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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
r m ' "s rvr"T" T ' 1 .a wV4iiif wi .. .-.. - - - r- . - WANTSii fa-teec tor office; bo exnerlene Beceaearyi It tsoulre. roll dst-.s 11 Nertn fourth at., ear. Fourth end buruiae. RfH'KRY snd meat market; good bual Iocs lion en P" M Srs.1 w. 11 i at lu- -xulue about- r- J e- e1 -. ,- god . U.I. tmxtXMi. mhn for W. FOR RALE Growing r-wal -s tu fscrory town) cash tnu; tun store I timM tow sapsnsea; discount.. Adurea Swlf Bird, ear Journal, ' . . - A W BI.L-LOCATED boarding-bouse, near Wash. higt at., oluaa in, 6"M0i uu better In Mm market (or the money.. Also grocery stores. rnilng-boure, at your sws fbntrer Bl.OuO 1 equity la 10-room hones, beach, airs sur , xoundluga, to sxefeaags tat atock -groceries, furniture or horses. .-. . OTTO 4k CROCKETT, , . ; -t v ' 248 Washington. " WANTED A fine opening for a refrigerating i -engineer: one with some eaplUl desired, was ' would teko as active Interest, la the buefaens. Tbl la wonh Invmtlgstlng. Adureae.Maa .' agcr. box 4le&, Vwwwtt Waal. - ' FOR SALEK3AL ESTATE SQUARE DIAL RAL ESTATE CO. . If yoa waat the earlk coma ssd taka It. . Wa ar sslllug It cheeper thsa f etssi It. . ,,, . 1,240 sere 1 altoa mat of Corvellls: 3T ' ander eultlvutfan. 860 slashed. 260 , good saw , -timber. 380 paeture, good 61.800 house, lares .- bara 04x100, with eat i Is barn aad Ursa Bin :': -china bami aa CoriallU Baatara B. R.. Pries 12S par acra. A baaatUat bady ot had " (or a colour. , vui.. 400 arraa la tba ealebratad Waldo kJllas tOQ aodsr cultlTaUoa. M aorsa hops, dry "kiln, bara aad dwelling ba; ana a tba ' aast tarsia Is tba auta. -at paf . . 300 arraa on Joba Ir rl, fla Ha . frea Columbia) partly nudar Irrlcatloa, about ana aau anoMr mnntm, ins i-wnw naw bara sOiaO. la haad boraaa. bat ' ft, a sraanna. raanar. Blowa. harrows. drill; dwalllnff baautlfull tlnfrtad, lacludlnc Uoaia - CoattorT ataal ranra, atoaboarda and pUaa ararrtblna goaa for $3& par acra. i 168 a eras at Fhlioaiatb. Or W aeaa aadar ulttratlon. houaa and baraj K.tUO. - 140 acraa, Pbllonatb, Or 16 aadar pkMT i and IB additional la rasa baarlng .apnla ...orchard, 60 paatara) aouaa aad barn; Bcfca f. fS.6t0. . . . . 160 arras. Llbaral, Or., U bottota laad. U arraa andar rultlratlon, fins mad, amall - houaa-and bara) wall fsoead; jitM par acrs ' R. I. aad talspboM. ' ' ; 100 arraa. Uartoa. Tamblll oooatr. Or.f TO . andar caltlranoa,- It paatura, eraak runnlu J- - tbraucb paatara, 10 ilatbsr. S -story -rooal ' boaaa, aaw, aad othar oatballdlasa; orebard; ,-Mar rhnrro, achoel. R. C and talapboaa) .. alaa a atloa at soar barav Waaart aad kv euhator; 60 pw arrs. ., ..... . ... . , . . ; 10 acraa. Wraa. Bantoa aoontr. an 0. B. . R.; IB arraa eultlratad. good arcbard. all 'kinds of ban Ma, good road, achool. ckarca, aaw and grist mills, T-roaaa boaaa, - larwa woodabad and tarpsntar ah so snwblnad, bara BBioa, granary lailB, xl caotboaaa, B.D. " and tolrpbona; pries 11.000. :;".. T arraa. SO hi caltlratloa. raradala. What . con rouutT, Waah.t arraa (aally arabard. t all kinds fruit, also rary cbolca aaraary arla tlrs ( amaU fruit; balaacu ealUratad land , aardad to grsaa; a-rootn dwallln. Jarga 'Bara 1 and othar aaUaalldlnga: arirs i.at0; D. . Vaad talapboaa, oa (Ts. . f . 68 H a errs at Orsgsa City. Improwd, Hi par acrst KM yscda frant corporation Una. :, 180 am nsar Asrara. Or.; las aalUratod, '.18 arraa ftoa baarlng orchard, to raa bapa. ' 1 hop kilns. 8 barns, alio, 18.000 lS-roont ' dwsllhtg built 1 yesra, firs aillrs of tiling. wsll fsncedi na of ths heat linsrorad farms in ursgon; prioa fta.uuvi . u. in phonal on proposal Saba and Portland also- . trie caraao. -, 10-sar appla orchard: last yaar bar I T60 b'-kll , soxaa; naar nairm: in. - .' a um aaa half ail la from Laata. aarsd and Daftly lafni t. Il.SW. 10 acraa oa rarllna. cloas In: U rod Ars Isnklng for aoawthaig to plat Ifa a dalay. U Ibaro U anything alaa you want aak tut fL Wo will hunt It ap or giro up tba gun. W.Ok lUk, atoaaaio, Altaky Bldg. A BNAP. Par Bnta MoAWa f-rooa haoaa. fmalsbad. 8.800; sash, aalaacs tarsal! aa aa lnra taunt., yaya 18 par aast. . Phono Boat : 1MT. . ... -.. - ,. . . ON TO BOTBRI i S . .. TIP THB COLtTMBTAI V ' Ilsgalar ataaasra from Psrtlaadt chsspsst -. rataa fma tba oaast to lalaad polntsi as . as ad. kaary aoll. asrpataal tratar right with . aach tract, sarHoat pradurta, largat pilusat tba California of tba North was. Writs ; . H0TBB LAND CO.. . ;': ' Barar. Waaktegtoa. . 86.T60 a ROO hi saw houaa. awsll location, .v.. bah TwauW-thlrot -had Taaaly-faairtb. - aa Erarotf aM tsrass, 88.800' caao. ' balanra 8 - . 'par crt. ' Jr. B. tlroth. North Elgbtssnth V at., hai, Oaala snd 8aratt ata. Paoaa'Paelaa . MBW 8-roaai eottaaw,1 fan aasMot haasa goad plsabtoai prlra $1,060: oaay tsi is t It. Baltb. ToO Ohaabar of Oaajmarro. BAROAIN tfsaat Tabor, Tsotn boaaa, stabls, lot 100x100, Owaar,. UO Third at. turn i room cottars, largo lot. class to car, a ha As tiasa. wood-floor plastar, watar la '. houaa, atraabl gradad, 90-foot allays, prlos . 8600; $60 down aad 810 par sxontbt 8-roots i - bousa, $T00: 8-rona cottags. all fatnlabad . fwat-elasa,. fat 8600, part cash. Bra owaar. Jna Mash, la whits boaaa at Kaahrllla addi tion, oa tba MU Boott carllaa; big dlsoouat 8BI.LWOOD City 4srk. oa tba baaka of tba Wlllaawtta, lota U dawn, 88 par rrra; xins 'racxory ars wxia warar sowar; Ross addition 40 cbolca homes from $600 to 88.000. W. H BOOH CaaUUa stsh Bslhrrsi. Or. . .. :( i ACEB TRACT1I ." 0t BPKC1AXTT IB ACBB tXACTIt PaU-staad atrssts, tratar to aaek' asm. . TV PBB ACBB CAtlf 1 : 10 PER ACRBPEB MONTH.. Taa an to taaaa acraa a tba ssmo car, . pay tba Sam ka fara tha tot axaa pays. Tba Jat your neighbor, bat ba a rs atrlctsd (a toajarlty at faatarsa that ask traa aubarbaa boaaa. Opsa Wadaaadap asdiatarda axoalaga, , .. av d CHtmcHiiii Obw ina : --.i . . it.v. : ... U, soa Bt. , .. .w4 4 ,y A CH0ICB lorstloa oa tha oral aau la; W1U " build houaa to aalt; amaU payment dowa, balanra assy tarma. Phaaa) Boott 8307, or -r. - rail aoo caannsrcwi . ' BUXWOon IXrTi. 