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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
. . - . f. ... l ' . 1 :..-.n .':- ; I ... ,., .. .... i ". . . " - ' ' . m ' f J ' .if -4 . JJ i7 1 I . .... y r.- .- Bwasti mm m m. If SUITS $10 and $12 Suits. in sacKs ano uuuuic Creditors' Sale Price ... 96-35 $12 to $15 Suits; in neks and double id. neat d colors, tailor made. - Creditors Sale Price ...... 97.85 $16 Suits, in sacks and double breast ed, ill broken sizes, strictly tailor made ;" garments onlyyn . pure wool worsteds, black clays and fancy mixtures, Scotch tweeds and cheviots. Creditors' Sale Price .$6.65 $16.50 Suits, in fine imported . all wool worsteds, strictly tailor, made, lined with all wool serge or ' fine Farmers' satin,, in single and double-breasted Racks. Creditors' Sale Price .80.15 jxrtedjwoolens1 tricots,' broadcloths, doe ;.: skins,- clay worsteds, vicunas, siucTnix- 'r. tures, fancy Scotch suitings, I cheviots, "English, tweeds, cut in the very latest : ; styles an excellent $30 value., ; - : .Creditors' Sale Price. 910.35 Cravenettes and Overcoats Will Be Closed Out Regardless of Coat. Now Is Your ' Chanca to Buy. . rWl are seTHfliraTTmfieard-oirices, as is snown by the quotations published here, an PORTLAND KEQUIRINu ANY KIND OF CLOTHINO, as Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Hats, Caps, Neckwear. Shirts, Underwear 'f-oflrenttri .Here is where you save half of what you generally pay for the same goods : V :"IOc!Heavy- cotton - ribbed,- in- seasonable . shades and in all sizes, now. . . . ... . . .24at 75r Derby ribbed,' an underwear that will " give lasting satisfaction, now'. ......354 $.25, Fine wool ribbed, heavy, vicuna in all sizes .and shades; worth every cent' of its original figure, now. ...80 ?5o Wool fleeced, one of the greatest values ever offered in tmderwear, ndw.:.;;43f $1.00 and $1.50 Woolen Underwear, in the ' famous full-fashioned glove-fitting1 Switz- Conte makes', in blue, pink; tan and gray. - Creditors': Sale1 Price. .-. ; .V. . .50 $1.50 to $2.50 fine select lambswool Under- wear, in all the very best makes and mills, all sizes, , all colors. Creditors'. Sale Price j,.i.V..'...'4..k.4..4 .80 - 1 . Of Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods and Men's and Women's and Children's Shoes will be at an end. W are selling these goods to satisfy. the claims against the merchandise. The creditors demanded their money without delay, t hence at their expense Wc Arc Sscrilicinfl Every Suit, 6 $1.50 Monarch Dress 'Shirts, in inir ana mtitt nniomi. win HERE ISTTlIAN;TrCOTnnOiriYll-f- or Homierv. or ANY MAN UK WOMAN IN NEED UK &HUES. tnev will lone re pre THE UNAPPROACHABLE OFFERINGS TO BE HAD HERE NOW. This sale has proven the clothing and shot sensation ol the t their negligence if they fail to take advantage of winter. - Everything is sacrificedjsnd the jale is bona fide. As for ourselves, we are not engaged in the clothing business and will be out e1y-enthtsTaleirat an end, hence our anxiety to dispose of everything In stock at the speedleSTliosslbleTmoraentrVVsrvtt anxious that the expenses of the business shall not eat up the receipts that of right belong to the creditors of the concern, and for this rea son we desire to close our doors forever within the next few days. And they will be closed, so if you would buy at all YOU MUST DO YOUR TRADING WITHIN THE NEXT FEW D AYS. TIRE 15 JV.Z CARGAlN BANQUET THAT NYE SFIAO CETCIE YCIJl BARGAINS IN SK0ES WOMEN'S Y 9HOE5 )' The American Girl Shoe, made up in patent kid and colt skin, yici, box calf and gun metal leathers, -. button,, lace and "Blucher , cuts, vici and matt kid uppersCuban, military and French ' heels, in heavy extension and turn soles. Sold the . world over at $2.50 and $3., Creditors' Sale Price ....... 