The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 21, 1906, Image 9

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    ;-K.D OF
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1-.M WW. V -'.IV Ft m ' , I L -. il i m . I L i .1 .1.1
I NJ UmmV V- ' 'KrU- . ( LIL U t'-s ' " V- W ' Veer I A D 0 0 ' J
'V' . .'
j; ,. Arrangements ; Completed for
. ; New. York Athietlo Club's :-.
, Competition Tomorrow. '
ytexWt Champions, In Differest
i - Aquatic Sports Are Entered far
) "Events sad If n? feecordt Are Eg-
.' rtffrtfd, to BY.Smgahrd, ;,.:',
i.-IIanal anaelel IIh.1
New Tors, Feb. tL Bvarythliig ! In
. readiness for - the great carnival of
watar aporta under the auspices of the
Amateur Athletic anion of the United
States, which la scheduled to open at
the Mew Tork Athletic club tomorrow.
Thera -wfl be aotne preliminary events.
today, .but -the ehamplonahlpe will not
begin until tomerrowvftarnoon. Near
ly- every prominent- swimmer In the
United SteAea la entered far the indoor
swimming championships, which will
cloae en Saturday. .. Many . premlnent
club have entered taaata for the watar
: pole and relay race,' tmmi them the
Missouri Athletl bHiavofBt-'Ieola, the
Chicago Athletic aoeeelaUoa. the Brook
Una Swimming -club ef Boaton- end
feame ef Tale, Columbia and Psnnsytva
nla universities. Of course, la addition
to these the New Terk Athlatlo alob
will furnish a strong eenttnsant ' of
In ill vidua I competitors and teams.
' The tar awlmmara entered for the
various individual contests Include C
M. Daniels ef the New Tork Athlatlo
club, who-' recently broke the world's
record for 1 yards In 0:171-1. seine
the first American te capture the
world" a standard swimming record, and
Marquand Schwarts of the Missouri
Athlatlo club of St. Louis, who reeentlt
defeated ' J. H. Ilandy' of Chicago la a
130-yard match race and who came in
a cloee second to Daniels In the 100'
yard outdoor national championship last
The -world's, champion - diver, Dr.
George H. Sheldon, of the Mlosowrt Ath
letic dub ef ft. Loula, has entered for
- the diving championship, as also have
Daniel B. fteneer, of Honolulu-; Walter
Lee and '. Thomas . 0Callahan ef the
New Tork Athlatlo dab; Edward
tak ef the T. M. C. A- Chicago.! Joseph
. O'Laoghlin of Brooklyn, and a number
er. otner expert aivers.
new . record la . expected In the
plunging contest In whlcl
X. M. Adams of tlisNew tork Athletic
club, who holds the present reoord of
el feet; Al MeCormaek r the Brook
line olub, a former record bolder, who
can be xpeeted te make a a trans: efrert
' to retrain his honors; AK. Smith ef the
same dub, who is also a fine plunger,
and A. B. Sharnjan of Tale, a newcomer,
who is said highly promising.
. Ths tee-yard relay race le expected
te be the moat exalting race on the long
program, and a new record la almost
certain te be made. By the use ef the
'crawl stroke" the New Tork Athlatlo
club team has developed a squad of
spurt ere who wtll be able te give a good
account of themselves with the beet
swimmers ef the world. Six water polo
teams have entered, the largest num
ber aver to take part In a championship
event , ,
One ef the most interesting features
ef the carnival will be the man-fishing
contest ea Saturday nigh V when-Fred-
- SHek-J.-Wslts," the crack swimmer, and
chairman or tne new xora Athietlo
club swimming committee, as fish, and
Charles W Naethlng, the. world's cham-
Semotred . to 133 FOURTH
STREET, between Washington
and Alder, y '
Lateet styles and patterns fat
Imported and dometUc woolens
st prices to suit sA WELL
ulctBftt STREET
-'.'' '
WPIH puTtt A
Pictorial Life of
(Oapyrlrht. ISOe. by W. S. Hearst.) '
pton tarpon fisher, as fisherman, will
be pitted agatnst each other.
' J. Tf. Handy of the Central T. St C. A.
of Chlcag and Scott Leary of the
Olympic club of Ben Francisco will be
among the moat conspicuous contest
ants la the Individual contests.
