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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
cms ; '. Convention ' Reussmblts : - at Presbyterian Church and A. A. ; '- ' Winter Leads Quiet Hour. v EVENING MEETING IS nV ; I i LARCELY ATTENDED l-w-Mdyor-JohnonJ PeUvera Wei ; Address and Rev. E. L. Hoom the ''" Convention ' Sermon ' Last Night ' . Numerous Speaker at Sessions, i (Special Meaetch k Tat JearaaD Corvallla, Or.. Fab. 81. Tb Chrtatlan Endeavor 'cotiveutiun -n ambled . Wrnlnf at tha Prbyterlan church at A. J. 'Johnson, Mayor .! i Corvallla. o'clock.1 Tba1 Brat ' on ' tha proaiaiu aftar tha call to order waa Th Quiet Hour., lad by A. A.'WInter'. Hev. L. M. Booaar lad tha group' eonrerene taklna tha dlatrtct and local union of JloaraJjraajnlaBlonarylcopfarancawaa "ted" byHlu Beasla-Lurkey-and" the oorreapmidlns aecretarlea by Mtas'Docte ManaHeld, and Juniors by i-ra, 2. W. "Commarford.. ' Tha 1 general confaranea waa ld by W. J. Sharp, field aecretary. . Re r. B. A. Tbompaon ' apoko ' on "Our IdoaL" -.'. , ' V.; ---'!. V . ' Thli aftarnoon'a aaaalon ta.acbadulad to brain at I o'clock with devotional sarclaea and raporta of eociettea,' R. i. R. LandHborough wMI deliver an ad dresa on "How to Divide on Mlaalonary ,.v i.., , . , ,) m.- ' v" Y J - . . . i f - ; ' 3 S Rev. E. F. Orten, Congregational ' ', iV;''Chucll,''rvaIluV;.'V J. Actlvltlee.", ' Rev. E. F. Greene will talk on "What' a Paator May Expect. From HI Christian -Endeavor Society." Jama Bdmunda will apeak on tha 'Church and tha Child.- -r " ' ' Thl evenlnK tha conference will meat tn tha Methodist church to hear, tha re port of Field Secretary-' W. J. 8harp. -Rerr.-l M.-odaar-- will apeak on a Get -What YduAsk For! 'aVl IVHERH la a Reason ' ' Why the Good , People of :!'v. America, buy Caacareta as Every second aom one, ' somawhors. .' Is Buying s little Ten-Cent Box of Cae- ' '.carets -; :0f 'i v: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 660 times to the Mtnute, . , 60 Minutes to the Hour, 3600 Boxea an ' ' Hour, 36,000 Bezel a Dag of Ten Hours, r '180,000 Boxea a Month, and then soma. ' i , Think of . lt 230.000 People take a ' Cascaret tablet "each day. ' MllUona uae Cascareta when necessary. ' ', ';. 4.: if Tha Judrjiient, of 'Millions of Bright . 'Americans la Infallible. They, have been T; Buying and Taking Caaoarets at that rata for over Six yeara. If Is not an Experiment, not an .AooH . dent or Incident, but a eound. Honest ' Bushiess, based en Tlme-Trled-ena-Teated .erlt, never found wanting. ; - T--- There is S Reason. J &j t-Ja s a. , S V S,' .'i.-'; ' - - .i i .1 t i . - " l - AH Disease Cerme? the Inoomparabla : . ola"f puffer and etrenrthenef of the anurv yiUTi wanwi . .. , y , W; They Act jlke Exerclie on the BoweJ ' .Muscles, make them strong and aowve ?'r . ' able to Help Themselves do their work : ' ; keep themaelvea ' clean."., k -j '. J- , '.' Caacareta ara the sale-guard of Innocent : sealing Dangerflhat threaten the Llvea ' sf tha li'e C)"M. ' " T ' V--fcte, ahaoluteh Llvee . "Quarter CetuTy - of Chrlatlaa - En deavor" and lev. K. O. If uckley of Port lndM "U" tn Abundant- Lif Abound." v . . . Tb Saturday morning session will convene with an observance of tba Quiet hour, A. - A. Winter leading. " ' Last njgbt's session wa attended by m' tare crowd . of - enthueiastlo dele- icoroing 1 ? 1 1 ..:.. 1 I V p.; . . .. . this I . -. , r Rev.-: If, ; 8. Bush. . catea and vlaltora. Mayor A. J. John' on delivered tha addraaa of walooma In behalf of tha elty of Corvallla, and ine welcome of ore ion Aa-ricuiturai eollea waa extended In an addraaa by .Professor Berchtold rof that Inetltu- tlon. Rev; M. A. Buah apoka for tba varlooa ehurchaa. ; Tba raaatlne closed with tha convention aarmoa by Dr. E. I Honaa of Portland. . 