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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1906)
: nrl"'. lef " 1 i t x-ri!' ev i at t o'cio, t La t .... f. ;w, w .--w ;L i:U LIES Exact D!;tinc Ascertained by SamsaB aaaans a i in a auuitori of tie rr school 1 " e l i er. Ilr. I phtt . rina. oa hea raara." 1 -a Oraoe Gil vet and lulaa Hattea w furnish the aaaaleal pro. . v fn-ii 1..- ltoiure la free, and aa are oordiaily mviteu. - ' Vm area.. .'....... .'."Weoauiae' kAolre... "The MmiMMf1! Deusatar' Baker ................ hiuateal harMaeae l.ri MA Baataar'a IUV ' CT "......: v...V.aeille htUM ...................... Veeeevlile flfaa .................. ...Vaaosvuie . . Irrutunmti Uti beea mad by the traffta Aanavtmant flf tha Northern Pacific nil-war to send' a "t4 sraln .PKW ever ne tines w iw fas m( aa the Montana, line, r: The V railroad a. an 4 tha farm era upon whom 1 they ; dapand vary largely 'or thalr tonnage in tha middle , west, ara mora "and mora tmpraaaad aaeh year with tha 1 1mportance of having tha baat obtain able wad grains, for without good seed ki ! hi MnMjiitlnna may be. Tha Burlington road haav.tried the seed grain special wun ao am " It baa baa "run annually for aararal .... tha frallmaA aomnuf la BOW working closely In touch with tha gtate agricultural coueg ... ; , ;. ' W. ' A. Cox, general agent in Oregon , -. -w. A. Mnrihwaatarn Rail way eompany. who ha, resigned hla place here to accept nm pvwuva ... a- . . -a ,w Wmmtmrtk afarvland , pnu a " - - - m vriaitA rhnur St. with 'hla family. Ha haa taken a. residence : at Baltimore, ataryiano. . nis rvniana frianda hara arranged to civ a dlnnef in hla honor at tha Portland Commer cial club next Friday evening. Mr. Cos haa Been eonneciea wiin tarn uouiu ' m.j thMt 1 1 Hla nraeant pro motion doaa not taJt him . away from tha Oould system. It la said, aa tha Western Maryland la tha AUantlo coaat aaoUoa of tha Oould Una that -ia to atretch aeroaa tha oontlnant from BalUi snore to Ban rrancieco. . , 4 . . ' Many frianda of Frank Jachettn and wife gathered at thalr . homo at 141 Fourth atreet yeatardar to attend tha : rmt time following tha christening of tha coupiea inrani an baby was christened by Father Ceatelll ZZ at- 1 a. -aw a St. Mlohaal'e chttrejj; 0 tha godmother was Mrs.' Mary Marco - - Veeohlo, while Charlea Maure waa god- 1 am aUImmIi tianAUit followed ', at the' home of the Jachettaav at whlcttj joe Moras aoiea mm enir J " niea. Among uia wr. Mra. Caapro, Mr. and Mra. Teodore Sar ! loo and the Mlaaaa Serico, Mr. and Mra. " John Clmlno. Frank Albi. Frank Mora. - A. Mala. F. Collatro, Charlea Mauro. and ,B Blafora. ,: -g. ' .. i. Have vou a trtn to Kanaaa City or ' other Mlaaourl rlyef point In View? ' If ', trr the new Northern Paclfl -Bur lington aarrloa. Pullman first das -and Pullman tourist alaaplng-eara and reclining ahalrcar are now .operated through without ohange batwaaa Pbrt . lang and Kanaaa City, uireoi conneo- r tlon at St Joseph and Kanaaa City for .,. all points east and southeast, cau on or ; write A. D. Charlton, assistant general , passenger agent, .Northern pacir l rail way, 16 Morrieon atreet, Portland, Ore - ton, for any. desired Information, tick ' ''eta, eta.". ; . '-i'. ,.-. ' f : t ' . " Kart M. Fanning, a wan known young man Of Portland, e) died yastarday . in ' Pboealz. Artaona, where he had gone for " hla health. Ha contracted a aevare 001a . last October, which dare loped Into eon- ' sumption, and he left fdr Arlsona. .' Ha another. Mrs. M. A. Fanning. Joined him - at Chriatmaa Ume. . The body wUl be :: brouaht to Portland 1 for Interment. Toang Fanning -was employed for aome , years by gig Bichel, the tobaeoonlst, and alualt tl VMM fiM . -- - f guooeaarul Incubators Cornell Incu . Jator are .very auooeaafnl. Thay won gold medal at Lewis and Clark expoel- tlon for best hatch. If you want to ; . raise chicks for pleasure or profit, buy , ' a CornelL - They are made right work right glra no trouble. ' We know from - experience, as we operated them. here In our a tore. - if Interested. ' call and aee '..' them.