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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1906)
eiilM Gil 0j rw w r iekae. - lii M HILL : THE STAUD Ffl;.:... "q.lbj,uJie.iu.-d;' ' ., l Lil CLCj.iij iillELi iu uU C1SSELL TIiCr.LlS TO OiTdiJi. Dsrriands Thrt Cifc: This Ds Dons Assurancs Cs CIvsn DIs X .', trict Attornsy's CMss That Allsgsd Forgsr Cs Rsturnsd .,. f Whsn Rslstssd May Not Cs' Insane ixiz Wihrtrtsa' i!;.t'.Z Ds- and Land CommItsionr. 4QUZQ L0SS3 CLAIM V ; TO INDIAN LAND3 Court Hold That When Man' Hail ' Acquired Limited Amount TJmat&a I Lands by Pnrchas Ha Cannot Ac- " quirt Uora by Settlement i.'-v-i ..... . rv Mo nt on acquire by homeeteadlng - adMilonarxcrasie' is the UetlHara-4 Stan reservation, under the aet of IlH after lie has acquired by direct pur. cbaae, under the act of lM. 100 acree or timbered una ana 4 scree m mm timber land, according to an opinio rendered thie morning In the United Statee dlatriot eourt by Judge Charles K. Wolverton In the ease of ueorge w. Jmuw a nharlaa IB. JloOVer. - . Iflf BUlk WW W w . .u . ... . w "-. many hundred eerea ef land en the res . - j srvatlOn, and the deolalon of Judge Wol- vert on auetalna the eoatentlone of the secretary of the interior ana toe lane eommlaaloner, both of whom peaeed upon ' the merits Involved, end from whose deelelona en appeal wae taken. ; In lite congress paeaed an aet pro riding for the allotment of oertaJa pot y tlone of the Umatilla Indian ressrvatlon. the remaining acreage to be Bold. It wee attpulated that one pereon ahould pot acquire more than 100 acres of tlm ! bered land, and 4 acres ef untlmbered land. At the eele much land waa not t . disposed of, Among the purchaaare waa Mr. Jones, who acquired ltd cores of ; untlmbered land. Alter the Bale he set-'- tied on II .eoree of uatlmbered land - aM 4 eweeeev-whlch there, were tree. - Hla InUntlon waa to gain title under the ; homestead -aet. ... In 1I0S oengreea pasaed a eeoond eet providing for the disposition of the re . malnlng unsold land In the reservation, V the salient feature of the previous ect to stand. .When the land was offered for eele Jones bid In hla additional 100 ' aorea,' claiming e prior right: -When he :. tendered his flaal payment Charles EL Hoover contested nt right to the propyl erty, but a deed waa given Jones by the land office. ..,.' The matter waa then, talent before "the general land eommlaaloner, - who overruled the land omee, and euatainea the contention ef Hoover that under the . act of ISSi. a pereon who acquired addl ' tional lands under the provisions of that act, could not by subsequent pur : chase, acquire additional landa under the HQS aot. The secretary or tne in terior upheld the commissioner, and , then an appeal waa taken to the federal eourt v ' - ,.- In the matter ef the bankruptcy ef J. W. Bailey, an application being rued asking W. Kerron to ehow cause why he ehould not be punished fer contempt of court Judge Wolvertoa dismissed the petition. .. ' ' - - Martha UAdama of 1171 Mllwaukte avenue, filed a petition in bankruptcy this morning. Her liabilities and ae tata are la the neighborhood of about ioe each. HARRCJA!! DHL HELP MY '.'Vv '. -' - - :.v:;f;vT7..l:lv1;V- Will Not Send Boats North but " Will Boost Any Local Com v P&ny That Doss. ' A meeting of the Joint committee ef Portland commercial bodies working on the D reject of a Portland-Alaake steam' ship line will be held at e o'clock this afternoon and the proposition of the California, Oregon Coast Steamship company taken, up for consideration. Thie company propeeea to put on the Nome City and follow It with other boats as the trade develops. The eompanya terms ere regarded as more reasonable then . others of fered thus- far, but the eommlttee Is in- eor- respondsnc with owners 1 of eeveral boats and will consider all eondltlons very carefully before eloelng arrange ' ments with any line. It le eeid the Nome City owners require a-guarantee of. lie.' 000 a trip la freight end passenger business. . , - The Harrtmaa lines, while declining to telr own boats forthla trade. : will cooperate la every way they eea to assist any line that le started. R. B. Miller, general freight agent of the Har- ' rlmaa roeda, has returned from New , " York, where he ' conferred: with R. p. : Schwertn, general manager of the Har rlmaa ateamahlp line, In regard to put ' ting boats Into the Alaska trade from Portland. " , -;n ,-:- : CHILD FATALLY BURNED BY EXPLOSION OF LAMP .,tf y. : . -1 .' By. the explosion ef a lamp Mus t gUerlte, the 1-year-old daughter of Cap tain ' Pred Copeland. master of , the , Steamer