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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1906)
Zzi on: Credit ' Today-' crj " oabrroiy Goes -di Liiirch -c , Usages L..UL'.. sU. Its 1) FO3T0FFIGE . xoDAi't i-rrrsxnr. Ifnelcal WurbeaQ tntre vi .4. ."names Wearta' Uresd V.V.",.r.V.,.".V."V. Vaoueriile Bte ,.. VaaMTttie Carah J. V.'.lron Attum Out!: - aeiegauon i rum in nine roruMiv Baptist churches yesterday afternoon ; .reoog nlied and received Into the follow . ship of too Portland Baptist aeeocla tloa the new A r let a Missionary Baptlat church. Rev. B. M. Bliss presiding, whlla . a. uvrtuoa niaca, icu . u secretary. .The statement of faith ' .was submlttad bv Mr. Benson. . Rav. Q. ; 'A. Lean? delivered tha Invocation at tha 'tha new church. Rev. Gilbert Parker de- 14 . . - .1 - . .... ; ... i in ciimrse w v i ia ii u i uvi m. w . . Jowshtp welcome to the churob.' Thirty members are en tha charter roll. Two - lots are owned by the church and It la - expect d that a $1,000 edifice wlU be More practical results 'were obtained In 105 by tha Boys' and Girls Aid oo- elety than in any other year since tha report of Superintendent W. T. Gardner. There were 241 children received dur- aiiB law jivi iivw mi RHM V. Ml mw ' while 171 were returned -or recalled -piaeea. - maxing a toiai oi no a me J nnirsi' wauiu.iun ivi .mw J u dlaposltlon of these children was as fol- lowsr- un eui io wor ior wim . lei out to von ror, cidmuii mm nun, , proieo," ae, 4r.wy( v. turned.for eentenos, 1; returned to . It u n , .A AltLftr . ' Samuel Connell and John Bain spoke Mn , favor of municipal reform- at the Centenary Methodist . Episcopal -church ". fast night The- speakers were Intro duced bv Rev. W. H. Heppe. 5 Mr. Con- nell pralaed Sheriff "Word and Mayor . Lane. He told of the local Municipal eaaoctatlon and Its fight to atop gem ot in a in ruriiano, nu 'Juan ' for the church people to atand together for clvio righteousness. John Bain's ad- m .... . iim It tha. U WWW WM -- close "America" waa sunv. and the bene diction was pronounced by Bishop Jamas M. Thobum. .;,.' v,y.,' w : t f A new devioe to benefit weak Instep ana ximi (ni, tnuwn m u Anww mlth arch prop, la now Introduced Into . Portland by the Rosenthal Shoe eom ' nany, lt Third street, it is pronounoea a spleudid appliance for the purpose of remedying certain afflictlona of the feet. Unlike the - ordinary rigid steel ' Insole, it does not occupy the entire : inner aole of the shoe, but extends only n tha hall nf the forft halne held In : place by tha praasura of the heel ' . Rev.'K, C- Muokley -of th v First Christian church yeeterday told of tha results of tha seven weeka' revival that - cloaed 'February 1. Thar were 111 converalona. , ho aald. Moat of thia - number will Join the First Christian cnurcn. i oe income m un cnurcn nu ttMn'inAMaua ra tun mn uim Kiiu an aaalstant paatar will be secured and the church debt has been greatly . re- . Memhera . tit ' the irirat TTnltarlaa ' church are planning to make the tnatal- lation of Rev. W. O. Eliot Jr thelr new pastor, a - noiaoie event. A aumoer -oi the- moat', prominent members of the ' church In the- ooantry will attend. - Rev. ,W, Stone, field seoreUry of the Pacific 'coast department Of the American uni tarlaav aaaoclatlon. will deliver an ad . dress and other prominent speakers will : attend, ,.-:,v - i,- ' The local chamber of commerce : baa been invited to beoome a member of the ' National ' Rivers and Harbora aaaocla t Ion, tha purpoae of which la to con tinue efforts for annual appropriations for rivers and harbors. 4 The sum of thereby became a member of tho aaao- . elation.".'