- Fortlajyl Bead eompany, waateni agentc v :y V- v ";'J,V-Ii -' Loat, bMween Fourteenth and Jeff er. boa and First and Tarn bill, a email . puree containing tit la ooln and three . Udy'e ringa. -. The .abora ' belongs to a ,' young lady working her owa way In the world' and anyone finding the purse should .be kind enough to return It to . her and receive liberal reward. - Phone Sfha Journal, f r .- ..... . t L This Monday . craning. ' February 19, there will - be an ' Imprerement fund - V entertainment in the Third Presbyterian - ehureh. - oomer Baat - Thirteenth and ; 'T pine. Mr. MoaUltk and Mr.. Ooodwyn . .gfiu take part, .-.. .. '.The fifth lecture In the Sell wood 11- Ye Colonial I rUrder or Wash ington. ; RinglcrV Hall "s, V'Stztli' aiwl Aldr St. " , J THURSDAY -EVENING FEBRUARY 22. 1906.; f MnsM rf Parsons" OreMstn Gradawew 50 La-lies 2Se ; j . ' Spactaton 23 Edward Boimaa Co, the leading funeral dlractoca. hare the flneat aatab llehment the finest good a. the flneat rehlclea and Che most reasonable Brioea. Fine broadoloth corered caaketa. Ill ana (is. The rinest wood goods made, from til to 11. Parlora II and 111 Third street, corner Salmon. Portland. vregon. ; .. . . , ' At the aaaual meeting oT the Swisa Aid eocietr yesterday the following of ficers were elected: Consul Blrchert president; . Oottlleb Boherainger, - Tioa president! Aibln C Bigger, aecreUry; Ademar VulUeumlar, treasurer; Anton Blachoffberger, Peter Roth and Charlea vner, truetees. . , , ; , Do you know JbAt. tha naw-Walabaah Mkntle wlir not pop or catch Ore at bot tom of burner whan, being lighted T Fits any gas burner. Get them at Manning a. is inira street; Tat Main nil. Watchea. Watches. Watches Oa easy weekly payments. 11 down. Ire ear week. . Don't go without good time piece. Mauger Co ill Sixth street Steamship Alliance aalla from Couch atreet cock ror coos Bay and Eureka Wednesday, February II. at I p. m. F. P. Baumgartaer, agent . Mala 11 V, : r . ' School books sold and exchanged at Old Book Store, Yamhill street between nrat ana tsecona atreets. , Oold medals for lawn grass and aweet peaa. . Butser, seedsman, 1 Front AU watchea cleaned. II. .AU mala springs, II. Matsger Co, 111 Sixth Ask for Frltss lamalaa. PENN MUTUAL REPORT.v '.-:x.. ' imt 190. ''vi.'p -i The flfty-elght annual report of the Peon Mutual LI fa Jaauranoe oompaay Is presented to lta polley-holdera and the public today. The report ahowa that the Pana Mutual wrote 14,11 new policies during 101. Insuring . MI.71M08. the largest amount Jn the history or the company, and an Increase over the pre- oenftieryear of ff.lll.toi. The sum of 11.17M.479.I7 waa decUred aa a dividend for the year and distributed to policy' holders.. , . .. . . The company la purely mutual, man aged and controlled by the policy-hold ers themselves throucs the ' trustees. whom they elect by direct personal rota. Under the prorlalona of the company's charter proxy voting ia prohibited, and the members are taua given tne privi lege of exercising a degree Of control Impossible where the voting power is .delegated to others. . Notwithstanding the unfavorable eon ditions prevailing In the life insurance business during the laat year, ana which would naturally have been expected to affect all companlea, there waa no Inter ruption to the prosperity of thia , old Philadelphia- Insutution. . In the state of New York, the "storm- canter, H the Fena Mutual wrote 11,000,' 000 more "new Insurance during 101 than the previous year. " . ; , . IN oheoon. ,-.. ; Tha North Par in n denaxtmant of tha Penn .Mutual, lifoludlng the aUtea of Oregon. Waahlngton And Idaho, la under the management of Messrs. (Sherman a) Harmon, - general agents. Portland. and on . thalr. books n carried the largest amount of life Insurance la any otfloe In Portland. - , , , ' , '....(-' .' During 1101 the Penn Mutual wrote new insurance In Oregon- amounting to 11.011,741, a gain of nearly 1100.000 over 1(04. ,Thc advice of Sherman 4k Harmon haa alwara been; "Investigate BKFORB In suring.' The results of the business of the Pens Mutual and one or two other careful,' ' oonaervatlva, purely v mutual companies for l0i Indlcatea a tendency to follow this advice. ;,, -,. Recitals Begin Wednesday Even- 1 Inge i?"