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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
TII2 C - - -evae'Ce ' v a AAjra- av We.. oW -end .assy t ei x-. - t - . - 7 O . . : 1 B.aeeA at the aoatafflan st Fastland. tar masrtiiM uwm ti wfe-ii I , postage Car slagfe enptosi Ff ea t, 12 er I ' page payer, 1 out; It U N pegea, ; U U page. cento. . . musoiiL . ....Men w A milllllll office ...................... , ? foexibb tomtiuit ftxprnxtzxrAnrt. VreeUii Beajamle Bpeclal AdvertlMu Agency. lsu baeae atroot. New lucki Tribune BaUa ! j r lag. Islcaga. , . .- . . . '.V-. IVBtCKmiOM KATXS. V' ; - . " V ' Terms by CSi iaai. . ' . Th Dally Journal, wit Sunday. J Jaf ...17.60 Tbe lull Journal, I r 6.00 . i The Dolly Journal, with B-jDday, mouth. 2.JS . t The Dally Journal. 8 meatae..... ......... f s' i The bally Jouroul. with Sunday, a months. 1M . ' ' Tb Dally Journal. 8 anoatue....... ....... . . ise valir Journal, wiib hidu. w "The tattr. nar -weak. amt if ..- eroded ' ! riM Dally, par week, delivered. Sunday t- . v eepted - ' JO Xar ky JtoU.- - ., Th Dallr J Mima 1. vita Huaaa. t W....IT. ' in. lk.ila 1 aaar D.W Taa bally JaarBaL with MawUy. auatM. J Tha lally jaaraal. Moatlw.. Tba Dally Jojraal. wit Ihm4ay, awatha. W ' Tba ballr Joaroal. 1 i, ; t"; ' Tb aaoday Juaroal, 1 yaar.. ....... ateaday Joarnai, tha. ';..'.-:-' Ta taaBtWaakly Jaanai. ,r "f .- Tba ganil-WaaklT Jwvaal. t t ! B.00 aaca aama, uiaauaia fore. 1 yaar, " BBBlttaikaM 1.80 ittanm abould aa nada by draft, paatal ataa, aipraaa araVara lai aaaaU aaKMiat w ut,;?f rA'.r.t XiUi KVUUi r. o. Ba in. PartUnd. Owajoat ' , -"WMM ID OUMAL KAT B VOVaTS, t ' Taa Joarnai CM IN Coa am aw 1 MImI.. ' SulHH. IDAHO R alar a, fla.1 W. B. Ma- CU1CAOO raatatic Kawa eaatfaay, JT1 Daatv ", bora alraat. . V KAO SAS CITT Aaurloaa Kawa MPanaiM WBaMaTa. i' i . tOM AlUXV-. B. Aajoa. aawapayar vafaa) Aba Barl. aairapapar wafoa. -Al I N fOLlaj k. J. karaaaagk. M ' " ' Third atraat. 4 ' W TOHK CITY -BroalaaVa. Catoa aaaar t.u u.ii.. u..r. omw waaaa. OMAHA billiard Ratal aav ataadi Ifagaatk dtatloaary epaay, 1M Varaaaa atraat. l.r AflltUlf hMWll B.V. BtttAAl. . i BALT lAkK CITK Kaayoa Hntal WW ataad; , , Barraw Broa.. 41 Waat Saooad atraat, aoalhi j 1 Mra. Lavla. aawaaaaw wom- .am mran n k a mm. awanaoa' nm. BAN raANCiacf-W. B. Ardla. Palaoa Uvtal : am ataad: rrad.Pllta. lOOd Markat atraat) . . (V.UWmllk hraa . m Battu atraat aad St. 5 . Iraaela kotal; roatar At Oraar. rarry balM ' I Ut; N. -Wkaatlay. aawaaapar wasoa. Markat ana naaraay. ... ,. BEATTLB lialalar Oraad aatra ataad; A. B. UiRr.n Ilnf 1 fWattla M.I ataad. ' BT. )U0L'I I'kllllp aWdar. did Lacaat atraat; B. . iatt, aod 0Ua-vtraA Baam 1 Acfearaua. :' RPOKANE fnaa W. Orahaai A Ca. : ZAOOMA Caatral Kawa ooatpaay. Botal Tv . aotaa awa ataad; Aca Kawa aeaiaaay, isearapa LzaxaoaL. TICTOEIA. B. . t ary eaampaay. 0. Tleterla Baak Btatiaa. WEATHER REPORT. A aaMlt dlatarbaaaa kaa aaida ita appearaara orf tba Mnatb af tba ColnaihU rlaar. It will ni aartbaaatward drln tba aazt M baora aad raaaa aaaaraj ralaa la thla dUtrlrt toalf ht ; aad Satarday,' with aa daddad ium la l taaiparatara. Tha aaroaiatar la ralatlaaly low ' la tba aalddla Wfat and aaaall dlatarbaaraa ara oil lahaai a, 4ba- fcwr -lakv raaioa aad Baakauiwwaa. Tba ararlnltaraM attradlna' thi dlatarbaaeva kaa as far boa Urht and I conflad principally la tna Dakotaa aad Mia. A hlf ri aaan araa la eaatral eff tba aaatbara Callfarala aoaat and aantbar M at . . araat augaitada atxaplaa tba Blddla Atlaatla .. aad Mw Snajland at taa. Tba brnparatarfa 1 ara aba aoraaal aaarywbara airapt la tba ' aoatb -AtUatle aad aaat lf aUtaa, waara It Ja allchrly cool ar tbaa aaoai. . , ,; ObaanaOaea tahaa at a. ai-, Paella tlaal . Tama. gtatkma . Max. Mto. Rakar Otr. Oraaaa... 4t ' SH Boataa. Maaaarhaaatta..... 48 ,. t rMraaa, Illlaola... M 44 iVaaor. Colorado. IMI " 24 '. Kaaaaa Dty, Mlaaoarl m " 4J Loa Aaalf, l allfornla.... 1 4A '. Now Ortrana. Ioulalana.... TO " . M Naw Tor. New lark...... 60 . PartUad. Onvoa Rt - 40 A .0 T . .0 . .14 ' llaarttarc. Oraaoa. o SS- nt. Umi; Mlaanorl At ; Malt Lak. liuh..., ,. 43 . Daa rraaclao..CaUraral... M .' 4K , aipofeaaa. Waah Urn torn ...... 4d - - M TacAtna. WaahlnaTtna. ...... 60 . M , Walla Walla. WaaklBdtaa., M . M Waablnctnn, D. O ti M .0 .so in .01 ..04 . .0 .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. , 1 frank D. Wat. Yaneaaaar, Waahlaftaa, Ml : Batt la Malaad. 84. Jaaaa Hill. YasmTar, Waabtnctoa. it; May Orahaai. 41. : Oaarra B. BlncbAB, SI; Arlmlnta ManhaH, Thaaiaa Wahtara, Aatorla, Orafoa. S4; Joakaaa Baynolda. 21. . Adolf R. Xllara, 21; Oartrada Daa garltk. IS. -1" Kauaaal Seller, 22; Bartba Baaauaa. 21. - Waddlnc Oarda. W. O. Smith A Ca.. TTaab- BHrtoa auif.. aa. raaru aad waauoctaa ata. Mlaa Berth Martla mow 212 Allaky bldf. Btaapiac aad fine aeadlewark; laaaoaa tlaaa. BIRTHS. . WICKBAM Pahraary U ' Mr. aad Mra. , , Joba 0. Wick ha oa, a ana. . JORTEa Pabraary 11. to Mr. and Mr. W. P. Portar. BS North Twelfth a tree, a daat-htar. ' BATJKB Pfbraary IS. to Mr. aad Mr. Otta J . . Baaar. eoraar Tweaty-df Ik aad Uaahar atreeu, t ' a ana. . .PMAW fVlirnarr 16. a Mr. aad Mi a. Kirt - aaomaa. Ml Watdler atraat, a aoa. , ' : TITl H rar la, ta Mr. and Mr. Wr M. Tltaa. SOS Kerth Twaatylztb atraat, , a , danrbler. r ..WRHBEBratmarr Id, t Mr. aad Mr. B. D. Wabbar. 622 Twctitr-flfth atreat, a aoa. MK1EK rehruery 14. t Mr. aad Mr. Prtd Mrtar, 682 Markat atraat. a danchtar. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. rAiRBROTTTRIt PeKrMry 20, ' Itantbar. 4e3tt Beat Baraalde Iharla. 1 II'UHH-Pabraary 22. Mar fVaABaarrlal atraat. dlDfatbarla. Mr. : atreet. Ph. dtpa Balrirh, TM . BCIAc-rebraary 23, Joha Bell. 2M BUatoa atreet; aaaaala. - , CLARK Febraary S3, rjarber CUrt, 6T8 that Twenty-Brat atreet. tnaaalea. rUKERHON Penniary 33, Rne Para tHckar. ana. AT, 2 Pewell atraat. naaale. : MMJJt-rebraary 20. Mle Mill. .20 Baal Thirtieth atreet. meaalea. i BlCVERH Penrnary ' . JtaroldVBarera, inaiama atreet. aieaaie. fUfMhiMAlt yehrnary 20. Beatrlca Rnrkiujl, -aAa Eaat Tblrty ftilnl etreei, ajeaalea. mi an eeftmary su, awaia naaer,- vunaoa atreet. meaalea, ' rMAHK eVbraarr 4ft. kldrth aad - liiMuH. rbaaa. earner Baat Party-flrat aad ,Taiiart J , atreta, aieaaiea. ' ' DEATHS. HKRINO Fetwnary 23. Ann tlertnc. ated Mr at ftood KaaurrlUa hoaptt.l. PARP-rPebraary. an. J.jba Nharp. ayed 24 j. yeara, at ni.. tinrant a Beapitai; eaaaa. -typbolil freer. Bortal at londm. OaUrlo. , EJtnAII-IK February to. Klla i. Kadallle, aa-ed 2T rear. 740 Clinton atreet: reuer, ptonaiaa pniHonmir. nurwi i ail rerr en, ffreron. ' , EKVAUX Pabraary 20, AtU V. Daaranx, . fM T 'year. MO Kerbr atreet; eanae, heart dleeaee. Burial at Rleerelrw eemetery. yv. v.