1 BABY LUXES $1,1100,000 13 LESS THATI SIXrYEASS Though a Royal Spender, Child's Fortune Increases by Leaps and" Bounds."' -J i, . . - '(Jamtmat gptdai -Ssmo.) - Naw ' Tork, Feb. 21. John NlchoUa Brown,"on hta atxth birthday yaatarday, waa" tha puaaaaaui' uf H.e,t. oe.OM of which' haa been added to hi fortune alnea he' waa three month old. ir John NlchoUa' Brown.) who wa left I4.aee.eae by hla father. John Nloholaa Drown err,-whan he was -three pionthe old. .continue to amaaa rlcbea aaha haa ' in - tha last Ave year and nine month, when ha la SI ba -will rank with tha richest men in tha . country. H will ba worth W,09.00. -r Baby Brown la royal spender. - Ha employ a - amall army of - aarvant. malntalna an establishment in Newport and another In Naw York, and so man as t at rid of f 10,000 a year. Still the money kaepa plllna up. notwithstanding- hi lavish expenditure. HI fortune ta in Bllt-ede securities. .. StarUns out on 14,000.000 at the ae of three month, thl baby at two year had 16,111,00. At the a- of four tha t4.000.00e had Srowa t tt.T4l.000. and on hla sixth birthday yesterday he bad ie.eti.eee. ;- . ,.-. r FOUR EUGENE BOYS i - ;4 ; : ; : fined for theft --.i ;' 1 " 1 J -;: fBpeelet Vwealdi n TVe Jaaraal.) - Euaena. Or.. Feb. tt.-Curtla Church, Dalbert Farrow, LJoyd Moore and Louie Bela haw, tha boya arrested Wednesday for ataallns carpenters .tools, war each fined fZS, all- havins pleaded sullty be fore Judc Wlntarmelar of tha Justice ourt yesterday. - They returned the tool.-: They alao confessed tba theft of a larre quantity of liquor front m local saloon.' but were not -prosecuted for that off ene. Their parent paid for the liquor, a well a paylns tba fines, The 'boy- had about 70 keye of all elsaa. . -- T. A. Oooaram file jfwtMea. . ''(fetciil Ownateli to Ta Jeeraal.) Salam. Dr.. Feb. II. -P. A. Cochran of Woodburn filed his notice of candi dacy with . tha secretary of state yes terday' aftarnoon- for representative in congress for tha first dlatrtct. - Ha Is a Democrat and he wish a to have printed after hla name: . "Am for th people and unalterably opposed i to boaalam. trust and.gTfung.i... ,. S true, faithful, Ipjral aervafit of Mankind. , Over Five' MllBona of Dollars have tbea Spent to make tha rfierlta of Caf- ba lost, did not sound merit claim and) now uie onstaat, continued irisndahipr Patronace.-and Endorsement el well pleased people year after year. . '".There Is also a, Reason . ' Why there are Parasltea who attach themselves to the Healthy Body of Csa earet'a eucoesa I ml tat ore, Counterfeiters. SubeMtutorsv ; r ; They are' Trade Thieves vrho would rob Caacareta of the "Good WlU' of ths people, and " sneak " unearned profits, earned and paid for by Caacareta. A Dishonest Purpose means a Dishonest Produot and a Disregard of the Purchas ers' Health or Wslfars. . s 1 ' . Beware of the Slick Salesman and hta ancient "Just aa Good'' story that com mon sense refutes. '; , Caacareta are made only by tha Sterling " -vnn t mm mauevniy ay tn on little Ten Cent , Vest Pocket" box la hers shown. They are never sold In bulk. . Every tablet marked "CCCf : : . Ba sure you get the genuine. v' . , sTstxat to dun. nUCNDtl iMtre-eas- 4 la avs. It U a W- -r e t-J draaatt-f t- ,-. Tn On1! fa t'Unt k I M H I f I nBLsl-eajsaaTwlfJsl, aare-eaa- 4 m swwiiaf-ir waa weaver can aivaerarvM, wTv. trltdcetwlstssa. - e4 - , m -a r -a sr. '- ! Sew C!. '.".!..