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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
OREGON DAlLVTj'C w JJAU i C..Ll. T f i v 1 Oil(($:LMY CITY'S ASII They Must Put Up Bonds as Se curity Bafors Morvey Is . U:' Deposited.; r . ALREADY EVERY BANK r v?;&.v:. "has too much cash j '', Ordinance ' Must- Be Construed Lib ','; V. ' nL. u.. a cAr ' Its ; Gold in Vault One 3ahk 1 Wants Money Taken Out. ".'."City 1 Treasurer TX."'K. 'wiritiii sees ; trouble ahead for Uie city ia the dls-, "' .-. trlbutloa of the city's money among the different banks. He is of the opinion '.that section. tI of the elty charter, as amended , at the election last spring, ' which provides for the manner in which , money of the city shall be deposited in banks, must be Interpreted most lib. 'orally.' . - :,'..'-.'".". This section requires any bank In which a deposit of city money le made ' to hare at least $250,004 capital and - deposit as security with the city treae- ' urer either city bonds equal te the amount of deposit or state, county, tnu '. atctpaltty or echool bonds, railroad or . street railway bonds equal ta one and s a quarter tlmea, according to their par ; value,the amount.' The money of the city is te be deposited In the benk wbjoh ..contracts te pay the highest in- f .-- The city le now under contract for the deposit of the city funds, but theee con tracts expire April 1, when new ones ' - will neve to be made, according to the : amendment. The city treasurer says .'. that all the banks have about all the ' money they desire and they will not agree to furnish bonds ae security for - the deposit en their per value, aa they cannot afford to do ea He fears that f.fhe will be forced te retain the money ' '. la the city vaults. ' ,, .:. 1 . Wntg Jf eey- Withdraw. . The matter was first called te his . attention by the request of the Fort 1 laiM Trust comDanv to have the city .withdraw -its deposits amounting to e it foenes It Mnprolitaeio t to furnish the neceeeary bonds to do deposited with the city treasurer as se curlty. Werleln called the attention of Ine peseta bles are now beginning te make their appearance In. the I e tall markets. There Is, of course, some scarcity of supplies In several lines, but take, the market all . the way through the stocks are greater than a week ago. Asparagus Is now coming Into market In good- shape and the price haa dropped considerably. - Today the best Is quoted .la the retail markets around 10 cents e pound and cheaper gradee can be bad for less. ' Tomatoes all the way from Florida have made their appearance for the season In answer to the demand from the Pacific coast There are still some smsll supplies of the California article la the market but : quality Is getting poor. - '.'"" , The lovers of peppers can now have their wants supplied, for along with .the shipment of Florida tomatoes came some supplies Af bell - peppers. . The price Is high, of course, but te cents a pound would not stop purchasers front getting all they want. At present only the larger markete have supplies. ritiiam of a-ood aualltv Is hard to obtain these days. The California article ta most seen in the retail mar keta, for Oregon sterna nave aoout aia. appeared. Those left are commanding r additional value. , - . ' Flour Is cheaper. The decline amounts to It cents a barrel end is doubly wel come, because such an event was not ' anticipated, -i, . t Sugar will be cheaper If present proe- nects ere fulfilled. In California the . refiner' of the California Hawallaa r company Is making preparations to open CARMACK'S HARD FIGHT TO V RETUSil TO SENATE '" ... - .,. ,. ,"'" -i ". ... 1 -.'