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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
TK3 : 022G0II D4lXY JCU: 3 - a e - t ' .m miff ' S kJt V . ... t .sioj i::;E. ,f V. aaaaaaaaaaaaS -'; f ? - :Ctnd Breezy Reply to Dr. J. N McCormack'a Stricture on 'Kfi- Prof ewlon In Jrand. R. JOSEPHI INDIGNANT ;A v , ; OVER ONE CRITICISM mm. ' tiajdaret Attack on Oregon' Mtdlcal ; Scboola la' UnJastbTiablo f cCor . mack' Answer to Thi Latter R- l"t ,. borate JHta; formr AasartJona. ,' " ' . . v .,. -.,. . i; v 5 ' Indignation In thjmfcjfj!iLn4llirtl. -nroroasion in-weso as a rwmi i .ua rcluvti published la th Chicago Medl CU Jwotl br Dr. 4 J. N. McCormack -Veached a climax Saturday, whan a vig orous Genial urns mad. At the wn Ant a- mfPi denunciation of tr. Mo Oorraack and the discourteous manner la Which jh expressed hi appreciation ,' ofattention showa htm whlla bar wa prepares. -.- . -. . McCormack. traveling organiser for American Medical association, vlstt Portland lest July, Following hla .visit be wret an article for th Medical -.- journal la which asm uu uw nnu . ' In of the profession la Oregon waa far ' 'below the average and that Ita orgen i lsattoa waa dominated by factional ' : Jealousies. Be alae oaat reflection vpoa the medical schools of tb Mat. . . The article created Intenee Indignation - -In Portlaad. A meeting of the Portland I City and County Medical society waa -j called and doctor' took turn about In t lambasting the brother who bad visited Portland sod said things about theaa. , A committee waa appointed to anawer , hka through the same column that were ued In denouncing the Oregon doctor. .'. ? CeataUt Wit Aaswoc. ' ( the committee waa composed -of '.Dr. George F. Wilson, prealdent - of . ' the - Bute Medical' aoolety- Dr. H. :W. Co. prealdent of the Portland Medical,, so ' rlety; Dr. W.' K. Carll. Oregon City, and ' Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, aecond rlee- president, of the American Medical sso elation. The oetnmlttee completed It labor Saturday. A communication was ent te tb Chicago publication a full of bitter deAuadatlon and denial aa the . doctor could frame;. , Tney refuse t .'-divulge It content. ' "In my estimation," -said Dr. Macken ' le, lt would .not. be fitting; or Just eiaetly proper to ajty out the content 1 . of the .letter for publication. Of eeurse It la folna to be published and was 1 written for that purpose, but H would . 1 be an undlchlfled breach of etiquette or " 'v refeaatohal ethics to air It out now. Dr; . E. JoMphl dean of the medical ' department of .the University of Oregon, personally resented .the reflection upon that Institution. He replied to Dr. Uc- I' Cormack'a charge throurk tb Medical Journal, and Dr. , McCormack submitted a - reply - to Dr joeepbt In which he .- arolded the ! points, raised by the Port ' land physician. The two article follow; To the Editor! of the Journal of the American Medlcai Association In your Issue of December t, IMS, appears an article by J. N. McCormack. M. . D, which, amona'oUier unwarranted etate . menu about the- medlca) profession In . Oreaon, contain this: There was ovi ; dence on erery , bjfnd 'that the school , of Oreaon . do not hare .high atandard , of Tequlrement.'," . "A there are but two medical school in Oregon, and tb medical, department liOTGETA RaMNCOAT? . ...... . . . , . - Why fight the elements? The first element of comfort ' is Rain Cost.'"