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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1906)
1 LOSliiliitfOHllIt wumi t - " . - - . . . President John Mitchell Expects , a Settlement With Citum- Inous Operator.' r ' UILL Ml ul Ue. bvili Yea; . .To inspect the most tempt- ng aggregation of Spring and Summer Woolens in the ' CitV.' v-"'-." v; .-'y'-.,' ., . v, 1 ' : V You'll find an assortment that will gladden the heart of evfry good drjeaser, , . V Trousers $5 to $12 ; Suits $20 to $50 -Jc) - aattafactery fit gaarakSMd kt aU. ' CAREFULLY itlli Ex-Speaker of National House of Government , to Spend .Nearly Representatives Expires h :i. " of Paresis: : ,. - 'rt Two Weeks Longer on Task " Than Four years Ago. ' THE TOWN-CRIER'S VOICE RING3, CLEAR The P. E. Brigham Stccfi fA PROMINENT IN PARTY WILL DETERMINE PAY " ) TO FORCE ANTHRACITE MINE OWNERS TO TERMS n COUNCILS FOR YEARS FOR NEXT FOUR YEARS (i.rmenta te oroer la a dar If reaalrad. Born in Scotland and j Reared " in ' America He Fought in fciVil War, ,' Being Wounded at Fort Donelaon Operators May Make CJonceetione--Important Conference Held Today DivUion In Ranks of Employers Full Una aad .Taxede aalU a spe- ciaMy. . v . ,'. .. ' Every Train Running Out of Port Hss Agsin Chsnged Hsnds ; The Enterprising Portland Merchant land to Carry Man to Weigh All Mail Taken Out and Mall Dropped ' A ; I and Losing a Leg at Corinth, - Givea Men Hope.. -' or Picked Up Along Route. ' : II r nil -L, 1 CLAIO, IIC-.DY EVZirZI.G, I . mm IIIIKifil flseMBMSBsaawtpsBjaBBBMSBae iJ, - ' ' IIwhI Unfit' Serrlea. 1 Dubuque, la, Feb. . David B. Hen: : fleraon, ex-speaker of the- national house of repreeentatlvea, died ' yesterday . afternoon at Mercy hoapltil of paresis, from which ha had been a sufferer for . tba laat nine months. The preaent sink- Ins apell began laat Friday and the alck , man failed rapidly until the end- came. All the family except hla eon were at C the bedside. The funeral will be held A Thursday under the auspices of the Grand Army. "-. ": ' Mr. Henderson was born' at Old Deer, Scotland, March 14. 140. When a child ': . of he came, to, America with bis par ents, settling In Illinois.- Three years - later the family removed to Iowa. He received a common school fend academic ' education and enlisted - In 'the 'union ' army at the outbreak of the rebellion, ' . serving with - distinction. v He waa " wounded at the capture of Fort' Donel- son and loat a leg at ' the '-battle or . Corinth, which occasioned hla 'discharge from the army.' From ' May. 1161, to "June the next year he was a commla aloner of tha board Of enrollment, but ' . reentered the army aa colonel of the Forty-aUth Iowa volunteers. - He waa admitted to the bar In 18tt and the fol lowing year married Miea Augusta A. : Fox, --V' , -.'. i. , , ' : In ltl Mr. Henderson waa appointed .collector of Internal- revenue for "'the " third district of Iowa, resigning In lift to become United States attorney. ' He waa chairman of the Iowa delegation to . three Republican conventions and waa a , member of congreaa from 18$ to It 01. ' He waa renominated in' 101 but with - drew. - He waa speeker -of the ; Fifty .' sixth and Flfty-eeventn congresses. Colonel Henderson i wae for -many ', years a prominent figure In 'Republican . party councils. - - As speaker he made many friends. - Ha enforced the rules . laid down by hla predecessor, Speaker Reed, while in the chair. He - was : champion of the old soldiers in many , debates In the bouse. FIFTY CHILDREN CIJUSED A FIRE PAKIC Film of Moving Picture Catches Afire and Uttie Ones Stain- ; . - pede With Fright. ' '-u (Jooraal Special Service.) ? ; Alton, 111., Feb. ' !