The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 19, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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    . s,: ::'(: ;V ''THE 'OREGON DAILZ ;.AL,
- fJUlf D1TTLE
One "- Popular ' : Heavyweight
Los Angeles fight Promottr Of
, Champion Doesn't Tak Well
In the Quaker City.
fers Big Sum to Get Fistic
-; Stars in Ring.:
' . t
- v? pi ana FAR. REACHINQ
On the Optnfaiff ! Nl(ht - Onlr Kid
: Broad and Omrc Oardnar Mad
Tbair Appaaranca at Thaatra Jim
i- Th Schema I 'to Hatch . BrltV arid
Herman" and "NelsgA and i Herrera,
Then Let Winner Taka Whirl
rDIappoTntd Waahinftoa Club.
" ' -
i ' vvi ii
' for the Final Honor. .
It ihii.1 orobable that Battling Nel
t sou and Aurello Herrera will be matched
" in I Angela om time In th neat
future for the lightweight championship
' ; tof the world. say the Bulletin. .' Some
'" time ago Manager McCerey made Net
son an offer of a IK.OO puree to fight
the' winner of the Herman-Herrera bat-
tie, but ae the fight reaulted in a draw
; c Tee now atenda ready o put tip the earn
amount for a battle between Nelson BJid
v Herrera. McCarey thinks thl fight
. -would prove a better card than a battle
' between Nelaon and Herman, a the
'. champion and the Mexfcen are both
sluggers and the latter gave Nelaon the
" i hardest battle of hie career.
" ',, McCarey's plane are far-reaching, and
- amount to a tournament to determine
, the lightweight champloeahip of the
world. Herman le now In Han Fran,
v Cisco, with hie manager, Nate Lewie,
end while there they will try to induce
Jimmy Brltt to make a match, with the
- Chicago boy. ' If Brltt agreee it la Mc
f Carey plan to match Brltt with Her
man and Nelaon with Herrera. two bat.
tire to fight for the champloaahlp. Thle
would meke three great flghta among
tba moat prominent lightweight in the
business. ..... . ".
. Nelaon ta now in New York, and has
agreed to meet Herrera for the f 11,000
. puree. If he le not bluffing and meane
: bualneae thle battle will probably be
''"' pulled off in ta Angeles. All thle I
conditional on the Idea that Nelaon will
, , beat Terry McOorern In Philadelphia on
March 14. If McOovera ahould win thle
la-round fight It will mean that he
T. will be the lightweight ehemplort and
- that Nelson will be back among the
"i "haabeene" again.' '-.v
rftpe-lal Dnpatra ta Tka Jeereal.' r
Independence. Or Feb. !. The fael
at and hardeat conteated baaketball
, geme ever .pulled off in Independence
'waa played Saturday night between the
: Dalem T. M. C. A. flrat team and the
Independence Athletlo club' flrat team,
the latter winning. If to 14. The team
from Salem rank with the beat teama
ta the atate and are hard and feat play,
era,, but the Independence team held
' them even, there never being a time. In
the entire game when one team waa more
than two potnta ahead of the other. The
Itne-up waa a follow: .V v
. Independence. , f f ' Salem
. Kldnra. . . ,. , forward ....... ,Ilhodei
' llurch.. ........ forward ...... ...Oranl
t.'ra van.. ........ center i ..... .Steinbeck
South wick., i... guard .....Wlnatanley
Brers..... ...... guard .....Jons
i ...X- ...... :. ... . y .f .
"" The following . are -the- scores made
yeeterday by the membere of the Mult
nomah Rod and Oun club:
... Shot at. Broke. F.C
Howe ....... ..10
Simla . . ...... i .10
Collier . .10
Carlon . ..-.,. 100
Kalllo ........... .100
Kill . . ....... 10
Norwood . . ,...'...,..,100
J. Smith . 0
ltng 10
HI kin a ton . . ,100
t Smith . 100
Keyrer t
.Walter , . I
ft A
The ilontavllU bowlers took all three
kmee from the Honeymana on Satar-
day night. Perrott had the high aver
age, 114; .he also had the hlgheet eln
gle game. IS4. The acoree:
. Unnlulllu-. ' ... , 1 ' t
Sloan . ..jlif'!
rAuaparh . . . T77rm7T77Ho 10 III el
Parent 17
McMillan Ill
MoCaalla... .141
TeUl . . .'.m
' Honeymane-- !)'
