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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1906)
in XX.u si.'.ll : iicfi car o;:e :vc&tio- Liquidation , In East and In : Europa at Last Makes Imprts 4 s0nsJn PortJand;" 1 :CC3-ALRZA0VL0 THAN PREVIOUS YEAR Oranges Twent3r-FiV Cants AJ - Vancsd for, Lager Slsea Aspara- gus Supplies , Com Mora Freely ? From th South Fresh Heat Firm. f Preat Street, Psb. 1S- Tbs principal festered Si tbe Portland wbolwM Miua loony are! . Bgg prions ttlnc cheaper. , : , I California itMOtl brings predate. -. ,'. t . ; Cu rmU end ear mlssd vegetable . ' ' Car oranges Ie enloedrd,,.. ' Poultry aiarae-bolde r top. ." Asparsg le Matin sore freely, ' '( Oranges are t wtl advanced. , ; Wkwl Market U w today. J floor sltnstlsa a dull flair. - ' ' vomr m nra aa hi saunas. freak BHU bold (Ira. i . WtMtHuMiMbww, . t -r t With mn break la nhM ft tbs prist at - : Wheat ha Barooea and Niurt avirketa, I Portland prlej baa held praeteselly' eutlonary ' la to this Urn., Ckmtiaao d tnhw snd lev . prions ejsswhere ere, kmw, at laat heaving ' their Imprtat aa tale amrket eat vetoes ara a paahel lewer aU aieead bare hasty . At tse . - BMBMat than si bat little doing la tba tasrkst , Mllmra ara aew aaxloat a porchsss on Seconal ' of the aaoartala fat or la tba feme market. - Export trade la demortllaad ta a aanatoarabla ; sites t, bat ana If there wia a demand from tint entree at pressat arsons. K a act at all cortala that tBalnsss ooald baSooaa bocoa f tba toaUaa amonc tba boloara that arUa an - too km. oa tba atbor baaa atoeaa ac ihmw ara . aUlna an at a aaod rata. Oa robraary 1 It waa . Mtlaiatad that tba Paettta aowt aUtoa baJ ' 1M.0UO btmla W .fbmr. aa aoaniaraa with stocks acKTagattsf 1M.000 barrsla tba ftarloas bsoatb. Tbsra la aotbtng aoto la tba war at a rssasspttoa ot arlaaul baslassa, Tba I satins la1-Jspsa auy. aaaaa asasa astra asmsn la aaa - tlrastlaa, bat tba Mats aoadltloa brtaca snout ' a Imir aapplr a( aweay to parcbssa floor. Tbaa tba faatlna la raetleall no bolp la tba - ' and. Locally tba flour nsrkst la ' vary aalst. - with yrlasa tsllas aboat aaobsmaa. Xu Prtosa OottlB- Obaaps. . Prleaa to tba at surest ara aattlat Sssra , to bsdroek. Sappllsa ara laersaalBa at a llsly - rata aa4 tbara la aa eataMa omsnd ta taka tba surplns. Today agya ara ajaotai aloB( tba atrast bstwssa Ma and ITo a doasa, with aa tajaai assoaat af aalsa at bath tlsaraa. At tba aw .-bssnt ana ara abaaaar tbaa at aar tlma darl tba praslaas rase Tbaa prtcaa did not drop andor tba tie aarfc. Most of tba wit tbal - want la stonrs a vaar aaa asat tba doasw at Isast Ue, and from that tlfara VP ss 90s na patd br assaa af tba trada. Aeesrdtaf ta dasl v srsj not aaa af tbsm auids any aasaoy aa storm f tea Isst ysar. and tbsy ara not rlllb( to apor. jiia tbki aaaaa aslsss prkas gat aaaiat tba . lac ssark. . Tba psaltry auubat soatlaosd to bald alsaa t ' tba kl(k arleai q voted tba Uttar part af tba prssluas waafe. Dsaiaaa to au onaa rosa asaapt aaaaa; lattat m)j fakr at tba prtos. . Aspsrsa-sa Osnirat Stora Tiasly. ' opprtaa af aaparaaa ara osikuj ssora iraaly .- froai tba asatb and prloss today rasas bstwssa . 1st and lfto a pnssd. tba lattsr flfan bslsc for - azprasa asorb. ' -v..- w ' m ' Tba rsaalar stasvjsr storks wars aalsadsd this aianitin and wvra. dtstrlkatod dartoc tba day. , a w sf swsat pots toss sad s ear af ataad ; vsfsUblss wars assa tba srrlTsIs par tall from tba aoatb tkla BMratog. v orsaras ara sjaotsd SSa a has hlgbar today : far Uift sbwa aa acesaat af raaant adrsaosa la- tba asa tbsra asarbsta. A aai waa aaktadsd aa tba atrast tbb atoraln. . 7.V, Klasr Vatoa af Tarlaaa VarWto. . ; Alt trash nssts ara aslltog at tbaklb prlesa aaotad durlaa tba prstsaa wsak. . msb sabnoa rasstota ssntlaaa aauU witk ar aoldlaf at tba tap. , .. Batter la ftarvs for frssb arssaisry. ttora 'atsady at tba pries. -'-.' - , Hops ara aasasd bitty ajalat wttb aa lata askw r fttptM'tatvf, - Tba trada pay tba foDewtet prlcaa to Frost ' atrast for cbolea aaaltty. PrioM paid ptodvows ara lass rsfalar coounlsslODs: WrTlAT Nsw stab, TOoj rod blosstsm. Tie: vausy, vas. BARUCT-ibaa. M.tOj roOoa, MJO IrsW '"TwiiVboks, aoka. mm pss son. - - ,r: BTB-AIJt psr avrt OATS PrsdassrC prtos Ha. 1 vrUto. fHOSt . arav. ., . rLOUB Haw ssatsra Oraasa patsirts, Sl.tSd) '4 tr; atralgbts. sO T0i aaporc M.iAss; . T.UST. W.sMOSTsbaak, ;A. :bhuirrs Braa, rit.Pa nor .. a-ouj rya, - BlM. Unfa, W6.00: abai siv- Arm. iiaoa. fl.M ty. ; HAT Ptodarsrs Vrm Tlvonrr vPinsiaoff vallsy, fsay tlo.0Ol00 rdlsry. tTOOCt 00: sastsra