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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
r 1 W Open Sntu; slj i Evening 4 Until 10:30 P-ttA LJi.-liill.- 41 k j & Until 10:30 Rtii j 1 I 'Vi ihii?: ' iiTT) , ,,. ,', ' ' ' ' ' . VI..'. TT T -'Tne fame of this sale has traveled far. Itf wondrous values have called forth plaudits from all the people. ' The-end is in sight ' ONLY SIX-DAYS MOR&-eoon the tremendous bargains (unprecedented inrthe retail records of the west) of which this advertiiement tells .in part will have passed into the realms of things that were. It therefore behooves belated buyers ta make, their, selections NOW., r ' , , , : - . ' - l I . Prmrmhrr onlT Si- Y rf'iyy. imply PYf tft g '. by March 1. Therefore WE CLOSE OUR EYES TO COST AND VALUE, We turn a deaf ear to our loyal salespeople not to sacrifice so splendid stock. But we are determined in the net Six Days to turn into MIGHTY XASIT EVERY DOLLAR-IT-4S-POSSIBLE-TO-EXCHANCI 11 ..i.b9. will TREMENDOUS SAVINGS, nr will mu lct this ODDortunitV SLIP AWAY FROM YOU? ;V , We won't burden you with adjectives THE MERCHANDISE THE RIDICULOUSLY LOW. PRICES WILIj DO OUR WORK. Only six days more then we are forced OUT. Never before in the history of Portland have you had sucn 7nfTII77 All I . .'MM mm QOODi Qtfs Sdtsi Overcoats, iTc?: IJhtirs end --the$i0 to $20 grades ail go at A WAKE' UP TOTHIS. : Hard working men who must make every dollar count-will hail this opportu nity with delight; v u v ; v Every suit in the assigned to the lowest, priced . goods was made on honor-Hiot for a fair first showing, but - for. long-time .service. ; Fancy worsteds cheviots and cassimeres, fn-patterns most pleasing to those who prefer something pronounced plain- black cheviots, for men-wha are fond of subdued effects. Cor rect styles from end ;to .end, . with variety - sufficient ' to meet every need. Serge and mercerized limn gs and all the; excellencies of careful finish. ''r''-''''--"--.- TOPCOATS to go at 6.45, and '' good ones in tan and Oxford gray f woolens. .TVv:v':7'r'-;' RAINCOATS that are perfect pro jection from pelting storms, suf- ficiently well made from ' good ' , materials , for business purposes or social wear. For six days more ; the low price of.'.....;.. .$6.45 r yit fr tnrceA put, so now wt put it up to you, wm you Denent Dy our aeterrtunanon to; -FCOHVEAPr aneeto supply your footwour, needs as you wilHiave for ths next six days. Read the prices; -Men' a Elegant Vlcl KM land Box Calf 8hoa lac only; KnulM Enllh wait aolas, alt ldtba and all alaca; U) r; kind avaryon la town la aelllna; at 11.60 Sala ", , Prloa . i i j . . . f 1.88 Lad lea' Fine Xfcmrol Kid 8hoee, all alaa.aU atylea. .' plain and patent toaa; - worth It.OO Taka 'them at Bala ; prtea ....... . . . . ... ,.;:..... ;. ... . mh.hh Children' Fin Doncola Kid Sboaa. in laoa and button; :: 'aUea H to 11; arery pair warranted . worth tl.lS Sal IT., B. Government Shoea; these ahoee 'war boacht from the OoTernment and for only fraction of their value any pair in the tot worth anywhere and everywhere 13. SO Sala Price.... ..-91.75 Mlaaea School and Dreaa Shoes. In, lac and button; th kind you pay anyone alee ,11.60 for Bale Price. i -91.22 Ladle' Vict Kid Shoes. In lac only,' all width and all slses; erery pair worth 11.60 Sal Prlo 91.18 lien' Heavy . Satin Calf Work Shoea, good and strong: always sold, for 61.00 Bale Price....... ......... 91.3t Little 6nt' Shoes, la satin calf, Uce only; good for school or for drees, and every pair guaranteed; alaea to 1IV. Tou pay anywhere for thl same quality ll.o- ; Sal ' Prlo.. . . i . . r.. . i. ' . ."t ..i... nvji.... .B8 Itc botil Ladla Ollt-Edg 8ho Dressing: vryboU , know It aella for J6o everywhere Sale Price, .... ,12 Children' Extra Fin Frnch Kid and Patent Leather Shoes, alaea 6 to I; alway sell at 1160 anywhere Bala Price ....,...k..,..."