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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
a. A. . . . T7 ' r e - AT Ti. i,.. ... - M p- In r.HM b Bad s b- lOO.lOu;. Mutiol na. , ail annexe I er. wa. It Is wed wtb What w uk k It. le be hon 4 sulrU fe err area Bear tee fan Tuy-elgbui it) et s -a, a la ' near th O. it. fl. cil tooue. itf Sf tot a) at reasonable prto. : Phoae Uala 8308. . BIT-IS Fratoa Bldg. Tl ACRES, cleared, aid boo, 8Ws near Or, v goo city. K4 woktemlth at., Alblaa. SKLLWOOD City Ptew Pari, a th beaks ( tb WllUmett. Ma $8 dowa. 8 ps tV Boah: fin factory ail wit a water power) Hose addition 40 choice borne dm Vt t W. H. lfoerhosa, M0)4 Umatiil " aw, Sellwood. -Or. .' . '- - A fHOin location oa tba psnlnsnto) wtir . build hsuss te wit) mall pejmest dowa, balance easy term. Phee 8aU MOT, at ll SOS Commercial blot. 1 - 1T. corner Twelfth and Till moo, tall ee- awat walk, ebcsp, by owner. , 'boo Mala 40, FAXON PARK ST aow ea tb market, tot st aeresg (vie, --t . . J; lota' BfrrtnO. .................... .Jl10 ' Iota '100iaBO.TVT.T;7tva TJ f 5IUO .-'lot tnoiUO.:. , 8400 ' Tbas ku ara all la eultlratlos, tovel aad sightly, ea a graded itwl, miauiss' . walk to gooa 10-room school at teats; -rent far to an part of Portland; water free. Trrms. I O.. R. Addttoa, owner, Lents. Ore gon; taka Meant Boott car. 6c. i : , FOB 8ALB A largo 8-1 i beese, nearly nw. with Mart ball, cmat baaemeat and attle axa-jthluf BMMlera aad 1 aood soadlilaoj fin ' , nil. W1IB cook rac ua rrui irvra; ax , M SoxluO; ale Bl(bborbad. To eaa't bat thla locatlaa) for eoamnlaap to aebaala, : ' tfbarebca. ator, ato. i will alwara rent wall. " K?"!1 fu tail Suraalda, Bur tut Twnt. ; ron BALK oath Mooat Tabor ' , auburbaa bom and (rnlt farna. Be tb ' i Month Moant Tabor Ral EaUte Offlea. Taka ' Mount Tabor-BaaarToir car, a rirat it. Pboo . But W. , . . t, 100 ACRES, : altlatdV dmU konaa, fruit, ajaar car. , . - . : . 7&UC a PortUad Hlbta, "walklac , dtotaac; yoaj eaa't bat thla. L block, Pattoa addition, WW to 0i f aal t !. v - j . dl M'KAT, Thlr and fltark, ' . Pnooa Main Sitsa. . , ' ' ' $9TS BUYS alfhtljn lot U BoaU PortUad. ' . block frtna car; ertr waur. Pbon Mala . , I33X dlft McKay, cor. Third and Btark. A BABOAIN BT4 acna. CM In raltrratlon. i balanca tlmbar aad pator tb trait of all kind, wall watarad. ale erk an tb plac: - 11X1 acraa of bottoia land, 140 ama la fall , aMatlr waati I coad boo f raona. X fair ban B rooma, I food' baraa. 1 lar aranarr, 1 food baad f bora, 11 b bad f eattla. M bad a awaa. 11 bad of boas, all tb farm 'aueklaarr: tocatad rtabt at k railroad at as) via ii Irp aad la sail h. olarator. atora aad aoatonrv Ball) to aobool: thla ra a Bna ttook, aalrf svala faraa. Wlca 114.000: tarn to aarrbaaar. Por aartlcalara at tbbi aad ataar araaiaa, writ r . , . AMBLBB WATTM. OaraalUa. Oragoa. Beats Ooanty. ria laiocrTOt." auntalali j. arras; all andar fanes; lock raaana la tba eouatr; I ato baas aaotba rod ataefc f ss ttaTalat ., . 1.4B0 arras, whk-b will ba sold at a rr low " - prlrs. Ps aartiealara addraaa t. B. Bulbar " lla, warviBoabsr, Oragoa. ' ' FOR SALE FARMS.- W bar fla (ana f U arrs T ttllet aoutb of Oragoa Cltj, aa tba Molalla road; gaotl a-rnnsa ksosa, flo barn, larga Wod bad. aalUboaaa and boa-parkar' abantlaa; Id , am of bops. M a era culthraradi bop tool ' aad H Intaraat la Uraw boa drjrr. Thla la , aa ssiian bop aad tba ark to right. W ba almost anptblnc foa aahrbt waat ' tn tba war of a fna at prteaa ranglag froai : II. "00 a a.aartaf' no. . Wi hara a eonpla of half bastions of Ma wheat ton) that to very cban.- Caaae la aad aaa aa) w will trast poa Kpiara. . 1- ,, Pbon Mala 80a. (IMS raatoa bldg. M owb-OO acraar war -tba aty,' toavvatont to rarllna and arbaeL fin astll rare bargato. ;': 107 Third, at. la anaicB. an clear, no atons or craL beaaa, . barn. gTsaal read, aaer MllwaokUj pries ga,ooa. bos aa, aurwaacia, vr. . UU nVNIH What hara aa In fi land for aalt W bar barars. Write BCOTTTSn-AMERICAW a ABM UKH Uth, dOB a. Oragoalaa Bldg.. Portland, Or. f 10.00 PEB ACBB f 10.00 IBBIOATBD t L A K 1 ""Ooofc Cenntr. Oragoa DIED dlrart frosa tata. , WRITB for bamphlat aad . ' B. B. COOK a CO., ' fft Alder at. Portland. Orsgoa. I'RURBAN BOMB TOiai beass aad bath. anas land, beantlral mn, posag orebard, "at Coorrner autloa, Id.OOO. nao 14V4 ara at Oaartaap auttoa, ea a w" p.- - m 40 ' to Taaakm eatp. B. f. D, d-roosa boo, ttO per acre. . L. AND aTh. DOWUK0. -- MUwaakta. Or. ' ajo-ACBB famrla Maa roaatr -aboot TB Bllaa , aooth of Portland; IM acrva aadar plow, 136 aeraa la naatnrot ntlr farna fenced; . lares biasi. rood barn.- two walla aad ran- plug atreara; four Blla from railroad ata " ttoa; price BS,ono; en half cash. 60S Cos- aaaretaa sca. aauwia aaa waaaingion. - -13.000 d-ecr apple errhard near the dtp, eloae - to earlla; good balldlnas; will ssll for 1-1 rsan, or take scant aou a pari pamsai. ' 107 li Third at, - BERB Is a-alee Bttle bar tor a - pcalattna ' ' or a noma: - 4b acres, -14 snUaa from (enter ' of Portland, oa good cosnty rosd; t acre v fenced and ealtlrstad, balance esally cleared; . new konaa. M fraM traea. esrr rtok soil. - worth aaa nor acre: ' will be 'Mi the anarkct for a few days more eair for. 91,130! partlsa nasolng r Jheeiaeaa caU ' ea . . lay, loo'ri aenrra at., room as. POR BALB atorb, ranch of s.440 arrea near fionarg. s miles n. bj. ox a.uajie. vr. ; pnea ' - low: l'l cash, balance I pears, g par cent. P. D. Chamberlain. Labbe bldg., PortlaaJ. FOR BALE-TIMBER. CIrciI,IW T'sewVlf IM put ; r , w, ajeweis, aea Cfcambsg at Oesa. t HA YB a boot IM timber eUisse for laaattoai aaebi nrreetl barges aatu pon til oa ciaimi aau aa gate. r-a Mnaewa aiog. . HORSES AND CARRIAGES, ' keMb ib 'a pi a bo ait f "piomK-.' ' '-r- l.