.'Parrott. ....... ..Ill
. Day . . ................. .101
Popple 141
Jonee . .147
,'Woelm . Ill
ToUla ;
171 111
in in
III 147
IS 711
"I ()
I4 171
.101 114
111 111
111 lit
HI 111
TO "Til
' (IpecWI DKpatck te The leereet.)
. tallaa, or., reb. 1. The Dallaa col
:';'' ' lege baaketball team Saturday night d
f Rated the Red Meh'a team from Red
V i,''Wmg. Minn., by the. acora of It to 11.
' 7e gama- it mi of the faateet ever
- played on the home court. Ouard Mor
ton -of Pallaa played aUr ball. He
't aaved the home team from defeat. Thla
V,'',-M..,the third game that the Red Men
liave loat aince leaving for the Paotflo
, V,; ' -coaat The line-up:
- .. Red Men. Delia
, Allere.. ....... forward :...Teata
' , . Kappe. ...... ,. forward ..... .Reynold.
'Katerly........ center .....Shaw
Bird....... guard Mortot
Referee, Nell I; umpire, Sibley.
1 . ' ijoonral Rbmui ,
- - Hew York. Feb. II Thla ta the week
' of the nation! lndoor.wlmmlng cham
. plooshlpe. aid lbvra of aquatka every,
where will turn their attention ta the
tank of the New. York Athletlo cjub,
' where the event are to be pulled off.
The entrie Include . crack ewlmmera
Trom many eectlotie of the country. The
, ovente of the week comprlao- the A. A.
- V. champlonehlpe from t yarda to on
mile, back atroke race for to yarda.
champlonehlpj breeet etroko race, 10
yarda, championship; relay race for five)
, men teama, championship, and water
polo championship. . "f; i
Preferred aHeoaf Caaaed' Oood.
AUen LsvlM' Bt BranoV .
"' " "
On the left i Jimm Byrne, Oakland' catcher, who prabKbly wW play
i' th right Joe Nealon of San Pranciaco, who will play firt baa on the
ItV'aDOHt'tlma that'Tamea "Edward
Brltt were fired out of the Olympic
elub of San Tranclaco. Thla fellow with
the top hat and' cane has been, poalng
and making eaay money off the public
long enough. ' ." i;-"t ,:'vv
: , .Vt-'.', .-e. e t . , :-...
Replying to the charge made by Joe
Oaaa that their last fight waa fixed,
Jimmy Brltt eaya that the oolored boxer
la a prevaricator. The honorable James
Edward says thet he can afford to stand
en hi . reputation a clean ; ngnter.
Well, if that'a . the case ha not only
should stand ' on hie reputation but
ahould sit on It or do something that
would entirely oover It up. To complete
th toh. some ona oueht to alt down on
Jimmy and Billy In good, bard fashion.
Pugilism la bed enough without, the
Britta, ' ..v,t. .. '', :."- .,:';
Jo Oan I back In Ban Francisco nd
la literally ahoutlng at Jimmy Brltt
from the. housetops. - The Baitimorean
eaya he will never be satisfied until he
secures a return match with Brltt In
hta eagerness to goad Brltt. to action.
Gene is throwing off some extremely
broad hlnta in regard to the. former
flghL.' It seems to be Britt a policy to
Ignore Oane and what Uane say a en
tirely, and the conditions are such that
dirty linen waah seem imminent.
Vom Angela seems to be outstripping
San Francisco as a light center, ' la any
oaaa bouts of ordinary merit, auch as
the Herrera-Young Corbett and Herman.
Herrera affairs draw much bigger
money in the southern town than they
would In 'Frisco. Thla la accounted for
on the hypothesis that the boxtng Indus
try hes not been done. to death In Loe
Angeles and that, the aouthland- aeee
glorioue poaalbllltlea In bouts that would
causa a very mild ripple of Interest In
the Bay City., It remains to be seen, of
course, whether LiOs Angeleg csn cope
successfully . with San Francisco In
handling evanta. of targe - importance.
Brltt and Nelaon drew 110.000 at Colma.
and Jeffrlea and Jim Corbett boxed be
are. a. btsger gate than that even In Me
ehanlca pavilion. Until Lioa Angeles se
cures and puta through a match which
olaaaea with either of the events named
arguments ea o which la the greater
light town will be In order. .
t e e . , t ,. . , i
From the manner In whloh the south
ern promoters are bidding tor everything
In eight In the pugilistic line It Is very
evident that Loa Angeles oonsldera it
self a worthy rival -of San Francisco.
