The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 23, 1906, Image 9

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Real Annlvtrtary "of HJs Birth
- Tomorrow, fsot Yterdy,
, a J w - fc V- -J
-.. V---- J
'l"e , -. 1 '
'. TiM rp m Cii r ' a .'.
1 We have arranged wti r- C aatka
ta furnlaK Ik. . . . fr I
' Kurus omt... -wr noo isst"
.? ear V Wl Barlma
wolr ....."Tee lloo-atuDer', Pss-ster -
lrl. , ....."A. brouier's K "''
tf ..,. iseae-.
wait Tnle. .. ,
...... .ktsaell Dunck U "Jollae Omu"
i...i. a- -
' An etrterUtaraent given last nlrht
at St Helen' hall was largely attended
and added about 1100 to the gymnasium
In no. , Tta feature 'waa the Nimuv
Uon at Tennyson' "Drsem of Fair
Woman" through tableaux. The croup
elctn re was a nrettr one. mad tip of
- Helen of Troy, reoreeented , by
Jennla Henderson; eiphlgenla, by Mies
DewOy MnrrlatmL-Plaopatra. by Miss
X I J . ,..W'l.-'M"aail'tllaP. l,
Mlaa Dorothy Gilbert: Fair Rosamond,
by Miss Maude Van Dueen. and Joan
t An. bv Mlaa -Dorothy Rows. Mtaa
i Pearl Wilbur read the poem. A muaicaj
?rogrm followed (he tableaux. Mis,
naanhlna HlUa aava two DlaoO nolo
and a class of stria under direction of
Dorena Bnoux. his t
tar. eontrlbuted a clever' oerronnanoe
',. aaUad "A Marry Sleigh Bide," in which
' the laughter or a party we xoproouoao
-. . . . With imaato.
, At this rate tt will be bat three or four
V day and the eredltora aale of clothing
at SOT nret treet. between Taylor and
.' Salmon, will be no mora. The garment
- and men's and women's afcoea have bean
. selling at so small a fl-ura that the stock
! hound ta aulckly baoome . exhausted.
and apparel of this class la not likely to
' be sold Main at tn pneaa suoteo. now.
: Baron' a shoe store, over on Morrison
street, undertook to dispose of the bank'
L ruot stock for the benefit of the credl
tors and. . because value bays -. ,been
mercilessly abolished, the yotfng gentle
- men are making quick work of the store
f ul of merchandise they had on band at
the beginning of the sals. , The stock baa
, , not been rumored but la being aisposea
of at the old stand. , For the accommo
dation of buyers the store -will be open
evenings from this Urns until the place la
V Closet. , . ?, i ...
. . , Police are searching for O. ,W. Leon
,'ard of Woodburn. who Is supposed to
be in this city, bat who has, in- fact,
mystarloualy disappeared and cannot be
looatad by his friend. Herman Utjen
' of Woodburn today requested the police
' to aid In tracing Leonard, who. bad eon
alderabl money in bis possession when
. , ho left woodburn two-weens
', Ing that bo would return ht a few days,
' ' within a week at the most. His friends
in Woodborn received a m
him stating that bo was preparing to
ratnrn to Woodburn Immediately. That
.... waa over a week ago. . Nothing has been
board from him since, that tuna,
, y. In the tntaraats of missionary work an
Interdenominational prayer -meeting waa
held by the . women missionary workers
of the various Portland aauronea raster
. day In the Taylor-Street Methodist
church. Miss Northfleld land the opening
exercises.. The Presby tartans bad charge
of the first half boar and the Congr
- tlonal woman. Baptists and Methodists
14 order named. Bishop Jamas Thoburn
of India lad the consecration hour. Mrs.
. W. H- Be barrel presided over the entire
. meeting . .