- UNDERTAKERS. ... . - i . P;' Plnley A Son. fanml dtreetora asd ntbalmera. eomer Third aad Madleen atrsebv Office sf eounty Coroner, Telephone Mala 2 rHreeln. McEetee A Ollbsugb, andertaker . and cuihalmere; modern tn every detail, Seeeath sd Pla. - Mala 460. - Lsdy ssstotsnt A. B. Hematock. aaoVrtaker sod embalmer. "Beat Tnlrteenth and L ma till ars. . Pboae . r- East 4721. t . BTTIBTirW CZMETEBT. - . Jingle grevee 11. , Family Iota 2TB te 21,6r. f io eeuy eeaneiery ia reniaed wblcb per. 1 aetmtir malatalna aad rarea for lota. Par full ' laformttloa nply to W, R. Mac erode. War. . W. M, Leatd, areeldaat ,, Oregon, r .1 - s.r.rTrY ,j ' MrtTTrff J " ' ' ' I ' - ' TTTTT T WlMTSn HTW ' i - pv ii iv. ;7 ' "t t : r ...77 . TTT a. nut, - POTICB af pabll ante of tha fraachlaaa aad property at b Oracoa Tract loa couipaay. : Notlc ta hereby flreu tbat to tackkoMr af tha Drecoa Tract lua conipany hav adopted a reaniatloa aauaoriamc and airaciina ia o- aointioa at tba aaM corporation aoa u ' pnelttoa of all Ita property. lj r.n. . t in mmiA MM.iutina and tha reaoltt' , tloa of tba board of director antborlalac and dlreeltne the uU n all er the orolMMTUr ba- - lonclnc to tha coaipaay, I will, at the hour . or u a cwci a. m., oa 'innraaaj. m. day of March, Ibxat, at tba front door of tba oonty oourtbouae, la tba city af Port land. Multnamah couatr. Oracoa. offer at nubile mU. a tha hituaT hAtldee for Oaah. tba franehbMM, roailbad, track, rlfhts of war and coutracta for rlfbt of way, togetbar with an amp, proriiea. oinc nit urea ana ture. mnA all mui, ahitan, klud flWDtd by aaid cwporitloa. The aaM property wUl pa aoK in balk, and aa aa entirety. xbe earn rraochlaea af aaio cuuipaay ,re A francblaa aatborlauia' the coaatrDrtkM of - a railway una ui roach toe city or iiu ' aad a fraaehlaa crantluy tba rlfht to coaatracl . a railway oa and ever certain atreet la tb city af roraat Orora. WaaUlntoa eoantjr. Oracoa. and a franeblae (ranted by tba city of Portland, Or., by ordinance No. U.604. aa- i tiiara, Al ordinance raatimt to ma wieaoo ( Traction eamnany, Ita eucreaaora and aaalcn. tba right to ooaatract, lay dowa, maintain and . opera I a anuwaya aad aolee and e w aa aaa am , derenmad oandulu In tba dty of Portland. Or.r (Approved by tha. mayor of aald city aa tba 6th day af April.' MU6.1 - The eoaatraeted track balonelna ta aald ... rompaay - ronalata of . abont .30 feet af ' double track laid oa Twelfth atreet. In tba t city of Portland, Or between Baraalde and Orertaa atreeta. In aald elty, aad 200 feet ' af doable track oa Petty roe atreet, be tween Thirteenth aad raortaeath atreet. la aid dir. and three eroaatnaa oa Hllteenth ' Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth atreeta, at tba Intereectloa af Pettycroe atreet. Tb Biapa and proriiea raferred ta mow tb earrey ec , tba nreiorted electric - railway Una of tha roapany from tba rlty of 1 "art land. Or., I the city of Poreat Oror. Or. Par fall antortnatlrei aa to all nronerty of the cow pear. Inquire at tb office of tb ' eoataany, room 62, L'nioa block, city af Part- . aina. wr. ' Tba aald eorparatlna Is now Indebted ta about the earn of tss.OOOV Of ld n a boat tb amoant of .t.OOO la do tha German la National bank of Ban rraactace, CaU -for which 2100.000 par hw In amoant of tba band of tha eompany aarared by a taortgaca -r deed, ad-troat oa all tba property of the " ceatpaay era depoalted aa collateral lad of . which aald total aBMmat a boat tba mm of ; 214.700 t awcared by mechanlce" Ilea oa (he frandilee. roadbed and aooatraeted track of tha company la tba rlty of Portland, tb remainder af aald lndebtedaea being nae- - cared. Tba aald property ahall be anld to tha kUrheat bidder. The parch arte hn r Said la full, ta reek or by aerepUbW eartl led ebeck. at ar before I e' clock p. at. of tba day of aale. Pay meat ta be made ti tb anrierelgaed at tba office af the coat , paay. L'nioa block. Portland. Or. If tb peraoa afferteg tha blgbeat Md for all of aid property ahall not pay tb entire nar ;. cheae arte by 3 o'clock a. m. of ek day of aale. tb perean offering the aaenad hlrbeat MIT mm M entnled lo tlic conrayance of aald property. If be ahaU pay tb. eatlr earn bid by M baror 4 o'clock p. ba. of aald day af aale; and If neltber the aaM aitd cTiT-lir"! the "lfonoht blfl " y nlaj tb director of tba campaay at their orH-aa Buy aell eatd property to any piaoa bidding at aald aale who nka fall nayment aa tb day of aald aale of tb aaia bid by blnr. Tba ' right to reject any and all bid la liiirwt , By order of tba board of director. w. l. aovtx. - - Wecr alary Oregoa Traction Company. CHATTEL M0BTOA0B BALE Notice la barehy gleea tfcat-aader aad by ekrtoe or a certain chattel aHBTtgaga, wbarh waa a Men ted on tba 2d day af July. Iftutt. by M. O. Naaaa. party of tha flret part, to Paal Weeelngar and Henry Wagner, U'uataaa. pert lea of tba eecond pert, to aeenre tb payMot of a certain promlaaory note, dated tba Sd day of Jaly, ItNJ. payable on demand after data for tha earn at 22.300, In gold coin of the United Htataa, with Int area t tbereon la Ilka gold rota at tba rata of per cent par anaam free data utll paid, and aoeh further aaia the eoart may adjudre raaaonahle aa attor aeye' free, together with coata and dlebare menta. which aald mortgage waa duly filed for record la tha county clerk' office for Multnomah coaaty. Oregon, oa tha 6U day of Inly, 1906. aad recorded m book Is, on page 211, Record of Chattel Mortgagee, sad npoa tba follow try deocrlbed good and chattels, ettoate and btlng In tnnee certain pcemlaea known aa No. lal Poarth atM Portland, Ore gon, aad deacrfbed aa follow, ta wit: One bnrglar-praof Bate. 1 aet of bar fit rare, eonelatlng af bar and back bar. 1 metal rate table. 12 metal chair. 2 rerolTlng office chan-a. 1 rolltop deek. 1 chandelier, 1 electric wall i brackets, 2 celling (tactile fixtures, three SI artificial pal ma, 2 Jardlnleree, 1 caah res later, 1 t af bar glaaaware. brae cnapidor. 1 Opal refrigerator, 1 aab can, 1 beating atoea and pipe, I mahogany flnteh redwood partition. 