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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
T r LsIeX)av 7 Evr :r:.r 3V.Ji!CIATU. a. w sJ at I I i v I I V2"rz7 r r xjcs c: IJilLSiiiEl ''..'V. " '. ' " ' ' '" as B..uiLu a Paa ' , In the Ctock Exchans and; IMMENSE FUND3 FROM GALE OFrTKIin JMIN.E3 Twanty-Fivs Million ah to Msn v fpulat With Obtained From, Dls- VMaal nf Conner ; Interests After 'tonf Fight WltihTniit. , ' 7 : . t... ,- , Barrio. ' . New York, Feb. 11. F. Augustus Helnae and brother ar apparently to tax a hand in toon axcnang 'I"' tlatlons have been completed - -,- rarehas of a toek exchange ' seat tor Otto Helnae Co. It U under - stood the price paid wu II0.00S, Fblo ia ti AAA Mow th high recoro. - . Th Helnse family as owner 'of th , United Copper company jfca been In th - nnhlla eve for aeveral year. F. AUfui tua . Heias fought - th Amalgamated ". Foranur. Benator W. A. ; Clark and other Montana copper Interests to the limit Th recant sal or. ma convroi nf tha United Conner company to the 7 AiMlnmitel It la said. Sot tha Heinsr, ' brothers In possession of t Z J.000,00 . caah. , r . ; "i s . . f A new securities company wilt fee - ' formed to take qver a majority of the ;' sherea of the Amalgamated and United Copper companies., ; F. Augustus Helnse . has publicly declared that he will have a 4arge wivrvst hi in hvw npwt ' .THIRTY-TWO TEACHERS IN LINN SUCCESSFUL v (Ssceku Dlssetea te lb Joeraal.) - Albany, Or., Feb. . 11. The. county board of examiners has completed the ' grading of tha papers of those who re- oently took the examinations, ana nnas ' that out of about ; 40 applicants all passed except eight, , All the failures - were among the applicants for third grade - certificates. ..- Tha i' following .; oaased: . - r. - ' Ffrst grade E. , EL Munsey, W.. X " Smith. UlUe M. Bodeker. Cora V. Heyne. Anna M. Slniusom Joseplilue Campbell, Fannie Hewea, Harriet Alex ander and Ida A. Plerson. ,. Second srade Oladrs M. Andrews, .-' Evelyn J. James, Inea Goodrich, Llnnle . Bpley, Ethel N. WatUra, Ida Mae Bmita, " Oeoraa W. Ciaubner. O. A. Wearer, W. J. , Green. Roy B, Rnodgrass, Imogene B. Harte, Lavina Sheridan, Victoria Ban - ders, Claude A. Arekart. Our Lewalling. Maraarat KlmmaU and sva JS. swing. Third grade Mabel Clarissa Glover, - Harry G. Hoy, B A. Faras worth .Mrs. Pearl A. Cummings. ... ' .The highest average made . was by Mil 'Glover, an applicant for a third - grade oertlflcate, ber average being JS. a card; Thk b to certify th At all 4tzzkt Jte authorized to ftfondroof moiey If Foltr'a Koocf ftni Tr fails to cure your cougn or coll. It stopi the cough, heals the htagt and preyents tcrtoos regulta'from a cold. Cures la crippc couffhs, apd pre vents poeumoois and contomptlon. Gm tains no opiates. . The rcnutne b in a yc2ow pci2e. Refuse c:::.:or":r"i:::3CT" w '' pi Vatartn 4 Rtpublletn Uadtr crowns upon Plan to Cut ' VVatco' County In . Two. WILL TRY TO DEFEAT Proposal to Oo to Uultnohuh for Anistanco Causes DUpleagurs bat i Might Consent If Changs Is Msds in the teoqqdaryJLtoSrr- ,'' .' . ?1 nkratck t Tke iesraal.1 1 . ver. Or, Feb. .11. It Is said mat ina proposition to divide Wasco ?ntr 'It not mrt, with the appro- vi ram Moony ana , that through his emlaaarles he has informed the cltlsena of Hood River that if they want a new county they must come to h ?! Mor tt-" Moody, it to said, obeots ' to having bie Influence lessened by the creation of a county seat at the prosperous and growing center of the apple-growing industry in Hood, river valley. That he ifrowns upon the projeot and has told Benator Whealdon,. his spokesman, that It can not be done without. bis consent - The holding of a meeting here for the iurp 01 isaing steps to treat new county in the western -. end of Wasoo county is aald by those, who are supposed to know, to have alarmed the veteran Republican .leader . of Wasco, and that was announced today that J. F.r