91.73 Ladies-VicnKir tace rShoesTuptodater CreditorsLSale Price . . t5iJKLlfiL One lot of odds an"ends"Xadies, Shoes, per - pair i....S5 One lot of Ladies' Low Shoes, heavy soles . .. and plain toe, per pair. . . . .... .50 Children's Shoes t-'P1'. Children's vici and. box calf Shoes. Credi v tors' Sale Price ...... . ; . . . . . . . 24. Children's vici and box calf Shoes, in heavy extension soles. Creditors', Sale . Price ...40 Collar 184 1 Dozen 15c Arrow Brand Collars that ' conflict - with ; our -regular, lines, wjll ( be '. sold during the Creditors' Sale at.....8, ' Suspenders ; ; krresdenf Suspeqdefs,,TredIlors''Sale v ; TPrice ........ v..... 35 102 Dozen of 25c Standard Suspenders. Creditors' Sale Price. . . .. . . . i . . .94 26. Dozert fine Holiday Suspenders ; $1 and . m 1. r 1:. ci- r'- Mi ' r'i,ov values, r iwicuiiuis oare i lac.uvf Mitrro -; - .600 Pairs Men's assorted styles to select frpm; values ,to J$2.50, all go at .v.'...-.:.:... ;;.C9s" J.000 Pairs of vicis, vel- ours and 'box calf, all sizes. - lots (somewhat v broken ; Values $3.50 and 4 ............. Me'n's Eclipse Shoes, a shoe with a reputation for great wear ; $3.50 and $4 values, now ; .92.63 Men's Rubbers; $1 val TuesrgVat. .45 Doye' Ohoei 1 AAA t5 : T5 C. ' ivw uvyo oirong Shoes, all sizes ; ' values up to $2, all go at 99 ,One lot Boys', box calf and calfskin: Lace - Shoes, heavy soles.- Creditors' Sale Price, per pair .........,............"....60 Boys' yiei, box calf and kangaroo calf Shoes, wear resisters. Creditors7 Sale Price 00 e Boys' vici kid and box calf, -a fine-Dress Shoe. Creditors' Sale Price... ',..91.34 v Kcckvvear Finest assortment in the city.. In all the latest shades and . styles. Imperials, Four, inlands, Tecks and Bows ' $1.00 and 75c values. Now. . i . . ... 35'' 1 50c and; 85c values.' Now. ... 10 -25c Bow Ties, Now. . . , .5 Men's Sweater!?: 800 Pure wool ' honeyebmb4 knit' Sweaters! ' Creditors' -Sale. Price. . ....... . . . 08 Garters,' Handkerchiefs, Cuffs and the hundred and one small things (hat go to make up a first class furnishing goods de : partment go at about One Third their real value ' v', :v' ' 10c Hemstitched' Handkerchiefs, in plain white and fancy borders.. Creditors!. ' Sale Price . Vi 18e' 15c Handkerchiefs, including Japanese silks, . "witn miuais, go during the Creditors'. Sale at 5 . . . t. ...... 8 Sale af ......,.....,..C3 50 Dozen Laundered , and Negligee Shirts, in white "a.nd.Jancy. bosoms,' will be t wia ourmg Tne.rgoitors- 01C BI. ............. ..fT -, .r ' ' $1.25 Dress Shirts, colored bosoms'. ;wiU be ' sold during the Creditors' Sale for. .42 $1.00 Black' Sateen Shlrts5 Creditors' Sale Price f. . , .4Z4 i i MEN'S WORKINO 5IURT8 75c Double f einforced Working Shirts, don-v; ble sewed lap seams, in pretty dark, senr- iceable shade Creditors' Sale, Price " FLANNEL 0VE2SHIRT3 f , 50 Dozen Blue and Brown, hi heavy single1. ana oouoie preastea styles; easily worth $2.50. Now ..73-" 75c and Gloves. - Creditors' Sale". 17 Price ; . .v; ...... .45 $1."50 and $1.25 genuine Buckskin Gloves, now, pair ...1. Soclis 15c Black and tan cotton Sox. ' Creditors Sale Price 8 25c Fancy Sox, double heel, soles and toes,: " fn lisle, maco and merino. ' Creditors' Sale Price . . , . V . 8 -3 20c and 25c Wool Soot, home made, in gray only. Creditors' Sale Price. . . . . . .list 40c and 50c Norwegian hand knit, double twist lambswool Sox, Jn 20 different shades, just like what mother used to make. Creditors Sale Price f...T... 23 334 $uys an Umbrella that would cost $1 under happier' conditions) but we must '-"sell.'' . -."".'...- --,.,' IClBuys'yolim.Giori ' steel 'rod and frame! that would be very "cheap at $i.5dl;7-:V: v, v y i-.'