The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 23, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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H BBBSslssssssasBCmaBSBSssBsssjsaesagj, , , , i t , . . . , e
60 c
1 LJaJLw
Cylinder :Rmiiii2$c
s Our Display this largest
Our AfacWnei nd Kec--;onfs
fceBcsf I f
BUTUl r-Our Tenasltie
LocalOptionOrganliatlon Tak$
Hand In St. Johns Sa-' ,
-vi V-loon Fight, .
Ordinance. Without Date of Passage
'.-or Official T Signature j May Hve
r Bearing on' SituationCouncilrnen
Mmbia Building, 371 Washington - ; Aways Reliable
ii v-.,.
. ,:, . r T .,
tssl Dlcst 61 tbe
Barfldn nprn "
k Two Kssster SJsoc Eye-
1 Openers IsrUeaOsIy
(W MO B Boys WOBMK IkMl.)
$S tsd SSJ5I Shses Now
? ,.t : , v.
SI to 1$ Vslses Haw
. She Clearance Sal. Our windows ar
nlled full of them. Bom of th nobbl-
Mt rootwear ever mad im la th staogh
ter heap, and . .. ' .
xtxt noi a iMmn bab-
'" apt. -.. . .
Men. provide youwlv H k -
J:ooda now. td Tin you win mv
apparent by the flrra we uot
hero now. Coma to the feaat wnlia the
plo la tot., - .;
TL Hood 74.
SIS Wtuklmxto St.. Bot Fifth and Sixth
.-I i5..
. '':
'': f .'.. ..
oP Of Tfifs Tssue TcHs
: Bargains at the'
London Clothing
?i i . ' . i in :,;': v . .
, iOamw Wardn .Will lam A. -Maok 41a-
tlna-ulhKl.Jimelf ,th'la 'morning by
atopifln ,at runaway team on Washing
" toa atreeL ".'A double team, attached to
one M; the heavy Well,Faro A Co.'a
wafona,' had been .left near Fifth and
rWaattn(tpn-tatreeta, ' while, the driver
'went fc, deliver, a packaa-e. Without
- wkrninftVnh 'horaea -bolted and started
to ran down Washington atreet. Sev
ermj persona 'tried to atop, the daahlng
team, but every ' time any one attempted
to traap the' "bridles 'the action fright-
ened the horaea and they Increased their
apeed. Gam Warden Mack, who waa
walking along the atreet. mad a flying
leap and caught the rear of the wagon.
Clambering over the package and boxes
he reached the reins and euoceeded In
tffrplng tha tenm just a It waa ehnut
to crash Into a trolley car at Third
., Banmom Beaomlmated, ,
r ' (Jearoal Bpertal ferric.) "' ' ' '".
Portsmouth, O.. Feb. II. The Repub
lican congreaalonal convention for the.
tenth district ,w held today and re
sulted In the renomlnatlon o( Represen
tative Henry T. Bannon. , Thar was n
opposition. . ,
l urn rrrm e t rn a k r.r
11 littSiSi)
v ,TtMi,n Aacpeyt Plaster M two, lecgthwke, ;
, ' V ; PP1 -own'mbore. ; Yoa will be tor- If'
' ' ; i Vr pVtaed how it will relieve U pais well -r
) :Vt'V;.-: ; y m rtrengthA the mudc. : : ' rl '
i ' For Re4 and Gate ei Com and Baalon
Xeo'e OewHKf
' Another wheel Inside of the whirling
jangle that mark the St Johns saloon
situation has commenced to bun. and U
la likely that the new vehicle of wrath
will cause confualoa In an already badly
strained machine. Tha latest lmnt
f grief la the activity of tha local op
tion forces, not only of the town, but of
Portland and the etata.
It has recently com t light that the
general attorney of the local option.
forces haa been Investigating the va
lious ordinances passed by the fit.
