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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
WD Days of Cu;ar Monopoly pn Pa ciflc Coast Arm Drawing to x , . tha very Enc. HAWAIIANS GETTING THEtimAVTMATERtAt First Shipment From ths Island Due Yesterday in Sen FrancUco--Con : trol Eighty-Five Per Cent of Is- land's Production. - , Prent Street, Peb. SI. The principal fee 'ton of the Portland wholMl asrfcsts today are: .''.. - .., : Cheaper sugar Is expected. , Hep have firmer feeling. ' Potato market eft agals. " t . Onion dullest la years. . " ' Severe! care banaaae strlvs. rr Cr oranges;' market la higher. ' Y.. Bgg hold tdy at arte, . .. Ilnnd ml net a stiff. Drimt ho emoted very first. ... . ... Poultry eappUe tsasla small. v Cheap Sagar 1 sUfBld, . The Westers Bat Beflnlng company .ra isins Ita hold ea th throat of the trade a hooplas; the pries of sagar at each figures ee ' are snreaaonable ansa ether markets are eon- ... aldered. Today . yea, osa bay sagar la Mew Tor Market aad asd It fct Partlaad cheeper toaa the seme stocks eaa be purchased at faa Prsndeco treat the wasters waul ": aad- then ssnt ea ay ataaaMT (a thla city. Ao- . cording ta the trade the dsys ef the sugar , MMOopoIr aa the Pacific oaaat ar aambered aad their Bomber ra an. la the amis at htareh thd factory of th Independent eoav pear, the California-Hawaiian Sugar JUftnlac - eonweay at Crockett, will be opened aad the :lkJlna mmA vfll ha .1 arta at oar. There raa da la Ban Prancleno 7 torday the sailing abtp Archer with 1.600 toaa of raw eager from th Hawallaa Mlsnds, the first ta arrtTe thla aoaaoa- tor the aaw eor- aoratloa. Within a tew mere dare the eteaa nip Nevadaa wlU ha doe la the Bay City with -a shipment of 4.000 toaa ef raw BMtertal tor the aaw refinery.- Proa that tlaw forth the shipments will ha . regahuv The- BawaSa Sugar S fining company m composed aeaiily of BMBhera of the BawaHaa raetor' aaaonl' tloa and Bawatlaa Hugar Orowar' aaaociatloa. la th eonpany are Ukewiee eoaaa or tae ni "t' wheteMla raiaaaia ef the Patlfa oaoa t Thar b) awaep fakir la the raaka of the new : eurporatloa aad It eaa aoatlaae flfbtlas far - yeera - wtraoap aartiat ita oaaanry n aay extant. The - aaw Hawallaa aararaJ poiate too aenor or im weaiara do paay. It eoatrole a boat M par eent of the raw aaaacef tb Manda. to whlcb It paybont ' par arat leaa-tbajt rsUoaT qnoMtloeai ta Mew " Terk. Ita aaat la area lea thaa that, for th Oioejoia araeUcaUy ora tbw corpora tloa and are, able ta da battle at little ipeaae. Oa thla aceoaait there 1 eaaldrabla Weaki la the aocar . starket. Ta aaaaoaa orarr mt aiMaUMe Mood eat a the nerkat while If (jay im areatera aompaay n aoiaina in pneae aloft. K awy poaatbly adraace Ita aaotatlona . before March tat Order ha aeear mora fnade to carry ea -Ita flht. After that -eak ' iDrpa r WiMaalm r a ar aaaaa wtiat rtraaar- raehaai im- the hnn aurkat bat trknaetloia ar faw aa a. " eaaat af -thav aaat. . Paaia aaai aiMltleaa bar : beea Bane to Mr.- Wtnat'o- Una and Ha will , ilka It hare alb ha aaeda within a abort Ubm. 9 A few ordara are belao - tacelrod tar ad pro- t aaliuwj prteaa. -coeap rcoaa. era- praetweuy Jarbaaated and Beat of the boo laft are yatlnf arooad aad,! eaata-a pe4- . , J ,-f f . T- . Xnr Hold' Waady' at -Trte, , Roata afforta are belna; aaadb te dlaercdlt the 'price e( m ta order to pet thaat dowa to ; bedrock rl tola. the past few day, the aaarket ' holda ulU otoadyl aoaalderahly ' flrajor thaa ' bad beaa aatlclpaMd A raw daya ar Beeelpta . are liberal bat local trade la emit coed aad . tb aorth .. la taklaf tb , earplaa at ratlnp . a near. Ta poultry market baa (teat atranpth, the aaaa. a yaatarday. A few eeope af im . rarae la darlac the BMralat aad Coaad aala with iaJao raasue mtM iu aad 11 aaata. ,'" Oiaapai Apala Keoe Hlrher. ' The araaa mark at b qatte ataady with eoaaa deakara aaklap adraaca or pa eeata a box aa faacy paoda ea aoaoaat of a alBllar adraace ' la California. Cel alorr ehlDoats are lattlng dowa ta .' rack. k. The loat oar af , tb eaeeoa ia aald ; to be dne here croaitaa Aajelaa aboat rrb day. . . .'. -. - ,. 4 . .J Beeara ear et baaani ware daa aliay Xho J atract ta Borniop- -,...