88 4 awn and 88 a saaath; from 8TB to 1300. BsUwoed Towns! U Co. .; Pboaa Boat 4T04. . - A CHOICB location aa tba ponlnaala; will j build hoosa to snltj small payaaaat dowa. ' . ' balance aaay terms. Pboaa Brstt 8S0I. ar call 00O OouimrrcUl Hog. . . , ,- ira. ml IB mlnutea from csntar of tba ' . dty; high and slxhtly; part cash, balaars easy tarns, rasas Bcott 830T, or caU 808 t- CoaaarcUl Mdg. .... -'i - . f-ROOM houaa at Highland, with 1 lots cheap at f Bono noon eoui." ACRES of beautiful )aad at Ml. Tabor reser- voir, ill la fralt: will make a flno borne for . atan baring baalnsss la Portland; will ball ? i at 84.000 cash. Write ar see F. A. Millar, Kylran, Or. -" .. ' TWO B-acre trade . adjoining, close to else. trie line, 10c fare, en laprorsd county read; prlra only 1.000 tor both, or will aeli - separately. Address owner, O 88, loams L 89 ACBKS TH altea from Portland, near ear. line, 8IT0O; part time. 881 Ulbbard at. ( Moatanlla.. Pboaa Eaat B38T. " QITABTBR blockl aaw 8-room hoass, hall, naa try aad bath, percrlala tub,, electric Itsbta, ( s trait aad Bowers, blocks from Hlghlaad V arboot, 1 block from 8 earllnee, B-alauta carries, only IB mlnutea fma center of the cltyi high and sightly; part cash, balance ....' seay terms. Pboaa Scott 8307, or CaU 804 4 ComaMrclal bldg. . , r FOR BALK One B-rooa cottage with SH arrea . ' t round. H mile from city limits; plenty fruit . 'snd berries; price 18.000, 800 esse. la . ' . qnlre Rbelapfsla Hotel, . rroat aad Madl- ., . eon ata. . " ' "TWO big bares Ins la Bona raids; a-mom rest. ' i '. dears, aiodrra -bnaset rnaue ajnleki terms. sV 181 wrana are. BI'BINRflg BICK. requiring aa In rot merit at f BT.ono; party stands ready to leeee for ( - years at price that will pay 90 per rent an, final Income to owner. Hoaia Land Co., :. 148H Ptrst at, . , ,,. ,. .. . B ROOM BOimB aad snlendld lots (50x100 - , each I Is fruit snd gaedeni Bos place for ailtryi aa at. iohaa earllae. Boast Laad .. 146A, rtrat at. CHlCKt re-' e a ""-; ert-g aaw ilr r i - u A OC?n T-roont bouca, modern, tot aOxloO. TO ft trots cnt Uns, on essy terms. Price . 0a se Pt aad Twaotybth sts. ' 1 Uneit-a.aas, ap-to-dsts 8-rooa Waaa. t la erary re'et,, with fi-tec, la ..' t of aufi V- eo B ear-t.- 'Tles- v . Terms. - ,.. ' . 4 boue, b '4 a he's a strr. oa s - . clooe m, new t p iaU s water i V-r conneetss, . ple.tty of fraitj will rit for 810 per moo mi. Price $2,000. 8-aauaa bouee, tot s-xl00, plenty ef fralt aad flow, tlneet anbark la tba city, la lrrtug . ton. Pries $4,600. B-raom bouse. 8 rooms below and t upstairs, good cellar, f lota 60x100 escb, H M la i atrewbarrlee, good fence a round . the house, barn and seedVned, U block to csr baa, beuaa Wired lor sieetricty. Price $1,800. room est lass with good pautry, bath and etoreruoa, good woodshed, fat 60x100, aor-a fruit, 1 block from car Ikse. a natty Uttle ,., place, price 800; 8300 or f00 down. lana ' agreed time. '"-room modern boaaa hi erof aasnsctV gaa and electric llxbts and ass r-.-e i in ine bc atnreraem and rcoroom. tUebeu. dining-room, ' slttlug rosm and t-iUm parlors oa ground floor, B bsdraoww Detain, worlds of rose, fine slew, J lx-k to schools, close to care, on west rtia. prle fd.Owr'xroaJd taka sots . IffttAs Close In. - JO acraa oo tba Bsaa Mot josd. close In,, at 8400 per acre, or B acres, earns location,- C per acre, er 80 acres, about Ys la fruit. . fine water, 4M pec acrsv 1, sails fma cay lias. . . A fine 8 -a ore chiekea reach, a fair house. barn and chicken corral, a Blco -orchard of assorted fralt, plenty of- berries, good wsll at house and running stream on place; close to. depot. miles troa city; price $1,800. ' .block, 100x100, nicely Vocsted. closa to , car line,. 8-room modern cottage la every . respect; concrete wslk In front of the hones and 8-foot concrete walk around the ; koust, sis a concrsta wall la treat 24 Inches htrh; fins chicken bones that coat $188, and . wire chlckear corral 96x&0 a fma lawn and nil . kind, of ata rubbery, plasty of trait; fins Id " cailtyj price 84.500. ., .. . , ' Bona i, Hamilton Bldg. - Third sc. bet. Waabtagtoa and Aide. SO ACRES 10 miles from Portland, 60 la enltl. , Tatloa, bouse. S barns, , 10 sores fins or- chard, alls to achool and -enureB. rao nlng wster; $6,000, n cash) will trade for ...tily protiertr. ....... ". ' ..... .... 's 80 acres, 60 In -eultlratloa. naw boaaa and harn. . fine orchard, well located. lVi allea ' from railroad elation aad on all to church, achool aad store; $00 per acre, H easb. , 10 acrss. Mount 8cott aear carllna, no -graTclwrll ; located. $126 pa acre: $2&Q .cash, be la ore on, two and thrae yaara. Klae 8-room boose, Thurman street, lot 60 8100. stone wall, hsdgs. fine . ahrubbery; all lata ImaroTementa. onlr t&.wna. aw wilt trade for wsl) lanrorad B ar 10-acrelrscif . near elty. ,y . .. . . ' . jeeoa e-rootn house. Twenty-rbtra, west , side, all modern lmprors meats, $2,800; good terms, CHABLKSON IfDILL. ' J ' ' 810 AUefcy bldg. Pheaa Pactfl I1SL $800 Pnettoaal lot, eaat aide, aaa black troa , carHna , and aioee la. , .. - , . BnonXLet and cheap cottage In Bssnystds. . 81.000 8 lots East Tblrty-fooxth at... Bear . Balmoni bargala, ' 81.260 an acraa aear dty Ualtsr thte hi . a . food buy. j, , -ii - $,oo0 8Sill lot and tw cottages, laa ta, west side.' '- - - - fZ50O yuartec block, aast side, closa tai asast bo taken aook It at thla price, , ",vi OAVIlBOH, WARD CO., . n'.-r 1 i i 408 Chsabe ot Coexaerca. ' ' i ' ' 'i $200 CASH, balance 81.000 at $16 a month, for n B-rooa cotlsgs one block from car, ' MoaUrUla; concrete bessmeut. bath, dty water; lot 40x126. That's paying rant to 8000 e raah. balanre $1,008, at $30 a mooth, fine home of 914 acres la Montarllla; acre of fruit la hearing, aalaaea rader - for a fine , ksa m fins state of cultlrstlon; 8-room hooss, bara. uiaruiniwea ,. a mar place; f six blocks from car. 100 , lota 11 and 99. block 184, Cnlrerslty Park r close to carlloe. J v . 4. ' BLAIB HURLBTJT, . ;,'"' .-. 1 " . Ill Ahlaetna BU. " S- AND T-t tn mtmr va- -, a peat, for vacant k take Wsodlawa ear. . 870 Berhcld STS.; Pboaa Beet 8641. . T-ROOM bouse at Hlghlaad. With 1 lots cheap at 81.000. Pheaa aSoTTT . - FOR BALD A new 8-room houaa and S lots, bara aad chkfcaa eon p. at bargain; eeay terms, pboaw 5U .., d LOTS hi Albtna. elans to two earUaea, S mln alas' walk to railroad shop. Pheaa Baat B623. 