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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1906)
J . V ' 4 1 ' ; :!:.",. Tlli OREGON DAILY TCT TAL, K)nTlinD. .LZi:ZZ2XY ETZHIHO. FSSRUAnY CI, 111-. Ir1 .-' S! ; . MWMl !fWantAates' ' af- S-r Iff Urrfr, i K . . 'I I I ' ' S I . II Entered a tb pestof flee at Fertlaed. Oragea. lor traasportaUue through (hi Mil a nasal , iee nailer. ' Feeing fa Blag la copies: ni as b, iv "" Page Paper. 1 nut; ! U pages, S peats; UIM pages, mmf. ' : ' ; " ' nxxraoxzi ' Editorial Boom ........... Mala B5I Aat ska Ma. ; rOBZIOV AOTZaTOIVS .B2aOTATlTK. Vreelsne-BeBjemla Special Adeertlalng Agswey, i;: law haaeeu slnsA, .tsw Verki XttUiae Belie. lug. Chicago. ..... i . '.-'.rr Bmcamiov una. Im st Cantor. - IflUU. 3M iHuiy journal, t yrar - . . lb Deity Journal, with KundaJ, BaOAtb. ! Tlx Dell Journal, wit ttuuda. .aeotbs. ! lb DalipWoui-Bsl, with atuaday, " '. Z Simla, pot week. e)lera. Saadsr l- Tlx ball. iM, IvUrand. Btaj - .CCBM4 ...... v . ' Utm by f ', . Tla UaUjr Joaraal. 1 "v; 5" , IM lali Jourul. Will BuimU. OUtla. Turn iMllr Jvaraal. I noatte.. ... V ."-' lla IMllr Joaraal. will ttauaa, awaiai. .j - rMH - . ' i k. kuiui.. Liarui a ...... attfw aea laaaa, luaawaiao, r j M , , aoua, oiuraaa onUra aa4 waaU a"ooU aa ' r" a B rfUn,iOTariT-i nr. TnrranaT. MAT M TOVYD. Til CM bo u- .. . f alkxrina placot: " ktOlbK liAUU H. aWlUt Co.) W. B. Ma- tj rw, an. . - aw-,. CUlll.O uaca isa caatBaa. JTI tai i aura atnot. aawapaaar wacoa. - ' L0 avuaXK . Aatoa, aawiapac arafom; Abo Bad. aawapapor uoa. , - A ViNNKaFOUaV M. 1. Kafanaafa, M oan KSW SOKli CITI Brontaao'a, CaVoa aqaant t Arthar MoUUo. aowapapat WMya. OMAliA atlUard Botal aow atand; MatatU , ,L , bUUoaar cB.aaar. IM FarauB JUoi . BALI IU.KlTclT Kanoa Hatal aowa ataal; , B-iiiV Bnav. 41 Waal Soooa4 atnol. aatuai 'V -.Mca. lawla, atwapai wagoa. RAN DIKCIO B. B. Auwa, aawapapor yt" . BAN rBANaaOO W. a Ardla. rlaco Uaal aoloaailtl Braa., vw buiic- auyoa - -'-rraacla botal; roalar Oroar, racrjr aalld (n; N. WlaaUaj. aawapapar wagoa, Harfeat - . aad Koaraay. " BEATTLA BalnlW Orand aawa ataad; A. B. McBrava, Uo4 Boattlo ao Maad. T. L0U18 I'aUIlp Boaoar, 111 Laearf atraat; B. T. Jott, SUt OUto . otroat; Uaorfa U Ackamaa. IHOKANB Jofca W. Graham It Cm. TACOalA Oaatral Nawa ouanpanr, Botal T , ' aoaaa aowa alaad; Aeno Ktwa coaipaaj, awapaaor wagoa. i TICTOBIA. B. O Vletorta Book a BtaOoaj. WEATHER REPORT. Tho tow praaaara araa yeatardaj to tba la ' rifle atatxa croawd tho Horkj awanulaa laat Bight, aad thla awralnf It la eaoual aortk of Montaaa. It la beta- followed h aaothar dla ,turbaaaa. which la cratral thla BKarainf off VaoenaTar" taland. Tbeaa dlatorhaacaa bar cauaad gaaaral ralna la tba Pacific autaa aa far aoath aa Loa Aagoloa. Tba following BMilama. wlad valocltlca aara owurrad our tug the laet 24 hoara: North Head. 41 ail lea, eoatbeeet: ' Walla Walla. 80 sillr. -anatheaet; Poraullo, .aillta. aoaiaeaat; BoIm. as aillea, aaat; WIudo ' aiacia. 40 ail lea, aoataweet, aad iDdepeadcaec, '- 10 mike, weat. Btorm waralaga are dlaplared ' at ell areporte la thla dlatrlet, aad high eou Ut eri? wlnda will aecor tola along the Oregoa end Waahtngtoa coaata, aad rata will cnattaa la all aerttnaa la thla dlatrlet. A low ariaoare area ocraplea the regtoa be t tweea the Mleelaaliipl liree and the Allnrhany mountain a. and rata baa ocrarrod generellr la that eectloa. The teaieeratarea erery where are c ahnee the aeeaoaahle aaerace. i iara ai a a. ai.L rarirw iiaaa, i'eiuo. ItallOaaB alav Mia. Preclp. Bakar Cltr. Oraexm. ....... 42 84 Hnetaa, Maeaarhaaatt....rt U ' 4 Ititraro, llllnote..., 54 Iear, Oleredo M . Kaneae City, Mlaaoorl M M lne Angelea, Uallforala.... M M ' New York. New 1'erk M ' S4 l-nrthtad. Oregea ,50 - 40 Roaebarg. Oregna 50 , 40 Ht. Loula. " Mtaaoarl M M Halt reke. Utah M - SI ' Kaa rreaelora, CaUrornJa... 00 . 41 nokaaa, Weablagtoa...... 41 . M -Taeaeaa. Waahlngtoa 41 . 40 Walla WaUa Waahlatoa.. M . 41 Waahlnrtm. I. C. ........ 00 10 Mi .0 .tu .0 .52 ,os JO M JA A2 M .44 M .:u T. MARRIAGE LICENSES. . , Joha A. Dempaey, 45; Clara M . Bnghaa, 10. . Kdward I. Brown, M: Lenora kC HUelland, 24, . Ed. rortaaa, XI: Madge H. Berry. IS. T. kf. Iwbrtrig. 70; Mary P. Graham, 60. Bayawnd oTUatoa, Bpokaaa, Waehlagtoa. Mi Minnie H. Amy, IS. . Joha A. Tales Una, CS; Laella kC Bntne, 3S. Wedding Oarda. W. O. Smith r Co., Waah . lagtoa hldg eor. PoarU aad Waahlngtoa eta. Mtea Bertha Martin mma SIS Allakr bld. Stamping and floe needlework; Vaaeoae glrea. BIRTHS. BATTBB8BX Pebraarjr II. to Mr. aad Mra. Robert u. Battanbg, 10414 Caioa aramae, a daae-htwr. ' TB A V S RftO Tebreery IS, to Mr. aad Mra. Aa- - drew TraTareo, S4T Llnraia Itreet, bob, ' . TBLLEKOA rehraarr IT, to Mr. aad - Mr, t'barlre Velleaga. 14 Bacbtol aTeme, a eon. SAVAGE February IS, to Mr. and Mr. Cnarle ttarag. 171 Beat Befratertrth etreet, a eon. BILE" reornery II, to Mr. and Mra. WUllam B. Bllea. 26 TweatT-thtrd atraet, a ana. - FOWLER Febraary S, to Mr. aad Mra. Kobart Fowler, foe MhtaeeoU aeeaoe, a Boa. , ' HALWKOKB Trhruarr 1, to Mr. aad Mr. C Ualwvgar, W0 Eaat tenth atraet, aorta, a ana. ., KI.1TZF.L Febrnary II. to Mr. and Mra. Baat- line Klltaal. loa Bodney Aeaaae. ana. ' WICKH AM February 12. to Mr. and Mra. Ma - O. Wlckham. Tweoty-foarth atraet, a bob. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. OAMMTTXrK Febraary SO. Leah OimaUke, 71 Eaat Twenty eacond atreet, maealea. CAPPft Febraary 30. Jeaal Cappa, 5 Edfaf E4lamr etreet. meaalae. SEIUFRE1D Febraary M, Homer SeigfraM, Te Raear etreet. meaai lea. BRAIDER Febraary M, Carl Braider, Til roweu arreet, wieeaieo. ' , SniM IT Febraary 10. Bertha Mwrtt, 611 Eaat . Twenry-fnarth atreet, ate aa lea. DEATHS. . P.ARBEH Febraary II. MarUb. Birbar. aged 79 yeara. del Flrat atreet ; eaoae, . aeplirttle. ' -.Bnrlal at Ijm Fir cemetery. CK'RMAIf Frbrnarw II. Jamea t. Oormaa, aged 95 yeara. at 421 Union leenae, aorta. DA T Febraary 21. Mra. Ellea Pay, aged CS r . yeara. at It. TlarVnt'a baepltaL - UNDERTAKERS. J: r, Flnley a. Una. fnneral (llreetor aad wihalmera, earner Third and Madleo etreeta, Offlca of eoaiaty coroner. Telephone Mala a. . tVonnlng. McEntea Ollhangh. andertaker and erabalmere; axxlera la erery detail. Seveath . . a . nrt a . BBO natw. vw. msmnj laaaun, A. B. Reaietock. aadertaker aad embaltnee Keat Thirteenth aad