Johns council on the saloon-question, as
well as the provisions of the town chas
ter which bear on the subject. The re
port of the attorney for the temperance
people la said ' to have Influenced the
councllmon In their change of attitude
laat Monday night when ' tha licence
recently granted to tha Bt. Johns Hotel
company was' revoked . and ' the llcens
money ordered returned to ' the com
pany when Its bar should be closed.
Now that the council has apparently
don all It can to close thoaloon, and
nmm lauvo, uiv -temperance people are
taking up the light and It Is probable
that suits will be Instituted looking to
ward the closing -of the saloon, if ths
town., had 11.000 to offer the saloon
management for Its license, and so
xtM live up te -the-letter of the tso
lutlon revoking the llcens. It Is thought
the ease of the temperance .. people
would be atronger, but tha council can
' Tke east slae eMee et The Jearsal la la the
star et 1. II. C Miller. 00 Kaat atorrlaoe
over the control of the Mount Tabor
sanitarium and th two conferences will
uDnart a niHr which will be known aa
not lay hands on th amount, nor half ttvt Vrh P--1"' '" T b
f the organ of the church ori th coast and
In Hawaii, Alaska and th provinces.
id3t JTjsnTIrWyTnTha ranxa of
trobabtlltr thai the sura will be raised
by th stat local option organisation
and loaned to th town long enough tor
lb tender to be mad for th return of
th license; an offer which would be
entirely safe, aa the management has
openly taken th stand that It will not
give op Ita permit merely because th
council aaks It to.
There Is on anchor of hop for th
temperance forces that will soon be
lestod. Ordinance No, 14 forever re
strains th oouncll from granting a li
quor license in 8t Johna, or anyone
from aelllng liquor In th town. Th
ordinance unfortunately has no date of
passage signed to It, no nam of mayor.
recorder or councilman appears on It
face, and there Is nothing either In th
ordinance or th records of the .council
to show that th measure was ver
passed, or even considered. ,
It Is contended on one hand that th
ordinance passed and waa not duly re
corded through an oversight, and on th
other that th ordinance never cam
before th council and waa probably
paated In th book of records by some
reformer t who wanted to secure action
from th council on th measure, but
never did. -There can be found In th
town a dozen wltnessea who will take
their oath a each aid of th ques
tion. Th laat year haa brought -out so
many-ordinances, resolutions, motions
and rescinding orders that any trial of
th case would b tangled, complex and
decided with difficulty. ..
Though It was probably not th In
tention - of th council to give an. ex
clusive monopoly to any saloon, this Is
what haa resulted from th recent reso
lutions, for th counotl haa defeated a
general license ordinance, and so will
keep out all other saloons, at the eeme
time endeavoring . to . revoke a -llcenae
without being In a position to enforce
tha closing order.
BUty nwaaaaA People Kay Be Adorned
. , With Association a si gala. "
It has been proposed by on of th
leading members of th- Eaat Sid Itn-
pioement aweoolatloa that
ery maw,
woman and child living across ths Wil
lamette, or Interested In th growth of
th district, be tagged, labeled and so
marked that every leas fortunate real
dent of the city will become envloua and
strangers will regard Eaat Portland as
th only place to settle. A considerable
number of th members of the aaaodla-Moa-
are not prone to th walking bill
board Idea on general principles, but the
advantage of tagging each resident of
Eaat Portland with some emblem that
will be attractive and that In a phrase
will tell tha merits of th territory are
ao numerous that Individual dislike may
be overcome and the entire 10,000 or
more castaldera . blossom out In new
While doing things ' for themselves,
th members of the association are alao
doing things for tha residents of every
suburb on the ' eaat side and are how be
ginning a campaign of advertising that
Will' be constantly broadened - an til Its
scop Is similar to that of th Commer
cial club and board of trade. Already
eaatern capitalists have been generally
Informed of th advantages th eaat
aid offers a department store and thea
tre. Th people of the stat have been
told of th new eaat aide depot and Its
advantages through advertisements
Jilaoed In th country papera and tha
ocal people have been kept aware of th
organisation's work through th reports
In the local press. It la now proposed
by a button scheme, or some similar
plan, to bring' the lesson home to- every
one who gets Inside th elty limits- by
continued repetition and to this end
buttons, blllboarda. dead walla and elec
tric signs may all b: pressed Into,
service. w-, -...,
ill .;ilKVJKl
iramiER ore.