-'ftt GORDON At Bca offer tba Imparted - Clrdeadal atallloa. .('Better Lack.? Nil lt CM, for sale. Ton will remember be n the " alsllloa that took eeeond prla at the Lewi 'and Clark fair; also took II rat prise as a pearling In Beet land. Tea. aaa boy bl - iht aad be la a choice one. . Also "Bnyal MoQoecB, ' the t-yeayeld Clyde atallloa that took flrat over tb Do- mlnloa of Canada and Brat at tb Lrwts nd Clark fair; his Mr took . tba gold medal - at rhlcaee thla laat year. - ' ' . Alee sows Clydesdale IUIea thbj to the ' heme of tb cnsmpion uiyas Biars ec u air. at -Fair Oeiv . "j. D. OOBDOM A BOW. Doade Oregea. x avta RAt.RMarcb team nt f-year-old hen, rltr broke, weight 1.100. Address C. . B. ' lllg. BsTervn. Oregoa. ' ' .V, TO EXCHAN0S. AND keaae, I nt lot. mads! a la'?" to. tak Woodrawa ear. Pbeae East AMI, f pxrHANOB-wl acres of nalmproeed. land, 1 . mile from, railroad ataibm, ea good eoanlT ' mad: Tin, 'BMpI aad abler land! will lake i Tscsat hU er hsasa and tot In PortUad aad pay saab dirrernss. ,107 intra St. V 3.INsv.B()cirrT tn besarlfnl home, Rllady'a addition, foa sere as closs rat mast bo near f canaie. awart. sia Cbamaer et OCB bktrk. heart of Bandoa, trade a .i. baea peal P. O. Boa dud, Oregoa City. what FOB BAr-B OR RXDTIAMOB 4-room hoaaa, (1 scrtl MX: Mlddlesar. I lota, small bones. Ptcrn Park. Will eicbsnge for good drsngbt r norses. Appiy owner, riassieiia LMmner ve.. -1 arieta, uragna. ' poa f At ' - e--4, I ' r . w , a ' , - FCH ' tALC UIZCZLLANEOU3. ". "".dHU'l PP0M IS LP. C r A P f P t J AM 14 FEB kONTH. tJaSWbvO TTPArTKIaBK CO.. U BIXTB BT. - . FO. BALB OK BBNT--It" AMD IKONO, IIP! BEWin'l Bid l'l. gTARUAPD I itvnfO MACBItB A-AkCa. B. D, . twO XAMb.LL ST. . BOOKS boayXt, aotd aad aechangad at the . oia asea atom. A zamaui at. WB Bead) forsltnre aad wfl pay foil eslssl . Poae Faclfle TM, ; Wsstara Balrage Ca f Waahlsgtoa at, wrrrERN oreook mining miixino co. aesouartsrs) atoek tor sale aad iurorma ttoa at W0, Flrat at Fboae Mala 120. BBOWCABBfl AND PIXTUREB made to order; -mni asea-en as for eala,- Carlaoa BAab streaa, tnS Coach sL Fboae day STL. B0P8B8 of aO kinds .for ssle at aery able prtosa. Inquire Z7S Proat St. BILLIARD AND POOL tables tor rent er Aw Jet ID djpf digjfba yayeyaaanaasa . i ' i i . . . ' Tun bbukSwick-balkb collcndbb oo. v Third St.. Portland. MANUBB by wsgoaload r carload ea O. W. F. By. Fbeae Beat Sale. . TUB elbratod Poatlae top bngylsa. toatber rinunea. ror arts, at rortiann wareai Traaafar Oa., Ui Bast Waabmgtoa at. CLOSING aala efSclal nawtograpble elewa t anseeaaudwtea, u -u.A.ulel aa4ahBV . vWWVvTvl -i m yvvaiaaawa, ajsinel 'Wlaia' arway.i.-mi uaa, wavw - m- -a , te., greatly redoced : prtosa. Bxpaatttoa atore, mottissb at. BOW easea. ininUr. flatarsa boagbt, add a ezeMBg westsra aajraga ve mm a lag ton at. Fadfl Tat, j ' B BOLL. TOP desk. efSae-tabtoa, rag. xtara; au new. ooiuna Lavaa r man aaaa. WB print pear aam ea 80 calling earda, proper aaa aaa eiyss, apei vi oeamsve caraa, . A. W. Bebmale Cev, Flrat, Portland. Or. BOLDKN'S BHEUMATIO COBB--Bare car for rbeaasatiam. Bold by au aruggist. . . OBNUINB Calirornla sasdl rated soap for aa). wboassal er retail, at Ida Morriaoe at. IF yoa want to bnlld. bap all poar materlala at tba A mar lea a inn; yea w.a nar tb par eeni; fiae doors, windows, plea tar beards, rnstl or aiding. Soaring, etalre. tlmbar aad lumber. Fboae owner. PadSe 107. F0 BALB a sea Una laanch Hattlei 11 H. P. I la rat-clans eondlttoa; hargstn It Bala aow. 1. E. Wolff. Psoas East 224. , FOR BALB CHEAP A braad-aed elagle da. II rary -wagon with dock top. . oo uovejoy. Pbeea Faclfle lSOS. Call ea weekday. tn0 NEW aprtrht ptano, lo; aprlebt plane esai organ aaa. Mia rirat, eoraar auin, apetahm. v ..-., -Car riL Bill WlBBt THOBOUOBBBED eggs and etoek for sale nf wait aaa rrown ignarrni. " wnit ana Barred Rock. Mg Itrshmaa. Bnff Oocblna aad Black Mlnerena: fl-SO per aatttag. C 8. Arnold, Mllwaakto, Oregon. FOR BALB S20 baya a goad strong eprtng wagoa; tbto to a aaap. A. Btoae. Laata, FOR BALB. CHEAP Se-foot abelTlng. aaltnbl lor errs ones er grocery stars, is roarta au I FRESH sows, aa toad tar tot narg, aanweoa, - . - FOR BALB Gooseneck and tnaatala. 