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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1906)
THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. TZZT.VAY X TIRED OF THE RED VTICKET REIGfl ? Paul Rader Confident That Peo- . pie Will Rise and Defeat r Will of Corrupters. ' or happiness. If .the. people of, Oregon gave more power to the Jlquor traffic? If xoti vote, for their amendment you vote to put mora power In their hands, - "Surely wo are tired of the red tloket reign. Wo believe -that this' business too long baa had Ita hand and money ready to defeat thsNrlll of the majority, and defy the law. ' The reform .wave ia widening and we believe the people will aee the corruption and aria to defeat the will of theae corrupter." , ' v WHEN PEOPLE KNOW, HE J SAYS, THEY DOWN EVIL HighvMinded Men - in P, Months Have Risen as Champions of Right and Exposed Secret Workings of Money-Getters. '. ' li-V'' . :,;: W-.-v r laulvHader. Superintendent of. the state Antl Saloon league, talked yeter dajr morning,; oil, "Amerlca'e Reform Wave" at the First Presbyterlaa church, saying In part:- . .- i The only -way to continue corruption In America la to keep the knowledge of It from the people.4 Let he people . know It. let all- the people know it and ;' the spirit of reformation which reforms ' will be at high tide. Within the past months, men, high-minded men, have arisen as champions of right and pulled the covering from the secret working ft' money setters, and exposed them. though they were, high In authority, 4 i the gase of the Whole people.' Lei an ' the people see and right will follow ' fast In the footsteps of reform.. -The truths and underlying principles .' which, are requisite , to human happi ness t believe are apparent to all. At tack those principles.- those truths and the great feeling heart of the American " people la awakened. Prove to -them that the laws which they believe are framed for the people, are being violated and used to enrich' a' selected class, or an Individual, nd they will arise en ' masse against the violators. Tha Homse of Dollars. "- -."' 1 "This day, when men have called our senate the house of dollars." is the " day when America, as never before, lifts . her voice and through the noise of this ' icform wave calls for statesmen, serv ants of our people. Our forefathers threw off the yoke of religious doml- ' nance; It la for us - to put away the dominance of the politician, and aa en lightened cltlaens understand, all of us, the privilege of government which Is UTS. . "Political corruption and the corrup- - tlonlsts are In the limelight now; msy that llghtinot cease to 'shine until all . the people see . the moneyed Interests which are trying to defeat tha will of the majority. . Greatest of all moneyed ' Interests now working to influence the vote of the people are the liquor deal era. Have they not already planned to ' put before the people of this state In the 'coming June--election ian 'amend ment to the present local option law, which' amendment. If not defeated, will ruin the present law, and leave them un checked in their further work of cor ruption? - - ' ' U Shan Bnlef t ' ' v "Shall these men. who go no Sabbath day without breaking the laws of the state of Oregon, who aet at naught the laws of the people, come now and dictate a law to the people and ask them for their approval? Shall these lawbreakers have the vote of the majority of the people of Oregon approving their amend ment? They are asking the people of . O reran to give them free hand to carry forward their money getting. Do the liquor dealers deserve any . more privileges? Would It be Just and right. . would It help society, would It enlighten the people, would It bring prosperity DODGE TEMPTATION. 