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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1906)
lULLJJj if: I::- ,.:4t: :.:llT:LLi:..uui)' TaKIcree Aseurxet "', Duties u ; 'Chief Executive of Repubiio i and Loubet Retiree. ,";T Former Prettdent , of New York f - Life Insurance :'. Company - ' Patted Away Sunday. ' r;i X- It Wt so much the amount of tiic first pur chase we care about; no matter what you buy It wUl prove' the stepping stone, hot alone to your fj-' . ture business, but also to the business of your fiirndx LITTLE D5CPLAY MARXO? BREAKDOWN FOLLOWED TRA.Ncr.::cs!orj ceremony INSURANCE SCANDAL Now . Ituler Ported to ' Givw Up Bia "Walks Abrod-I Very Demof cretic and Win Set. Aside Day to : Receive the Common People. - LffriUpL .ferric.; Vwvta tah 1 ft -lmint IrmlRi ,f Mores yesterday miw4 the duties of the president of Frano. while ex-Presl-' ''dent Loubet retired to private life. The : ceremony of tha transmission of office occurred at 4 o'clock Crowd! In the " - surrounding streets cheered the new -'! ecutlve. while "military gnrrlaone thun ; ' dared a salute vf II funi. Both 1 tbo '. relinquishment-by Loubet and tho ao .. eeptano b Fallleree was without for ' mallry. Both were dressed simply, in evening draaa with the sash of tbo to ; r glon of Honor aeroea thair breeets. ' -, . ' Following the ceremony Itfubet and i. t. ble family , withdrew to their home in . r tho Rao Dante. The naw preatdent re- ' i turned from tbo palaoo to hie former . V. . h a. " . L A k AW... - - nuim. luia nugn uioj ifJa. up tuvil "... residence at tho BHysee palace. ; ". 'jeaea ta V walkav Preatdent ralllerea. who la now act (Joally preatdent, -though proud of tbo honor which baa been conferred upon ' I Mm, la worried beeauao be cm no longer . ' continue hla dally walks, which hi phy elclan aaya are an absolute aeoeaalty vv, for him. . . , -. : For yeara bo has bee weed to take ; vi two houTs morning walk for hla health ; through tho boulevards wbloh ho will ".. now be forced to give up, aot because he fears any violence from anarchists ,'. any more than did K. Loubet, but be ," eaueo bio face baa become too familiar . to tbo lamina, who during these laet Q. two weeka hare followed him In orowda, . pointing blm out to everybody he met. Tho president understands that It V would P agalnat tho dignity of his of . ' floe to walk through our main thorough- faro with a shouting eortego of gamins. v and be wUl not bo followed or sur . rounded by police agenta to olear a way , ( for htm, oven though lack of exercise 'y may ahorten hla life. Tho Palalo Elyaeo will probably bo oven more democratic under Frealdont -w Falllerea thaa under H. Ioubet. --" He la a man of almpla - taatoa, who ' ha tea display aa much aa ha loves order. . French cltUen to gain dmlaelon to bia , proaoaea and It la Indeed, hla Idea to aet aaiae one aay oaen week on which tol itvciri n vug oesire m aeo mm. , There la at leaat ono man In France 1 Who at Tin tlr Has tmrnrnA ha , mights bo Involved w war ov- Mo- Ho la tho proprietor of a plaoo wan : ' known to eolleotorar of antKiuttlea who ; know Chat they may alwaro find there T old faleneea from Rouen-and Monstiera ; furniture from tho eighteenth century, palnttnge and drawing by Flguard, Mo " reau, Bouchers and Halls, . . ; i - Soma weeka ago Prince Radolln, tho German ambaaaador to France, who la i ' enormously rich, and who haa a erase , ' for antlqultlea, came to tho a to re.. - The - . shopkeeper, who know blm personally, ' - took ' him all ' through