Marvin Hart and Tommy Burn are to
box at Lo Angeles on February tl, and
It begins to look ea though Tommy
Ryan and Jack O'Brien will work off
their long-atandlng dispute In the or
ange belt. . ; t
Dear Edltbr: I regret' to eta te, sir,
thet last nlght'a lightning struck the
graaa at th ball park and turned It a
dark yellowish color.) What ahall I do!
I know that the Judges will be furious
when he learns that there ia a yellow
etreak in the graaa. . In my eagerness
to compliment you on your references to
Walter yesterday I must have over
looked the grass. That darn old stuff
baa caused me' more . worry than th
whole team la worth. Don't believe
everything . that- McDonald telle you.
Walt for me... Fit give you the correct
news.' . Walter signed "a .new pitcher
yesterday named "Silvers.'' This makes
ten pitchers In his staff for thlr sea
son. That a the record. I expect to do
a little throwing myself this year. .The
judge will pitch aa exhibition game on
Labor day, end I will direct the. band
when it playa "Everybody- WoVfce bat
Father." If I could' only rake that grasa
out of : my mind' J would 'be happy.
Heree to a keg.-, rf ;A JONTlbi
. . . . . ..
- According to an ' eaatern exchange
football will be played at Columbia uni
versity next fall. ( President -Butler's
original indictment against pro
vided that the "present game" ahould be
bUahed. but1 It ia declared that the
faculty has decided to' retain the aport
with objectionable features eliminated.
Change are to be made in the training
wiiiHtmr -vni Big vm .
played. , r. y;.. :'
. .. t . e e , .'
How to Play a 'Cello To play- the
'cello (pronounced 'chello) one should be
able to straddle a doghouse gracefully.
By tble it will be understood that th
'cello ia more readily adapted 'to males.
After ' straddling the . thing, seise the
bow and make a holssllka a' growling
dog. Then gradually Increase tb nls
till It sounds Ilk twisting the dog tsJL
Then you- are sawing" good, so to apeak.
Keep thl up till the arm tire, then
give It a good rubdown with witch hasel
(the arm. not the Instrument). When
a dlfncuie run le necesssry we wouia
suggest dropping the instrument en
tirely. The best 'cell mads is the
Straddlevariou. . ' ' '
, ,. v. . e . e ,.: ;,i ;,
' The golf tournament for the amateut
ehamplonahlp of south Florida began
at palm Beacn,. nonaa. tnie
morning - with - a. ' large - number
of entrie and a moat brilliant gallery.
Many crack players are taking .part In
tha tournament, ' Including Walter J.
Travis, who won the title two year ago
and did not compete sine then. .
Mrs. H. What shall we call our new
automobile. HanryT , - , -
Mr. H. Oh, I'll think of something
when the occasion warrant It. -Dear
Editor: Where can I learn the
lumber Nbualnee. Answer Oo t , a
boarding school. . . . -; ,, .
From an English ' Exchange The
second bout for the (nine) etone
championship waa particularly noted for
the fsct that the loaer, spike rodsou.
of Newcastle, endeavored to adopt the
American, style of crouching, without
a thorough knowledge or it, ana waa
well clouted for hta plana, though he
was at all times dangerous and had
Johnny Summers of Canning Town
gueealng and flurried in the early
atagee. But Summer soon had hie
measure and kept a eafe lead all through.
saving himself particularly for tha last
five rounds, ae Robson had made a great
showing at that atage of the game with
Bowker eome weeke ago. Tha bout
went the limit of I rounds, and Bum
mars -easily earned the referee's de-
elslon." v , .... ......
Ye Oada. fawncy. ' HI oplna that
they'll be trying tha crouch to their Bor
row. -As Loldy Lounaberry weald aay.
"The bleeders 'av bin hat the hold
ateyle ao long they'll never get hour
atoyla down to perfection. 1 Hit's a
couple of quid to a shilling that the
Hinglleh boxer'U get manya ha. wallop
ing before he's perfect In. the Hamerlcan
toyl.",... t. , j t.. .: ;. -j t
The Woodlark took two out of three
game from the Montavtlla yesterday
afternoon. -' Crook bad the high aver
age, 11; be also bad the highest elngl
core tit. r Score: ;,-,. ' "'
Woodlarka , .. i l) (I) V (I)
Crook . . .,......o'..'....l 114 111
Lunney ............... .17 : io iit
Hague I ...ll 171 , 11
McMenomy . ...........171 ! : lot
Doa . .......16 ' 120 114
Totals . . .........