Umatilla . era. Paoa Me flil, r aUTEKTIXW CBMETUT. Blade craeea 110. Family Vita 171 to II AMI The only remeterf la Pwrtlaad wkleh per. . aetaally awlatalna aad rare fnr Iota. For fall Infnraienoa apply to w. at. Meraenate, J eeetee bkirk. city. W. M. Vt6. prealdeat. FUNERAL NOTICES." DAT la' thin city. Febraary XI. 1D0 Wra. Melea P. lmy. aged 5 yeera. bekmd wife .f II. L. lajy and mother of Harry L., Mra. r leaner Btiytw. Bageae B. and Bleach lar r Wallaee. Idalie, and Jerome i. Uf of Mnamw, Idaho. Fanernl will take place fret riitene. tl North Twenty-foarth atreet, Frl.i.y. brry 21. at 1:10 a. mtbear ' to the cetbeoYel. Fifteenth and Dael etreeta, at a a. mH where reqajeum bieh meae will be ereew. utement bteerrtew Mmitary, ttiaaaA rapeeiaul l riled. REAL ESTATE: TRANSFERS. - NOTICE. " " NOTICE. i n i i i i i in- i l - - --i - -i - - I MMdwrfNiM I -"u i i i i - -ri -i -, ir i - i taaac N. lastt and wife to B. J. Bark. a a, buck a. WUUama Area Be ad- dltletL e anfl ... omiia ano wire to u. B. Ruble, ,""! w . uc la. Mat fort i la atl . BJ"" A. Belnlck aad wife to Elisabeth " auu, n i. a, oiucg a, Bralnard Uala H. Bolae et al to Lacretla A Ilea . t at, lot- X block 287. Uaarthorna BBC-. utt' - Woc . Vlllaav , ette Helgbla Portland Lone Fir Cemetery aeeoclattna ! UtLV "" C,rJV W, block , , ton Kir cemetery...,...,, , Wllllata it. lauld and wife to Lydla T. ; Turner, fractloaal lot I and nurlh 11 feet ( tot a, block A. Wllaon'a addl. . ' 'ttoa - TOO iaia x. Taxnor anw huaband to Ada M. lean, lot 0 and nnrtb ia tmt ut bat . block S. WUaoa'a addition.. " (DO . w. laamtttrt t al to reter Vetera ' . t al eaat A4 sf Iota T. A hlneh an. ' BteBhena eaMlllatn In V.mmt UwiUn. Bm . . tamieeie it 11 to Arrllla Moor an huaband, low 1, 1, block its, Alblna Hoaieetead Alle Hchng and huaband ta laanr A. Camnbell. lot 1A blnrk AA Baalim IM avoee H. Yoang and huaband to J. hurath.t eonm a auoai.ia.un a) or lot a and sooth H of north U ( kit 1 block . Pertland Homeeteed ,400 I. M. Kobtaeoa to Jacob Hamuela, aU to. tereet la eatate of Lewie Lore. de ceased, left to Bell R. N. Robloaoa... l.SM a. - w. King et al to i Braau. lot 1. . block Itu, city . 500 noeiiir Treat com pa ay to Annie M. TU- den. lot lO- rirat .Hitknaa tA lierrv. dak) S.850 uak far a Land company ta Ida Duaa, Barrel mad beginning at weet corner of lot A black T- Oak Park addltkaa ta Dl. .iobbb , ;. I A. B. Marah aad wife to Joeepb H. Nash, tot 11, block 1, Naah'a Flrat aodltlo.. ISO Same ta name, weet M of lota 15, Is, hhick S. Maah'a Fleet addltttaa. - SM Anna' M. Rommel to Kmlle P. Aallaaae. tot 28. block 13. Alblna : (HO Q. H. Tbomaeaa to B. M. Lombard, lota 1. X. 7. 8, blook 54; tot I, 10, block 41. . Fallon Park "I J. D. Wilcox to bbbm, andleltled U to tereet la 1.11 acraa, Marroa Nerr l. I.. C. aecttpa SI. townahlp 1 aortb, ' rang 1 eaat..... SCO William M. Ladd and wife to Loei J. . OoMamlth, parcel of land beginning at eaat line of St. Clair atraet. 100 feet aortb of point where It to totaraectod be Berth line af Warn 1,800 William E. Bralnard aad wife to J. L. Bradea et aL, loU 14. 15, 10, 17, block . . Bralnard : 140 coltlah Amerlraa Inreetment company. Ltd., ta marie w ararow, lot. a, block 17. Willamette HelebtS adultloa. 1.500 Johanna Doberty and hoeband to Oregna Annex eomnany, tot la, block BO, a lelah a adultloa Bt.000 Mary B. aorber aad haaband to J. L. Hartmaa, tranee, lota a, l, anes 13. Hrrhland Vark addition I Warren E. Daniel and wife to aame. tot IS. block a. Knuel rark. I 0. P. Uanaoe-and wife to B. farejar and . wire, lot 1. Mock 1, Alblna I . W. Lambert et al. to Gaetawe May, tot I. block d. Crystal ftprlBgs . S30 Ovular May aad wife to Chrtattaa ' Aera. lot 6. block 4, Crreul Bprtog.. , S09 A. M. Bggleatoa to J. M. Egelestoa,. tot! . a, block 4, CryaUl Bprlaga I Benry pnnetaa and wife to Prank J.,, ' Clartrtot mgtitmon.."..-.ri,fjo IV Ooldamlth and wife to L. P. Bene et aU lot a, block i, uoioamitn aaan tlon S.500 P. P Akla and wife to D, W. Batter, - weet bo net ec tot , a, atocs a. - ' North Villa 1 D. W. Butler end wife to Allen p. Green. west 10 feet of lota 1, . x, tuoca x, - North Villa 100 onayetd Land A lareetmeat company to mar lee Bcrutton, tot tu, aioca i, Bannyeld B2S Arnold B. Myer and wife to John O, Hoe the, lot 2. a, aaacg it, Mf ww . Park 1,530 Portland Lone Fir cemetery eomnany t M. Kmkea, tot so, awe in. ronjaaa . taM rtr eeeaeterr... ....,... SO Ellaaheth Ryna ta Ida M. Bmkla. tot L, hlork M. West Irrlngtoa : TOO Ella D. King to Waltmrga Cllne, lot a. baark I, Willamette j P. Llrtsaalea and wife to R. J- Cowlw- : shaw, tot in. an, sr. xn, omcc . Portsmouth Villa extension 1 L.-H. Ilearoorff and wife to Georg P. Wahhaed. paaaal et eta la i-arry rei n I. fi . aectkm d. tawnshlB , 1 sooth, rang S eaat ' SCO Annie V. B. Mowhra and bwabaad to P. A. Kna pp. a.s acres aeer son is west corner of aeetloa SO. townahlp 1 north, range S east.......... 1,100 P. A. Knaps aad wife to JoeephLne Ruep- ael Alrlogtnn, sam prnnerty 1,900 B. B. Rle and wlf te Ollrla R. Palling, ' lot 14, block la. Holladey Park addl- tloa S.SOO Lae- A. Jacob aad knsbsnd to Carolina Glnrdaa, tot 6. block IS, M. t'atton'S addition 1.000 Wakefield. Prle Co. to Oeorg Rmfl ;. Hermana. tot IB to XI, toelaatsa, block S. Arbor Ledee...... - 1 I. II. Barm and wife to T. 8. MrTlaB- lew. to , block a. Bast Portland Heights SSS Get eearr twewraare and abstracta to real es tate from the Title Guarantee A Treat eompaay. Set) Waahlngtoa atreet, cm set SeeoeA. NOTICE. STATE OP OREGON, Maltnowiah County, sa. not les e aereny glees tnet supplementary arttcte af InoorporatloB af Pall City Lumber eompaay bar thla day bees filed with th secretary of state for the etato of Oregon, for tb purpoee of amending sabdlTlsloa 4 af article I of aald artlcl of tacorporatlon, which subdlrlaloa aa aastadad reads as fot- F north Ta buy and eeTl aad deal la log, aad to engage to tb boatneee of togging and cutting aad transporting timber, lumber and cordwoods aad to that and to cups tract. pulM, gulp, or ethei a leg scqnlre. aad to en, operate aad main ta Is canals, frames, railroads, logging railroads aad ether means ot oosTey aac and carriage aa may be aeresssry or eon Ten lent to carry ant the purposes aad ohjeeta of aald corporattoa, aad to a eon Ire by purchase or tb eserclss of th light ef emi nent domala to