-. . PaUtoe and oakm Tr n with prtcao ; Ufaleaa. ' ' .' . , Breaaad al Vol Bo itlff. ; .,. , ( While thera w ao appraelable Incraaae M Baraet la aa aa- atlft, Bowarar, th toaa) ' Draaaod boo ere -qeatad flravrr "bo aceoaat ; of btabor prlcaa ta the pare, -eight aad a ' half oanta I the top along the (tract today, ' ' ' The trade ear 'the ' following prlcaa' to . Proat atreet Jtor ahotee ajuallty. Prodsaarti' . price ate ka ragoiar aOBBlaaloaa: . , ' ; ' rahv Dots aad Peed. 7 ' 4 WHIAT Mew rlab tpaj rod BoarUa, Met i almetem. Tie; ralley. The. . BAR LIT road, f.B0 aelatd. M.B0 braw ' LITIau. no mu. .-a eaa v. v v. ti 1 1 awwf . PTPJ 1 Pg par owt, ..J' ' .-;:: -" OAT Praduoara prtoa Be. I whtta, ttAOOi ; aray. WT.O0. -' ' PLOUE Mow eaatera Orafea patent. M lBQ .. 4.W: trlhta. ps 0O T0 aiport, iH oDtJAkot valley, IS.oOOl.TO: grahaB. 44a, e.Mi rye, wM, w.iF'i ww, a- - , .1... hllCLTbr Iwaa. PIT.PO pap toat prld dllnpa, fan. 00: abort, eoaatry. 1.M ally, 1h!V)i ehoa, IM.00. - HAtProdacara' pHaa TlraorbT. WUraiaarH aelley, fancy flo.oooiaTOi orainary, ar.ooi p OOi eaetara uragon. aia.wajia.vui rLBOfgOOO: kTr. td.OOO.OU; grala, OOt ahaet. M.O0V , Batter, Zhraa aad IValtr. BUTTBB PATr. - v a. Partlaad iait aream, tic I'TttB Cltr ereamery. MUet aotataa fane: u. aiwi ardlnarr. arvici atora. I a a 17a. nJoB NO, 1 fraih Oragoa. candled, letter 17C: coia aioragw ana eaaiara, aao. gonna m miri n , tl 1 . ABarlra, Idei raoddar, ISc. . OAMB JckrM)lta, ll.0ol.TS per daa. MULTHr-Mixed cbirkana, lSttetlee aar Ibt fancy ban, 14o par Ibi rooetar. old, lu par lb; , HP 'bl fryr. lio 'par Jb; hrollata, lA20e par Ibi ducka, lot Vr lb; ffaeae. 10HlIo par IM tnrkera. lllAloe par do; ptaaona, ti.00 par do. Bpa Wool aad-cUdea. IB) oreeaea, uo par in, aquaua, ea.fvtjO.Ve' ' HOPB 0 Oifour-prlmt te ehotea. a Itct poor1 grade, fajgei Waabluatoa. 1001 1P4 crop, 0Vifor cholco. nni laa .iin aaiiaa. mmmwmm aa bmmh 4uxSMt , an. tPOrrtl oaowra Oropea, IPC , i - ,-.r . IfOHAIK NoartiwV Wapala, ' fllsrHKINB Obaennr. 169b aoabi aaort tadleOe each; a areal I6cj(l 0 WEDNESDAY PRICES U " THE WHEAT MARKET . 1 Mar. July- ' I .BlVhB ; . .' 4. .11 H ; Chlcsgo ... ... .tiHB Mt, Louis.. iSOS Mllwsukao .DtVi Kanaaa City... .,71 . Mrnnaooolla .Vi . Mvarponl (a d New York r,.,l,.i. . a 4. sM - "a. "'"n . r. . I . . ,itb Ban Frsnetsco. December. " .;.y MARKETS v : V TIPS 04 MARKETS ' (Pperlal Piapatcb te The Joaraal.) ' Jbakar City. Or., Feb. 21. Ona , of th largeat aherp deala otan niad In Baker-county -wtm oh ' Bummata4 yeaterdjty when Lea d Bros., tha pioneer ahoopmen of d this district, sold to r. C. Ox-. d man. a Chicago buyer, L 18,000 bead of mixed yaarllnca. satoe to ; d d ; be delivered after pbeaiinp; time 'd d next May. .The consideration In- d d ' volved could not bo learned, but d d It Is . anderatood ! thab 'tho. pu-"4 chaa prlea was 2.t0 per head. s 4 - ' d TAIXOWMaw. aar bV, d . la', aad 7C -TTi HAXK ia Bar Ih. hiSia-Drr. No. 1. la ha and aa. ISMS ITVi par Ibi dry kh Mv. I. aa tba. le; dry ealt Mo. 1. aaaar lbs. laat aalted alee, taora, aaaad. 00 In and orar. tOdSU. aowa, auge aad aaua. aoaaa, eajToi sip. la ta bu ina. al calf. gaaaa. aaaalt, I, la leeat anna, to par Ih leant aoreab' . aa. "4, each, fi.xnoi.Tpi err. aaaa, 1.00 401 aaat hldaa, A xa goat a tna. lOallhei iasn. aj Vraltd aad :Teatas. ' - ' POTATOES Bast Oreaaa. Toatma par Sack! producers' price for ear lota, TOe par aacfct artllnarr, 6BrT0ci prodaaara' prlea, ..pa0ei . a.s par crate. ordinary,; faacy, tl.BOail.00: Hood ITar faacr Sottaac haraa and Mawtewa FrsDIna, x.pOiia.oo; orengM, sow aaaeL Z2&Uam; tana apanaaa oranroa, oM per V EGBT A rll.ES Tarn Ma. , TBe bar aaekl earrctav OOOTae aacki beeta, BOcQllO Back : Orearon radlaha. . X5 oar . d abhage dragon, tt.00 . par wt; "aiV rarata, aa.o par owt; groan , pappara, aar lb! California to ma toaa. r ' noranlna. Oegjti.oo; string been. tOc; eaaltflower, 12 00 pr -eran; graoa Paa, inii par id aoraaradlah. So Bar Ibi artlchokaa. ocll.n( par dos; botheaae wttaea, per box) aaaarr. 9m mu, ButasaiBB, iiac auuaah. lue: aoroata. da aao lb: araaberriea loraaja. H 00 par bbl ; Cooa hay and TUla- aaooa, fiu.ou; awparaiBS, loc per s; rnooa UC. ' r ... . .... ' DAI EI ''PRnrra Annlaa mnoratad. "' It A 16c pea lb; aprlcota, ISc , par Ibi aaaehee. 10MO1B par Ibt oacaa, H Per I raaa: in aaaa. so to so. BUel ae arao oa aca atxtaaatb BBMller eta; ape. California black. tOTC DOT lb: California white. Hae Bar lb! " gaiaaa, a par to larea, ptsa par ' eiaaailaa. aTaav BwA PJtTflAP) a.o h.. rk aaast anaaaaL ao.ovx rroic aranniacaai- an ill nrr aranniaiaa. 