The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 19, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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i n - ii- s-ir sjsjbea ..:!.
Ulu Nora U. SheHand.
'; , ', - '
Princa ErtaPa Marriage In Star.
- -t'Jng Contrast to That of 'i;
- : - Alleo feooaavaltfa. 1 :
. ''i .. - "yte rff. ' -
Americans ' Denounced tjr German
Codslists for Snobbery KalMrt
C2r ! Wcddinf Annlrtrtary
Fatherland Defeated at Alceciru.
.poorest IpeHU Serriee.r h '
Berlin, Tab. II. Within ui dare we
shall celebrate the double event of . the
kaleer ellver wedding -and Frlnoe, Kl
tal'e wadding. ..: .
Te os who lovea display tbe two
affair will be rather dlsappolatlng.
Berlin, er at leaat tbe bealnees part
whare lira the wall to do, will be cov
ered with garland, (lav and bunting
and be tnagnlfleently . illuminated at
night, but that wlU practically be alL
In the palaoe ttealf evarythlng wUI bear
little evidence that anything mora than
an ordinary gala recaption le going on.
prlnoe Eltel and Sophie, though they
wlU receive a number of glfte, will have
TM ataek of them It or 10 feat high,
and a foe the kaiser and empreeo, they
both have ex proceed (he wlah that their
subject ehould not tax themeelvee te
provide eoetly preeenta.
This atmnltett le partly, but ala tn
part only, a reeult of tbe death of King
Christian of Denmark, for whom .the
court la tn mourning, ana tn whom the
kalaer alwaya eaw a fatherly friend.
but even without hi death tbe double
event would have been celebrated ad a
family afalr. ..-:. :
, OrMctoe amcrloaac "
Yarlooa paper bar have compared
It with tbe Alloa Roosevelt wedding, and
commented .- upon the great one ogee
which have taken place in the White
Here we have a ll"y
longer then ever; and it will list,
longer because it'i an individu
ally mlde garment not cut out
.by the hundreds but made like
"one in a hundred." - " r
. This style we found ' was a
favorite, so we had, special
Dumber made incorporating cer
tain idea suggested by our cus
tomers...,, , ..j,.' " ; '
$15, $!0,t20 ta $25
Craerg for I'n and Boys,
11 gtd lUrd troot.
.,' I
t; ' Edward J. Brown. ;
" Edward jr. Brown, lit East Twelfth
street, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown,
and Mlaa Nora M. Sheliand Of 154 Eaat
Seventeenth street North, daughter of
Mr. and Mr. Alexander A. Bhelland. will
be married next Wednaaday afumoon
at S o'clock at the Dominican' church to
Holladar addition. Mr. Brown, , who
travel for the Paeiflo Paper company,
will make Walla Walla, Washington, hi
future home. - ' ( ' - ,
Mr. Brown, who now make hi home
with hi parent, cam In off th road
Friday to mak preparation for th
wedding--"-! t . was hi Intention to get
married without letting hi friend know
anything about It, but th fact leaked
put thla morning. - ' '"
Rouse. ' BoclalUt paper have ecath
Ingly orltlolaed th American pre for
writing article by th column on th
dress of th president' daughter,
which. If they had appeared In a Ger
man paper conoernlng tha details of a
German prince wedding outfit, would
have bean ; denounoed a exceedingly
snobbish. .-" v
, These articles la American ' paper,
says a Berlin dally, are, after all, not so
very surprising to those who remember
that at the time of the wedding of tire
German crown princess these same pa
pers devoted much more space to more
or lea Imaginary description of her
dresses than even, the moat ultra oon
sarvatlve. would have dared to offer Its
tenders. .1 ' ' '' ' - i
If articles of thle kind really pleaae
the great American people oae must
necessarily believe that these republi
cans regret that they have no royal
personage of their own, while the Eu
ropean people are paying less attention
to them than ever, while these person
ates themselves are becoming more
d em oc ratio and endeavoring to keep out
of the publlo eye .'. .