-. " '-;;' . . -i . y. Our . $15.00 one .refgns - It's the most useful gar ment that man can have. - It affords protection to your, . clothes -wiU keep you warm ; in cold weather and dry in . warm weather. A ,;, , y 'The new spring stylet are VJ"' ' .v-;".f, ;';V . Let us show you some. -4 Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth TeTnr Teth mnnmin Trirrvvgiro' 6 jj a a Teetli Teeth TeefKl Teeth Teeth, Teeth Teeth Teth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth - Our price are ' . the very lowest rwnsiaten t w I t h llrat-clasa material ' "and workmanship. - . t'sll and get our ; . price.. . Wosto ' pmsM Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teetb Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth feeth Teeth Teeth Ovp. rjrt ft sSwait ; Teeth and j oat at a. Mm Korrtaea Teeth Teeth ieth ' Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth ImUiliuli Teeth V. mm WuiErifiuSii mwm cniii3 - of 'tb university I one of them. It I fair to assume that that school was In cluded In the general libel" on Oregon schools. . A dean of that achool alne t organisation, almost X year ago, permit me to aa that th ptatemsnU regarding It made by Dr. McCormack are unjust and without proper ,founda-i tlon. 'Whan the achool waa organised In 1MT, It was what nearly all medical schools In the United State were at that time, a-two-year ours school, Shortly attar that . it became a three--year course achool, and In IB- adopted. tho four-year graded course requirement. It baa alway kept at leaat abreast of the requirements laid down by -th As sociation of American Medical College (of which it ha been a member nine ISM) and at ' present-- -require four course of lecture of seven and a half months each, with a curriculum in that, required by the Aaaatianan of American Medical Colleges. Not a year ha pawed that it efficiency ha not. been Increased. - - -- , ' km sTimaary Sanipmemt. "Tb school do not pretend to an proacta In equipment th great endowed medical achoola where th attendance Is ao much greater and where a peel ai des are aaerawahlr taught, but It doea maintain Nan equipment equal to . the need of th number In Its c las sea. and IU facilities enable ns to teach well and thoroughly. ' It presents an Instant of tb small unendowed scnooi oomg non- oat. faithful and efficient wora, not withstanding that It Is overshadowed aad belittled by Ita great and haughty brother, th endowed school. - i I am aarnriMd that a man occupy ing th position of chairman of tho comr mlttee on organisation of the American Medical association should have auoh a noor conceDtlon of lustlce and equitable right a to pronounc auoh Judgment as Is contained In hi screed on Oregon without proper Investigation." If hla pro nunclamentoa on other mattera are based on such partial obeervatlon and lnvee. tlgatleo la tb case in point ner are absoluuly without valoe, 1 V- -A ''Dr. McCormack ha don ua I he gro Injuatlce of publUhtng to th world, on Insufficient and t 'as part'' testimony given by prejudiced persons, his conclu sions' that th school of Oregon do not have high . stsndards of requirement. Editorially yon add Inault to Injury r stating -that this . achool fit -being In cluded m ' tha sclioola of Oregon) la weak. Evidently Dr. MoCormack'a mind waa poisoned from tne up oi moae who are tealov -of th school and Ita auccaaa. and who vindictively take every ODDortuntty to smirch it good nam. , -iueb are to be found hi every earn- muntty which la atriving to b or baa medical center.- wnat was Dr. McCormackra duty before publishing his conclusions regarding this' school t dearly to hear both aides of tha que- tlon. Had no come to m or to any other member of 4hls-faoultyor-4iifo- matlon. It would have been furnished htm gladly. Th same remark appllsa to your own editorial ezpreoalon.' That areat Journal should condemn - tni school s weakling.' on tho mere Ipse dixlts of a traveler on organisation it th American Medical association, with out nolle or opportunity to bo Heard, i saiounainav nay. ouu-agsvus. . , - : VovJadoa aa WU-WkUm. ". i . "Hi ' strict ureWon the- medical "pro- foaalon f Oregon, and or -Portland in particular, founded on : half-truths aad distorted 'facta, ar Unjust and unwar ranted, because ha ha founded a Judg ment on hasty and superficial investiga tion of conditions. Instead' of searching deeply for tha whole truth. If ho had probed deeper ha would hav found that those whom ho trie to seourg with hla rod ar th one who,' by effort and loyalty to th medical profession and to tb American Medical association. bar been earnest laborer in th work of organisation.' (Signed) E. JOSEPHI, M. D." Dr. McCormack's reply Is printed In tho asm Issue.' .H reiterates hi charge that personal and factional Jeal ousies dominate the profession In Port land. His reply follows: -"I hav had numbers of letter from the - leading physician of Oregon e preeslng regret for the necessity of saying these plain things, but cordially Indorsing what I had written, as well a th spirit In which it was don. With out further reference to these, or to the fact that my criticisms were baaed on personal observation and. Inquiry- tn al most vry aectlon of th atate, I am going to put Dr. Joseph) on th stsnd and prove by him that 1 might hav aid much- more along th same llnsJ and sUU b well within th bounds of truth. ."I said that ' th ' achoola of Orsgan did not hav high standards of require ments, and th editorial comment was that they wer weak. -. I quot Dr. Joseph I on th same point, so fsr aa hla achool Is concerned: Tho achool do not pretend to approach In, equipment th great endowed schools where the attendance I mo much gratr and whr specialties ar thoroughly taught,' and, to- my surprise, h avlncee th unfor tunate spirit found ao abundantly there, which I had been Informed he did not possess, whan ho says again, .'Notwith standing that. It Is overshadowed and belittled by Its great and haughty broth er, th endowed achool.' ' "I said again. In substance, that per sonal and factional Jealousy dominate! th profeaslon of hi city. - Dr. Joaephl make Oils appear very mild when Jta ays, in th light of his long experience a practitioner, and teacher there. "Evidently Dr. McCormack'a mind was poisoned trom th Hps of tho who are jealous of the school and It ucce, nd who vindictively take every oppor tunity to besmirch It good name.. I ubmlt that neither my articlatior the editorial complained , of contain 'any thing, tn aubatanc or spirit, so con clusive) a the quotation. -' - "Th fundamental vil which form th bants of my criticism war freely ad mit tod to exist In my preeenc by lead er of the profession"," publicly and pri vately, tnd knowledge of them la common property ln Oregon." I . waa In forme- that Ir, Joeephl was fitted by both tem perament and training to lead . In auoh a movement aa would rale th school, societies and profeaslon abov Just critl clem, and I trust that h will do so. : '(Signed) "J. N. M'CORM ACK, M D." "Ths Scenic Llris of the World." Th Denver A Rio Grand, la' connec tion with th O. B. A N, has estaV llahed tourist aleeplng ear aervlce be tween Portland and - Denver, tearing Portland at 1:1 p. m. dally. Thla put passengers in Salt Lake City at i9 th second morning, where they bar th privilege of spending th day. ' Leaving Salt Lake .City that evening give a daylight rid through Colorado' won drous Rocky mountain scenery . th fol lowing day. That you may form some Idea of th seen Is attraction of th Denver RloOrand writ or call upon W. C. McBride, III Third street. Port land. ; rv . I -. J ' yiofwt Bteek Oaaoked AUa Lew Bear Brand, THOSE DIVORCE POCJORS. a. ,-y ; ;. . r In Tb Journal of February Jt there 1 a special new aiapaica iron vvasn Inston. DlsUiat of Columbia, to th ef fect tha trio delegates all men hare beea annotated by tbo governors of ft tataa aii man an In) to meet In con vention -and-dIscBtthsproblm of divorce. Journal new item ar pretty gen erally correct and complete, and