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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
r j . L jfr:q (Continued from Figs One.), '' When Hoch mat middle-aged Oerman widow ha adopted tha reserve of t-"-rofinod Oar mi a IralesBian, ; H manl- ., feated courteous consideration tor them" i while planning to -get their money and .kill them by poison,.'! He sought ex ternally to realise the Ideal ot a hua . band in the. mtni of the average Qer---' man Illiterate woman who had tolled for jrura. and mtvwri monav.. Ha tgJIotJ"!l s reeerve - Ions enough - to boast of Die . wealth, : Thlg wma tha moat enticing , bait ha. offered. Tha majority of ! ' vlctlma married him In tha hope they would eacape Ufa of drudgery and fee ' coma tha nilatress of a rich maq'a home. When' ha aaked- tha hand of a victim ha declared ha "wanted to provide her a good home." -When aha became til from , araaalq ha cava her. ha summoned medi cal aid. aat by the bedside, hel4 her ' hand and- called her -"sweetheart, ' .. Whan Judge lferstsn passed sentence upon him ' Hoch , waa. a Wed lf he had ' anything to aay. , Aa If willing to aaerl flea his life merely to conformtp the ' court' a Idea of, propriety, he replied: "Judge, If you think I ant guilty, I am ' willing to lose, my life.'.' t? . Pesaendsat of. aTey. ' ; .- ' ' After bla oonvlotlon In tha aolltuda af hla sell Hoch. waa borne up by hla :. egotism. He spoka of blmaelf aa a third , peraon of Intereat and Importance. He aald: -Johann will die Ilka a man. If , Johann had money ha would showyou .What ha would do."- , T " ; Hoch claimed to be a great-grandson . of.Atarshal- Nay; who want to St. Hel v ana ' with . Napoleon,' and tha aclon of a prominent family of Straasbourg. Ha '-, aald hla father waa a retired mlnlater ' In Toulon, ignorant of tha fate of hla ; eon. Two of Hoch'a bro there are mln " latere. He aald: "My great-grandfather, " Marahal Nay, waa one of the beroea of I , Nanoieoira aiun. and I. hla descend-1 ant, ahall die aa aoldler. ' I am going oeiore my maaar, v jesus vnrist, my saviour.. I believe- In Uod and I be lieve I ahall meet In the life beyond thoao who ware near and dear to me here. How eoald I etand at the Judg ment aaat with a lie on my soulf" On the next day ha denied having told thla story.', ; r . ia.JUs Escapade, 'information that led to the arreat of . Hoch . waa - given the police ' by . Mra. Emella riacber, hla laat wife. She married him January It, ltOI, a' few day after- the funeral of her alater, who had been her Immediate predecee aor a Mrs. Hoch. . 1 , On December to of 1104 Hoch' mar ried lira. Maria Walker and took her to hla house, where aha died co Jin- uery It after abort Illness, and when . : Hoch waa alone with her. - Preceding i her ' death he obtained from her all her " money, aa ha had done In hla prevloua ' marrlagaa. ." ' ' . Three day after bor death he mar Triad Mra. Vischsr, and the day follow . Ing the wedding be obtained from her . ,-$70 to be used, her aald. In . paying a . -x mortgage on the furniture and houee. - A day or two later he disappeared. ', ,.! . A complete Hat of Hoch'a "specula tlona' in matrimony would be difficult to compile. So far aa can be learned, .he area bora-l tteraeaay 4a years ago. studied medicine and in Vienna married Anu Hochm 1Mt- Two-yeara Jatar I- he emigrated with her to America, ' Several yeara later aha died.- ' " . ..,'.';:. Stee Beard's Oeaee , Hla nest wife (No. t) he obtained In ,' Chicago In May, 1 Hz, Her name la sot , known, but It la known that he rented . . a flat under the name of C. A. Mayer. That wife died three weeka after the marriage. . - l The next month Hoch rented another ''flat In the name of H. I rick. A month . later hla wife (No.. I), name aJao nn- . .- known, died there, and Hoch. or "Irlckr ' dlaappeared.' " f .