- ' Governor Bob Tytor .Seeks to Supplant Statesman Evans ": , J -r After Governorship. ; ; :J., (Iiim sal Ouei III gin lis 1 Nashville. Tena, Feb. Tennessee le now In the beat of a political contest that surpasses even J the campaigns of ante-bellum days la speetaoular effect, bitter denunciation and Intense partisan effort., United States Senator Carmack, who is a .candidate for. re-election. Is being opposed by former Governor Rob. ert L Taylor, one Of the most popular Pemocratlo leaders of the state and the only man who has been honored with the governorship three times since the war. He has been, a candidate for the senate three times before, but al ways before the legislative general as sembly. This time he has been awarded primary. But he has the fight of his life to overthrow Senator Carmack, who te the acknowledged, master of the Democratic machine, 'a brilliant orator on the stump and one of the moot bitter editorial writers In the south. . Between the two It Is a struggle of glante end it means "the survival of the fittest." . The fight for the Democratic nomi nation for governor Is as bitter as the senatorial struggle.' Three men ' are working for the nomination, the present governor, John I. Cox; M. R. Patterson, representative In eon trees from the Memphis district, and John R. Bond, rlrcult judge of Brownsville. - The nomi nation wtu be made In a state conven tion to be held in thla city In May. H. Clay Evans, former commissioner f pensions. Is the Republican nominee. SAYS HUSBAND TRICKED V M HER INTO MARRYING . 'Alleging that her husband deceived aer at the time of their wedding. Daisy ' C. Schlkora has- filed a suit ta ths ctr rult court asking that Tier marriage to r. R. T. Schlkora be annulled. She de- ' Mares that on September IT, l0t, at Vancouver. Washington,, she "was " rerced ttom Charles R. .Peterson di. I : The Market feasket j REFUSE TO RECEIVE TIIE , SAYS Hill the city council to the situation at the meeting Wednesday night In the follow. Ing letter: . ,- . "This action on the pert of the bond- lng .-cotnpenler In demanding from banks a counter Indemnity will not ar feet section tt of the city charter as amended as said security. Is not ac ceptable under the provisions of said section; but In the refusal of banks to eomnlr with the conditions of the bond' lng companies; I am caused te feel that we will receive no response to my Invi tations sent to banks asking for oios for handling the city funds on deposit. . - - Uberal Ooastraotlos. : -' -' 1 "I am of the opinion that 'section IS! of the city charter, as amended, will have1 tepj construed ..ueia-ir. iimpr than literally. In order to secure for the city the best Interest returns on , Its funds, and also insure the safety 01 hn nn.m,e, gam r. rt.-' Iftftg received Hid credited with the general fund ss Inter est on-city funds other than the Im provement fund SI, 001. K, and at this time every aonar or me ciiy mouwj Is placed et Interest ranging from t to a n , n. . annum rAntneti now existing will expire April 1, ltot, and . . - . 1 new ones enterea mio wnen hci of the city charter as amended will con trol." .''...if -,' '' ' ' ' The' treaeurer eald that he had writ ten to the council simply to call the at tention of Its members to the eommuntr cation of the Portland Trust company, to show the conditions which confront the city tn regard to the deposits In the banks, and continued: ' , , ! Toe Stack Cask. -' ' ; Vn. tha uM Portland Trust fom- pany will furnish no other security to replace the Indemnity bonds when they .m tm. hank. Ilka all others In the city. Is fairly groaning under the welghtJj VI UWW ,a a avu " ' v. 1 1 I- 11 vtMHahllltv arrangements could be made' for handling city, funds under other concuuone, yet 1 am sure banks will not weaken their resources by placing as security bonde the market value of which will be at all times one and one quarter tlmee greater than the amount of the city deposit and pay Interest on dally balances, when they have more