Oregon chapter of the Sorui of the
1 ' American devolution beta its annual
' ' meeting yesterday afternoon and elected
efneera as follows: President, Genera)
. T.- M. Anderson: vtos-prasidssit. Wallace
r . MoCamantr- secretary, A. - M. Bmitn;
traasarar. A. A. Undsleyr registrar, W.
H.I Chapln; -board of managers.. Judge
Stephen A. Lowell, judge Airrea! a.
' Bears, Jamas Bwlng and Tyler Wood
ward. There are lit members In the
' " "Tha People vs. IJquor-Dealers and
Oamblors" waa the title of addresses de
livered last night by Mlllsr Murdoch and
V '. Earl C Bronaugh. members - of the
, executive oommlttao of the Municipal
association; before a large audtsnos at
" tha Third Presbyterian church, East Pins
and East Thirteenth streets. P. A. F re
si ar was to have boon on of the speak
ers, bat ho could not participate, and
: Mr. Murdoch took bis place.
, Joseph A. Ryan this morning filed bit
' declaration to become a Candida ta for
", the Republican 'nomination for oounty
' treaOurer. .Ho asks that tha following
- words ba printed on tha primary ballots
aftsr bis name: "Voortsey. efficiency,
honesty and economy. " Mr.. Ryan re
sides at U Hooker street, and la well
- known among local business men
i cms of tha offlolaU of tha Portland Gan-
, - oral Elootrlo sompaay. r ,.
' Rev. Dr. J. P. Otormlay. who returned
. from tbo oast a Ybw days ago and tan
' mediately engaged In revival strvloee at
Tbo - Dallas, 'Will preaoh la his boms
chare h. tho Central Christian, next Sun
day morning and svenlng. . Msmbsra of
' tha church are planning to give - reep-
tloa to their pastor soma day next weak.
He has been absent since January t
' ' Edward Holman eV Co., the loading
' funeral directors, have tho flnast sstab-
liahmant. tho Sneet goods, tho dneat
i vehicles and tho most reasonable prioes.
Pine broadcloth oovarad caskets. 111
and fit. Ths flnast wood goods made,
' from 111 to 10. Parlors 110 and 111
r , Third street, corner Salmon, Portland,
' Oregon. ' a -,. - t
Roaeal Roses 11 ' Roses!!! We bay
: many thousands of choice bushea on
:; hand-the good old rosea and new novel
' ties. Call and see them at our tree yard.
v Front and Tamhlll. Oat our Ross Cata,
; log. Portland Seed Company..
Watcbaa, Watchoa, Watches On aaay
', ' weekly payments. It down, o par
' ' week. - Don't go without a good Urns
' place. ' Mstsfor ColU SUth street
' ' - Tho Oregon Equal Suffrage asaocla
tlon will hold a moating en Saturday
at I p. m. at 111 SUth street .
:AH watchoa cleaned, 11.'; All mala
- aprlngs, f U- Mstsger A Co, 111 Sixth
: .. - ' - '- ' -.--
' See tho Incubators hatching today and
v -r A Spring Shirt of?.:- "
Excepttoial "v-'V '-'v '
: Snisrtness . '
":v See It In Our a-4 :",c.
window: v '
:t. -, . , ' 'v.,-'j.'ii"'.-
. ; K0 VCltf'1 ; ' :
. Ill bat you 50 that Oeorge Wash
ington was not born on tho lid of
Pebroary.". - -,;'- -
Thla waa tha challenge mad yester
day afternoon by one of a group of
man whom ths holiday had brought to
gether at a downtown bar. ' Tha speaker
rapes tad his chailsnga, and with an ex
pression of pity for such lamentable
Ignorance, one of tha. group took, tb
bat Than they hunted up tb Bneyolo-
paouia uritianici
"Washington. Oeorae 1781-1T. tha
nrst prealdent of tha United SUtos.
waa bora In Weatmoraland oounty, Vir
ginia. February 11 old atvla February
11), 17l!."sald the encyclopaedia. This
looked Ilk a stand-off, but tha Icono
clast ' who had started ths discussion
turned to The caption T'Tlalendar.' giv
ing the history of the adoption of the
Gregorian or New Style . calendar, by
which chronology la now reckoned.