- Four' -hundred I children : who were . being entertained Sunday afternoon with a moving picture show . In Mt Mary's- school hall, were thrown into a panic by the accidental ignition of a roll of celluloid films about S00 feet long, which filled the hall : with suffocating smoke. John Scherrer of Chicago, who gives exhlbitione : of ' views of the paaalon play at O be ram mergau. wae In charge. He did not see ' the Are In the roll of films until some one screamed "Fire!" and then in an , Instant the whole assembly waa in -a panic Scherrer secured the box of films and, slamming the lid shut, started to run out of the hall, - but could not get out, because of the jam of children at the three exits. He wae burned about the hands. The sisters tried to stop the oanlc. but without success. The stairway at the south end of the hall, toward which they rushed, became crowded with children, who fell down the etena and rolled over each ether. It la eatlmatad that (0 were hurt by be ing trampled, but none aerlouslj and no bones were broken. The back; exit , waa locked and children onueo io sees that exit made a rush, but could not gat out. , . ''' ' ; ..: '' The Sohmer Piano , Ranks among ' the beet of excellence of tone, durability and finish. , - , RAILROAD AND 'PHONE ' WORK IN MALHEUR - - (Special Ctepatek to The Iouraal. Ontario, Or.. Ken. M. The ground hie been broken on aeven miles of the grade on the new Oregon Short Line railroad which 'la building through central Ore- . gon to the ooaat with Ontario aa ths eaatera terminus. Twenty cars of ties and ether building material for the new read has arrived and been unloaded at this place. - ; ; -- v.'. V- ' ! ' The t Independent TelepHonecompany, which -Is building from Boise to Welser, Idaho,, has crew, of men at work and 'will put In 'phonea at thla place. The line la Independent of the Rocky Moun tain Bell, which already has cennectlona .'nere "; ' - , : MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26. G entlemens IN Genteel - r ; FOR T. . ' t. '''" ' " - '' r ' '' - ..' e - - ' ;,-;'''-'V4- ,'-". '' -V'. -5 -tt.iV", u''-v ..U - -M. S I C HE'L";:;;: ' ' ' . The Leading Haberdasher. , 7SS WASHINGTON. ST 'Between Fourtk Jj Fifin ' ffcaraal BpeeUI Berrlee.) ; ' , New , York, Feb. JI.-rFrom relisble sources It is learned that a, settlement In the bituminous coal regions between the operators and minora la almoat or tain and that there will be no atrlke. t Mitchell and other offlciala of the mlnere held van Important conference this morning. - . , .President - Mitchell .. today ''acquiesced In theetatement of a subordinate that it waa likely that there would be no coal atrlke on April 1.. ' -, "I gueas that Is right," wae' all that he would say,' ;.. : . . ' : . . 1 The final effort to effect a eettlement In the bituminous fields la being made today at a conference between President Mitchell and his associates of the United Mine Workers with tha operators led by Harry. Taylor pf Illinois. Mitch ell hopes for an adustment to be made In Indiana, Illlnola and Ohio, which will force the Pennsylvania operators to ac cede to a eettlement. . . ' It eeeme without doubt that there will be no .strike .in these states and that the operatora will reatore the re ductions accepted- by the miners two years ago, and poaalbly grant an in crease. -Thla -will preclude a strike in the bltumlnoua fields and probably force the anthracite operatora to similar ac tion. : It will probably require a special national convention of the mine workers to finally aettle the matter. - - - ' In the statement made public last night at Indianapolis, Vlce-Prealdent T, U Lewie of the miner states that both F. Li, Robbins of Pennsylvania and Harry Taylor-ef Illinois, the leaders of the operators, have agreed to restore the old scale in the bituminous fielda Mr.i Lewis claims that the operatora are not In a position to make a successful resistance to the miners', demands and that the coal-consuming publlo will ma terially suffer by - reason of the ad- Vance.; "v.