. Xoaot fo Bargeoa. : -
' The fact that the Insignia of the
Royal Order of th Crown - ha beaa
conferred ttpoa Mr. Charles A. Ballaaoe,
the famous English surgeon and ear
specialist, hae confirmed th rumor
which was current hare eome time ago
that the kaiser was In poor health, but
which waa at th time officially de
Bled, v
It I now admitted (that a few week
ago the deafness from which th kaiser
ha long suffered took . a Very acute
form, and Dr.' Ballanc waa eumraoned
to tha palace to perform an operation,
which , was a pronounced suooess and
which will probably result la aa abso
lute cure. '
Partly because of the Jealousy - of
Berlin Surgeons and partly because it
wa not, thought wise to mak public
the fact that' the kaiser's deafness had
developed, th English " Burgeon was
smuggled Into th palace arlth the ut
most secrecy, and when a paper' never
theless found it out it waa officially
denied that any specialist . bad ' been
consulted. '
Xalecr )( Befaae, '
What has taken place at the Algeolraa
confaranco make It almost certain
that tbe offlolal pre will soon have to
explain away the defeat of the kaleer'e
peraoaal pciuca U the Jeorooco ques
tion. ' ... . r -v. . --v -. '
There I little er no doubt among
diplomat her that France will carry
her wishes throngh on all point of Im
portance, and. that alt that remains will
be te take out a protocol which ea far
as possible ooncoala the humiliation of
Oermany. .- -- - .
A rumor current tn American and
English papers that all German officers
absent frost their regiments oa fur
lougha were recalled omc It daye ago
I absolutely without any foundation
of truth.-"- rr - --r
It can b positively etated at this
time -that there will, be ne war over
the - Morocco Question. Oermanv will
drop out ef the Morocoan affair - and
endeavor te pursue tbe advantage ah
ha gained in other - parte of Africa.
aotably In: Abyssinia, whare her Influ
ence la rapieiy growing, aaa wboee In
dustries . are practloaliy la Oermaa
haada. -.t.". .-, . v -
" ' (Timreat gneetsl ervlse.t v'
tiondon, reb. 17.- It ha Just leaked
out that a few weeks ago Queen Alex
andra wae actually preeent at a eplrtt
uallstlo seance. : There le la London a
very exclusive splrituallstle sect known
ae "The inner ciroie." They meet usu
ally at an artist's studio tn Regent's
park. 8lr Oliver Lodge and air William
Crookee, the famous scientists, who take
aa Interest in spiritualism, have often
been to the eeanoee, where spirits are
"materialised,' and ' phenomena have
occurred which ae one oaa ,. explain
away on ordinary grounds.-
a great rrieag or nor majeeiya went
to one of these seances about a month
ago. 'The medium generally employed
I a delicate little man about te years
of age, but he le extremely Important
and will often refuse to take any inter
est la th proceedings, ao that the
seances are often . canceled. The one
at which the queen wea present eo lm
proeoed her majeety that ah told th
king about It. and a "commend" waa
given to the medium to apear at Buck
ingham palace. So many Instructions,
however, were given to the medium to
Insure aecrecy, had oe elaborate were
the direction as to th particular dooo
he ehouu enter-tne palace er, tnat tne
medium flatly refused tha "command.
- worth Kaswls .
-that ' Alloock' are th original end
genuine porous plasters; all ether are
lmltatlona. , .-"-.'..'--. -'.- v..
AH Individual Chaactar ( f
Haa the Sohmsf piano and you learn to
i love is iib m ii i,na vi tuv rusnvvb u.i"
lily and trsst worthiness. Make it yeur
trna mualoai eemasglegu - -
Llk everything els one doe,' letter!
writing shows character or lack . of
character, and one excellent thing about
It la fhat It may be used a a meane
(like almost everything else) tot devel
oping character.;
. It 1 said of George Washington that
no written order or document of any
kind ever left hi band bearing trace
of haste or mental confusion, bo matter
when, wher or how written. Remem
bering th soul and body-trying time
through- which - he came, strong and
Serena; remembering th enemies of hi
oountry defeated la the field; th ene
mies in bis own camp and council which
he also defeated by patience, faith and
Wisdom; remembering how all b had to
endure . would have shaken a weaker
soul, there I la that simple statement
a tribute to his inner,- intrinsie grea v
that makes hi outer achlfrer
menta easier to understand. Ha could
not be ruffled against his will, though
there Waa In the subterranean depths
of hi nature a temper that biased at
times to some purpose.
la .thinking up th kind things yon
can do for others, remember those who
would be- so glad --to- hear from you.
