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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
TII3 OREGON . DAILY JCJ 'At, PCr.TLAHDf. . IL.3, m4 M - " DID i:ot . .. r, 0 7n. OF CI.E (Continued from Pag On.) 7- : break up th Federation and reduce wag paid mlnera. Nona of too prlaon- - or aerm to fear tho result af the trial. -; It la part of the plot to poison the public mind against in federation,' saia t -Attorney Rtehardaon. -."It. a br ' mean the flrat time that similar action baa bean taken. Orchard . wa not aa employe . of . the , federation and not a ' dollar will be spent In bla defense. I ' do not believe that a conyictio ta pos albl." ?- ,.. '-. s ... 4 .j, . Seven men are now under srreat and '-"warrants are out for a doaen other fori ' , which of floors aro scouring the weetern tales. get i:;r:.;.:;iTf on .Dour gu.:.d ''' "' ' ',' ' ' '''' '' " " ' ' ' ' V- ,.C"' Abandoning Mailt Conaidarad Significant in View of Situation in China and Call to Anris Is Not Unexpected Ore gon Doya lit Flna Condition for War. .: 4. ; DETECTIVE MOBBED. .1,1 I, ,m .. i II II I i, i. 1 1 ii a Hhw City Attaok Spy ul - '' '(Special Dtaew le T JearaaLt Boise, . Ida, re. I1.--J.. Mutant. . county . attorney of Silver. City, been employed br the miners' union of . that place to ssslst In the dsfens of Moyer, Haywood ' and othera la the , gteunenberg caee. Ho left Silver City for Bolee thla morning end will conduct J he defeas at the pre 1 lot 1 nary evemlna ttoa and aaalat Richardson and BiwUm of Denver at the trial - iNewa tof i the arrest ef Haywood, loyer and. other roused th greatest eacltemeat tn-the Silver City and Del amar cam pa. A detective who baa bean working' there aa miner far the past two weeka war dlacovarad and narrowly escaped death at th hands of the ex- cited miner. Officer bad great dim eulty In getting aim away. Ha reached Botsethts morntn snd shows the ef- feet of rough handling, but refuae ta 'talks ' i '- t .- -I c .. . u - t The dalm la made by the proeecuttoa that tha Orchard confeaslon la volun tary end that be wa not promised g reward. . Miller, Orchard a attorney, re. ' fuaea ta talk of tha confeaalon. IMMUNITY PROMISED. Osahard Saved BeUevod at OaidwoU 'rt.-'-:: Ms BT (Special Dtepateft a The JornnmLy , Caldwell. Idaho, Feb. 11. A. . K. ewinpniwrC) Nnnfj viviucr or toinier . Governor Steunenberg. la confident that the federation offldala are implicated In the aaaaaalnatlon of hla brother. He aid:-' ..... , .' . ,- , c .-, ... , The authorities, bare dona tea right ' thing and have the men at the bottom '. ef the conspiracy.-. There - can be ne ajuestloa aa to their guilt. Wa nave had evidence for many days to thla affect ; and it wilt, bang many men when the time comes. J am thoroughly satisfied ' that there la aa Inner circle connected . with the Western Federation that would - have- put the "Mollie Marulrsa" to - a hams, and If they eaa be found ant and broken up I feel that tbe life and ' death of my brother baa not been la vain.". r .' , .. , . .' Three ether brothers of tbe late gov ; ' ernor eipreeeed tbe name vlewa and all V are much pleased with tbe arresta ef . the federation ofllclaia. i There are a large number of see ret aerrlre men In the city and startling developments are momentarily expected that are likely to create aa great a sen. 1 aatlon aa tha arreat of the federation ' offlclala. It la atated on good authority . that local people are mixed up in the - conspiracy. It ta known that Orchard ' and Stmpkine were together In Cald well for weeks before the aaaaaatna- : tlon. The bank of Indian creek, where : they were aeea on several occasions are ' being carefully searched for eluea that may abed