-rl, 07 Buys you an Umbrella that any um- 1 . t 11 " fl . . I orcua man in .iown wii asx you ior. r we must. sell. - , "I1 k p, ! An immense' line of vastly assorted pat terns and sizes in elegant worsted and other' textures, suiuDie sor aress ana work 4 " 200 Pairs Working PanU; values $1; $1.25.; Creditors' Sale Price. s....,..i.4.. 7S4'- 800 Pairs Working Fants values $1.50,. x$1.75. ; Creditors' Sale Price...... ;.SdA 250 Pairs Working and Dress Pants; values1 $2, $2.25. Creditors' Sale Price.. 91.15s Creditors' ' Sale-Price. . .,91.49: $00 Pairs Oregon Cassimeres ; values $3 to $8.60. Creditors' Sale Price, .....81.651 200 Pairs Dress Pants ; values $4 to $5. r v Creditors' Sale Price. .. . .C2.45 75c Overalla ....... ...... .4IJ Finest assortment In the city in soft and stiff shapes all. go at the following prices; $2.50 Hats, in. every shape and shade, Credi totSle Price.. 91 .35 $8.00 HaU in all the new 1900 shapes, shades and blocks V......... 81.55 340 Hats fn the' scon's choicest styles, all from leading makers; Credi tors' Sale Price. .91X3 ' sr 4S . JM WE WILL NOT- FILL MAIL OR TELEPHONE ORDERSDELIVER BUNDLES, SEtL ANY GOODS TO DEALERS OR PEDDLERS. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Goods' exchanged between the hours of 8 and 8 a. m. and 7 80 to 9 p. m. lfl06 Fancy Silk Vests ; $8 to $4 Values! . Creditors' Sale Price. . .-. . . . ... . . .91.19 ""g 111 f v BE 1 TAYLOR AND SALMON REALM j FEMTCNE j -1 v THAT SCRAP BOOKi Twle. ( !(. rflfaranc has bn mA fa Ate eoluma to tb t1o at tb Individual ueno book. - Sine lnn, rU-knowa - naaln ' pabllaha Jiaa takao ay tha Idaa and mbodted it In a Monthly periodical, i. . , -. t' r But tha raJua of auch a collection aiada br yourlf la that tt kxpraaaa your own apoolal and particular aair. If you find soma thoug-bt ao praaaad In proaa or raraa that yon 1 , would hava aald It that very aama way ' rouraelf that balonva . to you almoet a much aa it you had aald it, hold on J. to It. ' , ''. . : .' i - , :.:(. ' Thcra la also this aducatlonal faatura to be darlTed from your acrap book.' Aa you turn tha laavea from tha firat ba ' (lnnlnae of your Intellectual Interest la mattsra literary, let us say from 14 to It, up to the present, you will find a marked chance In the thincs that your ' udament then pronounced worth pre. ervlnc and what it Indorsee now. . Still, ' there will be many things that hare ths eame charm for yon that they did whan .' you first read them. . - : , Many times wa get a better view of 1 thincs by dolnv aa I augcested the '' other day, namely, looking at tha race aa a unit. . .,,..,.. . Now, tbit unit Is entitled to the bene, -fit to br derived,, from your own spe .' clal Individuality. In just so much as ,. you are different from anybody else, does the race need the benefit of that difference, so, last make a record of . yourself as yon go along. - It by no means follows that you do not respeet individuality of others be ' rauae you .eel . proper valuation on : your 'own; 1 . Ton can never tell what tha nltlroate benefit of your Individuality may be If . yon embalm It, so to speak, faithfully from day to day. In addition to the scrap book is tha Iteglns with tb symptoms sf a oom. man eold: there Is ohlUness. inmln. sor throat, hot akin, guick pulae, hoarseaees nod Impeded resplrauon. Olvs frequent small doses of Ballard's WMhAtmt Rvril. the !hlM rlll mwm tor l-, and at the first sljrn of acroupy oiSH sppjy rrequentiy tMiiara s Innw . Liniment to the throat " Mra. A. VI let. New Castjs, Colorado, . wn.ea, March It, " '" Bal. ' lard's norehound Syrup a wonderful tw'f, and oo pleasant t taka." Sold by vt eoaara. uwn m uav - c brief dally record of happenings 'kept in diary form. - -, r