14.; 14
IT ' 111
111 ,114
11- 11
lt , 140
Sloan . ......
Auspach . (. ......... ..16
Parent . . Ill
McMillan , .......Ill
Vlor,alln . . ........... L . ISt
160 176
71 7
Handicap , . . 71
.Totals'. . . ........ , ... 84 ' lit 141
"A prise tournament t will . be held at
tha' Oregon alley a all this week. The
railroad tournament held on the Oregon
slleys yesterday afternoon "and evening
was a complete eucceas, ana atirrea up
much enthusiasm. - Flcksn . won : flrat
prise with the good score of II; Kalk
won second prise, witn so, ana M.oeyae
won third, with 41. The eoores follow:
Ftcken II. Kalk 10. Xneyae. 4. J-unney
41,'McMontes 44, Pollack 41, Krebe 41.
Latmond It, Boulanger II, Neuberger IT,
Moray I. Moore-1. Swarts IS, Hague
IT, Cratta It. Ingle 11. McCaalln II.
Oough 1. Capen II, McClellan II, Be
lln 1, Crook IS, Christian 11. :
Set) Natuirt In Her Winter Caii.
To see'i tha far-famed Rocky moult
tains In their wondrous winter garb ta
the . treat of a lifetime. The canyons,
peaks' -and ' gorge are eves - more- at
tractive in wtnter than In summer. The
Denvsr a. Rle Grande, popularly known
a "The Soenlo Una of tha World."
pierces the err heart of th Rockies,
and -besides I the only transcontinental
line paeslng directly through Salt Imke
City, the quaint -and plctureeque Mor
mon capital,, Stopovers granted on alt
rlasaes of tickets. -For rates to all
eat tern point valt-nporr or write W, O,
MeJlrlde, Hi ZtUr afreet.
with th Philadelphia Athletic; on
Pittaborc nine this year.
-Several of the race 'on the Florida
beach and In Cuba wero postponed until
next year. Thera I aome doubt on the
part of thoee who were thera thl year
whether or not theae event ever will
be run. - ; ' ,;.
, . " s s -. '
'' New Tork dealer say that they are
having vary little trouble this year with
tha free-ride grafter. The general adop
tion of a rule requiring - payment for
long .demonstrations, .the money re
fundable upon purchase, ha been ef
fective. - j:---. -rr--
Husband (who carries a big Inauranee
policy) You eay automobiles are dan-
serous and you hato them, fve ridden
them for more than ' flv ; yeara and
naven't peon aiud yet.
WifeThat la an extra reason, sweet
heart, for my dislike of them. .. , ,
. -.. ,e '.,- ,i '
While a new president and ether of
ficers of the American Automobile as
sociation Iters been elected, th offices
of the eecretary will 'remain for th
time being at II West Forty eecond
street. New York.' Sidney 8. Oorbam
of Chicago, the new secretary, will re
tain the New Tork office, while Presi
dent John Farson will make hi head
quarter in Chloago. . Road mapa and In
formation for member concerning tour
ing will be given greater attention than
ever during the , forthoomlng Mason.
AU tha work in thla department 1 to
be greatly enlarged and improved, more
attention 'than ever before .being paid
to the convenience of the Individual
member. ,.j -,!.', .''. v., -., .
... . , ..,.!.." a : -e -Vf . ..
Since . Hemry( - th great, quarreled
with hi Job hla mechanician ha gone
s head and mads a reputation and
H emery ha learned the meaning of the
nursery Baying, "Thar are others.' - -...
..-, . . 4. .. . ,,. ;:' ,
'- Bo many ' patron ars now " entering
Into the delights of automoblllng that
many old explanation are dleoovere
oftentimes to be new. -It was heard at
tha shows that this and the other manu
facturing concern was "sold out." New
buyer took It for granted that it wax use -to try and buy one of the
ear of auch firms. It Is pusxllng to
those who understand how anyone can
have such notions. Tho factories soli
to the agent or retail dealer. When
the orders from auch retailer amount
to as many' ear as the factory can
produce during th seesn. th manu
facturing conosrn 1s "sold out" - It doe
not mean that all the cars ar already
made or eold. , The factory cannot ac
cept any mor contra ots from ths retailers.-
that la all. The retailers will
hav plenty of car to sell all summer.