....,.v .. ' ...6e) ; After Clock: Sol From 6 to 10:30 o'clock Saturday night we will give an exceptional bargain :. !;;;';;;,)v y-.::.: '-.7y: Uzn's S15.C0 Suits and Overcoats in All Sizes, Alter Six o'Gocfi $5.45 The''Suits come in all the popular models of both single and double breasted styles and are made up in handsomely patterned pure wool chev iots and cassimeres as well as quietly elegant shades. The Overcoats come in plain blue, black, oxford and .fancy -mixtures,- with velvet or self 'collars? splendidly tailored garments, all of ,them; all sizes. Twill pay to buy an extra Suit or Overcoat at this price if only CCC for future use. . They are our regular $15.01. grade'which at the original price had no peers elsewhere. 6 to 10:30 p. m. Saturday. r.Pt7?U t iv jpc - if r f. e2rrTnc V It",-:."; lmmiA iJf ft Va4litJaaiU6J ' j Man's lOo Roekford Socks.. Sal prlo :j Lion brand lOo Linen Collars. Sal prlc Uea'a 2 to natural wool Mel " President Suspenders, you all know them, at.............. v Mea'a 60 dark eplored drtU work Shirt, at ............... .'Men' 11.00 outing flanneUUghtshlrts Men's 6 So fleece-lined 8blrt and Drawer ................ Men's tl.00 soft bosom Shirt. Sal price ................ Men' !4o silk and satin Four-ln-Uand Ties '. ,. ; '. Men' 76o allk and aatln Four-ln-Hand Tlea. .. to leather and wool Olovea ............................. 60o' Tackwear. i.i4...i......r.J. ..............ii ' I1.S0 Men's Hat : ....... .... ' Monarch fi.vo uniria ................... , 60e Bilk Handkerchiefs ....... i ........ . - T6o ribbed ana rieecM underwear ........................ : 1.Z riDDea and natural wooa unaerwear 11.60 all-wool Underwear ,. i... ...... . ... . lo Collar Button Beta, gold-plated . . .T". ;..;.3 .....4 26 .19 3T .2S S4 14 .19 .1B t44 .34 :i9 .39 .t04 85 ..S4 Cays' VecrcKes Virta- dly Given Away We've bunched a lot of An $5, $4.60, 64, $1.60 Boys' Butt. Boys' Overcoats, Boya'. Reefers In all new atylea agee tv to 10 fin make; they -will go AA fast, o come early; choice of LJ .them for pnly.. 77W Our finest 17, $8.60. flO Boya' and line Overcoat you know we carry the 'beat all the newest fhe a noveltlea ou orcel-out sale Qy Toung Men' $10, tl Butt and Over coats nobby styles but A I m we quit and they go cheap J hi at th Forced -out sale. ........ fQOtTCv $1.16 Monarch and Smith make Shirt, very late styles, stiff and oft bosom: also plain whit Drees Shlrta. Spring atylea.... 69f tl.00 black aateen work Bhirta, reinforced back . and front, allk I etltrheit mnA ahanlutelw warranted ...394 60 work Shirts, no poor goods In tn lot 4. .aver $1.66 fin soft flannelette Shirts with ties.....;. ...68 arrs FKtKscr;GS $1.00 Work Oloves, In hcrachld and other kind .. ....4. ...... 60- $69 black and brown-Ho Bw tn black amt brown Fancv Hoaa . .....12H ; 6o Fancy LU1 Hoa .....,,......'...... ...,.ia 600 wool. aahmrand Fancy Lisle Hoaa 1 . .23 Air 60 Neckwear, tecks, four-in-hands. Spring tyla..Kr.....l4 All 76o Neckwear, tecks. four-ln-hands .25 ; All $5o Suspender ..B . All 66e Suspender 4 . .4 All 60o Buspenders .....'....... . . . 23w rJt $1.60 White and Fancy Vests 80 $4.60 and $6.00 Fancy Vesta In flannel and allk mixtures.... 92. 60 On lot of 16c Umbrella .42 78o Men' Sweaters ...... 25 76 fin heavy denim Overalls, with or without bibs, never rip. .25) E1M ) :S A news article which appeared in the daily papers'ezplains why we must get out It h a case of being thrown - out We roust go. The following is quoted ." ;; ; . V , from the. article r. ; "Golden Eagle will be the name of a ' new department store . to be opened about the middle of March at the Northwest corner of Third and .Yamhill streets. A . ten-year lease has been secured and extensive alterations will be begun in a few days,"-eto j- ,r".'' ';?-" That means we have to get out by February 28 SDC MORE DAYS.': Take advantage of this and secure unheard of bargains. 1 Semd-ta your Matt Order. Tkey wUl SUM aam day lettea ta rolT., Wa da net rabetlta i . ' " ...... . " DFirniatn Aim v SAIESEC3!! Vrt o Joaae' SCarkai, Oor. TfUBhUl . l;ililfl Stead vry word f tala ad. W kava rerythiag we mdvertlaa, notUag sularepTeaaatet ta any .way, bape, form e isapaet. i W LOVE I'JIII HE VMS DRUNK .But When Sober, Says Mrs. R. W. Montgomery, Her Husband v'-V & 'i Loved Her ' Not. ;s Vf, TWICE WOOED,; -TWICE WED, .TWICE DIVORCED Mr.'; Montgomery Says ; She Found "Lift in Woodshed Not Agraeable-o ! ; Plac Had 'Paper Roof, and .Was , 'Too Small for Comfort ' ri. X " R. W. ' Montgomery ha twice mad lov to Margaret South, twice he haa married her and as often she has re ceived a divorce; from him. Divorce No. , t wa granted to her thl morning by Judge Bears, she having alleged deser tion and cruelty. - The ' la at time th 1 couple were married wa at Vancouver, WaHhtngton, May 4, 10$. Th woman'a. 