tho . plaoo and " ahowed blm some exqutalte tblngo' he had Just bought in a email prorlnelal T .nA ..A - -.:iir " ::r' i ',;. k. 7Z. i BO ah-V r -- ' aieur tIlhSr'KJ M0".i0r j, .:., V " ., . oanger or war. -I .h"?h' " mrKth"" 1 w "r lh:W..'"''r?. I"" - . " . , . , .r; . . - aarU aPatt of Tklsteay . ' Vnleoa aomethlng la done to lnereaoe . the Parla police, thla elty, which prond- , jy loya ciaim io to too title of "Tho Metropolla of tho World," will aoon bo aa unsafe a a western American mln- Ing camp. While tbo eld city and tho Faubourg . Bit..: Germain. are .comparatively free from criminals, the Boultenee are bo- coming piacea where it la hardly safe I to venture out after nightfall. Unless I you ara armed to tho teeth. J The -"Apaches- those ganga of da-1 ad iouh aoacruiof tLui l'l'' , and aentenced almoat overr week, they eem to bo like the hydra la the Greek ,mythology,: new recrulta taking the ,' places of those captured. . ' , ' The Socialists In the municipal eovn- ell ana largely responsible for thla, aa they are opposing every plan to tender 'the police more efficient, and it looka in many piacea aa At the cltlaena them- I aelvee will have . to organise vigilance commutees to protect their, Uvea and property,,.; Jfci.-i ., :,--. , ... V r t Famous Men , f In the mualeat profession uee and to- ' dorse the unrivaled Bohraer piano used In 41 NewTork theatres, just beeauao they r built to wear and have tha requisite tone. Montlay, New Patterns ; .-.t-' -(;. - LeaJinf Iloroancr C3 Vc'A'mrftbn Streei "' I 1 . . HOP GROWER KLABERy3 IDEA OF THE PROPER SZE OF-A BEER CLASS FIRE LIMITS ARE OF SMALL USE I tt Sld Has Already TOO Many V . . . : . ,mMjr. ' itwiawu Knuivits, eajo Holden. GENERAL ORDINANCE NOT ; ADVISABLE AT PRESENT Citiaena and Firemen DiacoTer That Speedy Relief la Xmpoaaible WhUe Block of Shacks and tow Property ' Values Remain.' i '':: ' ' 'V '-. b seat aie eraee ef Tee resreel Is m the tf. M. IL MIIMT. SSI west Xslepbeae bin,.. What k ...a ,u m- . 1 : v p.w I u prevent !?r -!"" r regular ersiem or inspection and fixing of fire UUa. inatead of a halter akeltar. bit . of bounds and according to bnlld- ineper, nromen and business men. w. h.. . ".roCbur tna HoldeiTii. r-- Hold M bad chi.: " no oaac sioe work of tho fire depart- ment tor some time, and haa also acted aa building Inspector before thla work was from' tho lira departmont'a - . - - -. . - -"To preoont ayatem ef fixing tbo aounda. where only brick , and atone atructurea- may bo built la aeneeleae," continued.' "There are many blocks ,n tn keart of tho oaat aide bualneaa district, half of whloh are In and half ou or are limits. in ono or two eaeee a quarter of ther block la la the limits and tbo rest la open to any old aback, and the worst feature of the stsj r i bs n "l n I ju)f ". l l l. portlona of blocks have been taken out .to are, llmlta to enable soma maa tor build a frame atore. find often after thla bulldlng- baa been completed the llmlta bare been restored, without remedyiag the situation. "Some blooka have been In and out ot th bounds aeveral- tlmea In recent yeara. up to thla time tho petition of a property-owner aeemed to be all that waa necessary. The east aide haa no troe flre llmlta, but It baa fsolated altea where lire llmlta have been established and that eerve as a restriction on the maa' who would erect a frame block and Improve the property tf he bad the same chance aa bia neighbor across the atreet.