Put yourself In their place, and than
think what you oaa writ that wilt In
terest thsm and take them "out of
themselves, as the saying I, for a lit
tle while. ' Perhaps yoa have- eome
friend away In tha country who hungers
for ths life of the city. How glad aha
would be te get a letter from you telling
about some play yoa have eeen or the
last reception or wedding you attended,
and what the different member of the
family are doing; about the way your
new frock I made, what you are learn
ing new In the way of house and horn
keeping. - -
Too haven't an idea hew much life
and color such a letter might put lute
the daily round of your country friend.
In answering a letter alway . have
It et hand so that any questions asked
my hot Tag oeerluohed and also -to-get-other
helps - as to the direction your '
reply ehould taker-' .'" . -
. Then, If you have taken the trouble
to write It neatly and clearly not
traveling two or three time aero the
same page a women have a trick of
doing but having in mind your friend's
eyesight and" patience sufficiently te
take all th psper room that, 1 neces
sary and have expressed your thoughts
Imply and Intelligently, you have been
educating yourself as well as providing
entertainment for your friend.
Having written the letter, read it
through carefully so that any word left
out may bo added or any other correc
tion mads; now that it lies before you
a completed whole, you can see juet
what to add or subtract ': .; ;
It yoa live In the country you may
have a friend In town who I city-slek
and let me assure you that la - a real
malady and a very painful one. .
I once knew a rather sensitively or
ganised woman Who became so wearied
of the hard angle and suffocating
height of brlck-wallad elty street that
th very 'bight gave her physical eye-
ache end her hunger for the open
reached such a pitch that to avoid com
plete nervous breakdown she waa forced
to leave the City altogether. . . ;
Now If yoa are en a ranch er a farm
just see If you haven't some friend In
town who, while she may not be aa far
gone as the lady I refer to, would atlll
find a positive tonlo In a brlaht let
ter from her friend In tbe country. -
Matters - of . everyday occurrence to
you. If told brightly and with vim. as
if you , enjoyed the telling, would aot
upon her mind and consequently reaot
upon her body like a strong -stimulant
end - a stimulant with - n : unpleasant
after effect. ; .,. '..-.
Just open your eyee and look about
Dolagataa ; From Many
Maat at Capital to Draft .
Uniform Logialatlon. 'C'-J
Statistics Show That la Many Wett
, era Cidca Thcra Ir One Separation
to ' Every v Four , Marriage Cere-
iV worries. v ,: ' r! ' . ; ,.i '
' (laereal BmsUl SsrvtcaJ 1 -'
Washington. Peb. !. A hundred and
fifty delegates, appointed by the gover
nors of 41 steles, all man or earnest
thought devoted te the best Intereste of
the oountry, met today In convention In
thle olty to disease the problem of di
vorce. : " J ". " " ' " . ' "J'
l Governor . Pannypackar of Pennayl
ranla took the Initiative In bringing
them togetherto exchange Idea, to per
fect a permanent organisation, and to
recommend Informally aome solution,
All unite In the belief that the gigantic
evil of dlvoro la the United Bute
should be checked.
Governor Pennypacker called the con
ference to order, end In Opening hie ad
Araaa stated the Dui-Dos of th eather-
Ing to be "to draft a proposed general
law which shall be reported te the gov
ernora of all the states for submlssloa
te the legislature thereof, with the ob
ject of securing aa nearly aa may b
popsslbl uniform statute upoa th ob
ject or Oivore. iarvu-nuu ins Hum
A hearty welcome I extended locally
to the delegates, but nsvertheles there
le a' strong opposition sentiment at
Washington. Belva LiOckwood advocates
divorce without dlaxrace.