k Do yon suppose the 'mother of wn- llkm Cullen Bryant, when she penned those records of her laborious days, sver thought that ' -century 1 hence thousands of women might read them and feel lov and sympathy for her and at the aama tlm get the moral brae her steadfast life Impart T , Then there are the children. A scrap book mad up of thlnga to Interest them on a rainy day or when they are re covering from some childish allmentv might prov far mors Interesting than a ready-mad book and they ahould be enoouragad at an early age to begin one tf their own, as well aa to keep a little journal. ; -; ; i It is said that Bronson A loot t began a diary at an incredibly early age and never missed n days reoord up to a short tims before his death. If this praotloe had no other value, it would be a training in regular habits. ' 'If you have children of your own or It you have associated much with children, you know that once they hear a thing rssd they lov , they will ask for it again and again. - .... I would not Ilk, to say how many times I have rssd James Whltoomb Riley's "Raggedy Man" to the asm dear little boy and girl. They never wearied of tt and they could be bribed to do almoet -anything by a promise of that happy-go-lucky little jingle. That shows a normal mentality on tin part of the child that we leave nil too soon when we grow up and reel tnai Incessant hunger for change. We need to get the habit or re-read ing to be well 'read, and In this, as In many other things, we would do well to learn of the little child. ' . ' . -r 1 A flSH STORT. ' This little "fish story- I know to be true, and It Is far to good to be lost, so long as there are children to tell stories to. ' - v - Ws regard fish as creatures of such very'lnw tntelllgSnc thst ws fish fot them with as much unonncsrn aa if thsy war Ineapabi of feeling anything and aa If the ability to remember such thing as an Illness end Its cure and to recognise one person from another who over thought of such thing T t - The- Contributor ha - newftsh story, It bears on ths question,' Have t. . v ..www W.M.W WW a. ft fresusnt visitor there I glob of gold flsh. Perhaps ths finest of th lot was recently taken sick. A member of the family, who knew something of th treatment f fhih. - nrt ertook Ita- sure. This person removed the gold flsh from ths globs. Discing It in a special reces- tacl fiiUd wlh sailed water intq wblokl klr was tramped often. Also, this psr son would' oooaalonally take the gold flah out and rub it very carefully Brat otr on side and then on th other. When the gold flsh was put into this recep tacle It was hardly able to stir, appar ently dead. -Under thlg treatment tt re covered. When that person now ap proaches the glob that flah will turn right over on Its back and watt, to be taken out and stroked. - It avidsntiy re members how it was cured. Then Is no other explanation for it. - Previously ths flsh had been afraid of everybody, darting around in terror if anyone stood by th glob any length of time. The flsh alao reoognlses this partleular per son, for it will not flop ever when sny other penon approaches th glob. Th Contributor Is ready to take his am davit to the faot a above stated- Waterbury American. ' Her is a charming little) newspaper waif that like the little loat pup himself la worthy of place in your memory for tb pleasure of th children: UTTUB LOST PUP. Hs was lost) not a shad of doubt of that: f - . . ror he never barked at a slinking eat. But stood in th square whera tb wind fcleer few. . i. Wlth ft drooping ear ftnd' ft trembling new And a mournful look In hi pleading ey And a. nlalntlff sniff at ths passsr-br That begged ft plain as ft tongue couM . .sue, ', '!.! "Oh, mister, pleas may I follow youf A lorn wee waif of ft tawny brown Adrift In tha roar of ft heedless town. Oh, ths saddest of sights in world of . sin ,.; , . 