.'; , , vAJ..; .... (.; . ; Becauae of . falling health, ' Rev. ' N. .. Shu pp. presiding elder for Portland dla- I4IV4 ,1 IMW 1V.H 1 4W4WI44UUQi HM been forced to retire from active work, ; and , with hta wife will leave within a few daya for Los Angelea. Tha duties ; of presiding elder will be performed bi tha various pastors ef Portland until the annual conference In AprlL ' . t . r unwiro xioimen ai ta, ine jeaaing : funeral directors, have tha finest eatab llahmeni. the finest goods, ths finest , vehicles and the moat reasonable prioee. (Flna broadcloth covered caskets. 111 and ISO. The finest wood goods made, from IIS to . Parlors it and III Third street. . corner Salmon. Portland. Oregon.; . " v.v . 1 In this advertisement 'of Kicoll . the , Tailor In the Sunday taaue It was made , to read tnat his piaoa or business wss located at 10 Third street. Instead of 10. . Of course, every one knows ths '. location of that enterprising firm, but ' nevertheleas . the advertisement should , have read properly. ,. , , . ' 1 JliM44l VjiI faw an KHttman 4fnflM fi m . ii. vr aviiiDEiun. wu aim momina: so - mltted to practice before the . United . Statea district and circuit eourta In this oisirici upon motion 01 unanes J. Schnabel, a member of tha committee on admission of the local bar asaocia- stlon.. ; ,1 - ' : Tha. nest track meet of tha Portland ' commands of tha Oregon National Ouard will be held in the Multnomah county Armory ' on Friday evening, March . ' A asocial effort la to be made to aeonre a large attendance of women. For their special benefit the Third regiment band will be present and discourse muslo. be " tween the several athletic events. At . the meeting of tha officers of the- guard As rn STEINWAY PIATJO t,' THE STEIN WAY PIANO ,':r m au. il, f ; Qreat Musical Artlati 1 Bow sataral It Is ts Mnk ike aaaws ef -all anetriane with the STK1KWAT PU50. . fee ever 60 rear every mnafc'Us et snr se : btTr fees oae the "TSIflWAT. Alt the boet treie In every eltr the world ever beadle 'the ITBJlf WAY rlANO. . Tkere Is sot s poreee wanting a alase tsday ' who aire set serfer tfee ITElNWAY. 1 Whes (bow ftm that Ike STE1RWAT ; will not eoet res ae . start as Bunv ether , stakes yos will sorely hay the TEIKWAT.; Dundorc Piano Co. - ' 1M llith St., sap. Orereslaa Mlg. ' , Sheet. Music. TalklM-Maehlses, ete.r etc. 7 ':'-xv-'-:".tIw CtatJon.'-'-,' MAfJY HAVE H2L0 JCP ! , 1 . tATER GIVEN IT UP Office. One Hd St Servic With - PitetviUe-Now Will Have Special Service; Some pne' Coins to Trine vUle for UQ Bt.? rX Cfk Uncle Bam baa again found some one Who la willing to taJce charge of the poatofflts) at Crook. In this Instanos it la Sarah J. MUllron. The report on the matter received at local postal head quarter doea not show whether she Is a married woman, widow or maiden, , "It doesn't make .any difference who he is or what shs Is, Just so shs will handle the mails," remarked Chief Clerk Whitney this morning. "We are mighty thankful to get soma one to act as postmaster over there."....'..: -., Then' Mr. Whitney went on to recite a tale about the' office, . Crook Is . in Crook county, about J miles southeast from Prinsville. It has the reputation of having been established, discontinued and reestablished more times than any Other office In the state." v' ,; The place has less . than . 10 men, women and children in It as this time. Consequently the postmastershlp -is not a remunerative one. There -was a time when there waa a atar service between tha town' and Prlne villa. The poat master weni out of buslasss and Uncle Sam-could not find a successor, and the office; was closed. In due course of time a Crook man was Induced to open up shop, and a. special service waa estab lished between the place and Prlnevllle. He soon got tired of the Job, letters, postala and papsrs being few and far between, and gave it up and tha special service was discontinued. ' Now Sarah J. Milllron has assumed tha dignity of postmistress. The mall for the community will be received by special service, as before, from Prlne vllle. That means that some one wlU go to Prlnevllle and get the letters re oslved at that office directed to Crook. - James A. Speer , has been appointed postmaster at Simnasno, wmcn is not a monsy order offloe. At Argo, Thomas Ralph Schroeder sails postage stamps. receives and nanaa out mm. .v, , - '.Th 8ohmr Piano; ; Reoelved the first medal of merit and 4ii.i.,i hnniM, at tha Centennial ex hibition. , It has the Indorsement of the leadiner artists in the Unlt4 Biatea and foreign countries. . : HE COULDN'T STAY - AWAY FROM PORTLAND 'f '','' " 1 ';!.'