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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
to porr VX V "- - -' - TTT"l " ,' TII : OHLCSIJ DAILY JC UACHIK3RY. 'ire H. O. ALBBB CO. BaaaadhaaS I tmllh . S Or - UTIML eaachlnaat and .r.Hetani atxrle elveator. eleclrteal niaebta- (ok t, HMO aiaia jut. 4 ( CK'TtKNIlL INN ffTIBL VOlKfc . mm tlnaarv eaaolta saglne eiperca ' all kind cklaery repaired. Sag Pit PAINTS, OIL' AND GLASS. acACH A CO. Toe Floae Palst Oa. window- la , and glaatag. IN rta ia. "KB SHUT MILLBB A CO., Bemd nd. Taylor , Wall np, MM. U at aaarbet hw r delivery. r ..' --.-r OSTEOPATHS. 4 ' -' DBS. ADIT, ftOBTHBPP.' 41S-1S-1T ' , hiM.. Third awl Waahlngtoa .. ' Pboa .1 Main . Xalaattun fro. - ' CHS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 40S MacJeay bids. : Clay TO. Km. U. 1151. CooenJtaUoatree. THB WT L. 9. i tahaaoa. nit W. arlllng-Hnrech blag. PRINTINQ. '.ANDERSON A Dl'MIWAT OOMPAKT, WtatlM. UtbograpMng. blank hooka, pboa Mala II. V Bus Aider at. ran unnrlm PDINT'IT-Art tat le srtatlBg. m Baaaal bliU.. Foorth ad Morrleoa. Pboa PartSe IU1 . WELCH, OATIB CABSON PrlBttaB thai , Mn A oaverv urn oun ow eiw. ' bide.; Stifh ana Morrls mai Man V.- PLUMBERS. -1. TXmNBUIBO 7 A fcADKMACHEB. plamaet. M FoertlTnt . Both pa saaltary FOX CO., eaattary Ttnrbem. Ml Bat adbet Mala and Salmon. Orxoa PboB Mala BOOL ' PHYSICAL CULTURE.. rnor: kinolxb'B School of Pbreieai Cnitom .f all braarh. 80S Alder at., a r una. RUBBER STAMPS. F. C. STAMP WOBKS. 4 Alder t,pl ;,flO manor Manna. Mk. eteaeUa. trad oheokei Bead tor catalooo ROOFING. TIN RfJOriNO. rtarrti. rami , tnkbiac. I. LaaU. tli Jaffa r patriae aa4 f aaatal SAFES. ' PIEBULP Lmb aaalnat Fir aaa Barglar. Thla -If.rt -wall . BafM . aaraUablct Mortal Bockra ..te-Ja-ka .Acmtrr. Matal ritaroa. ' ' lacknnta . apanoa. Bafra tvpalrwl. Pkoa Mala IS&t. ' Jnka W. Tata. Thmt at. . STREET PAVING. .WABRBX Caaatraprloa Co., atnwt aarlaa.- alda- wawa aaa croanaca, l la urrgoaiaa. THB Barter Aapkalt Parta Co. tt Portlaad. , flfl anil Waraaatat klk. 1 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. BARLSON CO, Ank-tif aaa Ktrktk ft.. ' akooa Pada rSSMakcra of aaraleat ta . atraawata aaa a. for nits anpUaaaaa; raanra, kalroa aad aplaaiaa abarpaaad ta parfaettoa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BHAWflABH of oaarf fcotrlptlaa: kaak, bar ' aa tor xtaraa aaaa to ardor, Tko Latk Maaafartaiiaa Ca.. Portiaaa. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODB'B Paraltm Hoaaa fnr aaeoaaiaad fnralta - Phoao Padfta 4M.' -HlglMt artaoa mala a. XI a iaaeat at SIGN PAINTERS. CWIJ) SI ON, wtndaw lattarlaa-. clotb kaaanra. - oroaanikal lnlii faaa lad dgaa at all . ktaaa auoa ajolrkly. Paatar A Blataar. Plftk rad Bwratt. Pban Bnana M. SCALP TREATMENT. ' 0RAT. falling hair. daBdraff froaWd; aki ' jaaniconng. miroooar. tar work Mr. ., . r. ajar, ISO rawrn. . Room M. Pkoa Paris Sfta. Manias. TYPEWRITERS. MEW tiinaillw. all niakaa. roatod. Bold and rrpatrad Ceaat Agaary. 231 Stark. Tal. 140T. TELEPHONES. THB only aarlnatr telrpkon koaaa. B.-B. EJactrla A Trlrpaoo Manataetarlna mm paay. W Plftk at . . TRANSFER AND HAULING. APES. olaaoa and faraltar BHrrad. - pafcd raady tor klpalg and aklppadl all work raaraataod; larga, Story brick. ftr-aroof war.kona for tarag. Offtc lis rirat at C M. Oka. Pbona Main S4T. THB BAftOAQB A OMNIBUS TBANSPEB CO., .