162 yarda graalte lmo eeant, 14 yard cork carpet. 1 a lot machine. wooden chain, d phiah curtain, 1 ranch counter. . Under and by elrtne af a power of attorney tad nppoinloieat a tucked ta aald chattel mortgage, duly -indorsed, whereby the under. Icned ha been duly appointed agent for tb Bald mortgageee for tba purpose of foreeloeluf tb aald chattel mortgage and making aale of the a bore deacribed good sad chattel, by etrtae of aald authority. I hare tekea poaoeoeloB of and will at tb requeet of the naartgagee sail the shoes deacribed good and ahettele at pablle aoctloa, to tba highest bidder for cash, on the 2d day of March, 1B06. at the boar of. 10 'clock a. m.. at K. 181 PorU st, la tba city af PortUsU. Oregoa. PertUnd, Or., pebroery 22. WO. . "P. Ar MAKOUAM. JR, Agent. " BII3 INVITEB. r BMa wfn V receleed ap to March 11. 10, t tb office of the grand clerk, 1. L. Wright. Portland. Oregon, for tb printing and mailing of tb Pacific Bcb. the OMutblr -afrkial neper sf tbs Women of Woodcraft, csatraet to ran for three years. - opacification a 8am reading Butter apse as Is preeent form of tba Bcbo. -Form, aln af page aad width sf column, general nuke-ap and quality of paper of the Fraternal Monitor: with eeeer. Bide ta b on baat of 40.000 eojilee, month ly. and aa much par 1,008 cop lea for each addition 1.000. A tMuipwl new aeaiitng nai in ns aat nd mamtalnsd free llat fornlahed by the .Orand Circle. nenrhM bid mnet b a atateiaeat af meehsnlral eqnlneaent pries, typesetting ma chines and msiiere, a an a guereniee or anility to carry out coe tract. If Been red. If tbs work or any material part or it as io oa aooiei. inen toe L eanlpoieat, name and reeponelhlllty of the proposed abcantretar mast be given. Tbs rlfht Is reserved.. t reject any. And all blda. y erder of tbs board of grand manager. . ' 2. I.. WRlGfTT, Grand Clerk, " P. O. Box Ns. 3060. Portland, Or. KOTICR OP RTftCKHOLDERir MErmNO la accordance with toe auinnrity Tea tea in me by tb by-law of Lewie and Clark Centeanlal and Aaisrtras Paclfle BipoaltloB and Oriental Fatr. s corporstlos organiaed sad eilatlDg raider the law of the ata ta of Oregoa. f, H. W. Oonde, president of said corporation, hereby cell s aperlel . meeting sf 4ta tork bolder. ts be held In the office of the eor. porstlon. Admlaletratlna . burldtng, l.'nahur street, between Twenty-slith and Twenly eeenth atreet, Portland. Oregon, en Thtrrs d,y. tb ftrat day of March. 1MM. at II s'clork In the morning, for the parpoae of ethoflslnjr tbe Biaeoititionoi.sia rnrj eta-pore and dla turn ssd tbs sei ettllng of Its hualneee. -posing of Ita property and dividing tba eapl . tal atork la each manner a to tb meeting may eeetn proper, and for tb trsasactloa of say ssd si boalncas In connect Ion therewith; thai may properly coma before aald meeting. --- H. W. 000DE. By order of tba nrealdent. i . HENRY B. BBXD. " Secretary of Kald Corporation. ' Port land. Oregoa. Pehrssry IP, J006. NOTICH TO CREDITORS.. Ia tha county court of the stste of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah. In tbe matter of the aetata of John B. Oarrell, deceeeed. Notice la hereby given that the underelgued ba been, by order of tbe above entitled court, appointed ad . mlnlatratnr of the eetate of esld deceased. situated within tbe atate of Oregon. ,- all persona holding claims sgainst aald eetate are hereby notified to preeent the aame, verified under oath, with proper vonrh . are, ta me at room 434, Chamber of Cam . mere building, Portland. Oregon, ertthta ait ' . months from tba date of tb flrat pnbllcatlo ef thla notice. . fisted January 3d, pfJ. ! .-. -.. J. C.'PtAHDIRS. - Admlnlerrator of tbs EtsC et Joha B. ' . OarrelL 1 era aed. , 2TOCK HOLDERS' ANNUAL MERT1NO, The atork holder of tb Little Beela. M1n Ing company ar hereby notified that the regular annual meeting the atorkhnldere of thla company will be held la the city of v Portland. Oregon, an ' Monday, March 6, . lisaj. at. 1:60 o clock p. k., for tb purnoae - of electing a full board of seven director. , to erve during th enealng year, and for the traneectma of aucb buafnea ss may . legally essss before tbs meeting. J. H. HtUIU 4eaSIAa.i. aTTeer; . 7 JO. U MJELBATH. eoretArr, .....1 MOTICa IS HEREBY 0IYEH that SB tba 2th day of July. IWu. J. I. Trlmbl mortgaged ta the Boderalgsed, ambrlnu Brewing com. ' pany.-cerlaln uruperty deorrlbed ss follow! verieur. gooae ana cnaite Brw ssing aa . tha store numbered 61 North Third atreet. Port land, stats of Oregon, sad deacribed . all tbs stock of wluee, liquors, cigars, mer chandise and atock m trade of every kind , and rbsrscter now eltuatad la tb above deorrlbed premlaee; a We the bar glaaaae and ' glaaaware, gaa fixture. 1 liquor eses, I cigar aland and appurtenance, 1 bootblack stand, linoleum. 1 Iroa railing, 1 swnlng, d tablee. 12 chair. eplttoone, snd sll other furniture end fixture not specially eoumer-.- ated herein, now eltuated Is tire above ds ' ecrlbed premises, including 1 ice cheat. 1 atove, 1 phpnegraph, 1 clock; alao all of the Interest of aald J. 1. Trlmbl la had ta eao , National eaah register No, MS.Oaa, and an llavle safe Loci company aafa. . That tlie mortsaior. J. f . Trlmbl, failed to pay the debt Beamed by aald aaurtgsgs-t It mturlty, sna py virrus ineraoi maue ar fault la tbe terms of esld mortgage, and by tba tsrms of asld mortgags tbs undersigned. ' tbs mortgage. I satborlaed aad empowered to enter the atore numbered 21 North Third atreet. In the city af Portland, tt of Or, goo. where esld property was. snd such other place or places where ald property, or any thereof, la, and take ar ' carry away aald goods and chattela, and aell and dtapoas of lis Bare at palms aale oe al pablte auction nnon el vine aaa week 'a notice of tbs aama In a new a pa per of general ctrealatlon pub llebed ia Multnomah county, Oregon; ssd eat ef tb money arlelag there from ts retain snd psy the sent secures inereny aaa an tereaf aad all rharsea tooohnur tbs ssms, hwmdtns a rsaeosebls sum aa counsel feea. rendering tb . ovsrplas. If any, nt tba mortgagor. . That In Mirananra af aald bower, and eanae of eeld default, tbe nnderalgned baa taken po ear Baton of eatd property and will, at tha premiss afnraaald. No. 81 North Third . atreet. ta tha city of Portland. Oregon, on tba 2dtb day ef February. Iton, at two o'clock tm.. aell aald property at public auction the highest