6-TOj Cost. A. 105; boat granalatod, AVW; extra C. tSS): eoidea tl.SA.10l D Tallow tO.00: bbU. lOe; H bbla. IDa; boxae. SO adraare aa aaca oaaia. waa xdc por'owx for aaaa. aa aatpia, laaj lac par wm Abeao prteaa apply a aalaa rar lata. var krta at special pnaae sahjeot ta pactnatioaa I HONBT- tyPPMB-.Faaaaa.a m ml ALT Oaaraa tdtlt too. 17.00 pot IS table. Salrr. loe. Ill.Oet 100s. 110. TB : lav d Urerpoel, , aOa. HT.oOi too, Ut.SOt Id 00: artra na. Bbla 9a. Ba. 10a. aa.aowtv.RO; balk, sso Iba, (4.aoos.ooi Back. oos.001 Back a, ork. 1JW pot I .TP. .,. , oocjBsei urcrpoot ramp mcx. ion; btylk rock, r7.00f lOOe, te.T wtn Baun cbicetta. tuc. ' P.Ir'aVla,BM4at X.a M 1 I a t l0Her New Orlaaia d. Tt sei unia. a Mr. MRANH Raaan white. tt.T1IA4.O0l ' larra wnite, gs.xrt pink. 12. T6: bayea, 14. 00; Umaa, taToTMexIcaa reda. 4Hc. M17TR Paaanta, Jnaibna, Be par lb; Virginia, iuatu ,k, --.- aatoUM. i asatoua par nan; wi ia a ia. inn lac par roi piaa Bats, lOOJllHe par P( trlcborp aaaa. 10a pat lb: ebaotaataV iasrpra, U01O par Tb: Br all aata, 14 h Ibi llbarta. 14 ft loe par Ibt faacy poeaaa, 1SMSJ1SHCI alBaooa. MttajUaV faiata. Oaal Ofls, Sbk, KOPB Par Manila, 14ci etandard. UUei alaal. lie. ooAli Oil ran or Aatrai caaas, soc pat Baaj aaaa waw, wai biih, aoc pav u; waaooa. jbb oar amii aoaauaaa. iw aax. xxyae par raL SABOUNB B tdtto par al. ami oow inc par gaa ' BENeiMB 4A-as- aaaas K aar caL hhla. tSUc Bar BaL - TrjUPENTI.Va la taaat Me par gal, ajoadea DDI w par gat. WRITB LBAD Toa Iota, T or i XMb ta, oa par in; iraa mrm, am par m. WIBB WAITS Praaant base et tt-Sa. tiwitin Ml Hw Mm LU.I - U.t 1-bbl lot. Tc; oaoaa, die per gall penalaa kattla. boiled, caara, e par gaL) B4bl kVta. Sdo; 1-bhl lot, tea par gal) groaad eaka, ear Ma, 110.00 par bob; iraa uaa ear iota. asD-ev par Paa,, . Heats. Pick aad Prorwloaa. ' . FBBBB MBA TB Proak Btrsat Baaf -- 40Se oar lb: aowa, 114 par lb: 'aar. black. per Ibj packere. 18Hc Per lbs ball. 4Ac per lb: aaet extra. PirflOc per lb; ordinary, ' par lb: poor, TCSo par lb: attoa. tanry. sfiue par am, . BAMB. BACOM. BTC. Partlaad BacB (anD iBia. 10 ta 14 lb. 18c par U: 14 to la lb. Is per lb; hraakfaat bacon, 14Q18Hc par picnic . oar -fb: cottage, tc per lb an uanana, nat Bar IBI Bniakad, lMt par Ibt .clear baeka. enaaiokad. St a PrHi aaMkad. UVka lb; baloa batai, te 11 Bia, aaaaMkeeV Be par Ibi aaaakad, P 10 par H; ciaar aaiuoa. ibibwi, 1 1 car mokrd.LB per Jbi ahooWar. Ike par fb7 l LATAL LA UWIMI la buf In. . tin. tt.: ba, 14 par lb to-lb Uaa, 10, per Ibi otoaB readerad. 10r 10M par B , lOfct PVT AJ i BaajBvaMSUa AVSP B OBJ Wr CAMMED BALMON Oolaatbta rrrer, 14b tall, l oo; t-lb talla, fATbi faacy 1-lb data, 11. BO; U-tt tsner lata. tl.lSjfaacy f-lh erale, it. TP IWl UMUI. aftdrW! roi il.0) aoViaal VlRojak ana. Te aar Tbi aVnnataaa. a. m ; haUhat, -Te par lb; craba, 11.60 par doai atripad base.' It He bar 1b: aetnab, Tc par Ibi ealaioa. Btoalbeada, Be per Ibt ehlaook, 10a Ibt harriag, c par lb; aalao, te par Ibt ahrlBpa, 10 por ttipirch. Be per ttsblaai .cad. U par Ibi taeaoad. Te par BJ Calaaibla rlaer aoaalt Ps per tb: bUtcc amalt, fa per lb) lobatara. IM KH; freoh mackerel, Ba per Ibi eravOsu, per doai atnrgaoa, a par lb. OfdTBBBghoalwatar bay, per gal, tS.tS! ' a '""Bb-a-aBwawa . t .t J...'-. f ARRIVALS VERY SMALL IN tl VESTOCK MARKET? Demand Good In All Lines, Even Best Cattle Holding Firm .7 at Top Quotations. Portland Union Btackrarda' Yah St . Mm. stock raeelnta: ' . IS inoay .M...v.. t. aft naaa a(o. , .... . j, ' Mootk ago........ ...... Xaat ago.. lad '." Tol A kmh at th list .of arrlrala' will tall tb tory of tha Uraatoek awrkat. Recelpte few in all llnaaT aad deaaad safildeat to. keep lop prlea ruling. . . ; . , . iriiiciai iirenierB pneos: ' v Hun Boat, eaatera Oraona. ' as Taaar no; bkwkera and China fata,, dOJtflaCJOj. stocker and faedera, SO OOifl 2. , tattle neat eeaiarn trregoa ataara, 14.1S(i SS: bast cowe aud halrara. M aa: llt nVl aiadlnaa ataara. ta.aBei.BO: llcbt am. Mlv atorkaaa and faadera. IXW; ball, t'i OOQg.60. Mioap-Wathere and lam be, Xtc. nlxad sharp, Bot,. - Calrra flood aal. 1MI to P00 poo da. IUA ct roagh and bry. Itie'c . ... . 0. 'Chicago,' Pcb, St. Lrreetnck roalpe!, . Han Cattle Bhaap rhlcara ........ r...0O pooio tt.tain Kanaka City...... ...... lo.Ono . l.onn Omaba .,.11.000 S.000 ' S.000 Hogs eponed Br tnwar with (.TOO left ovar. Prior; Mliad, $S.Pnia.ZR: pnod. M.loatJio: ronxh. toort 10; light, S.ft(d.lTU.. - am-M"taaTy. Bheep Weak. , ' ' - vvLvrn tux kaibat. . , rweati -OWIOMB Jobbing prlea Oregon. Mo. 1. Voo fl.zB; prodBcara prlea. Me. I. POrefl.OO; Mo. BOUTnci garlic. SMIOe par lb; onion eata. Te. PRSSH rP.DITft Anolaa. "calla." BOdxTbc: aun. s Bananaar -aaoiw; ioi jam', Si.7b.aoo per baxifaaey. n.POQS 0 par Box: IBM. MslcaaVtl. par 100; plaaoplaa, J4 V) par doe; peare, 11. T9 par box; tangarlna, tl-2&; 1 Pea. SI. Cash flax: Marthweatera, QBE i;; the is Chicago Market Is Rather Slow but Tone Held More Steady. Than In Late Trading. PRICES EIGHTH UP ? TO EIGHTH-LOWER ... s - " July end September Lom While May Gains ' Sharply Higher Cables Cave Prices Good Start Foreign News Hurts. , I , ;;! -V'-; WBDMESDArS WHBAT MARKET. . Cloaa Cloae ' Leas ; . Wad.- Tua. Wad. ... .(054 JUA M Cloaa 1000. i , aAM. aOaat.--; f-.-- Chicago,' Ph. II. Th ah arply hlrher cables thla morning care the wheat market a firm Tart, hat tha opening prlea proaed to be the higher point ef the day. The .strength abroad waa attrlbated br Hroomball to the ladlaa sltnatloa aad a decline m toe eonaola. rinan- clal clrclas abroad ware dlatnrhod oarlr br eootlnaed holding out of Oormany and. Prance In summing ap tha Moroccan queetloa. At time It was reported that Prance woaM stahs no farther ooaceaalona, hat It waa aot gtrsa eat. iron waat can leareoo, as sa nmmatam. as rat there seams no special Incentlae oa whleh to baaa balllah hope, but oa the other side the bearish presaare meet with noro rasietaace thaa for aoma time. Th market la la a oet tloa to do batter If eablae oa Prldar aad orar the holiday abonld aire any eneonragement. Official ououtlons by Orar back, atarr , caaka aomaaayi r' , r , ,. , r ,. : r w, - ' arnaiax. . -. w - t Onen. Hlrh Low. Close. mar. a z a . .jcjti a. ? at il Mar July..... Sept.. ..a OATI JO? .20 May..... July..... apt..... .88 MEM PORK. lo.dl-.' , 1S.M ; 15.10 U.10 ' , LARD. Mar..... IB 00 . Jaly,.. 1b.z2 rb... T OO .1: T SO T.6 Mey.TiiTT Tld . TTS TT-4' Jalr.... . T BO ' ; T.S8 ' - T.TS Bept..... ,,M t lt.0 . J. IT 1 mavBT Bias. Mar..... . (10 '. S 20 , i 0T JoUr...,.v B.1T V, t.38 'f ' A 15 A PBAJICIBC0 SBAnr KAmZXT. Baa Prandoeo, Pcb.. aivOfflrla Bkiralac eloalnjti T . f Ooen. - Hlrt. Low Olooe. May.. ...... .11.2T4 11.29 December.... IMyL 1.2014 fit 11 teu l.aoii up) BABLBY. May........,' LIT ., December.... ..B4V4 ...... .... LITWA ; llTXBJrOOt. BBAJB XABXXT. UTarpeot, Pah. 11-Otflclal prtcae: ' . ,; ., . Ctoa a m - CtnoS". " 'Cars " rnrrnAAA mn waras. Chicago, Pah. 11. Caab wtieeti ' i - . V.. Wedaaaday. - Tads. v Bid... Aak. -Bid.. No. red.. ......... I .84 .M .04 No. B rad. ............ 2 . M . .at ' Ka. - t bard........... f .00 " .B4 ' , .TO No. t hard..........; .Tl i .01 .TT ' No. f norther - .14 ,M No. t aorthara......Mt .1 .04 .90! Bo. S sprlnf T .. .M . , f.. PRIMABT 0BAIV K0TXMIBT. ,: T - Chicago, Bob. lb- Primary avrraaaaot: ,' Beeelpta Bhlpnaata - i'- ;i .... 1 ; , . .. '' , Baaa. Much. Theat ..............004,000 1BH.0O0 Cora 008,000 ' TKMXr) Clcaraacea: wheat, an: Cora, 074,000 sa; pata. u.i aa; now, o,uu doib. ' " ' - xUATEBB MABXITB TO ClOOL ' Teakgrrow Is Waahlngtoa'a btrtbday sad Is a holiday throughout the eoaatry. Tha eaatera marketa wlH be emaed, bat the Partlaad hoaaaa WlU ramala apea. - COnON FUTURES TEN . TO EIGHTEEN LOWER Mew Tork. Ph. tl-Cottoa futarae eloaad 10 to IS aetata boar. - Official sjootationa, by Ororbock, Starr Oooke Oct- v- - i open, viga, low. closing. 1 .' k Wed. Taae. Pabrnsrp - ........10M 10M . 10K9 1010.1030 March . ...........1041 1041 lots J028 load April , ......1063 10M 104d lOXT , lorld Ma '... 1004 1005 104 104 ltXIT Jnns loTl 1073 . 1000 10M 10T July X......wlooo loJ lofld inod . iobi August .........Itrni nil ima im lnx ratamner .......jikm lino ion mar is Oviubor ........ .1027 1020 1011 101B , 102M ' - Llaarpoel Oat toa Iswar. ; : . '-' LlTernoBL Pah. 11. Cotton cloaed - Btaadr. fnturee t polnta hrwer. . v . .. (, ; FRUIT INSPECTION w WILL BE ENFORCED ..." . f (Bpeclal DMoatcb to The "ioornal.l ' Pondletoa. Or., Pab. tl. Mora sttentloa win i nald to tbe cere of fralt thla year thaa a rar before, rrnlt Inapectore will enforce the fralt' law to tb limit la thla ceaaty. If th warm araather enntlnuaa antll th laat of (he month, tha aDrartng of tree la thl ooarftr will b In fall biaef. Many ef th erohardtets are already aprarlng rrnlt. All ertorts - are being aiade to sxterjllaats SB diseased trees la thla ssctloa . - - , Si- t .. . nw Tou'oorm Busurr;. . ; Bsw Tort ' Pah. U. Coffee ' fa torse : Offl. elsl footstlnns: Bid. aaa.i nrq. - 1 SIX. Bd.osAagost .... 11.00 n KK.flant rm to Pab ..... .I4M- Marrb .... d.AO Anrll .... 000 0 T0 Oct T.15 . T.IO Mar ...... 