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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
nvz:::. r ; . it tL;-pt:' t .u. llll ;i t;t rrrl.8 them - " rarqnaa Oread, nplre. ........... .."Wooeland" "Th MoomMom" Daaabtar" Bakwr Mualral Barwaqee ," Irta.... ...'A Jbvcaer'e Pw Iter .. .......v............... ....fX0 " Ftntac .,.Vane Orat4 ,? .. ...TeoeTUie .TJJlkiu inUi to '''r-'eVfth' MsM" Portland friends have- received word from Edward hi. Baylies of tils mar- rUt oa February II. at Dotaon villa, Teoneaeee, jto Mtse Very Moor. daugh ter C Kit Mad Mr. Thocnaoe C. Moor, bromlnent raaldenta of that place. Mr, Bayllaa waa on of th moat popular V conoeeelonalres on thai Trail at tba Lewis and Clark fair, managing "Dark- . fiaaa and Pawn" and aeverej ether at. . tractions. Mr. Bayllaa alao owned aav ' era! abowa at th St. Lou la sxpesltlon. . ahdTa reported" tOWTnwH consider , able money In bla amusement ventures. , In hla lattar written from Tennessee, I -ha says, bowavsr. that h baa deter- ' mlnad to give th ehow business, and will opa a real aatat office, in a , ahori time, , either U Portland or ae An . excursion by special' train to - aoutbern California la tn preparation by commercial .- orsanlaatlone of Seattle and other- Waahlngtoa oltiecv Offlolala of th Northsrn Pacific sad Southern . Pacific roads ere being consulted, and an Itinerary dlaouaaad. j Th WashlnS' ' ton man raa.Ha th importance of th trip mad recently by Oregon basin man under th auaploes of th' Oreson s- Development league, and will attempt to strengthen, the good impression made . lor thr raelflo northwaet by th rtalt . of Oregon popl among- th touriata .' and raaldenta of California winter re aorta. Th excursion train, will be brought from Seattle to Portland by A. . T. Charlton and- taken In eharg by - William MeMurray. ' Who : uoceeefuny conducted tn reoent Oregon excursion X . Objections will b received by th eity f eounoll tonight - from all who or op poead t-th propooed opening of Stark atreet. between (Twelfth and Thirteenth atrMtar-OtlMby Toung. H. 3. MorrV aon and 3. P. Meaaf, the lewera, hare Iliad their report of th award a of dam ace -on account of th appropriation of prlvat property . a followai - Lab be , BnMk, tl.(l7; A. H. PeTer. (lLltt; ' William C. Walker. It.tlti total.. 14. 7I. Thaa damage hay been aaaeaaed to th property-ownere ' on th atreet who. will be moat benefited by th 1m- v proTetnent -.. ,A ., , . Mra. -Gorg K. Spe. 411 Coneh atreet, waa awakened laat night by ua uaual nolae and aaw burglar arch- Ing th room. They wer going through '" th pocketa of her htiaband'a trouara tham tana Bb frightened that ah could not waken bar hwaband and watched th burglara until they departed through a. rear window, ' Polio headquarter waa then notlOed and o IB cere aent co the aoene. Th bur 1 gLara, of oourae, bad oaoaped, v flukhoda Banar, a Hindoo woman , who baa been addreeelag audlenoea In the shurabea of Portland fr th laat . two weeka, wUl apeak tn tha Methodlat ' church. Montarilla, , thla evening. On Friday afternoon aha will be beard in ; tn Byangalloal church at aat Eight - nth , and Tlbbatta atreeta. , and that nine In. th Methodlat church at ' WOOdatOOeV 'J - ; "vr.