' In tha eighteenth century, said the
encyclopaedia, the dlfferenoe of time
between the old and new styles was 11
days, so that the day of Washington's
Dlrtn was either February 11, old stylo,
or February !!, new .style. But -In tb
nineteenth century tha -, different
widened to II days, and In ths twen
tieth century still another day waa
added, so that the actual difference now
between tha old and saw atylea of reck
oning la II daya. , "
Coasaquantly the real anniversary of
Oeorge Washington' birth will b to
morrow, February 14, Instead Of yes
terday, February II. iv
. With I0 less In hla pocket and with
a feeling of vagut distrust of tha Father
of Our Country,, tha loser want forth
to make a little money himself out of
bia newly acquired knowledge. , : v
And When It Is All Over Judge
Attorney C, F. Lord. ;
Oratory pertaining to the rights of
an, aoensed to demand and receive a
spaady trial and saml-eaustla remarks
from tb attorney . repraaantlng the
proasotttlon, culminating in a refusal
of. tb motion causing tha incident.
war featuree in . tha federal eiroalt
court thl morning; The principals war
United State District Attorney Bristol,
United State Judge Wolverton and At
torney c r. Lrord.
Tho latter la aoeused of conspiracy
In hampering former United State Dis
trict Attorney F. J. Heney In tb prose
cution of certain land fraud eases. Mot
long ago ha moved tnat bia case be act
for bearing. Thla morning he appeared
la oourt and moved that hla motion tor
a hearing be sot for argument H waa
opposed by United Btatea District At
torney Bristol.
- In presenting ' bis '4 motion; Attorney
lord dwelt at length -upon federal con
stitutional rights. Tha district attor
ney replied that under tha existing con
ditions, the ' principal on being that
Special Prosecutor Heney waa absent
from ths city, nothing waa to be gained
by setting a data for the bearing of tha
secondary motion of Attorney Liora. '
In sustaining tho contention of the
district attorney, Jndg wolverton aald
that at thla tlma lnasmnoh aa there
waa no Jury drawn, nothing would be
gained in granting Mr. Lord' motion
that hla motion to have hi case act
for trial be heard a aa early data.
Julius Caesar Tonight.
It ta in the heavier, deeper and more
tragic momenta that Marshall Darrach
auooeada beyond criticism I bia aomsdy
is always splendid and haa a marry hu
mor behind It bat perhaps there la no
play in hla repertoire that la o easily
rendered and so successfully presented
as the tragody of "Julius Caesar" which
will be tha biU tonight at the Whit
Tempi. .. .
Th course of Shakespearian reel tali
alvan thla weak by th Battlement work
of th People's Institute has been an
nounced In th schools, its splendid edu
cational value being Instantaneously ao
oordad recognition ' by principals and
teachers, but there were vary few Stu
dents and- none to many teacher pres
ent at th first recital Wednesday. It
1 too. bad that th young people who
ar studying Shakespsar In their dally
school work do not take advantage of
such a fine opportunity aa thla to hear
him given by a man aa talented, and aa
scholarly In bia Interpretation aa Dar
rach. Thar were special rates mad
to all tear here and student, even to
th- general admlaslons, and it is sin
cerely to be hoped that more of them
will take advantage of th opportunity
than did o on th opening night "Ju
lius Caesar" begins at half-past t to
night and tomorrow afternoon "Hamlet"
will b presented.
" sTew Portland Mom.
' Building permits have bean Issued a
follow: Jos Brhart, cottage, in Boll-
wood, coat- IIOQ? O. W. Gilbert, resi
dence, corner East Twanty-alxth and
Broadway streets, coat Il.tOOr H.