rights of way for an eh canals, fluaw and railroads aad ether mean ef coo re ranee or carriage, orer and lima Isnd -situated between th sawmill of aald Pall City Lumber company. k eltnated apoa to catbwest qnartee of tb outhet guartor of section IB, township south, rang I weat ef Willamette meridian. Polk eouatyv Oregon, aad tb planing mill aad lumber yard of aald eomnany sltust st tb weet side of Fells OtataPolk county, Oregna: and to pur chase, Veaee er otherwise act, n Ira, to hare, bold, poaaraa. and to bargain, sell, mortgage, leas or "thefts dispose of. sad to eoaray log and lumber and timber land la tba a tat ef Oregon aad elsewhere. . . T. "O0TT BR0OKI, " ' ' ' .;' . '" 't WIRT MINOR, : , MARGARET WHITB, 7 ninetora Palls City Lumber Co. January SI. A. D. 1S0I. BllaJ INVITED. Bid will he reeelred op to March SI, woe, t tb office of the grand clerk, J. L. Wright. Portland, Oregon, fnr tb printing and mailing of the Pacific Echa, tb monthly offleiel paper ef tb Women of Woodcraft, contract to ran for three year. Specification a lame reading Batter epac as In present form of "the SSrlMr. - Form, alee ef par and width af eotama, general saske-up and quality of 'Baser of th . f ra Ternai Monitor; wiin Bide ta be oa basis af 40.000 eoolea. month ly. and aa much per 1,000 eopl for each additional 1.000. A complete new mailing list to he art if and maintained from list furnished by the Urend Circle. - Accompanying bid amst b a etatement of mecuanleal eqmpmeut preea. typeeettlng ni Chinee sad mailers, and a guaranteelif ability ' to carry out contract. If eeeared. If the work a any part of It la to be sublet, the lb material, equlptaent, name and responsibility of th proposed suheonlraetor mast be glean. Th right I reeerred to reject any aad all Mds. Bf order of the hoard of grand manager. J. L. WRIGHT. Grand Clerk. P. O, Box No. aoSu. PortUnd, Or. ' PROPOSALS FOR CORN BROOMS Oepnt Quartermsa(r"s Office, M Mw Montgomery Itreet, Kan Franc leeo, Cel., February so, !90 Bee led proooeals, fa dnplleete, eubject to tb nsnal condition, pill be reeeleed ker until 10 s'elork a. m.. March S3. Iftrat. and ' then aoeaed. fnr furntabln and delleerhie either the Chicago, Bt. Louis. Ian Francises or neeiii nepms or ine unanermaatar'a de partment, tJ. B. army, I.ROO corn hroome. . is ngnt m reeerreo ta reject nr accent any or all proposal or any Bart thereof. PntM. riiee will be siren to srttclee ef domeatle . Biennfaetnr. condition of qasllty and price llnelndln la price of fnrelra production ot msnnfaeturss tn duty theraoal Seine eoual. Standard ssmple can he seen st. sad Masks . fnr proposals and full Information will be furnlehed upon applies tloa to thla office. En yelopee containing pmnnaale to be Indnrsed, Propnesl for Corn Brooms, No. lfloj, to be ' onaaad st in e'eloek a. m.. March t lnot.' C. A.- DIV0I Ieyet Quartarmaitsc, f, . , Army. NOTICE at public sale af th franchisee aad property of th Oregua Tncttoa eompaay. Nolle I berebr glrea that tu tackhoiaBt of th Ureguu Tract lua cotupany bar adopted a reeulutloa aatborlaliig and directing in t aolutloa sf lb aalu corporattoa aad tba tit aaoatfloe of all Ifa nnmertv. " Pareuaat to aald reeulutloa aad th reeora - tloa of th board of air ec tor authorising and directing th sal of aU of th property be kanglng to the eompaay, I will, at th hour or 1U 'ctork a. m.. oa Thursday, lite iota day of March, Ittud, at th front door of .. lb kaounty soarthuuai, to th city of Port . land, Multoomah oouoty, Orsgoa, offer at Bublle aele. to the hlebeat bltlder fox 'Cash, tu franchises, roadbed, track, righto of war aad contracts for right of way, together with an ma pa, Bronte, oinc natures ami aurwr ture, end all property of wbatersr kind Owned by aald eorporalioa. The said property will be sold la bulk, and aa aa entirety. . . . Th said fraachlae af aald company re ferred te are a follow, to wltl A franchise nthormlag the cone true tlon af a railway Hue through tb elty of Mlllabor and a rraachla granting th right vo twjsuw a railway ou and orer certain atreets ta tb city of Forest arses. Waahlngtoa county, Oregon, and a fraachlae granted by tba, city of Portland. Or., by ordinance No. 14,5b4, a- . titled. "Aa ardlBAnca era n tine to th ursgoa . Tree tloa esmpuiy. Ha emceaoor aad aaalgna, the right to eoostract. lay aowa. aaamtala aad operate rallwaya aad Do lea and win aad aa- " SFrfiWH COOUU1IS IB tns city wt a-iaTienu. - 4W " I A nmtMl kv aha, tnaroe at Said CltT OB the ath Amw Af Anrtl llattVl Th coaetracted track belonging to aald company coaalet at about -1,800 tost of double track laid oa Twelfth street, la tn city of Portland, Or- bstweea Baraald and Orcrtoa atreeta. la aald city, and SttO feet or doubi track sa rettygrors atreet. as tweea Thirteen tb and Fourteenth atreets, ta aald dty, and three creasing on 8 la tees I h, Twsntr-thlrd and Twentr-flf th streets, at tu Intersect toe of Pettygror atreet. Tb Bgpe and prorilee referred to a bow th eurrey ot th projected electric railway II n of tb eompaay from th city of Portland, Or., to the city of Forest Oror. Or. For full taformatloa aa to ill prooerty af the company. Inquire at tb office of tb mennany, roafa 63. Ualoa block, city sf rata The said sorporatlon g bow Indebted 1a shout tba sum of 1.15.005. ' Of aald sum about th amount of SS.500 1 due th German la National bank af Baa Franc iaeo. Cel., for which 1100.000 par Tain Is amount af tb bead of th eompaay secured by a mortgage or deed af trust oa all the property f th company are deposited a jgillatsral aad af which aald total amount about th asm af f 14,700 I secured by ayeehaalre' lien aa tb franchise, roadbed and contracted track of the eompaay to tb etty of Portland, tb remain en raw. tinder of aald Indebted eo being anee- Tb -said property shall be sold to th kit nest bidder. The purr nana price aha 11 be paid ta faU. la cash or by aeeeptabl certi fied check, at or before I o'clock a. m- of tb day of eel. Psyanant to be mada to tb undersigned at the offlca of tb com pany. Union block. Portland. Or. If tb peraoa offering th highest bid for sll of aid property shall not pay tba entire pur rhaee pries by S o'clock p. sa. of aald tar of sele, tb person ofterlng tb aecoad highest MA shall be entitled to tb eoaTeyeac of aald property. If be shall pay th entire sum bid by him before 4 c'dot . of aid day ef sale: and If aeltber tb M highest er neit hlgbeat bidder shall' pay aa eld day af sals tbs amonnt bid by Blm. tha directors af tb company at their option may sell said property to any aateoa bidding day of aald sal of th cam bid by sir. Tu right to reject any and all bid la ttsarrsd. By order f th board af directors. . W. L. OOTJLD. Becrttary Orsgoa Tracttoa Company. NOTICE IS RBRBBX GIVEN that sa tb X(h day of July, lfttM, J. J. Trlmbm mortgaged to tb anderalgned, Gambrlnua Brewing com pany, certala property described aa follows: Osrtals gooda ami chattele bow being la tb a tore aambersd 11 North Third street, Portland, stale of Oregon, aad dauerlbsd a all tb stock af Wines, liquors, cigars, mere-band lee and stock la trad ef erery kind ad character now eltnated la tb a bore described prsmlsss: slao the bar glaaaaa aad g la aawa re. gsa fixture. 