I read thla all through very carefully and with as much Intelligence ss ray weak femi nine mind could bring to It considera tion, to e If anywhere tner mignt not be some Intimation that woman were equally Interested in this problem with men, and that, therefore, there would be a woman contingent appointed to work Jointly with th nil delegate for th adjustment of this question. But no such redeeming -clause . waa there. , The dundr-hadd man pre- j ploy a lane hand In a gam Wtn-liumAdTTfa Tust aaIrapiIoUy"ae IT which women Should be partner. Ther l a very targe proportion of what Is called by tb achool men "illiter acy" in thla country, by which la meant paraoaa who do not read and writs, and these people ar aometlmea regarded aa a menace to what w call our "fre In stitutions." but tha real Menace to our republic I not la th listeno of th uneducated, so-called, : bat in ' th ah sence of real wisdom and ordinary com mon ssnss on th part of th learned. aa this antl-dlvorc movement shows. - Who shall deliver u from th bane ful power Of thla aggregation of learned tuplda who hav bounding faith In their Own ability to adjust th private affalra of several million's of othsr men and women T : ' ' -; Another noticeable feature U tbat thla aggregation Of masculine allllea ha not announced It Intention to atudy Into th causes of divorce, but merely to "check" it. - How do they know that dlvorc 1 an vilT How do they now it ought to b checked? Thar la noth ing in tnia report to ieaa us to suppos that they looked into th matter any farther than- to compare th law ra sa rdlng dlvor that ar upon th atat- uta books of tha several atatea before they blithely consented to shoulder this tremendous responsibility, and proceed to make a law that wUl "check" dlvoro. Divorce cannot bo classed - among causes; it la an ffct of a caua or of cause. No law can b either juat or effective tbat doe - not recognise this and that la not based upon an intelligent understanding of tho cause or causa Of it A rail fane across Niagara Fall would stop th torrent as quickly aa a men -law wUl 'check" th dlvoro evil unless It Is so "framed as to deal wit the sources Of divorce, and these picked hin"hav shown "theTn Incompetency for th work at th ouUet by making no sign that thy recognls th necasalty for such a 'method of prooedur. - This 'much,' however, appeal to th aana f : jastlce In everybody 4earned atwmnlearned allker - Divorce ahould be mad Just aa easy a marriage. la It? Do thee delegate propose to mak It Of ; .r - ... Almost any pair old or young, rich or poor, fit or unfit for matrimony who can buy. a lloeaa and pay th fee gat thraelve - married; but onppoa th yoke . gall and they find them eel vea miserable. Can they get unyoked with half the ease wits- which they alld Into doubl harness? Not So, and without doubt the dlvoro doctor intend to mak It ao much tha mor difficult ; If dlvorc 1 to b mad extremely difficult, then mak marriage' squally difficult There should bo rivers to be forded, hurdles to Jump, and a great number of other very strenuous stunt for th matrimonial candidate ao that if thair ardor can be chilled it ahould be before It la too lat and th matri monial bar ar up .for' good. By all means let th equilibrium between mar riage and dlvorc difficulties bo estab lished and maintained, long, aa legis lation shall livs.' . , ' i- ('. But w are told that "all tha world love a lover," and the engaged eoupl liv In a little) paradla if they ar young and interesting, and aometlm If they ar not , Booka and paper aad - th president and tn om Instances th clergy. Join In th general exhortation to "get married.". ; . Ther I all th sweetness of flowers and wedding oak and tha glamour that i EASTER7I CAPiTAL iriVADES ' 6Sai:d kq::de valley Syndicsta Makss Big Purchase at La Grand