money than they know what VA rtrt WITH. ' - ..hmi an hia mattar will ajtrve aa a guide for the solution of questions which In the near future will arise." - Cltv Treasurer Werleln has notified all the be be , received for the city moneye and that such Dios win pe consiasrea oy ids city council. .; , . t for business and everyone Is expecting the trust to try to save Itself. - Both companies are well fortified for. a long fight, so the noueewire expects to buy for lees at an early date. Perhaps ' you've noticed that canned tomatoes are getting rather high In the retail marketa. High as they are. bow ever, they are still cheaper at retaU oa tlie Pacific coast than at wholesale .In the east. To make up for the heavy ad vances In tomatoes there ' was a cor responding decline la the velue ot canned corn.- A short crop In one and a heavy overproduction In the other was the direct cause. ... " - , , , Twenty centa le the average price for eggs In the retail marketa today. Thla la due. to Ve lower price at wholesale during the week. There the market was going to pieceg, when a fairly good de mand from the far north aent the prices back again. - It may not 'be . known to ou. but It's a fact that -Portland la the supply house of the North Pad no coast for many products. Practically all of Alaska and the greater portion of the Puget Sound country le eupplled with eggs from Oregon at thla time of the year. 'When prices bore get low heevy shipments are made also to Ban Fran Cisco and other California cities for storage purposes. . ... ' WhUe eggs have been going down there has been a good-alsed advance In poultry products. Scant supplies In this line have been the rule la the Portland market for several weeks - end the former aeeumulaUena . have ' been ex hausted. One thing Is certain, however; the price haa about reached the upward limit. -v, ... .... . ....... - her maiden nam ef Daley K. Fowler restored. - x 1 The' complaint states that, according to the laws ot Washington, divorced persona cannot , remarry within six montha after receiving a divorce. Mrs. Schlkora alleges that she was Ignorant of this law. but that Schlkora was not. He wooed and won her within two months after her name ceased to be Peterson, and the couple were married at Oregon City, September IT, 1004, Just two months after ehe was divorced. She now declares that he deceived her; that they -were never legally' married, and asks that her maiden name be again restored to her. '-, FINE FOR POTATO PATCH POOR FOR PATROL WAGON r "Three of the horses belonging to the police department are unlit for the eerv lce to which, they are subjected. .They would be all right In a potato patch. but they have no place beside the tongue of a- patrol wagon," said 'Veterinary Surgeon Carney to Chief of Police Grits macher ryesterday, morning. - The chief later said that undoubtedly three of the horses would have to be 'disposed of and new ones purchased to take their places. The horses have strength enough for ordinary -work, but -patrol work is trying on even a young- horse. i The three horses mentioned by . the snrgeon are eld members of the department and deserve good treatment. - ' LOCAL OPTION BILL -.PASSED IN OHIO ' (Joarnel Special Service.) - ' ' Columbus, O., Feb. 21. The Jones bill, which provldee for municipal local op tion by petition instead of by-election, wee passed by the houee yesterday aft ernoon by. a vote of (1 to la. ' The meas ure has the backing of the anti-Saloon league. .-It Is claimed that It will en able the people to drive saloons from all the residence districts of the cities, as t leaves the "Initiative exclusively In the hands of the temperance people. : '-r-tl.V-'The Sohmer ; ,;":'; . 