light upon the plot. Secretary - Haywood of the Western . Federation la well known to many per. . son In Caldwell who remember him aa president of the Mlnera anion tn Silver r City.. . ' Governor Gooding, aa wall as tbe sheriff of Canyon county, refuses - te .. . either deny or oonflrm the report that . Orchard baa made a confeaalon. " -"We have made moat of our progress ta tbe case so rar by keeping aulet. . said the governor. ;We And that It la the best policy not to make our plana - known la advance and will continue te do eo." "- r. - It ta generally understood that Im , m unity yyas promised Orcnnrd'foff hla - confession. Rewards of f l.eas are - posted In all poatollloee and public plaoee In aouthera Idaho algned by the gov ernor-for the man Slmpklaa, who le bo lievad- to have had more to do with tbe : assassination of Steunenberg than Or- coara. Matter are aparantly assuming crit ical phases tn China, the probability of the ' necessity of calling for volunteer for service In the far east Is dally grow ing stronger, and the war department has abandoned tbe use of the mail and fa now' resorting ta the telegraph wire la the seeking of Information regarding the Oregon ' National guard and the Is suing of order preparatory to the pos sible mobilisation of tha militia if tha United State finds It necessary to send a large army to tho Flowery Kingdom. It waa learned thla morning that tele grams have paaaed between tha war guard. . They bora directly upon the fitness and tbe qualifications or the guard to mobilise In Portland without warning for service on the other aide of the Pacific ocean. - The 'aa of the wire at thla time, la view of the ex pected trouble, lead to the Impression that tha situation la China la more se rious than la learned through the press dispatches, and that a oall for volunteers may be expected any day. - Whan .questioned thla morning rela tive to what preparation he to making to get tha guard Into fit condition for a hurry-up call, Adjutant-General Wil liam B. Flnwr aaldi ' - "Officially I have not done anything, for I have so far found It unnecessary. The commanding officer are antlclpat. Ing a call and are making all their ar rangement themselves. The publicity which the- -newspapers have given the whole matter has been all the warning or . order that the man of tha Oregon guard bar so far needed. - ' I have received mrormattoa from throughout the atate that the company commander are personally doing every thing that might nave been expected of them even had I issued order. There ta not a command In tha tat that la recruited to war atrength, but If tho call to arm came today, -by tomorrow every command could be Increased to It full else, with men clamoring to get In. '; . . v, , T underatand that more than one captain has gone so far aa to pick the men whom he will recruit in esse a can I Issued. Their -names have been se cured and other minor detail arranged so that if I ordered the whole guard to thl city ea double quica ume, mere would be no delay or confusion when It came to filling the Infantry companies and tha light battery. - Tbe aame bold 'Nothing official ha been received In this office from the war department. but I am not taking any chances. I am letting my men gat ready to go, and the war department ha been informed that Oregon oaa bo relied upon for every, thing that could., bo expected, and more than that If necessary, Although aanara-nnser refused to discuss that phasa of the matter, there la a feeling fa aom quarters that If a oall for volunteer la Issued, the organl- tlon la , the best poaalbl condition will be drawn upon flrat la anticipa tion of such a oontlngenoy. General Finaer went so far