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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1906)
ctizizuzi , daily j;;w.;::aU, rcr.TLAUD, tuz:day eve::;: . J. TODAY'S MARKETS OEIODiV: SEilS f US' POTATOES Page A Son Receive Shlpmen J'. From Southern Islands 'as High Price Is Asked. r NOmInaC CHARACTER . . if- X ' ' OF THE. HOP TRADING '3 '1 Potato and Onion Markets Very Slow v with letter Do On Day in tne J South and . Then Down. Again- 'y Efga and Poultry Hold,;' '.Vl V, f v s.- front Btreet. Pen. 17.- '"V,'"": ef the Portland wnoteeaie New potateea from Bermuda. - ; . . , , Pouto market Is w; alow. -j( , v , 'f Onions an dragging wssrlly., . .ft Halibut prices srs hywsE, t Hetlar receipts of ba aelmoa. .- v ' Car orssgee. sad aar regotablee. f- Several car bananas dus tonight. v . H4p sltustioe rather o,uiet. .. f - , Wtaaat and furor-trade akrw.' . , DUIU ww w r . - . ;3j Eggs and chickens hold. Btrlog beans sre very uign. - , , Brew Macaaa Prom Bermuda. ' - : an trB tha Bermuda Islaada casM small shipment a new potatoes. Coals to Newcastle or Botatsea to Oregsa .would be la boat too wnt position. Vat aoroa aoa la ere shipped to Newesakle,, while at divers timet tbara a to hose shipments of fjKatoao w w . market from outside places. Tha abiamant tran Barmuda waa la tha ahapa Srf aaaaraJ 'i bartala and eama Tta Daarar. aT aw Barniadaa had baaa ordarad br tha trada tn thai city and andlag tha aurkat bad. ablp- . .BMDta wara maaa w uua o. , J rmlTrf tba aonlaamaat aad had lnatrao a as kII lir lai than lOe oar' It tha could halp It. "With ha faawaa ra B BorbankS'or Jaat aa'a growth (olng baasinc arooad astToe par hoadrad poanda . no aach prlea mld ba abulaad (or tba tor - lrnara. Tha anirala wara of tba aartatf knowa as Banauda rad and bad vary daap ; araa. Baca a potato woald nat Bad a Ha ta . aoaipautloa with uragoa juiraanaa. Batatas Ara Tory Haw. ' iiWaa wrHtaar arar tba taca ; tha potato doalara of thla dty. Tha altnattoa V atasja a hold full aa dil as avar. tba allcbt ' impromaiaat ana day. bataa paora than laat tha aazt. "W. ara tlrad of thla bida-aad-atak , ! gama 1a tha poUtn markat," aaid a proadnrat daalar. "PMeaa ara aa aoa- day aad ara thaa ' sawn to -tba bottom agala tha aaxt. Toa ETr know wbara yoa stand." Tbara la prae--l tlcally aa baying raportad. for fancy poUtoaa f ara bardar tbaa aror to abUla. - Tha eoJaa altnathm ln ry alow and maay t sacrlacaa of snail tnta bars baaa raportad. dor- " tagtaa aaat law 4ys.v - . y S Baaaml Oaaa Baas ass Saa ' Mararal eara of baoaaas ara dna ta ; In this markat daring tba rronlng. : Tba markat . J Mrf abort of rlna atork. ; A car of fancy araagsa from.Badlaads csaw ' la dortAa; tba anrnlng. A car of mlxad rags f tables was also amea tba arriaala. dnrtojt tha day. A ear of eweet poUtoaa ta said to bs -daa thla caaalag.- - .- Konta atrlng beans which arrived from tha , aouth per airrsai this anrnlng sold at m par Bonnd. At this agara damantf waa vary iiauieo. Apples ooatlana to, mora ry freely, . the oe bolog Unptwred ea aorooat of tbe'iarant . tan iMttni edraBrea.fa. - -n inn seme. j v. -j - ' t N.'tl- Balmaa hnpliaa Kera'tAoral.' . Thera wars mora Ubaral eacpDea of areas ' : salmna from the lower rlrer thla morning. ue : maad abnat oonal 4a arrtnls sad former prices t hold. The fallnre of tha ataantar Lorllno to make tba trip to Astoria yeeterday canned tba . ntrandlnai la that atty at honey soppUei of : eraha. clams'' and salmon. . . , i With larger shipments from the north, hall' , bat prices wars put down to fte per poand today, T Hap tttaatisB Bathar Aalat. ' j Small aalra aoatlnao to be made In tha boo . market at former agnraa. A tew. argaat abort ordure are being corered bat the toas of tba . growers and dealers la regard as prices seem ; to-be farthea .apart than aror. nVaarsi, mora 390 aoatracta ara reportM t SHfJiyo. , . lata aad Ohlobeaa Bald. -. : Tba expected break ta tha egg market bas : not rat materialised.- aa aceoant of the larger ' f anmbor of oatslds orders. 1 At tha mnatea the ,' oemand ta tally np to the arrlTsla.' Prices bold : between Id H a 17a, wlU moat of tba salsa at t tha faraMT agara. v ,. V ' Ad rasas ta ta' fraah aaeat markat la la goad poslrloa wtlb aa adraace fat dreeeed boga ea nccoaat of btghar pHeea st the yarda. Tssl kt coming anlts fair but .demaad ooatlnoas good. ' Tha piuttoa ' aurkat Is not onlto so good,. bat thoro la no r arrumalatloa or sanpues. , t , v The grain and aoar markets ara oalei with prices aachaogedi ' Tba. trade pays tba following prleea to Woat ' street dealers-for cboloe quality. Prices paid producers, ate las pagaiar. comausaious) : WHBAT Kew club, Wci rod Bamma, T , BARLBY end, tksoT'nnaaV BM.W braw- ; lag. aas.00. i J o3 waois. tai.doi y KTB-41 JS per awt. ' AT Produaara prtee Mo. I whtta. tn.m-, gray, m on. rLOTTR New eaatera Oreivj patenta, W .S0 ' 4.10; ttralgbta. tS.eOtil.tK; expnrk U.wai.16; ealler. t.6oa3.o8: f rabaat, , .TS; rye, eOa, 18.00 : bales. tt-Ta. hhlAaVrnrraWBraa. ilT 80 per - toot . srieV , dltea-s, .; aborts.' oaamtry, sla.fiO alt. ; liTso: chnp. tia.oo. RAT Producers' orlce TlnjothT. Winateatta ' Talley, fancy 10.00Ol0iordlnary, T.00dJ 1 .e: eeotora- Oregon. 