The fact of a factory being "sold out"
ia simply an expression of the retailers'
confidence In the high,' merit of the
brand 'and It .selling Qualities. ' No
buyer who wanta one of tho beat make
of care ahould be deterred from placing
hi order beoeuse he has heard that the
factory ' wae "sold out." Buyers who
want the beet ehould, however, make It
point to order early. It 1 getting so
now that with regard to a few of the
best makes it la aa safe to buy on repu
tation a- it ia t order Jewelry from
Tiffany. - v w. , - ...
It ta coming rapidly to the stage that
where there le a way there le an auto
mobile. : Let ua have more way. ; v
Remarkable Progress.
The success that has been attained In
bringing Into general demand! and mak
ing popular all over the United State
Moot Chandon "White Seal" Cham
pa erne, vintage of 1100, I shown by th
Custom house atatlstlos of. Importation
during the year ite.- mo less than
1,117 casea of Most Chandon cham
pagne were brought Into the port of
New York tost ysar, keeping thl grand
wine at the head of the Hat, the amount
being over 6 per cent greater than the
Importations of the brand which stands
second on the list. White Seal "100."
acknowledged a perfection in cham
pgne, 1 given preference at all first,
elaas hotels , and restauraqta, and ta
used almost ' exclusively at all promi
nent functlone. . - . , .
Bop Sheets aTJ Koike. .. ,
Echo, Or., Feb. 1. Mrs. H. E.
Stevena, wife .of .the manager of the
Echo Lumber company, waa accident
ally shot by her 10-year-old so yes
terday while, playing with a ...-caliber
rifle. The--woemd will probably prove
fatal, tha bullet having .entered. .!b ab
They don't car for Jim Corbett any
more In' Philadelphia. That Jim wtu
survive this blow 1 hardly probable. To
be disliked la Philadelphia- Is partlo
tarty trying to on of Jim' sensitive
and tendril nature. a r
But. according to Billy KeCarney.
Jim deserves It, and when Mr. MoCar-
ney rises to apeak let au oioer men aoia
their jaw. v, . i . .-. . -. s... v ...
Hera ta how it earn about: . - r .1
Jim is showing Caahi Byron' Pro
feeelon" la the town across ths river
from Camden. On the opening night
the only member of this former geahsft
that he remembered ' were Kid Broad
and 'Oeorge Gardner. George and th
Kid. In evsning olotbee a low out vest
and a sweater occupied a box, and the
next day boasted of courtesy shown
to them by th erstwhile champion.
This In Itself made some of the nrol
families In Philadelphia pug society
ore, but there, was a far deeper elight
to be put upon them by the unthinking
Corbett ... .- '-. ,
MoCarney la th matchmaker . of the
Washington Sporting club, and he ta
a man of hustls and Ideas, even If the
scene of bis endeavor lie In the Quaker
village. He bethought him that . it
would be a good thing to Invite Corbett
to hla a how. Forthwith he did, not for.
getting en route to extensively adver
tise the fact - Indeed, the announcement
that th aometlme boa of - ail ; th
heavies) would attend the bout at th
Washington club In person added In no
small measure, not only to the eclat of
the occasion, but to Its number.
And MoCarney was greatly pleased
thereaw-for a time.
He had a carriage -, at two plunks an
hourwaiting at th stag door - to
fetch Jim after the performance to the
club, where a pair of reserved seats
awaited the distinguished guest.
But the clock went Its hourly round
en a Philadelphia clock gets around
time and no Corbett. - MoCarney
read a meeaage from James that he
would bo there, and asked th Indul
gence of . the multitude. They waited,
but no Corbett, and then MoCarney put
on tha mala scrap without turn.
Tha next day - MoCarney received) a
real message from Corbett, returning
the tickets and acquainting Mr. - Mo
Carney that he (Corbett) waa don with
all thing appertaining to and touching
on tha prise ting.
Jim bad trua down th perfean.