and beet bidder for cseh. tb ; proceeds of ssls to be applied ta payment af I be amount aaa upon tao oeov ewcoreu wy aald rsortgage.. to-wtt. tb nam of 2824. avtih fnteraa thereem fiom the 2nk da v ef July. 1004.. and tba casta and axpeasss f conducting aald la. Including a reeeoaable earn aa coaneel fees. - - ' Deled tbi lwtk day ef Pabraary, A. D. 1606 0AMBBINT7S PiRPWTXO COMPANY. - ' By BAM DEI. OALLAND, Acting Manager. PROPOSAM FOR CORN BROOMS Depot a . . AfMu U - - - - yoananiiHiw v.. i w . . w 'Street Sen Franc teco. Cel.. Pabraary 20, ' 1P06..I Besled propoaala. In duplicate, anhect to tb neoal condithms, will be reeetved bar atll 10 o'clock a. m.. March 23, laOS. aad - ehea aneoad. for forntshlng and delivering at either tna Chicago, St. Louie. Raa Franc laco or Heettls depots of tba quartermaster a de partment. TJ. 2. army, 2.600 corn beooroe. ' The right to Meal-rod ts reject ee seeent say or all propoaala er aay part thereof. Prefer. ears will ba given ta articles af doeaeette mannfarturu. condition of quality had price Itncludtn la price of fnrelga Drodactkme sxlares tns duty i Hereon noma equal, i Btandsrs sampiee can no eeeu ai. sua nianaa for proanssls snd ran Information will M fSrnlahed anon appllcstlaa to this sfftes. En velnnee contalnln pmnnaala to be indorsed. "Piummal fix Cirri KraomM. Ma. 13M ta ba opened et 10 o'clock a. m.. March 23. 106.'' C. A.. DEYOL, Depot Qaartarmaatar, V. U. Army. . . . . , PROPOSALS FOR CLOTHINO AND EOl'IP AUB Depot uuartarmastar s ornca, aa new Montgomery Street San Fraarteoo, Csl If ar sis. Prbraary la 160a. Heeled propoaala. Is triplicate, sabject to tbs usual conditions, will be received bars until 10 o'clock a. aa., Monday, February 26. 1006. aad thru opened, for furnishing snd delivering at either tb New York. Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago; St. Leal or Baa Francises dsnots af tba quar ter master department. TJ. S. army, 10.000 Si Ira whits woolen glovea, 62.600 yard ollve. rab abartlnf flannel, 20.000 poire togging. 26.000 chambray shirts. 26.0OO pair rueaet euoea. , Tbs right to re Barred t reject or accept say or sll propoaele a any part thereof. Preference will be given ts article of domestic msnufacrara, eondltloaa af qual ity aad price (Including hi tbs pries of for. sign prodnetionB ar msnufsctnres tbs duty thereon) being equal. Stsndsrd aamptee can ba aeen at, and blank propoaala aad full to- ormatloa will ba funtaibod. upon application o thla office. Envelope containing proposal td ba mduraad. 'Proooeele for Clothing aad ' Kqulpag.' No. 163B. to He opened 10 o'clock a. m. renruary no, iwjo. u. a.1 vsruia Depot Quartermaatar, V. S. Army. - IN THB dtotrlct court sf tb United Btates for tb district or Oregon. In tba matter f tb estate of L. Green berf. baakrnpt. I aa aamrsigneQ wui receivs eeaies oi for a stork of marchaadlee. consisting prt clpaliy of clothing, hata, boss, trunks si -grata' fornlahlag good, of tb Invoice vsli of 22.467.07, togetner with flxtoree sf f44.0 The Buderslgned will reeslva sealed for a stork of marchaadlee. consisting prtn- ana laa 00. located st Sixth and Everett treats. Port- la ad, Oregon, ap to is o'eiork nsoa et yn dsy, March 2, ISOd. - A recti Med ebeok for 16 per sent at tba amoant offered must accompany each bid, and tha right to reeerved ta reject any ssd sU blda. Inventory aad Inspection af stock may be bad as applloatlos. - , .. . Dated February 10. 120S. - . , B, 1 SABTlf, Tract af tbs Estat of L. Oteeniierg. . Front and Aakecy Btreets, Purtlssd. Oregon. WE, tbs anderelgsed larnltara ssd nlass. mover a, will reqalr tbs psymest sf all chargaa epos delivery sf rood after Deceat Vrr 1, 106: H. C. llaark. C P. Harder, O. P. Huiaae, Coegrove Bros., Portland De ll Tory Co., Past 2 pedal Delivery C.. Pack age Delivery Co., Bolmaa - Transfer Oe., Kerihweetarn Tranafar Ox, Oregoa Atlte Dla- . t k - . - u.ll.. 6waa Mcillndea. Pact He Traasfer Co., Oregoa Tranerer cs.. rortlaas vaa storage to., Wskemsa. Moras Transfer Oe.. Eeat - Sid Transfer 0a.. C 0, Pick Tranefer Storage Co., C. M. Olson, Bar age A Omnibus Trans fer Co.. A. T. Murphy, Kodderly Tranafar A Commie aloe - Co., Joba A. Lor. Andrew I. Murpky. P. M. Ireland, t Millar. Pinch A BasnacssSL OPFICB niabaratng Ooortermaater. Pertlasd. uregna, res. JW, iieio. neaiea propoaesv la triplicate.' will ba received here aatli II a. m Paclfls time. Merrh 10, 1S06, for 2.700 tone hey ssd 3.600 tons oate for delivery t -Sea me. u,-a1(ingtotl, Portlajid,Ttrron. or other prominent railroad points. laforma tlnn aad bleak propoaala faralebed at thla orric oa application. The V. a. tha right to accept or raj t to accept or reject any er sll btriv part thereof. Envelopes containing a ebenld be Indorsed ''Proposals for or aay peopoaala Mar sad Oats" ssd addressed to Alfred M. Palmer. Major and Quartermaeter, TJ. S. A. MEETING NOTICES. Multnomah camp, ire. rr. W. O. W.. meete tonight tn their ball. East Blxtb, sear East Aider. All vlaltlng aelghbor cordially welcomed. , H. B. INGRAM. 0. C J. af. WOODWOBTH. C. LOST AND POUND. REWARD Retorn ef a buckskla pony and a mall bay pney, probably traylnaT near HllnvUle. Addreee Ureenley A Orswford, 304 H Waahlngton t. . LOST lady's filled watebchain; reward. Phone Mala wrt. HELP WANTED MALE. BweJasnbaseyeSesesnm MEN and wmaea ts leers- the barber trad ta eight weeke. The Moler ytm of college j. bar opened ana of their faseooa hsrber chool , la Portlaad; graduatee earn from 316 to 336 per week; only reliable barber college 1 tb ' I'nlted Statee; perll term to flrat 20 t'i dente: be lively and get epeclal rate. Motor Brat ColUge. 26 it. 4lh sU Pertlaad, Ht. PORTLAND Barber Oollegs Tultlos rsaaonabto ss any aebool an eoset. 267 Flandara at - SCHOOL teecbsr ssd students. Ingle ysasg man between 30 ssd 20 who will want good ' employment daring tb earn mar, writ P. O. be 634, Portland, giving partleuUr. . WB want a No. 1 trarallpg aaleamaa te repr. eeat a oa tbs road, aa a- commleoloa. Hotel A Beetenrant Supply Co., geooad at WANTED Solicitor for broker traa. to Boom 604 Dekam bldg., city. Apply LEARN abowcard writing at tba T. M. C. ' night -echool; aew term of four toondw "gins February 22; peraonal Inatraetlea. WANTED At ooce, a good dreearr, tender endl orawer-m or warpai goon par, (teeny work. Apply to Jobs P. Wilbur, aaperlntsndsnt Inlos Woolen Mills, tlnton. Or. BEMABIJt boy hnst 16 year ef eg J Apply , at ouce to auperlntendeaC efflcs, Olds, Wort - msn A King. . , WANTED Male clerk for randy a tee. Ghees. Ikird and . X.nxhlll u, 7 I .T 'WANTEDA good eleaae and dyer at tba i wiwimi bins v leaning m tiys wora; good psy for rig hi tarty. 