-- r.'i- Baby-namblara .Jiia.ywa. a, them at tn fatrT ltt aoreltr and tnowniy per- patuai blooming roe ever produoed. We . bay a finer atock of tseee roe a aa wall aa many ether aew handaom aorta and . all ataadard varletlea. : Roe. . tree and ahrub catalocn free on reqneat. Pert- . - land Seed Co4 Front and TamhlU. ; - A Edward Holman -m Co.. tha laadhtg rune raj ol rectors, nay tn nnat eetab 1 llahment th flneet gooda, th flneet vehicle and th moat roaaoaabl prloee. q -Fin broadcloth . covered eaakata, IIS and II. Th ftneat wood good made, from 111 to lie. . parlora 111 and III Third atreet, corner Salmon. Portland. ,-. orgav '' e- i, , ' y Why do you boy ehaap. Inferior gaa " mantle from peddlers whan yon can ' get a Welabaeh mantle for II at Man ning", tl Third strertT Tel. Main ttu. f Watch, Watcbas, Watch On aaay weekly payment, ll down.- It per , week. Don't g wlthoot a good tlm - loa ' Metager Cat, HI Mlxtit atreet. .- i Steam ahlp AlUano aalla from Conch atreet dock for Coo bay and Bnrka Friday, February It, at I p. m. F. P, BaomgartnT, agent.. Main, 111. , - ' Kzeallont New England dinner erved -' tomorrow craning at th Whit Temple from I to S o'clock by ladle in colonial coe turn. Adulta llo, children lie. : 3o)d medal for lawn graa and goad ' paaa. - Bataer, aaaflaman. ' ill Front, i All watch cleaned. 11. An main gpiinra. lb. Metager A O, ill Sixth ' Hard Time Ball, Burkhard nan, Thursday v. Prise and prlae waits. i Lennox botet room and board II per week. -Ill Salmon. ; -.i- - '- Clean Inalda mill wood." TL East 4M. ;;". Aak for Frits' tamala. '----'ii 4 :?&r Masked CarnlvsJa-ti?' Th masked akaUng carnival to take piece t tomorrow evening (Washington 'a .birthday) at th ExpcalMon link. Dram. aa to be a great aucceea. - Th aal of , ticceta, Dotn ror pc,tator and akatcra, . 'ha been phenomenal. Many nnlgu and elaborate coatoraea have been dealgned, : and very Indication points toward a brilliant spectacle. Laat craning ,h flrst f th Multnomah club parties was I given after th regular aeeeion, and ' proved great aucceea for th members :of the club and their lady frlenda. These part laa. will b given every Tuee- , lay craning oUiiing the remainder of ; the winter. - - , . -..- flAflSHALL DARRACO , ". , . w. 'Tveirth ui$r ; . Ccr.crct2 Ccnitrectf ca Cd. "' T01 eaatrtc' f . Manufaeturers of Concrete atone Blacks, Contractors for ail kinds of ; cement 'week. . ' - rich. " V.. ; 'j " C:i;:rJ s tn4 nv carefulli 'our Uttla earnings intrusted t -our t care will be UtztA cut and inveittd upon the very best securities.. . . : ;vW3'PAY;:-..i.:': W:: INTEREST enral BaaklB Bmsimsec Transacted. H, MOQRB, Prldnt. - -' B. E. LYTLB. Vice-Praaldant W. COOFJER MORRIS, Caa&Mr. DIRECTORS, : , ' ; H. MOORBl i , : w , . B." LTTUL r LEO FRIEDB. H. A. MOpRB. , " 1 W. COOPER MORRIS. m Ecc:::.:EjiTio:r: V 1,- Council Committees Favor. Giv- Inge it Franchise for One Per ; , ' . ; Cent of Gross Earnings. ' For throe hours last night- th ludl- clary and atreet commlttoac of the city oooneU wrestled with the nrcpoaed fran chise of th Mount Mood Power company ror permission to erect polee .and string transmission wires, and . finally con cluded to recommend to the council that the franchise be advertised. - It waa. concluded to exact tell of only I per cant of the gross earalnn of the company daring the life of the franchia and to compel the grantee to aepoctt a good ' faith bond of IsO.oOO. By ths terms of the franchise the com w m jk in, iiamaim iw coin- i pny bobii oegin to construct its iinTVahlcIs that are a credit to the oom In the city within on year after the rranohlse is granted and bar them fin- wiMd within- two yeara, ready to serve customer, s v -v .-.