- : v- The course tickets ror the nne snaae- spearean - recitals which Marshall -Dar- rach will present at the While Temple for the benefit of. the settlement work of - the Peopie'a ' - inatltute are going vary rapidly and a aplendld audience of the culture ana rasnion oz tne city win gather to hear "Hamlet" on Wednesday. Friday evening -juuue vaeear- wiu oa the bill, at the apeclal request of the High school, St Helen's Hall and the Portland Academy. Saturday afternoon Darrach will give -Twelfth Night" and aa special rates have been arranged for all etudente and teachers.- even to the single admissions, there will be fine turnout Derreeh's success with an audience is instantaaeoua. for it la well nigh Impos sible to resist the' force, the strength, the simplicity of his direct charming method, and he never falls to eoore heavily. Tlcketa for the coarse are oa sale at Gill's. Woods rd. Clarke Cc'e, Allen at Qllbert-Ramaker'a. the Woman's Exchange, the Y. W, C A. and the Y. M, C. A. v :- : ri . ... Concrete Construction Co. 1 ' tOl Ohamaee- ei Oemxaeree, ' Manufaetarera of Concrete Stone, Blaekm . Contractors for ail kinds at" . esaeeat arork. , c 1 ' ' - Soma Hew sraOdlmga. Building permits have been Issued as follows: J. J. . Price. . repelra to resi dence, 111 East Sixteenth street North, cost 1100; John Amber a on. cottage, Mc Millan, betweah Benton and - Roae streets, cost .i00; Mlas M, H. Eddy, repairs to store. First- between Columbia-and Jefferson streets;- coot -060O Breymaa 4k Summervllle, ;, repairs to bakery, Deri a, 'betareen'; Third and Fourth streets, cost 1160, A. H. Aver ill Company, repairs to warehouse, Bel mont, between Eaat First and East Second- atreets. cost 1100; Mt. . Hood Brewing company, addition to .brewery, corner Eaat NtntM and Marlon etreeta, cost tl.SOOr Mary A. Flnnegsn,' repairs to resldenoe, corner Cook atreet ' and Vancouver avenue, cost 1100. .:-,. -t- i ' -i m ii i i , i,' ?:j: Milwaukle , Country Club. 4' toa Angelas and Oakland races. Take ell wood aad Oregon City, ears at First and Alder.'. ' ' , .- v r : ... , .'... 'rile Papers at Olympta. inpertal Mepatch as Tee Jearaat.) ' - Olympla, Waah Feb. 1.T be fol lowing artlclea of incorporation were filed with the secretary of ital Satur day. . ..- Mahoney Light aV Power company' of Tekoa, F. J. Mahoney and B. W. Ma honey. capital 11.000. I? R. Orant company of Seattle.. 110. 00 : J. R. Orant, H. V. Orant and J. B. Munson, Ineorporatora. . - C ' W. Boynton Hardware eompany, Seattle. 110,000; C. W. Boynton, H. H. Hyland and 8. I Boynton. Mrohants Marine Works of Soattle. 110,00; C. A. Heckmaa, R. & Fiaher aad F. W. Oary. - - i - The Hunt A Mottet eompanw of Ta eoma filed amended articles to show and Increase the number of . trustees front three to eve. ' .. Oovemmtnt Curvey, First '..''t'.- Ever Coir.?!td.:;Cv MAfY,TPnTU0U3 RAPID3 It U Believed Small 'Appropriatioa "IrVm SnfatVlUke Upper XUver vTo Try One Is to boy one; you can. aoareely - tear yourself away from a Sohmer plaao sftar yon one listen to Its deep aad - v ' i J-t lika a church organ, . Sale for Small Draft Boats-a Any Pert. pL Straaia. ' - A!--rt r".-, "" From the mouth of Snake river to Celllo rapids it is 114.1 mllaa. ae ahown by the only government survey that has ever been made of that atretch of the Columbia. Heretofore the distance haa beea variously estimated at all the way front 11. to HO miles by the water route. By rail It la a trifle shorter than by the river, aa the railroad outa off a number of curves. . ' Other Important data haa been secured by the surveying party which baa Just completed taking soundings of the' up per Columbia river. - The observations will be compiled and . forwarded to Washington, together with a rCugn es timate aa to the cost of Improving the boat channel. Every rock and other obatruotlon along the route that la likely to Drove a menace to navigation haa beea charted, with the exception of those in a small area la Umatilla rap Ids. The surveying party haa gone to the raplda to secure additional data, ana aspects to 'be through with the work by -the latter oart of thia month.. , The outfit, consisting of av couple of scows, on which had been built houses aa