1 liquor caas, 1 cigar atand and apparteeaaeee, I bootblack stand, linoleum, 1 Iron railing, t awning, tables. 11 chslrs. soltteOBS. aad All other furniture sad flxtare not specially enumer ated herein, bow altnated la th aboe de- serlbed premises, ' lacradlng 1 lea chest, I store, l puonograph. i clock; also all of th Interest of aald . J. Trimble ta aad to eae National cash register No. eOo.uvo, aad eae Paeki Safe A Luck win na uy ssfs. That tb mortgagor, J. J,'-' Trimble, tolled te pay th debt secured by said mortgage at It msturlty, sad by virtue thereof evade de fault ta the tarsia of aald mortgage, and b the term ef said mortgage the undersigned, the mortgage. Is authorised sad empowered to enter the tor numbered 81 North Third atreet. ta the dty ef Porttaad. a tats ef Ors goB, where ssld property was. and sack ether place or place where aald property, or any thereof, to, aad take or carry away aald goods aad chattele, sad sell aad dispose ef the mm at prlrat sals or at public auction apoa giving oa wash' notice of the aaav la a new a pa per ef general etrmlattou puh ltebed to Mnltnomah county. Oregea; and eat ef tb mosey arising therefrom te rets Is and pay the debt secured thereby aad in tereet aad all c harass touching th Baste, tacrudlna a reasonable eum aa eoaassl fees, rendering tb ererplu. If a ay, ant th mortgagor. , . That ta pursuance af aeld power, aad Be cause ef said dafaalt. the undersigned bat takea pnaaiaalaa ef aald property and wllL at the premises foresaid. N. si North Third Street, ta the city ef Portland, Oregna, ea the S6ta day of February, 1901, at tw o'clock a. a., aell aald property st public aetloe to the his beet aad best bidder for c rroceed of sals to be applied to payment ef lie aasonnt doe apoa the debt seen rati by aald mortgage, to-wlt. the sura af S824. with Interest thereoa from the SOtb day ef July, 1004, and the coat and erpeneee et coBductlng as Id sale, laclndlmg a raaaonabl am aa counsel fee. Tmtod that lth dar af FsbrWry, A. D. loot. 6AMBBINTTS BREW1NO COMPANT. By SAMUEL OALLAND. Acttnar Manager. PB0PO8AIA FOR CLOTHING AND EQUIP- Aua uepot uuartarmastar' utiiee, an new Montgomery Street, Haa FraBcleea, Califor nia. February 10. 10. Healed pronoeala, to trlpllcste. subject to th neual eoadltlona, will be recetred here antll 10 o'clock a. m.. Monday, Febraary SB. 10. aad thea epeaed. for furnishing and dellTering at either the New Xork. Philadelphia, Bostoa, Cklcags. St. Lout or Baa rrsaclae depot af ta quar termaater departmeat. TJ. 8. army, 10.000 Sa Ira whit woolea g lores, 52.500 yard oil ra re b shirting flaanel, SO, 000 pairs leggings, 15,000 chsmbray shirts. 35,000 pairs rusast hose. The right la iutd to reject or crept any er all srnpoeale er say part thereof. Preference will be gleea to artfclef ef domestic msnufaetur, conditions ef qual ity aad price 1 1ncluding ta the price of for elga produetloae or Bsnufsctursa the duty thereoa) being ecnal. Standard ssmples caa be seen at, and blank proposals and fnll In formation will be furnlabed. upoa application to thai office. Knrelopee eon tabling proposal to be tadorsed, 'Proposals for Clothing snd Equipage. No. 152. to be opened 10 o'clock a. m.. Febnury SS, 1106." O. A. DBVOL, Depot Quarter sweater, U. B. Army. . NOTICE OP TOCKH0LDF.R8 MEETING la ceordanc wltk th utbority rested to am by the by-laws of Iwla and Clark Centennial and Amertcs Pacific Espoajtloa and Oriental Pair, a forporsttoa arganrssd and i1stlng under the lawa of tba state of Oregoa, I. - a - - .... mm IM ,i, lliii i ii, w. aenoomrpraeioene 01 suieerpoi si am. hereby call a special meeting ef It stock. holders, te be held to the office of the cor poration. Admlalarratloa building, Upshur atreet, , betweea Twenty-sixth aad Twenty aeesath etreeta, Portland, Oregoa, ou Thurs day, tb first dsy of March, ISO, at II 'slock ta th anoralng, for tb purpos ef authorising th dleeolutloa of said col put a tloa and th settling ef It huslnees, and die nosing of "It property and dlrldlng tb capi tal etoek la such manner aa te the . meeting may seem proper, and for the transaction of any and all buslnssa 1a connection therewith that aiay properly cob before ssld meeting;, H. W, OOODB. Br order et tb president. . HENRT B. HERD, . ' Secretary of Said onoretloB. ' Portlaad. Oregna, February II, lOOd. NOTTCB of AapotBtaeat ef Executors gad te liaimsnts. I tb county court of tb Mat af Oregoa, for th county af Multnomah. In th Batter of tb estate ef Frank Eanlnerlch (eommosly kaowa a Frank Baa), deceeaed. Notice M bereby glrea that tb ' ander slgned have been duly appelated by tba ahoee-entltled court executors ef the lost will snd tsstsmeat of Frank Esnlmrrlrh, commonly known ( Frank Baa. deceased. All persona hating, claims against th eatate f Ball deceased are bereby required to present them wltk proper Toucher within IX Booths from th date af thl antic to rn nnnersignen, ex ecu tore roreesld. tt the of Ace of Teal A Minor, room Xts War. crater block, la the city of Portland, eouatr ef Mnltnomah and stats of Oregon, i' Haled this (areata day ef rehruar. 1104. t . : JOHN KELLY. . r- rxrn nnrwr Bzrcuron ef Mi teet Will ef Frank faa- lTt',,'a t)xl Knew a ag rruk Baa, IN THE district court ef the Halted Bute for tha dlatrlet ef Oregon, ta the matter . or eae eeiale ox u urssobsrg, bankrupt. 