-. J 70 A Palafal Faalahiant ef eke , pjUaaad la Oaar atedean I4f ; The Romana used to punish a mar- derer by ohalnlna to hla body the corpse of hla victim. ' Wherever J went he drassad behind him tha oebrl of hi crime, the aleaay cadaver. revolUn- thlna that waa onca a wan. Every day you sea people draftfnc around wltn toem ins corps i ui. sins. They can't, set away from them. And many of them have become so in timate with these corpses that they become corpse themselves. The misery of the poor unfortunate ha become constitutional with them. It St them ltk an old ahoe. They hv become ac customed to It. -"v . . ' And there are thouaand of humans who are walklna the earth today with corpses at tar had to them -dyspeptic stomachs they csn't S M ot- Th,'r have torer'aTans-"the bast niiay can with tba atomacha they have. And tha owner of said dyapeptlo atomacha are to be found in every walk of Ufa.' auf ferine from soma form of Indigestion, flrst cousin to dyspepsia. They wear that forlorn appearance, their enery Is at aero, nothing Interest them, and they Interact no one. their face ara ahrunk, helr nerves ass w)ltd nd. their shoulder aa m- re von one of tha mVriads wh6dandTe"mnd gratify their paUtes. at the aaertno of their atomachaf Are you on of those, who allow theln, eeneea to run riot aaLtlnar too much. drinking too much, eating at th wrong time, eating tha half-cooked, the ueer na;ipa in possible T . ' .Are you bloated , after aatlng. and Imagine that it la your food that fill you- - Do you nave nausea when you look upon this or that, rebel at one thins and be hungry for It, too, at th aame Umr . And have you got a whole lot of ether thing tba matter with your etomach that you know about but no body ela doe, and can't explain? If so. you have dyspepsia, real dyspepsia. And tha chances are you have had It a long time. -. ; Tour atomach I overworaea. aouseu. faerared out. Tha gastric and dlgeattv Juices are weak.' th , muscle of th stomach ara jadea, ana me wnoie ou nsss needs new life. ; It needs some thing which will take hold of thsfood a It cornea in and dolha dire ting, and let your stomach take a rest - Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet do that very thing. They contain a moat pow erful Ingredient which help th atom ach In-th process of digestion, cure dyspepsia, sour stomach. Indigestion, heart-burn, . eructations, acidity or far mentation. Th ey Invigorate the stom acb. increase thaflow of gastrin juica, and, do two thirds of what th stomach would hav to do without them. That gives the stomach soma rest, and a chance to get right again. - Tog wll) f cnanaa nrat in your mind andteart and'lhen-ovefyour whole body. - Tou'U feel rosy and sweat. That's ths object. Tou can get these effective little tablets altnoet anywhere on earth for I0o a package. Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet I th name. . w WAITER CLEARS UP 528,400 erd:j TIP 0:1 STOCKS Holland House Employe Take. 'Advantage .of Advice by Pa- ; iron to Reap Fortune, " ' ' (Joeraal Searlal Sarvlee.) ' New - Tork, Feb. IS. Joseph Eisner, head waiter at th Holland house, on day some time ago received a tip from a suaat that resulted recently In hla cleaning' up .over tll.oee on th stock market. A wealthy patron or tn Hoi land house, who 1 In a position to fig ure out the poaatbllltlea of copper told Elaner to buy North Butte. Thl waa In th day when tha stack-waa not at all active and bringing only la. - Eisner waa by mean a poor man, o he quickly placed an order for 400 eharea It waa not Ions before tha cop per altuaUon caused th stock to begin to move. By November tha- stock waa In th TO and alowly mounting. North Butt eloaad 'Wednesday at II, o Eis ner Is now .Just !2Me ahead on his original