Uearaal Speaial Serrhe.) .
Los Angeles, Feb, ti. Ascot race re-
euiu; ,- ...
Four furlenge Taa Loan won. Cora
mlda eeoend. Tom OHpy third; time,
Mile Utile B. won. Rublnon second.
unarisa ureen third; time, l:l.
Five and half furlongs Laeens
won. Cicely second. Masedo third; time,
:ei. .
Mile Ebony won, Cholk Hedrlck sec
ond. Hermitage third; time, l:lf. Loyal
rront oroae eown. - -
sirooBs course rne Borgian won.
Brigand second. North vllle -third; time,
Is furlongs Tim Hurst won. Golden
Buck second, Willie Gregg third; time,
:. , .. ...
'-r--'- At Oaklaad. ' ' . '
Mesreal Sseeisl Sfsvtoe.1 '
Cisco, s ab. II. Oakland race
Sta and a half furlongs Matt Hocan
won. Dr. . Sharmaa second, Lenddowne
thira; time, 1:Z1H-
to furlongs The ftenrobato won.
Mlmo second, Mlmon third; time, 1:1IH.
six ruriongs st. Francis won. Frolic
second. Bantam third; wme, 1:1.
Mile and an eighth Dixie Lsd won.
Orehan second. Dusty Miller third; time,
Mile Mr. Farnum won. Ray second.
Royal Red third; time, 1:4441,
Futurity course Tocolaw won,
Mlsty's Pride second, St. Oeorge third;
time, 1:11. .
i,' . - ; .
The Gold Bonds took -two out ef
three gainea from the Honeymans last
evening, iveubergor had the high aver
age, 11 1-1 Parrott had the highest
single game, tit. Scerae:
Gold Bonds ,, in i) (i)
Tonsing r..,..t.lg 1st
nwarta ,-,,.,,. ..... ,,141
Meleen li
Neuberger . . ............lis
Harrington , , .,.,.,......141
"Totals , . .lux
Parrott . . ............. .t 14
Popple . ....ll
Woelm . . ...............111
Doe .11
Doe . . ................. .11
Handicap , M
ToUla.. T74I7I7
This evening the Brunewlcks bawl
the Woodlarka, The prise tournament
for the benefit ef the bowlers who will
make the .trip to Bait Lake opened 'to
day. 'The prises-are,. vary liberal, so
every one gate a good chance for hie
money, "f ' . " , ;. . ,
'V' immmm mmtmm mmm , '
, ,Wil SmUt at TiVsamlmg. '
' (Joafael Saedat Sfrvtea.!
lahpemlng, Mloh., Fab. 11. The eae-
end meeting and tournament ef the Na
tional Ski association is to be held In
Ishpeming tomorrow and already the
elty le filling with visitors from far
and near. The tournament will be the
real eft of It kind eve pulled off In
America. Last year's course has ben
groatly Improved. made longer, emootKer
and faster. The ski. clubs throughout
the United States and Canada have sent
contestants and these . will compete
against the ehamplona 'Who have com a
over fr6m Norway sod Swedes te eap
tare tarieee : - . i
' J ay .ir , .wees - - e . "-w ' : - '
150 1T1
.111 101
144 16
; io in
; ' 1 ' ' ' ;
111 1(1
114 144
101 IK
ll 11
ii lit
.! II
S iw- rUN L woTwFAm-An y-y ;rv
V JO " VaVS ( tvtr, uwr v:J!SixA
V - JL U1MM CLIVBLAMO av, V -71.
Kid Broad, Alias Beau Brumtne! and
Many Lines of Sport Touched
on for Benefit of the .
Reading Fraternity, ,
In One .of. Hie Bright Letters Jontie
TeUs Why Hs ,Wae Left in ths
Kitchen Ihirinff a "Fete Champetre"
Recent Rulings of Commiasion.
Count Bont da Castellane Is said to
have lost 110,00 of ths Gould fortuns
in betting on the horses, and like as not
it was on the Vsnderbllt nags.
-.!.' a e
. A woman worth 11.100.000 starved te
death In New Tork. We've always
heard that the coat of living la more
than ordinarily high In .the metropolis.
e e
- A regiment ef American laundrymen
ought to be sent to light ths Chinese.