.'- .'i.'.'i'.C; "If jrou live in Portland through one lnt thaw oajt't drive vou ivir from the town with. a club." .That has be come aa axiom among tna 01a reaiaenta and every bow ana tnen it receives The fact that CV J. Tessrski and hit family- have returned to Portland to live is merely a personal item 01 inter . thai eviaiula- Rut there is more behind it. Mr. Yeserakl used to live in Portland that la, he waa nere xor a time, lone enough to become acclimated. He longed for tha glorioue spring of Michigan and he went back to Alpena, Michigan, . with hi family. Ha over looked, however, tha less glorious but . .kfmal, winter of Michiaejt. and after shuddering through snow ths pest part ox nis taa.mouiua Buamw wandertngr whether It was 10 below m ..1. 11 ha i decided thai the town that has spring weather tha year round waa we town . lor . nun, . ew taw oame iw rmuw .... y"xX Sohmtt Planoa ' ' , , u ',Amtaa rA anknowladaed br the krhjhest musical authorities, and tha de mand for them is Steaauy inoremaing in au pans or me country. - tomorrow night committees will be ap pointed to have charge of tha meet. At tha aama time tna several ovinia pi m. evening will be decided upon. Thia will be next to the last meet before the one to be held in May. when all the guard oommanda of tha stats will be asked to participate. . .vy;-, v- .-, Every evening- last week evangelistic ser vices were held at Kpworth Metho dist Episcopal church. Twenty-third and Irving atreete. They were con ducted bv Rev. Henry T. Atkinson, wno preached last night on "Ths Question of Questions." The meeting wll be held every evening tnia wees . except Saturday., y W :' v ,-. ' v.'; The Belgian consul-general at Phila delphia has requested ths chamber of commerce of this city to provide him with pictures of farm scenes In Oregon to serve aa lantern slides to be used In an Illustrated lecture which the consul general will deliver la Belgium.;, .. ' Modern Woodmen Bring your fami lies and friends to hear Supreme Lec turer Wheelan at M. W. A. hall. Ablng ton building, Wednesday evening. Feb ruary - II. Pres entertainment., Muslo and danolnaV ; i-'-'-' ;- "--.v T The' Canadian Society of Oregon' will bold Its monthlv meetln la the Knlahts of Pythias hall, Marquam building,! Monday evening,. March s. ' A social time will follow the business session. ,; V --' Sale--Tract ef land bounded by Washington, vTwsnty-tblrd and Cornell road, formerly . known, as ' "Qambrinua Garden. " Mas Smith, . the Savoy, res taurant, 1(1 Fifth street. - . . - i, Watches, Watches, Watches On easy weekly- payments,' ti down. Mo per week. Don't to without a. good time piece. MeUger 4b Co.. Ill Sixth street - ...... :- 1 . m. . . i, 1 txts in Ladd'a addition. Improvements all in and paid, f 1.I0. R. U Cats. Ill Second street , - V- .-, :;. . All warchea cleaned. IL All mala springs, IL Mstsger rCov,'lil SUth Gold medals for lawn grass and sweet peea - Butser, seedamso, ill Front i- . . Ask (or Frlts's. tamalea i : MilwauMe Country Club. . Los Angslsa and Oakland races. Take ellwood and Oregoa City ears at First and AM sr. T .. . . - . v -.. ' ' , : Flaai View," XMurU esaaaaa PmU. Upa mat novel sf praetloal dsserleaa r" "e WlU Mtrt la aMn aUsr" 1 4.. ;. r y f y :v!Ivcri7aro;l-;- 6-inch Paitry . Knivei-V. 50c Paitry Kmvee, , . 