'maiden nam of Margarat 0oth ha bean reatored to hereach time ah haa been divorced. - On the' wltne stand thl morning, Mr. ; Montgomery ; axplflned that she" did hot enjoy lor In a -woodshed. Bh ..declared that right af tr her laat mar . ring her husband took her to 'a nice horn In a pleasant residence dlatrlct in WHAT, IS CATARRH?; Wodard, (Hark k Oo. Onaraatea , Our y Xyomal or WUl Befaad tk '; - atsuy. - '' tTntll very recent ' year ' It i wa thought that catarrh waa a dlneaae of th blood, but now modem -aolence ha proved that catarrh la a germ dtaeaae, and oan be eured only by a -treatment that will kill th germ and heal the mtiomie membrane of the So t and throat -. ti 1 ' ' ' ? ' Therefor, when Jrou bar catarrh, r'ou ran readily see that If you want o cure tt. you ahould ua Hyomel, ' which medicate th air you breathe, .thus killing the catarrhal germ and healing" the "amartlng and raw mem. bran of th paaaagea through the noa and throat. In breathing Hyomel you are really treating your catarrhal trou bles Wltn tne oniy naiurni mimm, ior It will make th air you breathe as pure, healing and ant leapt lo aa that found on th mountain where th pin foreata give wit their fragrant and healing bal sam a. ' . If there 1 any doubt In your mind aa to th power of Hyomel to cure ca-tarrh,-the unusual way In which It la Hold by Woodardi Clark at Co. ahoUld 1eatroy all doubt, a they otter to re fund th money ahould Hyomel fall to benefll ' ' - ' The complete Hyomel outfit, conalst Incr of an Inhaler, a bottle of Hyomel, and a mfdlclne dropper, coata only $1. while eatra. bottle can W btalned.iot tO'centa. " ... ;v .. ' ,. Woodard, Clark Co. have sold trreat many Hyomel outfit and th more they aell the more convinced they are that they are perfectly safe In guaranteeing - to refund th.-mony If u vomer noes not cure. If nnt wrnUnt to ohtata Wrmnet wee. .. n . n'hmr erurwt, i Will 1 Portland. ' But Montgomery" lor, aha said; waned la three month, and h moved out to a building at Laurelwood. which lira Montgomery declared wa built for a woodshed. . Bh said that th roof waa a paper on and leaky, that ther wa only room enough In th new home for a bed, a stov and two chair. "He never purchased . m a bit of clothing and complained because I did not get out and work," aald th woman, Home friends of mine were going to Alaak. and he kept at m to go up thre with them and work. ' At last I complied with his wishes, and then ha wrote to me and told m that he did not ear for m any fonger. I returned horn at "once and tried to win him back. Whnevr he waa under th in fluence of liquor ho wuld aay that h wa In th wrong,' waa sorry for th way. h had acted' and would do better; but Juat a oon aa he got aober h got urly again. "At la.t h left-me.- - . "How long war you separated from him -. before your -remarriage?" aaSed Judg Sear. ... ; "Ten yea ra," wa th reply " "Wll, why :. did .you ., marry : him , again?" ,' , , ";-v.-. "He mad ao many nlc promises to m and. I thought anything waa better than to have to work all my lift.' re piled Mra. Montgomery. Mrs. C A, Calloway alater to plain tiff, aald ' ah had 'often aaked Mont gomery to- make up with' hi wife, but that whenever he. waa aober he would' not conaldefc the project. . . v. , Montgomery la said - to have deaerted hi wife and woodahed on May 11. 