Hendrlck of Cascade locks will be a candidate for representative in order o-try ana split the vote in this and of the county, for that' office, and thua prevent A. A. Jayne, who has pledged himself to support the movement for a new county if elected, from getting th nomination., this , action, say., Hood River cltlsena, will cause- them to con eentrate the vote . on Jayn Instead of putting np another candidate for the nomination her.. Th propoaltion to go to Multnomah county for help In Its fight for a new county is not to th llklna of Mr. Moody, according to reports, and he 1 taking this method of showing his dis pleasure. It is understood that if Hood River will consent to th boundary line of the proposed county being placed between here and Moeler, the pow ers that be at The Dalles will have no TufTner OTJScTJonT:: Thia Hood-River el Miens refuse to consent to, arguing that it la ror th Mosier people to sax whether they want to be in the old county or th 'new, ' - i A meeting will be held at Mosier, Saturday, March , to determine this point The t Mosier district, la, like Hood River, a great apple-growing coun try, and it has been trying to have It name changed te East Hood River The O. R. N. railroad has so far refueed to recognise th change, but th rest, dents of that plao have prepared a peU tion. which ther will forward -to-the poatofflo department at Washington to have th change mao. , t f ') i ESCAPES LOSS OF JEWELS BY THIEVES' EUROS Robbers Follow. Woman Wearing Costly Gems, but Get Into !'...' Wrong House. ' - (leeraal Special Semea.) Oakland. Feb.- 11. Mrs. Harry. Keller, the handsome wife of a commer cial ' traveler of this city, escaped the loss of her valuable jewels th other night because thieves made a pecultar miaiace. jars. Keller and her husband spent th vnfhg ia Ban Francisco. On the way horn aha netloed - a pair of roughs i watching ber and at every change of cars they . were eloee. She wore several handsome diamond rinxs and a eoetly sunburst and th actions r th men made her nervous. . When . the Kellers got . horn Mrs. Keller hid all her valuables and scarcely eiept Because or anxiety, but thev were not disturbed. The residence next door was enured by thieves and ransacked. Th burglars who followed Mrs. Keller got into th wrong house in th dark- BAKER CITY K. OF P. TO ERECT NEW TEMPLE (Sped.1 Dlseetch te The JearasL) Baker City. Or.: Fah. I1n..mll.t Lodge No, I. K. of p. save a banauat at its regular meetlns- Mondav nis-ht. which ' was ' aleo . in honor - of the forty-thlrd anniversary of the order.- Beetdes the members, manv In vited guests were present Mr.. John son acted as toastmastar and a number Of Interesting addresses were mada The lodge also , took un th matter of th new building and the committee In charge has arranged for. a meeting to discus plans. The lodge has some IS.- 0 In the treasury, and it is th In tention of the .membership to nut un tempi. In th near future with this money... ' - , v : .h-y - - ' EZRA MEEKER ON THE . ! : OLD OREGON TRAIL " - (lrtU respites H The Joersal.) ' ' " Olympla, Wash.. . Feb. 11. . Kara Meeker arrived in this city Monday on nis way east over th old Oregon trail. He- struck camp on a 'vacant -Jot near the' center of th city and hundred of pioneer sailed to the venerable pioneer during th day.: Monday night he lectured in th Bpworth hall to a crowded house, H delivers. an Inter eating lecture about th trip across the plains, and numerous stereoptlcon views are shown, illustrating tha early days. Today h goes to Tenlno, wher h will erect a monument, marking th - otd trail. ;.