14.00Sji.uai mlsaA i ta.SOOS.00: almrr. tt-OOOt.OO; araln. tSAoj ' t.OOl -sbant. ta-oo, y ... Butter, Eggs aad BanTtrr. - . BUTTtB AT . 0. a. Porttasd Pseal araam, tic; soar,- ato. BCTTKB City cioemery. t4i ontalda ''. fancy. SOe; ardlnary, XTHoratora. lSdJlTa. raaa No. 1 frnh Oraion, caadlsd, IS HO ". ITc: cold storago and eastern. 14c CHE KB! Nw rull ertm. lata, , tBe Twine America, - lssi Cheddar. Its. . ,,.- OAMB Jackrabblts, fl.IMxai.TB par one. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 14c nor ,T1 i fancy bene, lac' par lb; roosters, old, 11M.S per lbt. stags.- llVic per lb tryera, 19, i . pat lb) broilera. 144c par lb; dacka. It ' for lb; aveea, lOHffllo par lb; tarkaya, lftl, a " per lb; dreeeed. Be per Ibt aauaha, t-TOtvAOd i par doai pigeons, tiOO per doe. J Xopa, W.oel aad Xldsa. ' w c HOPS Coetracts, 190 erop.f in per lb; J BOS Orcfoo, price to choice, p, tlu poor '.grade, T4c; Washlagtoa, 10c; lo4 crops, t itroMe toe cbolro. ,t - WOOL l&Oa aUp, al. aonrso ta- medtss). J IM2SMa BBS. ft t0ate( aaaMaa . Oragea, '" 0?At WoariiuiL aBCr-a. Hi rKINsV tweanng, la. Wa abort wool, 140c e.-ti; aw 1m wool. -TBe al.tat tALLOWPnma, par la. dH4s Ro. 8 sad grraee. ,. J,.. . . , CUTTIai BAK ta nor Da. liIDIBB Dry. No. 1. la la" sad no, UHJ IT Ha per M1 dry ktp. v. t. d re t Bva. ei TUESDAY PRICES W ; ' THE WHEAT P.ARKET ... v ,, . 4 ' CTiIokAO ......a io a .ei o fit. Louis . - .It A Milwaukee . . Kanaaa City... U.T5H8 Mlnneapolla t . . .10 H B Ururttool ... il;d Dtiluth ....... ' .04B waw york n fan 1 . " .. l it v , i-SIVi JCUPi.'-'AL'S "CAILY VPS OW MARKETS Jjf 4 4 ,. e Br W,' H. 'Dryer. -of .Dryer, d 4 i . , f CJataUay Co. . - 4 d' - Aa far aa wa can judgei tha d outlook aoeraa very favorable for f a) 4 . present hlglt prloea to rule ror the remainder of the week on all e- kinds of poultry.- ' Thera la a e d aplendld , demand for dressed -4) 4 . pork and' mutton. and both will , 4 . undoubtedly bring top prices for s e . several, weeks to coma. The dc- e d mand for fancy block hogs la 1 e " oxtraordlnarltw beary. 'The veal i e : market, . though,, la at preaent ind - av vary sensitive eondltlon and"f e. may allghtly .decline ahould ra' e 4 qelpts show tnuoh of an Increase e over laat weak. . With continue- e dvtlon ot the preaent oool.'rslny d weather and good active demand d oy more la ant znuca pumuuiir vi e a decline la the - egg market. e an On tha nthar hand, ahould tha vo d ' weather turn clear and warm wa e e antlclcata - decline from '1 to i o e S csnta per dosen below present' 4, quotations within' tha next eight e 4 -or tea daya. . Demand from out- ; a e aide polnu for tropical fruits la ) e e atcadlly . Increasing; '. oranges e e especluUy are selling well, due e d ' principally to their finer flavor - o 4 - and aweetneaa over laat month's ' e) a receipts. - Wa don't look for any 1 4) a advance ' In prices for tha Ira- e e - tnedlata fature., e 4 e dry celt Ho. . anoor Iba. Us, oattod hldoa. ti.00fjl.a0: cau. hldea. gaflooat goat; sktna. tioaav eaca. . joajloal Aaoora. aaea, sacaj POTATOES Beat sorted, jk aackl pro dacera' price for ear lots, ABCTOe per ewt; ordinary, aoJ70oi - produotrn arieo. 460 60c i aweeta. per crate. onionb joomng No. 1. 8LM l.; ; produaara'. erleo. Me. 1, eOcfJtl.OO; Mo. A 60 tTfcy garlic, tatoe par Id: onion acta. re. tHfcT VaUITB-Applas, ;,cullo." 1.00j ry. tl.OOfrLM; fancy, tl.T&wlOO; Hood PB Ordlnar; Rlrrr fancy Bpltnanberga sad Mawtowa PTOtns, tl 76011.00: . orengaa. new arl. t2 53 "; aaorillnc. baaaaaa. 4HOtc lb: lettxva. caotea. 1.TSQ1.75 per box; fancy, tt.0Oat. per box: lama. kUlicaa. tl ZS oar 100: olnranplea. t4 1 per donnean, ll.TS per bast taaferlaas, $1.06. aarrctai aoTsa Vcti beets. tMefltljoe ear aack; ..Orccoa . radlahea, 29a. par,, a! cabbage. oVagoa. 12.00 par " ewt; Call- niroia. at.Toax.mi ner twi; w - prpr. ooo oer Ibt Caltforsls tomstoea. 12.604) t.OO: riorlda tT.OO: aiexlcan. tS.OO: paranln. tOpt1.00; string banua. toe; can 1 1 Bower, tl.00 axs.uu par ereia; green neaa, tivuuiia homaradlab, dCtTo Bar lb; artlrbokea. McQtl.OO par eoa: potnouae letiuee, ejjiuavi.'o par owa, celery, 4.00e.M per crate; pampklna, lHc; aquaah, lt4c: aprouto, Ba par b erannerriea. Jaraeya. t!4 00 per bbl; (Vne bay and Tills- mooa, sio-uo; aspangus, uajias par io, w barb. 12bjc ' ' f a .i DBIED ravrrS Apples, evaporated, ISA ISc per lb; apricots. . ltc par lb! tacheac lOHOlts par lb mesa. Ma per It m prunes, m U 40, tHel doo ea aach aiTrernfa aeianer else: Baa. uanmruia bwck. STo Bar Ibt flaUfarnla white. S04O POT aaira, go wan. Be par la; tares, pur im-m wVtBBnBnTBsBBsV VwrtsTL sVwbV gDOABjUra tmm none. S Mi anwdsrad. M M: fruit srsauloMd. to. TO: try arssuUtsd. .70; Couf. A, ft AS; boat ernnolnted, t6.s0; ertrs ST ft Sor golded 0. 