. R, N,
ve. the rortland a Seattle company,
should . be dissolved tnsofsr aa It re
strains the Portland a Seattle company
from occupying end using said land for
ordinary purposes, but should be con
tinued in' force insofar as It re et rains
the Portland a Seattle company from
undoing the work done by the O. R. A
N. or from building any .other railroad
whlnh would Interfere with the building
or tne roea or tne u. K. A N. ror euch
a time aa would reasonably be suffi
cient to enable the O. R. i N, to acquire
such a right or way."
Condemn too a Suit Bapeotsd.
It. Is expected that the Harrimad line
will soon begin a condemnation-' ault
against the mil company for a right of
way across tne disputed territory.' In
asmuch aa the O. R. N. has already
established .-. grade screes the land, it
Is thought that- the Portland a Seattle
company will apply to the eourte te ap
point a com mission te arrange .for an
established grade ecrosa thi O. R. N.
tracks. - The present grade of the Hill
line Is bet It feet above that estab
lished by the O, R. a N. tracks, while
zi feet le needed for a free creeelng.
Shonld this commission be appointed.
It ia thought that the O. R. N. will
be foroed to lower ite grade t Ve feet
while the Portland Seattle company
wtllbe forced te elevate Its trestle
t feet above Its present eurvey.-
Sew Boa City Buildings, - -Building
permits here been issued as
follows: Covey a Cook, basement for
garage. Burns ids between Fifteenth and
Sixteenth streets, cost 11.800: A. F,
Slopsr, cottege, North Twelfth near
Wye-ant street, cost StOO; B. F. Row
land, residence, Esst 8tsrk between Bast
Nlnsteentn end East Twentieth streets.
-cost M.I00; Themes' Anderson, cottage,
Hawthorne avenue between East Forty
first and East Forty-second streets, cost
tt.tOO; W. . Harris, warehouse, comer
Eighteenth . end Upshur streets,,- -cost
1 10.000; s. J. Lefranoe residence, corner
East Twenty-eighth and East Salmon
streets, eoit l,oa (
f !
:Biiy's Pure
For more than fifty yeare has been preeerlbed by doc tore ef every school, rec
ommended by temperance edvocates and mlnlatsre ef ths Gospel, and used In
Sv?, thouMM leading hospltale aa the greatest tonlo atimulant end health
builder known to medical science. .... ' ,
xjurxy-s rure aiait wnisxey cures
chitis end pneumonia.
It stimulates
builds up
nerve tissue, tones up
disease germs.
ie serma. It or
roiongs lire, seeps
me, seeps
Duffy's pure Malt Whiskey
ognlsed by the Government ea a medicine. Thie ie a guarantee, .'
lAUTZOX oarer el e get the g-aswfce wheel roe aa fee BaVfa aare
Kelt Whiskey. Sold ia Se-aedVttiee eairi neves 1 (La, Jteeh for t trede.
mark, the 'Old Chemist," the label, ee be se aae seel evee the eerk Is
aabrokea. Ail reliable drugeists and gr e ev eeet, eXoo a bevOe. Veetef s
advtee and medical booklet free. aa
T-' - ' )
"Your Intestines are lined Inside with
millions of Bttle suckers, thai draw the
Nutrition out of food as It passes them.
But, If the food passes too slowly. It '
decays before It gets through. Then the .
little suckers draw Poison- from It Instead
of Nutrition. : . . - ."
This Poison makes a Gas that inlures
your aystsm mere than tha food should
havs nourished It. '
, You see, the food Is Nourishment or -
Poison, Just accenting to hew tone It slays
In transit. ,
The usual remedy for
this delayed passage (called
Constipation) Is to take a
big dose of Castor Oil. '
This merely maks slippery ths bajsare '
tor unloading the current carge. v v v v t '
it docs not help tha Cause ef delay a .
trifle. - ' .--' ' ;
1 1 does slacken the Bowet-Muscles more
than ever, and Ihus weakens them for '
their next task.'- " - . -.
Another remedy Is ' to take a strong '
Csihsrtio, Uks Salts. Calomel, Jalap, Phoa.
phale of Sodium, Aperient Water, or any- (
of these mixed. . . - -.'
What does the Cathartlo do? ' , " " '
It merely flashes-ouTthe Bowels with a
waste of Digestive Juice, set flowing Into
the Intestines through the tiny suckers.
But. the Digestive Juice we watte In'
doing this today I needed for tomorrow's
natural Digestion. We cannot afford to
lose it. - . . " '
That's why Casoarets are ths only safe .
medicine for the bowels.
We Corry
Everything In
Woman Passed as Wifa of Gor
don , in Coot 'Bay and .
'""'.'-Signad Dssds. r-',
(aneelsl Dbsstet te The learsal.) v
Ban Francisco. Feb. 17. Bertha K.
Gordon, who waa arrested In Portland
on the charge ' ot paaslng a fictitious
check on Pr. F. W. Vowlnkel of this
city, reached here yesterdey and ap
peared before Police Judge ShortaU.
The caee wee Set for Friday.