- . : .. t - It la not probable that a general, flre limit ordlnanee - will aoon be enacted FeVrnarr 19' and StaJcs are - for the benefit of the central oaat aid district, however much It may be need ed. After, each aevar lire the bualneaa men -who escaped by a narrow margin, or who saw - their shacks go up In smoke, agitate the fire-limit question, but In a month or two later tbo lesson la Sprgotten and petitions flood the coun cil to raise the . ban and let Improve ment of aay aort go on. - In time, with the Increase in value of the district. brick buildings will be the mode, but at XS.SXTS: SUS enforcement of a Ore-limit ordinance. -Another thing that will aerve to do-1 lay the paasags of such a general ordl-i nance la the large number of old frame I bulldlnga that are acatured through th I .nflM tnot. TTntll thaaa era either torn I down or destroyed by flre no lnveator win reel jusunea in puimiihk a mv wUntial block directly. In .the path of possible names. The entire situation.' to the beat be lief of the resident business man, la one that cannot bo remedied by a nap th.t n7t be rimTT by .nap legislation, and that wUl probably have to work itself out. Meaawnue a stnci enforcement ef building ordinances and the constant filling of the low etreetsl will greatly aid la protecting in en tire district.- , , f . , t NEW DRAIN FOR SLOUCH. . vronoaal to XHver Water , er thorn Onlck late Paaayalde eewer. . . ...a .. a. h . r . afraat committee of the executive boaro. , . ,. w. r.ii. accompanied by Councllmen Dan Kella- her and John P. Bharkey, have investl- gated the Hawthorne aloogh and cussed methods of handling the wast water rrom iiawinorne wrmsa. i-1 proposea mu avi... .imhir Belmont atreet and tile the to build a dam across tne water Into the Sunnyatde sew.r. Buch I ra r..rr. tt"-. '7; ri: formed but It la understood that prop I erty owners In that vicinity would not I object aa the water would be fresh. The ... .... li.. I propo-iwm .;:T I during the flood aeason In the spring, the water might back through the til ing into i adjoining basements. -The committee also visited Bullvan e guloh and other ravine on the east aide, and til make recommendations concerning the disposal of the water in them. . EAST SIDE NOTES. Orand Avenue United PreebyUrlan I church haa been renamed. From how on It known as the Church of I atrangere. ' A. billboard announcing tbla fact and the hours of Sunday services I haa been placed on the west aide of the Church mo -that nusy union avenue i may be mrormea a to ins i mission oi the Institution. tne maUlUUOn, I . The new "church . of the Southern Methodlst-ongregatlon win be erected at Union avenue and Multnomah streets, inatead of Eaat Tw.lf th and Hawthorn aa stated In The Journal recently. Bide .Jurtini tha miM work and a etart will aoon be made an tne tMiuaing. wnicn wnsn eompjeiea I wilt' be One of the handsomest Metho dist churehee in the city, and will seat more than 1.000 persons. . Under the auspices of th Structural trpnworkersrunlen,-the funeral of J. B. Duck was held yesterday i afternoon from Dunnlng'a chapel. Mr. Duck died at St. Vincent's hospital Saturday from Injuries received In a fall from a pile driver while working en tbe foundation of .the east aide market building. He came to Portland from Michigan all months ago and was II yeare ef age. . There will probably be no dlvlakm ef A r lets school district, as proposea oy several of the aubarbe there, aa the en tire reaourcee ef the district will be needed to build a suitable structure for tbe Increasingly large number of pupils. Twelve rooms are needed at once, la