And so. tha perfeah-ls not breaking
aay legs ta a mad rao to see him act
which, arter au. 1 parhap just aa wall,
No Sign of Mourning-. Except
Black Floor Cloth in
Cathedral. , ,. ;
' (Jtoa-aal flneelal BarrVe.l . " '
Copenhagen. .Denmark. Feb. II. In
the Oothie cathedral on the Ial of.Ros
kllde, with- pomp and ceremony; . the
body -of King Christian IX was yester
day buried alongside of hi predecessors
on the Danish throne. -
Th coffin lay la a ehaaoel. Its only
decoration being a golden branch., Oa
the altar was a floral tribute. -
Fart or tne cnurcn waa reesrvso ror
the ministers and officials, tbs gaj
lerlea and side aisles were filled, with
the ladle. Th brilliant uniforms of
diplomats and official and th bright
oolored dresses of the ladle made the
no extremely brilliant. The only
lga of mourning waa th black floor
Cloth. ; -'' '' -' ' "
The ceremony began at I O'clock when
member of the Danish parliament
ntaoad wreath on the ootfin. Queen
Alexandra of England, tha Queen of
Denmark, the dowager empness of Rus
sia and other royal ladles sat la the
front row at the left of tho coffin.
The royal procession to th mualo of
Beethoven' funeral march, marched tip
the center aisle. King Frederick attired
ae a Danish general with Emperor Wil
liam la the uniform of a Dan tab. admiral
at hi left and th king of Greece at hie
right. King Haakon and other royal
personages following. ,
The service began wiin ine singing
of a hymn. The funeral sermon fol
lowed by Dr. Rerun, Other hymn
followed. Then the coffin was carried
from the chancel serosa to the chapel of
Frederick. . .while .th " cathedral f waa
ahakea by a salute of 11 gun. The
burial service was read by Dr. Paul I la
the presence Of royal personages only
nd the foreign .repressniauveis ana
minister. Th service was concluded
with th benediction. .. t
(flpeclal Dispatch The Jeerasl.)
Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash.,
Feb. It. The tryout, debate to select
member of in th Intercollegiate do
bating team against Washington state
college waa held Saturday evening ta
Memorial building, mere were seven
contestants, ' Belle v Wallace, oatua
Greenalade. Roy Perlnger and ' Roy
Wolf arguing the ' arrirmauve, - ana
Heber Ryan, Otto Johnson and Walter
Bella the negative of the following
qoeetlon: "Resolved, That Intercolle
giate Football in ine imiiia nam
Should Be Abolished." The following
were selected to compose the team:
Greenslade, 7: Wolfe, '7; Sells..'.
They are the earn three who debated
against Pacific university last year.
The iudgee were tror. ttrauon. rros.
Lyman and Rer. Austin Rlc. t - '
This le the same quevuon wnicn tarn
Whitman debate council has submitted
to the Pullman college for the intercol
legiate debate which win no neio. in
Walla Walla In March or April. Pull
man has choice of aides and is expected
tooUmlfy Its choice early-this weex. -i
. . - - .... $ ,
The Aschenbrodel Society .:,
Of New York, composed f over 1,00
eadlns musicians. Use the Sohmcr piano
la their magnificent clubroema .
: 1, i'-j
, . v; W.....M, .............. .a,.. . '
11. ' IL NeV
7 To Szlicritsre
j Alljrou hare to do Is to show you are a subscriber of Tho
Journal, by producing a Journal receipt or'otherwiscv and "
sign a receipt for the bank upon the deliveryof tlie pocket'
savings bank ,to you. Thereupon you take the -bank to
: Marquam Building, and by depositing $1 or more in this"
bank' you are given an extra 25 cents, which is added to
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' you to .open an account in this institution and thus 'start i
' you upon the road to wealth.;! Every person, man, woman, ;
boy or girl, is privileged to -take advantage of this proposi
tion. The banks can be obtained from The Journal bus.
jiess .office Jlthrough Journal canvassers in the city.1 ; ' ,.
eaoae yeere or experience an exteaeive areeuea Bre
tbe-a to be serk.
soaw to a ta tie
nroS atkara aS we
i at aa
ftrnete wiU say serve seuity
is failaat nallian, , Oessmltatlea free sad tavited. .
. .- ai Ct.U ftaa Wft Ste.
euiu iNka mm vv aaa
, Mad StrortacB
.Witts for Symptom Blank If You Cannot Call
St leds Kedlcd &'
-S0( Yamhill Street.' Portland, Oregon.
F02TH F03 ZI0:i
DowieKta In Answer to Appeal
for Aid Empty Their Pocket- ;
v i Books for Cause. -V: 7? -
:' :'' V 5r (jieroal Special Serrtee.) ..-, -V ; .