142. tirsnd are. BOY WANTED for Olivary wagon. People jaaraei at urorory vo., run and Taylor, BOY about 12 tor office; knowledg af atenogrs- per oeeiraBay... ajaj gneriocx )klg, MAN aad wrfe, wifaont chlldrea,' aa sentlsmaa' plc near Portland; parma neat posltma . at good 'Warea; msn most ondaratand ears of - aloe -ana woman ba willing to da hoaaswork reference aheolutely required. Apply after . a. "a. weanaay, alt IIBIUI ac. ALL dfceaae treated.' 2o per anonth'. Phyala- iewieenm aiapenaery. all elorriaon. HELP WAfsTED-FEMALE. BANSErf'l LAPIES' AGENCY. 242M Waahtng. Joa at, . eor Beeentb. apatab-e. Pboae Mais 2t2 Pamela help wasted. PORTLAND SEWING SCHOOL, rubtoaable orwmaiuBing. suvi morrissa l., eor. rourta. v. v,ww aeaajBia. snrtriATipn. eariMes . gaga win T lari oompaayi rarerescea. Apply ami. sa r .wl. K..lllu . 01 RL for bousewerk; part da, sleep at bom; wagua six. est assraey St. ... . , WANTED VMnnetem aaaua o am eoe hah Sundsy sad eccailonal evenings. . Call 172 Bast 14tb st .- -. - . WANTED -School girl ever 12 te ear for baby rHinnee - aoa occnaianaj aveniaga roc sooa --.u.e. v,u a mmw ina ... ' MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THB NIPPON EMP. OFFICE Japan bate furnished. 22 North Third at Mala 2164. HELP wanted and (applied, mala er female. B. O. Drake, 206 Washington at Pad 6c 1270. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. PBCNINO and ether law work wanted. Bast 43ZB. Address 472 Vancouver are. BOOKKEEPER sad atsnogrspber; young man with eeveral yea re' experience ta both, aleo general of see work, deetree pcaltlon at tRbcr , er beta ; eatUKctory reisrsacea. 4 ox, oare . journai. , EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, capable ef taking full charge, eeeka peel tloa. J SO, Journal SITUATIONS WAnTED-FEMALB YOUNO womas. graduats of atata normal, de- alree poetttos ss ssslstant hi office, Ad- 204 Modtgomary at., cor. Fifth. -WANTED AGENTS.- WANTED Agenta; something sew; food seller, ' bay wages. 202 McKay bldg. r B wnnTTTrbie-Bja li gtery ni ts ssll otek sad aecident lnaaraae. PacifM AM saaclatiaB. 206 Dekam bldg. FI RAT -CLAM agent Mi Portlaad aad through atata: bbj wages ts metiers. 410 Fen ' tee bid.. WA NTED Rasnonslbls ara aad liberal sell Buyer's Cseh I 216 Abiactoa bldg. WANTED Energetic and ejompeteut agents at aa la all la all parts of tns Bortkweet; cash weekly. vanttni uty nnreery oo. AGE NTS te eaavaea dry: male er female; eal , ary 23 .60 per day. Call or address 762 front nr.. South. . . . . , W want tvr food solicitors; ftatlifmrtory pay ' te atart, then a good salary if yea esa It . TOa Maremaxa. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. O. AND O. EMPLOYMENT AMD BBAL BSTATB COMPANY. ' Bentato. loans, real aerate aad reeeanf beajeee: send rdra by mall or telephone ssd re will call; auto and female help furatehed free to employar. Ws bay and sen buelneua chances ef sll kinds. 11 H North Fourth et.. ear. dtb aad Burastde. Tetopbeae Mala 6162. THB Portlaad Employment Cex, BOSa st Phone Paetfto 232. . . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPFICB. FOR MEN. d B. Beeead at Pboae Mala 1S36. CAMDINAYTAN-AMBRICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., 2 North Becosd. all kinds ploysynt for mas snd womeo. Main 2062. BBBRWOOD A BOYT. real eetate aad employ. meat, male er female. ZDOs merrlaoa, reem 2. Pboae Mais 4TN2. . . , - JAPANESE-CHINESE KMPLOYMBMT OFFICE. Henry Takers. BUT Everett et. Pnaavs ra. dfle Bde. . STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AOENCT. Baraalde et. All kinds bale tree te ptoyera. Phsaa Mala ddST. BIO POUR EMP. AOBNCY Bern aapnMed free. Id North Seeaad at. Pnooo Mala 11. WANTED TO RENT." WANTED TO PWNT WOl'SBB, fXyTTAOWS. PLATS. P.OOM1 no BvuiH, rrrvKsa. wiv. On raw tal department baa aeea enlarged and provided with additional staff. We Invite lletlng frora LANDLORDS, ffr paraunal atteatlea a sad oootluonuo eupervtatoa eeat all property to trusted to oar eara. PORTLArfD TRUST COMPANY OP ORWrO. S. B. Car. Sd aad Oak ata. raaae . Ts. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LIST year property with th Real Estate Ex- engage, aia uoiumina niag.; toe comoinea f fre-ts ef nearly 100 firms will msks enre, quick sale. Phone Mala 1636. Wast Park And Waahlngton. WANTED T bay from owner, 10 or 1ft acre highly Improved laao, cms to ear, wits gone houee: give full particular ssd phone number If passible; stats lowast cash price. 11 209, . car Journal. WANTED Lot er fractlna, clone In; give loea- tloa sad price, uaraou, nun rourta ax. - CORNER lot bet wees steel . and ' Madlaoa erldg. not too far rroea m nvor; mnax be cheap for caah; stste price and location. Address J - 20. JoumaL WANTED Lot on eeet aid, went of Twenty fifth, between Aaa ana Tiiiamoog; ata re ie ratloa, price aad terms. . J 21, Journal. wivaan ha. S anna, aaiawa Maa mm Biontbly peymenta rrom owner; give pertn-a- i jar in first lottery- s. cur Jonrnal. A- JOUMAL WANT'AB. ; Will do more searching j . for a position for you in i ' a few hours and. at 'a - ; : cost .of y'' rFEWf PENNIES.: 1 rTx , l.thanyou could fxssibly do in person in many '- weeks. , Capable. men fail fJv-EMPLOYMNT-v if they do not take, the , firoper course to secure ; WANTED FINANCIAL. W VTKD Loss of 26.6IK) aa real aetata, t o or three yesrs; will pay 2 per oeat lav tereet. Addreas W 66, eare Joarnai. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, a pea ytng sad whltrwaahtng traee, , buaementa," barn, dock a, etc.; largeet gasoline spreylng outfit on tha cosst. hC O. Morgan A Oa., 233 Usloa see. Pboa Bsat 2017, BIOHEST CASH PRICE PAID for furniture la aay quantity ; alee take eaaae an eu mm laa loa aaa guarantee bast reesits. , TB rortlaas y Auction Bosma. A. Schubach, prep., til Flrat - sa.- i-bsbs main noon. YOUNO lady dee tree typewrltlag work te do eddreeslud snvslopes. wrsppers or any kind ef typewrltlag worki owae Uadarwued onv e-aoe- eore e WB WILL Bt'T. SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD , THINU. WEnTKUN BALVAOB CO.. 227' bob wseninuiun. . rACint; tbb. WHO 12 M. O. MORGAN A CO.t COULD tak aa ontatda building lot aa part pjaani ouiia yoar nens. Aaareea x a, cars soornai. 