ad dition to the several temporary build- Inns at present In ose, and to buna aucn a structure the entire taxable strength Of the district will be required. A division,- In tho opinion of the school, teachers and Connty Superintend en Rob inson, would be a blow to the Immediate advancement of the district; r For half an hour last night the east aide sat M darkness, or'.wsltsd- In the mud for' ears that did not come. About 1 o'clock every street arc light and la candescent light In tbe territory went out and all tha car 11 nee, except those the old City A Suburban circuit, stopped. In the Albtna district the L, U and St' Johns ears alone kept ' run .Ik. and thev avent at half sneed throngh the dsrk Streets. The blockade of darkness lasted about half an hour and aerved to diminish materially the at tendance at evenlns church servioen. OREGON CITY GIRL DISAPPEARS Father of Anna Vogel Searching for Daughter Who Came to Seattle Last December. CIRCUMSTANCES ARE CONSIDERED 3TRANCE PoHca of Sound Qty Aaked to Aid In Finding : Loat Woman But '. One Letter Secelved Told of Securing " mwwamemaj fBeaelaf Maaaha a. n.. . . . I Beattle, Wash., Feb. It-UndJ I eumatanoea whloh the polios believe to I be etrange, Anna VogeU who left Bar home at Oregon City. December last. I la missing in thla city, aha la ea ....a I Af ... K v.. -V...7. 7.:.- I " . - wvwmim VH .1 LVJ V V 1 M I i . v. uhui , ... wl - n.r noma. Her f&tbar la aow to" looklni for h, lomt aaB,htr. . .. whlm In this elty be la aUylng at the Colonnade hoteL on First avenue. . . , , The voune women aaM .... hnm. .V.. In,-'jrjr"..' " hamA that aha l.t.r n?m. .W. !J .f1 Tl. 'T.f, w"LaU- word from ' Th ny received .k. ...7a VT . . . - ' ,n a letter, In ' "ri,. aT.,! .Tr-.TTrVT. TTl J.,' pnt to tha Bo.t!nm. ... a"" written Deoembef 10. and aha anoke of the coming Christmas, which would be one or tne row ana had ever spent away from her home. Immediately after receiving tha let tor the ' father of the roues- woman Leame to Beat a and haa enlisted the aia or tne poiioe to nnd his daughter. acre. w. g. noveaee ' (Jearsal Bpeelel aervlee.) New Tork. Feb. It. Mrs. W. J. nor noe, wiaow ox ne late eomoaian, died n new ion yesreroay azter an Ulneaa of aeveral months. Mrs. Florence waa oora nero m i..w ana was neraeir an "er nasDano s compmny. .. i Zaependena' Xrraautl Olab. r wpmu iraain 1. 1W mnskl Independence, Or.. Feb. 1 Th.,In-1 dependenoe Dramatle club waa recently organised and -the following " oftUore lectd; Byron Atkins, president; Mrs. George Burton, eecretaryf Mrs. Carrie Vimn.1 tnumir: Arthur Wanra. at... I director, and Oeorge Burton, property man. KEEPS OUT BLOOD P0I90N1N0 rWTDJLTr ft KATH TZZX M TKZ 1 1 rom SAxa by ut rrxrra Begaa IMt aa Clerk on Small Salary Rapid Rise Due Larfely to Poli tice Was Rated aa UUlionaire Be fore Expoaurea. ., f ..; ','' fSemiaal ertU-g-m.-I New Tork. rob.. 1 John A.' McCall, former president of the New York Life Insuranoe company, died at 1:10 o'clock yesterday at the Laurel houae In Lake-wood.