aa to say that there' la not a guard in the United State that could be mobilised at thl tlm or a month later that could make the show ing that the Oregon boys can. xet .every guard la the United State be mobilised by Saturday noon, we will amy, and I make tha unqualified assertion that there 1 not on In th country. Irrespective of also or anything else, that aould equal my command.'' added th general, "If Uncle Sam wants aa, aa can nave a, ana we wm give him th beat national guard organisa tion In th country." . (Continued from iage One.) SPY FOR MINE OWNERS. Barry Orshard Said to Save : ' i, ' the er of aVeeUtlea. . -.' -! ' '" Uesraal Pgislsl Hn J ' ' ; Denver, Feb. Jl. Th Time atate i, that Harry Orchard., who I accuaed ' ; ' of assassinating former Governor Steu . , nenberg, of Idaho, and , who la alleged ' '.- to have made a oonfesslon regarding . . the leaders of the Western Federation i of Mlnera In connection with. Inatlgat . ' Ing dynamite outrages; ws employed ;; 'by the Clippie Creek Miners assocls , ' tlon a a detective during. .'the great ;,: , etrlke In. the Cripple Creek dlatrtot. He , v. , waa employed to attend union meeting vv and to report daily. - - - Detective lames McParmnd - atate - that Orchard mad 'no confession. He -accuses Woetem Federation offlclala of r having Instigated more tbanil mur-,-;. dra. .-J , ! i - v-. ? .-. .Adama,-who wse arreted at-Halnea, r Oregon, and held In Boise, la wanted for f. i.ill aTfclaikym sa sfceewtmai t 11 si' tsssmgL m ami sis as at . ' "t eawanw now oi ii a lay so a nr BV m BJ an avBB Sa ... the executive committee of the Weet era Fedoratlon during th recent trlk company to continue to do business If It odWoer are to be branded no grafter and thieves. Tou have all had experi ence of thl free and unstinted abuse of publlo offlclala Tbe gas company t a publlo corporation and therefore a proper subject for In rest! cation, , but th company and It officer hsvs th right to fair treatment. It haa bean shown over end over that much good result from theee Investigation If they are honestly conducted. W do not claim that we make no mistakes, but we Shall prov th falsity of the Ore gonlan' accuaatlona." . ,s : , Vhs ABsged IbsmtIowb. " Aliased Interviews with members of the Investigating committee wore road from the Ore gonlan and th attorney remarked that If tnky were correctly quoted, these councilman seemed to have prejudged the case, yat be aeciarea ni confidence tbat tbe innate love oi ran nlav which la tn tbe heart of, every man would insure." an- Impartial bear. Ing. He alluded to tbe fact tbat Ore gonlaa reverter were detailed to take their stand Just ouisioe ox ino gm paay'a offloe for the purpose of Inter viewing every person who left the offloe, In the hope of ending some one who would make complaint. "Haw would vou like It. Mr. Kella bar. It some one was posted at th door of your grocery to try to And dissatls Bd persona among your customer for the purpose of Injuring your bulnor demanded tbe attorney. "How would yon like It. Mr. Annand. If soraS war stationed for uch a purpose at th door of your telegraph office T "The Oregon lan ha been urging peo ple to nie their oomplalnta with thla committee. Only two complaint hare been Bled and one of them la two year m n vou reallaa tbat the total num ber of disss t lined ga users reported th the Oregonlsu Including all that th paper has been able to' scrap up, ha been lee tnan isr --; . Bonu TeDlag ' Figure were presented by Mr. Teal showing how recklessly-the Ore gonlan hmA misrepresented th eompaars nusi- neea. In all esses where a.gaa user I unknown to th company - It -Is 7 u tomary to require him either to get soens reoponalbl citlsea ta guarantee oayment of hi bill or to make a cash deposit of $. Th Oregontaa atated that the ga company-naa lepenu wi this kind on hand amounting to ( "W ahall how you.' 