Inveetment. , HOWARD CATLIN IS DROWNED IN WILLAMETTE (aerial Dtanatch to The Jeereal.) Salem. Or., Feb. II. Howard Ceflln, aged IS year, wa drowned In. th Wil lamette river her late yesterday after noon. Catlln, who was a son of Russell Catlln, a prominent hopman.. and Fred Perkins, who had Just arrived at -his boms from Annapolis, where he Is a midshipman In the naval academy, had Son out on tha river In a canoe. Th eraft waa capslsed by the hlgK waters that hav prevailed alnoe th late heavy although Parkin mad a drape rate ef fort to help hi friend, th latter went iodine Douom. rerain managea grasp a willow limb that extended over ths wster near th steep bank and waa reacued In aa almost fainting condition. Catlln waa prominent In athletics and a student at the high school- v - - CHARLES F. BELT DIES , AT HIS DALLAS HOME . fflpSelal Dwpateh to Tae Joeraal.) ' Dallas. Or, Feb. II. Charles V. Belt died yesterday of asthma and heart dls eae. Mr. Belt had lived In Dallaafor 14 year a He waa born in Balara and made that place hi home until he . moved to Dallas. He wa 41 year old and had been in the drug bualnes here (or many year. Ha leavea a widow but no chndrenrrtrothfrJ6hn-BeIt Ifld7 pendenc; a elater, lira Judge 3urnat(( Balera; Oeorge Belt., a brother, Spo kane. Washington; Ben Beltv a brother. Redding, California.. Mr. Belt waa a member of the Woodmen lodge at Dallas and a Scottlah Rite Ma eon of the Port land lodge. ""VTV " Tr i KALAMA STORE IS DESTROYED BY FIRE -' (RpMlal Dlaeatch te The Joara.l.) Kalama. Waah.. Feb. II. Buah A Co.'atnaral merchandise store waa de stroyed by nr st s o'ciock this morn ing.; Th building and content were a total, lose, . stock ti.eoo, nuiiaing ( Thar waa no Insurance. , 'r , Tha work of th volunteer fir com pany was excellent. . The building was located in tna center ox tna oiock in ine business portion of the town, and only by prompt efforts of th fir fighters were th flame kept from spreading. . raaerel ef O. 9. OsVara. (fifeelel Dtopatiw ta The Jaaraal.) Eugene. Or., Feb. II. Dr. C. D. ' Os- burn, who died st Wllsonvllle, Monday night, waa burled In th Masonic ceme tery here yesterday afternoon. - He was raised In Lane county, being a son of th late W. T. Osburn, a prominent pio neer.. H leaves one brother, W. jr. Os burn. of this eltj t.. ... y a .,. .. , Opsns 8 l. f.7. . -. i si mm JL.gQrJTTNUQTTf? STREET FAIR" QP ATEST FASHIONS ADDS TO THE EXCITEMENT CREATED ?Y THE .i This store is a big, growing village: Think of every department as a separate specialty shop that line the aisles or streets. .Then there's the telephone stations, letter boxes and postal facilities, lavatories and drinking founts, two restaurants one public tea room, the other a big store dining hall that feels nearly 300 employes daily. Writing rooms and resting spots, the store's "parks" all at your service.The spring stocks are ready, also some mighty interesting economies -for Saturday buyers. Come down and spend the day; of course you'll remember the STORE CLOSES AT 8 P. M..;!;' l,''-;:n: ' . StniOKAXt SATTTS9AT IUI OF . Smart Silks and Shover-Proof Dress Stuffs FIFTl! , STREET ANNEX FIRST . -v .:. '. FLOOR. ." twmotAX. ost xoxJ TAmtA. Il-lnch; regular' 11.1 grade. ' Special for, ysrd... 87d IT-trfMi; regular sradaN Special for, yard .994 ' H-tnchfreJuUr 11.11 grade. Special for, yard ....984 s - The Black faffeUs are the beat mad In America, and hav no equal at the regular prices la town. . StSXa OF SjUlTUittw. , , 14 and 14-Inch Rainproof Suitings . In th fin covert weave, which are dust as well a shower-proof. In all wanted color. Regular 11.10 grade. Special for, . yard tl.13. Regular $1.7 grade. Special for, yard 91.49 Regular $1.00 grade. Special for. ' yard ' .....'91.67 Regular ti lt eraaJpaclaX for. yard .sjx.gff- ReguUr fl.10 grade. Special for. . yara j. ...... ........ f3.14 a mwmoxAX. matvmoax saxa o ' 50c BONNY BUNGALOW Silks for 26c Yard . WASH GOODS SHOP--rTRST ; , FLOOR. ...,"' .- ' '""v Good new for hundred of woman - who want these charming novel- - tlee 1,000 yard in th remarka ' : bl offering of beautiful Bunga--' low Bilks in fetohing Jaoquard af A facts and embracing all th new est shade. See th interesting . - window dlsplsy; best regular tfre ' value. , For Saturday, at tha . yard ; . ad Women's Under wear and Hosiery Specials FIRST VlOOR. " : aa Teaaa ss. .Women' ' white cotton Vest, with high neck and Ions eleevee. In th medium -weight, suited -for pres ent and early Bummer wear; a regular 4Se value. Special for -Saturday at , ...S9 Children's SOe Meslary UH Children's fine ribbed Hoa. in black; cotton, saamlaea, and with double knee and heels; a grand value at la th pair. Special for Satur day only at ..; 19Md Boy SOeTato aUH. Boyr ' heavy cotton Hoa. double ribbed and seam lees and with ' . double knee Insuring sdded wear; i ' splendid ' value at th regular price of too a pair. Special for Saturday at 12Hd Worn SS Xoalary as SS Fafar. Woman' fin black Male Ho (laoe llslsl. wltn nnianaa reet aa- above. exoellent lie value at, th , pair ......r. :94 TA&VM ABfOSra NEW SPRING RIBBONS ;-T. "- 40 aUbboa f a SSa. '"T',. i; FIRfl' FLOOR. i A splendid Itn of fresh, new Rlt . bona of French Taffeta. Inobea ' ' wide, in black, white and all the . moat popular a had aa and color. Also a Hn of handaom Taffeta Rtbbona In all tha wanted colors. - These Ribbon are Just the thing Vfor hair ribbons, girdles and ' ashes; our 40o value, Special Ketuyer ZH0 , , 1 ! ' MoreLBargains for WEN . Special rfor- Saturday,, the mat - shoppers' buy ins day. rour worm while value. . - . SrXTH BTREBT-ANNBX FIRST -.. j t FLOOR.- w .- ...,; ' 1 BSssi's SSe mxk : wacwMBV IS., A ' Men' Oarter. In llk cable web-" blng; our beat tie value. Special, the pair ...................194 Van ass Wool A line of Men' Woot'Ho In na tural gray, Oxford and black; reg ' ular valu lie. Special, the ' -i palr ........... ...tK4 : ' ' atea'S IU4 aferla, Ss. ' Men's stiff -boom Shirts', with cuff e attached. In new colorings of blue , ' and tan; regular value 11.10. Special, each ....994 . atea'S SLSS Faaoy Tsrsa, SSe.; ' , A new line of Man'e Fancy Vests, In pearl whit and gray effects; regular valu $1.10. Speolal. - each ji ijr.j. ta t ..-.' vM94 J. . to See p7fi:W Portland MARVELOUS ARRAY OF WEEK Portland's Great STYLE Store ; ' GRAND SALONS-SECOND FLOOR. ' r V ' According to the Unbroken Custom ot Years, Shows' ; . : .the Stunning, Swell Novelties First: i We gained the reputation years ago of style leaders and absolute dictators of correct fashions, and each season has seen na"reach higher and higher, until today we are recognized thro'out all the great ..Western country as the foremost store west of Chicago for high-class novelties in women's correct attire. We offer today . ; , . '. liahed with l(- , ,' taffeta. ; French flannel ' effects in light stripes , .' and invisible checks. The white taffeta vests are " 1 t' '- trimmed with sea-green braids and dainty laces. Jacket trimmed with fancy cot-metal buttons. The leg-o'-mutton sleeves ave turn back euffa. Skirts cut in round length, with umbrella flare, and it IS gored.-;.:..... ' " ..v , 1 ; '';.;' ';!'"