They would tear them all to pieces. ;
a e
China Is going to massacre all for
eigners on, February 14. Judge, Jontie,
Walter and the Giants are foreigners.
but unfortunately they are not In the
T kingdom at present.
' -V" . a e.
Deer Old 8 port I trust you will over
look the familiarity of address that I
have employed today, but Inasmuch as
the rest ef the family, uee the term
Dear Editor.. I feel that you will par
don me for the change, as I do not ear
to copy after them. I aln t no copy
cat I muat confess to you that I am
an aggrieved man. My. soul is hurt,
my feelings wounded, my pride shat
tered and my social standing has been
Impeached.' The family recently gave
a party and t felt certain that I would
be among the first six In that gala eo
enslon, never dreaming the possibility
of being overlooked entirely. '. At the
first big party laat fall I was "Jontie
on the spot," and did more te -entertain
the guests than Bsslck, McLean
and the other lobsters who were there.
but the Judge found out that it was I
who gavs ydb the Information about
that festive occasion, and he hae been
sore svsr since, end this time I vwas
left out I wouldn't care If I had ween
given my liberty, but I was compelled
to stay In the kitchen during the entire
evening and satisfy myself with ban
quet crumbs and Ice water. ' If yon
mniid only appreciate hew It hurt me
to drink toe watar you would let yonr
. ztox morawomat
m. T. Lucas., Wlnge, K
tf.. writes.
April . 1: ."ToT I
had been afflicted with a malady knewa
as the lien.' l pe ncnmi waa moat
unbearable; f had tried for years te
Ind roller, naving ineq aii remedies i
ould hear of, besides a number of
doctors. I wish te state that one sin
gle application ex mjiara a nnow unl
ment cured me completely end perma
nently. Since then I have uaed the llnl
ment on two eeparate-eeeaslims for
Ingwtmn end It cured completely, llo,
0c" a d 11.11. . . Bold by Weodard,
Clarke aV Co. - .
' . . . . . . . '
Apollo Belvedere.
sympathy come my way. Sympathy of
taste, as you know, however, s tmly a
pleasing attraction and that congenial
ity- of spirit la beet which . cements
souls, De you follow my loaiof While
I cannot forget the Indignity heaped
upon me. I am going to . cease remem
bering for the time being and talk of
better things. I have noticed that -v-nar
Murphy la In the habit ef giving skat
Ing parties at ths "Bxpa" rink, and 1
am wondbring if yea can't get me a
bid to the next one. Ae a skatar I am
unexcelled. I can eut ths figure sight.
eut the grass, slide a block on one foot,
stand on my hind leg on the last wheel,
stop with my heel and count the tele
graph poles ae they come around. Ths
only thing for which I will not stand Is
to skats In my tuxedo clothes. It they
Insist upon me wearing that style ef a
east I must pass them up. ae i oo not
eonalder It good taste te put on aire at
a skating party. I'd love to see Walter
skate, 'cause he le eo graceful. The
ludaa ears that It la not considered
good tests for a member of the Judiciary
to get a "skats on. snd besides it costs
too much. Bay, don't you aver believe
what that man McDonald tells you, ss
he Is sore at me. That was a corking
letter you nubllshed last Sunday about
"Contracts." - It took- the- Judge all day
to read It Who le thle man B. C ElyT
He muat be a wise one. I must be gone
now. as the children are calling. - Mum
Is ths signal. Tours around a barrel.
. . ' a . e
Katlonal commission verdicts: Be-
bring le given 10 days In which te sub
mit a-defense.
Ritchie declared Ineligible te play
with any club,
Slants will open season In Phllidel
nMk instead of in Brooklyn.
. The claim 6f the Memphta elub
agslnst the Giants for 1710 waa dis
missed. - -Columbus
elub fined 111 for violat
ing ths rules In selling Catcher Brown
to Boaton club, when he had already
drafted te Cleveland.
Pitcher Relating, formsrly of the
Brooklyn club, who made application for
reinstatement, was decided against.
Otto C Dlemenger or ths Toieee eiuo
had his application for relnatatement
turn down. Beccad Baseman Owens
xt the Brooklyn club waa handed eut
the eame decision.- - - -
Outfielder John F. U listen waa aise
refused reinstatement '
Jack HSyden, Who jumped me; con
tract with Baltimore, will be granted
another hearing next season. - .