Fisher, cottage, comer East Thirteenth
and East Davis . streets, . cost 11,100;
Bartman. Posa Klssllng, storaa, cor
ner Hawthorn and Union avenues, cost
11.100; E. H. Stephana, oottage. In City
View Park, eost $210.
Milwaukle Country Club.
to Aageles and Oakland races. Take
Ballwoed and Oregon City ears at First
and Aldsr.
tomorrow at , Pacific Mall Order com
pany' store, 101. First street north
western agent for Petaluma Incubator
and Brooders .. - .. -, .:...
For. Sal Tract of land bounded by
Washington, Twenty-third and Cornell
road, formerly known a . "Oamotinua
Garden.", Max Smith, th Savoy res
taurant, 111 Fifth street . . ,
Montavlll Flower, th greatest liv
ing reader of Shakeepeare'e "Merchant
of Venice,' appear at th Whit Tem
ple Monday night. ; v , .1
Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice."
by -Montavlll Flowers, at the Whit
Temple, Monday night, on th T. M.
C A. Star course.
Gold medals for lawn grass and sweet
peas. Butser, ssdsman. Ill Front
T. if. C A. BUr tours number Mon
day night., '"7 . .
" asBSsnwaw--- - r
Tt. B. C. Brown, Ey-Er;v Mirquaa.
A. tn mti's uauu,
Western Union Ttt;r&ph Com
pany Prepares for Inortaeed
Cuslneta ty Improvermnts.
. mm a a a at r-rs lllAifl
bVlfc.1 IV WSIM riUVIWlM
Lstttr Quadruplaz Wire Is Alr4y
' Strnni to Astland, fUys Robert T.
Ur Portland Bnain Iacrtaaina
' Extensive Improvements ar ' being
mad by tha Western Union Telegraph
reinpIny"to-glT Portland better- po
munloation facilitiea with otkar parte
of th country. . Two quadruples: wires
ar being strung to ths city, on from
Saa Francisco and th other from Salt
Lake. Th work la already under way
and will be finished within' a few
month. - ' , '. 4 '.- :!;' i,, - :
Robert T. Reld. superintendent of tb
Western Union Telegraph company, of
Seattle, was in this city yesterday in
specting th local offlc and looking
over th improvements whish ar being
mad to anlsrga it faetlluaa. He ex
pact great thing of Portland In tb
near future. On - thing which lm
preaaed him mora than any other was
th fast that . th extenelv business
don by his company during tb expo
sition period did not decrees after th
exposition closed. On tha ' contrary.
there baa been a gradual Increase. Ha
accounted for thla by th grant agita
tion in railroad buUdlng and th pres
ence of many eastern capital lata In tb
city. . : " -.-
."Our new copper" quadruples wire
from Ban Francisco to Portland la al
ready strung to Ashland and will soon
enter Portland," aald Mr. Raid. W
are making these Improvement . to
meet th Immediate demands of . th
Increased business In this ' city. An
other wire of Ilk nature Is being strung
to Portland from Salt Lake to handle
th heavy eastern business. This Una
will follow th Oregon Short I4n and
th O. R.' W. Anothsr wlr wUl bs
constructed from Chicago to Seattle tb
coming summer. .. - .
"All th Improvement w have un
der contemplation will be finished with
in a year. They will necessitate th
employment of a larger office fore in
Portland and tha facilitiea thus pro
vided will be ample for our business
for th next two rears at least Of
course we are always looking; Into tha
future and If at any time we see tnat
futnra conditions will demand It w will
enters our facilitiea Immediately. W
see a great era of development ahead
for Portland and for that w ar now
preparing." 1 - - - r
Board rof Trade Trustee to
Ratify Initiative Committee
) Appointments.