Oropoa. HOoajia.oai -arlia. rl booa ooi eVwor. S.aoa.w nyala, Suoaj 00 ebsst. S.0. . ' ; i. .V . Batssr. SSS aa faaray. " V . '. BOTTBE tktt. a. b. Pirtlsad Sassl . arssis. sava, Bm. . bCTTCS city stsssssry. ttHrl satoM " fasH-y, Mr: srdlaary. nvi; ators. l17e. tOOS No. 1 frssb OrroB. caadlsd. ldQ Ytt: eolil atorsm and sssUra. iaa. . CHtK8 Nrw rU rr. Sato, Uk Tsonc AaMrtca. las; rhaddar. lfta. . OA MIC Jack rabbits. tT.ftOQl.Tb par dos. . POCLTSI MUsd ablcksas, HHQlsr psr tb . laser asaa. 14 prr lb; roosUra, old. 11 H psr lb; stssa, Uy pa ; fryara. ld)an - psr lb) brolurs. ltl)e ber lb; daeks. Ie ' psr H: aasss, lMtllo'psr lb; tarksys. isle psr Ihf arisiil 1 jpw lb asjasbs, f3.TOQl.09 psr aos; pissoos, . r Bspa, Vast sad Kids atnpa lata Orsaoa. artaaa to abolsn. WOOli 100s slip, valln. aasrss to tosdlaaa, 4Uaaka ftoa, BM)Srai sastsra Orapaa, "Sant-rtoailaal, aodtria. ' - SBCBPSKIHS aksann. UaMOs sasbt sbart . wool. Baos ssi swaiasi www. aoajTba sashi Issa wsol TSrsVVl.OO sack. fAIwWpflav, par to, ttn Va. aaa frsass, ldlHr. - ..., ' . CHITTllf BABK Ss aar Ba. - BIDR8 Bvp. Ba. 1. to. tba aaS aa, 1H HHi psr K dry kin. tW , 8 as to Hi Issi dry salt Ms. 1. aaaaa lbs. Usi aattod hldsa, rears, soaad. SO lbs ssd ovsr. toajllei sewa, HCytHi and be tie, asasa. SsfTel kip, lb ts PS lbs, Bs tali asaad, aaasr lb Iba, 11 arsaa. vase 1 tea. la essaj anna. a bar to lesai OTwhldea. salted, ssrb. 1 Wall.tBi drr, aaah, il.OOtalOl salt kites, B)toat goat sari as, mns, sash. 10Jle Aaors, swam, mm . Mb asal VapstoMsa, POTAtOBM Bast Orafsa. 14, Mkt par park) arodscsvs' prlra for car lots, 70s psr sack; srdlaary, nf)TOs; prsaaosrsV prtos, s&d)MM aweets. (3.M psr art to. ' V ONIONS Jobhlsc art us Omoa, . 1, ft g1 gJPlryrl-"r- "a. 1. aiVCf 1 aOtNa MONDAY PRICES INK r-THE WHEAT MARKET -as. .; a Oilcaro I .S1HB t .HUB '. St. Loula..,.., ,H .... . a Mllwaukaa .... .11 HA -.2B id Now Tor.,... .iH ;... dVfrnttoaeolls .11 H s uvcrpool fat H .., a Duluth ....... .11 ..... Kanaaa City.. .Tlti, Bao mnclacw. 1.1 ai-JTVi December. . XX) r r. 41 ryL. JClu::ALfS DAILY TIPS OW, MARKETS X By Jack Hoover. ' a d I am (lad ta aaa that there U d a consldarabla tntereat bains taken e s . In rasard to capons and In reply .4) d to Inquiries aa to what bread of 4) d chickens la beat for that purpose. . 4 4 I do not haaltata to aay that tha 4 e Barred nymouth Rock ; la tba 4 e favorite. Thoufh. tba , Black 4 Lancabans; makes a sood capon, d e he la sot aa sood - color when e) 4 draaaad aa tha Plymouth Rock. 4 d " Do not try to make capona of ' 4 4mlie4 atock fat jouonly J?"v - d your trouble for oothln7llpel I- e 4 enced caponlsera Invariably se- 4 4 laet tha above-named blrda for . 4 4 . that purpose. I hope to see a , e e large amount of this claap ot . 4 4 poultry In tha market aext win- e .tar. , -, .. .-,, a B04T5e: f srlse. ISJlOs per Bit ealoa sets. Ta. PRKaU FRUITS Apples, -ralle." boujftci erdlaarr. TScUfl.aSl fasry. 11 MJOIOOj Hood River hary SpltssoberfS sad Newtowa Pippins, tl.MUItlMt: srsurss. new as eel.; seedlliic. I kaaa Das, dHQSe lb! isawoa, rootcs, ll.7tI 00 psr box; fsBCf. I1.50 09 per box ; limes. Mszxaa. pi.xo per iw; piarsppiss, oaow Kr doaTpesrs. 11.79 per bos; tauferbMS, 11 J6 paneas orsBfaa, Me per bos. . - . TEHBTABl.KS Tsrnlpa. aew, Tno psr sack) torrcta. aoaTSe sack: beets. vOcOll.OO ner sack i Orssoa ' radishes, tse pet' aos; eabbaaa, Oreroa. . (2.VO per earl! Call, forala, 13.U0 per ewtl arses peppers, per lb; California toaMtoat, I parsnips, striae beans, SOet , saull fluwsr. 11.00 per crate trees pees. 10s per lb I borssrsdlsh. to per lb; artlchofces, Wesill.W psr dot: botboass lettaee. !1.60il.To psr koi eslsry, l.aata.00 per crate; pusapklns, H4c; sqossb, lite; sproots. per lb; eranosTrlea, Isrssys. 114.00 psr bbl; Ooos bey ssd Tllla- lO.OO: ssnsrscus. ItallM per id DSIEU TRUITS apples, ersporatsd. ' U9 nuill lb: tie per aprieots, ise pas oi mmbm. is. Lmsi shism in i. In luti aae aeea oa eacb 1D : eases. ve vw aa elaleealb .aalh. mm-' ... cT.ftrnrala black. IQTe per lb) California wblte, 6e per lb; eaies. tjoiass. aa per ie; nraa, s-ee aaar .- STTOAB Seek kesls Cabs, ie Wl pewdsced. .W; frail cranalaud. W-TOi dry arsaolstsd. K en. . . . it. , . . .u. aa a.1 W". t . W,. J.. eWW, M. , . ' M eatra .0. gSMs aoldaa a. Mi.UU. D veUsw. Ib.Mi'bbls. lOaf H bbbvJ&s'; beaes. Me advance sa saea seals, less loe per awt ear seas, as tarsi BMplt, MSjiSe per to. . - (Above .ariess apply v sslss at lest tbaa aar Iota. Car arej at special prvsee eabjeet to loernsnona. i i ' . B0NRT-4.W par erato. ' " v OOPrSS Pseksfs brsBds. tlSSt. SALT Oners. Half swans, lose. IT) pet Sea; tsbls, dairy, eOa, $11. Ov; lOOs, 110. TS: 1st. Ported Liverpool. 