It Is eiatmed that ths Chicago auto
mobile ahow resulted In the ssle of
tin ooa.000 worth of ears. This proba
bly means a big boom In ths undertak
ing business. .,- . -
A Chicago athietlo club la to ran a
big "charity" athietlo ahow next month.
Among the needy ere probably Lou
Houseman, George Slier and Malachy
Muggsy MeGraw has . ordered the
Olsnta to quit bowling and begin train
ing. Mike Denlla takes It as a personal
tnault '
, . a e
From all appearances the shrewd Mr.
Billy Nolan, manager of Battling Nel
son, Is ths mark . at which ths busy
matchmaking bees of the Peclflo coast
sis pointing their- stingers. Mr. Nolan
has been "stung" on ths coast before.
He waa stung after the ' Brttt-Neleon
fight, when he sad Nelson lost .their
one third interest in the pictures. Jim
my Brltt was wise enough to make
Cof froth give him a legal document
guaranteeing, his share. Nolan neglected
this precaution, which waa foolish. . He
aold Nelson's share to Coffroth, but
failed te get ' anything mere tangible
In return thaa the . mere verbal agree
ment of Coffroth to pay. In short
Nolan was "stung." 11.000 right there.
for he never oan force Coffroth to make
good. According te Jimmy Brltt'a
statement ha seta his third and Ceff.
roth gets all ths rest er his awn and
Battling Nalson's rightful shsrs lumped.
tne picture privileges, but a large sum,
tits. I think, waa held out ef his shars
ef the puree, after beating Brltt, en the
pretext that he should pay the referee
that amount , Gransy, who . refereed,
probably never got over 1100 for the
Job before .In hla Ufa. - Brltt Is aald
to have made good the 11,000 promised
Jeffries for acting aa referee, although
Nolan at the last moment refused to
accept him. Ths club usually paye ths
referee. .-
; . .- ' e .
Dear Editor I see where a Klamath
Falls man Is raising caln en his skunk
farm. Can this bs trust' Slnee the
recent Denmsrklaa expose la California
regarding the - Bchlafly-Bmlth-Flood
deal. Z think it would be a good echeme
to move our training quarters from
uiwn ib aismeiQ jraiie. ion can
easily see ths necessity of hsvtng suit
able training quarters, and havs been
taught for years to always shoose the
lesser of two evils. I think Klsmsth
Falls to bs the piece for me and the
gang, wnst do you think? . WALT,
- AnswerTake your men any place
mat is suited te their tastes. If Klam
ath Falls looks good te you, hie there at
once. Down there you can skin them
' a a
"From my experience ef many years
as a pmysr ana aa a spectator, says
Harry Taylor, "I believe the baseball
game would be Improved In popularity
by the elimination of the sacrifice hit
Batting out a bunt ball la a beautiful
and greatly appreciated play, and, of
course, should be allowed.
uui tne aeuoerate sacrifice a a
batsmsn simply to advance a runner
seems babyish to the majority ef spec
tators, and greatly decreases ths num
ber of those two sterling and Interesting
rorms oi playing, place hitting with
the runner, known as "hit and run,' and
nsae stealing. .
With a runner en first er aanand
base and no man eut. make every at.
tempt to bunt wherever the ball goes, a
einae, ana piece the runner er runners
In their original positions. The playing
ruies ss a waois need redrafting.
as to ths foul strike rule, while It
seems rather too eevere on batsmsn,
it has Its merits, and ths difficulty ef
making a wise amendment er substitu
lion is greet".
e e
Jesae Burkett ears that ha will ania
ij.ovv on aianas ana grounds at Wor
cester, Massachusetts, for his recently
purchased Concord team ef the New
England league.
e e
The Irish-American Athietlo club nf
New Tork haa a quartet or sprinters In
Bonhsg, Conn, Sullivan snd Sheppard
that makes most of the other track boys
iook tooiisn in a race.
e - a
It looks as though Jack O'Brien's one
ambition now is te be celled a gentle-
man. A laudable ambition. Jack, but
Jim Corbet t worked It to a finish long
osiors your time.
An American tennis team will be eent
to Kngland again this year to compete
for- ths Davis challenge trophy. .