-, - asiou the . members bf the afount Hood company preaent at th meeting usi nignt were a. K. Cobb, president: J. B. Davis, vloe-preeldent: C W. Met, ungham, treaaurart amnd ConneU, oee reury, and Ck ,W. Waterbury and E, B. CotwalL ' direotorsv i- v -: - - It waa atatad that the eomnenv hail already contracted for the aale of the Donog to nnanee the a peculation and that const ruction work on the power plant on the Bandy river waa under oonsxruotion.' v !', vr rtA SMASrtirUNENS Brand kew Importation Flaoad Upon a staortnetar Blook Th JTewest TkUfn From the frisk "Portland's crack linen merchant have an announcement In thla paper that will leaiea me attention of linen buyers upon th goods advertised.' The-prices named are so conspicuously low, com pared with the eseellence of the mate rial in etock. that no one In need of this line of merchandise will be llkal a pas np this most favorable opportunity t supply their wanta. Being of Irish enracuon tnemaervea, every foot of the oU of the grand Oresn Isl is aa open book to Messrs. McAUen McDonnell, hence this firm a-oea to the fnuniii. head of linen manufacture, the home of uaoirooa. ror ever Collar witrlh of the goods that com Into th firm' meet excellent store. , . Linen buyers everywhere hay long - recognised the Twnciiy ox me gentlemen In their ad vertleed staUmants. henoe when bar gain are announced It la weU understood that thr 1 no deception In tha laa. guag. - y Todays advertlaed llnan mala . tt.. fore bonaflde. it wiir Interest all In ed Of the articles offered h..u liberal dlaoountg are mad to those who purchase now. . , , ... , - Milwaukie Country ClubV T ' LOS Ansalea and OaVian rmm ir.k- Bell wood and Oregon City ears iin and Alder. . . 1 ; ' n ew XospttaL ''' .? ,too1, eraal.) Forest Orove - Or.. saiv ti i Koepltal la about to be built In Foreet r "nder the supervision of Dr. E H. Brown. -Many prominent buainaea mra are alao said to be behind t. new enterprise. e Violomal , ST rza - Order of - liHaii:; CiiS ail Alder St. a tiiut :dav evening february 22, 1s06. v : Bmale a Fwreonav CieMeWa, I Gdntlmra $0 . ' ' LtuUe. 2U ":i , ;; 'Sptctators 25 :. - ;i Strictly Sratt(aa' order will he maintained and objectionable oharactara will not be admitted. "V . -!".' I I M i x , 1 Cfii ; Hsids De 'Ftrtaitnt f -itr CSM Ex- Vr':-'-: county, r.vjcT rtT.:::rH nv a::d MATERIALS r-'-v ; - . Jr-. ... Government VEl fiuryly liachlnerjr .and RaUroeds Free Traniportatioa ; Intended to Educate Farmers to -Advaataaee el Oood Eoada ' Through the effort of Samuel Hill of Seattle, who alao has a realdence in Waahiagton. D. CL, th good roads de partment of tha national government ha decided to build a aample mile of roadway in each of two locatlona In tha atatea ' of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, the Dakota and Mlnneeota. If the state mentioned will furnlah the raw material a the government will supply tha machinery free and General Manager 3. P. O'Brien Of the Harrlman Unea and C. M. Levey, vioa-preaident of the Northern Pacific, have agreed to furnlah free transportation. - The protect la aald to be entirely de void of any sort of graft. - Thar la no interest back of It exoeptrag that of tha public good and the county Judges of Oregon are advised that the undertaking is one of the most Important good roada damonatratlona ever afforded the people of the Pacific northweet . The total mileage of th proposed sample roada will be 14 mile 'and will cost the government many thouaanda ftf dollars. It will be stipulated by the government good roada department that each county In which a sample road Is built ahall furnlah tha labor and materials. The lo cation of each mile of road will be se lected by the county Judges and the good roada bfnoiala. . The sole object la to show the taxpayers the methods and cost of a flrst-claas road and the great value ef such a highway in trans porting