1 ; 75c Paitry Knives '!";? 25c Chriity Bread Knivei... $1.50 Carving Set, 3 piecea..f l.a Carvine; Set, 2 piece,.....r.,3e 30c Christy SteeU..:.;....,.2l 20c Bread Knivei.. ......,... 30c Butcher Knive,.:..;...Jwf ,50c Butcher-Knivei.'. . ; . ... . . .9 SHver-plated Knivei and Fork, set of 6; $1.75 value.. . ... . .1-39 Coeobola Handle Knlea and Forki, set of 6.. Tin Tablespoons, 6 for. -.... a" Tin Heaspoom, 6 for. f Apsle Corera, each. ui.., 15c Oyster Knives, each,',,,... Jf 25c- Nut Crackers 15c Feather Duiters J5c Feather Dusters. ,. 10c Metal Towel Rings. :.4 15c Metal Towel Racks... :Vi.t4 Glssi Holders, each... ;....... 15c Paper Holders, each......lef Extension Dusters, each.. ...... 8e) 45c Alcohol Stoves., V.....,.,S5 25c Alcohol Stoves...... le 50c Bathroom Mirror..., S9d r 'TcninsulcrV '4 Stovcs.Rcnncs . w.1.1 1 '!'"' " aw -aa.. i-e-ae. '. r" "Peninsular , Planished Si t e I Range, 6 hole, asbestos lined, burn wood or coal; handsome nickel trimmed, fully guaranteed for , 10 years. ' Regular ; , ;'. -.V . $30,50 VALUE $27.50 4-hole-, Steel -. Range, asbestos lined, burn wood or coal, 10 years guarantee. fc-,-".v'r 0 SUPERB VALUE $23.00 "Peninsular" Cook Stove, 4-hole, j V nickel trimmed, burn wood or ' coal, steel base, 19-inch square 'oven, perfect baker., . ..fld.OO 11EIV ROUTES FOR MAIIV CARS Steal Bridgs Unas Will Soon Co , ' Different' Waya or Be Dia- ; . continued for a Time. ' FOUR LINES WILL BE ; . AFFECTED BY CHANCES Upper Albina Cars Will Be Run Only . on Williams Avenue, Lower to Oo Via Union Avenue, ; ' Will St 'Johns. ,'' Th cut side office et The looroal Is Is .the store I t. M. O. Miller. S90 Cut Morrises street. Telepheae Beat S7S, In a few daya thousands of east aide realdenU wUl face tha new traffle con dltlona. Counting ' the liuee already chanced becauae ef the Grand avenue fill, nearly half of the east side street car lines will run ever the new routes for a portion of the way.' ..Work of re decklns the steel brldse will soon be commenced and while It la beta done no cars wUl be operated across the bridge. It was decided that it would ba better to leave the brldse wholly In the hands of ths repair francs for four or five weeka than to attempt to operate a hit and miss system for six weeks or two aaontba ' v ' .' ." - The lines that will be affected are Upper Albina, Lower Albina, St.. Johns and Irvlncton. The hlsf disadvantage will be experienced by people realdlnc on Williams avenue, for the Upper Al bina line will be entirely discontinued during the work aa a throuch line. It belnc operated as a stub from Holladay avenue north.) The Russell-Shaver line will be main talned and will creatly relieve the situ ation, as It traverses much of the Upper Albina territory and - additional cars will be operated while the ateel brldse la Out of service. The Russell-Shaver line at present runs down Union avenue and across ths Burnslde brides and so will not be affected. . ' The Irvlncton car crossing tha atsel bridge will probably not 'be -continued aa throuch onee because if too many cars are routed aeroea the Burnslde brldse congestion will occur. ' Those cars wlU In all likelihood be operated on their present run as far as Union avenue and HoUaday ' avenue, where they wlU transfer - to ' Union avenue lines, though this has not been definite ly decided by General Manager 'fuller. Ixtwor Albina cars wilt not be taken off, though their new route wiU prob ably require five or ten mlnutea longer. They trill he operated as usual aa far as Holladay avenue, where they will be sent over the single track to Union ave nue and thence to the city via the Burnslde bridge and .Fifth atreet The St. Johns cars will continue aa usual, sxcspt that they will take the new KU llngsworth avenue line from Piedmont station to Union avenue and thenoe to East Burnslde and over the Bamstds bridge. - - " ' " There will be considerable eongsstfbn on the Burnslde bridge and tower Union avenue. . Because of ths Grand avenue fill, tha East Ankeny and Montavllla cars are already taking the Burnalde bridge, Instead Of that at Morrison atreet. end the regular lines serosa the brldse keep It welt filled, the Wood- lawn, Yanoouyer. Broadway. 