auarters for the men. were taaan u Umatilla ' raplda on Saturday by the Btaamer Mountain Oem. Tne eraxi punned them all of the way up the river and completed the trip without In cident As-' the , river to at lta loweet stage, the United States engineers de clare that the feat will prove of mere than ordinary Interest to shippers and ateamboat men, who hare ' been of the opinion that the upper Columbia la only navigable at certain seasons of the yeajy In addition to taking the soowa, thi Mountain Oem -waa - well - laden . with a-eneral freight ' '- On the trip she threaded her source through the following tortuouo rapids: HeU Gate. John Pay, Indian, Squally Hook, Rock Creak, Owyhee and Canoe. It la declared that the argument had always been - ad vanoed heretofore that none of these rapids oould be navigated during the low water atage. It la be lieved that-a small appropriation wUl suffice to put the upper Columbia In as line condition tha year around for llgbt draft vessels aa any ethsr part of the stream. .' '; ... --, " . IMPROVEMENT BALKED. Project TmvTov Snake fog Bear SravlgaalOB OoaleoteJ zmMvumaee. ... ... m w Sam,!., '.reneived word jvr B. -rf- .w- .. from the war department thia morning that no appropriation win w w.v which to improve Snake .river for oarge navigation. It U explained that the matter naa neen cuwuur w Into the division engineer did not deem .JU..M. M.rf.H.VIn, The ftffl- l L bb BUT imm clal report en the subject states that there Is no commercial necessity iwr OeteTwater rirmr. and that If th facSU- tl) for bair naviraiion wrm prwiuoa a,i. ..1 allsana Kilt ftS si mill tAalrf. Of .Bey- -WVUiU wavwsw - w - - -- a,!.. awee?le nsf kah Vkal PfS 1 1 si 1 1 II sV nllrOas.lX. uw iraieiu Ws "w gf e v owing to the dangers of navigating such n stream ana u aiuiauuy m barxea uo stream after shipments are made..' . Shippers of grain, which is ins prin cipal commodity of thia region, do not . -i.k th. laa at a earn over the water route, ao It is declared in the report, ana IT an lmprorea cnanuei wera .Hwi tm ti.. wntiM ha oonflned prin cipally to the rafUng of logs. It Is held that a systematic imprvvemenv . m,1A . InVAlv. ' ml taMBM . . ,l. mfmA ha whnHv dlanroejor- tlonata to the benefits which It would afford. '.. . v v..v -. . ,. y WHEAT EXPORTS. Plgwea PastNJompUed 4ttve Portlanl Enoanaat aThAwtBtT fog Bores Koaths. Durlna- the seven months of the cereal year ending with January, the .total wheat exports from the United States comprised I4.ltl.ll buahels, as against 4,071,11 bushels for the corresponding period of last season, according to sta tistics lust compiled by the department of commerce and labor. Of the 14,111.- II buahels sent foreign during the past eeven months, Portland exported 4.741.- 111 bushels, a greater amount than ail of the porta in the United States shipped during the same period last season. So far New Tork has the lead this year, having 4.IK.000 bushels to her credit Portland comes next -and Taoo- ma third. The combined shipments from the dosen ports on the sound make i.44I,TII buahels, only a trine greater than the -amount sent from Portland. Qalveeton exported 1,907,111 bushels and San Francisco only 140.144 bushels. Is. January New Tork exported 1,111.111 bushels of wheat all "Of the Puget Bound porta. TU11IJ27, Portland ISI.I1 bushels and Ban ' Francisco-12,41 1 bushels, '"' ; ' The flour exports from the United States for the season ending- with Jan-1 nary amounted to 1,44,401 barrels, as eompsred with I.M1.II1 barrels for the corresponding period of .laat year, al most every port showing inoreesed ship ments, - New Tork takes the lead with an exportation of 1.(14.414 barrels of the product Portland 74.l. the Pa get anund district 1.10,20l, Philadelphia lll.ias, Baltimore t7,7i. r - ' . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. V eseSSBBSaswaaaBaas Having ' four barree tn tew. the steamer Stranger of tha Regulator Sect left this morning for Vancouver. Tha barges were built at the Supple ahlp yarda for use at the bridge which the Northern Pacific will build across the Columbia river. -,,-- Local United State engineers are pre paring a map of the Astoria harbor, showing the depth of the chip channel. The data will be forwarded to Waah lngton and aa estimate Will soon fol low giving the probable coat of Improv ing the port. .