A meeting of trustees of th Port
land board of trade at 4:1 o'clock this
afternoon will ratlf v the appointment ox
the initiative committee that la to be
submitted for tho approval of Mayor
Lane and take up the work of preparing
a plan by which tha city of Portland
may acquire docks, build a belt line,
bridge and boulevards aa outlined in a
proposition mads by Francis L Mo
Kenn, who ba stated that th Ida ta
ao soundly practical that he will under
take to furnish all the money asosssary
and take city bond at a low rat of in
terest --.. . '. - -'
The oommlttee ha been appointed by
President Wall! Mash of the board of
trade, and after confirmation by th
trustees this afternoon, will be publicly
announced and th matter turned ever to
the mayor to receive hla official aano
tlon. It la aald Mayor Lane heartily
concurs. In the main, with the general
plan advanced by Mr. McKenna. Ths
whole undertaking Is- placed n a alf-
sustaining basis, and not only is it ex
pec tad to pay interest on its own eost,
but nrovlde a sinking fund for retire
ment of the bond and ultimately prove
a source- of net revenue to th city.
On of the main objects, a brought
out by. th advocates of th plan, la to
aoourag th Paciflo coast tourist
movement now being started oy me
cities of th intermo tin tain and coast
stetea, th commercial bodies of Port
land and the transcontinental railroad
lines. It Is said that with th develop
ment of the plan proposed, Portland
would become one of the most attractive
cities In th world for tourist. ,
Grand Chancellor M. F. Davis, th ex
ecutive official of ths Knight of
Pythias In th domain of Oregon, and
I. R. Stlnson. grand keeper of records
And aeal, ar at th Parkin hotel to
complete the aetaiia inciaanc to tne in
stitution of a new Pythian lodge at
St ' Johna next Saturday night Thla
flourishing suburb of the metropolis hss
long fait the need of such an organisa
tion, aa a large number of the K. P.
fraternity be v made their borne there,
and the order always, encourages th
membership to -ally themselves with
th Interests nd development ' of the
community in Which they reside. Th
ritualistic work will be conferred by the
team from Ivanhoe lodge No. 1 of Port
land. Royal Vtsler E. R. Mans of the
D. O. K. K. will preside at the banquet
fallowing Instituting ceremonies. Psst
Grand Chsnosllor Joseph Supple will de
liver an address on the "History of the
Order From Its Inception to the Pres
ent Day." Members of the various Port
land lodges will go to t. jonn on in
ara but eneolala will be oro-
tded for th return tflp, thee wtU-bJ
held until th banquet la over.
- ; The Sohmer : v "
Tu ta remarkable for Duritr. richness
and delicate moaioal qualltls. ;
JuriM T.innal It'' Wahata
mtjk ,ki, MAmln, that ha would an.
noanoe declaions la ta lonowing
Umula, mnrninst
l tha . ease of Rudolph
objections to flnal report.
. In th estate I jerry incn; en mp-.ui-
In, nrdar arainat C E. Lock-
wood to account for money of th ea
ts.! e. .-. -
,.- aaa mt Csrl Anauat Palm-
quest; on bieUoa toe final report.
300 fe3a. Wa?3&.C)2.flO, 0S.
ft If P. t fiE.f.J
" 7 1 a-C.-d
( ''a . . e .r -
O lt Pa - . e . ;
OllaX fCttlCOCltS
B tJ -Sill JT Jii VA
V7. WU i
11 t Itl.'-J" 7
25C0 Prs. Womon'oSho
03, $3.50 Vduco 01.98
On sal today' 2,500 pairs of women's high-grade footwear at
a price it impossible for s to buy them at today;
all new up-to-date styles; Johnson Bros.' best make in patent
- leather, patent colt and vici kid; lace and Blucher styles; low,
medium and high' heels; heavy and light soles; all sixes and
; widths; suitable footwear for all occasions; every pair guar
anteed to give the wearer satisfactory service; included in the
s : above, offerings is one line of patent colt button shoes;
' regular $3.00 and $3 JO values; your choice at , Cil OQ
r this phenomenally low nricnair-: -Nr SSJ
,: Every woman' should look to her footwear needs at once. .