1 Is America's famous piano. " .Purple 1 11 lee have been In bloom for a week on the hills back of The Dalles. - fiefs.. od Stool. Posited weed jLlXtm A Lewis' Best Brand, officer dots -to f:::::i FOR IVEDDC:S FIUFD Army . Lieutenant's r American , . Sweetheart Asks Pardon for I ' Faithless Lover. . . .1 IJeeraal Special Service.1) ' ( Washington. Feb. It.- Two army offi cers are destined to go to the. peniten tiary next week, unless the president ueee his pardoning power, which, how ever, la not probable. , One of the offi cers Is Lieutenant Homer E. Lewis, who will spend II months la Jsll. besides being dismissed from the service. He was found gftlTyon the charge of hav ing duplicated hla pay accounts and of having been engaged In numerous finan cial irregularities. : er " Is ueutenant o. - o. our- bank, who goes to Jail for IS months. He married a Filipino while on duty tn the Philippine Islands and denied the relationship on hls-jretura to the United States, wlieie lir be engaged to s young woman. He might-have escaped with dismissal from the army had It not been discovered that Burbank had apparently made away with some of the company funds and obtained money by false pretenses In Manila The young man'a mother and atster and the young woman to whom he was engaged to be married came to Wash ington and tried to Induce the president to exercise hie clemency In the case, but President Roosevelt refused to miti gate the sentence., t FINE ENTIRE COMPANY . , OF SOLDIERS FOR RIOT "' (Jmul Special Serrtcs.) -Washington. Feb. JI. During the last few daye the government authorltlea of the war department have been coneider- ng the question of fining the entire garrlaon of Fort Bliss. Texas, to offset the damage wrought by some soldiers who destroyed a saloon near that post. It was impeeslble to ssoertala the real culprits, and the suggestion was made that every eoldter be assessed pro rata. Oeneral.J.-M. Lee. who commands. the department In which Fort Bites Is sit- uatsd, expressed his disapproval of the suggestion, and said that renewed effort should be made to find those who were responsible. He regards It as unjust that all the soldiers should be taxed te meet the damage wrought by a few. The majority of the garrison did not -nrrairi lew of the Injustice of the wholesale asseesmsnt the war department haa em piratically concurred. The authorltlea at Fort Buss will be aaked to continue the Inquiry, with the view of determin ing definitely who Is responsible, and fixing the assessment upon the Individ ual culprits. . LAW STUDENTS FEAST AND MAKE SPEECHES Members of the senior law elssa of the University-of Oregon" gathered at the Oregon grill laat night to celebrate Washington birthday with feasting and speechmaklng. All the claae but four were present. O. T. Tread gold acted aa toastmaater. Every . member made a special "plea" on a current topic. The program was a dainty affair with an appropriate quotation arter the name of each apeaker. The claaa will have its commencement In June. .The members are: O. T. Treadgold, A. W. Parshley, H. A. flchmeer, Abner H. Jones. T. M. Peters, R. M. McCann. O. H. Reed, Wil liam S. Rues. M. Victor Staler, C. C Stout, A. F. Leonard. Harry Ianoovld, A. D. Anderson, C. B- Rlesland, KL CX SUdtar. T. S. Matsul, C. A- Ambrose Edwin L.. Miner. , ... lack Sand BhrpeetxeeatSL '..;'. (Joatsal Special Serrtee.l Washington. Feb. SI. Ttoe sum of 121,000 le carried by the urgency de ficiency bill agreed on yesterday for continuing black sand experiments at Portland, and the measure also carries ts.000 for the . widow of Senator Mitchell. ' r I Is the place where all go for their fine-Groceries, Meats, Vegetables, ! Fruit, Nuts, etc ' See some of our prices quoted below: ; Sack Rose City Flour. Ifs the -best. S-lb. can Assorted Soup; reg. ISe else. ' i Dosen cans Condensed. Cream. ':' "; - K ;' Two 4-Ih. pkgs. Washing Compound. ;:.-;-'-:;:: . 