6.iaj D yellow. ft.00: bbla. 10s; H bbla. tea) bouse. Ms sdrsars an eack baata. bm 16s per ewt tor eaah. It days; maple. 1416e per Bv ' lAboto nrloas -apply aalea of lens tbaa Wr lota. Car ta . car eats st spasm pnaas bbbjiiw BY pao-srato, -' ' ? -V riK Pactteaw branos. 'f It td. ' rOeerae Balf sroeaO, tonu; ST.M 1 asrtuarleuB Fit J T T CXPFBK Pscfti niiT ruei n.if m., . -wi. te. a.i otean Lin., v j . v,. r ..w. ponos uaerpeoi, sou. pir.ooi ins, aie. ilea, fit 00; eatra ana, tab, as. as, I to Its. M.tOM.60: bulk NO lbs. aa.aeajt.001 m a, dnqteet Urorpnot rump rock. flf-tO per ma; no-nx. rare., sr.oo; liwa, u.a, . , unatn naae csicutts. Tse, f r RrCl ImMrlil Jenan. Be. 1- Bel Be. B fe3ai New Ortaaoa bead. Tct AJax, est Crenle. HUe. , ' BBAKIt 8msn -v white.' tt 7844.00; mrte white. tt.M; pink. ft.TS; bayou, fa-tot HI 7(1- Hertran aa. 4U& - NtTT Peanuts, Jumbos, Br pr Bt Vfrrlnla, tt4raa ner lb: roeeted. tfltai eoeoanuts. M4anc aer dnsi walnat. in ft 14 14 a per lb: pis no is. iosjhujO per mi nicuory an. vm aa mi ebostaats. aesrrra. It Ion per Ibt- Breall Bute, M no "a: fllberts. !4Mte per Ibt fancy aas, itHtyiaHet siBMnas, itnguita . Pntnm. Deal 00a. Sta. . 1 1 BOPB Puts Maalla, t4Hei etaaeard, U Soil orf-L-Peori er Astral OaM. toUa am gal; water' white, (rea bbk. ISc par gal; wooOaa. las par gut assaugat, iiu-ooa MU, nee ML ' I .. ifjJibuSCr?-,. aaaet MKa -pw gal boo bbla Itoaper gal. . BENCINB--eA-og eaase Bat aar gal, wee able. IBHe rr auL . - TURPB.tTlNB la eassa B8e per gal. wooden bbla p.te per gal. ' WBITB l.tAI--Too Ma. TVs tar Bj ata-ft leta. bp pea in: lees wis, se per m. j j - viri w a.1 LB--freeeai naee at as.aa. I.INHIKD OIlc Pure raw, in f-bhl lots, Mc: l-bbl let. t7c; cssss, ate per gait eewalne kettle boiled, aasee, tea par gal; 5-sbl lota, ode: 1-ent lot, Bte per gall ground sake, car tots, ttO.OO per teat leee thaa car lota, asaos par tsav , BTaats. rml ana rreveusaa. ; FRaapB SUl-riwaa even seer , snore astsa oar tt; eowa,. tthes par Ibt legeJ block. tuctSa per Ibf Barkers, iOSSe per lb bulk), 4Sc par lh; veal, extra. tHfittc per lb; erdluary. 84J8i4e per lb; poor, 78c per lb; hIim. fancy , s,w ra , HAMB. BACUN Portland uajOt i1miv hama, 10 to 14 Iba, 1 So per lb: 14 to 14 lba, tta per lb; brsakrast bacos. US ft It Ha awr lb; pleaie. Se per lb; cotUgo. So per lb; imtT aar lb: clear bellies. BneaMkad. lie emohed. ISc per lb: ehoolders. IV par lb. . . LOOAI. LABO Kettle leaf. loa. ll,a aea ; Is, live par lb; o - baa. ini per lb; team resdsred. 10a, 10U per -tbi ss. 10 lie r ft: compound. 10a, Ta. - . CANNED iALsiON Oolnmbla rteer. l.lfc t.ll. ll.BOl B-lb tai. J 178; fa 1-lb. I its,. It. so, ur-Hi laser ,ecy j-in ovum, 1X74; Alaska taife. puk. aaweuaa red. BXaoTmriul a, tall fAOb. . ' . PltH Mock ood, Tc par tb; aouotla. te pet naiioai, yw wj rraos, ei.ou per aoa strlned kaas, IXHc cattb, Ta per lb to per li ni sui t. Te ar m; lobsters, ltc per mi a . per dm etawrmk. hue p ' d I a e or to. v Of a Ttnd miwae Vay, per gal,'; BLM; Bar each, t4e. i fc cta - --V per baa. as.M., Iam eta 4. a-M . r ... 1, . . f n i i .; concrj c::sr?Fjo v -frf- .Nir; r:;;.Tg higher - i . i .... : -4 -: J-w rob. r'o fstnree . aloeed 1 nt V to ponta up, ' (itlctal aootatlons by Orarbeek, gTarf 4 soyt. - . . -. ' ' Closing-. ' J v k'w Tns. Moo: '..,. 1 ! .4 lrii 104 joiS i'" . 1- 1 mm in loit 1 hi if4 iitvt km: Pehruary . March av4 1046 lU4t l'H7 lot o r loM 1011 .. !- Jfail .. I I ."1 .. I- t Hi'l .. 1'- 4 1" 1 .. I 4 1' 4 110 i(k-a iiko I'lr-T 1(V0 IO(M l-a ln-o jol lc. o ioi 1' 4 11 wJOl i.-i 1 a ioii Aawnat . . . niembar Ortotier ... Horem(V ecemuer ...m.,.,1 I 1 7 . 1 i C -- "if ,' ' ww Tnrk, Peb, 77. Of fee fnrnree cloeed o. i W'lj -nil lower. Oiscial prtcee: ' V .' A.k. Md. Aak. Pdhruary ,.ll f.o-w tnanet f7.M ch ..... f t , T mner T.4S 7.80 - ,l l I ti '.... f to T.M T ....... 7.10 Kw .. T oo TOO a ....... T.J1! T' r- .;- f TO'f.TS T.t Tool January ...T.Tt T. J T ool January eO r-v T--Leadea f "ar. V s - a1ra (adPauWd. , , boat, heady 1 steen. saaaa, so bm ana oeer. -uuf 1 n, IHOdHes atsgs and bulis. aeaad. adlTei kip, U to aft ths. o; calf, eeoad. under Va lbs, Ue green, unaaltrd. Is laaa: ealla. per lb bmai tklaa. aarteA each. Ttl dry. oaaa. vBTti ssaal tBa"" u.jwruBie, auHtnauBWi JUUB. fj Bbaa atj a oiaked, Al per IM dear barka. ensuMkod. IS He par k eaaokad. Um fc: Caloo batls. 