- v-; la 1114 he lived for two montha with another wife (No. 4), when aba died. In i June of the same year he married Mra Julia Stelnbrecher (No, . Two montha Plater aha beceme IU and died, leaving Hoch property valued at 4.d0. . - Be , fore her death aha. aoouaed Hoch In the preeence of a aupdaughtar. of polaon- t Ing her. Her. funeral waa stopped by z the coroner, but waa permitted to pro ' reed when Hoch produced a burial cer- - tlflcata. f AfUr Mra. Stelnbrecher-Hoeh'e death .Hoch married Mra, Mary Ranks a (No. .- Mrs. Rankan waa "too eate" for him. according to her story. After sev eral unsuccessful efforta- to got posses ' alon of her aavlnga be left her. , . Kaay ltarrlaaea Made. - In the aame year ho married Mlaa Martha Hercfeldo (No. T). gained poe ' eesslon ot 11.800 and deserted her. Mra , ?'. fjt ,'Tr ,,'f ,: ft-".. - . ' ';-;-f ) ; FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 23 i , v.. . j." :-..'"' ':. "''"' I'"-'.- For Style dnc Quality ?' "VrvTAR THE . I.-"-.' 'I...'- .',;.'!' .-..-t--vA-; '. :a ' i.K l. f- ; , v u- JattwJaarW-Dea4a 2C3 WASHINGTON ST., l .rt... ..j'ir Uvea la fajuna, CallfornO. ,. - In ! f'och wa arrested under' tha r. I C. A. C -rd and charged by,t tpeueer (No. 4) with hav ing married and deserted her, after tak ing her money. He waa acquitted, but a yar later was arrested again under the name of De Vtitt C. Cudney on com plalat of Callle Charlotte Andrews (No. . The woiuan aald ibe had' met "Cudney," married him, and waa de serted two hoare after the ceremony, he taking 1500 of her money. The police then Identified him aa the abductor of little Huldar Stevens, and accused him of participating In diamond robbery, but be escaped prosecution. - In Hoch appeared In Wheeling. Weat Virginia, and married' a woman (No. 10r nnder the-name of Jacob Husa. Thla woman afterward. died itftiv three mnnthrf winirMH1Te" Vmirtv leaving- .'Huaa . property worth- f ItOO. - Immediately after the funeral Hocj left Wheeling. ' V Arrested f or wtndllaa. V. Early in 1T he reappeared in Chi rago with m woman auppan No. 11 and Installed her In a flat un. der the name of Martin Dots. In June hla "wife died. Hoch waa arrested and sent; to the Bridewell for swindling Simon, Strauss, a furniture dealer who furnished the flat. He went to Cin cinnati and , there married -Clara Bar tell. : widow of a saloon-keeper. Mrs. Bartell-Hoch (No.. It) died within three months, ,0ft supposed nephritis. Hoch married .Jnlla Doeaa (No. It) In Ham ilton, Ohio, In January. 11. He soon departed with 1(00 obtained from Mra. Doeas-Hoch and It 00 realised on Mra. BarUU'a . off ecta. . . .. ( .. , . On 'April 2,'ltlt, he waa arrested In Chicago for having sold mortgaged furniture. Wo wss aent to tha bouse of correction and released July tl. 111 I. and immediately waa rearrested en a almllar charge and aent to, the aame In etltutlon. ' T -".--.. In 1100 Hoch changed the field p bis operatlona to Milwaukee, and there married a -sister (Na 14) of Mrs. J. H. Schwartsraann. She died three weeks later, leaving him $1,100. ' The next yVwf he married Mrs.' Mary Schults (No, 111 In Argos, Indiana. To gether they came, to Chicago with Mrs. SchulU's 11-year-old daughter. Nothing has been heard of Mra. Schults-Hoch or her daughter since., Hoch made 11.000 out of - this venture. wiiMt. a mnth Hoch proposed mar- riage to -Mrs. NaihaHrTaterean ef Chfc oeeTO. k Mfa. Peterson had ' almost sue cumbed to the "fascinating man" when She waa warned that Hoch waa not straight" ' Hoch at that time sailed un der the name of Jacob Adolph. . , , In 1101 Hoch appeared In St Louis under the name of Jacob Schults, and posed ' aa a millionaire. , He married Mrs. Mary Becker (No. 14) after a week' acquaintance. In a few months she died under circumstances j that aroused the suspicions of the attending physlolan.