1S14 Maorona are. w. Gameoa. PERSONAL. OONPTDErTTIAL medteal adrto W treat glaiasis er 1 nrln with aararrlna aUmenbj from the allgbtest tocal trrtutloa ' to 'the meat eeawrlcated Intamal trenblesi ' maternity eeees given special attention; C Irate hospital aceoanmodattoai Mresstoaal Ay aaree la Bttendaacs; oaralttloa and adrlca free. X-Radlam Medical laetltnte aad fealtar1am, Third and Aids gta aatraaea I AMer .. PerUaaA. .. . . . . LADTRB A mrree-fafltng rsamdr rellevse an eetinat caaca; perreeuy ha. tiaea a pool tire relief; receipt I ml . . W tail laat IS , tlona Si (atasapa take).. Addraaa Dr. Bodd. Baa Fraactoen, Canferala. DN. WONLBT BENJAMIN, the Foot NnectoTrst, SS0H Wsahtagtoa at. Bend BOi, .Bar i feci ma a asaaa. FRCB to eat f ton s patron. ar tot, eata toga et fancy work, pillow ktrns, aentar Blares, sMrtwslsto sad acTaltla. Tb Needle Craft Bbop. SOT Allsky bldg., Portland. Or. BINS) CHOONO, importer ef Chinese mot' medl rinra; sella Cblneae tea that hi certain ear far an disss ass. . Ul , Seoosd Bat, Xamblll aad Taylor. . . , j - . BACKACHR and kidney or bladder diseases . cared with Oregoa berba; trial alas tor 10 la stamps. Plana er, S00 Third at. . OR. ATWOOD, IS Reaael bldg.. IdBtt Paorth st. Femsl dlwase and cor fine men t takaa aad eared fori epea erealag. , CooenltsUos " free. - . DOLLS' HOSPITAL . Repairing and draastaaklng. I Ml Tamhtn. MANLT rigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Warrs , Globules. 0a moorts treatment. S; S . moetna. Ml; sent secarslr ssnled bp bmII. Agenta, Woedard. Clark A Oe- Portland. Or. sneettoga Drew ball. 181 Banned, SriTS preaaed while yoa wait, BO. ladles' skirts presssd. SOe. - Otlbert, IflSV tteth St.. ' aeat to Qeelle. Pbon CUy SOS. WET PERT nr dnngeroa, to a bd lately waterproof. . Web toot blacking BALM OF FIOS for all female dlaaaesa. Bast Belmont. Phone Beat 403. ILL climate aad aerr one d la ass treated, IS per month; ne druse; no knife. 411 Morrison. TEN. PalmVbbleta make yea sleep perfectly! they enre nctToasnaes and make yoa street ; ' ndce BAe a htte . a hate to. AO: ensrsntssd. Ill drart Its, sr address Brooks Drug Co., ST Third St., rertuaa, ursgon. , - ANT maa er woman rna be errant and hsppy i- a 1 aalng Bnln puis, toe grrsi tonici pnes a box, S bore SS, with fall gnarsntse. Irses ar sail J. A. Clsmsaaoa. drarilat. eor. Second aad Yamhill its., Portia ad. Or. DBTECTITB AOENCT-Osnfldantlsl tneestl. gsttoaai resorts made ea ay lodlal dnar burt- nsss or propsTTyj suaaing raiaiiT bad debto collected ; rbargea reaaoaable; eor. rospondaac anllrlted. Oregoa Dateetlr Berries, office 114-klS ColamM tif., SOS Wnablsgtoa et. Fboae Mala MIS. LOST powers restored by the 'greet pf. Lorens's Nsrrs Toole Tsblstoi Bto per be, S boao for 11. IS. Writ er call at EraarlJ'a Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet, tot aad 3d. BIOH-OBADB portraits: special offer for few . dayai cahlset alas, earda or toldsra, IS for - l enaiitr sad work tb best. t. M. rUaraSa, god Oeodaaagb bldg.. Fifth Bad J TamJjlll '-:. . r TURKISH BATHS,' 300 Oreswnls. bMg.l ladlm days, gsnUamsn night.. Mala laaa. i "FORBIDDEN FRUIT," ''A 0syLothrl, 'Htnry of a SI. '"Fanny Hill." ''Ageee,' "Wo-isa ef rir," B0c sathi list Ire. W. Bcbmato Co.. S3S Flrat et. . SCHOOL bonks and all ktoda of hooka boagbt. sold aad euhanged. Jones' Book. Store) BBl ' Alder t. . MMB ANNA LUCKET AND MRS. CARMON ciir all eralp dlseaesai all kind ef batli ' efesn: sktctrle maaaaae: else bare the Frsorb mud for removing wrinkles; Mme. Barrow a ' famona rndl: satlafirtton gaaraatesO. Phone Fadfl 1803. SoO Taylor. DO pea waat to marry t If so. Ha .ear society r we Bare annm reoe. ai memo, vtio r a matrlaaoalal register, War fc Fartb at., earaar Morrlaoa. Room 34. WANTED A child to rare tor: rs hi rats, rnone kssi wis. BOLDEN'S RBBUMATIO CURB Sir re rheamatMeh Sold by sll dragglata. tot LADIES A aeTor-fallrnc "aMmtbly" rmdyi re Mares all ebetlaet rsseas perfectly harmless bat a posit Irs relief; receipt with foil hv tn iction si tsrsnps rss ip noaress tn A. Budd, Baa FraaclMBv California. PfKI-!!' A marl ra a Barb are for tale, at ill -irs at.. I' or time. raf , H a. A , -.m -t, saerl sgeat " , MA KB pearly wb t . Pajd to to aumna te V. O. bus S.i, -Oauo. Or. 24 peers' Slperlence THB B'P Or Vlnecal Paths are a ponttlv rare fur 1 .cwrome dieses rbaaiu", stomach and llrsr troupisa. . Ttm to f -tars's owe remedy. MMit FaclfU Lk4. COAST ageney Dr. Crlfto's Frencb tdlet arucies. grmmw ' , Park A Wasalngtoa. ta-a Wain Sail. MADAM'S Microbe Killer, the greet germicide, that baa stood the test of sara. In saw by dragglate ar W latere, eotf bread N. WANTBD A' falr-tooklng yeoag tody who to Ion or nsncing, nra itw naaueiii --a no elbect to nbt party. I T, care J ear sal. ATJTOUOSXIX3. rvtwmv a, rvwtn afitaae rr Da 1 AMer AgeaU for Caoillae. Ftorae. reat Arrow aad BtTae-Duryea seor-ar aaa- blae rsntea, repsnwa nnn storeo. ART EUPORIUU. FROPEMOR R. MAX MBTBR, S4S Portrait and lasdaeapa artlat had Aid, teacher. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, got Commarrtab blk.. awaoad and Washington sta. Fboae Mala B4B, B. F. B0RLRIQB. towyer, IBS Orand spSn Beat PortUad. I. B. WINCHESTER, attomey-et-law, aetary poMic ao wnsntngtea niog, 1 ARCHITECTS. H. II. If EMORA. Arebltset, 111 Beooed t- ASSATESS. SARVIN OTANIDR BXTBACTION CO.. Bad Montana Amay Office. IS Morrison st. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWR, DATIB A KILBAht, Mm-Ul Bjmad at. Blank book mannfnctnrers; aganta for aenaa Imnrovad Leeee-Leaf todgerai ere tb new Barak a leaf, tba beat ea the market. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. B. BIRKBNWALD CO., S04-S0S Barrett at. CAFES. THB OrPICB 2X6 Waahlngten tU, TT1. Samnsl Tlgnenna. CHIROPRACTIC. CURES sppandlslth wtthoat drag er knlfs. Dr. Ba Hogaa. SM HaU St.