Pennypacker waa selected aa president
et the conference; ""Albert Debney' of
California on of 'the vlce-preetdenta.
and W. H. Staak of Pennsylvania, eeo-
retary. . ' -; - '
..- CThaage Prestat fcawa. -;;v
Because of wide dlffaranoae In the
atatutee of aoma states relative te di
vorces, tha difficulty la recognised of
settling upon a bill that will pass mus
ter In every state. North Carolina does
not permit dlvoro at all; and In some
state from lz month to three years'
reaideno la required before aa applica
tion la made. In other the persons ap
plying must be natlvee of the state la
Which they apply. .
It Is expected that the eongree will
give special consideration to an act pro
posed by a committee appointed some
time ego by the Amerleen Ber assochv
ttn te consider the question of divorce
Thla aet eejrs that aa divorce shall be
yea and see bow many Interesting and
beautiful things you can discover In one
or yeuc days to ten vo your city mend.
the simpler the better.
It I an Important thing to write
letter end It Is an accomplishment also,
te write a good letter a letter adapted
te the person for whom it la Intended.
Of course you win not dwell - upon
your 111 and troubles. Ills and trou
bles; generally speaking, are strictly
for home consumption. Keep them to
yourself; te use some very expreealve
slang "forget It," "cut It out both for
your own Bake and the sake of your
Then there le latter-writing Tor the
public Almost any woman who taxes
an Interest In Ufa sometimes feels
Strongly. In regsrd to some matter that
She Is Impelled to write about It to her
local paper. But aha hesitates and
thinks that she Is only one among thou
and and perhaps has, la her owe mind.
ggerated eh tmpsriance of the mat
tar in question and so tbe letter la not
written. ' . .
Now let me say, If you feal a i
strong Inclination to write about some
thing to . The - Journal, why, write it
Maka it brief, clear eo clear that there
111 be no possible r hence for your let
ter tor mean one thing to one paraoa
and another to eome one else and send
It.- : ... , , v. ; V
Too cannot tell. Perhaps tha sluggish
snowball of public opinion has been
waiting Juet the - fmpetue that word
"fitly spoken- will a-iva it. to taka one
mora roll and wipe out the evil that haa
o. roused your Indignation.
"Follow the g)eem'' end take no
thought ef consequence. Be euro It 1
"the eleam"' you follow and yoa can
wall afford' to be supremely eereleaa of
consequences, '. ' V
Of so much Importance haa thla mat
ter of letter-writing for -the papers' as
sumed - that there Is an association
called the United Press Writers League.
The secretary-treaaurer IB Liavta T.
Jones, tot Weet Barre street, Baltimore,
Thla is a new organisation' and is sn
evolution of ths American Press Writ
ers association, which haa been In exis
tence some time. v -
All who write letter to the press are
Invited to loin thla organisation. The
due are is cant a year, payable In ad
vene, . ,
j nere are several psper inroninoui
th country open to th discussion by
th people of matters of Interest to ths
people, among them great metropolitan
sheets with a circulation of tOD.eoe or
mora, many of these papers permitting
the discussion of mattera not Indorsed
In the editorial columns, and a you
know. eyhr Journal-, ha alwaye cpea
columns for Such letters, . -
The y secretary - of the league above
mentioned will send you a list of papers
that print short letters from the people.
1 Referring to this ths editor of Sug
gestion says':
"If thinking people would ua the
meane et their command the abuse of
Our national, civle and soolal Ufa would
soon be remedied. -
"A preacher reaches Taw hundred
pergon every week. , Tbe humbleat cltl-
i wno een write plain Knxllsb and
who ha a thought can reach an audi
ence of from 10,000 to (00.000 by writ
ing a latter to some nawapaper. .