- In December "of , tha same year Mra, 'Elisabeth Qoerk (No. IT) "took in" a boarder In answer to an advertisement In a German newspaper. The man called blmaelf Jacob Schmidt and after a few weeks' courtship sh married him. He attempted to persuade her to turn her property. war- to him. but without success. He disappeared within a week. .- : . ,i v Always Oot Momay. Hoch r went - to Milwaukee again In 1101, and In January married Mra. T. O'Connor (No. It), calling himself Ed ward Oarald Jamas. He deserted her on January I. 1104. taking 1100 of her aavlnga. '"'' .; ' : 1 Hoch reappeared In Chicago In January of 1104 and ' married . Mra. Anna Hen- d ricks on (No. t0. Ho secured $1,000 from her and then deserted her. The following 'Ttlhe in Milwaukee he mar ried Mrs Lena Hoch (Na ID. who died In three -weeks, leaving him $1,100. In October he married Mra. Caroline Schaefer (No. It) In Philadelphia, de serting her a week later,- taking bet aavlnga. amounting to 11.100. - . Returning to Chicago In December,' 1104, Hoch married Mra. Marie Welker (No. tt).. She died on January 11, 1105, leaving him $150. Her body waa ex humed and examined for traces of poi son. The analyaie disclosed arsenic. January II, J005, Hoch married Mrs. Rmella Fisher (No. 14) the alater of Mra. Welker-Hoch, and disappeared with ITU of her money. Mra, Fisher's com plaint first directed the attention of the police to Hoeb's record. . -. The arch-blgamiat was courting Mrs. August 'Praxmerer In New YorkJan uary 21. When the woman .saw hla pic ture and an account of-hid crimes In a newspaper. - She atralghtway wrote a letter -Informing' the Chicago police of Hoch'a whereabouts. He waa arrested and returned to Chicago for trial. He waa found guilty and sentenced to be hanged, but received a number of atays of execution. Through the efforta of two. wealthy women hla ease waa taken to tha supreme court which ' re fused to reverse the decision of the lower court .. t. : , , V'.-:,-Th Sohmer'C , . Piano baa that aomethlng which a mu sician cannot describe. perhaps, but which fasclnatea and aatlaflea. THE aSTEW. Vtylih Hats DetWeas Faurth aeasf FlJi NROE ,t , vi. ,-,v ;', i, '. ,: t r - y I? ( f II' UCJ ii4 1.. .LI oked Wheat Treated With It and 1 Thai Baked Crisp aad Brown -. 7 Is' Nutritious 'and Dclidoua, Remarkable reeulta are aeeured by treaUnar whole wheat with malt extract, aa la illustrated by that widely known food product, Malta-Vita, sometimes called "The Perfect Food. ' ' In tha nrenarmtion of MaltaWlta We have these two factore- (a) tha whole wheat, steamed and cooked In absolute cleanliness and containing every food element necessary to the sustenance of the human body:-(b) pure malt extract contailna aU the nutritlon-pf beet eelected Barley in a readily digestible fonn BUtritlou, strengthening that doctors evervwhere recommend It. The malt extracts mixed with the cooked wheat, converts the starch of the wheat Into maltose, or malt eugar. " lan active digestive agent. . 1 na r ed10-be-jeUel u a perfect fend, rleaj in eJl-the-i active digestive agenc ' me reeuu tinn that builds uo bone and ablood. brain and muscle, healthy tissue and nerve force. ' ' And Malta-Vita la' - good to eat There's nothing Ilk It nothing that can take Its place. After being mixed with the malt, the wheat la rolled into wafer-like flakes every grain a, little flak and then baked In great, clean ovena under moat Intense heat. From the ovena Malta-Vita, cornea crisp and brown, "done to a turn," the moat deli cious, tha most healthful, food In the world. Alt BTOcera. CIIURCIIf.lAY HAVE Younjg; Men' Club : of Taylor Street . Meioditjt Church Tj-y.. ;l ' Holds' ReUnlonr ; ' WANT MORE ROOM FOR ; BOYS AND YOUNG MEN Ataociation Owns I Lot Adjoining Church ' and Building May ' B Elected on. It Finances hi Excel lent 'Condition.' 