'said Mr. Teal, "that Inatead of lel.oS. ihs ompany had on hand on January ! of thla year A a matter of fact, th total receipt from the lot-mnchln meter do aot roach half that figure." . The book of tbe company, aaid tha attorney, will offer ample evidence of tho truth of these statements, and he expressed th belief that It would be ahown that ga la as cheap In Portland t day other city of th aame also la the country. . . ' Oxegoaiaa -1, Among Mm. Ixngworth's present wa a fi.tov ouiiaog, which may com ,. nana ror jic to give her biscuit to. r SalfcVRhcuiii ; Itc&es; ccrci, .irfes end ; cet!rj over Ci4 over ssia: IzczJ ctisj 6) cot , czrs IL rrti Cay ctssct cca tiva tcca ptrfsctly crJ pcncrtJy czrcl by Tor gar-r-j f f rw1tatl lust of deposit received to insure oarment of gaa Mils. No deposit la reoulrad -where the consumer 1 known or can glv reference, but where he la unknown . the company muat exact the deposit Just aa any of vou centletnen would decline to glv credit to a t ranger In your business. - As to the reseated charge in tn ore gonlan that tbe gaa company la water in Ita stock. Mr. Teal said that th following Increase la th capitalisation had been made: August i, ioi ......... August 1. 104.... A. July 1. 1S0S J50.9O July l. io ..........4....... tse,o .' Ail fa TiprTmaf. For every share of stock thus Issued th ga company had- received 1100 la gold sola eald Mr. TeaL All the money thus "realised had gon Into improve ment and betterment and Into ex tenMIOfta oflhs company service. H aid. In Illustration of . the , heavy ex penditure constantly nceeary, that th ga company would bo compelled to epend I17,00 this year , on the east sido stone. .: - '. i "Since August , 101, the gaa com- V Muwt a IA AAA llM paid for new stock that the company had lasued. and all of thl money ha gon Into the plant and ths business." said the attorney. "The Oregonlan' statement that th company ha been watering It stock war mad deliber ately, and with tbe knowledge that they were Untrue." . , ; . In answer td ths charge that the com pany I making extortionate profits from Its alot-machlne meter. Mr. Teal gave oom significant figure. He said that th total number ef these machines In January 1 of thl year wa but 1,197, Inatead ef I.SOO asserted In th Oregonisn. Instead of a monthly eon sumption of feet through each meter, a alleged, the average consump tion waa but Til feet In December, the heaviest month of the year, - . ., aWsrdlaa Slot atsWra.'.': ' "Th use of theee slot-machine meter by ronaumer la not encouraged," said Mr. TeaL "Wa put them In Only where we cannot us the ordinary meter. Th user I alway Informed that he muat pay ti t per 1.S4 feet If he uses th lot meter, so there I no deception bout It. Th Oregonlsq charge thft through thl litrraeaed charge alone there I a steal of itt.fto per annum.' I At' th conclusion of Mr. Teal' ad dress to th committee C E. 8. Wood, also . representing th , gaa company, spoke, as follows: - j . - "Whatever may be the theory, 'tha fact I that th Oregonlan I th com plainant In thl proceeding. The pub. tic doe not seem to be Interested, la pit of th warning given by th Oregonlan and it appeal ta th people urging them to come forward with their complaint against tbs gaa company. Thl Is a ease in which the Oregonlan la itself the accuser or plaintiff, and la Justice to the Oregonlan you, gentlemen, should say to It officially that the com mittee muat look to the Oregonlan fot proofs. Mr. Adams thinks that the venomoua personal attacks that have been