7 Russell- Shaver, Alberta street and lyilon -avenue local UneS being routed that - way all the time. When to this array are added It, Johns, Lower AJblaa, and per- ' M 11 Lini V !. i Us AVJj ILitchcn Gcc 50c Covered Kettles.... X.... 8T 60c Covered Kettles .......... B 7Sc Cotercd Kejttles ..... , .. .-.T 60c Lipped Saucepan... .',....' 90c Lipped Saucepan. ,.T $1.00 lipped Saucepan...... ,T5e) -'j EUTE' WARE H . V - ' I ' ' 75c Covered Kettles. 80c Covered Kettles. 35c Lipped' KetUes 40c Lipped Kettles... ..Of 50c Lipped Kettles........... 40c' Saucepans, sale price.. ;'.lSO 35c Bowls for, sale price..... .S6d 40c Bowls for, sale price.. ,...304 60c Bowls for, sale price. ... 30c Pudding Pans ....'.3 45c Pudding Pans. . ........ . .33e) 60c Pudding Pans 33c Pudding Pans........... J6 i "VENETIAN" WART :Beit Grade Enameled Ware; $1.40 Teakettles .k.........1.13 35c Lipped Kettles.. ......... 40c Lipped Kettles...... 80 45c Lipped Kettles.... S8 50c Lipped Kettles.'.. ....... ,. STe 60c Lipped Kettles..... .&4 40c Saucepans, sile price 30 45c Saucepans, sale price...... 88 50c Saucepans, sale price ,37e 65c Berlin Kettles 43 75c Berlin KetUes.... ...3Td 80c Berlin Kettles B0d 75c Dishpans, sale price.. .,..BTd 90c Dishpans, sale price.. .,..6T $1.15 Dishpans, sale price. ...,84 65c Coffee Pots, sale price 48 85c Coffee Pots ...64f $1.15 Rice Boilers ........... .84 $1.50 Rice Boilers.. ..31.13 60c Teapots, sale price... 45 70c Teapots, sale price ..S3 85c Teapots, sle price. ..944 45c Washbowls ....33 Counter Dusters ...40 Bottle Brushes, sale price...... 8 Handy House Brush ........... T haps ' Irvlncton cars : the rash across ths bridge wiU be groat The name conditions wlU prevail on Union avenue. VOTERS REGISTER EARLY.' Bt, . ohms : naewjtw XVoae a "name is Qualifying fos Towa Osiapelgn. Whether the St Johns voter la regis, taring early and often is not certain, but it is sure tnat na la registering eariy, for nearly 100 have gone through the preliminaries and possess neoessary cre dentials to settle the fata of the town at the ballot box. This registration la the largest of any precinct In tha county. and la explained by tha fact that the munclpal election in St. Johns is held In April and tha primaries must be held some weeka before that time. There are mora than S00 voters in tha town, according to the census taken last sum mer, and It Is probable that every man wUl be on the books before election day. It Is not certain yet how the towa prlmariea will be held. Last ysar there waa merely a maaa meeting called by tha various candidates and participated In for the most part by tha aama people each time. ' The result was that there were three full tickets in tha municipal field and that most of the candidates appeared on 1 all three tickets In soma capacity or Other, - Things political are stui hasy In tha town and it 1a by no means certain that a more definite prt mary plan wlU be foUowed this cam' palcn. - - ' .' aaaaBSHBaaaBwaexsaaaawsaaaWaSS ' . WILL BUILD CHURCH. atstaodlsvs at aasseads So Bases wooc . BsJldlng Tata Suaaaeer. , Steps were taken yeaterday by the mambera of the newly organised Meth odist Episcopal ' church at Estacada which wlU probably result in tha erec tion of a good church building m ths town and the formation vt a large con gregation. For1 some months the charge haa been served by Rev. Aaa Sleeth, and in the time he haa worked there the few scattering members of the original con gregation have been brought together, new