-- m. Kith aad Oak ata.: kggag rbarbaw iraaa aoiat or roaioauoo airaet to dtlatlaa at ai tkmfora avoid raak jndJUUMILa Taorpfa7-lWat Ixekang . (l A O. PICK, fflro J Pint at. bain Start aad Oak ata.. naoaa SSd: alanna aad raralrar .' awrod aad aacbad for aklpprag; roaimodlMa . nnr warrnnaaa wita aaparat . Front and Clay . ata. . . OBEOOR TBAN8FBR CO., 194 Nortb Rlxtk. . Pnono Mala da. By kaallng and atoraga. A"T BtDB Traaafor Co.. A. E. noloonb. prop. lit Xat Wt at pbon Eat BB. . " L!T "PECUL DELITBBT M. SOOtA Wab ; J - Ingtoa at Pkea Mala BSX . . . C W. LIKES A BRO., S4 Sd BtFornltnr Trparrlag rrflBlahlBg. pafkhjgaadahlpplag. V " ' : TOWEL SUPPLY. V '' CLBAN TOWELS DAILT Coaak, kraak. ana a. 11 par moatk. " Portlaad Laandry aad Towl f - Supply Co.. Wlntk and Coork. Pbona -410. UNDERWEAR. f WlKWoon S aU-wool knit andarwaar la acar . rar, ramrl ball and wklta. mad ; ? ,r Pr onadaltoratad atorka. la tba brt; I "J1. Tf"T for Hi wa. awarded tb goli "e11 ,wto " nark rrpoaltlon. FINANCIAL. FIRST' VATTOVAL BAXK .t OF P0BTLAXD. 0XZ00K. . Urclgaated Oopoaltory aad I'laaaalal Agrnt of I .. . tba UnlUd But. I ..........A. L. Wn.LS kBrooad Aaatataat Caablrr B. F. STEVENS ;Lttari of Credit leaned Available la Europe ,r .', d lb Eaetera SUIea. JF1" d Telrwrapbl Tranafert . "Id on New York. Boaton. fak-ac,. St Laala. ; , ." """ona. Ban FraaHac and tb V"" pninte la TO TWTBWeaa - Blgbt and time bllla draw In earn t nlt - oyj Leadon, Pari. . Borlla, Frank fort-on tba .Mala. Hongkong, Tofcobaait. Copenkaaea. ' nritiaii. stnrkknlm, . St Paterabarg, Mea. ww, mrra. ilcxMul. . i Callettlaa Mad oa Farorabla Teraja. 'SIXCXAXTS' KATTOBAX BAWK, . 11 PORTLAXB. OXiOOX. .. FRANK WATSOM Ptoaldeat R. U PIRIIAM..... ....Tlca-'PrealnVat tl. W. B0yT.4 Caatifr wEOROR W. H0TT...., Aaltan( Caakbrr Tiaoaanti a warai Baakiag Baalaeea. ' Trait aad Letter of Credit Uaaed AraiUbl . - ta An pari or tba World. Collertleoa a Bperlalty. LAOS A in TOW, BABKISS. . (Zatakllabad la !.) Tiaaut a aaoral Bnnklna woalaiaai CnUeotleaa mad at all pnlnta on , faeorabt firnia. - letter of rredlt lad "ll la Bare aed all Delnt In tba United State. SI(M rnang and Tetearapkie Tranefrrs sera, waablnaloa. uiiragav at I .. r i a rraaciaoo ad a.' f a aad Brltlab ColaaiMa, aid oa Leaa, rap. HTlla. L-,iH 7 -T i FINANCIAL. POBTLABT) TBVBT OOMPAWT OP 0BXO0S. Xko Olaoat Tnat Oaaaaaay is Oracaa, ... BBBOUilCBB OTBB 11.400,000. , -., i . . , .' Oaaoral kaaktoa. Birkaaao aa all aorta of tSm aria. eataa, I ta 4 par coat: abortall apodal aaatlaV 'cataa, M0 or arar, IU to par ent . OalTfor book of 'IIXUBTBATIONB.' .. Boalkraat Corner Tklra ao4 Oak ata. Paoae Prlrate Xsokaaca TS. BBN7. I. COHBN.. ...Ptoldoat U. U PITTX'K .Vlca-Proaldaat B. LEB PAGET.. ........ Booratar 1. O. OOLTRA. Aaalataal Socrotar TH1 B01MAM BVABABTITB ' I TBUIT CO MP ATT BABX. toeka,' Boooa and Mortfana Boairkt aaa Sola, latoraat Paid aa TUaa Danoalta. Capital. - fHM.oM.0 O. W. Watartmn Praatdaat c. w. Millar . ........ Yloa-Praaiaaat & B. CVawat. ,...8rtar iaa- ?apia. aaraata ana stall airaaia. ' Paoaa Mala 154. ...- UBITU) BTATM BATIOBAl BABX , OF POBTLAVD. OBX0OX BOBTHWIiT COB. TXXBD AMD OAK ITS. Xraaaaata a ooaaral Baaklat MMlUiaaa, DBAPTB IMUED AraOabM la All tttlca of . tka t'tiltad Btltaa aad Karooo, Boakoac aaa Manila. . OOtUOTIOn KAOX OS PAVOBAXtXTIBMI Proaldrat.. ........ .J. ft AIN8WORTH P i "i i . f a Vlco-Praalllant RI TEA. BARNES Caahlor ..R. W. STHMBKR Aaaiatant Caahtor. ........... AaalaUnt Caahior M. WBIOHT ....iW.'A. HOLT SXOVKJTT IATTB0S TBTST COMPAXT. BM Marrtaoa Bt. rartlaad, Oroaoa. , Xraaaarta a Saaaral Bankln aaaiaaaa. BATTIfOa rjEPAmTMCBTT. latrroal Alio wad oa Tlma aad Barlaaa Dafoalta. Aata aa Traatao for Katataa. Drafta aad Lattwa of Orodlt AraUakto la All Parfa mt tk. Waala. a P. ADAMS .....Proaloont U A. LEWIS... ....Ptrat Tlea-Pnataoat A. U MIU.S , Baooad Tlea-Praaldaat R. O. JCBITB.. Baeratarr Otd. r. RUSSELL... .Aaalataat Saenlarr HI BAXX OP OALIT0RKIA. , (Katabllahad 1SM. ' . Brad OfSca. Baa PranelaBa.' CA. Capital paid ap. M. 000,000.00 Borplaa aad sodindad praSta f8.T70.lta.aa k Coporal Baaklnc and Xxekaaa Bailaiai Tranaatrd. ' EATINGS riKPABTMBTCr. Aroonnra onaaad ina af S10 aad amrard. Portlaad Braark Ckaatbaa af Ooaaaaarot WkLifr MACBiiit".. ........ afananar I. BURTCBAELL...... .Aaaiatant Maaafor M OXUS-BBOC . ill rtrat ft., rartand. Or. Off Cllt-Kdg lamtaanta ta Mmldpal aad ' Bauroaa Booaw. writ a uu. COLUMBIA Oal Kaalaa A Bar Warka Tl. lock aiaortai fir aad burcUr-praof aafat opoood aad plrd. . Pkoaa Paclf i no nia. MORTQAQB LOANfl 0a Partlaad Baal Batata at Law .Bat Tltlaa Iaaarad. Anrtraatt ramiaaaa. . ' TITLE OUAEAjmE TBTBT vw. i- - S0 Waaklaatoa BW Oar. ijiajillooj AT THE THEATRES. "Wbt Down East" Tomorrow Nlfht tnh X. CrUaaar'a aacrlkrat Ubotatkm f LatU Blair Parkar's atar. "War - Dawn wklcb eaaao to tb Marqaani Oraad tbcatra tanMrrow (Tharaday) Blxat far SB an4ra(nrM af ttuoa alfhta wltk apodal arlcod Buttnoa Batnrdar. at nt raw naaja that ka a traa aUaip of Uatlnf poaalaxltr. It attract tka taoatra-goar aad wlaa ta tba thcatr kaadroda apoa kaadrad of tboa wka ra raralr arra wltkls a placa of tkratrical wawat Tb atorr a BaroMad la tao pto- toraaaa aBrroaadlnjaa af New EaUad lt Ta coBway m c in ang ai aaa ciama kind tkat rafraako s wall aa aaiaaia. and tba Teallatla off arts, notably tba aaai rabiaa bllnard, ara stnaly lagaaloiai aad af- fectlr. V - v. : , -- . .:, ;. ' , Last Performanc "Woodland." Toatabt at tb Martraaa Oraad tbaatra' tk W. Baeage'a aro- laat pejfuraianea of Bear dactloa or puiey A Laden' amaical roreal fantasy, "WoodlSBd," wlU ka gtroa. Two sots of senry - ar aad I tbl lakrf prodoctloa of tb PUloy-Ladora bird para. Woodland." Beta ara aald to anal anr- tblag aaer bfor tal aad oat by Waltar Bar. ridge, Mr. Baraga's calakrstad areaao artiat. Tka first teene rapreacats a forest gla at tko ad of a rorky caayoa. Tk a Band araa Is oanewkat Ugktw la toa. a btrckoa grwr. f. The Moonshiner's Daughter." 'Tb Mooaehlaar'a Deagbtar" Is tb attract. Its- tltl of ta -nealodrania wklcb la holding tko boards at tb popalar Emplr tbostr tkla k. It la dracrlbed aa a play of soBMatlc latorest, and plot karlng bora rkmrly eon cvlrad snd wroogkt wltk , eoastractlr skill osblBd wltk eeeatderabla literary ' talaot. Tb eoBMdy fct refined, aercr btr la and a I war a la karaaasy wltk tba waaskopaaaat of tb Mary. There will be a an tine of "Tb Mooaeblosr's iMagbter" aatarday. :i High School Girls Next. tkoTllgk SrhnoT 0lrMr cepar hi tb W- fealag at tk Baker tkoatr Best week, start ing Bnaday antlae. Billy Hart and BnaM eat oa. tw oM-tlae faeafit, ar coaatcted wltk Uls wrgaalaatloa. .. . . ' . " At the Baker.T Tb Baker Is sdrnrtlaad aa tb Ml' no. lar bnrleaon tbeatr la tb 'West. lare tk Inaiajaratloa of tk eeatera who! akwwa thla tb theatre baa played t lore Tkls week , tka Baltl Beaatlea aaatpany, aald ta b Baas as f girl all troai.tbs fa moss ld kwaaty dty of Baltlssor. la tb attraction. Parfaraaaaea rry arealng at S IS a'ehxk. Bstardsy saatl- aea at s:is o'clock.. , ' "Human Hearts" Coming. . An event "t no small Inportaara 1 tk re- anpesraar of W. E. NankoeUI'! wall-keowa snd bUtblr-apnreelated BMlodraauae offering. nnaiav nearra. " ai toe soiptr all Bast week, starting farads jr matinee. , VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. V "AeBrothers Revenge." Tb Mil at the Ovar-Dotralar Lrrla - theatre tbl week Is s romenr f tk rocky aborea of Mains entitled "A Brother' Rerenr." Tb tory la ana af tnteaee heart '. Intereat as eontabis many tKrllllng aeane. Rneetel arenerr kaa aeea painted for thla praduettoB. . -- -Contiiiu one Performances TomorTOw.4 odeTtllr. Ih . kind lb naoala like, la what the Orand offer. Tber are erl tip-top art at tb Orand and the foreamit I. tbat of Adel Pnrvls OnH. the eet... of tb apbertcal daaoa. Bb I aided by Flors Alltborps a tb aca af nade. Tmm. ,k. Japan eqalllbfiat. Is concedrd by Portlaad tneatr-gnr to a tb best balancer that has v'al ted tha city In several