10 to It lba. Bssmoked. te oar ibi luki a. per id; aoinva, luiimiM, ev ya id; cujbooBV JOS lb; berrtag, ta par lb; solee, te per lb; airlmpa, las pa lb; 1 S to s-r lb, blsck sod, 15 Bar Ibl t' oM. par lb! aiubia rlaee um 1 , CHICAGO I'JIIEilT IS UP TODAY Dip In Prices Followed by a Sub- ; tantiai AdvanceClosing 1 ft Is Around Top Figures. ; :; .... ,. -s-,:-'-?.y(. VALUES A QUARTER ; : : .--..,. Tft nir rinuTUs iip w i nr aiaiiaw w .Vai. . 1 Trad Would , Fel Mor Secttr If Moroccan Troubla Was Settled-- V Cath Cora " a Shade) Eajler Pro- ; yiaions Up. 7. r 'rzh ' ; i-i-: , . ... ' '; ' '.' 'TDBBOAT'e WHBAT aUBXBT..J Close Close , Gala . , Ooea Tuee. Hon. Beptsmbar..... Jig .) ' XXg ' CUksgo, Feb, tT This proved to ba e fairly good scalping wheat markat today; the dip being followed by a substantial advance, Uis erica elDelBg praatloally at the top. The U roecaa queailoa still rsaulos to be settled, and while Buttling eertoas Is anticipated tba treUe would faal mors saeared If the laddeat was eloeed. thereby aseuein pesos. Ths opeculatlTe attaaUoa at times ebewa mach aarToiianoas, J 'a sinking spells osmo eslck, but rail lea, ss art a en ceo. waajr, are equally euica aso aeeuuve. Inere aeems aouilug new to bring os special eoueamt la too course grata Bat. out any osca eaah prices were a shads saeler. Provtalona reeotered nicely from yesterday's depreoaloa. The aisrket sa tha whole showsd a setter loao.---OfflcUl quotaUoi by Orarbeek, csoaa company iWHBAT,f.V-Iil ''! f High. - ' tow. ) t Close. i ' 'Ooea. a. - ' im, i v oiosa. ' a jii July...., .tot, .m : 0ATB. ' PB),. liar..... .80ta!l .to July..,.. Sept.. . , JB v - , conn. . .40 .40 ; A .. .at vi .; Ai : .44 : --.44H .40 i Mar.u.. .4tHB 44B July dept.,... herb pnir afar..... lt.ts it.tT , ikm faarn July.,... laat . ' r UM V U.16B Mar T.TS T.T7 ' T.Tt , TTT July,. .i. ' T ax T.M T.BO ' I M 8spt...n , ' t ea 4, f.M - l.otB BBOBT BIBB. May..... fit tit A at: Alt It . t.2t a. it ait a-at July..... Sept..... IB BBASBTBXXTa BBAIV BXPOBZ. - Chicago. ' Pet, 7. Bradatieefa grsla vblble .aupplyi , ,: Wbeet i-' '- - ;'' , "' Vv' report of Bosheht. . Beat of isockiea ................ luo.noo Buropo aad ascot SUO.0U0 - Total w...,. eOB.ont oora eiuaOOO Oata .1,040,01 XJTaTBPOOI, KAXsT bTABBBT. lavorpool. Pern, n. Official prices! ' , WHBAT. .. ' -;... Cleee CJoae - Asia Toes..- ... mssv-' Toes,Twaa. Mare ...ts 8d . aa tHd , ... U4 May ., .ta ti 0a tVd .'...T ' Sd July ...... ..ds fCd te td ... - d (XlBB. March fa HUd May .lgd Bs llt.4 as la4 Si nataar bbatb MorxirxBT. ChJcags, Pea. ST. Prtseary rerelotai - - - -'. i,- . ,. , Today . Tear age -......'. Bee. ; Buah. Wbeet 880,000 AuS.000 Corn .........f7J,0Of . t7t, ahlpamata: . ' -Wheat v,r.,..'... ...M.... '.ltt.ooO ' gSf.000 Corn .......... 1 471,000 618,000 Ulcere near: Plour. 4.000 bbla.; eara, 418,000 wm, i oui eoe,ww su. -)' CKICAOO eXATAT CAB LOTS. Chicago, fab, tT4aralB car lots: - p '. ' ' Oars, Orade ,, Bat Wheat 18 ' t. . Cora M .w v S Osts let , at it wiieet ears eoaayt atinnoappna. 4: Dulath. 4S. leer ago: hQnneapolla, sot; Pulath, ; Chicago, as. - ... PRICE OF- SHEEP.. ID : 12 YEARS .'if' 'Sd ' V' Secretary Plummer Do lMot Know What Will Be the Future ; of the Local Sheep Market.' v; r;... !V , .' .- X- l'': Port laud Cnioa skysrds. . Pah. XI Lire- ttock receipts!. - . , ' - Bosa Onttkt Bbaes Today -,, e. ....., . ... : - ... week sgo,M... IIP ,181 poo Mouth ago .....4, 41 V! BS , tTO Year sao ... ' ... "X too t know what M gotng te baoame of tbo sheep market," eara secretary Fluismer. "The price now ht the highest I bare knowa In 10 or IS years snd there are noao aomlng." There waa ant a "male arrival of Urea tort m the local yarda during the neat 34 hours. This earns eondltlon ruled ea the name date tha preceding year. Hogs ara firm at the rise of 38C reported eiclnalrely by , The Journal yee terday. Cattle are dull. Official lirostocg prices t - Hoes Beet eastern Oree-nn. , fTBOnTTJl! blockers sad China fare, fe.60af.Tfl stockora aad feeders, t6.M1St.ta. -L Cattle Beat sastera Oregoa steers, ft.t0a 4.00; best cows end heifers, ft.00: light snd siedtnm steers, fl.e0t)a.8; Mskt enws. fS.eo; Stoekera and feeders, 1 2 Ml; balm, jt.Otai t-td, Hheep wetners saa ismni, ATsfjtcs mixed rp. fQtlie. Calrae flood vaaL 184 to -B00 Bounds. Biota tei rough aaf aosry, tVtei4Ha? ,,r rv. .- . C VXdlTaqUf K0OB BnOHTtB,''.- .. , CtalcagOi. Fa. T. Urastoek rscalpts: ' , - Hogs. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago ...... 9U.OI0 , ,, too . ,lx.ono Kanaea uty ....... .11.000 . . lo.otip . T.oon Omaha .11.000 7 .6ar 1,000 Hogs opened te higher with 1 ,800 left over. Receipt a year ago were SB, 0o. Prices: Mixed. ri.ot&d.; good, ft ire 2Tmi roagh, H004B 00; light. t.ooa ). .; ..-.- 7 ,(x 7T rattle atrong. -i . .., V Bbeep fteady. " . . BOBTOa 00PPXB BTJLBJtBTg.' ' ' Boat on, Pob,, T7 Oftclal eeppsr tloalna ' Hio. 1 - , BIS. Advanhare ...