members have been added and enough interest aroused In tha work to Induce the leading men of the town at a meeting yeaterday evening to pledge themselves for generous aubsoriptlona for the new church, ' It la proposed to secure a site from the towns! te com pany and to obtain from the church ex tension society of the denomination money which, added to the subscrip tions, will be sufficient to build a mod ern church large enough for 'the needs of the towa for tha next ten years. : EAST SIDE NOTES. ? ; ' Woodstock will probably not have a water famine this season,, the Crystal Greater Portland Ueaes ereater sneperitr Snr Its Seeslei arester epeortDalty for sarins a parMea et their ears. 1 . H4 - ef life. . l Arau yetmcir ai ibis eeparisaiiy sr esea. Ing aa aeaoaat with, the . , - Oldest Trust Company' ;.A ;-.;';.lnOreioh,!;v:'; Where rttat savinas will liMreaee hr Istereel where yoa eaa Sepaelt It or siare, ss4 wkers ., will : M saeeroea searunas imiwu In Business 18 Years ' Resources O ver $ 1 ,400,000 Portland Trust Company y of Orcgca S. I. enr. M sad Oak its. . Pheaa tt. Ti SCR J. t. COHSR .,r...PrelBt IL L. riTTO K Vle-rra,ld B. LEB raOKT... Seervtar J. 0. VOLTtlA. .......... ,4tsslstsat eereiscJt VoodonyQrb ... sa 1 is a p "TewM1' awiii in 1 1" isj 35 Glass Tumblers, doenj,..38 60c Glass Tumblers, doxen....4S 4-piece Glass Sets, Sugar, Creamer, , Spoon Tray an-j. Covered Butter Dish,. sale price.. ...... ,...48 10c Spoon Trays, each. .8 Hand Jellies, each, sale price... Glass Finger Bowls, doen..fl.TO 30c Fruit Dishes, sale price... 60c Fruit Dishes, sale price... 48 75c Hand Lemonades, doxen.,60 Salt, Pepper Shakers. . ... . .... .8 Syrup Jugs, sale price, each... 18 50a Water Pitchers..... 40 20c Berry Bowls... ...... .....18 Pickle Dishes, each. ...'.......13 Celery Dishes, each.,.. rvr... 34 Table' Mats, set, aale price. ...84 8-bar Clothes Rack........... 13 Urge 8-bar Rack.......i.....l 4-hook Clothes Rack... ...... ,.8 Towel Rollers, each ......... . .. 8 Leather Dust Beaters 33 Butter Paddles, each..... 4 Rolling Pins 8. 13 Pptsto Slicers, each..,,....,,. .8 50c Spice Cabinet. .89 Glass Washboards ....... ....86 Daisy Washboards ........... 16 Chop Bowls 18. 24- tlSO Breadboards.. 81.19 Clothespins, dosen ....... ...... .1 Nickel Trsy Mousetraps, Gas Tfcpei Cusoidors. Floor Paints, big can.., 86 V' NICKELWARE i . Nickel-Plated Coffee Pots. 3- pint, $1.35 value .......... . f LOT 4- pint, $1.50 value I 1-19 5- pint, $175 value .......... J H9 3- pint Teapots, $1.35 value..! 'LOT 4- pint Teapots, $1.50 value .f 1.19 11.10 Teakettles 8T 125 Teakettle 99 "Lindsay" Gas Mantles 83 "Lindsay" Globes ........33 Jap Po Brushes, each........,.l Th Pernln Systtm of SHORTHAND The a favertUl .as shaemg) as 4 ateaa; eaaaeewre vawals its ia tkell aatsrat erOar, as Short, Quick, Legible Oss ef ear seplls reeestly wrete SS werss pa ailBate after bat twe sjaatbs' eauty. Thia la eertalaly a resMrkable aeaa. u -Oar suaaard lor sradaatloa, US wards per aunate for are aeaeecBUTe snasiea. Iluf af ear naDlle write ITS to SSS wm per sUsste after els mesths stsdy, a reaard asesryessae mf any eauese la tea west. . Write as tar further aartlealara. CehnKe-ValKer Business College :; " lterUaZUOrIlfealtU' flta Springs, water plant having recently been Improved by the addition of a pow. erful system of pumps that are ex- S acted to supply all tha water needed y the auburb. . The entire ML Scott district will soon have electricity. The Portland -OenereJ Eleotrlo company agreed to extend Its lines when 11 residents petitioned for the improvement, and nearly this num ber have already indloated their wllllng neea to alga light eontracta. Branchea ef the Portland public li brary have recently been established at LAuralwood and Lenta, and both of these, by tha reports of tha librarian in charge, show a large