- RUSSIAN REPRESSION, : , MAKES REVOLUTIONISTS ' ft (Joara! apeelal lerrke.) '-.. 8t Petersburg,' Feb.' J.- Owing ' to numerous ; threatening letters received at , Tsarskoe-8elo, Trepolt has ordered ! eearch of all worklngmen's houses In the vicinity of the palace .and three ar rests . have been made. The ' universal repression Is driving the moderates ! Into- the revolutionary camp. gome of the . most Influential tnembere . of the Constitutional leaguer are -joining "the serai ' revolutionary bodies and the ' constitutional democrats. . The triumph of the reactionary element In Wltte'e cabinet hae resulted In an In' creased number of arrests and dls missals from state, local and govern ment offices of all liberal employee. Durnovo has issued a circular discharge Ing echoolmaatere and excise officials who are supporting the ' ' democratic douma candidates. The revolutionists. Incensed thereby, threaten revenge by Inaugurating a crusade of bomb throw Ing on the nineteenth of February, the anniversary of the emancipation of the serfs. . iv .... ,.-... "The Scenic Line of the World." The Denver Jk Rio Orande, In eonnee- tion with the u. K. hae estab lished tourist sleeping car eervlce be tween Portland and Denver, leaving Portland at S:li p. m. daily. This puta paeeangere in Salt Lake City at 1:40 the eecond morning, where they have the privilege of spending the day. Leaving Salt Lake City that evening gives a daylight ride through Colorado's won drous Rocky mountain scenery the fol lowing day. ' That you may form aome idea of the scenlo attractions of the Denver As Rio Orande write or call upon W. C. McBrlde, 114 Third a tree t. Port land.-. u. .-..,....,. V y v, ... NOME IN CLUTCHES OF BIG COAL CORNER " C:. 'k i'. ; (Jearaal Special atrrlce.) ' ' Nome, Alaska, Feb. If. The - eoal supply here ha a been cornered by the Northweatern Commercial company and ths John Sesnon company, who refuse to sell, although tit a ton has bean offered. The city council has appealed to the war - department) to secure cost from Fort Davis, and the situation Is seri ous. - ,,- ; - , Indian mailcarriera report that whal ere in the Arctic are .safe and ahtps are on their way. to Point Barrow and Point Hope.. ; ;. ' , . ; . . "Tke Float Tree." SavU arahesa FaU- Upe' great aorea of praotloal Asaerloaa yoUtiee, . wtU start la aext days aewraaL . 'rji'-'Wi''; Dnirts i Patterns wxxxujf nunr aoira. . -', M. . Seedy,. Manager. ... ''..,i 108 Third Street- SCARES PEOPLE FROM IJ o goes to sleep eBsssBssBassBeseaeBaaeBasBSBeaa ': ' ' ,- F. J. Haner, Sleepy Drunk, Ap . propriatee Bed in Strange '.f:i.r'.'..:.v.,.? Houtej.- v.-..,' F. J.' Haner. was aleepy 'drunk. He managed' to go aa far aa Ftrat and Lin coin atreeta, than -F. J. xaaner decided he would go to bed. He gased about him In his drunken stupor and spied a resi dence near .'the corner. The , house looked good to . him 1 and he promptly decided to seek a bed under ite shelter ing roof. Regardleas of the fact that he did not know the occupants and didn't know whether hie preaence would be welcome or' not, Haner staggered, to the front door and walked In. .' Some women and children In the house objected to hie entrance, . but Haner didn't care for this.: Despite their -expostulations he walked around until, he spied ' a ' bedroom. . When the women attempted to get him out he grew pro face and furious and created such a dis turbance that the occupaata fled from the' houee In fear. " - Haner1 chased them out the back door and when he had aeen the - laat one leave he calmly turned and etaggered In to the bedroom.'' Without troubling hlmeelf to remove hie ehoes or any of his clothing, the drunk piled himself upon . the downy bed and . conslgnsd himself to sleep. The - ejected woman and children called upon the police.' When a patrol man reached - the scene Haner ' was snoring peacefully. But hie slumbera were roughly diaturbed and .he waa transferred to the police etatlon. where he waa permitted to continue hla nap. R. W. H0YT WOULD BE --STATE TREASURER - . ' ' : ' ( Ralph W. Hoyt, candidate for . the Republican nomination for state treas urer. - Is a native of Portland and . 