year. Tba rest of tb bill I inally attractive. Tonaarrow, Waablagtoa-a birthday, tb performaace wlU be eontlnoosa. Human- Telephone at Star. On of the Boat renarkahl eiklhltlona of mimicry aeaa b.r hi nxmtbj Is tb net nf IM-t-phnn. tb hma telephone, st tb Star thla week. DeRoastt sad Bxeella are two yrrnng woniea wko apis gnne wltk llgktnlng. like raplOlty.1 The JM.rrtlooa Makrama bar a fine get sad Ih. TwVo brothers are giving an of tb atroneeat Wta oa th bill. To orrow, Waahlngtea' Mrtbday, th abows will he eoatlBSena trosi S:SO ta 10:4 p. bj. . ?" , .w . ; xrollay X4ae Waata aYaoadaai mead. - Representatives of the Willamette Valley company appeared before County Judge Lionel R., Webster knd Commis sioners Barnea and Mghtner tiils morn ing and asked permission to run the ilh,-n,fw 'ctrle building from Salem alone the Vfnnari.. road.. The member of the county court werw naaooj upon wnat conditions they would allow the railroad to Ke ,im along the county's highway for a dls lence af about one and a half miles, thus entering the elty by thatmnt. The membere of the court anrT the com. puny b ag-nia win meet on March t to dlarusa the matter, and It la thought that a declaton will alao be given then regarding -the uae of the road. IUGIU5IIT USEilTDHIC dL Portland A Seattle Company So curoa tho Editlr for Work ; : -V;. ori thColumbia. "'4 WILL TOW MATERIAL ' , t FOR THE RIVER SPAN Seven; New Barges Also Bought for ' Use in Construction of PlerV-An- ! other Boat May Be Got When WU- lamette Bridge Is Begun. ! .i v Of flcUlg of tha PorUand A 'Seattle Railroad company, closed a dsi raster day for tha tug Kdlth. which will be ue4 at Vancouver during in a jsonairuo tlon of the bridge which will be built across tha -Columbia river. Tha veaeel wai nurchaaed from J. O. Ifexler A Co. f aid, Washington, and will so to. Vancouver today. . Bha la 7I.T ft long, 17.7 feet beam and I I feet depth The ajenerai line of work which will be performed by the Kdlth will be the toarlng of bargee toaaea who ni.iii for construction of the .bridge. - 8he will eiao anna, tha derrick soow and eon. crate miser back and forth Between tne niera af tha nroDoaed Btruciure. : navon bargee which have been built at tha Buppla yards for Use at the bridge alta wriu. ha taken over there by the Edith and It la aald that she will be placed la service at once. Aaothar Tbst Be Vaad ! Whan netlva work begins on the' Wil lamette bridge It Is (Ivan out that tha company will purchase another tug for aervlce at that point. It ta neia tnai one craft of thla sort eaa be kept fully employed at each of tha brldgee. - The Edith la an ocean-going tug, hav ing been employed in towing' echooners to sea from Oray'a Harbor and at other porta along the coast Recently aha baa been operated from the salmon-canning plant owned by 3. O. Megler Co. After the Edith and tba otnor tug whlcb wllL be jrorchaeed; get Jhrough with the work laid out for them to do at the bridgea it la probable they will be uaed for towing achoonera in and out ever the Columbia river bar. MKT Oempete Wltk atanriiaei Tug. Should this arrangement be made the Portland At Seattle company will entef Into direct competition with the Harrl man intereeta which have enjoyed a monopoly "lOTTh tuning" buslueeg at'tbsr mouth of the river for years. Captain ll. O. winters wiu nave com" mand of tha Edith. It la announced definitely that the ataamer Erneat Ha mil will not be purchased by ine roruana geatUe -Railroad . company contemplated. Tha name of tha aecond tug likely ta be purchased by the eon. paay is not disclosed at thla time. . LUMBER FOR ISLANDS. Oompaay Seeka Teaaela to Carry Sard. weed cat SrsSayji Vits. . oa capUIn la port aay . that their veaaela could be placed on - no mora profitable run than carrying tumber