I Spring Styles iriStcts6li?HQts
rfewSqrfcs l&i fa 44tctionM Hatt for nea ncrty rtdyDcrtryi
csdScft HxU fa new "CoUgga" cad "Johsny Jcat" tbr
U ptstu Ua-Tfcw
cny htt xsszsy cea bay 4.00 ad $300 each Netr yfa3
thtpsi fa Dcrbyct $3.30 cad 3.00 exeb fjiw Scft Felt H&tj
ca u!a t $20 cad $3.00 each Every hat fjgsirstggd
Special vdgcsfaMcns Fcrnfahinss tcmorrov
Fe&irigary Sale of
l-eunoe bottle Queen Olive S5e
B-ounc bottle Queen Olives. ...... ...r..V..10
ounce botUe stuffed Olives ....AOs)
Jello lo Cream Powdera for.... 10
H -pound can Baker's Cocoa ,.. ao
I cans Amason Table Paacbes... .............
Army and Navy Corn, oau 8
t cans Alpha Corn for.......... .......86
I packages Seeded Raisin -
TregMA French Sardine, can....... 16
S cans Kosebud French Sardine .....SB
Fig Prune or Poetum Cereal.... SO
bar Oeaene Soap for .-...S5.
S eana Griffin's Assorted Sodp .....88f
I 1-lb. cans Orifftn' Pork aad Bean.... 85
t pound Curtlo Bros. Jam or JaUy......;..20
Quart bottle CAB. Lucca OU...,....f 65
t quart MacNallr Olive Oil for............T&
1-pound pall Ml Hood Lard.. i S
H-poama seat Xwnay Oeeea for........ SO
1-pemnd seat Wwnaya Ooeea fo.. 40
I peaad Baker's TJawMi Obosola. ...... a
1 pemaal BaksTs Ooeea fee ..40
Wm. X. Bakafs Tfasa-esSeasd Oheeehvta, lb... X
1 gallon lrfg Cabin Maple Syrup...... ...... fl. SO
S oana Carnation Cream for.'., ......85
I eana PWneer Cream tor.....'..... ....25jt
The Meier (&-Fran!s Store
i . y.
Managing Estates.
Is aa Important braach ef ear smtaaes; we
take entire eharae sad relieve yea af all Se-
Till WOTS, B'TnS " T
iteatlasd sttfetaaata ef aftelra.
Our akiu la tai use m wmw -wwu a
im. . , .- . ''- -
ResonrcM Over $1,400,000
Pordand Trust Contpsny of Ortgcn
a Ts. or. M sad Oak sta. . . rkes Si. Tl
BSNf. I. rOHaTI.... .....Prsstdsat
B. U WTTOCK. .Vlea-rresuuBi
ST uts rAOix.. v-iir'Ji'S!!!!!
J. O. OOLTEA... .....assists st Secretary
Apollo. Rink
T UMa , "' mlrmtm ajnd aVata with - tfca.
throng at the Apollo rink. Seventh and
Courteous Instructor- free-at all
time for benefit of beginners. ; ?
vfnaln afternoon and evening. -
joa-as mawoaavt, pbopb. .
to:.:c?j:cv rc::r urim
Two nore great r?exU 1st cf csw cctton Slirtwahta ca tt!a
ct wcadetfc2y Vsvr rricta-CCO desta cf the aewtrt cai rrct
t!nt 10S atylst fa turn, thtsa, m!3, dcttcd SwUs. an4 fcacy
novella Lcr-p cr ahgrt a!eve-WaUU made
trfcaaed fa the very test cf
.1 Entire new line of Jap Silk Waist made
narrow or wide tucks, lace or shirred yokes, long or short sleeves; over
200 dot. of them ready for your choosing st prices from...3.T5 to f 44
Handsome new tailor-made Silk Waist in pin stripes and JA QQ I
ebaclra; kmea. sin hlua ani black astra value at ach.....V I
checks; brown, navy blue and black; extra
A aomplete new line of th celebrated S.
ooatai every petticoat guaranteed sot to
They are made of the- best quality silk,
They ar saad of the-best quality sua, deep nouaoee ana nemstttcnaa
rutflea; tucked and stitched bands; pleating and ruche; all the leading
''Stetson" Heta ere sxaxtstssa cyJ to
Celebrated Victor Flour, sack
All Mllcher Herring at, keg..