made on the company and Ita of ficers are due to disappointment In the Oregonlan'a financial budget If so, ths paper courao haa been contemptible. But I can scarcely believe that the paper would be actuated by such mo tive and tn Justice to ths owner of the Oregonlan they should be notified to come forward and prov their charges.' The Two Oomplaiatta, ' Three communication had been ad- droned to th city auditor .by gaa users la response to the request of the Investigating committee for Information as to all pause of complaint. Mrs- Lindsay, el Kaat Alder street, wrote that her gas bills were "not unreason able." On of th other letter related to a grievance tbat arose two rears ago. The third alleged a deterioration In the quality of gaa f urnlahed. The letters are aa follows: "Portland. Feb. It. C T. Devlin. Esq City Auditor Dear SirAs data for ths proposed gas service Investigation by a special committee of the city council, beg to submit: . . , "The quality of gas furnished has deteriorated during the peat month te such sn sxtent Mat it la sow neceeaary to light two Jet to obtain eandl power urncient to read comfortably.' Form erly one Jet f urnlahed abundance of light The apparent decrease tn otndl power l at least per cent "Following th reduction la charge from 11.1 per M to 11.11 per M. meter reading have risen until monthly bill are equal to or in sxcee or correspond ing monthly mils ander the old rata Possibly thl I du to th necessity oft uilng mor jetio obtain an equal amount ot light Respectfully. "COLIN V. DTMBNT. ' ';4iH Sixth Street" XV. Ward's toey. ' - .. "Casadero, Or.. Feb. 14 Mr. Devlin. City Auditor, Portland. Or. Dear Sir I wlah to tell you bow tha Portland Oa company used m. In 1104 I owned and managed a restaurant In Portland and waa using gas for short orders, with a coffee urn and a io candle-power lamp. when without notice and without Juat cause they removeo tn. meter, which cut 'off th upply, and thus my bust nees, which cost m I6S0, waa ruined. I had to sell for what I could get, losing lie. iv. , v ' " "Subpoena ml It you wish. - Respect hilly, . . . H. U WARD. ; v-. '- ; -"..f ;. t;sadero. Or."'1.. atrs. SVladsair Writes. ' "Portland. Feb. II. Thomas Devlin. Portland. Or.-Dear SlrKlndly allow ma To say a word In regard to gas bills. cook tor my nousekeeper do) with gas.. We have one of those 1st Rudd heater far the bath, with pilot burning all th time and my gaa bill is not un reasonable, snd. I feel It 1 only right I abould ay eo. Kindly, -:.. M R. A. LINDSAY. I -. - "HI East Aldsr Street" :) Bsglaae Testlfla. Inasmuch a th Oregonlan' army of dleeatianed ga users were not on hand to glv their testimony, B. S. Pedersen, a gaa engineer of wide experience, who I engaged la the buainee of building ga work, was aaaeg by Mr. Teal to take the atand. Tha witness' said- that he had no connection with th Portland Gas company, but business of hi own had brought him to thla olty for two or three day. . He said that h had been In th gaa buain for II year and had built gaa plants all tha way from Bel llngham, Washington, to Santa Anna, lit southern California, Mr. Pedersen explained st length the process by which water -gaa, which I th gaa used In Portland. Is mannfac- Commisalonar of ,Corporons Vv Carfiald Ro.taratat Danial ; of PackaiV Ctry. . did not ucs ncurra ; , AGAIN3T CIIF CAnCf.3 , ..1 .. Profit and Loss Accounts Used in ,tlM A(grgat So .as Not to At- -tAck - IndiTiduala Denkg Cocrc inff Firms. ,: iV'A. -: i i e '.v. . V , tJoaraal gpeeial Barries.) " i Chicago, Fab. . CoramiasioBer of 1 vorporauoBB Jtiarry A. qarield today continued hi testimony In tbe paakoro osse ana ampnacoauy reiterated that b did not In aay