-- - -r. Laden with a .cargo or . wneat the Italian ahlp S. Margherita left down yesterday bound for the United Kingdom.. A eoeclal meeting er the pert of Portland commission will be held to morrow afternoon- to listen 4o the re port of the committee whlCh went eaat to-secure Information ae to what sort of bridge would be more suitable for the Northern Pacific - to -build aeroaa tha Willamette river. The members of the committee decUne, U divulge tag Ba it Crowded CsA.-nrr'.cca r.o tasrest.Aa tzy C--y Vc'scti XLsX to rest Owccr s end C-x!zera l!s.r.:f. Ccr.r-y Ex- "Our resUurant wag crewdad ntr ly all dap yesterday wlU trnerti who came to partaks of tha Sunday dinner we advertised In tha Sunday Journal,1 William Canaday, proprietor ol . tha A.roerlcan resUurant, Thtrd -a4 Couch, said this morning, "and our business now is better than It ever haa been in our seven years la Portland, Ws have a record of every day since we first opened the place, and we are doing 30 per cent more business this February up to thia time than ws did in the same time last year. X am cer tainly satisfied with the expenditure I am making in the columns of The JournaL-V"- --: . ' Mr. Canaday first used Tne Journal as aa experiment and kept thia up for several months. Becoming satisfied that hia investment was yielding most generous profits he gladly took ad vantage of contract prices and few weeks ago made a yearly contract with the paper. His experience has been that of every advertiser, without an exception, who has employed The Journal columns In which to exploit his buainssa. As The Journal's circu lation exceeds that of any other daily publication in Oregon, it cannot be otherwise than profitable to communi cate with the people of tha city and state through this medium. Other restaurant proprietors, as well ss business men in general, might take a valuable hint from what Mr. Canaday haa said. ture of their findings in advanoe of the meeting. It is generally believed that they favor the construction of a draw bridge similar. to that proposed by the railroad 'company. " ' " - -r---y WJth a full cargo of general mer chandise and the usual number of pas sengers, the steamer Columbia, .arrived last night from Ban Franolsoo. She la aohedulad to go out on the return trip tomorrow night - The British ahlp Balmore will move to the North Paclflo mill today to load lumber tor Genoa, Italy. . . SCHOONER BEULAH IN. Makes Fine Ben Up Coast ta Command . , ef saw Captain, foam . WMypm. After a fine passaga of six daya from flan Franolsoo, the schooner Beulah reached port this morning and proceeded to Inman, Poulsen A Co.'s mill, where shs will load lumber for Saa Pedro. She came In command of a new captain. John O. Skipper.- Ue aucceeded Captain Carl Rosenblatt who took charge of another vessel at San Fraatslsoo. Captain Skip per waa la command . of the schooner Marion, recently sold to "be placed In the Alaska nahlng trade. He aald that hs had this craft In at Tillamook the latter part of the fall and waa foroed to remain1 there II days before he eould cat over the bar. The channel ia ahoal and a atorra kept the bar breaking In a most dangerous manner. The 9eulah will carry 410,000 feet er lumber. r v marine' n6TE3TU Astoria. Feb.. II. Arrived down at :I0 k-m.. Italian ahlp. S. Margherita. Left up. at io:i a. m., acaooner vir ginia. ...'''' . , . Astoria.' Feb. II. Arrived down dur ing night steamers Northland aad Des patch. - Arrived In last night schooner Virginia, from San Francisco. Arrived at :4B a. m. and left up at soon. Steam- er Columbia from Ban Francisco. Saa Francisco, Fab. II- Arrived at noon, steamers Johaa Poulsen and Whlt tler from Portland. Sailed at I p. m steamer Harold Dollar, for Portland. Arrived Saturday , steamer George Loomls. from Portland. Astoria. Feb. II. No par report: eape line down.