-,. , .v.rv . , , ,.,;;' a . : : . i t ' eneesssfal Valoa Teaehers. : (pell tMapatcb ta TKe Joorsal.) La Qrande, Or., Feb, II. Th follow ing were th successful applicants at the teachers' examination held for . the Union county teacherst i . f ' First grade Alma ' . Thompson, Un ion! Stella Maytleld. Elgin: Franols HerlUg. Hilgard; Ceclle Rlggs, Beaale Rlgga and Carrie Hough, La Grande, Second grade--WllUs Wright! Ousste Fisher, Rachel Turner, La Grande; Ola Tuttle, Mabel K. Eaton, union.' Floy B. Mann, North Powder. Third 1 grade a. J. Wllfkllt, Union; Maud. Kelaay.3orUt Pewderr Ctarad M: Halei Summervllle; Nellie Conlon, Telo caset., - , . ' ' Btate paper . Omen ' Bishop, Roy Conk,ia and May Kinney, of Union, v 'i For everything we get something is taken away. . S.very act pulls two ways. Borne men in power dole out their souls for it Tbay can't have soul and power St the same time. tad so. in thla auldc-llvlng age, most of us can't have energy and health at the name time. One or th other must b lost, and it is usually health. We kooww r doing wrong and Would like t reform, out we have a morbid fear of being laughed at If we aim to live nd eat aocoNimg to eon science and Brood sense. ' ' - ' - Boms of as break away for awhll and enslave ourselves to a diet We read about the hardy Scotsman feeing fed on porridge and oatcake, making soldiers of muscla and daah. and: how. Caesar's army we fed on eonu. But th diet doesn't last long. We cutokly swing baek into tha creat line. eaUng-and drinking to fullness Uk th rest eating anything and everything, at any time, and anv. wav we And it We say rwhat ia astittrr-'l "r tf taa'aa be th palate." -. ..... .- jt-v . Rut thara ia raallr no on rula anpu cable to avervbodv's stomach. What Ana nun ma v aa.t anather may not. But the . dyspeptic should, remember that the death list has a dark, shadow over it with a long beny finger pointing to "died of heart disease." Physicians will tell us that ther are few oases; of heart disease that do not come from a stomach iierangement At every meal we may be brewing for ourselves a terrible cas of dyspepsia. It mav come unon us after breakfast to morrow morning, or attar that oyster aunmr tomorrow niarht . Acute indigestion means that you hav van chances for death or life. That's th gamble you are taking. That precious gaatrlo Juice decides, as a rula, whether-you continue to llv or not i- Therefore,- if yon feel your food lie like a 'lump of lead" on your stomach, beware! Your gastrin Juio. is weak. It can't dlspca of th food' In time to Pre vent . fermentation. Take something that wlU do it effectively, and at one. Take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, th most powerful tablet In th world for the relief of all - kinds of stomach trouble, nausea,' radlgestlon, ther worst eases of dyspepsia, fermentation, bloaty feeling, sourness, heartburn and oraan. " One grain of an Ingredient of thee tablets will digest MOO grains of rood. Tour stomach needs a rest at one. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will relieve yoar stomach of mora than two thirds of th work it has to do, digesting per fectly whatever .food ther li In your stomach. " i v -. You can't do your-work well, or b cheerful, or have energy or vim or ambi tion, when your stomach is aa.v Make yourself feel good after a hearty meal, feel good all over, clear your mind and make you enjoy life, by taking Stuart's Dyspepsia- Tablets. ; iv' . .- - - oive your stomacn a- rest, so- it can right itself, then yon need fear nothing. i TQii sen get thee tsblsts anywhere fftr 19 cents a package, . -U, IHVITED TO V7ATCII All County Officials In Oregon Asked to' Witness Good ' ; Road Experiments. GOVERNMENT BULLETINS FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION Fores of Experts ' and Engineers to Visit Sesttls and Then Constrnct Sampls Highwsvs at Sslem snd st Pendleton. ;.. .v.: ' IWssalactea Bamta ef Tke loernal.l ' Waahinaton. D. C- Feb. II. fienator Oearln has arranged with Secretary of Agriculture Wilson for the isauano ef a special bulletin on good roads to be distributed in Oregon and six other western states, in connection with the execution of a plan lust formed through the efforts of Samuel Hill of Seattle for the