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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
L i.ivi. III tJtULU V KKIinafwul Htttlnj ef Pioneer California K'.lmr Explained ': ; ,":v" Aftir Cfcht Yw. v i k FRIEND. CREW WEALTHY , IN CUCFICICU3, MANNER Beycntr-Ftvo Thoognd Dollar fa .. Bonds , and Securitlee of Victim : Found in Poeaeeeioa of Dead ' tlaa'a Former Intimate. (Journal apeeiel Bsrvieo.) - Ban Francis oo, Feb, !. The mystery 'nmnnillti th4 iluth of John Btineon. an old-tlms . Faelfl oaut miner, who mi murdered and robbed in thla city in 140s, his body being found in tbe Golden Oat park lake, mmi at laat In a (air war t ba solved. " v.- . f " Nwe was received bar that yeater day Mxe. frank W. Sawyer of Boeton. nlec of Btinaon, kad arrlvad at har roother'a, Mrs. Bank Connor, of Port land, Main, with nawa that the da- taetlvaa hired by har to Investigate tba death of bar uncle bad looatad 111,000 : worth of bonda belonging to BUnaon la Ban Franoleco, and are now eloaaly watching tka man who had tham la hla poaaesaloo. , Thla man. aaya Mra. Saw yer, wan an old companion of Btlnson'a In the mlnaa and workad with kin for 40 yaara. v . . "Ha became euddenly waalthy, aftar my nnela'a death," aha aald In an Inter view. nd whan we began tha Investi gation laat month thla fact gav ua a elua ; upon which to work. Soon wa found startling evidence, Thla man had In hla possalon ' 171,000 of tha bonda which my unola owned. Our "detectlvee ara now -watching ovary mora of that man, and hla arraat will be aoeompllahad hortly. , , Uncle, waa murdered for hla money." Mo Information aa to the identity ol the man auapactad of murdar and rob bery could be obtained. EUa ER3CG MIIIIU Higher Grade ; Agricurturists of . Holland and Germany Buy Jk ; ilnj Western Farm. , ' - (Jearaal Ipactal Barrtaa.1 ' "V San Francisco, Fab, II. Rudolph Falck, general European egent of tka Union . and Southern Paclflo rallwaya V nnd the Oregon Railroad Navigation aompany, haa beea la Chicago d urine the paet few daya making a report to T raffle XMraotor Btubb of tha Harrl man llnae. Mr. Falck la optlmlatle orer . Kuropaan inunlaratlon to the Paclflo , coast end particularly enthyelastie orer the higher .grade ..AC agriculturists nod artlaana sow coming over. - "Colorado, California and Oregon and . the Panlno eoaat generally ara now In - . the limelight over there. Hundrada of - th boat elaae of tarmara ara arranging to locate In tbe far west," ha aald. "A number of -wall-to-do farm ara of HoU 1 land are now planning to buy land and locate In ' the Sacramento and . Ban ' Joaquin valleys. - The ellmate of Cal- Ifornla and Oregon atrongly appaala to the peopl of Holland .and Germany." ;,.,';., . - ''.'."i-. r i The 6ohmer : . - 'Plan la Juatly celebrated for thalr merit, which appeal to the moat accom plished pianist, profsastoaal or amateur. Never before in this city have Men's Suits and Overcoats been slaughtered at one-third price of v its $17.50 and $20 Grade for; rVS;f: $12 and $15 Grade $10.00 Grade - t. . DM a 2Gtr. First di ,'0t:,i:80 U.iUe.l LUllilL Ccbred Woman Claiming to Ce Dautsr of Ct Joseph Mer chant Asks Hie Fortune. ' . CREACH OF CONTRACT V ' ALLEGED IN COMPLAINT JjPWmtJIlwtDead JlMLPiomiieiiQ Cara for Her If Family Cama to City Where He, Lived-Failed to