the products of the country to the railroad and local market. . Portland men who have vlalted the east' have been Impressed with the Im portance of eclenWnoally , eonatruoted roada, . laid cut on natural levela. with gradea not exceeding I or I per cent and properly drained and aurfaeed, af-r fording the farmer treaeportatloa facili ties every day in the year. Wherever there are good roada. It I aald, there mar b found aorsee in gooa eonaiuoo. munltr. market . price fairly uniform th year round, and a eteady demand for the products of the farm. , ' ., Reasons for the existence of these condition are that tha local markets ar never glutted and never barren of products ef the farm. The farmer who has a long crop of potatoea ia not obliged to market all of them in the fall before the roads become Impassable, but can take his own time and wait for a higher market If he desires to do so. There are many eountlea In Oregon where the entire crop of th farm must be hauled to market early In the fall or left In the blna until late spring, as the roads during the Intervening season are 'practically Impassable except for a light empty wagon or bacavvRoad tm provement la regaitied as a prombm th solving of which Is Imperative through out the wast;.:. .. ; ' ... : . .:: ', 1 ,' RAILROAD 10 OTI HOOD KOW A POSSIBILITY Chamber of Commerce Being , Urged to Consider ; Advis- ) . ability of Propositloni. " Th ' Portland chamber of commerce la being urged te take up the -nueatlon of a railroad from Portland to Mount Hood. On the return of President Hogs from California th matter will be laid before him, and It will be recommended that a committee be appointed te make a thorough canvass of oondlttons, and report on the feasibility of the proposi tion. The work wlU probably be placed In the bands of a subcommittee of the transportation committee. , - There are people all along the line who would . subscribe aid to such an enterprise,", said C Minalnger of th Star Sand company, , who la familiar with the entire rout. "Survey have been made in the peat, and it la known that there 1 good agricultural country for 41 miles from Portland toward th mountain. The country is good for gen eral development aa far a th Big Zag. Thar . are large quantities of good timber and the country 1 getting pret ty well settled. The road would be a good commercial line as welt aa a great scenic route." Mr. Minalnger . aaya that the water powers along the route to the top of the mountain are being taken up by partlea who have not aufflclent financial back ing to develop them, and that vaat electrical powers oould be secured for the operation of an electric -railroad. Some year ago . the Steels made an es timate of coat and feasibility of the project, . and offered to build the road if given a bonus of 141.000. .Mr. Mln slngsr said be believed half of that' urn could be raised at this time, aa a bonus , t a . company ; that would con struct and operate a- Mount Hood line from Portland and give freight and paassager service at raasonsbla rate. ; HOTEL IMPERIAL TO '0 v r HAVE A NEW DRESS Interior. Improvements' which call for the expenditure of thouaanda of dollars are now under way at the Imperial ho tel. When - they are completed the ca pacity of th hotel will be materially Increased. The ainiag-room win no on the ground floor, occupying the store now used by a tea company. .... v On June 1. Phil Mstscann, now presi dent of the Imperial Hotel company, will be sole proprietor, having acquired the atock of the ether members. On that date C W. Knowlea, manager, will resign and move to Seaside. -J-. The