10- Frr 1$ year Mra. Esther Read wait ed for Henry T. Read to return to her and thlr two children. He did not re turn, nor write-, nor' send any fund to hi family, ao thl morning Judg Seara granted Mrs. Read a divorce. Th cou ple were married at New Westminster, British Columbia, March 1$, 1IIS. DENIES ABRAMS WAS " . UNDULY. INFLUENCED 3. Thorburn Roa ha filed an answer to the complaint filed against th THI Ouarantee A Truat company by D. K. Abrama through George W." Stapleton, hi guardian. The suit, waa brought by th guardian agalnat th company and th officers- of th Pacific university to have a gift . mad to ' th colleg set aside, atlegtng that undue Influence was used to get Abrama to make the gift. - Mr. Roaa denle that any uch In fluence was used on Abrama. - He ay that On July 11, 101. lie wa In Rldge f leld. Washington, and ther wa di rected by Mr. 'Abrama to draw up truat deed for th undivided one half vln tereat of a l-acre tract of land In Al blna, this. dtyr Abrama; who I peat 79 year eld, expressing a wlah to give th university $26,00 to found th "Abrama Memorial f und.'. . . i Abrama la aald to hav told Mr. Roa that J. SI. Haaeltlne had an option to buy the land for $ I00 an acre, eald op tion to be In force up to March, 106, whan. If Haaeltlne did not purchaae the Property, the trust company would have he right to aell the land. " When the property waa sold. $Z(.tOO of th return were to be given to the college and the remainder to be disposed Of a directed by .Mr. Abrama.'- -; ' ', - 1 . . , i ... ,v TJmattna Oemmerolal 01 e., ' ' ("perlal Ptepatck te.Taa ioenuiUI- Pendleton, Or Feb. 11. Arrange ment are being made for the organi sation of a county commercial club' In Umatilla county, for advartlalng par pose and the good of th county gener ally. -Jitter hav been directed t all elub In the county, and a meeting I scheduled t he held her today for I he - r-r obtainins coeeerted actio HAIL IS WEIGHED THIS; LlflllTH aaJBaMBl'' ' Quadrennial Test by thsJ Gov- ' ernment Is Now in Prog- ; ; .' . . reap Here. - : ' " iii ii' .-!.' a.j ON RESULT IS BASED ' : CHARGE BY RAILROAD Hill.' Haalman and Could Interests ' All Striving ' for . Long ; Distance . Carrying Contract Which Is. Ex : tremely Valuable. - v 'k ' ' " ' Throughout ' th United State hun dred of men are being employed by the railway, mall service In weighing th mall a preparatory to th fixing by th postal authorities or th corapenaation the railroad are to receive for carrying all classes of mall matter for the next four year, commencing July 1. Port land, Seattle and Bpokan are . In th Ighth dlvlalon of th eervlce and th work heie Is being done under the per sonal aupervialon of Samuel Stephana, the auperlntendent,. whose headquarter are at Ban Pranclaco, California, In thl dlatrlct more than 1 man are mployed. ' Kverjr train running out of th distribution .center In the dlvlalon carrie an xtra man, whoa sola duty It la to weigh every sack or pouch of mall taken aboard or thrown off th mallear. These figures are sent to . Waahlngton by the division ' auperlntendent. A comparison with the weight taken four yeara ago la Intended to show the In crease or decree In th mail tonnage carried by the railroada over a pacified dlvlalon. 1 It I upon thl comparative ahowlng (hat the corapenaation for .the next four yeara I based. . .' ' . Every four year th government en ters Into' new contract with th rail road 'of th country for carrying and handling th mall. -.They are entered Into on July-1. ; ' - In view of the Awarding Of new eon tracta in the neae future, the railroada of the country are atrlv)ng' to get the aam. i The road making th fastest time between common polnia -are aup poaed to get the contract, and for that reason are ahortenlng their time card a. Intereat is centering upon the fight of the ' Hill. Harrlman and the Gould In tereeta, all three atrivlng for th long dlatance carrying contraota, In Which there I big compensation. .. i .- ., v.v PACIFIC SQUADRON OFF ; FOR MAGD4LENA BAY '" Oearaef Speetal Servtea-t ' Coronado, CaL, Feb. tl The aouth Pacific aquadron, under th commanJ of Jtar-Admlral Goodrich, and conalat ing ot the flagahlp Chicago, thwerntser Boston. 