0WXER of good lot to Alblna will build as suit parcneeer: part raah, rei - paymsnts. Celt 107 Third St, B4 ACRES. all .fruft: fine mratloa. Inquire rrsnk . villa. Pboae Best 4129. WUIard. afsata- BOOK banemant, lot 80x180, dty feolrVet rosea, fralt: one block .. . v... . mw, inn j vat VIOCH , ear Una; good locality: ka Oreea Point Ore- new uvi pnr ai.max, goaa w. Kelly. i owaar, Oregon City, Oregon. , n.f 'J- TJVThfPBOTED' LAKDS. . -i (. ; . SO acres, DougU aonaty. . - o ,, f Douglaa county, timber. . , t - 190 acre near McMtaarlll. . . JO arrea Deer Iadependeare. . t '. Sea food buys. - Uet arlcaa. V . OOBOON. SOS PAXON PARK v I ow e the msrksc , Lata at , aersege ' Wsb; ttoo;.:'fr T--.'-:,r;- ; Lota looxfoo. Baoo. .- , , , ,t., Lou 900x200, 8400. - r ,.,.' Thsee hti are all la rultleatloa. leral and alcbtly, pa a graded street, 6 minutes' walk to goad 10-room achool at Lsats; $-ceat fare to any part ef Portland; water free. Terms. O. R. Addltoa, owner. Laata. Ore gon; tsks Moan Scott car, 6a. $8,000 Large, modern 1 8-room bouse aad car- aer lot su phat at.j laeaaae 680 at eld rents. 4,000 Lei aad hooaaa en Third St., K Bear Oo liege. . . 84.800 Modera 6-rooa boaaa aad lot oa , fillsss St., near Twenty-first at. ' $1,450 T-room house aad tot TBxSS tart aa , Union are. aad Ptoreace eU .. $1.680-jp acres S mile osst ef Moaat Tabor, all In culUratloa. part la fralt. . - $14.000 foraar fat and house ef 24 room : an Sixth st": lnceme $12a . $10.000 Half fat and I -story balldlng aa , Frent at. ; Income $100. t - P. ABRAHAM. US Second St. ' ' BIOOEBT SNAP IN PORTLAND. The chsspsst block with 6 houses; this Care of ground alone will ha worth $50.oi0 lea tbaa 8 years. - Pries $20,000, with terms. Don't fall to larestlgste, .- F. FUCHB. 14lb lrat.r. - 90 ACRES Ireet laad. all eultleated, oa tha peninsula, near car Mae; a fine bargain: a buildings: nam 11 acre adjoining, with 8 ,- aubetantlal 7 -room houss, en tine rosd. -,. A fin 6-aore boeee, good T-room housa, ' good bara, large chicken-bouses, flae beer- lng arcbard) well feared ; would be sa Meal boaaa; Just outside glty Umloi) block to car; . B-oent fare. ,, , , A beautiful B-ecre tract, rich land, at ' Baat Thirty aecocd at.) B acraa eultlratad, . light brnab oa balance; aear car line. Fine chlckea or duck ranch f running water, ' good 8-rooea haasa aad harn; all cultivated and fenced; cbolca- fruit planted; B blocks , to atatloa oa woat aid railroad; SVa miles , aat... r" - j ... . One acre and hew S-rooa bouse aa Moaat - Scott car line, $soo each, balancer monthly, aa Interest. For price and term call oa OBCNDT-MKLRATH Ca, v . . , . -945H Morrleoa-St. . vY'. CHOICB cuarter block oa Irving st.,'wlth three -. bonses. . : . Quarter block. ' with 4 houses, rent lor ' goKl price)-In South ePortlaad. f Floe 19-rooa honee. corner tot. In a beau tiful location, ea west aide, for $8,000; peed 1 term. ' New 8-room house, with two full fata,saa block to ear line, for $1,800: terms. .'- Hardware and tmplemeat baalneaa In tine fsrmlsg eouatry, . esstera Oregas) will sell . separstely If wanted. For part Irnlar I -OBl'NDT-MELRATH CO.. . i ::'.- .... 94BV Morrleoa St. t .' N ST. JOHNS. - $8,000 JS lots, ever aa acra, close la aa car Hn. Tine a peculation. v , . $1,8004 fata, dose la car Una; will , throw la a f -room anflulaned bouee renting ' for $ per month. ... ... . -T.--w .' CaU 81 Fifth St. '. . -. f fi 0PP0RTUNITT. " Beantlful borne In Highland on a klgh aad sightly fat 100x100; . 8-room bones, all modera la aeery way. , It la wall, worth what we aak for It. ' - a. We hare heme nltahl far car aaen.aeer tba Beet Twenty-eighth etreet barna, alaa near tha O. R. N. ear abopa. They are for Bale at reasonable prices. I .. . ' ORKOtt BR0THRRR. ' ! Phone Warn aaua. - 817-18 Ftatoa Bldg. FARMERS ANP ROMFSBBKBRJIt ' It yen look for a email home or good farm, ranging In price from oo to. B?.Bao, In spect ay Met of choirs piece. I ekslleOg . any rear estate man to anew aw a greater . selection of farm bargains than f bsve to pick from. Every rent of. your ex pens as refunded If I misrepresent the lesnt trifle. Isfesugate If you went to be placed right. r . r violin, jaws sirsi. biy faeide prnnerty with a -great : . . par eaat. 68 M. S. Lee, 81, WHO WANTS A P"rT"5 K0MB T TEB RIV f E Esnedslly sttrsctle Vvii'amett riverfront lT-acr plans, a,Kntly geeur t, charming aad ..romantic, rustic ctta, a Uled with pure w - V a i v, ,. --e . atiifnMtoig- thTnasT rs ,g i tt ma.-; nawuice like It can I a f ,a any Are-4oB so eonveulent to the ot : it (! Urore, directly opposite aw c V'- ' o. -., - -. Tual DLIM.t-LAnrtENCB C0MPANT, . . lc4 First St. , FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. 870 acrss near etalkm k valley, 400 te cultivation, bulldlncs, etc.! 898 per acre. ' 80 acres near 1-allas. good buildings, or chard, fenced; $! ) 40 acraa B mucs from Oraahaa, , $1,400; rmcrs. dfadavllw, 40 aadar plow, butld- togs, fenced; 2,ao0. . 50 acr arcbard la behrtng, whiter appla! -810.600. Fin dairy fara dowa river, money-maker. 8 acres couth of dty, $800. , 10 acre east or city, sei. 8 sceeet In Waarietork. 81. -0. , , I lots. Portland i,c "fa. X) 11 KLiMa.H 1nrtlB4f .r-,.hta. 81.000. 'tl. 900. $2.5)0. 8A800. BaVlOuV V.IK $.B00. Ulaf iy quick J Bert bargains la river frontage la .county. 'Diana re ken." " -J ' UH,D " B WOLVEBTON. -80S Coaaardsl blk.. Sd snd Washmgtoa attV Phone Manx 849 68.800 BUYS a 80x100 fat, dose nj. waat side; this la a bargain. See M. . Lee. MM th si, CAUi AT OFFICE. v , Will snow yea large list of beet ranches -and farms la Mate of Ore no aad part of v Wash Ins ton. . Bore hx a sample of one, valley ., farm, S mile from Salem. . containing I7B sera, nearly all bottom laad. 80 seres bops. 90 acres more under cultlrstlon, young or. chard, fine garden and peach land: aereral thousand cords standing timber, fairly good - buildings, large bopnouee -with all necessary 4 apparatus to eoaduct a bop fara, team horse. cow- and Implement, eome bonesbold furnl ' tare; bXOOO; cash, er would consider a trade for a retch or general merchandise hi southern Oregon to the extent of about $9,000, ' $8,000. Choice homed la the dry from 84u0 ' to $18,000. Choirs bargain aad aaay pay . BMnte; choice vacant lota. i, v u . OTTO CROCKETT, V f i , 88Vf Waahlagtoa at. ? ... $8.00 THB ftneet 10 acrea for tha moaer on . the market; only B-cent carfare; 8 acres nicely cultivated, aoo and yoa wiu nay it. 8240. . - LOT. em an Twelfth and Tillamook, full ment walk, cheep, by owner. PnoneTIal 40. 