1 -pound caa Shrimps, 10 S-poun4 eans.......aO
.'.Always omthlng nw .
.'.'-:'' '..' tb .
,; Saa Fraadtco Z
OBOcma, wooxwomra: bastx
Opp. Market Street Entraao. '
Toraa axso fob' its
For modern - dental work. , World-renowned
Lowest price eonsteteat with Srst-clas
' ' srark.
0 TO
r era.
Open day and night, from ; a. i
. , . sniwt a p. .
aad great variety to
la plain taitor4 or fancy style;
value at, each.....
H. M.
split or
deep flou
guaranteed SUk Pettl-
erack within S months.
020 Vcb. S1.05
dreat spring sale of men's Fancy and
Washable Vest 400 of them the
v entire- reserve stock of a leading
New. York manufacturer. In fig--'
ares, stripes, dots and plain colors
in gray, tans, browns, blue, black
and white. Great assortment to
' : select from." All are well made and
' finished and sell regularly at $2.00,
.1125, $2.50 each. All sizes for
' , men and young men. Ct 1
Choice at. .. V',VJ
Every man can nse one or two of them
styllah snd servioeabla Sd Floor.
It peana dry )raalsd Saga,. ..........f l.OO
t galiea aaa Brip Syrap. .,..40
Meier Cb Frank's Famoaa Mo- Jt
cha and Java CofTee, poand tvSJfC
s-ls. saa abl Bavikberrle.,... .10
t packagas Jello for... ,85
Qmart bettl of Blaeuar for ,..
Blue label Catsup, bottle , 20
Van Camp's Catsup, bottle.... .........80
1-quart bottle CAB. Vinegar...... .85
Durkee'a Sated Dresalng ....,....lOe. 85
Walnut at, per pound 15
Quart Cooper's OUve Oil for...:... 81.00
1 packages H. O. Oata for 25
J packages Fore for..,. ,..,..,....25
t package Malta Vita 26
Ubbya Ham or Veal Loaf .....10
pound pall pure Jelly for........ ...... .....TB
I Jar McLaren's Chses for........ ...25
Ba polio, Tei Bon Ami, I for.......... ..25
Ldbby Lunch Tongue SO( S5f
t 1-pound eana Corn Beef for.....,...........a5
Jcpniess end
f Owing to our aurplu atoek ef '
' holiday goods ws abal reduce ;
prioes en very article In all line,
consist Ing; of fine Silver Clot
; sonne, Batmma, aw Braaaware) '
Bronae Xeoorated Porcelain Ten"
' Sets, Silk and Satin Smbrotdere
Kimonos. Screen, Carved Furni
ture, Toys, Matting, ..' :' . '
Anflrcv; Km
' . ' SST BV. ' .
Ccncrct: Ccrjtiurn Co.
Manvtaoturer ef Cencrata bum Bleoka.
Contractor fee all kind f semeal
-,. r-
r i
, raV . ,. .
ti. e la.
Pa t ft 1 TeeOa,
hi series of "Stediee am th Lye." t
Srst one "being on the construction ef
tie ay considered tress the teav.:t
f an optical instrument.
1 !: '
A Hi
atas, 1,1 1 siaaae. .