upstairs dining-room baa been closed and the Spaoe la beina converted into seven gusst chambers, the ma Jorlty of which will have bathe at tached. The guests on me sixth noor tf the hotel hve been moved Into other apartments wane the rooms' on that noor are being improved. , When th Interior improvements en the other floors have bean completed every room In the bouse will-be tinted and have new carpets t match the wall and cell ing deoo rations. New furniture - has been ordered. About a score of. roome which new nave ac connecting , bate will be ae supplied, , The dlalDg-reeea eg, ute srovM noor y&il t ;y r-i t -y S 7 1 - .i.C ct ciso f-i rxr rFT "1, L!cnfo VTcir 100 dozen "in tn'o Four-in-Hands, in lightJlnd dark coloring tnd detirable patterns; Ttrjr large va riety to select from; regular '""""W ii ht vw?ptiwMr Men's outing flannel Nightshirts, full size, very best - pattern! and colorings; regular - $1.00 Ttf valnei on sale tomorrow for low price.. ."VaC Wo illQEuG NecEsivoar Ztdzl Price Tc:aTOy .. 1 . " New allk-brald Stocke, with gilt cord . eda-e and BatUnberg - braid, with . ribbon eeaterar light blue, lavander, pink and green; regular toe Oai 4 . valuea, at-,....,...T... .... W Silk grenadine Windsor Ties, all the moat desirable colors; llo 9 ttU values, at t for Cream and white lace Turnover, net , ... top and Veniee applique combined . with very dainty eSecta; rag- ju . ular 21c values at. 7..143C Waahabte 'stocks' of butcher's linen, ; embroidered in mereerined floral de , etgaa: best 0c values on Af sale for ....a .. w Pompadour iace Stocka, white and - ecru, dainty, blue bell pat- Q ..terns; llo value for..,.... Kew Bolero a, linen and Batten- 560 to 522.50 lOOOUhdsoy EJgfe (fi The w y Nov Tan Covert Coats for Women and Men New Tan Covert Coats for men and women A complete , showing In which the very latest fashions are all represented at prices ranging from $10.00 to $40.06For women we have the tight-fitting and box-coat effects in neat, serviceable styles All gradea, all sixes For men, new, natty Topcoats in tan coverts and fine black unfinished worsteds The best product of the leading manufacturers in the land These Covert Jackets for women and Topcoats for men are the most useful garments in the wardrobe at all seasons of the year You cannot commence to appreciate their comfort and worth until you own one The variety here ia the largest in the city and valuea guaranteed Second Floor Women's New Spring Suits $20 to $7S Women's New f-Coata for Spring Great assortment new Waista V OUR. NEW ; . Oriental Rugs Jnat imported from Persia and ' Turkey, are attracting more than ordinary attention. Hundreds have called te view the, beautiful ( new deal an a Savins all middle--. " men'a profits by beinf our own Importers, we are enabled to offer KCEPTIONALLY '! V v-; ; LOW PRICES X'Vv To present purohaaers. Ko home '" la perfectly furnished unless its . chief apartmente are covered with Oriental rug nroduotlone. - ; : ..... 4 i . ' t- ' ' ' ' i i r . .'" "r. ' , 4. i; .. . . ; J1 V r. L '.V AtiycliBroSe f;. V- V'4U WaVSJUaf TOST .-.' ' ."7" Val stain SOS. Set, lta and lltt will be connected with the office by aa arch through the wall which now sap, rates ths tea store from th nail rn nlog to the elevator. . COMPLAINS THAT AGED . FATHER STRUCK HIM , Thomas Burgee, tt year of age,' ap peared tn tha municipal court thla morn ing to testify against bis aged rather on the charge of assault and battery. . H claimed that ha was the victim of the eld man'a assault. , ... .. Barges Br. Is IT yeare old and on ths wttneee-atand told bow be had been con tinually harassed by tn son, wh stole hla carpenter's tools and threatened te etrlke him tf he dared eomplaln. Final ly, be aald, hi anger overpowered him and he struck his eon en the knuckles with a rod. The aon eaased the father's arreat, r- Thomas Burgee and his mother tes tified against the 1 old man who waa found guilty. Benteeoe wad suspended. m'gCclcn" I lit are) r-rz it 1 tf 1 ea Aa f " . .. C - i vrh -i :-i f .1 L. il.