25 : ' A : It bsiri Good Laundry Soap L 25e ,' ... ' "$ lbs. Best Gloss Starch. . -40e' . lo-lb. sack Pure Buckwheat' Flour. 40- Gallon pall Choice Table Syrup, 25-; v ' ; tf.J cans Minced Clama, , - West Park and Washington. . ,k,-lMain 2596. 1 Spcdat at Rainitr P.!irket Best Meats to oe naa at reasonable pticee. .:.''" ' - - 1 Extra fine lot Canned Pineapple. can ZOd Freeh Ranch Egga. doe..k Ot New Raisins, package .104 Currants, Urge package 1B Freeh Oystere, every Friday, ptnt..sos) A full line of Canned Goods. Finest. Creamer J butter. . .604 to T5 Freeh Butter, Eggs and Cheese Always i" on Hand. -. - Al Baking Powder, Royal and Diamond W" cans . .,, . -Z0 and BOd - RAINIHR MARKBT C. BLUMi Proprietor. iTtt Mi Savleg Sta. Jeaa MAla SSSS. FELLOWS FELLOVS OrbcerfeeS SO tbm. B. Sk Sugar. ..$1.00 Shredded Wheat BIsculU. .. , Scotch RoUed Oats lO? 10-lb. sack Cream Rolled Oata..86 10-lb. sack Corn Meal... 2Sf 10-lb. sack Whole Wheat Flour. S5 10-lb. sack Grabs m.. Flour. ..... a ft f 10-lb sack "Farina. .". . . . .; 30 S S-Ib. earns Tablo Salt. .25e 1 lb. Ten Talk Ooffea -SO 1 lb. Moaarob Ooffee. ........ .254 1 av Sffd IfWiTT porr . ..xk, 7!A.aftf Oallon Cans Table ) Prult !y . Apples, Apricots, Peaches, drapes. Etc. ........ XtOk SPECIAL DELIVERY' TO EBXobell ' . "; .-."- (Taaelr lenaar'e.) ; - : VSCLEMLE AT.D EETJUL CKOCQ ; 'Ml.tSS.tSS TkM sU' car. Jettereea. Big Store of Little Prices rDTTiwrxft nion wox tin Tov-ate OK mil B0UAS. AVALIZT 40UAITIU soHnxixa's bxsx BAxne owssb is till, per lb......... Wta- Sr makM aaaa anf. KaVJa sacs . .7. . .7. 6.e Weetera dry grsealsted one eager, lis lbs ,.............. ......... ..ii-ce Kitra dry grasalsted sogar. 100-lk aaS-.fS. Cxtra dry graaolated eogar. UH lbs. 10 Best lenea, eraafe aad citron peel, per 1k..lSe S pkss Magsolla eleeaed evraats tte S pkfs sew tuiiM sstssa raisias ......SB t lbs aew t-erewa lease Btseeatels.. tse l ib caa Baral baklBg pewder. 40 Orosee A Biackwall'e ellve l.lh aka Ana A Hissar ei 1-gal caa -faeey table srrap 40e 34-gaI ess fancy table wjrvp....i. Vibe riwoek vim Shredded Wbeat bleealt. per pkg ....KW S lbs LenlsUaa line raaey Earlr Jane Pesa, pes dm So f. bare Borl aevea seep B-lb sail beet lard-............ a .SOe 10-11) pall beet lard fl OS go-lb nell best lard .......Ii se rtsest eastertt basis, pet lb . 1 Bet Btenie kaws. per lb Beet eottaae ksaM (boaeleea) per lb . aoe .lee sarveoea eocoaani, pes .................." Haro-wbeat Seer, sec sack $1.00 Beetek eeta, pat pkg ............. ... .We Poerasi cereal, per pkg SRe rele Keptba eeep. per bar SMI mH-im! Snot. aae aaekase .a.-...Sl.oe leva-A euTe renler et ....... U boa ends ereckers (sbeat 10 lbs) . Koallsb Breekfaet tea. per lb ISe Psncv Onaseerser tea (recalar Me) 1 lbs sroaea Java eeiiee .. 1 tare tar ease Itneaa Bleralt. per pkg ..v.w... ....... ...a Titer fine au; et. East aioa Deliveries Teiaays sad Vrilsys, . BKOVX kaib eoe. or uw WaUCJXS. sjoOB OOOBS ABB - - , o TBBBV ' Tovnsend & omooxms 147; First Street Beet Creamery Butter, roll. . 55 '65 Strictly Freeh Ranch Eggs, , t das. for...' ..,..11114 Mb. oan Table Blackberries, . . per dosen - -g l.tu Good Table Peaches and Apticota, S i-.m tnr . .2RS ntandard Tomatoes, t cans for....25sH v-orn, - nas w - sinni mwu, I cans for . xo Pr1mroee-;reani, cana for.......lBy Baked' Beans, S ansfor..........B5 Beet Walnuts and Almonds,, - , a IV- .WK-e English Breakfast Tea. per Ib..,..2B Best aasiera asms, per .inunf ': Mew Orop pigs aad Biaass. Best side delivery .Tuesday and Frl- T' PHONE MAIN 1282 Eggs..: ... , '.r. i.Z dozen;35e Ranch Eggs. . . . . .Per doz. S0f Best Creamery Butter OOf, 65f Good Creamery Butter. . . . 60 Best Sugar Cured Hams.;. 13 Breakfast Bacon, lb....... .15 5 lbs. Pure Lard r: . 50 Clhickens, per lb. . ,16f and 17f All "goods -retailed at wholesale .. ; '. prices., , -'.-.