4 Is ft llttl lost pup with his tall .tucked . ; . ' In! Well, he won my heart (for t est great store Oa my own red But who is her no mora). , So I whistled clear, and he trotted up. And who so glad as that small lost pupT Now he shares my board, and h owns my bed. And be fairly shouts when h hear my tread. ' I Then, if things go wrong, as they om - time do, ....; And the world is cold, and Tm feeling blue. He asserts his right to assuage my woes With a warm, . red toagu and ft nloa, cold no -. v' - .c . . 1 And ft silky head on my arm or knee v And Pw as soft as ft paw can be. When w rov th woods for m league bout. ' Hs'g a full of pranks ss ft school let . out. ' ' - ' 7 i' Pof h romps and frisks Ilk ft three- month oolC ... - v And hsvnlns m down Ilk a thunder. bolt ..-.-... . Oh, the blithest of sights in th world fair v. :j --- I ft gay llttl pup wltk Ms Ull la th , ftle , i . i . rl air. .'v-M-e-wVrUiur OttlUraigiv : . . '.-.. .. , ' i DEMOCRATS OF f.URIOil TO L1EET AIID BAKQUET . Many . Prominent Speakers Scheduled to Make Addresses February Twenty-Seventh. (Seedal Dlmeteh t. The Jmu-.l t Salem. Or., Feb. ft. Th committee 11 ehargs of 'ths Demooratla assembly and banquet to be held her February 17, hr arranged ta hold th slofwln th armory halt In th even ing a banquet will be given at which th following prominent Demoorata have been Invited to apeak: .: - - Governor - George HS. ! Chamberlain, .uago siauey, irea B. Hoiman, John A. Jeffreya, 3. K. Weatberford. W. H. Holmes, W. T. Slater. W. R. BUreu. Judg W. S. MoFadden. N. U Butler. Th toastmaster wlU b August Huck snstsln of this city. Local Democrats hare great hopes of carrying. Marion county . at the June eleotlon. A special fight will be mads for th legislative ticket.-' . Th assembly will take tha form a an old-time convention and candidates will be urged to act in harmony -with the requirements of th primary nom inating law, Every precinot' commit teeman ha been - notified to give th meeting publicity, and according to re port from th various precincts there will be a large attendance of Demo crat at this mssting. , u . v ' Big Zrrtgfttloa Tnant Baker City, Or- Feb. M. -Work on th big irrigation tunnel, which Is be ing driven nnder the reservoir hut, i progressing rapidly and it Is expected mat tne Dig note win d computed witnin ft very tew week. The own ers and builders of ths ditch. Smith 4 Merino,-oi Tne uanes, nope to gst ths water on their 19,009 acres of sars- bruan eariy in tns spring. . ) AlwSlatioapfUactenc 1) "-w-' - : . " ' ' ' - ill St- - e- V- A Few Days Ago," Delaying: the Big Sale Already Well Known as "THE WOMAN'S BONANZA" . . . ' : M J. ' ' " x . . . - . ' ' V- 1 .' The explosion occurred just as stock taking had been Completed, and A FEW t MOMENTS BEFORE WE T BEGAN TO MARK-DOWN THE PRICES HERE TOFORE ASKED for this high grade line1 of Ladies' Furnishings, known to be superior to any similar stock 'jv '"l'' tarried by anjT merchant in this great state of Oregon, v ; , 5" The Direct CaiiSw of This Explosion of HiJh Prices' ..Was our determination' to APPEAL'TO-'bREGON'S'' ' i r :- BEAUTIFUL' AND GENTLE WOMEN tijw4 ''A ' . i est prices ever asked for such high' grade goods. A': ! V ; ' As every article has to beremarked including tVl-fis - i " ' l' r ' Uons of skeins of silk, wool etc.,; It Is a great credit to our".:. Yj. Zjf large force of extra employes to be able to lay that , ' . , Thi S Will Positively Opzn fn 4 " "THE lOriAfrS BOiJArJZA" VuID A COriAflZA F03 V.'0'.lEfl ccsTcn co i'Jits fiszzuxnzx hi trrrr.rrn jit-zr ccr tssssn? Sri. Us (.!..;. , .. U.lwUUl!"-)--.:.--3!a!w4 T- 6 ''