70R SALE FARMS. V- aBntBanaajaaaaaafa 80 acre $ mllea from Rood sUverf S acraa la arcbard, bear tag; 800 boxes hut season; about d acrss axeadow) creek running through the pis os, affording abundance ef free water: good 4 -room house, 14x28, good bara aaa outbuildings. - Price 18,000. ' ; 40 acrss, TW miles from Rood River; SO acres ander cultivation: 18 acraa light Um ber, suitable tor wood: 800 apple tree, 4 Kara eld, aad 800 S years aid; 185 cherry, near and 198 peach Its a; good bouse. '94x97. with baaemest; bara 84x94 with base ment! BU to school aad 1 allea to new railroad atatloa) farm lmplemeam go with the place. Price $8 600. . 10 acrea. 6 altae aut troa Hood River, all Under raJtlrattoa; f acrea la orchard. 000 tree arc 9 years aid aaa la lair eoaaiooa; all ander good fan) wall aad ditch water) It mllea Ilea ta achool; R, F. D. and telephone; hoass and outbulldlovs. Price 88.800. 90 acrss. d Bile oat from Hood River: about 8 scree under euttlvetteu; all am dee fence: part ef this place la rocky, but easily clearedT aawrTPilT TaveirS-rooBl JWtUg h Cleared , large bara. .This la a good boy. Price $9,000. 80 acrea la ITpper Hood Blver vslley; 14 acrea andar cultivation aad fenced; can all ' be Irrigated) 0 acre la orebard. winter ap ples, T years old aad In fair oondirtoe; rbool building near; H alio to noetoftla and store; no building. . Price $8,000. 88 acraa ka t'pper Hood Blver vslley) 0 ' acrea ander enltlvetloal good log bouse and bara: tba very beet of apple land; near ' postofflce aad atore, acbool sad milt This , is oaa of the heat bay la tha upper valley. . Price $1,400. ' . so acrea In frnnar Hood River vsThrr. u Mount Hood atag rend near poctofflco aad sTor) unimproved; no building; 88 serss level. acrss sll roUlag. Thla Is a bargain, rric 80 arraa aear t.aderwoad Laadlng. 'Waah- ' Ingtoai level; S acrea ander cultivation, ' balance light hruah land. 16 acraa alaahedl '. fair honee end outbuildings; host of orchard - Iaad4 14 allea troa. Underwood atatloa aa the north tank railroad. , Price $5,000. . 00 acres, S mllea troa Underwood Land ing, unimproved; rich eoll; the very beat of -flit lssd; wall shsllsred aad plaaty of water. Tbta property will aaor tbaa doable la vxlus wlthla . 19 naeatha, .. Pries Oscres la Clackaaaa coanty) IB acra fenced and T acre ander cultivation; fair bones and bara, good outbaUdlmTs) I alls to aAooL postofflce aad atore. Prle $1,060. ""Tr E0ILI.B RAND. -, -'-; ' . T8 Sixth St.. - - IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. rt ' . 828 Acres 140 cultivated, all fenced; 4 acres la pood orchard, good bsuso and barn, oa eeuaty road; $37.80 par sore; aa half cash, balance 0 par rest. 41lh Acres m allea east at Canby. oa eeuaty road; 96 acrea enltl rated, 0 aero slashed. 00 fralt trass, living water, fair halldtag: $8,000. . ; - : 40 Acres 8 allea from Oregea City) 98 - acre cultivated aad In grain, 10. acre alashed. 6 acrea la good timber, fair Build ings, llvng wster, I news, 1 horse, small wagoa aMTall fsrt&lag tmplcaaata; $8,800. 80 Acres SO acres eultlratad, d ax I lee from , Oregon City, living water, no buildings! 89,4(10; $1,000 dowa. belaace $ per eeot. , 81 Acres 8 H allea troa Oregon atf. 0 acre, esltlvatrd; 90 acre sehedssaaU bouse aad bark, good orchard; 88, OOP) aaa half dowa. balance 8 per cent. . BO acme 8 altos troa Oregeal City) 19 acraa cleared, 6 acre tUahed. good houss sad bars, bring water; $9,400. . ' . Other farm aad timber laad tar sale. OBEOON CITY TBI78T CO., . . j . Oarde bldg, Oregoa City. Oregoa. . ; ORBOO BROS. i m tl Wa hare a flae fara of 89 acraa T aBri sooth ot Oregon City, ea the Molalla road: , good 8-room boaaa, flae bora, farge ' wood shed, mllkkoues end hop ptckera" shan tlss; 1 acre ef hope. 08 acrea cultivated; nop testa and H Interest to large hop dryer. That fct aa excellent buy end the price la right. We bsve almost anything yon might waat la tha way of a fara at prices ranging troa - V of half nof flaa ' wheat Mad that fa very cheep. Com to and see ss; ws will treat you squar., - . ORRUO BBO.. Pheaa Mala 0808. . 817-18 Fa ton bldg. , ' YAMHILL COUNTY FABMS. ' !M acre, all la cultivation. 18 acraa at , fruit) boeee, bara, granary, eta with ms cblnery aad stock) about 1 nil from North Yamhill. Will hs sacrificed f $ per sere. . 280 acrea, 100 andsr plow, about 9 mile from North Yamhill: good honee, new barn, Inemte and stock. Will he Bold for 887 per acre: terms. - . - e ., 100 acre. 00 aadar plow, ahoat allea from Carl toe; floe location; at 60 par acre; iao' acrea, ander pkrv about t miles t from North YarahlU: fair buildings, flaa nprlng; must He cold; $80 per acre: term. t have other vary desirable buye. . Com . ta I HA0EMANN BLANCHABD. f . . . M Fifth at, - '- !.v:- 10 ACRES, all clear, aa atone yr gravel, heviee, barn, gravel rosi, aesr Mllwaakle; prtoa $2,600. - Bog SB, Mllwankle, Or. -- . ALL SOBTS OF BAB0A1N8-. - mtMm. 680 acrea Fine level land, t gtot tracers, I'l'!- ItTa'OOO yallow wsll faceted: $2.98 per acra. - , Alanaocne hn land, timber or agricultural, I' at 62.00: sll In southeastern Oregoa. " ' AIo 9 flne tUlma for homesteads ta Wash-;- ingto. .ty.w T- . . ' ' stooa IT. Washington bldg.. City. FABM OWN8R8 What ha ra yoa ta fara lands ft sslef We have buyers. Write SCOTTISH-AMERICAN, FARM LANDS CO., 09 S. Orsgonlaa Bld.. Portland. Or. 10 OR 90 acre, all ander eulMratfaa. aa Bos l In. rnua, 1 " Plioetee mmim , . , ftae boIIi cbetee fralt, aaw balldlag. Addraaa , S 18. rare Jouraal. - f. . . - - - - - 810.00 PER Aflt 110.00 Irrigated N D Crwdt County, t State. , .WRITE Oregon. . DEED direct from R for pa m pti let BMP, B. t.v r. at w., 981 Aider at.. Portland. Oregon. SUBURBAN BOMB 8 ream bean aad bath. S aciea lssd. beautiful grovn. young arcbard. , at Courtney station. $8,000. " enapMVi acrea at Conrtaay staifaa, aa ay yt . P. - 40 acrss la TamhlH anaaty, B, ' F. B S-rcoa booaa, $20 per acre , L. A. AND A. H. DOWUN0, , ... , Mllwsokle. OTy. ' . - ' . 68,000 a acre apple arcbard aesr the-dty. does to rarllna i rood building; will aril for 1 $ re en, or tak vseant fate as pert paBMBt 1 M7a Talrd 8V . K : A A ,t 2 2 1 1 ; , ; . ; . v.