way Promise Immunity to th packers for th ovUsaceT gathered irom mem in ni report H ald he did tell th packers that b wowld us the profit snd loaa aooounta In the aggregate so as not to attack them Individually lb that quarter. uemeid denied nearlv all tho sUte- nwnta maae oy witnesses for ths Pack- era during tha bearing of th oaa. Morris, Swift, Meeker and other repre sentatives of tho packing grma affected au atatta taat uarneld had told them that hla department bad power to oom. pel them to glv Information if -they refused to glv It willingly and that b had promised not to us th informa tion so obtained In th criminal pro- oution or the packers. . Mr. Garfield on tbe atand today reiterated hi denial of making say such statements or prom ises. ............ .(,. i . . . .. Gardeld said that tha only protection promised waa ta Individual packing flrma far their confidential figure, aa n had not uaed them, although he had used totals of alt He dented poa! lively tnat ne nan promised tnax inrormatloa should be regarded as eonfldsntlal and also etated that h had never aald aay. tnmg rgaraing aa oath in eonaectioa with tho inquiry. .. , . California Prune Wafers Th great tonic cathartic, an- Inval. uebl cur for Malaria. Biliousness. Constipation, Nervouanesa, Catarrh of he Stomach. Red Breath." fHlv .akin. Sleenleasness, Wind - and all f Jv.r Stomach and Bowel trouble. ' - . , Bkldmer ft (w, pnvrltM,' It Caird st, 1 agoat f reread, 0. WASHOUGAL TO HAVE : A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER : '(peelsl Uptch to The JoaraaL) Waahougal. Waah., , rob. tl. The rapid and aubatantlal growth of thl town and surrounding community dur ing tho last year has saved th way for the establishment of a weakly news paper. About March 1 KeUey Lo will begin the publication of a paper hero under tho name of th Waahougal Sun. Th aew enterprise has been promised the hearty support of th oltiaena and residents of th vicinity adjasent and will mak ita Initial appearance with a strong paldap circulation Uat and a good display -of advertlatng. to which the various Industries havs lent their aid la aa effort to make tha now pub uoatioa - a permanent adjunct oi th town. . .,'..''...' '; ' . ...'-'.V'. CONFESSES TO UIMDER J OF WOMAN IN CARM rTooraal Dedal serrtee.) Mount Holly, K. Feb. ll. Oeorr Small confessed . today. . that ho mur dered Ml Florence Allison la her bora last month, wbll a oompaaloa robbed hr nous.' t NINETEEN FRENCH r: 7.7.7. BISHOPS V CREATED Roma, Feb. 11 At the papal consis tory this morning th nope created II French bishops. . v tared. ' In Lo Angel cruds oil gas I used, and th manner in which It la made was described. la Vom Angola th consumers pay tt cent per for ga. Mr. Teal asked-whether crude, oil gaa at cents or water ga at 11.11 gajre ths better results to the con sumer. , ... i.. v ' "It Is pretty near a stand off.' replied the witness. "The consumer has t use more crude oil ' gaa to get the! same light, for th lighting powrof water ga Is much greater." VI ta Ftp, 27 :--: "It ha -been charged that air Is in Jeoted into th gas pipes for the purpose of Increasing th registration of th mater. What would you say aa . to thatr aaked Mr. TeaL ' ' ''Such a statemeat would demonstrate .to a gasman ths Ignorance of th per son who make It. rspllea tn wit ness Tnat would be very poor econ omy. The one thing the operator must be careful about la to keep air from getting tat the pipes. " 1 . Mr. Federseu explained to the com mittee the mechanism of gas meter and showed them that tbe amount of prea sure can have no Influence on tbe regie-, t ration. ' Excoaaive praaaur ceueee In. ereaaed leakage and consequent loss, so thst tbs company