10a. lll.OOl lOQt, 111 5"! ess, fil.oo; estra ana. bbta. to. as. ' lot, ll.MM.Mj btlk. MO lbs. ts Jl.l aaefcs, Wa, eoas .Uverpoal htsip rock. fUM per tea; BO-lb. rack, IT.OOt 100a yVJ.TS. w vHAin Bsua cswaria. Ttoe. RICB iBiaeHsl J. nee MoT 1. Set Ha. 1 S )6Uet- New Orleans heed, . ts AJaa, e dnabrvdb H 1 44 BKANfl flault white, fSTCeeOA: whits, W t5; pink. 1J T5 birea, H-SO; Unas, 14.75; M si Iran reds, 4H. ' - ' n uxa rssaan jeawoe, mytm per rs; van tola. THa per Vlbi roasted, Set eaeoaaats, '4ta0e per daai era loo ta. IKOIBUs per lll plat aeto, loeitHe psr tot hickory aata. 10s pet to; ebsstaets. sasters. Maine pec to; BresU aata, 14 nor lb; alberta. 14015 per lb I fancy 1M Hfjltttei atooBda, MaUVia. Patato. rjtal Oua, Xva, ROPBPtua bUaUa. 14Ai standard. UUsi steal, lie. ... . .: .,. . oOAb Pit. rsen ar asusi ussss, wt est all water vrblta, kwa abb), lie par aj; wnsasa.- lae per nil assaiissi. iiu sea. aaiss per sal. i4Wa' psa sA Asou n . aa tea. en bbsi inc per aai, t siMinv at scs;.. evens see per pas. srsn bble. lHc eey gal. TUItPB.HTinsv aa caata'Sto per gal. Utla nee e.l. WB1TB LIl Toe lota, te aaa B SO- tots. Ie per lb; Issa lota, lUs per to. Winn ffaim ' iseesi esse ai M m. I.INKEED OIL Bare raw. ta 1-fchl lota, bar! 14bl let, ITe; re ess. e2( per gsl: eenalas kettle, bailed, essee, 44e psr gsl. 4-bhl iota. Me; 1-bbl lot, bae per gsl; ground bsks car iota, 130.00 par toal as than ear lots par toe. guata, e ejn ana j isiisisna, raCKB sinTaV e"rsnl street Hss Ittfte per lb eowe, Sto per Ibt - Uoee, blosk, to osr lb: paeksra, Tfjat per Ihi balls. 4JB per n: veal, estra, StjlOe psr lb; erdiBery, . JT. P?w, ijpaa per lb; ajuttos, fancyrSQlneper lb. BAMB. tstiin. ait. i-onjaes psce (Iscal) kama, ie to is n a, 10 to 14 lbs, UHe per fl: 14 to 14 lbs, e per lb; breakfast becoa, 14UQlgfcc per aicale, 4Me psr lb; eotuce, Ve per lb; ilss abort elsars, aasmoked. 10 per lb; lb! p rsgeiss sow. eOTwn, .i-.i.wi. awao psr ID; sawbed. 1144 per. lb; clear tacks, aasmoksd. lOUe per Bi smoked. II Me lb: Union bstts. IB la It lbs. SnemokSO. Se per tot ssaskaa Be asr lb:. clear bslUse,: assBubed, lie- per b aaaokau. Us per : sboaldera. 4Hs per li. LOCAL LAJtD Settle leaf. 10a, llMcpsr tot la. llis for Ibi so-rb tlaa. 10; per W; s tea si rendered. 10 , WJ4e pes lb; as, 10 tit per ISI oouiooeiia, ave, is. CAKMID iALktONOoluabla rtver, i.b tails ILbOl a-lb talis, 2.T0 fancy .B Sate, II. So, -lb taney Seta. l.lj fancy 14b evste, iiri laaka tolls, pink, SftdaOs, tad, ILbu; assilss , tslL 13.00. Ba. I PISH Reck asS, T4aer tbl Soandera, to: halibut, sue per lb; eraba, SUM per PISH Reck asa. Taper tbl SoeadVrs, te pet s ea.oo pi taab. Te I ehlaook, ' Bsv Ibi al eaasL tsvav sasr ioj esiDee. re per id; . Bteelhesds, to per lbs sAlaook. 10c Ibi berrtag, se per IB) solas, Sc per Ibi sbrlaps. hi abrlaps, ch esd. It lot per tot perch. Se per to! black a per lb reeaeod, Te per to; Oeramble river ssselt to per tot silver smelt, Te psr lb; lobs tars, ia in; irons enscssrsi. oe per ao per dost atarseoa. as aer lb. OtSTBKB Skealwater bey. per gaL tug. ear sack, Te. t ( CLAM Bar4helV per baa. , $X.04t ta rlaaaa, tJ par boa. - ' COTTON FOURTEEN TO TWENTY-THREE LOWER Hew Tul t .' rsb; IPOOttob fbrsrss cloasd 14 St points lower. oriiriai avjoiaaoaa sy ovaroteg, atari a eatsnaay; ... , -. -.v . . ' '' ' , Closlrs . - Ones Rlab Law Moa. Mat. IVbrasry iikh ionI Marrk ........... TOM t10W 10SS 1oM1(im April , .... ' ... .... Oo4 107T May ...... 108S riots 10TS . 1074 lOKT June , .... 1074 UW1 Jnly ., long 100TT"T I0HT 1104 Augnet .......... lln l'W4 1074 1074 I0HT Remember ....... 104S 1048 lose 1041 1049 October ...... 1(8T lORg inM. lORg 1034 Nevember 10M im lms 'low KHJ Deesabsr ........ 1043 UMS'lOW -103S 1044 BsW Terk Cask Ooffse. Hew Tork. Peb. IB Cm anfreai We. V Bto, S S-lSci No. 4 Baatea. be. . -J; y-TlW'TOBJt COPTCT BTJsXZZT. . ' Mew Tork. Feb. 14W Oof tea' fntaraa lieJ 10 to 18 points lowvr. , , vinciai cjaotarsans: . Bid. Ask. P.M leh Pekreary . .S4.M 1H A Timet ,..'.17. 04 17. i4 March ..... 4VeO 4 A Hepteaabs .. T.I! T.24 April 4.70 4.TOI fWober .... T.SO T 23 kfsy ,.- 4 SO 4 sbi Mreeihar I S Jane ...... 4 MB 4 IWeiehee tji im Jaly ...,s..lfT.WJsa!aery v t.4t) T.i "' "V Terelga Oeffet Markets. V.':' Havre. Peb. iaCnrfse eWHiaea u n.m. burs declined V. Bio receipts, l.ou bare; rket firm. 71 aa: Seatea. 