demonstration of a model high way building by experts of the federal government Mr. Hill ha gone west and will vlait Oregon to confer with President John H. Scott of Salem, of the the state Good Roads association, ai others Interested in the movement - Secretary Wilson- he-asked-Benator raesrln to transmit ror htm an invitation to all county effloers in the state to attend the good roads demonstrations at Salem and Pendleton, urging tneta to d present and observe th . manner . In which th work is don. v Senator Oearln has asked Director Pag of th office of public road to accompany the experts on the Journey and has obtained- the promts that he will do so.. At th present time Assist ant Engineer K. A. -Loder and Expert Andrew Wllbert are in Seattle survey ing ground where good roads are to be built . ther. Later, a complete com plement of men will be sent by the de nartmant and they will go lnto-Oregon for the same preparation. - , . Vfaol bufldyou'up ( and keeps ycju up Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without 01X - Better than old-fashioned cod liver oU and emulsions to restore health for -;yry :ii Old people, delicate dindren, weak run-down persons, and after 'sickness, colds. coughs, bronchitis and all " throat and lunj trouKss. - c Try. It on , our, fiuarantis ROADIMIliG mi A.LI noili2V nniclilQss. a -j y mm - Stormyrweither cannot mar the success of a trade movement so weH fortified with wonderful values. In these days of quick ? transit and easy traveling people are not apt to let these money-savin; opportunities (many of which are wholly without pre- : V cedent) escape them.' There are no such values ever offered-here or elsewhere to equal those" of the "TIOURLY SALES"; and tomorrow's have never been bettered. .Much of the under-priced merchandise in tomorrow's special hourly sale' eventjTiT'" of such a character, that If missed during ' the hour scheduled, will not be obtainable after at less than the regular prices. ' HOURLY SALES THURSDAY 9 to 10 A. M: Fancy Gold-Mounted Shell sad Am i ber Back Combs. Special. each 9f a Kalf Prlea, , The best make of She Past; our r. len value. SpeeUl Sal; , ; pric 4-pteo ' Collar ' Button - Beta, best ' . rolled gold top with finely Sn Uhed eeUulotd backs; regular valu Ho. Special, each.... ltte Best - Imported . English : Tootb Brushes, for on hour a above, f so' oata elisors ,es. , . ti.nJm.l .' Ttaoaraied CusDldora. .traced, la gold , an4 , baauUfuUy - tinted. 0 10 to 11A.M. Good Gas Mantles 15c as at . . .i, In th boor's sal tomorrow w shall offer In th Corset Section a lot of Hip Pads and Bustles, in . all slaee, made of haircloth and wire, some hair rilled; values in '-th lot ranging from I up to - Sc , Tour choice for this hour . nly at ......... i. VS Jr Xosa smitawrS sa . . ,.-..; ';- aaars..: ...:. -. tOO bolts of Chenille Felt. Straw, ; Mohair and SUk Bralde: values ranging up from 10 to $100 tha yard, and It yards In each bolt ' suited to fill the needs of those .who do millinery and dressmaking , - at home, for on hour only, as advertised, tomorrow, at, i bolt ,...,....... WMeaeV SS aTos for SSa, Woman's Black All-Lao Hoee, One imported fun-finished boss, as- sorted pattern; our II value. Special for on hour at, th v pair ...... '.............. '.SSS) :. SB S SO BVeak OoOan few 10. A lot of Wash Stocks of embroidery, also some of linen, with - tabs; , '. our Ho to lc values. - Special for on hour only, each.... 10 'Tt for W ... . i - . ' , 1.009 pairs of Woman's Fin Slip. pars in paten ana ui wm., ( feather or wood heels, strap and, ; bow styles, beaded and plain, not all slsea in each Una; values up to l.0. SpeclalJW pric. -th pair ............ T) 11 to 12 T. f.7. Pretty' hU pattern, ', big bargain, ,. each AS) : ' , vsa CkurkU Large sis bars of th purt Casttl ; Soap, genuine imported goods, in -whit ' and green, and usual 7ie ' grade. SpecUl for on Bm4. only at ,. '' ,,a . . SI-OS rasMjr Sloa Oeaw Ma'.". An assortment of pretty Sid Comb . In shell and amber ef recta set 7 with best quality brilliants; value -I to 11.00. ; 8pclal. eaca......39 )..; Kemtltebd Squares mo. Hemstitched Squares llxll Inches. i , made of Unen finish cloth well shrunk with I rows of hemstitch-, i Ing. , Special at oh.....yaaf La . It Sao La Te. ' Beat quality Black Mohair Tubular Shoe Laoes, 1 dosen in package, in men's, . women's and child's. i slses; .regular valu Ho. . . Special ................. .....T S Orep Papa Vapkia SS. lyancy .Deoo rated- Crepe Paper ffan-- kin ror rone nee, leas, paniee ma ' slmlltr gathering; regular II . th hundred value. Special, at -. hundred ...Sad" Values iti THURSO A Y'S vtEEPTffiQ BARGAINS IH. THE MONSTER v ;;;v"; isncRAJil Fine FQ&mem Shots lUde for Oregon at ' . This great sal of good Shoes is, drawing to a eloee. and th opportual ttes It brings to shrewd aad prudent purchaser will soon hav passed. A store must hav Its fair earnings during most of the year In all its de , partments ia order to be a prosperous house such as any community may be -proud of. ' But at time stooks must be balanced and losses taken. Suck . a time 1 thla present In the Shoe sections Bat the aaie la nearly ovar share th bargains while you may. We list a few examples of the mighty savings that await you below,, others too numerous to print are plainly marked by Bpeclal-prleed . ticket , that serve as gulds posts to the shopper throughout th department. .i Jf.7? for Shoes Worth to St ' About 1.101 pair of Woman's fine Shoes In patent kid or calf, vlci kid, box . calf, valour calf and sun metal lea there, patent or kid' tops, low or. high .' heels, Ooodyear welt or hand-turned soles. Almost any styl yoa might , ... want in In tha lot.. We wlah to sell these Shoes la short order, so hav ; mad th pric so low that It will strongly appeal to th most, slander . pur; value to f 4.00. Special Sal pric, th pair ....... ......B1.T9 , $2 A9 for Women's Shoes Voirth to $6 1.700 pairs of Women' finest grade Shoes, mad by Laird, Sohober A Co. . and Pingree Sho Co. These Shoe are in patent and dun leathers, with : Ooodyear welt-cr band-turned .sole a : Lasts and styles are new and " down to data. . Th only trouble with them t that they go to make up ' odd line and w wish to Clear them out. Don't try to form an opinion- ; of the Shoes until yoa hav seen them. Value In this lot to ll.t. - Special Sal price, the pair f3.49 'A. Women's Shoes All Women's Shoes at tl.00 and 11.11 a pair will be sold for th balano of th wk at a discount of $1.00 th pair.; - s s . , . REMARKABLE Handsome Indian Shawls ':' :. ( ", Aa AO-say Sal m romrth Ploes. ' Tomorrow afford an exceptional opportunity for the lovers of those 1 "beautiful, oft, unique and luxurious necessities the Indian Shawlsto ' secure on ef the gems at a pric almost ridiculous in its smallne. And , tfcla la tar all Aav. -Think of hnvlna- . . . . $4.50 SHAVLS FOR $1.75 Then come tomorrow and realise your - expectation! These ahawl ar In black and green only, plain , said the sale would last all day, but we want to we find but about as shawls remaining thought ' mora. So. better be early, for thla I th end of ,f wool, and rare value at th regular prlo of li.ll. 1 morrow, or while they last, up en fourth floor. Cboic for, i to 2 P.M. : . Frail o Potato Press BSo. A ' most convenient and ' neoeaaary -arttel In th culinary depart" i ment of vry home, reataurant and hotel. K : , , SSa aad SS snerllng SUvev Mat :' -"i.: v- "a IS. . An assortment of pretty Sterling i Silver Hat tnns in xiorai ana neaa . 11... rnnitli wrm finish Ions?' hww.biw, m - j , . i .Amk vwiilee ' valuer llo and - "X ' lie -. Special, ach. . . .v.wias IS Bom Writing ee aO.