'The sederslgned will receire aied bid for a nock of assrchaadlss, caaslatlng prin cipally of clothing, bats, aboea, trwikh and aenta' fnrnlahlasx goods, ef th toeolcs ealne . of lo.4o7.OT, togetae with flamv of 144 UU. iocsksb si auu sua arerett srrssts, fori land, Oreana. ap - to IS o'clock boob of Frl - dar. March S. 1BU. A certified check Cor 10 per sent of th lamast offered Bust accompany each bid. had the right at raaarrad te r elect ear ni ; all bid. Iarentory and Inepeetloa ef Stock Bar be . aaa ea appucuaoe. . Dated iebraarr SO, IBM. V B. L. 8AB1N, - Trustee ef the EstsU of U. Green serf, . Front aad Askeny Stretu, , PortlaBd. Orsgoa, , .' , .-. WB, tb anderslgned feral ture aad alaae. moeers, wiu requir ta payBeat of all charge apoa dellrery of gooda after Decem ber 1. 1IU5: H. 0. Uasck. C. P. Harder. 0. P. Hueeey. Coagrore Bros., Portlaad Do Brsry Co., Post Special Dellrery Co.. Psck sge Dellrery Co., Uolmas Trsoafer Co., Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregon Auto Dia ne tea vo., woes namneon, James McUadea, Owea McXJadea, Psdflo Transfer Co., Oregoa Trsasfsr Oa., Portland Tea A Storage Co.. Wsksmaa, More Transfer Co.. Esst Bid Tra safer Co., C Ol Pick Traaafer A Btorag Co., C M. Olson, Bsggsg , Omnibus Tra de fer Co., A. J. Murphy. Eadderly Tranafer m cximmatsioa - vo., aloha A, ts, Andrew J. MujuhyF. M. Iralaad. W, Millar, Vuc 0PFICB DIsberstosT Ouartermsstor. Portland. Oreana. Feb. IS, 1S0S. Sealed propossla, la triplicate, will he recetred here until 11 a. aa.. Pacific tiros. March 10, IM), for S.TOO tone hay and 1,100 tons eat fox dellrery at Beanie, svaaniagtoa. rortiane. orsgoa, or ether prominent railroad Dolors. Informs- tloa aad blank proposals furnished at this erf Ice ea spp Heat ton. The U. S. reasrvta tha right to accept or reject say or all bide or any part thereof. Enre lopes eonulnlng Rronesal should be Indnrsed ''Piepoaala for ley aad Oate and sddnaul te Alfred M. Pslmsr, Major and Ouartermaster. D. ,8. A. STOCK HOLDERS' ANNUAL MEETING. The etork bolder of th Uttle Bsela Mia. isg company axe hereby sot 1 fled that tb regular annual meeting of ' the ateckboldera of thl oompany will be held la the dty of Portlaad. Orsgoa. ea Monday, March a, 1S0S. at 1:10 o'clock p. m.. for the purpos of electing fall hoard of seres directors, te eerre dmitut the sssulng year, aad for the transaction of sack baelnee as Bay legally corns before the meeting. J. ' H. HEMER, Pratoent. Attostl JOB. L. KELBATR, Becretsry. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION " - NEIGHBORS ,. SOMBTHINO DOINO TONIGHT . BETTER COMB. WASHINGTON IO DOB NO. I r, a. A. M imied tloa thai IWsdneeday) erenlng, T:S0 - e'eloek. Burkbsi-d bldg. Work r. a degree, vial tors wsl Com. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Be. LOST AND FOUND. Tyrr A auras eontatnla SSS ta cola aad three ladr'a rings, ay a working giru Bua- dar Bight, bstwsea Foorteent and Jaffer. OB and First and Yamhill. Kindly pboe Mala IS or leave at Joaraal office aad re eel re liberal reward. , LOST OB BTRAYBD Tsllow Jenny cow, right bora broken orr; Dae ea leataer Barter, nouiy B. C. Uotl later. Weeds tork, aad rscstrs re ward. . LOST Lady's gold watch wltk Philippine cole fob. between Thirteenth and Mala aad Perk at. Finder Call at BUS Park at, abd receire reward. . , LOUT Laat Satantar. aeer Bellwood. handbag, hraas trlmmlsgs; rswars. Addrsss ' I SS, aaraaJ. , LOT Ten dollars reward; ao question aaksd; Bostoa terrier, brlndle, white ahlrt and col. lar. ea foreleg, fast and tip ef tail: an swers to 'Snort." Call rooa IS. Na, T First St. Tele psoas 85, W- A. Mears. HELP WANTED MALE. PORTLAND Barber College Tolttoa reeaouabl a aay inbaol ea eosat-. SIT Flsadera sC SCHOOL tsaeaer aad stadeuto, stogie yosmg meu betweea SO aad SO who will waat good em ploy meat during the gammer, write P. O. box 134. Portlaad, glrlng psrtleulars. WB waat a No. 1 traseltas aatasmsa to repre asnt a ea th read, ea a asmmlssloa. Motel . a. Bestaursst Sapply O.. Bus Second at. MEN aad wnmaa to leera the berber trad to IgM weeks, tb aioisr syaiem or colleges hers opened eae of their faaaoue bartter aehoiil to Portlaad: graduates earu from 1S te $'& per week) only reliable barber college la the flatted It tee: apeelal term to flrat SO Mo desto; b lleely and get pedal rate. Mole yatem Collages. U N. 4th at Portlaad, Or. WANTED Bolldtor for brokerage arm. Apply ta mesa ao vana eng.. mj. LBARN aboweard writing at the T. M. O. A. . night school; aw term ef four ami the bo gle February SS;' pereosai lastractioa. W A NTTtn Psrrnae efneet a experleac sarasaam S2O0 reoulrsd. Pall usUU 11 M North FourU St., see. Bursal ds. WANTBD A msa to fear. 14T Bast Baa ear aad Alblaa are., Weat Piedmont. WANTED Old geutlemaa to hlp de chore; OerBaa preferred; good home, seas 11 wages. 1480 Macs dam st-i taks Pultoa car. WANTED At sac, a good dreeeer. tender and drawer-m er wsrps; gona psy, needy work. Apply to Job P. Wilbur, auperlateadvat Untoa Woolea Mill. TJaioa. Or. TELEGBAPHT Nw railroad eoeatructlou, cre ating big demand tor uiegrspa operators; wsgs 478 to 8100 per mouth; expert In structors. Pacific Telegraph institute, 408 Iteern bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 848U Wsshlsg. cor Seeeatk. anetalra. rBoa aula SoVS. Psmsls help wanted. , PORTLAND SBWINO SCHOOL Faabloaabl aaklng. 171 H Mnrrisoa ab, eer. rourts, O. Myatem taaght. "KNOW REAL ESTATES In this" city unless ypy keep ' yourself up to date by read ing all the "-' ' . . !, - Nothing changes 'over night ; so frequently as real estate values. "''''. i :. . . . -. ' '' ..; " " : . , " v If your property is not just what you need, exchange it through a Journal ad. for, something better .. :TIHl FOR YOU f CAMP A WeO.W-V ISaSak.1. V, kaa n ! HELP .WANTED FEMALE. EDI'CATCD, refined, easrgstta wei as with Vlarl onmpaayi refarea room SI Law! buUdiug. Aspiy WANTED A cook; ppply Immediately. Bast 4458. , rboa WANTED Teung gUl to help ear far ashy. 000 asm sight at. atreoxiya ear. - WANTED A girl for houaework. SB par week. - Apply at 410 NorU Twenty-BIta St. HELP wanted aa ladlea' taltor-msd eults an-l . skirts A Llppmsn. Udlss' tailor, ayr xniril, uei. xsyior auu Baimoa. WANTED Olrl lor light aoasework. Pbon Union Axon. , S ,. COMPANION Maa aad wtf wsnt girl snout 11 or 15, as companion; will jn her a home and sducatlua. Call at 524 Durham a.. Woodlawa. v .. WANTED Ladles for scalp and fees maaeaga. nooms II-1A ursnd Theatr pidg. . aire. Vehr. agent