- FOR 8ALE-? ARMS. ' 98 acres; a ale Pisco to aa eld er roung couple; lo acres clear and 8 acrea la aire Slate of .rullliatl. d gardca Jfind; wall oa a good eoanty roi o. wTTR a oast frant; good 8-room bouee, good barn. good chicken-house snd- oorrni, new root- souse and -other buildings; good wsll at the, bouse with pump la It: fine fruit treea, beat variety) plenty ef email trait; all kinds at roots and vegetable la tb roo those for Presset aaa and tor future planting) good cow, young better, -plows, harrows, cultl valore tod all necesssry tool for working the place: koaashold and kltcbsa fur niture; hoc, rakea, aiea. 'etc. ; 1- mile reua aeiu ayn-se snu rsiirosn stsiioa; at. e. IX mall te bouse; good neighborhood, fine neighbors; sna hour troa tba dty; mast b old wlthla two weeks; 1 pony, bora, good worker. . Price 1,400. . t ,, , , , 40 acrss la Washing ton county: 2 mile north of Qleneoe; one bouee and oaa bara; hishinsi. amokcbeujse and woodshed; S cow are asking 81 per dsy st present; 1 8-yeer. old mare, 1,108 pounds weight, good to work - sing Is or double; one aaw 878 Mitchell buggy and harness snd H set work -harness; d milch sows, two Jersey heifer, 1 ana 9 Jeare aid, 8 of the cows fresh, soother sosa; allk wagons Tanning by the place; 8 14 Bala wagon, . good plow, harrow and culti vator; 1.800 strawberry plants newly sat out; 8800 worth ot cedar post aa place) t share la a asvsa-alle telephone Uni phona la been I rural mail close byT running water through tha place tha year round; ami chick nl 1 aalt; 6. acraa plow land; acre ot fall wheat, S acre oat and tares; IS acraa slsshlsg; ..seeded fact fall; betwsea 26 and 40 aaeke of potatoaa; schoolhouaa Bills. ao . l.m. . w. .. ; ...y .i. 1 SO acraa; 25 acres la cultivation.: IS here ' alsahed and la paatura, balaars timber, fir ' aad coder; ea a good county rosd: running treea through the place: place well fenced; 914 alio north ot tjlettcoe, Washington eeuaty good 8-room hooss with fireplace; good spring by the hoass with pump la It; , woodshed, root houaa, bara and wagoa -shed; a ehlckea-bouee and Targ torral: atreaai through raster ot M; Boeee aad garden fenced with pick eta; good orchard at best variety ot fruit; pi lenty good team of harass, wagon, aarseaa aaa hack; plows, one harrow. 6-tooU calU. oral boga; all klade efarmlnr 8oob: eoougb aa laa to asks 00.000 poamt ZT'i.t. 1. XL .-at aaitmaan furniture to, n emvea, r n cedar fata hsstlng Stove. -U -nearly- new; doeaa rnickens. Price 68.000, aa eeay tarma. Would take port la good dty peeper ty. Msk w P'faO. .' .. - . ' ". M ' - - - -0 arraa. -4 Tador caltlratloa; rood L. f.m.r'orcbSS: CinenrMles. Toll berl n g B " rtrsf lo tlm?. yellower; 40 scr- ""v frSa'nnVtlT i.l "Sd rolling: good outddo posture; tjo ached H " mile: "A alio troa sawmill; S allea troa - w taT.tTttea: 1 axllse troa Lswto rlvsr. i Pxto l,a00. :.: ; - ''r;; ; r;;:;,- ; , ' Adjotnliit the shore P'ace, ' l O-scrs hoi XI aoree ot which la tine, rich bnt 5Wd VnTnVlf I. high aut. of cultl TsTloa; acUaco oasjly put to cuUlvatfan) Cedar creek flow throoxh thaj renter: Berth Bide m Sloping unei tot-. w. . ' " low fir timber elalmedby tbs owner tobe . T60.0OO, nni say ww, ------- ever pay xor e 7. & toSaaV atorto.. Prtoa 1,000. -180 ACBBS, most aU xnttom tnnd. 80 acre ' clear and , unoer. uax- - VV'-',-" . acrea seaaaa: aw neuo a.a . ; .gj , ana - e - -- .i bTr;: plenTy St bs aid feed to feed dock through winter: mowing "'CL"V E.T',' !"IT . rewknd aU other asoeasry farmfof tapfa- asnta wits piscei sa -.' mile to postofflee! ecbooinouee aear place; - 62,200 spot caah. - j . . ... J - 180 arraa, 80 acraa lerel toad. rich loam: 40 acres cleared. 10 r 12 acre ander eultlvatloa: a amsU bouse, good cbard, bsarlag, root bouee and other bolsters! 60 acrea tlrat-dnss piling; H.Blla to river. 6 allea from stssmbost hading and railroad, aric $10 per acre; $76 worth toala. '40 acrea, -all bottom Und. -10 aero ander , rultrratloa, 16 aoree slaabed. sooas of 8 ; rooma, good bara. ano eropa and farming tools a good orchard of 81 trees; H mil ' from sehoolnooeei will trade for .beuaa and fat ta rlty; thla piece la 19 mtlaa from railroad, 1 mile from pes toffies, eta. , What bar yea to sxchanget , . ftr ? ,.. , TBH acraa favsl toad: 19 aeraa Bsvr dam: 96 la cultivation: good house: a faar bara and other buildings; good I ecchard: B. F. D. awn; allk route by the door; la Waabtagtoa ; ecaaty; $8,000, can ataad. 90 aeraet oa the Base tine read; ate level . land, aa gravel; all wdl Improved: One bulld ' tags; good teem, haraeea, wagoa. cows, chlca ens: 400 worth fsrmlsg aachtoaryf price ; 64.000, term. , SO acrss: 18 acrea la cultivation: an BTsrsIt good orebard aad amaU frulta: good build Ingut good teem, barn and wagoa; S One cows; all ktoda farming machinery) oa Ban Llaa road price $4.000, terms. . . ? '-40 , 91 la good cultivation ! taa er. chard) fair building: Hss aaatb slope! aalta a fat of farming machinery: oa a good rood: Sne outside pea tors: 19 miles from Portland; 8 alls to acbool; price 63.000; torma. , , feu timber. 640 acre crock range an bottom tend; eles to railroad; good Oahlng aad bunting ', will taka eome property; $1,800. ; , Vv'.V'';," r' W. W. E8PET. ; i i r- .toon 1, Hamilton Bldg. -Thb-d1 at bet. Alder aad Washlngtoa. 98 ACRES. 4 acre ta orchard. 0 small fruft, 6 garden trad, S scree pa a rare ud wood, v 7 -mom house, bara. S chlckea honee. cannery, shoo, granary, wax on shed, roothcAie, wind mill and elevated tanks, wster piped to stock ' yards, hot and cold wster In boose, barb, all - farm tools, stump-puller aad berry wagon, all a for 82,8X; near Yaoeeaver. Alvord d Alvord. 188 Morrtooa st. Tl ACBRS, S deared. old bouse, 60! asar Ore gon City. 804 Ooldamltb St., Alhlna. $3 000 to arrea aear the dty, convenient ta . rarlra and ecttool, fine anil; rare bargala. 107H Third at- 900-ACRB tsrm la Llna enofftv sboot To allea anath ot Portland; 126 acre seder plow. " 128 acre la pasture; satire fara fenced; large hence, good bara. two wella and run ning .atream! four alio from railroad eta- - tfan; rrlce $5,000; one. half cesh. 609 Coov sasrrtsl lf8- l"f''l, "4 affTniaii ibm V , - FOR SALB-TIMBER. CBRTIFIBTV acrlp, any dae ptecee) 1 prtosa. W. Ci Bewsll. 