and Vyill ': ' Ersct Industries. ; v ' raseelat Useatek te Tke JeemsLt 1 la Grand. Or Feb. 11. A deal wa put through yesterday that meana much for "Orand Ronde valley and La Grand. Th Oregon Produc company of thl place eold It large storage warehouse No. J tq -aa es stern syndicate, repre senting $4,000,000. - through Special Agent Oeorge T. Powers, for tlt.BOO cash. This ayndkeat Id now-arranging to build plant at different point in Oregon and Washington, v .; )' 4 In addition to tha plant purchased in thin city, Mr Powers left instruction with hi agent har to alot 1te for tha Immediate construction- this sum mar of a cannery, fruit dryer, a Jelly, Vinegar and cider factory, it being the intention to be tn a position to handle all the fruit thl valley produce. from th flrat grade to th culls. This will 'also sncourar th. growing of small fruits snd berries. i - The - Oregon Produce company does not retire from busineae, but will con tinue buying and oelllqa' on . It own account '" . .i . - ,... '- HARDEST RAIN STORM : " ; OF YEAR AT ALBANY ' (special Dlspetek to Tb Ju-raatt . ' Albany, Or., Feb. 21. Last avenlng at about ;4i o'clock Albany was visited by- tb hardest rain atorm of tha year. Th rain fail In torrent. aad soon del uged the atreeta entirely with running water. - Th fiesvy rain of th past lew day haa occasioned a decided rise -In tb river and flooded all th low coun try In this vicinity.. , , " , frarg tor ItobbeeV rapeetal rtapatrk is Tke Jnarsat.) Roseburg,' Or4 Feb. 1.-H. -Mark A Co.' tor in thl city waa robbed Monday night, th burglars gaining en trance by prying open one of th front door. . Th two cash . drawer wer broken open and about tt invhang was secured. '"'An. overcoat waa also taken. 4 Tho, burglars left ao el a. new and pretty cioinsa aiwaya oaat; ther I fh brief occupation qf th cen ter of th stag and oils of anticipa tion of a happy married Uf for th ngaged couple, who are glvn to under tend that they ar. obeying all the behests of heaves and society la getting married. But by and by th flower ar faded, th wadding cak Is gons, th wadding finery la out of fashion, th glamour It cast ha died out In th broad daylight of Ufa and th young people find thorn' selves Irrevocably tied together, .and sometime wonder secretly why vry body looked on with ao much approval at thair marrtagq. v , . Orr and over again th tragedy ! lived out la two Uvea, and these men aspect to make It right by enact ing a unlveraal dtrore law. la there no batter way of getting at- "th rights" of this aaattarT Mot until . society willing to trust thworklna; of nature do In plant Ufa and to know that any law that contravene a law written o th bodle and souls of men and woman 1 th only real blasphemy and that It bring Its own panalty with It --. A chemist never seek a to "check" th tremendou power that ar to b found tn th attraotlona aad repulsion of cer tain chemical' element or combination of element in thair relation to aeon other. Ho know better than that He aeeka to discover the power and us them, but h la their obedient servant. la a -way, Juat th same. a Th cower for good drill at tna com mand of a chemist in hi laboratory ar but weakneaa compared with " the atretigth of th foroo pf attraotlona and repulsion among human beings, -The ar th fore that mak misery or hap piness in mar lis gs; ths ar th forces that ahould be etudled by tha If. ma who are to aettla the divorce queatloa for all tha rest of th nation. Hav they studied them f Do they vn take their sxltne Into account? Ther la implanted la us one inatlnet which ' w all respect and which th law (atrangs to amy) also take Into account - and respects the Instinct -. of aelf-pr serration. - , Now, for th moment blot out from your thought th Individual human atom and put In' ita place th race a a who!. , . Th