"There ere probably 10 large dalllee
tn this country that will print letters
from the public; suppose you had tha
names of the It dallleai suppose you
wrote a short lette calling attention te
some matter of Intereet; suppose you
mailed one letter a week; you would
reeen in tne course or a year ever A r
m!llioa-reederB. - ; .. U
"Now is you have aspirations tot do
good and to make tha world bettor, hare
le your chance. Write a shore note; tell
your Btory briefly, earnestly, and tha
editor will print It 8 ton oomnlalnma-
about the evil times and do something
io awusa otner.-
granted for any cause existing prior to
either party's residence in tbe Stat un
less It be the ground of divorce in the
state , Where the eaae arises, it the
takes up the eueetlon of actual resi
dence, and says that if a person dealrea
io qring action Tor divorce, if the ease
has srlsen In the state, then ha muat
have had actual residence in that state
for at -least one ysar before bringing
suit On tha ether band, if the eauaa
for divorce hss beaa outside .the state
whare the action I brought than the
party complalnlrig must hav lived for
St least two yeare tn tha atate before
ringing action. Another point ' In -the
aet la the question of bringing divorce
sulfa without proper notice to th de
fendant The act declare evidence must
be brought that the proper paper hav
been served en the defendant or a eut
flcient time must have elapsed to make
It quite certain that the defendant can
not be found In order, to serve the suit
Then the act provide that no divorce
hall be granted upon default or unon
admission without a regular hearing In
v . Biverae to reus WeddJags.
' The. forenoon was given over largely
to the appointment ef the neceaaary
committee aad th work of organisa
tion. Th Bpeakere In their opening ad
dresses cited statistic to show the
enormity of the divorce evil In the
United atatea. While late er reliable
figure are not available from all sec
tions. It Is apparent navertheleea. that
divorce er Increasing at aa alarming
rat tnrougnout th country. la Maine,
for Instance, the figure show that la
100t there wa one divorce In every six
marriages, In Ohio tha proportion was
one la eight In Indiana one la seven,
and la Mlohlgaa one la eleven. Certain
cities llkswlse show remarkable 'per
eentagee. In Kansas City, Seattle, Lo
Angeles aid Baa PranclBoo the figures
how on divorce to every four mar
riage; la Indlanapolla. Dallas and Chat
tanooga the proportion waa one In Svc,
end In Chicago one In nine. New Tors,
with It record ef one divorce to every
forty marriage, appear arffloet moral
In comparison, but this la only because
the majority ef New Torkere go out of
the city and state to have the marital
knot out' ..
Thie afternoon the delegatee to th
eongree war received at th Whit
Houa by President Roosevelt, who
spoke- earneetly of hi . intereet la the
divorce problem. Tomorrow the con
gress will receive a report from the Inter-church
conference on the action It
has taken ea the question of marriage
end divorce! Bishop Doane of Albany la
chairman of th oommltte which will
preeent this report. .- v. : ' '
;V' , ' Art You Going V
To' Bpokanet v' '- - : '
- Take the Northern Pad fie. ,
Three trains dally. .
To Butte, MootT :
,' Take the Northern Paclfla .
: v . . Three tralna dally. i.'r.i
Te Denver?.- :
. Take the Northern Paclflo-Burllngto
route, two trains dally.
Te Lincoln, Omaha, Bt Joseph, JRaaaas
. City, Bt bouls er eestT - -
Take tbe Northern Paotflo-Baritngtaa
route, two trains dally. -To
Fargo, Duluth, Minneapolis, at- Paul
and the eaatt
. Two trains dailr , , s
fh nJ.-i
tzi c::i'.b. t:i n rz::z:
rtrti h'dt 'ir. i I " cygs
- l-ua ai Cr i Cars
, Cave yoo ever thooght why no many
women or g-irlg rather walk an bony
thM atfead eiiil for ton oUanten?
r I
' It 1 because moot vromea svffer froa
aome derangement of their delloato
organism, the discomfort of which Is
lesa trying when they are la tooUoa
tnan when standing. 1 - , ,
. In soma atatea law a compel enrplovere
to provide reeting; place for their fa-
rgtaio empioyeea. .