be tweea Portland and the Philippines, pro viding that they could get full cargoes to bring on the return trips at reeaonaDie rates. They also aay that 111 per LOOS feet coming thla way would be about tha correct figure, on me outwara voyage they aeeura In the neighborhood of 111.10. . . ' , - . There la aa effort being mad by the Philippine Lumbar A Commercial com pany to establish a large' lumber yard at Portland. Practically all that stands In the way of tha venture going through la tha neoes salty for procuring tonnage to brlng cargoes of lumber . from the Islands. The matter la being taken np by agents of the company with the own ers of Britlah ahipa now at Portland. One of them, the Falls of Dae, Is load ing for Manila and it la probable that ahe will be engaged to bring a cargo of hardwood lumber back from the Philip pines. Tha Britlah ahtp Eakaaoni la also loading lumber for tha Islands and It la possible that aha may be engaged to make tha return trip. With two or three Bailing veaaela placed on the route In regular commission it la aald that tha Philippine concern would soon be in a position to build up a great market for the hardwood of tha far east. . DRAW BRIDGE J.IKELY. atlttae TU1 rrlday or SaAmrday. . Clrcumstancea have made It necesaary to poatpona the Port 4t Portland meet ing at which tha members of tha com. mlttee : which had beea aent east to gather data relative to bridges were to make a report. Jt ia now probable that the meeting .will not be held before Fri day or Saturday afternoon. It Is explained that the statistics OLD AGE XTOV VVOsT TBABS, BIT xrron tit at fobob. "In , Portland lately there has been a good deal of dlscuaalon In regard to old people. Home at years call --themselves old. and really appear so, while others at 70 years aeem active, vigorous snd young.'." ? ' It Is not years, but it IS loss of vital force that makes a person old. ' Weak ened digestion, thin blood and poor cir culation soon start functional powers and vitality on the wane, and then, the symptoms of -bid age quickly appear. - A member Of the firm of Woodard, Clarke A Co., our well-known drug gists, says "thit old feeling nay be warded off, and we wish every person In Portland who feels old, whether they ara bo In 'years or not, would try the great, discovery, VlnoL We know that It has vital principles which will in a natural manner atrengtben digestion, send ' rich, red blood coursing through the vlns, snd give nsw life and Strength to every organ of the body, and this is what makes the old feel young again. , Mrs, H. W. Avery says: ..-.'' -At the age of It r felt the need of a' tonic, something to strengthen and build me up. ' For some time I have been taking Vlnol, and I have found that it brings vigor and renewed vitality to the aged sa nothing else will." - Vlnol re pa Ira worn tissues, checks the natural deellno-and replaces waskneae with strength. It la an ideal body builder for old folks, v v - -.. We promise you that Vlnol Is, first of ail, agreeable, . becauee u contains no fishy oil. . Second, that it le a genu ine cod liver medicine, containing all the medicine! euratlvea and itraneih. imaklng elements taken direct from free coo livers; ami third.' we will return your money if it. does not do exactly what we claim for It'; Woodard, Clark A Co, drug gists, ; , . ' Palpifaiicn . Indigestion causes ts stomach ' to" expand sweU and pu9 up 'against the heart This crowds : the heart and interferes with its action, causing shortness of r breath, palpitation of the heart, eto. '' Kcdol : Dyspepsia Cure : moms WHAT TOO SAT s, . Ukes the strain otY the heart,' and contributes nourishment "etrtraiaTvaaffiTf7 every : organ of the body. Cures Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, tour Stom-"; aehi