Chicago. rsb..l-A Urge oak Uble,
covered te the edges and heepea high
with gold and silver eoln, bank note.
lewelnr. silverware, out glasa, trading
coupons, stock la Zlon City lndustrlea
checks for various amounts aad pledge
ranging In sis from 1 cents to ISO,
stood on the front of the platform at
Zlon tabernacle at : th conclusion of
exercises yesterday afternoon. , -The
flood of wealth, came as a re
sponse to an appeal from Wilbur Oleno
Voliva. Eton new jeaaer, ana tne prac
tical demonstratloa v f . Belfsacrifloe
given by Zlonlts afforded one of the
moot spectacular and remarkable ecenee
ever enacted to, even that city of won
derful scenee.
Vollva worked hi ,009 listener to
a frensr by hla appeals -for money and
at the dramatis moment In hla ssrmon
gav up hi wateh and loose change te
the cause. - Ths example- asted : like
gia en th audience who went for
ward by tens, thsn hundreds; te give
their possessions' tampon. Men placed
their watches on the table, women tore
rings from their1 finger - and ' children
tursed their pockets inside out ana
everything loose was contributed. . ,r
seven t:iLUo:jsFoa f;
'Uoeraal Rperiai aerviee.f
New Tork. Feb. 1. At a special meet
ing today the stockholders of the Dela
ware A Hudson River Railroad company
voted ta increase the cafiital stock pf
cf Its
ioarnd :
Examination Frco
; ; Diflosis Free ; ;
" Special mvlUtlee is rives t all diaeear ased eafferers whs ksve
bees treated wltbeat TeeelvlBg a ears. We bold ee ae (alee
sroralae. We wtU give yea fejr asd hasest esialea e year
CTae iieiesee sd Art ef MVllaiael Se-fety sad Beetrlelty"
have nnimii Is ear Was aatu we seaaeas set enly every
brai i ry. sat the skill wtth wkies te aysly it fee a
eare ef Urn all-aeata. , . ...
. Oar awtswia are the seat. W ksew tbesi be the beet, be-
Don't waste varaaoie TiaM ana
stnetaet sane
eaa eare rea.
er steea
Made Healthy
Sarfllcd Dispensary
th company by $T,000,.' It 1 under
stood that part of th new- capital will V
be 'peed to pay, for estenslve -trolley
properties recently acquired by the com- ..
pany In northern New Tork state. .' -.
V (Jearaal Ss-cial Service.) .'y- 'i".,"'
Washington, D. CL, Feb. 1. Two 1m-", .
portent ease were set for a bearing be-
fore 'the United States supreme court , ,:
today. , On waa th case of Anna Val. '
entlna. who waa convicted of murder1 tn .'
Hackessack.. New Jersey, In 14, and
sentenced to be hanged. The ease has "
created oonsldsrable In tar eat through- )
out the"tountry. partly on account of r
the peculiar olrcnmatances of the mur
der and partly owing to the opposition -to
the hanging of women. -. .,'
- The other case which was set for to- -day
ia thai Michigan railroad ad valorem .
tag case, which will be watched with '
great Interest bf the ofllciala of rall--lll
uau vv.u y , . m. v-.. - v .,,-
country.. . 'v! '''.- .-. ,;.,.'''. ,
Waifsa Twirlfle ss
luM.I rtfenatr aa Tha laa-aU.t
' Forest irve, OrM Felv-1. Iaclflo
university men are all looking forward ,
to the coming - annual debate with
Whitman college to be held here Febru
ary ft. The question for" debate on
next Friday will be: ( Resolved. That
the Interstate commerce commission
should be given power to flic i rates In
disputed cases; these rates to remain In '
force until revere ed by the high court a."
Pacific takes the negative with Rasmus- '
sen, Fletnher ' and Bates, while Whit
man' men. ' Sutherland, Gllbreeth and ,
Baldwin, will take np th affirmative, ,
'. Marde Trial Open.: - V.
iJoarssI gpecial a-evtes.)
'Mt, Vernon, O., Feb, 1. Th
ease of Frank Milliard, charged with
first degree murder in the killing ef
Sheriff Jam W. Shallenbarger while
the latter wa trying to arrest htm, waa "
called for' trial today. The young man
Is the adopted son and heir of a weal thy
farmer living; near tola city.