1.000 base: nar. krt flrat, M ap. , .. ... , ; WIIX tsTPBOTE TAJLSS. frkssetal IMenatrb te The IniutY! " Tiidependeace. Or.. Peb.. lb. Pit eeraseda of trellis wire ter use la Improveaeeat of hop yards la this vVtnlty bsvs recently arrived st this piece. The wire rsngee In ties frsra three tenths to Sevan test he of sa tech ssd represents a total length of 404 Biles, er the Beraseary assoant for trelllstng - 4 serve ef nans. i jeep ue wis bw pries rr reuse for tbetr prone daring the pest ssssns. the bopeaea ef this dl.trUt wUt aisks Sltewalrs B preee Bests for the roaali.g sesson. inees woe win trellis re roe this yeer rt it. r iTmero. naiiee rorterieKi, saeorre Boat. J. P. W roves, W. U. Roy, B. M. Teeny. V. U Prssler. J. r. sm brothers. Oeer Wklteeker. PhmpeV A pattee. . ... Ndeaie Hn a, . n.raiMr sTsw Terlt -Silver. " ' KewYert, Prb. It. efllver, 4aa. ; - - ' 4- t .; Lansoa BPver Ha rket. ; Uadoa. rsb. WgllTsr, M14l . ' -' ' -- V. . Vlrcii i;:vt..Conr.i:.-Jsd to Tcrci It. J VZ.zzX Tricji One Cent a r "1--! I DIB JlTllfllCI Chicago Wheat Market Acta Bet . V ter and Closet Up Near j j v - the H2h Mark-. : - mSEODAYJSTHREE " TO FIVE EIGHTHS Larfest Gain Is In ths July Stnti " ment la Market Is Much Better , Advance Caused bT.Heary Over- . sold Condidoo. X " MpKDAT'l WHEAT MABJtBt. . " Osa Gala - Close Mon. lBod. '' .. i ' ' ' Mon. on. Bat. Mon. .B .SUVA .00. 3UB .K1V4 u .soil .uuii May.... ...,..i 11.1US4 July..... sepumber. ,, .... Chlesea, Peb. 11 The wheat market closel toalpbt mock tm proved to tone and sen tl asset and less bearish. Bearlab preasara baa hi pmaoanced for boom tbaa. It baa resulted to Bach llaaidatloa and aa ertensasa af tba sbort hitsrsst. Today's aaarket xlearly cars ev Id sere ef Its oversold character, and while Iba Bet i Vance wsa sot (real. It Bevsrtbsless lUnstrstee bow assy tha market aaa rally whoa prvssare la exhausted. We are eppreeobtac the period wbea we Bast sire heed ta crop eoeaplalaia. The weather so far has beta favorable, but we Bast bear to Bind the wheat eroo M ret to be Beds. The buying power today cease fnst Short ooverlna. The clesBs wsa strong. . -. Oseree Sralae Bstvar. . la eera aad esU Dertmlerlr tba foraser ear. tJrlpaled to better feeling. Mborta were borers aad news wsa of a bullish bature. Tba visible suds a small decrease against aa Increase t half a Billion a week age, aad tba clesTeaeta were 'snail u corn, ins close wsa strong. Provletons closed aacbanged to be higher. Bulllah aentlmant aaaaua aoS at all abated. - uuiciaa quoiauons ay wsrnscs. aiecv ei , WHEAT. High. Low. does'. Kty.....S .Kit, $ ..hSSb . 9 ..lift ,9 ;;Wik 3iS .124 Ji2 .iniiB CORN. : ' ' , . OUB JuljL.... nspl..... rsb..... Mvlafeaa-s .41 .48 July...., Sept.... Z .'. Ai . .el2 .,. OATS. , Feb.. Mar..... " J .90 July..... " .3" .Sa Sept..... ' JT ." ! gnu ru. Msy. .... tin K.P0 IB 44 18.HBB U.A0 T.TBS T.WA' July.. f UM LARD. T T6 r ' 1U '. v t.e Peb..... T.TS May...,. T.fts July...., f.l TT T .hO . Ti i .oa - s.00 SBORT BIBS. :, AM ., SIT .. iti sal tfay.... a IT SJS July..... OSXOAM fJASS WXXAX, Chlcsge, Peb. laWCaab wheati V ' r sr. aat. Bid. .Ask ..te1.' : .4444 . .44 .44 ., ;r-M- .71 .T AirXlJOAjr SRAJW TTSXBU SUTrXT, Chleaga. Peb. BtrWa grsia vtsfbls Mpplyt . a ... T . toratsl .. Bsah. Bush. Bnah. Wheal ....n..4T,IIS.sW r.eAo.000 S.TM.000 Cora .....ll.lHT.OOO : 4.444,000 4.141,000 OtU .S4.Ela.0OO 17,4uO,OU 4,421,000 ' V . . ' osiOAao SRAnr cab lots, Ohlcsgo. Psb. IS. ssrala, aar totg! ' ' ; ... Cars. Ore da. Est. Wheat ... 14 S IS Oera l..ta f........ 124 10 4tT 184 Wheat, ears today i Minneapolis SBT. Dalvth M. Veer tgot kt lanes polls 607, Dalatb 14. CUeage IS, ., . ; ... t ;. . . r , ' : sai iXAaTCisco eaini iujuczt. ? ', esswaassassaae. v tee. 11 -Official aricaai ... '. r. no m a. ... L,-,- Opta. . , High. .'; LK 10 .....IJTH l.ST1i tow. Close. S14 ' leV0 I.4T14 iSt Msy. BABLBT. bltr. ......... l it Ul 1.11 1-lt - .S6A Peceaber..... MHW ... .. UTZXPOOI. SRAIW ICAXXRe ttvirtssL Peb. 11 Offlrlal prlosst .. i Class . Close Osta Lota Mon. .' Bat.'. ..Mon. Moa. son. aai. mob. mob. 4 as 4H ... Uj March ......... May Jnl ........... March ....... 1144 bs 11S4 Md May .to U ' . a nMhtAST eKATJI MOTWUT. AlFaea. Peb. 11. Prbnarr reeerotol . .,,...'.,. .. - Today Tear aga bush. - bush. WkeWarriiiilM..i.V..i14,or)S " Sa.OW) Cum SW.OOO . 417,000 blpneattl , y. , Wheat ......... .,tee....ra.ors S 40, 000 Corn IHO.OOt SS4.0O0 Clearances: waest. itn.taw en: com, j.aae,. 