88 Caaabar at pjATB shout 180 timber dalaa for iocs ties; ps charge anttl yoa ft I ea rfalat sail aad) . iaveetlgate. -B klokawk bldg. TO EXCHANGE. .1 m -I i-i -I -i ' i " i - - I AND' T-reotn' houaa, ssodera la s-vsry rs apeet. tor vacant fat. 870 Osrfleld are. I take WoodUwa car. . rasa East anal. 8-ROOM atodera bouee. 1 lot, beet residence district esst side, halt block troa carllne, : eirhengo for tntareet In estsbllshsd awrcsatlls buataaee, with eervlc; ssah vxlas, $4. 200. Lock Boa 889, diy. - BXCMANOB 100 ecres of unimproved lend. 1 ,mll from rsltresd statloa. on goad count read; vine, maple aad alder lend; will take . vacant fate or nous and fat In Portland aad pay cash difference. lt7l Third St. v I l.rrS snd 6-mom cnttee to eVchsnee for amimnrove4 nan, set o" rv twae w, n, i located etther WaeMng-oa. 1 au! SC Uack Bmas seoatiea. O 94, Journei, .,, - 2- .m a . - mA mIImJ' ; SOW BUI VS Biu amnii hi - , S miles te atore; 49 clear or aoree fair bcaee aad bars; large orchard; oa etmaty rond.; SJ alls to-dty: creek ea the ptece: prle 6i0 . per acre; $1,000 down, balance wbeayea tot . a nee eanx. Great grsaa or fralt laad; TO Tzzzr $$,$00 BQUITY la baee" I m. V rsfa sddltlon, for acre- a i ; must b nsar carlln.. Swart, 1.4 teaoe of Ceunsaeroa. BASTSRTBNT1MTH-'e t'ottaga at Breoa: , besrlug fruit tree; will trade it fara and pay atRerenre, eC sell $1.1-H jfood In vsetmsnt.. Iiosm lnt CA, at. 890-ACRB wheel farm near Spokane, will trsds for fsrm around Portland or Willamette val ley. . 806 Morrison St., room a. FOR SALE-UISCELLANEOUS. BBCOND-HAKD BKMIN0TON AND SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITERS FFOM $80 UP. OR rOB RENT FOS $8 AND ft . FEB MONTH. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO., 88 SIXTH ST. FOR SALB OR RENT NFW . AND S(XND. HAND SRWINQ MACHINP9. TTAHVAVU SKWINO MACHINE A0BNCY. B. D. JONS. 980 YAMHILL ST. BOOKS hoaght, aold. and svrhangad at tb Old Book .tor. Ran Yamhill at. WB need furniture aad wilt pay fall vslus, - Phona Pad fie 708. Western Saxva C. 827 Waahlngtoa St.' -XxYKSTERN OREOON MINING MILLING CO, . I . beadiiuarterXJ -stock tee Bala , ndnf'WB un ax inn rna ax. raaaa axsan asvesw SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mad to order) accond-aaod goods for sal. Carlson ax ata acroa. 8f) Coach at. Pha Clay Bit. . -. B0R8ES ef all kinds for eale at vary able ndeea. Inulr 97B Front at. BILLIARD AND POOL table tor rant er for sale on eesy payments. THB SKI; NH WICK-BALKS COLLBMDBB CO. 48 Third St., Psrttoad. MANORS by wagon lead ar carload aa O. W. P. sty. raoaa Bast ;... -. 'i--. FOB SALB 'Thoroughbred White Wyandotte ens I or natcning, gij per eetiing. ao per 100. Nat M. N ocellus. Vaaooaver. Waah. - THB celebrated Poatiae .top baggies, leather rinianeu, roc sno, at rortiana Yi arenouss ax Transfer Co.. 842 Bsst Washlngtoa at. CLOSINO ssls ofadal photographfa stow ef . exposition, souvenir post cards, , slew hooka, .. ete greatly reduced prtosa, .. . BxposlUoa Store. 48 Morrleoa at SHOW raaaa, couater. flxtarea boagbt. otd t ,!, naama oaavano vsw, oaa a aear Ingtoa st, Pudfls T08, S BOLL TOP desks, efnee-tahlss, rag, extareai aii w. votuas Laaa r Jtxta WB print year aaae oa 80 calling as res, proper stes and style, 86e; 960 buslaoss oar da. II. A- W. Scbaula C., 928 First, Portland. Or. HOt. DSN'S BHBUMATIO CT7KB dure saw tar rheumatism. Sold by aU druggfate.. , . . FINV partly used Smlth-Prealer aad Beatng - ton typewriters, $20 to $68, or for real, $9.60 to 64 per month. L. A hi. Alaxnnder Co., 'agent U C. SmIU i Bros.' vwlble typa- wrltars, 129 Third st. Mala ST. 0ENUINB California medicated ooap tor aast, wholesale or retail, at 188 axorrtaaa at. IF yoa want to build, buy all your materia la at - the American Ina: yoa wul save TB per cent; , Sne door, windows, phuter beard, rustle or aiding. Scoring, stairs, timber aad tumbsr. Phono earner, Pndae 1070. j.. FOB BALE OsboHho launch tlsttfal 19-H. P.) la Srst-clsai eoodltlon; bargain It Bold Sow. J. B. Wolff. Phone Beat 2288, FOB 6 ALB CHEAP-A brsnd-aad slogls de livery weroa with deck tan. 48B loeetor. , i raono i-aria l ana tan an am MACHINERY cheap to cine out) BOO-horsepower engine. Cooper Manufacturing Co., firdar frame, cylinder SOxM. bead wheel -19 sat by 80-Inch face, perfect order. 828 horae power Wedlngbouss com pound engine, - cylinder 10x97x16: sllrhtty seed aad In per. fed order. 8,nd for our machinery II at, L. ' D. Pollard. 44 South Jeffsreoa St.. Chleag. $400 NEW aprlcht plsno. 8148: Upright piano 088; organ 826. ; 141 V First, corner Mala. - apatalr. - FBjt8R cow for eale. CaU at 979 Odng at., ar nuiiuaa a SFB Oekley Oreea smraery about chotc rasas, large else fralt, ahsda and ems mental trees, rbododeedrooa. hollya, BxsgnoUaa, ate SU Jobns ear.' a . , FRESH errors. Corssr Oommsrelxl aad Blsa- - waa, lira Lt csr. FOR SALB CHEAP A fresh cow. Apply SIB anftnavw a.p as trail 61 TllawJ v PERSONAL. apnfansVlkBaBasaaagsa CONFIDRNTIAL medical xrrr1o to women . We treat disss ee st women erdnetvely, ' curing with unvarying so coses all female sllmessj from the sllgbtsst local Irrltatlo to the Best eo Duplicated laternal troubleat ' maternity cases given special attention; C Irate hoepltal ceommodstloat pmfsosluaal dy aarae la attendsacs) eonsalfarlou sd advice free. X-Radlam Medical Institute aad Ssnlteiium, Third and Alder gte. so Wane 966 Alder at., Portland. . LADIES A never-fxtllnr remedy! rel laves alt obstlaate cssee; perfectly harmless but a Poeltlve relief: receipt with full tnatrae. ; fan $1 (daaxpa taken). Addraaa Dr. A. Bodd. Saa Fraaetoea, Carlferala. . DR. W0 RLE Y BENJAMIN, tha Foot Bmcultst, BOOH Wsahlagtoa St. Bond 804. Sore test ' aad asoad. . - FREB to oat at town patrons, oar latest cata logue ef faacy work, pillow tone, renter pteeea, eh trt waist and novelties. The Needle Craft Shop, SOT Alleky bldg.. Fortlaad. Or. BINO CHOONO. Importer ef Chines root medb daea; adl Chlnsee te that Is eertsln curs ,. for all dlseaeoa. 181 Second hot. XaahlU . aad Taylor. BACSTACHB and kidney or Me Oder diseases . eared with Oregn hern: trial slss tor 10 -1 stamps. - Plammer. 900 Third t. DR. ATWOOD. 