- New Jersey,, of complications re- eumng from liver trouble. He had been unconscious since' the midnight before. He , waa . aurrounded' by his wife- and children.' ,Th dying man recovered ooneclouanese , for a brief moment ahortly before hla deatu, when hla eyea opened and be looked Into 'the face Of hla wife and amlled. MoCall'a phyaical : breakdown oc curred during the inveetlgatlon ef th life insurance affaire by the legisla tive committee December last : Aa a result of the disclosures he waa com polled to resign the presidency that be had held for many yeara.' He waa forced to. sell hla handsome oouatry home at Long Branch In order to repay the New Tork Life I1J5J109 that had bean ad. vanoed to Andrew Hamilton, the com pany lobbyist, for which Hamilton had maae nq accounting. It la said that Mo Call died ' comparatively poor. . - Segan Aa. a Oleefc. .' . John Augustus. McCall waa born in Albany, March t, 114. Ha bad a consuming ambition for an education and attended a bualneaa college ,at Al bany after, leaving the publlo - aehoole. He began hla bualneaa career In 1KB aa clerk In the Albany assorting houae for auto currency at 110 a week, and waa gradually promoted until be received 1100 a year. Then - he entered the agency office Of "the-Connecticut Mutual aa a bookkeeper, leaving thla concern to enter the Insurance firm of Levi Parker A Co. Jn IITO he was appointed to - th state - Insurance department, which, waa really, the turning point In bia career, r As a state officer he ex. posed aeveral swindling companies and eent their hlgh-aalarled oflloera to atate prison. ' In II yeara ha rose from a mere clerk to atate eupertntendent of insuranoe under Orovor Cleveland. "la lilt he accepted the position ot con troller In the Equitable life, which he elected president of the New Tork Life. MoCall'a conduct of the affaire of that eompany, which were in a badly-demos aitaed condition, waa crowned with auo eesa. One of MoCall'a aaalatanta, George' W. Perkins, waa afterward made a partner ef "J. ' P. Morgan, cementing the friendship between th Morgan In tereate and the New Tork Life. Personally, McCall waa ' a striking flgure, endowed by nature with much charm ef face and meaner, hla winning ptx "r friend Paenone Boaamet Hla famous aummer home. opened f lwo ?re ao, "the White Houae by a. sk-a. m. BtAB AAA a..a paid for the land. Terracea, wplka and anvea were laid out, running every, where. The house le pillared and por tloood In true eolonlal atyl. Broad Dl- assas aurround the mansion and there ra many balconies. Tho place ' cost t 104,000V the Und scape gardening alone (running up Into th thousand. erlmirll to Mlltlna. -nv'v.. ' H ... II... WH OU. Imarflv in nalltlAaL Ma hi. mum ; " . . i " ' " - a . I w . wu. w wm tl0 that be owed hla rapid rtae In th nnanclal world. Hla first position was obuined through activity In the Droo. oratle organisation. Hla appointment aa eupertntendent of Insurance, which led to hla elevation In the Eoul table and until February II" w" " w .... Pruii l u mrrZJ. beat part In the Democratic machine of that day, MoCall having been a bosom tr.mrA t tha lata Danlal Muni.. IT.. til the life Insurance einosure hie for. tun bad been estimated at 111,009.000. 1.1 wi.ii .u , w awia ant. waa lioo.ooe a year. : - -i s - MoCall'a body waa broaght to New Tork today to the MoCall residence on West Seventy - second street. - The funeral will be held Wednesday from the Church of the Blessed Sacrament. MINER'-S-WIFE-COSTS- SCHWAB FOUR MILLION '. ' ' Oesrsal-aiMelal Bafrlrs.t New Tork. Fob. 1. Charles If. Schwab has a woman to thank that he paid 11,000,000 instead ef 11.000.000 (or the Montgomery Shoahone Mining com pany. She was the wife of a poor prospector, nut ana waa level-headed and determined and ber faith , In Bob Vioitmman'i -lain, aul a,h..h n'om.r7l,..clmim 0,t obw.B vimHt !.,. aM vhmK ... i w. h 1 Jilt "'" J. kI-Sa mtl JTZ ll v" - "V.. ' - Tf 5ln w """" '" cry 11,00,000. for It. The prospector tried to appear reluctant, but was se cretly elated. Hs took the