la alwaya dealroua of keeping th praaaur at a low figure. , omsy' Oas Bills. .' - J. H. Tooraey, proprietor of th Barr i hotel, was called to the stand to testify a to hie gaa bills. H testified that hi gaa bill for-tha month, from December 1I04. to January s, ,iot, waa 4i.i. while for tha month from December I, ltOS. to January t, ltf, it wa tSI.SI, an Increase of 114.46.' For the month ending February I, l0l, hi bill was I1I.S6, whil ror tn montn ending February i. 10 It was 4LIi. an In- crease of 7.0. Toomey aald th gas had been satisfactory, his -only c plaint being on account of the increase in the charge. He era ns uaea no more ga thl year than at thaorreapondlng time a year, ago. When questioned by Mr. Teal ha admitted that he could not aay whether the bill rendered him thl year covered exactly the aame number of day a thoa or a year ago, Mr. Teal aald that tna matter would i looked up so a to present furtbat Information to tbe committee when in i meantime be explained tbat the meter readers are frequently unable to cover their, entire route In a stngls day. so that the reading sometimes includ mor dsy thsn would appear from th bill. Th bill for December may In reality Include 1 days more than the bill for November. k . . No ether witnesses being present, the committee then adjourned. ' t CASTOR I A lor loXaAts and QiUraa. .-. r ft. Hi Yea Cm Ihi C::;tt Boars tho EUnaturs of 7 "I."' Fina Table Linens and Tbwelinj Goods are always in dsmand..It doesn't pay to buy the cheap kinds unless the quality la good. The quality, of thes offerinsa ia GOOD' and the price is CHEAP combination worthy of considxrxtioa . " , ' . . v . a r :i7-'77 ';-7 77 C V a,-x. K 7:;7:J ft S- - is 7... Size 1618 in., Half Eleached; regular 75c .value, dozen ...i. C0d Size 19x19 in.. Mercerized Finishchoice f new patterns; $1.60 value, dozV. 01.10 TrSize 20x20 irL, Mercerized Damask, fine f 7 ranee of patterns; $2 val., idozl.60 ' ' Size 20x20 in ' Extra Fine Mercerized !t v : Damask; regular fl.75 val doz;i?15 ! Size 24x24 in. Pure Irish Linen, 8 differ - ; ent patterns; $2.50 vaU doz....81.C5 7 . Extra Quality Fringed Napkins, colored p borders; these sell regularly , at 7fid 1 . 7- dozen. Special, dozen, e . . e'.KOd) Sfwetsdc Cases Hemmed Sheets, .72x90, reinforced; reeu- c Jar 60c value, each, ............. SDe v Hemmed Sheets, .81x90, linen finish: 76c ., 1 . i v. .. .. Wo . . vaiuc, cacn ..e.e.,M...DVS' (,; : - Hemmed 1 Pillow Cases, 42x38 f regular price 12 c, each .; . . .Od) ' c Hemmed Pillow Cases, 45x88, extra good ; i -quahty, each Wo;i.i..' ..!-, ' a 6d-in; Mercerized Damask choice jat-.-; terns; 65c value, yard,e,e..e..;.&Od 64-in. Mercerized Damask, choice jpat ' .. terns; 75c value; yard. . ,C0d 72-in. Mercerized Damask; regular $1.25 ' value, yard ......75d) : 68-iri. Cotton Damask, extra good wear-. yra ...... 4 . . . ..... . .s:5a 68-tn. German Damask, pure linen; $1.35 ' value, yard; . . . , .... , . . .$l.CO, 72-in. A Double ' Satin . Damask ; . regular $1.95 value, yard. ... 8147 T- 72-in. Half Bleached Damask, openwork ' hnr.e 1 9ft mIh. Pla 100 Pairs Nottinp . ham .": Lace : Cur- ; I tains', 2yi yds. long, 30 in. wide, 81-3c Bleached Crash, yard.. ....... 5d - ' ;' , C 10c Brown Crash, all linen, yard. ,.,7 7i ,.ir,K"lVea .U " lKr' KlMrhrl "."rVnah. all , nnr. f;m :.. f , t' mK j. ciai, pair ' . . . ,ocr ( r I, -it """""SS"aseseMSasssBaaaseMaM i Curtains 7 Crashes 15c Bleached Crash,:. all pure linen. yard . i . . .....i.;. 12 v 20c Twilled ' Crash, soft and pliable, yard .;.....iaV W7irdfeisM liSyJter' Ires' w i.Qf I T.. I ' at - Huck Fringed Towels, size 16x28 inches ; - ; 8c, values, each.. ...'