- 8t Vincent Capo Verde Islands, Feb. It. Arrived today, British steamer Ep som, grain ladea, from Portland, Ore gon, ror Kurope. "i . i - ' MURDER WAS THE MOTIVE (Continued from Page One.) . ' . Some are Inclined to the belief that an aasasata would have chosen a time when Kuba had left bis saloon, but this theory la weakened by the fact that br using a maak. there being only one other person In the saloon besides the proprietor, the thug took aa small chance of detection aa he would have taken otherwise. Ellas Shupe, the sin. gls witness of the crime, ssserte that tha alavar did not appear In the least excited, said not; a word but advanced without losing a second and fired, . -The statement ef Drager, who saw tha murderer after lie left tha saloon. tend a to prove that the man was nor an amateur highwayman. The polios thouabt at first that whea Kunn atart- ed to run behind the bar the murderer "lost hla headland fired In his agita tion lnateed of calling to the saloon man to stop and throw up hla nanus. If auch were the case ho would have been very much excited when he ran out . of the saloon, but he snowed a method even in his departure. After Arosslng Weidler, street and running up that thoroughfare almost to Rodney avenue, taking hlra a abort' distance from the aaloon. he deliberately no- creased Jile pace to a walk, and cross ing back went north on the avenue Into a district where he would be the least likely to encounter anybody. ' : Kama Mad a aaemy, . Slnfie Ie tec t Ives Snow and Kerrigan began trying to ferret cut the assassin the police hare been Informed that not long ago Kuhn Incurred the enmity of a man. Threats are said to have been made at-that time that the .saloon keeper would bare to pay for his in terference In the domestlo affairs of othorsL ... - '..' 1 ' Another story, which has not been Investigated, Is that two or three years ago Kuhn testified against a man who was sent to the penitentiary and that the convict swore that when' released ho would try to kill the saloon keeper, s.. " Kuhn is known to have elected two young men from bin saloon at the point of a revolver about two years ego because they caused trouble and refused to leave the place whan or dered, It Is not believed, however, that attar the If pee , of two years . either , Tyrerxrw prat tedj lrcf rzvr cettri V'rt ' 'in V ulifzr tires d?y ct yycr-frr.'" y law rri-1 J f .' thv emit tjvj, frcttigst lSC-jTgty!? h Li-"i, r4. r iztixfSwixt. tcid fancy ntrfrtri rcrvclr Lr thcrt t:eve VaUtg tnad r J tri-rti kk Vzv v; r-j I 'Jl )r.t Summer naeMia. - . . . 3 CJm A Oa 4 CJm J k . , 'ifintire new line of Jin r' Wut WA in plain tailored or fancy styles; J narrow r wide tucks, lace or shirred "yokcs7T6n,r"6r bct t slccrc)ovsr 3S uva. vi wna icbuj lur jour cnoosing si prices irinn i S. II. & M. Catrgstsad Handsome new tailor Jnide Silk Wsisti ia pin stripes and ' ' O ft T ...checks; brown, ntvjf blue and black extra value at, each.,.. fJ A complete new litje of the celebrated S. H. )!.' guaranteed Silk Petti- roatsi every petticoat (uaranteea not to (put xr cracx witnin a monim. OSf. Taa They are made Of the best oualiry silk, deep flounces and hemstitched OLaXarCXuCOCZS''-''raff,cai nd ditched bands; pleating and ruche; all the leadr , , shade; price range from , ...T.'.,,4,f . to J1"" Wash Xlofc 300 piece of Pineapple Batiste, a beautiful Sum- , - mer material in new design ana s-np f colorings; 32 inches' wide, yrd.....,av2,a - Organdl Cxarine, a handsome sheer material ia : attractive design and colorings; 12 1 C ''. iache wide; on sale at, yard.. ...... I ew 'Persian Organdie; new tyle from Pari! 32 inches wide; magnificent material for C. waist and drexe. the yard. I New cotton material in'ailk effect; light and V- dark ground; 27 inches wide, yard... .I'Vi Silk Organdies; handaom heer muslin with ; woven silk design and large printed . CA v floral pattern; 29 in, wide; yard..... WW Silk Batiste, rich plain fabric with mall ilk , stripes and check woven through IA. it; 30 inches wide, at, the yard.,.......VVW Sole Boucle," a highly merceritcd material in ' mall embroidered design; light and CA dark grounds; 27 Inches wide, yard... vV Silk dotted Mulls; an old-time favorite 3 IzM all the 1906 nade; 27 in.; yard....49wC 36-inch Linen Suiting; whitei 'blue and tin hn , sale at, the yard. ) P to TBd -DometfcullIngt7tb7yard. . . ..... ..... lBf7 New Scotch Gingham; thousand of . - piece; new colorings, the yard '.4afww Irish Dimities; an assortment of 1,000 pieces; all , , the latest styles, duster cords, checks and . plaids; handsomest and largest how ng ever seen in the entire country, y&.XJ Embroidered Linnette. handsome medium weight ' linen finish material in plain colors and em : broidered designs; pretty for waist and suit; on tale at, yard.. ...... New Cotton Crepe de Chine: beautiful fabric ; for hot weather waist; new hades... .. .. 