With Lanagan as coach sad eight of
last year s veterans retained, baseball at
Stanford, university will be all te the
good this year.
Jockey Odom, whose retirement' was
announced a year ago, le thinking seri
ously of getting into the saddls again
this season. , -
Jack Dougherty, the Milwaukee pugi
list haa been showing up so well in
his bouts this winter that hie friends
are confidently predicting a top-notch
place for blm one ef these dsye..
v e e . .-
Rear Admiral Sands, eommsndsnt at
the Annapolis naval academy, would
abolish Jiu-jitsu at that Institution. He
says that the American system of
wrestling te ths best ,
Ths Interstate Fair . association of
Sioux City, Iowa, announcee that pureed
te the amount of 111.000 Will be raced
for at Its meeting next September.
Jimmy Walsh, ths Rostov, bantam.
has for his sponsor Teddy Roosevelt
Jr. Teddy Is always at the ringside
whea Walah fights. :
v v ......
Fred J. Gilbert, champion tran shot
Of the United Statee, is reported seri
ously 111 at his home la Iowa. It la not
probable, at all that he will be able te
participate la the spring and early sum
mer soeoung contests.
jack mm mini
Fear That There Are No More
v Worlds to Conquer Disturbs
Peace of Quakerite. '
' Jack O'Brien la developing a hopeless
melancholy, according te Grantland Rloe,
a clever Cleveland snorting writer. He
jresa alike are jot
handling him ss they have snampione
In the past Hence his ' morose and
moody mentality, or In words with less
fringe, bis soreness. .
Jack should look up past history. la
place of reaping triumph by thumping
the wadding out ef Mr. Fitssimmona, ths
Phtladelpbian get la bad through thle
elf-eeme duel. Fits was ths popular
pugilistic Idol ef the day the publics
pet and they cared not to see his block
dented in.
Remember Jim Corbett Jack, through
out the year following his conquest of
old Sully T There never was a scrapper
who reaohed the heart ef ths popuUcs
In caneral like the old Bostonlan. There
1 were not a doses people In the land who
I didn't believe John L- would knock the
! spot-lights out of Gentleman Jim, and
when the eld gladiator fell the country
went In mourning. . .
It waa a national calamity, and Cor
bett was unpopular from that day oa
for many a month te come.
,VW .11. .. . w... . mi .
The avenger of Sullivan went along,
the beet man anywhere of his weight
until hs had reached the mellow age
of two-soors years end tour. He had
always been a fighter who held the pub
ne'e faith and friendship. Then upon
the threshold ef old age a younger man
stalks In ss Corbett did and crates him
beyond the pugilistic Styx. And Just
like Corbett did, that same young gent
got la bad In place ef achieving popu
' That's the trouble. Jack. It Isn't be
cause you haven't the goods, although
as a heavyweight you'll have to show
quite a fancy brood ef folke before they
tumble; but almply because you anocaea
a popular Idol from bis pedestal snd
downed ths athlete that avenged the fall
Of the mighty Beantown gladiator. '
Also' a word concerning that heavy
weight claim. . It you mean business
along this 11ns ysa aheuld pass up that
Ryaa affair and take on the scrapper
who hss equsl claim with yet to the
title Marvin Hart This would be the
battle of the year and. the only one that
would appeal te those who follow the
fortunee of the fistic outfit This fact
is brought out by the vsrylng sums of
fered up to dste 111,000 if you meet
Hart and only 111.000 la yea meet Ryan.
This doesn't mean that you should
Jump right In and take on the Kentuck
Ian, but If you want the public regard
your beat chance Is to meet the best big
fellow now fighting and let the result
teU the etory. .
r . , v,
IJoemal gpeclal Srvf
Kew Tork, Feb. SI. SeorVtsry Jamee
EL Sullivan of the American committee
ef the Olymplo games of 101, haa been
notified by President John K. . van
Wormer ef the New Tork Athletic clue
that at ths last monthly meeting of the
club, held February It, a resolution was
unanlmoualy adopted appropriating
11,000 to the fund of 111,000. which the
American Committee ts now trying t
raise for the purpose of defraying the
expenses of sn American team bf ath
letes ts ths Olympic games this spring. 1
In addition to thia donation or 11. 00 J.