0.TO , a. to nor omIiw Nor t f.ho I Pee TV) IJsnasry ... T.B0 ,; T.40 June i...,a 0.00 Jaly . B.BalJsaaary BOBTOV COPPIB btARXXT. ': BoehMi. Pab, n.-rOffldal copper eloslact .' rfld.l Bid. Adrantors s.zn oacaow, ...... .PPP.OO Alkmaa 40.00 I Parrot ........ SO.SO Arcadlaa ...... 8. TB I Phoenix I ll Atlantic .... w Blnsham 41.70 Qulnry ........ SO 00 Rnral ........ MOO Phannaa ...... 4 00 centennial .... zn.ra Tamarack lfld.00 Trinity ...... lO.PTtt Tea. Cop...,. 24 in Via. Range ... so.zo Daly West Prank Ua i aiiaa ......., Vlah Mil Victoria ...... OATI, Wlaona 4 IT (4 Woirerlno . . . ,.lt 00 V. 8. Mining.. T 00 , Boston Cos.... tT.OO rirailbv ....... S.XB Mesa ......i.l B.ffTaii Mohawk ...... OT. "u Narad Ooa..., 14.00 N. Bntte ...... so w Old Dominion., 4 A SO POBTXABB BAJTB BTAXXXIaT, Claarlnca .....TrVI.1 M Balances OU,0UO.ST ' - '." Oterllng Bstas. .... Kew Vark. Prb, 11. atari Inc rates Sea . wr- ' .ai oa .424 rill?) v T-TXA T.82 -v Wed. 1 Tore. Wad. ErV:::::n:::::5 M S. S Jaly da i ds BVd ' Hd March la 11 4d Ba 11 Ud Ud May ,,i,i(aM)io4i .-Id 4a Id . '-a . ' . i . . r Tni V.7.1 Cva Wt!ocm to f.'sw Hr.i'v, Cuzzr Company for Trust Hzar l!xd It? C. n Way too tcnij Period Prict Icci Lev it Tflii;f IS COUE PROFESS!0:hU Outslds Cpeculatar ntlngf ': Shy of ths fJsw York. ' :; . ' Stock Marktt. , ' - OPENING IS HIGHER. . BUT-SEUS-OFrUTER Copper - Issues Vre j Weakest With Drop of One and a Quarter ia AmaicamatecU-Readinf Haa An. ther Bad Break of Several Points. BET "LOSSES.? ; Vi ' ' ... 1'AiKatr .... . anaconns i., Amalgasutad d ... 11a Mo.' Pacific 1 ....... H N. X. CaatreJ. . .- augar ..... Smelter . . . 1141 Oat. Westara... U ....... t Pannsrlaanla ...... ....... U PeoBla'B iiaa U Car A Pdy ,.. oroosiyn . . . , . uow, rues Praaa. Btaal Car.. 1 at, rani Reading .......... t1 C. B. nap. niaei ........ Rock laland ..... Southern By It L 1 I. W.... I'nlon Paclftd ..... V. B. Steal ....... Wabaah Dan rar ....'I'll W do pro Brio ' -5, lit Central LOQUTUIO ai:rrrr 1 Win. Central do nfd slii BBT i Baltli Canadian ......... H Metropolitaa ttsntrs) ..... H V, B. atoel . Tbs stock aurkat opened rather firm, bat Bold off eerly oe tighter moaer. There was aot so much actlrlty, trading harlag aaora of a profaaalossl character. Coppers were weak, saed with a loss of 114 I dasonnds sad 1)4 la Amalgamated. Official qnetatioae by Orsrback. I tart Cook company: -OSSCBIPIIOK laconda Mlalna ri Amsl. Oeppar Co...... do nreferred. Am. Car Pound., com. or prererroa. Asa, augar, m. amalt. ........ 140t 1021 124 Baltimore A Ohio, com.. 110M oo praiei iou. Brook tr a Rapid Transit Central Leather, oo prererroa .... O. W., com. U MU. St I. A N. W.. Peal. L Terminal Ballwae.. iif ei-, IV 111 Vnaaapaaae ex vans ( Colo. Pnel A Iron. com. Colo. Soathem. oom.... 40 ad preferred..,,,., do let nreferred.'..... Cora prod acta ......... oo prarcrrea Delaware Hudson. Daayar A R. O, ooa do preferred.....,, Brie, com SOS do Sd preferred . , u , , I do let orferred..T...I Pedoral OWltars.. .,.... oo nrsrarrad... ininnla Central. . laMhrrtllo ea Nesbrfllo. . J 47 45 15 Metropolitaa at. By..., Manhattan Rallwar.... Maxlaaa Central By.... Minn., St, P. A Bte. M. Mlaaoarl Padfte. M., K. A T. ooo.X:.., do Dreferred. ......... loot New Tork Central...... Norfolk A Waet, deal.. North America a ....... N. T.. Oat. Waat.... Paanarlranla Rallwar .. 14PM SI ST People' Oas, t.4 0. Co. rreee. steal var. oom. Pae. MaU S. S. Co.... Beading, seat US 14i do 3d ara . do lat sfd Boa. Iran A Steal, eoa do -preferred ....,.. Bock lalaad. aaaa ..... do nreferred ..... stu luo Booth era Bp., ooa...... do prsferred ......... Southern Pacific ...... OATV Mitel IS sesasaaaa Itktl. P., id nfd.. 8 at. it a p, o ds pref erred . . , . Toxss A Pacific ., Tana. Coal A Iron Tol.. St U A W, do arafarred ..... ts lot 60S Union Pacific, sors uo oo prererraa ... C S. Babber, com..... do nraferred V. 8. Steel Co., com.... Oo preferred .,...... Wheel A L. B., com... do Sd pfd ,. do let Dfd Wle. Central, ooa..... k tr OO Bra terre . ., '. IT. Telegraph ...... 1 pfeVtrxj TotU sales for ths day, 1.078.500 shares. Cell money eloaad at S par coat. I at S par ex. dlrld Reading let pfd. videad S per seat. tokopah stnrors stoozs. Saa - Prsadsss, Feb. M. Official s slag Bid. A SO Belmont " u,'- -. - ' m IFl.ia ..a,.,., .e Oold field , Jnmbo ........ Jumbo Bxtea.. : laai anr .... Ooldaa Anchor, 1.4T t Lt7tt .M . Hotae ........ Jim Batler ... McNamars ... Midway ...... Montana ..... Kendall ....... Lague ......... Mar dueea .... Mohawk ....... North Star ... Red Top Handstora .... .liver Pick ... St. Ira ..... Net. Bask ...a Denver ....... Scllpae ....... Oold Bar ..... n. Bull Pros.. Onhlr ........ .6T Toa. Bxtea.u. 10 Nevada 18 25 Waat Bad .....ISO AdaBBB ...Ma .11 Atlanta .IS Bin Ball .... .1 Booth ........ : . OnlnmMs Mt.. .So Ooaassr .10 strlnwer Black Butts BA. Dlameodfleld . .. M nrxso STATXS SOTIBBIIIBT bombs, r New Tork, Pab. tl Oevaraaieat boodst . Date. Bid. Aak. Ko. M regnias, . ,,..,,., .. 1000 eoaoon. ...... .......... lw Me. S ragnlsr...... . iwis- eouDoa,.., wus No. t email bonds.......... .... No. d regnler.,... 1007 CooDon..,,, 1HOT No. d regular.. , ......... 1 oo nouDoa ivxa Matrlct of Celaabla AOS.. ..... Philippine 4s............... .... v- BAB rBABCIBCO LOCAL STOCBS.. Baa PYaaclBca. Pah. SI Local stocks, mora. bis eloeroc: -- ' .... . I. Contra Coatrs Water...,..,,..,.... 4S , 2 s " ii "4 to tprh Muti mc Ta lar Water........ 40 tual Blacfrl. .. . . ' Olstit Powder SI Rawatlas CooimorcUl. . ........ T6j4 - Ilnnokaa Sugar. ...... .............. In Hnlchlnana Sugar.. In Vfc Makawall Susal. ...... .......... tt Onomao Snx.r. ............. tAU Paanhaa rlagar. ...... ............. 114 t'nlon Snrar. IS Alaska Packers' H OOBST00X atnrtBs STOCKS. Saa rraaciscs, Feb. St. Official tMralag closing: , .. ' Bid." Coe. CsL TS...I1 A) ' (Mid Oroaa Oold Bar Onhlr I.I1K, Mailcan ,.,,. I PO (alcdonla ..... .BO HMWIW ee-nawa ftoM field .... -J01 F.xrhe"ir .... .40 Tramp , .40 norrroaa 1.0a trno graaf bar- to some men's su coast l"flV, I0JU 108V, 104 4 102), tntS KKli lot, loav, ..... 108, 104. lOAt ,104 I2Rt, 180U lrt ISO. losvb ioe IlLlti L;U i JJ Experiments at CorneSI Result In Discovery That Will Revo iJ ri lutionize Gardsnins. i. ' - iSearaal BnorJal Soreiee.) : Ithaca. N. T., Fab. SI. Cornell hortl eulturiata bsllsrs they havs mad dls- oovsry whlob, wlU revolutlonlao tbe pras- ent taatboda of raisins plants aad tss Ublss, A asrisa of suoosssful sxpsH tncnts td the rsst few days shows that flowara and voaetabtOB oast ba drussod into sxlstsnos. They are pat into sir tight dsca filled with other for a period of 14 or It hours until they become' ao permeated with funea that tney mature In about one half the time It takes to develop naturally, i ' V- Lilies, for Instanod, bloom at laaat It days'f oonoimnder this treatment than wnen tney asraiop naturally or op ortu nary rneana of forelrur. as . wllL also aaalaaa and rhododendrons. . ' Easter UUaa in 14 hours put forth macnUlcent blooms with the help of a warm acetylene llsht - at night, and narcissus plsnts double' tha alae of thwlr flowara after Bpandlna; a day and a half in tna aen. . ; t KANSAS REPUBLICANS 1 PREPARE FOR CAMPAIGN tJoamsl Rneelal Sarrics.) TopskA, Kan- Feb. 11 Kansas Is ta loot soTsrnor and other stnta offlosrt this ran ana tha Republican state com mittee assembled at the Copelsnd hotel here today to . nx tha tuna and place for holdlna tha nominatlnf eonveotlon. Tha probabilities are that tha conron tloa wlU be held In Topeka late in April or early In, May. With the antherins of tha state commlttesmsn and other party leaders talk regarding candidates Is naturally rlfei - Indications are not lacking that Governor Hoch wilf meet with oonalderablo opposition in hla ef forts to eecure ronomlnatlon. Tha names of several posalble riyals for the guber natorial nomination have boon tenta tively brought forth.. among ' thorn those of Grant Hornaday of Fort Soott and J. W. Creech of Hsrlngton. - For auditor of atate, secrstsry af state and etnsr piaoee on tna ticket tnare are ai ready a number ef aspirants in tbe Bold. TO INVESTIGATE COAL RAILROADS' COMBINE : ; (jlorasl apactal Sorrles.) ' I Washington, Fsb. tl. Tha house reso lution was introduced today whleh di rects the Interstate oosemeroe commis sion te Investigate whether the anthra cite coal roads have combined la ra strsjnt of trade and theoontroLot prod ucts to' fix the price. , The president, . Attorney - General Moody, Speaker Cannon, Senators Dolll- var and Clapp are in eonfarenee -ever the rate bill this afternoon. It Is be lieved that they discussed the court re- view feature. . . UKPKECECENTEO SUCCESS OF The Great Doctor MKo. I42J Hnt St, Car. Kwrlica Jte BrlelesdlaS alalimeala Sa tha arrHaaaS I gasrsatee s eoaplete, a fa aad laatlng sars ia tks aalcksst Baaslbla time, aad at th lowaet eoat poaalbla tor heaeai aad acm ful traataMaC I core