$ Old Domtaloa.l 48.84 Oeraola pa.00 Parrot ....... - M 00 ' Psneolg .j..., . 1.00 . Qnloey , 04.00 Boyal " , tt f e , "auta Po..v. , BOO banooo ..... " f tSU Tamarack ... lOT.Oq Trinity 10.78 . Tens. Copper. 46.00 . 1'nlted ........ Tt.00 rt.k ft.00 Victoria T.60 Wlnoos ..... ' f ee Wolreiioe ... 1S100 Alloueu ...... 40 00 Arradlaa .... .. t.60 Atlantic ..... 94 00 Bingham 44 M Calumet . . ... fOOOO t'enteanlal .... M. 80 Copper Baaga, tl AO oeYJTweet ... If OO Kim eUTor ... KrankUs It .00 flrinhr ..... BOO Maas ' s H Mtcklgaa .... ' 1J Mohswk (TOO Neeada Coa.. 1180 North Unite., tt tt Bast BstU... I BO V. B. Mining., 64.71 Btmwm woa.... POBTXJJtB BABK BTATTWBT. V ' Clearings ....ta.... ...... ......... .toil .at ' eaeaeaaeaaaeeaeaaaaeaovaeao aoleSltwS ; A Cmall Chlpmeht of Red Czrmuda Petit"! From th Bermuda stands Has Been R celved -Quality Cannot Compare With Ours f,1ETllOPOLIT10 . 11 BAD LOSER Break HnM,JSltui't by Rapid Transit Road-Drops ) Three" and a Half; s-'f WASHINGTON REPORTS 4- . vSEWD PRICES LOWER Rumor 6t Bajrinf; of vVabaah by ; j PennaylTBnU tptuiBCB, Soma Active -Buying in Preferred of the Former and Results in a Net Gain Today. ' KBT LOMBS. Asaeeada ........ S N'srtolk ........... a N. X. central Oat Weetora .. Amalgamated .... lx Atcbkwa . , ' a V TfV wllaa "..a........ A Bueltar f Cat Foaadry,.. 1 B1a32.'::;::;: .! Ooea. ruel 1 0. N. W....... 11 Chesapeake ...... I Canadian .....u. 1 Oslo, aoutk ..W.. Dan ear ........... Brio ,' Great Westora ... 1 touarrtllo t rvnnayirsaia , Preaaed (Ileal Oar. Heading BapublTc Btael .... 1 a. ., ad pid . Book leiand do preferred..... Bsuthera Hallway. 1 Soothera Paclte, ... a. l a. w ds preferred..... 1 Wahssb ... M Tana. Coal ...... 1 Teiae Partda..; M JJiilea PaetAe...... 1 Toledo ........... 1 V. B. Bteal ........ tl do prsfsii'sf i.' te stetropoUtoa ..... Central Leather., Oora Producu ... .CI staaioaa uancrai Mtssoarl PacUe TAKCBS. : ;--.', .V" Car di fouudry ... 1 Ksty At North Amarlean .. U Bep. Steel, ptd.,. ' U Weetora Valea ..A Ceto. Booth., id p. t rKiH email . . Wabask, ptd , no Stock markat opened with a ea aeaaaat ot some slight Advaasea wore geesral ta the Bssjor Bart at the Ust early, but later, ea aaarlsh aarws kaeestlgatloa by Wasniocton, the toae beeams weak and a aonoral Reaction aet la. I ta. eowaware movesasot toaay aUtreoollUa Ballwav was ths leader. Bvervuoo waa Lad to cell anA buysre wore few, lus csasad the price to avp eaa ea aaajiiia. an peases wee in na weaa nature wita a aet lues tor the dsr of iv polots. At tba and of the day Bet of the uat was lower. . Aa aacroUoa ta the seaaral wsskness wsa afrwu by Wabash. Oa reporm of a nia m uie rwu wr ue ronaeyiTaoia the buying -wear heavy. The -preferred stock waa atruaacat with a net gala of 1 Botata lot tha day. The regular dleMeod of 1 per seat was eeeiarau oa aaaerassa aogar aennieg. oftdal oaotatloaa by Ovaraaek. BUrr ft Cooks cosipany; . - DBBCBIPTTOX. Aads MlBlng Co LSH4i4 -r'r rr. w... ... avwuiaou. cum. do preferred Am. Car A Pouad.. aom. do preferred.......... Am. Bugsr. com..,..... ft avm. oaaeii, com... m preterrsd Itlmero Ohio, Is Bcofnriod Broektra Baold Traaatt. Cenodlaa Paotfle. eom.Jmt. m noI Chi. a. w., aom..., (U Mil. Bt. Paul.. Chi. A BT. W aaaa jig a Chi. terminal Bali way.. Chesapeeks A Ohio j Colo. Pool A Iran. aom.. Oolo, Soothera. aom..,. do td preferred...,,. do let Brererrarf 7214 Delaefre a Hadeoa.... Pala.. Lack. A Weetora Denver A B. O.. aom... 3TU JS5 pcefsrred......, com. ...... B4 Breferrod ...... 1st 11 1 .r. 1 1 .4 fUlaols Central. ITS Umlertllc Nsshrtlle... 14814 Merropeiiraa BC. ay,,, hfsnhsttaa Ballwsr.... 110 16t tOf ioo2 t414 Meiieaa ventral sVy.... Mlasourl Padfls an a. 101 tz do nreferred IT! ft Few Tork Ceutral... Pedersl maltar. Bfd. 147U 104 1 108 11 Cotton Oil Norfolk A Weetora. som. do preferred. ...... . ev ate SAtZ norTu omencaB. . . N. T.. Ont. West.... PsaasyTraala By, ...... ., u ma Co ra nteai oar, aoa arvi ai lau .......... racinc tun tosav uo.. 44 U Beaaing, enra ,. 111 00 aa BTererrea.,.., do let nrefarreA Bap. Iroa Atteel, com do preferred .... Bock IaUnd. aom..... do Breferrod......... toothers Ay-, eem. ... do preferrod.,,..... aouthera Psclae , do preferred. Bt. L. a. P., Id pfd. OS ill la t I W asm. areferred. ........ Tana a A Padfc Tenacaeee Oosl Ifee. X.. Bt. U A W.. com. do arefci 1 ad .....,.. rjatoa Paclae, coal...., do nreferred 181 6 Central Leather, eem.., loeyrio84 B. Babbar, aoa..... o preferred B. Bteel Co.. asm... BO 00. do ui afeiisd. . ...... I! Wheel. U B., com. ...I do td prererres de 1st nreferred. . . . Wlacaoeln Central, eol 00 Breierreu. . . . . ..,.1 Weatera Uaiua Tale.... fttti NH Wabnah, com 4 2flA de preferred 1 tif. 08 SVVmt PUBIBV-Ul BArsr ajaaj , 0 1 4 .WW uaiim vwo. CaU amuey cloaad iMO per cent. ': TOBOPAjr. icnrara arocxa. tan Praaemos, , Pah. g7. OfocUl ateralnf dosing! . Bid. Bid. t DlameodAeld ...f .at - IHile M Oeldteld , .dt . Jumbo 1.48 : Jombe Bxtea .. ,2t Kendall ...A., .to May 4)uosb .... .gt , Mueswk ..',-,. .to Had Top Ltd Mandator m 1.48 SUrer Pick..... .it St. Ives ........ .tt 1 National Bank., .tt Belmont ..... ;.4.b ' j Cash Boy. Golden Al .1.49 Hosoe .. -SI I . .T4 ..ato .. BlTVi .. .41 .. T OO ..10.71 ..18.80 ... A7. Jim Butler . leltamsra . Midway .... Montana ... North BUar.. Ophlr - ...... Toa. tatsa.. rteradh . . Weet Bod Ada ma ...... Atlanta ..... Bins Ball .... Booth .ot ; .40 .XT JO M .07 Dancer 1.45 Kcllnee . Gold Bur 7t .T .28 O. Bull CelamMa lit. gtetnwey .It Conquer ..... Black Butte Ex. .Of fAB rkABCaOO tOCAL BTOCXa a Pre seises, .Pah. t7 Official lag 1 . -.'. Bid. V Aak as. s5 Mslnal Plectrls.i 144 Pacific Uaht to it an Olast Powder.. 8144 . 8ii Hawaiian (nnaorclal 78A Benokea Bugar.. ...104. 11 ' I84 at H "H ft ce M lot . Hatchlnsoa Bugsr.. 184a MakaweU Bugar i afar..................... tti rMkmm uvt IV4 nkm a. M AVI.. las. tt.ail.owa' l . . . . aV staaes rsraers ..,. , California Pratt C4a... a a e a ae ef fw MIA Oallforsls Wine aaeoclattoa........ .. - Paotfls atatse TsUphoos......... ,. :- OOkbtocz Brnrore btocxb. Bsa Pre arises, Peb. n Ofactal morning 't- ' " -.a ". Bid. . ' ano. . OelaeJeala ......f .48 Biebaaaaof ...... .tT Nor Croat! a i.a. as AfB " Con. ' to Ophlr ......... 4 4114 Vjrirma ...m.. 1JP I II ; ". f " Is the place whcia lieir fine Groceries, I'exts, Veritable a, Fniit, Nuts, etc : Zzt tna of cur prices quoted belotr J ' . SaoltRoee City Flour. Ift tha beat ';'rli lOf ' ' -'.' l-Ib. cab Aaaorted 8oup; ret. " tit ,. vpoaea earn Condenaad Cream. '..J'.'Sl ' i:- .';' ' SS. 'J ; ' v '.;; :, Two 4-lb. pkgs. Washing Compound. 'y'l; Wi '''. k-f aw ... II bars Good Laundry Soap, ' : ' . . 3"- ': : ":;) lba. Beat Oloaa BtArch, .. ' J,:.;;'''4t?A;;''';.:Vr vlt-Ibs Melt Fur BuckwhtteU llour. ' a Alloa pall Choloe Table Syrup. - ,:J;j'ir-' . cs'i.-'v'iv ' t eama Mlnoed Ctems. ICP- West -Park and : Waahington. Cofnmences , Widneaday, Feb. 23th. We have prcpered for it try arranginij daily ahipmenta of " .. . , i - ' : auL Kama of - FULL LINE cured nsn Darnes' niarliet Tat Beaat That QeaHtf aWuT . f 10M07 Third Street. , 10 ' Phone Exchang-e 63. w TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. BTBAYUn-4 sman Jersey cow.. Bead UAwma- tlou ay aeiepseos or otnorwiee so v. m. Hyeksll, Best Nlatfc aad Park are. City View Park. , AT THE THEATRES. ;Y';; .:-:.-At the Baker. "., .... TJno't fall to go to ths Baker thla weak and aso the Rlfb School Olrls. They are Bvely aad attractlra aad sing aad dance their wsy Into the people, hearts. The vaadertlle acta are great sad there Is eae eon tl null rousd of fua. Tammrsw sftarsooa the regular bargala M.4u. wrill hat ateani. Tha arenina aurtslB at the Baker rams at f:l o'clock. , "Human Hearts" at the Kmpire." . . .i.. .a aa Smm ,ki. w.a wblah kse the brae stamp of America eleaa aa It. TBW m -rinmen nwna " Arkaasss hills. "Buaasa Hearta" will be et tba Bmptre sil this weak. With a matlaee Batur day. .., . ; . k. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. Grand Noveltiea. . . . Bssslaa raaderllle spadaltlee were ' sever shows la Portland until yeeterday, whoa the Oread ursseatsd the Hsldes, from the Im perial theatre, at. Patera burg. Tha M artel la, premier blrydlata. who hare wheeled their wsy through aU the musle kslls of to rope, are et boms this week, tor Portland la the place of their birth. Harold Boff sings "My htlaabjalppt Loa" sad tba OrsBdlseepe leasee "Lace nee No, lt er. The Hoodoo Astu." Star Feature-. ; -V Aa evenly bale need vaadsvUle eeterUln ent Is what the atsr Is Con Ui bating thai week te the sastsrs of light amusemcBt. The Boyal Hawallaa qalntet la the hot fared te. The three Bartlssds ssre a mtd-atr turai Inea Boott does aa aerial Borpeattue dance sad James Danals 1s a-mlmle of rare sttalameata. . County Judge Lionel R. Wsbttsr thlf morning ordered that the estate of the late William Watktne be settled, and tha property left be divided among the he! re. Thla aatlon waa taken upon the petition of Margaret Olbba, on of the heirs. : The will of William Watklna waa filed In the probata oourt on De cember 1, It 81, and four day later Wil liam . H. Watklna and Ellse watklns were appointed axecutora. The estats waa found to be wortb About 1141, The executors have been dead for many years. , ' ' : . rtef erred Bboek Oaaasd JLllen 4k Lewie Beat Bread, tTrrrni state. eorxBjrstxBT bobdb. Haw lark, Peb. PT. Government tmndsi Date. Bid. Aet. No. regular. lOSO IMV 103 k Ios I0.1U 180 UlSV No. B reaular lend 024 do couDoa ltoe inza 1034 No. B small bonds lOtM No. d regulsr , ibot in do etmpoa..,.,. IwT log No. 4 regular.... lots lw dn souDoa I Sit lte 104 104 ISO Platrtrt of ODlumbla t-ets., .... lid fhlllpflae ss.... .... lot 10 " Stsrllag Botaa. New Tork. Peb. 17. StarUaa rates! Dam aad. 4M.tTty; 0. days. sta. La FHESQ HSQ OVBRBBCICa OTARR & CpCICQ CO Ill TbJrd Street. X:;Ay j-, wm bo a tni r.i c CemUaBoaa Markata by fTtw'e " -a. T'.. TUteak bext-rtveij iL T A - -p auarw 4A,w W . a AV ST ai a IlwAGtSA'. ' PAtT ABB roPUtlB BTBArr3IPi f - i . I; Uere aoattld ' "ntPPBHaow," Thursdsy; Pebrutry If, at t P. m, vls Wrsagle... ..