Belching, Gaa on Stomach, and all Stomach troublss. V . , l-. v". - SaWvIows. ' , Three years age I was afflicted ' ; with ladlcestlos as aiach that ; I was is eoatiaual pals, After ' eating my heart was atectad and I had ssBotsariag aeasaflona. Twe bottlse of Xodol eared bm. . AUXRT iUsTJst.;;: " C7A MlaP awaVJw eaankWaa tlmm as arac as fae frWarAew. at a DrWt.,atev,U.S.A which were secured have not yet been compiled folly by Engineer Lockwood, one of the membere of the committee. Besides. Captain A. X Pease had to go to Astoria yesterday to await tha arrival of the oriental liner Nutnaatla and bring her np the riven She is expected to put in an appearance either today or to morrow. It bo. Captain Pease will be here In time ror the apsctai meeting to be held the latter part of the week. . Shtppera and others who are deeply interacted la . the bridge natter are anxloua for the question to be nettled Just aa quickly aa possible. Conjecture a etUl being Indulged in aa to what sort oronage the members or tne committee are in favor of the railroad company tuiidingacros.the Trniamstta, rlvfin- While the commissioners ref uae to dl vulge any direct information t on the subject. It Is generally believed tbat they will express a preference for the drawbridge, much on the same plan aa those which now span the river. It le ettll argued Just aa strongly aa ever by those who are 'dose friends of the Port of Portland membere that a lift bridge la Impracticable aerose a river the width of the Willamette. It la declared tbat if a bridge of that sort were eonatruoted the river en both a Idea of the channel would neceasartly have to be ruled with piers, a conditio not to be thought of for a moment. From occasional remarks dropped by the mem bers of the Port of Portlaad It la de clared "that the Idea of building m lift bridge waa abandoned some time age. r 7 STILL FEAR MINES. " lie sal Oowipaay '. eelnr Blowm Vp. 1C C Harrison A Co. are still lnsur Ing vessels clearing for Vladivostok or Port Arthur against lose by coming In contact with floating mines. The ratee for thla line of business are quoted at H ' per cent. The ateamshlp Lyra, which cleared from the Bound the other day for the Siberian port, took out a rlek with the local company at thla rate. There have been no aecldenta from mines recently,- but the underwriters say they have positive proof that la certain latitudee oriental watera are full of them. It la also declared that a great many years will elapse before the d angera from - thla source will be entirely -removed. t1- Owners of vessels frequenting . the danger aortas are . talking . atrongly of forming some plan of procedure for re moving the mines, v It Is believed that they can be located and removed at smaller coat than, that for inaurance. . Ai. C Harrison left a few days ago to make an extended trip to China and Japan, v He expecta to be absent for three-months. On hie return he will Portland. . , , ' FOR BIGGEST SHIPS. Bredge Will Ftnlsk Bsepeniag Ohannel In Front of AUblaa, Book Best Week. By .the latter part -of the week, the dredge Columbia will complete the work of deepening the river ia front of the new Albtna dock being built by the O. R. A N. Co. ; The channel la being given a uniform depth of If feet at the low water stage, to make it possible for the largest vessels to go In and out of there with ease. Heretofore consid erable difficulty was experienced in getting the oriental liners eway from tha dock whea they were fully loaded. It la said that the dock wll be completed in time for freight to be discharged at It by .the middle of next month. The apparatus In the structure is being so arranged -that the task of handling freight will be greatly minimised. SPICK AND SPAN. -v lagpociors Busy Bxamialng , ATllaaoe and Toledo. . United States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller were busily .employed today In specting the steamers Alliance and To ledo. The latter has Just come off the drydork, where she was given a gen eral overhauling. She is now lying at the ooaJ bunkers and as soon as she has passed Inspection will leave for' the north in command of Captain Shaw. The Toledo will ply In Alaskan waters during the spring and summer. 