A Marshfleld, Oregon, dispatch statea
that E. S. Gordon waa not a wealthy
Imber men at Coos Bay. He-came to
Cooe during the boom about three years
ra nd lost his monsy in speculation.
He built a big rambling building called
aordon'a castle." Gordon acted very
peculiar and drank considerably, , The
building wee eold to C. B. WWisoe-about
IS months ago. the deed being signed
by the eecueed women, who waa -known
here ee Mra Gordon. . " . --' . v
During the local option -exoiiement
Mra Gordon- circulated a petition te
keep the saloons open, - She seemed to
ha boss of Gordon and transacted moat
of the business. Gordon wee supposed
be shout broke when ne text coos
Bay after the sals or hie casus.
'- " (Journal Rperlal Serrire.) "
Maw Tork, Feb. STWAg the result
$ ' - ' - am a. . . 1 ' "' i ' . ... v ' ' i.
Krs. atary Vataeer, who wae red seed
te a ehadew aad -these soasd with oss
smaaptlea, ts testeied te health and
eweagva by Jreaya araee Melt Whiskey.
Bedridden, bee hasbaad eonia hard
ly aaove giesa beekaehe, is alee speedily
eared and made ae stroag and soaad as ,
"It la with great pleasure I write to
tell you what I think of Duffy's Mslt
Whlsksy. I sincerely believe It le Vie
grandest medicine ever made, I took a
cough thie spring and It got so bad my
friends thought I had consumption. J,
was aa thin ae a skeleton, had given
up, end could scarcely live, se I bought
two bottlee ef Duffy's Malt Whiskey.
As soon aa I began to taae it my oough
lessened, so we sent tor k dosen bottles,
and I am now as well aa ever.
"My husband and I have been taking
It all aummer. He waa down with back
ache till he could hardly move, and now
he ie ae well as anybody. 1 am etouter
than I have been alnce we were married.
as1 we cannot gst along without It"
Sept It. 10I. . . , ' -
r.Ic!J lcy
coughs, colds, consumption, grip, bron
end enriches the - blood, aids digestion.
the heart and fortlflee the system against
the old young and the young stro
the old young and the young strong.
ld Vhiaksy i
issey vc, i
i aveeaeeter, JT..
to Exercise the
-They do not waste any precious fluid ot
the Bowels, as Cathartics do. '
. They do not relax the Intestines by
greasing, them Inside Uke Castor Oil or
Glycerine. . ''", .,":.' ,,'.: -(
: They- simply f stimulate the - Bowel
Muscles to do their work naturally, com
fortably, and nutrltlouitv. ; ,
,And, the Exercise these Bowel Muscles
are thus foroed to take, makes v them
stronrer for the future, ust as Ezerclso
makes your arm stronger. "
Casoarets are as safe to
use constantly as they are
pleasant to take.
They are purposely put up like candy,
so you must oaf them slowly and let them
go down gradually Wij Mis saliva. Which
Is In itself, s fine, natural Digestive.' f..'
They are put up purposely In thin, flat,
round-cornered .Enamel boxes, so they'
can be carried In a man's vest pocket, or
la a woman's purse, all the time, without
bulk or trouble; .- . ; ' "7 -; " '.
, Price lOo a box at all druggists. ' .
. R. mmm a.Mf .,1 1. L.
made only by he Sterling Remedy Com- .
pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablet
stamped "CCC." - - "T ,
i :.. a., a ;.. ';:-V
tr ratt to our miEJfDai
We want ts send te ear Meads s eeaatmi! ;
frw as seal rasa. wOLD-TLaTan SONBON BOX, '
iare entiaeiet la etlsr. It Is a brsaty fcr tha
drestisg table. Trs cents m tuunps Is sued at a
aweiaiesf rfrhsadatcsverceitstCaacarsts. '
Wits watch tuuf&nty trtUrt U kadei, n
seed te-eay. amaeaiag thie passr. Address
tterUag Sisiily Cenpaay, Calcage er new Yerk,
FEBRUARY 28th 1Q06
At thelowvet
prices ths r '
msrket eifords
tsA tH ibis cl CURED HSB
171-173 f.kdIson
ffW AWffVV
v xvowLiDoi.
Sladser Treueles,
SMaey OesiplaHita,
BleeS Feiees, -i .
gtrlotare, i -Private
it Vitality. . .
bUity, ,
Ail eissser ef Chrenle Artletleas' ef 'met
and wi, Mnrt avxlra and eleatlftc trees
meat. Hn ratttnff. No palnfifl operation.
Ne. detentlos frost basla. He mlercpreeesta,
ttoe. ' Repatatton eatabllohed tot soneat. an
fair eeellnga with sU patients. Coaaultstioi
asd sdrles free. - -, S-r
Oar. Inirt Sal" Taetsul sts.. Portland. Otagea,
a letter received from President Roooe- :
veil John Mitchell has called a national
convention of the tjnlted Mine Worker!
for March It to try and reach aa agreed
ment with the bituminous operators it
the hope of averting - the- threatened ,
strike. The announcement followed I
I conference last night between Mitchell
'sad the operators. , ,,. , ;