patronage. ' Twenty aorea of wild land between Nashville and FIrlaad will soon be plotted into town lota and thrown oa tha market by J. Nash, who baa already created half a doaen flourishing suburbs In the ML Scott district. Bishop J. M. Tbobura of the Metho dist Episcopal church, who haa been for some months residing with relatives oa the east aide while recovering from the effects of injurlee received last fall. will isave thia week for the east on a fundralalng campaign for the mission work in India. . Sohmar A Co. rind It almost impossible to keep' pace with the lnpouring torrent of ordare. The fame of tha Bohmer piano la bow world-wide, and demand for the instru ment la almost universal. LETS BUILD A HOME FOR ROBIN REDBREAST Pupils In tha manual training depart ment of the public schools will compete for tha IIOS In cash prises offered by a member of the' Audubon society for the best btrdhouses built from original plans. The first prise will be IIS, the sec ond lie and the third lie. Two addi tional prises of tie .each will be given for the best free-hand drawing of a blrdhouse and the best Working draw ing. - - Before a pupil begins work on his house he must first submit free-hand and working plan drawings of IL If the plana are accepted by the committee, the competitor will be permitted to be gin work immediately. ' The 'houses must be finished by April IS. . Professor W. J, Standley, principal of the manual training department, la get ting everything la readineaa for the coin petition, and the pupils will be fur nished every facility that is at band. . V;- ,Tha Sohmar Piano t Was ehoe4n l-preference to all ether makes at' the exhibition ef the Cali fornia fruitgrowers' association at Chi cago. , , . ,-. Low rates for Wallula, Hover and way polnta Freight for this trip must be delivered at Alder street deck by Thursday, March a. ... . s, eacn... each.......... 4 s, pkg ..? iach 8 Hocschold Necessities i' $2.50 Clotheswringert ......93.10 $2.00 Clotheswringers ......f 1.T9 50c Coffee Millsv.. ........... 89 $1.15 Ironing Boards. 99 75c Ironing Boards....... '....60 Sleeve-Bosom Boards ....... 83 Mopsticks, each ...... ..13 Wire Carpet Beaters.... 13 Wire -Toasters, each. .8 Wire Soap Shakers".. ....... ..80 Tack Hammers 4 Mr. Potts Sad Irons, $15 i: ' . value, set, sale price.,..r..99 Sensible Sleeve Irons ..88 Family Saw, each 16 Universal Food Chopper, $l-2S-k . value for, sale price... 99 35c Hand Ax, each..,.. ......38 Acme Frying Pans 13, 19 Drip Pans....... "..8, IB, 16 Wire Dish Mop..;;.... 8 Fancy Match Safe...... 8 Kettle Knobs, 3 for........... .6 Mincing Knives ......V.....'.13 Galvanised Tubs..,.....B3, T3 Wire Egg Whips, each.....:... 4 Potato Mashers,- each...i.,....8 25c Sponge Basket..,.. 19 Wire Soap Dishes, each....... 8 Wire Tea Stands, each . .8 Improved Egg Beater.;... ...19 Pancake Turner, each ? Mixing Spoons, each ...8 Potscrapers, each ............. 8 Cooks Forke, each.. .....4, 16 Tin Match Safe, each;... .,...6 Asbestos , Msts, each.... .8. 19 14-quart Galvanised Bucket... 34 12-qt Tin bucket .v... .... ... .30 50-foot Clothesline 19 50-foot Clothesline 13 40c Floor Mops. ....... ......83 Can Openers, each. ....... ....9 Juice Extractors, each.. ....... .4 5c Soup Strainers 19 Granite Tea Strainers...,, 8 "Lindsay" Incandescent Gas Lights, complete .....68 Mail and phone orders will be promptly and carefully filled. - - - " Always something, new the : .. Pdaco Koto! .:.;!:,'V'Saa froaclaco ataJra BaTPOaVT BOXBS VMB , WOO&WOBTK aUUTat ran ro TfmAjrsmr irai -Opp. Market Street Xntrance. ' V 'f - 1 irom AX4K roa trm comr v.!