18 Embroidered Voile; the hit of the seaaoa for 7 street, outing and beach; sheer and dressy; ; dark and light ground with silk 1 Of embroidered designt; the yard.. ...... .1 rv : Wool finish Batiste; reproductions of the new Spring wool good; very desirable for 1 Cf knock-about auitt; 27 inches, yard..,,. v ' New embroidered Batiste; a high grade wash ' material; exclusive styles at, yard........8ad ; Best American Ginghams, yard.... 10e, tm If' ( The greatest white season ever ! t'jJVI ,i , known is predicted for thia Sum '"wW . ' ajMaaaee eaarah ttslwa hwBaKsl aw4 Sh sb jarhPasL gsav a ww as e w aa v aaaa hm svvi ,L ingly, yon want to; India linona. wwye '"m'Ji JUU want ro, jnuia unona, Vaf IlllQ lawn, silk chiffons, dimities, lin- - w w "- batiste, -French lawn, - - Swisses, mercerised novelties. COOaS !i th 12ic to CI.CO Mcnfs $2.00 to $2,50 Fancy Vests at gl eOS each. All sise for men and young men. .Great Spring tale of men's fancy and washable Vests 800 of them entire reserve stock of a leading Ner York; , manufacturer. In figures, stripe, dots and plain color, ,. in gray, tans, brown, blue, black and white; great aa-, aortment to select from. All are well msde and finished and ell regularly at S2.00, tZ23 and $2.50 C fC Your choice at ..t yltVal Our Great Fcbrncry Sdo of Groceries - - . . vii... exi. I -.unci iwuw fuwn ............... - l-ounce bottle Queen Olives........ ........Ow ounce bottle stuffed Olives,.... ......... ..10eV Jello Joe Cream Powders for ....i......lOw H -pound can Bsker'e Cocoa. ................ .301 I cans Araason Table Peaches..., ..aSe Army and Nary Corn. can. ........... tn...... 84 I cans Alpha Corn for ........SB I packages Seeded Ralalns..!,.,.. v.. ...... ' Tregan French Sardines, can. .10 I cans Rosebud French Sardines....... ..JCB . Fig Prune or Postum Cereal. ..7 .........BOS' bars Oasene Soap for. ....'. .... ,,,.,S5w I eana.Orif fin's Assorted Soups ....,J64 - I 1-lb.' oans Griffin's Pork and Beans.. 2S . I pound Curtice Bros. Jam or Jelly ....SO Quart bottle CAB. Luoca Oll,,.,.,.,.....6Sf 1 quart liacNailys Ollre Oil for.. .,........ -TB 1-pound pall Mt. Hood Lard. ................ ,6B H -pound XMwmey'e Oooea fee.... 90 t-poaad eaa fcowneys Oeeoa for 404 I gonad SeXer'a Vnsweeteaed Oheoolate ,.8a 1 poand aUkefg Oooea fos.. ..40 Was. at. Baker's VaweeeaedChoeolaio, lb...-20f . 1 gallott I Cabin Maple Syrup.. fl.ZO I oans Carnation Cream for... ...;,. ,.. .95 I eana Pioneer Cream for w...... ....... 5A IS pounds dry aareJa4ad aawr... ........ .fl.OO I gsJloa mm atrip Syrup..... .404 Meier & Frank's kctous No- A cbo sni7sva Coff , pound VSC Celebrated Victor Floar, sack ....fl.SO All Milcber Herring at. keg .....fl.lO 1-pound can Bhrlmpa, 10e 1-pound cans. ... . . .aOw S-lb. eaa Table Blaukhai rlas .,.... 10g I paokagea Jello for 25g Qnait beMI of .BlaatasT fog........ 4 Blue Label Cataup. bottle SOf Van Camp's Catsup, bottle.... t. ..SO 1 -quart bottle CAB. Vinegar..., a4 Durkee'a-Salad Dressing t04. 4 Walnuts at, per -pound.......... ......1&4 Quart Cooper'a Ollre Oil for.........,.....1.00 I packages H. a OaU for 914 I packages Force for ...... .....& t packages Malta Vita 25 Llbby-s Ham or Veal Loaf 10 1-pound pall pur Jelly for...........,..,,..TBw I jars McLarens Cheese for 7........29A Sapollo, Te Bon Ami, I for S Sw Ubbys Lunch Tongue SO. w t 1-pound eana Corn Beef for... .