catarrh. ssthSM, Mag, throat, rbeasnstlsa, si maaaaaa, . etssaseh. llrar. kldnar aad loat - FKMALB iBOUBLli APD AU. FaMTAtS . IiisXAAAd. My waillas are harmlesa. sinil of toots, barbe. bods ssd barks aapesaslly aeleeted ssdmpartsd direst by as treat the latarlor If T0V'ABB ATTXICTrO MFJ OtXAT. PAXATS ABB BABSKBOUB. If yoa eaaaot eau, wrlu for symptom Meat id circular. Inclose deenta la ataapa. OOBBrLTATIOaT PBXB. b 0. See Wa Chlnaee Itedjelaa Oe., ItSH Plrst St., Oeraa Merrlaea, satlaaa70lb Plaaaa aaeatloa this psper. Handy Tools About the ? ; V, House iiSfji What a world ef Inconvenieaee a aaw. a hatchet, a scrswdrlvor . . any one of a hundred email tools would save the housekeeper a dosen ttmoa a day. 7e nave "kits" for thla very purpose 'asp. arste tools, toa Of course nails, screws, tsrss, nangera, sic, etc.,. in groat va riety and quantity. -' Avery Co. n. aa. rara avsra abm. POWaTTJT, BUH1SI Si OS. . WBUAT A MO BTOOK BS4UBI , . UBatahUsbad llll-l . . 4, Orroaad Ftoew, or OUSeXBAMTJa, a.' I- .' '' 1 I "l-Z l. i " ' k : 01 OVERBECIC, OT ARR Sf COOI.E CO 4 Membere CfcieadTe Beard ef Trad ,! '. -. ;;:.'; -V ' aavnr, ntoTazoas, ovvaoa; avooKa An aoaaa e- , ,.ltl Third atreet. MoXar anllding, PorUand, Op. ;v ' ; ' : wr ao a 'aCMjr-iTf tnmaacKoom uvtsxxsu "' 'V ' v: Ceatinnoue Markeu bp 1-rfva Wipe, QBto Bervicd. . ltXWTX'NCZ-LaA a , TUton. Bankers, aad VnitaS Llatea Natlooal Bank of PertlaaeV 7 n cjaonr-t wk I a . - FAsi IHO POPtAB STSAMSaiPS J:; '.-'. ..Lssaa,''- Bssttls .-,; MJBPTBBSOW, Tharadaj-, Pebraaty IB, Vt s Wraagw. . , - ; ... ' ' CALUBS A . BetahJhaa. 7aaaa, Beaglaa, Sassss, Shs way. OBsaoea) with W. P. T. teats tar Atlia, Bawaaa. taaaaa, Basse, saa. X AU, Sosthesstora Alasha Parhv OaS sr eend for "Trip te Woeoarfal Alaska,' "ladlaa Bsshetry.x Btaa roles.' ,. -;- c Axjasxa s. s. sow, :'-iV -: Prank WoahM-y C., Agent. tot OaS St. Partlaad; . 7-r. . rr,L rvaW-g-SS r-v1 vTtl IC7 0 From' the Housetop To 'ita foundations, when you are bent on painting, have every Inch covered witn paint.or goon material, mixed witn first-grade oil and brains. In short, Kt all your paints, varnishee, - white id. linseed oil. turpentine, putty, etc.. etc. at this painter's headquartera, and you 11 appreciate our stock every time yon think of It. j-. j-r.-.-'V . aza fazmt sroaa. Fisher, Thorsen & Ca TsobS and Xoarlaon fstteets. lii&SC- a, foaoajsxoaA, mum, KTvaooaxA Tjuuoocmza. ivoaoF and axzar asasAaaa. - w want every men - afflicted with the shove dleeasee -ta-honestly Invsstlgats our special system of treatment We IB vlte in particular all who have treated elsewhere without succsss,xsil wboee cases have been abandoned by family phyelelana , and ao-caUod "BFBOIAJfc. XBTB," all . whose troublsa have beea aggravated end made worse oy tno use Of SBX.TB, FMa SAAfFUB, STBSAJS nUtATtlBBTS and so-oallod SF01F. XOB. We will explain to yon why suoh treatment has failed te euro yon, and will demonstrate te your entire satis faction that we ean euro you eareip, quickly and permanently. Our counsel will cost nothing, and we win no oy yon aa we would wish you to do by us If our eases -were reversed. Write for. ear home treatment if you cannot ean. , ,, The DR. LIE BIGSTAFF CC7iEaVrE& 7Lc;":jDiTrjLn-3 v poirrutio, otxqon. c INtlECTION BRO;IU;' WILL CURB " - GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTUEB TRBATMBNT . Sold by all DrugsUta : ' MtCMswTgR KNBLIWM UtL. T, la MSB ui aula aataUla Waa llBwlaaHae. Teha ao aahaa, B.fa.a aaaa. ar ParaWalara. T aaUaaeaaals a4 'Belter fhr LaSlaa," la law, w? ae. laa Ball. 1 O OOO Ti.lla ,.I.U. lalH 17-rr Sraatifa. !??' lllr??1 t aeWaBia VfeflV PH a-a-.JBASaValt &Q0Kt0-F mmAttf- aT aRf Those suffering; from wsak. Sf otl nesaos wnien sap tna pieaaures or ins should take Jo von tUU, One box will tell a atorv of marvelous results. This medicine haa more rejuvenating, vitalising force than has sver boon off seed. Sent post-paid In plain package only on receipt ef thla adv. and tl. Made bv Ita originators C. L Hood Ca., pro. priatora Hood a Ssrsapsrllls. LerweU. Si see. aas SBW-Ase amess, FertiMta, tn. OVsVA - aeStbllshsS MPS. - v -. - UtL-i:iJ l! tz n .as a. aalaa l-B.-.t- -ll.JJll.J- gg.. .J-S wj,r,r-tr-.r1rir ; r ;ziz .- a larengr, Pnllmaa standard and toarlap sioaa. fat-cars dallr to Omaha. Chicago. Saoh.'.l toujrut aleapfngaro dally to Baasss tiiy. th7-i, iTiirT- " " - ITaloa Da ooa ; 1 lasts..- Arrtv. fWWtUnd Spadst for m SnwV-V iT ""oiingioa. aiy. sim am r , g?'. 