But no amount of law can refalate
the hard tasks of theee women. They
most get the strength which this work
demand or run the risk of serious
diseases and the sui-goon's knife.
Bead the experience of Mlaa Marrret
Merkley, 175 8d Street, Milwaukee,
Dear lfrs. Plnkhami " '
Gradual lorn of strength.
bearlnr-down pain aad extiepie Irritation
eoxopeUed ma to eeek medical advice. The
doctor said I had diseased crrane and ulcer
ation, and advlaed aa oparatioa if I wanted
to gat well I objected to thla and decided
to giv LydlaX. Hnkham'e, Vegetable Com
pound a Dial. I soon found that all the good
things said about this great medicine were
true. The ulceration soon healed, backache.
idachs and nervousness diaaptiearad and
in a short time I was strong, vigorous and
perfectly wall. ' I wish every working girl
who suffers would try Lydia X. Piaabam's
vegewue iompouna." . . , - .
Lydia B. Pinkham's VegeUble Com
pound is a vegetable tonic which invig
orates and strengthens ths entire fe
male organUm. and will produce the
Sams beneficial results in the casea of
ther sick women as with Miss Merkley.
; r.:.v
. v .- -.a " .- 'T " Tr-'f
Helnza Authority for Statement
That All Coppar propertiea -:
: ,VVill Ba Marged.
; '. ' Oearsal gpeelsl Servtee.) ' ' '. j
New York, Feb. IK-r Arthur P. Helnse
said yesterday that ttfla possible th
new company which IB to be formed to
take ever the properties purchased last
week from th United Copper company
will also take over the Mitotan Copper
properties or senator William A. dark.
Including th United Verde - company.
A rumor ha been current for aome
daye that the new company would
eventually represent . the consolidation
ef practically all tbe Montana copper
mlnoe outsld of th Amalgamated Cop
per eompany. v ,-
The mines of Clark Include aome of
th richest copper finds made In the
United atatea They have proved enor
mously profitable and doubtleaa could
only be had at a very high price.' It
la said. - however, ' that Clark le will
ing to dispose of hie Montana copper
Intereeta - -. -
That the United Copper eompany will
continue ae a large producer of coppar
was reasserted by Helnse. ?
It la All in tha Scale
- There la where the world-famous Boh-'
mar piano gets that lovely tone so ad
mlred by all mnsloal-peoyle. . . . '
I B)ubeertberB for Tata fOtrmarAs (dally -and Sunday) One year
and per Si-SS down for paoklng aad expreas charge aad Oil
BSCOmS. The outfit than become youre, ' ABoxVTarfiT rmJOI
for oae .year. It you purchase 10 additional records during the
year the outfit 'becomes yours for good. ' "V'"" ;'.'; '- ," "
. Bear In mind that record formerly selling at 10 cents each
i. ' ......
" Sow sell et ft eaota ; ; ; t-: t. ( r .: ',
- " . TO rOTSirAX la only enabled! to make this liberal offer
. through a special arrangement with jajTBTUTW TBaUrfXB (sue-
eeeaor t J. Wenger) of SOS CiwlgsTamms fc fTBatST. Bemembor.
this offer Is only open for a SCOM VDOk Call at the elof e ef
aunaatr Vamcaam, asa oowaswrrsa rrBSaTT,' at one aad
see the machine and hear It play or malt this coupon today.
o 2 o
wait roa TIIB SCORE . 1 '
rVWILL IlXlL j"-'
SMI officer fi::3$ i:is
tun i:i cuifo::
C. E. Fanjham, Accused of BeaU
, Ing Board-Bjll.J-ocated at !
: San Bernardino. ;' '.
ilpeeUl Pteeeteh to The VaarsaL)
Balam,.Or Feb. 1. C. K. Famham,
who la Wanted for having left many
bllla unpaid la Salem, haa been' arrested
at Ban Bernardino, California. He reg
istered at the Willamette hotel In tnis
city Jun I. ltOt, and wa then acoom-
Knled by a woman. The aignature he
rt here waa "C, B. Farnbam and wife."