&4 of them would harbor a murderer's spirit of enmity. " ' : waa CI Tampered at Tfanes. . Aba imm ia eartaJn: Kuhn had sev eral bitter enemies. Including men who would not hesitate at anything to se cure revenge for an affront, real or fancied. While a Jovial fellow In or dinary circumstances, be was inclined t be surly and 111 tempered .when crossed. He was of peculiarly stub born temperament and would not yield an Inch after taking a stand In any matter. ' ."When a saloon was held np a few iw.. . VhIm mmmrn fnA flf tba Clr- ... ...... w hla - K. rtmnAmr. Ma figp BjgBgjajsgr 9m0 aaaav i mw - . - picked up a paper and read the head lines, . tnea lata tne mmn SSld: "' - r-r -V 1 . J';;''..'' ' ' . on account of some of us being held up.- . . " '..' : To others hs is said to have deciarea .w.. .k..ii -wm hAlit hla tilaaa up without a fight and that somebody would be hurt, wnemer a roooex e hla money or not. Since Ellas Shupe has recovered from his fright, hs re members a number of circumstances which are interesting. Xaks Saw aSan - ' u. .v. h. with hla back to the door and that Kuhn first saw the .!... ... mim the A nor. The sa loonkeeper Jumped to his feet quickly. the expression oa me wo "" that sometnmg oui er m. !" .k... tr. k.nn.. ' Hla aulck action and the acoompanylng expression of countenance caused Shupe to turn around so that ha saw the Intruder Just as the Utter was raising his weapon to fire.- ' One exceedingly important circum stance. Indicating that murder was the . 1 -1 ...a -nkKarv la tha action Of nvui, .w ... the slayer after he had fired the-ehoL Had he Intended to roo Kunn 11 ia proo abie that after shooting him he would have hesitated aa Inetant afterward, debating whether to proceed with the rnhherv and take further chances of detection, or 'to run. He did not hesi tate a second after firing the ahot and did not even wait to see the result. The spurt Of blood from ths saloonkeeper's . . t. k.M .hn n him that K4a bullet had struck snd be swung on hla heel ana started xor ue ooor oeiore uie saloonkeeper bad reached the end of the bar. . , ' AM Imiu.1 . Hlt . ha V.l . Aw.v .K. ...m- ... ..- w. . body ef Kuhn by Coroner Finley at the m , Win v rami At STfnla a Sfw thia afternoon. Shupe, Clark and other per- hare beea subpoenaed as wltsejeee. Marquam Grand Thectrc 1 ' V ' Pkeee Mala Ms.' ' " teCHT AT 815 0-CLCCX 1 TUESDAY end WEDNESDAY KIGHTS Beary W. Ssvsse effws the Msby taeajs , raatasy ef The Foreet , WOODLAND WWi EA1SY EULCI2 aad a lit Cist PBICES Satire lower fleer. IIAC; kalesay, first ala Mere, 111 T. , rewe, TV) laet rewa la sslraay, W satire gaUery, sOet eases as4 lefes, 10. iesls new eeUlag. CerrUfM at M M ecleek. BaRer Theatre S3S2: TaaaUl aad Thud sts. Pbeea Mala loT. The swat pepalar Porlesqae Theatre la the - West. errata Katiaae Waaaeeaay, ate te say eeet, TeaTsht! sU week. . Toelebt, The raaMea ,, BelUBere Beauties SarUesee Oeaisaar, . la Twe Bcneailsg tutm, "A Seetsh Kick SeU" a4 "A asy lkf A real mv aaew, Olrle, Meats, Gutter aae Merrlawet. veotag Prleee tse, SSo, see. Te Mattaee SaaSar sad Herarasr ( -Wr4Mar Matlaee gpesUL 6e te asy eeat. etarder Miltrwe ta the la.t prfarni.ix-a. gait Wain "THS XjaB SOrfoOl. OlAIA" Morrison Skating Rin!( Morrison and Fburtenth St. ; ' , Opposite High School. .- , ?v Admission - 10c . . Skates V;Vi5c v . Free adraiaalon in (he gaornlnga. , ; TEETH For . modern dental work. World- , nowned speelallsta Lowest prices eonststent with trst-els C9 r NtWYC aaa s-waa,. s. iinniam ADVAKCE SALE K"ZZ2Zy ' rAstovs sxw zvstAn fiat - "VayUovnfcasl" The Bate sTeet Tsersaar, Trleay sad waav resraerr aa. as, aa. mum antisn . . . . , . . xvuma paioxs 35c, 33c 50c, 75c, $l.CO ' xAxnrxs Psion 23c, 35c, 50c. Tic , Empire Tteatrc Uth I in. ' . , Mlltee W. Seesna. ataaager. - Partlesd'e awst Beaakw theatre. ' Taatghe-aU This W..h Msram aMaxeag. r. a..,,.. - ... ; TEE KOCThrS DAUCSTE2 A JkrlutBg tale a the Xeatwhr awmtatsa.' Satire weaaetlen eerrhjg eoalata. lima rale efnveaee eftkrw.' the Maaeaalaar'a STeeiBg Frhne IBs, IBe. SSe. Be, sos. statutes cXrro '-' TKtATU. ' f Week at Wb. t. The erlslaal . Bptierleal - aeeletea bp Fkwa Alltarese. Mr. Stie, Ararat Te si Bia. Tsaaa, hues . . SaUqr Stea, ltMd Xaff. VSICtsT -SveahMa, Biaosra7l'elMare I , . sue. kiUwM, l.n. W.aklmrfcta'e awtMa. STAR TKtATU Week ef gee. IA The tree teat wire art ea the . ; AaMrkaa base. KavtsMd Ttea, -a J. Be a it 1 ' r. V 1 v a a - e"' h t vrr a a a . ' 1 t