raeo to which wo belong la sweep ing onward to soms high . destiny . of which wo do not dream of which, pos atbly. our limited human capacity can not even conceive. TO real la ita high destiny it must b ore served. - In proportion to th neces sity for thla preservation will be th ration, ana it le nutia to rr more consideration than tho lr Instinct of self preservation. - J Clearly thla Instinct moat op rata through th Individual., To gat th best possible raes results, natnr provides a strong mutual attraction between two individuals of Tppoit sex. . Thla attraction- la not primarily, for the benefit of th Individual conoerned, but for that af the . race at large; la short the rac requires . for Ita - best development and growth for its owa good health th product of that at traction, and invariably sts Ita sign royal of approval upon. auoh. ' Hav w learned anytning rrom tniar NO.' ' W hV ' turned th matter over to a delegation f - 5 - men' aottla for ua. . '": t r-1" T What of race product that ar th result of rantuaj lndlfferenoe, repalsion or pool tiro hatred, in marriag or out? Find '-tho answer. In our lnaan asy lums, our schools for f eebls-m 1 nded. ou? penal In atltatlona wherever th atrong and aano ar taxed to car for humar waata..,.. -j... -,-T But ther la on thins to bo devoutly thankful ' for. ' Bo far. our legislators hav not n fit to separata tho wht ar happily married. - DA ua thank God for all th happy marriage ther ar, and thr ar a great many. Nothing la more beautiful, perhaps nothing tend mor to th-general good than on faithful, loving, happy married pair, growing mor and mora necessary te each other aa th years go by. finding that tb first flush of married happi ness pale before th full glory of its Ister years when tha twain have not only beoom on flash tout ona soul and on spirit ' -Tt":,T " " v; FEARFUL DEATH T FRO'l fBITE OF ELACK SPIDER Child Suffers Agonies forDtys, Limbs Swell, and He Dies . . :. in Convulsions. (Joaraal gaeelal letilia.) San , Bernardino, Feb. 11. Th bit Of . a black aplder . brought agonising death to Edmund Seccombe. the 11-year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Seccombe, prominent resident of thla city. Hat night' ' ,..;' "; '. v Saturday th child, while playing In naymow, wa bitten on th ankle, Th Injury waa not thought to be serious. Home ' remedies were applied but they railed to bring relief, and Sunday night. when convulsions and unoonaclouaneaa came, doctor were hurriedly summoned. Tney announced that, the poison bad progressed too far to hop for success ful treatment but every mean was em ployed to relieve the suffering of the child, who raved wildly. - ; :. - The leg which waa bitten had wlfed to twice It normal le when death came. Chloroform had . been liberally administered during th periods Of th caua a intense suiiering. - . LIVED HUNDRED YEARS i NEVER SAW A TROLLEY . ' Ooamal Spaotal Serrlee.) - Bridgeport Conn., Feb. U. Mrs. De borah SUllman of Beaton ' la celebrat ing har on hundred and sixth birthday today. She is still fairly atrong, al though ah ha not fully recovered from an attack of lllnese aha had last sum mer. It wss sxpected that aba would not urvive, but so remarkable was her vitality that - aha rallied after tare weeks Of serious Illness and waa one mor able to be up and around- tke house. Mre. Bllthnan lives with her grandson,' Frederick E. Sllllman, with in a ' mil of the house w tie re ahe wa born on February tl. jam 8 ha remem ber tb stirring times of th war of UU a well, ah says, aa if they had eeurrd yesterday. Mrs. Sllllman haa never traveled la a railroad train and has not even seen a "trolley car. Sh ha not been out of Connecticut sine ISIS. fltla aatalna MmI tf hM'f,Millu, unimpaired and read without glasses,' but Is almost completely deaf. She be lieve la plala living and regular habits, j f elM'.fi-"Ha.''