4 th torpedo-boat Prrryv, tin Princeton, th Paul Jones and the Mar blehead, are scheduled to sail this morn ing for Magdalen bay for their annual target practice.' While the 'aquadron wa in thl harbor th officer and men werr received with-the- greatat-enUr- slesm and score of social; function I war arranged la their honor From the Housetop To Its' foundation, when you are bant on painting, nave every men coverea with paint of good material, mixed with flrst-grad oil - and -bralna, In , abort, Gt all your palnta, varnishes, whit id, linseed oil, turpentine, putty, eta., etc.. at thla nalnter'a headquartere, and you'll appreciate our atock every time you minx or ic . ' . TMM BIO PAJOTT STO: Fisherjhorsen & Co. ProaS and MonUon Street. - i;o nnnio m uniimo iu unur CD SAYS CHIEF Strict 70rder$v-lssued to - Patrol- v -; : men to - Enforce' .:: ,. "It It a violation of the law for a saloon-keeper to Bell liquor to an In toxicated person. The law muat be en forced,'' aaya Chief of Police Grlta macher. ;'; '." ' ' ' Order hav been given all patrolmen to cause the arrest of any aaloon-keeper or bartender who violate the law, by eelllng Intoxicant to peraona in art" In toxicated condition.! Th three relief of patrolmen ' hare been addreased by their reapectlve captains and th order of Chief Qrltxmacher read to - them. They have been Instructed to tis every effort to break up th practice. Thla action haa. been taken because of numerous compiainta that have been made at police headquartere. - One woman approached the chief two daye ago with tear In her eye and begged him to force certain aaloon-keepera to refuao to aell her huaband -liquor when he waa already Intoxicated, BH told the chief that her huaband eould readily get more. liquor after he had ennaumed enough to wreck temporarily-intnd and body, wltn tn result mat more of lit money ,waa spent and his condition wks o much' wors that he loat. work con- OS , Jot Infants and CMUren. Tfcj Kfci Yc- r.::j Ah::;: D:::U Bears th E3&xtr of H You One Dollar oh Your Old Mattress Sleep Producing . Health Retaining .: Clean, Sweet -Pure M Wholesome XoUdnFelt ':V;;:i and Silk Floss Mattresses r en. n reA . . - - - - . - '3ANITARV s,no,v PglFT COnOHlfLIJ (HattkeTses) No Dirt or Shoddy,; Wool Us e d in ; 'Them! ' ;r .-; - -., .... . Should a purchaser, . after 80 days' trial, jiot be satisfied with one of these mat tresses, he may re turn . same and we ' will gladly refund -money, provided ticking -is unsofled. ' PRICE Cotton-Felt Mattress $13.00 Silk-Flbss Mattress $12.00 We are exclusive Portland ageritsl f or .Uie (CELEBRATED LEGGETT BED SPRINGS Guaranteed for 5 years and sold on 30 days free trial. . w ' -, 184-186 First 185 Front '-..i . .i - ,v',,vv.- ; -. i.T ' .::i7 ' Govell Furniture Go STORE THE BIG WHITE tlnually and wa unable to aupport bla family In a proper manner. ' , "Any on who , aell an . Indicated person mor liquor should be arrested." aald th chief tody. "There r aome saloonmen and bartenders In th city who would aell a man llquof Until he dropped unconaclou on the floor. This practice must be-stopped at once.-: My orders to patrolmen in thl regard are Imperative." - ...'. - . ' ' BODY OF CARL AKE, WHO WAS DROWNED, RESCUED The' body of Carl Ake, adopted son of Contractor Oeorga W. Ake, who was flrownedysterday" afternoon "pond fn Bull Ivan'a - gulch, on the eaet aide, while playing on a raft, wa recovered about 7:10 o'clock thl morning by Hugh Brady, who makea a bualneta of recov ering drowned peraona, and wa em. ployed .hy Deputy Coroner Flnlex aMhe request ot the foeter pa rente of the boy, who wa only 11 year of age. Tb mm- M Theres Acctter Reasc j Than look i whr'votir teeth shoutil be krpt in perfect condition your health. Without good teeth, it'a impossible to masticate your Tfood properly snrf - indigestion . etTsuca and a long trail o( trouble. - We examine teeth . wit hut charge, gnd do for them eiactly what they need. - s wise noc- Main 2029. Third nd Vat Open evenings and Sundaya. V.o done on easy payment. 7 funeral will take place tomorrow morn ing at 1 o'clock from the Ptnley chap el. Interment will be In lone Fir cvhje tery. ' '' - The accident occurred about I o'clock. An alarm waa aounded by Jamea and Alx McDonald. v;tl l 1 y papectlvely, wh i t. tTX"lhe-rri.V"sr' Cirr-g r they made an effort to aave t; t" boy. During the a'- n r fliUi Moore. a I' '"'