-''.(-- . CAUJBB AT ' BetOBlbae, fasosu. Bouglaa. V-tssa, Bkao way. Consorts wltk W. P. . saatB tar . A tun, Oawaaau Xaaaae, Bemo, ass, . . ' Per All tontt east era AJaaka tarts. CaU or aeud for'Trlp to Wonderful Aaaaks,' ' "Taoiaa Baeketry,8 Totem Pales." THB ALAIKA ttOt, r. PraaA WoaJeas Ce.. Aaenm. , ' t OS ft. ...... . rwrtleoa. Or. ci i" i:i;jn.f' 1:13 ' Opera Usg It Pasaenget f tea mars tor SAN FRANCISCO tad ' lm Angeles direct. . Bl-datly . sarrtoe. ' . Cabin, fl2. atseraga, , to. ' .. , OL H . TKOsrPaow. In... a. . . . ... iff THOU) ax. r;03TIIPACIFICiiCO.'S Steamship Roanoke 4 -t-vii : aaoe tons, x . -.-, 1, Balls for -- Bsa' Prsnrlsco and Ia , Angelas, calling at Burcka an routs, ' THURSDAY, MARCH I . f If SBB vaillllail'lB A-rVBCB. IvB f , all pa p. BBJ . lirBPf effee US Third at.. aesr Alder. Phoas hUlBlfls. A.k.a.U. frVuw. W a. A B at a. SBW.a,al - -; BABBT XOUHQ, Agaat " Hotel Eaton aad Wsst Park Btrssta, NXW ' Readseseety fuiabibsd. elsgsatly onolpoed. fireproof, flee mlnutee walk frass heart al shopping ant kaalaam dlatrtct, all large, airy, sotslde loams, stosm beeted. oloctiis Ughta, telephone la eoob spertatent. eta Largs effleee. tsanglBg. amokmg. writ la a. ladlee reception parlors. Booms rsssrred by Bull or telephone. Prrrata oonalbss meets trslsa aad ttssmwa iloermA $I.OO to $3.00 at Daf ' Speetal Bates te Com istr rial Kaa, BrBB. BLAB BATON. (Pormarly ot Betel Bed path, tpokane.) . dlood poison 1 rot BOH THAI TWI TT YUM we hare made the euro of blood poleoa a specialty. PTtsaory.i iciodsiy ovTsrtaary Blssd Pelaea Pormaoontiy Cured. You eoa be treated at home under same guaranty. Capital fMa.000. Ws sp licit the must obetl OaU eases. If you have exhausted ths old Biethods of treataoDA and still have aches and polos. Mucus Patches la Mouth, ftora Throat, Pimples, fppcvXilored Speta, C leers oa aar rmrt of the body. Hair or Eyebrows felling eat, write for proofs of euree. uopage oooa g-roe. COOK REMEDY CO. ' . uas womt num. tskt,tiiil "bPI Bsauaal isnwsbsuia knew ehnut th. m i..r.l MAjrVtL aariiaf Spray ewe ood JierfaerWeet ' t estMoet CeoTealeat. EfWwSeasttattwB. ieaeeev4 surely the lavit, aouept no other. Mil aana la Dip fog lllnetraiet hook Tt rives full nartteuUra and ,1lrecinna i. valuaaleioladias. P4 4EI, reV, 4 "I. eae bt.. bbw twnau a. . BKIDMOtt k CO., 141 TTTTBD tTBXET, ABB WOOBABO, CLAAXA CO. Seed's SLital-Pcpsln Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Per Infammatloa arCnUrrhof the Bladder and Pleaeead Bid. Bays. OtklBOtAT. Cures quickly ssd Barsiooestiy the ra4 id 49lew. ao wetter et how g steading. Absolalsly rmlaa! Boat bv draaaieta. rice SI 04. or by JnalL fosf M, tl At, I boxes. 10.74. TXESAllTrUm Bi.Mf.ntetnjS. Otefcs. OB. For .modern dental worlc.N World-renowned apeclallata, ' Lowest prlcea consistent with flrst-clAst ..(;. t-.: work.- -...' ...... ., NEW YORK DENTISTS - TOtraTX abtd Moa.mzsoaT am. Open day and night, from t:tO a. m, ' .- until 1 p. m. OkfXcBMKfy. , JTawbrm. BBVBk WMTM 99 alia " Tarrant's Exarsot of Cabeba aad Ospmbeba -"t ' , OAMULI8. Taslannlwa, faeatandiAai a., a euro fep sleet, waues, eae. reoy irenieBt as sarry. Pifw to take. eoarenioBt Pries f I. at Bowe A Msrtls's. 61 Wsablsgtos St., Portland, Oreaooi or bf mall from Tha Tarrant Co., 44 Hudeoa at.. New Tork. RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Tansy Wafers Origi nal and only genuine Put up la , yellow v rapper and "Crown" ' trademark. For. eale by tha . 'ULADINO DRUOOISTS. i - nowanta, wonxxnu oo. WbXAV BbTD BTOCBt BaVOUBUA (AUlabllahed Ittf.) . Btoous 4, Ovotuad xnwv, ', ' ' OatABtBEJt OF CUBUnkauaiOB.. " irlN Evcrv Vc I ?A, V fc tafia- ujBWs. AT W' r m, BBV aT 4am d)T .if I ? 1 H" 11 "-e. -DBS W,we-JirBV' at Sale br 1 a. j Merabert OUeaAw Board ef Trade. 'V' 4 ' J ; v "' 4Tv1R0Xb, crrrco, rrotTza avbto Boams. EuIMuib. Pertmnd. Or. - :natoBj Bt:r C - 1 rewt-ai 1 rn T jT -.'. 1: ' . . , - - .- w uruon Fa aHTraliis to tiie East DaUy 4 l?if?:1'. PuUmaa sUodard snd tourist sWop. tnf.?,,' ",b- chuage. ape,t lSlilrii."1"p!".-e- dally to Banaai City. -the klJl Sill ,,ul,ou " rrl aa "jcatPortland f peel a) fee ' 'Wtaa. Walla Walla. f ".