- Phone Mara 004 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBTJ BNB A PXOTD. wag"? toUl?era and general job work. SS Sth aC Phoae Hood Sett. WM. PISHBECrX, arpatsr I repalrtog and Job--v Mna done. SB1 Boraslde at. Phone Mala 047. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet CWsalng Co., .largest plant . en the coast, Lorlng and Bardlng am., tele- phone Kaat WW trpem sawed aad Uld; both eteam aad totest os, presssd sir process; e, -rating Bsattraaaas aad Nathera a speotalty. - ; ' S ANITA RT enrpet etoaalng. snrtlon snd com- premea lir eom nssa; enr - - - wltboat remo-sL Msla B6M. Esst 4333. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. X8BBRO-OUN8T CO , , )totrlbatoa et -k'mm PortUad. Oragoa. CLEANINQ AND DYEING PortUad Steam a a nine A Dyeing Worts; n-ae- tlcal natter m esaaecuoa. aia em. " ... a " CLOTHES cleaned aad preaaed SI .per BssdU. Ualaa Talloriag VO., MI wanaingwm H. W. TURNER, profsaalonal iysr and iiubbbj SOS Jerrarson n. raoa aus i -- - NBW FROCERS lac cortala clean lag, SO to ft pair. 404 UUaaa. Mala S40S. SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Lanlcs" snd men's cleaning snq prensingoo- 14J COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS. VERDINO A BARBELL, prodaea eed eemmto. aloa merchaata. 140 Proat aC. Portland, Or. . Pboae Main. ITS. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES say see ewe ysa meaeyt Wejsslfcjet Da a asors oi sii sip, reuww. - i Oollsrtloa Co., 123 Orand aes., rooms 1 and 18. Otlsene Bask bids. Cot thb) eat. Phone Bast a so. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE prockwy ad fiaaswara. Pre I, Hrgel m O. 100 to log Fifth, eor. Btark at. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST anama-tSAF M Oil Tbt VaTfl aTO at II M i 8T QKOBUB ORMONDB. SBER. OF BOXFt. Cbtrrorsnt; Palmist snd Psychic Hsslsr, .. THB ONLY TOOI MEDIATOR , , Care all aerrona dlssassa. waakaeea of ery m nil w u n, w.. w-w. , l: tell lost wht anrwy. perptosea. wor- kind; rlee yoat what poor wlak la. If tba one yoa lore to trne or rle. how to nam too lore or sdmtrs; brtog back tb satraajea : ion rr, noa ino r wiie, .wiu. " troubles aad assists yoa to raining year wl-k , rlage. tor, law, money, cbangeai aU wltutj yea sneaking a word. Fee. one dollar. . . I w er " el !, A Anna nila mi. I r VTBJ It 1 1 J gvrm en . .r--aa pnaaafn) . 2M WASHINGTON ST. MBS. STEVENS, Portland' leading palmlat, astrologer Bad datrroyant. . IS Sereatb at., : epp. Motet rtinnn. Prof. Wallace : Tb noted palmist, will aontlaa to glr hn. iiraA ta readlne In So rent for oaa week -longer. 34W14 Morrlaoa St. Tb Coe- mon. OTsr Royal bakery. k P.EN0BIA. s" ' THB GREAT XOTPTIArT, ' '1 T1M poa lost what yoa wsnt . to Rl ' - B3S ALISKT 8LDO. . , SrB Morrlaoa at., eor. Third. - i SKI 1 THE ARB AT r NORMAN I Wine ef Astrolnsisrs. Palmlat aad MSdtom, ' I tail' rear aame. the nam ef friend a and enemies: ersrytning yen wa.n w aaa-r. Honra 10 a. m. te 8 p. an. SM Fifth rt; h? ft COAL AND wbbleCii CHURCHLET BROS, bare remersd tram Bast Derm at. to 433 Reamer St.. aaer lltbl hi ' aow tba Isrgeat woodyard I the stty, sorry. ' lae nU kinds et weed aad eeal. Mala SSL WFRTERN Fred A Fael Co.. e tir bwees mw.. .4 nt da1era to ell blade et hoese roeM ssd bMcbsmlfb eoato Pbeas Mala tOIS. ALRINA FUEL 00 Dealer fat orreed. jl and free so ry snwsoo. m. P- nam a . Mna are., 3 Sleeks aeat et ferry, jtoat STA. BTBRL BRID0B fTFX CO. Peeler to seal aordweod end dry elabwoad. Fbeae East 434, RROON FUEL CO. All kind of Beat wee. SOS Aide St. Phone Mala . KIRK B0OTBR. SIS Tatat SWWgsS Bad gga V; BATHS MA83AOE. .'' TWO ladlaa glr bathe, face and aalp miassge. BOS Fifth at. rasa Kr TBR't LADtBrP TAILOBINw COLUOB, i and 400 Allaky bldg.; writ tor aeofclat. DANCING. WOODWARD'S dancing school f the ' Academy of MaataT Monday and ' Spectator larttad. Lesaona SOe. I te 11. Cor. Seesad and Morrtosa. ThniaAee. Paaclas S FROF. RINQLBR, SOS Aider, near Sixth! e prlrat ltasnna. SOe. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. BOBTHWEBT BLBGTRICAti RNaiNBBRINw . Cnmnsnr. S4 Bsranth at.. Portland, a K. to ' eeeryoiuc la the jstrtoal Una, PAC1PI0 RLBCTRIO tors, rspalrera, electii wiring, annllea. First, eor. Stsrh. Msla aaa. R. H. Tits. FURNACES. BOTH TON Warm-sir fnmaeee ssa taL 7. CL Bayer rnrnace on.. Boa arena, mala x. FRENCH BAKERIES. piei in. an r n r m wuw, ' wum wi m Dally dsllTcTT. Pboae Oraan KA. JM FURNITURE . FACTORIES. Aisnna Pnrntma Mannfnetnrlnjr Comnenr Mannfnetareia e - lerwiurv see tne svja Portland, Or, L viiknitiiri msnnrirtminr L, Roesnaky'n farnltara factory. 370 Front st FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. Pn T.i!f D Will A IRON WORKI laBOers et., eor. aa. man mma sum. GROCERS. ,j'VT- PADHAMB A CO., wbelessle nerarera saa i sad Oak ate. . . . seta. Faarth ALLEN A LEWIS, sommlmlaa and arodoes aw ennnre. w roni one irs is s i.. r r a. vr. OASOLINE ENGINES. v! AT as, sseerat esmpto gnanflns and etatkmaryl write tag Maohiaery Oe- Farttoad. ensinsa, sasrln prions. Bslsraae Machinery GRINDINO.' L J. OABTBRLINI A CO., Saeeator at tba fa snows steel tempering pro ms; tool Aa -ened rennonnbln. 