-,'. LrGrande Crccmery Van Schoonhoven WIOUMlii ABB BBTAZB I, ' v J. .. -t . - T lbs. Pink Beans. .....B5 Blended Tea. lilgbly flavored. equal. to Ltpton'a.. 60s) t lb. English Breakfast Tea....26 I lb. Spider Leg Tea...........4ft II bars Royal Savon Soap.. ....251 rolls Toilet Paper. ........... 10 .1-lb. pkg. Miller's Powdertne . Ammonia ....!Od S pkgavtraeeda Blsoals...M...2B PACKINGC0. First and Columbia The place where "all economical housewives go for their delicious MEATS. .We are down to facts and-every one demands quality and prime condition of the meats that their table is served with. The .best of meats is not always had. The best is only ob tainable by extreme care,1 from thb feeding of the cattle to the block in the market. - In other words, from farm to cook stove, for you get that kind if you, deal with us. See us for; your Sun day's dinner. 1" Phone; Main. Ill . Down te facta, and everyone demands quality and prime condition ot the meata that their table la served. The best In meats Is not always to be had, BUT WB HAVB IT , ' . . .. MEATS, POULTRY; PISH se ef on Frtme Bib Boagt Beef. KINDORF BROS. k . ISO Oiaad Ave. Bhoae Beet 41S. DUKE'S MARKET lag bovbtx ' t. naa taboou, V"' ,r ' - Fkoae Mala SSSOl - V, "', FINE HAMS.-lb. ...1SH Prime Rib Roast, Jb ..110 Ix)ln Steaks, lb.....,...........10 Pot Roast, lb..... ..8 Chops of all kinds, lb.......... .12H Chicken. lb....o Eggs, per doe... ..20 Butter,' per roll...... .6Sf v: ; Bis,'' Orabs aatd Oysters.'. Free delivery to say part of the elty. WE WILL 4 HAVE j ,'wimf sf'sa . Mais, . Rsh and Poultry To supply the trade. . ' Our prices are reasonable and our goods pre the best tal the cllrrT--. i-.-v-"-'' - -:xi G. Govcch & Co. V . STS irirst M, O T.TT?) ! v 4 f. aW tV.'J 'ProviaiorieS S-Ok reB Blerln BnMsv B54 - t lbs.' Cream Cheese. ......... .3ft 1 lb. Imported Swiss Cheese. . . 25 Plcnlo Hams, per lb. ........... .(e Sugar Cured Eaatern Hams, ... Cottage Hams, per lb. ........ .10 lbs. . Boneless Cod Fish.,.. . .15 " U lbs. Swift's O Bart ..80e) lbs. Swifrs o. r .bard. ...... 40e TWO CANS OP ALL PARTS OF THE CITY V SPECIAL, FOR K- SATURDAY . . ' s MELT '.Sj''X; Miallbut Thrte Pound tor ; Vyl'l f , t- J--t"-. , , aaMM-MMMMaM I , ., CRABS FRESH BOimD DAlCY. .V foVSTBRa PGR QUART SOo J ? STATiDARD CRAD CO. 171-173 r.lcdison iU ! in 2-Pit ioc iiace The Fulton Market Most Move March 5th to mrst and Yamhill Streets , We are ; closing out our large stock of Sugar t Cured Hams at greatly reduced prices. Get your order , in - for one of these 'fine hams. .';'. -i- 7 Veal Sausage ' as ''usual L Satur day morning. j.r y ' THIRD AND YAMHILL STS. . . " . ." FTiGT.ArJD TAYLC3 , pt:ori r.iAirj 1412 AW An all ye that VXXW9. Be not.deoelved on the pretense that yon are getting a better grade of goods, we submit to you the highest grade of - goods tn the market at unmatched "A CI& ksIJ Lszy Cssrter" v ' . ' -, '' ' .;v. ' Because ere aell such an enormous quantity of meat we are able to sell at a low rate of profit. . . ! fresh end tenicr ; And we retail It at wholeeale sosnr fombt. oau ob " . 1 seek Cruaade Flour.. ......fl.OO 1 gal. Tomatoes, solid pack... ,2S? 1 gaO. Squash or Pumpkin. .....afte) 10-lb. box Macaroni 80 'ie-lb.'box Spaghetti i, ..8Qe) la-lb. box Vermicelli.... Oe -1 -quart Menarch Olives. .. w. v.SOg 1 quart PU1 Pickles ..lO 1 quart Sour Pickles ....lOs) 1 gat Columbia Table Syrup... dO mgew. see aoe...yp i lUMI'.SVf I S5f CREAM- j DLUESTEM BLEND - Is made from best east ern Washington bluestem wheat and treated , with - the best - aging : process known to science, ; A high -priced flour and worth the'money. Every ' ' - sack guaranteed. ; ' mxcBBBAZA aaxAXBS) 00 : "V 'SSSU Wessiareen Be.;"; 3 CENTS A POUND MOST DELICIOUS PIES. fdiiit r a vrc DimniNr.s Z -nd SKs .t;;. I IUBXr CC7Li,TEi-W s mm SSi XAlllllLL, ST.. .-..,' i ' .......