lone, waa fatally burned In her borne lest night at Weehougmv dying thie morning. She bad been playing , wtth a large metalllo lamp which was lighted and standing oa a center table: .. The captain noticed bar and. took hold . f it to drew It from her. Aa he did , bo It exploded" and set the room and the child's clothing ea fire. Before ' a . blanket eould be thrown ever the girl she Was badly burned. Mrs. Copeland waa In the room at the time of the accident Had It not been for the prompt action of her and the captain ; the house would hare been destroyed. One of them picked - up the burning lamp, hurling It through a window, while the other endeavored to save the ehiM . . ; " -i ' - e " . . County Judge Lionel R. Webstsr this morning1 Vaud an order for the earn ings and profits of the old Reed home stead property, which eeeuplee the block bounded by First. Second. Montgomery end Harrison streets, to be turned over to Anna M. Mann, president of the Old ' ladles home. " hie property, which la said to be worth MOOO. wee willed to the Old Led lee home by 'Mrs, Amanda . Reed, who dWM- THuf 1. 1"4. . California Prune Wafers palnleae, yet effertlve.- Prescribed by physk-letia, and recommended by ell drosBlsie ss an Invaluable substitute for mineral pllle and castor oIL ICOXVclzn 23 Cents Ten . Thouc-nd-Cc::ur - Tomb' tvtons Taku Fjtczimc Ovsr Claims of Brothers. CHILDREN ALONE HAVE ' VALID RIGHTS IN CASE Remoter Heirs Cannot Set Aside Ls gal Bequest of Deceased Because of General DUUke to Will's Pro- ' visions. vM:., "', Children have claims en property left by' theto father, but brothers, nsshswe and nieces have net according to a de cision handsd down by County Judge Lionel R. Webster thie morning In re fusing te break the will of the late Is- reel Vance. - " . l de not think that a man'a brother can come lar and aay what should be done with property, when a will has been left stating what shall be done,' aeld Judge Webster, la thie eaae think It le strange that a man ehould have lived aa Vance did, eating two maale a day for monthe In a 10-oWnt Japanese reataurant, Bering hla money In waya that caused him to do without many of the neceealtlee of Ufe, end then leave a fortune for hie tombstone. . But euob Is the case, and I do not see where in the brothers, nlocee and nepbewe can break a will, aa attempted bore, The will ehall stand."' Israel Vance died In a local hospital on May , 10. Several days later his will waa admitted to probate. -. tsy terms two brothers and several nieces and nephewa were given Ilk each, all debts were to be paid; fSOC placed le trust in the Ladd A Tilton bank, the Ibtereet on which was to be paid te the sexton of the Multnomah cemetery to keep In order the lot In which were to lie the bodlee of Vanoe and hie Bis ter Isabella, and the remainder of the estate to be Bold and the money ex pended for the erecting of a vault or tomb In -Multnomah cemetery for the bodlee of the brother and elster. . At torney O. W. Allen and William - B. Steele were named In the will to aet aa executors of the stau. At the time ef bis death Vance waa past Tt yeare of age. Whan the first named terms of hie will had been car ried out It was found that 110.411 waa left for the building of the tomb. Two of the contestants are brothore of the deceased, John Vanoe ef Drumgoman, Ireland, and Thomas Tnce ef Orubbs Corner. TJelaware. , " The contestants may appeal their eaee to the circuit eourt MANY ASPIRANTS FILE 7 PETITIONS AT SALEM Salem, Or., Feb." II. The following candidates have filed their petitions for nomination at the coming primary elec tions: '.', . -' ' : j :. k i i Q. W. Colvlg of Grants Pass, for at torney-general, on the Republican ticket and asks that tHe words, "A Republican from VlyesesOrant to Theodore Roose velt be planed after' his nun en I ticket Jay H. Dobblng ef Joseph, Repub lican, seeks 'the nomination for Joint representative from Union and Wallowa count lea. ... ; ' - ' - J. M. Haasbrougb of Roaeburg. Re publican, wants to be Joint representa tive from Dpugiaa sad Jackson eoun Use. -f.. ; W. . Dunlway ef Portland fllee a pe tition asking the nomination for etate nrlnter on the Republican ticket. H. r. seianap or rTinevme, itepao llcan. Joint repreeentatlvo from Crook, Klamath and Lake, favors pledge No. l. Joeenh F. Baker of La Oranda, Re publican, for district Attorney for ' the tenth judicial district He will "strict ly and Impartially enforce the la we; Will support and uphold the 'primary law-at all tlmea, end endeavor , te eee that It Is carried into effect-" 1 ' "I, .. ONE LONE COMPLAINT . AGAINST. GAS COMPANY shihnAi