1 . The Alliance Is scheduled to go out on her regular . run .' between Portland and Eureka and way porta tomorrow night. She has also been given a thorough i : ., OBOtrJP -V"'- . Begins with the symptoms of a com mon cold; there is chlllness, sneaalng, sore throat, hot akin, quick pulse, hoarsen and "impeded reajplration. Give frequent small- doaes of Ballard's Horehound Syrup . (the child will- cry for 1.), and at the first sign of acroupy cough apply frequently Ballard's Snow Liniment to the throat - . . . Mra. A. Vllet, New Castle, Colorado, writes, March l, isei:.-. i tnina ttaj. wriitej eieivn . , ...... . . lard'e aorshound Syrup a wonderful remedy, and so pieaaant to tea. Sold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. r vi-VV;;' $18 and A P , At e m v.. . $iv; ana IWV a T WTwill -ip4 for. Flwt 1EB TTJEN. DICK LEI LEE YUEN & CO. Onlases peejteie, -J ' . 101 Fine St, bet Fifth and Sixth. - Successfully treat all classes of -dlsajaae with STRICTLY CHINESE HERBAL REMEDIES Which are earing patients la Forte land ovary week; curing even those who have been given up by other doctors. -. If hope haa departed and effort seems futile;' de net be discour aged. . . : We Can Cure Yea And aa we are at no expense for eoetly equipment and palatial adorn monte, .. ' , , t , OUR CHARQES ARE " VERY LOW T The Borrowing, suffering sick are in vited to consult us free of charge. Come and see us today. Be treated byhystciana . who . oaa cure yen overhauling, haa been repainted from stem to atern and present the appear ance of a new craft ALONG THE WATERFRONT. 1 With a cargo of 101.000 feet of lum ber the schooner Eric, Captain Wick, left down thla morning bound for San Pedro. The shipment was supplied by the Port land Lumber company. The schooner Virginia arrived yester day end moored at Inman, Foulaen A Cc's mill, where aba 'will load lumber for a California port.. She completed the run from San Francisco to the Co lumbia river In 10 hours, one of the quickest passages made this year. Their bonds having been approved, a license waa granted yesterday t Simp son At Sullivan to conduct, a eallor boarding-house. Feeling sure that they would be allowed a license, the new firm opened up a couple of weeks ago, - .- - The steamer Dalles City le expected to reach port this afternoon -from.. the point on the upper ' Columbia river, where ahe waa sunk couple of weeks ago- "' ''."'-,.'' . ;''.'. - : : ' The revenue cutter Perry arrived laat night and ' dropped anchor off ' the Haseltlne dock. She will remain in the harbor a few days and then return to Astoria.-, . .' , .i -'- : i,aden with freight and earrying a large number of passengers, the eteam era Columbia snd F. A. Kllburn nailed laat night for San Francisco.- ., ' . Major Bl W. RoesBier left for the sound yesterday on official business. v - Whenever the weather conditions are favorable Commander - Werllch, ' In spector of this lighthouse district, will board the tender Heather and make a orulae up the ooaat aa far as Gray's Harbor.. He left for Aetorla laat night to wait for the bar to 'get smooth. Ths British ship Argus began receiv ing a cargo of grain this morning at the Irvlngton dock for tra asportation to the United Kingdom. Should . the rainy . weather - continue much longer the Willamette river ie ex pected to overflow Its banks." It rose S.l feet at saiem iaat aigni ana i.s rset at Portland. - Locally it haa reached a strut of S.l feet above the low water mark;.