41 Fifth at. HARDWARE. partlaad Bardware O. solicits eppmtualty to enets prices. Imp 1st St. .cor. Aiaer. wsm isns. HOTELS. BOTRli PortUad. America a plan; S3. AS par day. BBLTEDBRB; Bnropss plan; 4t'b and Alder st. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER A COw Potato, feed Seer. 138 Union are. Phone Beet IB1T. LOCKSMITH. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith snd Wry el repairing, a mernwa CUy 821; night poena. Mala SMS. J. R. RICHARDSON, locksmltr aad repairing, SWT Bjarasme. raciae iww. INSURANCE ISAAC I WHITE. Bra SOS Dekae) JA". Mel. WOOD, employers' BaWllty and b. dleldaal aorldeat earaty .bead et all blade, sr. 80S. ate ay smg. P. BABTELB COMPART Fire Inyarjaee. 43 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa Phoae Mala 3418. MAGNETIC HEALING DR. L. H. HART traato aO dtoeaaaa. stomaeh trsabl. aerroasaess and fanctonl wanknaaa. 188 Seventh at Phase Msla 4ITS. MUSICAL. I, A. WESOO. vtoHa-msker and repatrsrj wort flrst-cUaa. 38 Raaast bldg.. 4tb aad Mirrtoin, BMIL THIRLHORN. papU Alatb. ef Srelk, ' vtolis Tak Mala 880. Btarue IB TOPER'S PIANO STUDIO, S B. Cerb Half rstsa for clnarng term. Phone Bnat 82BS. MACHINERY.' THB B. 0. ALBBB CO. Baaon hand awmllla, U. . S4S Oread see. BIPPBLX A MTBRS, maehtalsm end eto. trlcUra: slsetrle eleratora. etoctricalmecbla. . ary aad saaollne englnen a, apeoUlty. 884 Onk st. Fboae Mala 1830. CBNTBNNIAL IRON A 8TEBL WORKS, ma rine and stationary gasoline a i sxnertai aD kinds macblMry repaired, p Oitona OSTEOPATHS. RS. ADIX A NORTH RUP. dlS-le-lT Dekam bldg.. Third snd Wsshlngtoa ato, Fbeae - Mala 848. Eramlsnttons tree. - '- , DBS, OTIS MABEL AKIN, 408 Maeleay bldg, CUy TTS. Baa. M. 3181. Oonaaluiloa free. TUB very best tody osteopath ewn. Dr. , U O. Johnson, sous is. Selllng-Hnraeb bldg. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. REACH A O0r-b Ftoas Falat 0s. . window -g lam sad glaajag. US First si 1U. ...... ,,, . KB NEST MILLER A CO., Beeond and Taytoaw. . Wall paper, paint. U st market prisssl frse n-ary. - -PATENT LAWYERS. ieMJi m m tmmtMmummwtmtMMmtmwmm B. 0. WRIOHT, domeeM and raeelga pabsaUi tnfrlngsmeat caaae. 804 Dekam. . PRINTING. ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANT, prtattsf. tus'Sder "t " , rasa saaia mm wonts. PRINTRBT Arttstl srintlng. Rpnsssl bldg- Penrtb aad Morrmoa. reos ' li i ' i in i n WELCH, D1TIKA CABJH1N Prtottng that ears ths payer. Rssms SvS d SO Bis rna Efcc Slitaaad MRba Fboee aula AUT, MONEY TO LOAN. THBBg ABBMABT Ft '-US' Bat it win pap pea to toara ewr when pea re la eent or la asea o naneeri we .a bsla roe. sad wltboat snbUdtr; w will maa pea any amennt, 10 to 100. ea year asUry, at Inwest rates, wltbsot eenlgne and wltaeat a knewledge et yoa amployar, sr eay one, and yoa saa repay la paT"1 ef SI weekly ar 4 monthly. more, ac cording te asas-at et loss! we a toe leea ea farnltara, pianos, ate., wltboat rsmovaL When In seed et money It will pay yoa to get It from ra ea the FATMBNT FLANS H Will cost yoa leas and goto yoa eat of debt. , If yoa will eall at eor ofBee we wlU a platn In detail: Be mhrandentaadlngni yea will knew the total Boat and aU partlmUra before yoa gat the toaai ell taforaaatloa cheerfully gives, whether Ja berrow a Bet ' " 1TUTT0N CREDIT CO., S13 Sfth Boer) DakasJ bldg. BBADQUABTERS FOR SALABT MAN3V dtt-S Mohawk bldg.. ear, Morrleo an Third. f . . . - M WnrllaltV. -ttrmm bin lew a T a pafr rk KM s wefCT if yoa borrow t yea pop beck SI M a wean, f ysa borrow 0 yea pep beck 1 108 a Week. f pes borrow M yea aey back M SS a week. 8 yea pay beck SI 38 a ItHctly SarsfT La. ... CBEitcxMT Loan co- . k bldg.. esr. Men-toon snd --.--- MONBT TO LOAM Oa tmpraeed city property er for tajfldlaf pemoses. for from 8 to 10 yaer1 tla.. with prfrllars to repay an er pert et toaa after tore year. Loans approeed frem plane aaa money aaraaeed as aaiioiae t mortesei tnk.e aad renlsod. . FRED BU STRONG. Financial AgoaS, S43 Stark at . THB STAB LOAN OO. Aay salaried employe, wage-earast, aa at i on am aat witnoat aiortgag Month. , Month. Weak. BOA Repay to a .18.83 r M. er S8.M .00 Repay te Be Al er S3 88 sr 11.88 .00 Repay to a I 4.00 nr 3-00 er 81.0 BIS MeXsy bids. MONBT to toaa oe real, personal snd collateral oecarttyt e pedal atteatma to ehattel awrt- f ra; pots noornr. u. w. ru a tea bldg.. 84 Slrfh st, BIOHLT easpectable place where tooiee and BbBsbs BanTtBB alBBrBaS) munsy on we snd iswstrp. Cenataral liosa Bank. , Wasa- ngtoa C rbose BiscB n. . MONBT te loan ea Clackamas mnrty toada. B. P. aad F. B. Riley, 80S Chamber at Cam. LOWEST rate a tnrnttare and alanoa. ra Lena Oe.. 44S Bberleck bldg. Clap TO L0A If Soma " to salt ea ebattol SMrltp. R. A. Prams. Sid ths MaraBaat - - FRITATB missy toy prtrato toan S and T pa esal T 30. JonmaL loans aa realty. MONET TO MlK m H atnd at Betarlty. William HolLIom.BWMbianoBiioie, . COLUMBIA LIPR A TBURT CO., Six tli Boor Ooncsrd bldg., Snd and Stark - lesa -aa ttp MONBT ad-aaeed salaried people aad ethers apon their owe asmss wltboat esc-rlty; rbenpeet rate, esMest -syments; sfflese ta . B3 principal eltleb; nsre yonxsslf PA aaap getting ear. terms first. .... . j. . , . T0LMAN. - ttt Abtogtoa bldg., MSH Third at. - CONFIDENTIAL tosna ea aalartoa, lnanraaca pollrtm, pianos, forattnre, warsbonae iw eelpts. ate. i sny deserrlng a. .