Me t ma wish la the meesage eent br H. L. Ward of Casadeco to the epeotai inveeugaiing eommiuee of J the city council which begins aa Inquiry Into the affaire pf the Portland Askaa - Anennan sssjs as Witm - SB. f f'skfTTtonn. Ward believes his grievance le a grave One, aithougn nia irouote tin uie bm mpany riappeneu naazix two, xeere . Hla la the first eompiaini againsi me a-aa company thai has been submitted to the elty auditor la response to ex tensive advertising. In his letter Ward eaye that ha waa a keeper ef a reataur ant In Portland In ltO. In which he ln- . -.. titft it. maIi Mk a eee stAVS. One day the gala company took out his meter and shut off hie gae and he eould no longer engage In business. Ho sold out but loot $169 on the deal. He geve no reason why bis gma bad been abut . .. . tk. wa'..umnan visited the city- audltoVa ofnce .this morning earpeoting -vt xina uw of complaints from ' consumers, but - . j ,a vtMi bui the one. W,l WM...WW There le oonetderable conjecture whom the eommlttee and those behind the In- A. . Mi,. ,m unnr. mm erlt. Temsmuoa mrw ." n esse a. The Inquiry will begin tomor row - afternoon at i . weioca. . NEW RULING. MADE ! FOR INJURY CASES -a.:eedent Is said to have been made thie momlag by Presiding Vudae A. L. Praser when be ruled that the eourt bad the right te order anyone Injured la an alleged etreet ear Vwl dent to aobmft to aa examination . by phyalclana appointed by the eourt in order to ascertain the seriousness of the alleged-In Jurtea. r? . 1 O. P. paxton, general eounsel for the Portland Railway company, asked that physicians be appointed to exam ine derail n. zumr, wno is suing ids eomoany for lll.oo for, alleged la- ternal Injuries received In a streetcar eeetdent July I," 1MI, near the corner of East 'Twentieth and Bast- Anbeay etreete. John K Hall, attorney for the plaintiff to the suit, said that It was not wlthla the power ef the court te appoint physicians, te make aa eaaml- natioo, ' . v ( - . Sfra.' Wee: Mrs. Cora B. - Woolwerth died yes terday at Dixie, Washington, where she went a short time ago for the ben efit of hf health. She was the daugh ter erf p. D. XTreeon, and lived near Peyton, Oregon. ' She leaven a h unbend, father, tare slaters and four Brothers. Cuttcrfns tJIU!? ; Hunpy Jtzjnit Y".:i C Ctnt at CHAZI CF CC",r.:iRC2 . , ; CCr.:r.;TTEE AT WORK A Number of ocal Uen Win Head List With Poastions of s Hundred . Dollars Each .to Hasten Collec- tiona. Time la regarded by the Japan aid commerce aa a prime consideration In the work It purposes to do toward re lieving the starving Japanese. A meet' ing of the committee held at 4 o'clock thla afternoon will arrange an immedi ate canvass of the city and the money thus raised will be cabled te the proper ly authorised reclpiente In Japan. The" eommlttee appointed by Presi dent Hoge of the chamber Juat prior to hla departure last evening for Cali fornia, la composed aa follows: W. IX Wheelwright Ir. Stephen & Wise, Ben Belling. A. L. Mills. C. P. Adams. W. M. Ladd. W. B. Ayer, W. A. McRae, Q. w. wateroury. R. U Durham. W. H. Moore. Dr. Andrew ' Smith. Benjamin L Cohen, T.' B. Wlloox. H. H. - Newhall. J. it. Lambert, Dr. T. I Eliot "I cannot speak with the authority of the eommlttee, but my personal Idee would be to get out Immediately wtth a subscription paper and tomorrow send ey eeple whatever amount we can raise,1' said W. D. Wheelwright 1 "A number ef the members of the com mittee have already indicated tosme that they were ready to start the list with lies subscriptions. The need is . for prompt action In whatever le done for, m gnionuniit peopis in mia instance. By reason of failure of the rice crop In certain parts of the Japaneee empire many, people ere starving-. The money that le te be raised In Portland will. I suppose, be sent to some one at Yoko hama who we know and who will eee that proper disposition Is made of It" "I have received no official Informa tion concerning the situation InJapan,1 said - Vice-consul Alba todsyi - "How ever, I have learned enough te know that there le greet Buffering In the northern provinces, and that any aid that may come from the United States will be appreciated by the Japaneee government.'