... .;:' . -..V";'' I' LATE ARRIVALS-SWAGGER "COMBINATION SUITS". : . . . . This house the first to show these stunningly smart favorites of Fashion. .The new "Combination" Suits are a novelty, but not one of the ques tionable sort. These suits have a jaunty Eton Jacket of beautiful silk in the plain shades of helios, "Alice" blues, greens and other favored shades with skirts of imported Panamas and fancy woolen materiala in the extreme new plaid and check effects, shadow and smoke plaids and French flannel effects so much in vogue with Style arbiters of 1906. Waists are trimmed in materials to match' skirts, with laces and dainty, fancy braids. Other suits in the same family have box coats in the same beautiful colorings with plaided skirts to match. These bewitch ing suits are well worth a visit from every lover of correct garb for smartly dressed women. ' . ' -; Saturday A Sensational Sale Women's $3.S0f ; HATS at 11 v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A drastic, decided clean-sweep of . our Ready-to-Wear Felt Hats. All smart. " dressy, shapea attractively trimmed with wings, novelty buttons and quills. In all wanted colorings. Just the hat for pres ent and spring -wearing. Valnea- from $2.50 to $5.50 none under the former figure, many worth and selling for the latter to rid the counters of them to double-quick - music while they last -Take your choice for. ...... ........10 - -SPECIALS FOR CHILDREN ; . : PELT SAILORS WORTH $1.50 TO $U0 POR 25c. , mlnr in th rhnnainff a anlrnHirt $ $2.50. Special Saturday at.......;.. f-z I SOe TO $2J0 TAMS POR 25c. ! l To doee a lot of Fancy "Tarn O'Shanters" for misses or children' wear, fctchingly trimmed with quills and ribbon bows. Light pretty colorings that may be worn at beach or country resorta during the coming summer splendid for present and autumn ' school wear. -Values from 50c to $2.50 at a choice for.. if 5e) In the Realm of r House-Helps " Am BLaJUEoariOTs atom- ; V FOURTH FLOOR. , ' ' BFaOXAXi FOB SATVmSAT. SSJO Xndlaa arbawt for-Only-sa.4.- Fancy Colored Indian Bhawla, mad by Pendleton Woolen MlUa, sult . able for table cover, (lumber robe, porch ahawla, etc; regular valu $1.10. Special, each. 93.45 - . - BSaMtSiaTB XM . . . BELTS AND BELT-BUCKLES. (?- ' FIRST FLOOR.' 'f ' . ' SS f or Faavoy Belm Worth SO ' . '.... as TSa. A lot of pretty Shirred Belt In . waah . materials. In blue, green. .- ebampagne, whit and black. Alao aom black Silk Belt shirred In ' back, with gold buckl In front' Ther are alao aom - In black. navy green and red, embroidered ; prettily In tha back with braid; ' Our too end Tie value. ...y . ........ ...S8 ...'wew aad ITsBga TH aHaaklew.' .f An aai6rtment of Bait Buckle, ln , 1 oxidised, French gray, gilt Sad black raetat Rag-ular. Ilo valu. Special each V.. . v.. ..ie7 Regular 10 to I0e valu. Speo- (. each ....I. Regular Tie to ll.TI valu. SpeolaL each - END BARGAINS JUK SATURDAY. J ; ; SPECIAL PRESENTATION OF NEW SUITS at $25 and S3S An out-of-tbe-ordinary collection of Suits to be offered at these popular prices. Really. beantU . ful lines, and in the opinion of all who see them the are Suita that would easily sell for more. A SWAGGER GROUP OP SUITS AT $25.00. Handsome jacket models of granite doth, in dainty, modest yet striking "twilight grays" with TWatfil"-Ft n( mnire. farket is ctnbel- atriboinffs. is lined thro out- with taffeta, and haa leg-o'-mutton sleeves. - The gored, circular skirt ie plaited down front and back and trimmed in strap effects. A matchless ..... p . . . .f35.QO A STUNNING CONVENTION OP SUITS v . AT $300. ' Modest . but "natty" Homespuns made on the blouse-jacket models and lined thro'out with white of : I v 1 w Sf " y irimml with silk rihhon streamers, all hat for school wear values from An Annex Bargain . SECOND FLOOR. ISO .'FOB " TWO-BXT " X4UsTBBT ... ' . BAOS. ,'-t .. : i SSo T.aaadry Bag Brown Holland Linen Laundry . Bag, bound with red tape, "Laun--dry" atamped for outlining; reg- VARIETY SHOP, MELANGE TEMPTING BPECfALS FOR BAT- . . VRDAT IN THE SHALL . WARES , SHOPS FIRST FLOOR. e cub Beat 1 Black-Headed Toilet ' , Plna.