0. A O. EMPLOYMENT A Dill. rJTIT rn. W hare th buyr anal muat have th property, real or peraonal. Writ or pboae w- wi,a cau. raonn easin aiDO. liu. North Fourth st, cor. Fourth aad Baraalde. ALL chronic and nerrons dtoeaaee treated. 36 ill Morris. ,t. ""Pen-err FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB GRAND, 46 H North Third at I geatlamas 1A0 per weak asd ap. NIOVJI.T' enrataks .1 I. . -aa ueu. saa. puone, BO par xeosta. vu JOi a wrmiia. .. - - 1 . THE RICH ELI ED. 66 NORTH SIXTH ST. awgauuy lunuanea. areem Best aad beta. IVICELY fornlahed beaBeheantng-rsnani: a too wioaie renu, souj ansaeu at., Mcevay but. PPRNI8HED roora, gag, bath, phone, furnace m. eoiDw nea, an.. Mat XSOO. 216 NorU wruua are., aaar sai brklge. . - . . NEWLY fnrnlshed rooass now epea for buat- ueao a u SBBI, riflh SBd A MOT StS. va-aiaa aare aa orace-coooi fay reuL . S NICELY furntobed front rooene for neuse- neeping; gas. BStn. ZIt Bbermsn St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. tl.TB PES WEEK Large, ctosa furniahed aawerieoping roomst uuadrs aad hats. 124 narman. South Portlaad. - .. , Tnrurtts"" aumsxa, houeekeeolng ssd veal eat I prleea reaaosahie. Ieat( FOR RENT Furalabed heuaakiaBlns room 4b i wae. anni oeocu vn coat nioe; gaa ruagBB. oia. etc.; so TrsaaieBrsi prices axeasrste. xaweB sis.. lOBH, VnKai are.. Alder, pboae Beet. 4434. THB ALBERTA Per reat, aire light kouaa nesping ssa etnga rooms. pec wsek sad aa. 21114 Pint at 201 H WATER ST. Houaekeepkig aoasoas; light aad pboae laclnded. TWO sice bono keeping roo ma. private family, Sis. aa ri. iota st. ktsia aoTi. . 222 MARKET Furniahed stasia and ing rooma, all exmvenioacse; anadarsta reat ttooa S7 a, . - FURNISHED boseekeeptng rt month. CaU BU 6e Tenth st er TWO phoas, bath, raa light, furnace best. pleas: twe 216. or tbree 230. . Baat 2880. ai nana wrens ara. SNAP alrely fornlahed beuaekeeplng totimai pbeas, bath, steel range connected, 2 blocks Be. sura ids cor, 10 mlnutee ride: best rooms In city for asoasy; root Incmdlsg water aad oh one. 230; ne cfilldrea, ; 132 Eeat Twanty-tblrd.- Pbons Kaat 140. MEAT little euite, freat. Bret Boor, 212 ss Wt Park, aear per bab neat Morruon. tenant, isa FOB BENT 1. t er 2 anftirnhihed hoaknp ing-reoms, efleep. eon Overton. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOABD and room for eoe ar twe; bath, bast, etc.; work tug persona prersrrea. . est Bsst Morrison st BOOM with board. 232 per mosth, er twe la room, eao. son xsyior at. BOMB cooking aad board, 22 per wsek. ! norm rsrs st. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. - $800 NEW fornltare ef 11 reema: ebssp Tea. . good laa ee; the beat paying email beaee ia Iowa. 107 H Third at.. Bear Waahmgtoa. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDEBLY TRANSFER CO., proexpt ead re liable piaae eon rurnituro moeere: aia btoc ag. Pboae Mala 1686. OfOoa. 110 M. Third. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY - - f Z43 BTA KX Sr. ' mSUBANCB. RENTALS. BEB LIST. FOR BENT 6-renra - cotter. etoe Is, f 12. Inquire 66 Eaet Sixth, Karl. FOB BENT Convenient newly papered A room cot tare, am. tan Honasy I rum I n 1 s&3 roartn atrr soatii. MODERN 6-reom cottage, atoo Broom cottage. Nortbesst corner Haat aignta aaa STerett. FOR RENT FLATS. STRICTLY modern fiat; 2 targe, right, tinted room: issnory sna rarnaca; muu. Lan 242. Sixth st --. . MODERN 6-mnm Bat. one block north steel bridge, fronting nvor. laqutrs wj isirrabe. FOR ' RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICES, unfurnlabed, nud aaunple-eoomat alee ball boxxq. wooanonga a tag. , sppiy st ise stovs tor, .- ''' - - ' , , t . . OFFICE rooma, safnmlahed rooma aad ssmpM room for rent, uooaaonga etag. Appiy sia- tVAJROB sfflre, , third story, centrally located. elevetor. 60 par monia. veuioa una un. Nsitr 232. - PART ef larrcortier atore for rent. - luqulr . P. B. BeiclrraV CotA Plan Feint O.. ' First snd Abler StS. FOB BENT 2 large rooms snd pantry, anfur , Blabed. I 22. cars Journal.. - t 2 ROOMS for 28. 460 East Stephens St.. car. Seventh. Inqulrs apetalrs. - BUSINESS CHANCES. . v- GROCRRY and meat market; good boalneeai torstloa en Wllliama are.; will eell at In voice, about 2700; doing nice baalnoat; good ' raa eone for ssUlng. O 26, Journal. - WANTED A fins opening for a. refrigerating engineer; one with sain capital deelred. was would take an active Interest la the .huskies. This Is worth Investigating. Address Msn v. sger, box 406, Vsncouter, Wiao. . ; A SNAP Blacksmith -shop for sale cheap; ta. vsetlgsts ssrly. Al Hart, Onsksm, Or. ' CHANCE of Mfrlmo 26 per east proBt In a .email lnreatmant; don't deUy. bat write for plea. . Loch Box 263, elty. . - . OOOD tonadry route for esle. P. P. Browav - ear City Laundry Co.. or phone Eaat 2677. . FOR SALE -Al grocery, clean taeh. 21.600; a np If takea at enesi toasted In . reat rat part of Willamette valley. , B 2 Jearaal. t 1 MONEY MAKINO ENTERPRISE -r-Tb great Hunt Switch Invention will eeon'toita road) large factory near fan? gronnde; ete t beat my price; I am Bailing ths Hurst stork at 6 alg dleroaat. Call and be eonrlnesd. W. J. Cnrtls. 212 Com menial block. Pees Mala BUSINESS CHANCES." WB bar Property te the fa moss erheat-growtag . belte f eaetars Oregoa and Waahlngtenv npto nd berry land In tb mucb-talkedt .hood blear valley i hap to nd snd dairy - rasrbis In tbs Willamette valley; and ne In the tlmpqus valley the tond ei big ye low peaches we bare sosss very nice fa raa ,: and Mock re lichee; our prices ara as tow as tbe lowast snd ws will give yea tbs beat ef terms oa say af thla property ; . we will tsks ' 1" p" 1 Psymest good Improved er aalmproved Portland property: bow If yon want a ooaatry : life here U your chance. For further Informs. ttoa esll ai our ofnea. ' . , . MORTHWEoT LAND OO- .:. i -202 Oeodaeugh bldg. 7 V ' WHO U li Q. MORGAN A CO.t WILL trade for msrcsntlle buxmeea or rental t- property, 40 or 80 seres hslf mile Estaesda. . anrlog branch, good eoll. eaally cleared, partly fenced; caah prlc $xo per acre. Tb Ca Jy I vHaet,!. no ' -af ae.ifa re. - - " 4- FOR SALE Good atork ef general marrhendlo for Boa an dollar; good trade; good meat Inn; -reseon for selling. Aodrsaa Lock Bos 638, Gnats Faaa, Or. SLEEPING aad housekeeping rooms for reat. Bee H. B. Hifley. raoa SO. 137 Wssblas. . ton st.' .. ... ....... FOR 3AtE 3B-room roomlng-houae, good lor. tloa. Sixth at.; pretty well full; price I ratty well run; price 1, pertlculare addra B i6Wr rent sin. roc care Journal. . 