41 Ralph. W. Hoyt. yeere of age. He la caahler pf the Mer chant a' National bank, with which he haa been connected alnca Ita, organisa tion to yeara ago. Mr. Hoyt waa, treas urer of Multnomah county for' two terms, from ISM to 100. . HIGHER WAGE TO LURE RAILROAD LABORERS .There is such a scarcity of, railroad conatruation work help throughout the northwest that Contractors Erlckson As Peterson have decided to Incresse wages from $1 to IMS per day. ,, The contractora are building that por tion of tha- Snake river road - between Rlpaiia. Waahlngton, and Lewlston, Idaho, which Is being constructed by the 0. R. AN. and the Northern Pacific Notice of the proposed- Increaae of wagea, which becomes effective March 1, waa received thla morning In the fol lowing letter to C R. Hanaen Jr. I "In view of the scarcity of labor we desire to Inform you that from March 1 the rate of wagea on our contract hare will be ralaed from II to 11.11 par day. We wlah that you will place thla notice on your boards, aa It will no doubt In fluence men to come here now. .... Tours respectfully. ' , "ERICKSON PETERSON. , . - Seamen's Institute Oomeeet, -' The concert at the Seamen's Institute this week win be given tomorrow even ing Instead of Wednesday,-and wll be under the auspices, of the Caledonian club. The following la the program: Bagpipe sealectlon. Piper R. Burt; eong, "The Guard Bhlp," A. - Dobble; song. -Will the Angele Let Me Playr Mlasee Neeley end Zlpsys song. "Inr the Navy," J. P., Robertson; reading, selected, , 1.' Qulnn; eong. Loch Lomond, .' 3. - P. Robcrtaon; . dance. "Highland Fling." Mlaa Jeaale Pottage: eong. "Sing Me to Sleep,". Jamea Sharps piano solo,- Mr a. Guelph: song.' "Scotland Tet." James Ruddlmsn: song. "The Auld Hootch Sanga." Mla ' Henderson; song, "Nancy Lee," W, Hood; song, -Day by Day," M lanes Osborne; song. "Battle of Stir ling." Jamee -Xormack; dance, v'fword Uanee," Jamea King "Auld Lang Syne,", national anthems, - ...-.,.. V? -:-': f .; ' ' i . v'jTU.- : ' For reaeona . unknown at the local office -of the railway" mall eervlce, the government ' will spend - almoat three weeks longer this year weighing mall than It did four years ago. It the same proportionate increase la found all over the United States that Is known to ex 1st In and out of Portland, which le in the eighth division, it means many thousands-pf additional mall tonnage every day. And. the extra tonnage chargea that' Uncle Bam mutt pay to the carriers will run up well Into the thouaanda of dollars every 14 houre. . Four yeara ago, when the mails were weighed to fix the compensation for the period to end at midnight on June St of thla year, the work conaumed 71 days or a little more than, two months. Thla year the Waahlngtom authorities di rected that the weighers remain on the trains for 10 days, three months, or II days longer than in 1(01. . The same system employed then Is In vogue this year. Every train running out of a distribution city, like Portland, carries a weigher. Before the train learee the eltx every sack and pouch la weighed. At otatlona along; the route traveled 1 by the . man - where mall la thrown off,, the eacks and pouchee are weighed, as are thoae -received. Theee reoorda are carefully