President Van Wormer was authorised
to send out a personal communication
to ths leading members of the New Tork
Athletic club, requesting that subwirln-
tlons for the purpose mentioned be mnde.
hlch meana that a much larger fund
will come from the New Tork Athletic
Club. '
Thle liberal donation on the part nt
the New TorkeVthletle club still seeps
It In ths position" H .has occupied for
so many years that of being ths leader
In everythlns-athletlc, and its liberality
en this occasion will make- for it many
rnenas. .
Grant efforts will bs made In all
t:one ef the country for the next 10
daya towards increasing the fund whlta
i now going st a ery Itvely rate, and
every effort will be mads ts raise the
amount aeked for ty the American sfm
mlttee 110,000. The Metropolitan asso
ciation ef the A. A. 17. haa sent out
communications to all the ehiba In tht
Metropolitan district and it Is confi
dently expected that 11.000 more wltl
come from the email athlatlo elube of
Greater New Tork.
wt-t t r.. .-k '.
r f witu ymtf tele
' .4 t. ,;.. .-,t of the
'-or .
i i
. i
Artist Goldberg Thinks., It
Strange That Native Son is Co
; Much Sought After.
' "It ts certainly a strange thing hew
pugilistic destinies shape themselves,"
ears R. L. Goldberg In one ef hie
MUalngs.-.."Ths page la the lightweight.
passing shew' new epea to the gaae of .
the public presents Jamee. Edward
Brltt tracked by almost every other
lightweight in the . business. The salmon-pink
native spa's path Is haunted
by Gens, Hanlon. . Herman, Herrera,
Lewis, Fit re raid ind many other leas
notable In the soaking lima . They -all
want a crack at .the San Franclace boy
whe was eased Into temporary slumber
by Battling Nelson s slashing puneh. '
Brltt seem te be the objective focus
that all these amblUous fighters binge
their optics to. - '
"Gnus, whe rightfully holds ths light
weight title, hss to go around with a
crowbar and a stick of dynamite trying
to break Into a good match. Nelson,
who claims the championship. Is al
most forgotten in the sosamble ef the
braves to get Brltt Ints ths ring.
"Why? Why is James Edward in
such great demand? Why are they .not ,
all clamoring for a chance at Gana er
Nelson, both ef whom occupy rungs
ahead of Brltt oa the ladder ef techni
cal rankt Because t .
"AH: the fighters whe are hot after
Brltt think they can tuck hie eeaip away
under their belts. Nelson's defest ef
Brltt has instilled confidence into their
fighting bodies They know James will
draw a big house with anybody, and
think they can cop the laurels. - That' a
all there Is to that
"Concerning Gens and Nelson, especi
ally Gana, the bloodhound syndicate
knows their ability aad la a bit any
about stepping into the ring with
either. If things assumed their natural
sequsncs Brltt would be looking for a
fight with Oans Instead ef the reverse.
The unsatisfactory ending ef their laat
fight asd the superior showing Brltt
made ever Gana ehould make our James
anxious te meet the negro again. One
Imagines hs would wish to obliterate
the decision hs lost oa a feuL But,
no. - The color-line gag eomea In handy
and Gana Is forced to plead with Britt
for a chance. ' -
"Meanwhile J. Edward sees regularly
to the bank to deposit his rents and con
sults real eetate agents concerning the
advisability of purchasing property sn
Market street. " .; '
"Money talks."
(Jeersal Speda! Berries.
New London. Conn.. Fab. 11. Battling
Nelson was in town recently and Is
confidant he will put Terry MeOovern
down and eut When the pair meet for
sta rounds st ths National Athletic slab
in Philadelphia. March 14. -
"Jos Humphreys wants ma te bet
14.000 to 11.000 en the fight" eaid Nei- -
son, "but Jos must be erasy te thluk I
would entertain such a proposition, ho
matter how certain 1 am of winning. ' I
will bet several Ift-cent pieces that
some one will hit the "floor before the
six rounds are ever, and it won't be at.
Neither McOovern nor I will bach as
when we atart the mllL and you mar
depend upon it" -
afleo. 03 f.ll...!
Toothachat Neuraf'ar t'c
ly, protru"'". -ylr
blackened '"' t '
tlon by eur e
time firon te
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