-i la thla offering 100 box of finely finished . Linen Cloth Paper, ia plain white, aa above; lla '' value, at, box.......,......10 r- . Wmbm's So ambbers 43o. Women's Storm Rubbers ' or Foot holds in any slse;. our too value. ' Special Sale pric, th pair., 43a) Beal French Imported Perfume In alt odora. Including violet, rose, Japanese Illy, etc; - good v lie value. - Special for on hour at ...i.. ,..ic galion of Remarkable TomorfoiSs Prices lUde by Circumstances THESE PRICES ARE FOR t See Other Special SHOE : Bargains In the "Hourly ' Safe" Paragraphs yf af $1.00 Discount VAWES IN ,1 M: ndl mora. colors. We qualify that; " there were ' the lot. All Special to-. S elevators. .....fl.T&V ......... 2 to 3 P. M. A Sal ef Swiss SaoppUs' UrtHi; A new shipment. Just ' received, . pretty Swiss School or Shopping Baskets, two styles in th choo- 1 Ing and two values, lie and "four . - bita" . For one hour tomorrow w ' ; . shall sell th lOo baskets it a ' ', '' cholc for .. . ...... .,...,19 . Th 10 Baskets for?.,. . ..334 - Cllareag SO Mos for IS.. '. ; ' Children's black' fin ribbed cotton ; ' , Hoae, eamleea, double knee.' heel " and toe; our too value. , Special' for on hour at, th pair. ...loe Worth a 011 pa st 4 aaea. -, wato Tsmklera. Tomorrow w ahsll offer our pa- Irons their choice of two varle "i tie of very thin end hae- engraved Water Tabra, ' ' 11.01 th dosen, a, ms ) Vf'.sss saatrsr : : ) : ' ':A 4rt ( r r arl t I -f . "" " '"""eaasaaasjasa ... . v ,, j.V. .-....! r " : . .. T7 - - i , rr ' ' 1 p. H HOURLY SALES THURSDAY 2 to 3 P. M. Ladles' fine full nickel-plated Sols-' sors, I and T inch; regular valu - 60c Special, the pair ...... X3V It-lnob, regular. 11.1 grade. ', Special for pn hour. yard.. .87) '17-Inch, regular pada - - Bpeelalfor one hour, yard. . ,4 - 10-lnch. regular ll.Iirranar- Speclal for one hour, yard. ..SSg1 - These Black Taffetas ar th beat Silks mad in America . and hav no equal at th regular prices in 3 to k P. M. for is. Plcot edge Silk Ribbon, tk lnche , wide; our llo value. Special for one hour at. th yard. ...,r.lB4 A lot of I dosen pretty Brooches In rich rose sold finish, attractive : floral designs, reproductions from , ' solid gold patterns; ' pins , well. , mada; regular valu lie. ' , ; Special, each te - :iW'oiwst, Here's a rare valu tomorrow, for on hour yoa may alot a set of . Blue China, consisting of six each. - aauoera, cups and dinner plates, ;. all to match. This ware is hand somely decorated with a . rich. : nnder-glas flow blue pattern. The complete set of II pieces for on. hour for C9 sai r SLoo ease inamags fo For ' this' on hour' w ahall ' sail handsom Pompons, fancy Wlnrs,. ' breasts and Birds, In black; coral. , green, whit and other charmtng ' eoloring and soft, -pretty hoe; values from 11.0 to ILIS, at a ' choios for ..................1B; Omo Zouave detachable' -i Shield and Corset Pre tec tore, all slses; regular valu 10c Special. ' th pair ....8a II aad ll-lnoh Rainproof Soltrng, ia th fin Covert weaves, which ar ' dustpreof aa well a - abower ' - proof,- in all wanted colors. , I to Regular II. 10' grade. Special for ' ona hour, yard ........,..B13 Regular 11.71 grade.. Special for ' on hour, yard,.... Regnlaf ll.SS grade. Special for on hour, yard ....,.....1.67 Regular 111! grade. Special for one hour, yard ...... ....1.89 Regular 11.11 grade. Special for one hour, yard ...... .....,9.14 mosm Woxaea'a SLSS Uato Vsto fos TT. Women's Whit mercerised Lisle Vests. Swiss ribbed, high neon, long sleeves; our 11.11 value, fine-. .. clal for one hour at. each. .,.fT ; aaea'S SB to Cnavrpa. 1SH, . ' Th balano of an assortment tt oretty Tie Claana In sterlln ell- ' ' ver. smld slate and enamel: rer. ular value 14 Special. ' aadi".' i.....,...lSHe - OtUiana's SLSS mb Saaatots , ; '. ' . "' ! .'""'. . Choo from a lot of "Tarns" la ,' Angoras, all colore embraced, la- - eluding the fashionable Scotch mixtures; value from 7lo to ' II. I. For on hour only t.tZj :. j is raraavars fee a. A lot of Whrt Turnover, ibro: ered In color obinat'a rf whit and red, v e s I whit aa u : ; ft .valu I. . . ? ft r at, aca ." r ' ) t