000 ba) atta. 434.000 Ten flear. s,000 bbla. BEST HOGS KOV SEU AT 7 cents a pou;;d Another Advance of Twenty-Five Cente Per Hundred Pound Cattle Fjrmer fof Fandy-- Portland Catoa Bteekyar4s, Psb. lSeUv stock reostptai Boga Cattla.ttaa Today ... BOO . , ... wsea ase,....,...k...,. .... ea . . . . Month sga.. 1JT , v ... . a leer age X) J Sip - S74 yards todsy, tale being ta advanoa of See ever the s a at bias ea Mtarwy. ui esttis cjpts This Bnst of lets srrtvskt sea af eeU stark. ha a a bad effect apoa piiees. Real fancy g brbx aa advance af 1MT Sheep very ana narhanced. n . t . ' omcial llttatatb tosi r f Hoes . Bsst esstera Orsena. p4,TBJT4(i blockere sad Chins fate, f4.a)4J0 etockert and feeders, S4.OO04.1S. . t'attle Best see' tern Orseoa steers. 44-14 el 4.BI:. fcest soars snd ketfers, 11.341 light en Bedlam steers, l0"i " rows, n ; bells. 13.00; stackers and toedere, 12.44; bulla. nnssp 'wemsaw ma asv"! a .m. ISKU.. . ri.T fi4 veal. 1M to SOS aeasjds. SUA Se; reagh aad assvy. lH4Hc , . ' TnrrrxD statu soTxaBTmrr eonxt. ' , fjsfs. Bid. Ba t regular ...;........ aw eetipoa .....V ....lew 1-, Bo. S regular 1!; Joj da esnpoa UOS, lov 1 Be. S email bonds Ba. 1 rfruler J,,....iv JJ 'f do ro on .4.,... lTTnV- Ko. 4 rettilsr J... VIS 4n eeupoa .r. ..r. lWEt ivi rtairht of Cdluabta 1 4oSw .... J 14 ... .. . r r j- ajM, Ho. t red Bo. a. red..., J Ne. bard .80 - No. I hard. .T 1 Va. I northern .M. Be. S seethem..... t -Jti Ma. S aptlaa...., .TS ' PhUipvlns 44 .,e .... lot). HI ALIO 13 POinTS UP - .. , : , ;- ...... . . -r Cood-SIied Bulge in the New York Stock ' Market Today , vr-.;" I. After Steady Start. - EAVCJUT-SCOREju THE GENERAL ADVANCE ' ,' eaBBawiaaBnaxanjnM ' , if rK Smcltsr, Colorado Fual, St Paul, Reading and TJnlon Paclflc Among the Mora Actlps Issues-Dtnrsr Commoii Closes Vp.';: ,:. MET ADVANCES. Aaaeoada 11 Rrte l 111. Centrsl Metrepelltsa l ABslgsBateS ,. Atchison 1 Sugar 1 mss. usntrai .... - Mo. Paclfle N, Amertoaa .... Norfolk r.. BJneicer o nfd 1. Car AT Pdy urootiya ........ e. BalUaMre ...... V CXOa. Puel 1 St. Peal a... ...... 4 Chssa peaks ...... 1 Csnadlsa 1 N. X. Centrsl.... 1 um. aj weetsra., Pssjaiyrraala ..... Rsadlng .......... IV asp. btssi pfd.,,; Hock Islsaef . do pfd Soathera By - two. Booth era..,. da 1st pfd Coat, Lsstker Hoathera PsdOa... 1 bearer , f V. S. Steal ...... wtbaXV.:::::u 5 at. u a a. w. p44 Tea. Pea., Lnlut Paelflg a.. 1 .. ':,mt xossES. rr. s. Rubber ..... u Wis. Central ... 1 pld Stf Rep. Steel St, b a W..,. There waa 4 good tone la tha stock nerket today. At the closing tba market It eonsldV arably higher. Tba leading feature Was Cop per, both 4 at stall aad Asaa lgasu ted sear lag good tdvaaeea durlsg the sisslnsi the tocaasr wss 14 nolata higher tbaa the closing oa astardsy. SBsltsr, Cebwade Pusl, Be. Paul. eeaiwg aaas aawan rscine Baore active Itsese. Lias as a aoBlnal aaasust. Offlotsl oastatleaa hp Overbeck, Starr A Cooks eoaapeayi DBSCBIPTIO". laaroada Mining Oa..'.' ABslgsBMtod Copper Oa AtcklsoB, seat ....... a. KOti Atnsr. Csr A l'aaa! 104 104 east Ho Beef, alia American Sugsr, earn.-. AaMrleaa SinsltL OUB. do preferred Bait, Ohio, eoa...., do preferred , , rVoeklya Bap. TYsaalt. CsBsdlaa Psrlfle, so. Cklcege Altos, sob. 108 U 101 10 ia2 14 11014 IBB 1342 VT sou VT anu Il7ail71 "J prsierrea ......... ... Chicago A O. W- earn..! tl CM.. MIL A It "P hrau Chlcsge A U. W., pots.. So2 XTav ma. r...... Ch aaa peaks A Ohio.,... Colo, iruel A Iran, atta.l 4314 Osji"- aaa.... uS do Sd pfd ........... ei ov as. pra D. A n a aba.:;:::: Ilk U J US pveisrraa ..... arte, bob da Sd pM ' do let pfd nilnots Cvatral Laalsvllls "ess villa.. Mstropolltsa St. By.,., TTtZ ITlC 147 msaaattaa Railway .. mwm. ientrai By..M Ry..e.. S4 1 S4U I 44U 44 I 44 aawsnavi rrscuic a l A- T., rsaerai Bobtltart, pfd... Cotton Oil Norfolk West, eoa... berth Amacleae 1061 100 100 01 41 M. T.. Oat. a West.... PsBBsyrrsala BatHrsy... reople't a.. L. a 0. Oa. Prsssed Btsel Car, eoej.. PeelCle ai.ll B S t. ft 4U 14 ea i i 44 u 1U 144 Beading, eoa as ja preierreo. ,. ... i. te .f.-il Bea. I roe A 4 test, eoa. ! Bock Tslsnd. ooai...r.. ' do prefsrrsd '..,..,,, Seutksra Railway, teal.. Snatharu Pselfie St. L. A S. U. fat ft. Loals II. V, 44H aaai Tessa Psolflc. ....... tea Taensaaj Ooel 4 Iron.. To)., St. L. A W, eoa. . llM 1M4. rnloe Pselfie, mm. .. . . Central Leather, sob. .. . aa preferred V. 8. Bobber, aaa..... avO JyBf TFWl . apeseetwe V. S. Steel OS, 40B.. Ast fre,wl'tvTs ,sbeeesav Wheel L. Brie. ana.. limu 41 Vt l1 !1IV, aa S4 prererrea..,,.., A. te mleMl . J Wbasseeia Central, ana. do preferred ,... 14 W. rT Telegraph I tnts Wsbeeb, eoa .. J K 4s piefeiied ..( 44 M 131 Dora proaoete ........ Totsl sales for the day. 1 Csll SAB PEA CISCO ' LOCAT, STOCXS. ' Saa Pranctscs, Peb, W-Offlckll , closing. RM... Ask, 44 40. it: Osnrra Costa Wster. .............. 