. The government will, of oourss, refuse to ask for aid for Its subjects, but will" do all it can to re lieve the situation, and will appreciate what le done by others." . y . .i ..I "" THINKS HE LOST IN TIMBER LAND DEAL Amoa B. Toder of Cleveland. Ohio, thinks he has encountered one of the queer timber deals that are making Oregon famous, and he baa begun a cult In the -circuit eourt to have 11.400 returned that he baa paid for timber lands Id Cowllta county, Washington. The complaint makes L. K. Belknap, H. I Chaffee and the Portland Trust Company ef Oregon defendants. . When Deputy Sheriff John Grusat served Mr. Belknap with copy of the complaint be told the ornciai regarding tne case. Toder waa shown a part of the land he ... was . about to purchase, and be eeemed pleaaed with what be had seen,1 said Belknap. "A contract was drawn up for the Bale of the land; After part payment bad been made oa the property someone other than myself took Belknap over Into Cowlltf county and showed blm property -whlohT repre sented to be a portion of the land be i contracted for. But thie wee mistake, for the laet. piece ef .land shown the Cleveland man waa not a part of the property we bad contracted to sell him. It le simply mistake ef some outside party." . - - Toder avers that he contracted te pay Belknap l,7t for the lead, BLAME TACOMA POLICE FOR WILSON'S RELEASE Joe Wilson, said te be one ef the men implicated - In the holdup ef a North. era Paclflo train in Montana, waa taken Into custody by Detective A. O. Vaughn Wedneeday ; night and closely quee-tloned.- at police headquarters. Aa be told a straight story and the Tacoma authorities failed to notify the depart ment IB rerusna ' im r ubob wanted, he waa gelsassd. -Detecttoaa Day end Venghn left the elty Pride y and expect to catch their man near the California pernor. WUeon la aald to have eon f eased to the holdup te oompanlone. . Mrs. a A. Hooper bee begun a Suit for a divorce front James Hooper, a farmer residing near' Oregoa City. . la her com plaint Mrs. Hooper states that while Hooper was courting bar he waa under the Impression that she had lltoe, but when they were married and be found out that ehe only possessed MO be began making lire a burden for her. The -couple - were-married In Oregon City feat March,- Mra. Hooper jaew Uvea in Portland. - . . - TO PARE FOR ALASKAN V INSANE AT MT. TABOR (WssMsgtea Sereee ef Tee Jesraatl ' ' Washington. Pen, . It.- The secretary ef the treasury today recommended aa appropriation of Ml.lte. to eare for. the Alaska insane patienta now ur. ut Ta bor sanitarium at Portland. Oregon. The money derived from licenses in Alaska for this purpose has been Vouod Inad equate, and a direct appropriation is re quired for the coming rises i year, sena tor Pultoa Introduced a bill granting Oregon for fish hatchery purpose 110 acres ef land in sect loos 14 and II en Morton Island.'.. -;' KILLED BY LOGGING - ,..)., n nil iwri , I nAII. A I LI I I CLl .raerta! MeBetsa te The JeereeLI - ''. Chebalia, Wash., Fob. !. Oeorge & Reed.- 41 yeare eld. married, was run over and killed Sunday evening at: Lit- tell, a sawmill town, four miles tweet of Chehalle, bp a logging train of the Cbehalla Lumber company, eupertatendeat at the mllL Old renew DweetRh e Tee JearaaLI ' rTnljm. Ion, Or., Feb. 10. The Odd Pet- 0 lliMi kiM metalled the rnl- lowlng efflrersj for the ensuing yean N. O . WUllam Klelblocki V., iH John Paranaon: eerretary. Cbarlsa Miller: treasurer, A, SV atos District Attorney John Mannlns this morning called halt on the attempt to eend Blseell Thomas to a private sanitarium for few days treatment Thorn aa is the son of a corporation at torney la St Louie. The young- man le under, arrest charged with "uttering a forged draft") for 110 and paaslng the eame en A, R. Toiler last November. At the opening cession of the circuit cpurt . thie morning Mr. Manning requested Preeldlng Judge Arthur L.. Praser to make an order on the efflcere of the sanitarium to which Thomaa had requested to be entUIrinrerflcerereTurn Thomas back to the district attorney's cere after the patient had been cured. ''I understand that telegrams have been received by Thomaa . from hla mother stating, that everything bad been fised up and that he would soon be allowed to return home," aald Mr. Manning- 1 haven't heard anything about thinga being ftaed tip eo the pris oner eould be returned home, and If Thomaa Is to be eent te the asylum ot a sanitarium, I want him returned when cured to us, for I understand that the plea ef Insanity la only a defense and not something that will permit one to be released without a trial'! , ' Themes wee to have roam to a nrlvatei sanitarium thla morning, but Mr. Man ning nounea Chief Deoutv Sheriff George Morden In open court not to send i MOST GO 10 PEU1T Vsrdlct of Lowsr Court Uphsld by Suprsm Tribunal In .' Notsd Murder Case. V (Speetsl Dispell te The Jearaal.) . Helena, Mont. Feb. 1 1. The eupreme eourt today affirmed the decision of the district court of Cascade