Keep Agreement (Jearaal iBseUI Urrlf .T Bt " Joseph,- Mo.. Fob. II. Alleging that kha ta the daughter of tba lata rJdBeIToCdlrWr7annleTrJa mulatto, haa brought ault for 1100,000 against Prank N. perorae, administra tor of the estate of Roberta. Roberta, who- died in June, 1006, waa rloa-praaldent of the Richardson-Roberta Dry- Qooda aompany. . Tha Derrell woman auea on aa alleged breach of con tract. Tha lawa of Missouri do not rec ognise the rights of an Illegitimate child to a ehere ta tha aetata. Bhe states in har petition that she waa born In June , 1177, In Creeton, Iowa, while har mother waa unmarried, and that bar mother, Lulu Smith, afterward married Jemea Wilson and'went to Nebraska to Mra. Letter, la compliance with the re quest of Roberta, aha aaye, the family came to St. Joseph to lire. Bhe alleges that Roberta Insisted on thalr coming to thta city in order that be could "watoh over her and give her cara and protection aa a father." - Tba plaintiff allegea that Roberta failed to carry out tha agreement Bhe aaya that tha estate left by Robert la valued at 1100.000 and aaka for half. In acoordanee with the terms of aa alleged contract entered Into by herself, har mother and Roberta, whlla aha and har mother ' war living In Pawnee . City. Nebraaka. . . . - -- Roberta, by hla will, left the greater part of tha eetate to ralatlvee In Ken juciy, : , GGU3T REFUSES GLEf.:EIXY to b.:;x mm Banker, Offers to Plead Guilty . and Return Stolen Money If . r ' i Given Short Term. ' iJoamsl BoaoUl ervtes.) BnUar. ko. Pah, It. The attorneyi of Thomas M. Casey, manager of tha defunct bank of Salmon Si Salmon, of Clinton, who la on trial here for forgery, aftar three houra' oonference offered to enter a plan of guilty for thalr client It the aontenoe waa made not longer than five yaara In tha penitentiary. Ja exchange lor thla olemeney Casey of fered to furnish Information to the eradltore by which they could recover 1171.000. which disappeared during tha last year of the bank's existence. Attomoye for tha state consented to these terms, but Judge Denton, before whom tha oaaa was on trial, declined tbe offer. He declared hla ballet that the aaataace ehould be tt yaara. , at Pnetfla. .. - rapeetal Dlesetcb te Ibe Jearaal.) Paclflo University, Forest Qrove, Or Peb. II. Washington's birthday waa appropriately observed at Pactfle uni versity, tba . freshman class having charge of the day. In tba evening- a good program was given before a large audience. Tha - farce, ' The District School Celebration . of - Washington's Birthday," waa much appreciated, being a tako-off m the eophomoro class. - value. We still ofier for -, s -v m AT TWO 8TOSS3 YcrI3 zzl Ctr. Tlrd : Kentucklan Is Locked Upon ae Cure Thlrj h Tonlhfe ' Fietio Aalr. .. (Jeoarel Baeelsl SemaaT -v . Lee Aageiaa, Feb. II. Marvin Hart, claimant of the heavyweight ehampioa hipv la o engage In the flrat fight to night which he has appeared since hla eonteet with Jack Root. Tommy Burns "la to ba Hart's .opponent, nod they ere elated to ml It up tor 20 tounda In tha arena of the Paclflo Ath tetlcr club Whlla Burns la well. thought of la this seotlon be is not espaatad to stand long before ( Hart, who has the advantage In weight, ring experience and In almost every other essential fan ture. Tha match haa attracted