tabulated and forwarded to Alexander H. Steph ana, superintendent for the local dlvl alon. whose head . offices are at San Francisco. He la turn eends them to the postal authorities at Washington. When the period for ' weighing has passed and all data has been' received, clerks at Washington compile them. showing comparisons with - figures taken four years ago ever the . name routes. . Where new routes have been eatabllahed during the-four yeara draw- Ing to an end, the eompenaatlon will be fixed upon the new eeale computed by the ahown Increase In tonnage. ' The new contra eta with the railroads. based upon -the new eompenaatlon. win become effective july.L. , BACXERS WILL RETIRE FROM DIRECTORATES ; eMeaMiMBBMBBejsMeaeaan '-'.' ' ' Kuhn, Loeb dt Co. Retire From -All Haniman and Other ".T'. Railroad Boards.' t (Jeersal Special Serrlea.) New Tork. Feb. t. Kuhn. Loeb eV Co. have determined to retire from all railroad boards, la which the Arm is; represented. They say they have tool much business. Among the companies of which the Ann's members are on the directorates are the Northern Securi ties, Union Paclflo, Oregon Short Line, O. R. N., Southern Pacific, Paclflo Mall Steamehlp and othere and a large number of .subsidiary companies. Kuhn, Loeb At Co. represent Immense German Intereate In America and han dle a vast amount of foreign money In American Investments. The Arm haa acted aa bankers and underwriters for E. M. Harrlman In his many railroad projects, and are believed to represent the largeet Individual holdings In the Harrlman roada In ' thla connection they played an Important part during the Hlll-Harrlman tight for the control of the Northern- Paclflo railroad. - and have profited heavily be the Increase In value of etocka then, purohaaed. Unenviable notoriety came to the firm during the Inaurance Investigations for the part played In financing and under writing the-union pacino aeai in con Junction with Jamea Haaen Hyde and other Equitable directors, and haatena the flrm'e decision to sever all connec tion with the speculative Interests of Wall .street. FOSSILIZED OAKS FOR WALLS OF AST0P. CASTLE . 'j - (Jeeraal Special serrlea.) London. Feb. t. A short time ago a seml-fosslllsed grove of oaks, which Is estimated to have been burled over 1,009 yeare. was discovered at Taxley, near Peterborough. .The majority of the trees are in a perfect atate of preserva tion, but have become so petrified that they turn the edge of the keenest axes. Eighty ef the mighty , trees have al ready been excavated and at least 100 more are- In eight Makers of antique furniture - are . buying large quantities ef ths wood and Mr. William Waldorf Aator hae purchaaed a .large number pf the treee to have them cut In thin slabs, with which the walls of Hever castle will be covered. CsjSsCoUkOMOoy.l 23c Ceeae Isle the V - If Wave arele Sad cava ."II twa-lku-ee year eekiag , ' . J I sewaer saeaey by eeiag .11 v Had the Money and the nerve to canybff. the have been carried off by local capital in the first V of a merchant means much to any enterprise t SHANAHAN Quick Returns and Small Profits f You are hot surprised, therefore,.1 that it is due to his , energy, that this sale, so well advertised as ' , "The Voman's . Bonanza" A Bonanza for Women, Thursday, March I When 341 St., Corner Seventh . :,. ... ... (t .' v ' : ' " ' . . , Will be thrown open to Oregon's expectant-buying public, "r- i: :':'', : who will for . " The Greatest Values Ever Offered ' l '. VEIL OF SECRECY IS TORtl FR0I.1 PAHAL1A CANAL Correspondents Now Given Every Advantage to Study Isthmus and Ditch.' (leanal Spaetal Sarrlea.1 New Tork, Feb. J. Panama eor reapondence of the Herald, under date of rebruary 15. aaye: The Isthmus haa been peopled , with special magaslne writers