oounty In the case against Jamee S. Kesri, eon rioted of man slaughter and sentenced to 10 years In prison. TCeerl was one of the most prominent civil engineers In ths northwest and highly connected socially la Maryland and Montana. Several yeare age while drinking he shot and klled Thomaa Crystal, a Hel ena bartender. On the first trial he waa convicted of second degree mur der end sentenced to the penitentiary for life, v '. The supreme eourt granted a new trial becauee of erroneous Instructions to the Jury, and the second trial ... re sulted in a hung vsrdlct The eaae was then transferred to Oreat Palla, where he waa convicted , of ' man Slaughter, and thie waa today affirmed. Reiativee -, spent almost fabulous sums In an effort to save, blm from the penitentiary, v . . The eupreme court however, reversed the decision ef the Fergus county eourt In the ease of the etate against Koch, also convicted of manalaughter and sen tenced to ten yeare, because ef Instruc tions by ths court that ths dury could not find the defendant net guilty. : The Keerl eaae wee the most noted murder trial In the history of the state. feu Bid) lira l:i;:i;:g uan at pasco Civss Trio Check for Big Sum That Is Cashed at Walla ' ' ; Wallau ISeeelal tHspatah te The learaal.1 Walla WaUa. Wah.K Fsb. II. John Staler, Montana mining man, arrived at Watte Walla thla morning and aa- nounoed that be bad beea bunkoed out of 11.141 br a card trick at Pasco rrl day night by three Walla Walla gam- blare. , JCisier gave .a eneca ior ei.s.i and allegee that he waa then drugged. Before be recovered bis senses the te Walla Wills and naansd the check at the Walla Walla Savings bank. A stranger appeared at the bank Satur day afternoon with the check but the teller declined to easa unm tns man eould be Identified. The stranger left the bank but came back shortly after ward with Joha Slalme. a well -knows a loon man, and the money waa paid ever. Alter getting tne money it w saia that the three men left town oa tne night train. - Elsler wUI swear out war. rants in Franklin county. MR. AND MRS. LONG WORTH 7- GO TO PALM BEACH - (Jeuraal Special Service.) Washington. . Feb. 10.-.The Long- worths left Joha R. MoLeaa'e country home, Trlendshlp." where they spent Saturday evening and Sunday, la an au tomobile this morning at 0:41 to take their special car for Palm Beach. They boarded the Southern Sail way limited et Alexandria, Virginia, at 11:01 o'clock. The private car Lyslaa had beea at tacbed to the train at Washington, bat It went empty until it reached Alexan dria. The couple traveled la an auto te that point '" , '. .,.. ;-,'.( FULTON WORKING FOR ; : SALMON INDUSTRY hlnxWm. Feb. it- Bene tor Fulton baa secured the Incorporation ef a pro vision la the Heyburn pure food bllto prevent the false labeling ef shlpmente ef aalmoa. - Many telegrame end letters from Ore goa railing for this legislation have been received and II tne, bin peases it win eon tela an Item protecting the salmon canning industry. ' ' . Ajynlaer few Van Case. ; Argument la the trial of Jew Nan, charged with wjprder, wae begun la the circuit eourt at 1:10 o'clock this after noon. Attorney J. M. Long, epectal prosecutor, opened and was followed by Attorney Ralph Moody for the Serene. J ad re Henry K MoOInn will also speak In behalf ef the defendant and Deputy tMetrict Attorney Meeer will close for the state .. ,', '..,. ENTIARY SHAR the prisoner away from the county Jell until rne matter had peon investigated Thomas has been under arrest since laat December, and when he was brought before Judge Frsser he waa allowed time In which to dead. Since then be has beea examined by phyalclana, who pronounced him inaane. Deputy Sheriff Morden . says that no - one about the sheriffs office baa been able to notice enythlng about Thomaa' aotlone te cause one to think that the prisoner waa inaane. but rather the contrary. It la aald that Thomaa la eipeotlng money from his mother. Several weeke ago he le Bald to have telegraphed hie parents fer 1100, but' the money war not forthcoming at once, Laet Saturday an order committing Thomaa to the atata Insane aaylum was sent to Sheriff Word. A telegram was sent to ths asy lum superintendent asklnar that an at. tendant be sent down that afternoon for the patient' Several sours afterward the order of commitment waa reaclnded, Thomas having expressed a Preference to be sent to a private sanitarium. Later the telegrams ere said to have arrived stating that., "everything had been fixed up." " . Bissau Thomas Is a lawyer and Is said to have practiced his profession for sev eral , years. He Served