-t. S ' Or7 m,Vow d'Aleue aad - Atw!nt0? D2ln,m- ,n'- -:1Sbbj Seta ; ns Huntl.,t. dally .Ti.trrratHpm fM . Pta. afLrMBU DIVISION. tVej-r?V" ay points.' eoeoectlaf wltk RaaaaZ '7.vUw"? ""ctk BasaA. atesaaer eaceot swib-,t- mares f p. av dally. eu? . T! aaturday. 10 p. Ba, Arrives 1 m.. oseept Bandsy, . Per t.T.AttBJlLL BOTTTBL CJata .... 1. ty nd Tasatin 'rtvse ntaE! SUUl ,,'- Aah-et, dor, mlttlne-k aaotpt Bssday (water pee. 8Mdsy ; ArrlT : ft avr daiy. saoept Rl!,.Ir'?fu-. I"1- " way petals from ton U... a i,'' rmera apokaao eat Lewte. U" - "T a " a. m.. or Dana arrlnl TV. I. y "t""' - - Ticket Office. Third aad WaaalBgtea aba. 1 j - - Talopkone Mala T1T A. - KwirA "'"Oka. City Ticket A. la CBAIO. Oeaeral Psseenger Agent. EAST SOUTH V) . Pnloa tJepoA Overlasd Biraee Trains forBaleni, Boeaburg. Aab ane. Beers meato. Ogees, tea rrasclaoo, atoektos, Los Angeles. El Psaa, Nrw Orleans sad the seat Morning train eoeBoets at Woodbura . daily except Bunday with train foe Mount Angel, ailvertos, BrwwnsvlUe. Bprlngfleld, WesdllBg sad Nstrua.... Bugeus piesenger coo. uerte st Wnodburs with Mount 1ml mwd bum. Louto. . Arrtre, ':4B'yst 'ndBtW ,. ...."' j - . '- i ., .' afl:tQsav f M am toa local Corvallls psaeengor drltpm aT:tO sm aio-ta eat a -M pm' t:M am lllMpm Sheridan naaaa.a-ar vr, 4:6f) pm Poreet Orove paaaenger.. J10?4t -m -veuy. iniallr except Bnaoay. POBTLAND-frgWBOO BCBCBBAIt fCBTlCB ANT' TAMnnx, DITItlOJt. Lea-re Port lead Jdepet foot of Jeffmsa ft) dally for Oswego T:80 a. .; lf:6a. :06. 4:00. f JO. :. t:aO, 10:10. ll:Bt p. m. Bully (except Bonder), f M. f JO, fits, 10:9 a. Bk Boadar only, S:O0 s. m. Beturnlng from Oswego, srrtve Portland dally t to a. m. 1 88. t:0T. 8:04. 418. T 84. t:8t. 11:10 p. ir... lt.8S s. m. Dally (except Ruadsyl. , a an. t:xb. b:so. ii:4b a. m. uaoay oaiy, . 10:00 a. m. - terss from same depot for SsUss snd Inter. I mediate points dally 4:lf p. n. Arrtre port. land lOrie s. m. I The IndepeneeBCe-MonaMUrtk Motor Boo eeer- stee dally to Moamoutb aad Alrlle. connecting ; with Roathera Pacific eompaay'e tracks st Dal laa and Independence. yirrt-claae fare fmre Portland te teere meets sad fan Prasdsco 120. berths t8: socead-olsss 1 tare 1 16 second-elses bertbo tl to. ! TTcfeeta to Ea.trru polnta and rwoaoi alee I Japan.: China. Honolulu and Anetralla. 1 City Ticket Office earner Third and Weak. ' Ingtos straeta. Pboae Mala Til a W. BTIISOIB, A. U CBAI9. CMy Ticket Agent, Oca. Pass, Aa-ob. TIME CARD. OF TRAINS Portlandi Colon Depot n..a.w.a taavs. Arrive. Clty-Bt. Loom tpeeial for Cbehslls. Centralis, . Olym pla. Grays Harbor, Booth Besd, Tacoma. Brattle, Bpe. ' kaae, Leartetoo. Batto. Bu lla re. Dearer, Omaha. Baa sas City. Pt. Loa is and Bootbeaet. daily SitOtm 4 Jt pat North toaei kinilieo. eww trie llgbtrd. for Taceaaa. ' ' : Brattle. anokeao. - i the East, dally. . . j. . . ! i:0eaa rot i Paget Bound Limited, Chebaiie, I'earraiia. lacwaau ssd Besttls oalr. dally d'-fepm 10 At pm Twla City Express foe Ts. . corns. Besttls, Bpoksne, - , Helena.. Bstto, o. rsei, ,, . - w Mlsnenpolle, tlncola. Bt. . ; t , .... , . . eoeepb. Bsosss City Jlth-, f" ', out change of oars.- TMcert ; .- connections for all pelsta - ' Beat snd Bouthreat. dally.. ll:4f pm 10 t pat A. D. CHARLTON. Aaalataat Boners! Paeeeet. gr Agest, BM Morrlsoa strost. earner Third, pertlaod. Or. Astoria & Columbia . v ftiver Railroad Co. ' TJslea Deport ' ' Leave ' Arrive - Pur Msygers. BalsJar, Clat. BSBle. Weatport, Cllftou. Aatoiia. Warreotoa. rio. veL Hammond. Pert Btev. ' I aoa. Oearhart Park, Beaaldo f:M am 11 Jf am Aatnria and aeeshare. ex. - Breae dally... T.-Bf a) tf $m AU trains dally. , jr. C MATO. 0. P. tad P. 4. Aaterls? Or. 0. A. BTBWABT. Commercial Agent. Bet Alder street. Paeae Mala toe. . emubjff. I' II a f a1"l fBj 1 Bk I BJtAe VI n WwWWtsmaPuBBJ WA-SJ Vf y 20vcrlsi TrtlnsDtlIy2 The Orlsatsl Limited, ths Psst Mail , T1A BBATTLB AND BPOKANB. ' i.l I --1 I Ostly. ' . r t '''Lsare. . ' Portlssd time schedule-. To snd from Rnokane, Bt. PsuL Mlnneepolle, ; , s, Dulath snd sll poiuts Beat Tla fcattls...... t:tOam - ' lliAt pm To and from ti. Paul. -Minora poHn, Dulath . uad all polnta Bast rla Bpokaso ......... f:ltps Dally. Antra, T-ettst t.60 pal "" t:8t am mat Northern Btssmsstp Co. -Balling from tea tile tor Japan aad Cklua ports ssd Maalla, ceil lag pee eesgers ssd freight. . i. j 8. B. Dakota, Marok It. r , 8. B. Miaaeeets, AprU tt. . ' NIPPON TTJttN X AUS a !',"(Jape Mell freemahlp U I ' . . KAN40AWA MA HU will sail froat Peettle nlxait March SO for Japaa ad Chlaa . porta, csrrylsg pssersg era sad ?Por kVtets, rales, ' berrk spill O tmaa. st.. call se sr sddress X. DIC k SON, O. P. T. ., log f " t St., Pmtlaad, Oiuaea. rkeno Ws WJm ta Per Cons Boy. Burets aad B a T Nett sailing from Portland. - r. Next sailing from Baa rreacisee. 1 r. t. ' " r fA i. a- . - 4 .1 Ci -eew