7 -.'."'"v."- v '.-.' i'O-; One hundred and seventy members of the Mens' club of the Taylor Street Methodist church participated la the sec ond annual reunion and sat down to banquet last night In the church. ' The organisation owns a lot adjoining the church building at Third and Taylor streets and tt was the opinion of many that a building should be erected on, thla to provide additional room, especially for a gymnasium and rooms for boys and young men. Thla matter has been placed In the hands of a committee. - From :S0 to 7 o'clock a reception was held In the auditorium, following which all ware Invited to the lecture-room. which had been converted Into an lm menee dlnlng-hall by tha Ladles' Aid eo clety of the church. ' The room waa pro fusely decorated with bunting and flags, greens and potted plants. Following the dinner served by the women there were several li-minute talks. .-. . ,-.v . W. H. Beharrell presided as master Of 'ceremonies. He aald that the pur pose of the ' gathering , was to-get the men of the church into closer acquaint anoeahip. W. H. Bell gave a retrospect of the growth of the church aince tt was organised (0 yeara ago. Ha spoke espe cially of tha wonderful growth of the Taylor Street church since - Dr. Short became pastor two years, ago.' Since that time there had been ltl members taken In oa probation aad II? by letter. making a total of Its new' members. Two years ago there were III members. while bow there are . showing a net increase ox lis. : ,-, The finances of the church are in much better condition than for years, according to Samuel Connell. - For the first four montha of the conference year In ltOi the reoelpte were tl.US, the corresponding four months la 1104, ll.tls. and the - corresponding v-four months in no. II.7SI. v rx: A. , Thurlow responded to the toast "The Outlook." L B. Rhodes favored a place where boys could have physical training ana auggeated -building a club hall for the boy a - Professor T. T. Davla favored the erection of a build ing on . the lot adjaoent to the church and thle suggestion met with hearty approval. . Dr. F. B.. Short the pastor., spoke on the forward movement and emphasised the thought that Inoreaaed facllltlea ought to be provided. He aald that with the cooperation of the'snen to whom- he waa speaking that there waa no doubt that the Improvements which . were necessary would be made. Othera who spoke were E. 8. J. Mo. AUieter, Francis Clarno, B. Lee Paget T. S-.McDamei, B. J., Patterson and J, C Taylor. ., . .-;.;, , , ,f. MANY VOTERS OF LINN 7 FAVORABLE TO GEARIN (Special DUpatrb to The Joaraal.) Albany, Or., Feb. tt. In regard to the candidacy of Senator Oearln .for United Statea senator It is the general belief among those high in the coun cils of the Democracy of Linn that he la tha logical man for reelection. Thla view ta entertained by the majority of the members of tha party and It aeema to be the opinion among members of the opposite party that the legislature could do much, worse man send ueana back to serve another term. A large per cent of the votera Of Linn are reg istering aa .Independents, and from thla claaa of voters Oearln will receive a Urge Tots. : - GOLDENOALE BOASTS - - -OF ELECTRIC LIGHTS V Uoeraal gpetal servtrej ' Ooldendale. - Wash.. Fsb. , . Ths streets of Ooldendale, for the first time tn Its history, were lighted by electric light last night from the plant Installed eight miles away on ine tsig Kiicaitat river by II W. Fellows, who holds the city f ranohlse. .' ; -.. ' H. T. Lucas," Wlngo, Ky i . writes. April I. !: For is to 11 yeara I had been afflloted with a malady known as the Itch.'