-ii SicSb Tczzzttgtj Men.' $1 JO Umbrellas,s steel rod, "shower proof covering; desirable handles in good T--0l Tiety tomorrow for .wonderfullylow price. Jw Kew Cluett. Monarch, Manhattan,' Calumet, E. A sue vaiuei v How iTM i " ,, the newest and best patterns and coloring; on ' sale at the low price of, each. . ..91.00 to 30 How Clicnco Aro ; Ready 200 styles of hew Challies ready for yonr choosing. - The most complete and prettiest ba you ever had the opportunity to select from. (, !: . -;. - '. .',. '- Silk stripe Challies 1n all the newest designs and colorings, for , waists, dresses, kimonoi, etc,, special Talnei at, j Beautiful new allwooI Challies in neat effects, light br dark ' colorings for. waists, Presses, kimonos, etc, excep Cftf tionally. goo4 value at this priee, per jrard. ....... La Cn:3 TcIIcrcd Unizrvozr Just received the Spring shipment of tx GrCcque Tailored Vn, "dermutlins. The prettiest and most -attractive garments yott ' have seen in many a day. Beautifully v mad and finished. 'Very largt variety' . L Orecque tailored Chemise, onsale . at each. ... ........... .... .,) to aJaO La Grecque Corset Cbver snd Cbemise'combined; priced rom, each...... .,....,.V,t.i... f-0 to fia.00 La Grecque Tailored' Gowns, ch'.,VviMt,w to f 15.00 See tha new home-made Muslin Underwear, ' America'! fine lingerie in superb itylear-Second Floor. ; ; t . . , . ' ' Another great shfymect ef the cdebrctrl JiUr'ty!!.ir?-. descent Gas UghU to be tIace4 ca atla fcr a ttvr yt tt wonderftiDy, low priceCnarantewd the Mtiaiactory facarv descent gaa light on the iaorket--Cvea the best Vt and consnmea the least araoqnt of gaa 1000 Ebta cotgrbte with mantle, white opal globe and branerEay a3 yon want of them at the phenomenaay low price of Mall or Phone Orders above Bght complete and havtaat by-paas, on sale ct 'Jv'vVj..;4. 90c each Take tJaiMantlesGIobesr and"BunicfOrhplete7stock bf all "styler and grades. . Our. prices always the lowest.'.:,.. ',w '-'wV '5 TQrtable Gas Lamps at very low prices. I ; V ' Gaa Stoves and Heaters est stock in the city. '. '.keytoLoon The Preperty , Offered as 5ecurlty ; .Must Be ' ' First Class and Located la theaty Portland Trust Co. of Oregon . a B: Oar." M sad Oak Ita. rhooe ts.' XX BSW. L COHtlt ........ rraeideet H. U MTTOCB;...........,,,Vrrknt B. LIS .HOST..... , secraUry J. 0. 6NLraA.... Aaalatast Sewetary UorlJ-Vidc Favorites A. at OaTASa, MtTTT, SVIBI . . ; , ttAMM ajto imuii PIATJOS ajreaxve rxajroe, rxajro nVATSBat, TXOTOm VdXatTjrO WHT NOT BUT THIS BK8TT rAf VUAUBXM. ' 114 BUta S, Op. OregeaiaA BOdgl N. B. Don't fall to see the lot nt standard makee of nlanos, ef which you can have your ehoioe for Ills. Small payment down, balance sbmuI meauuty Hats (T) rrv bat I - ca aala r, i ,i , x . Zr A 7n y VVTatid-StarShiils. Etcit npuUble make. - AH - 68c BccK Promptly FSed ''lT' ';r, ; edvaata ::, J h'".",;,1, Jcpanzss enfl :CJI:'.:t:i:?;v,; CURIO SALE Owing te our surplus stock ef holiday gooda " we ahall reduoe prloee on every article la, all lines. 