- , CAW trt a stl rrr. air-trraTioi. ulrMST, lowxaiwiav U tVOOXad. , . Blaaaar TreaVlaa, la, XMaey Oeaaalalats, VyAaVdMwee Pusplae, Willi, Strieesfe, yrlvate Pimm. Lest Tttallty. DeeUlty, yUea, An Btasaer ef Chraale Arfllrttaaa at aaaa and ejeai.s. Moat Baodern ssd scieatlSe treat Best. Ne ratilaa. . Na aelarel eaerathwa. No. eVtentlna rraat business. r Me suareoraeeata- tlom. aepeutioa eaUbUaheS lbs heaeet aaa fair Seallaxe with all saUeata. CeaaalUUea sad aevlea eras; ST. LOUIS. MEDICAL' AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY sad Yastain eta., Tmlasi, Oiegea. Concrete Construction Co. tel Chamber ef Manufacturers of Concrete atone Bleaks, Contractors for all kinds et ' cam sat work. ' ISO. TO GIVE ALL A CHANCE f - TO HELP THE JAPS - f .V; A meeting of ths executive committee appointed by the commercial bodies to solicit subscriptions for the aid of Jap aneaa in' the - famlne-etrtcken . districts of northern Japan will ba held at t o'clock thia afternoon. The meeting la ror tna purpose or making sat a new Hat of dlatriots in order to see those who have not had an orportun.-j t. contribute. - ' "v rv""' l r t 1 t i sii w Dinner Seta 6-hole Gem Pan, sale price..!.. 8 9-hoIe Gem Pan, sale price.,.. 18 12-hole Gem Pan, sale price... 19 85c Breadraiser, sale price. ...63 Cooking Spoons, sale pries..... Dippers, each, aale price........ 8 35c Steamers, sale price.. . ... ,8T Loaf Breadpans, sale price, ....T Jelly Cake Tins, each. ....... ..6 35c Egg Poachers, sale price.. 83 15c Floor Sifters, sale price.. 13 15c Wash Basins, aale price... 18 15c Teakettles, sale price..... 13 60c Coffee Boiler, sale price... 43 Gallon Oilcans, sale price.. ...16 5-gallofi. Oilcans, sale price... T9 Tin Dishpans, sale price. .....34 Tin Pudding Pans, sale price... 8 Lipped Saucepans, sale price.. IO Lipped Kettles, each.. ...... .11 Tea Steepcrs, sale price, each... 8 Coffee Pots, sale price, each. .13 60c Teakettles, sale price .48 Milk Pans ....'...,... ...T, IO Turkey Dusters ............. 40 Ostrich Dusters .81.10 Dhihcr Seta 60-piece Plymouth White. Dinner Set. special .............. 83.83 100-piece set as above $6X3 60-piece Decorated Dinner Sets, great value at CS.T 100-piece Dinner Sets (3.83 100-piece Decorated ' Dinner Set, $15.00 value for.... 81S.BO 100-piece act, $15 value.... f 11X3 60-piece German China Set, beau-' tiful decoration ........SlTMs 100-piece set as above. ....83B.OO $32:75 Haviland Set.......f39.BO $48.00 Haviland Set :.f43-23 Odds and ends in semi-porcelain and fancy china on sale at greatly reduced prices special value in silverware and cut glass. Great special values in Brio-a-Brae, Lamps, Vsses, etc Base ment. (''.. t 1 Subscribers Sa! Today Sals et Beats tar Ssbisrtin ITew Oyea. : Aan WK4TBICT ' SDEIUOn-UEES cc;jcedt . waxas taxxc num at Marquam Qracd Thcctro ; Thuraday Evealnr. Marcel e aaxsisr aaa) yrul Sasta , aursaag st ID miss. . C8ATO CUOO daiicr. theatre; ' f Wa Weak ' ' ' ', . '" The Tflirli Sohool niv-lm J!1 ef Baaaty hrtarie sad Denght, elari, Berlaeqae la Twe AesaV "HOTSI. STAaS AHB STaUPaVs." Bargsla MaUaee W eeaaxtay a real aargaaW-. SSs ts Amy Seat, t fctareay Mamwe laaarfersiaserlae. at. Ktrht sriree SB a. SS-. KV. TTI ' ' Empire Theotro , , " atlltoa W. seaskia. Maaaaw. 'V , ,, rartlad"s Moat faseisr XaeaOa, . Tesisht sad all Skla week, the baaatUal saui. ."HUMAN ME2ARTG- A-5?f ,or Arkaaaas Bins, Freeh as s aaray ec f n " -' Pathes .ad Oaawdy rlekly hleaaeA Alwara a nventa. . - -' MstiBes Cetanlay. ' X AaoV2, i - : LrYRIC THEATRE - . tn nroftaraaaawfw . , : , LYRIC STOCK CO, . frassais the gereaahts Caeaadv hi : nTaree Asts, awaUesT i j -Uost A Hat- - "AtVMM CVM won ttx r.ry ; " aaaai tea aeaka, m. TKEATSt. TMaas mtaksBaaS. . Weak ef tee, SS. Wul C. Sayt, . ne Im SSaaaaaaaa. '; HAW M ti.. i. . rmioxa i u ' say lass ef mmUtr. seat swept sexes. Week ef Fab. SS, wae KeeSee AataM - lLaXPe. Soaoera. ttolMara. 1W, masaiaa Baaiiae. uim, e. For Stoaseck W bowel treuWes, lv rand KieWyaai ail din ii n gxs ass pur Noe er a 1 nerves f "-e!! ' ftas: -) i- '-. ' v. MO. f r ti i Tr') " - ' i J-