consid erable attention and a large crowd a expected to be on hand to see the man battle, : :.' - :.; . ', ' T Y. M.C.A.GYf.::iASIUM The junior relay raeee will be held thla evening at tha T. M- C A. gymna sium as n preliminary to the'baaketball game between the Junior Leaders and tha Sunnyalde Boys brigade. Tbe relay race will ba between grades 1 and 10 and the .working boy. Tbe members of tha teams and tbe beet Urn that haj bean made 1 as followa: . . . , Grade 1, Junior H, Dlvtlbla, - N, Bmlthaon. W. Jackson. B. Pautn, O. Wyld. O. Prentiss, R, Hatfield, J. Cle- land, C Plaid. O. Knox. P. McKaen, C. Gregory, M. Brown; one mile, beet time, 4:11. - . Grade I, Juniors H. . Wyld, Charles Prahn, H. Hale. O. Newell, C. Attlx, Clarence Prehn, C Johnson, P. Candor, R. McDonnell. D. MarUn. O. Babbitt, I Baauealth. H. Fogarty, D. Stewart. D. Mlnslnger, O. Carroll; one mile, best time. 1:11. , v - ' ' Working boys' team A. Cornell. Wil liam penaon, C. Freeman, P. Pautch, L Bishop. XL Rhoada. M. Chrlstenson, A. Anteraon, A. Roche, W. . Bleraon, C. James; one. mile, bast time. 4:00 4-1. EAPERJCHASEATTRACTS - The Portland Hunt club's paper chase yesterday was n fast on and many was on the Barr road at Waat avenue and the f talah on the Gully road. The course was n fine ran of Tlva and on half mllaa and offered n number of stiff Jumps. -V. B. Howard en Bob Proudy cama In- first. BL B. Tongue on The Kid second and Mlae D. B. Howard on Jim Budf third. P. O. Downing end Frank Robertson were hare. The reckoning now atanda : B. B. Tongue, 0 point; R. H. Jenkins, I points; V. 8. Howard. I; Miss Howard, t. Th(s waa the second run for tha Kerr cup and the final run will take plaoe In April, Others who rode yesterday ware Jamaa NIooL . H. Jenkins. U T. Lead- better, J. C Mueba.A. H. Tanner. Mr. Blyth, Frank Wilder, HenryMetsger. U. H. Herdman,. John Latta, W. C.Walter and Bd Starling. ' BREAKS FORTY-HGHT OF POSSIBLE FIFTY , Despite the Inclement weather a Taw frapehooters mat at tha grounds of the Multnomah Rod and Gun club yesterday afternoon. C H. Collier waa high man. making the exceptional scor of OS per cent. At times the wind waa a little gWy and thla mad Mr. CoUtor' shoot ing' all th more oradltabla. t. : Brok. Percent. Collier. ...... Norwood -. ....0 Dr. Whit (0 Broekbank . . ...40 Andereoa . . ...! Und . . , 40 Newton m . . . ..40 Jordan . ....40 our ' zzi Davis Sb Darlnj and ' Clever Aeronauts Will , Strive V for Bennett Trophy Next Year. AERO CLU3 OF RAR13 f ; ; ; NOW DEFENDS CUP Italy Has Her Challente In and rmera Are Expected From Every Country In : Europe Sereral Alr ahlpa Are Expected to Compete. : ' (Jearaal kperUl nsrvles.) ' New Tork. Fab. II. 6antoe Dumont and Frank Lahn will compete in the In te rests lb. Aero -club aummf for th Jamaa Gordon Bennett aero nautical cup. . The up waa offered ta tha International Aeronautical Federa tion some time ago by Mr. Bennett. It Is to coat more than 114,000 and Is te be a challenge trophy until aome elub In th federation hsa won it tbra con secutive tlmea; ar until aome club holds It , fire year without challenge. . Tba Aero club of Parla defends the cup this year. - - Tha selection of tha American eom petltora waa mad th other day at a meeting of tha executive committee ot tha Aero elub and glvaa general satis