'consisting ef floe , Silver Qol sonne, Satsuma, aew Brass ware, Bronse ".Decorated Feroelaln Te . Sets. Silk and Satin Embroidered Kimono. Screena, Carved'Farnl. . ture, Toye. IfstUngV eto. ;",' , Andrcv Ean V( : 1 ' J A emSAT SLaJTr ftMTAVaVASm OOOX WTTat It Is a cheap fuel and a good one. w aell It and all klnda of roal tha nmAntit " "Terr iqiaet , , , . . . v 1 Ring Up Phene Uxia J778 Vulcan Cccl Cc, . see wvmzzzi r ' D3tT r QOCCE aii ic c. SHELL) (- .amsistcd at FRANZ DOYO VrLLC f ,v;ilTa Teeny Aaeriaaa PteeeM) ,-: . AT THS MABCA'AM OSAND ' eve nino r.lcirch let SaOl'LAB, gAUi v ' ' ' ' ' 'TrnitAT. rftt. jt. siatb. h.ooj cTMAKQUAM OK AND THAT3 '." Phuee hTats asa - mw iiaifii at e:ie rewea. " Te m my uieer's Moaloal roceac raataar, , . , VOODLAMn " imi Harry Bslw aad ae Eieollvat tt PRirEa-BaUre knrar flear, . SI. fU rVri aaS s 'Mlfl01 tlf 'w,y 7WARQUAM GRAND ' THSATXS . i , J ? . saiereay piskte " ' " - ...u niuraar. a: ia e eioea . PAHOrS WBW BNOLAKD PLAT. way down gaot " b te?T&3Xt, T.T- mat :'. t"1 1 aU iTSlv awe. TaablU a as Tkba Paeee State avoT. ia tae- West, Tealslit) an week. ' '-Tesfcrti The Psawa U! C:: Czrl::-: Co. m. la Two sVreasnag Panas, "A Seetah XUsk sail", ae "A bear r-" A real Beaaly sboV Olrla. aiaete, AaOer , as MeinaMei 7 eealag Prleaa SV. tec. Set .fie. sfat-i ta,!L. mt aatarday lie. fee. SSe, ee. Salertar aUMaw la the lat poca . eat Weak '1eJ He dXi. k Ff'-'rA Thi-fro "r V blAjll V Pkes Mam UT. ' -' ' "" aeaana. abaaaer. . an iia . waia statwiae the atartllas Biaaaitua tee t:cc:::::;:Er$ cAicnn A ClWfnilaf tale) f th KwrHiy MaW.atsa, Htw. Me4mjeHkan aae.UA . 1 wvmwawiA. J effleera. tie, Maea.., i tnaliw Frtcae Ue. SSc. SBe. BBa. a Or. Vie. 16. . , aost AtteseHm .'nTnaAaT Sauaza." TaTaa.r'- ' "2T ' The arlsieel tuiilhiiil 'fOZZZ1- PBICBS nveahMe, ILYRIC THEATR3 Tke lacsBJsarakle Lyria Stock Oe. Preen A Baral UeledrasM la" 'peer. Acta. ' Adarteetea, 10t) neaervel BeaSa. stte, : TESATaai "iJrJ Week ef . Peer. WiJ O. ary la. . SXAAOaOwrd. . t BSXnton, rrlaae ..loe to ear eaet Sieetaat t If bate aiwet Boie. Waaa- ea tke Aeieri Inftoe'o Blrtkday, euav aaa Stase, tlaoaae. Apollo Rlnti TONIGHT Learn ' to skats and skate with tha throng at th Apollo rink. Seventh and Oak. ; . ., Courtsou Inatrnotors free . it all tlmea for benefit of beglnnera. ' ' . Muslo afternoon and venlng. ' " (- APOLLO RINK . mawa ajts oaz. - . gOsTBS m Exposition, Rfnl: Vlseteeam a towobbow iTTre. WAA- . BIBZAAAT, BBAf 9 tCaekeni ealy eUewa ea floor treat ear. 10 e'ekMS. All awece eaav anee eeurief rink a be releed el Gciser-Ucr.dryx v Investment Co. . SOks Bldg, BBS Swak i biazbt UTSk - ......'! sVaAV BSTATB ASTO UPAJTl-m i", y 09 mxa xxarBS. ,:, -'. i l...n'. j . !', If J on want quick action and good re turna, list your property with ue, . .. 10 Aere Cloae in. wall Improved, only l,00; crop wlU nearly pay for place. $1,10 I -room modern cottage, near . Vf t. Tabor, with nearly quarter block. i m is ak oargain. w mw. u . vui .u. nwr v-vi i w 4 vm 1 ft A 1 aa 1.1 .a . I Ll. .vv. "ij j . . w vw. .in iv m, building let and close in, . - neoawioviie en Siath. near Cnion 1 depqt. Thla ia a bargain. . eTAoe Two l-room houeae. on llth and Love Joy. Thla 1 a good. Investment. Bl'MOB Large 1-story bulldlnaK fovf ' blocks from Portland Hotel, parts I per eent on Investment. If yon watt aometMng good see this. Sls.000 Qsarter block, with large he, oloa In. on Slsth atreec Loos thla u ' Only two of those very dealra' I' left oa test Nineteenth and- 11.001 aad 11.20. , t We have some ef th beet wnr Cloee In, for eubdlvldlr t It .l 1 you to see us about ti. There wIM be s"nethinf '- m ' eest Sid s -"'1. 1-e our i i f l If you want to ln-t w t iweSe eome moaff, ou a4 V bav v r tm ) Amt t 4 e - I v . . .- i i- "V