tot Dr. Crlstloa'l .French toilet articles. WANTBD At ace. flrat-class dmbwaabcr. Tba Msnitoa, atu IBth st. ' k MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THB NIPPON BMP. OFFICE Japanese belp rwalsasd. SB North Third at. Mala SIM. BELP wanted snd sunntled. msls ar rSmsln. R. . ursas. auoH waaninttoa at. raetae ibtva, SITUATIONS ' WANTEDMALE. WELL-EDUCATED boy ef IT would Uke noal hob as collector, or la store eg sine, u rare journal. MAN and wife. German, wsnt a aoslttoa aa a farm; maa understands farm work aad la a- good tee mater: woman te good cook and caa do plain aewtng; both "ar atroug sad goou worksrs. Apply at Park Hotel, south- sast comer Aignia aaa uuaaa sis. - WANTED By smsteur photographer, poaltlou a pootograna . f suery, Aauraaa - V, care Juurnsl. . . ' XOCNG ail, SS.' wlabee poeltloa; good hand wica aoraes; well acqaaiBtea wit city, u ao. csrs jouraai, ' BT OOO0 steady maa, posltlea ss shipping eterg ec storekesper la wbomi aouae - m place woere be caa work hlBaslf ap, Q ST, care Joaraal. : WANTBD Peeltloa Bight or day watch man or janitori cooa rsrsrstvc. a, ss, joaraal. .... . . . MAN want situation ea tea mater; sndaratssds cere ec Boreas ; has nrst-clsas refereBce. T 18, car Joaraal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE TOIINO womsa, gradasts ef etato normal, de sire positioa as asstataat orrice. as dr 24 yoatgomery St.. cor. Fifth. WANTEDAGENTS. "WiNfED Agents; something sew; coed Bailor, out wages, sue Mcuy Diog. ra 4jrnt reliable bmw ta eeery towa to Oregea to sell sick aad eeefdewt I nan ranee. Paclfl Aid aseocUtloo. 808 Deksm bid. FIRST-CLASS s rents la Portland aad through state; his was to ruataars. 410 Foa- toa Diog. WANTED Responsible saea aad women to aell Biirer'e Caeh Boadj liberal esmmlaaioas. S18 Ablngtoa bldg. WANTED Energetic and competent agents" to represent us la an parte or the aorta west; cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Co. AGRNTR-to raarsaa dty; male or female: sal ary gziw per say. lu r aaoreee ibj front etM soutn. W wsnt two good solicitors: aatlsfsetnry psy te sun, man a gooa salary IT yoa caa sera It. T0S Marquam. . - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. O. AND 0. EMPtaOTMENT AND REAL ' EST ATB COMPANT. Rentals, loans, real sat ate and rnoeatng beeessi send erdera by Ball or telephone snd ws will call: male and female help furalehed free te employers. Ws buy snd sell buetaeea chances of sll kinds, im North Fourth at., eor. 4th aad BtiraaMa. Telepnon Main 5105. THB Portlaad Employment Ob., S0SM taorrtooa at. Phone Pari fie t. i HANSEN'S KMPLOTMENT OFFICE. -FOR MEN. ' M BY Beeosd St. Psons Mala 1898. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT -Co.. 8 North Second, furnlehee all kinds em ploy meet for mea aad women Mela 8088. SHERWOOD A BOYTL teal eatate aad employ. Beat. Bale er lemai. 8. Paoae Mala dTSS. - SOOVb Morrlaoa, rooa JAPANESR-CHINENB KMPLOTMENT OFFICE. . Henry Takara, MT Brerett at. Pbsaa Ps slfle 40. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 85 Barnatde at All ktods kelp free to aav ployera, Phon Mala eST. BIG FOT'R KM P. AGENCY Help supniled 18 North Seeoad at. Pboaa Mais .015. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOI'SBS, COTTAGE. FLATS, BOOMING HOUSES. STOREa ETC Oa rental el9amfiaffaV9fart has beea eamrged and sawalited wltk addlthaasl staff. W toelte ' listing from LANDLORDS, effr pereosai attention to aad eoattaaoe - aperruloa era all property tatrastsd to ear PORTIA NO TRUST COMPANY frP ORBOON. 8. B. Cor. Sd aad Oak eta. Phoae Ex. TS. WANTED March 1st. - with prlrat family, en r twe furnished hmaekeeplng ronms, wltk ysrdt Bast be reaaoaabla. Address ' O TO, Joaraal, WANTED REA L ESTATE. ' TB WHO WISH TO SETX LIST TOI'R REAL EHTATB WITH .THB DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY Pay quick sale and ready cash. Customers for new and modern residences, cottage, good residence lota, uburbaa acresgs. Don't of fer a snythlng oat of date or raa dowa la tb heel. We want ftrst-elaes property. . 140H lest Street.. LIST year property with th Beal Estats Kx chant. 311 Cotamhla bldg. I tb combined eforta ef nearly Mm firms will mike sues, . quick ssles. Phone Mala 1538.. Weat Park and Waahlngtoo. , , WANTED Te buy from owner, 10 r 15 acres highly Improved land, cloas to.esr, with good houaa; glre full particulars aad phon number It posathl; state .lowest caeh pries. ; H SOO, care JouraaL . , , WANTED Lot or fraettoa, etoss to; gtrs toea tloa aad price. Gordon, SOS Fourth at. TWO nr three Iota fronting oa Almrwortb are. to Highland Parkr cash bur U prle I right. , Addles 0 84. Joaraal. . , CORNER Vt betweea tl and - Madison , Midges, ant too far from th rirer; ami be cheap for cash; atato price aad tocaUoa, Addrree 1 JO. Journal. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, .aprarlng and wbltewnahlng- tree, basement, herns, dock, tc. largeet, gssollns praying outfit ea tb ooaat. M. G. Mora an at tje., axa uniow are. Phon Bast toil. HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID for furniture la aay ouantltyi alee toke sas on eomeilloa aad guarantee best result. Tb Portlaad A actios Rosa. A. Schabacb, prop.. Sll Pint t. Paoae Mala 5060. YOUNO lady dealree typewrltleg week Se t bom armings. Bach sop ring letters, eddreealng enralopea. rappers oraay fclad ef typewrlttng work I ewe a UBderwoud ar chine. 1 IS, ear of JoarasL WB WIU. BHY. SELL OR TRAPB At.0Lp THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CtX, 82T 8 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T88. PONES DOES SPRAYING. PRUNING. WHITSV W ASHING, ' WHO IB M. G. MORGAN A CO.1 - WANTED S horsds, beat 800 tb. esoh, Vitoa Lsandry Co. j. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 81l,hUyisd goesrt. ' .JouraaL -S T, care PONES WILL GIVB FIGURES ON SPRAYING COULD take aa eutslda tmltdlns tot ss nart payment to build roar houae. Address T a, care Journal. ' " 0. G. EMPLOYMENT A BEAL ESTATE CO. We bar th buyer and must bare the operty, real or persoasL Write er phoae id we will ea lb- Pbon Mala 8155.. 11 rth Fourth at., cor. ourth and Buraald. su North WANTED CHy tots to clear by eootraot. 0 80, car Journala -. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB GRAND, 49V, North Third St. I gentieatea $1.60 par week aad up. tor NICELT farn toned - room close to. west side. bath, gaa. peon. 85 per month. Call ISO noria J nirtevuth. CHEAP rooa wltk er without board, for twe; soe bwjb, case is. i-aoa gasst saiu. THB B1CHELIBU. SIM NORTH SIXTH ST. - aLlakaw as -.. ..-.M tv a A a. . SaaV HUWHgrW, agvarasjaj aWSBBsa mWU W1JJSJ, WIIX-ITRM8HED itMtns la prlrsU all ooTiiaDcci; food . locctMWe V2t Mot. N I CELT - fortUsb(-d bomkMianff-rot mlm 7 ,' su sj mitmmmu h., MCavaj 91m. FtNIsnCD wra, ffu, bath, pbm: fwmmm er,-,, wvuoai tawsjl. SJPW. MSPI. BfjTJM. dU eseasaua axew.g asw-aic BT1 aeayu vrnfWw ' FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. Sl.TS PER WEKK 1, etaaa r.laat nouseseepnig rooms; lauudry and Bath. 14 IBB. -eouia iriartiaaa. . THB MITCHELL, FUaeeee -esd ' Seeatk Rooms, kouaekeeplng aad 4raaalaat oa- TaiHiwai., aeecwe rassimBBaa. . - FOB B I NT Fsrslah ad beoseheeplrag rooms la oust ancc owca on sssi aloe; gaa reagee. . bath, etc.! ao trsnslents; price modsrste. Logaa blk.. 10SV4 Union a eeraar Eaa Aiosr. raoaa Baat n.M. . . ' THB ALBERTA For rout. Bice tleht hen seeping sua single rooms, fijo par weea aad BP. aVl a SSTSt IU 801 H WATER ST. House keepmg lamas, rsa oabli light aad pbose Isvluded. TWO aire bouer keeping rooml Irate family, ie. ea n. iota at. atsia 828 MARK ET Furnished single aad housekeep ing rooms, ail coareniences; aanoerata real. ooa ana. S FURNISHED housekeeping room ( per wjan.a. isu eee Bsrrsaia k. , HOUSEKEEPING rooms, wall furalsbed. wltk as aaa balk. pj stark et. - TWO ex three fsrnlaned heuaakiaptng rooms! pnoBs, eatn, raa light. Turners peat, aa Siano: tw lis, er three SS0. Baat SSOO. 15 North Grand are. iusx3cmaa3ssmm3 MS-AND-BOARDr UNDELL HOTEL. Fourth aad Marks Nsw brick, elegantly farnlinod. hsodera thraoghout; rataa reasoaable. BOARD and rooa for eae ar two: bath, beatvi etc.; worcrns; persons prenrred. Morrisoa st. CU East 1 HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. -., TURE FOR. SALE. 8800 NEW furniture of 11 rooms; cheap teat. gooa lea ae: tn best paying email knees la towa. 107 H Third St., aeer Week legion. FOR RENT HOUSES. . ' H. E, EDWARDS, Housefurnleber. ''. "" " " - RENTAL HEPARTMENT. "- ' If yoa con template snoring, cell snd are - as, aa- we bar tb Beat eomplet list of rscsnt bouaee la the city far real. PoUew. lag aa a partial list : WEST BIDB." r-'.- ' r- rooms, food contlltloa 8 T.00 S roeme M... 8 00 4- roea heuaa 10.00 5- i-oob bone 12.00 5 roots houee, bath, fair condition...., 14.00 T-coora houee, balk, gas, good eoadltloa, IT. 50 I -room bouse, bath, gaa, Lincoln at.,.. IS 00 8-room cottage, bath, gaa SO. 00 -roues beass. fair eondlttoa.... 10.00 -rooa boas. College et 28.00 -room flat. bath. gaa. Sixth M 25.00 -room flat, usee, both. gaa............ 25.00 room hooss. sew, bstb, fss... ....... 27.60 Data, aaa.............. an.oo rw. batb. tras ,., 82.50 KANT SIDE. Oat, 8-roon cottage, Mllwaokte lt 10. 00 -room cot tags 12.00 -room boose, batb, good eoadltloa..,. 12.00 5-room bouse, batb, good eoadltloa.... 14.00 T-rooB boas,- batb, gas.... , 15.00 S-rooa bouse, good eondlttoa, clews la.. 15.00 room house, new, bstb, gas 18.00 -room flat, new, modern, close la.... la 00 8-rooa hone, batb. gaa 18.00 -room houae. aew. bath, gas, electricity 1X00 , T-rooea boa, aew. batb. gaa Sn.00 B-reea a a ass, nata, gaa ".i -rooa bouss, bath, gaa, cloee la...... 22.00 8-rooa cottage, hath, gag, furnace. ..... 25.00 5-roors flat, aew. Couch st 28.00 Note Ne IsformstloB - rogardlas ' thee kowse caa be siren oyer pbon. H. B. EDWARDS, Honaefursiah, 188 to 181 Pint St, BEPI'CED RENTS v ' gap Manososns sre aaa - sinsujr ewaws S rooms. 828 Mill. . 120 Beautiful new and ap-to-dsto T reean, Ea.t Thirty-third and YamhllL lift Strictly modera S rooms, Til Osatea- lis Yerr d eel rabld' -room cottage, . 188 Bast Tblrtyeeeeath. THB DUNN-LA WRENCB COMPANY, . 14SH Pint Bt. MODERN 8-rnea feoae ea Cherry . - Modera S-reoaa Boreau eel uiibsb sa. T-rooa bouse ea Ben to st. 5-roors bouse oa Thuraaa t. . ' . IS room end S stare ea East WMoinf. tea and Water ats. , r. ABRAHAM. IIS Seeoad St, KADDERLT TRANSFER CO.. prompt aad re liable plane ana rumiiure mo-rera ; siao sror age. Phoae Mala 188. . Of Bos, 110 N. Third. FOR BENT T-rooa anttaga, 148 Tarenty-fourth t., Aorth. bstwssa Hayt asd Irring. Ksy at Te irriag. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANT , .. . xa a i AKn. n r. Insurance, rentals, see list: NEARLY aew 0-rosai boa aad trig bar; S lots, an la gardea ana young rruit treee; at bo freah cow for. sale, part Jsreey. . 828 Windsor it,, Woodlawa. , A COTTAGE with d rooa dowatlre and S In attic; aiao Data an censr: completed laat fall; No. 415 Iron at., 1 blk. from Grand aes. and Dtelstoa st.) $12 per month. Th Bar. rail IaetBnt Co.. No. f Pint t. LIST ynnr rental propertlea with aa; we charge nut Hill tor our e i ili e in meae erery effort to secure tenants; pbon ua gad w will , call cm yoa. WESTERN OREGON" TBUST COMPANT. 201 Stark at. ...... Pbon Pacific 80S. FOR RENT 8 -room cottage, cuss la, 812. Inquire no Eaat Sixth, Worth. - FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES, NEW STORES. ' la growing district oa tb eeat aid: atrlct Ir modera snd brand new; get etarted bow; $28 per Boath for corner and 822.50 fnr 1n ald. Deatrabl modera flats Ip aaactloa New store and flat, Eaat Tbtrty-fonrth and Dlrlatoa sts., 420; asercsatlle aetsbllsh ment needed la, that locality, ' Many other good proposition la storee ea both eld ef PORTLAND TBUST COMPANT OP ORBOON, a, Bl. war. i nirs enu usi, .. Pbon Exchange TS. OFFICES, snfuralahed. aad akmple roe me) atos a.-,. .v.aa n fauaaiavk klala. -. Kak all eie. f ww,-, . .s. efrw - - Isratori ' 1 111 OrriCR rooene. "im furnlehed ad aampl Apply ele- rooms ror rent. vieoonougB eater. . LARGB offlce, third Mory, centrally located, elevator, $40 pet most a. Colling Lasd Co. atsin Bflze, ; - v . - FOR RENT Twe fine storeroom. S4x5S ind unrWl, best mcailoBi . rne emairer una lor berber hop and confectionery. Adrs BuX ill. Cottage Srere, Orego. - . .. r UNDER ANY , ClaASSIFICATIOR , Flye Cents Per Line . Ne ad tsksa Car teas the TS per day. Bsea Words, a rule, eenatltuto Use. bat each Has ta charged regardlea ot the number of srord. ,. - , , . WAJUrXY BATA T tnaerrlml (Inelsdln mwSuaday laauel 80 CAJII8 per Is par M0ETHXT . RATS ' f including sll Bandar leeuesl 81 per line par mouth. aDiKSA.TrS bZi bT Is learaal boeln'as eiUce by IS 'clock week dsy ' by 10 o'clock Saturday erenlng (ae -,'"'" r r"ne. ie secure tsasiBcatioa. WbPtAT BATA8 gteea apoa applies tloa at o TiiirjouiwAir- v BRANCH OFFICES ' AJTnTTSJ.atAlfTS " V ''r ' win be received at rewatar ma1s-ef8oa rates. PMIowlns. I a , list ef sothoriaad sgeBto whs will forward year adrerttae aient ta Una tor pub Ilea tloa la tba aaat aTOBTX tot' lta. A. Peas I lam aknsatatetL aaa .Jivl- and Th m-man atreets, i won-itiii Pbarmacy, 880 Sllssa (treet. eorue Twmty-SntT UA. W. Allea. pharaatat. Ilxtssatb sad Marshall strseta. " McOoaaoa's Pharawcr. KlBrtosatk aad Waahlngtoa atneto. , r ' v-iwrTst sBwt -v ;-: 'JSSJ 0 to. Pto-I Cottal DruaT emus. Wtrm mmA OmiI atl eel a. . . - Fa Maa Vyerler. 