. The itching waa moat unbearable; I had tried for yeara to And relief, bavins tried all remedies I could hear of. beeldee a number of doctora I wlah to state that one sln- S-la aPPIICaUOn OI wtmra a nnvw .'iiif- men oured ma completely and perma nently. ' Since then I have need the tlnt- two eeparate occasions for ringworm and It-eured aomplately. too. lOo ad Sold by Woedard. Oarke Co. ' c .p. GYLIUASlUn . . j' - -'.. . ' ;..('.- . . '.. ' ...... S . . -. - , ' ' 4' j , ; ' i, f .'!', ' ! 'v.' " , . " '. - ; . -.. . - , . :. v . t. ., ' . ' " - ' Vc - , ' 1 1 ' - - yy' W . .;,. . 4.. lodgers : give thief chase but he escapes Seeing Him at Work at Tele . phone Box,', They Pursue Him;. - ' Down Stairs. ; - After a wild chase by lodgers through ths halls, down the stairs and up Alder street from Fifth street to Seventh at an early hour laat night, a thief who "robbed the telephone box in the lodg ing-house on the second floor t of the building at the northeast . corner of Fifth end Alder streets, operated by Mra. Q retch, made good his escape. Re baa not yet been captured. In his sud den flight the thief lost his bat and a woman a umbrella which he waa carry ing and which, the police have reason to believe were also stolen. - The thief asoended the atalrs and entered the principal oorrldar of the rooming-house. It is supposed that he immediately went to work at the tele phone box. A lodger happened to leave his room ss the truer waa at worx. ioob la the aituatlon at a glance, raised a cry 'of "thief and gave chase. Hla cry brought other lodgers from their rooms Into ths corridor and they Joined In the chase. The thief sprang to tha head of the stairs and began a rapid descent. - the lodgers following. He made for the entrance ana leaped through the double doors Into the atreet. - With three In close pursuit the man ran rapidly up the south side of Alder atreet to Seventh, turned toward Mor- rtaon and waa out of eight when tne pursuers reached tne corner, ma ue scrlptlon waa immediately telephoned to the police and Detective Vaughn waa assigned to the ease. The thief s hat and the umbrella were taken to police headquarters. The man aueoeeaea in eettlna some of the colne out of1 the telephone box. but dropped most of the money when the lodgers appeared la the eorrldor. " ... . ' , ., SEEK RELEASE OF MINERS (Continued from Page One.) Dimnklns and Ernest Mills are both members of the "inner circle" of the Western- Federation,.! Miners, who are alleged to hsve planned the various dy namite eutraaea and assaeslnstloaa. The detectives allege that tne men now-va der arrest were on the, point-Of leav ing the country when they were taken In cuetody.' , '' .'' A nuarrel has broken out among tne detectives. Captain Swaln. who was ap pointed chief of detectives by Governor Gooding. taking exception to the claims made by, McParland for the credit of running down the criminal a. Swain claims that he atrlotly maintained the oeth of secrecy to which all detectives were pledged, while McParland broke his word in order to give the Pinker tons, the credit of the work. MONEY, FOR ACCUSED. : .' Suttee traJoaaT Tate Five raoaaaad fat . Defease sf Mojetv Butte. FeU 11. Butts. -Mill and Smeltarmen's union last night voted It. 000 to help defend Freeldent Moyer. and Secretary Haywood and a resolution waa adopted scoring the governors of Idaho and Colorado, who are accused f kidnaping Mover and hla associates. Boys' and Cldthing We shall close the season and Children's CTotJung, ; . . " We off er a rich assortment In Bustef Browns, excellently tailored,Jn blues grays, browns and tan mixtures '.y:. r: . , During the remainder of this prices: T ;v!-' " $2.15 $2.85 $3.35 ymyyyM ' ' "' " ggaajgai The Greatest Clothing House ta the Northwest The Best Style Combined in the THE PEER OF Every hat correctly fitted by guaranteed to give satisfaction or a new bat free ot cnarge. 