with honor In the Philippine war ae a lieutenant In a volunteer regiment Hla father, a well known St. Louie attorney, la said to re side In Illinois, where he le one of the Republican political . leaders. Hlfll LIL'ES POSH (lORTII Extension of Southern Paclflo " and O. R. A N. Company to Seattle Is Certain. .' . The Southern Paclflo and Union Pa cific railroad systems will Immediately be extended te the sound. . There la no question about It Mr. Harriman la obliged to extend these roads te Tacoma and Seattle." v Vv. . A prominent Harriman off total save utterance te the announcement and It clears away the last remaining doubt ae to the meaning of recent maneu vers by agents at Beetle and Tacoma who have set those cities by the ears by large purchases cf ground suitable for terminals. - It Is said ths Harriman eoffera have emptied upward of 11,000.000 Into the laps or Tacoma and Seattle real estate tWWllT montane1 there is etUl more land to be seoursd before the necessary terminal facilities are possessed by the affiliated Harriman lints. W, W. Cotton went to Seattle a week ago, personally to supervise the eampaign on tne sound, jte has taken up with the city council of Seattle the aueatton of franchise and le directing work pre paratory to the advent of engineers and construction men. That bis task Is a dlSfieult one le shown by ths fact that he le Still, en the ground, and there Is no one at his office who knowe when he will return to Portland. Reports from Seattle are tht the landa thua far acquired by the Harriman people comprise a depot alts and a large tract for switch yards and dockage, but these twe tracte are widely ae pa rated, and the problem Is to secure connecting grounda 1 The Harriman forces are trying to shape the Situation so that grounds and franchisee granted to other llnee In Seat tle will provide for common users' prlvt leges, which would to some degree re move the difficulties confronting the Harriman roads. The policy of the eompanlee baa been to avoid condemna tion suits and pay the prices, however exorbitant demanded by cattle epeeu latere, - , ; ; INVESTIGATE OIL TRUST'S C0:iTRDL OF HOADS Resolution Introduced-tobo-l termine Part Played by Stand. ; ard In Fixing Rates. (Jearasl Ssarlsl Serrlee.) Washington, Fsb. If. A joint resolu tion directing ths Interstate commerce commission to Investigate and deter mine the relation ef the Standard Oil trust to ths railroads . and - determine the degree cf Us control of the roade end also the degree of the control of the ell trust In making, freight rates, wae Introduced In the house today by Camp bell. Republican, ef Kansas. The commission today ordered an in vestigation Into the rates and practices of railroads In the transportation of oil from Kansas and Indian Territory to Interstate destinations. ' Ths bearing will be held In Kansas City March II. The house todey passed the Little field bm. r" " ' T-r - Bourse Ooekran denies absolutely the truth of the etstement that he Is to marry Mra. Jack Gardner of Boston. . BOX OF DYNAMITE ' MYSTERIOUSLY EXPLODES rSpeetal Messtt Is lbs Jesrsal.) Corvsllla, Or.. Feb. 10. A man ualng dynamite at the Taylor hopyard. a mile south ef Co rvalue, this morning removed four sticks front a 100-ponnd boa and went awsy. In some manner the dynamite la the box exploded. The Jar broke moot of the window lights In the Fischer mill and several panes la the windowe of Corvallis boalneee houses and residences along Main street. The explosion resembled an earthquake and caused a sensation among; tha.reat- deata. -t ..' - . - ,. ; .,, , FLEET OF STEALERS BAR-BOUND AT WESTFCriT - ffstelel Mspatab te The newt) Aberdeen, Ween., Few. 10. A i.wst ef six steamers and a number ef ships ere bar bound at Weetport. The eevere southwest galea of the pact few days have rendered ( the bar esree- y rough. The stern tas nsaris t. , Woman Who Says She Was Jew , v Nun's Slave Testifies Rs Carding Allsgsd Murderer, "aaensess Bsmawswani ana bum ssajt '. p J1 i 13 HANDSOMEST ESLLE :f'i OF LOCAL CHINATOWN r'3 Tells Jury That Sha , Was Kept in Various Places by Prisoner bat Ad mits Having lied to Customs Of- flcials. : - ',-7.r'.f .V.''