1- ' '- mv. WiUlam Xr Vpahaw Bays Ke Would as Moon Flay artless ahos as Cards. I would as soon take my boys into the woods and say to them, "Come, let's have a game of rattlesnakes,' aa to sit down with them to a pack of cards," said Rev. William V. Upehaw, pastor of ths .Mississippi Avenue Congregational church. In the course of a sermon last evening, and continued: "If your par ents have no mora sense than to tempt you with the wine cup or carda In the home, then go 'to some decent neighbor's and apend your evenings. "The strength of temptation Ilea not so much in the temptation itself ss in the response It 'finds In the individual tempted. Temptation Is but a sugges tion, a spark. If' the sparer falls- upon a; 'cake of ice on the river It does no harm, but if it falls upon the dry moss of your roof or Into a pile of powder there will be something doing. The powder Is yours, the spark only is the devil's. If you know your weak points, guard them with eternal vigilance and remember, that every man is tempted when he Is drawn away of his own lusts and enticed, ' ' "Better avoid temptation. Many a young man has started out to-see lift and baa seen death and hell Instead. and never cams back to report; like the man wno looked into the crater of the volcano, ha saw what waa there, but his knowledge wss dearly bought Men have looked to see what was- In tho wine cup and have found a viper colled at the bottom. They have gone Into the houae Of lust and found that the and thereof was death bitter, rotten death. ' Many a man has eought to learn something about the evlla of gambling and learned It to his ruin, and I say to you, young men. the more you know about some things the mora you ought to be ashamed of knowing. . Keep away from ..temptation." . - . .. WAR DISTILLED SIN. t ' a, S. MocUey Says Material Cost ' ' of Stta Zs Bnonaoaa. -. rWhat You Pay for Tour Fun" was the subject of Rev. E. R Muckley'e ser mon at the First Christian church last night, delivered to a large audience. , - "The material oost of sin Is enor mous." said Mr. Muckley. . The war debt of Christian nations la over $15. OO.00S.S00. War is distilled eln. It's hell. The money value alone of lost lives ls: a fearful economic loss. .Each able-bodied man Is worth at least a inouaana aoitar a year to his eom-J raumiy. - is appalling io think of how many years of human life have been cut off by war. v i The places of trios In our city cost many times more to support thaa the Churches.... Sin. is expressive. . The moral loss cannot be estimated. . The devil Is the arch deceiver. Re bids 'you pluck a beautiful rose, but says nothing of tho viper lurking In its branches to sting you to death. He leads you along a shady pathway, ths birds . singing overhead, the flowers blooming at your feet, but says nothing of the hidden precipice over which you will plunge to ruin. He leada you along the beautiful seashore, but tells you not of tho quicksand, where you -will sink Into horrible death. Bin Is failure, de feat Rlghteouaness Is success and vic tory. Break on from sin before Its serpent colls crash out your Ufa Ac cept Christ, . who has coma with power to save you from your sin." : Fief tried atoek Ceased weeds. - ' 'Allen Lewis Best Brand. ' A NATURAL ANTISEPTIC KEEPS OUT BLOOD POISON1N9 r FOR TOILET ft BATH BEST IN TMCWtJRlD RAINIER - ORB. FOB ftUI BT UL BBVCKUSTa AB - cwooaas. . . - - SAILING SHIPS TO GARRY LUMBER J. S. Day Would Charter Vessels to Take Oregon Fir to ' Manila. PHILIPPINE HARDWOOD ; :F0R RETURN CARGOES II r. Day Says If Boats' Can B Se cured Portland Will Have Lumber Yard and Valuable Trader-demand for Woods Great. , '" ' , ' I Slf - SUITS i v? ( aT aa. l v m u I m m sri ' I - 1 .f B i. U I ataw w w i I XTKt II SSSSS' tM ... . ' . . . ' fill . . I sT'. '-mdtil Toda7 We- ReiiewiOur : - M . s' STTIT S AT F ' '.'SI tt.yi ra - . : ' . , . . :,: , V.- .;"': :' . , ; - ; ;.:K:-'r : . . i J. S. Day. superintendent of the Phil ippine Lumber AV Commission company of Manila, la still working hard to se cure charters for sailing ships between Manila and Portland.' Leaving hers tho vessels would take Oregon fir and other woods to the Islands and upon their return voyage .bring Philippine . hard woods. - . -' "I am sincere when I say I want ehlpa," remarked Mr. Day. "If I can get them it means. a. big. lumber yard for Portland, besides an increase Jn Its harbor tonnage, out and ln. "This week I got an order for Philip pine bard wood from an Indianapolis firm. There is a demand for It in this country You have a building In- thla city, and a large one,rtbe plans and pe ctncatlons for which called for. Philip pine .hardwood finishings. . Thsy could not be put in because the wood was not hsre. Once we get our. lumber yard es tablished and our woods introduced, ws will build up "a trade that will add to Portland's commercial standing. : "Hard woods are growing scarce In this country, and architects are looking across the ocean for their material. We have it In almost unlimited quantities. And Portland will get our business if we can secure the ships.