62. party good opportunity for Investment with manu- rseturer snd bber; good nea la rnr enlarging business; can tocresas oaoets ta 310.000.wltn party having equal amount ta invest; beet reference ieiiugd. u 19, ear journal. 26 ROOM bottl for sale. ; Call 202 Uawtberas av. Price 31,800. SAWMILL FOB SALE 20.000 feet capacity; fins limber, plenty ef eider; a enap. , Ad- area t u, aonrnai. v BEHTAVBAXT In fin locstloa, west Bid, MSO. K tna 11, 802 OomaetrcUl hlk. - Mela WANTED For part see. a doctor with 1600, Inveet la a new, valuable eaterurlss, B Third BL Pbons Pacific 1221. THE Summit Mining Co. will ssll (bares at 10c . fur s limited time;, per 31.- Semi for pre. pacta. . ureeary et vs., taswj ursaa in Phone Eaat 4434. WILL do rear ramnrclal neiattna 22 see n toe the Portlaad prices; delivered free; best quality, raeine rrmisry, isnoy, ur. FOB auto er exchange, betel of 42 rooma, new brick. wly tarsia hed; enroer; wall kjcated; ran ei roumar. aui M auiiw x. iH Al proTJoittloB for a young maa that kaa a few dollar te laveet: a ateady Job with food pay. witn good return on aw money. It roo or looking for noma thing good, look iw op. uu luiwj intra ax. A OOOD clean atork I of eletlra. ' toheeeA. earn. ret-tionery ana era cream be esld br March 1: go cream fixtirrea; Ibis moafT 1; good reasons for aell- big; this to a bos fid offer aad If Inter eeted call or writ st once, s this WlU not anal aang I larvae it aiairig Pears aV BlrdssU. YaBoaurer, Waehlogto PARTNER WANTED Live man with many years' sxpertenee In contracting eeelreu part ner with money to go Into railroad eoeetrue- tloa; Bee epenlsg bore new. Addtses . O SO. eare Jeoraal. 1 33 ROOM , hotel: furnlturo 1 e? l or trsds. cheep; centrally locatea. Ingtoa bldg. Room 2, Waes- 1 WANT ts bay kouj sad lot; stats tbe terms. it. wiuia, r. u. log ft. FOR BALE A stork ef readies, nuts, tobacco. cigars, ceased goods, cake, baseaalla, bats. gloves, masks, brashes aad Marking., bl rycls-pumps, tsps ssd -ell, asaortmsnt. of cnrtrldsea and socket -knives, etc.; sha caaea and Bit urea; building for rent at a ma 11 rental. If desired. James fanning nam. . Artote. Ne. 2. Oregoa. Take Mount Scott car. A GROCERY doing a good bselaess, -very cen tral, rent aia. with uvtna-rooam: awet asiL ss owner ban ether big bualnnaaa; price SA.0UU., inquire osw aaat saaeay. - . WANTED Laee ef 2S.600 ee reel eetate. twe er three year; will pay 2 per rest Interact. Addreea w 23, care JoaraaL 2360 WILL buy H bitereet it to a food psytng Bee M. I. L, Ui Mm; asatrai location. Sixth St. . ClOAB aad coafectlunery; a greet saap; best locetian at town; rent sio; Baat be M. laveetleate It at oace. . -- -. H. W. GARLAND CO.. IPAU dtb t. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. r.Tt- ACBB TBACTBI ;, '.,';,;,.' 0CB SPECIALTY 11 ACBB TRACTS! j Fsll-slaed treety water te each dare,'v - ' ' ' TEBMB (IB PEB ACBB CASTf , I0 PEB ACBB PEB MONTH. . Tea go te these scree ea tbe aama rear, Ky tb same 6 far th lot maa pay. Tb t maa to your aelghbor, bat b to re stricted bl mstortty of fes tares tbat make a tree abm-bon bom. - Open Wedeecilay aad Saturday svsnrngs. " , ' A- & CHURCHILL A CO Ma -, . lie BIXWOOD LOTS. SB down and 38 a msatbt rross BTB XO JUU. , eeuwowe irvaaia va Pboae Eaat 4704. - QUARTER block; sew -roeia beuea hall saa. rrv sod bath. Borcstola tub, electric ilgbts, fruit ssd flower. 2 brocks from Highland k i . a..a.i i. . - a we- UaM.-A-enlewta servlc. only 16 minutes frees center of tb dtyi high aod nightly; part caah, balance arr t" '"- eJtftT oe sail SjA Commercial bldg. T-BO0M boass st Hlchland. with 1 tot cheap t gl.iaaj, raoaa aeon awi. B ACRES of beautiful bind st Mt. Tabor re ear- voir, all in iron: win ma a a e line noma iov maa baring hualneee In Portland; will sell st 24.000 csak. Write er see r. A. Mills;. Sylvsa, Or. TWO B-aers trarta adjoining, close te elre. . trtO line, iue rare, oa improveu roini, nna; ' price only fl.ono. for both, er will sell aeparainiy. awuiw mn, 22, Joursel. IS ACBES TH miles frora Portland, near car. nne. gx.TOV; pert rime. nzi tupoara at., Montavllla. lnooe i East B2D7. QUARTER block; new 8-room boos, ball, pas- Xry snaj sain, - ,nu, eieirrc nwnvm. fruit sad flower. . 3 blocks from Highland Brhonl. 1 block from 2 curllne. 2-mlnuta servlc. only 18 mlnutee from center ef the klen end alehtlvf nart eaah. ttatanee eaay term. Pboa. Scott 2307, er its II 606 Commercial bldg. -. - .--,. ' t . - . - CHICKEN ranch cloae to rsrlln; everything hew and eompiets; term, u an, car dournsi. d AND T-roona boss, modern epect, tor vacant lot. bto oarneid sv.; teh Wood lawn car. Pbona Eaat 2541. - d LOTS tn AlMna, rroae to twe rsrrlnes. 2 min ute walk to railroad a nop. rbon Bsst 6023. OWNER of good lot In Alhlns will build bouse ta suit purcpaeer: part caan, rsmauaar eaay nayment. Call 107 V. Third t. BH ACRES, bnaae, one acre small fruit i fins mmiion. inquire rrana s, niiisro, saonts villa. Pbnee East 4122. . -v 1 S UNIMPROVED LANDS. . V - ev acree, , i.. viniwir. e ' BA . rk.,.1.. IIhLj. . 130 acre near McMlnnvllle.- 20 acres near Independence, J. .f. Bern good buy, t Oet price. ' wOBDON, 2UB Fourth. j - , Eton EST SNAP IN PORTLAND. Tbe cheapeet hk block with 2 bona ear this Kece of ground slons will lot worth 260.000 . less -than 2 Tee re. price 220,000, with terms. Don't fall to Inveetlgale. , , . . . P. FL'CBS. 1481k Flrat. FOB SALE 6. 10 or IB acree of Bee land; as Kavei, i mils rrom xenta; on eaay xersx. a owner, i 28, esre Aoornst. . - ! r ,. i . i , i nt a FOR SALE That beantlful aew d-ronm hone. 141 Eeet Tblrty-eecond et., ear. Kt Morri. eoe, lot imiiioo feet. . Inquire at the houee. Mrs. A. IrrMa. A CHOICE location e the penlmmla; will nnlld souae to cult; (mall payment now, balance eaay term. Phots) Brett 2307, ar eell BO Commercial bids. ' . , 4WantAd"Rates : PKDI2 AST CASBtP10aTv0' Fiye Cents Per IJtaet . Ns ad tekea for, lee tha IS par day. 8 roe word, aa a mle. aouetltnte a lino, but each Una to charged regardless ef Ur nnmher (if emrd. , . . WSXXXT RATE f rloehadrae oe Busdsy taaae) 26 0EJITB par Use per ' week. ... . . M0VTBXT BATE Oner ding s& axrsday a&lJS .TTrW, baelaeee of Oca by 12 e'cloea week day : and by Id o'clock Saturday evening for the Bnaday teene. to eeeu re elaeallcattea. DISPLAY BATS2 gtvsa apea appUestaoa at tb of Do. . :. , ;'; v BRsiNCH OFFICES j ''-' APTE1IH2.MXET2 (-'t 1?. '- regnlsr . mala-sftcs rates. Following to a llat ef aatsorlaad agmito who win forward your advertise. nest la tlBM for pahllcatloa la the aegt v 0BT tax. y. : I V mwL. " aor.irsi, u Bg m BE eastve J ITVBIt-aaHAuj) nd Thurvsaa atreeta. UlS"'!!" r,!r,e ! rest, earner Twenty.firat. ' A- w; Alles. pssrarsetst. Blxteesth aad Marshall atreet. McOommon'e Pharmacy, Mlaataeatb aad WaahlBgtss streets. , , . . tovrjt btsx. .' ' .':.: olbb.tSte! tr ,w rv.e.i Am. . . . --. ... a aowaaiy virvs utan aaraoi . 