-eon may eseor a liberal adrsnce. repaying by eaay weekly , or monthly Installments. MEW XBA I.OAN A RUCT-OOmTANT, SOS Ablngtea aldg. WILL km 810,000 or toe, real estate artty, S par ewt. FarrfactoB. SIS Chamber . Oeas- PLUMBERS. DONNBRBKRO RAD SMACKS aaattary ptomben. 84 Fearth at. FOX A CO. snltsry prambsra, ttl Second, be. Mala and Balmoa. paa raane Main BOOL FINNEOAN BROS, A CO. B8 Third St. Fboae Mala 3000. PInmbsrs and baatlaf engi PHYSICAL CULTURE. PROP, RINOLBR'S School ef Physical Onttaret II WaaebM. 808 Abler etn aaa Stlth. anas ot-sssa as -a a sanas : RUBBER STAMPS. P. ft STAMP WORKS. 848 Aid sL.pbons Msl not rnbbev sumps, seeks, steed is, ssggsg trad cberks eend fsr eetslngas Re, Sa. ROOFING. TIN RO0FIN0, gsrtsrlnr, rapsrrtng sad gisnil ysnMng. t. Loan. Bll Jarre 'i T SAFES. DIRROLD leads sestnat Fir and Boralar. Tbto wall aaree anrellaniei oorien m -arse Jacks Agency, Metal Frrtarss. Leckaats opened, As fee Pboae Mate 1WU, John i, Daeia, ed Third t. STREET PAVING WARREN Ceeetracttoa Co., street pevlns, sldw walks sad eeomiaga. Tie uregoama Bug. THB Barber Asphalt Parte Oa. a FafttoaA on lee one wereester sis. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. KARUKM A CO.. Anksnr aad . Elrhth sts- sboae Pact 8c ns Makers ef eargtoal ta : atrnmeata and deformity sppllaacee; raaora, knlvns snd srlsaors aharneaed te eerrectloa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every description! bask, bar aad stare Sstar made te order. , Tb Lathe Mannfaetartng Co., Portupa. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODB'S Farnltere Boa Hlgbaat prtosa, paid for second h aad furaltara. SIB Beona at PaHHe 4B8. SIGN PAINTERS. 00 LD 8IONS, window tottering eeenomlcel electrl tana mmt e 1 i ii i a fa os ssd signs ef sB khtd made aalckly. Poeter A Klaleer, Fifth rnone men .an no. SCALP TREATMENT. 0RAT, falling hatr, daadrnff tree ted; ahsaipoe. lnss mnnlcnrlng, chiropody, face work, Mr. B. F. Kyas. lflBH Fonrtb, eor. Morrlaoa. Boom a. Phone Panne ana. .TYPEWRITERS NEW tipeeillw. all make, rented. soM and ' repairea uoeev ageacy. sni marn. in, V?; t? tELEPHONES. THB only eaclnalve talspboos boos. B.-R. Blsetrl A Tslapheae Msaafaet-rtog , peay. PS PI rta st. TRANSFER AND HAULING. nirpunos mnd, rarnitare mo-eo. ne y inor-ehlpplng snd nhlpoedi sll work ratAWf-Tlsres, Setor brlrk. ftre-nreaf ebowaa fnr torage. Office IBS Ptrnt st Ware novae 0. M. Olaea. Phone Mala S4T. XH a sawiava m uanivvi in.n,,,. v. '. ear. Birth . aad Oab ato. baggage ebeohed from hotel or rmldnss direct to estlnarta psmssgsiq thsrsfor eold rash and annef sees st depots. Priest Exchange tS. . .. a O. PICK, attic 88 Pint St.. between Stark and Oak ato., phoae SM; pUbos ssd foralrur moved aaa paenea rnr snipping; ' brick wsrbnnse with aapento Frost end Clay sta. OREOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North State. Pbon Mala 88. Hy bsnUng aad storage. FORT SPECIAL DELIVER- Me. SOOia Wash togtoa st Fboae Mala SO, a W. UNBS A PRO., SM M 1 Pomlror rplclB. f fUlbblas. facklnd sad saitptaa. TOWEL SUPPLY. , CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb. si per moots Portlnnd Lnnndry aad Towel anppiy ce. Ninth and Oonrh. Phone 410. UNDERWEAR. BOOK WOOD'S all-wool bait anderweer la scar ier, aararai grnr. camel hair and white, mans from porn ansdultsrsted storks, ta the best; . aak year dsetors for It; waa awarded the gold medal LewU sad Clark elpoelttoau - FINANCIAL, CEtJURITT SATTJIOg , TRUiT COMPANT. w a-e msrrmsa at. rertlaad. Orsaea. - Traaasst a Sanersl Banking Bnslsasa. SAV T aaa nrsAirsrse Istarset Allowed e Tim aad Sarins Deposits, AfTRI RUB 'tVkmSa f-m -. rs1. J04 Jt trs of- Credit - Arsllsble .-...arm " woria, CL F. ADAMS.. President L. A. LWI8........-.....Ptret Tlee-Prenldent A. If. MIIJA Second Vlee-Presldent fiEO. F. RUSSELL ....Asslataat Seoretarf TKX BARX OF 0AUF0RVIA. , . (Ratabllsbsd 184. Head OtOcs. Baa Fraadsee. Cmi. Capital paid Bp ewpiwB a an aaainasd proata av,T7U,i4.u A Oeeeral Banking snd Ezcbsaga Baslnisa . Trnaaactcd. - - - SAVTNGS DEPARTMENT. C J.J, Intsrsst psld ea tints deposits. Accounts opened tor am of 310 ssd vpward. Partlaed Aesi n..u t fnM..M Bnlldlng. rM. A. WACRAB. Ma safer T. RURTCHASLL.......Amlstaat Maaager FIRST RATIONAL BARX OF PORTLAND. 0XEB0V. Dealgeated Depository aad Ftoaaetol Ageat ef the llnlted Statea. Prsaldaat A. L. MILLS Casblsr J. W. NBWKIRK Asetetaat Casbtor .....W. a ALVORD Second AssUtsnt Cssbler......,B, P. STEVENS tetter el Credit tossed Available la snS tne , a.., Bight Bsshsnee snd Taleen tohle Trsanfsta Rd ea New Terk, Bostoe. Chlcsgo, St. Leale. FseL Omaha. Saa Praaclao and the principal potntn la the Northweat aigai sag time Bills orswa le soma so son n Moooa, rsnn, Barna. rraaktorr. Mala. Hongkong, Tekobamn. Copenhagen. ChrUflanla. Btoclbolm, St . Fstorebarg. Mas. ncn, yjonoinia. OsUsctloan Mnde oa Faeanble Term, MIBflWABTB' NATIONAL BANK. FORTLAXB. OIXO0B. J. FRANK WATSON President R. U DURHAM TtoS-Freeldent B. W. H0TT Cssblsr OBOROB W. H0TT....,......AssUtsBt Csahtot xr an ss lis a Bsasial analog Rnslasss. Orafta and Letters et Credit, bsnsd ArallabM as All Parts ef the World. . -CeUsettoo a Specialty. . - - LADD A TIL TON RAXXZFS. . 