44 Spring Valley Water.........:,.., 40 " Mutual ateemt. , Tbl IS; MIMfCsvaUe SB ar , lOt (llsst Powder. Hswsllaa Ooa Hoaokee aorar 1014 HatehbMna Seaar... 1114 Mskswsll Secsf...., til Onsstea Sessr S4U at 4 ' Pssubsa agar.................... lVa Union guitar. ...................... 14 A leek a Paekere . Callforabi Wise. ...... ...... tl oeesnlc RtesaishlB. . .. , .i...,. t Psrlfle -tt res Tslipksas ,.,..141 ' CsUforsIa . Trait. tovopab imraie stocxs. : las . rranettce, Psb. It-Offlrtal Bornin ' Bid. j V. ''',''' Sma A Behneet 4.00 Csah Boy . ... .SS Ooldea Aacber, M- Wile ..........$ .04 OoldfteU ..... .74 Jsmho ' Hesse , v .it 11a Batter ... .1.00 MrMasssra .44 . Mldwsr ...... 1 so JaBbe Bxtoa.,, .14 Kesosu ....... -.4 lagse .IT . Bay Oueea .IT , oiawk ,..,, . ' JW ' Red Tow I OS Meetane ..... 1ST1 North star ... .0 ftnhlr .40 aandstorn ..... , J.40 - Tom. Pxtsm, ... 11. en A miver net .... .1 at. Ivsa ...... i' M . Nat. Bask .... .27 rVnvev . 1.15" kVllaee ,..,. .4T OoMBer i .aa O. Bell Prog.. ' .10 ' atelawsy T.M " Black Bwtto B .04 Nevada ...... West Eaa .... S to A 4. sis .11 At lasts ., ,'.14 Brae Beit ... , a Booth . .tt Cereabla hit... -.14. Conquer .....' .to PUsioodfleld M BOSTOB OOPTXB XAKXXT. - Beebaa, Peb, w alastagi , mo. asvsarara ...-I Son Alleaee ....... BM Atlaetle ...... It SO Blnrbaw ..... 44 St Calumet , T 00 Centesslat ....'tt tO pe. Bsnge ,., 40.00 Paly West ... 14 00 Prsnklla ..... 14 Orasjby ,,,. t T4 Maes t.TS Mirbtrss- .-t -- Mnhswk 44.74 -: nid. Aid rtosaUlee .S4i iw Osevole ....... aami Parrot ....... It T4 Pbeenlg , , 1 00 Ontnry at 40 Bnyal ....... St.lWI ktisBBsa too TsmsrscB .....Mrl.oo Trinity II tl4 rnlted Op..... ta M I'tak .....j,.. 44 M vi4oria . ... a Tt Wlnone 00 Wolverine- 13 nn Dev. ('eat 1 1 a. Mieiag!! Ki stu, a, Cep.... ,. 44.0S ffverta nette . . as e Beet Bvtte S.MA V. S. Ttaa. 500 Ltj -'Li aiu Largest Attendance In History of ' City Schools Marks' Openlnj v .; .. of New Term.., ' r HIGHLAND AND HOLLADAY BUILDINGS OVERCROWDED Each Has Mors Than Eight Hundred SchoUra but Relict Will Be Oivea When Nats -Irringtasi School Ta Completed. Portland's Dubllo schools opsnaa tor tba spring tbla momlns with tha largaat attendance In tho history of tha city, Tba total attandanoa could not ba ac curately learned, aa aevertj of tha achoola had not yat reported at a lata hour thla afternoon. But from all inai- oatlona tha number of puplla axoeeda bp; early 100 tha number la atteuanjjoa taat tarm.', Tba arecteat Inoreaaa la noted la tna aohoola on tha aaat aide, pevrtloulArly Highland school, where It4 puplla re ported fop- work thla morning, sa4 at HoUaday, whsrt there wars 104. A large lncreaae was alto noted In tha paalnsula schools. Tha registration at tha Hlsa sonooi waa l.lll this mornlns and It la ex pected that tha atteadanoa will reach 1.104. Tha 'overflow from tha High school has to ba accommodated In tha Ladd and Atkinson achoola. Sunerlntandent Klgler , la In oonrer- anoo with tha principals thla afternoon dlaouaainc tba situation tn tha different achoola and arranging for transfers of pupils from tha Highland, Holladay and Williams Avenue achoola to tha now lrvlngton school. Following s tba t- tandanoo at tha schools wtucn nao re ported at noon: , - - ' woodlawn Sit. rorttmouin aiv. ran Intula l. Oakley Oreen 174. Highland 114. Thompson Tot. B haver sti, wuiinma Avenue TOO, Holladay SOS. North Cen tral ITS. East Twenty-eightn atreet iti, Hawthorne 411. Brooklyn 171. Clinton Kelly 414, Sellwood. 410, Chapman I1T, Davit 1S Couch SI4. Atkinson 100, Ladd k, Shattuck Tt!. JAUlng SIT, Holmtn ST, TerwUIlger TS. Fulton Park IS, Alnaworth . ill, Uarquam s. High 1,111. . r - Tba Stephen a, unnyalda, Midway, rem wood and lrvlngton schools had not ftnorttd,. BEGIN COLLECTION OF : TAXES IN UMATILLA . .. . i . , - .. , . - .:' '. aaeae-eaeeaaaaee . (Sberlal PtspatctJ ta Tba JeeraaL) Pendleton, Or, Feb. ll-Thla aoorn Ing Count Clary Frank Baling turned over tha Umatilla county tax roll to tha sheriff, who has opened It for tha collection of tasea. . Tba total of tha atseaamant ;for tha oounty la 10,lll, too, and thla aum will yield 1101,100 In taxes. Thla does not Include tba achool lavlaa or tha city aad town taxee. Tha achool levy for Pandletofi la II mill a. whUa tha city levy la S mlUa. If taxes ara paid before Maroh II a rebata ot I nor oant will baallowad. and all taxaa paid between that data and tha flrat Monday InApril win Bo received without any , raoata or added interest. 