4axEBrL 400 Jttfsrssa street, eeener Teatb. " Bettmas'a rmaraacr. ttrwm Blxtb aad Hserison streets. - Plnmmw Brag ewapaay. 210 Thlfd street csr MiilleaB. . ., SAB .BXM.1'..,. W.- S, Lose, druggtsr. eraraer Brasd leaaas tad Rsst Burnetde atreet. Nlchol A Traoaaraeoa. JJ Rasssll Street sstbm Alblna aeeaue. Jaaeke Drag compear, nraic Hawtharai ad Grand eeenues. - W, C Cable, druggtst eerner Holla dar eewaa , lad . Larrshee , otrU asar steel bridge. R. A. Wlleoa, 128 Grsad . ' sear Ie- Vorrleoa. , M. W. Ban. S5S Bast aWeaatk Btreet ae Staphews. . Tuttle'e pbsraeer. BBS tulalsatppt igm, raw Sharer atreet. . ' aTOBXABTD. " ' " P. t. Clark, drugsist 100S Kcrtk Uale SVBBTSIDm. ' - - . .' Wsrtk. Bhsrmactst, SM - ,;' aSOOBXTaT. , -.' ttranklra Iraaramaee aomnese " Pewill kad MllwsukU. atreets. , ARLETA, RX00ST. Arista Pharmacy, More aad Fester strMta. '-v-'V UUW00B. ' Hemetock'S Pbarmeey. 848 rmsttlU ae, asraer East Tklrteaatk treef. BT. losrtri. a. KTllott'l pharmacy. ' ' BUSINESS CHANCES. A SNAP BlerksBlth shop for sale cheep; to- eeetigaie aariy. ai start, wresBsm. ur. CHANCE ef a I.lfetlsje 28 pee. pest pcot to a satsU Inreetment; don't delay, but write tor piaa. use vox aaa, city. - - FOB SALE $4.000 Stock et grscerlee and hard. ware; centra I aoraiioa ra one or uregna-g beat town of .000 population; togging, mining snd farming tra as I this will sell. Aaswsr quick If pea waat It., Addreea S IT. car Joaraal. GOOD lassdry route for ele. p. P. Bmera. ate city Lsusaiy u.. er paoae Eaat S8TT. - WB base peuperty ta the Tsaia erheatHrrewlsg . Belts ef esstera Oregoa sad . Washlngteai . apple and berry lasd la the much-talked -of Moo . atlrer esney: Bop lasd aad dairy eaacbta la the Wills Bsette Taller: asd aa . la the Umnous sailer the land of bis eel. lew pes eh as w hsrs some eery aloe farm aad atock ranehee; ear prices are sa low th lowest aad we will glre yoa the best ef terms ea aay of this property ; we will take aa pert payment good Immxreed or anissproerel -Portland property; now If you wsat a eoaatry Hand property; now If yoa bore u year chance, rat I sail st ear ernes. ' life further taforae. NORTHWEST LAND CO, - SOS OeodDoagk bldg. BHiw BAI.B At emcere. e 4 gl.waj; a anap u rassa at ouce; eacnisa in central part s n uisaweiiBi im.mmj. a. m. JoaraaL MONEY-MAKING BNTBBPRI8R The great Hurst awltea laseatioa wiu sona go oa roso: large factory near fslr grounds: caa't best y pnce; am Bailing ta nursi ewa at big dlecoaat. Call and be eoarteced. W. J. Curtis, S18 Comaaerclal block. Pboaa Mala WMO IB ML O. MORGAN A CO.T WILL trad for Bsercantlla buatnees er rental property, en ot m acre seir mim siaracsoa.' prlBg taraaca, good eoll. easily clssred, partly fesced: each price 830 per scrs. Tba Cedy Hardwar 0c Estscsds. Or. FOR SALE Good stack ef general meresandtss for See ea ooitar: gooa traee; gnng location; reaeoue for elllng. Addrsss Lock Bos 828, Oraato Paas, Or. BLEEPING Bad boasekeeplne rooms for rent. lee H. H. Uigley, room ao, waahing oa at. PURNITURB af T room hoase. close ta. for ale cheap; rent raseonesu. i Thara at. FOR BALE 88 room rooming-houss, good toea tloa, Bltth at. ; pretty well ruu; price ii.oun; rent ITS. Pel particular address B SS, csrs JoaraaL. RE8PONSIRLR BSrtT With pits I ftsd eood oonortunltr for Inreetment with manu v facturer aad Jobber l good beale fnr enlerglng ... boalneee; caa Bctwaa aseeta t siu.iaai wiin party baring equal asiount to Inesst: best refer esres eirkaagrd. U 18, care Joaraal. MAN with $500 Get exehulee agescy for aortnwsstl gooa salary aaa enmmissioa, lasrw I $2,800 In It. Box O 88, JouraaL SB-ROOM betel for ssle. CaU 80S Hswthoras ar. . price 51,800. FOR SALE Millinery store; a greet oppor tunity for tb right party; must Ml, enre; tbrlelag tow oat of city. Lewengart A Co., Mlllloery, 82 Freat at. SAWMILL FOR BALE Sonno fact cepecttr; in limner,, plenty ol orocra; a caap. ao Iress J 81, Journal. RESTAURANT la fine lorattoa. weat side. seaio. a l nse 11, uva amassrcisi ois. easm WANTED For psrtner, a doctor with $500, to i inesst IB B BSW, riisiuiv euterpriau, s wee Third , t. Pboa Pacific 1221. ' 0-ROOM mcmtafbeuse. wsll furalsbed, ea Third . at., 100. SUOls Morrwoa e. rooa o. GROCERY wit llrlTig room: good trade, real oration: gona reason tor selling; cieaa eioca; price $450; aap. , 188 Morrisoa St. 0ROCERY eaat side, 11 ring rooms; good loea- tlon; clean atocs ; price uuui surgsm; rein 818. IMS Morrisoa at - - THB Summit Mining Ce. will all ahsrss at 10a for a limited timei par . oenu irar proa- nertu. Phon. E. Gregory vs., Uan uraao art. teat 4434. WILL do rear commercial printing 25 per cant lee thaa rortiaoq priceo; aenrereu nwj Dees quality. Pacific Prlnfry. Caahr. Or. FOR sals er xcnange, hotel ef 41 room, new brick, newly tumianea. comer; wiu toeatea; faQ ot roosters. 107 H . Third St. .. AN Al pirmosltloa for a youog mea that ha a few soliar so lnreai; a money joe witu good pay, with good returns oa his money. If yea are looking fnr something good, took this as. Call 107Vi Third at, WB'Ateed partner In ear bwataetsj; small cspl--i tsl required. - SS8 Burnelde at. . A GOOD rlees stock ef clrars, tobacco, con fectionery sad Ice "cream ftstnreei this mast be sld by March 1; gosd re aeons fnr sell ing: this is a aona no ail and If Inter. sled cell or writ at once, ss this -win not ' laat loos', term If deal red. Trice $1,200. Pee roe A Btrdeell, Vancourer, Waahlngtoa. PARTNER WANTBD U maa with many nM.' avflaerleaaee la eemlraetlnai atawlpea . ner with Banner to go Into railroad mnatruc tloa! Sa eraanlsg karc paw, . Adores , 0 dV ears journal, '