. Several times during thie ljtmmnr'i w Nun . for eeeeluu vt ills IHlarbfJ murder Judge M. C. George wee com pelled to ask opposing counsel; In the case to refrain from personalities. "The Chinese le charged with, having mur dered Lee Tick Yee On January 10. and wae on the etand under rigid cross-examination, during a larger part of ths morning. Nun wae a good witness for himself, sticking .to the story he told In hie direct testimony - laat Saturday that hs had shot Tee In self-defense He denied that he carried an umbrella on the night of the killing. . ,' Pretty HtUe Kul Heng, who says that she waa formerly Nun'e slave, but wee to have wedded Tee, and who wae the cause of the shoot ins, waa a rebuttal witness thla morning. She sid that ehe knew that Nun had paid; ttOS for hart that heV had placed her In disor derly bouses.' She also said that ehe wes born In China, and that neither her father nor mother bed been In America. She eaid that she had never married Jew Nun. She edmltted that ehe had told the local custom-house officials that she was born In Amsrioai'. that her father wae formerly a San Francisco eooaV that ehe waa a aewing girt, and bad never been a slave. She has been ordered deported to China, but la now under bond. P. B. Colville teetlfied that aa um brella Introduced la evldenoe wae the one that Nun bad thrown in hie race tne night Yea waa killed. ! The trial- will prooaoiy ne conciuoea this afternoon,-". '(.; RIOPEiniEGOTIATIQjSrTOR STRIKE SETTLELTEBT Bituminous Operator In Con ferenee With Mitchell Who Will Name 8uocessor. t ; Uearaal Speelsl terries.) New York. Feb. IT. An Important conference wee held at the Ashland hnnu .Hla mnrnln. between John at Itch - floor immAtr ef the operators during the recent Indianapolis convention, whtoh gave rise to the belief that the purpose of Taylofe visit Is to reopen negotia tions in the hope of aa amicable agree ment between the bituminous operators end the employes. Mltobell refused to discuss the matter. - Mitchell leaves for Pittsburg Tuesday night t effect a settlement of the dif ficulties between President Dolan and the union ef Pittsburg district and pos sibly name a eueeesso to Dolaa. On hla return he will paae the remainder of the week preeentlng tne miners' asms noa to the anthracite operators. FIFTH STREET COakER SOLD UU B. YEOII ' Property Occupied by Owl 8a loon Diepoeed of 8oon After 1 Its Purchase. ''Joha B. Teon has diepoeed ef the property which he owne et the corner et Fifth and Alder etreete, diagonally across from the Meier A Frank corner. The corner ground floor le occupied by the Owl saloon. Mr: Teon but recently acquired the property from V. Bx. Buch anan. '.'.:.., V It was stated this afternoon that the deal la much larger than appears upon the-eurfaue, and that Bvrermlnor transections ere Involved. When the final details are announced et the completion of the whole transaction,- It Is Intimated that the consumma tion of the sale wUI be but the first step In an Improvement 1 matter that will mean the expenditure of thousands ef . dollars. i--H . , - - --: ; WORLD'S BIGGEST SPUDS T.-.T-" GROWN ; IN OREGON - fSeeetsI IHseeteb Ok Tse laerssl t - Union. Or., Feb-. !. Dunham Wright haa reoetved from the St. Loula expoal- Uoa officials a fine . bronse medal. awarded for the largeet end best po tatoes In the world. These potatoes were eent from Medical Springe In 1004. Thirty-three of them weighed er 100 pounds, and the largeet po tato weighed aix and. ana half -sounds. paaettea Stove rails. '" fSpeetel Dtmia ts The Jearaal.) Xagene, Or.. Feb. lt.--The general merchandise store of Kaiser Ollmore at Junction City haa failed end the busi ness la now in the bande ef a represent ative of the Merchants' association of Portland. The unfortunate turn of af faire wae brought about by an overstock of goods and slow collections. MANY I.INERS KILLED DY EXPLOSION OF GAS (Jeemel Sperlei sstiles.l S Waleenburg, Cole., Feb. 1. e The Maltland coal' mine waa e . wrecked by a gee explosion M It O g ' o'clock thie morning. From 10 e te It men are - either ktUed or e ' maimed. Several bodies have e e already been taken out, but the w S worx or reacos is very stow, . e d owing to gse and debris. The property is operates By tne Vlo- tor Fuel --, one or t ,--P. t f cr i ' , The ee and 1 Rev. H. 8. W&."zce rt-.:-; pertain Now That Cirtzl C:r poration Scheme Is Co. FIRST MODEL CITY FC.1 . FIFTY THOUSAfeD FZCrLt Only Those If ay Join FsdsrstSas " Who r Art Professed ChristUnn Though Belief in No Particnlai Creed Is Requfired of Applicants. V:. - ' v:;:v v. " "The PneesraH.a PaWitlen ' federa. tlon le ready te receive applications ol gooo) men and women who wish to be come members. Our affaire have pro, greased to the point where we are eer tain the enterprise will go- on. The federation will be Incorporated tomor. row." , ' . , Thie announcement made by Rev. ii S. Wallace, founder of the federation, and who will be Its flret president; le the first official notice to the world that the cooperative scheme Is at last really launched. 