, omoowss, -
llglona," "The Voice of Selene and th
Voio of God." "Th Dialect of Devils,"
"What Can I Do on Sunday r "Bringing'
Up. a Parent In the Way He Should ao,"
"Does It Pay to Be HoneatT" and "Mar
riage and Divorce," th latter toplo
being.. that for Sunday, March 4.
Two Confer me WO Support Papas ta
Be Kaowa as Sforta Paotfl Advcoaaa, r
J.-Th organisation of th North Paclfiq
Conference of Seventh Day Adventlata
waa completed yesterday morning, and
In ths afternoon th South Pacific con
ference finished Ita work and adjourn ea
after a Joint meeting with tha delegates
of. the north conference. W. B. Whit,
formerly president of th union confer
ence, waa chosen head of tha North Pa
clflo conference, A. J. Breed waa made
vice-president, M. & Cady ' of Walla
Walla waa choaen aa educational
tary and J. J. Ireland aa auditor. It
waa decided to divide equally th $0,000
Th northern conference will tax
Th Woman's Horn Missionary so
ciety of th East Portland district Math
odlat -Episcopal church today hold Its
regular quarterly meeting at XL Tabor
church. . This afternoon Rer. Jamee
Moor, pastor at Mount Tabor, delivered
the addreaa
Work haa been started on th super
structure for th market building of th
Italian Gardeners' association, at Union
avenue, near Eaat Main street. Th total
coat - of th Improvement will reach
25,000. . .
4 ' residence costing about Il.ioe la
being built for P. Schranta at Cook and
Mississippi avenue.
work on th IX C O'Reilly business
block at" Hawthorne avenue and Eaat
Water atreet haa been commenced. Th
cost of th block will be something
ovr 15,000.
A petition haa been filed by th Title
Guarantee A Truat company, th chief
property owner in th district affected.
lor the improvement of Eaat Tamhlll
street from Eaat Twentieth to East
Thirty-third street,- th improvement to
consist of bringing th street to grade,
laying a top dreaslng of gravel and con
structing wooden walks, crossings and
curbs. T -.
Parents and friends of pupils. in St.
Marys school were entertained at a
Washington party Wedaeaday evening.
An Interesting program was aiven b
tha puplla of th grammar grades, th
chief feature of which waa a play writ
ten ror th occasion and presented by
14 costumed girls of th .ninth grade.
f " mi- w Today yc' f encw pur grqtt ;
'V-: y..v; ; -.'.---'-.v'--- ;
Hereafter th Alumni association of
th Portland High school will hold no
recaptions In honor of th graduating
classes, but Instead will participate in
reunion ana banquet - one each year
which all the graduates of th In
stitution will be asked to attend, This
was aecioea upon last night at
a re
union of the alumni In th High school.
Among th speakers at th reunion
were W. 8. Dunlway, Fred H. Noltner,
O. P. Paxton and Horse Thlelson. Th
latter was a member of the graduating
claaa of 17S. Miss Edwlnna Maatlck
and Mlas Hilda Hegele entertained h
gathering with several -vocal solos and
Miss Francis Sheehy performed on tha
piano. Miss M. Bod recited aa orig
inal poem. ' , . ...
A committee on reorganisation or tne
Wc Save been "running
this SALE tHree years and
have: sold THOUSANDS
QF SUITS at; this price;
If you trill look in oar yih-L
dows7 and. compare these
in' up-towh stores you will'
jwondef how do it--
so do our competitorse ;
t, "' 4 , ' - f -V TJ . A.'-" : ' - 1
WHtN TUU itt II 1HI UL.I AU ll'S
Alumni association foUows: lred H.