1 (XataBliakad Is 18.l . CeUosUoaa aside at sll potato sa faeerebH ma. letters or credit weaea evs".nie is Borons snd sll nolnts In the United States. Sight Bsehenge - snd Tales ankle Traaafers pun aa new gera, waaBingtoa. carnage,,- at uas, iMavar, omasa, aea sTanclaco Montsaa and British Oorambla. Eirbaags Bold oa London, Paris. ' Berlin, Frankfort, Hoaghaag. XekobaSM, MaalU aad oaolahk , - . . ... .. DORTLAjro TRUST COMPANT OF OBEOOX, I The Oldest Trast Oompaap ta Oragaa. ; ' RE80URCX8 OVER Sl.400,000. , u0aaral bankUg. . Kirbang se sll psrto et the world. . Sarin rs accounts. Tina eert le ss tss, I to d per aeat-. abort -caD gpecUl sertlS- ssies. aow ar erer, si to per cent. i Call for book ef "'ILLUSTRATIONS." ' Son tb east Corner Third aad Oak ato, Pboae Private Kaehaa i 13. BENJ. t. C0HKN President II. L. FITTOCK .....Tle-Prddt b. lis PAOg .Secretary I. A. OOLTRA.. , .Am let a t Secretary TEX MORTOAAR RUARARTXR I A TRUST COMFAjrY RANK. Stocks. Bead sad Mortgage Bosgkt ssd Sold. Intsrsst Psld nn Tlmn Danoalta. CepltsL. ..... SUKX000.08 0. W, Wsterbary,. ..Prosldsat C. W. Miller..., Vic-Prl dent 01 B. ClrmMt Becretsry Elks' Tempto, Bereerh aad Stub Street, Pboae Mala 184. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK , OF PORTLAND. 0XXOOB N0XTBWX8T O0R. THIRD AND OAB STS. Tsaaaaata a Oeeeral Banking BbMiis, . . DRAFTS ISSUED ArslUbl ta All Cltl .if tb United State . aad Borepe. Hosgkvi aad Mjaalla. . eouKonoBa kadx ob avorarlx txrhs. fraald t.. -...... 0. AIKBWORTfJ Vlre-Prealdest................ . .. W. B ATEB Vlct-Prcaldvat.. .....R. LEA. RARNKS Caakler , R. W. SCHMREB Amlstsst Cashier..: A. M. WRIOHT Asstoteat Cashier... W. A. BOLT Flrat Bt.. Ferttoad. Or. Off at Wlt-Bdge Tavoatmrnts la Mnnlrlpnl aad Railroad Bond. Writ er CaU. COLUMBIA Oas rtogto A Rsfe Werke-n-e-loek or parts; fire end bsrrlsr-ncoof sate apened aad repaired. Pbeae PaeKlo 3TS. MORTQAQB LrOAMS Oa FnrtUad Reel Xatoto at Lwt Bates, A Tltl laeered. Abstraeto Fabsd. XITLX UARABTXX A TRUST CO. k 84 Washlngtea St.. Oer. Sural. s --j BB -j-BRr-g PROFESSIONAL MEN OF PENDLETON TO SPEAK .'. . -v;. ' (Rnectal Dispatch to The Townm-, ' . Panaidton, Or- rob. II. A satias of Mvoa sddresses br profagslonAl wen of Fa-Alston wUI ba Btvan At tba Church f th Redeemer. commnelnr Ash Wed neaday. Fsbruary SS. On address will ba glren oa WsdnMdAjr avealnt of aaeh week, eommancinx at 7:10 o'clock, th last on April 11. Tba program baa be to arta-fed by Ror. Jienry DUon Jone as follows: ; Judge gtspbsn A. LowU. February it, "What Is Success?"; Judg W. It. Ellis, March T, "Rsvrncs of Law an1 Esaentlal Clamsnta of Cbaractar In Mak ing a Man"! Mayor James A. Foa, Marcb, 14, "BaaontUl lranta ef Charaotor Is Maklns tba Cltlaen"; O. W. Pbelpa, March tl, "Eissntlal Elements of Cbar actar In Maklna; tba Lawyer"; Dr. 3. W. Cola, March 21. "Bssentlal Elsment of Character In Maklns tba Phyalclan"! T. C Taylor. April 4, "Esssntial Ele menta of Cbaractar la MAktna the Ba ii Baas Man." .' , , : . TWO DAYS' CONVENTION 'H - IS HELD AT ATHENA ,'-:i-: ' (Speetal Dtopatcb te The learaal. Athena, Or., Fab. fl.- Tba alavanth annual conrntlon of th Umatilla coun ty Sunday aohool eonTentfoa- opanad In thla city yesterday with County Presi dent Mrs. 8tphn A. Lowall of Pendle ton prasldlnx. Tba aaeetlnss are belnf hold la. the MathodUt EplacopaJ church. and th people of Athena bays mad labors te preparations for tha two dayV senaloa. Rap. W. C Merltt, northweat. arn rapreaantatlva of tba InternaUorial Sunday RchooJ aasoclstlon, who will b on of taa principal speakers at ths eonreatkmv la la tha olty. - " - Tba nrnsent offloara are: Praatdant. Mra. Staphaa A. Lowell, Pendleton; eor ree ponding aerretary. Miss Mary Pim star, MUtoa; recoroing saoratary, Mra. Richard Jonas. Echo. Tbers la lars attsndaaea ffom Al) parta of tha Bounty. ., IBpeclal DtonatoB te The So-rneM - Baker City, Or Fab. I3.-Te Baker county taa roll waa today turned arr ta Bherlff Brown by th oourity olerb and the receipt of taa will begin about March 1. Tha roll ahowa tha total amount of tare to be collected by Baker county turlny; tha aar aa OtLOK " -N, ' CarcRia 1aj:s There wlU be three sum m ' r ' " famaae Mew Pas land d- , " - mj East," at the Maiiiaam Oraad O -e . and tomorrow sight at 8:18 a'cmcat. a bargaia price mnttoea mmiirtsa 'I afternooa at S:18. Stag ' here torero larked Tnrtetj. pa . - t e. flakes etfted from perforated boa hfl generally tall ta a very limited ar, bent a Orismer, wb staged " 'Way Dews Aaa,' be bll anoa a sew eerto. Thai anrtlenlnr eat a- etorm seams te bar est to te tost the real et tb whiter. t - Bdtimora Bcautids At Bsksr. ' Bar las a has a tollewtoa to rrery city la the Ualtad States that to Inetased la the bar- tosune eircalt. la .PortUad thla style of amaaaamat Is aspac tally popaUr aad all slaaasa attend aad esjoy It The Baltimore Reaattoe company .tbto weak to ea et the beak Ubed ef the entire 88 companies ra tba wsstara wbset Tonight end b-norrow amtlaae will be tba tost yrtormsaes. , -I ' HuniAB- HAArtB NwtWsark. Humaa H aorta," the haaatlfal aad tmprve. sirs drama which to alwaya a f recite wHh . thsatre-gosra, will open a waek'a sngaae meat tlxmnirsBrt aanaay msanee. "riamsa Haarta" la a strong play, dealing with Ufa la the Arkaaaa hlUa. .