faction. Although tha rulaa governing th contact state that tha competitors must represent th club of thalr own countries, Santoa-Dumont la .eligible to represent this country, aa Brastl ht-na club, Mr. Lahn 1 an Americas, an as pert balloonist and was tha winner in Paris last year of th Figaro eup tor th greatest distance covered. Italy has . challenged already, and ellallangsa) are expected from every Trim nries n country wher there ar aero clubs. -Among tha French enthusiasts who stand the beat chances of del ending th trophy ar th Count d la Vaux, Jacques Saury and Castellan d Ban Victor. Although tha cup was given primarily to promote tha dirigible bal loon, moat of the contestants will uaa several airsajpa wiu mtwv svnimi, BORQHESI CAPTURES ASCOT-CUP-fiACE Ueeraal flpeotal SarfiasJ Los Angela. Fab. tlTeeterday's race results were: Four and a half furiosi King ot Spade won. Alonsn acoond. Commida third: time. 0:44. Mile end 40 yard RUBinon Charles Oreen second. Red Tap third, tlm. 1:4444. -i- .',' Mil and a: sixteenth MIse Btty won. Foncaata. aecond, Dewey third; time, i:iit4. Th Ascot eup, two miles, handicap. tl.tOO added Borghesl won. . Wlreln aecond. Banker third; time. t:17 Mil Chimney Sweep won. Cholk Hedriok aecond, Otlpln third; time. 1:H. ,.' 'Bin fttrtonge Alaoca won. Tender Creat second, Millie 8penoer third; tlm, 1:14 (. ;- ', t '. . .' (Jearaal Special ervtea.) ' Hot Bprlnga, Axk Fab. Is Oak Lawn race reaultat - . -- Bin furlong Mordalln' won, I. Barn nelson - eeoond, , ' Olsbock : third; tlm. 1:1T I -4. . . - -..t . . Mil ' and ' TO yards Red Leag won, Rather .Royal second, .Taby Toea third; Una l:4.- ' ' . - . ' Three . and a half furlongs Joeome won, Jardlnlsr ' seeond, Helen Clawsoa third; lima. 0:44. - Mile and a quarter Lo4 Angalano won, Legate " aecond.' Athena third; time, 1:11. Blx furlongs La Bella won; 'Bob May aeooad. Dusky third; tlm. 1:17. - ' Mil Barbados, won. Stand Pat aeo ond. BandlUo third; Una 1:44 4-4.- - fjssisal apeelsl errl.. 1 Ban Pranclaco, Feb. 11. Oakland race aummary: r- . 1 .... Futurity- eooras Lord Nelson won, Fred Bent aecond,, Rustle Lady third; time, 1:14. . Five 'furlongs Toung PUgrlos won. Prince Magnet aecond. Bucolic third; time. 1:04. - Four furlongs Mabel Hollander wen. Nap pa aecond, Duka f Orleans third; time. 0:40. ' - The California Darby, 1 1.400 added, mil and a quarter Qood Lack - won. Neatoa second. - Hammeraway - third; tlm. 1:10. Sevan furlongs Matt . Hogaa won. Profitable scob6V Swift Queen third; tlm. 1:11 H. Mil and a qnarter Dusty Mluer won, Preesrvator aecond. Modicum - third; time, sat, ; . . ... r. . '. MAROONS SHUT OUT BY ; COLUMBIA BALL NINE Teeterday afternoon the Columbia university ball nine managed to play s gam with th Maroons, and adminis tered a 1 te 0 defeat to that clever ag gregation. Looney pitched a great jam tor tb "varsity lads, holding hla opponents down to a solitary hit. Klser proved t b no farmer at the pitching game, allowing but threa hits. nr. winning ran waa made on a "squees play." Dr. Prank Loncrgan of ftclated a umpire. Tb gam was played In th ollg gymnaaum. The lineup: Columbia. - Position. - ' Maroons. Looney...... P........ . . Klaet O. Moor..... C....t. . . . Brock Clark Moore. . --il B. . . . ' Trowbridge McKay .......IB..... C Campbell Ford.... ...IB........ Davldsoa Cm MOeTf vs aeaeeB8-esaw e e Olty Welcsberger,......LP Willis Doekstadar, ...... .CP. . . ....... Htnkle Albright..... RP......W... Smith Score by inning R. HJL Columbia ...0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 I I Maroon ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 I WESTMINSTER DEFFATS : PORTLAND PUYERS New Westminster. B. C- Fab. 11. Tba Portland T. M. C A. basketball team waa defeated bar laat night by th Weetmlneter team by tha score ot It t 14. The playing was spirited, and although defeated tb visitor warr roundly cheered for their good work. - CALIFORMA PRUriE WAFERS Purely vegetable, they ar aatore'e eroduct and should k In houe hold. They sure aonatlpatloo and -all disorder of tbe atomach. liver and boweia. 100 Wafers, 25 Xenta a . iiau-a- eawPta.WaavlM 3 i ' "- : r '. : r-. -: :-- - ' - . '" '- . '' '.- liiiiiiiiiii iiii i 85-37 Third SL, Between Stark WE ARE STILL $12.50 to $22.50 MEN'S SUITS for $10.00 to $15.00 YOUTHS' SUITS ' for..:. riif Wveia.MtiiM e $3.00 to $4.00 BOYS' SUITS ieee aaeee'aaae en ae eeeeaawee Men's O'COATS and RAINCOATS for tl.MOitMtMtl(MMItfltMtiM . MEN'S $1.85 for ew a ANY BOYS' ' efOaT eeeeMnaeaaseseji Don't Fail a. THIS RECORD-BREAKING SALE. GOOD BOWLING AT PRIZE TOURNAMENT A. W. Williamson had tba high score, 10, for the day la tbe prise tournament yesterday. Tha entries for tha prise tournament cam In rather alow yes terday, but the bowlers are bound te make np for lost time toward the last of th week. Tbe Brunswick fa ant will practice from 1 to I p. m. dally untU they leave for th tournament. Th American Oullda took two games out of three from th Montavlllas last evening. - Preaborough had th high average. 174; Sloan had the highest single game. 111. Th scores war: American Oullda U) ( . ) Freborugh . !! '!!' Hi Kalk ....r lt 11 ' 11 Barbour . . 10 14 141 Duganne.V ' 14.1!! Jordan IM 1JJ Handicap ' Totala V . ............- 1 MontavOUa Bloan . . Auapaeh Parent . . McMillan MoCaalla . . Totals .11 771 71 Thta evening th Joe Vllaa bowl th Golden Weate. ATTELL WINS DECISION . FROM JIMMY WALSH '' '-1. ' Oearaal gsertal arvtaa.l ;y " Chelsea, Maaa. Feb. 21 Aba Attell defended hla title in a 14-rouod bout with Jimmy Walsh before th Ltneola Athletlo club last night, gaining th declaloa after a good, bard battle. Attell was strong throughout and cut up hla opponent considerably.. -; - The third B. L Jr. team defeated tha St. Lawrences yesterday by tb cor of lk to 1L Tb lineup: B. L Jr. ' "St. Lawrence. CAshbought.t....C.. ...... MeOragor Lk Barnaa.i. .P. P. Carey R.Oaynor ....8S.....,v.. Vernon W. Hunter. ...... ..IBs.. ...',-R. Schotg P. Gay nor.. ...... .IB.... ........ Mink J. Jennings. V.... IB. ...... P. Dudley K. Hanaea .;. 7. .... RF. ....... H. . Wlee B. Breeding. ,...i.CP.i...., T. Bemban J. Murphy . ........ LF. H. Jone . gniese Skating Caaaapioasklpe. ... ; (Jesreal aeM aervlsal ; -r V v Pittsburg. Pa, Febv. IJ-On the ic fink in Duqueen garden tonight, and tomorrow th apeadleat skater of tha United. State and Canada will compete for th lndor cbampkonablp under th aaisnlcc of th National Skating aeeo ctatloa. . Guy Lyman of Chicago head! a group ef western skaters that bav com prepared to glv tb apeedy f' lowa of th salt and ether sect Ions hard tussle for th honors end prise. . Basketball Oaaea TealgkV ' Thla avenlna; th -Willamette nalver alty basketball teem will meet . the "Winged M" team In tha . Multaomah gymnaatuam. ""Th gam premise to b aa Inter Mt tog aha. The lineup will be: Multnomah. Poaltlon. , WUlauiett. Harder ...........F.. Oray Dant ......F. Judd A Alien) ..... Ctj. ...... . Whipple Flavet .... - . .O. .......... . Parcel Barton ...m.