proposition home to his wife, who, backed by 140 pounds Of avoirdupois and a rugged determination, told her -husband to ask 11,000,000, - Bob did, and two weeke ago Bcbwab paid it. JOHN B. STETSON PASSES AWAY AT FLORIDA HOME f tleeiael seetuil Bsmee... e Deland, Fla Feb. 1. John B. Stet son of Philadelphia, tho millionaire hat manufacturer, died at his winter home near here yesterday. - He was stricken with apoplexy In, ths morning and passed - away without regaining con sciousness, bis wife being tbe ' only member . of the family present. The body-was taken to Philadelphia last night. He had apparently been In good health and waa feeling cults well. ; He left a wlddw and two sons and a daugh ter. ,.-!..,: - Mr. Stetson was bora In Orange, New Jersey. May I, 111. He began- busi ness on a small scale , as a hatraaker and his establishment grew Into one of the ' largest hat factories In the world, being capitalised at 14,00,000. committed to Asylam. : rspeaisl Dtas.ii ts The Jearasl. Eugene, Or., , FeK II. Thomas . J. Johnson, a veteran of the civil war, was taken to ths insane asylum at Salem Sunday, having been commuted to th. t i '""-' -" " 7 . -, . . . v. . . i , :i i the day. before.. Jnhnaon a r ! .. . la ar3ftd by Old Sl ! I s kl . ' Jsuarolan for U. ( LET US SSOIV TCU The many bargains' ' Watches, which we are Easy Weekly or We charge no more than were you to pay cash, and give you possession when making first payment.' TviAIlX (2 DLOCM r4THD aVV.VEATrlSRLY. GoAoCoke i(Q oMi! Ill awaanaaf V The largest factory In the Northweat handling Ite oW' output ALU HOME CAPITAL; ; TopCoats TOtMSKlE Jo ;-;.v;;Top-Coats;! 20 to 30 Sjlk.lined Top Coats to TROUSERS to your measurep $4 to -$8 - .;.;.;.. '-.. fr-: ' A few patterns left. Suit to yotir meas ure and extra trous ers free $22t50 Elks,. Bldg.. Seventh & SUrk rrcs e Oct: ii cz j z -7 , r - S20 35 25 35 Bsnwtaw 1 ' we have in.- Diamonds and selling on rr-ftirr ' Monthly Payments STREETS 4 jn-i-niCCel; s- Phono East,.244n BERflllARDT'S PALfJ Taken by Prof.Qranit Ches i terf leld. Celebrated : : f Palmist. Besttered kbeat tie beet sis eerlors st SM Tsh-4-, the Imprints, ahotoetspes and easts ef tbe palm ef the ame tra.c axe , pi. Mar aerie Sotae Seraoaaeaa AA altha. alAa a taa A. laatla They were htn ky Profaaan. flreet Cbaatarflald. the ml.4 mlnd-raadar aad : pelmlat, wbe haa drlvea bllsdtoMed tkieask abas arargAinrs pauc - the emred etreete ef erther hiiamhaia, wke kae epeaa tuse locks eed aeaeie-poBU4 aaaa Msatloa safas Vrhlla bllndXalrtad- waa, haa aa. pwaa .fui win: aisac in in. tnroaaBoet tne lase flTUS at lias .l.mpllflaBtlone es is icredlble suwa I, so whe at I ble Buware ef rasdias aaaltararf an whe stands tediv the ecfcaswi- Deer of all Da Inlets. I Is sakt tfeat sarins hi. stay la Saettle 1,000 tbrouak hie parlors te bare UMlr aauas iliuf roar aaiaia he telle the our health, whet eile yea Br esealnli Ottloa ef ronr aa4 whether er aot yon caa be rarM. auoa make rhaasiw la rear sea If yea will tloee. If rear haeie life Is or wul be happy. If yen will be ferinaate la love affaire, if. roe will tr?.L If abarat frUade will r-' Mrs. aad If yoe wish be wlU elee salt roa h.s rn are to 1a. ) . IWaaan CheetwrteM' (be far a fall raading le OOe. Ills sarlore ere leestad at M Third atreat. seer Salowa. Taay raaalal apaa erealoas sstll e'etoek. Alwaya something new . - - Palaco Hotcl San Frtaclsco un BBTFoen ao 4JBOOXM, W04WOBTat . TMMM TO Op p. Market Street Jhitraao. stotss Axra r: t 3 'T '4'..vN - . . . j . . , .... , -. . "IJ"