--f' ! . U Subset Much Discussed ct Cluba Tho ruturo i cz a trouniry - pca ,on uw KraJtH of Its Vomcn. 0 r V i) Aft the Kow York Stats Aaaambly of Moth am, s proiniagBt Kaw York doctor told tho MM women promt that healthy Amsrioaa wosnam wora so raro aa to bo J moat axtloet. i "- " J -' ThU aoena te M a swaoplaff auto- Ht of tha eoodltioa of Ainorioaa oxoeau Tot how own do you -know who ara MrfaoUr well aad do not har aomo troublo sritlnf from a derange ment of tho feanalo orranlam which manlfeata ltoolf la hoadach, back aohoa, narTonsneaa, that bartns-dowm faoUnr, paiafnl or Irrofrula periods, Bolrio eatarrh, diaplacomont of - tho femaia org-ana, lndlffoatioa or aloopleaa oast Thar 1 a triad aad true remedy for all the allmaata. Lydia K. Pink ham'a Vagotabl Compound has ro otorod mor Anaorioan wotnoa to health than all othar roawdlaa 1a tho world. It rrulata, atronrthana sod ouroa loaaoa of tho Xomsja orcaauai aa nothinf ls earn. . Pot thirty roars It has booa eartnr tao. wont forma of femalo ooaaplaiats. - . - Bn toaMnvHrr a ttio-fouowinf ahould b oomvinoinr. , i. ; v Mrs. T. C WUladaoa, Of Isv, writ: - .' ; ? Dear Mr, rlnkham'' ' v -' ' I eaa arulv aav thai TOO savo 01TM my Bfnd l araua aaai i ni giotlnadats yew I to words. - or Two years iapcuiowaoney in doetorinr without any benefit for femaie tiTegularttlea and I had given up all hope of ver being well again, but I was persuaded so err LvdlaK. Fmkham Veretab and three bottle hare restored me to perfect health. - Had ao. oosn lor yoa L. wouta have been in my gror to-day." : SEHATE TO DELAY ACTIOJi ::.,d;i .001, CASE., Congress, to Adjourn in May and Hearing of Mormon States man Will Not Be Finished. "t r) ""jo-raai SmcUI serrlee.) ""!"' ' Washington, Feb. II. Statements mad Indicate that th Smoot cas will not be disposed of at . thla session of congress. Senator Smoot will be given time to bring mor witnesses. , Th com mittee doe not expect to eonclud a digest of th cas until after March l. Congress, according to present views, will adjourn May li. Thla la congres sional year. Members who bar things to explain about - legislation and thair conduct generally ax anxloua to get away to fix their fences to be renomi nated. ; Thus there will be only tw month . left after h commutes in vast! gating Senator Smoot has .reported, in which all business of th senat must be closed up, and the Smoot caa will not b (Iran Immediate attention. . MAMMOTH SMELTER FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY , ".. . : ;: v, .- (. "j (Jearaal peeiat Serrlee.) Baa Francisco, Cal., Feb. 11. Th Guggenheltnk and Rockefellers, througlL their recently formed American smelt er Securities company, hav decided to build a S3.M0.000 smelter at a point a mil back from Port Costa, and. ground will be broken early next aummer. It will be- on of th largest and beat equipped smelter In th country and will glv employment to a larg number of men. - : ' " ' 1 , ( ' u tht wonderful raldnf powder of tha ; " V V' ' , aTJnitai greater health and better food V ; . ' ioto their homes by ettmj XC Baklni ' .;) J V' "TuSJlwl ' owWi Cbj Just onc-tMrd what yon J I t M I ' r" J- yon dont know wht yoaV ausae4 X iv', Vy. -7"'' DM!! AUiroceri., . , I A--j', ' v - ' t - . - x -v- . . r SMELTS.3ca lb. CRABO. froch boiled dally 3 f or 200 OTANDARD CaAD CO.. iTI 173 tZllJti Li"! " I . j, ' ,.' f -i f ' 0 I Xlas llattl Baary, Vlo-Prtsiiatof Daarlllo Artanb, DaarUl,Va.,writa: Dear tfr. rUtkham i .i "slanv rears' siwaruta with femeJ w aess, la TammaHoa and abmrsn nirtrnrr-sai mad an rw nrtna to ate to to liv. bat Lyaa X. 2 lnihajas Veaal Uxnponsd ha reetored my haaa.h and I m ao gratatta for It that I wantavery auffritf Woman te know, whaa tTdia a. rinahant vsssua vooiposuM w4 ao ug par. v