7r for, Kaatara Whngton. Wallahs. iia 5 ' Lewlaton. Coanr d'Aleee aad''4 ' ' ' " a ti..M 'm pBta. aaur. b.ib pa e.v. a -v- -"""wHa. aauy. ....... s ia paa i;wa ; V. s COLCMBIA BITBB DITMIOM. iVmZ2!'mS'-t- . opTa. dally, -"dayi Saturday. IS p, sa. Anises - - v. "i.. oaoBBi Bosses. - - . rf . . ai"-; "dMHIU. BIVEB BOCTB. XXL ;rtoB. Oragoa City and Tambttt r ' Ruth aad Modoe. Aaht. dark. ih1" dallyi except Baadsy wsr paa. Soaday; -:" , f esuy. t sxoepe . LewWtoa, Ida., -aad wy polnta frea i lT-, . Biaamars apoksop ess tveww. " roa smval Trala Ttdhdht Af Maa 41-i.tAl a... A. a . ... ' " ,-r -B.a-wr, A auvg SBV WUIIini VOfc ' ' a r . .Jt i """"' err xwast agaai. A. Ia CBAiq Oaaaral Paaaoaser Ageat, SOUTH ralna Vleaaa."'--. r..t : taasa. Arrlvs.' Overland Bxpiass. TlalaS ror paleam, Baaaharg, Aah. Isnd, JSaarsmeato, Of daa. . Baa Praaclaoa, Steel ton, Los Angeles, Bl Paso, " Kew Orlaaas sad tbs east SidS pt Morning trala conascts at . Woodbura daily except 1 t .j Soaday with trala for ' Moant Aagal. . Sllvertoav - ' grownarllla, Sprtegflold, Weadllag and Natroa.... : ta Bagaas paaaeager eon. -' neeto St Waadnara arlak ' T:Siai Mount Aasal aad Sllae. tea local raaliia pa(,ager Sberldae paeeenger....... 1!! : SB f:l tpa ' .) 4 sa lUiAdpa .-:a to sa 4:M aa 1114:45 -a -uanr. Dallr axaant Suadar. BOBTLAJTO-OB W BOO SUBCBBArt ' SCB'ICB AMD TAMHiU. DIVIRIOB. ' Lee Portland (4pot foot of Jaf taraoa St. iaTjv for Oswego Tiitf a. B.( It.BO, t.lai. 4: V e:xo, a:su, 10:10. p. m, uair (except Sonda). B:tO, IM. t.-SC 10:1B a. a, Sunday only, 0:00 a. su Beturnlng from tmwege. srrlve. Partlaad d-"y S:tO a. a. 1:M, ,S:05, SrOS. S:1S. T:l. S; t, 11:10 P. ra.. U:M a. a. Dally (except tasdart, 4:t. Bite, 11:4S a. a. Baadaf eaiy. 10:00 a. m. '... Leaves from ssae depot tat Dallas ssd Mer. mad lata points dally 4 US p. av. ArtirS rort und 10:10 a. a. . . Tbe iBdepeadancc Moaxwmth Motor Has oa--. atee dally te Maamoatb and Air He, eoaaec e with Bout bars Pacific esapasy'a trscks St tml Is ssd Independence. Ptrt-iee fare -frees Portland s Seal a mania Sad San Preueiaee po, bertha tfl: aaassd at a far tltS aocoBd-cIaa bertha ft-BO. Tickets to Eetern polnta and Biitopat ska spaa, (-ulna, noooiaia ana snawaua. l iiy -ncses wmco rag to etreets. PhM a. w. sxiNorB. Third sad Wash Phsae Mala tli A. Aw rnaita. Ooa. Paas. Apaal . City Tick at Agent. IMBARLV " avaa - 1 TDAIIilO 1 Portlands TTalaa DanaA4 1 ' LsSSS. ArrlVO. Tellowstoae Part-KssaaS .' Cltr-St. isan Bpseai ror . . Chahalla, . Castralls. tilya. hi. l..a s usrnor, aoaia ' . Bead, Tacoais, Seattle. Spo kane, Lewtaaa, Batta, Btl- i, rr, vain, s.aa- i eaa Cltr, St, Lsnls ssd . ... .1 Am fir . . IJSaa ' 4:Spa Wj1V rMaaa IJmHaA. BleBi trts lighted, for Taoome, aaarcio, dhw.m 'i . MlanaepoUs, St. Pas! sad ths Boat, dally Pagot SooBd Llarted. to l4Spa ' Ties tat and Brattle eaip, aaiiyj... i-J6 pa less pa Twia laty aprao - coma. aaat tie. ."" -Heleaa. Batte. St, PaaL , - r a , .n.n. tjncnla- St. Joseph. Kanaaa City with. eat esengs oa onra. "- .. v .. ' i. .11 MUata Boat and Soatheaat, dally. . 11:43 gm 10 M pa gaT Art, 9M Morrison ssrast, eassae h A. Kwtlasd, Or. .-r-rrr- ASori-T&!: Columbian ! : River Railroad Co.' ratna Sa. U.I Lea a Arrive .(.'if para, BalaMV. tna. kanla, Aatoria, Weatport. curtoa. Warrao l too. r le vel. Haaaond, Pert Stev a! Oaarhart Park. Beaatdo Aatarla aad Beaahore. as- preaa oaur. iraa oaur, .... ........... iara;,l.a All trains dally, -J. a MATO, O. 9. and P. A., AstsHs. Or. 0. A. STBWABT, Cramarf-Ir Ageat, S TiOSpa , S:Mpa Alder street, Phoae Mala SOS. 4 . TKKC Tks Orleatal Limltad, ths Past MaS : VIA 8BATTLB OB 8POKAN8.- . -. ..-- ',. Pslly. . .Polly. . ", a - Les to. -. Arrive. Portland tla aale . - A Te aad from Spokane,. . . '' ;' ,4 , St. Pant. Minneapolis. t 1 i . . 1 Duluth snd all polsis ' ' Bast via' Seattle...... B:to sa t oo am U Ura, I hlN To aad froa St. Paul. . , MlanaapoUa. Dulolh .. and ail polats Bast' ' sis Spoksae S:lBpa S:0Ssa Orast Vartbora BWaaehrp O. Palling from haatlla far Japes snd thine porta and Manila, cart) ag ps Bengare sad freight. . , . - S. S. Dakota, Itareb IS. ',..., ' J S. S. Mtaaeeets. April BP. "-..i , BIPPOB TtrSXB KACf l ' fJaiea Mall htaamablp i. S. XArfAQAWA MABi; ojllsai. fa t Seattle eboot March to f' J- aa Bo.w, earrrlng paearasere aad frai. t. Por tkketa, retea. baath ff -, ttoaa, etc.. eeil oa or aaJraaa x. r ". o. b. r - ' 1 ' S4.. i.-aa, l--a-aW .... I k.e t Vt'Li. a-V'i Palnth, 11.111 I 0Bt.lBat4ea.Ml B dass. 4SA Tool 44. ' is the saloon bar ,