-i -O....... Simpson . A s7un man who was married on' r last summer ba sued for a dlvorr t tb ground that hla wlfa baa repeat, trtod -hint t death. - ParL. ah was only huggtag klm. 1) '.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.19 140' 10 .'..,.. itt no m ..144 11 177 ..110 11 III IBofijri Esc At the Great OF THE to $2.50 HATS MoM. eoeeoeoeeft4testiteMtetioo WAIST in the house i aajaeaajae naj a aoVi eMMiit to Attend the Closing Dabf I c fcl .t5 ( f mm 0 Speet.1 tsvKarlo BMa mated wltbeet pteailss. , We win gtva aa have miiiiiiiI la ear heads sett! we seesaai ae eaiy toent a y. hat the skill with waleh te apply tt ears ef these aUsMats. ' lr Oar Betboas sr. the sest. We ksew tbeai to be the beet, ae ' rasas years et ezperteaee eed esteaetve. ensiles bava nana tfl.MU,! M71 tbeai to ae ssHl. Pea t waete vahuble rlae aad avesey bet Di""" W4S to as hi tbe eWteSwt usaiisii. kaiais. ws haes ' eared etsers ssd we as care yea. in bmb aftleted wh say aerra-e.Villtv e Used l aa eased' at saaw as as at aaee at falleet mtlian. Oasselmtles fiee aad toiWil. , - , Nervous and Sick M4e Strong Be tlede Heehhy ' " .Write foe .Sjrmptom Blank If You Cannot Call St leds K2d!cd fi SaTc!cd EIspencrTy Ysmbill Street Potnland, Oregon. ." " IN . A W treat eneeaesfuny eO prtvat -roue and ehroal diseases of man; blood, atomach. heart, liver, kidney throat Uwnble. W sure ST PHI LI 8 (without mareury) taetay cured for ever. Wa remove STRICTURE, wl th en t operation or pain, In It days. , Ws stop - drain, night lose and eprmatorrha by a new method in a ' short time. We eaa restore th aemal vigor of any man under 40 by mean g local treatment peculiar te aurselve ' W Cure Qonorrhoea , in a Week Th doctor of thla tnatltut are aTt ' regular graduates, have . had many fear' or Deri ence. bav been known la Portland for 14 yaara. bav a reputation t maintain, and will undertake a eaa Vnles certain ear can b enrooted. Wa marants a cur In every eaa undertake or charge no fee. Consulta-t tloa fre. ' Letters confldeutlat Inatroe-Vc tlva BOOK run hkh msuad Ire la plain wrapper. W ear tb wore! rase of price In tar ar tare treatments, witaent para tion, - care guarantee. Ifran cannot ll at efflce. write foe OSfe hour. t aad 1 to I. Sundays aad Holidays 10 te It. . dr. w. Norton davis & co. CaSoea ta Ta Key Hotel. ttVC Third Strawt. Corner piaet Pertlaad. O 1 The Famous Hcod River Dlztrld Haa wan a worid-wMe re-"atior by H;i!C10t.'8'rTPWr J - - t. Vy HRALTHT CL1 tTa 1 AUTI . FHonrcTivrc l. ak rf ' TH1B IS IP i LS C Cf rv . If you are aa.u i rtiil at I a good pou' ry , wr v r Blver. faoai ata.t fr a,.ry ... j K and Oc!i 3 r i, j--.: -i -..1 II s ................ W -. . t;' T" " mW r mm Escsunstion Frca hi gree ts sO 1w lj leeeivlag s rare, we est e , Si lee ye a fast asd ec yeas Art at BUfataa Imav tal Oar a Mea VYO C queatla bUnk. geowing r Bom U-UeMt mm 1- A eaea sgaats I a prad, Oev r''r