Whoa wotnoa aro , troabUd . with trrogalar.goppraaaad orpalafaljaortodat waakneos, polria catarrh, dlsplaoo- Boeats. that baring-dowa faouajr. Ia Bammattoa, backacha, bloating (or flatulaaoT), gBral dabUitr, ,lartlya tlon, aad aorrous prostrauoa, or ara boast with such ay mptoaaa aa dlralaaaa. faiataaaa, laaaitado. axcttabUlty, Irrt- tabillty, i aot ouiaaa, aloopioasaaa. melancholy, "aU-fon" sad 4waat-to-be-lefVoione" feellara. bloea, aad hop aleaaaaaa, they saeald ramombor thro 1 on tried and true rvoaj. xydia K. Plnkham'a Vofotabla Corapouad at one rmov aaoh tronblaa. - Ko othar madlcln In th world has rooalvad aaeh anaaalifled cmdoraoavaat. No othar Boodloiao baa aaoh a rocord of euraa of femalo troablea. Sofas to bay any othar mariiclaa." for.yoo a4 th . Mrs. Pinkham tnritaa all sick won wrtt o9 to9 suiwi, " Tin Mrs. Pinkham Is th daaghtor-la-law of Lydla K. Pinkham, bar altaat bo- for oar dooaaao, ana for twontr-fiv years sine bar adrloa haa booa freely riven to (Uric woman. . Har adrloa aad moaicTna a ara retorad axuem nai 1th. . Addr rrrtri to health. Address, Iiraa. Maa. ; giilki::c!(sl!.U!:erc3, KICKS III niiSQE l.'i- M.J.: i .ilil". .' 1'. rTTu '"' - '-' "' ' ' 1 ilt Man., Who Seized. .Woman on . Street Badly. Punished by ' - Woman He Insulted. ; ... I -i--. -": v : . t "Vrsi . . . ' ' (Xapal - ! ill I ', - Chicago, Feb. tl. "Tou ought not' to be out at night alone. . Ton brought thla on yourself." - - . -. . That la what a masher aald to Mis Bertha Flath In South Chicago aa ha seised her wall ah was on ber way horn last night Mis Plata lat har right flat fly . out . straight from tho boulder for reply, and her foot followed with a muscular kick. ' ; - . Down went th moralising maaher with a crash and a pained look . of amassment on hla face. Than th pun ishment continued. - tarn Plata kicked him until he was Insensible, than, fear ing ah had killed him, ran noma. Th girl today reported tb affair t th police, timidly asking it thy had found th man's body.. Friends of Msa Plath aay that ah la aa expert at tha punching oag. . -. s . Frefaried Stock Oaaaed Ooda. Allan A Lwls Beat Brand. " .:; -: Boaabarr Oaadidataai .- '' , (Special fnspatrk ts Tb .earaal.t " Koseburgturri mann of Olendal has filed hla petition for renomlnatlon for th ofDc of rep resentative by tb Republican party, aa alao has Z. N. Agee, Democrat, for re nomlnatlon for th office of county clerk. aad R, I Stephens, Democrat, tor coun ty Judge. ' Registration haa been going on rapidly and new about two third of tha voter , har been registered. " ; i -r -' - .in i ' v , -; ,i '.. J '. : ' i--y w , r' V--'' V Is the pretr thing for this "rilny c&ntv No - ' stlctwj of valves, no swdllcs or thrinkins of ; bellows, and. it pumps twice as easy the . tea ; ': k k J IrO;' ' 35. AkJer Street " .. - . . . - i . Always aomlhing aw' V'-' : f -, -at -tho ' ' ' ' ", ' i ' '.' I : .. '';-'''."' r' ., ; Opp. Markot Stroet Sntraaoa. . couar odcrn 'r t" Ad-Writing ; la taught at tho mot auaaaoaful Bualn Collage la th wool by; a omptat instroetor. " . Not Corrospoadaao Mtaod,but Direct Pfactical Cost: ttl for sts moaths-',; ; If lntrtd, writ or aali en : Bchnke-Walker Business College . I - Elks' Bldg., Seventh and Stark Sta, liJPortland. . Orgoo, . .i . . t , Posldvelv Cured by, "Natoroa Owa Remedy, Bsssrtt'a NATIVE HEafV.or coats reu nothing ' 2S and tl (contain Sight Draft lor return of your Sams' an oast.) AiDfay ttar (te kek teank ar Tn) ' Boa mCg Wothm . - rBaaS Natlvo Herb Cotapaay I Cel iit is, Qs- or See Vaetlsc. Cat. T For modern . dental work. Worid-r- nowned apaolallat. Lowest prices consistent with ".rat-class WOTk. ' , :v . '.'' mO TO Tata vi , . y TEETH WEVYOHK DENTISTS i.otamai ak rsfTt"! er 1 Open day and right freta lilt a at, .' J. '. , ,. b4 I . Is. ' - ' ' ' . "I H : i -'- 5 A