- Seattle has been eliminated. The fight now lies be- WE have been running this SALE three years and have sold THOUSANDS OF SUITS at this -price. - ; If you will look in o,ur windows and compare, these with suits at $15 and $20 in uptown stores you will wonder how .we do it. i-'- So do our competitors. .. '-;' ..'-; v--.. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO v. ... I ...,'.'(,:. - MOTES. THIRD m OAK - tween Portland and San Ttanclsco, with our people leaning toward your city." :;.' At Osntral Ohrlstlaa Oharah. . Tho attendance of members and visit ors at the Central 1 Christian church. East Twentieth and Salmon streets; yes terday, both morning and evening., was a vivid demonstration of the affection of the membership' and people of the community for the pastor. Rev. J. F. Ghormley, who has been absent In the east for nearly two months. Nearly every seat was occupied, and the cor dial greetings extended, the minister were numerous as they were hearty. Tho Christian Endeavor society baa ar ranged for a reception for ths pastor, members and friends of the church, to be held on Wednesday evening. March T, to which all are Invited. . ttwat novel sy Bavl erahaasj rhUllpe, wm laisreea yoa, for H deals with the eKlsg' prob lems of praetloal aawloaa poUtloa. Zt will nomwanna In next BTaaaays for Be aura aad get tm, V Thft horae. of .the $1 AWEEK plan bids you como and - see their new Spring Suite and Top Coats the choicest v models from tailors i 'making only the. y very Choicest goods. , AGAIN WE SAY. $1 A WEEK EASTERN OUTFITTING COMPANY rkeBtartinMreTeu Onalt'l SMd WASHINGTON AND TENTH STS . . . KO STR1KB ' i Evorythlng's fixed up everybody smile everybody's happy the strike Is everted. BtlU, wo had fortified ear eel ves with a big heap of COAL,, From every mine that sella Its product In this market, so if your bin Is empty yoa can get tho very lowest prtoeo and Immediate aervlos If yon will . King Up Phone Main 3778 Vulcan Coal Co. m (Mil luciiie Our Sewing Machine sale bids fair to be.a hummer. - It appears as if every other person in Portland intended to take advantage of the great Special Introductory offer. - Only by special arrangements with a great manufacturer direct are we enabled to present these great inducements. If you can make use of a high-grade Sewing Machine do not fail to investigate. By buying from the MANUFACTURER arid in CARLOAD LOTS we are able to save the consumer all jobbers' and middleman's profits as well as a large percentage of.freiht charges. You really buy the best ; ''' ; u - ' '' ' - - ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' - ' ," " , ' ' ' ' "' "". ', . ' 1- . '" ' - Never in Distory das Opportunify Offered (o Secure a Sewing Mschine Equal to This at the Price '..This new High-Arm Sewing Machine is of the VERY - HIGHEST ORDER, built exclusively from the very finest of materials, in a most accurate and perfect manner. Its design embraces, every, latest' feature of construction, and its simplicity is almost marvelous. The machine is a high-class, high-arm, lock-stitch, with the new ball-bearine stand and all the latest improvements. No woman in Oregon should longer be without a High-Class Sewing Machine, after learning vi vui cauauiuiiMijr unci. ,'-;"",',...." . , ' . J - ''.''.'". "'"'j .r"J V'.'f, " J v. ;' ., . ' There's 'Wo BetterEs ' .':-,..' .-- - r "V-V','. ." Through special arrangements with the manufacturer we are enabled to make a great introductory, offer of this greet machine for Ten Days. ' You have the opportunity to secure a ' : ' 1 j:. ; . . - - . - - .. EWM(E - You are invited to call and inspect the machine. Lady operator will explain its operation., and then if vou decide to order one it will be delivered to your home on the special and extraordinary terms of $1.00 down and ' ' ' ; . - -' ..-...' - . -,C ... 4 ....,- A ..- . - - : : Free Attachments , Free nickel-plated steel attach ments as follows are furnished with each machine : Ruf fler, tucker, bind er, braider, foot shirring side plate, four assorted hemmers, quilter, foot hemmer and feller. Needles, screw, driver, oil can, bobbins, etc., are in eluded. '' ' : Do not hesitate. This offer' is freely made to EVERYBODY. 173-175 First St. The Housefurnishers , . ,219-27 Yamhill St. JSvJ'V; fv . J . " J ...... , . . . 1 '' ' ' ' " r "J ' " ' -