Noltner. Helen Bennett, Elph - Smith,
Johanna Cramer, Dr. T. H. Dammaach,
Ralph W. Hopt, Benjamin C Dey, W. S.
Dunlway, Bay Steal, and Jay H. Upton.
"The Scenio Une of th World.
Th Denver A Bio Grande. In connec
tion with th O. R. If., haa estab
lished tourist aleeplng car service be
tween Portland and Denver, leaving
Portland at p. m. dally. Thla puU
passengers In Salt Lke City at 1:40 th
second morning, where they have tha
privilege of spending th day-Xaavlng
Salt MJt urty tnai evening givee-a
daylight ride through Colorado'a won
drous Rooky mountald scenery th fol
lowing day. That yott may form som
Idea of th scenio attractlona of tha
Denver A Rio Grande write or call upon
W. C. McBrlde. 114 Third street. Port
land, -f- i -J
:Th Sohmer
la always mentioned as th highest m
I . . j T' aW" - m . T i - -
m "9W m
.U0AL.ANdUUIL: v ; Phone East, 24 :
Valverstty par Baptist Bxtead Spe-
Meetings Two Weeks,
For three weeks revival services liar
been held at th University Park Bap
tist church that have attracted nof
nly the attention of tha residents' of
th suburb ut of thos In Portsmouth,
at. Johns and Intermediate territory.
During the progress of th revival many
have profeeeed , conversion and euf
flclent additions have been made to th
church membership to Insure the con
tinuance of tha work and th organisa
tion, of a strong congregation.' At ths
request of his congregation. Rev. John
Bentslen. assisted by Choir Lder !.-.-Hart,
will continue th aervlee for two
weeks beginning next Sunday. - "The
Ten Commandments Applied to Modern
Sine" will be th toplo of th day. Th
topics of th nightly servlcea. next weak
Am Tow CfcOdMa Thla, Puny aad AH-
lag , Zf So Bead Thla. ' .
' "Vlnol will make children strong, ro
bust and rosy or ws return your money.
Is there a, mother In Portland -who
will Ignore such a generous offer as
thlsT : Tou risk not on cent. - W pay
for all the Vlnol your child takes U It
does no good. '
- There ar plenty of children all
around u who ar thin,, puny, ailing
and tired aU tha time. Don't want to
do this, and don't want to do that. Do
not blam th children; they have no
strength, no blood, no vitality; rapid
growth take all their atrength. -
Vlnol Is Just what your-child need.
Itis a delicious cod .liver oil prepara
tion, nd . children, lave. lCLIt createe
Strength, makea rich, red blood and
vitality aa nothing els can, and after
a eevere sickness there la .nothing that
will buUd your child up Ilk Vlnol.
.Th following latter Is only on of
hundreds which w have received from
mothers telling what Vlnol has don
for their children: . ' t " .
Mrs. K. M. Oswalt of Mansfield.
Ohio,, wrltee: !1lr littl daughUr be
came ao, poorly that I was obliged to
take her f rom. school. , ah' waa thin,
no appetite, tired all the time and weak.'
W had tried several medicine without
benefit : Since ' taking ' Vlnol, however,
she Is as wall as sver; she has gained
In flash, haa roey cheeks and good appe
tite and is going to school every day."
V "W want to aay to every mother In
Portland that Vlnol will ' build your
little ones up Into strong, . robust,
healthy children. W have never sold
anything equal to. It In our ator for
thla purpose, and we will return your
money If It faitsWoodard. Clarke-A
Co., druggists. . 'a a ,
Sprinj; openlnj; of the LEE HATS, rainproof
cravenetted the BEST f3.00 HAT MAP E.
: 'All -the new spring shapes, stiff and toft the '
Hat for "Oregon.'
V'.'r'-.' 'N-w - ' Don't wait,. they are going fait. '.'Your size Inhere.-; y- -l;r,. 5
If Not Rirht
' . ." ; -I.,?. '' ' '" " 1 ' .. ..:"' .
xi ;
W1U be -Religious Shame and Sham R
,1 . - .-'