- Fifteen feet Is the danger point. Btorm warnings are still up along the coast and the Columbia rlver bar Is rough.' , i. ;''. ' .-,..,.,' r. V-U MARINE NOTES. I A stoFlar Feb S irA rrtre -doeiri t 1:10 and sailed at 10:10. a. ra.. Steamer Columbia, for San Francisco, Arrived down at 7:10 a. m., steamer F. A. KU- burn,' .;. , ... ', , .. ..'n, i :. - "" t ' ' $20 Gfadie I. K ': Aa a a - '. .. .W . AwF'aV' id urcae r -(,a $10.00 Grade ; .. , ; . Of lnof Innrr . W ta JLk ,VT AAA IlWIi AUQk AWllfji UVwV tW IKIiiil -.";.i. ,' . ' t' - - We treat eneeeefuny an prtvate ttsr voue and ehroale diaaaese of men; alee ' blood, eteeaeeh, heart, liver, kidney sod threat troubles. Ws cure STPHTL1 (without meroury) to stay cured for ever. We remove ' STRICTTJRB, wits out operation or pain, in II days. . We stop drains, aight losses aad spermatorrhea by a new nnethod ia a abort time. We can reetore the sexnsi vigor of anr man under 10 by asaana ei local treatment peoullsr to ewselvee. W Cure Oonorrhoea ;r : -In'a Wek v ; The doctors of this Institute are an rejiuaj gnauaua, nave aaa many Portland for II years, have a reputation ta maintain, and will undertake ae ease unissa certain cure can be effected. - We guarantee a cure la every eaae undertake or chares no fee. . Consults. I tlon free. Letters confidential Instruo. five BOOK FOR USM zaaUed tree la plain wrapper. We euro the worst eeaee of pries ta twe or three treatments, without opera tion. Cure guaranteed. . . Jfreu eanaot oedl at ofBoe, write far IN A Ofsos Ikoura, te t aad 1 1 B. Sundays aad Holidays, l td lx, ;' DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. - Offloas ta Tea Hoy Betel. It Thlr i Street Corner 'Pine. Portland, Or. v' aWWEATIRLY.-J.GPECrt; 0W W CqaCahoCoke :v v'-'.r,-" . '. sf sstt iJOsWsTJjfc'. ''i:;:' The largest factory in the Nor I o ALL' HOME CAPITAL, :'v i cyim mm J, - BpeMl tavtUttoe, Is given to atl dlaeeoraged saftarers who beve been treated wlrhoat reoelvlag a -ear. We bold ost-ao fakw promh.;-W w(U glv yoa-a falr aad keaoat oplnlofi wf post the SotoBs, sad Art f MedMns, Sartery aad xaeeMeMy kav fregiaal la ear aaaa aatll wa soaaaae Bat ealy evory ham, acaiaanry. bat the aiil -with whlah ta apply It fag a ear f tka ailanats. Our asetbods ar tb bast W hsoW tbm to he the bast, be. eanae veere eff HHriMM aad aatenatea . aeaariea beea neejeea frteVlltaJ Mflt , then a be- Mvh. ....... - nB to a ia ta ( i . ... ... ' enred ther al w eaa ear yoa. - , a AU sua aflletod with any Brv-d.illty r bleed die are arged te eaaw to as at see at fsllwt eraldene. fjoaeultattoa free aad iavMed. .. , . - l ;: ; iv;.: Nervous' tutd Skk Mn WEI B V;:-'V.. :r- -4 & : . ; Write for Symptom Blank If Yon Cannot Call i - - f " i St leds' hisd i5 Snrglccl Dispensary --tZtyanbin; Street,7 Portland, Oregon.'' v , f-' San ' Francisco, - Feb, ; II. "Arrived, schooner Mabel Qele, ' from , Portland, JO .a.owtsamsr - 8enator, - r for Portland.'. Arrived, schooner, W. F. Jeweit, from Columbia river, , ' , Astoria,' Feb. 1 flailed at 11:30 p. sv, steamer Cascade, for ' sas Pedro, f i ,nf,. i',.j'i; ' ".; rM in fima UW 1U; UiUvl . . . r r: T.t.,....V: .'r".4' t ;-. I question blank. Home trcetatent HICarloqo -irrrr. - l . - . v- e- A, Ai A . ' .'k t' C . A-eT ,' J- , - , V v'i .' i -- ' " jiTionison Excnunation FVcoU Diasnqsb Frco : ; Ikaa't Wt valnabl flni ad moay bnt etrwtMt eonBoeaee. 1 i . w have Arrived down at 1:40 p. nt, ataamsr Csarlna. - Jr bar at I a. m.. rough; wind , southeast; waatnar, rainy. .... j. ... f : r San .Frsnclsoo, ! Feb. II. Sailed noon, schooner Halcyon, for the Celuta. ' ' bl rl , -f "'J, v.. -,.1,: : , t; r' r.