--..- - .....: ; r, '" ' aa .. , j.-. . ,ThA Moonshinsrw DAUghtsr." Thar will be only three mors opportnnltles to see "The Moo ash Use's Deagbter" st the Empire tonight, tumurraw afteraeoa aaa te. amrrew aUkt The thrilling BMtodraaw baa draws targe haosn sll week ssd those whs at tended bars a clear picture et tne nra ex is satlawed aieoaMiiaers la ta arswesy High School Girli Next. ' Coming te tba Baker theatre nest week far the nana! engagement, starting Baadep mall-nee- the efferliui will ba-Keraaa aad Bile' ewa shew, ths High School uirU company. A. two-set araslrai comedy will he preesniso, w tlUed -Motel Btars sad Btrlps. Anns Beatrks Sheldon March t. "The aw FselS osvst prima donna. Ana Beatrice Bbsldon. eoorane. will epssar ta eoa cert at the Marooam Wraad tbeeUa Thursday vsslng of seat weak. . ssd wUI be seal ted by Praaa Boyd wsua, taa ponag inm-s nlanlsi. It will be ea crest la which both society aad amstoal people will be Interested. People so whom oanoenpooa car a ssvs esvn beea aeat eogbt te SU ap aad ntara thoee aaro at oaee, eo they sen be to Une tee the nb aerlpttoa sal, which spans Monday meralng Bt 10 o'clock. Thoee who her not rscerrsd three card csa yet get a place le the sob. scripttoa eato by Ice ring a astlScattoa te Manngse waorge le Baker, nddraeeed to the Marooam theatre. . TbrsgUr sato at aaatA . opens Tuesday morning. . . . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK, ' A pewerfal story ssd a wsU-sUged pnaa ttoa, togstbsr with ths stress scttag eempsay. make sorters 1st the en -est aUrnettoa at tba Lyrto theatre. There ar a tn sense watts be tw aea acta at tse Lyric, ea the Lyrtaoope, with . storing ptetare. ssd Joe Thompsoa. la II- . tostrsted aoase, 811 la daring the InteraJlealo-a. For a good sidling - amldorema . "A Brother's RTsag-" . ; . ' ' VaudevUIa At Grand.:, i ' A eieelUnt yanderill entertainment la every raapeet Is what the Or ssd to offering tbto wsek. A dale Parvto Onrl Is the festers with her- spsctncnlsr glebe denes. She to eo. , slated by Flora Alltborpe. noobrett. Vim All tbrepe does s strsngs daace ea a pk, Tssd. e Japanese egnJUbrlst doe as slmeat break -nark act apoa twe chair batoaord apoa a glob, which la tora reels apoa a table. The res of th bill U equally eatertelslas. , , , ... " .,...,.' .., . , Dd-A-Phooa at Star, It ms tmpasslbto tor Dl--pbmw to msks tb tmltatmae n oose wna-ss m-imw naslstascs. yet this hamaa telepaoa et the Star rellsa npoa bis vocal cords ateae la bis laalcry. The DeVoe brother base ea of the beet acts at ths kind sppesrtng her la 1 s year aad the omrreioes MaJcoua aaa ms- tarUlly to the ratsrtainmsnt . SCHEF.TE TO DO AWAY IVITI1 voo;:g nuiGOES- Would Prevent Inheritance of Vast Fortune by Cfvlnj j Property to 8tate. ' (Joeraal Special AWvtoa.1 . . Bohonaotady, N. T- Fabv M. Prof . eor John March of Union eoils. la recent addraaa befor th Labor lyoeum . bar, proclaimed a plan to do away with younc gniUlonalraa and prerant th e eumulanoa of Immana estates la tha handa of a ootnparatlroly few pergooa. The plan briefly U a follows : "Th homaatead abail Da lnnsntaDi. aa at praaent AB Mhr property In lands and th like, ah all Da sola at puo- llo auction as aoon aa praotleabla, after the death of th owner, th proceed (with th cash poseeeaiona a bore a cer tain sum) to Co to th stat,. "In order, however, that no Hardship may come of .th arrange rnent. tb widow and dependent mala children. XeJ . male children, and any Incapable, ahall receive from tb stat an annuity which ahall be a certain per cant of tb tne m , from tb property aold, together with Interest on tha cash taken. Tb annuity will expire at th marrlas of th widow or daughters, and with tha completion of th reasonable education of tb sons." By thla plan oh aTnratlon wom stand on its awa feet, and not ba bound and ahacklsd by preoedlna fanoratloes ss at praaaaW i ' ..-. , - .v '., KALAMA MAN SERIOUSLY U INJURED BY. EKQK:S t" .'.I p' mmmmmmmmmm k -,"'"' (BpecUr THspstch te Tb Joeraal.) KaUma. Waatb Feb. IS. Timothy Mahone), Who ha bean working as a, ' deck hand , on tha Northern Paclfl transfer boat Tsooma for tha paat four year a. wa struck by th yard ng1r her about It o'clock "Wednesday night about 100 yard north of th depot He waa knocked down and th wheels of th sngln ran over his right arm near -the albow, almoat severing It from th body. He waa placed aboard th steam er Lurlln and taken to tb marine hos pital at Portland. 'as Boys ; - , (SpocUl Dmpalcb te The JoomsLI Pendleton, Or, Feb, 18. Mayor Fa f this city ha glra strict rdrs for baddln the delivery ef packaged by measenger boys to the restricted Ale trtot and this order wUI b rigidly en forced. Heretofore smsjl boys in th employ at th meaaeasar service have been sent with packages le all part th distrtot eight and dyv but tha Ffa tic will be entirely stopped. ' A ," TBtAtlUA CBRil a, , "' "iBeMtol Ptsatr to r t-T "! Pendleton. Or- bob. -'-' Stlllmsn of thla elty a Invitation of the Umtli. t crate ' to become ace of fir of elr-uK j Walter It I ir " lhy will ' ' senet ml -T. U t" ' ' t - i ' t i .