lately, nearly every one of them armed with a card or letter from Preel dent Roosevelt directing ' every canal employe to help the correspondents In their work. ' Before ' he left for the United Stateo. Governor Magoon showed the writers much attention, and since Magoon'a departure Governor Reed haa been equally attentive. -Engineere and heade of divisions take much time and every opportunity to show all points of vantage and progreoe ei wora xo cor- resnondenta. and the result will be a rerular flood of literature about, the canal and Ite builders. -. The change In the canal policy in the treatment of correspondsnte is very no ticeable. Formerly It was exceedingly difficult to get Information. . Now It le pushed on the eeeker. Hypersensltlve ness to newspaper erltlciam la faat dle-ennaarlna-. and In Ire place there te a campaign of publicity that cannot but help pleaee the people of the United Btatea. Tne rerormeon aevme Hi cere. ' '' ' ' . . " . ' TO HOLD GOOD ROADS . MEETING AT MACLEAY gpertal Dtopateh te The Joenal.) . Salem. Or., Feb. J. There will be a good roada meeting at Macleay nest Saturday to eonalder the building of, trunk line wagon road from Sublimity to Salem, through, Macleay. county Judge Scott. , H. & Thlelaen ef Salem and other leadera of the good roada movement le. the county will be la at tendance. . - ., " . i. - ' . The 8ohmer Piano Is en Instrument that la aa ernameat te any parlor. " Taaak e'earaaL ; . Portland. Or., Feb. lt.TothelRdlter of he Journal It affords me sincere pleasure to hereby gratefully acknowl edge the kind services of your valuaUe publication on the occasion ef the re cent dedlcatldh ceremony and rec - tion held by thin lodge o the Id and I ef thla month. I alao desire, on be..l n ' . '. A i the Doors of the Brigham ;? Praise the' Name IF Are unequsled for Style, Fit and Wear. A well-known repu tation for carrying only the BEST MAKES and our ability to buy same in large quantities enable us to offer you the . Best Values in the city. We invite your inspection of our Spring Styles. ' 1 ' , . ' , ... ' ' ; ( Kill's Sole Agents , Hanarir; and IN A We treat eueceesfutty all private ner vous end chronlo dlaeaaea of ment alao blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS . without mercury) to stay cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In II daya . We etop . dralna, night loaeea and epermatorrhea by a new method In a ehort time. We can restore the eexual vigor of any man under te by means ef local treatment peculiar to ourselvea We Cure Gonorrhoea ! in a Week - The doetore of thla InaUtute are alt regular graduates, have had manv . Kirs'' experience, have keen known In rtland for II yeara, have e reputation to maintain, and will undertake no eaae unless certain euro can be effected. f ' We guarantee a euro In every ease we undertake or enarge no ree. coneulte-i tion free. Lettera confidential. Inat rue tire BOOK FOR MEN mailed tree In plain wrapper. , We cure the woret cases of plies lay rwe or inree ireatmenTS, witoout opera- tion. cure guaranteea. lf you cannot call at offloe, write fee euestloa bleak. Ueese treauaeat eee eeeafuL . v, . , , .. . ( ... ., ; OOoe hours, t to I and T te I. Suadaye and Holidays. II to it. ."' DR. W. NORTON DAVID C: ;S Omcee tn Tea Hoy Hotel. I!U TMrd Street Cor- t t ' I the lodge, te eepree their hearty appre ciation and alncere thanka for other eourtealea .rendered. This vote of thanka waa nsan' -w-'y e Wonted at e retlng of th r I It curuary It, -Veev t - '- Jv-:. U C "7. rii ) r f ) ea) We etif n : y S)) -rt :f4 I l honors which should instance. The name and the name of 1 Store, at : a ; ,, i '. . .. of .A .4 a J l2d Street Boyden Celebrated Shoes. . r" v ft r .j. Or., On' .... ch- r pf tJ 1 . i rf e life WIEEIIC -w -w