- Special . .k... S -lie Fancy Silk-Ruffled Darter Elaa- .1 . tic Special, the yard. .. .XO4 to Paper Engliah Plna, , Special. 34 lee Hardwood Handle Cnrllnar Ironar Special .............. .j. B4 lto Roll Beat duality Toilet Paper. .Special ,...i...74 lto Fin All-BHatle Hair Braahaa. solid back. . Bpeclal.. ...... SO loo Cak Whit Caatll Toilet Soap with wash rag. Special C ie Cake William a" Quick aad "Easy Shaving Soap, v Fpaclal. ..'... .r Mo Tub Dr. WaUa- Dentat- Toom Pasta Soeclat 1 f lie Box Writing Paper ta odl I - ttala T lOo Holdfast a&l L.wl f Fpadal " 1 l"t et Is 1 1 F?c:;. VC:;::j : 6 P. V.. ; The Great Stock'ReducIng :: '."; Sale of ,v'i. Smart SHOES for romcn ' Folk L 'v.".;'.r. " Dram JVerr i the Finis 1 - - sixth strekt' A-KssXr-rrsurv r ; floor.-- "- iotas fob startraiaAT. , ' slts fo About 1,100 pairs of Woman's Fine , Bhoa. in patent KM or oalf, vlot ' . kid. box calf, valour calf and gun metal leathers: patent or kid top, low or high heel,' Goodyear ' wait or hand-turned aolea: aim oat - any style you might want I 1n th lot; valuertof COO,' BpSolal Sal price, th pair . . . .'. .-91.T9 -saves foe wi :1.700 pairs at Womea'sFtoaat Grade 8hoa These ahoe are . in patent and dull leathers, with ' " Goodyear welt or hand-turned . ' aolea; last and style are new .' and down to data. Dont try to ' form ' an ' opinion of these ahoe . without having eeen them; value in thla lot to $.0. Special Sal price, th pair .......... .93.49 ' Womaals Alt Woman' Shoe at l.0 and l.oe a pair wiu be aold for the . balance of th week at a dlaoount' of. th pair ..........i... 91.00 ULS OF Odd IEVELRY v.'X-''-'. Pieces - '' FTR8T floor" annxx rrxrsi ; IBs Boarf aias So. . ' An aasortmant of sUrllag sltvar , , Scarf Pin in French gray and. ... oxidised finish, comprising a va - rlety of head dealgna; our lao ' valu . 94 &aeW Fo Chain SSe. . A handaom Una of Ladle Fob , Chain that w are suing to dta- ' continue. The fob are fine) . sold filled and sliver, chain with harm and swivel attached. .Bom , of them formerly aold aa high, aa 11.11. Special . ........... .S3 . FaaaVTwy Baawl A variety of large peart baiVtop Stock or Shawl Plna; valu to ' 20c. - Special prio..........BJ BATtrBBAT tAST BAT OF Boys' School rrr Waists - i r so to aa watat fo ss. -: The In -Mother'a FHend" av bloua style wonderful values. rs aad SB Chooafrotn 1 plndldi a ml meat of th "Mother-a Friend." ' "Fauntleroy" and. bJoua style. . - ' The are la th dreaaler atyVee for social or church fanotlona or when "company call. Thar ara whit Tauntleroya," pretty pique . with sailor collar a, laundered per cales, etc.. In bloua aad "Mother- Friend" atyle. - - . Of Purse Ihtcrisf to Housekeepers , THIRD FLOOR. ; . , - To. S Ooppe Botaosa Waah, Bonava, each . j , ... l ,Tt - (MaaSera, It-Inch sis .......124 Faddlaa; Faaia. -quart also, each . .94 Baaoepaa. l-jurt als. eaeh..l2 Ooffee Fota, I -quart sis, each. 19 Te Kettle, with copper aide ' and bottom. ...B2e ' Flour Btftera, each 124 Fry Faaa, lH-lnch sis. ech.l Xaorn Bplaarv ac .L. ...... .s.&34 0 SLAT Tea KetUsa, Ho. I. each ; . . . . Umf Kettle, l-ouart ais. .34 each . ....194 BtUk Faaa, I -quart sts. Mch..lX Btak Faaa, 10-quart slae, ch.T J? Sanaa Faaa, covered, each ,.. ' 4 Wash Taatna, each ........ ...I OaverM C w.bes Fatla, each..!. ) , Cvr rr- "V vt-'t - . r t