10 Rusael bldg 10814 Fourtk ot. Female dlaeaaea and roeflnemeota tskea aad enrsd for; pea evenings. CoesaHatio ftae. . - DOLLS' HOSPITAL - Repabing and drean making. SI TaabiTL MANLY vtene eaatneed b Dr. Boberta NarrC 0 Mm lea. One moath'a treatment, $9: 9 Bienths, 88; sent eecurely sealed bp Bun. Agents, Wsodard. Clarke 2 Co.. Porttead. Or. meetings Drew kail. 189 liail, BUTTS pressed while yoa wait. 80c. Ladle skirts pressed, 60c. Gilbert, 108 Hits IL, next to Quelle. Phone CIny-606. WET FEET ar danrerrms,, Wsbtos h lack hag is aoeoinieiy BALM OF FIOS for all female d 026 East Belmont, pboaa Bsst 408. Y0UN0 lady give vapor, alcohol aad aaedtestsd baths. ParVw ST, 988H Stsrk. YES, Palm Tablet msk yoa aleep perfectlyt they cure ai I luaaneea and ' nrlre Mt a boa. d hoxaa make you etrong; boxes 62.80; guaranteed All drugglsta. er address Brooke Drug Ce. 87 North Third at, Porttand. Oregon. '' . ' . ANY asn or wnaan eaa b strong and happy 1-bT suing Scxlns Pills, the grest tonic: prlee :1 a boa, box re go, wira run gusrsntsu. ddrens or call . A. Clsmsnaon. druggist. cor. Sseoad aad1 Ysmhlll sts., Portland. Or. DBTECTTTB AO BNCY Confidential toveatt. gatfane: reports Bad oa ear Individual bust Be or property; aiming relatives Iocs ted; ! bed debt collected: charge reaeonable! mv ' reeejondcae aoJIrlted. Oregoa Deteetlvs Service, office 814-818 Columbia blduM 986 Washlngtoa St. Phone Msln B816.-' - - LOST powers restored by, ths grest Dr. Lorens'e Nerve Toole Tablet I 98 per be. 0 hois tor 8198. Writ or caU st Eyssell Pharmacy. 227 Morrleeo.. bei. 1st and 2d. BISH-OBADB portralta: epednl offer for few day) eehlnat alas, cards sr fpMsra. IS for J; quality aad work the beat p. M. tevenar 009 (toedasugh bldg Fifth Bad xsauiiL - TURKISH BATHS. 800 Orsgonlaa Mdg.) ladle . days, gentlemen sights. Main 1988. ' FORBIDDBN FRUIT. "A Oar Lothario." 'tttory ot a Slave. 'Fanny Hill." Agaae." "Wornee of Fire." 80c each; list free. A. W. Brhmal Co.. 220 First at. ' antttviL hntka and aU kinds of hooka boaght. sold and exchanged. Jestes Book Stera, 201 Aider St., WW ANNA MTCKBY aYND MRS. CARBON cure all r1p diseases; D klad of bath aleeo: eWrtrle mnsssgs; alas have the F mad for removing wrlnklea: kaosK fa mass remedies: eatlafectle gltu,. . Pbono Pndfle lHnB. k lay ear. DO you scant to merry t If n, - e e , w hsv hneWt-- f nai '. t Batriaie'' I r- I :. , t a Joraag faeatlet a-. a Z WANTED A child to care for: reasons oa rates. su euaae. rneno Seat tola. HOLDER'S BHBUMATIC CUBE ur ear asr rnsumstnwn. Sold by all drugglsta. LADIES A nsver-falltng 'menlbly" ressedy: re- "wes an eoatinat essss; pensctiy asrmisss but a poaltlv relUf ; receipt with full -,m-, SI met lone 11 (stsmps taken). Addrw Dr. A. Budd, Sea Fmncteas, California. , PERKINS Aausrlcsa Herb ar tor tola at 808 Third St., Perllsad, Oregoa, Uf A. B. Bloomer, general agent, v CHIROPODY, maalcnrlng, fare, ecslp end elec tric treaimaau at Me1) Blxta, ass. euosr. SO. ' ... j .. ' MAKB $600 yesrly with -19 hens. Send S6e tn sismpa to f. u. aox get, Portuad, or.; wa yesre' xpsrlnc. WANTED M. D. that la registered la Oregon, waauingtou or Montana; can quire. jian Ssvsnth, cor. ot Taylor, Portland. Oregoa. . THB Kelp .Ore. Mlseral Rath ar postttv cur ir su cnrooic laease; rhenmstlsa, atoaaach aad live trouble, . Thla I Na ture's ewn remedy. 048 8d at. Parlflo 1221. AUTOMOBILES.' COT1T A COOK Motor Csr Co.. Feeath aad Csdlllsa. Pierce. Orsst I Arrow aad Stsvsns-Duryss motor-car; ma chines rented, repaired and ttersd. ART EMP0RITJM. PBOFESSOB R. MAX MEYER, 846 Aide. Portrait and fandaeap artlat and teacher. ATTORNEYS." A. H. TANNER, attorney, 809 Commercial blk.. Second sad Washington sts. Phone Mala 849. n. P. BURLEIOH, lawyer, 199 Oraad a., East PorUaad. J. S. WINCH ESTER, sttorsey-at-law, aotary purne. so wseuingtsw Slug. ! - - ARCHITECTS. h: h, sianuaa. v Architect. 118 Second St. ASSATERS. 0ARFIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. m Moataaa Assay Offlce. 188 Morrtooa at. BLANK-BOOK MAEERSj HOWE, DAFIS KILHAM. 100-11 Ir Second Blaak hook maaufacturera: saests tor e Improved Locae Leaf led (era; see ta aaw Eureta tear, roe Dear ea tne mars ax. BATHS-MASSAQE. TWO Vdee kvo keths taa aad aealp auaaaga! aua rma sx. : - MISS LILLIAN RAYMOND give bath aad issag treatments. Tne Goumo. aostb on t.. reoa 14. - Pbou Mala 8811. BUTCHERS'. SUPPLIES. B. BIRKENWALD CO.. 804-800 Bverett St. Lergeet butcbers' supply, house oa the coast. A:arS CAFE 3. CHIROPRACTIC. CURES apjnendldtl wltbeat drag ar kstfe. ur. ava ttogan. an aaau ax. raeoe mam ava. CARPET CLEANINQ. t- .;,r STANDABD Carpet Cleaning Oe., largsst Blast ea tha coast. Loving and Harding aM., tele phone East 2ttO Terpen) cleaaed. refitted. , sewed and laid; both steam and la teat com. pressed air process: r stating Buttresses aad . reausra a apeciaity. . . . . BANITABY aarpet cleaning, auction aad com pressed air combined: carpets cleaned en Boot witneax removal. main eon, stssi us. CIOARS AND TOBACCO. KSRRR04UN8T CO , Dlstrlbatara of r - ' Vi- nm ctoabb. , Purtland. Oregoa. CLEANING AND DTELNO. tleal hatter la coaneci CLOTHES c Ironed and pressed 81 see month. . Unions Tailoring Co., S4T Washington at. H. W. TURNER, professional iver sad rfaaaar. 606 Jsf ferson st. Phone Main 2&18. . NEW PBOCESS lac curtain clean tag, 60 to $1 pair- 44 Oltsan. Msla 8400. SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ledlee and aen'a clssslng end prssdng. 800 Wnsh. Psc 1817. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BTBRDINO A FABBELL. prodaea and sosxmra - aa anarrhaata. 140 Fnnt St., Portlaad. Or. Phone Mala 17B. " -- COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES aey one owe yea Boneyf We asTk-et bed debts of all kinds. North west era Law A . Cnlfactto Co.. 129 Ortnd av.. rooms 14 aad - IB. Cltisens Bsnk bldg. , Cat thla aak, ; Phone Bsst 006. v CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBUBNB FLOYD, wagoa builder and geoersa J. wvrs. ea eiai ea. lie" " WM. FISHBECTt. carpenter: repatrtng nd Job blng den. 981 Bumslde st Phone Msla 8487. CROCKERY Alto GLASSWARE. WHOLESALB crockery and glssswar. PraeL Hegele A Co., 100 to 10 Fifth, oar. Stsrk St. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST A SPECIAL 6 00 READING FOR Jl-OSt ' ST. UE0RUE ORMONDE. SB KB OF BOY PP. WORLD-RKNOWN ED CUIrroynt, Pelmlet snd Psychic Bcaleg. ' ..... THE ONLY VOOI MEDIATOR ' sf Sscret Influence to America. . Core all hereon dates era. wsskness ef every kind; tells lost what annoys, perplexes, woe : rles roas what your wh IK II the at True or rsaar. uanv. gaaa tha en you love or admlrs: brings bark the estranged favor, husband or wife, straightens out fumlli . tronhlee and eeeUts yoa tn gaining your wlb . or desire; given nam, dates, fsds of mar riage, love, tew, money, changes; sll without yoa specking a word. ft, one dollar. Permanently located. Open .Sundays. W: 28814 WASHINGTON ST. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's trading palmist, V sermloeee and dalrvoxaat. 16V Seventh st-. "pp. Hotel Portland. Prof, f allace v Ths.enoted palmtet, will contlaa to alee hi celebrated $: 88 reading for 60 cent for one longer. 288 Vfc Morrison at. Tha Cos- - tnos, over Royal bakery, DRESSMAKINO, KETSTER'S LADIES' TAILORING COLI.EOR. 909 and 400 Alleky bldg.) writ tor booklet DANCING. WOODWARD'S dancing achool of the Wsstara Academy sf Music Monday and Thursday. S parts tors lavtted. Lessons 80c. DsBelsg S to 11. vor. PROF. RIN0LER. BOO Alder, or srieste leeeoos, 00c Sixth; sines ELECTRICAL SUTFLII NORTHWEST FI.FCTTPICAL FN"!! J0 Compsay, 04 Seven a at., k lettand. jk a., tr verytbins la toe Mvual iiaw. V- - laud. PACIFIC I"- ", reae,. . 1 I va , to i new the breast . lag SU WPTES,N Feed Fr-t uiisss snu tm'l, -koose coal .and hi a,... Mala lOig. ALB IN A FCBL CO. Dealer ta ana green snd dry aweweed. h. . bias sve.. 9 block aet ot ferry. V . STEEL BRIDOB Ft'gl. CO.!. ' OBEOON FCBL CO. AU blade e r t eve a mac ex, raono -,-n KIRK PIOOFER. 818 Wats gtc Wee aad et rnene Main soon. FRENCH BAKESirS. THB only place to Pert I asd to get Praarh ereeu. arrara at auyue, et auxa aa. Dally delivery. Phone Orees OnaV 9. . J FURNITURE 'FACTORIES. OREOON Faraltare Msaufsetarins; Oosxpaatv , Manufacturer of turnltnra Is the tnahe portuad. or. . yrtawiTyaa CBNIIURK mannfacturlng gnd jpeciat or L. Boveoaky'a fnrnlturn fsetocyTVid Fro- FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORFO S6 rianoers at,, eoc. Bd. ' Pbeoe Mam auu. GROCERS. I' WADHAMS CO. greesra, tchaata. factnrsre and oa aad Oak ata. . Fourth ALLEN LEWIS, eommlmloa aad pmdues mee. caanta. . rrent aad Dews eta., rorxiaaa. or. OASOLINE ENGINES. AT engto, marine snd stationary ( writ prices. Relereoo Msektnery Cow Port la sd. GRINDING. B. J. CASTE RLINB CO., . tnveator at taa faaxsaa steal tempering process) teoin aVarp ' sued reneoaable. 41 Flftk St. . - HARDWARE. Portland Hsrdwer Co. aoUclta oupwlaalty to quote prices. 188 1st Alder. Msla 14. HOTEL Parties. Aasriena plea) 68, $8 so day. BELTBDBBB; Enropssn plsnt 4th aad Alder at. HAT AND GRAIN. tK,. B. O. COO PBS A ca Potatoes, reed Sour. 198 Union sve. Phone Bsst lBlT. INSURANCE. ISA AO U Mds. WB1TB. firs IAS. Met. WOOD, employers' tlsblltty aad toe nivtBaracinet unrery hwhs sa i raono si. sua acaay nug. B. F. BABTEL8 COMPANY Fir inaarane. 449 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa Pboaa Msla 28. HONEY TO LOAN,- :t-it THBBB ABB MANY Ff- , ' But ft win pay "yoa to- lesrn ewr whoa paa ar la debt or la seed sf xaoney; wu ee help yoa. and without nublldty; we wilt feaa yea aay amount. $10 to 6100, oa puar. aalary. at tewaet rate, without ceebrner aad wlthaat the knowledgs at your eapfayer, er any eae, and yon can repay la paysasate at $1 weekly er $4 aoathly. ar store, a. : cording to amount ot toss; wo also loan ea . fornltare, ptenoa, ate., without remevaL When tn need ot money It wHl pev voa to get t from ra ea the PAYMENT PLAN: it win coat yoa fan and gets yoa eat of debt, If yea will call st our ofBee we will es pials lav detail; a mktsnderataneJags; yoa will know the total cost aad nU pjrtlenljre before yoa get tb less! . sll Informs rtow ;caearfoUy glvse, whetbe yoa hsrrow g aot. r JST7TT0N CBBDTT ' CO.. ' - . r .'tlS Sftb Boor) Dkaa bids. HEADQUARTERS FOB SALARY LOAN. d98-0 Mohawk bldg.. so. Morrleoa aadhrS, laHnae er wreTientan. no ft yoa hut l ew tw) you pay back If you Borrow ro yea pay oaca it r". ,ww - r4 rv wmm if ye borrow fM yoa pay beck If yea barrow 668 yea Bay back f yoa borrow 84 yoa pay back Pay ion . a, -i., i - TUB CBRSCBNT LOAN O0w i ktokawk bldg.. on. M MONEY TO LOAM Improved dty property er for bufeuaj msss. for from 8 to 10 peara tteao, i nvfVnsg to repay all or pert ef Wan with 1 after two rears tvnaaa approve xruun pau aad money advanced aa ooildtug Bxertrsges taken nn and replaced- FRED H. STR0N0. Floaaelal .- 948 Stsrk at, THB STAB LOAN CO. Aaf aahrtot employ. a aa Month. U Moerfh, Wee. ko 00 Repsy to aa 61888 er 68 er tit I aa 81688 M a 8 6 88 ar aa 6 4.00 or $88.00 Repay to $18.00 Repay to U86 a l. I ' 00 (led 910 McKey bids. MONEY totoaa os rsnt personal and oetaxsrl eecndtyt suedsl attoatloa to casttel P"w. -rsgest acta boagbt. O. W. Pelade earx-B Featea bldg 84 Sixth SC. - . . HIOHLY reapertakle pine where Indtoa and Eta can borrow Boeoy en daw ens and ehy. Collateral Loan Beak, SwA Wan. ma at, pheao Block TL unaav a. k.. mm llofciata eaauBls . B. F. aad F. B. Rllsy.,80 Ckaanbaa at LOWEST rataa a fnvuttnre and ptonea. ara Less Cat. 448 Sherlech bldg. Cup TO LOAN n ma ta suit ca chsttot B. A. Frame. Old tb Msremnax. PRIYATN money ft - 0 and f psr rent. r arteate faaa oa realty. 90. JouraaL MONEY TO LOAN aa an kind of anewrvry. WllUam Hdt. room 8, Wsahlagtoa bulla. . COLUMBIA LIFB TBU8T CO.. Sixth Boar Concord bldg 2nd end Btarfe ate. Money to fana aa dty property. MONEY aitvxaeed aalsrted penpls aad ether - upon their ewn names without security; chespest rataa, eaalaet -taymenta; fucs ta nk principal clttea; sav yoarsslt Bssnay by '.Setting our term Srst- , , TOLMAN. ' 929 AMngtoa bid.. lOOtt Third at. CONFIDENTIAL loane n salaries, to ears er , pollcte. pianos, furnitars, wsrehouea re eelptn, etc. ; any deserving at reoa assy secure - a liberal advene, rer-ejlng by aaay weekly or monthly InaralTments. NEW ERA LOAN A TBrST COMPANY, 906 Ablngtoa bldg. WILL tosa 810,000 or lesa, reel eefate aecurtty, - A per cent. Farrlagtoa. 810 t'hamhe Coae- MA0NETIC HEAUN0. PB. L. H. HART treats tn disease, atontsea tmub'e. Barveusasss aad functual wsskness. 18 Ssrntth St. Pboae Mala 4178. L0CKSUIT1L BROWNE'S IN TOWN Rrosvt far '1 bicycle repairing. 986 '-Clsy 699) Bight pbeoe. Msln tn. , I. H. fICHARDSON. fahee.t aad v PUT rVsrnsloe, psc I'- e. J. 1. T "V V tra- k a weeai, il sd ween, ftoa a wees. 89.86 a week, $8 0 week. a '' :: 1 4 Thkrd.