V .LI- . ft T UA '
iA ,A ik, , K Mn.(nil). .'
tlon of the eye considered aa an optloal
instrument, which .It is. A photog
rapher's camera is much Hks the eye,
and the laws of iignt are ooeyea esaeciy
alike in eaca. - Tne sensurva niaie in
the camera occupies ths same relative
poeltlon a doe th retina in th ye.
and performs the same function, that
Is, receiving the Impression or picture.
In the eye. however, this picture I eon-,
veyed to th brain" through ths medium
of the optic nerve, as a message I
transmitted thrauarh a teleDhone. the .
wire betng the medium. Ten might An m, wa.ll that en oat toerfeet
veiepnoiM. Due IK ins wnnaniai w
Im-aI, m ha muum Man hat lVa(. ' Vans
might have a perfect eye considered aa,
an optical Instrument, but If there ta a
derangement of the optle nerve ao tnv'
pression Is eonducted to the brain.. and
th person is therefore blind.
To make this more easily end si stood
f have made a sectional dra win as
Illustrates oeiow, snowing now me air-
ferent refractive, media of tb y era
placed. v i -. , ' . . ,
1 The Cornea. r Optic Nerve. ,
t The Irla . Aqueous Humor.
I CllUry Muscle. 7 Vitreous Humor. '
e Crystalline Lena - j
The Cornea is that transparent, con
vex covering of the front of the eye.
which la nearly a millimeter In thick
ness. Immediately back ef this In the
Aqueous Humor (a transparent fluid).
Suspended as it were in th Aqueeu
Humor is thit beautiful little curtate
eeied the Iris, on which the color of th
eye Is painted, and was placed there by
the Creator to regulate the amount of
light coming to the Retina, and act
without our volition. It la the com
plete dilation of this little mirtala that
enables owls to see at - Right, their
nocturnal habit a making their eyes eo
sensitive that they can see dla tlnetly
by even starlight. But when daylight
cornea ths curtain Is drawn, the Iris
contracting so closely that th owl Is '
practically blind till night come again.
(To be continued next Thursday.)
Subsenbers' Sale
. . ..AsVUTSO ST . .; ." .
' (Ta Teeag laertcan Plsssi-)
S.? March let
' ' '. 2B9VXA Jl SALS '
TtmaDaT. risr sTrssTttrn.
Tealft at S:U Cae- BarfahvPHea afatisee
Tuiaaina e'ClockI-et Perawav- ,
aace -Niamiue Mlaat.
A Crnwsed Bnui lg Bit Lest BUaat.
BVKN1.NO rRlCIS- eww saor, 1.
iy. T5e and sue. Oatla ry, tat aad See.
., earn, torn. Osltary. SSe sad Saa. .
Ta-.m aad ntrd sta. rseaa Mala avwT.
Tea aett fcpa Bwtaasse Tseewe tm ths
... a West. . . -
Tealsbt. tbsMrrew bTansae. lest Tee
EiEzisre tzzZz ttzzzz Ca.
: i.-i."- la Tee Brt-aartB g
"A Beaten Blah Ball" aad
A reel Beauty-Saa-, On-, Maalav Halt
aaa mai naa.ii.
- MHtaa W. Saasna. Maaasar.
fartlaaaTa steet voaalar taaatre.
taaight. Satareay Mattaae, Taj-nw Nlshe
Valy xaree BMfa j ,ii.ia ai.a
am in as
A thrililBg tale ef tae Seetwr B at.ln '
Satire roea-toe err a eae-pleta -"
ret ef reveoae etflcers. .lae staaasaiaat
a-eala Prlees-lse. tae. Sta, a Mattaa
-.lOe. lae. See.
Next Attract"-, Bart- s- 4ay Mattaee,
u AAT aA ..
i . ' 1 f -
c?eAr,o lajsun:
'. TSXA tB. aiaii rws
Week ef fee. IB. lWs, 13m I
Tee artfrtaal Bias, a Mad JL.
Sasajos, .
AeU ymrria Sari r, i
Aea4 f . p-,.
rieva A le
.( "