........,....:8d ' Wbite Hemmed Huck .Towels ; regular V 9c value, ; each ......... , ,6d. ' Huck Towels, hemmed, "red borders ; 10c" : value, each ...... t . , 8d j: ; Fine Absorbent .Towels, 19x40 inches ; ,r : regular 15c value, each?..".. lls Damask Towels; ;n size 18x34 inches,. knotted fringe. Special, each..,. 17d . 1 Damask Towels, size 23x46 inches, hem- v , stitched; 35c value," each...... ,.25d , . .$1.50 Swiss Ruf fled Curtains, yds; long, extra wiae, pair ......... , $2.00 Ruffled Bobbinett 1 Curtains, lace ' 1 f edge and insertion, white and Arabian. '7 ; Special, pair .i...,i...;.,.,Bt5.r ;$2.50 Bobbinett Curtains, Battenburg in ;" -; sertiona and edging, 1 2yi yds. long. -V Spedal, pair . . .,. . ; . W77EkiraW7 ' GREAT SPECIAL SALE, of Ladies' Muslin . Underwear, . Gowns,; Drawers, t Skirts, etc, all are richly trimmed I fancy, Hosiery, Corsets, Knit Underwear, ' ; , Gloves and Men's Shirts. "" - ; ' , Great cut in prices of Silkolencs, Figured Swiss, Tapestry Deniina, FeatW . Pfflowm, Blankets, Comforters, Down Quilts, Crash Toreliaga. ' . ' vr ' T- CORNER THIRD ANDJWRRISON STREETS FATHER AND DAUGHTERS (Continued from Pag On.) aevcral house ground her and settled down." ,., s ' - ; , After coming to Portland, Mr. Ad am Inaugurated a systematic -search for hi children In th saat and finally located Mr. Hasel through correspond enc with people In Louisville. Through her he located tho other daughter, Mrs. Ooes, in Cincinnati . Beth thought their father dead, and when he wired to them to come to him they immediately sold ont 'svsrythlng and ,etarted. , . ' ' : atoass and Kot. fay ,' " "I am going to give each daughter a house and lot," said Mr. Adame, "and I will atart my sons-in-law In buain here. My eldeat daughter, who came weat with- me, te married and living -at Meppner. Bbe and her family may come down to Portland, too, and then we will all be t often her, r-hv property here end In Heppnar and plenty to keep ua all; so I want to live In happlaeea the root of my day surrounded by my family." . . - . 4. Mr. Adams ' says his - ohudren, who have written to him elnce he. located them, seem to think he la la a wild country filled with Indian and cow boys, and wera rather reluctant about eomlnc st flrat. -.-'- Til bet they will b urprld when I they get her," said h, with a sail. I The Fambuo Hood River District Haa won a world-wide reputation by growing WTNX APPLBS AND LUSCIOUS STBAWBSIllRiES. very , little Is known abont our HKALTHT CUMATB, BEAUTTPUL SCTENEBT. GOOD WATEal u-inia tin nno. TIT T a fa Turin f.AVrt otHMDirrrMfi.v a un nrtVT-.mTrwi i' ' If you are looking for an Ideal home, a money-making fruit farm, or a.aooa poultry rancn. write us ror rurther Information about Hood' PRODUCTIVE SOIL, AND HUNDREDS OP 'FOI V River. Good market for everything grown In this section,, J. H. HPIUDONISCR A CO. pbitxt tun ajts mfeAJb bstatb. arooii surraa, A letter from Mra Hasel Informed her father that "Jim." her huaband, will wear g large piece of pasteboard la. hi hat. with th gilt latter "H painted on It, o tbat Mr. Adam win know thsm when they get off tho car at th depot I n going t be at th depot before I he flrat train Friday morning," aald Mr. Adams, "and I won't leave until 1 see a man with a letter ir In hi hat." T SAvir.'GS cAr:x is . , DECLAHEO SOLVENT - Uoaraal Seetlel arvlea.) ChloafO, SB. lL-Afr a gs4wt!9 St th director and Officers f th Jack son Trust Saving bak thl morning, Joy Morton announoed that th bank wa perfectly solvent and would con tinue business without interruption. am you umiM At wmm And harassed by a bad nought Use' bollard's Horohound Syrup. It will se cure yon sound sleep and effect' a rompt and radical Cure, Sold hv ard. Clark St Co. c 4 .1.