'ablaa Brer lev. draggtot. dag Peffsrees treat, oorser Testb. Nettmaa'e pharmacy, oeraer Sixth sd Raerkon atreeta. - . - PlanaM. r oae - ----- sorner Madlsaa. , . . ,.. ; , . '"' ' v bast' tm. S f A.. iMMfal mmm A nd Eaat Parotide street. neraow Tkompeaa. 132 Ressaa ftreet. rerser Arhln svesu. .. . Janek Draw eompany, enrnt Bwtborse no Grand sveaaea. . W. G, Cable, drusirlst. eorser MolUder vena . aad , Larraba . atreet. aaar steel brines. . a. A asw. eee j e. ' aeee Eea Matt wen. M. W. run. .806 East Beventa street, : HIBBXAJTB. P. . Clark, drussist. 1002 Berth tatoa aaasessr 1. B. Warth. . rmarsaeuda.- BBS Belamat trert. .- BBOOBXTaT. , .' rlreokrra V, rvaaee - aoa. nave aVtwett aad Mllwaukle stresta, ...... . , kxtrtk. oaxwosr: Artota Pharmacy, Mora and Foster atrests. ssteeft'g Pharmacy'. 842 Pmatltla Sve. ae, earaar East Tklrteeatk atreet, r. e-oxBa. . .. . ; Elllotf ahsrmary. - , " 7- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. - BQUABB DEAL BBAL BSTATB CO. If yea waat tha earth extra snd tsks It. Ws are- eeUlag it. ebeapsr Uiaa.yoa gaa teal M. 1.22 ansa IB miles weat ef Corral I la; 3GB BBder east Ivettoa.t 260 llaatiid. 8a geest saw , .timber, 300 pasture, gned (1.600 houee, large bare 64x100, with cattle barn aad large ma chine bare 1 aa Oorvallle Eastern B. R-. Price 3S per acre. A beaaUfal body ef toad far a colon. - 400 acre la tbe celebrated Waldo hills! . 200 ander anltlrstlon. 12 usrea. hope, dry klrs, hare asd dwelling bone; one of the beet fsA-aas ia the slate. f'Jd par acre. ' 300 eaeee am laaa baa rtver free mike ' from Columbia j partly umler krrlgatlea. about one half ander eultiratloa. fine T-r new Barn euxOO, 12 brad bore, Bead cai . tie. 3 wagoea, reaper, plow, barrowa, drill; dwelling beautifully fialabsd. taeradlng Homa , Comfort steel range, .sideboard and Plana; varythlng goes for 286 per acre. 162 acree at Philomath. Or., 60 acres nsder eultlvattee. a bouaa and barn; 23.600. 140 a area, Pblloasatb, Or.. 76 ander plow . aad 16 addltlaasl to yeong bearing apple orchard, 60 pasture; bene and bora; price " 26.6O0. ' 160 acree. Liberal, Or., sll bottom toad. 36 acre under eultivatloa, fin road, am II . boas aad bam; well fenced; 627.60 per cre; B. D. snd telephone. 100 acroa. Davtoa. Taahin aouatv. Or.; TB . ander cultivation, 12 paatara, creek runalug through saatare. IB tlmn timber, 3-story 0-rears boose, new, sad ether outhol Mings; orehaxU; aear church, aebool, B. D. asd fSlepboa; 1 alao 2 aline at cow bars. eunarar; boo per acre. 100 acres. Wrsa. Hen tna can sty, en 0. 4k B. - B..R.1 AS acres cult! rated, good orchard, all - kmde wf ban he, good rood, cbosl. church, aew asd grtot 'mills., 7 -room bnaae, large wood abed aad carpenter a hop combined, here ' 48x56. grsssry 13x16, Sxld rooUMOae, B. U. -and telephone; price 22.006. - - - 27 acres. 20 to caUlvsUoa. FeradsaS, Wkst- . Cora county. Wash.; 2 scree family srebsrd. all kinds fruit, aleo vary cooks Bsreery varf ttos of small fruit: balance cultivated land weded te graea; P-ronni dwelling, large bars and ether outbuilding: price It. 300; R, D. -and tele plume, ea G.-N.- B.1 B. 82 H acree at Oregoa City, Improved, ft 1 nee acre : 300 varda froea cwrnoratton line. 18Q ocrea sear Asrevs. Oe, 136-saUledtseV-- 18 acree fine bearing orchard, 35 acroa hops, 3 bop kiln. 2 be raa, alto. 23000 12-roost dwelling built B years, flee mllee sf tiling. . wsll fenced; en of tb beat Improved far aaa In Oregon; price f 18.000; R. D. snd tele- pbons: on proposed Satom and Portland e me tric earllne. 10-cr apple orchard: last year berg IBB ; boxes; near Salem: 1860. B acree, sne half mile from Lenta, alt Cleared and pertly to trait, 81,860. . 10 acre ea earllne, clou tn; If yea Bra looking for something te plat It's a daisy. If there 1e anything elae you wanf aak for : It. We will hunt K up or givs np tbs gun. W. B. ILER, Beoat BOB, Allaky BUlg. HOOp RITE R 220 seres 3T11.000. will divide: 66 seres 26,000. 3.5O0 down; 17 acres 3760, pano dowa. rrsry, vox wiuisms sv. MEW 2-roooj bn nd corner lot 60x100, In Rnoayeldsi only 83,250; 2850 caas, balanc 220 per month. A flne corner. 27x100, la Snnnysbto, worth 21,100; a few dare only t 2o0. ' Wa bar all th eeat side bargalaa, PATTERSON A STEWART. ' ' looov Belmont t. FOR BALE d-roos eotUg. BOB Beet Twenty. third at., norm; near ceruse, suev. inquire - on premlaee for - FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERSt . Jf yos look for a mU bom or good farm, ranging In prlc from -8600 to 847.600, in- , - apect my llat af choice piece. I challenge any reef estate men te a how ate k greater election af farm bargains than I have to pick from. -Every rent of yoor expeneea refunded If I misrepresent the least trifle. .' ' Investigate If you " be placed tight. F. rCCHS, 146 Vj Flret , -A SNAP. ' Far B!- Modern T-moni beoee. furslehed. B3.600; 21.900 cart. baUoc term a aa a rnvetBMat,..psys IS pet cent Pbona Bsst 1287. " " ' ' 01 TO H0VERl.r.- -.: V; . Begalsr . steamer from PaHlandl rnpt rate from the eoe at to lelaad point; ae -' -Band, heery Boll, pernetnal water right with . each tract, earlleet predf, largest pi load; tb California of th NorthweaU Writ ' , hut sa LIKII Wi 1 , , ' wsaaisgioa. ' - v 2S.7604)-ROOM aew bone. wII location, - net, leeatjnaini - em wwirrown, ' vn Everett t. I term. 33,000 caah. balance 8 per cent A. E. Velguth. 00 North Elgbteenth at., bet Davis Ererett MA Phase Pari 6 KRW 4-rnma eottag. large tot, toee tn car. sbads trass, wnno-riner piaarer. water lu b'ee, atreeta graded. 30-foot alleys, pelc S)rHsii fw down and 10 per month: d-ronei bona. 700; 3-mma eottass. all fumlaneU ftret-rlaas, for $600, pert rash. Bee owner. Jo If, ta whit hoe a at Naahrllle sdd. tloa, on the ML Bcott csrllna; big. dlaooaat ia