1 : LINN PROHIBITIONISTS HOLD BIG LOVE FEAST . (Special Dispatch to Tae JaeraaL) k -Albany. Or., Feb. II. The Prohibi tion Alliance of Linn county, held . Its 1 Irillliiiiliii? :::::::" REV. A. ttmm been recommended and used by duiffy's every echool aa an effectual preventive an and lungsi Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is stor and tonlo stimulant known to medlcli ator and tonlo stimulant known to medicine. It is an aneoiuteiy pure, gentle builds up the nerve tissues, tones up rlchneaa to tne oiooa. it oringe into the food you eat the nourishment it ehtldreo.. . It Strengthens snd sustains and keeps the young strong, it is euc.lute.y rree rrora lu.l oil aru ij v.. . ment aa a medicine. Thla is a guarare. . OATTTOS WW aea ant fv r " " T-'' - f ' onlyt aevae la be is., i --. f V-vsKy ltvlras t t. ! le aem , e i - a 1 ami aa i-e a.a m i a i. Children's with a rousing special of Boys . , . '. : r' Two-Piece Norfolk Suits and . :ry. month they go at the f ollowing ,: ' ' i ' -: ':.H.V;.-, $3.85 f t '''.X ( and Durability ALL $3.00 HATS expert hatoen. Mid' every hat annual love feast In the circuit court room yesterday afternoon and laid plans for ins work of the forthcoming cam paign. The offloers elected for the en suing year are as follows: President, W. P. Elmore; vice-president, T. F. Hacklemas; secretary and treasurer, Cyrus H. Walker: chaplain. Ubbe Pe , -' K. STEVENS Pure Malt PRAISE ministers ot the gospel end temperance advocates, and prescr" rv a, hoi i ding used in over two thousand lea the heart, gtvee power to the brain. action au tn, viuu lorcea. it oontaina. Duffy'a la invalua makes uabla for t. the system. Is a promoter of g"- I . '-.'', : ' '. ,: -:ly' ' ters; marshal, A. T. Powell. Last even, ing the alliance was addressed by F. B. Rutherford of .Portland, - on T-Ocal Option." Plana are being perfected to wage a' decided' campaign agalnat the proposed amendmenta to the local op tion law. ' " - , Rev. A. N. Stevens, Ytc Known Minister of the Gca pt, and Tempercnce Advo catc, Prclses tha l!3dth-C3v-Ihg. Strengthening and U! ; Prolonging Powers of Duffy' Pure Malt WhUkey. Distinguished preacher, who suffered from throat and lunj troubles,, and 'whose, case was hopeless, is restored to health by Duffy's Pure Mart Whiskey, after all other remedies had failed, i .. , ' "It Is now something like two years . since I was afflloted with severe throat and lung trouble. . . My doctor did not eaam to relieve me, and It looked at one . time as If I would not recover. Thouah . f have always been a strict and faithful advocate of temi Boeran ance aad -a warm Supporter of the Prohibition movement. Severtbelees, I laarnea yeara ago io now that Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey waa a marvelous tonlo and atlmulaat. ' and uaed only aa a medicine. I aaked my doctor about It, and be said be was sorry he had not thought of prescrib ing Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey before. I began to recover with the flrat bottle, and three bottles oured ma Today I am aa well and atrong as I waa in my boyhood.. I am a mlnlater of the goa- pel, and I want to go on reeora as stating that there la bo better medicine ; for bronchial or catarrhal affections of , ' the lungs than Duffy's Pure Malt Whis key." A. N. Stevens. Paste C, M. Q . Church, Oakland. Tenn Aug. 14, '. , x The aince re and convincing tribute of . Hev. K.iH. Stevene on the value or Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey In arresting the progress of physical decay and la building up new tissues of the threat and lungs, especially In cases of pneu- ". monla and consumption. Is only ana of . many thooaanda received dally fmnt thankful men and women who . have ' bean brought back to health, strength and happiness by tt ' For . more than half this grand medicine. H a century .. na sit ft i hosnitxls ss t'e ' and invio-' - re.a em 1 vtt " s I I t Whiskey