The woman left the hotel June JO, and
Farnham suddenly departed September
1. leaving a debt of for board
bill. Beveral other persons In this city
were also duped by Farnham. From
Salem he want to a resort near Seattle,
registering at a hostelry thara under a
fictitious name, and managed to make
hie exit there leaving aa unpaid bill for
hotel expense. - He escaped then to
California and made hla home at Oak
land with hie mother, where he lived
under en assumed name. He haa been
tracked by the officers here ever elnoe
his departure, .but by vartoulr circum
stances which arose ba w alway able
to keep away from tbe reach ef the
officer. . -i
Equipped with extradition - papers.
Deputy Sheriff Mlnte haa gone to Cali
fornia and naa located nis men in nan
Bernardino, where he haa to answer to
four different charge. . -
While in Salem Farnham stated ne
was In the employ of a map publishing
house and was able to fleece hla friends.
Besldea bis board bill be IB In debt to a
local livery barn. .. :
(Special Nspstea ts The Jearaatt
Eugene, Or, Feb. II. The following
applicants for Lane county teachers'
certificates were sucoeesf ul at the ex
amination held here last week: . ,
First Grade Ivladene Magee, Minnie
Comer of Cottage Grove, I Maude Oel-
loalr. Fannie Colvln. Blrdlna Meredith
of Eugene, Vide Luthy. Oertrude Luthy,
Mrs. Mertba Mcciure or junction city.
Edith Orawell of Ooahan, Thed Parkins
The Journal
I rniiiii m,M,.llm,m,r..m-,.-,mmMmmwmimm 'i I i HBH i.srn. . - ' lm.,. , , n ib n. sare ai M
' , v - '
, " i -
O - I '
offer to. all residents of Salem
for a short time only. : Do you
, 'a ':
Just One Minute!
" Toothache T Neuralgia? Unsight
ly. protruding, decaying and
blackened teeuiT . An examina
tion by our experte takes but little
time from tha ruah of business, but
how well It's repaid by our skillful
treatment If that's neceeeeryl The
examination - coat you nothing,
whether you vwant our servlcee or
not; the services) themaalvea are
charged for' at price you will grant
to be moderate. .. ,t
WISE EROS Dentists i
Open Evenings end Sundays.
Third and Washington. Portland. Or.
' - ' e '
of .Springfield. 'Itetta' Bradford of El
mlra.. .-.. ; v-..; .
Second Grade Katherlne L. preemsa
Ida Orel-, Irene V, Smith Herbert C
Eastland ef Eugene, Ira A. Inman, Irene
H. Inman of Elmlr. Lome F. Field.
Mra Eelma Harper, Ine Coldren of
junction city, Clara Surcamp, Pearl Da
vl of Walton, Lydia R. Renfro of Fall .
Creek, Oel nay K. Jacoby of Jaaper, W.
Bdna Bertach of Springfield Eva J. Tay
lor of Read, Nellie Oatee of Madlaon,
Joseph p. Moffet of Irving. Mrs. Augus- ,
ta Van Druff ef Divide, George C. Carle
of Alene, Roxle Prtngle of Creswell, '
Cordelia Grant of Cottage Grove.
Third Grade -Emily . Muhr.- Frelda
Rhodea. Lola Howe, Agnes Stevenson,
Gleen O. St. John, Cynthia Mallett of
Eugene. Vinnle E. Stocks. Delia White
of CotUge Qrove, - Maud M. Catheart,
Etna Holtermaa - of Creswell, K. .. Ada -Smith
of Marcola. Byron U Main of .
Alma. Mabel U Smith of Natron. .
Primary certlfioate Bertha p. Dick
eon. .-i ' .'. ,
yiagaiied Swk OawusS aaade.
at Lewis Beet Brand. .-
special FREE
want n
Coupon of Inquiry
; d Ccra St, Salca, Crtiaii 1
Plgasg said solicitor to my ad-
dress to explain Free Gnpho
pksst CZtr.fri
. tfAeJrJ ... .f .. ,u