'Charles Barnard. 1 formerly assistant oaehler of the Cltlsene' National bank ot Chicago, who planned' the financial structure ef Zlon City but parted com; pany with Elijah Dowle owing to dlf ferencee of opinion on points of prac tical administration, will be associated with the federation In an official ca pacity. V ----. ; - ' Mr. Wallace says the flret model city, to be built at some favored site in th Willamette valley, will be planned on basis 'of about C0.0OO Inhabitants sn will five employment to about - lO.eol men. The membership , rolla of . thi federation are not - open to everyone The man who wante to associate hlmsel! wtth the movement muat have accepted the ethlce of the Christian religion. It mekee no difference what denomination, or whether he haa subscribed to mm particular church creed, but be muat bt a man ef ' Christian tendencies, a be liever In the divinity of Jeeus Christ M a 1 a e A 1.11m BiIm .k. Sauu W all lift v iwiww ssasff eg- Inge. ' .-' - . '.-. . "The principal aim of thla federatloi le to reconcile the existing and-eteadU growing dtf ferencee between capital and laoor, saia air.' vrsuacs. wmn ii may be regarded aS a form of social lam. 41 Is really quite different. The tlee thai bind thla organisation Into a permanent civic enterprise are thoee of fraternity. ae Interpreted from , the teechlnga oi Jesus Christ" '";.' ccad nc i auciiit ; rinii ui wtiigwii NEARLY CAUSES MURDER v . :"., . - '(..-'.', Because a fortune teller told him h a. Mln. tA have a lawsuit, which would cost him a great deal ot trouble John Wukadltcah bought a revolvet thie afternoon and went to the home oi his unols, J. Nleoll. 000 Ixrvejoy street, with the determination to kill htm and then to commit suicide.' He was cap tured by Patrolman Joseph Keller and Patrol Driver Price, and Station Office! Ullls took him to 'police headquartera Wukadltcsb served els years In the army. '.He said he had been bavins trouble with hie uncle over a board bill, and be knew he was ths one mean! by the fortune teller when ehe eaid thai a suit was. filed against .htm. HERMANN'S SIL FT7 RILL 0; FAVORABLY REPORTED - (Wasklastea Sareae ef The Jearaatl Washington, Feb. 10. Tbe house In dian committee today reported favor ably on Hermann's bill granting the Slleta Power A Manufacturing company the right of way for an Irrigation canal across the Slleta reeervetloa. . Walker , Pendleton, Or, Feb. 10. J. P. Walkei has announced bis candidacy for tbe Republican nomination ae county treas urer, end he wlU file bis petition In a few -days, .; ,'. ,. - . . : ' I ATTHE' THEATRES, -Woodland" at Marquara Tonicbt. . Beery W. Sevsga erul insist at the Ma. Bus Oread theatre teelgkt st S-.1S e'elnrfe, tesMtrew Bed Wedaesday alhta fer the flret tins la this ettr kls saperk I rixlav A Lnn' siesleel fasten mt eat. "WvedUse." Heeeed by Heny rlsel eecsedr tete, thet.ef a eegw ead aiea kws Irre hlrd with e a.ataaas er areedted mad aawrleted wltk hlat Utile Miss Belea fc.a tbe part ef the Bert and ssawy Jseey Wrn Bird; Welter Lswmre, a- wetl-kaewe jMrltose; Saarsua Wad. Miss Leolee Toster. Maw lea Melle. Mlas Maxda rxhl. Lsela Ceeavaat, Mies r Oreu tsrn. Mies Bertxae JHortlawr aad ansa Bve Pslloa. - la the r horse- nl be foaad soset three seore mt yeaag weawa, wbe, ee tbrr sre sll sapeeeed te nprmat mm ata..d et the tenet, irere eienea ee aw The heeaural BMleeM er wM- hted" are ef the tearful see estesy erew that appeal te th aofelar ear tat la o tnsnre a sreser mtereretetlea ef Mr. Laden1 . Bern - the r eerrtoe He mm. erchestra. . Seeta are sew etlUag a the a-, gagsBMat.. : Advanco Sals Tomorrow. ' The edveare sale ef MtU win eeea teanv- 4T..) BMl.t.S B e s'rhtrfe for the hsm New BagUed tsy. -Way Dews East." Which eeewe te the Msroesai Creed OMetre aext Thandair. mdsr aod Setardsi' . Bithts, r.brmarr XX, SS and M, jlth a her- ssla prlee BUtinee Bataroar. ivsre era aisay rrssees far the sopelerWy ef "Wsr Dewa-Bast"! Its pathetic theiae. IW geelet hamer. Its chareilns sletaree ef eoaaur Mf. Its eealst rhsrsctwa Bed strlklns reslwst. Bat Its awe sowat eleamt endeubtMlr is the etreac hsmse lat.rat that B'ew.ta every erene. Seerlal prkes will prevail Sur tax the eagageawet. '' ':,'. VAUDEVILLK AKD Z70C7L ."Ths Grand's Kw IU. '. V 1 The erltlaster et the fsetMis spherlcl le et the Ursad this wrrk. hoe hi At Pnrvle Onrl. eed at eerleted br rke Ail thorps se the eee e eveax. Tnfo. tee Uo aaase belsaMr. eaid w e eitoont e rr. le eeothrr sws.ll- effMlaf. r. -! . Arthur Tnene morHhnts a r l sketch eetlttod "A I - ' i - BMnds. S' hlrh llwr ! "O- ' a . ' Hloe Ble-s V- " koff eee ef k . I i.