0. R. & N. WILL EXTEND BRANCH TO JOSEPH (SDorlsl Blsnttch to Tba saraaLt Enterprise. Or, Fab. It. J. - P. CBrian of tha O, K. 4 N. Co. has ad- vlaad Interested peraona In Wallowa oounty that work will commence) at ones to aectrre tha right of way from WaW Iowa to Joseph oa tha recent aurvey. and that contracts wlU ba lat within IS days on bids already reoelved fop tha oonstruotlon of tho - Una from . tha mouth of tha Wallowa,. to Joseph. 11a atatea that all reports to tha contrary art falsa. FOURTEEN TEACHERS v y PASS EXAMINATIONS (Special Dirpstrh ta Tho Jsernal.) "V Pendleton, Or, Fab. 11 Fourteen toaahtrs wars auooeaaful In paaalng tha examination for Umatilla oounty teach ara as follows! - Flrat gradra Mlsa Darr, Adams) I T. Lick, Athena; Mlas Mayme stlppey, Pendltton; Miss Varna Vannaader, MU ton. Third grades Mlaa Daisy Mdatyra, Adamt: Mlas Moaala MttUa, Pandlaton: Mlta El a la Otteratedt, Adam a; Mlas Minnie Porringer, Adams; Miss Odeoaa M. Porter, Pandlaton; Mlaa Margaret Bchort, Walla Walla: Mlaa Clara Wal ton, Adamt Mlta Valma Wllklneon, Athens;. Mlas JotUa-WUaon,-Pandlaton.' .':'..-.-; BfadBBJawtils frrasora Oavtawa, . - .Sparlal Dtspeteh te The learnaL) " ' v 4 McMlnnvllla College. Fab. II. At ths last try out dobata to select tha debating team to repreeent tha college in tba In tercollegiate Debating League tha fol lowing wars choeen: Theo. Anderson, '01; Chaatar Campbell. 'ST. and Earl A. Nott. 'SI. Tha o there trying out wits them wars O. a. Tilbury. 'Ill M. K, Haaty, 'OT, and Samuel Babcock, '01. Tha three men -choeen will debate agalnat Pacific college March 1. An derson and Nott are- membera of Adel- phls fraternity and Campbell la a IX D. . y i la i a POmTtAFP BAJTK aTATTJnBT. Hearings 4STI.IAt.TI Balaaeea , aiuz.w Starllas BAtea. ' BeW Tort. Peb. It t ter ling rates! Da. awsd. esd; an gars. 44 IS. WweITbmnele) I Lsi-as) - T Bsan yesaa.aeiaats ' taar-' t..i,sv, . r- p f ..el4e thrill. . S C.-aif--. f . veii e . e. a. .. . . Wa treat tuacttseoHy all rHvwta sa. vOus and chronle dissaees of meal aiao blood, stomach, heart, liver, r "V aad throat trouble We aura t ilUa (without mercury) to atay cured for aver, wa remove BTRlCTUfinl. with out operation or pain. In II daya. wo siop era ins, nigni losaea bbsj sparrnatorrhaa by a aew method la a short tlma We eaa reelore tha aexual . vigor of any man under 10 by meatus a! taoat treatment peculiar ta oureelvea. y W Cure . Oonorrhoea X In a Week ' Tha doctors of thla Institute art alt regular graduates, have had many rare exparlsnoe, have been known In Portland or n yoart, have a reputation - to wialntaln. and wul uoderUke bo cane a uniese oariaun euro can be effeotetT. Wa ruarantee a aura In ovary eaaa . undertake or oharge no fan. Coneulta-4 tlew free. Letters confidential. Inatrue-k L Blrn wrtnrfir ' 1 1 lira owj rv run aaaiM raaiiaa t ,m we ours aaa worai eaeeo or Diiea two ar three treatmsnta, without opera- wvn. vuiv gueranieea. If jati cannot call at offloe. wrlU for sua. . .- ' -. . .'.'.','.,. . OfBoa hours, I to I and T to a. Saadaya and Holidays. It to 1L ' DR. W. NORTON DAVIS Ci CO. OfBeea in Van Xoy BoUl. It Vk Third etraaC Corner Fin, Portland. OS. : ; FINANCIAL.' ran 4t9waL .awz f OP tOBTXABD, OBIwOW. IMgaataa Depository sad PlBSBelal Agent M , tba UalleS States. , JMt .A. U MltTSl W"'n"i',"" W. BBWKIRK Asslstsat Catbler W. 0. AI.VORD fssond eVsslstsBt Cashier ,.B. P. STBTBNS Latesfa el Credit - Issued Avsllsble -la Barips 4 . tad the Bsetsra Rta tea. .?" Pirbasgs and Tslegrspble Traaafsra fold oa New York. Baste. Alesge. St. Los la, Omaha Sas Prsselsoa aad .the prtaHpai points . the itnrtkwsst. Slgbt and Wms bills drswa la sum tt salt sn London, Paris, Berlla. Praaktort-eakt Jjsla. Boasheaw, Tekobtau, Oepeakarea. CbrlatlsBla, Stnckbola, St, Ptttrabarg, Me eew. Sitrirh. BoBohila, Oolleetloas Made aa Psverabls TersmV MCBOXABTS V4TI0B4L B4BX. . ' . ' i POSTLaJlO, OtXwOB. J. PtABB ; W4T80M .... ,A .... . -Prtsloeat h &L.'iaW Vlse-Prssloent i-.w.. JiOTT ....Cssblsr BOBOB W. 1I0TT.. ....... ..Aaslstsst Ossaiar Treats at a Saasral kaaklag Buslssss. Drafts aad Letters ef Credit leased A vails kit te All Parts ef tbe World. . .. .. . Oollestloos s Specialty. pOBTXAjrn nvwt OOMPAWT OP OSSSOB. . ana viaset Treat osatpaay ra oitgan,. ' RtSOUBCKS OTBB 11.400,000. Oeatrtl haaklna. Bxebsags ta ell parts ef the world. , Saviaga acensats. Tims ssrtlS- atsa. S te 4 pee cacti short -sell apertml awtla- Csllfrir book 'eILLCSTBATIOBS- Soetbeeet Corner Third esd Oak aw. WwaffS . " . . . mm ,eeeBM "e. R"J, j.0HSIi, .Presides! ? K ,TTOr5 a Vles-PrssidsBt B. LIB Piatt. ..Ilscrstary I. 0. OOLTBA..............Asslstsot BecreUrr MM HOSTS AOB BVABABTtB TkMf HlkllVT BAWbT. teeks. Beads and Mortgags Bonakt aad Sold. r laterstt Paid aa Tlaw Deposits, "tel. i . ..... ........ .Slop, tot.ot B. Olemeet ...Sscretsry Sikr Zsaipls, Bsvaatk tad Staig 1110018., neaa aisia tea. UBITID ITATV BATIOBAt BAITS v OP POkTXAbD. 0AIOOB OlTarWXST COS. THIBD ABD OAK KB. COS. THIBD AN a SsoeraT Beeklsg tltirni tsaunn Avtoable ta All Cities of Us Felted States . and Borope. BVaagheag and Manila. . eOLLIOTIOBS MASK OB PAVOBABT. B TTSMS. Prssldent..,.. J. 0. AlbtWORTH Tjes-rrssldset., W. B. ATKB W-President B. LBA. BABNkS Cashier Aeststset Cssblsr,.,.,,. ............m. Vff. naivinri ,. A. et. WBIOHT BOLT LADS TIXTOaT, BABK1BB. (tevaklhed la 14SS.1 . Treasset a Saaatal BaakmaT CsHesVJoas naaas at all pnteta tba fsverablt tsraas. letters ef credit based svtHehle la Berope and all points la lbs Uslted States. Sight Sirbsnas aad Tslesvephle Traaafsra salt ea Mew Yarfc. Wsshlnrten. CMcege, St. Las Is, Dswrer. Omaks, San Prsbclase aad MoBtsaa aad British Oolambla. Sirhasgs ssl4 ea tawdna. - Parle, ' Berlla, Pnnkforl, Iliaghtng, Tokekssaa. Manila aad S'a. tqnm savtbos 0S a TBVIT St., Psvtlsad. COMPABT. Traaaaeta a Siairsl Bsabisi savtbos DSPASlaa: Alb lewsd aa Time sad Ssvlsaa Aeee ea Vmaee '- . SW.l-e Drtfta sad Letters ef Credit Avallabl tn AS PmM e ,V. We.ia- 0. P. ADAMS..... .....President L A. I.KW1S first Tlee-Prssldest A. U MI IIS... Sssosl Tlet-PrssMont J' We rt I is.saaaaaaaaesstst e s a .bsbbbi wi OSO. p. BUSS SIX ..Asslstast Seeretary MM BABX OP -OALIPOBbTA. (BsUbUsbed 1444.1 ' , ' tteaA OMee. Bea et.1 ' Pspllsl psief apTTT... ....44.on0.090o nrplas aad aadlvidsi preSbi.v,..t n0.14a.44 A Ostsrtl BaaklBg sad Bxektag Barltsni Trsnssrted. . ....- AvTBOS D BP A B TV BUT. , larereet psld ea time eeposlts. Aeewaata epssed tor asms ef 110 aad apward. Portland Braarh Cbsmar at Csnuaeroo .UiMiei " m.. m m arnaa. ,., . X. SUIItUiUa at Mass aar t lag First ga, Feraaaa, or. ..; Offer Ont tdge Isveetsaeitts fa Msnlrlpal tad BMiiroa aaoaae. write ev uu. OOLfTMDIA Oat S rnbS bare Works Tlme i fire sod kerglar-pronf aatsa paired. Pbtae Paetf Is 474. i earn oxoerui s panel aad tepai MORTQAQB LOANS Oa Portland Baal Batata at Lsweat , Bats Titles I ass red. Assttaets Pars hiked. XITLB SUIIUTII m liuat vv. Set Wsaheagtea St., Osr, Ssssai. amewttngr. ' (Bpecael Diepstrk ta Tha JearaaL) Forest Grove, Or Fab. II. -Thomas Prlnoev.the walnut 'king of lTundee, Oregon, and a faw other apaakaraV spoks Balnrday afternoon before quite a large crowd upon tha ral-tsf -taking cars of ' trsea, , and tha aeeda of spraying. Much work la' now being done here cleaning orchards under supervision of W. R. Harris, tha county horticulture 1st, ;,.':. . .., , :; . . , : ppafatiad sTtaab 'Oi Allow a Lowla B-at Brand. i ' i v. 00.- "y B1w f t uma rk waVml bma?,iK--ii 1 I I tT-aav fceeietl.erlosa, SlAAes.tfa . I hA iTVE aui.i eel ems fee, m ass) I t a DeM atat Ms sa At r-e- ssw aaae aaaaevai aesa se laee ; Nam-wtsT-i overdcc::, DTARr: ccr ' Mtanbera CUaars rsarj It r " , ; Setevo. ri3Trrtrr c:z- rr: -fji; i c. l . Cat: ' ' X srfX r c auastios blank. Homo traatmaat W carry .' the .finest gTavde c Meats Roasts, Steaks, Chops; VegetaUes, .Pruits and Nuts. Phone us your order for Sunday's dinner in Prime Kib Roast cf .. VrA dm- A ., T?i mm . ...,., : X'J. a"'. We are Introducing our own brand ; of FlourMRoe , aty." This is the Terr highest grade of fancv oatcnt flour, manufactured from the -best t selected hard wheat To introduce we will sell ONE SACK . . . . :X, . . . .t?l ONE BARREL (4 sacks) 4.C3 If you want the best call for "Kose Uty." : GROCERY CO. West;. Park and Washington. Main 588. , UuPttCKENTED SUCCESS C? Wo The Greet Doctor At K. 142 j fint St. Cer. Cri3 Be mtslosdlae - - ea tba alia ilit I gasraalse a eossplste. ssfs ead Isstlng emr la tbe , salefcest aosslble time, and at ta lowest east possible for basest end SB lea a rel treatment. I rare ts terra, ssthsaa. bn-e, S beset, rbsuaisttsBa, tinusissm. slsssai s. nrr atm ' btr la mediae are k.imlssa siibibsmS "as resta, bsrbs. beds tad barke sspseisliy aeweSeS sad Imported direst by aa Break the fcaaaaeeS af tklna. a xovAtt urtmrn rT : OUall AU SaVaObaObB. - If yoa esaaot ssll, writs for sympesaj aad abwalar. Inrloae 4 rents Is, s'smpa. OOPIUXTATIOa ypsa. ' the 0. See We Oklnese nfedieue Oav,llSH rust pernor mnnna. fsrinaa, on, . . vmsss msnima mm aepee. i V 4 ' Ft ... I '-J TBIPlJi .- '' V . WmJaAW As9 i (KatnbllaiMMl llee., " ;1 ' ' P 4 d. f ---. ' . - Ksa. . ... a